ywiM mmHUUHJU WHW" i-piw-- p-4n wi yagt 'tapjvwj" ' - ''VTWWBtr --"ji-"if" w- "18 l EVENINft LtfDGEK-PHILAPftkPHiA, WEDNBflDAY, FRBRFARY 23, 1016. When in Search of a Better Position Advertise Your Capabilities in the Paper Employers OtiD QOIiD OMJ.aqM). silver, clnltnum, bUted wars, old 3lD.aqt.. silver, clnltnum. Mated i style :wrrr, teeth plates. bought .Eat. I8W, J. L. ClArK. refiner. 807 ut Hansom, CASH PAID. FOR DIAMONDS. PnEClOUS stones, goin. silver, pinunuiiiv .""" .."''r PhllsT BmelUng her. Co.. 129 S. llth St. CA8fftld for diamonds. precious stones, gold, silver, clatlnum, fairs teeth. Itellablo rts- flnfnv fi . Olli end Wntnnt Itl. t)Cb""Q(5t.D Ch imtd . for old .(cold antique clocks) will rail. Bell Phono, , Oliver. , Locust izis. ttuui-iito, n n. inn ni. f ' - PBINTINa BOCIHTT engraving, wedding Invitations and visiting ranis, embossing nnd printing. Card Bhop, 1004 Chestnut t. Open evenings. ROOFING AND IKON AWNINGS ve WILL I'AINT your roof and guarantee It five years, or will Mil the paint ready for use special price tms ween, uic. per jiuh . can of our cement will repair to leaks 30c. in HUT rUDJi HIHC ,', V,il-",I,.-- ..,.. kAA. I.kI.a mm ..I,...,,! ... AfllKKIUAW UHnu nil lll,' lining nvr. JtOOKINlf Ulan and tin: old tin roofs coated! ruarante'ed B years; new Man roofs. 10 years. Paul nook. 8l2 N, 4th st. rm " STORE AND OETIOE TIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS, Office Railings, AVall Cases, Counters and showcases designed nnd made up special to your order. It will pay you to get our estimate, rhone, wrlto or " '"WEISS MANUFACTURING CO. 460-53 North 12th st. I . STORAGE CONTINENTAf. STOHAOU WAllKIIOUSB 10111 ST. AHOVi; CHB3TNUT PACKINd. MOVING. SHIPPIKO l Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stortd. Iocust 10C0 rhones Key.. Itaco 4leo. gs.1.: FIDELITY FIHEPnOOF 'WAnnltOUSES 1811-1S1D MARKHT ST. ATLAS 8TOnAQn WAIIEIIOUSE Storngs, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, Ph. Daring 732 for estimate. Market andDith. STeCANN'S STOflAOn HOOSn. 174S N. lfih st. ; moving, packing, shinning: auto van. Both phone". Let us estimate. , WBSt'phUjA. MONARCH STOnAOn CO. WBST PHITfA. Auto packing nnd shipping. WEST PHILA. 8870 LANCASTBIl AVB, ltnvivn an .InMPa prompt service: lowest rates; rsllmates free. PhnneTlpga 217S, it. z, miuvtis. .fsj-oi ,. m, IrinEPriOOF. Mothproof. Concrete Wnrehnus;. N. Phila. Btornpe Co.. Wrl Lehigh. Tlo. 7250. Planoi and Furniture nought and Sold. STORAGE Moving by auto vans, packing, shipping. Levin Brothers. 2048 nidgo avo. Phone Poplnr B024. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 785 Walnut. Walnut 7026 Est. 18C8. BROKEN JEWELRY, falso teeth, plstots.colns. Coin books.wtth prices I pay.malled.l5c. J.lj. Doss (People's moro.z6 a.i iin. ,.". CAST-OFF CLOTHINa Highest prices paid lor inaies una mn s rioinwiK, nnm. "'""", etc: phono Pop. 3891. lllacker. 1233 Poplar. CAST-OFF clothing bought; best .prices paid . for men's goods; write or phono Walnut 08US. VKillUUl -t P mn m. FURNITURE bought for cash: parlor, entire house, offlco turn., stock stores; will pay to ronsuit us before selling. Ennls, 213 8. 8th, Wal. 1636. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques: entlri or part houses tiought for cash) no matte! now large, j. ncrasiein. i.t.n umcayr. IHDINO HAtJIT Breeches nnd boots, lady's: must bo cheap. P 235. Ledger Office. HIGHEST PniCES pnld for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth; also pawn tickets. 1300 Filbert St.. 2d floor front. ROOHS FOR RENT ARCH, 2023 Desirable single and double rm-., prlv. baths, well heated, $2 up. Bpruco 380.V BROAD, 8., 2104 Nicely furn. room. 2d floor; electricity, steam heat: gentlemen preferred ilKOAD, S-. 2335 Nicely furnished front room; board optional, rhone Dickinson 2434 W. CHESTNUT. 4000 2 communicating, sunny rooms: excellent neighborhood; near L sta- tlon; all conveniences. CHESTNUT. 2007 Desirable single rooms. with or without prlvato bath. CHESTNUT. 2043 Attractively furn.. single or en suite: electric lights; hot-water heat. CHESTNUT. r.22T) Nicely furnished rooms, all conveniences: no housekeeping; phone. CLINTON ST., 026 Attractively furn. rooms; open fires; refined surroundings; gentlemen. OIItARD AVE.. 1730 Second front nnd single rooms; gentlemen: heat. light, bath. . LOCUST. 1200 Large second-Btory front rm., southern exposure, unfum.; single vacancies MASTER, 121n Newly furnished room for gen- tlemen: southern exposure: conv. : phone. PARK. 3842 Pleasant room or suite adjoining bath: gentlemen: good loca. Tioga 2669 W. i'lNE, 1412 Largo 3d-story front, near bath; well heated: phone. SPRUCE. 604 Neatly furnished rooms; heated; near hath: suitable for two. BPRUCE. 020 Furnished rooms, double and single, reasonable, l'nono walnut oiwo. BPRUCE. 1337 Rooms, single or en suite: prl. pains; pror. otnees; steam neat; electricity. WALNUT. 43ll Rooms furn. or unfurn.. 3d or 2d floor: baths, sunny nnd well ventilated. Phono Preston 4432. - 18TH. .N;. 078 Large sitting room. ; 3d floor back; 82: conveniences: phone. 1BTII. S-. 230 Well furnished largo front room; telephone; gentlemon preferred. 