"lgVf9ilrw '-" EVENING- LEDnTCTC-PnTLADTCTiPTTTA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1010. 0 4 J7 : U0 i " V. t V. ,! uh "$, "J- THEi f OM 5 'THE NOVEL OF ClfAl'T'"" XWVIt-jrotitlnur.l f m lirlif nrl her cnflio a tiiodlllod 'J KM ij echo Tlonih do, l.ilit Coiilliln Alnlt." tlnvvtt Ills book. is fm tm l,. cm ni n, ...I ghl " " laughed All B" t ..., ltmisp V ss i ambling nbodr Hint k rrown nnd M'toad llko Hip Ktant ma A., that Bhniipi it. In wbnt-tigr. ihe ..in tmd dPiinmlrd a wing or some ! ... luii'ery for her dill- i.tmne .''" - oinnnlcled in tho annals of IjrMl WIH ill mn Itl"". ,"1 ""Vcalcd only to !a.fphinB nnhltootiiruleyo. The hey .W" f. i,iin(r ati-nrt um l.iv lit Mio C.i.tMllo'l !' iina: room, tlio parlor, ono Mrpcm""" the kilrhet. ?... ihn mniPitP or these four rooms C-ssS . V Olt'lht.ris Ito.ir. Iinrt grown. Imposed nn.l :!9lPl,?,J-nn.P.. until It oveillowcd tlio nr- jna'I'tOTty lir" of kl" hr,,a "l"1 f,onl (,nori' r .. lLG P01I1P llHIlllllini uiu iii'il-l "II ill sides in vsst living room, sunnv L .rics nml a broken fringe of broad t nndis Thrio woro iinnlci that wcip iSed and li'M "ak m further en ' !.fhmrnt and there wero outstanding crti. n,nt lultod boldly out ovpr tlio I Jj,0png lawns oiul thicntonod a further ',' ,,m( the piths of dally life ran clear- wnotigh tlinBli tlio maze, but on their 'Snkjhunn in.mv a sombio den for nm ifnshor retrrnt Cnvoruoils olosels, shad- ' r cornel'" liinineicu nines nun naii- fc" ..... ....... ..,. nu nf tllunnf r1r.i1 onnpn "'...j finru iron to tlio lutiepld, mid i.v..it.npd Hip liuvous and unvvnry with titatthev micht bring foith. The J?, .ni.iimnd'i games themselves codi could ' . . l.iiit.inii n hptler Reenn for llmt j!j,j(rapltntiiii; of sports, llldo mid Seek, ijt,onn.rai"j "" IfnBi itn unon plliered lino in" bimiil in nit- nM Up fn""d himself reeollpcll: thlnits about ? aplo II01110 that li Lra thin half forKOttPn: RtiaiiB fame UK ho had more i"nn 1J11L i"iHmi' nuiiiiH" ". -ItrM'S uaUer tin- roof, a vacant eliamber, (yrnfU 1IUO a IIUIIIS iuuim, liuviuiru iiiiu uv Irn It hnd 1'e-n rnViliPil ot Ha winnows, ittng ii """,. ,,.,, ...I. ,i., ,.! i ;ind lastly ' '" ji " "" ""i ' Tlirougli tin" ilip.iinland or a hundred t children 111" d I"' brood of the dny, fmirshal'-d ntlur breathlessly by Clem Und Ann Anxinut vnipper, tno f,puiry i. r,t iitflitk shod feet, then a .sudden iVltaieo but for tho llule-llko eounlliur of items jucnib It, -neio followed by sudden pfCrCAni1? ni'U a wim r.ivu uir iiiu K"ai jMs Mania Hou, hid never (ouulennneed tlio Klw! -. i .,.,..,,.1 . .,.,. t -,p t c It t pUdO HIUI IIH"" 'i r-niic ,,, a ,i,o ,ic fall for Hid'' and Spi l, uheio cm had to . .. ,.,. r,,.,,t n i...t t.i. JlOlli your ii'.'ii ,m-i, ,,iiut ui utiii imiii to the Roal Orctt M tlio evpltement when thu 11(111 II of all c.niRht Cniii) n Alan by a tackle around the unklo that l(ko a volume of pinmlM" fur the I-ltllest It m Jicademle t.ire r and lirounht a Rhnv nf pchlevini ut to hi, peispliliu; faep Alan was pl.t' d at tlio newel lit tlio font hf '.L. n n... ,..! .!. n.t l.-I.A.t t UIB h1' l '"l.' ,,,,,, ,,i,,j ,,,, ii,i rii, "ii, ii Fin treble ii mil tn hmk Tho tieble " lolces ram d i m il'd iiirttiiii'tlniis on him, carried .i 1 MHith' ciuilldeiu'o in lla 'tblllty t" ti i h its Ri.inilniother how t fsuck crk Mm -i.iilid to count slowly Mn tonoi us n in Willi a Inst Hliili'lt and Pii i.iii i nf ni.uiy feet tho trebles y fad"ll attiiv lulu Heme Alan 1 1 pt -ti.illhlly up tho Btalis. Out of tli i in in i nf his eye ho niURht tlglit of tin luitililiiR junipers nf the Llltli'st vihii was inn fat to quilo lit the ! ir it In had (h.iscn Rut Alan did rtpt ip.'t - i utitil It wits ttm late. Tho Lltll. i .V pi nl. d the ust breath lie li.ul been b .lilinp hi and plmiRed hendloiiR ilonn tin i ill . A'i ho rolled by tlio iftrl In MinK out n bturily arm and FARMER ' SMITH'S THE WISHING HOUR My Dear Little People I have jtibt this very minute thought of a beau ttiful idea. Do you want a new dress, a wireless outfit, a piano, an automobile, a trip to California, a ride, a pair of skates, a new doll, or a new suit, or or tnythinp? AH of us want somethinp;, and that something is usually WHAT WE HAVEN'T GOT. My beautiful thousrht. which nonned into my head 3G5 seconds aco, i3 t this: Why not have tho "Children's Wishintr Hour?"' If you lmvo been wishing and wishing for something and your wish has not been granted, would you liko 19,999 other