.M'lHmiwiWWwW jjwjwju"i-'i 1G 11 EVENING LKDGEIl PHlLADtCLPniA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 211016. " ''Hi 'Biw!!tjjsiiMjitiPv'iirrpw))iriiyiiJ"i"Sj? WOOES HER AS 'HONEY POT'; LOVE COOLS, SAYS 'BACKTOTHEWASHTIF To His Sweetheart. New Yorker Wrote, "I Adore You." Wedded, She Was "Stu pid Peasant" "YOU ARE MY UNIVERSE" NEW YOIttv. Fob. 21. "1 nttoro your gweot voice, your Rood heart, your smart gait, your bcnutlfiil form, your iiniltiltiK, Bwcct-soundlriR lips. If you will lie my little wife, thero will lio no happier couple In tho world." "Go back to the wnslituli ! One should Mnt b(a. nmithlnir ,,'ltl. l uflllll.t f .,! Mil 111 II If Von daro come nenr me t will throw tl you out. If you do not iindcrstiind this flno InnBUape and try tt sec me npinlii I will obtain for you a reception that you certainty will not misunderstand " The first of tho two foregoing para graphs was written by Albert (luiiyu, a civil engineer, of 248 West 30th street, to Ills wlfo Margaret a short tlmo before their marriage, December 11 last. The second paragraph was sent to her by Qunya late last month. Tho letters, along with others, were handed up to Supremo Court Justice Ford last week by counsel for Mrs. Gunya. who asks for a separation on the ground that from a hot-headed lover Gunya sud denly becamo a cold-hearted tyrant anil deserted her. In tho tlrst period she said Gunya wrote her such fervid tcttero she was sure his heart would ever remain warm. She was disillusioned quickly after marriage, she pftld. SUn WAS HIS "OOLPKN STAU." In his Iovp making Ounya penned a note In which ho nddiessed her ns "Jlv Sweet, tioldfn. Dearest Little Mother, my Faithful I.lttlo Hrlde." Among other things he said: "My dear good, little love, my loving heart feels lighter when 1 address you i few lines My golden star. My Utile lioney pot' My loving little mother, to morrow I shall come tt see you If only for a few minutes to taste the sweet honey of your lips Sweetness you are my whole universe. If not for you, the whole world would be empty and dead to mo. I.lttlo golden tenderness, how shall I call you to express the heart of niv thoughts? Good night, sweet queen, golden happiness: 1 am your slave Millions of kisses from your loving, sweet little father." CROWN OF MY 1IKAIIT. "Following this, "Golden Happiness" re ceived another letter from "Sweet llttlo Father" In which the latter gave flintier vent to his pent up feelings as follow "I cannot g to sleep before I tell ynu how dearly, purely I loe you. 1 will cherish you like a dear pearl. Kven fiom the winds will I hbleld you. My dear llt tlo passionately loved mother, crown of my heart, queen of my dreams. We will flx up such a sweet, beautiful little home that even a king would eny us You will bo the happiest woman in the world, ir.y sweet llttlo saint, my Illy of the valley." A few dajs later, feeling in a Jocul ir vein, Gunya addressed his lady love as "You Utile IVvIl" and Inquired how she came to "rob" hlin of his "cool head." He did not, however, object to the theft He wondered how he could have been so com pletely enslaved, lie wrote nil original poem and Inclosed It. Of the poem ho said, "It grew from my heart " A month after the wedding Mrs. Gunya found In the mall one morning a letter In which her hnsh.ind s.iid. "Married life Is not for me. When 1 took you for my wife I listened only to my heart hut since I took you I become moro and more frightened at the time when my independent quietness will be at an end I am a man who lives for him felf. I like to be alone with my holitude and my thoughts, and I feel that In tho married life I would bo very unhappy. TP T I.h.I ..... Im.h.1 ...... 1 .......1.1 ..... !..... V. IL J. .1.111 IK', .".lit f ,,l. . , 1,1,11. II". II..VC" If married you but there Is not love enough In tho world to pay for my solitude. Ill "Tho social life makes me crazy. 1 want to bo for myself. In quietness I want to live and die. This is my un changeable Intention. Sweet Margaret, do not try to change my mind. It Is pos sible for y.ju ti call your tears to soften mo and I would get softened, but a few days afterward I would try again to free myself of the shackles, and dining these days would be very unhappy." Tho Justlco ordered Gunya to pay wlfo J12 a week, pending trial of suit. hla thu G. S. AMHLER I.MPKOVING Patient SufreriiiR With Broken Verte brae Slowly RccoverinK Tim .conditniii nf llenrKc S. Ambler, nf Ablnston, nho In in the Orthopedic Hos pital, In I'hihidelphin, heniK treuted fnr what is virtually n broken nccli, unnltmir.s to linproM. nnd phyHleiuns expert 11 coin pleto -eeovery. Amliler la 11 brother nf Chnrles A Ambler. Spenl.cr nf tho I'unn Bylvanlu Huuse nf ItepicKentntUeH. Ambler huh taken lo the ln.vtitiil.lon Reverul days uko. Ho in resllni; mi nn elastic bed. with Htrniif? bnmUiRCH mound the head and neck to hold the neuk In one position. These band.iKes converse at a point back of tho head. ukk over iron bracea and KiiHpendcd to the end rti'o elfe'lit-pounil weiKhtH Ah hooii as Amblcr'H condition pcrmitH, tlie&e wulRlitH will bo Increased to L'5 pouinl-s and, eventually, to 60. AH the. tlmo the patient tnuHt bo on hla back In 0110 position, if no cuniiilica tlona devcloji and the patient continues to Improve, this treatment will last four weeks. Ambler, 11 superintendent for tho Am-bier-Davis Company, while oxcrseelnir con Htructton work In Clayton. Del , saw the shoring In a trench weaken, lie Jumped In to warn workmen, and was himself buried when the trench caved in. Melinite, determination that one vertebrae of tho neck was crushed and another dislocated was not made till moro than a week after the accident, nnd Ids admission to the hospital immediately followed. Doston Shivers With Mercury at Zero HOSTON, Feb. St. HnMon shivcied to. day with the mercury at zero, the coldebt day of tho winter. Tho mercury droppod IS degrees during tho night. PETEYOh, Yes, Peteij Used to Skee as a Child HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE MerehnnUllle, N. J. $100 Will make you Owner of litis BUNGALOW LIVING ltOOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, 3 HKO KOOMS, BATH. HIT! A ll'N UN V .171 II ST. lino Mimri wist nf vistllilil arc ItlKo !'i In ii I i ! ir Inntiiil rnrs, l-ACHE t.OT roil CHICKENS. vfhetaiii.e harden, fruit, etc si:i: ft- well maki: it easy. The Cramer Realty Co. sail n;iu:iiAt. ht. i'amdks Phono Camden 2.1.17-.1. