Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Great Importance Attached
to Sarrail'S Visit Allies
Threaten to Take
LONDON. Kcb. 21. Ociicrnl Sarrnll,
commander-ln-chlpf of Hip Alllcil expe
ditionary forces In tlio Hrtlkuns. Iuih toft
tho camp at Knlonlci for Athens, where
an nudlenro with KltiR Constantino Ims
been arranged.
The Itouler dispatch from Salonika
transmlttlnK this news ntltta that "the
Breatcst Importance In attached to tlio
visit, which. It Is hellrvcil, will mark
Important envelopments In the rotations
between cireece and the l'ntento Allies."
A sharp pnaRcment between patrols of
Greeks and IsulKiirlnns oreurred on Thurs
day near tiolran after the Bulgarian pa
trol had crossed the frontier. Tho Mill
garlans were forced In retire, lo.ivitiR two
men killed. Ono Greek aottller was
Constantinople reports printed In tlio
Berlin newspapers wtati- that, according
to official telegrams from Athens, the
mlnlstere of CJreat Drltaln, Franco, Uuh
sla and Italy announced to Premier Kkoii
loudls that the Hntente council In Paris
had ordeied the military occupation of
all tho Oreek railroads and telefiraphlc
stations In Thessalonlca and Morca by
Entente troops.
A Oreek military council, tho reports
add. was Immediately convoked for dis
cussion of the new situation.
Austrian successes In tho Durazzo
Avtona reKlon aro reported In an olllclal
Btatcmcnt Issued In Vienna.
llorca Is the ancient Peloponnesus, tlio
peninsula which forms the southern part
of tho KlnRdom of Greece, heparatod from
the Hellenic mainland by tho Gulfs of
Patras, Corinth and AeRlna. Thessalonlca
la ono of tho several names of Salonlca,
Which has been an Allied base for many
months, and In the region of which tho
Kntcnto Powers have massed strom?
forces and erected extensive fortifications.
The last Serbian soldiers lemalnlnt? In
Albania have now been landed In Corfu.
Bays a dispatch from Corfu, dated Febru
ary 18. Tho entire Serbian iiimy, it la
added, is now out of (lunger.
"An advanced Italian position," tho
Communication reads, "has been taken by
tho Auatro-llunRarlans near Hazar-SJack
(about C'i miles northeast of Durazzo),
Further south the Auhtro-llunR.irl.ins
have approached tho enemy's lines south
cast of Durazzo.
"Tho Albanians llRhtlnR on tho Austro
Hungarian side hae occupied Herat (lit
miles northeast of Avlona) and Lybusna
I'eklny and made prisoners thero of more
than 200 of Kssad Paslla's gp ml:u rues."
Bcrat or IllelnRorad, situated on a
high rack overlooking the Osum Itlver, Is
considered a point of strategic value. It
consists of an upper town or citadel, which
contains several Greek churches, and a
lower town with numerous mosques. It
Is 50 miles southeaht of Durazzo and has
a population of nbout 15.000
Continued from I'ugr One
still stands and Is not affected as jet
by the action of Germany and Austria.
What action tho Stato Depaitment
will take In the matter will depend upon
tho reply of the Allies, which la held
up, It Is said, in diplomatic elides, while
the matter Is being threshed nut by tho.
foreign offices nt London, Paris, Potro-
grad and Home.
Tho Appam case also Is troublesome.
Germany Is insisting on her rights under
tho Prussian treaty, and her leprebenta
tlves claim that the libeling of the liner
by her former British owners la Illegal.
