&t ...EVENING LlSPQEB-PHILADELPIIIAr MONDAY, FEBRtTARY 21, 1016. r I -nntf. Feb. SI. Cranks nntl "i"i i0i(cra nro nmhtnft futile efforts icticai - t-irti.a in ronfilsn Ibo nnlleft .luusoui .- - . .-..- -"-.- Twlr-efforts to npproiiemi .ican crones. -..hHl el"1' wl, trlc,t l" l'olf!0 Kit of more Hmn 200 Catholics at a Vur flTCK In Honor ill mcnuii'iiuii mull- :MSn In ChlcoBo .K. communications receive the most l!nu(e consideration. 1...1. ... iiure fflni nceorillliR to tlio police, mils addressed to tlio "chief of Sfcst.IaJ'. cVor . lt. Tjie mo- . . .,.. . nr.iw YorK cuy, nmi innrjccu mi V Borihiiicii )n nencil on a ICRONES LETTERS fi WORK OF CRANKS l,w Not Deterred in Search f. QT poisoner Churches Gunruca i x mi J-Arfflni, nun -. -..- -.... ,,.. ,. ISXiteh lnnk of th0 WcHtrrn Vninn iMn nhdonmnny and was poslcd at the 1 lJ:IHffil'rt .( rll..ll..n FTMsn litnlil) Ira li.W- Central oun...... ""'.. ' twLt lAtfAH wntt folded and. withoiil "Mftfe pr envelope, was dropped Into tho N"" . ubiin llm mull it lioslnlllrp rlorlc EUllu.Fi -'- fBjS.vj letter, and on ndvlco of the stiper ilM t was sent to police liciiflrjtini- (K whero" It was inriicti over 10 jn WQ.. tniin .1 Cray. 200 MEN EAGER TO BE SERFS OR WIDOW AND WORK ON FARM A&t t)t com w, 1 nir not a handwriting cx- r a careful perusal (Mint note, and after coinpaniiK n wnn ' .ii.... I.. I.n irnnliltin Inttnru frniii IBStlnm convinced that It Is spurious. SqJws' ,, ll,l tinllKnr (if Mm 111-.. 'Km received tndny was written or In- wrote tho nutlior of tho Llwl by Crones r am w. j b!l. Dosted at the Clrand Central fttu Cj. "to leave the Rood city of Now l" t iust for my safety sake. I Mho P01 .. .. ...... cAnltt tint nlnvni. nt till t'- detectives looklntf for mo nnd no lit can catch me I was In Urnml Con. Li rtatlon till" nlKlit nt 28 past 11. i-Bt.nks for you kindness. Slnu) ...-.v.. v...... ....... 'Another letter sent, irom wnsniiiRion ! P .. .Ia iimt'otifittnt wolf tllrnml ,-ie.w mux i... ...-,...,.-. '" ....--. ...... r-n i. riml I li n Ir.Hnr .. frt inRllt'L'lllI i- Jl tin" mu iinin ijrdcil It tlic creation of a crank. l.ll... I.. nnii.luiul.ln.i nn.l (tlwas rami"". " i.viihmiii'ui hh.i frtH UJV" ii.i - -....- ...... e pollco a merry cIiiiho and ovontually lb them nil to hell " IB keeplnfi Willi ineir ikmiu- hi ".njc ipeclal Kuard upon churches, especially j mbmQ of tno uoinan iiiiiouu uunuiniiiii on, the police piaccu men arouou mc ildccj durlnp tlio forenoon and In the i special rieuiii v..i aKKiK"Ci Cathedral and to tno inning. M SI. Patrick s lAome of Cardinal Farley. t Marriage Licenses Issued in Elkton ELKTON. Mil Kelt. 21. Jlarrlace II- Mtists Issued In nikton today were tho fill- oilnK Arthur n iiernnt, loieuo, ti.. al Agnea i lioyie, rnnaiieipina; reroy mkiv anil .Mnrtlia nartnur, lialtlmore, jijllirry I mnlil. .ir , wiuniniuoii. Del., li Annie rrlee. kikioii. aiu ; Atiurew Tfrser nnd Florence Foster, I'nllndel- Kili; William l-auo anil Julia I'layroru. fclMelphla, CeorKo li. Jlarcliamer and fitherlne V I.evow. Chester, I'h.j IIoiv nl F. Korclel and Mabel Kauterman, Itead Wii Pa.; Harry T Cooper and Katheryn ujuec. noutu westorvine. r. ,i.j Charles Shlnn and Hose Kelly, Bristol, l'n.; filter Ij, Owen and .Mabel H. Morrow, ;blladetphla, l'a jfeilgalc to Be Honored at Dinner "JERSEY CITV. N. J., Feb. 21. A din- lir.ln lioniu of Stato Senator Austen lpte will ho held by tho employes IIMcate & Co here on amy 8. Sen- lator Colp.ito Is helm; boosted cutliuslas- lally' for ('overnor by tho men In tho rAptey of tho company. " ' ,, and '" i fN wi)Mii wm Nr - " mrrimo HiMtetF oserou " AM) waiveo I BMrtiNft ewooert TtTTTi-t T- v'J tvmA,B-; (yes! fca rievoEflr..H t tn J "PEGGY" IS INDEED A "SWEET LITTLE DEVIL" Billie Burke tins New Role Not Unlike Maude Adams' Babbie Salary Would Be Only $25 a Month Duties Without End, but Generally Useful Stipulation Is Real Attraction to Horny-Handed Sons of Toil WoiklnK for a widow on a farm near North Wales, Pa., seems to hao an at traction for nearly MO bachelors who an swered her advertisement foe a lilted man. They want tho Job, and her, too. They all proposed except one, who wiote that ho Is afraid If ho times the Job ho'll Imvo to ro to church with the family. He'd lather feed the pIrs an extra poitlon that day or sew on buttons while tho rest aie sIiirIiik limns, he said. Hut nil the othcrh seem enthusiastic to marry the widow, whoso name no one knows. s.'Uo the widow herself and MaK Istrate Klrkpatrlck, who placed her ad