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER' Tills RTYI B TM'E inr like this) one time IV per line Three times mic mok I2'.jc per line Six times one week 10c per lino Situations Wonted, three tlmi one week, 10 pent per nsiic line per Insertion. I'lnce your order for three or moro times and it will be in serted In the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Evr.i I.fwieii nml 11 hi if l.Kimr.n combined Is lit tents per nguto line with the exception of Help Wanted nml Situations Wanted, which Is IS cents per line. TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which I permitted In nil classifications ex ippt Help nml Situations Wanted, I.nsl on.l round, Personals, Hoarding nnd Rooms, nd.l ITVi: CENTS PER AOATE LINE TO ANY nr arovij iiatks. There is a druR store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at oflico rates. LOST AND TOUND lVir (Mhrr Let nnd l'liiiml Ads See Page neckpiece i ost from ai-tomohii.i: on Tin: way rituM piiii.aiii:i.iiha to ATI.ANTU" CITY A Rl'SSIvN SAlll.C neckpiece i.mnit w. itr.w.tti) ir itu tfiined 'jo r. s. scui.i.v r:n wai.- Xt'T (IT PERSONALS NOTII'i: I iilll not ho rt'pponnlfolo for deliln ii.iIp-h lontrtutpd li nnii'lf Oi:uH(Ji: Il ciIASI;. 1 1 1 Wpstmorilnml st HELP WANTED FEMALE Ui'lu U'nntnl Ail. ItiMphi-il Ton l.uto for I lullltiitlon "I" he 1'ouiiil 011 I'u ci- ','. i'ltA.MItlTil.MAlD Younit whit.' Blrl. rcfi-riMii rpiiulrvd Apply ZZO Sniith13d Kt CI.OT1I W13AVBHS wonted APPK John & Jninps lxihsun, Inc. lM.inkct .Mills, Smlt'.i Unp, l-'nlls nf Bthutlhlll Ctioli Wliltp. for Kinull fnmlly Wllinluutuu, lp . cnml wiispm. II 3e". l-edlfer Cllflpp I'fioIC. ProtPHtnnt, muit hp booiI plain cook snrijMker ll". I.'lm-r Dfrieo t'nOK wantpil, colorpd. rpferpneo roitulrcd. 1104 W'nlmit st. CUI WINIMlllS wiilltPd Ilobsnu. np . Itlnnki't Apply Jnlm Si James Mills. Hi oil's Inn,-. Knlla of SPhuylltlll Lllltl. for 1 huniliprwork nnd wultinit, uiuitt lie Kood hiiinilrPHs. I 121. J-pilKor Of fin-, (illtl, lo do IlKht houspwork nnd rnrc for 1 hlldj 16 per wipk. Apply -l.'l S Ii7th 1. lliSIi:itV i:perlPnroU l.ulttprs and Iopimts. stpady work. booiI ni . also learners, paid tthUpJearnlns. 1.1-0 N.laiwrpncp. ItOStUItV i:perlpiicpd rlh frame hands, steady work. Bond pay 1.120 N. Lnwrence. iltil'SlfWDKK iliiir-crnwn while ulrl, 2 In family, icood home. 1112 Cieanor st. tVork rond and Itneklnnil Ht ) JIUU.HKWOIIK Whlto ulrl for Benerul house work, with cood reference. Cull U0J S. Ilrniul st. . MAID fur BPiiernl housework. wnHhlnir nnti Iron'B: to Bn to JJrlstol, In. J 455, Led. (Vn. Mtl,I,INi:il. one who ran assist In selilnif. iKirni r's.112ii H. Itroad st. MII.I.INKIIV i'cond trimmers, comjieipnt ami thnrnuKhly experienced: Ioiib season and steiul iMisltlon t'ninkel Millinery Hliop. Jront and Daujihln sih Nl'flSi: wanted, praitUal. e.p.. to cure for elderly lady, helpless from parii-,sls. must lie alile to life and help Keuernlly, Blve ref reiieis P O Itox 27. Ijiimhorne, Pa. NI'HHi:ilY IIHVCHNKSS nnd mother's helper (a-year child); lellalilo. booiI i-cainKtrrHM; Krencli pref.i:!t W.IIrlnRliurst. lin ."Jtlt W. OI'IIIIATOIIH. no. "on Indlps' walsis; plainest nork In tho city; booiI pay. boo1 IibIiI. koo-I heat; steady work nil ear. short hours; sal nry guaranteed : inuio tirepared tn Aork ltnllisrhllil Co . l.Mll Callowhlll St. OI'intATDIlH on nil parts of silk nnd intton t-hlrttwiists: leariiprs tuken. The llnReilorn Merz 10, :i,land Hrown. OI'IUlATOrtS. cxperlenieil. on Slncer Imtlnii sewltiB niiii-lilnes. Heltzer llros.. :!2tMurkct. Oi'llllATllllS, exp. on wusll-top skirts, steady work. Rood pa. Seltzer llroi. 32Ji Market. hTi:NOllJlAl'lli:it uanteil; nt least 0110 ear's experlenca neiesnary. Call tuiunrroiv. Miller Link Co.. 4."i2:i TaLonj si. IsTKN'O'lUAl'limt who undprstamls ItPm'Rton hill inaLli, ; state sal. ami ei. IMSu I,eil Olf Tnt.iiPiiiiNi: oii:iiATniiH wantiio Hrlcht jniinK women between is nml 'Si iears old, to tnku up telephone operat ion, no experience uccest.ary; salary paid while letirnlnB; pleasant work; per ninnent position Apply In person, Hell Telephone Company, lud Market st , be tween tl a. 111. and a p. 111. Ti:i.i:i'llt)NK operator, jouhb Blrl.-IT or IN. to run jirlatBliruneh ex haiiKe. 1. Sns, J.edOrf. WOMAN, capatde. fur cookliiB and downstairs work Appl 153 Upland ler , Ital.i, I'u.. wantijii Ni'.Mnnu ok rniii.s'roit vahn noMNti: Nn i-:.t'i:itii:.N-ci: ukquuiiu) staht tvrrii io a wi:i:k. cai.i. at K II i II W l'I.i:i.Slli:it, INC.. L'STll AND HAMILTON HT.S. " WANTi:!) Vomis hidy. Krem hwom.in. desir liiB iierfeit hcrs.-lf In nnullsh, wishes prl. les aftern'iis, write parths C 311, Led, On". HELP WANTED FEMALE NOW Is Till: TIME for jnutiR Indies seck In commercial positions tn consult Ml Dein nl Ledger Central, ilrnnd and l'hrt nut P A Mc' lid servlt Is renilereit lo STFA'O'ltl UMIKRH. HOOK KEEPERS AMI CLERKS thiniich tlie Cnmmerrlol Depart ment m LEDHEH ADVEHTtSEHS nnd n crest number or turtles have been benefited by this sen Ire. tlmernl GOVERNMENT positions open to women. i.i month. Write Immodlitely for free list, franklin Inst.. Dcpt. 71.1 M. