MWfWrfWHi1if Ttwy. gjy- BVEHING L33DGEE-PHILADELPHIA, HTJBSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 191C 6 -rmv- FEMININE FRIPPERIES HONEY TO WOMAN SOUL, SAYS M'LISS She Disagrees With the Doctor Mary Walkers of This World, Whose Hobby Is the Wearing of Masculine Attire . i H6W many women, 1 tinier, envy Miss Florence Khullfr, the young riilladolpliln. woman who, eschewing; nil the fascinations of feminine Attire, haa adopted for herself u Iiyhrltl costume, with nil of tho conveniences ot a mtln'B garb and hono of tho nil tire of ti woman's. Personally, I don't. In fact, If tho truth be suited, I feel u bit sorry for her. 1 think sho Is misguided In her point of vlow. 1 have never regarded tho skirt, iho earring, the French-heeled slipper ns a baitse of woman's enslavement or ns a sign that wo have not Advanced very far from tho barbaric stage, ntul I would not feel at all comfortable or happy rigged out In an unrelenting vest, pack coat and 'harsh linen collar. Indeed, I beliovo u great deal of tho fun of life wolilif be eliminated If tho anticipation of new costumes and glorious clothes combinations were denied us. Far bo It from my Intention to Infer, W. t. Qeorgo notwithstanding, that any happiness Is to bo derived from normlttlng clothes to becomo tho dominant influenco in one's life: but Imagine, for Instance, looking forward to tho coming of spring untlncturcd by any thoughts of the bonnet that Is to accompany H nnd contribute u the geuelal spirit of roJmonoMCctire Tho Doctor Mury Walkers of this world, wltb their i rml. -miiile and wlrirtlv tailored Ideas, may be, ns they contend, ihe t rally sensible piuple ot earth. Florence Ivlndlg and her Ilk may snu- n couple of hundred dollars annually by tho adoption of masculine or scuilmasculino attire (though I doubt it. for clover women Will not require much moro money for flounces and frills than tho average man does for his tailored effects), but In so wiving, they are deliberately atrophy ing that part of tho woman naturo which, since time Immemorial, has been clttir actcrlstic of her tho love of beautiful, soul-satisfying clothes. Wlmt Docs This Prove? In tho Clermantown School test, embracing n wide varluiy of questions drawn up to ascertain Just how well-informed the American youth Is, the boys cotn ttelely outclassed tho girls. Does tills prove that tho inalo of tho species Is pos sessed of more Intelligence than the female? Supposo tho test had been on domestic science, dressmaking, or whether iho next door neighbor's spring frock was brand new or Just rebuilt from last gear's? Enigmatic 'Cancer ot tho tongue," said Dr. "Jack" Da Costa tit ono of his crowdeil clinics In the Jefferson Hospital yesterday, "occurs moro frequently to men than to women. God knows why!" Students who attend this famous surgeon's lectures and most of them i o who can declare that he never misses an opportunity to tako a sly dig at tho uex, and that ho enlivens even tho dullest subjects by his quips and bon mot3 whlgli havo women as Jielr target. Not hu Is-not a crusty bachelor. On tho contrnrv, u docile husband, it Is said, proving once more that, llko a dog's, a man's burls can often bo worse than his bite. Enter the Mantilla , Do you -cherish among tho possessions that you have laid away for use somo tlmo when things como "In" again, ono of those delicate Spanish lace scarfs, or perhaps o, gonulne mantilla? Oct It out. The Castillan influenco which stole In, none knows how, has becomo definitely established and threatens to outrival even tho already accepted crinoline and Its concomitant styles for first place. Indeed, you who haven't any Amialuslan heirlooms may tako heart. The American manufacturers, ,urged by tho demand, aro creating lovely Spanish laces, oven those with the chrysanthemum pattern so often seen in tho old mantillas. M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of Woman's Page Atfdress nil communications to M'l.lss. euro of the Ktculns Iilser. xlde of the ptiper only. 