M'rtlsement In his paper. The men do not seem dismayed at the duties which they will he tciiulrcd to perform. These duties Inrliule worklm on the faun, reedliiK the PIrs, nillMiiK tlneo cows, "icntllliR" to two hnit.PN. tnkltiK rule of the brooder and Inruhator, operating the Rasnllno cn Rlne, drlvliiR the daURhter to srhool and brlnRlni; her home In the nfteinoou and innklni; blinsclf Rencially useful "when this scr -'ulo Is completed" nil for $:." a mouth! Itnt innbo that "Rencrally useful" clause has something to do with the eiiRemess of the bachelors. If the widow J nnpiiciis io Rei a rooo-iookiur mien man, tho nelRlibois espeet to hear of some thliiR as unheard of as a corporation lawyer mnrrylns his stenoRfapher or a daiiRhter elopliiR with the chauffeur. Theatrical Baedeker IjYtllC "The Onlv llrl." u iniiilnil inmoily, by Vlrtnr Ilprlwrt unil llrnrv IllnMioin. fouiulnl mi u IIrIU piny of a few w.isuuh iikii, "Our V1PH." ADIIMMll "Thn Two Virtues." lth 11. 11. NothiTn nn.l Alpxnn.lra Cnrllsle. A rnmedy by Alfre.1 .sutni. In wlilrh Mr. Suthi-rn lakes It cimy mcr a Htrnje "literary nmn.' HAltlllCK - "Tln lledH," with liny Cm. A fnrru, liy Hnllsliury Field Mini MiirRnret Jlan. uhlrh ill-ills with the comic iiiUen lures if in (Mile who inNtake other people's iipnrtnu-nts for their own. rilltllllST -"Artuin.l the Map," with llliln Alder ami -Wlllliun N'orrls. (lon.l muilr. hL'tu-r in tine unil Hliiuliic L'rljim s xccucry hcsl of all. imoAl) Pollj.iniiii." with I'.itrliln C'ollhlKe, Ilflli- Kli.iniioa anil llerhcrt Ivi-lrey. Tho "Kind ulrl" nf llio "clail himliM" jil.iMiiu tin' "slad Kanio" with sentliiK-ntul thnr "uichneHH. WAI.Nl'T "A Pair of Sixes." A fnrro sue (ess nf bint seasiin. deallnK with pills ami poles. First lime at popular prices. l'HOTOPIiAYS C'llKSTNl'T STH11I1T IHMIIIA HOtlPII "On Ihn KlrliiK l.lue with the (lerni.ins." tho North American's war plctiires. showlnc tKOneH during the (lermun onentdxe itKalnsi the HuKslans. STANI.11V -Mnnilny, Tliendny nnd Wedlies. day. "The Trail of tho Lonesome Pine." with Charlotte Walker and Theodore Hnb crtH. Thursd ty. I-'rlday and Saturday, "Out ir tho KrlflM.'' wilh MiirKiu-rlto Clark. AltCADIA- All week. "IVbb.v." Willi llllllo IturUe. A TrlitnKlc-ICay llco priidiKllon. illrci ted tiv Thomas Inie. It tells a (hi llKhtful lltllo tale of Scotland. FAI.ACII All week. "Poor l.lttle i'epiilliii. with Mary I'lckfor.1. Tho most ilKcrslllcd part set shuwn by "l.lttle, Mury." VAl'DIIVll.Ml KIIITU'S lluth St. Deals, Iluth Itnir, J. ('. Nucent la --The Menl lloiind". HIb City Four. Stan Stanley Trio. Hie Mliilnluin He-i-w, Three Ankers. I'rlta llrueh and sister. Meredith nn.l "Suoo7cr." llltAN'D "The Ml.lnlclit llolllckers." llohert Fulnnre. William Wilson. In "The l-olltl-ihm": llermird nn.l Si-nrth. In "Lain Sum Town"; ltohliisnii nn.l McShnnc, mid Su tnoa COLONIAL -I larrv (ternnl In "The Link nf the Totem"; the Alexander IClds. lMtimonil nn.l (irnnt, .Mnry limy. "Plshlnc." Holmes nnd Wells: cinrl. e Lewis, Cnntwell and Waller nn.l the CrelKhtons. CiLolli: "PiissIiik Heue of tlllil." Ye Okie 1 lit hvlllo Four, IMuiond llliiKras. Stone nnd -l.enr, In "The Manicurist"; Amanda on. l.ort. Northland and Ward. Granlco and (lrnnlce. Hull nnd Hall. Mtuk and StnngMlcr. CllOSS KI1YS First half of tho ueek. the Navass.ir lllrls. , t'ndets do Oust nlBtie. Charles A. Lisler. In "A Nlnlil Doctor": Mtlrru llennetl. KlriB and Hose, Do Iteuzo mid Lll.ltle. NIXON -The TurvHlo llrothers and their enl. Keno and llreeo. Ilnl stoens. Ten Imperial Japs, .Miller and Llc mid Hilda ScIuk-c. STOCIC KNICKIIHIlOCKFIt--"Cllder Cover." the HticieHsful melodr.im.'i of List Hi-nsou. pre Heated hy thu Knlilierlniclter l'l.iers. A.MI1IIICAN "Tho Woman llo Married." a in by Herbert llashford. First Phila delphia lireseatntlou. with tho Anlno l'l.iy ers. Ill'llLIISQl'i; DFMONT'S liummit's Minstrels in trim-sties on matters of current Interest. Will Sell Cuopertown School Tho old Coopertoun school property, at Coopertoun load and tho Ilaverfoid Darby, rond. Is to be sold at public salo on March 8 by the school board of Uavur ford towns-hip. , By the Photoplay Editor "I'lMOY" A TrlnnRle-Kay-Itee nim In een pirts, directed by Thomas lnre. Itelenscil Monday and plnMnR all week nl the Arcadia No part thnl Maudo Adnms ever played, een Fetor Fan, could unite enunl hot de llRhtful self as nubble In "The r.lltle Minister." This dimming. Uncoiiventlnn nl. but pctfei'tly proper yotitiR lady, was about i)ne-(unrter