Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Football rules committee held annual session in new york other sports
Only Changes Neces
sary Are in Ambigu
,ous Wordings in Sev-
i eral Places Polwell
I Represents Penn
Football rules for 1910 will bo Riven
the onco over In JCew York tonight when
Jitons mcanlliK members of tho Ilules
" ' rommlttee fiom the
Hnst. West nml
South Bnthcr In tho
ntmu.'il Jawfeit Con
siderable talking Is
likely to he done, but
It Is doubtful If tho
conversation will
liavo any serious ef
fect on tho pl.ivlntr
Mnny chaniroi will
bo niailo boforo tho
session ndjotirns It
Is necess.iry to mnlco
changes or they
might call the meet
It V jHi;i.ii
ing oft In tho future
I But It Is safe to say that only corrections
feirill be niailo In tho wording of the rules
B ..j .imnler lnncuntTa RUbltltUOtl. so thnt
.. . .MnH rt trnfilnn nrlntv nf t-rlrllrr..
g athletes will know vvlmt they nro doing
FiiMt fa"
Br Tho same Is all right as It now stands,
r a i uniilil hn tinril In llnnrnv. imnn If
Ulu ii. "'"" '- "i
play Is more open, tho spectntnrs enjoy
watching It and the forward pass leglila
iinn has made It posslhlo to uho that form
f of attack with some chnnco of getting
tl ... .llli It KnRt venr nnrlnl fnnthnll
ft as used In all of the games mid met with
It Is possible time the rukrcsIIoiis made
V . nuilMitvlnliln nfTlnlntd In n nt.nnnn..
Dy I llllIUI-l'llll 'VHHg 111 lb llW1l-i?:!tnUll
1 meeting held In tho Motet Walton Inst De
' cembcr vtlll be ndopted tonlRht. The local
1 arbiters discovered .mnny ll.iws In tho
languaRe of tho rule book, and theso dig
'. jminriQ h.ive- been shinned to thn mnmhern
of the committee
The "Punter Puzzle"
fOne of the chief questions to bo taken
n la "When rinpH it lilllilur rfinun tn lin
. i tranter'" Tho rules nrotect tlip innn
f kicking the b.ill An opponent Is not nl-
h lontd to run Into a punter after he has
ST booted the pigskin, and sovcro ponaltles
8 in Inflicted ror mnactions. if tho foul Is
l unintentional the penalty Is lu ynids, If It
jfi U Intentional, tho man Is disqualified. Tho
jf-commltteo has been nsked to stato just
K when the punter has Mulshed his work
If mil becomes a tackier or member of tho
BtWenslvo te.im
i Clearer Interpietatlons also have been
asked on other rules, especlallf Utile 0,
' Section 1, which states that the backlleld
mn must lio nt Ipast nmi v.iril helilml ttio
ft, line of scrimmage when the ball is put
Kf Into play, the only exception being tho
W, MX. .1 1, l.n mil. I.nlil.lil llin n ......... n ...1
K mail i.iiv ijimiui ..viiiiim iiiu . niuu linn
V first receives the ball. This was taken tn
P- fnMn thnt tho nll.irtprhnolr lifwl flin i Ic-lit
K to remain In tho one-yard zone provided ho
looK tne hall from tno snnpner back.
This rule was lolated In nearly every
jameplased last enr, clmmplonshlp con
tests Included Oftentimes tho quarter
back would crouch behind the centre, hold
out his hands, but tho ball was passed
to one of tho backfleld men Instead. The
rule probably will bo changed to read.
"One man will bo allowed to encroach on
the one- aril zono before tho ball Is put
Into play."
I May Number Players
The question of numbering tho players
Is up again, and perhaps tho moguls will
. tee fit to make It compulsory net fall.
Opposition by Yalo and Harvard was quite
childish last year, and the coaches should
I be shown the error of their was It Is
Impossible for tho spectators to distinguish
Mtwcen the xarlous players in the big
James, and this tnkes away the principal
attraction At tho Army and Xavy game
In New York last year no one knew who
was doing the good work, and guessing
contests wero In order all afternoon.
Seural years ago tho University of
A ton, more or Ipsh. of puRlllxtlc aspirations,
fjoa or poor Is hcIkhIiiI.hI on thn rrosrnm for
Joe weekly show ut the Nonpareil Club tonight.
Homer Smith and Juck Talor villi meet In tho
Inaup to nn ull-houvjn eight pronram
Heavy fp-itlicrucluhln will endeavor to en
Itrtaln Qink.-r city Mna tonight In the featuro
irl' Joo O'Nell will bo opposed to lvld
K Loulslam of this city, nan been matched for
If ! first 15 rouml bout In Kansas City In 10
c ar and hu will receive a Hat Buanmteo of
g 11000, AnordtnK to Louis Duclc, a I'htladel
m man, ho Is miking his homo In that city.
fh leuljiana In hooked to meet llenny Chavez,
h ;u a will he their third meeting In n montn
B, " man h will bo Binned ua n xpecl.il uhow
ivuilCBUUy nigiu.