In this connection, however. It Is sug
gested that no harm can bo dono by
permitting the case to bo carried through
the courts to tho Supreme Court foi a
decision us to tho scopo of the Prussian
treaty Such a legal proceeding would
be lengthy and would keep tlio Appam
wliero sho is Indefinitely, with her status
practically unchanged. But officials fear
that if tho United States, after admit
ting that tho former British liner Is a
prize of war. should then permit her to
be retaken by legal process, Germany
would consider such action as unfriendly
and u distinct violation of her treaty
Papers Say Critics Should Go Slow in
Comment on President
LONDON. Feb. 21. London newspa
pers generally agreed today that Presi
dent Wilson Is responsible for tho re
ported estrangement between Secretary of
State Lansing and Ambassador IJerns
torn. Headlines over the Washington re
ports took the view that Lansing's new at
titude toward Bcrnstorff has been dic
tated by Wilson beeauso ho feels ho lias
been embarrassed by stories emanating
from the German Fmbaxsy.
All of the newspapers gave tho reports
the greatest prominence The Obserer
np"(F!WeiWW"W Wf rm. W n . n rr r rvw ? r f-")rm
"Our two Autocars average 40 miles a day each and have widened our
territory in every direction." says J. E. Dougherty, manager of the Bryn Mawr
Ice Company, "One of the cars goes to Philadelphia every day serving nearly
1 00 customers that it took four good h orses to serve before,"
More than 3000 other concerns in all lines of business use the Autocar,
Write for catalog or call on the Autocar Sales & Service Co,, 23d and Market
Streets. Ph'ladelphia, factory branch of the Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa.
The War Today
The Grand Duke Nicholas ap
parently Is making n elenn sweep
in Armenia. One of his armies is
driving rapidly on Trebizond. Tlio
Czar's fl'tick Sen fleet is co-operating
by shelling the coast. Another
army has conquered virtually all
the vilayet of Mush. The capital)
of the snm nnnv , tins been taken
and the Slavs are moving against
Dinbokr, which controls the ling
dad railway.
Str as is laid in Entente cnpilats
on the importance of a conference
which hns been arranged between
King Constantine of Greece and
General Sarrnil, commander of the
Allies in the Balkans. It is re
ported the Allirs hnvc notified
Greece that they must have control
of all Hellenic railroads, for mili
tary purposes.
Activity in the Austrian drive to
the Adriatic littoral is reported.
Gains have been made on Durazzo
and Vnlona. The Albanians are
aiding the Teutons and have cap
tured three towns.
Artillery duels are reported from
the Dvlna-Riga front.
epressed regret that Hip ttngllsh press In
the past has been very harsh In Its criti
cism of President Wilson, lemarkliiR:
"We'll do well. Indeed, to lestralll our
tongues nnd to offer no prematura Judg
ment nt President Wilson's expense." said
tho Obsener, pointing out that tho Lon
don papers heaped criticism upon Presi
dent Wilson when It was reported he
would accept Germany's new armed mer
chantmen proposals. Afterward they were
forced to withdraw this criticism.
The Observer suggested that tho For
eign Oilloo send a distinguished envoy,
preferably .lames Hrco or Lord Derby, to
America to acquaint tho Wilson Admin
istration, the American promt nnd the
people more fully with the viewpoint of
tho Allies
Believed Washington Would Accept
Ruling on Armed Liners
Bi:r:LIN. Feb 21. Lacking confirma
tion from thn Foreign oillco. reports that
the United States Is opposed to Germany's
now policy regarding aimed merchantmen
have caused surprise and Indignation hcie.
The general public hns not followed the
negotiations closely, but It was understood
that Secretary of state Lansing nati null
cated In advance that tho United States
would approve the new German piogrnm. i
It was repoitcil unolllclaiiy that Lansing
had tnlil Ambassador Bernstoiff that a
luoiuns uoiieo or iiermnn s uitenuou m
treat armed merchantmen as warships
would be sulllcient to safeguaid nuuti.il
I 1 1 1 ntAulil
Tho news from Washington has sered
to renew the doubt In the mlndx of i
Gcrmnii people as to the attitude of tin- ,
American Government. The publli bail
neon leu 10 oeueve nun tin nuojiku im- , mi
troversles were about to be settled, but
most Berllners Interviewed todnv ex
pressed the firm belief that Ami-ilca Is
trying to take out of Germany's hands an
effective weapon by limiting the operations
of submarines
In practically every Instance 1Himi-moii
of the WnMiington repoits led ; mans
to recall the fate of tltto Weddlgen, Ger
man U-boat hero, and the crew uf the
submarine U-.'O, which was sunk by n
liiltlsh armed mvrt'liniitmnu. In the pop
ular mind Weddlgen and his men would
bo alive today bad they not followed tho
same "humane mctliods" now advoiaud
by tho United States.