childicn, including ME, to help you get your wish? No, no, no! I do not mean that they will bring you a new doll, a battle ship, a new pair of stockings or a big bobsled. But I mean wo all (now 20.000 strong) shall wish nt fi o'clock p. in. every i day say, fiom 4:59 to fi:00 ono still I hoar you saying: "How did our Wishing Hour'?" I will tell you! In tho gtcat city of New York, New Year's ISvo is tho occasion for a big celebration a irmat big noise nartv. but fiom 11:59 to I the hour of midnight ono whole minute I Now, why can't wo have a silent wish is very long and you are lazy, you po it for a minttto and say: "That's my Wouldn't it bo a grand idea to havo tho big folks of Philadelphia and ithe Rrown-lins nil ever tlio United States kov! "Woll. do toll! What do VOU think those beautiful children of Farmer Smith's Rainbow Club havo dono "ow? They little rascals! all keep still for ono long minuto at B p. m. every day. They call it the Children's Wishing Hour." . Of course, YOU must decide if this hour is convenient. If you would gather havo 3 a. in., I'm willing to tumblo out of bed to please you, but 6 focioek in the afternoon seems a good it you wish to bo happier, healthier, know your lessons better or any J&inp;, just wish at our wishing hour. Start today! FARMER SMITH, Children's Kditor. P. S. You must nnvor tell nnv onn .doll, or l'ido. or Tabbie, tho cat, or Grandma or tho boy next door, and you mat Diver, never wish to harm any one ATTENTION! GIRLS AND BOYS It Tf vnir .. i T.. I,. - w j want. iu. ituu ('in I .monev after school nml nn Rat. urdays, write a letter to Parmer Smith. Room 101. h Evening Lei)geij. The Fairy Princess idly Esther Stehle. Perm street. FranUford.) I There was once a faiov nrinopss who M in a ruse, Ono day a little girl ifel the iobc, which she took to F teacher. Tho teni-liPi- Inved it. m her baby sibter took it and threw I on the floor. The rose fairy's home 1 nw so damaged that she had to "cw one. The fairies had made a rule that the new rose home must I exactly the same size and color as old one. Pfte roie fairv Ret. nut in unn-li nf " and did not get discouraged. "Yi her perseverance was re " JL Jl THE YEAIC KKSKSft I.Tid'nT1 lf" ""n",Pl1 a l'nf"' of Metnry n'fIlMn,1',r,,, t ,,4 rol,I,l "'"I lm way u-i.ii ' "f. nlU' U" l,,,r,lp'1 nlniiB tho ned ft,!1!! n,,ln', '"W f leiw i"l nil,! Ii7i.""n,"rtl a '"" lmrrow " oor It , V IV" U,P '"I'R'roiRotlen door ii , ,, ,,nllKl, llt, , , ,,,,, middle or the itnnr. as within hh hen It "inpr from ,,rR! ,, 10 ttn , bonhs ,p r.lf(rfs x hw roin and more- disabled furniture littered the i,'n ii ,.', v,l'"le ,V"B rall,t,-v t l bv Hie 1 Rl,t from Iho little dnrmer window. brpnl t,S''m"' Ata" ,lr('w ft lotiB brent I Uc w.im not dlFappnlntrd N'o one .... uMumiu to enmo hei-P but tilmielf. .suddenly a bit or the petulant wardrobe tw lunjr aside and an ftpiialllioii .Inched foi the door Alan RprniiR In front of It, threw his nrms around It. held It tlRht. It BlruRRied. laiiRlied, penned to stniRRlo and InnUed up as Alan looked down. J-iciiiH faec wan very near to hit Iter iiody. Mill throbliins with eeltement. uuh In his urtiri Alan felt sueli a tlotliiR surK0 In his blood ns lie had never known lieroro. He wnnted to Mss riom He felt that he nntit Ulvt her, that there was not streiiRti, enoiiRh left In him to do nnv- ...ik ,,,. ip ,,, rypq mol ,,,,,. n1, lie fnrirot hlniKelf nnd icniemboicd Clem Ills snul erled out, "Rncrlletfo," and he iltopped hK arms from nbotit her nnd stepped back i lent stood lipfnre him was In her stochlnRed feet, she hehl a little illiinei ilnzpil She In each hand Her eyes were blir nnd full of tho soft reproach of the mm tally wounded Alan felt ashamed and looked nwav. He had to break the silence "Well, you'ro oaiiRht," ho said lamely. Clem droppeil one slipper, threw up her linnil and brushed the dlsoidoied hnlr fioin her foiehend "Vcs, I'm caiiRht," sho s.itd and her lip, tiembled on tho woids. CHAI'THIl XXNVHI. 