, 'Step up. or ehut up" Is Dan MiKetrlck's
WMt typewriter nimpalKn Thin la what
Danmark writes for tho henellt of Young
Jck O'Hrlen relative to tho lattcr'a dell to
W pound mlddlewelBhts. JlcKetrlik s.ih ha
u i willing to nntch Young Ahearn with O'llrlen
; that poundage but thut Young Jack now
u doing the tango with words."
Pta lll.Mnn ...1.A .!. Ai, l.a 1 trit1 VnW
r-..w unman nt, iiiiiiih mi" ......
yrleana yeaterdaj, resumed training hero to
Jy In preparation for his mix with Lew
.Tendler nt thn nUmnln Vlnmkv lllirht ller-
K?kn ,'? working out nt Adam Itsun's gim
" ivuuinoon io iienz, jonnuy u i.ear,
Warley Jlcl'arthy. Young Hrandt and Kid
n Ityan'a quarters.
K ii ,?" Leonard tho new Charley White or
K J?" "ShtttelKht rlasa, la matched with Itocky
gMttias at buffalo for next itonday night.
..Freddie Welah Is out with a atatement de
claring tha publlo la not treating him right.
aa an ultem.ii tn um .--. hlmuir ihu (.hum-
ion aaa "1 learned early In my career that
- a.JJM'd tay In tho game longer and gain tha
KWiz" "www uy usiiih apeeil lu lieep uivujr iuii
WSf opponents than by tearing Into them In u
aiSSbl!B 'aahlon. I never tried to develop
jriY.v,'H.,Tan(.ning ability. Jieroa ma uopo;
;ajnt hlttera last tho longest."
t .:"" rv w i isrown. wno receuur bww
C J?if Barcy In a !0-round bout In Australia
oZT- fc fuJ' oul or mat country at preaeiu
iTlF.? e,.t '"' country without a passport
VC CltlZonahln .nn.u 11. ID .. n I van nf thl
m,, ."" .. JilICia aid 19 bl,lv m ...-.
Kl? . .bu' haa nothing with him to prove
tSSn1 V." arrive In the Antlpodea In nix weeka,
."uwhlch time he will be forced to listen to
eaowy Uaker. the promoter.
jt.A-lu 1- n. . v.a... 1 ....... .nnn H
Ia vwl:" aQ cam vvauacn uroiuer-uiaii"".
ch .Croaa. tha East SIJa veteran, haa
fcftVJSv1 a 'on" and last farewell to tha game,
rorother Hammv mvi i.cnh haa hung his
atV.n l.ha closet and never again will put on
SlOVe 1)1 PnmiullHnu
Atvla lllll- r 1 ... ll. kna Aa.
PVftlnVi j"irri a-orain leainerwciaui, i "
Sjlfddouble vision In his ee and will re-
fi "er uisrovereu tne aliment in iruiujiw
wkiA ba"le with Matt Hrock at iilnnwipqlla.
TcmSH .wa8 "H'oduled
1 SOO tMO L'lnvft hun.la
Ills ees taused him
Wch fI''drrlniJ ,artnr. and he did not know
on eacn oa ana m
Jftrlr nin.. i ,.. t ...ii..i.u u.111
.?' again Thla Pdlr of light-lwavywelghta
IKI.y0 matched for a 10-round bout at the
Woaaway bportlng Club, of Brooklyn. March
PuJH1 "loom has been forcd to cancl hl
taaniplon. which uaa book4 tln IJrooklyn
riVfiJi? nlh' The llrooklyn boxer la auf
kixmar from the grip.
to .National A C tomorrow Blfbt
S0 O'Leary meets Solly HurM , Willie
naj iKia ,'la,n- jo, o Donaaall facea
' m.blu and Chk. Slmler and Johnny
? m.et
EWClua.ne WbU ' W w a W ot
Willard Says He Can;
Can He? Is Question
JVillnrd! WMarii! Tell mc truly,
.Can you win thnt ilRht?
Will you duck thnt most unruly
Punch in Frnnch Mornn'a riuht?
Can you with n ripht cross cop him J
Do you think thnt you enn stop him;
Is there any chnnco you'll drop him
On thnt mooted night?
Willard 1 Willard 1 They have told
Whispered in my ear,
Thatthis Frank Moran has boldly'
Saul that he would interfere
With your breathlnR apparatus,
Giving you n lesson gratis
As he shifts for "heavy" status,
When he fights you here.
t. A In Nr-n Vurk Trlhuno
Pittsburgh sprnng something new on the
public, when oxery man on tho football
team woro a number on his back. Sonn
other teams tried It, and the plan was
voted a hugo success The spectators
found tho gnmes more Interesting, and
the cheer leaders found no dilllctilty In
yelllint for tho proper persons A strong
effort will be made tonight tn put Pitt's
original Idea Into the rule books.