27TH & PARRISH Attrac. furn. room, refined family; young man: references. Pop. 7117 W. fOTH. S.. 1S1 Handsomely furnished LM-Iloir sunny rooms: electric light, hot-water hoat: restricted neighborhood: prlvato: phone. B2D AND BPRUCE (N. W. cor )-Furnlshed de. slrablo 2d-floor front, bath: ref. Bel. 0271 W. fcoTH, n.. 207 Cheerfully furnished rooms for housekeeping: gas. electric, linen; near "L"; phono Belmont 400.1. B2d and Sansom Furnished WESTnrtANCH rooms: men only: meals. Y. M. C. A. shower baths: near L; all ths comforts of home. Phone Bel. mont 4CS1. Key.. West 3S0. XIUVATB FAMILY In select section of Over brook will rent several second-Moor rooms; adjoining bath, single or en suite; conve nient to train, elevated and surface cars; 25 minutes to City Ifallr gentlemen preferred: board optional. P 218. Ledger Office. LARGE id-floor front: also S pleasant Sd-floor front rooms, furnished: no children; refer ences. Woodland 1005 M. TWO good rooms, fi minutes' walk from Broad and Chestnut sts.. In refined house. M 1)57. Ledger Central. J3BSIRABLB furnished vacancies; board op tional: -well heated. Phono Poplar 3139 W. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 160 Maplewood avo., near Wayne Permanent gentleman can hava large 3d-floor room with use of bath, with or without hoard: attractive home; refer ences exchanged. Phono Otn. 762. BOARDING BPRUCE, 1224-26 (Brlsmonde) Furn. rooms, slnglo. en suite; private baths; table board. El'RUCE, 1230 DESIRABLE THIRD-FLOOR "FRONT ROOM. WITH HOARD. 40TII,' N-, 32 Attractively, furnished, sunny rooms; excellent table; phone. tOTH, N.. 121Communlcatlng; . front rooms; electric light, hot-water heat, phone; kooI homo table; near I,. Suburban WATNE AVF1., 4862 (Oermantown) Room and board, conv. to train and trolley. Phone. BOARD WANTED flermamown BOARD 'WANTED by gentleman and wife, In Germantown, west slue preferred. K 155, Ldier Central- PETEY You'll Have . f hnt am iock - . - T . Tl ? n v ma . -UootoM'T VJANt TRitD ) . rS f & nNv ' KAH til THE WAW TrfAT. MAM fl ii imi 3UMPIV1C STONY! J . U OVS (PVSX . -PULUlJ,-, f AVBS HISThlMCS W?O0Mp)( IXHO , s-7rs?tffc " III hill w ' ' III uu-Pt 't f "'I ypgcTtuG Mg To ptoc. V y il alii r B-n-l I..'- ..:-tl . -yrNritiiiai--ttsMU-----j ' ii -ninTi-iii-Wi iifMiii ' n nil iiUhM-i----.- mBMMMnmKmfmBMBm --.if.rir-i-Wrrrrii ttifB BANITARITTMS BEAUTIFUL location) special scientific carst nervojs, elderly: every comfort: nurses. Booklet. Dr. nandal City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. K. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT BTfl. This U-stery concrete nnd steel fireproof structure Touches tho highest point of de velopment as yet attained In apartment construction, nnd mny bo properly sts led a perfect plnco of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless homo to those whose first con sldcratlon Is not to count tho cost alone, but to procure that which they desire, where thcro Is only perfection, tho size and character of which may bo selected and shaped according to tho distinctive require ments of tho individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms and ono bath to ten rooms and five baths, Includ ing several desirable bachelor suites. Tho location Is excellent, being conven ient to tho business and shopping centres and yet not too near. . All things considered, tho rentals are moderate. . . . Further Information, arrangements for in spection and reservations may bo made through NORMAN B, sunnwooD 1411 Walnut Street WALNUT AND 11TH STS. IB. TV. Cor.). j mod. suite) exceptionally attractive) high ceilings) nbundantly lighted on three .sides) suit Mils for housekeeping. If desired. $7(5. Janitor on premises. HAIttlBR. 1IAHTMAN k 1201 Chestnut st. CO.. lOr. B. 11TH ST. Ilarhelor apartments) excep tionally desirable 2d-lloor suite. 2 large rpis. nnd bath) every modem Improvement) Janitor on tiremlncs! steam bent Included. llAIllinn, HAIITMAN & CO., 12111 Chestnut. WALNUT, Ult-ai-Comforlable apartments. 1 to 4 rooms, somo furnished, flret-clnss Berv Ire. Apply Janitor, riiono Hpruco IKIO. N. W. COlt. 17TH AND HANSOM STS. Tao desirable npiirtinenls. one room nnd linln rncn Apply jas, u. viim iipii. "n "",,-; BPRtNO GARDEN. 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses; somo turn.) kitchenettes. TIOOA. 1117 W. Four nnd bnth; good con dltlon; s team bent. THE PARKSIDB mTAluAl. OPPOSITE l'AIUMOUNT TARK Tour lines of cars: ronvenlent to all sec tions of the cltyi all largo outside rooms. Cuisine particularly nttraptlve. . PHONE RARING 221. ATTRACTIVE suite of unfurnished rooms, hav ing two rooms, with private bath. Ens and electric light, Improved vapor heating system, elevator serv.; strictly fireproof bldg.; centrnl ly located; rent S40& $.',0. referenre necessary. YARROW ft VANPELT 17TU AND CI i KSTWUl " WILL SUBLET nttractlvo apartment. 