m" mi1 m' w'ym'rffm nwmvwMwmM&m. EVENING LErftTOTf..TTrTT!Am?.T.-PTrTA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916. 11 i pCY WYNNE HAS UlN iviuln Lsy Teek Will Be Devotecl to the Benefit of the Pro IfiOSed Art AUiaiiut: ounumg ATiciisiiuti 01 iyxu 10 ue iHold Tonight and Portmanteau Plays Tomorrow lll,, nrtlntln ?fTT (ana cspcuw" ....-..- lumbers of society) Is crcatly in mAjt in tho mnny performances unit S?1 ' .1-1. nm imlnc Klvon week WZ1 to intsa funds for tho build W5. "? ....tamo liomo for tho Sovcn ?'.'. nf this city. Krom tho n. which Mrs. Yorko Stevenson 'SLl distributed among tho mem- &l.e I'M W" Clu' o .he is president. I havo been &. Zn an idea of Just what tho Eta of mis city want and really Pi And tho Idea Is to ralso funds as ' oosslblo for tho purcnaso ol rf and erection of a largo build Et ..f.mhlv on Itlttonhouso square, Such thero could bo separate club ,S,d auditoriums for tho varlotja Slobs In this city. . i. Iht thero will bo a mammoth Kncaof "Tho Seven AU.ed Vt tho Academy of Music, to &en tho cucsts tiro roaucsted to 'jTeostumo. After tho tubloatix and ? tho porformcrs and audlonco fa adjourn to Horticultural wan, 'l? .. .i. 1,r,r1onmpqt halls of SWson will bo held, for tho cos fl of actors and guests allko will' gtt tho beauty of that handsomo Snmorrow evening thero will bo iijflunatlo porformanco of tho Port- iljau Thcatro uomimny, ui " 'St, bout wnlch tlicr0 lms beon B0 k& talle and comment. This will !L place In tho ballroom of tho Bello Stratford, at 8:15 o'clock. It will iTj.n unilor tho auspices of tho fol- patroness Committee: Mrs. John Srtjon, Mrs. Alexander Cassatt, Mrs. Ta, Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Edward fctabunr, Mrs. Harold Yarnall, Mrs. CslimO WOOU anu iUISS A-uiiay una- imir xymn iTM performance will bo v .rUufcast. They carry a yo bo unique, to tj Jfthsfcast. They carry a young uiea ft lid scenery with them, you know, lt understand it Is qultu remarkable Sthat as it may, It's something new, '& that Is what society craves, It Jan to me. ffltt ii wonderful what love does to .4 MODlc: the dreamy kind, l snoum $i-i beard a perfect story yester Itfibout ono of our woo debs, whoso Kpicment was recently announceu; h fttt, sho was among tno nrst ot iftdetit to make tho announcement. ijnod In Now York, wiiitner sno fiijoumeyed with her maid in search Sill those lovely, dainty frills nnd tab which mako up tho modern 0!e' trousseau. Ike hat question was uppermost on Si particular occasion, and hero Is iCm the story comes In. After hav rV'fhMen several types of chapeaux rtfch were suitablo to her youtimit Scy, the left tho shop thoroughly re ffri, doubtless, to havo tho matter tfled. All unawaro of tho glance3 M followed her as sho walked down ouvenue, Bho pursuod tho ovon tonpr Wtj$ way, thinking, perhaps, what firould say when ho &uw her In those inr concocUon3. Tho maid, however, w not so abstracted, and following Is' amused glance of ono of tho S&ufrby. she discovered that tho wco m $r?as carrying along with a flat par ts charming largo brimmed nai oi islora and worsted roses, which, of jjm'aho had takoh unawaro from ftihop. Sho gently Insinuated to Wtmolsello that It might bo well to Wan tho hat to tho owners. Sw poor llttlo deb stopped short, but embarrassment nnd astonishment ifit story; and thero was a rlpplo laughter from tho onlookers as sho S&rata Immediately -In the direction ltta exclusive shop, twuall dellshtfully nmusing, but Stjnnall girl resents tho Imputation r friends that if she were not so JJticalty in i0Ve such a situation wSKl not havo arisen. ; Thunday afternoon, so I am told, sfcicalo la to bo given in the ball a of Mrs. Clifford Lewis' home, at South in street, by thoso two young , Elizabeth Hood Latta and nob- BArmbruster, the proceeds for char- Both Miss Latta and Mr. Arm Kr are extremely young, and In gjgf youth lies ono of their greatest BjjgBj. for it is so very unusual to find fewtlsts ot their ago bo gifted. Miss 'jgji who i3 we uaugnter ot Mr. anu isThomaa t. Latta. of 39th nnd pw.streets, was presented to society ftr, but it washot until this year. flRM-lhe saner nt iun TlliYHIn onncprt. in -.. . ...r . ,- IBSjnper, that the world at large knew d a voice, nnd since It discovered lUt tho has hppn much Houcht 9r. Younc- Armhi'iiatAi nnuctn.qnf.!4 "ed genius, and tho future prom- JMiny thlnen fnr lilm. The recital BUTDtlrflil'... i. a ... aaw" """ mmniuoii f auru w pruvo p. w uiuoiu luyera in una cny. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Jru. Walter Wai :ertaln at rilnnm tnd Mru Tirnl.n. 1irn-l.. ITnnlrln. UJ1" eiltertnln nt illiinni. hofnrA 11B j Aisembly on Friday evening, twa Mrs Horace Howard Furnesa, L na "ancey strwt. entertained "tvu louay gMd Mrs Alexandar Henry Carver, fw. will give tt'dlnner this eve- 2'' we Masque at the Academy r . ifanual 1 Diversity tea will ha hold igwnoon tn Houston Hall. Mrs. t'iMks IIlrtt vho la president of (iijr rea. riub. will be iTsslated nnag by Mra. Kilimr WnhH Rmlth teqinilttee of 35 woraenl There ' ,le "hies in charge ot Mrs. .