Vera Cruz Fighter Hurt by Auto
Sergeant Kdwaid Maher. of the United
States marine corps, who lost a leg In the
flr-lillnc- :ii Vprn Cruz. Is In St. Joseph's
jlospltal today with inlurles of tlio bead, i
the lesuit ! neinc kiwi-kpu noun oy an
automobile at J -111 street and Columbia
avenue last night Maher, who has been
a patient at the Marine Hosp.t.i, 21th
street and Grav's Ferry road. Mince his
return from Vera Cruz, was hobbling
toward a trolley car when an automobile
driven by William Utinge, 112.1 North
Park avenue, struck him.
The Dull Leather
Buttoned Shoe
A necessity in every
gentleman's wardrobe.
And it should be made
1420 Chestnut St.
'Where Only tho Best Is Good Emugh"
Chassis $1650
Lansing Sends Note Demanding
Reason for Delay in Mail
Seizure Case
Secretary of Stato Lansing announced
todnv t'nt he has demanded an nxil un
tloli of elreit Britain for llri delay In re
HiwmlliiK to the notes of this Government
! protesting against tho "trading with the
enemy net" ntul interference) with Ameri
can mall.
Piep.iratorv to malting protest to Great
I Britain, the Stale Department also today
I directed Cotiiul General Sammont nt
Shanghai. China, to forwatd all available
' Information nbout tho stoppage of the
American steamer China by a British war-
I ship, which took on 38 of her passengers.
The China was stopped not far from
i Shanghai.
Tho most serious of the three cases
now pending against Great Brltnln Is
I recognized ns the protest against the In
torforclico with American mails. Secre
tary Lansing mado It plain todny that
this Government considers Great Britain's
delay in replying to tho protest of tho
United States ns an nffrotit. The tonus of
the American demand for nil Immediate
reply nro declared to be stronger than
those previously used.
Tho United States protested against
Grent Britain's "trading with the enemy
act" liecniise II held that discrimination
was shown ngalnst ceilain American linns
under that law.
Continued from Vane One
lser of the Tmkish army.
that the ad
vance of the Itussians must lie stopped at
any cost.
The Tmkish forces aro suffering from
lack of food and ammunition.
It la reported on excellent authority that
a big German force Is being massed cast
of Constantinople for tho protection of
tho Turkish capital.
Tho menace of the lUissInu Invasion of
Turkey Is more dangerous than at any
other timo during the course of tho war.
Approximately. iliiO.OOO Kussinns have
been poured through the passes of tho
Caucasian Mountains, supported by enor
mous (inautltlcs of artillery.
Grand Duke Nicholas will probably
move tho Husslan headquarters from Tlllls
to Krzerum.
it Is expected that tho present cam
paign will see the conquest of virtually
ill .if Armnnlji Itv lh( ItllsslallS. Tho llGt
K(c., , ,,, cnnipaB Wlll bo u decisive
,.0.mimitlvo campaign with tho British
forces ln Mesopotamia, to cut oif the
Tuiklsh poldlers In the Persian Gulf
hpheic of oneiatlois.
fi '"
I 'S
dealers rfjj"" s 7
&g$g&S different
-jgJJSJ-ajiSkrt&f'' degrees for
' jpSJgpJ- every known pur-
vSgjlSi-'jjose. Also two copying
At nil g "" "
dealers riSKA S
cm MPjSi p$? 5c pencil is
vXraVvv' supreme in its class
n. !r fLatttia i,eai p,ncil Co., N. Y.
PMWM IJUliUlH - - - ,H' mm
II Governo Italiano Smentiscc
Che sul Campanile di San
Marco Siano State Col
locate Milragliatrici
noMA. 2t Kclibralo.