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE TiiiY tr, smrs oM fur rrrnmis Apply Monday innrnln Khlpplno li pnrtinont, i.niiion .iinn tit.po .Muhlni' I'n . .Mill and t.orust stfl. T'ltAtlt KltAV'.:itS WANTI'.K. Al'Pl.V itf SOt'TH fiTlt ST P1.0TII ri;Ai:ltS ivnntr,,." Apply John fo .bums liobwn, Im . Illnnket Mills. Srolt's lnn.-. I'nlls of Hilltnlklll . I'ON'rltirri: form ImlMers nnd liborers wntlt rd nt onro by l'lold, llnrker UtiilerWood Ibimrl nl Mh st Bnto, ttemlllBton Anni i'n. IMibstnne, I' 1 . f.rlft.vTHT Htondi "tmsltlptl for" llrst-rln man to tnho rhririto ot oil enttlhe nnd tiy ilrnnllr pri'"rs. Apil.v 1 2D H. Allen ft . Kintttnaton dutrlrt , "I'Ai'KnitS tn'shlpplmr departirTent. plei-rWorK Ineintlvi". sti ndv work Armstrons fork i'n . fiot of .terfprson nvn.. I'ntnden HAt.UHMC.V ") fur i Ity work, lenili furnished", ivhnlo or part lime, llhi-rnl rniitrnrti Mnsons tiilv. 62S Wolehlninii llullillng. , HI1WIW1 MACIIINi: I'lXr.H -Al man" expurl enrril. knit uhuorwonr. state nee. experience, inlnrv oxiw-rli-il M CS9, l-direr OfQee. WA'NTI'.O A mlddlo-oKi-d limn, Ihoro-s lily rnptiule. with exiw-rlem 0 In mntiufnetdiiliB nnd nali- of logwnod, ftntlr sumnc nnd othor dee extrnels. Apply M 71)5, tailor Ofnee, iilth rrfprenrM, ntntlnit iialaryexnert''d , WANTIID T'ivo nll-nrnund liox slinp inon linv hid oxperlenee on nallllm ninchtne, profor iihlv tho I)ol lialllna maelilno, pxporloneod men npopmary. Apptv ly li'ttnr to 20. Inlor ofili-o Vnf'N'O MAN Tor" muni ninrki-ti""muit know how to .ut m"it I'nll 2.13 S. lltli Vottfrt SlAN ni nisl'tu'it toixerutlvo In lnritp mnnufni ttirlnv mtiwrn! wnll up In tiintlio ttiatlr nint with tnprliiinlenl nhllltv. Hi"" full pnrtloulnrii In nnnworlnv. Addresw Young Man. PoMnfflro tlox fl5(io A tIiatf-rI.Afit nnd thriving pnndivlch "nl.np. In PlttstiurBh. rntertnc to tnulnpsi men. wnntn ninnnwr of expprlpnee, lionpsty nnd ri'sponslhtlltv, pri'fprnblv iinmnrrtoil. good npiHirriinliv for I'lpnlili- mnti nf 1 xopllPtit ehnnrti r I1.1 In n-lllhifi In work li'ird. ivrltn full iWiiIIk nf exfu'rienep. .1 41. l-ilixi-r i .-ntrHl (Ipnrnil H P n C I A I. A I 'TO .M o II I 1. 1! InstrtiPtlnn kIvpii. ilnv nnd nlKht. bv pxpprt mepliiinlrii nt the olilist nnd mluliinl Ato Hrhooi. IlrpnlrliiR In nil Its lirnnrbes. TI111 Inc. Irtim nnd to Itoud l.efsoin at a ery pniall ot nit NoiiTii nnoAD rt. p.j'irra fi2;i-NOHTH imnA"i sTiinnT oni llotcrfon's Old OrlElnnl Auto School. Tonehrs you how to repair nnd how to drlvp alitos. mi-NonTit nnoxn stiu'iit-mi SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE itooKKin:i'i:it-sTi:NO(!itAiiii:it. exp.,comp.. unquestlonnlile rets. .1 I." I. Ledger Centrni. IIOnKKllllPnit-STnNOilIlAI'HI'.ll. IS venrs niiijmt ref. .1 nil, LedKer Central ClIILDNCItHn (iprninn I'rnt , speaks I'reni li. inpiolp or IdKinB pihitp 1 narK' -.m .-. -i COMI'ANIOV-nursP. hos 1 irnlned Rood render and senm'sHCnrp Thos filll.lllkins P'k.. P.i. COOK llxp. tlerniHn-Ainerlenn woman willies position as took. J P.", LedKer Central. COOK, first ilnss. cnlorpd. wants situation, lit.-, nr ifillhlri PhiinelHcU. 1131. COOKINtl, bv day or week: cnpnlilp colored woman wants sltuiiilon lT'.M christian st. COOKINU r.spprlpnceil wninnn: no wnshlnB; ref prps"iit plan' 'JirJt SprlnRf.nrdciK LADV iteilrps soiup occupation from t! to I. preferably outside work. II Si' I. I.ed. Off. LADV'W MAID YounR woman, Rnoit dress tuuker; experienced nnd reference. II -J.. LedRer Olflce, t LADV, J'nrlslnn. desires enRnKemenis ; I'reneh tauRht l quli If method nt moderate rnles. ,Ii:; LeuRer Central. MANA'li:il Lady of rennetnent. Rood liilNlness ability, wants position of nrriinRliiR recitals Ip InrRp cities; hest credentials. A 112, l.pdaer linimli, I'S'-'l S. fiMh st. MOTIIlllt and lnushter, entire work nf house; clt. Call. .' tlays. Itoom Su.1. c.ns Chesuiut; MISS !i:AN, nt LedRer Cenlrnl. Ims listed the nualltkatloi.s of ,ounR Indies experienced In nil kinds of otlke ilelall work, and tins had special irnlnlnR In i-eleubiR the "rlRht p'-r-soo fir Hip iIrIii poltlmi " Aiiitmlut her with '.oiir needs either 1, ttersonal i all or telephone Walnut or Main IIimmi and per sonal nttPntlnn will bo Rl.en piompilv. This is n fieo serlm to l.lmill'.ll ADVHlt TISIIIIS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACt'OI'NTANT - III "IKK linl'llll llrst - rl.iss ability, pxperlime and ref 5 I.i.1 Arch si ADVr.HTi.SINO lllll'AltTMI-NT ASSISTANT Hlle lllld some experli'lli e 111 mail-order work; cnu write emu. prepare circular and booklet mailer, location Immaterial, imc 2C; Braduale Temple Cnlierstty Adtrrltsliut School. M I, 12. LedRer Ofllee Al'DITINll bU and little .lone by respini- sible num. M 21-'. LedRer Ofllee. j llOOKKr.i:i'i:it Thnnnwlilv eomrelent man. lecenlly loco ted in eltv. wishes bookkeeplnB or RiMieriil office position, s years' exp. nnd Rood references J 41'l. LedRer Cenlral. iTooKKllKPnit. 5 jears' exiMrlPnce. desires to fonuect where ahlllt) steadiness mid m -i uracy wltl lie rewmded by inlyancenieni ,1 Q...'i. LedRerlentral TloOKKUUPIllt. Ihoroushly experlemed. Is open for icrill. ihis. ; uce 32. C 120, Led Off. HUTLIIII snd houseman Ilxp. colored man. excelient reference. II 20y. LedRer Office. CIIAUI-T''i:UIl. MniiiR man. wishes pos with prlv. fain Bond references. .1 .151 Led Cent. CIIAtTIT'T'lPIl. col . exp . muke own repairs desires jios. nrter March I. ref. lSlf) l-.d CIlAl'I'I'Tiril nP , IhoroURh mechanic, prlv fnmlly. Bond ref. 12'J Prnnkford ii ave nn family; liest ref. .110, Ledger Office. ClllIDIT MAN. trensuier nr coiindelithil man of a corporation, lias had 12 years' experl- enee as an exei-uthe C 309, lder Ofllip. DlLvTcfJIITSMAN. 