wwywwp"M m mwwwWi ' JlI " qwMwwi WW JWWPWlPWWWillMp IJJVJMfllWWI KVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1010. BbifpyiiiLpjyiii.wy "' iimfiwimimi frrn'iym$- 4 mdtfrffaytv&ftf &M SULTAN FACES REVOLT, RUMOR FROM ATHENS Fall of Erzerum Responsi ble for Critical Political Condition in Turkey , GRAVE LOSS, EXPERT SAYS LONDON, Feb. 2. "News from Con stantinople represents tlie Blluntlon there 'ii most critical alnce tlie newH of the full of Ecrum has leaked out," says a special dispatch from Athens to the Morn . Jnic Post." 'The always latent dissatisfaction of I: the people wltn their Young Tunc ruiers i 19 now assuming hourly more threatening h JJfopprtlons, both In tho ciipltnl anil the provinces, especially at Smyrna, wnero the populace Is In nlmost open revolt The popular onset1 Is nugmented by the Breat dearth of- necessaries, duo tu the blockade and tho stoppage of trade and Industry. 'Tho leaders of tho disaffection are Osman Pasha, Abdl Pasha and Kuwat Pasha. Startling development, It Is as serted, may bo confidently expected very shortly." Last night's ofllclal report from the Turkish War Office, received from Con stantinople, says: "There have been no Important changes on the various fronts." Tho Russian official report from Petro grad on Mho Caucnsus campaign says only: "Our pursuit continues." Major Moraht, military critic of the Berliner Tageblatt, contributes a frank discussion of tho fall of Krzerum to tho latest Issue of that paper received here. He says: "No ono can say otherwise than that the, Grand Duke conducted his operations ably. At tho beginning of February the situation on the Caucasian front became critical for the Turks. "Tho Russian conquest of Krzerum Is. of course, of Importance, both strategic ally and politically. As tho only fortified place In the vast territory of Northern Asia. Minor, Erzorum was a base of ope rations of importance and weight. TirklBh report's, are still completely wanting. Our people should- he told the trUtb.i (Since this was written, the Turk ish; 'War OfTlre has ofllclally admitted the lose of Krzerum, but declared it was of no Importance.) fjte Russian rep rt which preceded tho conquest of Krzerum have proved to be truo. " The Immediate politi cal result of the Russian victory will be & complete Insurrection of Turkish Ar menia, where tho Russian ruble Is stand ard In peace and In war." CRQWN PRINCE' SMASHES WAY NEARER TO VERDUN Continued from 1'agr One trated in their eftprts to mi ry tho French position by storm. - ' (Ur.tbant. which tlie German drive com pelled1 the French to give up. lies sl'x nilhjs north of the Verdun fortress, upon tho eastern bank of the Meuso River. It was a strongly, fortified position In tho sector known 'a tho Heights of tin? Jleuse. It Is directly southeast of Con- senvoye. where the Oermans made their, A... n..r...l... t. .1... !.,. ...V , . iio4. uuaLiv.i in nn- mg (niun.ive cam paign.) GERMANS LOSH ,-0,000 MK.V. Fifty thousand men have uet-n lost by the Germans In the assaults against the defenses of Ver.dun, acrordlng to an esti mate ,of mllitury experts hero today. Crown Prince Frederick of Uermanv Is personally directing the operations against Verdun from Berlin. Paiila Is the objective of the Crown Prince. In the opinion of military ex perts,; and they believe that nu effort will be' spared to capture, the 'French fortress line, ncluding Verdun, Toul and llelfort. Tho ofllclal commuhlque follows": ''In, the Artols distrct there wa a con fllcuvlth grenades lo the east of