- ""v win u hbswiu ay .Woa Woodward.. Mrs. Phllln mt Vio Tamea D. Wlnsor, Jr.. m W Arnett Miss CadwaUder tawa a i Kirk fcSti'Waf 4 ii r.-. GhnL.di...... , rt . LJ et i a hi itilva lafonilly - .. - . e t v tloUK JNO C-4W Jji A WORD TO SAY x a ovjvJLaij oujBdJUUT recelvo nt her home, 5005 rino street, this afternoon ntter 3 o'clock. No cards havo been sent out. Miss Hester Anderson nnd Mies Ethel Elklni havo returned from Now Haven, whero they attended tho Junior prom. Miss Kathcrlno ltopcrs, of 2201 St. James place. t.ptnt llio week-end as tho Buest ot Miss Allco Hood at I'ltman, N. J. Mlsa llojalla Vollrnth, of 1B12 Pino Btrect, will glvo a thcatro party this after noo. Tho hoard of managers of tho Equal Frnnchlso Roclcty will glvo a tea tomor row afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt tho society's hendquartern. 36 South 9th street, to mopt Mrs. Ummellno Pnnkluirst. Mr. Harry .McManun and Mr. Prloo Vetherlll havo gono to IJcrmmla for bov cral weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hackcnhurg, of 273B West Somorset street, nro receiving; congratulations on tho birth of a daughter, .tanlo Myra Ilnckcntiurg, on February 8. Mrs. Hnckonuurg will bo rcmemborcd as Miss Hdna It. Vox. Along the' Main Line ARDMOnu Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey M. Boyer, of Ponnrth, will glvo a dinner, fol lowed by cards, on St. Patrick's night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Ilngy, of Heading. Pa., will bo tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyer on that dato nnd tho week-end following. Mr. John I. Dntly, of Walnut nvenuo, Is nt Palm Beach, whero ho will remain until March 1. HAVEttFOnD Mrs. W. Plunkctt Stewart left on Wednesday for AugUstn, Ga., whero sho will stay until April. Mr. Stewart will not Join her until next month. WYNNDWO.OD-Mrs. Phlllpp E. Luders, Of 277 Hathaway road, gavo a lunch eon at her homo today In honor of Miss Graco Battles, whoie wedding to Mr. Georgo Burgess Ycrltes will tnko place tomorrow. Among tho. guests wefo Mrs. Harry Hubert Battles, mother of tho brldo-to-be, nnd Mrs. Joseph E. Yorkes, mother of tho prospective bridegroom. ST. DAVIDS Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold A. Freeman, of St. Davids road, havo gono to Florida, whero Mr. Freeman Is con valescing from his serious Illness. Dr. nnd Mrs. G. L. S. Jameson and Mlks Hilda Jameson havo returned from Georgia to their homo in St. Davids. Mrs. William B. IUley, of Pembroke avo nue, has left for St. Augustine, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Horman AVendell, of Wal nut avenue, entertained last week ln honor ot their 10th wedding anniversary. West Philadelphia Mrs. Isabel S. McSparron and Miss S. S. McSparron, of 4003 Spring Garden street, gavo an attractlvo luncheon on Saturday at tho Phllomusian Club for 75 'guests. Tho table decorations wcro orchids and violets. ' Mr. and MrsT James Barker, ot Wcst Philadelphia, liavo taken a hotiso at Kydal on Clovorly lane, which they will shortly occupy. Mr. and Mrs-. Hugh McDonnell, of Itoycrsford, Pa., aro tho guests of Mrs. Margaret Howard, of 1347 North Alden atrcet. . Miss Margaret McGoIdrlck, of 0113 Westminster avenue, entertained a num ber of friends on Sunday afternoon. Solos were rendered by Miss Helen MncNamara and Mr. D. J. Corcoran, with Mr. John J. Webor at tho piano. Her guests Included Miss Helen MacNamara, Mr. Jamos Galla gher, Bliss Teresa McGoIdrlck, Mr. John J. Weber, Mr. Josoph A. Stlnson, Mr. D. J. Corcoran, Mlsi Gertrude Gallagher and Mr. William Cdndron. Miss Mabel It. Ferguson, of C03 South 4Sth street, entertained her brtdgo club recently at her home. Sho has Miss Elizabeth Budd, of Newark, N. J., as her guest for 10 days. Mlsi nilcn Flanagan, of C319 Callowhlll street, announces, tho encasement of her 'nlcco. Miss Bessie C. Flanagan, to Mr. Joseph T. Glcason, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Tho wedding will take place early in the spring. Germantown A play entitled "Lady Clancarty" will bo given on Saturday evening ot this week in Association Hall by tho Cuo Club of tho Walnut Lano School. Tho story deals with an assassination plot in 169C, written by Tom Taylor. The cast includes Miss Mary Hewitt, Miss Edith Eskesen, Miss Helen Kear, M.ss Helen Moss, Miss Martha Locke, Miss Aline Ellers, Miss Evelyn Float, Miss Carolyn Hartman, Miss Julia Stein, Miss Mary Buckmlller, Miss Louise Newoll, Miss Loulso Amsdon, Miss Olyvo Eckler, Miss Dorothy Fox, Miss Sylvan Gore. Miss Loulso Wood ruff, Miss Eveallni Ellers, Mlsa Sarah Dougherty, Miss Edith Boono and Miss Jeanette Blum. Prominent womon In Germantown, who aro always inter ested in tho work of tho school, have been asked -to act as patronesses. They aro Miss Edith Holmes Gregory, Mrs. Henry S. Orove, Miss William Beatty Jennings, Mrs. Orlando Crease, Sirs. Robert C. Cummins, Mrs. Harold P. Deacon, Mrs. Bobert S. Wright, Mrs. Fer dinand V. Bonnaffon, Mrs. Frederick T. Berry, Mrs, Joseph