9 years' exp, plant l.iyouL piplns. siructurnl nnd machine deslRii, mcili. eliR. edllcntlnli, desires lms. I 301. Led. Off. fiAHDi:Ni:H. married, wishes prlvats place; IhorouRlily understands Rreeuhouses nnd nut stilo work. Ilfetlmo exiHrlem.w; Al reference. Itox 590. Ardinore. In. llol'SKMAN llxp inline whlto man. us trl.in. also buoiI cook. 1 1 31 41. Ledger Office. MAN. Willi several ears' experience ns an ex ecutive, desires position of financial ualuro that reciulros ability, ffblcniy and hunt- rllv C 30H. IrfiUer Olflce. MAN. youiiR. 19. wishes . leriini pnillloa" In advertlslni,- department preferably, altliniiRh lltted for similar work in any other line, J 310, Irfdger Central. OUDllIt Cl.nilK desires posliton, 10 'sear? exp ; can take full charge J 651. I.ed..Cent. UAI.UH AlllJNT. with " Phllu. office, wants infg. lines nn commission or salary. Ledger branch, 679. 03d and KJmwoiid live. SAI.KSMAN. acouainteil with best dp3r ment sturo trade. i:aal and West, wants lsisltlnn, best refs. as to ihnracter and iihHPy. Address J 445. Ledcer Central. SALESMAN, employed, desires ihanse. local or travel; 12 ex.. edueuteil. soisl presence; iirb 32, ref. J 050. LinUer Central HALLSMAN. now eniplojid, desires clupRe: thorousidy experlemed ro.ul man. prefer eastern I'd or Middle West, c ;j. Led. Off STlJ.S'llOIIAPIIIllt. experl tjplst. with aBooa knowledge of IsiokkepliiB. wonts connection; preferably In law ofllee J 458. Id.-er Cent. Sti:noi11APII lilt, rapid on dictation uiurtypeT writer, fair knnwledsp of bnokkccplns.wlslies, Position al mice J 549. ldBPrJentrnl. bTi:NOtlltAPIIi:it and bookkeeper ilesTpoa ;i jears' iorp. exp ; high. refs. J :30. Id. Off. Do You Knpw That Philadelphia's best business houses use the Ledger for their Want ads? Arc you considering changing your present position? If so, let the Ledger help you secure a better one. Read the Ledger Want Ads, or bet ter still, place your ad in the Ledger Want columns today, where it will be profitably circulated among Philadelphia's prominent business men. Phone, write or call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 I SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PTIINOIJUA I'll till desires lypewTlt'R nl honii . work cnllPd for & iMIv .1 Bli, Led Ci in STIlPCTfltAI. HTl:i:ii. nrnnuiPiitnl Iron nnd relnforcpil coin reie eimlneer nnd estlmntor open for pnRiirre with compnny rp'tulrliiR the sen Ins of A 1 in in dd M "ni. Lmlaer off VAI.LT, ntl ml. nt reiki' d young man, n f erepees. M x9 LedRer plllrnl Vor.VO MAN, pxp.. wldenwnke, defllrp ennnep tlon with hank as persnnnl solicitor, espe clnlly snilim iippoimls. .1 S4I. LedRer Centrni. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 1'IIIST CLASS Protpstniit cool, nnd i linmbpr mnld or kltrhi ntnaid. sisters, also other Millie Pint ii'l I itllfill, i nulls butlers lie. nnd iupii housemen, (lerninn nurses. Prot. laundresses i hnmlierinaldH nnd other help. Im luilliu "i.ilih I'.i'ullsli. Irlih, I'reni li. best ref.; wNIi situations, cltv or roiintrv, Mrs. Kane, nil S. ltith st. Phono Spruce nun. NICIIOLLS liji, llnlnlirldRp st., mis rnmpetPiit butler, hntiseniiill, couples, excellent youmi Scotch Prot'stant. Swedish, LnRllsh, Irish ilermnn cooks. J25 tn J75 units., rhnmlier lunlds SwpillHh nnd other parlor innlds, ro prnesses, nurseM. Drsl-clnss ouiib latm dresses. etc. WnntPd. nddltinnnl help In all cnp.'ieltlps Phone Locust 2t30. 5.IIIH "KANi:. .-.11 S. inth. wants "llrst plus's help for llrst-i loss fnnillles. In Hip i itv and suhurhs; rpferencc for character and ability required. MISS MAHY T." SkCAItTHV. 2107 Christian (Iip. mm), supplies & wants lst-class Prot., Cnth. male and female help, all nationalities. MHH MINZLAIT.' 1!1D Christian St.. Dick' fiir. Help of nil e.ip.ii wanted nnd supplied ! ell -Oer purs. ROV'pess wishes tn RO South. LAIlflt: number of inlored holp. nlso man nnd wlfp. coloieil. Smithern help rerffiison i;mp AReuc .",11 S I2lh 1'hone Walnut mil. AUTOMOBILES I'or .sale CADILLAC. 19l;t. tourhlR car. nyprluiuled nnd repainted; rull euulpment: price $750. Al'TO SAl.i:S COIll'OltATION. 142 N.llrond st. Clir.VllOLin' AtillNCVKcrr's new RnraRe. ill in ijliard ne SloniRe. S.", up. f'oi.i: 5 passenger, electric Italits nnd stnrler, per feil inndltioii, cxcLptloual liarRnln. 2035 Market. "CHLi:. 1115. DIl.MONSTHATOItS SLIlillTLV lISIIIl. I'OH sali: L S IIOWi:ilS CO , 2157 N.ldtOAD ST PIIANKLIN CAItS ALL MODIILS " " P.I. PAXSON, 313(1 ChPStnut St. HlTDHNrt Itebulll anil Buarnnteeil; phaeton nnd londsters. eipilpped with electric liifhls nnd starters liOMLItV SCHWAIITZ. 213 N. Ilroad St. littPMUIIILi: ltoadster, 1915; run less'than f.ooo miles; Al condition. 1. C. MOSIIIt. 210 N llroail st l.I.MOUSINP. Suitable for funeral work or hlritiR of nny kind at nil prices; tourhiB cars at a blR sac rltlee, as wn need tho spam these cars occupy. LOt'OMOIULi: CO. OP AMPltlCA. 2314 Market st Locust 450. II -V .llNKS. MBr n" hnjiBsj'.ir Dept. PACKAItD. IPOS Kxiellcnt merll'inleiil (oudb tlon. 7-passeimer loiirinR: price $450. I C MPSi:H, 3 Hi N. Hrnnd st I'AKiL. 1015, I'.-111. Mr.-t-.binn condition, ilrllcn 40011 mil, s. will sell reasonable. I'll Locust 3502 .1. nil I CADILLAC louruiR car. in ver finest lonilltiou; has been ilrlven by experienced ihautteur; pnint and tiles In pxcellent cou illtion; an unusuall) attractlvo cur; am roIur South tlie i olililiR week nnd desire lo dispone of tot: prior to leavlnB' inn be boiiRht nt an allrui live llR'lle. M s."i. LedRer Central. l'.ill PACKAIID. :in. lliiuiiisliie, lncchanlcally perfett; p.ilnt and Hies vei roihI. raio op pnitunity to seiuie a hlRh-Rrnile family tar at a vi ry low tlRiue. M s.M. LedRer Centrni. GASOL 2.