Poco ill nuovo vl o' sulta fronlo Halo
austrlaca. II Mlnlstero della Guerra nn
nunclav.t lerl Eera nel rapporto del gen
eral Cndorna:
"SI sono aviill ituelll ill nrllgllcrla
su'tutta la (route con bombardamentl oc
casional! dl pacst nbltatl.
"In rlsposta nd Iniitliuerevnll cnsl dl
vlolazlone delle leggl lntorna?,lnnall da
parte degll nnslrlacl sin rial prlnrlpln
della guerrn, una delle nostro snuadrlglle
dl neroplanl ha bombarditlo la eltta' dl
T.alhnch, dove e' II ipiartlere generale
nemlco. Nonostnnte II fuoco dl nuiueroio
batlerle ed I vanl nttacche da parte dl
sriuadrlgllo dl nereplnnl nemlcl, la nostra
snundrlBlIn ragglunoo t,alliach o lasclo'
cadcro nulla cltta' liaiecchle dozylne ill
bombe. Una della nostio macchlne. tlpo
Caiironl, Tu attaceala o clrcondata da sel
ncroplnnl nemlcl c fu calturalt.i. ma le
nltie macchlne rltornarono senz.i Incl
dontl. "Piccolo avanzate dello nostre truppe dl
fnnterla, cho fanno nncho tirlglonlerl, coti
tluuano nella Vnl .Sugana (Valle del
llrentn). Sul icsto della fronto contl
nuano le azlonl dl nrtlglleria. N'ol abbl
amo bombnrdato Uggowltz, dovo I noilil
csplorntorl avevano oxscrvato inovlinenti
dl trnppo e dl eolonnc dl rlfornlmenlo
Uggowltz e' nella. valle del 1'ella. a clic.i
tin mlgllo o mezzo da Malhorghetto.
"Un neroplano ncmico ha honibardato
Ala, seti7a pero' ciuiaie daunl."
rAgenr.Ia Stefnnl ha pubbllcnto un
comunlcato del governo chc smentlsce.
chl iimnndol.i sempllco lnven.loiie, 1'alTei
mazlone austrlaca che un nvlatore nemlco
aveva volato su Venezla ed era stato at
taccato da mltragllatrlcl poslo sul cani
panllc dl San Mnico. l,c autorlla' eccle
Hlastlche dl San Marco nffetinano die
nlente dl car.ittere mllltnic vl e' sul eam
panllo o cho anzl le llnestro del campanllo
. y
I j Z K 'X Cl;'
V s,?Zfa?Si "(Si
Von should untteralaml
that there s but ono
Pianola; it Is made only
by the ,lco!(an Company;
it is sold in this city at
this afore; and is obtain
able n the following
Tn Rtnwt rutor..
Tub .stuoci' j'u.voLi
Tilt RlUOfd VVgUKil
Prfe&s jrom tsso
Moderate monthly pay-
v-.i iw.vt- ' :.w.'Mit&yriffjJA7JK. in in r SW nmMsvk t
- w
nsz'TSi -'
Coiiurleht. lili. 7'"
che dannd sut mare sono state murate pr
plu' dl otto mcsl o to sono tuttora.
II slndaco dl Venezla ha chlesto nt
Mlnlstro degll Jistcrl chc Invltl rnpprc
sentantl dlplomatlcl dl paest nciitrnll a
vlsltare la caltedrale dl San Marco per as
sleut arsl che cssa non ha nulla di mill-
N'otlzle dall'Albanla illconti cho gll nt
banesl che combaltono con lo forzo nus-tro-bulgaro
hanno preso powsso del
pacsl dl Herat, Synona c Peking. Herat e'
ad nppelia .11 mlglla a nord-eit dl Vnlona
che o' occupata da trupjio Itallane. II
comunlcato nurtrlnoo cho imnuncla tiuesto
dice che 2fln tiomlnl delle forzo dl Rssad
liasc'a' sono stall falll prlKlonlerl.