Houchez. "In, the region to; fife nmth of yerdun, the battle contlmi'l,lll night, with the earn .Intensity frbm"the right bank of tha Meuse an far as a point to the south of .."Qriies. Qwt'ptf to the .violence of the enemy's bombardment 'Of ' the advanced position of Brabant Sur Meuse, our troops evaluated that, village under covqr of tha night, and protected by the flank lire from our positions pn. the left bank of the Meuse. "Ail attack directed against S'atnog neux 'Was repulsed. Another strong at tack by a force consisting of at least a brigade, launched against the Hols Pes Caures' recaptured from iih a part of that wood of which we now actually hold the aouth point. "All the offensive directed upon Beau mont, before which we have established ourselves, failed to dislodge op the east frottVof attack,, 2 '' .' y ' ' ".Before Ornes, we dominate the passage Ituated to the BOUth of Hcrbebol.s. "The movements of withdrawal made necessary to avoid useless losses have been effected with perfect order, and the enemy, who advanced only with difficulty at tho price of considerable sacrifices, was unable to break our front at a single point. "There was desultory and continuous bombardment In the region between Ornes nd Fromezey. "In Lorraine the enemy gained u foot hold at one of our advanced posts In the forejt of Chemlnet,, whence wo Immedi ately drove him. "There -were jiaiiie patrol engagements to the east of Hellion yesterday, "In. the course of the night our bomb Ipr squadrons threw 48 projectiles, of which many were of large calibre, on tho station of Metz-Sablon and on tho gas factory nearby. There was observed aft erward a largo Are." BELlEVi LINES WILL HOLD Pesplte the ferocity of tha Herman In fantry attacks, which have been launched In, tnaaa formation time after time, and the tremendous violence of the German can nonade. It Is confidently believed that the French lines will hold, and that tho great offensive of the Invaders will have spent ttstlf without any Important result. Facing the 280.000 men In the army of Jhe German Crown Prince are more than 300,900 French soldiers under Gen. erel Humbert. Tho defenders have the, Advantage of fortifications which have been strengthened for a year, and the French artillery Is held to be equal to that of the Germans. furious counter-attacks have been launched by the French north of Verdun to wtn back positions lost to the enemy 011 Tueaday and Wednesday. At some points, however, the trenches were so battered bv artillery Are that no effort was made by ! the. French to retake them, instead of counter-attacks, the French artillery de veloped a heavy fire against these pol lions and Home were voluntarily aban doned by the Germans. "We Are "T and VTIt- Wnrkiner V Locust rl vJr.. Vv. su. JLUl x uut jtitciciai. Law eat Rates in Tks City atnewj LQHfufentw Burglar proof Protection FIDJJL1TY LOAN CO- mavuHul Brtlmit mil Monev Itutirt CMfc.iV ttUti.wtiiJi. te . lot fuU CZAR OFF FOR TONT; AUSTRIANS HALT FOE - -V Russian, Attacks Northwest of Tamaitol Repulsed, Vienna Reports PBTROORAI), Kob. 21 Czar Nlcholns, who opened the Duma on Tuesday, has again loft for the front. The C"zar( who Is acting ns commander-in-chief of the Russian armies. Is taking nn linportnnt part In directing nperotlotiH against the Austro-Ocrman forces on the east front. ' V1KNNA. Feb. 24. Russian attacks northuest of Tarnopot have been repulsed, the Austrian War of fice announced today. Artillery duels ate In progress on the i Austro-Itallati front. The olllclal report follows: "Tim Russian attacks against our ad vanced positions northwest of Tnrnnpol have been repulsed. "On the Isonio front artillery combats aro In progress Large fires have been ol- served behind the Italian front. ''Jo the Hnlkntis. southeast of Durazzii i (Albania), the enemy has been driven from his advanced positions" VI0LENT0 ED INUTILE ATTACCO AUSTRIACO ; SULLA CIMAFREDDA Gli Austrlaci Riescono a Pene- trare nelle Trincee Italianu d'AIn Destra per Essernc Subito Ricaceiati UN AVIATORE EROE ROMA. 24 Feblirnio. II Mlnlsti'iii della rluerrn publlcnvn Icrt sera II seguente rnpporto del general!' C'ndoina sulla sltuazlune nulla fronle Itnlo-austrlaca: ".Vol iiliblnnm efllrncemcntc tiMiitn In nostra nrtlgllerla neH'alta vullo del Cor dcvole e nelle valll del Unite e del Vla detite. "N'ella zona del Monte Nero, depo una Intensa preparnzlone dl nrtlgllerla e lauclo dl bombe a mano, tin forte corpo nenileo attucco' le nostre poslzlonl sul monte Mrzll. Nol rosjilngemmo II uemlco su tutfa la llnea, ma esso riuscl' a pene trure In 1111 breve tratto delle nostre trincee sulla nostra ula destra. Poco dopo, pero', un vlgoroso contrattacco da parte del nostrl lo rlcacclo' completamente dalle nostre llnec verso le sue basi. ".Willi reglone del Carso si Bono avu'i i solltl dtielll dl nrtlgllerla." l'krois.mo irrx aviatori:. (ilungono nra a Roma I particular! del raid ueico fatto dagll neroplnnl Itullani su Lalbach. dove si trova II quartlere geuerale delle forze uuhtrluche dell'Isonzo, particolarl clie rlveluno l'erolsiuo del capltauo Sulomone, che pllntava uno degll aeroplanl Itullani. Durante II huo vluggio di rltorno la macihlna del cnpltimo Salomone fu nttnccatn da cinque aeroplanl austrlaci ttpo Fnkkers. 11 capltano rlmnse grave mente ferlto nlln testa e quasi accecato -' sangue. mentre due nltrl ufllclnll jrl cljo si trnvuvntio nella sua mac cinua. 11110 del quail era II teneute col onuello Harblerl, rimaseru ucclsl. .Vonostante tutte le dltllcolta' nel manegglo della macchluit e uonostaute 11 fatto die I cadaver! del due ulllclall emtio cadutl sulle Ipvp, II capltauo non voile irrunderhl. ed Infattl riuscl' a sfugglre ugll austrlaci ed a rltornare In salvo sceudendu a Pnlmnuova. II capltano Salomono si trova ora rlco verato In un ospendale milltnre e gli e stata conferlta la medaglla d'oro al valore mlliture. 'iVJegramml da Petrograd dlcono che II mlnlstro degll ISsteri russo, Sazonoff. par lando alia Duma della Mluazlonu militare polltlca Interiiazloimlu si espresso In senso ottlmlBtico sulla Rumania. Kgll dlsf : "La Rumania non trad Ira' 1 alio! propril Intpressl e qunnd suonera' l'ora elia sa pra' come realizzaie la sua unlta' na zlonale col versare lljproprlo sangue. Kllu puo' essere certn. che, dlfendendo so' stessa contro 1111 nemlco comune cho tenta dl menomarne I'lndipendenzit, ella trovera' appoggl real! e tnnglblll." t'n telegramma da Vienna dice che un trasporto itallaiKi carlco dl truppe e" stato affondato da aeroplanl austrlaci nel porto dl Durazzo. DISORDI.NI IN TURCIUA? Notlzla da Atene e dlcono che In Tur chla sonu scopplatl violent! dlsordlni In seguito alia notizla ilella cadutu ill Fr zerum. Auche a Costaiitlnopoll si sono avute grand! dlmostrazioni In favore del ta pace, e la pollzla ha dovuto prenedero jirecauzlonl .straordlnarie per Impedlre una rlvoluzloue che mtnaccla dl scopplare da un momento all'altrn. Le InformazlonI che si hauno ad Atene sono die la popolazlone turcn ' stata sempre plu' o meuo scoutenta del governo dei glovaui turdil, ma lo scontento as sume