3 out- siao rooms ann nam. mrmsncu 1,1 unfi nished. Tho Gladstone, llth and Pino sts. Apply Apartment Mi. Phone. Filbert B174 J. FOR RENT Month or year, furnlshod, 2 bed rooms nnd sitting room; corner house.; oec ond floor; central location; terms moderato. M 968. Ledger Central. , CORONADA n nn.t r-haatntlf tw. A few deslrablo vacancies, largo and small. SURLET deslrablo apartment at Alexandria 42d nnd Chester nve. Phono Baring 1148 or apply to Janitor. West Thllnilelphla, I OFFER a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet nlmost any re quirement. Call or send for list. Automobile sorvlco to Inspect npartments If desired. NORMAN R. HIIERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st. ,Bpruco 3171. Race 3025. Ardmorr THE OABLES, ARDMORB 2 desirable rooms, double nnd single, with board; southern exposure. . ' 2 MINUTES mOM T. It. R. STATION rjryn Mnwr BRYN MAWR Fix new apartments lust opened: modern nnd nttractlvo In every respect, n rooms; hot-wnter heat: electric lights; bath and private porch B Mnynng 015 Old- Lancaster road, Bryn Mawr. Pa. FURNISHED APARTMENTS West Philadelphia FURNISHED APT.. 8 rooms and 2 baths, sec ond floor. Satterlee, 4536 Chestnut St.: short or long lease. Phono Baring 1770 J. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1512 NORTH 15TII BT. Modem housekeeping npartments: reduced rentals: Just renovated throughout. Apply to Janitor, on premises, or Lewis A. Taulanc, S. W. cor, Dth nnd Walnut sts. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You can look at one after another until you find one. or You can go around to the different agencies until In despair ou take one. or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It in quite true that nearly very deMrable apartment In Philadelphia la Hated with and may be rented through us. Call upon ua In our new offlcpn: they ar really quite attractive; you will bo Klven thrt most courteous and efficient service ob tainable. An automobile Is wattlntr to take you to the list of npartments you designate, and If by any chance you are not perfectly suited, our entire organization will bo placed at your disposal to procuro for you exactly your heart's desire. Think of all the trouble you will have saved and how clad you will he to know you have found the one apartment In Phila delphia which most nearly approaches your exact Meal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3871. Race 3025. THE OABLES, 4800 to 4032 Old York road 2-story 6-room housekeeping apartments; rent 40: transit facilities unequaled. Israel Hecht. 1218 Chestnut St., or Janitor, nn premises. THE ENOLEWOOD. 320 8. 11TH ST. Ideal central housekeeping apartments: suites 3 rooms, Itltchenettn and bath. Apply Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A. TAULANE. 800 Walnut st. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Desirable -1 and 5 room apartments near Pork. Janitor service; reasonable rentals. nr.CltTEL. 3232 Ridge ave. FOR modern furn. or unfurn. apartments Northwest Phila. and Tioga, see ub flm. BCHOEI'PY & CO., 1517 Montgomery ave. HOUSEKEEPING apts, all parts of city: rents JS5 to S70 per month: call, phone or writs for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. POPIjAR APARTMENTS, 1018-20 Poplar St. , 3 and 4 room suites, furn. or unfurn.; hot water heat: prlvato baths: hot water. FIVE ROOMS and bath. heat, hot water, jani tor service. Apply 415 Falrmount ave. ALL THE FINEST MODERN APARTMENTS, constructed and under construction, aro listed In my office, as well as those at moderato rents. I,et me give vou details. MERTON W. OHUIMS Real Estate Trust Bldg. Walnut 3874. tjrimnmur tqrmmnt nureau oervice. MIFFLIN APARTMENTS 1012 SOUTH 17TH ST. (l-room housekeeping apartments. $25 and 127.50 per month. Including heat and hot water. Apply on premises, or char, it racTti aiAf .- . . .i ... f, . ." . 704 S. Broad st. to Wait Till the Spring 'HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Contlnuttt from Precetttna Column A Tim waivwick 1O00-O8-10 Ransom street A modem 7-story fireproof building, contain ing suites of apnrtmonts having 4 to 8 rooms with nil conveniences for housekeeping. Tho entire water supply In this building is filtered. There aro 2 or .1 deslrablo vacan cies: ono sulto on the Slh floor, containing 0 rooms, nt $Vt per month, and ono on tho Sd floor, at .T0 per month, Thcro Is a ca terer In the building who will servo meals when wantod, cither In tho public dining room or In the nn-irtmcnts. WHITnIDE ft Mct.ANAIIAN N. W. Cor. 11th and Pino rts. SMALL SUITE, furn., hkpir., Ml Inrno room, private bath. JH.fiO. 1401 N. ldlh. w est rm i.Aiinr.riiiA CATHARINE ST.. (M22 -First-floor anart- ment, fi rooms. nnd hath. Call ownir, on premises. Woodland 1103 J. THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED. 1AM; UT ST.. OtTII TO O0TII BT. r,-rooms.nnd-bnth apartments, with all the litest conxenlenres.sm to $421T,nper month, innnienre.j-ii' io 4r,(,r p HOlinitT P1TT8. AClhNT. .. iioiii;kt riTTH. ai)i;nt. Dell phone llelmont -4M. B441 Locust st. Ttin NnTtipnt.AVDs nnvEitAi- ncstnAiu.n VAPANcinu , 41D. 44TH AND CHDaTNlIT STS. 0 rooms and hath. 7 rooms and bath, r,n rnit wovrir and wp, ciTAnt.iia n. nucKt.nv, .14 b, 4nih st, DltEXEL APAI1TMKNT3 oviiiiiiFtnoK. station One housekeeping sulto ft rooms and bath, fi.1.31 per month; public dining room. Phone Oyerbrook fl12R. WYNNEFIELD APARTMENTS rntll and Lnnsdowne nvr. : r, rooms nnd bnth. These nro beautiful nnartments: new nnd modern: splendid.. Janitor sen Ire; rent. $.10. Apply or . nniinr nr pnnne t'gcien, walnut 7iii ESSEX. 34th nnd Chestnut, Monterev, 43d nnd i;nesier: neimont, 31th nn .spring tinmen. Inquire Janitor or Cresse. 