Bushnell, Jr., Mrs. Nathaniel Ashmead, Miss S. Edna John son, Mrs. Robert L McNeil. Mrs. Benja min Miller, Mrs, Frank Palmer, Mrs. Charles Potts, Mrs. Fred Perry Powers, Mrs. Henry P. Blttc'r, 3d. Mrs. Henry W. Scattergood. Mrs, Frederick M. Southwell and Mrs. William II. Wilson. Mr. Frank Palmer will stage tho play. A dinner-dance will be given tonight at tho aennnntown Cricket Club. The ballroom will bo elaborately decorated With red-shaded lights and festoons of Hags. Somo of those who have arranged dinner parties are Mr. and Mrs; Edward Hacker, among whoso guests will bo Mr. anil Mrs. Stevenson Crothers and Mr. Ar thur Coles. Mr. and Mrs, 13. Eldredgo Pennock will also entertain. Their guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Mil ler. Mr- and Mrs. Howard Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kenderdlne, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson Tailor and Mr. T, Wood Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald J, De Rousse will have IS guests, Including Mr. and Mrs. William p. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. Urentnall Lathbury, Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Newburn and Mr, and Mrs. William B. Mussey. Mr. and Mrs. JoBaph II. Roberts wUl have Mr. and Mrs, Charles Halvane Johnson, of Montolalr, N. J., who have been visiting Mr- and Mrs. noberts for several days, as their guests. Others dln inir will be Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. II It Hathaway, Mr. Samuel Bell. Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Hovey and Mr and Mrs. John M. Fries. Notlcn for the Boiletx P "lu .$ acMWUd and urluled lu ttie "?; ili"ed h uU. ltli full oddre. and Ua poMlbl clfiliu uMinlKr ""' X poMlbl I ; ....., all .itrh raluiiiUlHcaiu.ua a..-- .. UatUljt KUllur Evu(i JjtilStt. 4S '" liuuiuut nm ih riiulieift we effff carried! LHMM XI t tv b "" wi Jft mm 1 ' .ACrj wm MISS MARIE LOUGIINEY Miss LoURhncy will bIiir at tho concert which will bo given at tho Bcllcvuo - Stratford on Friday night for the benefit of St. Agnes' Nurses' Homo Fund. Weddings JOHNSTON ZEHENDER. A plcturesquo prcLentcn wedding will bo Bolemnlzcd this evening at 7 o'clock In tho Chestnut Street Baptist Church. 40th and Chestnut streets, when Mls3 Mellta Marin Kchcndcr, daugnter of Jlr. William Henry Zehcnder, becomes tho brldo ot Mr. John Malcolm Johnston. Miss Zehender will bo attonded by her sister, Mrs. J. Bertram Hervcy, and Mrs. Robert Downs Wilson, ns matrons of honor, and her bridesmaids will bo Miss Edith Major, Miss Helen Richardson, MIs9 Florcnco Gelklcr,, Miss Suo Patterson Mooro nnd Miss Elslo Young. Tho bride, who will be given In mar riago by her father, will wear a gown of silver cloth nnd silver lace. Tho skirt will havo a train ot silver cloth and drap eries of silver lace. Tho silver cloth bodlco will havo .sleeves of tulle. Fresh orango blossoms will bo used on tho tulle veil and will also form tho bridal bou quoL Tho matrons of honor will bo gowned, ono In gold nnd ono In lavender. Mrs. Horvey will wear n gold white bro caded dress, with ruffles of gold net falling In graceful folds over tho hips. Tho bodlco will bo of gold cloth and will bo sleeveless. Mrs. Hervey's hat will be mado ot gold net with a bow of tho net placed on tho crown, and sho will carry yellow snapdragons. Jlrs. Wilson will wear lavender tulle and taffeta made In umbrella stylo. Her hat will bo composed f of lavender tullo and sho will carry or- chllds, violets and lascnder sweet peas. Lavender nnd gold artistically combined form tho frocks which will bo worn by tho bridesmaids. Tho skirts will havo ruffles of lavender nnd tullo mado over a founda tion of gold cloth. Tho bodices will bo tight basques of cloth of gold and will bo buttoned In tho front with tiny gold but tons. Their hats will bo mado of gold net and will havo streamers of deep purplo velvet, and they will carry muffs of taf feta and tullo festooned with orchids, vio lets and yellow snapdragons. Mr. Johnston will havo his brother, Mr. Howard F. Johnston, as best man, and his ushers will ho Mr. Georgo Green, Mr. J. Bertram Hcivcy. Mr. Robert Downs Wilson, Mr. Robert Harris Hervcy and Mr. Joseph Johnston. A largo reception nt the Rlttenhouse will follow tho ceremony. After an ex tended wedding Journey. Jlr. and JIr3. Johnston will be at homo at tho Traymore, 4S40 Walnut street, nfter Jlay 1. TUSCH CQRCORAN Tho wedding of JIIss JIno Corcoran, dnughtor of Jlr. and Jlrs. John Corcoran, of 2328 Dickinson street, and Jlr. Anthony M. Tusch, of 633 South Fclton street, West Philadelphia, will take placo this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in St. Gabriel's Church. 