Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    -" ' 0mtoww'ywto ''
"" W.""l ' " ".-.iV ""I- I II .lJIJIIIHIHVMRMHIHMiMlliHmPP"l"lMlIJL"J1u'WmLWW-UII Mllll lllLLJP.nnn I .. I'-UH.HblUMWiuU'UMmuilWMIIM I l 1 IMIUl Ul IIMnMMMMMH
higli Navigation Income Reduced W. H. Donner Will
! Withdraw From Pennsylvania Steel Company.
i General Asphalt Stocks Show Strength
, utter evidence of Iho steadily ex- , 10 ,,or cent, earned nn Ihe stock, compared
.. 0.,.riiv nf (Ilia coi mlrv co 1 M with n :i ., ,., ... ,,. ,. -...'...'
rr.Vth.-it. Hi" recent record of lneronod
tr7-tlvidends derJ.m,l. as-well
K2ft .nvments nnn-.unred. Within
I . ...-. 11, n i-wpnl record of liierennod
' iflt treMc nlone In-M have boon no
ihnnrSMtcx,,-ar;:;.nl ;;,t,l ivo
.- . .. I" r i j 1 1 it.. ' . i ,, ,
1r" . ., ipi... ...., ...... I... ....
i-mit declii'-niinii!. in- "..ii .... .
ft ed cover i "radically every sc'tlnii
'iii. count) nicy vvoro ino no.nuiiiic
. nd Sle'el. Hie Tnllopnh ' tension
Ziri (he f'M" "'I. llu- American coin,
i8.rhbroiiRli Mitnufiicturllig, the Rlantl
J,.!,,! Ohio, lhe Knslnuih Kodnk, the
iKLur Wheeler, the National Lend, Iho
? York Air llrnke, the IndURtrlnt
Fnanc the T1i.-tnhc.unor Film, the St.
I. Ih lead Hie Klrnchluuim the Maine
JTimI Kallrond and the tlrnnd Trunk
Kd companies. It Is InterestltiB to
'Si however, thi.t of thlH lint only two
'Em , railroads, till Iho oilers being In.
Atrial concerns of various charncter.
tnddeninllv the rush holdings of Indus
..j.i in.nrniii'no are larger now limn tit
V"" ... ...riml lii hllirv Tim IV
,,y previous period In history.
. c...t r-nrnorntlnn nlono holt
holds some-
tivinilto $111,000,000 In cash nnd lSothlc
VZ about $10,000,000.
Xherc was no!
(j rtcord In the
": . ntlilnrr if rrnjit InmnHnnrvt
rtcord hi the local market drnUngH to-
I. tha VOIUM!!' Vl UllUIHh '".Mlh n'Jiui-
"lit curtailed. ..wing to the holiday to.
Burrow The general tone was llrm. how
Sir with Clclter.il Asphalt a strong spot.
The advance in the Asphalt stocks was
.ccomraiiie1 by talk of Increased earn
ims Although lhe annual report Is not
t 'ready. It I understood that It will
ihow the preferred dividend earned nnd
iBWlbly a Mil"" surplus.
in the afternoon United Cas ltnprove
,.. turned strniiK, niovltn? up a point.
Tork IlallwiiH also hardened, as did
liike Stiiwrlor and lti-udlng.
The Teh!Bli NavlBiitluti annual report was
lomewliat dlsappolntlni;, as It showed only
WHEAT Itd'Hiils. sn,ll5 liusllds. There
... k rurtl.iT .ic'lliv of e. In this mi.rkct.
Ji tf brarl. h si-Hi all m Pi Hi", W-t. i'"n-
pUi I A : $12I.SS14: rej-te.l "
.low ani prlo' declined 'ac irf.TlnBM i;rii
Krili liui unipl". Qui.liit ons: I'ar lotH for
B lr ii.- i t" I"'" I iJm N".. 2 yellow. M If
iff .mer mIIow '"4 '.4m. : ,N. 3 l
kSl.'dh'mr.. No. I yellow. 74'.4W7Btte.;
"&AlrHr-Hel.':'l,;tl!',l'r..9ll Imnll. The lll-irket
da'l nml 'jr. lower. (Juotntlons: Nj. J
T?-.u i, ..il. l.ie.l wh He. r.lfiC.itVje.
ifi.SwhltP -.Ja''.'3r.: N. I wnup. buww'
.nnr. oiiv '" a t., ....... ........-, . - . ,- ,
H4C , immni' o,hh, tnwivi:. , iut .-
"rtOftt -it...Vli,t. I. -00 1.1.1s. nd e.M.3M
lb In n.iili. Tr.ul- wiih hIhw nnd mill limits
nre rr.lui-.-il mi K.i per Mil. In sympathy
lth the .iiiitlniie.l ilnwiiwiird in.ivenieiit or
wlMl jii..i,.tl...i p. r, IM lbs. n wood
nim.r rlini. Jr. r,e'ii"..i!r.i do.. strnlKlit. J.-'"
(, ,i ,i, in. i 101.16. 10. KntwiiH. clear,
itclit. i. 1011'B. 10. KllllsaH. c.ei.r.
--.. in" .'. tie ; do.. stralKllt. JnP-
I',. I,, .in, patent. Jute Kick. Ji.i)'
nir. ilrsi clear. $.'.. lofr..!in: do..
lute Bai-Ki-.
nrki r. sn
1i4v. rpii.i., ...-. .. T"""i .
.,..l.h, f. 1Ui i. .l.v miletit. Sfl'O ll.&O: .III.
favorite liriin.N n..iii 7. IIK 'Uy nillls. cliplee
nil fancy p.. tent, Sii.iiOW7.4ti. I'lty nulls.
reiubr Knul. .-,lMter. .-ear. fi.r.0i r..ii:
tlo.. itmlKlit. 5 iilnii do., patent. So.lOW
JtifE FLOI'lt wiih milet Put Ktcn.lv under
moderate ufferliw.. U'o iiuoto $.i..iO(Sli per
til.. 1LU to IJU:..tt .