'Dear M'Llss I'leaso toll mo what I can do with, my discouraging hair. It Is straight and lifeless, and no matter how much troublo 1 go to to try to fix It nicely. It never looks as well as other people's. Is there any fluid that will mako it curly? I would greatly npprcclato It it you will advise me. DISTRESS. There aro curling fluids on tho market, I am told, which tend to hold tho hair In curl after It has been curled by tho Iron or curler. There Is also a process which some halr-dresaers employ, known ns tho permanent wave, f spoko to a colffeuse about the nllegod pcrmanenuy of, this method and sho told mo quite frankly, just as sho tolls her patrons, that Its "permanency" is of only six or, say. 12 months.' duration, depending on rapidity with which one's hair grows, for, of coUrse, straight hair grows out Btralght und there you aro I Why don't you havo your hair treated for Its lifcletsness? -Often hair which shows a lack ot vitality Is but an Indlca itlon of a general lack of vitality. My advica is to watch your health und have an expert tell you what treatment will be best for your scalp. This will cost you less than curling fluids, in the long i-Un. Healthy hair Is always attractive, and console yourself with the thought that some people prefer tho straight variety to curls. ... Dear M'Llss Inclosed find some palin dromes to help your Inqulrlera of it few days ago: "Madame, I'm Adam" tAdam. on wak ing up. and finding Eve). "Able was I ero I saw Klba" (Of course, Napoleon must be fathered with this.) "Raw and snug was I ero I saw guns and war." , 'Roraa tlbl subito motlbus Iblt amor." (Free translation When at Rome, mo mentarily, when least expected, there come before you scenes worthy of deep est appreciation.) ANN OXYMOUS. Thank you very much. Dear M'Llss Would you please publish In your valuable column what becomes of body of a person that dies In n hospital be re In the city. A woman's body was i Mmed and arrangements made by the lesson who claimed her as his wife. This ian then ran away and tho parents were iotlffed, but never answered the letter nor lalmed said body, ( think the woman was a foreigner and probably her parents could not read the letter. What becomes of body und Is there any hope of having it burled later? A CONSTANT READER, Apply to Dr. A. Hewson, secretary of the State Anatomical Hoard. -1-0 Spruce utreet, give him the name of the woman and be will answer your questions. Much Salt in Rock It has been estimated that 84,000,000 cuble miles of the average Igneous rock would yield on decomposition, all of the or)lura of the ocean and thft sedimentary rocks. s. ILLIE AND HER fun-r wac A Tppat inrA nc MIU(e STRAINED MVFr6efM WONT HAVE TO 00 THOSE FOOL I j n i- J--... HSri" A iQ r Vv io 1 ttSXeV305 II Jti! iiijii,! i.vun.iiPT'"-" m ninrnji i Urlto on ono Do You Believe This? A successful woman buyer In one of tho big department stores was asked for the secret of success the other day. This Is what Mio said: "A girl must bo ready to sacrifice al most anything to her work. Sho must think of It night and day. It won't do for her to go home nnd put tho thoughts of her woilc entirely out of her mind un til the alarm wakes her up tho next morn ing. No, she must study up the details of her trade : sho must read. "There aro trades magazines for almost every occupation under tho sun nowadays, and competition Is so strong, especially where a woman holds down the Job. that It Is up to her to know her competitors and what they aro doing. "I allow threo nights a week for this kind of readln'g, nnd ono for studying. This allows three over for recreation. The trouble Is that wo are too much In clined to feel that wo can rest when wo really can't. "A