Hnrrlc'ri nnd tlitee noarters Maude Adams. Now we Ret ntiotlinr chnracter to dlMdo up In inndi the same wny: and Mls Adams, ns sllenl pat titer, Is still roIiir to Ret In nn It. In "1'cRRy," the new Trl-niiRle-Kny-lteo Mini plnylUR nil this week nl the Arradla, the title role' Is a yoiiliR lndv that Is about one-third ttio author's, about one-lliltd Illllle Ilurke nnd one third lemlnlseences nnd rcmembtnnces of Mamie AdatiH' Unbblo. "FeRRy" Is wholly dmrniliiB, nnd llllllo It u rite Is I'CRRy Why wony about the story of "FeRRy ?" Co and fee It. It Is atnusltiR nn.l nb- SOlllltlR. Illllle Ilurke appears to better nilvntiliiRo In pictures than on the staRc, for tho affected mannerisms of her voice are not heard, while her peculiar little iilck, bird like movements are far funnier when Oleic Is uothlmr to distract the attention. Charles Hay, ns the yntiim son who stinys from the narrow path of rlRht, plves niiollier of bis beautifully s.vinp.i Ilictle clinracterlzatlnim of difficult toles. Ills work In "I'eSR.v" Is cpilte as Rood ns It was In "The Cowaid." What blRher praise can be uUrn? It Is the illn-ctlon and pliotoRr,iphv of the plctuio, the sublltles , and whole finish of the production that' la moat re markable, luce has done iiothltiR bet'or than this dellRhtfnl plerc of work. The lenders are placed In a frame lint larse enoiiRli to bold thorn, while sur rounilliifr them nre very clever drnwlims on Ihe older of those on the cover of "Voriic" bits of landscape In outline, people In shaded Rrays, nnd Ihe ocean In blnck and white. The whole plctuio Is taken In a shnded llnlsli which icmlnds one of Ihe peculiar mystic atmosphere of the palntliiRs of Corot. "FeRRy" Is the most artistic piece of work yet produced by tho TrlnliRle ICay-Hee. An Incident that Just skilled the very cdRo of leal traRoejy Happened to 1lnv ard li.H'les mid Harry De Vere In tho m.ikliiK of "Thu Code of Maile Oray," a foi thromliiR Morosco-Pai amount le lease. A Moioseo company was woikliiR at the I.os AiiReles haibor at night, tak Iiir a scene sIiowIiir Davlcs and Do Vere IIrIiIIiir nn tho edRc of the stcnmshlp pier, tho llRht cudliiR by both topplliiR over Into tho sea and roIiir down toRctlier. Tho camera clicked mid the llRht was sallsfyliiR even to the director. At the proper moment both men toppled over Into tho black water and to every one's consternation the rain-swollen tide quick ly carried them out of leach nf the life boat stationed outside of the llaie's llRht. AlthoiiRli De Vere Is u Rood swimmer. Davlcs cannot swim a slioko. A babblo of shunted orders and a con fusion of much ruunliiR aiounil would have been of no avail, but that some mm by a lucky shot placed u llfe-iiieserer beside the bobbliiR head of Howard Davlcs. Then It was that he allowed tho stuff that heroes are made of. Nut turn Iiir to shore and safety, but holdlj strik ing out with ono hand RrnsplnR the llout lns support, ho reached Do Veto In the EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVKIIV SIONHAV SUIWIICT TO CHANGE LUAMKltA fOLLO MBCADIA EL3I0XT jnOEIiMD 1R0AD ST. CASINO CEDAR m :hest. st.opjiousr kn imiwiflUNT BAXKFORD ED ST. 8.1RDEN PIWIANTOWN PilRAni) KfiAT NOIlTHEItN LPEIUAL ais torson yFAYETTR tgERTY PCDST PN AUDITORIUM JARKET STREET im PEUJI" IIRBROQK ACE D weiiannT MONDAX Pauline Frederick, The Spider Jane Clrev, la Let ICaty I)n It JJIlllo Ilurke. I I'CKKy Lou TelleRca, In The Unknown Pauline Frederick, Ldia .llmore Cnrol McComas. In When Uno Is Kins Mary Plckfnnl. la Itehlnd tho Scenes Harold Tho LocJcw ond. Huzza rd s In Shmloiv Tho North American's Herman War Pictures Henry II. Walthall, Tho Haven llerlwrt Kelcev and Iirfle Shnnnon, In Tho Sphinx Mnrv l'lekfnrd, In MlBlreas Nell Chnrlei Itnck. In Ills Vindication Theda Ilnra, In Destruction Clen Ithlxlev. In The flnl.len Chanre. Orrln Johnson. In The Penitents Ida Schnnll. Fnilln Tliurlnw IlerKen, Tho Cliy In Triangle Plavs His Pride and Shame WlUard Mack, in Tho Conqueror Francis X. rtusliman. Man nnd 1IU toul In Ida Schnnll, In Undine Olrl and the flame (S) Wild Jim, Reformer Olpi Petrna, In What Will People Say! Mamuerlte Clark. Mice ami Men In Muriel Oulrlche, In A Circus Itomance Henry Woodruff. In Tho IleckoiilnR Flame MarRiierltfl Snow, Jtosemary la Carter l Haven, In The Wrong Door All-Star Cant. In The Chorus Lady Wilfred Lucas, In Acquitted Wlllard Maik, In The Edse of the Abyss Mary Flekford. In 1'our Little I'epplna Valeska Buratt. In The Immigrant Iluth Holand. In The Ited Circle