Hob Folwell will represent Penn nt tho
meeting Polwell wns selected by the Ath
letic Committee, nnd It afterward devel
oped that Dr. Carl Williams had been
selected previously by tho fnculty board
Tho matter was straightened out. however,
nnd the new coach wns given his cre
dentials. Folwell Is Cautious
"I want to have something to say when
tho rules nro being tampered with," said
Folwell. "Something Is likely to happen
at tho meeting, and ones not close to affnlrs
nt the University might overlook It. This
Isn't discredit to Doctor Williams, but 1
um preparing some plnjs for next fnll,
and adverse rulings would render them
"While T was at I.afaycttc I perfected
a Hjstcm of forward pastes which defeated
Princeton, Penn, Lehigh nnd other elevens
It looked good and 1 had many Improve
ments to spiing tho following fnll Tho
20-yard zone then wns In effect, nnd I
needed that zono to make tho plays work
However, at tho meeting of tho rules com
mittee someone got up nnd moved that tho
20-yard zono bo eliminated, and all of
my work went for nnught I don't want
tho same thing to happen this year."
W. nnd L. Players Here
Soveral members of tho Washington and
Leo football team were In Philadelphia
yesterday, resting up after the hard bas
ketball game with Swarthmore on Wed
nesday. Captain Young, one of tho fastest
backs in the South; Ted Shultz, All
American tacklo and captain of last year's
cloven; Pleiottl, a centre, anil Oiahain, nn
end, nre members of the quintet, which Is
now touring the Uast Hill Haftery, the
coach, alo Is one of the gildiron tutors at
tho university.
Washington and Leo made a gieat lec
ord on tho football Held last year, and
promises to repeat In 191 a Shultz Is the
only man lost fiom tho 1913 championship
eloven, but there nro many candidates to
select from to till tho vacancy. N'ext year
tho team plays Washington and Jefferson,
Hutgcrs, the Army and Navy, in tho
"North," nnd takes on Georgia Tech, at
Atlanta, and North Carolina A. and M , at
Iialelgh. In Southern championship games.
"Joggor" Ulcock, of Dartmouth, who made
such u record nt Lexington In tho past two
seasons, has been secured to coach tho
team again next fnll.
An effort will bo mnde to nriange a
game with tho University of Virginia next
fall. Tho two colleges severed football
relations soveral years ngo, and nlumnl
fiom both schools have been working hard
to bring them together. A battlo between
theso colleges would be ono of the greatest
ever staged below the Mason and Dixon
promoters want 'em. Tho boxing game needa
u readjustment, or words to that effect.
Eddio O'Keefe has been algncd up for two
bouts. Monday night ho will tnckie Dutch
Ilrandt In New York, nnd 1'ranklo Dean will
bo opposed to IMillo. March 6, nt Columbus
Iledley Purchases Colt
xnw YOltIC, n-b 25 Hobert Iledley. of
rhlhidelphlt, has purchased from tho estate of
th latn Joseph S Hoy tho brown 2-Mur-nld
colt by IlurgomaatBr. out of Lady Karma Tim
dam has also been purchased by tho samn
man Hhn la at prtsent In fual to tha aire of
the J-jear-old.
Tomorrow's Soccer Games
Sernud Hound
Dlhulon vs. Full Itlier Kovrri, ut Tn
cony Hall Turk. Iteferre, (ieorge oiing,
I'ntnani vh. Axrrmlun, nt :id nlreet und
Ihlgb nvenue. Ktttm, J. Herr.
I'lirltun . JI. I., vh. Curdlnitton. at ?d
und Cleurlleld ntrrrts. Keferrr. 1. lloley.
MiioKe vs. North American Late Co., tit
Mn mit Hook. Iteferre. J. Hteel.
rails vs. North I'lilludelplila V. M. A.,
ut Falls. Iteferre, John V aider.
Tarony A. A. s, Vetrrun A. A.. t
Stute road and lllkulon strret. llefrrer,
' DUnt'on I V. vs. Wanderers, ut Stale
road und L'nruli atrret. Iteferre, J. Shaw.
M. Niilhunlel vs. II. K. Mulfurd Co., ut
3d treet und Krle utenur.
CKirKI'.T CI.l'll I.K.OUK
First Dltlalon
Merlon vs. .Vloorestoun. nt llaverford
College. Ilrfrrre, V. 1.'. Hinds.
Ylnrotne vs. hhumrock, nt 53d and
Spruce atreeta. ltefere. K. Jenkins.
I'eltontllle vs. IVoodland. ut ItUIng Hun
und Yomlng uvrnurs. Iteferee. I. fjunii.
hi. Mrphen vs. HrUtol. at IStli und
Hunting I'urk uvenue. Keferre. A. Watson.
Klrclrlc htoraxe llattery Co. vs. Ilohl-
feld Manufacturing Co., ut nth and llrls-
tol streets. Iteferee, Jumea Wuldrrs.
C'reshon Morris Co. . Murlex Tuwrl Co.,
ut Magnolia street und Chelten uvenue.
Iteferee. II. II, Humford.
J. It, Foster Co. vs, Standard Holler
Hearing Co., at Sth atud llrlalol ktrrets.
Ilelrree, II. Moltnuute.
I. union (o. vs. IVIIllum Crump Co., at
Tulip street und Allegheny uvenue. Itef
eree. O. Ward.
Second DliUlon
Stetson A. A. vs. M. Michael, at -Itli
and llcrka streets. Iteferee, J. I'aul.