The mnrlKl nilf te.nlv. Imt
llttln e,ll.r 111, it .1 t lilt! il l-.ltli'-.l.l
thoro waH
nty i. In .. . kiiiiiIicI and i.tr-drleii. :
f.: Wmtem lieef. Ill HctH. Hmnked. 2 1 w 2 u :
city heef. kinukl. h and tenders, smoked and
llr-.lrlcd. 2iii"2..-.i WcMlorn lieef. knuel.les
ml lenders, snio'txl. -'" -7.-.I Peef liani';.
l-w.i 'in. .1. r....il. ... r.uttt "'A' ImniM. S. I'.
cured loose. l."i ' 111,.; do., skpineil louse. I'l
Hl!r. do., do., smoked. 17'.5 r Is'tc: iitlu-r
lani. mn!,n. city cured, as to Jiraii'l and
nvttlice. itl'i'ff-171.: Mains, smoift-il. -Avcstern
cored Kl'i" 17.-.. ilo.. Polled. Inncli.-HK. L'.L'.i
Slcnlc shoulder--. S. I, eureil. loose. 111..-.:
t., smoked 11 i" 121..'.! hollies 111 pli-ltle.
actonlins to nver..K.-. loose, 1 2 1 t" 1 lie. : lireaa
fst ba.-ou. us to Prind and iivvmire. city
cured, l.'i 1...-. : hr.akri.st luicon. Western
cured, l.-"u It'.,-. ; lard. Western, reilned. In
tfi-rre.. II i.i- . do.. ilo.. In lulls. It1..'.:
'do., puro city, kettle rendered, lo tierces.
JlHc, at,., pure ilty, la-ttlo rcii.lerr.1, in tuns,
The market win oulet Put flrin. We quote:
Eitra tine Krutmtated. ll.2.ie.; powdered, o.ir.o.s
confHlloners' A. u.l,".e.: soft itrades, ,1. loi'.'tic,
, nUTTCn Tl.e market ruled llrm with de
mand equal In tin- llnill.il olferliifs t dealr
tle Block l'ollowlnii are the .luotatlnns:
Vestcrii fiesh. Millil-pnckeil i-i.-ainery, fancy
Iclaj. :i7ij,- extr,., .:."i',je.: c.xtni llrsts.
.. Ilrnts. .'IDii.l'.'. .: seninds, :!7fl2io.; ladles.
-Itl-lv neurli prints, fancy. '.'.Uc. ; aeraso
extra, S7(i.isi,. ihsis. :iiin:i.c. ; n-ron.ls 2P'n
sW., epccml fttiiey biitnils of pilnto JoPPIiik at
KljtIS llfferlnss w-'TC inoderalo anil lhe
nirket mini steady, .leniaud PehiK fairly in
Pee. roHowlny are tho iiuotatloiiH. In free
cues, nearl extra, 2Se. in-r iiojs. : nearliy
Jriti. $t..'.Tt per standai.l i-nio: nearliy current
rjcelDla, $7. si per t-dso; Western extra llrsts.
JIAI per . dse .to., llrsts. 7.20; per ase;
Mjtncra. per uis... $.I.:!017.0.".. as to ipiallty;
I&flfV kll tr.,1 ,Tii.llr.l .imfu i. icr In Vil.lt I n. lit
ulhhhK Th iiiiirKt't ruled llrm imuVr
jnt offertiiKS. but lnuli wan uulrt. Quotu
Itonr xw York, full rrouiu. fuiii'V. lwi.
do., ilii.. fulr tu coot), held. 177
jurt wklniH, HWltif.
ll. ic , .lo.
?blVti was In ampin supply and oulet at
Jolf.1 rates rollowlng are tho nuotailona:
owli. ub t Biz- uinl duality. 1 7 17'. id
P R,1li.te'lv J i -0t" : ,ln.. Biumry. HWICc: tur-
i!r:!?i Bee. n18r.; ptk-eutia. old. per
' wJfi ,Si?,;e.. do., tonne, per pair. 18M20c.
t . JJUBSSllli. Tho market ruled steady with
roemana. equal t the offerliiKH. Quotations
ft"" Krebh-kllll, dr.v-paikeil-1'.inls. 12 to
! InJ', rf'-P-'ckisl. frtll.v. selected. 20'. :-. welsh-
lkJl'. "'"' ovr. aplo.-e. ic.i wrlRhtiiK ''.
i'';.P0le''e in... welKi,nK II IPs. anlwo. Isc;
SM'ijr ."l,M- 1"'1''7 .. fouls, in Phis., ilry-
i,i,rr. .. t i"s. ami over, iipie.-c, luve. ;
!? ''I,1,'" lMilt..-.. old roosteis. dry-pl.-ked,
iih,.Vl2ll'kJns Jersey, fsuey timllers. 2l(i-.'i!c;
v.ii. "ra,? lant-y nrniiers, .'n"e. :
S''1. welshlnic lli,ii2 lbs. aplfie.
Ii.k. ' ii.uioia
visniiiir in-
and over In
tl.npl, .;. i i ,lB . msuei . -torinein
Dtlonal lot
r.v-",, ,,r in iiiiii;
welKlllllK aidti.-t 11m.. in Poxes,
florthern Illinois.
lin lihi. ,V ,J -" "' "CiKniiiK ..'iTian. ins ,
111,, r.. V ..".es- . oilier .-. .-..fin, wciuniuv 1
lirS Vt ?lr- ,n ,,0"-s. 1S11K..: oilier West
I!:&A?!ehlnii 2t.-si.'P. IPs. In Pru.i. Ul.il7e.:
fiSy.r.."t?ni. welKhinu- 2P.fi:i- lha.. In 1M..
Ili? K..nl",'.crlor- '' '"inn, tier IP.-Welch.
ffiivfif trkeH . faiity iuiik Iiphh and tnrus.
tK55 .WK?' np-irby. IStLtk.; do, Wctem.
i7il' do., flo, fair In wood. V.!ti1.V.;
S1Sl licr own-Vhltr. wflKliliiR 11 to Jl!
K.,.'",' wurn. 4Q lUTCU.DU; Willie. Vl'l(iI-l'-S 'J
liit-1 I1 ilown. $5.64i'6: white, wpliehlnir
ri'iu1,!! duien.
- ftAi. iHr iin7Aii vi en
t4 COfll L: while, wiluplnu- 7
Hill 35: white, uelchlux K
tliu. .. -n1"" ."i?en- .i.w.i.i.i: uarii. tans
L.w, mll ami No. ;. tltal.bo.
Tt- . .
mniV-!wV, nrKet wiia ciulot mid without
fcuuporianr ehanpi-. fi,.-.ioii-,. t .,ni. ..- i.i.i
S"iail"IIHi jiniMttt, -i:i DUI,
liofti i iXt'. "v wj 10 uo.. fair in
5rftiHiB,!P3 s5- - ,I,ai'k Tll- "12.50:1.
ri-er urlelleu ,. Rn.i, Re k... .. . ..c k..
tiiili. pr- ln --al--. Vt 100 lbs . 50c J 1. 60.
yio. Western, p.;- Pox. l..;54f2, oruiivt-s.
we can Furnish itr-jctiira
lumber for row of house
or a wharf.
Ship tho une day, then have
nough left to do the tame
g over again many, many
n time.
' 'knurai umbti a4 Jiwtr
:,l IvpLxr at llburir.. 1-hila.
(Hjrr "'j;
In 1011. Tito ro'luctlon
" " '"" enieiiy to tho Court .leelrdoti.