The Ills Hrother The Election Bet Muriel Ostrlche. In Kennedy Squaro Frances NeUon. In Lovo'e Crucible Hazel Dawn. In My Lady Inros Francis X. Huahman, In Man and 111 Soul Anita Stewart. In My Lady's Slipper Charlotte Walker- Trail of lb Loneaome Fine Ilobcrt Conne, In The Truth Vabuka Surutt In The Soul of llroadway QeraldbM Farrar. la Tewptatlon VU(rALuca, la TUKSDAV Pauline Frederick, III Tho Spider I.nu TelleKCIl, In Tho Unknown Illllle Ilurke, In 1'cKKy Lou TelleKcu. In Tho Fnknowu Dnrothv Donnelly, Mnd.mie X Ida Schnnll, Fndliio In Valeska Suratl, In Tho ImmlKr.int CInra Klmhnll YnunK. In Tho Yellow I'.iaspnrt The North American's Herman War Pictures Svd Chaplin. In A Suhmarlno Pirate Paramount: Fannlo Ward, in Tho Cheat Charlotte (Ireenuood, Jane Fdn.i TulErnler. Liberty Hall Louis Vance, llio Demroylue In AiiRel Cleo lil.lslev. In The (bildea Chance Carlyle IIMckuell, Tho Clarion In Maclvn Arhuckle. In The llofnrm Candidate Oraft No. 10 Douk'las Falrhnnks: Ills Picture In tho Papers Douirlas Fairbanks, In Double Trouble Paulino Frederick. Sold Marie Doro, In Tho Wood Nymph Tho Mabel's Marrf Path of Happlnena ed 1.1 ro Marv Hckford. In Madamo llutierlly Marcucrlle Clark. Mice und Men Win. 8. Ilnrt. House Pe ters, In lletween Men Henry Woodruff. In TlioJIeckonlim Flame WillUm R Hart, Thu Disciple In Lois Meredith. In The Precious racket Clara Kimball Younc. In The Yellow I'ussiwrt Wilfred Lucas. Acquitted Syd Chaplin. In A Submarine Pirate Mary Plckford. In J'oor Little Fepplna Kathrvn Wllllama, In Thou Shalt Not Covet Alice Ilrady. In The Woman In 47 From Out the l'ut Dreamy Dut l.ot at Sea Muriel Oatrlche, In Kennedy Square Faullne Frederick, In Zaza Anna Held. In Madame La I'reldente Clara Kimball Younc, Camllle Florence Keed. In The Danclns Olrl Cnarlotte Walkr: Trail of the Loomoiue Plua Lillian Ijorraln. In Should a W Ife Forgive! Viola Danna In The loiuxwnce of lluth Ueraldbaa Farrar. la Temptation Wilfred Lucaa, la wi:dni:sd.y Pauline Frederick. In The Sel.ler IMniund fircee, In Tho Lure of Henri's Desire Illllle ilurke, In Pecsy , Fnnnlo Ward. In The Client Alice llrn.ly. In Tho Woman In 17 Ilnrry Nnrthrup. Ill The Secret Seven Mnrv Plckrord. In MlKtress Nell The Clyillconf CouniKo Tlio North American's Herman Wnr Pictures Nanro O'Nell. In A Woman's Past Fillth Storey. In On Her WnldliiK NlKht Mabel Normnnd in He Did nnd lla Didn't Ollva Duntner. In A Modern Mephlsto CInra Whitney, In Tho llullng Panlnu Mary .Miles Mlnter. Dimples in Illanehe Sweet. In Tho Secret Dri'hard Frances Nelson. In Love's Cruclhlo Harold Loekwoml In The Kml of the lload Muriel OMrlche. In Kennedy Square Vivian Martin. In Merely .Mary Ann DouKlas Fairbanks Hid Plctuia In the Papers Vnlll Valli. In Her Debt of Honor A Iteachlnu Venceance (letting In Wrong Ilessle Itarrlsenle. Honor's Altar Clara Kimball Young, In The Yellow I'aanjort Kdwln Stevens. In The Man Inside Norma Talmadge. In The MUsIng Links Kathrvn Wllllami. In Thou Shalt Not Covet Muriel Oslrlche. la A Circus llomance Frances Nelson. In Love's Crucible Tearl White und Itruce Mcllae. In Hazel Klrke Win. Hurt and House Felers. In Hetweea Men Mary Pick font. In Poor Little I'epplna Carlyle Illackwell, In The Clarion TIIUItSDAY Dustln I'lirnum. In Tho Call of tho Cumherlauds Clara Kimball Young. In Tho Yellow Pnsstmrt Illllle Iturke, In I'egKV rannlo Ward. The Cheat Vnlll Vnlll. In Tho Turmoil Frltzl lldmett. In Diamonds Are Trumps IMniund Itrcese. In Tho Lure of Heart's Desire Carlyle Ulnekvvell, In ' Tho clarion Tho North American's netnuin War Pictures Jane flrev. In Lit KhIv Do It Mailv-n Arhuckle In Tho Iteform Cnndtdato FrnncU X. Ilusbniau, The Silent Voice Ueorgo llnrs. In Tim Avenger Doroihv Donnelly, In Mail.inio M iry Miles Mlnter. Dimples Mme. Oltra IVtrova. In Wlnt Will I'eclplii Kay? Vnleskn Sum It. In The Immigrant Florence I.anndle. bi Tlio Five Faults of Flo Muriel Oslrlche. In Krnedy Square Allc Hrnrty, la Tho Woman In 17 Charlotte Oreenwood, pine III IN-Klnn Iladel, In Nn Oreater lvo Tho TlurKhr'a Plcnle Tho Dupe Muriel Oslrlche, In A Circus llomance Marguerite Snow, The Upstart Frances Nelson. In Love's Crucible Norma Tnlmndse, In The Missing Links Frnno-H Nelson la love's Crucible Arthur Hoops. In The Final Curtain Marv Plckford. In Madame llutterlty .Ida Schnall. Undine In Lou Tellegen. In The Unknown Mary Plckford. In Toor Lltllo Fepplna Ortrude Hoblnson. I Accuse Violet Meroereau. In The I'ath of Happiness Politeness Fan Snoop Hounds Marguerite