JRW1 wlWmi!mf4'1 K'fllW '!" mwwiw.'-(F- T TTeg-- -'JnffiWiftV-'t, '"-T-jWyS8 TANTE VITTORIA S&LEFORZEITALIANE bMAVALLESUGANA HlfA Intern Unn Zonn Montana UP1?. , .U T,. nn.ln4 ft NOru HI JJU'-B" ui,i.uijaui dalle Truppe Aipine ui Cndorna U -APPHQCOI DI TRENTO nOMA, 23 Febbralo. I. -II...... nlin rttln I (nun Mai ... .itno e nel Tlroto hnnno guadagnnto fjrnw'"" ., ' , ..Ittarla. eho nolra' nvern JM&tkmiM fortunnjo per nil Itallanl nello "MraKSilonl future contro Trfcnta. Ttltta S.rtl Wna montuosa del Callo, tra I E5tr Lnfganza e Ccgno, stilla sinistra fiBrtriW c' data occupala dalle torso Slt. ?? ..,,.,. ., fuSwro della Ouorra annunclava lert m .t-ict1mrt nnornztono: 2il Val Sugnnn. con la loro sollta Sow cftenslva metodlea, Ip nostra truppe ftl Cnllo tra I torrentl Lara mi a Ccgno. L'attncco comlnclo' al f!ftdt Febbralo. Gon una fltta neb !", ,amontagno coperto dl novo alta I drlKpartt dl fantcrla alplna o plceoll !m dl osploratorl volontarll rogglun Kyi. nmmlta' dot Callo d le alturo J3. di-cul cacclarorio lo forzo nemlclio. Aliurai dallo auo poslzlonl dl Monto Su , n Monto Conetto tl ncmlco nprl' S"viol'ento fuoco contro dl nol, ma la Jrtitlerjo nemlcho dovettero tncera. II Mjtrt HllB'IBrin IlBliuau ciui..n.viHiiMio u SwtUchl, nppogglatl dal fuoco dclla SI .rtlgllerin, ma I suol- sforr.l furono iTu frustratl da I la valorosa rcalatenza ,.. .nir trumc SSfilla notte dal 18 nl 19 Febbralo, con 2 mmVA audaco nvanzata, lo nostro rZ. Bccuparono iltro terrono,. eaten tado la icna occupata-verso l'lnacllatura T ifontt Cola. Lo nu'ovo poslzlonl Bono rtin Jdiora solldamento rlnforzato o Stlilcate. coslccho' ora proteggono tutto nkiclni),dl Borgo. . . . . . 1-AMai I" borgnto dl nonccgno odl RoncM sono. state da nol occupato In jMiUvlonaBUlia sinistra uei uicuu. SUCCKSSO IMPORTANTIS. - Ia conqulata della zona montuoaa del .! ha nnrrato in lurzu iiuiuiuo uun.v frii Snrana plu' vlelno al campo trin !i!.i hi Trento. oltro clto ad aaBlcurare bommsso dclla zona dl Borgo. Noft o' Ktriniio 'essero trasportatl buIIo alturo LmiMat. Kll Itallanl Inlzllno l'attacco Mlt "oper esterno dl Trento. como 11 mpjxTdl fortl a nord-oveat dl Levloo, lo' I fortl dl Tenna. La reglono con SiUU 8l trova a circa una qulndlclna u .nlrlla-da Trento propria, ma queste I mlndld jnlglla dl atrada aono acmlnate (oitltalseono II formldabllo campo trln onto dl'Trento. fls qustl rclrcoll mllltarl al rltleno clio Itatta pero' dl una notovole vlttflrla (tile foneittallano che lianno potluto coal padipiare1 gll approccl al campo trln-ttrtto- dl'Trento. p V-, miih nTATinnvpOT S'otlile clunto a Londra dlcono clio una mudrsfnavale glapponeae e' glunta senza bddei)tt-nel Medltcrraneo portando aeco m buonaquantlta" dl (dyovolantl, o tSperf drA. cnii lo flotte nlleate. La V J.. J.nnn.. a fnfmBtn..H . In. croctatorl C9razzatl, uno del quail, II Kutira, fu cokrulto In Italia nel cantlcH 'imldo. I' BUa (elegrathmada Petrograd dice clio u notlzle udlciall bI rlleva clio lo perdlto r.klte dal turchl ad Erzcruni' ammontano "t (9,000 uomlnl, tra ucclal, ferltl o priglo olerl. I.'dvanzata dello forzo maso. In lsl JtlnorS contlnua sulla estcsa fronte. nrso Treblsomla e -verse 11 Lmro'dl Varr. JtelegrMiunt, da Tlflla, capltale iQl'tCau-, uo, aicono cue le iorzer ruaao operantl eotro--Treblsondav sono glunte a. ".poclie elglla da nizeh, una locallta chq o' nd ijptna 35 mlglla da Trebisonda, coslccho' foccupazfone dl questo Iniportante. clya' Mrittlma turca bu ilar Nero o' qu'latlono U'fiotnl. . II comunlcato utTldalo ruaso llct mmpllcemente clio lo truppo dello tur cqntlmiano l'lnacgulmento dello rlma nt forze turcho della guarnlglone dl Eneriifrf. " I LIBRARY HEAD, DIES to&tlaatflrnm Pi, nn w returned annuallv In this rltvv i,n toed Dart Of Ilia Rchnlnrlv lfnnwlorl-o to wch good uao" that tho Unlvofalty of rimuylinla conferred the honorary do rw o(mastor ot arts on BJr. Thomaon IMr. Thomson was also a ipunber of "y drganlatlona In which he could japport culture and research, being a tader ot tne Phlloblblon Club In 1304. JJere h suifo has served aaxurator until t seatb, and chairman ot tb library Binmlftee of the Art Club, a member of Wiisttrtcal Society of Pennsylvania and JMfflcer of Uie Society of tho Sons of r-rorge anu the Albion Society. Ho a hiember of the American Library wciation and for many years a member hVv'i t'wwylvanla Library Commission. "uchjia was appointed by the Dover- lb addition to these clubs. -Mr, Thorn- Snt. ..memDer or 'f18 Franklin Inn W and 