mmmmyim-mmimmtm.m v9TO 6 i mgtt THURSDAY February 24, 1916 a'AKswyir .Wei S writs " -- - &? " lO Ms 41 -CSfipHPiuiiin l&iuruuui IgM ' THE NEWS OF THE DAY AND THE PEOPLE WHO APPEAR IN IT AS SET FORJH BY THE CA ME 'ilP IhI iSlra EVANGELIST WHO IS NOW BATTLING WITH -SATAN I v r 'Mm k"$i iifril'SIiltilMMiHllSESIH I5r William Edward Biederwolf in three characteristic poses photographed 3 Cst"' "" "'Um'Ui SlWfMMIfSKiM f'Ml &'"k!' ''!'''$ by an EVENING Ledger camera man. He comes from Winona Lake, Ind., I ' V$5k Hli 'tt aSi. HB-T f ilil .;'' ; VICTIMS OP LATEST ZEPPELIN RAID OVER PARIS RECEIVE MILITARY FUNERAL ' ' '.9 HBL-.! lltlll!H&! tSMlSaSaJ ''&'& ' s&il ' . Tho -(!le? Sf men. women and children who lost their lives when the 600-pound missiles of the aerial destroy- ' 'i -Olp 4lflliilHl& f&Kiil ;4k$teisMg8& ors v,slted the capital recently were, escorted to their graves' by companies of soldiers. The picture shows the' '"M QjgP ' m&mJWP -ffWfMm- ' ' funeral cortege starting toward the cemetery after the church services had ended. ' M is "HOW TO BRING UP A CHILD" Ypjing JlJsa Helen uwen caught in the midst of a romp with a neighbor at her home, 717 Ansbury street Snt-vmUiw tltwplw juKb M tU ' m Piswmi itcuso H t! fHia Lisa 0a, pfej p,lcw. mtrlViiHoaa tavH!. photo t FUGITIVE MONTENEGRIN KING AND FAMILY FIND REFirr.r at ivnws PRANCE Left to right; Princesses Vera. Xenie and Meletza fwifn nf Win.. n.n... r L1........i. .Dimt at CounciL and Prince Daniloi in the centre, the Kine and Queen . Th tt.:Ti.rJ"TC ,T S 7i ihkk miioht k7iQ1ih,'l..'.U '" :Ll7r"IWV "" V . - r- i - yijr i m tvyuuMC. - 3 .