Fourth Division
St Carthage vs. Itoblu A. O., ut OJd
street and Cedar uvenue. Referee, J, Kiel-
Falrhlll II. C. t. I'rovldence, at Front
street und Olnrr avenue. Iteferee, J,
Kdjemoor vs. Alana. at Ediemoor, Del.
Iteferee, K. J. GunxlolT.
Church DliUlon
fit, John ts. St. Uarnabua. at Frankford
road nnd llerka street. Iteferee, F. Mtcble.
bt. Slantoit ts. North I'ldladelpbla Y. M,
A., at lUIh and Hunting I'urk avenue. Itef
eree, W. Urove.
Adelpbla vs. Tloga, at Funneld Play
Nor!het vs. dancer, at FunSeld Flay
ground. CLVa a.MK
Suurtbtnare College vs. Fnlverslty of
rennajltaula. 2d. st Swarthmore. Bef
eree, T. 1 MucLeauie.
One of the best nmntcur basketball teams in Philntlelphia represents the West Branch Y. M. C. A. Tho men in the photofrraph arc: Back row,
left to right II. Watt, rcfereo; G. Davis anil Owen V. Davis, physical director. Centre row, left to right Jack Kelly, Rugart, Clarence Enos,
manager, captain nnd coach; Ned Kingston nnd Chick Coghlan. Front row Brownley, on left; Fretlerickson, on right.
Manheim Athletes Set Fast
Pace in Cage Game.
Burnett a Star
Ton stralRlit victories Is tbc record
for tbo Germantown HIrIi Scboot basket
ball players its a result of tbo contest
pln.veil with tbo Ablngton IllKli School
quintet nt Gernmntown vcsteriluy after
noon It vv.ui nn eaBy win for the M.m
helin tennt, the Until score bchiR 4G to in.
CoaLh Lewis was very much pk.iheil with
tho showinir of ills proteges.
In passing, tho entire temn showed good
form Captain Hurnett was the high scor
er, with eight out of ten foul goals to bis
credit and threo field goals Collins, his
teanunnte nt forward, also did some clever
work Ho made six Held goals, llet
mer, the big centre, nml b'Klier, who re
placed him in tbo second half, each laud
ed a couple of two pointers. Oouovtr, the
gum d, was tho Individual star of the
game He scored sK Held goals und was
on his toes every minute of the time
Alilnatnu High was abnply outplaced and
h.id no alllil to offer loidnir tn a turonui r and
Hptedler iigKregitlon of pl.ivera Harp.'.
1'lnki'. Danihuu, Momo and CheHtorman
reiirnnl(d tho Ablngton High School, and
though tho odds wiro ugalnst tho vlnllnrH. the
worked haril 'Ihi're waa no queatlon whlrb
vuy tho Kamo would ko. for llermantown High
lod nt tha and of the II rat half 2b to 1).
Thn William H Klapp banner, mmbollc of
tho Ktjlscopil Academv lli'ld hockey itinm
ploushlp. wuh won ateriliv by tho Sixth
I'orm uthletiN In the k'liino with thi sixth
Upper, tho former miuud wlnnlm? hy Heaim
aroals to thrae Thla nave the sixth Form
tho title Tho members nf tho wlnntiiar teuni
WLro W. Townsaiid. Push. Hart. Hunt,
I.iithrop, Trice. Caasard. itobb and MaePar
land. Lathroti has tho honor of lending tho
vlctorloua team.
Thn Mlllvllle-Swarthmoro Club made up of
bnaketball plaera who un In the tlrat jear
at Hwarthmoro Collese. wna not HtrouK enouith
to hnlt tho Swarthmoro Hlah Sahool team In
tho game plajod In thn (Inruet's isyniniiBlum
eaterda afternoon. Swarthmoro HlKh wln
nlnar. 4J to 34 Swarthmorii illaih, with Iteeae.
Ila-i Yarn ill VV Wood und I. Wood, aoon
had tho nltuatlou well In hand lirl" and
Downey, two of tho Swarthmoro HIkIi eub
Htltutes, ulso raudo a very Kuod showing.
The sixth upper team nlio mndn a very
Kood ahowlnu In thn UplHtopal Aaadomy Held
hockey serlea On tho nlxth uptwr team wero
such lilavers lis 1' Townsend. Mi Call, Lallou,
l'rmberton. llermmin und Hupp Tho mujorlty
of th3 plajera In tho Held hockey Kaiuea lira
prominent In other aporta ut Kplsiopal
Local Committee Informed Def
initely Contest Will Go
to New York
The Army-Navy football game will not
bo pl.iv.etl in I'iillailelphla this year. Tho
military anil naval academies have agreed
to play In New' York
12 J. Ileilet. cjialrman of the Philadel
phia Army und Navy Committee, received
today from Annapolis a telegram which
made It ceitaln that the, efforts of the
Philadelphia committee to bring the game
hero had failed The dispatch, signed by
Lieutenant C. 12. Smith, U. S. N., was
as follows:
West Toint nnd Annapolis have
agteed to play the 1010 football game
In New York
Lieutenant Smith Is secretary-treasurer
of the Navy Athletic Association at An
napolis. In discussing the loss ot the
game to this city, Mr. Ilerlet said:
"Our commltteo did everything within
its power to retain the game for l'hlladel
phla as per tho agreement entered Into by
the Army nnd Navy Athletic Association
officials in 1014. On February 16 we
wired an offer of $10,000 to the Army and
Navy Athletic Associations, If this year'tj
gamo was staged In Philadelphia. Wo re
peated this offer by wire on February 23
to the Army and Navy conference held at
the Hotel Dlltmore, In New York city, and
this morning we wired Lieutenant Smith
to find it consideration would be given to
the use of Shtbe Park, and his telegram
was the result.