29th and Dickinson street. Tho Rev. James A. Holahan will otllclatc. The brldo will wear a gown ot white trope do china with an oersklrt of oiiiirnn th imrtv of silver laco trimmed with chiffon. Her veil of tullo will be held In place with sprays of lilies of the valley and she will carry n shower bou quet of white rosea and lilies of the valley. Miss Gertrude Gallagher will bo maid of honor and will wear a dress of pink crepe do chino and metallic laco with a tunlo of pale pink chiffon. Jlr. James P. Kelly will act as ben man. After a re ception to about 100 guests, Mr. nnd Jlrs. Tusch will leave for a trip to Atlantic City. Upon their return they will live ut 2335 Pierce street. KRIGER-LANGERJTAN. On Sunday evening Miss Jane Langer man, daughter of Jlr. nnd Mrs. D. Langer man, of 618 Jloore street, becamo the brldo of Jlr. rhlllp Krlger, of 611 North 61st street. The coremony took place In New Grand Hall, 4th and AVharton streets, the rtev. Dr. A. Wlnokur ofllclatlng. Tho bride had as maid of honor her sister, JIIss Esther Lapgerman, and Mr. Samuel Snyder acted as the best man. After the wedding reception Jlr. and Jlrs. KrJger left for a trip to Dclawaro Water Gap. Upon their return they will live In West Philadelphia. i Along the Reading Jlr, and Mrs. Edward V. JIarshall, of Rydal Waters, Rydal, had Jlrs. Jlarshall'a sister. JIIss Edna Leighton Tyler, of New London. Conn., as their guest for several days last week. JIIss Jfarlon Sharples3, of Heatherton, Wyncote, has. had Jlr, and Jlrs. J. Har rison Hutchinson as her guests over Washington's Birthday. Mr. and Jlr Hutchinson will attend the hunt break fast given by Mr. and Jlrs. Edward JIar shall, of Rydal Waters, after the meet of the Huntingdon Valley hounds at 13 o'clock today. Jlr. and Mrs. A. T, Clayton announce the engagement of their daughter, Mlsa Charlotte Chrltlne Clayton, to Mr. Wil liam Tomllnson, of Jenkintown. Mrs. J3. B. Garrett, of Greenwood ave nue, Wyncote, entertained the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society at her home yeterday afternoon. An im portant business meeting was held and the annual election of officers, after whleh' tea was nerved. Miss Dora JIcKnlght, of Elklns Park, has gone to Now York, where sho is visit Ins friends, fer several days. . y sir. and Mrs. Harold Cross, of Clovexly lane, Rydal. spent the week-end asu-ihe gueeU of Mrs. John Sanderson, of 777 iladuwn aetme, New York. Mr and Mr Morton FetterotrV ot CtoXerly Une, Rydal, left last week with Mr and Mr a Henry Stetson, of Jftjftr vauus, Blkiw fark, for XfeUMil. 5"! .;-.' vMMir?'fe ' rxfj wIetaiSIiv'K ! 9HffaW Ml WW MISS ELSIE MAY MICHEL Photos by Mmweu. Miss Michel is tho niece of Mr. and Mrs. John Kridcr, of 2100 South Brond street. Her marriage to Mr. Frank Kelly, Jr., will take place tomorrow night. North Philadelphia Tho annual banquet of tho Stenton Park Improvement Association will bo held tonight nt Jlosc&ach'a Casino, which will bo decorated with tho national colors, In keeping with tho annlvcrsnry cclo brated. Jlr. Charles Cobb Van Riper, tho president, will bo tonstmastcr. Among tho spcnkeifl will bo Jlr. Harry Gcliman, vlco president; Mr. II. F. Loilghlln, recording secretary : Mr. Robert Weir, llnnnclnl sec rotary; Jlr. J. P Faulkner, corresponding secretary, and Jlr. Samuel E Holmes, treasurer. Thero will bo 100 guests. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. S. Rosenblatt, of 2B19 Gcr hiantown avenue, havo gono to I'nlm Bench, Fla , and later will visit tho Ber mudas. Tho primary department of tho Memo rial Jletliodlst Episcopal Chinch. 8th and Cumborlnnd streets, will glvo a patrlotlo entertainment tonight In tho church audi torium. At tho Cookman Jtothoaist Church, Le high avenuo and 10th streets, Washing ton's Birthday will bo celebrated tonight w Ith a supper nnd entertainment given by tho Semper Fidolls Society. In addition to tho presentation of tho humorous sketch, "Betty's Ancestors," thero will bo a very attractlvo program of musical se ll ctlons. Northeast Philadelphia Jlrs. Lydln Jlorrlson, of 2050 North Ringgold street, will spend tho month ot March visiting Mr. nnd Jlrs. IMward Georgo In their now home, Dover, Del. A Scottish concert and dnnco under tho direction of JIIss JIary Dollan will be held tomorrow evening In Textllo Hall, Kensington nvenuo nnd Cumberland street. JIIss Dollan excels in tho nrt ot Scottish dnnclng. Tho following iirtlsls will assjst: JIIss Margar ' Alexnndor, soprano; Jlr. Frank Gollce, baritone: Jlr. William Garvlu, Scotch comedian; Jlr. AVIlllam Pombertoti, character songs, nnd the Seven Glengarries. Past Chief Georgo W. Jlurdock heads a largo committee preparing tho affair. JIIss Ruth Davison, of 703 Thayer street, has returned to tho city after spending several weeka In Lancaster, visiting friends. Jlr. and Jlrs. James White, of 20C1 Miller Btrect, aro receiving congratula tions on the birth of a daughter, RoMilInd Joyco White. Pioxborough Among this week's entertainments will bo Jlr. and Jlrs. Reuben Keuwoitlo's dinner nnd dance this, evening nt their home, 5632 Ridge nvenuo. Spring flowers of golden hue will be used In the decorations, while tho ft wo is will bu In keeping with tho national holiday. The guests will Include Jlr. and Jlrs W. Ross Hnggert, Jlr. and Jlrs. L, E. Adams, Jlr. and iJIra. Albert S. Hood, Jlls3 Pearl Hays, Mr. and Jlrs. Henry