308 Hole Hldg. THE CHILTON First and third noor npirtmcnts from sin 10 JTi. MRB, R. Mrl.AIN. 3219 Raring st. OREY OAIILEB ni2-ll N. :wd st. Attrscllvr apt , ."1 to 7 nutsldo rooms! shower hstlr good irnnsp,irtntlon. reitsormble; H1LI. CItEMT t. fllTII ANH PINE R- R. 15. COlt. rilTIt AMI1 PINE RTS. Atlractitn apis.: shower bnths reasonable. SATTERI.EE. 4636 Chestnut st. rooms, baths: reduced rent: one block from "I., Apply Apt, inn J or phone Daring 1776 J. Germnntown WALNUT LANE; E., 1.101 and B rooms and bath: liot-tvater heat: pr. porch: $2." to 3f. APARTMENT HOTELS BPRUCE AT 11TII ST. HOTEL COLONIAL Newly redecorated and refurnished through cut: comfortably. furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by tho day. week or month at rea sonable rntes ; service oid culslno unexcelled. W.M. P. KEXNC7. Manager. THE LINCOLN LOCUST BELOW 13TII STREET Transient and Permanent Guests. Table the Best. ALDINE HOTEL cUiSatS? The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE DELMAIl-Ml-IRRIS OERMANTOWN AT CIIELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD: 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD BT. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SPITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW SPRUCE 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE, rurnlshert or unfurnl.hcd: either by lease or transiently: nullca of ono to four rooms, with bath. THE OENEVA 40TH ST. AIIOVE WALNUT Iflgh-clas rpnrtments. with or without pri vate bath: tntlrely renovated nnd refur nished; undtr new miinnKtment. DOrOllTY MARRHALI, THE COV1NC.TON ClirSTNI'T AND .'I7TII RTS. R. F. ENOLE MANAC.ER. ALSO THE ENOLERIDE BEACH HAVEN. N. J. THE GLADSTONE "S&Zl FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DASHWOOD lOS CHESTNUT STREET Beautlfullv furnished or unfurnished rooms; private bnthi: excellent service. THE ESMOND s- vw&s"" SUITES OF 2 ROOMS AND BATIL THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTS 3RTII, AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY $5100 CASH for eight 3 nnd 2-story houses on East Thompson und Cabot sts.. subject to mortgago of IG200. total rentnls for year, 21152: nn excellent Investment. Address 1913 N. Broad st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent: rend us your requirements. YARROW & VAN PELT N. -B. cor. 17th and chestnut sts. pnono :iisn spruce or 2Uiti Itacc. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, cell, exchange ur Insure. "SEn TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. buy. FOR INVESTMENT 1117 South Juniper and 2 houses In rear. !7.xW feet. J. A. PATTERSON, ISO South 11th st. HOMES, nor hwest: send for my completo list beforo purchasing In this section; easy terms. JAMES P. WlNCHELL. 2010 N. 20lh. MUST BE SOLD-S. W. cor. 17th and Colum Ha avo.; 13-room dwelling, 2 bnths; a good location for business or apartments. F. L. CARRE, owner. 1720 N. 21th st. RENTS COLLECTED: TIRE INSURANCE ALHRECHT'S 2414 W. Lehlch ave. 10TH, 13TH. 14TII AND 15TH WARD BUY ERS. SELLERS OR RENTERS. SEE FRIEDItlCH 4 CO.JIflN. 12TH ST. INVESTMENTS-Send for my'speclal list of uesiiMuia uivcsinieni properties in nortnwesc section. James w. vvii lnchell. 2OI0 N. 2!th. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOUSE In vestment or a business property, bco i!J- LALLY. 2141 North 10th st. COAL YARD, with traveler'andpockets; R. R. elding; H. W section of city: first-class con dltlon. W. BRUCE HARROW. 1.10 N. 12th St. 136001248 N. 18TH ST. 3 story: 0 rooms: conveniences; lot 15x88. D. A. M., 1838 Itldgfl nve. TO SETTLE ESTATE Two houses, 2410 Howard st. and 2111 Waterloo st.) cheap. Apply 2110 Howard at. INVESTMENTS-3 Bmall houses, assessed for 1U)0: rent at $15: price $1700. M. J. LA1.lV. 2tll N. 10th st. tl PER HUNDRED. Investment northern section: good renters. AIIERNKTHY. 2724 N. homes, 5th. BAROAIN Wallace, near 20th. side vard, 11 rooms: below assessment. Owner. 820 N. 21th st 1931 N. BROAD ST. J story, all brownstona front; lot 22x180 ft. to rear street; pries moderate. CHAS. L. BROWN A CO.. 217 B. Broad st. B. W. COR. HiTII & PANAMA (below Spruce) Two dwellings on lot 32x50; good for small apartment house J. A. PATTERSON. 130 South 15th st 1720 MASTER ST. A handsome home: cheap; ruuiimi bimb jurui tut .xiuv, au con veniences; small amount of cash. C, P. COWARD CO.. 20th and , Jefferson. Thaws, Petey REAI, ESTATE TOR SAliE CITY Continued from Preceding Column Atjt,t:OHnHT AVn., west of 12th Beautiful 8-story brick dwelllngi 13 rooms. 2 baths, all modern conveniences; exceptional opportun ity; particulars. CHAR. W. MlI.Llilt, 401 407 Commonwealth Iliiltdlng, or ndw. T. . Flood, llrnad nnd Venango sts, SOJB M. 13TH ST. 12 rooms! lot 16.790 to rear street) assessed $4800) can be bought under assessment, and owner will consider taking bark a mortgage, making only a small amount of cash reaulrcd, Win. O. . tllcnn. 1617 Columbia nve. 1B0O l.OCUBT ST, Handsome, modern 4-story brownston dwell ing. Especially fitted for professional offices. Low price and easy tmis for quick sals. 1742 N. 13TH ST. 12 rooms; lot I7x100i first mortgage f 3000) assessed $5000) prlco $4000) small amount of cash required, C. P. COWAUP CO.. 20th and Jefferson, S. W. COlt. 11 AND INDIANA AVn. Three story brick storo and dwelling: 8 rooms and bath) conveniences. CHAttLIlS W. Mil,- , I.nil, 401-4O7 Commonwealth Hulldlng. 