-. to to pirn cr:.s'r. moiu: miliiaoh it,, pm,,,, Smoother r u n n I n r lUOie 1 OWOl motor, I ouni-e to each , , .1 Rallons Basullui.', por- LCSS Cai'UOn f"i lubrication, toni- pleto comliustlun; I TTlntim' Stnvtinir ,ll"t' .J0' w" treat LjdMt-1 OLcllLllli, uniinns, g.iSlno. NOIlTIIWi:STi:ilN Mul'Oll CAlt CO. IM. P. Sticker 'f830 ,N,- -0l" Phone, Dl.uiiund 1,030. AlillNTH WANTIIO TWO UH11I) nuto inr trucks. 1 and Vi ton inp.iPily: also 1 il-cvliniler tourhlR car, all In Htst-cluss condltlun. newlv p.iluted. Ior luriher lufntiuntiou wrlio M. L. A1.L11N. i;iks' Club building, lint hesler. N Y. ' ANY I'AHT TO 11UII.D Oil " x lilll'AIll A ('All. SCHOIILIt. S.llt-4.1 MARKirr. BUM) KOIl Ffli:i) IltlLLUTIN OF DHIU) CA11S oonsoN auto i:xchanoi:. 'mh n. twoad Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTIIN! New RiiruRo opened, tars bought, sold nnd rxrhanRcd; niiebfcorles. new nnd old; cour teous nsslstiints expert meihuulclans. comi: hi:i: ck. Plilln. AutoIarts Co.. nil s. Ilrpaii. Phlla. WANTHD OLD Al'TOS Poll I'AIITS R23;25 NOIITII I3TII KT. OLD autos wanted any nge or cnndl'u, prices" Dougherty, 1S15 N 19th I'h Diamond 3T22. WANTnD OLD TVPTOS 11)11 JUNK. 631 NT ID ST. rilONi: PAItK 95S. AUTO Lx'VEItY AND GARAGES TO llilti: (open d.i) and nlRht), brund-new r.-pHS. touring cur. with robes SI. 2.1 hr. , also brand-new 7-pass, limousine. l ;.o hr. . wed dlnRs. funerals. Poplar 1017 W 171,1 Olrard. PULTON OAllAOi: l-KLTON AND IIIIIAltD AVE. I'HONi: IiniAiriNT 1101. C3D. AUTO REPAIRING t si'i:i:domi:ti:u Tiiouni.r.a i See HILLY, at his new location. 610 NOftTll UllOAD ST. CYLINDIUtS RIWORKD. new pistons and rings furnished webllnRs and brazing. If. I), Underwood & Co.. 102.1 Hamilton st.. PhlU. AUTO SUPPLIES -HUARINOS New Departure Servlco Sla. Tho Owllllam Co, 1311 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3 107. Race 3003, AUTO T1BEB rt't.LMAN Tinr.s Guaranteed 4ft00 tnllea. Compire prlcei. (IRIM'R. 230 N. ilrond M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES L'NfPfAt. OPPOHTfNtTY Hill CAPITA If A hinnufniliirlnc roinpinv rslnb IKIipiI IM1. limine 10. nan nrtlvo nr rnunt". s.iIp" In 1DI5 tnrrrnsoil W over prpilou yonr. IiiiiIiik X hrnni-li ofrii-ps nnd 1. p.ipmpn. nro rom ppllpil to Inrrpnsp thpir ninnufnrtiir ltt rnpnrltv, honre nopdlns mldt tlon.ll wprklnR rnpltnl Ave Mill offor slnru of our rompnnv. hereto fnre lipid pxiIiiIvp1v lv our own rani IIIpM. lo etitsl.tp Inipstnrs in Morki or ISOCO or more Profprred stork, "p piininlntlve: mmmnn stop pnrnlni! 2(1. will spII nt par on sharp nf inlnninli with pnPh share nf prerprred. Itook wine of stopk wnv opoVp par Will ronslder nn nrttvp liiilnps man tn net nij.tri-nsiirer. Willi liqo.nnn to Invest ltpfprenrrt liun's nnd lirnd tfrern. Namp of rniiipatir nnd tlnnn rtnt MHteffletit .Riven .In rrsponilhlo patly only. Jf lis. Ledger Central. OWN A IACTOltY In tho hMit of hflft., tew lyleeks rrnm rnllrond elffhl Ktnlloni lt.fino rq. ft. Donblo I'll rre! rntmnco nn two streets: . small nmmtnt n?h feciiilreili win tnue hntlon for MnrK III nry-ela's rtirpnrntlon lniancc. .1 111, 1. .cilger Central. WtNTIlD t'nrtv tn inln mi with itrtirtn tn buy Colne wonleti mill; ."ot nf the nnnrnlspd value; n tnnnths" orders nliend ..Wlf n yesr pet profits.; will denl with principals only. JIT IS. Ledger Centrni. rt.Rrrittr'.stTno ot.onn manu- fnrttirers Iwve Rnnd oppnliu; for hii nellve bnslnesi mnti with lr..non to invest in .plnnt. Address tnr-nn-ileseent t.tehi .Mnnufncturers, M SIS, LedRer Centrni. At TOMOfUI.i: manufacturers with tmniiesilonnhle national reputation want pnn whli nbmii flu.nun tn Join them In the mnnufncltire of n inr to sell for less limn $.tr.n Ad ilrpss Mnnurncttirer, M 7 If). I.cdRcr Centrni. WANTHD IMMnniATnt.V-Invrstor with Spi.dOO. to nit ns treasurer of n 200.11011 prni'osltlon; Investment RuariintrPd; Rood miliiir: must bo ac tive nnd come well recommended. m tin. i.UDaint ciintiiai. YOt'NfS MAN. 25 to V. yenrs of iirp. with $700 for sure mlnK proposition; close inspection In vited. M 65S. LedRer Central. PATPNTR-AP.THt'ft Pi. PAIOH, 714 Walnut st. Phll.i., ineehanliat and eiprtrlcal enRl neer; leRlstered patent attorney: pftitdlsheil lierp 10 .vcars; inventions dcvploped, patents, irnilptunrks, copyrlRhts secured nnd lltl FalPd nn where; rojpcted nppllcallons proao cuted; prcllinlnarv ndvlco free. nsTAHI.ISIIIlI) dry nonils lorntlon Corner More nnd dwrlllnit: .1 very Inr"" storeionins, 10 InrRp renins. I smnli looms; modern: fement cellars, jaid nnd sidewalk; :i en trniu'ps: steiini hem : li.irRnin to close nn nc count: ense pn.Miients If desired Apply in luotnlnR. Ownor. 