Miller, Jlr and Jtrs. Clyde Leaver, Jlr. and Jlrs. James Stott, Jlr. and Jlrs. Frederick Stott, Doctor and Jlrs. Hall, Jlr. and Mia N. Claire Rorabaugh, Jlr. and Jlrs James Ellis, IMr. and Jlrs. Georgo Davis, Jlr. and Jlrs. William Montgomery, Jlr. and Jlrs. AVIlllam A. Keoly, Jlr nnd Jlrs. Roy A. Robinson, Jlr. and Jlrs. Prank Kenworthy, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. John A. Struse, Jlr. nnd Jlrs, William Spink, Mrs. Robert Hays. Jlr. and Jlrs. J. R, Brtisher, Jr., JIIss Eva Weckerly, Mr. Frederick Sutor. Jlr. and Jlrs, C. Weckerl), Dr. Leonard Frescoln, Jlr. Thomas Tortus?, Dr. Will iam Crclghton and Dig Linton Turner. Doctor and Jlrs, Breltenbaugh, of Green lane, have the Rev, J. W. Kirk, foimerly pustor of tho Roxborough Presbyterian Church, as their guest. Delaware County A delightful muslcale and dance will be given In the Hgtel Walton tomorrow evening for tho benefit of St. JIadellne's Church ot Ridley Pork. Among the solo ists will be Mlsa May1 Farrel, Included in the list of patronesses are Mrs. F. J. Jtichell. Jlrs. Henry A. McCarthy, Mrs. John B. Blatz, Mrs. George Pequlgnqt, Mrs. Joseph Mlchell, Mrs. James Stewart, Jlrs. Francis J, Tucker, Mr, John C. Purcell, Sr... Mrs. JI J Comer ford, Mrs, C. Frederick Schermerhorn, Mrs. James a Clifford, Jlrs. Joseph Jlul doon. Jlrs. Horace J. Miller, Jlrs. Francis McKernan. Jlrs. Daniel A. Mlnniok and Mrs. James C. rag, Miss Helen Bearse, of Shadla)id ave ue. Drexet Hlil,fZ entertaining JIIss nue. Bleanor Benton, of Fox Chase, Tr M. Camden a.nd vicinity Mrs. Gooffrey Bu,olralter formerly of ' Mlt4Ut Bphwopat Churih, BanvUa ainl Nortt. th rMW S rumuttiK! the en j 'X "?lL- From Beatc." b, a geuit Of her dawktar, MUa uenevleve &, 'Ogk KS ' Sucfr1'P' w 'oa - tH0L " I Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lukens, of S41B Iorth lBth street, gave n dinner on Saturday night In honor of Mrs, Annie E Addis, of 3839 North Broad street, prior to tho departure of tho latter for a month's visit In St. Augustine, Fla. Other guests Included Mr nnd Mrs. Samuel AN cott, Mrs. Bcrrlnger. Mr Charles Wlster, Mrs. C. Crawford and Mr. Frank Paullln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry E. Swcgcr, of 4436 North Ubor street, entertained nt dinner nnd cards on Saturday night at their home. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tomllnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Conroc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mi.tF; Freed, Mr. and Mrs. John ClutBl(nftnd Mr. and Mrs. Stllco. Tho hrtatessfrotufned InBt week from a Becn weeks', visit nt Loysvlllo. Pa. f Wilmington Mrs. 11 Tatnnll Warner will entertain nt iimner tomorrow iilnht In honor of tho Marquis and Marchioness of Aberdeen and Teinalre, both of whom will epcalc at the Now Century Ctub, to enlist American synip.Uhy In tho work of tho Women's TLtnlll. Aoannifillnll tt TfAt.t..1 Ik -. lt.)l.. 1.WU1.1HMVII ... J.uianui 111,, Warner has invited Judge Grnrgp Gray anil Jlrs 'iray, uonerai jamei ii. Wilson, Colonel Georgo A. Elliott nnd Mis. El liott. Mis. Frederick William i urtls, Mlsi Allto Tycon, Mr. William Winder Laird and Dr liarle t lleesc to meet tho dis tinguished VI' itnrs Navy Yard Affairs airs. Eilouard Victor Ioancs, wlfo ot ensign Isaacs, U. S. N., entortnlned tho members of lior bridge club this nftornoon at lier homo, 2328 South 21st street. Her guests wero Jlrs. Homer II. Norton, Jlrs, Raymond S. Keycs, Jlrs. Jbhn David Rob inctte, JIIsh Illancho Lane. Mrs. John V. McAlpInc, JIis. Alexander A. Vandegrlft, .Mrs. .iunirew T. Graham, Jlrs. Warner C. Lotz, Jlrs JtcClung, Jlrs Shamor, Jtrs. Paul Blackburn ami Mrs E. D. Ryan. Jlrs. Chadwlck, wife of Ensign Chnd- Ywlck, of 251B South Lambert street, has ns her guest nt tho present tlmo her mother, Mrs. Cochrane of Dallas. Tox.. who will remain with hor for an lndclinlto visit. South Philadelphia A double birthday celebration was held on Saturday ovenlng by Jlr. and Jlrs. James Rowland, of 46 Slcel street. Mr. Rowland's birthday is JUBt ono day pre vious to Jlrs. Rowland's. Many guests woro picsent. jrr. and jrrs. John II, Franks, of 2d street and Snyder avenue, aro visiting In Atlantlo City. JIIss Irene R. Cohen, daughter of Jlr. and jrrs. Joseph Cohen, of 1138 South 13th street, gavo a thcatro party, followed by a supper and dance, on Saturday night In honor of her graduation from tho Girls' High School. Tho Fortnnn Pleasure Club has been formed with tho-following ofllcers: Jlr. John Fcrklnsteln, president; Jlr. Emli Kinkier, secretary, nnd Jrr. William For mal!, treasurer. Tho club Is a coclnl or ganization nnd many pleasant excursions aio being planned for this summer. Frankford .Mrs. T. Walker Smith, of Asylum pllto, eiflertalned hor "500" club on Saturday aft ernpon at luncheon. Tlu guests wero Jlrs. Wnlter Brooks, Jlrs. Horace Dowulngs Jlrs. Alfred Williams, Jlrs. Ralph Fitz gerald, Jtrs. William Jfooney, Jlrs. How ard Carroll, Jlrs. John Smith, Jlrs. Thomas Watklns, Jtrs. Georgo Joyce, Jlrs. Thomas Mann and Jlrs. Frederick Dunn. JIIss Jane Hawley, of Academy road, daughtor of Jtr. and Jlrs. R. James Haw ley, has Issued invitations for a dlnnur dnnco on Wednesday ovonlng, Jfarch 1 JIIss Hawley Hill leavo Jtarch 4 for Cnlb fornla, whero sho will renmln ono month with her ulster. JlrB. Howard Culdwoll, ut her homo in Lns Angeles. Lansdowne Tlw Country Club will glvo a dan.