Snow. In A Corner In Cotton Mary Flekford. In A Olrl of Yesterday Illanehe SwhI. In The lUtfamuffln Marguerite Lulle. In The Question Dustln Farnum, In The Uentleman From Indiana Charlotte Walker: .Trail of the Lontuume Flue Francis X. Bushman, The Plum Tree In Helen Ware, la CroM Currents Oura Fetrova In What "111 People JSayT Moll KHz. la Vi'aiau' iWer Asnea (llynne. In The I.ove Trail The Olrl and, the Dame The Laat Shut Marguerite Snow. In A Corner In Cotton Virginia Fearaon. In The Writing on the Wall Faullne Frsderleki In The Spider J. L. (Illmore. In The lleunlon Marguerite Snow. Ilaaemary In Marguerite Clark. Io Out of the Drifts "mss? Marart Oiluw Tbe lUlt .la Laura llepe Crews, la The Flgtulug llepe Molly Kb Woinan, f- IB fail ft ntlDAY Dustln F.irnum. in The Call of tho Cuml.erlnnds Mary Plckrord tags Illllle Ilurke. Peggy Cleral.llne Farrar, In Tent piatlnu Carter De llnven. In Tho Wrong Door Ada Oleasnn. In The Hum! Within M.iclvn Arbuckle. In Iho Iteform Cnndlilnto IV.irl White, In Tho King's (Lima Tho North American's (lev man Wnr Pictures I'earl White, In The King's (lame Marguerlln Snow. Tho Fpstan Lou Tellegen, hi Tho Unknown Utile Shannon. In Thorns of Passion William Fiirnum hi A Soldier's Oilli Hazel flaw a. In My I --lily Inrog Allco Ilr.idv. Hnlurnok Illlim, In Tho JIallet (llrl Vnlll Vnlll. In Tho Turmoil Tho lied Circle Diirnthv dish. In Hilly of nmystone Orrln Johnson. In Tlio Price of power Molll.. Kl.w. In A Woman's Power Norma Talmadge. Missing Links draft (No 111 Flivver's (lood Turn Frances Nelson. In Ixive's Cruclbje Wnllaeo Held. In Tho Ooldea Chance Fran. Is X. Hushmnn, Man and His Soul Francis X lluslimon. Man and His Soul Jane Orev, In bet Knty Do It Clara Kimball Young, in 'Ihe Yellow Fassiiort Francis X. llushman. In Pennington's Choice ' Orrln Johnson. In D'Artagnan Ida Schnnll, n Undine Mary Plckford. In Poor Little I'epplna Paramount Picture The Old Homestead lleasle llarrlscule. In The Fainted Soul The Uplift Hetty, Uoy und bird Blanche Sweet in The llagamuffln Marie Dora. In The White I'jiarl Faullne Frederick, The Spider In Anna Little, In Double-i roused Mile. Diane. In The Siren's Song Marguerite Clark. In Out of the Drifts Q basts of Twisted Trail Ilazasth of Helen William 8. Hart, la Iletweea Mea Mary Pk k ford, la The Fvuadlliig MarcuerUe Saow, La A Curotr la Cottua BATUItDAT piislln Fnmum. In The :;" "f the Cumlierl.iuiln William s. "llirt.ln"- lletween Men Illllle Ilurke. In P'-REi (leraldlm- Fnrrnr. In 'Vinptutlnn nernbllne Fnrrar. In Temm.il Ion Charles Perley. In The Smugglers Ida Schnnll. In Flullne Italnh Kellnr.l. In Ilir Mother's Secret The North Amerle-in's (leimnn Wnr Pleiuies William Fnrniun. In Tho vvninierful Advculure Charles Chaplin. In. nn Kssuu.iy Comedy Hesslo llnrrlscale, In The dricn Svvamn fldna Tulgrater- Inrom luirablu Kilty IScllulre Wllll.im Cniirlinav. In The Islam! r Surprlso Hazel Dawn. In My .niy Incog Wlllard Ma.-k. la The lilgo of Iho Abjss Mnrv l'lckfonl. In Madame llutierlly Muriel Ostrlche.ln" A (. ircus Itiimaacu Dorothy Olsh. In Hitiy of (.'raystnne Orrln Johnson. In Ihe 1'rke of Puvvcr Hesslo llnrrlscale. In Honor's Altar c,iU? KJnibHll Young. In Tlio telloiv Passport I',li..0cl.,"erYcl Tho llenunl Douglas Fairbanks- ila I'lctiire In Iho I'.ii'cra ...JValUia IteliiTiii Tho Ouliieii ChaijcB Win. llussell nnd Isabel lieu. In Floue Framla . Musnnun.""7n Man and His Soul Th V'ola Dana. In ihe Innu.'em of Ut1 VbIII Valli. i I he Turmoil Margui-rlto Le.iie, ( The Question Orrln Johnson. In D'.Utagnun t-'harlotte Oreennood. June Mary Plckford. n I'oor I-lltle Fepplna Muriel Ostrkhe. In Kennedy Square Tht.la Haru. in Carmsn Alice Ilrady. In The Woinan in h Illanehe Sweet, in iliellagumurrin Sarah llernhurdt, Jeanne Dure In Slarguerlte Snow, In The Upstart Clara Kimball Young, la Toe Yellow Faxport , Murguerlte Clark. In Prince and the Pauper Marguerite Clark, la Out of the Drills VYUllam Farnuni, la A Soulier's Oath Frances Nelson. In Love Cruclbl Mary FUkford. la The Foundling Marguerite Snow la . Cpnwr la Cottua I . ..'"! BILI.IE HURKE in "PoKKy." n I'ivnl to Halilile, in "The Little Minister'," nt the A raid in till week. nick of Uine For as Harry Do Veto to mnrked afterwnid while muffled to the ears In hut blankets. "Never uKalii for me; that won the closest 1 euro to ciimo to the edo of thliiRS. The lights had alt Rnne nut for tun heftiru lluwanl Rrnbbctl me." The March lelcasos for the Paramount Corporation mo unusually Inteicatlni;. I.onic nt this: , March II Lnsky. Mno Murray In "To Have and to March t Pnllns Dustln Fnrtium In "Hen Illnlr." Mnrcb l.'l I.isky Fanny Wnrd In "For iho Defcu'o." Momsco. Cnnslaiicn Collier In "Code of Marie Urny." March ") Famous Players, March Id John Itarrvmoie In Found Himself." 