6f the Rowfant Club of Clovo- vjiM-o , r '"S'xut oi iiiq council 'SSt'w)c ,tJr for the Tromotlon of K 0?lt'n In the Home Teaching vl . for. l.h! BIInd- "8 alde"a ' B'"t- K, branch of the Free Library SSi Jiersons could And books CW Bight read, fw. Thomaon la Burvived by a widow, WvlT."" Thomaon; three sons, c4r Vivian nnrf TTn-u .,n.i n... A..i. SJii?f J?"6' w King. airs. B. B. ? nK2L- 0erge C. Balrd and Miss g-o- fiomson. fw WHO R0R1JKD HOTEI, " ?d2!ii!2I5 CAPTURED HE'r.Weetg ill UjcIc When Wa(ch I man GJvdp Chqso ilm an'1 former . manager of the Zl.?n PDeared In Htui, fit rata P.nfnn'a M 41d t0 l)rosePUta . a, man who bU Tr r orK roaa ' l Ift1,..." vimiwieiy jor tne man, ne t very far; a bicyclist ran Into' SSJMrt accused of; the burglary said w -Albert Brattbn. 35 years old. ot illin . ' Blreet- e was held with. KU for a further hearlnir on Feb- f ii -..,., -.. avvi, l:."k ":"..","'.?.. .;. fefS. H?Wns s btandlng Tiear the IB? aen ha knur Mn -.. .. ,. na vp tho toad Tha watchman w ms Dicycla and gave chase. ru- -tw fwa JlBQttlft IUr W ?iWas P!ed all over the road- W was Knockea down oy ne was BtMnned and easy to hall " two wen escorted the bur f . thrhome pf Mr. Lukes. They ' wiwaow opn, a Jimmy Inside, S l&TSa nln rt BlIvarurnM irath. f U to bo taken away. f 1JM t Run for flovrrnor. Affflln OWWA. a c Feb. .,- Cole I J" announced fee will be. a for IhA TiAtnnnratta namlm. f Governor i)i th next prlmaryi pKM Itichurd 1 Manning pr- i "ifise serve as Qover- itil uyfy jt year EVENING MAN-TAILORED' GIRL SAVES $500 YEARLY; ABHORS LAOES AND FRILLS Miss Florence Kindig,, At tractive Phone Operator, Eschews All Feminine fripperies and Enjoys It whn'iiUE0 a Klrl of K'n-land demeanor, that ffi 8. V?,U St.ra,8ht ln th8 y- Add to In n SlJ.i.""!"8 0t BO0d 0W8hlp. Throw vo i 1 m.oUi.c,b MI, th trousers) and Vwi?.! 118? Plorencft Klndlg. Ii?" .h ,r there be any fuss about H7 StlO Raid. Dt1Ml.lnn . .1.. -,, r., . Brlwtitt., .. . J;'v"n,"ii i uiu uioinon. ono 20 h,i R Bh?.waB ncar'y but not nulto 11 -?,af cJ',e.a llmt he would bo equally ?.!?. lf.,Bh0 ycro two acoro and nve. ,,.m i8 iKlndlB Bald Bh0 helleved In being truthful, comfortablo and economical. She X JSr" ln,al", c,othcs cvr slnco gradu ntlng from knee dreasea aono years ago. .And yet, desplto her apparel, she cannot bo called n mannlah girl. SANS FItlLLS, SANS JBWELS. She dooH not havo to bother about the latcat fcmlnlno fflppcrlea which chango every month or ho. There's no running to the dressriiakcrs and. to the storo to match thla and that. Glinting sldecbmba, bracelets nnd other oncumliranccs can obtain no apace on Jllsa Klndlg's person. Sho believes In be ng consistent. When on a Btreet car she lets tho girl who happens to bo with her get tho first vacant scat. In fact, Bho delights In holding a strap and declares that sho ha-j frequent opportunity to fol low thla hobby In Philadelphia. "It used to bother me," Bho said, "when persons stared at mo on tho street Of course, thero waa no end of comment and audlblo guesses na to who I wna, what I did for a llVltie nnd nil Hint nnrt nf thlnir OccaalonnllV linrHlRtnntlv nirtmiq tiprnnnq followed mo until they learned that I was iuat a matter-of-fnet, every-day, go-as-you-pleaso sort of a person, nnd then they let mo nlonc." Miss Klndlg wore a bluo Back coat and vest nnd skirt to match when sho waB Bought for thla Information, and a fedora hat crowned her brown locks. "FLOCKS OF POCKETS." ' ''And I have audi a lloclc of pockets," aho declared enthusiastically. "I don't havo to bother about hatfdbags or other glm-cracks. I can carry anything I dealro ln my pockets." A man's watch nnd a- man's fob, which hung from her vest pocket, wcro tho only signs of Jewelry about Miss Klndlg. "X follow tho atylea of- tho men." sho said, "nnd get a suit nbout a3 often per haps iir tho average youth. In summer at tho seashore I always wear men's bathing toga. Often In a spirit of fun, I act as escort for my girl friends to tho theatre, and take them homo to the door Just ns ono of their young men friends would do. SAVES $500 ON CLOTHES. Thero Is a practical side to her hobby for wearing malo attire, Miss Klndlg ad mitted. Sho saves nearly $500 a year In clothes. Sho docs not havo to buy as many as moat girls, and laundry bills' are, cut to a minimum, for aha doea not havo to wear fancy shirtwaists. The mannish nttlro has not given her a tnsto for any of the traits of men. She doea not mnoko cigarettes, but some times carries