0. N'H day In midsummer Ainu In lili ilKgimt, was summoned percmptoilly by McDale. Half an hour's consultation was all they requited and Alan was ple.Tied to llnd as ho left their olllcei that ho rllll had plenty of time to catch the caily train hack to lied Hill. Theie worn only two nftetnooii (rains for that dllllcult RO.ll As he sliolled up the ncntip ho was nil cited bv tho slRht of a tall (iRtne HtandliiK on the puiIi natchliiR tho swirl of tho tiallle. The llRiire was dressed In n ln-ay wlilprnul suit and a Stetson hat. uiiconiiirombiiiiRly doiueil In the very form lit whit It It had been blocked bv tin. .inakeis A street Ramln yelled. "HI' relleis. look w lints Rot away fiom Huff.tlo Hill'" Kemp R.icd xulejnl hut uumoed oxli his dioopiiiR imistaclien, douhtless mouiniiifr tliii imssliip of Iho sliootitiR Iron and Iho consequent un.iusncrablo affronts of a tosteied rlvillz.ition. Al.m elboweil Ills way across the stream of pedesttl.uis and I'liitUicd him by tho aim Kemp wbliled mound ns If to meet 'attiiel; but smiled when ho saw AI.iu's face. "I was jest cilculntln' on roundlu' oli up." he drawled. "Where did ;. ou como from" Whero are you off to'"' ciled Alan and without wait ing for on answer ho lulled a cab, hustlen Kcntb Into II and oideied It to Ills club. He forRot his e.nlv tialn. Ill tho club luulu Kemp surrendered his little minute. editor ever think of the 'Children's ( everything is still. Think of it! wishing hour, say, fi p. in.? If your may write your wish out and point wish!" hour. But YOU are the judges. vour wish, not oven Jemima!, your or the canary bird. warded and she found a rose exactly like the other. There sho built her homo nnd jived very happily. Do You Know This? 1, What State in tho Union reminds you of February 22? (Five credits.) 2, What colored stoiys is the na tional park of the United States? (.Five credits.) FARMER SMITH, Evening LKDGEn: I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Plcaso send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free I agiee to DO A LtTTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY: Name Address ,,..,. ,mm.iii.. Ago School I attend. . , t rf . If l,) "If 1 I ) i"ixA i e1 i Ba 1' i -rsi?r!:ri aT V3H3?y lint relurtnntlv to the rendv attendant nnd imiuweii iiau ncross soft r.iinrt.q tn quiet coiner wheie two enoimous ehabs seemed to bo timkhiK timlldetices to cacl .uiier. line i mild linnRlnr them 0R- . T'!,nt '"'MC '"iPrriipled and s.it upon. 'Aell, Keinp, said Alan, "I'm Kind to see ou What's urs?" 'lto 'ml a rhrtscr," .nld Kemp. ,,..'s"".(, fo"- me, wnitcr," ordered Alan. Now. Kemp, tell tne all about It," 't Jest Mowed in from Llcber's, Mr. Vnyne, and I'm headed uest." "How's Mebcr and whero'n fierry? Dhl I.leber Ret mv cable"" Kemp looked sndly out throuRh (he win' flow. "Mehcr's dead." "Head'' Mebcr ilend?" Kemp imdded. "I found him with Meruhln,? (Ked for klekln' the bucket. Ho knew what vni the matter, but he Jlldnt tell mo what It was. Paid It hnd been eoniln' on him for somo while nn' thet the' wn'n't no he'p for It. Hut be Rot : no uep ror it. nut be Rot .$? ?f h? """l':1.! tint whnt vou done wa'n't iltl there wa'n't nothln' thet .. ..... ... 0 uui i-jiino, .Mr. should tell you wnsted. He said could he p him tliroURli the way that cablo did He snld It wno Iho pnsspo't he'd been wnltln' for an' thet vou wa'n't to think It como too Into becnuso lin leek oneil ho was roIii' to use It. b'nld It kliuler cleared his trail for him. Them was nil the HiIiirs ho said I should tell on " Kemp stopped t.ilklnR nnd downed Ids drink. Alan sat silent and thoughtful. I.leber was roiio nnd mado a Rap In his life that ho never knew had been (Hied Uc w n tit pi to know more. Ho turned to Kemp. "Well?" "Vou if member the Joa tree nt I,leb er's, Mr. 'Winne.' One o' the lonesnmest trees on earth, I leckon, ccept when the ItniiRiitivllhr comes out an' then It's a hnppv mntintnln o' red pu'plo that kind o' llRhts up the hull dcsoit." Alan nodded. "Well, then, you remember the blR boulder of i:iawncke under Ihe tree. That's Iileber's headstone He hnd a mason up fiom the coast -nm! ho nride us enrry him out under the tree to watch the man work. He iihe him a model cut Into a boa'il to copv f'tn. Tin some leader, but Iheni words beat mo eerv time. I coirnlleil 'em on a bit o" paper, thoiiRh, an' heio they be." Kemp drew a Mlp of paper from thr same old wallet that housed "The l'uipln City." He bunded It to Alsn. "Wish sou'd put me on," he Mild. "All I know Is It ain't Auieilean an' It ain't Me." Tile winds on the slip looked as If they had been printed bv n child with palns tnkhiR on 10. Alan staled ns he saw them. "Qui de nous n'a pas eu sa teno proinlso, sou Jour d'ext.ise, et s.i fin en ceil"" he lead slowly to himself nnd I hen, with bin ecs far away, tranidnteil for Kemp. " 'Who of us has not had his promised oxllo?' " Kemp nodded nnd 1 eld out his hand for Hip slip of paper. He put