ora proporzlonl gravlsslme non solo a Cnstautlunpoll, na anche a Smirne ed In aide citta' dell'lmpero nttoumuo. SI dice die ropposlziuiiH h gli Hcouteiiti sono cap) tauati da riHinaii pasda. da Abdl pasiia' e da Sunat pahcla". e corre vore die av- venlmentl importaiiti e sorprundeutl sono da nttendrrsl In breve tempo. Perflnn II magglore Morliut. tedesco, rlcono.sce 1'lm portauza della vlttoria dei russi ad ICrze rum ml II valoie strateglco dt-lla piazza forte couqulstaia dalle forze dello czar. Kgll (lice che la prima cosa da atteudersl ora, dopo questa vlttoria russa e' I'lusur rezione dell'Armenla turcu, cine' di hunnn parte dell'Anla Mluore, Insurrezlune che alutera' non poco le operazlont delle forze del granduca Nicola. Woman Leaves Many Descendants ATLANTIC CITV, Feb. 21. A family of extraordinary numbers siirxlves Mrs K. K. Kller. Atlantic City's oldest woman resident, who died ye(t-nla. aged iiu years. She was uctie, living by herself and doing her own washing. Ironing and other housework until stricken with her last Illness. There are thruii children. 56 grandchildren, 20 of whom are abroad, soma 'of them In the forcea of Kuropean belligerents; 43 greut-grandchlldren and two great-great -grandchildren. HEMSTITCHING C. A YiVKD. PtMtlpr end Buttone carirtt. "" M-.riete, iw kati. wth stt tSl $allt ItUC Vluitm Lscvat SS3. W0 TKe Largest 2 I tve know of lands la our tore ' sni)' hold 3)1) of our customers' ' witchw. It U usually filled. On ft hanr only tho wattbu on' ! , v. hlcb rtplr have lin com. ' ltnl, Many mors muveiaant I ate In work. CR.SmithStSon J tltiarhat Jt.at 18th jPABOEL POST V3E FIGHTING I .., mi mu.i , I, i ii !;' -"-". v .i... ...,.,,l..i. 1 & SmCsa:: m. f MMj Aw i X t yf IS JLZLOiM&BfJinOfMm SCALE OF MILES m&W&ViX The (.itrmnns, under tlio Crown Prince, arc attacking on a 2r-milo front north of the jrrcnt fortress find have made a dent about two miles deep in the French line, extending from a point west of Con senvoye to Btnin. The French, in counter-attacks, have won back part of the ground lost north of Beaumont. The move is apparently an effort on the part of tho Germans to draw their iron l'lny closer about Vordun. RUMANIA TO AID RUSSIA, CZAR'S MINISTER HINTS Sazonoff, in Duma, Declares Nation Only "Awaits the Hour" UNITED POLAND IDEAL PKTROGriAD, IVeb. 4. Addressing the opening session of the Duma, Foreign Minister Sazonoff reviewed the war situation in a most optimistic way, although ho declared It was more difficult now than over before to foresee tho end of the world struggle. M. Snzonoff'M address dealt with Rus sia's relations with several neutral coun tries. Of Rumania ho said: "Rumania will not betray her own In terests, and when tho hour strikes sho will know how to realize her natlonul unity at the cost of her own blood. She may be certain that In defending herself against the attempts of a common enemy to Inter fere with the Independence of her de cisions sho will find real support." "The Foreign Minister spoke In a way Intended to reassure Sweden. Taking up Russian-American relations, tlie Minister said: "The Interest which American Industry has In our marketa permits of tho hope that in addition to the friendly political relations now existing between tho two THIS COLONIAL HUIIRAU, HOI. II) MAIIOOANY, has 42 In. top ; large French Plate Mirror 30x21 In. ; two full length deep drawers and two top drawers. Best of work n manship and finish. Sale Price $39.50 Other Bureaus $7.30 to ft is Many Excellent Reductions in Roll bnSciverSalePiices Sl