a cigar or two to give to the boy friends whom she meets socially. POLICE SAVE FAMILY TRAPPED BY F1AMES Father, Mother and Two Daughters Carried to Safety Froinurning Jlome VU Policemen of. the 3d street and Falrr mount avenuo station, who saw the flames ln a house ncrpss the way, carried a mother ancKfithcr and their two children from ARggTOe-fllled liduso at 723 Mlntzer streetjjarly today, as they were on tho poWPof auffocatlng. .Ilnrry Iteeao. turn key of the station, called, out a detail of policemen when the red' reflection from the burning houao lit up hla room. They dashed across ttio atreet and broko in tho front door of tho house. A cloud of smoito greeted Ttceso aa the door fell ln, nnd he ran through It up tho stairs to tho second floor. Thero he found Thomas Omdlclc and his wife Helen nearly unconscioua from the Bmoke. Ho. carried them downstairs and returned to tho third floor, whore two daughters, Florence, ngo C, and Helen, E, wero sleeping. Ttceso carried tho younger girl through the smoke flrst, but as he made the last trip down the stairs tho smoke overcame him and he fell at tho feet of the other policemen with tho girl ln hla armB, The 'fire la believed to havo started In a defective fluo on the flrst floor. Firemen from engine company 21, at Newmarket and Poplar streets, soon put out the lire, The loss waa about $300. BETHLEHEM TO SPEND MILLIONS ON MILLS Extensive Improvements to Be Undertaken in Pennsylvania Steel' Plants HAnniSBURO, Pa.. Feb. 23. Follow Ing an Inspection today of the Steelton plant of tho Pennsylvania Steel Company, E. G. Grace, president of tho Bethlehem Stqol Company, and. next to Charles 31. Hrhwnb the leading shlrit of tho Beth- .lehem company, Intimated that millions would be spent In a great, aeveiopment program of the Pennsylvania Steel mills at Steelton, Lebanon and Sparrows Point. Thero will bo an Immediate moderniza tion of the Steelton blast furnace depart ment. The Inspection party left late today for Baltimore. SKATING IN CITY ENDS. .iii Rise in Temperature Plays Havoc With Ice on Lakes Ice-skating, which holiday Philadelphia enjoyed on Washington's Birthday, ended with a soft squash today, . What ice remained as a result of the cold "snap" la mushy and unsafe. Tha park lakes were closed to tho public. Ills Ing temperatures; with alternate! drizzles of rain and bursts of sunshine, played hayoo Ith the Ice. The mercury, with a wide margin above 4Q degrees at noon, continued to rise, giving credence ta th forecast ,of unsettled weather and prob able rain. Osborne Trial Again Deferred WH1TI3 PLAINS, N. Y., Feb. 23. The trial of Thomas Mott Osborne, ex-warden of Sing Sing Prison, was (ndeflnately postponed today bo that hla attorneys might appeal from the Supremo Court de cision, in which Justice Morachauser re fused to quash tho Indictments. Justice Mors'chauaer granted the appeal, and as he Is Kcheduled to be tha trial Judge it Is expected Osborne cannot go to trial untij April I at the earliest Ship, Bound for U. S., Aground KOBE. Japan. Feb. . The .Japanese stwm"hlp Tenyo Maru. 1M59 tons, has gone fthor off Shuaonoseki with serious damages. Part of tha cargo baa leu letilsooed. Tha Tnyo Maru was bouad froBl Hon Kpwj to Saa PrawsUtco. Vm LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1016. MISS FLORENCE KINDIG Philadelphia Ritl who saves $500 a year by wearing mannish clothes. Miss Klndlg ts not a movie actress, nor is sho going on tho stngo. She Is chief operator at tho "West Braneli of tho Keystone Telephono Company, 41st and Market streets, and lives at 119 South S4th street. POPE TRIES TO END AIR ATTACKS ON CHURCHES Pontiff Is Greatly Concerned Oyer Deaths of Inno fwcent qiyilians , ROMD, Feb. 23. Pqpo Benedict XV has taken active riteps to, end tho 'campaign of boinb dropplng from ncroplancs. which has re sulted In tho 'killing of innocent civilians and damage of noted churches near1 the Auatro-Italian theatre of war. The Pontiff nas already npprpached Austria on this subject, Tho attitude of tho Vatican toward nbroplane raids wan revealed to dny when It wns announced that, by direction of tho Pope, Cardinal Qnsparrl, tho Papal Secretary of State, had in structed tho Archbishops of Itavcnna and Milan and Bishops of other cities bom barded by Austrian aeroplanes to express tho profound sorrow of tho Pontiff for tho innocent victims nnd his deep regret over tho damage caused to churches and other famous monuments. Tho Cardinal's letter states