It bnik In his wallet and said, "J suppose I he feller thet wiole that was thlnkln' niostlv of a man's mind but when It comes to facts thi-iu wolds don't llt Ijleber. He i;ot inoiu ex ile than was comln' to him; It ct up the ecstasy an' most of Iho pioiulsed land. Hut I don't know. Thoy's lots of folks that needs to woiry moio'u I.leber ocr ciossln' tlio divide." Thev sat tliouRhtfiilly for soma tlmo and then Alan leniembcied lied Hill, "Where me j on htaylnR, Kemp''" "Astor House." Alan looked at his watch. "Como on." be s.iid "We'll, not to hustle. We've Just Rot tlmo to rii3h down and get soul liatf" .RAINBOW CLUB Our Poslofiice Box This is Francis J. Brandt, of Buist avenue, a very faithful reader of the club news. He writes n splendid let ter about his principal and his teach ers and wo nro glad to hear a little boy speak with so much spirit about his school life. Harold Eldridge, Philipsburg, Pa., is another young man who is very m u c h interested in his school life. He is going to take part in a Washing ton's Birtlulny- en tertainment at Trnnrts J. Huist Iiramlt, Jr. school and wo wish him every suc cess. Madeline Cuneo, Salter street, is ono of our most earnest workers, and wo want to say that one of our great est pleasures at tho end of ench week is tho lovely letter that sho writes telling us just how much sho is inter ested in the Rainbows. Your editor would like more littlo people to make it a habit to write to him every week. Minnie Yocum, Paschall avenue, de serves a word of praiso because she is working very hard to get new members. Dorothy Thompson, a lit tle Rainbow of North Frazier street, runs errands for neighbors who havo no littlo girls of their own to go on errands for them. Eight-year-old Emma Culp, Bolton street, want3 to know if sho is old enough to join tho Rainbow Club, Indeed, she is; 8-year-olds nro precious parcels and wo want moro and MORE of them, Emma Wiley, of Mount Joy, Pa., sent a lovely crayon drawing which would surely appear in the club news if it were only mado with black ink. Orlando Lazzaro, South 8th street, drew a very clever picture of your editor, but unfortunately it was drawn in pencil and pencil sketches are hard to put in newspapers. Eu j gene Bidini, Tasker street, made a I very beautiful motto for tho Rain- , bows, which would undoubtedly havo a place of honor in tho club news if it were drawn in black ink, Which all reminds us of tho following notice: ARTISTS! Hereafter np drawings will bo printed in th club news that aro not made In BLACK ink on WHITE paper. vl .tomb "Whnt for?" drawled Kemp. ''I was bound for our place out In the countrv when I found ou "Wc'vo pot Juit 0 iiilmilen to cnlcli tho train YoilTo coinlni: MHIi tne " wniv look (nine Into Ki-fflp'i ejes "Your folks out thup, Mr. Wnjnc?" he linked. "Vei." snhl A1nti nlid then ndded, "Kemp, do joit Inko tne for it man thai would nicer ou up against n Ramo ou don I bold rnnlq In?" "No," said Kptnp, "i ilon't," nnd then found himself hutted mid hurried Into a tail before be could filillier uolct. If Ainu had any uuulins about Intro ' "liiclnjt Kemp in lied Hill, lhe wcie soon nllnjed. Kemp was dulv pieseiitcd on tne lawn nl Maple lloine m even thliif In petticoats he took off his bat nnd said "lnn'nni," but before the men he stood hatted nnd vouchsafed a shmt "llowdy!" jiccnmpn tiled lj a bandshnle where It wns Inv Ited. NtrnndP to Kemp must have seemed the (jroup of which he found him elf Ihe cen tre At n Ic.ilnble under the bltrjest ma ple snf Mra ,1. V she culled Kemp and motioned to a ehnli besldn her Kemp let his lanky frame down stowh on the fiaixlle structure, look off his domed lint nnd laid It on Ihe ifrass- at Ids ildo t'o: nn Instant Mrs. .1 V nvd her soft, tnvople un?e on him and then looked awny. Clem Inoiiulu him a cup uf tea nml n biscuit. Kemp lipid the cup and saucer In the hollow of his hand nnd looked diiblonslv nt Ihelr ennleills. ...vnnl.l in " akeil' nthei dunk r 0t, ' '"" l.lMllll'a nlllnlr Would vou like sotnethlnn pIro, Mr. Mrs. ,1, Y. softlv. "Some menu? Kemp's quick eve roved over the croup Ho saw that liobodv was taking anything but ton and nt thp same time he noted ftintefnlly that naliodv uis iitchltiR him The .Indue nnd .1. V were talklmt to ench oilier. Nnnce, Jr . and I'mndii Tom were klieclhiK befnie Oeirv, .li., stolen i for a slant hour fiom Allx. That dwarf J Moloch, unused In stnrchv white that i stuck out like a ballet sklit ubovo