301 SOMnrtVIM.r!. corner, large lot, room for gnrnge, S rooms, convenlenti nttractlvo neighborhood) cheap nt x.1300. , A11BUNKTHY, 2721 ti. Rth. 8TII ST. AIIOVE Htm.RU ST. 2-story brick dwelllngi small amount of cosh necessary. CHAR. W. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth Building. DIAMOND STREET RESIDENCE, near 10th, 12 moms: price. no. M. J. l.AI.f.Y. 2141 North 10lh st. 2414 rilANKPOltD AH. Sloro nnd dwelling, 10 rooms; all ronvenlcnces; mike nn orfcr. t 1'. COWARD CO.. 20th nnd Jeffcron. H. W. COIl 10TII AND PIIEItllY BTS. Lot 24x10.-l. .TAMEB D WlNCHELL. N. W. corner of 17th and Ransom sts. 250 AND 252 NORTH 6TH ST. Two 4-story houses; lot HRxsn feet to Reese st. L. A, WHITE. 1307 W. Tioga st 44S RICHMOND ST. Storo and dwelling. 0 rooms, nit conveniences: make nn offer. C.I COWARD CO., 20th nnd Jefferson. EOls NT 2.-.TH ST."-2-stnry R-room dwelling, all convenient-'1: price renronnhle: rnsv terms. INDl'STltl At Til V ST CO., 10.V) N. Fro)) t si. 21HT ST., ti, 22011-10 rooms; nssessed J'lTrO; prlrn yi.-OO. M. J, LAL1.Y. 2141 N. lniil. FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET from: Fifth to Broad Street ASPirATTED STREET, 120 FEET WIDE. GOOD LIGHT. CENTRAL LOCATION. NEAR HOMES OF EMPLOYEES. CONVENIENT TO RAILROAD FREIGHT STATION. APPLY THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. , TRUSTEE SALE The Coronndo. 2201 Chestnut street, will be sold nt nubile auction by Barnes & Lofland. nt Room 201. Philadelphia Bourse Building. 12 o'clock hoon, March 8. 1010. Terms of sale. $.VK)0 In ensh or certified check nnd balnnro In no davs. OIRARD TRUST COMPANY. Trustee under COMBER REALTY COMPANY Mortgage, dated November 22, 1011, February II. nun. JOHN HAMPTON1 BARNES. Attorney for Trustee. "TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties can go on water meter rates at onco if Installed beforo being occupied. Ask your plumber or PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANY, 1142 Real Estate Trust Building. CENTRAL CONTROLLING CORNER liltli st. below Chestnut at. J. A. PATTERSON. Ia0 S. l.'.TII iT. BEAUTIFUL side-yard homo, new; S.ion b.Mow original price, $1750: 0 rooms; largo lot, 032 Chew ht.. Tnbor: hot-witter heat: 4 bed rooms, electric light, parquetry flooring, wide street: terms arranged: you can't duplicate this for near the price nsked: 2 trolleys: block front station. AnEltNETHY, 133 S. 12th, 2724 N. 0th. BARGAINS 0500 American St., dive,, 7 rooms. 228 Olenvvood nve.t dwg.. 7 rooms, 2537 Pago at., dwR 5 rooms. 2.V.0 Pago su. divg., 7 rooms. 842.1 N. 21st St., dwg., 10 rooms. 1S01 Germnntown nve., storo & dwg., 10 rms. INDUSTRIAL TRUSTCO.. 1050 N.Front St. PRIVATE garage with our beautlfurnusromb street homes ljust west of Logan Statlonl. Get this: $E'O0 for home, garage and 120-ft. lot; without garage, $3800; none better built nnvwhrre. 70 per cent. sold. Sen "Logan ad." AnEltNETHY. 2724 N, Mil. 133 K. 12th. Hulldlng Lots. 1'nclory Sites, etc. GROUND TtlQHT for Immediate Improvement: 220 ft. by 100 ft. In depth; all street Im provements Ini Wngner nve., south side, east ol 12th st.: 2 squares from train and trolley, M. M. r-MHH, Broad at., opposite .quail Station. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL GROUND Large and small tracts for DWELLING OR MANUrACTURINO purposes In best sections. EXCELLENT RAn,ROAD FACILITIES Prices on application. Est. JOHN DOBSON. bO'J Chestnut at. Plot of Gi'ound, Buildings OFFICE, RAILROAD 8IDINO. for sale, near North Phllndelphla Station. Frederick H. Warner 820 Land Title Building. OERMANTOWN AVE. and Roy St.. 100x160 ft.; 20 lots. Venango nnd Warnock sis. 14 lots. Rising' Sun avo. and 10th st. 2 acres, Upsal and Spraguo sts : R. It. front. L. A. WHITE, 1307 W. Tioga St. BUILDER WANTED TO TAKE UP - . OPERATION of 40 houses; best location northeast: ad vances can be secured for responsible party. PEMnERTON ESTATES. Harrison Bldg. MERSHON linos.. 335 Land Title Building. Buildings financed and built: plans and sped- ncmiona turiunttcu wiuiouv cnarge. SITES. RAILROAD, for sale, Pennsylvania ana Kenaing; )zuuu per acre and up, accord ing to location. Inquire for terms, ft P1ETEHICH. 737 Walnut. U FOR SALE A lot S0O feet front by 110 feet deep, on main road Just outside the borough of Narbertli. at 2S per foot front, WALTER II. SMITH. 0002 Drexel road. C1I01C11 BUILDINO LOTS and large tracts ground In all parts city, also over 200 mfg. nw. jqctvm. mj-u itifai rjstata trust Mills. FARM below Chester. 0o acres: suit faeiorv: Jt. It. and trolley: Investigate. W. BRUCD BAHROW. 130 N. 12th Bt. LOT, 65x143: P. n. n. freight; light 4 sides; 1 sq. Woodland ave, Smith, 35cf Tasker. Dickinson BB1. LOT S. E, cor. Carlisle and Bristol sts.: ripe for Improvement; $1600; make offer. (1. C. Seldel A Co.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. N. E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND STS. Well-located site and buildings, adapted for factories, garages, etc.) lot 00x109 lo Pale- thorp St. TAlir.AMR B. W. cor. Oth nnd Walnut sts, FOR SALE City. N. E, cor. 26th & Spruce, BSxlOO ft., cont. 6 dwgs. ; excel, loc. for ser vice sta.. garage, msch. shop or mfg. pur.; 3 t. fronts; few mln. from bus, centre; 11.- O, ILK. opp.; any reaa. offer cons, llartman. 