' ynnvW"1! r".1" l"' lhe
: 1 1 ' ? VL.L'' ih?.;,c "' f'n-l wero In
i; naiurn rtr .lt.i.A ,..i ...Ak n.,.
'ore. prohlhitxd Tt.i .i. n, h......
. " .wut.kt., .iiiii itit. inprn
'274.218 In memo
"In nnilr.lii .,, f , statement Issued
front the ofllees of the Jtclhtehem Steel
orpovatlon, ,.utiiiiB their arrangement to
mirehuse the Pennsylvania Sleel Companv
rroi.crtles." W. ?1. Donner said today. "I
have agreed to participate to the extent of
my stock holdliiRs m the sale of tho prop
erties to lhe Hclhlehent Steel Companv on
a basis which will Insure all stockholders
$100 per share for tho preferred nnd ap
proximately $? for tho common. It also
s provided that all stockholders, except
1MB lite I'lnnsylvjiula Company nnd the
Ilcntlltig Iron Contpiniy, will be paid In
cash, a part of the negotiations contem
plated my roiunlnlnR with tho company
for a period of ilvo years, hut this ar
rangement was abandoned, except ns to
such services an 1 may bo tthlo to render
ilurltiff this year."
To dale. It Is slated, npprovlmately S00,
000 shares of stock of tho Cambria Steel
Company have been turned over to the
Mldvalc Steel and Ordnance Company and
expectations aro that additional shares
will he dellcred In the near future until
virtually tho eiillru Doo.000 shares out
standing has been obtained.
Allotments of the $r.0.000.noo of fi pol
ecat. SO-year convertible bonds of the Mid
vale Steel and ordnance Company are to
bo made this afternoon, hut It Is expected
that the full amount asked for by each
subscriber will not be received, because
of tho heavy over-siibscrlpllon to the Issue.
It Is believed that large subscribers will
receive less than BO per cent., while It Is
considered likely thai some of the smaller
ones will obtain virtually the entire
amount requested.
I Inrl.l.i. per rnite. S2W.1: tiincerlne. Klorldn.
Iier Htri.ii. $2.r.0W4: Kinpefrult. I'lnrl.l.i. tier
cri.i.. tl.TiOI. :i. IcmoiiH. per lm. Jl4: pine
apples, pep erst. I'nrto itleo. J.1WI: Kl.irl.1.1.
12:1; .-rnnlierrle. t'npn foil, per Phi, $8p
in. do.. Cape foil, p.r irate, $2.50,1; do.,
.Jersey, per Mil.. WifM; do., Jersey, per crate,
2W2.!i0: straw Perries, riorlila. per nt. 1U
frlKcralurH, 20iiti3Uc. ; open crates. 15020c.
There was a fair demand for choice stock of
most descriptions and values Koncrnlly ruled
steady. tMot.illons: While potatoes. per
Push., rennsylvanl-i, Sl.tuHi I.2D: New York.
11.10: .Maine. II . l. fei t. 20 ; Western. SlWi.io;
do., .lersey, per PasUct, No. t Hose, 0IIM7OC.;
No. 1 other varieties, liOfiTOc. ; No. y. Illlfa
Hie. .Sweet potatoes, .lersey, per PasUct, No.
i, in wiiiic. xii. i. KiiriTic: tin.. V ruin a. nee
tl.nnwi.7B. Unions, per inn. pound Pair.
x, j, j
WS.WI No. .. 751-. 81 SI. 2.i. fiililMKO.
tier Inn. St, ffli 1 r. - il,i l.'t.,-.,l .....
hamper, line, ii 51 : do., South Carolina,' per
criiio. juri.zs. f. lerv, l-Tnrld.i. per .rate,
tl.r.nW2.rin. Spina. -h. Norfolk. .er Mil., 75c. fa
51 70. Kale, Norfolk, per lib!., Bl)t7lic. Let.
tine, riorld.i. per Paskei. TSi-. -fvSl.Gn: do..
North Onrnllnii. per Pasket. 70c. S$1. Ileans,
ITurl.l.l. per Paakel. S1.25W2.23. Pens. IT.ir
l.l.i. per Paskei. t2Hrs.liii, I'.piiers, Florid..,
per carrier. tl.Gfl-rvi.7ri. UcBpl.int. ITorld.i.
per crate, t2f2.Sn. Tomatoes. l-'lorl,l.i, ti-carrl.-i-,
fancy, SriWa.r.O: chnlee. t2W2 SO.
.Mushrooms, inr l-pouml luskrt, S1W1.I0.
.Ni:V YOltlC. Kcli. 21. The eolTce mar
ket HtnrtiHl hlKher hut later turned fever
ish and values rencted from the curly nil
vnnco. iwlnp; to Increased sclllnt;, nnd It
was tho Rcncrnl Imprcsnion In tho local
innrket Hint price chaiiKes wcro Kovcrned
l.-UKoly l.y technical conditions, ns llicro
apiicnred to he no especial chaiiKO In the
news over Sunday, nnd, according to tho
olllclnl report from Ilrazll, frelBht rates
reinalue.I iiuchaiiKcd mi tho basis of $2
and 5 per vent. liriniaKc.
7.71 r 7.7.1
7.P.1 tu 7.0 1
s.i l fi.s.i:i
March . . ,
October ,,
IVcemPer ,
January ,,
7. Ml
... 7,ll.-i
... s.o.-.ws.lo
. .. N.OK
... K.l
. .. S.10(S-8.20
Itli D :l per cent.
lll.l. Asked.
.llin l!ufcr 0t .Oil
.Mii.'N.iniara 02 .01
.Midway 15 .US
.Mo-pah Kxt SO .:)
Montana i-fl .28
Northern ytur ifi .17
Toil I le I . 4 7-ll! 4 'A
Ton 1-Jxt 4 7-1 II 41?
Ton .Mill ti ti
Iteseue i:l.i n; .ax
West lln.l 7ii ,7S
t;ol,I)l'li:i,l) HTOL'KH.
Atlanta ,, 1!) .20
llonttt fi ,4:1
COD 03 .01
C0111I1 P'rac 07 ,0s
liianiuiullleld II It 03 . r.S
llalsy ' 03 .04
Florence , pi ,4s
11, il, lllelil Cons PI .
iioidtiehi Mcrir n: .iiilf
.littnlMi llxt 1,12 i.tx
Kewaiui-1 17 .18
(n 01 ,0n
Sand Ken 0.1 .07
Silver Pick 05 .00
I'alry Ar.tei- 01 ,03
KInil.i-rly 02 ,01
Nev Hill St) ,s;
OUiciul Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now
Now Jersey: Fair tonlKht and Tuesday;
not qulto so cold tunlRlit i wanner Tues
day; moderato cast winds.