-e in tho Century Club this evening. Jtr. will, lam II. Evann is chairman of the com. mlttee and will be assisted by jrr, Horbort C. Hays. Jlr. Robert D. TyIor. Jlr. John S. 1'urkes and Mr. Joseph 'a. JIpKeon. Jlr. and Jlrs. William Rlghter. of 104 JIcKinley aenue, hao announced the en gagement of their daughtor, Jllss Ethel A. Rlghter, to Jtr. John S. Wilson, of Yoadon. Jlr. Frank Oestorlle, of Lludon aentia is visiting In Washington. D. C. Jlrs. Walter L. Philips will give a tea at her home on East Greenwood avenue tomorrow afternoon. What's Doing Tonight piniiin15?ifi,iTnA,lleter-7 p"r ot Jteetfption. rlv' ana ball, 1st lnfantr ntartalnmnt and dance. Columbu'ciub. Annual reunion banquet, Gor a Itcidn pot, iS. A- R . Union I-isuT s oolikI IUnqiwt. North ICunltngton Ilulu lUn'a AlMKfolatlan. Kiwler'. " Jitns IJancjUBt. State .Council of ronnavlvanta Son. and Uauebttru of UUirly, liotet Walton: .J0 fk oloetf. lecture, "naoa Improvamant.'' by Dr. S. C. Schmuclwr. WUharipoon IlaU. llanqmt ef 5th rniuvlmnla Cavalry, Cam ron DraEOOtii. Hi Seutb broad trtet. Twenty ninth annual reunion of Young- Po. Church, Chrtat ManwrEl Church. 15th atreet and Cheater avanua, , SPasfaot. "Arfadna." by Savac Alllad Art rxanlutlaBa. Acadtmr of Mualc, t o'clock anee In RortleuTuTral Hall will follow. Hannut Wat Braivch T II. C. A., S2d and panaom a treats; 7 o dock. Ilanquat, Brjra JIanrFtrs Cohipjny; a o'clock, Jovian jtaaa-u daoocv Kw Caotary Club. Annual dinner of the Drazal BMdl Ulbla Claaa of the Holy laoocoU -BpUoowl Cburoh. Tacany OUUUC CluJa f Itectatrar's oftca. : Bureau ot wwr. aaa atraat ( OUUWf. 1TK NO! t h Qrk A "Lirai aha iv&a by atru- ciub wui Mlostral abow tlven by Qlrlj' IBavtrford afW Ola Club, AiioclaUua SEVEN ALLIED ARTS Production at Academy of Music Will Eclipse That of Previous Years Ball to Follow at Horti cultural Hall Other Entertainments THE Jtasque Of 1616 will be produced this oven ng under the auspices of tho Fellowship of tho Pennsylvania Academy of tho Flno Arts, the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, tho School of In dustrial Art. tho Plnello Club, tho Art Club, tho Sketch Club nnd the T-Squnro Club. Tho production, which will start at 8: IB o'clock, Is scheduled to occupy about ono and a hnlf hours, with nn Intermission of IS to 20 minutes before thn last picture, ono of tho most elaborate, nnd done by the T-Squnro Club In conjunction with tho Fellowship of the Pennsjlvnlila Academy of tho Flno Arts. The performance wilt bo preceded by nn overture, romtiosc.il bv Slnnlcv Musi'hnmp, musical director of tint Masque, nnd called "Prelude to a Carnival." After tho riso of the "iirtnln upon tho cloning soci.c, tho orchestra will plav n i Intermezzo, also tho original composition of tha director, Tho fenturo of thlH closing scene, which opens with a grotcsquo "Bug Dance," In tel pretlng the awakening of Spring, tho Invention of JIIss Heleno lungerlch, who t.'iker tho part of a turtle, Is tho cntinnre of "iJlonvsus," gml of pprlng, Impersonat ed by Jlr. Lytton Buehler, a well-known portrait painter. Ills cntranco Is preceded by fauns and satyis from thn T-Squaro Club nnd dower girls from the Pennsylvania Acade my. After ho has woned nnd won Arl ailne, comes tho "Orgiastic ltevol," a bacchanalian ilancc trained nnd costumed by JtlHa Henderson, Tho Jlcsquo closes with tho historic labyrinth dance. After tho curtain drops tho nudleneo nml porformi'iH will proceed by a private way to Hoi tlcultur.il Hall to tho strains of a Tarnntello played by tho orchestra. Tho spectacular costntno ball In the hall Is scheduled to begin nt 11 o'clock nnd run until 3 o'clock. Jtost of thn nrt clubs concerned hivo arranged prlvnto nupper parties to take placo In tho clubs after tho ball, nnd a prlvato room haB hoen ro Borvcd nt the Bcllovuc-Stratford for tho same purpose. Tho John 11. Stctaon Field and Ladles' Auxiliary held a reception last Saturday evening nt tho homo of Captain Samuel Zlcgler, 017 West Dauphin street. Jlajor J H. Arnctt presented tho mombcrH with a red crops from tho National Red Cross Society, after which refreshments were served. Thoso who wcro present were Jlajor Jnines IT. Arnelt, Captain S. J. Hlegler, Jlr. 13. W. JtcClurkcn, Jlr. 11. W. JtcClurkon, Jtr. L. G. Jackson, Jtr. R. Jones, Jlr. J. F. Adam, Jlr. R. Kcley, Jlr. It Stnvhel, Jlr. Georgo Drlcebock, Jlr. On:go Naulty, Jtr. F. Edcle, Jlr. O. L. Loivers, Jlr. Edward Grubo, Jlr. W. Letvers, Jlr. J. 13. Fisher, Jlr. C. Rich mond, Jlr. Charles Jackson, Jlr. Charles JIulIer, Jlr. W. Rebcr, Jtr. J. Reber. Jlr. John Rebcr, Jr., Jlr. JI. D. Gohrls, Jlr. J. Gerls, Jlr. Samuel ZlcRlcr. Jr., JIIss Anna JIuller, JIIss