girl who watches tho clock la a cog In the wheel ; she doesn't care for her work and she will never bo a success. Tho type of girl who goes Into a store or Into a bhop to take up her tlmo be tween graduation and marrlago Is tho greatest obstacle that tho efficiency ex pert has to overcome. She not only hinders her own progress, but she acts ns a deterrent upon her associates." Sports Wear Entire suits of golfino wool, velour nov elty checks, plaids and stripes are smart for spring wear. Theso aro ordinarily sports modelB, belted In with a self-material, suede or patent-leather belt. Com bination suits are also seen. In two ma terials. Colors Includo tan. rose, blue green, purple, plaid and Joffre blue. Drapery Again If a skirt is short, it should bo very full. However, many fancy house frocks havo u rather elaborately draped skirt. This should be just a bit above the ankles to look well. To Amanda For ever fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love, And when we meet, a mutual heart Come In between, and bid us part? Rid us sigh on from day to day. And wish and wish the soul away. Till youth and genial years are Down. And all the life ot life Is gone? For once, O fortune, hear my prayer And I absolve thy future care. All other blessings I resign, But make the dear Amanda mine. J. Thompson. MILLIONS mimF TFf im: QUMIMieiC , " " I I .... " t .i a i i - i a " - a EaV jExeRcj.e Fo(i. if?ULi invr' T- ""-., ' frji c v ; , : sJ -? r izn a SEEN IN i:si:im."iu mkwmi p4ivrauiiu. ko. . y A MODISH STREET COSTUME THIS little everyday frock shows Just what can be accomplished with the exercise of good taste anrl the expenditure of very little mmioy. It Is decidedly Inex pensive, and has style besides. Two fabrics are used, grus do t.ondres silk for the main portion of the gown and Georgette crepe forms the vest and sleeves. The collar Is edged with silk cording. Smoked pearl buttons ar.i used to fasten tho smart toatee nt the fiont. The full ruffle at the hack and sides is hold In plnco by two more buttons. Cordlngs of self-material are used to milllnc the Jacket, which gives tho whole a very tailored appearance, even though the frock itself is of silk. The vest is pin-tucked, and has bishop sleeves. In combinations of Russian green with sand crepe, peail gray with white, or navy gray, black, JofTre or gpiidanno blue, roso and changeable silks with white, tho price is fit!,!)?. Tho lint Is an attractive sailor model of white Milan straw, niack and white grosgraln ribbon is used to bind the crown. Meicury wings add a peit touch. Tho price is $2.95. Tho namo or tho shop where theso articles may bo bought will be Mippllcd by the Editor of the Woman's Page, Evening LEixium 008 Chestnut strcot. The request must bo accompanied by n stamped, sclf-aildrcssed envelope and must mention tho date on which the article appeared. REAL SURGEON ALWAYS SEEKS ADVICE OP FAMILY DOCTOR By WILLIAM CONTRARY to the popular notion, every graduate ot a medical school who obtains a Ilccnso to practice his pro fession is legally and educationally qual ified to do surgery. Thoro Is no special course ot training required by law In or der to practice surgery. Tho general med ical school courso fits a man for medical and surgical work. However, It Is cus tomary to spend somo additional tlmo In poHt-graduato work It tho physician wishes to establish himself In surgery customary, but by no means essential. Now U is unfortunate for the public that tho vlow prevails that, because a man can operate, lie necessarily knows moro about the diagnosis and treatment of disease than another man who docs not operate. Wo bay unfortunato for this rea son: Thero are surgeons and near-surgeons. Surgeons fully realize their own shortcomings In diagnosis and therapeu tics or treatment. Near-surgeons eagerly avail themselves of tho peoplo's credulity and