Call for Immediate Action 1 I ilWVwN ?! Notwithstanding the Enormous I I n V -- !S Selli of the past month, this Sale IJ h " v 'W Grows in Interest. Multitudes of Extra TTTT IT8 1 5 g vMtivTW, every Nook L & JH4JLL I 5 mM and C.orner of C:teWl81 1 M .:-."LJP ndded dnlly- flriTlNv-Wi PM ! M HrTIlL B e a r in mind K Ji ft h-t aKI llfH ' Ifey - A'l, that with the r-'P ifj1 1 U eluded the well- finlhr. v ,MUwH'!ltlfcJ&vn Office Furniture in This Sale An opportunity for genuine saving on high-grade ofiice equipment. I H JH m i KI4AT TOP IJKSK.S . . . HOLL TOP UKSKS . . TVPfclWHITlMt UKSKH OFFICK TAULKS .... HWVOLVINd 3 SEC. IIOOKCABU. top & base.l4,7S up Rug and Linoleum Reductions Huy Now at These Prices Axminiter Rugs 3D.U0 (tl.au 4.0U II6.HII Tapestry THIS 4-mtAWKIt 51 LTV I. VKKTIOAL I.KTTKB r'ILK has capacity for over 20.000 letters. Letter size (as illustrated) $23.75 Legal Cap SUe.fxO.1S y.oo iil.so SU.oo IIB.SU tu.oo $55. 0U 39.00 30,000 Yds. CarpetAll Grades Reduced JtEHTAVBANT Try Our Table d'liote Lu,ncli- a AROUND VERDUN 'rtPffEMCrip """--y 7 countries, an economic rapprochement may bo bought about which will be of the greatest benefit to both nations. "In any cose, tho Russian (Jovornmont will put forth nil Its efforts to this end." M. Sazonoff also dealt with the Polish problem. "From Ihe beginning of. the war," he said, "Russia lias had Inscribed on nor banner the reunion of dismembered Po lnifl, and never has this ceased to be our aim. Germany has granted a few minor concessions to Poland, and In return It Is said she contemplates raising hundreds of thousand!) of Polish troops, to be used In the attempt to bring about tho tri umph of dermanlsm." "The Allies have brought about a com plete union without tho sacrlllce by any one of them of a particle of Independence or personality. With tho enemy It Is dif ferent. dermatiy'H allies hnvo become vassals. It is hard to speak any longor of Austria-iiungary, Turkey and iiuignrla as independent States. Tho clutching grasp of Germany has solzed tho power In their armies and all branches of administra tion. "The signature by the live allied Powers to the treaty to conclude peace In com mon proves the falsity of absurd rumors of a separate peace." Alleged Private Banker Accused ALLKNTOWN, Pa., Feb. 24. Joseph Solomon was today held under bonds here, accused of conducting a private banking business without a license. Solomon Is a silk dyer and several weeks ago com plained to tho police that two artists who came from Philadelphia and '(iffered to clean tho family pictures had stolen $900 from n, picture frame where, he had tho money hidden. It turned out that $700 of this money belonged to four foreign girls who hoarded with Solomon and entrusted their savings to him. They say he represented him self as a banker. Notwithstanding the belling of the past month, this Sale Grows in Interest. Multitudes of Extra Values for every JNook W and Corner of your home are a J Jed d ail y. B e a r in mind that with( the Savings are in cluded the well k no w n Fan S civer Excel lence of Quality and Beauty of Design, Sideboards, $11,50 up Kxt. Tables, 7,03 up and Flat Top Desks. Revolving Chairs, . .(ll.fiOtotg.l . .l(J.S0toS Statu (8(1 . . 