A disturbanco that was central over
Michigan Sunday inoriilui; has moved
oh a I ward out of tho Hold of observation.
It caused light precipitation over .N'ew
York and portions of tho adjoining
States, nnd has been followed by a cold
a'rea of considerable Intensity. Tho orofct
of this urea is over -akti Ontario and
tho area overspreads nil of tho casteni
half of tho country. Fair wcuther Is re
ported from all districts except southern
California this morning. .Seasonable tem
peratures prevail from tho Mississippi
Hlvcr westward,
U. S. Weallier Hiireiiti Bulletin
Observations taken at
a a. in, fn l.'aalcin
Italn- Veloe
rall.Wlnd. Ily. W'nlher
Station. 8 i
Atlantic City...
Iilsnurck. N.I).
I Ins I on. Mass , .
Ilulfalo, N. Y..
Charleston . . . .
-Iileau.l. Ill
II si-:
. Clur
I -Inclnnali. o...
"ieveianti. 11..
ll.nier. Col....
lletrolt. Klich...
luliesloll. Ten.
ilurrlsbure. Pa. 10
llulieras, N. C. 1
llullfux. e. ..
Helena, Mont. .
Huron H. U...
I Ju.kaonvill
Knoxllll. .
Little Ito.k
Los AlUlaM
IjjuUvIIU . .
Montreal. Can..tl I 18
Nabvlll 4
New Orleaiw . . Vt
K..w York .... O
8111" u
Oklahoma ....
omalia. t".
PtilUdlphU . .
Phonlx. ArJ-.
nitlubursh. Pa
Porttaud. Mt...
Portland. On. .
20 24
Sau ADtouto... jt
I L.: a-u M U.
Su Si- il-rtt U MU
Kcr.int.Mi. p. 0 0
1 lauipj Ha J J
XV ohlagtuil j J
X-VlliUljrrf. -'- 1 !
Crop News From Southwest
Better Drop in U. S.
Visible Supply
CIIIC.uio. Vol,. 2t. t.lnulilallmi on an
extenilvo scale caused n shnrn break III
the wheat market here today, May selling
down to Jt.21 H nnd .lulv to $t.1!"!S. The
close was only He. above the bottom on
May, $1.21 ,, against Sl.S7,4 nt the end
Saturday, whllo duly finished "Jic. above
tho bottom, at $1.20 Kj, compared with
$ 1 . 2 2 "A at tho close Saturday.
t'or a time resting commission house or
ders checked the decline and brought about
a rally. Crop news froltt the Soitlhwcsl was
better The Atchison Issued u teport lo
the effect that all territory In Kansas bad
experienced springlike conditions during
the last week and thai the snow bad dis
appeared, leaving the plant unharmed and
In line condition. Some points In Texas,
, the report said, were In need of molstllte. '
' lluylng power here was lacking, nnd It
. was believed that the long Interest had
, been greatly reduced. Many slop-loss or
ders were uncovered.
The Visible supply In tho t'ultcd Stalest
decreased 2.200.000 bushels for the week,
lo f,. 2.10. 000 bushels. The success of the
Itusslans In Asiatic Turkey resulted 111 a
renewal of speculation regarding the open
lug of the Dardanelles, and had an Inllu-
once on sentiment. The mrrkct nt Liver
pool showed an easier tendency.
Corn slumped with wheat, closing only '
a lltle above the lowcRt at 7fi cents for
May and .Inly, against ??! cents nnd
"7f'4 cents on Saturday. Strong buying
by local spEculatora at one time caifed
i a fair rally.
i The visible supply In tho United Slates '
is r.i,uiu,uuu misncis, nn tncroaso or
2.211,000 bushels for the week. A dis
patch from Ilucnos Alies to n leading
llrm bore said that dry weather In
Argentina had compelled Its expert to ,
reduce bis estimate on the crop of thai I
country from 120.ooo.000 bushels lo 100,- I
000.000 bushels. The market at I.lerpool
was llrm.
LcihIIiir future rnnsivl us follow:
Wheat linen. lllKh. tiinv. Close, elm....
May 1.27 1.27 1.24', I.2IH 1.27'--
duly 1.22 1.22 1.19VI.20V- 1.22
Com (new delivery)
May 7?'.i 771' '"l '"" 77!li
July 77 77s 7011 t7 S?,
May 17 17J4 IB'4 ttBH MTi,
July 4B 45( 4HS lli 45'x
May 10..17 10.37 to.jn (10.25 lO.JO
July 10.55 10.55 10.47 T10.52 10.17
May 1 1. S3 11.55 11.55 '11.17 11.52
July 11.110 11.62 11.67 til. IP) Il.tlU
May 20.72 20.77 20. fir, go. 70 i!0.7n
July ... .20 70 20.77 80.I12 t20.7J 20.75
111.1. t Asked.
Dcmantl Was Scattcrctl Tempera
tures Hinlier in Relt
NBIV YOIIK. P'eh. 21. Heavy m-IIIiib
fiy commlssloii houses, hellevcd to ho de
layed lonr; liquidation, caused an easier
tendency on tho Cotton Kxehatik'e at tho
oienliiK this innniliik'. .S'entlmciit lictoiv
tlio start was hearlsh, however, so thin
only a small iiicoutlvo was nended to brlntr
In ptesMiire from other fiuart.M-i.
Spot houses purchased, but the demand
Renurnlly was scalteicd. Ituslness was
lai'Ker than in a mouth or more anil tho
activity continued for some tlmo after
the opening. First prices were 8 to 11
points lower and later Ihey had worked off
4 to fi points more lu Iho nearby itctlvu
Tho early break to II. If! for May found
a Rood many htiylnc- orders around the
rim;. These seemed to come from Initio
sources as well us from covcrltiB of shorts
and there was a rally or 8 or 10 points
from the lowest. The tone, however, con
tinued nervous and unsettled, with the
South 11 steady seller, and an Idea that
spots wcro belliB hedKcd by uneasy hold
era served to dlscouniKO unytlilnir liko
iiRKresslvo bull support. II seemed. In
deed, that tho rally from the early low
locl brought out increased offoriiiKH and
tho market broke back to nearly tho low
Temperatures woio hltther In Iho cotton
licit this moruliiK. iilthotifth frosts reports
wcro recoiled from the (Suit coast. Clear
conditions iibhIii prevailed
Sat. Close. Open. Illirh. Low Last,
I1.:t.-i 11.2.1 11.20 11.20 11. -.'7
.,..11.112 ll.-Vl 1 I.R.I 11.13 11.30
, ...ll.s.2 II.70 11.711 11.C7 11.72
ta.nl 1 1. fit tl.PI ll.Kil ll.lit
. .IS.ll 12.113 12.0S 12.0.1 12.117
...1-J.20 12.11 12,11 1S.O.S ILMI
....11.15 11.83
Ma nh
.Mm- . .