4609 Spruce. ' REAIi ESTATE 3TOR BALE Hnll.llng Lots, rnctorr Rites, tie. Condnued from Precedlno Column FOR BALE , FACT0IIIE3 AND FACTORY SPACE w. urvuera bahrow , 130 NORTll' 12TH BT. 20.000 TO HO 000 PQj.FT.! IN FiriPT CLAS9 MODERN MILL: ALLEGHENY AVE. flOO.OOO Ba rT. IN ONE AND TWO STORY Mlf.Li N. E. SECTION) R, R. SIDINO. WH.Tj ERECT ONB-STOTtY BAW' TOOTIf ,n001', 100x2M WITH rOWKR PLANT. RENT OR SALE FOUR FOUNDRIES WILL Btltt.D fl-STORY CONCRETE MILL, 100x300, WITH R. It. SIDING, 2ITH NEAR SPRUCa RIPE TRACTS, largo and small: wilt nrrango advnnees, -... AIIKItNETHY, 2724 N, 6th, 133 B. 12th. Nnrlirrlh DESIRAI1LE LOT. 60x120. high location, heat reslden. neigh.; rhe.ip. .1 667, Ledger Cent. Factories FACTORY FOR SALE On not fall lo Inspect that modern concrete 1irl-k nnd steel fattory hulldlng, together with ample g)nund for future enlargement, I'vntcd nt N. W, cor. 17th st nnd fledgley nve. to be sold by Simurl T. Treeman A Co.. auctioneers, on February 21 at 12 o'rloek neon. Tills property Is within .100 yards np proximately of tho North Phlhidelphla Sm lion or the Pennsylvania It. It., nnd about Ml feet from nn established siding of said rallroid. The Phlladelphli and Reading Rail way Is nearby nnd sevcial lines of cars pass tho door. WEST PHILADELPHIA 1707 N. OIST ST.; 2-nlnry .modern dwelling, electric light, steam bent, laundry, water meter, Excellent condition Little cash re quired. Exceptional bargain for quick bnver. Apply on premises or JOHN F. rOLLABD, 67th and Lansdowno av. .Tl NORTH flGTII n-story brick house. 0 rooms nnd bath: hard wood floors; nil modern conveniences; ns sessed $.1750: first mortgugo $2100; owner le.ivlnir rltv nnd wnnts nfTrr. 1IERKNESR STETSON Land Title Ilulldlns. 40TII AND SPRUCE STS. A beautiful 4- story twin home; cost $25,000: estnto must ho nettled; will aell regardless of assess ment. $19,000. , . TAYLOR & SON. 21 nnd 26 3. 40th st; 5010 CHESTNUT ST. Two-stor; tim,n .amH trnni. irt 11l.t 1,V 11 iry, slde-ynrd 11-1.0; electric lights, parquetry flooring, metnl weather stripped throughout. Apply to owner on prem ises. Telephone Preston 3110. SHERWOOD-Near Cobh's Creek Boulevard; semldetnrhed .'1-story brick dwelling: excel lent condition: modern Improvements: billiard room, etc., :i7'i ft. frontage, ample spaco for garaeo: train or trol. service. C 211. I.ed. Off. 6125 MARKET ST. 3-story, storo o and dwell ing with galvanized Iron awning; A square from 62d St. Klevatlon Station. Will bcII for assessed value. Investigate Brown & Leonard. Zl Nortn l,-il st. 860 TO 86S N. 46TII ST. I brick dwellings and 1 brlclc stnblo In renr: lot 100x95; prlj-o right for quick sale. CHARLES W. MIL- LEU. 401-407 Commontv enlth Ihilldlng. 116 N. 53D ST. 2-story, sldo-ynfd dwelling, o roomB Reception hall Handy location. Will sell at reduced figure. Brown & I.cnnard, zi ivortn fi2d St. 63B0 OSAOE AVE. 2-story, 8-room, Dutch ball, hot-water heat: good neighborhood. Price, $2950. Brown tic T-onard. 21 N. f,2d. BUY ON THE BOULEVARD riFTY-NINTlt STREET Abovo Lansdowno Avenue. The very best construction. UNEQUALED AT $4000 Up to date In every particular. Including hardwood floors throughout. JAS. C. ENBURO Builder. A nARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORS OR HOME BUYERS , I have five dwellings within one block of B2d st., four of them slde-ynrd houses; they can be purchased at prices most nttractlvo to bnrcitln hunters: little ensh needed. BEN. T WELCH, 1320 CHESTNUT ST. . $.11008 rooms, hot-water heat, gas nnd elec tric light, parquetry floors, shower bnth. gas kitchens and nil other modern appointments, DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR., BUILDER BSth nnd Hadflcld als. $7800. COST $9000 Three-story twin house, reception parlor. 12 rooms. 2 baths, steam heat: excellent cond n. WM, 11. W. QUICK A RRO., INC., 8 3. 40TH ST. $3000-Cornor, with garago: 7 rooms: porch, hot-water heat, electric light: Kollon and Stiles sts.. first streot c.ist of 03d, between Glrard nnd Havcrford nves. Jas. N. Mitchell, on premises, nr 40th nnd Market ats. THREE unusual corners: home, with-garage, $4200; store, dwelling nnd garage, $6300; garage, store and dwelling, $6800. SE1DI.E & NUNAN. 58th and Christian. 8-HOOM HOUSE: good location. Rented at $18. Clear of enrumbrnnco Price. 83100. Open to offer. ALBERT F. SENTMAN. 307 Park Hldg.. 23 South Bid. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKEn B2d and Baltimore nve, WHELAN'S HOMES 00TII AND PASCHALL AVB. Apply 1011 CHiaKUT T. WHAT YOU WANT Is a real estato expert and originator. See MATTHIAS about It. 810 North 62d. Belmont 710. OERMANTOWN ON WISSAHICKON AVE.. In the best see tlon of this beautiful neighborhood, a. strik ing Colonial house of 12 rooms, laundry and 4 baths; price Is right. WARNOCK & EMLEN Commercial Trust Bul'dlng. THIS IS THE SECRET of making a wise purchase In real estate: First, buy a house that aults you. Second, buy where the value of land Is Increasing, Third, buy when the price Is right. If you need n modern. 7-room home where these conditions prevail, sea my up-to-date sample house. 