attempt to play tho rolo of all-around specialists, to assume a ponderous nir of wisdom, and to operate on slight pretext or nono at all slnco people do delight In having an "operation." Tho real surgeon, who realizes his limitations, seeks the counsel of tho family physician, who has had exceptional opportunities to observe and Btudy tho patient; bo summons to his aid tho laboratory expert, the competent specialist In this or that limited Held,, tho X-ray expert. Ho weighs all the evidence. ir divides the responsibilities with tho family doctor or other consultants. If tho 1 verdict is opernie, ne operates, tt too majority opinion ovcr-rldcs his own, ho waits. Your near-surgeon prefers not to bo bothered by the family doctor ho likes the patient to como without the family doctor's sanction or knowledge. He al ways operates, early and often. No mat ter whether the case Is one legitimately VICTOR or COLUMBIA RECORDS YOU'RE TIRED OF Brlnr them to us. We will eichnnga tham for others or buy them. Keep your collection freih In thla way at amail coat. Larca aa. aortment from which you can chooae, IncluJ Ine lied Heal. Call and Inveatlrste. Everybody's KSSSi Be o A: innM mil. Ci Jut uboo Arch. AVIU 11. IUUI fcil Open Uventnita, (Copyright, 1918.) t t 4 f - ---- - - - I . , QH I I -I ' " . I ' hi.. . .-..- ....... I . ' - . . . I- " " ' f , BH ILL JU5T 5LIPTHII BANDAGG) FIFING, W LX YOU RUN ( I yfe M..M HOW PTHE. bOKb - lUillu "THAT UAC A CLOS&l B THE SHOPS BRADY, M. D. In tho field of tho general surgeon or not. j tho near-surgeon operates If the. patient i, un,n mi ujjeruuuii. -Alio patient, some how, always comes Just In the nick ot time another hour, day, week or month would havo been "too late." But then, tho near-surgeon ought to know whereof ho Hpeaks. Ho can toll quite accurately, for Instance, what is wrong with an ap pondlx that looks fairly good to the nov ico. Hasn't he removed plenty of normal ones? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Coddling Is It a good Idea to rub the throat and chest with alcohol before going out Into the cold, or Is that what you would call coddling? Answer Yes. it Is coddling. Anything done Just with tho Idea of not "taking cold" is coddling. As for going out In tho cold, your physical comfort Is the only thing to consider. , fe--KRSS?.rKS City and State Officials praise our sane prevention of cruelty to animals Wc arc proud of tho fact. For their hearty co-operation has immeasurably increased the scope of our activities. Wc regard the rights of animals as we regard the right of Individuals. They must be protected. That is our purpose. And wc do so fearlessly, impartially, considering the man as well as the beast. Write today for combined Year-Book and Forty-Eighth Annual Report. In detail, it recounts the part wejhave played toward better ing conditions 'among dumb beasts in Pennsylvania. Addreaa Dept. J. The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated April 'I, 1808 Headquarters, 1627 i JlflMKiSM .Marion Harland's Corner Helps for the Housewife I HAVE a few things which may bo of benefit to housekeepers Ideas, I mean. If you wish to put a brass rod In a curtain put your thimble over tho end of tho rod. You will have no trouble. If jpu scalo a fish with baking soda, holding by lhn tnll. Il will ctit the shine, This will help thoio who fio cntupliiK In the sum mer Sanson. N'ow, I have a piecrust that can't be beaten. One cup of Hour, two tnblespoonR of lard, a pinch of salt arid three tablespoons of water. Stir all together. This will make a double rrUit for a plo. It Is never falling. Can t get s. copy of the poem 'My Mother'? I will send a stamp for tho same. Author Will I.enil u Copy "I have been told that lecntly some ntio wilting to the Corner asked for Infor mation with legnrd to "The Wattle of Tip peranoc,' written by Hteln. 