'The Mnn Who March ISl Famous Players Ilnzel Dawn In "Tho Longest Wny Itnund " March March Famous Plivers. Paulino Frederick l.nsky. lUan. ho Sued In n "AUilrey." 'The Sonets ' lletween scenes now ImliiR taken of Ihe Hist .Mirror fentuie linn, belmr made at the (ileudah' studios, Nat (liiodwlii, oceiislonally tells of sumo humorous or IiiirIc event In Ills Interesting cuieer. Thu other day ho told of u happcnliiR many .vents iirii, piovliiR that "Vci llilni; can not be bnilRlit. He had been ask'ed toaddiess the Riicsts at a dinner Riven In nun of Now York's pinmiueiit clubs, mid had obllRed. Oil that tilRht he was In a partlculaily happy mood mid took his audllor.s aliuiR with lit in nn a latiRh Hip. It was one of tho funnies! speeches he had ever made, dm- nf tho bi'irei-H was a rum who was pinmineut In the thianclal mid soclul win Id and who RaiiRcil the value of uny- thint; In dollars and rents llo boiiRbt thlnps. So after the dinner, knowlim tho famous Impresario, Abbcr, wnn the closest friend of flood win's present, he approached him nnd convinced him thnl ho owed It to (Joodwltt Io tnko tho followlnpr HalterliiR ofTor to him Abbey consented, nlid this was the mcssnRo: "Tell him 1 heard his speech nntl onjoved It Immensely. Say to him that on the loth I am roIiir to entertain a party of friends In my homo nnd If he will iwno and mnkc a speech I will Rive him $:.O0." Abbey illplomiillcnlly approached Nat nnd Rave him the luessiiRe. Nnl smiled. Then Nat sent this message to tho mil llonnlre: "Tell him Hint on the 10th I mil roIiir to entertain u pally of friends nl my home and Hint ir he will come mid luako n speech to them I'll RlVe hlni ?G00." TODAY'S MAKKIACE LICENSES Joseph It Mleliener. .inns Avondiln St., mil Jeuilna P Palmer. 122 Saihrooke ae. Mike Plsknr. 1009 X Philip St., ntut Helena tlerkowskn 631 N 2d el. Samuel Mnntlelh, Jr.. I!t Mimiu St., and Nellie Ilnrt. 1SJ7 H latli t Stephen Fnknrny. 1MI N. LelibRiiw st., ami viarsnn-t Knracsonir, itio 7s f.lh at. si , and St. Anna mid Leon , llennlng, l7 Stgel (I Snlmnii, 109 Mirilln st Mlehn.l tsibrnvv, I.1M S American Sara Auernaeii. i.un H ueese :. Frl.-ilfleh Helm " !'. SAin st , and llllzaheth Kern. S.inn w JcnVrsnti sl Wllllnin A Degen. SIS! N 3d st.. and llllza- tieth C Crnven. 2011 i: York st. Ilrnest Kntlwlnkel. Ili2 I!. Allegheuy nve., and Mary lllder. "In II 'I haver st. .lull in It. Si oil Mnnnvunk. l'a.. nn.l Anna T MKlrale. 7.10 N. 42il st Daniel J. Iloon. zsln Aller sl , and Margaret M. itorniley, S2na H 2iilh st, Itobert Harris l"n S ltaiirrofl at., and Nan nie vVnrten, l?n S. Ilntierort sl. Jolni W lllehnrdsnii. 1911 Moiintnln sl.. and Violet P. Wriv. H1F1 Itcnn sl. Leo li Volt. Chester. Pa., iilnl lluth O. .Mil ler, ll.ir. N. inih sl. Alio Pollu. 7.1ii Moore sl . nn.l Mamie darbell, Hi N 4th st. David II. Merry. SB3f. H. .lessuii sl., and tier- I nnl" (llbson. 2in s HiitihliiHou sl. llerlH-rl Peterson. Ml 11 Ciimheilnnd St., nn.l llv-a Kugler. 24 1 1 Mnrshnll st. Frederick Walker, 1141 Wrlkcl st., and Inez M (lllpln. niinn Kevsinne sl. S.ilvatnre onnrnlo. 1327 S lstb st., nnd I.ucv Tavagllone, 1521! S .lunlpi r st Daniel IMwnr.ls, 7721 lirunswlele nve,, and ' T. fMitrki ITO S tlrnitd nl. (ienrtif It. .MoIhIc, ir.o tttthinonil nt., nnd ICath ryu Dt'tumiurr, ior.9 N rmnt nt. aim Snrnli Divorces Hnintcd Tho fnllowltiR tlhoi ooh wvio hamttMl down li iiurl of (!ointuuti IMpiih (otirt. No. B. today. Anna Wnnt fri.tn lahl i' Wnn!. Joseph J TwnliliT rnm Miirlo Tunhlff. 'oru 1. MfrH frntn niwoml .Mjcth. Hrlilct UlriMi'i) frnin rnink Dlrri'io. uiTtrml llniitf JlniTmnnii rm John (1. Volftntmn. H.irnh V. .1l Vp.ilrr fnitii Willi mi .1. Uimnr aiioi iiiiuon inuii in-lit' it n.iiinu. ,!cn nl' laiiwrlitlit rrom Ilnrry l.tmrltrht. Anna A. Itnlm from (linrtf M ltnhn. Wttlfam i Uoilfrf from Mary i:. (Joilfrry. MhI-fI ii, lteniHtom front William A. Jlern Htnin. MarRarrt II. Porter from ,1 fining A. INftiT. fit'ttrKo !. Ili'i'inkn mm l.a 1 A. Hccni'ltt. T:il2.iletli Itachmll 'mm 1li1rt Itiirtimtl. (Jlltri-rt .1 hi'i'ft frum Harriet 1. I.pl'K, rtuni Ilntlh ThoniHnii from John WntUtcll TlinniHim .1. tMwunl tllntn from l.ttzahoth V, lUuin. TIioiikih T. lasiranon from M.irKarct la.ira Hut) (rorKl i no Tailv from I'm! Cnily. IVank Martin from Norm i drier Martin. Artlmr it Milter from IjmI i II. .Mitlrr. Illanehe W Mimn from l-'ratik I Mnorn. Mnrv.iret (. lUtiliik- fmm llarle It. Iltttiim. Urnrula Harmun from lMwanl M. larman. Sar.th SltT from I'li.irltH Ilcujamtn Sll- Ml HhIIIi1 H I'linro from Philip 1 Poorc. HoliiTt t'ii from Mtiv t't.e. Anna Hart frmii P.'lr Hurt. Ci. tie (. Alhrn from .cnn Alhrn. Htn'ii V fjottirnp from HohsU- H. J.othrnp. 