July .
HlKlt ...
Liverpool C0U011
tilVl-IItl'OOIi. Feb. 21. Spot cotton to
day was In moderato demand uniHJ points
lower, on tho liasls of 7.77d. for mldiip
land. Tho sales iiKKresatcd 8000 bales,
IncliidlUK KOOO bales American. Tho im
ports wcro 2001) bales, all American. Tho
market for futures closed barely steady at
11 nut decline of i'-jiii 12 points.
NIV VOItK. Feb. 21.' IIUTTIlIt Market
firm: receipts. fi059 paekae.-s; extra cr.ainerN,
U4 a ( :i.i.. : higher so.irlntr, 35'i'i :iu: Hiato
dairy, 331v.il..; Imtlatl.iu creamery. 22tl2b
KliflS Market steady; receipts. 93.r,3 pack
uces. Uxtra lirsls. 24H lii1:'.',.-. ; llrsts, 23'itP
Sic; whiles. 29iif30c; brown. :.'.Wi'7c.; mixed
culur. I'J'.a i) :.'.-. i refrU'-ralur. Peal, I9(f20e.
Proposed Installation Membership
Campaign Approved by Local Reviews
The February meeting of tho Contial
Committee xvas held at the homo of Mrs.
Anna Iliiuoy, commander of Philadelphia
Ilevlew, 2.117 South 17th sticct, and was
11 most enjoyable function. Tho Sick
Commlttco of tho hist month, Miss .Mary
Collins and Airs. Ilerlha Illtcr, Central;
Mrs. Louisa Lewis and Mrs. A. R Ken
nedy for West I'lilluilelplila; Mis. Ara
bella Iloteubury ami Mrs. Anulo llanoy
South, of Market, and .Mrs, Clara Lang
and Mrs. Christine I.nddy for Kensing
ton, was retained. Miss Ilurgin, tho Su
premo Chaplain, presented her Installa
tion membership campaign, which xvas
Indorsed by tho committee.
After tile biKlnrsa session, tho Pollens, Mrs.
lluney, conducted tho ladles to tho dlnlim
loom, uhP-li pre-nlcd a lieautlful appeaian.e.
The March meetlnv will ho held at tho home
if Mrs. tieorBlana Knsland. 2200 Uinibaru
street, i-oiiiiiiaiider or llctsy llos ilevlew.
Keynlono Ileilew. .".'1.1 street ami Havcrford
aitnue, i-onferreii tho first degree on a class
of IU upplli-auis lit Its laat UKCtliiK. with the
commander, Mrs. I". M. Helms, presiding-. She
asked the Supremo t h. plain, Miss llurxln, lo
eonimunlcata the unnrltten work to the .an
ill da le. A number or applicants eouM not Pe
pfcseut uuil biiriie a.pl.dtlons were recrllol
rur thA ne.t eL-iis. On Tl.uisday eveulm; Kev-
vlour Itevlew will cjufer the second degree
on all member mllt'ed to receive It and ha
extended an liivltatt.ui to all other llevleus
to brina- their members who halo not revelled
the fOiOiid dfgrce.
(Ilrard Iteilow No. 883. Parkway IIulldlnB.
conrerred tho short form on two applicants
at Us last mtetini:. and eumpleted ariannc
nifnls for an entertalunie.il and euchre, to be
held In Park Avenue Hall. Ills Columbia, axe
nue. Tuesday evening. February 9).
A mautlufi- of tlu, In.tallatlou Committee us
held at the home of Mr. A. I). Kennedy. 332:t
Hunter avenue last Friday evenliiK. but It will
be neeeaaary to hold anolber meeting to com
plete tho business and iveeive reeominendatiuiia
for next year. The next nisetluij will be
held at the home of Mrs. Minnie 13. Kwms.
5113 Catharine strt. Saturday cvenlna-,
March I. ,
Uartraui Iteilew, Oriental Hall, 32.1 and
ll.iuey. of I'hlladslpuU Itevlew; Uvuinunder
Helms, of Keysteiu, Ilevlew, Chairman of tbe
luetallatlou Couiuilttee Iloteobuiy; Itecoid
Keeper lU-rll. of GirarJ Ilo view; quartermas
ter Harney, of Ilia uniform rank, and auprcum
1-hapUpi iuitn.
Philadelphia Heilcw No. 212. Parkway
Hulldlim at Us last session, received alx ai
i.li.atkws for inenibcrship uii'l its dearee staff.
Mis. Ada, Qorsuch, Loiii.naader. oonreried tho
Dial .lucree till 4 .Uio Of 12 lUnjUdAte.
Coming Biennial Session Prom
ises lo Drnw Large Gathering
of Sir Knights From
All Sections
The Htinrelno Castle xvlll rottvetid ill !
biennial session In Atlniillc City In Octo
ber next nnd promises to nttrtiet a Irtrao
imtherltKt of vnllnnt llrtglo ICnlgllts from
nil sections of the country. Already thti
uniform, or mllilnry branch, of the order
Is preparing for a display which promises
to surpass nnv previous demonstration
ever inndo by this -ftlimbIo nuxlllary to
iho fraternity, j
The (irnnd f'mle of New .tetBey. nt 11 lat '
nemloh adopted n proposition illreetlnR the
ilrnnd chief to divide Iho reRiilnr rllMrlem of
the stale lino flie mnjar illirh-t. each under .
the uiervblon of n niiijnf .ll.trl.-t srand rhlcf.
In nce.irdark-d nh this leclslatlon. Utand
Chief Fred P, Conk has made tho followlnu
appointment: Miij.ir dlnlrlct No. t. r. l. t;.,
.In(in t. P. Mirsnn: dl.trlrt No. 2. 1. rl. C..
Syitnev J. Hall: dplrlet No. .1. O. t. of i:.,
Peter It. Itennrtt: dlslrlet No. I, P. . 1. ".. V.
Wayliin.l Poller; .llMrlct No. ... P. l. C.
d.enr It, Cninili.
It I believed that lid new nrranitcnient
will lend to more svsteinalle effort and more
all.faclor.v and rrflcleiil leaulta In the up-hulldlni-
nf the tirotherhood throughout the
entire jurisdiction. ,
Vet 111.1 Cnmie. No, 2ft!), ha hut rlned
a sue. mmful inmnnlcni for ean.lhlntM, and
irlehrnled the event bv nn elaborate lianmipt
In II ensile room nn S.-ilnrdnv evening. The
ha nonet wit tendered to ninibrr nnd a num
ber of dltltu-uphcil visitors, among whom
were lnt Supreme Chief John M. sliappell,
flran.l Vice Chief John V. Ilrouilley, lnl
UrBiiil Chief Walter f, Uau. ilrainl Master
of Itecord 1,. t ilnlbmher aim Htnn.l Sir
Herald-elect AtKtust 11. Stenime.
