1 m I'HWWJMni its-',ijVT.i'iwiiii-.,M rr . imympg'tinuiytM' m ji'WW''www'Wil)iwii;Hi'w'iFiiwiiMitipiijBr5553 STSAj, MONDAY February 21, 1916 m i P 1 1 I? If ffhiff ft ft ftcsErcitA JTTiftrtt' XrJ Rl HI 10 Ks LB ft na til In M JrT. v-3fif3ifflKwi7L'WTre LiM iJ& I 13 Q u n ta m HI THE NEWS OF THE DAY AND THE PEOPLE WHO APPEAR IN IT AS SET FORTH BY THE CAMEj vSPOTB8SK BULGARIAN' RULER AXD FOLDIERS TURN OUT TO PAY HONOR TO THE KAISER ON HIS VISIT TO THE BALKANS SS S mpcror Wil!iam inspecting a regiment of Bulgarian soldiers, who wear the tape-wound leggings peculiar to their countrj. The old gentleman in goggle glasses is Czcr Ferdinand, who is talking to BfSSSSS'i w "WSSS KSS ' WPi'''jNw'1BSiSS f- Sill - $&pksBi-. ff i"'--&iu&&r- ''iMi:''-i0iivyxWS L r ' C?g58p; SSfete om. , , , D?ILL C'LASS COJIpOSED OP ATHLETIC GIRLS FROM FEEBLE-MINDED INSTITUTE J II' M5&&S fl 'ISr OTSffiS mmWWSS WM y twnUb"CTiC-?rritle8 Afsstion of Pennsylvania, tfhich is arranging an exhibit which will open in the, J HI 11111 W& lS PSfPS" 1' Widener Building next Wednesday to show what the feeble-minded are capable of. HOUSE IN PARIS SLASHED DOWN THE MIDDLE BY ZEPPELIN BOMB ' WMW&' Si ' O ' 0 Ok 3SW W fek fS' 1 ! The lightning-stroke power of this missile is indicated by the manner in which tho ends of tho rooms in H Wi., & W $3 J l&a qP W SMffErSr 3 $ MllBk W IB; '1 1 J the houao were 8hored off as if by asjnt knife The Pantawnjj killed, but tho Siual hShold H!m ' ' && $3? II ' llim J ffWJ&S I ' 1 A DACHSHUND or QUALITY Ph" by RUy Wsy Owned by John Sinnott, of the Roseont Kennels, to be exhibited in tho Kennel Club Show on February 28 an4 2a, Miss .,,. . v L , Hti&ux UK THE ART SOCIETIES' PAGEANT of AiJJn i M,RS DoothT Leyy. of the School of Industrial Art, who will participate in the production m Ariadne to be given by the pevea leading art organizations of. tie city on Washington' Birfefc&