ills I stuidv fat lews, uas iiriivclv drv online a sncllllco of enke. Chuille SteillnH lay full ; IrnRlll oil the mound, while his blood, I with shrill erles nt frcipient eiuptlolis, bulled mid rebutted him with sofa pil lows. N'nncp, Alan nnd Clem sipped tea and cheered on the ihlldiens effolls. Kemp turned a twinklhiR evo on Mrs. .1. V. "I ain't snln ina'ani, thet Ibis mlxtuio is my usual bev'uiKo, but a nian don't expect lo have his usual handed down fin a pulpit, nnd likewise I sen no poll for folks tiirnlu' their n out lawns Into n bar." Kemp could feel a si one; his strntmo mi I in r- was moved nl llndlui? Itself nib bing ellions with sin li a Kioiip, nnd when Kemp was moved ho nlnn.vs talked to bide his emotion. Mm .1. Y.'s Until V eves led him on, made liini feel nelidly akin to tliche unlet, contented men nml women and i lea n-f rocked, insy-chi eked childicn flolkklliK iiRnlnst the peneoful sell lug of sh.idy tiees, old lawns and tho I am bling house that staidly wiilihed them like some motheilv hen. whins otitspicad, ecr leady to luoud and shelter. Kemp's eyes left Mis .1. V ' facenud swept tn er the uceiic aiTaln. "Kiienkln' of bars," he went on In Ills soft iliawl. "I don't think a missus ever has no call to I handle dtliikn over an' above what kocs I In 'nil out or a milk pail, vvhkh Isn't ; drink In a manner o' spe.iklii'. I i.in't iIrIiIIv ico'llect Unit I evir seen a missus leanlu' over either side nf a bar In Ibis countiy, hut l'vn slra.ved some fiom Ihe home Coin e, nn' vou nmv be Mi'pilsoil, Mis' Wnviie, to Know thet thoy's lands wheie no one ain't nevei heeied loll on n barman nn' where bin maids is soinu coin nionei'ii Iho inilklii' lit nml " "Yes"" said Mis. .1. V. cncouinchiKly. "alio' Ihliis," replied Kemp; "I seen fin. I won't fnrKot Iho lust time, be cause I was consld'able einbaiias.sed missed a steamer In Non Ynwk an' tho linn was hi a hum, so thev sent me iurost to S iithaniplon, an' while I was wiiillu' for tho Hia.il bust a toller I'd Picked .up on lioa'd showed me mound t sonic Well, It won't loin; befnie he enr inled me, uulto wlllln'. In n liu" I pulled off mv lint and he sas, ' bv il'jou take orr vo' hat"' nnd 1 sav.s: 'Whv don't 5 on l.iko off vninn? Don't vou seo thev's a lady hen"." Then he bust out lauuhlu' and eveiybody lliat was nea" enoiiKli to hen' bust out Iniichlu', an' the mlssiia lielihnl Ihe Irir IniiKheil, too, though some hoiv It didn't toiind nn If sho laughed bec.uiMi sho eotildu't bo'p It." Kemp paused to blush over tho inem or lie did not notice that 'he JiiiIko and .1 V. hud drawn uuloilv nearer nnd Hint tho rest of tho giiuip of grown-ups weio intent on his wouls. "Thr.v's times," lie lonllnueil, "when It'n lit tin that a in.iii should bo without nhootin' lions, nn' Hint was ono of 'em. I can't lightly say whnt would havo happened, lint guessln's easy. CONTINUHD TOMOKItOW. kabies lv riiuitrir xuuskuy SO 3I0THKUS HEAR SKI5M0X Young Women in Congregation Act as Nurses Two baby bojs nttrnclcd much atten tion In the Kiitul iv iiursci.v ot llm West mlnslcr I'rcbbytoiian Chinch, RSlh fctieet and Chester iivemio Willie thev played their mother, Mrs. Hdvvaril Morau,' of .South Alden slieet nenr Chester avoiuie, relieved of tho caro of Iho jouiigslers for a few hours, lieuiil tho I lev. W.inen It Wind picach In tho aiidltoiluiu of tlio J l-lllllCIl Mr. Waid called attention tn the nursery 1 wlillo limiting hin nunnii. cenieuls nud I iiigcd all iiiothcis 01 little ihiiiiiou In 1 bring their oungsteru with them when tney camo 10 chuicli. Io said tho dill dren would bo ndmitnbly c.irod for. Jir Ward decided to Inlioiluco tho nursery at Westminster Church becauso of tho Lugo number of young mothers In Iho neigh borhood, who told him they could not at tend tho services beiauso they had no 011a at home to enro for their babies. .TUXfiBn MAKNNEIICIIOU INVITES MAYOR S3HTH TO BALL Other City Oflicinls Included In Guest List for Tonight's Function Mayor Smith and other city ofllclals and men prominent In business nnd fra ternal circles aro anient,' thoso Invited to tho annual ball of the Junger Maonnor dior, which will bo neld In Tinner Hall, Hroud street unit Columbia avenue, to night. The function Is expected to outshine nil picvlous balls given Dy the organiza tion. Oscar Qoorlng, musical director of the Junger Maem.crchor. la In cliaige of tho program. Besides Mayor Smith, the guest list In cludes Director of Public Safety Wilson. Hecciver