"The Philadelphia committee feels that
It did everything within Its power to retain
the game, and regrets that the agreement
entered Into by the Army and Navy of
ficials two years ago was not adhered to."
Open Golf Champion to Compete in
but One Tourney
NEW YOItK. Feb J6 Jerome D Travera.
open golf champion ot the United States, ex
pects to make only one appearance In a golf
tournament thle season. This will be In the
amateur championship to be played In 8ep
tember over the course ot the Merlon Cricket
Club, of Philadelphia.
"I have no Idea," said Mr. Travera, "that
I will be able to set away for the metro-
?olltan or New Jersey championships. I know
bat I will not be able to defend my title In
the open championship that la to be held In
Minneapolis. Tbl last tournament would, mean
t least a week away from business. I
should prefer to play In the amateur eham
ctoaaabJai. but could not poaalbly All both en-
ffifc rr.
Tho Quiker Cltv Liiikiio tonmn will Itmuani
rntn tho second h ilf nf tholr aenson tonlatht on
Kestono Alloa
Curtla I-enmio achodule for tonight's weekly
gnmes cm Terminal Allnaa call for thn follow
ing mntihen Composition vh Ilcrlt KnoTiivlnK.
Country (Irntletnen vs Color Press. I'oit rnaa
a Jntirnnl Press, nml Uvenlntt Lediter va
Itotnll Credit leaders of thn Strnwlirldno &
Clothier l.uiKUC bent tho Contract teuni nil
thnu games lit L nlitht on Cuslno Alleja Noc
ton. who haa been Improving all wnason.
ltnocKul down the hlitheat number of plnn in
ono Knmc, 190, In Ilia second contest for the
Knlpe. of Hubs, bowled thn highest ahmln
itamo of tho evening1, Bettlnir 114 In hla third
Kamn naralnHt Wholeanlc, who let two Knme
to thn runnt ra-up. In tho third gnmo Uugs
tntnled !0U, hlith Blnglo teum score ot the
aeries, last night
Mattla, nf Men's I'urnlahlnK. besan with
128. axot n 213 rount In his aeiond irnmo, and
flnlahed with 130.
Account trimmed riothlnu naimd nil threo
games Pnxiioii. of tho losing Quintet, regla
tered floor. 'm of 191 ninl 160 In ench of hla last
two Rallies lilt tt-ammaua could not keep
thla pate, however
Franklin tenm. leaders of tho National
Hank tournev walked tawav with nil Itirao
games with Mather L'o . on Terminal Allesa
rranklln rolled n. 92G acoro In Ita tlrat kuiiio.
thn Individual aiorea being .Mann 187 lllrd
all. 190. Mllox 131. t'onrail 13. and Kte
ports, 170 Miles rolled 220 In hla neeond
Singles Tournament at 23d and
Arch Streets Is Concluded
Miss Phyllis WnlHh won the flint cham
pionship tournament In BluBlea of tho
Womcn'H Indoor Tennis Club today by
defeatlnK SUsh Hllza SI. Kok In the final
round by two nets to none nt .i-7, J-3
Tbo linal In doubles between tho teams of
JIIss Walsh-Mrs I II Schllchtcr. Jr , nnd
Mrs. C. L WalnwrlRht-Miss C T. Chase,
which was also scheduled, will not be
played until next week, probably Monday,
ovvlnir to the fnct that all four conreat
nnts could not Bet together today
The first set of the final singles, which
was played at tbo club headquarters at
"3d and Arch streetH. vvaB particularly
hard fought In a majority of tho match
es In tho earlier rounds the play through
out was generully of tho back-court vari
ety, with but few sallies to the net Hut
today both Miss Walsh and Miss Fox
played hnrd to gain the strategic position
at tho net. with tho former a little moro
successful than her opponent. Miss Vox
relied principally on sideline shots thnt
wero placed with rare accuracy For the
most part each player won on her op
ponent's service, nml a majority of the
games went to deuce. With the score
stnndlng seven all Miss Walsh won her
service to 16 and then captured tho set
game to 30.
Aftor two-all In the second set MIsh
Walsh went Into the lead nt 3-. then 4-2.
Miss Fox rallied In tho toventh game,
scoring two service aces nnd two pretty
passes Her opponent then ran nut tho
next two games for the set and match
Klnal Hound
Miss Phyllis Walsh defeated Mlsa Rllza M
Kox, 9-7, li-J
Moy Earns Decision Over Hansen
AI.LUNTOWN. Pa.. Teh 55 Kddle Moy,
of thla city, earned the decision over I.arry
Hansen, of Xew York city. In a 10-round bout
staged here lust night Mos had hla opponent
bleeding from tho mouth and from a cut above
the left ce In the 10th round Hansen was
aent to the mat. Freddie Welsh, the light
weight champion of the world, acted as tho
local boy'u chief adviser.