3.'J5 to SOU CHAIItK l.S5to10 11.3x12.0 9.0x13.0 8.3x10.6 tf.Ox U.O .50 LS0 U.7S I3.S0 Brussels Rugs 11.3x13.0 9.0x12,0 9.0x13.0 8.3xt0. Wilton Velvet Rugs One Piece 11.3x120 9.0x12.0 S. 3x10.6 $10.73 $15.75 $10.08 $13,15 $31.50 IJ4.50 MI.50 'SI TeiriA SR Tlr WfsB U?k mm&o'wmm 8&0wm -i Tl The War Today Tho Gorman forces are making rapid progress in their great drivo upon Verdun, according to today's official report issued from Berlin. t ' j The Germans hnvo mndc fur- 1 ther ndvnnccs on the cast bank of ; j the Meuse, the report stntlng that ! ; they have captured the villages of Brabant, Haumont and Samogneux. They have also taken all tho forest ,i:, ,.!, f ,K northwest, north nnd northeast of this region. . ,..,. ua.ance the Germans have taken possession of Bcaumoni as well us Horbedois, the report adds. I French forces have been com nelled to evneuate the villntre of Brabant-sttr-Meusc, less than eight miles north of Verdun, under heavy attack by the Crown Prince's army, it was officially admitted in Pnris today. The French have also lost part of the Caures wood, four miles cast of Brabant, the War Office report ed, but have repulsed other heavy German attacks. The German centre ugain deliv--crcd a violent onslaught against Beaumont, seven miles northeast of Verdun, but all attacks were beaten off. The War Office report ed German losses ns heavy in this fighting, which was especially vio lent. Tho Central Empires, it is fore cast in dispatches, may strike bel ligerently at Portugal. The casus belli would be; in case of a decla ration, the action of the Lisbon au thorities in seizing OG German and Austrian vessels interned in the Tagus. England's guarantee of Portuguese integrity, under an nncirnt treaty, and the action of tho Republic in aiding the British campaign in Africa iiavc excited resentment in Berlin which may flame out on account of the new de velopment. The military situation in Ar menia is in statu quo on account of the bitter weather and heavy snows, which have delayed the Itusslan advance and hindered the fleeing Turks. Political conditions in European Turkey .itc chaotic and Athens dispatches confidently predict a revolt against the Young Turk Government. The Czar has again left for the front. Vienna reports repulse of Russian attacks northwest of Tarnopol. jaJBSL Rr.G.U.S.PAT.OITICE CELEBRATED HATS I Spring Styles 1 Now on Sale 1 1 914 Chestnut Street m Philadelphia , IS New York Chicago M KmL Acnclc In all Principal Cities JH ljJllP0' TIII8 llltAHM IIUIl, COLONIAL STVI.K, has 2 In. ?"? .fo,ot,.lm,nflett In; best nuallty; widths 4 ft. 6 In.; i V- '? ,ftr 3 ,n' ' u H.60 bed. 4in t?A Sale Price Jjiis.Ol Splendid assortment of braBs. enameled Iron, ma hogany and other wood beds ; odd and with matched suites at deeply reduced prices, . Tablea, etc, Call, Write, Phone. 1 IHiHflHrf HBMHBBBf "" "X- B IS IVIKIH OUAUTUUKIt OAK giviT..,. IIOLL TOP PK8K, 60x33 In. top; ha heavy bulH-up writing bed; paneled In drawer bottoms, lege brow cppd, card Index drawer, private locker, four pigeon hole boxes with brass label holders, slides over each pedestal. A high class desk. Sale dt o n -.Ji 'rice $0 0.50 INLAID LINOLEUM Regular $1.00 and $1.10, now 69c sq. yd. Regular $1.50 and $1.35, now 98c sq. yd. 25 to 50 Per Cent, TUfee Market St Vihy tionx fhlla. "Wee direct to Van jjieiver'sa Camden. f A tt I TEUTON EMPIRES MAY OPEN WAR UPON PORTUGAL Drastic Action Likely to Follow Seizure of 36 Ships by Lisbon Authorities INTERNED ON TAGUS " LISnO.V. Feb. 24. Hermany nnd Austria aro expected to declare war Immediately upon Portugal as the result of the ncttoti of the I'ortu RticBc naval authorities. Carrying out nn official decree, Captain llego, com mnnder of the Portuguese naval division, has seized 26 German nnd Austrian steamships, Borne of them large vcssals, lying In tho Tagus ltlvcr. The Oerman nnd Austrian merchant steamships have been Interned In Portu guese ports since the beginning of the war. They were seized as a result of Information reaching the CSovcrnnicnt that some of them wore being prepared for n dash to sea to prey upon the Allies' commerce. Tho seizure was made yesterday after noon, nnd It was reported today that large guns were found In the hold of five of the vessels that had been lying In the Hlver Tagus. Tho Premier. 