Amill.i Cnstle. No KM. .if Perkasle, Mill
eleliriile Its 2lt nnnlvennrv tonight In It
iMtle hull. A uplemllil literary nnd social
prognim hi been nrrnnneil for the nernslon.
flranil Chief .tolm II. Henri, nf Pittsburgh:
nrnn.l Vice Chler John I-'. Ilrouilley, nt Phlia
.leiphl.i, nnd .Irand Master nf llecopls I.. I..
Onllncher xvlll be present. Anulli Cnstle his
Ini.l a successful enr during 1H1R and made
a large Incisase In it nuances nnd n net gain
of .15 In membership, -phis I but a continu
ation of the reinrd uf previous years.
Antlnch i-aslle No. Ill, of Phll.-nlelphl i.
made n sub. tantl.il hu-rease In Its membership
during the year till 3. largely tliinugh the ef
forts nf Post .lrniiil filler XVnlter C. It.iim
and (Iran.) Sir lleraPI-eleit August 11, Stenime,
, The grand chief lias arrange, for lhe fol
lowing visit during the week: Tnntulit,
Annua Castle. No. :wo. Perknsle: Tuesil.iy.
Mllford Castle. No. HKI, Triimbnuersvnie:
XXVdnesilay. ilurlng the day nt llethlehem nnd
In the evening he will nttend the ::oth until
vetsarv nr Heiltrtnn CaRtle. No. 112. nt He.
Irrtmi; Thursdav. (piakrrtown Castle. No. lis,
Ouakerlown; Krldav, lleueinl H0.II110 Castle,
No. 112, nt Hellcraxllle.
Pasl (Iriin.l Chief II. c. rierhnrt ten.lere.1 In
his ra-tio a banouet on last Saturday even
ing In honor of his blrthdav. I luring the
evening thnther tlerhart presenteil to Past
Chief Joseph Noisier a past ihlef's badge and
Jewel, and wn.i nun-h surprised when llrother
11. Y. Punk, on behalf or Dm Ian Cnstle, pre
lentcd to Hiother tierhart a h-.tnlannic solid
gold veteran Padue. llrother .lerhnrt has been
a member of Dorian Castle for ."..-. -ears and
has been nctlve for nianv veins, lu the Un.iid
Castle of Pennsvlvitnla he has bebl mam iimsis
of honor and resiHinsltillltv. Iiavlna sere.l the
ilran.l t'astte as grand keeper of ewhoiinrr
for five venrs. ther. bv liecuuiinu a past grand
chief, lie has also been active In the Supreme
Cnstle nnd I conslder.-.l one of the leading
men of tho order.
Ladies' Auxiliary Holds Social Func
tion to Advance Order's Welfare
Probably the most notable social hap
pening of the season In Itnynl Arcanum
circles was the llrst annual "fiOO," given
under the auspices the Ladles' Auxil
iary, on Wednesday evening. In the Adel
phln Hotel. The roof garden was gaily
decorated for the occasion mid the scene
presented was an exceedingly beautiful
it ml nnlniated one. Tho left wing was
devoted to cnid playing, xvlille the centre
nnd right wings wore given over to danc
ing. Prizes were awarded to the suc
cess card coiitestnuts and gifts dltiibutcd
among the .lancers.
-I'lie event was a pleasing social, ns well an
a giailfilng ilniu.-fal success. Among lhe
limn prominent pcrsunnges In attrmiauco were
Ilran.l Ilegent 1.. It. llelHenlierger, Pan tlrand
Urgent Arthur It. Ikilou, -life nn.l daughter.
Supreme Itepresi-lttatlle Nowtim II. Ilm-iiel and
ulre, and Alternate Supreme llcprcseutative
J. Dallas Smith.
Mrs. John Jolly. Jr. wns chairman of Iho
Committee of Arrnintctncnti. and the enrd
playlng was under the direction of Dr. .lames
II, llennle. The officers of tho Uulles- Auxil
iary ale: President, Mrs. Newton 1'. Itoedel;
vl, -o president, Mrs. II. I-'. Itellof: seeietary.
Mrs. A. II. Katun, and treasurer, Mrs. XX. J.
Stoklnger. ,
Tuesday evening a preliminary public meet
ing was held In the hall, 2:nh and Oakdale
streets, for the ptirpose oforganUlug .. new
council nf Itmal Arcnilllni. The llloienient
Is iin.ler the direction or Willi. im v. Knnler,
Jr . and John tlelpke.
Past llegent Arthur II. I-Utuii and .Iran, I
Secretary Xelister C. XXels delllered u.l
tlresses, telling of the gotsl work nf ihe or.hr
nnd explaining Its ben.-llclal features A
number of signatures wei-u secured to Ihe
application for a oh. tiler and It is hctieicl
a. healihv council can bo started within the
coining month. . ,
Chester Council, Nn. ,-m.I. of Chester, has
Installed the following efficient corps of .ifn
cers for the current term: Iteaent. Charles It.
Lewis: xlee regent. XX'alter M. Jones: ..rater,
Hairy 1-1. XVnndrnu : pist regent. William II.
Itov.en; seeretaiy. William O. itrowstcr: col
lector. Charles Palmer; treasuicr. J, Hngle
llaker. warden. Porond Clara, Jr.; senlrv.
Albert XV. Jeffreys: chaplain, Joseph .
Ke.is; trustee. I'. M. Smllb. Tonight Chester
Conn. II will leeelve a fraternal visit flora
Du Punt Council, nf this city.
Tim Itnyul Aicanum Hospital Association
III Its splendid fraternal work In aid of sick
lueuiPers nf the order Is leeelvlng tho cordlil
support of all local cnuni lis. us a lietter un
derstanding 1 had of tho Important and lalua
blo work undertaken by tins association. Ai
.oriilng lo the last report of Tn-asuier Churlea
1". XX'alter. there Is a P.ilan. e of tl'IHI.M on
hand and all implications rur hospital aid are
hclug promptly taken care of as rapidly ns
A Distinctive Order With Weird Cere
monies Apprullng Only to Free
Tho fourth ceremonial for tho year of
Koran firotto. No. El, Mystic Order of
Veiled Prophets, xvas held Thursday ove
iiIiik In l.u I ,u Temple, Itroad and Spring
fJardcn streets. Any doubt as to Iho per
manent success of this new aspirant for
fraternal distinction should bo xvluilly dls
slnatcd by tho scenes witnessed and tho
enthusiastic Interest manifested at tho
mooting Thursday evening.
. The attendance, xvas large, anil a class
of candidates numbering neatly a00 mem
bers of the Masonlo craft was duly ad
mitted to membership.