Desmond Will Kun Here
lllnga Desmond, the negro iiuarter-mlle run
ner, who defeated "Ted ' Meredith by eeven
vurds In the auburban iiuurter-mlle race In
jiew YorK 'aueauuy nigni. win run in tne ouu
jurd Invitation race In the Mtudowbrook Club
games In Convention Hall March 11 De8tnond
will alao run on the Chicago University teum
In the one-mile relay raco open to lollegee
Pitcher Purdue Is Released
UT LOUIS Feb 20 It haa been announced
that Pitcher Hub Perdue and Shortstop Arnold
llauaer. of tho Cardinals, had been uncon
ditionally releaaed and Catcher Jack Foche
aent to the Little Rock Southern League club
Intlelder James Walsh, of the Itrowns, haa
been released to the llemphla Southern League
Another Fed League Suit
CHICAGO. Feb 25 The Chicago alub. of
the Federal League, loat about 127 000 In 1914.
according to testimony given In a civil ault
brought by J L. Sherlock u stockholder
Thomas W Gllmore, secretary to Charles
Welghman. who controlled the Chicago club, of
tha Federal League, In 1911 and 1910, gave the
testimony aa to money lost In 1911 Aa Sher
lock'a ault waa for 11000 to have been paid
him In case the club made money In 1914,
Ollmore'a testimony aa to a deficit brought
about a nonsuit of the case.
Berkley Meets East Falls Tonight
An Interesting game between the Uerkley
team, of the Brotherhood League, and the
East Falls Y M A will be plated tonight
In the latter'a hall, 3048 Queen lane.
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
1IBOAD1VAY A. C Young I)lln de
feated Pinker Duma, Darby t'uspar won
from Eddie Kando. Knockout bausout beat
Chick Carney. Vbltry UtiieruM stopiaed
Prank (Julnan la the fourth, Al Warner
won from Young Howard la two rounds.
AI.LKNTOMN -Eddie Moy defeated
Larry llunxn In 15 round.
NEW aORK SUent Martin knocked oat
Paul Dlion In the fifth.
ST. JLOUlti-.Ted Lel knocked out
Harry Treud-ll la the aeventh round.
gamo and Keeports, tho anchor, toppled over
A nnjorltv of the memhera of thn Natlonil
Hank trams found It a difficult mutter to lo
cate thn proper Hpota on Terminal Alleja for
conalstnnt btir at ores
llltner 13. Diingnn, of tho Pirates, tied the
altiglo giiinu high storo reaoriL nf tho Kejstona
League Inst nlitht by sc.itterlng tho mnulo for
u Ji, count, which Is txnttly the number ot
Plim DuiTv. of Agassis, hung up aouio wecka
previously. t
Knox wna u factor In Agnsalt'a two vie
torka over l'lrutes by aruiklng out 233, 170
and 237 aeons
Jim (Junat had it R12 acorn to boaat of In
his guinea with llexulls, but thn third waa
thn only annuo hla teum captured from Hello-
(Ireul, of tho llonntera, toncludnd his game
liiat night with a acoro ot 2J3 und Johnaou
llnialud with 213.
Thn tin for tlrat plnee In Kejatonn I.engun
Htctlou It rontlnuea na lloosters and Actlvea
oath won thn mid gntnn In three from tho
llrow n-Mooro and iMouurd suuada.
Wllmnt out rolled Terminal squad In two
gnineu Inat night finishing with it burst of
pin toppling In vvhlih 97a pins wero Bcuttered
about tho nlha All tho uulntet alutrud In
the glory. Aletindir acored 20C. -Mjera, 108,
Hopkins. 1ST DlMilaou, 165. nnd lllggllia.
JtJ whllo tlm haudlcup allovvunco wuh 40
additional plna t
Harry Wolfe, after a poor atnrt of lis. hit
thn plna In old time form. gUtlng 219 ami 198
In hla final guinea with Terminal.
Indoor Tennis at Sportsman's
Show at Armory, Broad and
Callowhill Streets
Tho women'fl singles In the Indoor tennis
tournament which will bo held In con
nection with tho Sportsman's Show at the
First Regiment Armory, Ilrond and Cal
lowhill streets, is scheduled to begin to
morrow nt !-30 o'clock. Theso matches
will continue) until noon, when tho men's
singles will be continued from today's
Tho doubles schedule has not been made
out, but will bo announced later by Paul
Gibbons Tho time set for tho beginning
of tbo doubles is G:30 o'clock tomorrow
Following nro the drawings and tlmo
of tho women's and men's singles
9 30 Mrs. A. D. Smohn va Miss Loulae
10 10 .Mrs. 'Wolbrldgo vn Mlsa Kendrlck.
11 00 Mra. i;. 1'. Kerbaugh va Mlas Mot
ile Thiiair
11 in Miss Chtse va Mrs Gilbert Harvey.
i: 0U Mra. Wulnwrlghl va. Mlsa II. Cur
l.OO i: M. IMwarda vh W P. How land.