1 wiote the poem anil lead It on tho occasion of the cenlentilnl celebration ot the battle. Tho celebration was held In I.afajette. lnd., and at the bnttleground near by In No rmber. 1911, and Ihe poem was pub llshed In two or the local papers, but no ,miiiIm m now to be bail at the newspaper ir Mine ciiifrbiioiiilcnt wants ii ioi. hmveer. I would HilARet Unit she - .-.-! !.. a a. llAllfl III WI'HO T III. I IIOIHH ' ' OHMii " tln biftlorv ilepirtment of I'erdue fnixci slU. West Layfajctte. lnd. Ho was chair man of the I'enlcnnlal Committee which asked ine to rontrlbuto to the celebration, lie mnv possibly have flomc extra topics of the paper. If Doctor Moran cannot furnish this I hae an extra copy myseir I will send to jour inqulier If lie or sno will return It. '' H- ConccrnliiR the Oulju Hoard "This Mtnr appealed In tho (.'ornei' some time ago: 'Can ou give " nliy Information with legal d to a oulja noma. I am anxious to know the oilgln of this board, nnd a friend tells me that It has spliitual connections attached to It. "" legal d to the above, I wish wm would icfer the parly to a book which may be obtained at the public llbrnn of almost any cits entitled 'The f treat 1M etiolog ical t'lline.' Wi will find the board fully dcscilbed. ACNIIH T. t .' Copy of a Christmas Poem "1 am Inclosing n iopv of Tollv Old St. Nicholas.' It H too late for this vcar, but somebody may wish to keep it until nct Christmas, t send II upon the chanco that It may not bo amiss. I am 9 years old and In the fifth grade. "ALICE L. G " Formula for Hop Beer "I see that a reader wants a recipe for hop beer. I havo an excellent for mula, noil a B-cent package of hops until the strength Is out. Usually It takes seven or eight quarts of water. When cool, stir In one cake of compressed yeast, three pounds of sugar (or more If desired), 10 cents' worth of wlntcrgreen psseiipo. and set In a warm placo until It bubbles. Then put into bottles after straining it. It will be good In thrco or four days. It Is excellent for tho nerves and Is n splendid drink. Hero Is a rcclpo for any ono who Is troubled with their flngors cracking. It cured mlno and has cured many others: Two ounces of rosewater. two ounces ot glycerin, two ounces of bay rum, 15 drops of carbolic acid. Shako well beforo using. l- K. B." Blushinp; Apples "I Inclose the reclpo asked for by Mrs. J. L. R. Candied pears, I should think, would bo made like any candled fruit However, I have never made them. I have mado successfully bltiBhlng apples. I bcllove tho original rcclpo Is Mrs. Janet fin ftl ffl R I eV?HUU ra-gm-rare BLANKS . m jj Ice Cream, Ices Fancy Cakes Quality Renonned tor 60 yeara Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream 60c Quart 1024-26 Chestnut St. Winno 1'ltbtrt H5SS ' SW"S' Chestnut Street sag r fliMiffTifffijffifJtatebt DON'T TRY TO LIE UNLESS YOU HAVE A GOOD MEMORY All eommiintcntlon mtdrrMed to Jlfttbm shnnlil Inclose atampeil, slr nrtilrraard envelope ami a rllpplnt.of the tilde In which you are Interrnted. rer anna wlshlnir to nlil In the rlinrltahle work of the II. II, C. slioulil write Marlon Ilnrlaml, In enre of IhH paper, for ad Irrssps of tlione ther would 1 II to help, and, hating recelted them, communicate direct nltli these pnrtles. Hill's. I nrti glad to f-eiiil It Ins Core six ted apples and cook In boiling water without removing tho skins until they are lender. Turn the apples often with a skimmer so thoy may cook evenly. Hemove to a plate: carefully take off tho skins; scrape off the red pulp ad hering to the Inside or the skins and replace It on the opposite sides of each apple. Hcduco the water to a cup or less,, add a cup of sugar and the Juice ot an in Bilge; also tho grated rind of It If liked. Let all simmer until n thick sirup Is formed, l'our this over the apples. Drop a spoonful of whipped cream on each apple or servo the cream