that the Pontiff has reneatedlv recommended r the Austrb-HUngnrlan Government that the war be conducted In conformity with recognized, principles wliercby monuments and churches of undefended cities nre safeguarded. CITY'S DISCARDED" HORSES TO BE AUCTIONED TUESDAY Animals Eagerly Sought by Farmers. Furniture Salo Horses, that havo outlived their useful ness In tho Borvlco of tho city In the Bureau of Fire 'nnd Police will be sold at auction at the city stables, at 11th and Wharton "streets, next Tue3day morning. At tho same time, a largo amount of dis carded furniture and equipment from city departments will bo sold. City sales of. horses and equipment al ways are attended by largo crowds of bargain hunters nnd T)y many farmers of nearby counties and Jersey. Discarded police nnd fir a horses are highly regarded by farmers, as the horses almost always are dropped from the service by Injuries, affecting their feet, caused by hard work on the asphalt, and blocks of city streets. These animals are Bald ,to work well In the soft land ot regularly tilled fields. Form 35 to SO horses wlir bo Bold Prices for the animals range usually from $10 to $100. During 1315 a total of 105 city hprscs, discarded for one reason or another. , passed to private owners. The sale of city equipment covers u wide range of objects. PARCEL POST PRINTING .F!nt-cUM -work, good toclc, at following pr!ce t 1000 Envelope (No. OK) .,.,,,,91.(5 100O Builneaa Carda ,,.,., i 1.85 1000 1-etter Headi., ;,,,,,. ..,' l.ao 1000 Hill Heads ,,, ,.,,,.,,. J. Bo 10OO HUtemenU .,..,.,,,....,,, l.oo J0OO Note Head 1.J3 MIrk copj; plainly ?vhn ordering. Keystone Process Company tl North, Third Bt. Camden. N. J. NOTICE FORD OWNERS All Ford Auto owner realdinfc In 1'cnneyl vanla are reqyeeit'l to lend name and addreaa and number of car to our etera eirica ana receive valuable Information ot a. caih co-operative proportion in connection with car yflu own American Ford Owrfers' Ass'n (Pennerlranl Headquarter) 6ta lrxel Uldr-. lk No. a, l'hUa. Three Typewriter Ribbons, $1;00 for any machine, any aln(le color, ribbon guaranteed bait on marktt Keystone Process Comnanv l North Third tjt. Camden. N. J. IS JO mLvUTIFUL ItlTflS ATr! Kiris" ta BAVJi BUQH Si to 6S I CMS tIWfiVaa"9lSKCllSTBKa5X DEATH BLAMED ON TOLICE Mnn Charges Tardiness in Answering Call When Auto Hits His Son Abraham Welner. ot 943 North 2d street, said today that ha would prefer charges agnlnst tho police of tho Front nnd Master streets ntatlon, nnd also the 3d Btreet nnd Falrmount avenue atntlon. for falling to havo a patrol wngon re spond quickly to a drug Btoro nt 2d nnd Poplar streets, where hla son wan dying. According to 'Welner, tho boy's llfo could have been saved If n patrol wagon had hurried htm to a hospital. Bernard Welner. 4 years old, wns run over yesterday at Poplar and American streets, while playing. Ito Waa knocked down by n wagon which waa driven by John Pechntck, ot 242 Richmond street. Tho boy waa taken to n. drug storo nt tho northeast corner of 2d nnd Poplar streets, which Is owned by Dr. Israel Paul. According to Welner, ho sent n call for a patrol wagon to tho Front nnd Master streets station nt 3:50 p. m. When tho patrol wagon fnllcd to arrive, ho says, he sent another message to tho 3d Btreet nnd Falrmount avenuo ntatlon, to send tliolr patrol wagon. Welner said today that the patrol from tho Front nnd Mas ter streets Btatlon did not nrrlvo until about 4:25 p. in. Thla wns denied today by tho desk ser geant nt tho Front nnd Master streets sta tion. Ho said that tho patrol left flvo minutes after tho messngo was received. Tho police of tho 3d atreet nnd Falrmount nvonuo station said that no request for a patrol wagon waa received by them yes terday from Welner. Tho boy was dead when ho reached tho Iloosovclt Hospital. Funeral of Thomas A. Mclvin Tho funeral of Thomas A. Molvln, a well-known newsdealer of this city, who died last Sunday, will bo held thla morn ing from tho home, 340 Qcrrltt street Solemn requiem mnsa will bo said at tho Church of tho Sacred Heart. Mr. Molvln for many years wnn a pollccmnn, having been appointed by tho lato Mayor War wick. For tho last 12 years ho wns a carrier of tho Philadelphia morning nows papers. OBITUARIES CHARLES HENDERSON BRADLEY Brother of Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Biddlo BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 23. Charles Henderson Bradley, a mechanical engineer with oHlccs at 7D Milk