600 SCHOOL PUPILS ' MAY STRIKE AGAL Children Will Visit Forme Chief Todny nntl Another Walkout Is Feared Announcement that another strlko nmoiiR children of the Filler School, del--mnntown, mnv break out wnn mndo to day, when C00 puiills will inarch to tha home nf their former principal, Wllllnin II Moiviten, at the Fairfax Apartments, School lane nnd Way no avenue, after school q dismissed, nnd present him with iv basket of flowers. That another "walkout," on the part of the chlldten. may result If Mr. Sovvdcn Is not replaced In his old position' was the Nlnlemetit made by Weber Kern, Vlca president of Iho newly nrRntiizcd Sowden ('lull, composed of Filler School pupils. Police Court Chronicles OeorRo WnshliiRton, who said ho never told the Irulh, dtlfled into Chinatown to iiwnken the community. Ho got him self disliked immediately by approach ing Rlum-lookliiR Chinese ns they stood In their iIooiwn.vK and peerlttR Into their faces. Two or three sober-looklnn; Celestials lopiiled (IcorRo Into the stieot nnd went on stuitiiR up In the ulr an thouRh noth ing had hnpiiened. Hut WnshlnRton wns briivi'. despllo the fact that ho waa han dicapped by nn Interior burden. He saw tluee Chinamen talking lo Rclhcr mid Immediately concluded that they wen- plotting to blow him up. To frustriite the plot, he rniiRlit two of them by I licit queues and pulled them off the, sidewalk. The recovcted quickly nnd started for (leoiRo with a vcnffcnnce. feTOl f The only weapons OeorRo had wcro a pair of heavy leather boots. Ho pulled them oft one nt a tlmo and threw them nt the approaching enemy. At Hint mo ment u well-dressed youth In nil tho Rlory of a new lop hat was passing. Ono of (leorRe's boots rnURht tho hat nt broad sides and cm i led It tu tho street. Tho other boot went wild, lie of tho silk lint attacked Gooi-ro with his cano nnd was lelnfurccd ly the Chinese. TIiIiirs were looking dubious for WnBh liiRton when Policeman llurgcss arrived und lescued (IcorRO fiom Ills nssnllnnts. Ho was taken safely and bootless to tho Uth nrld Winter streets station. When lleot'Rc laced MaRlstmtc Collins ho Im mediately stalled to live up to his repu tation by tinfoldliiR a diamatlc story. The Judgo wiih consldeiably moved un til somu niie told him that Washington was proud of the fact that ho wus a champion liar. "What mo vu roIiir to rIvo moT" asked the prisoner, much nlarmcd. "Five minutes to Ret out of tho neigh-, borhood." answeicd tho .IuiIrc. And Ceorgo did n marathon. vSr&m OMlPrlDTOPLAY PRESENTATIO tM ii w r r ra tittj iiiiiijiiiiiiii "H vj" ' ZJE3U riniiuii iti iiliiiiiiiu liinilillliiu Boukm Cmpwui Till: follnvvlnir tbrnlres nhiulii Ibelr nb lures tbriunili Hie .SIANI.r.V 1 ItuoMuK Ciiioiiau, vvlibb Is n Riiarantee of rurl sboublKs or the lluesl proiluelious. All li the theatre In jnur local! llooMuR Company. ilcturcN reviewed before evlilbltlun. Ask for ity ulilalulai; plclurcs tbnniKli tin' .Vl'ANI.IIY CIINTHAL 12lh. Morris Jt Fussyunk Avo. iiudi vllle A I'uramt Futures it i . ernn s I "I flLllAlUDKA Mm uiiiy'jt.v: :? i J aihlt llli' A, I'uramt PUturi Pauline Frederick in "The Spider" ARCADIA iili.ow 'iutii EILLIE BURKE in "pi:i;iiv" AFOLLO THIANdLl O'.'U AND THOMPSON MATINFIJ DAILY PLAYS MM! lilll'V III "Irf-I Kntv llo It SAM IllillNAltD la "Tho (ireut Penrl Tungle" JO'J NOHTII IIHOAD ST IlltOAD AND COLUMniA LIBERTY MURIEL OSTRICHE in "A CIllCCS ItOMANCIl" Logan Auditorium llroad Above Itocklaml Ave MLTltO FICTFItll Marguerite Snow in "Rosemary" BLUEBIRD Market St. Theatre Piirnmouut Presents fafi.ini: Fui:ni:iiicic in "I.YD1A lllLMOIli:" AltOVll MAIIKRT t-.s-.s- n IlT r.2i tll,L.lVlUlN 1 Mats. I:!I0 & a :.in. inc. Lou Tellegen lives It 110. S. 11:31). 13c In Till: FNKNOWN" '(Ifiloinufit Flcliiri CEDAR WITH AND CIMJAIl avi: MARY PICKFORD in "iii:iiiM thu sci:ni:k" 1-AIlAMOUNT TIliJATlti: I I tnfl TCT ri'-'l' ANI LOCUST LiUbUOl M.its 1 :in nn.l .1.10, 10c Fvrs II Mil. 8. IKIO, l.'