Viola Dcttra, JIIss Elvln Slack. Jlrs. Wright, JIIss En Evans, JIIss Reno Street, JIIss Anna Brad bury, Jflss Carry Garrison, JIIss Eliza beth Graff, JIIss Edna Stubor, JIIss E. C. Long, Jlrs. L. Sturlchlng, Jlrs. W. Fey llng, Jtr. Louis Hoffman, Jlr. Joseph John con and Jlr. JI. Cockrofs. A doublo birthday party was given on Saturday ovenlng by Jtr. nnd Jlrs. Ber nard JIurray at their homo, 1008 South 23d street, in honor of their daughters, Jlrs. JIary Filer and JIIS3 JInrgaret JIurray, Among tho guests wero JIIss Anna V. Jlcehnn, JIIss JIary Dean, JIIss Helen Glacken, JIIss JIary JfcAfee, JIIss Anna JI. Waterson, JIIss Cathorino JI. Jlorris. Jlr. F. Parley, Jlr Thomas a King, Jlr. William King, Jlr. John Bell, Jlr. W. Hunter und Jlr. Daniel J. JIc Cauley. Tho South Philadelphia Boys' Club will entertain tho members nnd their friends on Thursday ovonlng with n smoker and entertainment at" tho clubrooms, 23d nnd Jlooro streets. Tho commlttco has com pleted nil arrangements for this affair, and invitations havo been cxtonded to aulto a number df business and city of Hclals. This organization is but a few years old, and at present hns a membership of too memuors. Tho club has mado quite a reputation for Itself In tho southern section of tho city both In athletic and social affairs. The present board of olllcers consists of presi dent, Jlr. Charles Ragen; vico president, Mr. George W. Nicholson; llnnnclnl sec retnry, Jlr. Harry Rccso; recording sec retary, Jtr. Henry Tears, and treasurer, Jlr. Edward Jlllner Elaborate plans havo been made for tho promenado concert and card party to be given In Horticultural Hail tomor' row night for the benefit of tho building fund of St aabrlel's Roman Catholic unurcri, at -Jin anu uicitmson streets. Tho dual occasion will bo the first annual card party nnd dance to bo given by the parishioners, and every effort Is being mado to make it brilliant success. Jlr. Thomas B J. Kennoy is chairman of the special committee which Is in completo charge of the nrr.mgements for tho dual function. It has also been announced that a number of prominent clergymen will be lu attendance ut tho function. Jlr i iul Mrs. Herman S. Belber. 2G12 North -Uth fcireet, gave a combined Wash ington and birthday party in honor ot their daughter, Mibs Gertrude Belber, on Saturday evening. Among thoso present wero JIIhs Ada Aarons, JIIss Leona Belber, Jllss Sophlo Belber. Miss Alice Block, JIIss Dorothy Faggen, JIIss Helen Ostrow, Jllss Rose Rabinowtt, Mlsa Esther Robinson, Jllss Anna Roombeig, JIIss Esther Simons, Jllss Carrie Smith, Jtisa Esther Wolfson, Miss Bertrlo Lang, JIIss Rita JIanko, Jtlss Belle Reubin, Jllss Hose Kurtz, Jlr. Stan ley Baycrsdorfer, Jfr. Edmond Belber, Jlr. Nathan Block, Jlr. Herbert Cohen, Jlr. Iiuls Drelfus, Mr. .Milton Greenhood, Mr. Raymond Heyman, Jlr Itldor Harris, Jlr. Le Roy Marks, Jtr. Silas Stein, Jtr. Isidor Faggen, Mr. Joseph Stein, Jtr. Silas Smith, Jlr. Frank AVolf. MUs Gertrude Belber and Jlr. Henry Often. Jllsa Jtay O. Gllmore entertained at cards at her now home, 3683 North 11th street, on Thursday evening. Her guests Included Mlas Marguerlto T. Arphein, Jtisa Beoste Lauber, Jtlss Irma Paschael, Jllss Vera MoCloskey, JIIss JIary Lanier, Jllss Cecilia JIadden. Jlr. Merrill Roland, Jlr. A5IUSEMENTS Academy of Music. B,Q' New York. Symphony Orchestra W A L T It Damrosch Conductor F It 1 13 D A Hempel Sclolat naaarved 8&ta at Heppa'a, 1110 Cheat nut St lU --v. - ..--,... ....,,. lOo 12H J1AUKRT S!Oo 10 A. H. dl:13 P. M. ALL THIS WEEK Direct from The Stanley Theatre. MARY PICKFORD Adwaiu?.' "Poor Little PeppHia Stanley MAItKBT ABOVB IftTil It. IB a w. 10 11 15 p. m. CHARLOTTE TODAY and WALKER TOMORROW unmvuiv TH8THA1L OF THE LONEBOM8 P1MS" NIXON Today u! IS JUi tiiac. Kuo i uru. i lu. iiuoii. i urcju. HUlcr i 0liuj Faiace Tealgbt at T aaa 9, vSU a4 S. U " '"-. TkA PRESENT GORGEOUS MASQUE TONIGHT '- r Thomns Concnrthort, Dr. John Hlcky, John .m Downy, Jlr. James llrnyshaw, Mr. Paul Hill and Jlr. Jllchaol Kelly. An enjoyable evening was spent nt the home of Jlr. Thomas Cuslck, 6209 Callow hill street. West Philadelphia, on Friday evening, when his parents gavo him a Georgo Wnshlngttm'il Birthday party. Among those present were JIIss JInrgaret C Glenn, Jlr. Thomas P. CUsick, JIIss Oettudo McCormlck, Jtlss Winifred Cur ry. JIIss Geitrudo Logan, Jtr. Jeromo Da Md Wenrel, JIIss JInrgaret Cuslck, Miss Belly llrundcn, Mr. Francis X Cretiry JIIss Josephine Pnrkcr. Jtr John Joseph Parker, Miss Dorothy Cecilia Leahy and Mr. l). AlojRius JlrCormlek. Jtlss I.llllan Ncff, of 3111 Columbia nvenuo. 