While not a Miuonlc body, only member
of ihe .-raft aro ellslblo for membership, an.l
such Is the favor with which tho veiled
P mullets arc being rrcelve.l that nearly all tho
blue lodges In the city aro contributing it
liberal nii'ita of candidates.
The ceremonies of this attractive organiza
tion ore wler.l and spectacular. Its rliuil
unhiue ami Its imsterles startling, with u spirit
nf fun and good fellowthlp weaving Us dis
tinctive features together, tvbhh makes It
one of the most novel and attractive fraterni
ties ever otrered lo Masonic brethren seeking
an cm of relaxation from business care or
mora Ultnlncd formal fraternal work.
Many go.l things have been arraiiEc. for
the lenuiliider of the winter. On Tuesday eve.
nlng. February a), there will lm a ladles
night progressive euchre. -.xoo" and dance
for members and their Ud friends.
Tuesduy evening. March 7. nt l.u l.u Temple,
will be held the second annual band con.crt,
vaudeville and bal masque slven for the bene
fit of the llrottu Hand, und Itan-luiaater KU'fer
has pioinlied an exceptionally Koo.l show
and dance with prizes fur tho best comic and
Thursday. April 20, the l'ntertslnment
Committee will present a uupiue entertainment.
"Kxiiueliitf- Schemes und Fakes In America."
tho name In Itself suagestinK that M)metlib);
out of the unllnury will be doing. This show
will be for the members and their male frlvruls
Saturday, June 21, the Koran Hussars have
arranged for "grotto day" at Atlantic City,
at which time the prophets will move their
realm lo the sandy shores of the Allantkr. so
that the devils may have full play.
The following olflcers were installed for the
year 10111 ut ilie last ceremonial :
Moaurch WllTlarn W. Smith, ibltf Justice.
Pr John I. Scheld; master of ceremonies,
tieorge C Young; treasurer, lieorge D. Con:
secretary. Hubert A. Hlrueback; orator, John
li. llruder; grand chamberlain, Frederick 1.
i; roves; marshal. Is. Arthur Blttong; captain
of the guard. Arthur J. Drew: outside sen
tinel. U A, Schetq.
Ord.er of Golden Sceptre
Court Peace. No. 18, held a class Initiation
under the auspices of the court degtee team
Monday evening ln Its Kensington headquar-teis-
riramt Court onier were in attendance.
The oftl.e.s are Past ruler Harry Ostrander.
umtliv ruler Ueorse lllooil wurthy vice rolAr.
Mry llruwi) standard Pi-arer. charlea Mc
Uuuna. utuaivian, Dc, Cnrisiuuber Kile.
Followers of Damon nnd
Pythias Greet National and
State Olllcers in Big
fhe fi2tl niinlvcrs.try of Iho founding' nf
the order of ttnit-Mn of I'ylhlns xx-ns !
liroprl.-ttoly cch Prated Saltirday evening
by n tlcttwnstra'.lnit and blft meeting held
at trt23 Arch street, In xvhlclt most of tho
local lodges wpro irprcsenled, The bii
premn ehnncellor of the order, llrlRhnm
R Voting, xvas tho liolimed guest of tho
px'cnlng nnd dellx-cred n stirring nddress,
telling nf lhe achievement) of tho follow
ers of tiamou ntnl Pythian nnd predicting
n wider sphere of fraternal xvorlt unit a
strengthening of the order In till depart
ments for the future. The uniformed rank
turned out In good number) lo aid In tho
reception lo the national lender and Slttto
Mtlrl) enthiKlttsrn was manifested nnd nil
the addresses of State officer nnd other netlve
lender, while waking In glowing term of
the history of the brotherhood, were likewise,
nptlmlslte as to the brighter future) In store
for the order, In this as well its sister domains,
tlrnn.l Chancellor tl.nrgn A. MentMll has
l"Ued a circular lo lodge In the domain nf
IVntisvlvut.ta, to make the watchword .of
l-ytlilnna "Pennsylvania llrst" ntui it 1 in
i earnest desire that all Pythian nl.l In hrhiB
I lliu the nr.ler tn the fnre ntxnln and thereby
place Pennsylvania "ilrt on the Pythian
Inlegrlfy Lodge. No. is, conferred the first
and Neiond ra)iks. nt Its last convocation, on
a otaH nf candidate nn.l listened In nn elo-mii-nt
n.ldress upon "I'rnternnllsin. delivered
by P. C. M. J. Hall, sup. rlntetideiit of the
Insurance department. In ivhlrh he presented
nn Interesting urrny of figures showing the
great success of tills feature of the order
activity, Tonight Ihe third rank In long form
will Pe exemplified by the degree tenni. under
Hie direction of the new degree niasler. P.
t". Carl Kolli, who promise to Introduce some
new fentures nn.l Impressively present the
beauties of this phase of the rlluallst'c work.
'Junker City la.dge. No III. at lt last meet
tog confernd thi third rank unn u class
nf waiting candidates tn the present c or a
large nttemlan. e nf member und vlsllors. A
deleualloli riom evening Star IsidRe attended,
refreshments weie served and a polo game en
ioveil between it tenni from .Junker I Itv Iswlae
nnd number of n friendly trlbo of lied Men,
Oilenlnl t.odge, No. 23. of XVrst Philadelphia,
one of ihe lounger Pvthlan bodies. Is growing
riipldlv nnd In tho Itiltlntlnn of cnn.ll.h.tes and
lltiatn-lal strength Is nurpns.ed by none of tho
sister lodges lit tho district.
Continental bodge, No. IfO, Thursday night
will Initiate a i lass nt candidates in Its ensile
hall, Ml North Itroad Bttcct. The work will
1m. performed bv the past chancellor's degree
tenni. under the lendershlp or Dnvld Chnpmnn.
The team Is credit. il with being tho best In
the cliv und a huge attendance or mcmbcis
Inteiested in .Irgiee win I; I expected.
Many Special Assembly Sessions An
nounced for Admission of Candidates
SI. John's Assembly xvlll hold Its reg
ular monthly mooting lonuiriow ox-enlng
In llaker Post Hall, III" Columbia ax-e-liui'.
An adjourned meeting xvlll bo held
I'Vbrtiary 2D to admit candidates recelx-ed
up to that date. I'nHowIng routine busi
ness tomorrow night, the l!ev. ICdivard
llahn. pastor of Corkinan Methodist l-'pls-c.ipat
Church, xvlll deliver an address upon
"lieorge Washington."
The Artlsnu Itasehall League has been re
organized for the coming season Py the elec
tion ot llrother Ilv-ans. of Northwestern As
sembly, ns president: llrother Plerson. of (ler
maiitovvu, vice president, nnd Charles Alllln
burg, of St. Johns, secretary-treasurer. It
Is desired that as many assemblies as can
shall be represented lu the league.