15111 fiertmntown nvp WANT15H I.oiin nf fsnnn for one vp.ir: will P.iv $'10 Interesl tnonthlv, or salary nf $25 weeklv for services, security of $0000 Riven bv nsslRnment of leases on automobiles based to responsible parties nnd lovercd by insurnnce .1 0",R. Ledcer Centrni. Plllt SALi: CONTRNTS AND LPASH OP Till: MOST llXOCISlTF.LV PPRNISIIRI) AND HELtXT APAIITMCNT IfOPRR ON NORTH IIIIOAD ST : II! ROOM l PATHS: PAYS APOPT S1000 YMILY. l'nj7. Li:i)l'.i:it OFI''lCR. AN OI.'D-RSTAIILIHIIIII) publlshlnR concern dpslres the serviips of nn pxpert advertising sal sninn for a short period, must l,e ex perlemed In handling nntlonnl advertising; on exceptional opportunity. Address C 310, Lodger Office LOANS NLOOTIATLD nn leRicIes. Inheri tances, estates, stocks, bond spcurltlps. ware house lecelpts. raw tnntcrlll. notfn. tillls nnd nicnunts rctPlvnblP L. N. ROSUNIIAUM. Ni Wal St.. Now York. INCOIIPORATUD COMPANY needs' innce capl" tol lo meet demand for Roods manufactured, sold and leased by II. Investment 7 tier cent, preferred stuck with bonus of common stock. Address P. O. Hon ,'i for partlculnrs; DOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY Widow ilcsues to Kin well-equipped physl- ilnn's office to reliable doctor; benefit of established prill Hip. 2i!2II N. fith st, DnNTIST wnntpd. eleftrle lights, hent sprvlep; grpat business centre; lm chargo for good- will. J-pnsnnablp YPrRer.2100 S. Ilroad sL MAN investing S'JOnn can hi-cuie gonil-p.ivlug position, with se. uiliv and good Interest on Ids money. P 201, LedRer Ofllee. i'lCTl'Ri: T1IRATRI1, $2500, $1500 rash; mod" progres locntlon.ini comp ; crowded nightly; trial before buy. IIARHIST, 201 N. Ilroad. $.1 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chird. will be producing beforn paid for 1LIIIIY DARL1NOTON.JI20 Chestnut SL S27.1 YOP.Vn MAN can have half-interest In glowing enrtoon school for iibovo amount. J .,.,!. LedRer i culm nl. $2500 RIXtUlRHD. profltablo nmnufneturing nrtlele. In Rreat demand. J 741. Ledger CeutrnJ. PAINT manufacturing plnnt and business for sale. Smith, 3049 Market st.. Phlla., I'.i. ' Viinted DltlT STORI2 wanled. inndern. centrally lo cated: exchange for $2200 good ical pstale; Blve full detiit's A S51, ledger tVntrat. WILL bin n xiitki for a good" position or In vestment If secured bv icni ist.itp; give uatiiip nf husliicss. c 211. LedRer Ofdce. DUSINESS PERSONALS nvnNi.vii ci)Tin:s LATEST STYI.i: FPLL-DUUS-S SPITS dpliv cAi.i.pi' for pnnn CALL OR PIIONi: POPLAIt S.I3 opi:.n i:vi:ninos TO H nti li:idni:r's. wth& niRAitn a v.. s w cor, FULL DRESS SUITS " Cutnways, Tuxedos mid Sack Suits Tn biro and mndo to order, NEUUAL'RR. THE TAILOR, It) N, 0th st. Dell phone. Walnut S018. SPPKRFLPOPP HAIR removed by rlectrolvslsT tho only permanent wav. Evebrnws nrehed. MISS SMITH, in.' Kclih Thentre niilu. Miss Hnpre. hilrdrcs'r. fail.il ninss.ige, man lcurg. form Mint Arcade, w Itb Miss Smith. pplidrhss, tuxedo frock and cut- iivvay Suits tn hire, all npvv. stvllsh goods, largo assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 (llrnrd aye Phono Poplar 0342. V "DIAMONDS IIOUOHT Hank reference. Appraisement. 195 HARRY W. SMITH 717 SANOM ST. CLAIMS of uny description collected on per centage anvvvhere Wn get vour money for x-ou. AMCOSE AOFNCY. 1.'11 Arch st DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY GIRLS wuuted to Ic-irn UresBmuklnK, thanco of a litettuio, cam hm voii learn. Send for ulaloRuo now. Thu McDowell Dressmaking Siliool, 307 DenckU Kldg., 11th nnd Mar ket btS. POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSM AKl.NQ: DAILY AND EVENIMI SESSIONS. MJ5 UIRARD AVE. Poplar fM74 1IEMST1TCIIINO. 10 cents a yard, all mats, rials. A. RE1CIIARD. 1113 CHESTNUT HT. PICTORIAL REViEWPATTERNS DRI:k.SMAK1:r, French desires cngagcmentsT terms rcusonalile evening snwns n spec.: re moileling HOS Walnut. Ph. Valnut 045S. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY lllOIIEST prhes paid for dlsmonrls, Jewelry nnd pawn tlikets for diamonds Applv. 2 "!0 tn I'io P m WM TLICK. Room flh2. Ilurd Hide . corner nth and rhistnut sts. FOR SALE lltLLtAIlD, POOL, combination, serond-liand. bought, sod renieii. pxcnnngpu, rppairing. bi supplies, l.nfe Keafpr, Amerlian m.inufnr- i.iiiiiiin-i-. i.ii,,- ,..,.. Hirer. .1211 fllrnrd nVP Ult.t.lAtH) AND POrKET TAllLt:9 - Also bow ling nlleys: rusv pivments. nittlNS- .WICK-llAI.KE-COLI.r:NIll;lt CO.. 1002 Arch DIl.t.MIlt). peiket. Sd-lmnfl tables, repairing. supplies. Clark-Herd Mrg. Co.. 2121 N. Front. CARI1 IttlHtSTMItS. new nnd factory rebuilt. New total nd.lers an low as J10 on ensv monthly pivments Call nnd see our mid models. All registers sold by us fully Rimr nntced. THE NATIONAL CASH REOISlEn CO.. 7.10 Chestnut st. "DESKS", filing cnhlnets, sires, telephone booth nnd office furniture nnd fixtures ot every tie. rcrlptlon; used, but In fine condition, and vtry chenp; free delivery nnvwhere. HUOIir.S; 1ITII AND HUTTONWOOD. DESKS, lafRe nssortmenl; nlso household fur niture Dullng Centrni Seinnd-hnnd Furni ture Compnnv. 904-500-14 Callowhlll st. SArlJS Fireproof, closing oul slightly used": nll sizes & mnkes; big lis re ilni. 219 N. Fourth SlToW CAltDH. wnll enses, shelving, nnp'floor enses for jiiiIp eh .IP. 219 Mnrket st. STEHEOI'flCON Slnele or double;" nlldps; phpsp. ,T. Ookps. I I Ini.in. N. .1. jon-ciiicKniUNrj ui'itiniiT piano, cos. $mki new; others nt S7.1 and $Sfl: nnynhlp $3 monthlv, Call or wrlto for comptcto lists. IlEPPE'S PPTOWN STORES Corner 0th nnd Thompson sts. JI2S-Lr.sTEtl PPIttnitT PIANO, cost f.1.-,0' new; othprs nt JII0. $150 nnd $100; hy prom inent makers: payable $.1 monthly. Call or write fnr eollinlplp lists. IlEPPE'S PPTOWN STORES Corner llih nnd Thompson sts. Corner tith nnd Thompson st'n $r,2.1-AUTOMANtTAI. PLAYER-PIANO, cost rn'n new-; WIS. plnjer-plnno fAeollan made); price $17,1 new: spvprnl nlinoln pianos nt re tlnctlons of $10 and $1.1 below regular prices: slightly used nnd fully guaranteed for fl j.ciirs; terms $s monthlv nnd upward. Call or wtito for complete lists. IlEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth nnd Thompson sts. $2.1 TO J7re-gpvpral plnno-plnvers (outside at tachments): will ill any upright plnnn: pay ments S monthly. Call or write for complete. "StS' IlEPPE'S PPTOWN STORES Corner ikh and Thompson sts l 2:ir.n-VICTROI,A VI nnd 0 ln-lti. D. r. rec ord..; Riinrnntced to be In perfect condition: nn excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good mnchlno nt n rcasonabln price; fiO tents weeklv neieptcd, end or wrlto for com t leto descriptions anil largo Illustrated cata log ucs. IlEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner tith and Thompson sts. LAitni: nnisoN talkino machine, with cabinet and 50 rcconls: finished In beautiful quartered oak; cost new $SI; can bo paid 7.1 cents weekly: nn excellent bargain: In good tondlllon; wrlto for complcto list of bargains nnd special tl 111 offer. imPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner tith and Thompson sts CO CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTHOLA Call or wrllo for particulars. TIUPIT.'S UPTOWN STORES Corner tith nnd Thompson sts. i22 LARUE SIZE VH'THOI.A & IIECORDST RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE 12S MARKET ST. S20 DIAMOND EARRINOS HLPi: white: PHitrccT: vai.pb sin IHEDJEH'S LOAN OFFICE. 12S MARKET ST. tSSn-PC. CHEST OP SILVER ROdCR.H IIROTIIP.RS. VALUE SI2..VI HIEDKR'S LOAN OFPlCE.12S MARKl'T ST. $2."-lltAVOND RINU PURE WHITE' VALUE $.10 RII'.DKIt'S LOAN OFFICE EN MARKET ST. FOR S.CLUFIne Illnch Rocnrt, slightly used. 3S45 North 17tli st. HEATING MAKIN-KEISEY HEALTH .HEAT Is better nnd chcappi than fitenm or hot water. Purs fipsh nlr with nnrnvil moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. fl N ISth St.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION PHOTOPLAY WIHTINO-PorM Instr.; photo, pl.ivs, short stories, oilier IS. typewritten, lllc. per page. Smith, t',2 N.:lthst., PllUa. STENOflRAPHY and bookkeeping hv Individual Instruction; i nurse rcipilrcs only few weeks; pos. guir 7ii l.ni list iwnshlngton .I'tiinre). tVnnted I.AD1 would llko tn take lessons In cooking or domestic silence: prlvnie or In clnss. Answer, stating terms .1 III. Ledger Central. LAUNDRIES FAMILY wash. r.0c. n bag; nil washes return ed In Ipfs than 21 hours. North Phil i. Damn Wnsh Lnundrv, "011 N. 11th. Ph Tioga 12.17. MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR SALE, (licup. fine IlllliH A. Jones boring mill . Ill ft. bet. housings; 1 each :;o-2u nnd 12 II. I'. Otto run inglnes; 1 huge Atlantic Winks rcsawliiR band saw. Ktiltnblc for shlp nrd work; 1 tarry continually a largo stoi k nf boilers. enRlnes. pumps, steam nnd wuter hcntlnR hollers nnd radlutnrs, piiionf nil sizes, itit and threaded tn your icgulreinents: all material gutirunteed as teprcscnted. M. J. HUNT. Kllll llench st. Ken. :i:iti. SILM'TINO SAUETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hniiRers nnd pillow blocks with fin ished hall and socket bearings are tho bpst fnr nil shnfllng purposes. SHAFT.'N.i AND MACHINE WORK. 14.1 North S-. nnd. JAMES YOCOM (. SON. WANTED to buy two Durkopp scnlloolug ma. (hlncs. ntsn two needle hemstitching mn i lilnes. Wliccler A Wilson make. Address M. Lb lipensteln A Co.. 2111!. L'.'d St. N V. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dvnamos. motors hollers, steam and oil en gines, piimns. air compres&ors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc .127 N. 3d st. SECOND-HAND PIPE Cut nnd thrended to sketch; large quantity ot nil sjzes In Btoik rirlfllth. 4111-20 Mover st. IIUY'YOUR LEATHER HEl.TINf) DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER CHARLES HON!) COMPANY. 620 Arch st. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold nnd lentcd: armatures repaired. Main 01, Market .'hub. Yearsley Cu221 N,1dst. ENtllNE LATHES, turret lathes. Fox lathes, spinning lathes, speed Intties, wood-turntnR lathes. Nuttnll. 1748 North 6th. HYDRAULIC JACKS C, S. 10" TON, STAND ARD MAKES SEYFERT'S. 437 N 3D ST. HAS. OASOLINE AND OIL ENOINEi OAS AND OIL ENGINE CO.. 45 N 7TII.8T;, PLANER, 20XS, doublo surfacer. now in use. Planing mill, nth and Tioga. PIPE Second hand, all sizes. Phll.i. Second Hand Pipe Supply Co . J003 N. 7lll St. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $.1l-VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 se. lections (12 10-ln. D. F. records), this Inntru. ent hns a doublo spring and all tho latest features, Including the new concert sound box, and Is an excellent machine In every way; can bo paid for at the rata of 73 cents weekly; call or wrlto for complcto description! snd largo Illustrated catalogues, IlEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner tith and Thompson sts. 1'IAYER-PIANOy, finest make, factory sam ples positively for much less limn half of installment prices, cash only. Wlnkelman's Sample Plana Co.. 1716 North 7th; JSS-CIHCKKRINO UPRIffllT PI.VNO HOWARD VINCENT. MS N. QTH. $2tn-FH10MACKER PIANO, cost Slfio new. ISin llpppo upright plnnn, cost $1.10 new. S2H.1 lllnslus upright plnno, co"t $110 npw. Pevprtl Itcppp-mndp pi. inns with 1 sounding boards nt reductions of .7.1 nnd lfX) below iPRUt.ir Prices. tia)uipnts $0 monthly and up ward, f all or wrlto for complpte lists. IlEPPE'S PPTOWN STORES MtlRTrlAT. Tiwnm .. "'oujaETITg W $100 ( A8I ii iur f , j i , I ,.v . 1 nevy, prl s , sarin, '"" MsTl '" omjl- l'l"nof''o" ii.J'CSi f. "i.i i ,i i t Wlnkclm -IV. ' "''iii.vey upr uhl 1. st.,... fin UP. Iletords to n nnvm k1"" rdnwroMs2JcJb,uler,n!inn,so,hl "J MUSIC CAIItVl-.T ..C... ' M" Orf?rf music rolls.$ 75. store prM$n '??'. WW OLD GOT.Ti lit II Mfit ti .,1. . . .. CASH PAID. FOR DlAMONhq il8" . pfinssffeflinS'ruFWrt CJerta,rn,!'n,:oK -flnlng Co . fitn and Walnut st"' Rellbl H OLD HOLl -fnsli n.l.l . -Vi- W&TnhVin!!; $ rniNTiNa SOriKTY rtiffMiim .i.n ,.r- i'lf"""-; .''V ."' "nil pVla, : 1 i J " ' """" "' "wn cveniin.i-T ROOFING AND IRON AWNIl"' me'e'ir's'. ViM'ST T,,T'r"7l St! rJ;!r .'J. "... rVraMRHM ny. roof. Wrlir fnr clrruHr " hffl '"'' ai uiHji'ixft en, i.w, mjr ROOFINn-SHg nml tin old tin rrofTTrr. Kiiiirnnteed n years ppw slsgVoofs in0?'"' Paul Itnek, Sla N. 4th st " '' "l ' STORAGE Pli.TtVMM , STntlAill' i iii ..V... , lO-lirsT: AIIOVL ClllYf4fNaOT PACKiNti Iov!fr!pIV;,Y lilies. Crruil. nl.M..i J'.11 ' 'MJ Hell, Locust loco-Phone's -i.yrc';:..'H ;jij FIDELITY riREPROOF WAP.F.ltWsrT! 