separately, not whipped. When I serve this dish with game. I do not havo cieam. But as a luncheon dcssclt It Is delicious. "A. A I.." Hints in Laundering V Heir are n few hints for tht. house wife, and siit'h. I think, cannot be re- ) .,cite,t t0 often, for tin matter how ono ' tries in commit them to memory at the lime they are most needed, cither tho clipping cannot be found or the scrap book fails us: A garment spotted with fruit Julco can bo restored to Its original color by making a paste of saleratus (soda) and rubbing It In welt, It will disappear. It stubborn, hold over the steaming kettle ot bolting water. To re movo stnlns from white clothes Injured by a sock or colored bit of wash boll the clothes in soapy water, to which has been added two rups of good vinegar. It will whiten theui. no matter how bndly stained they are. l'ive cents' woith of soap bark, i . oA First Showing of an exquisite new Boot Fashion WHITE KID TOPPINGS in several new combinations Ten Dollars "SomethinK New Most Every Day" is a proved policy in these two big shops and brfngs a constant succession of just such true artistic creations. &he Jiarper Shoe Co. 1022 Chestnut St 1228 Market St. C i - a h. i I "More Cups to the Pound Sg,SJ i I and Better Coffee" Dad "MSSJl, ; 5j Dad knows, becattte he has lived long enough to try J H the bet of them, and none suits him as well as ' I rffiS Morning Sip Co ffea ?i n , flf SM f f No other cofTee at the price can com- ;J a ' H MlKifees. & L 1 Pare wl,n lt- Vf Import it. roast It anJ (jjlj iii3.iiSJTfrrfIfsll I Ifl 3SJS?tkr oiena u; give us namo aim oiuua bi ., I tfqM&M YOUR GROCER HAS IT ' ' I aPissjSyj&. Alex. Sheppard & Sons, Inc. $ I MB'K.'y IPmKM I.VPOnTEItB AMI HOASTRHS. '-. JSrV BUY A POUND TODAY s- ffi i iigfiiirmiii iwwiwii im i arf-y I ...... - 4 llavenporta Adam, Colonial, Jacobean, Queen Anne, J.oula XV anil Charlea II, (36, 13, (48, 33, 37, 101. 60, 74, t, IHO tn 13B. KASY OIIAIRS All-orer covered, tap exlrlee, veloura und leather, SIS, s;:, 124, S37, 80, 38, (37. (42 to (33 other (13.75, (14, (18, (18. 73 Chain, dlaeontlnued pattern!, to so at Yj their recular prlcea. Trompt, careful delivery free within 100 miles The Only Manufacturer in Philadelphia Selling at Retail. New Stylun Good. We Will Abtalutely Save You One-Third. W . W., KS XT., n.. is.neii Uatobllahed 1858 two quhHs of Water, rertud a k-L..-'-the quantity, and nod lb?" MaS of ammonia, and hiii, .. aB,e.PsS r sgg Prince of Wales Cake f: "i'leaso help me to get the rocloe whi.i' Rome years ago I clipped tmm ..""li per. It was called l'thice o .?? ding cake. It is. a recipe vhlch 1 1" highly, but while I was 111 JS lWH peared. II ran something keii,,,.dlaW touted , lnd and Julee of U oSB&2S eggs, all kinds of fruit, ttt0 f,,i;lfllJ brandy. 11 was baked for nine &"' hope to get It ngnln through th8 Corn A' I wish to Usa It and wm.m ' ,,t,of.nri , Alllmnnll I nm nt-alttf ..... n.I' '''. M-'Vf want never appeared In the Corn. W ... .. ,.... ouid vug renin t,i nercny issue a call ror It. Our m.mJa.M are quick eyed and a formula so S7I,M mon in certain of its features as thl . i i,,.ui,i i.uuiu niuuij- nave escaoed iku.ij not ce. We Rhnnld l,n nln.t i ..-".a...l.h' . w M,UDIMl lfi HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS The Butter Curler , ine curler U dipped into hot . t.r nnd drawn ovm the butter. dii,-: he- curia to drop Into a bowl of cold r,. ter tilvet a clatntv l it 1 1 e r Imports J 11 Fr,nc: title. tie have n Brent man;- practlnf little noTFllle-f Ihnt mako the kltrben work Interesting, tn JfranklinMiller INCORPORATED 1626ChestnutSt The House Furniihinff Store E -J J 1 1 I ' I t I t J I 1 fUJ. ; Credit & Cash Accounts r.nxt, Accounts Only ; Mfr's February Sale of Quality Davenports, Easy Chairs and Living Room Suites ttt ttt c , TT TT IV 11 I'actory nnd Kalearoomi J 229-231 S. 5tb P nelaw Wlul '1