.c Tiii.ixuu: n..irn iifniiy woodiuiff In 'TllF IIIICKONl.NII FLAMI1" S33 MAIIKHT Tiimrp -.LFHIIIIII) FFATFlinS Preent CAHTUIt lie HAVFN In 'TIII1 WItONll lllldlt" si:i: "iiiiait" i:vi:uv whdnhmday (1I1IIMANTOWN AND ClIin.TFN AVCM. T.'l.l.VlJ.K I'l.AVH WILFIIFI) LFCAH In ' ACQIMTTFD" HAM.US MFIIHAY In "HIS linilllAlTIIll" A WOODLAND AVE. lly Mm . i llvir 0 3d to 11. AUAMOI'NT FICTFIli: ORPHEUM ORIENT KZ ALL-STAIt CAST in "The Chorus Lady" FAIRMOUNT -0T" &n AV. Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon In "I'HF. SPHINX" 1711 FRANKFORD MARY PICKFORD "MlSTItllhS NUM." FltANKFOItl) AVI1NUE in PALACE PARK ;u.i-jor.vr Vi enlCi Bid A Mats 2-n 30Sc I 0d JU Snnsom Hves. 0.10 to 11 10o , CHARLES ROCK "1118 VINDICATION" in 14 MAIIKLT KTIIFIIT to A M to 11:15 P. M MARY PICKFORD in "POOR LITTLi: PFl'PINA" RIDGI1 AVi: DAFPHIN ST. MATINKi: 2:1.1 VALESKA SURATT In "Till: IMMIilltANT" fur MAithTirr HTitUKT "run nm iiiiothfh" tiii: f.i ntTioN hf.t" "The (ilrl und the dume" every Thursday. PRINCESS GERMANTOWN ""Hr'v'i:. I :if;te,eyAd,hVn& Case of Mary Pub " 31 i:i.lo.l9--'iirniiiomil i PI A I TO "FltMANTOWN A.VK. SvIV-lL. 1 J AT TI'LI'FllOCKnN FRANCES NELSON in "LOVK'S CItl'CIIILU" ST. WITH S. MAIIKCT flnlStfl KIMIIALL i ia-T-0 OIKlAN ni.OBE IDA SCHNALL in "Undine" ULrnillltD FlIOTOPL-VY rtin A TtX AVKNUK THllATltD GIKAKU TTll AND RIIIAIID AVU TIllANULrl FLAYS OIlllIN JOHNSON In THU F11NITF.NTS" 11 FY WIKJIIWAIIU In "Till: Ill-NT" unoAD st . i:mn . OIlItMANT'N AVFS DOl'ULAK FAIItllANKS RFflFMT 1B3 MAitKirr sthhi.t ixl-,Ysl-l, II I'M AN VOICH GROAN Muriel Ostriche& Antonio Moreno In "KENNFDY MJFAItC" RUBY maiikiit sTimirr I1HLOW 7TII STIIKET HAZEL DAWN in "MY LADY INCOd" Great Northern niiAxai.f. ri ays ' !. him iii-rriii: Kcjsioiie Comedy "Ills IN TIIK nun; PAPFIIS t SIIAMH' IRIS THEATRE 3" Aln?T0N' Francis X. Bushman SHERWOOD Bmr AND o 1 1 1 ix vv vysjiy nAi.TiMonn ANITA STIIWAHT und I1AHI.I3 WILLIAMS In 'MY LADY'S SLIPPKIt" V-I.-S-i: FltODFCTION In Mirrno fictfue MAN AND HIS SOFL" JEFFERSON imi l1" IDA SCHNALL in "UNDINE" llLl'IIIIlltU FF.VTFIU; SOI KKNSINO. TON AVU. MKTUO FICTI'UE -1 Dl.ns " "WHAT WILL Olga retrova ffoplii say- LAFAYETTE FOKTY-FIUST AND l..VACASl'KII AVENUE T FADER MARGUERITE CLARK in MICH AND MEN" SAVOY 1211 MAfllvKT STIIKET MI.TIIO PICTl'HK.S Piesent FltANCIS X IIFSIIMAN and IIEVEItl.Y IIAYNi: In "A MAN AND 1118 SOUL" TIOGA ,7TH VI:-NAN(iO ST3. GERALDINE FARRAR in TEMITATION" VICTORIA MAKET ST. V1LIUR1A AltOVK NINTH THIANaUS VlfTUIlKH Freswit WILFHBD 1.CCAS In "ACOl'ITTED " He "Th. gt rins" Cas of Mary Fags" every Wsd and Thurs. STANLEY rLA,l'i'B?. AwBii,aTH continfous v-narlotte Walker m II :I5 A. M to "THU? TltAIL OF THE Jl :l? P. M LONHSOMK FINIS" tlXUXlJUtJ ChestnutSt.Op.HouSe,uchheas1nu. Till: 0llTU MIEKICAS'a GERMAN WAR PICTURES vi:st iiiii,.ii:li'iii. HRAMn B-D a'"1 MAIfKUT STS. VJVrtlN1-' MAT DAILY. 2 F M.. So. THURLOW BERGEN in "THE CITY" OVERBROOK uaD Bnd '"avb. --- ruiAxoi.i: F..IVH WIl.I.AItD MACK In tiii: niiiii: of tiii: abyss -"At''-'N ln "A SFIIMAIUNE FIIIATE" GARDEN "D Trfvor PrSs THEDA BARA in "DESTRUCTION" EUREKA 40TH 1,ARKET aTS- V-L-S-F. Presents IIFNUY WALTHALL Illero of 'The lllrth of a Nutlon") in "THE RAVEN" IMPERIAL Theatre Z. TIllAXal.K I'l.AVS WILLAHD MACK In Till! CONQFFItOIC MACK SWAIN In "A MOV111 STAfl" NOKTII Broad Street Casino ""ruB3"0- MATINEI!. 2 -.10 EVI!NINO. 7 and 0. CAHOL McCOMAS nn.l IIICHAIID TUCKEM In "WIIH.N LOVE IS KINO" C O M 1! D 1 I! S PFNTl IRY E,,IK AVB A MAIISHALI. -L.l- 1 VUiV I MATINEE DAILT "BUZZARD'S SHADOW" AvTa - reutitrlwr . HAllOl.D LOCKWOOD and MAE ALLISON SOUTH P A7A 11P.OAD AND FOP.TER - a M-t J 8TFCI3BT9 "RED CIRCLE" Featuring Ruth Roland and Frank Mayo NOHTIIIVF.ST SiKcmiorinnnn TlinATnE 17th A usquenanna sfsquehanna avb. VALESKA SURATT in "The Soul of Broadway" 'rAiTn NOIITIIKAST STRAND ,2TI1 AND a,nAnD AVR Rnhprt rnnnfs ,n "T,,K TnuTll" oueri s-onnes rAct E,Ullon 0nta "Teaure "Kidnapped" Othera KENSINCTON I 1 1 M R O "ONT ST AND J u m u (IHIAnn AVKJfUH THE 11IKL AND TIII! OAMK" Chap. No 8. "Wild Jim. llernrmer " "A Itahy drand." THU ANIMATED WEEKLY "LOVE FANGS" CHAS. CHAPLIN Weekly Programs Apfsur Kvtry Monday In Motion Picture 'Chart METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Picture An Absoluts Guarsutwv of Quality Weekly Programs Appar Every Monday in Motion Picture Chart fifnf THEATRE ,, Matinee DDin Jl. ue. sprue L;Tu TODAY AMI TO.MOHKOW FAIIAMOINT F1CTUIU5 MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICE AND MEN" Wed an4 Thurs The d&lOea rbuiwe All alttuica Bt urcd thru, j&tmnmy By i $ 1 xecHii JUti