of Taxes Kendrlck, Judgo Will, lam II Stanke, Judgo J. jj. Patterson, Michael J. Jtyan, James H. Sheehan, Su. perinteiident of Police Jtobinson, Con. gressman J, Hampton Moore, Congress, man William S Vare, senator SlcNIehol nnd Senator Hdwln If. Vaie. The Slulners, the Elks, Moose and Ancient uuler of Hibernians, ot this city, and the Krciitzcr Quartet Club, Ivew- York, nnd tho Alton, Utooklyn, also were invited. DINNER.DANCE AT WALTON Patriotic Air Will Pervade. Tonight's Function A patilotlc air, In honor of the pro.vlm Its of Washington's Hirtlulay, will per vade the monthly diuner-dunca of the Walnut Stieet Business Association, which will bo held la tho Ameiiuin bull loom of tho Hotel Walton tonight. The committee In cliargo loiulsts of Matthew M. (illmoro. Uialun.ui, John W. Altliouse. J J. 1 label mehl. Mum JUU'uul le. Miss Qler Fkinlgun. Mr. G S. Ha kfitt, II. c Vaughn, C. C (andell and Thoinan Kern. Tfw Fruteinal Coniiiilttee la composed ot K. S CajwooU, chairman; Kobert A. DavU, Kiank McCall, W. ii JUttliewson. ljmis J. Meyer. John Jaunes, jnt-eph ji Scott, Julius Wellner and Hithatd 1 co. LEADERS OP "MESSENGER SERVICE" IPS S0jPOHrJP OZSJA7-7 I B,, ' if I fe W GOOD FORM Oielm; (11 llif nrl Hint Ihe nvrtilnq Lnliicr li vitiinliiulln ttvhrit (cnHoiis re Mm; 11 imHris 0 rllijurlle. It mi Iirrn tlrrhlril In open 11 column fit tvhlrh iiicrics 0 (Ms kind may be on-airri-rif. 37ip rnfniun (s at tint under rt jisrte rfoiifiii; bil II li, nrvrrthrtcM, trilled hy mi tinllinrltji nit snrlnl convent Inns, ie10 ti in-cimird tn tiiMtrrr clearly, cnrrfullii oik rnnrlnith rly 11112 quern Willi h Mil) or piniioiiiiibi. tlnnil form qiiri lei .ilinuld ha ml iliriicil tn Drbmnli Htmli, will ten nil one ie of thr )inyrr nml sblird ieli full iiiiinr nml tuiiffis. Ihnitiih Inlllntt OXIiY will bv tniblhhcd upon iciiursl. Questions of rllipiette! How foolish' Of course, we ill know the proper thing under all 1 lioumstances. Tl1.1l Is one's Impulsive mum cr when the Idea Is llrst suggested Hut uie there not times when iiies tlons nilso nnd vou wish for souio one to coiiKiill on soclnl in.itters? Somo one Wlio 0.111 be t lusted, who will keep 0011 lldenro and .vet glvo iiuttim itut Ivu an sweis ou thohO vailolis in.itters How to diess for an evening ohiiroli wedding, what Is the olllcc of the best man: the maid of honor; who pays for what at a wedding; what Is pioper to wear for an afternoon dinsant, how- many cuds should lie IcH when calling: In addiess Ing Invitations how ninny should be sent to each household; questions of table eti quette nt vailons functions, and theie me different answeis for dllferent occ.islous, and. well, all tho Innimier.tlilo littlo things which niako up tho social amen ities of our daily life And so T open 111 v lolumn. In which nnv anil every ques tion nn social ni.ittcin will bo answered, nud Invito vou to send mo jour queries, I which will iccelve my caieful attention 1 .. . . .... . .. 1. . ,i. 1 nm orten iiskpu. jusi vt 11.11 i- too pioper form to 11 In announcing an en gagement. If the parents 01 mo gin nm j ji w nnnoiitioo Iho engagement of their daughter. Miss M. A. W . to jlr (. 11 j . n Is very bad foiiu for a gli I to announce her engagement, heiseir. Iheiefnie, if her patents nto nnt living, slin should have her nearest rela tive miiho the announcement. Wlillo 011 tho subject of engagements, another veiy fieqnjuit question Is: "If a hostesa is giving a dinner and wishes to usk a ghl to It, and docs not know that girl's llance, what In tho pioper thing to do?" fiiquestionably tlio fliinco should bo In vited, whether tho hostess has had an Introduction to him or not. An invita tion should bo sent In tho thlid person. In nny case, nnd It Is veiy bad form to ask tho ono without tho other Misuse of Word Couple Hear llclmicih Hush A club of which I am a member Is piepnring to glvo a dance In March. Do ou think It would bo moro advisable to havo tickets at .so much per ootiplo or for each person' n, av. p. The tickets should bo printed to much per poison It is alvvajs bail form to speak of a man and girl as a couplo. Should Bridal Parties Be Invited nenr Drbotah l.'ttih I bavn been a bridesmaid at sovcial vveddliigs iccciitly and havo decided to glvo a ilnnco for the brides. Do you think it Is necessary to ask tho brldnl parties? M. It. Tho pioper thing would be to Invito nil tho members of the bridal paitles. These young people, nfler all, two among the closest