1 45 J. It. Itowland va Spick Hall.
2 IG I, II Ilrnwn va Churlta Orr
J on Wall ten Johnnon va C. M. Harlan.
J-15 A 1) Thaver va C C. Vun Horn
4 JO Willis K Davis va Udvvard Casaurd
6.00 Kol.ert I'. Heard va Jack Hi o via.
0 30 Sidney Thayer. Jr.. va. Horace
6 00 T II Martin va Nelson ndvvorda.
Championships on Mat Scheduled nt
Cambridge March 4
CAMBRIDGE, Mass , Tela. 25. The
Xew England Intercollegiate Wrestling
Association has been organized, and nr
rnngements were made for a champion
ship tournament to be held hero on
March i.
Yale, Harvard, Brown. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and Springfield
Y. SI. C. A. College enrolled as charter
members, and assurances wero received
from Tufts. Colby, Trinity and Bates that
they would send representatives to the
Phillips Bradley, of Harvard, was
elected tournament manager.
Dc Oro Still Leads
riaylng good three-cushion billiards
without scoring was demonstrated by
Charles Ellis In the second night's play
of the championship match with Alfredo
Pe Oro last night at AUlnger's Billiard
Academy. Ellis scored 5 J points to De
Oro's 50 last night, hut he made many
good shots that failed to count, and It
was only through the great generalship
of the champion that the young Pitts
burgh player did not succeed In taking
the lead in the match.
Eastern League Organized
SPRIN'OFIEbD. Man . Feb. 85 Tha Eait
ern llaaebull League haa been formally organ
ized here with the folloaatnar offlcera Preal
dent. T II Murnane. of ltoaton vice prealdant
and secretart Dan O'Nell, of Holjoke. treas
urer. B II. Fraaar. of l.inn The playing- aea
aon will open April 28 and cloae September 16
The aalary limit, according- to Claaa It re
qulrementa. will be (1800, though President
Murnttno was Inatructed to auk the national
board for tt dlapenaatlon to allow a larger
Coach Guy Nickalla Arrives
NEW YORK. Feb. 2S Guy NIckalla. Yale
roach, arrived hero eeterday on the ateamablp
Nleuw Amatardam from Falmouth, He aald
that hla trip to England waa for recreation,
and tht be waa going to ISew Haven at once
to begin coaching Yale oareipen for the pre-
llmlnary racea and the annual regatta at Kew
Londgn June 23.
Graylock to Play All Stars
The Graylock Boys Club will face the
All Stars of Kensington at the former's
hall, 22d and Federal streets, tomorrow
night. The Slac.MulIen-McHenry combina
tion, Black as tap-oft man and Moran
wit), Flowers at guard will be Oraylock's
llpo-up. The game will mark tha first
appearance ot Walt Flowers on the home
floor with the Grays,
Champion Feels "Fit" and
Starts Training for
Big Fight
NEW YOltIC. Feb. 25. Iludtly of check
and showing no signs of his recent "ni
nes')." Jesi Willard arrived In Now York
today from Chicago to train for his com
ing bout with Frank Moraii. The heavy
weight champion said that ho was feeling
good nnd would get down to training at
Willard was tho hero of n gathering at
the Otand Central Station Tho crowd fol
lowed him to his ta.ilcab, negro porters
staring open-eyed nt tho white giant who
had walloped Jack Johnson Into uncon
sciousness at Havana. The fighter was
nccompnnlcd by his manager. Tom Jones,
and several other members of his retinue.
Tho party wits met by Tex Blckard,
promoter of tho match with Moran, who
was tho happiest man at tho station Ho
said that Willard appeared "very fit,"
and that all doubt of the match taking
place had been removed.
From tho station Willard and his party
drove to tho Hotel Walllck, nnd then to
tho Pioneer Athletic Club, where the
champion will have his training quarters
After Willard arrived. It was announced
that tho advance salo of seats for the
fight already amounts to $78,000.
"I'm In fine shapo right now," de
clared Willard. "1 weigh 257 pounds,
not 280 or 300, ns some of the reports
have It The general Impression Is that
my year of Idleness from ring work has
fattened me. Well, It hasn't. I've kept In
shape right along.
"I can carry 257 pounds very easily
nnd It may be that I will go Into the ring
ngalnst Moran weighing only a trine un
der thnt mark."
Willard planned to begin training lato
In the nftcrnoon, but It was likely thnt
this program will bo changed, owing to
the fnct that Jack Homple and Walter
Monohan, his sparring partners, didn't
arrive until late In the day."
Madonna Trims Schuylkill Arsenal
The Madonna team of the American League
won an easy gamo from the Schuylkill Arsenal
laat night by tha acore of it to 22. The
entire Madonna tenm contributed two-pointers,
the leader being Albaugh, with nine.
An Invitation:
We want you to take a very remarkable ride. It will
be quite as remarkable, quite as delightful as if we drove
you up the broad, sparkling Delaware in a hydroplane.
We want you to ride in a DIFFERENT sort of car a NEW
sort of car the NEW MITCHELL. We want you to FEEL
the very marked difference.
Have you ever ridden behind a 300 horsepower engine?