street, la dead at his home, 1408 Conimonwenlth avenuo, fol lowing an Illness, of a week. Mr. Bradley was 43 years of ngo and a native of Pittsburgh, Pa., tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles II. Bradley, of Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Bradley had resided In Boston for somo tlmo nnd In hla capacity aa mechanical engineer waa Instrumental In tho building of tho Fish Pier In Soutli Boston. He nlso was associated In an executive capacity with tho Krlo City, (Pa.) Iron Works. Ho wns a member of tho Boston City Club, the Engineers' Club, and tho Bel mont Country Club. Ho la survived by his wife, who was Miss Jcanetto Planco, of Now York city ; ono brother, Alexander Bradley, of Now York, nnd two slaters. Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Blddlc, of Phila delphia nnd Mrs. William Thaw, 3d, of Pittsburgh, Pa. CHRISTIAN SIIENK Prominent Lebanon Valley Merchant Dies at Advanced Ago LtlBANON, Pa., Feb. 23. Christian Shcnk, senior member of the dry goods firm of C. & II, J. Shenk, of this city, died this morning from a complication of diseases following an Illness of two weeks. For a period of flvo years, beginning In 1864, ha was a traveling salesman for Philadelphia wllolesalo dry goods- firms and in 1871 catnblished tho Shenk store her.l file wns:-80 yearai old and prom Ineii a'oc'ally. ' " ,''' CAPTAIN C. J. THOMPSON Commander. of th6 British Steamship Ilvington Court Captain Charles J. Thompson, of tho British steamship Ilvington Court, now In New York harbor, died on Monday night from heart diseaae at tho homo ot his cousin, Harry Thompson, 2C04 South Bancroft Btreet. this city. It is believed the strain of handling a vessel carrying munitions ot war to Europe, and tha hardships endured by him In a heavy APAHTMENXS H This 13-story concrete and steql llrcproof structure reaches the high est point of development aa yet at tained in apartment construction nnd nay be properly styled a perfect place of abode, II An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose first consideration Is not to count tho cost alone, but to procure that which they desire; where there Is only perfection, tha size and char acter at which may be selected and shaped, according to the distinctive requirements of the Individual, if Suites are arranged from two rooms and one bath to ten rooms and nve baths. Including several de sirable bachelor suites. 11 The location Is excellent, being convenient to the. business and shpp ping centres and yet not too near, II All things cjnaldered, the rentals are moderate. - II -J Fufther Information, arrange ments for Inspection and reserva tions may be made through NORMAN S, SIJERWQOD 1411 WALNUT STREET BEAT. ESTATE SOR SAIiE HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER WO Q O AX. A new principle! con. tant -supply; 24 to 3. gala, 1c UaU RadUt tor, too. Accept ao usitltut. Tb.tr Is nothing "Just aa goo4', Bend far Kree Uoohltt. S.V.RPRVFS MfV 45 N. Second St. ifSft&aSi& N..E. CORNER 17TH AND S&SSSS&bfSSffStm i WALNUT STS. aBJSgBgfaS M W'ra ? e .6.H l:p M Efrk L ftffWFm atorm during hla last trip across tha At lantic, superinduced tho heart altAck. Captain Thompson was 47 years old. Ho leaves n wife and flvo children In Ms card, nenr Liverpool, England. Ho -followed tho sea since ho wns 10 years old, ho-vlmr been In the Vorlh Atlantic aorvlcn for 25 years, ot which IE wero spent with tho Mder-Ui'inpster Line. Ho had many thrilling escapes from submarines during tho last year. While ln command of tho British steamship Lady of Good Shepherd tho vessel was torpedoed oft tho Irish coast, but ho suc ceeded In bringing hi ship Into port. Ho commnnded several vessels carrying' war munitions hetwean Now York and Havre, France. In 1013 he commandod tho Lako Superior, which was wrecked oft tho St. John'n coaat. but Captain Thompson saved all of hla passengers nnd moat of the crew. His body will be sent to Now York nnd shipped on his own vessel to Liverpool. JAMES D. RONEY Formerly n Colonel in tho Pennsylva nia National Guard James B. ltonoy, formerly n colonel In tho Pennsylvania National Ouard and a member of the Philadelphia bar, died yes torday at his homo In Dolnnco, N. J. Ho wns 70 years old and had been suffering from Brlght'a dlsonse. For many years Mr, Honey had been an ncllvo member of tho Odd Fellows and of Masona' Lodge. .No. 51, nnd wns a life long member of tho Pro.