menus 01 your biipsihih ihmidi. and It would be In veiy questionable tasto to oveilook jour fellow Initial putty mem bers. Which One Precedes Hear Helot nh 7,'u.it Will you kindly advise me In legaid to tlio following mat ter: When a ouug man Is Willi n girl In a street car is It proper when they nro getting off for him to lead tlio way, or should bo let tho young lady Bet off llrst? This matter Is one that seems to puz zle many people, although thero should bo no reason for It. as tho first duty of a man when ho is cscoitlng a girl should bo to protect her and assist her In eveiy way possible, nnd when nllghtlug from a car or veblclo of any kind ho most cer tainly should precede her nnd stand ready to take her band ns sho Heps down This brings another1 question to my mind that Is the unnecessary and provincial habit of linking arms on tho street This Is ex cusable only when the pavements aro veu slippery or when the man's companion Is lame or otherwise unable to walk unas sisted, tn which caso tho man should offer his arm and not, Instead, hold tho woman's elbow and uso It as a sort of rudder to bteer her tluough a crowded place. Formal Invitations Proper ! near Deborah Ttush A. question was raised by two friends In regard to In viting Ioid and Iady Aberdeen to a din ner. A. bad met them on one occasion and, having some connection with mutual friends, decided he would like to Invite them to bis house. A. said lie did not know how to address them, but Insisted it should be a peison.il Informal uoto, and H hold that the invitation should be sent in the third pcisou. Can ou tell me which was correct? C. V. n li unquestionably correct As A bad only mot these persons 011 one occasion, ho did not Know them sumclently to send an Informal Invitation. An Invitation In tim tblrd nerson should have been sent Incidentally, It Is rather unusual to Invito 1 liersons to uinner 1111 mi siiKot mi Jmaintance. pmionAUJlUSH. Money and Mending Theie are legions of men who boaid and have no ono to keep their cluthes In condition. True, the laundries attach new neckbands In place of the worn one and they do other sorts of tepairliig, but theie is u. ci) ins need for dainhis aud le.-ulut old-time ecme uiendlns A canvass of boarding houses might help sou to get in touch with men, aud perhaps women, who will reglad to pa tronize jour practical Industry. v Ay (j so 0 wrov ve SOCIETY FOLK TRAIN FOR DUTIES IN WAR Maids and Matrons Will "Man" Autos and Learn Messenger Service Work Theip Is more titan one way of being piep.ued. While statesmen vvi.inglo over standing ntmlen and linpioving linvv icsouiies. one woniun light heio hi I'lifla dolphin Is mustering a folio, which, should wnr loally como lo Iho 1'nlted Stales, will bo equipped lo tlio smallest delail for pinctlcal lnos.scngcr set v lie, and iiiesentlv when plans 1110 mi fected mid .luck 1'iost has taken himself to oilier p.uts the peilestrlan In Kilrinount Park will ho smpilscil to have his pacific ill earns Intel iiiplcd by the suildeu appear mice of n llcillll.i of niolois "niamied" bv soiiel.v'n most charming mations and maids ft will lie simply Philadelphia's fcml nlno "messeliger service" law leciults tnltlng their 111 st lessons In pinctlcal pie pa redness. Mis. Ocorge Hnllan Dlvon Is nssunilng the responsiiiiiitj. of directing this good work, and tho Moiy of what Is tn I10 dono Is best lold by that gincious woman uei.seii. "Wo nren't quite rendv to call 0111 selves luenscugci.s just vet." sho said, "hecauso 1 no iiiiiui is sun m 1110 process nt forma tion. Theip nro new members coming in nveiv div Hut our nfllclnl title. If .vou could call It that. Is tho Pennsyl V.111U Itallioad Ili.uicli of tlio Women's Viepaiediiohs .Messenger Service In other wouls. wo nto training to do actual mes senger duly in (duo of war. and our band is entliely composed of the wives, ilaiiRli teiH nud iluughters-lii-lavv nf Pennsj Ivanla ltaihnad olllciala fiom this city to ntta biugh ".Messenger service, ns I understand It, will Include Just this: Carl j lug the wounded from placo to place, doing regu lar motor ninhulniice service nnd making ourselves generally useful. Tlio young mations who niako up the classes nro taught to rise to nny occasion, to till any emergency which ni.iv nrlse. To do this they must have n comploto li. lining In tho ninnngeiiicnt and meehnnism of a tuotoicar. "Lessons nro to bo given In tho morn- ) ; , A-rvW ,.