1010 MEDARY AVE. Agent on Premises, Take trolley to Chelten ave. and Ogontz. Walk one block south, GLYNDON PRIESTMAN G,AV, WHY PAY A FANCY PRICE to build a detached house when you can buy n beautiful home, standing alone, on lot (10x200, at almost half the price It would cost you to buy ths ground and build It? Coulter st.. near Wlngohocklne Station; 12 rooms, 2 baths; electrlo lights) will con sider trade. GLYNDON PRIESTMAN GAV. WANT TO BUY A I10ME7 Most attractive modern 10-room house. 10Q E. WALNUT, LANE. Just completed; mod- erate price; nttie cqsn requireq SUBURBAN dwellings and building sites. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. 239 Land Title Hulldlng. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOK A HOME In Oermantown. Mt.'Alry or Chestnut Hill, con suit me. A. It. Meehan. (1717 Oermantown ave. IlESIDHNCB SITES-Oliund In best section Sf..ti'a?antown a'"1 Chestnut Hill. B. B, LISTER & SON, 6012 Qcrmantonn ave. - ::: , ::: v - BuC.A.VOlGHT Iff REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE or.UMANTOWJf Conflniirii from Preceding Column CHOICE HOMES, T"lrfhock'n east of Ger- mantown avo. J, II, CHADWICK & CO.. fiOls Oeimantown ave. . WE CAN nsslst you to tlnd that house you are looking for, Germantown Trust Co.. Cnelten and oermantown avss. Mount Airy BARGAIN! tiok It over todayl Modern: sunshine, light nnd comfort: largo lot: see. the heating nvstcm In opcrntlon. 516 Car penter lane, Mt, Airy. Ml- Airy. Oermantown NEW RALE AND RENT LIST BEADY Pelhnm, Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. ram AM TRUST C!0.. 040 Oermantown avo. Cliestnnt Hill FARM OF 1C0 ACRI93. , In Whltemnrsh Valley; convenient to Chest nut Hill nnd near Whttemarsh Hunt nnd Golf Clubs Unusually, largo farmhouse.; born for 80 head of stock. Old shade: Wis eahlckon Creek flows through property. Mod erate price to close estate. HEHKNESS & STETSON Land Title Building. STONE COLONIAL IIOt)8E 14 rooms. ,1 baths: combination stabls nnd garage; 2 acres: best section: high elevation; old shade: house designed by .Mantle Field ing. Price. SI.I.OOO, HERKNFSS & STETSON Land Title Building. . TIori J2850 FOR 3212 N. 26th St. '7-room porch dwelling: side windows; southern exposure.; oil-era from $2260 up. C. V. Quick, 2409 Allegheny ave. 4J2 N. lSTH 2-sty, porch-front brick dwll In?. 6 rooms nnd bath; enclosed shed. Finn rendition- laundry tubs In cellar: reception ball: water meter & other mod. Imp.! $3000. North Phila. Trust Co., Broad and Erie live. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOIT WANT IN TIOGA OR LOOAN . m . KENNEDY & RAMRO. 3710 OERMANTOWN TWO STORIES. 0 "rooms, hot-water hat, east side of llth st. south of Erie ave. L. A. WHITE. 1,107 W. Tioga st. t-ognn 631S N. I2TII ST. Lot. 29 ft. 2 In. x 82 ft. 2'4 In.) 3 stories. 9 rooms nnd 2 baths: all Improvements: room for gnrngo; price. S6600. M. M. SMITH, Broad nt, opposlts l.ogan Slntinn. B214-I0 "N. 11T1I NewT modern, porch dwell ings: room for gnrnge; reasonable prices and terms WM. MOORE. 1028 Duncannon avo. (Leave car nt Llndlcy nve,). LOGAN'S PRETTIEStTiOMES. Ruscomb St.. 16th to 16th, Just west of Logan Sta,: over half already sold; every modern feature; substantially built and nrtlstlcnlly finished; combining to produco a "real home": Impos ing terraced front: select and unusual equip ment: open daily; largo porches: deep lots; 9 closets: high, light basements with cement ed walls: expens. plumb,: superior heating system: real "Arco" boilers; $3800 oi $4200, with brlclc garage and 122 feet of ground; walk through Lognn Sta. or Fisher's lano to 16th street, then south to Ruscomb st. 3 trolley lines on York road; on premises or 3. C. Ahemethy, 2724 N. Bill, 133 S. 12th, J4B00 EASY TERMS; want offer for Imme dlato sale: 4738 N. 12th St., porch-front, slde-ynrd dwelling, lot 26x86: Dutch hall, S rooms, parquetry floor, elec'y. gas, hot water heat; examined only by permit from C. V. QUICK. 2409 W. Allegheny. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE: 1106 Duncannon avo.: lot. 24 ft. 6 In. x 92 ft. 6 In.; 2Vi stories. All Improvements. Make offer. M. M. SMITH. Broad Bt. opposite Logan Station. LOOAN REAIi ESTATE cat.t-1 Tji-vr Awn nveitiMnn M. M. Smith. Broad st.. opp. Logan Station. STORES. DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS for salo or rent In tho best section of Logan. WM. P. CHAMHERS, 4933 N. Broad at. Olney ASHDALE ST. 5100" NORTH (00 FEET WIDE) 2d to 4th St.- $2750. LOTS 10 FT. X 01 TO 70 FT. Six rooms nnd bath, terrace front, porch 0x10 feet, hot-water heating, combination lighting, gas kitchen, laundry In basement. Water meter. TERMS MADE TO SUIT. JOHN M. SNYDR - Builder and Owner, on Premises. Oak Zjine SEE THIS REAL HOME ON LAKESIDE AVE. Detached and thorouchly modern! owner de sires to malcn quick sale and has placed an nttractlvo price. See it today. J. T. JACKSON CO., Oak Lane DESIRAHLE cornor property, with stable, largo lot and well-appointed house, being sold to close an estate. Price. $12. &00. WM. BARR. 8th and Oak lane. NEW COLONIAL COTTAGE. 0418 Camao St. PHILIP S. TYRE. 1609 Arch and 660B Fair hlll. Oak Lane. SUBURBAN LOOK on page 67. Feb. 19th Issue Saturday Evening Post. The homo for tho successful business man. nt the right figure; located In the most desirable part of Wayne, on the Main Line. For particulars, address A. C. DICKSON. B71B Baltimore avo. BY ALL MEANS GET our lnruo list of sub urban properties. We aro now offering sev eral out-of-the-ordlnnry kind. Write or Shone m for particulars. . T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. Movlnn io-nooit colonial house j OARAGE: LOT 90x200. Fruit; shade: choice situation: near station. C. P. PETERS & SON, 608 CHESTNUT BT. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES now for new homes at Oak Lano Pnrk; near station: see mo for good locations nt low prices; also one house. C. E. Lloyd. Oak Lane. HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL A MASSEY Real Estate Trust Bldg. CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. I.anghorne, Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.. Morris Hide. SELECT PROPERTIES Country setts, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE SON. 1414 South Penn sq.. FOUNDED 1878. Suburban Lots PROSPECT PAItK, 11 acres, with 1400 feet frontago on B. and O. Railroad; splendid lo cation for manufactory or small dwelllnts. Price attractive to close an account. YOCUM Si POWERS CO.. 20 8. tSth st. 6040 Woodland ave. Ambler, Ta. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. II. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Bala. Pa. ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOUSE of 11 rooms and 2 baths; gas nnd electrlo light; hot water heat: lot 61x103; near trolley or train; small amount of cash necessary to purchase. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BLDO. Brookllne. Ta. BTtOOKLIN- For sale, 8 lots, less than cost. 8. K. GARDINER. 1840 Wharton St. Darby. Pa. SIX SOLDI ONLY 2 LEFT! Attractive new xuiumn iiumca. oirui;o uci. out ana (tnt s IPAn 'andry'' ,dome '! )S tl. bet. pairs: $3600. Bwope & Sons, Darby. ' uiumni Home, opruce pet. sin ana lint 8 Invariably Rea II' TtmAtTT tfettr .. - ""' "UILDISO $mY&is 4 llh0sanV&L,"'i NEW RINOLn DWELLING 15, 3 mln. from station; reas nebl' rV, lkt'i .. Mccormlck.ioii cVe.fnVttjjA 1 ATTRACTIVE 10-room cnttsM.'T -iJ I.!?K -? ?'"" eMrolfeyM&rf mennmen. P. M ..a.,.,,,, u-i-ent isre nn, tin i -i. trssr Baldwin's shopj largo porch .!?""." W Sprlngneld wfter" i,oX 'D.J '5!otl'SI nve.. Ol.nolden. orReti" K.SA'!; OjSI ; I'rlmos. '. Pa. -""Sl V4U PTlIMOS COO ft. trom Hating. " -3 for Improvemenl: PDTln"nVMniw.rr? nil other conv.: will divide- ,Vi..,' " ru LOUIS DALMAH. nl.i "A.W'lltw. "a 1 -JstWig ityilal. nvn.t m. ... Stone Colonial ho',.l'ro,omTOP. . . largo stone garare. e?fS!!?.niA Utli convenient to train and trader WnA V.',.!M imiiRPiias A STf:Tiiri,",iiu und Title riiiiiainc. " Bouth Ardrnore. Ta. M'SntTl1. best'tteH Davlsr-South Anlmore: at sT.. Trooper. r. Jl'wnni. ,-senq for lafWl BROWN & CLOtJD ,nitiniuvvjv. PA. Wyncote, Tb. MODERN HOUSE: large lot; garat,. wl-ri cation: surrounded hv a.. .irJr"' "W" 1 Maurice J. Hoover, - --- -- - . caiKicg, Ileal TTtt.i. 'rust nui. Wynnefleld. Ta. MHIV TtrtrTTCT HTTteeft Tm.n . . ' baths: all modern convenienses: "tTSSii convenient to trolley to MarketSl eSSSS' LOWER MERlON REALTY CO 4i i""1- I,u",uiftu 3IAIN LINE. VA., Tt, n. SyBURBAN HOMES, country Bi,eei m building sites to suit all requirements: lffi Line. II. C. IIIINTRn Wvn. iiS0' "", Overbrook 3 HANDSOMn DRTAClTRn Tmnof i rooma. 2 baths, modern appointmenti; e-j resalble to train or trolley; lot 6SxltO: ttia- LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BLDO. 1 Merlon MODEriATE-PniCRD IfOtisSE of -tow ani .I. atucco; renny ror sprinc oce rooms. 2 hatha. sleeDlnsr norch.M modern equipment and plan throuthout. LOWKIt MURIO.V UnAI.TTCder LAND TITL.D BUILDING Wynnewood HANDSOME HOUSE, with gartce. ttuf lJ tlon: 14 rooms,. 3 baths; all modem eonteVJ lences: lot 114200: worth InvMtlrtllnr Wl nny one desiring a handsome ana codymiikSI m Jtain ine nome. ....-. t LOWER MERION REALTY CO. I LAND TITLE BUILDING in nWTvTTCP MnvTNa Philadelphia will sell residence Mf5 l slrablo rooms. 3 baths, hot-water heat. elKtriellrSlj lot jiux-ju it.; truiv ircva, mm"w a :i.ctttuiD kitiucii, urn SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JH.1 -. s -- - rt Tlkllf-)fVrlta. Ji Lommercmi irust -iiu.i hmvm Anlmoro NORTH SIDE MSA l s 1 I.uIUhI 1 tUPAl I nnd n baths: about 1 acre, well plantedl wwj Btatlon. possession May 1. 1010. j SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR,1 Mil commercial 'trust wunuu, ABOUT 1 ACRE, along Phila. ,Vetj- ggl ley. witn new. moaern wsrrritu.4 Hnverford Large List of Residences T. Ortlrt Alan ir Furnished and Unfurnished, Houses tor item Overbrook to Paoli, Bala and Cynwyd te SAMUEL C. WAGNER. A Commercial Trust jjuhuw nadnor SEVEN ACRES of land on the N"" uala one of tho finest building sites on tt WJ MEARB J- """WM 202 8. 1Mb St. David's ci..n rir.n!o1 Tfpaiflence ' OWIIU uuiuiiim -' . jm 18 rooms. 8 baths, electric h.V 'JJ (til farge porch andBla.s ,5"rrf'n.'il a porch and glass """Xjyj.Kis' ry floors) rooms - ?"' . ni? bath J four cars, three rooms "rTirtd n,i rtnort one acre, high locatwu, ;. j a second floor j Kn titlflll h( behh.T,edaforrri,iIff.ii once, can ud uuviimw one-half of ordinal cost. WEST END TRUST BU!-W0. -rr-" ua baxb tmjn-tiAjjT-- . J -nUnued ,rnm-r4 ' CynwTrt. Ta. S-g Elkln r,i, m7 3ii : AN ESTABLISHED suburban eem-,,.ii . cent faro to Norrlstown: artSsIaJf'w.?? 'i . tral school, postofnee. sto.'s? liSoIriK "' $3U0 upward. Send for lfl,l ' lou' 1 ? i 1 $ 111 a V u E t i. i! i a