-jbyterlan Church. Ho Is survived by a son, Jnmea P. Korcy, whoso home is also nt Detanco. in iu:moiiiam IIOIINAN. tri InUnx memory of our daueh tor. I'HVI,t.t.H'KVBbVN UOltNAN rebru an- S3, 1910. Beatijs Theta Notices Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge. ANSON. At Chlcairn. III., on February 21, 1016. VIIIOINIA St., wlfn ot Captain A. C. ANSON. liolatUei ami friends nro Invited to attend tlin funcrnt nervlces. Thursday, nt 2 V. in., at tho iipnrtmcnta of Oliver II. Hair. 1S20 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. In terment prhnte. IIAKKH. On Tehruarv 21, 1916. SARAH F.. wlfo of the lato Henry llakcr. nued la j ears. UclatUes and frlenH are Invited to attend the runeral services, on Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, nt the residence of her son, D. II. llakcr. 6000 North nth at.. I ernrock. Interment nrhntc. It.MlKITrr, On February 21, 1318, JAMES J., son of the Into Jnmcs nnd Elizabeth llnrrett, aixed 19 sears. Helntlves and rrlendi. also Holv Namn Hoclcty of St. Aratlm'H Church: Irish National rorcsters' llrnnch, nobert Kminet, No. 6J7, nnd em ployes of lleiwlck Clay Company, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. m.. from tho resldenen of his aunt, .Mrs. Cnlherlnn Mcttavcrn. 3212 Mantua ate. .Solemn Itequlem Mass at St. Aeatha'a Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemelerv. I1BNNY. On February 19. 1916. MAnY X... widow of Dr. Samuel P. Denny. Relatives unci friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, ut 11 n. m.. at her lato residence, corner llrondway nnd Cen tral avo.. Laurel Sprints, N. J. Interment strictly prlvnte. , I11TT1NU. On February 23. 1916. CATHER INE, wife of William nittlnir. aced 63 years Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 P m.. from tho Oliver II. Ilalr Ilulld Intr, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. llltnCK J1H.M N. On Tebruary 22. 1916. KlilKAUUTlI C, widow ot William p. Hrnckerman, Br., nsed tiO yenrs. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Friday, at 1:30 p. m.. at tha Oliver If. Ilalr liulldlnir. 1820 Chestnut at. I.nterment nt Fernwood Cemetery. CAMl'ANA. On February 18, 1916, FIL1PPO, son of Mlchete and Maria Tlerno, need 25 sears. Rolatlvea and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 7:30 o'clock, from his late residence. 12J6 Federal St. Solemn Mass of Requiem at Ml Rita's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CAMl'IIKI.I,. On February 22, 1916. WII,I.. 1AM II.. husband of Mary A Campbell nnd son of the lato James and Mariraret Camp bell (nee Sweeney), formerly of Illrch st (loth and Catharine eta ). Relatives and friends pre Invited to attend tho funeral on Saturday, at 8 a. m . from hla late residence, 2H61 West Sterner st (27th and -jf'T12faaKoaJ-SlSSl?WB3BHCMW"a"'""'' '"II I I i II I In '"BBRT, .i iQU.ll " " IIIIIIHIM fKt ill iaWvjtltWt XSRIS .. W.na!jMnfBaf rag i ireTiw 1 r "MslejWBIHPJHBgBMsE'JoWiv'JPlj'llfl MlfJs&WW&itm3l?lbMW - '",!''.' KnaellugiBnBBlffHiBHsiLsalDHH , '' 4 ' llaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaWnTlfflllisllr ' H LaaaaaaaaaaaassaBJXMllllMlF'LV Vw aHfVTlr&KliwBMmlEStVM HEATHS hlh avej. Illth neoulem Mass at St. loltimba'a Church. Interment at Holy Sep ulchre Cemetery. CA4':n-n February 20, 1916. tiATHAniNB CAIir (nee Doyle), wlfo bf Owen Carr. Rela tives and friends r Invited to attend th funeral, on Thursday, at 7:30 a, m.. from her husband's resilience, 2647 Cedar t. Solemn Requiem Msss at St. Ann's Church, ft 9 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery. 'COLLINS. On February SO, 1916, JAMES J husband nf Allen c. Collins nnd son of Mar garet and the lato t'hlllp A. Collins. Ilela tlves nnd friends, also all societies of which na wns a member, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a, m,, from his lata residence. 7103 Oreenway nve.. West Philadelphia. Solemn Hluh Mass at St. Clement's Church nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. I Cqi.T.lNS. On February SI, 1916, MAROA HiST, widow nf Timothy Collins: Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral, on I rldny, nt 8.30 a. m.. from her lato resi dence. 21.10 fl Rosewood st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at Church of St. Monica nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery! Automobile service. Iinsriir.R. On rcbrusry St. 1916, KATItnn INI;, wife nf William Heseher nnd daughter of I'eler nnd tlm lata Delia O'llrlen. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to nttend the funral. on Friday, at 8 n. m., from her lato residence, 4302 Rlditn nve. Requiem Mass at St. tlrldeet'a Church at 9:30 a m. In terment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. DIIIKIIILUTY. On February 22, 1916, i:L I.EN. wife of Patrick Douaherty. Duo no tice of the funernl will bo Riven, from her late residence 162.1 North Mnrvlno st. IWNr.r.VV. Suddenly, on February 19. 1916, EDWARD, husband nf Hllialieth Dunlovy. need 37 years Relatives and friends of tho family aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday morning, nt 7:30 o'clock, from the residence nf his brother. Anthony A. Dunlnvy, 147 Porter st. Hluli Mass nt St. Anthony's Church, Oray'a Ferry road and Fltawnter St., nt 9 30 a. m. Interment at. Holy Cross Cemelerv. HAKVnV. On February 2t. 1916, JACOB, husband of Sarah Harvey nnd son of tlio late Joseph J and Sarah Harvey. Rela tives and friends nre Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2:30 p, m.. nl his lato residence, 1737 McKean st. In terment nt Adath Jeshurun Cemetery. H()F.sTl.ni;V. On February 20. 1916. OTTO. husband of Mattte Hocstcry. need 41 m. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p. in precisely, from 2074 Hideo nve. Interment private. l'i:V. Entered Into rest, on Tobrunry 21 1916, II.MMA I., widow of Joslah 11. Pew Jr. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Wednesday at S p. m . ut the resldenen of her nenhew Dr. Wllmer W. Trlnklo. 1438 North 13th at. Interment nt Mount Holly, N. J. I.INSU On February 22. 1916. EVA. daugh ter of tho late Lewis nnd Hllzabeth 1.1 nse Duo notice of thu funeral will bo Riven from tho residence nf her nleco, Mrs. Sam uel Nushaum. l&l West Sharptmclt st.. Ocr mantown. LOUD. On February 20. 1916, HARAII A., wlfo of Edmund I,ord. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral, on Thursday, at 1 p. m., from the residence of her son-ln-Inw, William I.nubcr. 3640 N. 13th st. Re mains may bo viewed on Wednesday at B p. m. Interment Arlington Cemetery. MANIXI.V. On February 22, 1916. IIARY. widow ox John Mnncely. wred 62 years Relatives and friends are Invited to attond the funeral services, on Frldny. nt 2 p. m , at her Into residence, 1S1C Fontnln nt. Inter ment at Oak I.ano M. II. Churchynrd Friends may view remains on Thursday evening. MAIKITTA, On February 21. 1916,- RAF FAEI.O MAROTTA. husband of llcalrlre. aired 49 sears. Relatives and friends, also Court Alesandre Volte. No. 316. F. of A., and Socletn do Mutuo SoccorBo San Olullano Unlono Fraterna Acceturese. aro Invited to attend the funernl. on Frldas. at 8 a. m , from his latn residence, 723 South 7th st. Requiem Hlitli Mass at St. Mary MairdeJen dl Pazxl'a Church, at 9 a. in. Interment nt Holy Cross Comcters. MAXHXrx. On February 21, 1916, In Now Vorlt. ItlCHARD I... son of Anna II. and thn luto Jacob G Maxwell. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at tho residence of hlB mother 180 Manhelm st , Germnntown. Interment private. JlcCANN. On February 20. 1916. MART A, widow of Edward McCann. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from tho resldencu of her son. William U. McCann. 1834 Poplar st. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Wednesday from 7 to 10 p. in. MKLVIN. On February 20. 1916. THOMAS A., husband of L.uoy Mclvin and son ot the Into William and Mary A. Melvln. Funeral, to which tho relatives and friends are In vited, on Thursday mornlnc. at 8 o'clock, from his Into residence. 349 ucrrltt st. Mass of Requiem nt thn Church of tho Sacred Heart at 9:30 o'clock precisely. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MIINIOH. On Tobruary 21. 1916. ELIZA 1IET1I. widow of Domlnlquo Menlee, ln her 89th sear. Funeral services Thnrsday. at 2 p. m . at her lato residence, 1721 S. 10th st Interment prlvnte wvuto service MOVER. On February 21, 1916, O FRANK husband of Eulullo I), Moser (nco Horn- 15 Deaths m "'"'. JisisiiTes ann rrienos, also- uroin- jJi "hood i of Andrew nnd 1'hllln ot th Westltalf Ji0.S.rr5bJ-tern Church, aro Invited to at.? f J tend tho funeral services, on Haturdaj. Kit It 22 P. tn.. ftt his latn reMenf lnf7 tjimfltr --V vb Interment private nt Fernwood Cem- 'ry. Friends may call Friday, 8 to t TSC P. tn. Auto nervlcs. - 'Jy; Mimi'IIY. On February 20. U16. JOltrJ. be. " 2i i,".??n,l ot Ann Murphy and son of.th R!SPt),M? Woodstock. .County. Mayo. Ire-; wiili. J,c.l?,.ur".nnd "lends, nlso the .Rev, , William .Welsh tlranch. No. 149. C, M B, rtVnI2Vl"'ti '9 Vna.th funeral, Thurs ?iI!nln.,';..llt, n'eloek, from h 1st) KhnlViTnt "JB. Bunnystds ave.. Falls of x irML'w So!?rnn jfequlem Mass at St. ii A hi ff.,P,.u.reh ."' i:,.. 