1'iilertnliied n number of friends on Sunday. Tho guests included JIIss .T Yolva I'lcmlnger, Miss Dorothy BaBkin, Mls JInry R. Ehrllch, JIIss JInry Cooper, JIIss Tllllo Barmnch, Jlr. Leon Neff, Jtr. Herbert Colin, Jlr. Hnrry Klein, Jlr Jlax , BaylliiRon. Jlr. Harry Gottlieb and Jlr. JIarwell Harnett. - A reception was given nt the homo ot ! MIhh Ida Prober nnd JIIss Ellznheth ( Prober, 316 Rltncr street, last week In , honor ot JIIss Yetta Flerstcln. who will be mnrrlcd to Jlr. David Horowitz on March""" 12 The guests present were Jtlss Yetta , j Slen.in, Jllss Jtny Block, Jtlss Anna Beck, Jtlss Sadie Beck, JIIss Bertlin Sabltnsky, Jlrs. Anna Perle, Jlrs Lena Silver. Jtrs.lln Herman Horowitz. Jtlss JIolllo Tabakln, Jllss Roso Caplan, Jtlss Edith Silver, JUbs Elizabeth Prober, Jllss Ida Prober, Jllss Yetta Flerstcln, Jtlss Itcba Flcrsteln and ',1 Jllss llorenco Flerstcln. Recitations ui were given by Jllss Jlny Block. Jllss JIol lle Tubakln entertained on tho violin, and the latest dnticen wnro demonstrated by Jtlss Anna IWlc nnd Jtlss Edith Silver. ' -Vocal solos wero glcn by Jtlss Yetta aitMH Flerstcln, JIIss Edith Silver nnd JIIss Ida Prober entertained at tho piano. Jtr. nnd jrrs. JI. Isenburg gavo a party "" in honor of tho birthday of their daughter, 1"J Jtlss Jcnno Isenburg, at their homo, 1044 South street. Among tho guests wero Mls.srt , Catharine Lenh, Jllss Lillian Isenburg, r JIIss Goodun, JIIss Benjamin. Jlrs. Victor""'" Isenburg, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Cherry, Jlr. nnd "" Jlrs. Wclnburg, Jlr. nnd Mrs B. Burt, Jfr. 5-f-r J Lowis T. JalTeo, Jlr. Samuel S. Horr, Jlr. Samuel Gordon, Jlr Morris Rosenbaum( n Jlr William Jacobs, Jlr. Joseph Neff, Jlr.-i Friedman, Jlr. G. Hurwitz, Jlr. E. Kutlsbn," i'S Jtr. Joseph Young, Jlr. Joseph JIandell, r.. ,4 Jlr. Jlnrtln S. Borrlsh, Jr., Jtr. Samuel J. ' Chartock, Jlr. Henry Chartvoek. Jlr, J. s Gour. of Now York; Jlr. D. Bree. Jlr. "Ol Jacob JIarkowItz, Jlr. D. Axolrod,' Jlr. B. Sclsoules, Jlr. N. Shulman, Jtr. A. New-4n.A man, Jlr. J I. Caplan, Jlr. John Rudlnort, Jlr. N. D. Shapiro, Jlr. Jt. Shapiro, JIIss ""vr Annette Goldburg. Jtlss A. Goldman, JIIss oiOt Catherine Brciwnstcln, Jtlss Lilllnh Spcc-lJ)(lw tor, JIIss Leah Tnrtor, Miss JIatllda Rosen- , fold, JIIss Roso Cummlngs, of Camden, N. ''"' J. ; JIIss Cecilia Laskcr, JIIss Pauline., ooj Pepper, JIIss Sophia Fatton, JIIss B. Ester- lltt. JIIss B. Learner, JIIss Bcntrlco Fox and Jllss Frances JIarkowItz. Among thow " entertainers wero Jlr. Georgo Irwin, Jlr.' 4ny Samuel G. Gordon, Jlr. Jacobs, Jlr. Hur wltz, Jlr. Joseph Young, Jlr. Joseph Neff, Jlr. E. Katteson and Jlr. II. Chartvoek. 1,M Jlr. Georgo Irwin gavo an exhibition in''"" dancing. A sUrpriso party was given nt tho home' of Jlr. and Jtrs. C. A. Tollln, of 47 North RCth street, in honor of Jlrs. C. A. Tol--lln's birthday. Tho house was elaborately, decorated in patrlotlo colors. Tho guests present wero Jlr. and Jlrs. C. A. Tolling Jlrs. L. B. Joseph, Jlr. A. Joseph, Mr. nnd Jlrs. E. Goldberg, Jlr. and Jlrs. E. Bloomberir. Jlr. and Mrs. Brnude. Jlr. and. Jlrs Joseph Sellers, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Joseph Broil. Jlr. and Jlrs. Slgmund Strauss, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Splelman, Jtr. and Mrs. J. Jtor- ton. Jlaster AVIlllam Morton, Jlr. Joseph,. Tollln, JIIss Ncttlo Lurgo and Jlr, Harry " Goldsen., "" Jtrs. Samuel Noble, of 3048 North 7th,, street, entertained at dlnnor nnd supper" J,. recently In honor of her niece, Jllss Clal vlda Browne, of 2901 North 5th street Her ' other guests wcro Jlrs. JIary Noble, Jllss Nelllo Carter, Jlr. John Shcrldnn, Jtr. Frederick Jloyers, Jlr. Samuel Noble, Jlas- ter Samuel Noble, Jr., and Jtlss Sarah JIcDonnld. " A5IUSEMENTS FORREST Last 5 Evgs." LAST 3 MATINEES Holiday Mat. Today ki.aw . nitLANonn'S pr.EnLi:aa musical I'hoduction AROUND THE MAP ' ORIGINAL N. TT. CAST IIS r,wh llet Seats tl CO at 1'opular JIat. Tomorrow, i ' nt Next Week Seats Thursday """ jiaii. oitonns now -" Orrateat Musical Show Kvtr Prbduaea . xk ZIEGFELD '-. FOLLIES - UBHAn Tlila& Next Week. nvtra.atSilS, alJ2U Mats Today, Wed. & Sat. - Holiday Mat. Today lUaw i. Krlanser & Georga Tyler Pruent POLLYANNA Tht Otad l'lay. Spreading (looii Chttr. Ileal t.i'a.a il.W at Popular Mat. Tomorrow. Oilt'hLlUlL Ol. Cheatnut Pelow Uth (t Third Week's Engagement Ot iha N. A. Spectacular War Plctura "On the Firing Lino With Germans" Mr Durtxirouxh Appeara at Each Showing. gaata -So (mm 2 to U P. JI. dally except riaiunlaya. Alter 0. gio. Oallery, 18o Olobp Theatre "JS.5.? ara V-TJUJ UC r.lVDKVIIB 'ontlnuou f A M to 11 P. M. IOC. 13c, 30. "Tha PASSING HKVUB OF 1018" "MYSTERIOUS MAID IN .. WHITE MASK" AND OTIIKIt BIO i'CATDnES B, F, Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS AiWMCA'a ORS4TMS1' DJLXOB&I Ruth St. Denis & Co, Uuih lUyo: J. C Nueao Four . Otbar Bis rVaturaa A TH?T "DTJT TONIGHT AT 8:16. JXiJIijUrriK MatlnaaTfcuraJarat 1'AnmVBLL APPEAHANCH3 Um& 2-15. Oa- MR. QHTHTilRM ln AJ'rJ SUtrv'a K n OKJ I illUIWi Oellrhf ful Oomcdr "THE TWO VIRTUES" 'wnhinss Alexandra cotusLn LYRiC-llo"day Mat" Today, 2:15 "THE ONLY GIRL" UttlUCKMat. Tojay. Wa4 ft tiit, S OO. Holiday Mat. Today !KN1?t TWIN BEDS Ucl Scula 11 ul Popular Ml tMiurrus WalllUt Mat- Today, 35c 60c -.1 i uvt, nt -,wl i llUt n-iK Midi UJa 1 i0C t W'tH fit s mill J K "T vt I I'M Bto if trr.f tSM mil UfUV w aoiau tl. Mi VKSJU. 9 BIO AOTi ..i i'. ,2 Wifjftimn wut