1SU-1S1U MAngrr m'""cIU ATLAS STOR ITORAOn WAREHOUSE: -"7iZT" -li p.vklng, 1-Jnplng eifrrer rffi"' 11 Ing 7.12 for CKtlmate MarsVt Inill A S STORAnt: Itni ac -is.r-iSJlii II ill'.VIIIK. p.li Ph. Raring MeCANN'H STORAOi: HOI SE. mrVTFll st-i, moving, packing, shipping iito'J1'1 II Uoth nhoues. Let us esiimV.." " ni 11 fflM'WBti3B& MoVLNft nnd stnrigp. in nipt sen icT"v: i I rntrs: estimates free. Phone TIom 'i;.0,,lt J. I II. M..I1ROWN ".S3 1 10 N nth FIREPROOF. Mothproor. Concrete WTir- N Phlla. Storore bo . 2011 Lehigh Tlo S' I'lanoj nnd Furnlturo nought and fSid, STORAfli: Moving bv nuto vans "rjiSirr slipping Levin Rrolhers. 201S niam iS Phone Uopbir 0024 " " WANTED A VTIf HIM l.iiMiniiiit - .. "- - ...ji,, ,-, iii.iinuh misf- teeth. fHtliM hi-fis. hrnkr-n oivufv inUi .11.... "in! ..might 7-lf, Wnhmt XVnlnutC.JfM i ill uivlJN ji;w UlY, fnNn todh PlutT ( oln .ookH.wltmprirps r p-iv mnl ed 15f. jll ItitnS II'piiii ii'ii Mlnrnl er.r u ,..u ,..-l,.t., ' .-.... .. ..... , iiu, HI 111! . -.. v .ni-uii i.ui IH.MI vo must linvp clothing for our ntw tiM nnd will p.iv Mill the licst prices fof tn T ilolhlng. full dress. Tuxedo suits, eh- reij or phono IVnlnut 0SCS before selling to Ml.' cjpnjprs. JSCIIULTZ, 227 nnd 241 .V luT CAST.OFP CLOTHINO-IllBhe.t p7rcc77.Ii for liidles' nnd men's clothing, hats, iin etc.; phonp Pop. 3S91 Hint kcr 121J PopS CAST-OFF clothing, shoes nnd hnt Tmtfv send postnl. Snelilm.in. 922 Poplar t FURNITUIIE bought for"cash parlor fr.llri house, offlco furti.. stock stores; will p,r .; , consult us before selling L'nnls, S13 a Iti Wnl. IMP. " FURNITURE, pfanos, carpets, antlilTes: mtiri ! or part houses bought for onshi no rautn J how large. J. Hernsteln.13.-.4 P.ldi: ?. RlDINd IIAIIIT Ilrecches and boot;, htfj ) must bo chenp, 1 215. Ledger Office, 's WANTED To purchase n secnnd-hani) li a'. 20 H. P. portable gasoline engine. Cheiler' brook Farm, Ilcrwyn, I',i. IIIOHEST PRICES paid "for diamonds, cli gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth, also Mil -tickets. I.'IOO Filbert st . 2d floor front. ROOMS 3T0R RENT ARCH, 2p2.'l Desirable single nna double rmi, prlv. baths, well lie.ued. $2 up. Epract SUS, HROAD. S.. 2101 N'teelv film rnnm. ftw ' electricity, steam heal gentlemen prfcrrti ,1 HROAD, S.. ".M.'t.l-Nli ely rurnlsheil front roon; Imard optional. Phono Dlrklnson 2134 W, CHESTNUT. 2005 Attractlvo roomi. ilnt'i! nun en sunn, iiri.aie n.un reierencea . CHESTNUT, 20117" ""Deslriihle "scconil Bool) rnnin .and b.ith. with nil convenlpncfi. llfllARD AVE. NEAR PROAD-him. or m. furn. mom: prlv. Jnmlly P 1 lit Leditr Cff. LEiiltlH, W., PO.I Desirable scconl-iwrr J story front mom; good lis.atlnn eonrenlw to table board ; references exchangea. j LOOAN SQUARE. H30-1S32 Race ITtl VI. " glnlal Largo plpgantly furnished roomi:- hot nnd cold running water, rates reiioa.4 able: well healed.Rooil table poira. n . M.VSTER, 121.V-Newlv furnished room for to- t lemon: southern exposure com,, phone. t PINE ST.. ritlssingle room, near batn: walk. ein exposure Phone Locust IJJ.12 J. t RIDUE AVE.. 2.11(1-Nicely furnished .roon;' conveniences. Phono Diamond 4001 J. SI'ltUCE. 001 Ne.itly furnished rooms, wit lieateil; near tm tn . sullaiilo lorjwo. SPRUCE. 1)20 Furnished rooms, double III single: reasonable Phono Walnut 8108, . SPRUCE. 1!W7 Rooms, slngln or ca sultt: rt li itiiSjpror. ornces, ricnm neat, eicc-mcer... SI'RPCE, 1020-I.nrRo 2.1-llnor front reow prlvn.Joli.ith: suitable for two gemk-jiifa. SPMMER. 1027 Comfortabb furn front ra. for couple orRentlcmen Ph Sprues Jin. 121TI. N.. 1R.1S 3d-tlonr communlcatlni rorat slnRlo or en suite, board optlonab PITH. S.. 2111 Newly furnished roomj; oo J em conveniences. Phono vvninut ihl- . 1.1TH. N.. C7S LarRe slttlnR room, $1; 31 1 j buck, $2, convenient e.-i. phone , j 27TH .s: PAltltrsiI-Attrne furn. room. i;d-j family vnung man references. Pop. '"' 'li iniinii saiMlli lllilll ivifcis-si"". '-," il j GOTH, S 1.11 Ilnndsomcly funitsiieo :":""J sunny rooiiis: eicciric iigiu miei'.i" ' i renrletcd nclRlihnrlinnd prlvatexDSSts (Kill AND SPRUCE IN. W cor 1 -lJra'Sf? slrnhlo "d-Hoor front, bath ref. Dl. gili BOTH. H 27 -Cheerfully furnlshe.1 room;' ' hnusokppplnR: gns eie, irb linen n". e phono Relmont 400.1. j,j r.2d nnd Sansom - Tn8 WEST BRANCH looms, .men only: t rai 4 . ji. i;. a. snower "'" '""IS'r. Bttl comforts of home. I'npnj g" ! mont 40S1 Key"y5!: ' LAROE 2.1-lloor front. iiIbo 2 PlVn'.V,(2. front rooms, furnished, no children. TUf eneps. Wnndl.inil ll'.fi.l M - DL'SIRAllLi: furnished vneancles, if"'? ' Heated """"'""" " - JIVnnted - YOPNf! COFPLH desire 1 rooms i "l,.M0tS; West PhlU.. nenr Park prof C 10'. " v BOARDING , DIAMOND. 2007 LarRe, rooms, south. Mj! lire. sbiRle. en sujte: table boarrlJJiSiAVSi,) SI'RPCE. 1224-2H U'rlsmondeb-wn. Vjj tingle, en suite: private bniJbLSH3 ; 40TII, N., .'12 Attractively turnm. j rooms:excellent table, puone -ti 3IK S. 10TH ST.' (Cravcr.hur.li "u"'l.J floor suite. 2 rooms and balh, commuW';i big; newly furn and --"'' "bl PQ"--.a Suburban WAYNE AVE.. 4562 (ermantown)-BlJ", ; i .. in ami irniifi - VUUm, lUIIVi .U II Mil SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: Pcll 'j'r,.,,a5iig Hooklet. Pr. XUndal, City line Cbwti--" By C. A. VOIGHT I for; Me, ? ) V pAlR . yu a UlHp I Lot of pun I KM M v I A CACK AT )i 41