0'c'x. interment rjX st. Marys Cemetery. Iloxborouzh. j, n'?.(l;tr'.l;:r0.n February 19. li, BMIDtO " iiMiU.',!',V.,":"?.nI ot MR,I PascaJe. aged tl 1,?I?a "elallves nnd friends ara Invited in attend the funeral, on Thursday, at I - ' nM'li ' m, hls lnt" residence. 620 Cath. St SrJh ?.ol(,mn. Hl"h M,uw nf Hr-aulem at -i (4 i KiU"1!1"! de PaaI Church, at t - V a. in. Interment al Holy Cross Cometery. RMrtA i?Iil0:'.-fi.1 Trd.day, Second month 5UI. ,lXi9Lr' L" ihr.th rear ojf her yW RaJdson' LSm Friend,-'"! in.,R f.1""1. .Vl9 -un.l.: Chestnut, Fifih-day, 24 h In'st . at 2 S m! Interment private. 'Kindly omit nSnln, '"lliKXiZr0?- February 22, 1916, jAMHS W frlendsVa?o,Lodi"NoJ'M -U,.",,,!va" W MnteKrlvl ,Rl M,! Fellowa-'Cernetery, Bur. eavimV ltVt,i'. .,Ca,",'"n Vll meef 'train leavinic Market at. ferry at 1:20 p. m. SAULS. On "-February 22, UI6, at West P'i,...?J ',- "J;KfCA A., wife Sf amrm I-. Sauls, daughter nf ElliabetH A. ami lata iii V ,,Cm"', Friends of the family may call rrlday evfnlnir nt her late residence. IS Apple nvo.. Westmont. N. J. i.',.n.,ii r. vices nnd Interment private, MCHEVtlls. On Februnrv 21. 191R kia ROTHKRMEL. wlfo'S? William 1L HchembA. .. m I unernl services, on Saturday, at J 1. m., at her Into residence, 2S6 South 63d st. Interment at Mount Vernon Cemeleri-. S,4V 'Vi!l! .At I'lltafleM. Mess., on Fehroary 'VI ??,. X1,6. the. Hov. SAMUEL S. SCWARli. 1"v 1 inrn errtr.nm nt I.!,!.... .. i A "? J ; nurcli of New Jerusalem, J5th st. and l'ark nve.NVw York city. Interment at sV"' L'",rcl 1"" Cemetery; Fhlladelpnla. M 2:30 p. m., on samo das. HIKOEL. On February 22. 1916. LOUISA, widow of William Slejel Rolatlvea and friends nre Invited to nttned tho funeral services on Friday afternoon, nt 1:80 o'clock, "tth" residence of her son. Frank Blettel, 4404 Oreeno st , Uermnntown. Interment private, nt Chellon Hills Cemetcrs-. 6Nl)i:iI. At Jit. Carmcl. Ta.. on TVl,. - '- v vf mi t iiiiii. hi i u m . m. . n w . 0, 1916, MATILDA 13. SNVDEll (nee Koch. -i ersperBer). wife of Stanley II. Sorrier, n.u. " tlves and friends aro Invited to nttend the , i funeral services, Friday, at 1 n. m . at tha i SI1.1,"!, W,lMr, n''"lnp. 1S20 tihStnut it.! X. 1'hlladelphla. Interment nt Fernwood Ceme- "'"- tery. - T I m' 'n- -?,., kk -.. ,b,i . wii ,-runiary a, 1'.II6, ED J son of William J. and Josephine V. Tracy. Hela. tlves and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, afternoon, nt 1 o'clock, from tho residence of his parents, 337 West LoKiin st., Ciermantown. interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Auto funeral. VANDKIIHUCE. On February 21. 1916 LOUISA. M.. widow of Jamce Vandersllce! need 80 sears. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funernl services. Thursday at 2 p. m. preclsels-, nt her Into realdenc. 1826 W. Huntingdon st. Interment private! IVATI'ltt. On February 21, 1916. MAUDH LUC1LE. daushter of tho into Ionldas II. and F. Al co Waters. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Thursday, at 2:30 p. m.. at 206 South Oraniro st.. Media, l'u. Interment at Media Cemetery. WKItlll'R, On February 22. 1916. M1NNIH 11 . widow of Frederick Webber. Rela tives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the precisely, at the resldenco of her daughter. Mrs. O. W Klnc, 779 South 02d st. Inter ment private. New York nnd St. Louis papers please copy. WISH. On February 22, 1916, JACOB II.. ' husband of Mary Wise, need 71 years, ttel ntlves and friends, also Improvement Lodge No. 197. K. of P.: KlnKsessIn? I-odiro. No. 309, I. O. O. F,; Upper Darby Caatlo. No, J99. K. O. E.. and emplos-cs of Southern Pennsylvania Traction Company, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 P. in., at Clifton Heights M. E. Church. Remains may be viewed at his lato residence 423 llrondway avo.. Clifton Heights. Thurs day. 8 to 10 p. m. Interment ut Arlington Cemctcrs-. YOUNG. On February 23, 1916. JAMES O . huBband of Matilda Young and son of the latn James and Mary J. Young. Relatives and friends urn 'nvlted to attend tha funeral services, on Thursday. Fobraury 24, at X P. m., at his late residence. 2618 South 6th st Interment private. Friends may call i eunrouMjr, a vu iv p. m. "jSS 1i MorrJ "3 A v4 4 .. .Ii ? T6 1 eilim .s nr,f -a -i i ninlf 1 "' ? ntth ' '9on "-l ! R r i'ir a, iA t 3 voT itl - A