- JTiviCiJftjr JTSVMA' A Few of Our Specials for Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday GOLD SEAL Gold Seal are the largest, freshest, meatiest Eggs that money can buy. Wc supply Eggs to the most particular people. FRESH EGGS, 25c Fresh Eggs of excellent quality, not so large as the Gold Seal; strictly fresh and fully guaranteed. 100 Stamps with each 1-lb, pkg. 60c Gold Seal Tea Tr'..1 55c SO Stamps with VMb. pkg..-30c 25 Stamps with J-lb. pkg...l5c Gold Seal is our regular 60c Tea that for equal quality you would pay from 80c to 51.00 the pound in other stores. Your choice of Mixed, Black and Assam, PRIDE OF KILLARNEY Tea 30c tin, special at 25c 15c tin, special at He Pride of Killarney is a choice Blend of the finest Ceylon and India Tea3. For people -yho love a strong, rich drink, Pride of Killarney ts the favorite. There are many other attractive values this week at every SK R. & C. Store, whether it be located at , W 21st and Market Streets W Downtown, Uptown, Germantown. Kensington, West Philadelphia, w Manayunk. Roxborough Logan, Oak Lane, Overbrook, Bala, Nar vp Derm, nrcuiicuc, oiyu mum, i.muuwiic, i, njiisuutvuc, .Ltiancrfn, Darby or Media, Robinson & Crawford if Grocery Stores for Particular People PREPAREDNESS lugs. Simple directions about how to dilve a car, how to avoid ordinary mis haps nnd sulIi work as changing tires will bo thoroughly mastered. "Then I thought that It would bo a good Idea to supplement this messenger gill with a llrst-nld nurse. Her duty will be to lido In the front of the car with tho messenger, so that If there Is nny unet pei'lcd vvoik which ono woman could not do bv hoi self, her helper will bo nt hntul. "Our force Just iit present linn about "a tiicinhefs, nil of them voting millions. We divide up into units, ench unit under a wnimui who inKcs entire chnrgo of tho classes, Insti uctlon and pinctlco of her band Mrs. George Dallas Dliou, Jr., has one, Mrs. Gardner Cassatt has another nml 1 havo a third. Otncrs nro forming, ns T have said, but they nro by no menus complete. "Tho distinction In first aid work re qitlics attention, too. Jinny of the girls me taking tho cuiuso In this woik which Is being given at tlio Oman's Medical College. Hut theie nro ninny 11101 e who cannot nnd tho time or for somo other icasuii tne unable to attend those lectures. So I havo planned to get a young sur geon to give llrst aid lessons nt my homo on Fildnvs at noon nftei March 23. In this wav every 0110 can take advantage of tlio course and loso nothing by It. "Tho weather Is too bad Just now to put any of the automobile lessons Into practice. Most of these women drive their cars, of comae, but they are not nccus tonied to other duties. In order to really learn how to c-hango n tire, or reverse, or do any or theso tilings joit must get right down and try it. So when the spring, or at least when tho good weather coincs4 tlio units of 10 nro going to take their cars mid go out to Knit mount Park. There, 1 they will change tiles, whether they hnp- ! pen lo bo punctured or not. Tho Instruc- tor will accompany thorn, ot course" And so If ou happen to bo taking a sit oil of a lino spring morning around Stiawberry Mansion or Sweet Briar II III don't bo nnnojod if you nro "honked" nsldo by n hew ot smartly tailored mntrons driving up tho tricky hill. 'The bnbv emeus. Hint llrst llowor of spiing, will bo in tlio Bhndo when the su peilor charms of society's loveliest ma tions Inko to Invading tho quiet nooks of tlio pnik hi the, Intel ests of preparedness. Tho call ot tho mating birds will bo di owned out bv the sound of a siren not tho sweet singing of somo long-haired lady of the l.orelel tspo but on up-to-dnto 1016 model of tho newest nnd noisiest auto hoi 11, sounding a call to arms. Speed of a Phonograph Record Tho averago speed of tho phonograph record under the needle Is 1.S2 miles an hour. &i EGGS, CARTON 30c 40 Stamps with each 1.1b. pkg. 40c Kamelia Tea ? 35c 20 Stamps with -lb. pkg... 20c 10 Stamps with J-lb. pkg... 10c A Tea of excellent quality, far superior to what is usually sold at 40c the pound outside our stores. We have your favorite kind, Mixed, Black and Assam. 25 Stamps with each Mb. pkg. X CAPITAL np on ! BLEND 1 Ca, diVC 10 Stamps with VMb. pkar..,15c yl 5 Stamps with J,-lb. pkg.,, 8c XU Without exception the best $K 29c Tea on the market A trial .$ will prove it. We have it in t Mixed, Black and Assam. W Throughout tha Cily and Suburb w w !' I J I i ii jggz