IHspacol da Corfu illcono che gll ultlml
contingent! dl truppe serbe che cratio In
Albania solio stale ubnrcnto a conn.
Un lelegramma da S.ilonlcco dice che si
o avulo tin vlolento combattlmento frit
truppe greche c bulgaro nollo vlclnmize dl
tiolran. I bulgarl avevano pnssato la
frontleia ma fiirono rosplntl. Si dice pero'
die I bulgarl avrebbero nbbatidonuto ognl
Idea dl combatlero per ospugnare Salon
loco, o che illesta loro declslono sarobbe
venula In scgulto nlla convlnzlone che essl
noli potrnnno mat avero per loro la cltta'
dl S.ilonlcco. (litre n (piesla cltta' I bul
garl volevano ancho Knvnla o lulto l'hln
torland della Macedonia greet
t grocl colli Inuntio a moilrarsl ostlll
all'ltnlla, o Ul destano luslcmo 1 mil
gnnzloiie o cnmnilseriizlone Una gran
pat to dcgll Itallane sono favorovoll alia
Grecia e deslderano dl mantenerdl con
essa In ottlnil rappnttl. ma non possono
certniiiente npiirnvnrc la condotta del
greel ill fronto all'ltalia c l'lirfermazlono
della stampa greca die l'ltalla e' prln
clpalmento rcsponsabllo della vlolazlone
della neiitrallta' greca.
II governo rumeno ba presetitalo nl
t'nrlamento un jirogetto ill legge prolbento
1'esportazlono dl grntil o dl cerenll alio
Clutrrntil Iron llnso
Muilr wllli lO-llt. Cunt I n i: renib to lay
on rooft itiiIm font jiIuh cott of labor,
AU Tor trro fminple.
I,. 1). Iii:iUibR CO., 59 N. 2d Slrcct
Murkel CM .Main 1000
Mmtima" mm umw a mmmmmw
Young advertising agency desires
Miiall private or paitltioncd oillco
with phone service. Must bo
centrally located and price rea
sonable. Telephone any morning
at U .10 a. in . Ilehnont 4J32 W.
on my
pedals gently
effect of distance. Now I swing gaily into the
hit and rhythm
pulse within me is
W jxk iritiim aii ao
iwnv mv nnnv in n
feelingly do I play. And yet I
time, and the practice on it has been so easy !
"All I do is to follow with the Mctrostylc pointer the waving red line marked on
the roll before me, and the time of the music is perfect. Here it pauses, here it rushes
aheud with a burst of speed, and here is a part I play with a long, lingering, slowing
down effect. The tones are sustained for me automatically the melody brought out
above the accompaniment with just the proper emphasis and without a thought from me.
"And I always heretofore an utter stranger to music can play this beautiful
selection of Grieg's like a real musician, without even a trace of the mechanical,
"The Pianola has made this joy of music possible to me through its wonderful
patented devices, which are to be found on no other player-piano, and which make
me a really sound, adequate, musical performer."
JErmbles you to play the piano toeU
Ilavo you ever stopped to woneler why
the Pianola has become so well known in
such a short time? Perhaps you do not
know that in every civilized country in the
world it is just as popular us it is here.
It is because the Pianola is really a
marvellous instrument with which you can
not only play the piano but play it with
truly musical feelina. This is the important
part, and this is why the Pianola has been
endorsed by every great 'musician of tho
world, and why it differs so immeasurably
from all the so-called player-pianos which
try to imitate it.