Ever experienced the feel of the irresistible power that makes
the car seem like a featherweight? Can you imagine the lightest
touch bringing this- power down to a drowsy, dreamy gentleness
of motion, soft as sunshine and almost as slight a pressure send
ing it up to the soaring speed of a projectile?
The feel of the power in the NEW MITCHELL is Just
one of the reasons why it is something NEW. The NEW
MITCHELL rides restfully. There is an ease about it which
is a distinct bodily benefit.
You can hardly credit it from a letter or from a salesman's
description, because it just has not existed in cars before. That
is why we want you to RIDE in the NEW MITCHELL and
FEEL it for yourself. It will rest you; delight you; show you
something NEW something quite as much worth while your
doing as seeing the play of the year; reading the book of the year;
hearing the Opera of the year.
We do not feel that a ride obligates you to buy. We shall be
amply repaid by your knowledge of the NEW thing in motor
cars the NEW MITCHELL. We are very proud of it and we
have found out that it will PAY us to have nice people know
about it.
If you can bring friends, so tpuch the better. We promise
you a very delightful experience and a NEW one. Won't you
just telephone in and tell us when and where we can meet you
with the car?
Carl H. Page Motors Co.
250 N. Broad Street
Telephone Philadelphia Telephone
Bell. Spruce till. r Keystone. Rice. Silt.
New York Headquarter t Columbuat Circle Facing South
Tank Marvel Invents Own
Peculiar Stroke After
Watching Others
Herbert Vollmor, tho 10-yenr-old swim
ming mnrvel of Columbia University, who
has broken world's records nt every Int
portnnt meet this senson. Is a self-mado
chnmplon Ho picked up the stroke he
uses tho four-bent nlnglo trudgcon crawl
by watching lending swimmers, nnd then
took pains to study tho scientific princi
ples which govern It, formed his own Ideas
nnd proceeded to exploit them.
Vollmer has had coaching, of course, but
thoso who supervised Ills work wero per
mitted to correct only tho faults of execu
tion ovory BWlmmer Incurs, nnd not to
change his stylo. On thnt point ho was
nlways firm Having reached his own con
clusions nn to tho Ideal stroke, ho Intondod
to follow them nnd did.
It wat during tho season of 1912-13
that Vollmer served l)ls novitiate In tho
competitive field, wearing tho Colors of
Stuyvesant High School, New York. Bo
foro tho season closed ho hnd leaped Into
tho limelight. In Mnrch nt tho scholas
tic championships ho enptured the 50 nnd
100-ynrd titles In brilliant manner, break
ing the lenguo records nt both distances.
Tho summer found Vollmer sporting the
Mercury Foot of tho New York A. C. and
Improving so rnpldly that tho A. A. TJ.
haudlcnppcr couldn't keep him from win
ning. Ho went on bettering his time
throughout tho following winter, so that
moro scholastic titles and records wont
to his credit, nnd tho outdoor Boason pt
1914 landed him nmong America's fore
most Bwlmmers
In August ho finished third In tho 880
ynrd national championship; In Septem
ber ho was second in tho national one
mile swim, shattering tho 1000-yard stan
dard on tho way.
After that victories camo In quick suc
cession. Most of the district titles fell to
his lot In 1915, but It was only last De
cember that ho attained world's record
speed by sprinting 100 yards In the ad
mittedly slow 75-foot pool of tho Now York
A. C. In 51 4-5 seconds, the fastest time
ever mado under the conditions.
Vollmer Is Ideally built for a swimmer.
Standing 0 feet and weighing n trifle un
der 170 pounds, broad of shoulder nnd
lenn of hip, ho shows tho long, clean,
smooth muscles which spell speed and ef
Charley Dooin Joins Teammates
in Philadelphia McGraw
En Route From Cuba
Knw YORK, Feb 25. Christy Ma
thewson chnperoned the first squad of
Giants, who left today for the training
camp at Marlln, Texas. In the party
that entrained this morning were: Catchers
Lew Wendell, Brndlcy Kocher, Joueph
II. Kenny nnd G 13 Snndberg; Infleldors
Herbert Hunter, William Martin and It. E.
Elsh, and Outfielders Vd Harrison, John
Babblngton, IM Itoush and Merwtn Jacob
son. Charley Dooin joined the squad at Phil
adelphia, and BUI Bitter and Inflelder Joe
Shcpner will climb aboard the special at
Pittsburgh. At St. Louis tho party will
be reinforced by Fred Schupp, Al Schauor,
Walter Boslnger, Taylor Farrell and TV,
A. Cole, who was the best amateur out
fielder In Cleveland last year. Jim Thorpe
nnd several other "rookies" will be on
hand Monday morning, when Matty ex
pects to havo tho squad out for Its first
Manager McGraw will arrive In camp
next Thursday He Is now on route from
Cuba with Joo Rodriquez, the classiest
first basemen In Cuba, and Emlllo Pal
mcro, who Is starting with the Giants for
the third time.
Pnlmero was tho leading pitcher In
Cuba during the past senson He has
taken on n lot of weight, and, abova
all. has mastered enough English to be
able to understand coaching Instructions.