51. C'osln, announced that the vessels were confiscated because Por tugal needed transports and because of tho fear that they would escape Into tho Atlnntlc, possibly to raid allied com merce. In support of this statement ho snld that only Tuesday night the Herman htrnmshlp Ocketlfels had escnped from tho port of Kunclml Mud elm Island, without clearance papers. Tho Portu guese Minister to Germany was today Instructed to call the matter to the at tention of the Oerman Foreign Office. Though no stato of war has existed between Germany and Portugal, thp Por tuguese Government, under tho terms of Half Pr EGINS tomorrow morning with the store at and Market Streets. "Different" because no false stimulants are administered in the form of exaggerated prices to re-act against ourselves No inferior merchandise will be found in the store. "Different" because 55 years of honest and honorable dealing must never be forgotten at Oak Hall. Tomorrow! wanamaicer Market at Sixth for 55 Years "Howl Saved $110 by Bell Telephone' "I found my asslstnnt pouring over a batch of tlme-tablea the exponas oatlmate for an state trip the other day," tsaya tho Sales-Manager of n Phila delphia manufacturing concern. " 'About a hundred and n quarter.' ho said It would coat for tho flve-duy trip he planning. "iiut I had heard a eood from Borne of my frlenda lately, about tho great sales they made by systematic telephone calls on their good customers prospects. "So, I pulled oyer the Telephone and we pat down two hours of a 'round-up' by wire. "You'll hardly bel eve- It. we talked to eleven customers and four other firms from, our 'prospect' list and culled in cloio to nine hundred dollars worth of business, "And the SU0 n us week's time we saved was not U r we learned a great luton, and you'll find us at the tele phone every day now." YOU will team, too, Mr, Man-ulHh-omthlng'ta,U, TRY in London il pitch dar& for fifteen hours out, of every; twenty-four! yet Scotland YarcJ1 finds fewer nigjlt accidents, less crime,and crreater compliance witiv - IF li 1 the restrictions ondrin ing. The head of London ponce toiu victor Murdock why and this week he tells the readers of f 'll 5,w'y vom er's TIIK NATIONAL WEBKLT m nn alliance with L'nglniid, has omntH' sided with tho Allies. lnrtimn.. ,ll.Jmi liavo aided tho Knglish In operatimtfl ngnlnst tho Germans' In Africa. Under nn old treaty Great JJrluin niii-M antees Portugal's Integrity. ' r( About 120,000 Portuguese troow an now mobilized nnd about that man mnr! can bo put In tho field. ' - NIUV YORK, Feb. 24 Eolh Portllr? and .Spain have been mailing heavy nur' chases of ammunition recently in ik! American market, according to Informi? tlon obtained hero several days ago, TMJ dlscovory was tnndo at nbout tha, mm tlmo Gibraltar dispatches carried tlie tiljf that .Spain was preparing to attack rorhi! Km '"i jinn mo luitLonic i'o'ert U(x mi uitiifiu iiiuintjiik .iH uucrcu. r"'' ."s3: liferent" Ice opening of the Oak Hall, Sixth i$.Aiki u and out. waa deal and Dell for .Iky trip SziUi but the Sale II I i ii LB. d ItiWG. TL