.e'iat fompauy
ecopo dl avero Una nmpla provvlsta per
I blsognl delta popolazlonc rumena.
hK viTTontr-j nussii
N'otlzle da Pclrograd dlcono cho lo
forzo russo cho cspugnarono Ktzerum
contlnuano le loro opcrazlonl verso due
dlvcrsl oblcttlvl. Sulla loro dctra eso
mnrclano verso Treblsondn. nrendendo
una dopo laltra tutle lo poslzlonl lenuto rt. , . , ,. "-""eoii an
dat tin
tiuesto niierazlonl, dlstruggcndo
...u..., ..- ........ ....,.-. ...,,v-... ... -'u.viii nf
sill la
I'OSlil tlCII (Hlil ttllll'Hi: L1JIIU IK IlillllTIC HHL I ll,' I llll'.'n IHPH TOWIIQ nw .
turcho chc possono cssero dl nuslllo nlla oomplnint Is that tho routes v! J"Waik
dlfesa. SI dice ancho cho forzo ruse one man, are too largo for oItiai 'h
matclano da Untuni lungo la costa verso
Treblsonda, le cut fortlflcazlonl sono I
mnlto Inferior! a eiucltc dl Krzcruni,
Ma Important I opernzionl vengono puro
rompiuto tlnll'ala sinistra russa. Questo
forze, muovendo do 'Krzerum si dlresseio
su Koph e iiulndl su Muih, nella regloue
del I.ago dl Van, e marclano ora su Illt
lls, Importatito cltta' dl quella reglone.
eibleltlvo dcll'nla sinistra russa c' ipiello
dl tngllnro la fcirovla dl ttagdad, cost'
d.i tagllaro fuorl dello loro basl le forze
turcho operiinti nella valle del Tlgrl o
eiuello cho si trovano nell'Arabla c nella
Slrla o die si proponevnno dl nttaccaro II
f'nnale dl Suez. Ila Iiltlls nlla ferrovla
ill llngdad corro In linea d'arta una dls
tauza ill circa 120 itilglln. tatita rpianla
no enrre tta Hrzerum o Hltlls. Intante
1 russl contlnuano a fare prlgtonleil ed
a calturare cannoni nl nemlco. Un'nltra
Intern dlvlsione fu prcsa dal msil mentic
marclava verso nrzcrtitn senza sapers
cho la forlczza stava per capltolare.
Dinner and Supper De Luxe
Boston Tea Party Dance
4 1'. Jl. to 0 V. 31.
IT is too difficult for me to play the
'Wedding Day' of Grieg's upon the
But I am sitting playing it happily
Pianola. I press my feet upon the
so that the tone will suggest the
of the quickening music. Every
responding to its finer ioys as I
xo-wiiviii tu jluo iiiiui J-3
7Cvt nf-hncir cr rcrrncitrlir nnrl
have had my Pianola but a short
Wo are representatives of the genu
ine Pianola in the city, and wo handle no
player-pianos besides tho Pianola line. We
would like to play tho Pianola for you
show you wherein it differs from the player
pianos sold at other stores and we cor
dially i n -vite
tou to
visit our
u t your
c onvoni-once.
Mnln Linn Pnoinl v
,, ,,ireS i,Ai:
On neount of tho ngttati, hv J
soclations and other organlzatloTI
tho liuslnesq Inon IL. -- .. un'ifel
inspector-, have been lnvetlgaS
KtuiiK ,u resiuents of OakmonL o
Ardmore, Urookllne, Ucechwooil aj ?
iiikIiI o In llntln Vllesm rnnndnl n " "' "B-linsi llio present nv.l. "
ering mall on tho rural f. ,1.1,..
balterle , that Includes theso townq X:1' ,
one man. are too largo for crre.",;, h
llinf I in nnMlm f 41..,- . V"lc'6n' . ',
nt I.lanerch or some ollierrLShl;u" i
l.mtead of at Newtown Square", 5
nvvay. ' title.
Rctcrvatiom Spruce 333$
Dancing 4 P. M. Until Cluing
X Working Id
J. for Your XJ
Ip" Interest" "
, I Lowest Italcs in This Ciiv
I I Stncil,, Confidential"
I Bumlnr-proof Protection
II u.niii, un.-, I
I niamond nrokrr, d onf .
II t iiiritrrnufl Dlamonilt, ttc,i1'
Thi Stroud PianoUU I ijjj a
Frit 9560 ) Ml 1
M i!