The second quarterly dinner of tho Artisans
Dining Club will be held XX'edllesilay. ut l'i:30
p. m.. In Mosebnch's Casino, tilth street and
liln.rd avenue, l-'rom present Indications ap
proximately lion members of the various as
semblies will pnrtiflpalo hi this enjoyable
social gathering.
Norwood nnd Chester Assemblies will unite
with Prospect Park Assembly in plans for the
entertainment of tho Mont Kxeellenl Asseintilv,
which will meel In annual session March 1.
The meeting place will he lu the hall of the
Prospect Park tire house und a noon luncheon
will be served to all delegates attending the
An ndloilrued meeting of St. John' Aivin
bly will he held Tuesday evening, l-'ebruary
2!. In linker Post Hall. Urns. I nnd Coliimbli
avenue. A number nf candidate will bo ad
milted and a special program has been pro
vided for the entertainment of delegates tn
the Most excellent Assembly, who have been
luvlled to be present.
Several candldales Initiated, n pleasing en
lertulninetu nnd the awaidlng nf attendance
prlyca were features which contributed to nn
enjoyable session nt the uieellng of I'ulon As
sembly Thursday evening. In Ihe Parkway
llulldlllg. This Is the assembly of which 11. I .
Hreuiltea.l Is an hnnured nieinoer.
Nine eunilldntes for the Pehrunrv meeting Is
rather a good showing for PassyunU Assembly.
Nn. 5H. The following officers have been In
stalled for the current vear: Master Artisan
Albert P. Koob; superintendent. Jitiues P.
Mi-laiughlln; Inspector, Arthur M.sire: re
. order, Thomas A. Phillips; .ashler. C. ft.
Scott: trustees, i; 1-'. illllen. Waller illbson
and XX'illlam T. Montgomery; representatives.
Walter II. Phillips. John A. Harbison nnd
Wllllajii i lleyde; alternates. Charles X
Albert. Hligene r. Clllen and Walter lillisou,
meillcul examiner. James It. Phillips.
p'or the punsise of providing far Ihe Initia
tion of the large numlicr of candldales In
prospect, Progressive Assembly. No. 4. an
nounces thai an adjourned meeting will tw held
Tuesday evenlnx, cVhrtiury ;!). In Ihe Parkwu)
llull.llng, Iiroud and Cherry sireets.
llertrani Assembly, No. i.. Is making u su
preme etfort to bring In u iecnr.1 numlier of
candidates during the current inotiih. To ure
for the new uietnbers nn udj.iurtieil meeting
will ls held February 2!l. in the new hull, faith
Ktreet und XX'ooitlaiiil avenue. To stlmutale
Interest the entire membership ha been di
vided Int.. two membership teams. The Alpha
Irum Is headeil by XX'lllard dray nnd tho
Omega leain Is In charge of Catituln Harry tl.
Visum. Itevordcr ('. W. Hlgglns will give a
dinner to the members of tho winning team.
A) llm iiioethu- of Southwestern Assembly.
Thursday evening, n cluss of 21 candidates
vvus admitted, l-'nllovvlug routino business, a
stibstaiitlul reiust w-tis served ami u good uld
llmo taetai season enjoyed.
The nitnunt luDXtuet season Is on at this
lime. On Monday evening linitau Assembly
held Its uintual nt Mosebnch's Casino, ut whi. h
there vvi.u uhout 130 covers, tlernr.ntovvn hel.l
theirs lu ilusonle Temple, ilerniuntown, on
Tuesday evenlrg. Three huudrc.1 utteiidetl.
l-'ldcllly belli its Tlllln-.lay evening at the
XVImlsnr This latter Assembly is In u nourish
ing eundltlnn, hnving Initialed It new mem
bers at tho regular meeting on Monday evening.
lestuno Assembly held a rousing meeting
Wednesday evcnliiB, when live new members
wcro rccclveil. There wns a Urge ailed
mice of members, who listened with I merest
to the remarks af Master Attfaan Kelly, -of
Oak lame Assembly, appealing fur u con
verted effort for u largo year's work.
Apollo Assembly recurs lo havo taken on a
new lea.o of life and Is making n bid for new
members. Seven wrro u.lmllte.1 on Tuesday
evening. Tho next nteeilng will bo devoted lo
Ilerniuntown Assembly has been luildlng u
sci lea of ndglitmihoiid meetings during the
last week In ,111'. mil sections or Herman
town In un effort tu capture u large class of
ciiudldati's for this munth's meeting.
Order of Heplitsophs
At the last session of Itotklanil Conclave,
No. Hit, held In tho hall ll.'.'i Columbia ave
nue, more than one-half of the entlro member
ship was prceut ,)))) a number of petitions
fi-nui camlfildles we.e presented for considera
tion. Hereafter at all semimonthly sessions
after u brief bu.tuess session the evening will
be devoted to .octal features of enjoyment.
Such has been the su.ccsa of this conclave
tint at the next meeting u cominitteo will bo
appoimeu to iiurcnatc me necessary rct-aiio,
to properly equip the new degree team now in
Commercial Trust Report
At the stockholders' meeting today the
Commercial Trust Company's report for
the fiscal year ended January 31, 1916,
was preiit'iite.l. In iirt the report says:
During the year the deposits of your
comiKtny hare made a substantial tu
crease, amounting, at the clos of busuew
on January 31. 1916, to $22.851), 578, us
against $11,805,091 at the close of the
previous Usual year. The company lias
u(ao show n a substantial Increase ln its)
general business, awl xve are pleased to
report that In spite of tbe remarkably low
Interest rates which xvere off active during
the entire year, the grosu and net earn
ings of your company exceed those of the
preceding year, a la -shown by tlw fol
lowing statement:
lu-a llilii increase
dross earntuas
. . 1187 233
. . im ust
IttH. 1X1 7
Kxpensts ., . 1SU S4 12111
N. t ...rnlngs . K.2J 55 11
There xvere 993 accounts opened and
692 closed, a gain of 301 accounts, mak
ing the number of depositors B472. Dur
ing the year the company recelx-ed 26
personal trusts, tho total amount of theso
now being SI 1.510.1153. nnd tho company
wns appointed transfer ngent. teglsllnr
nnd depositary by six corporations ntnl
trustees by 13 corporations) for corpora-o
trutt nggrrRnllng $12,687,000.
At the close of our fiscal year the e
curllles owned by your company showed
n market x-nlue of $188,3.3 In excess of
Ihe value at xvlilch they were carried on
the books. Certain lin-esttnerjls, hoivfxvr,
showed a depreciation which, In the opin
ion of the hoard, probably xvlll not b. rc-cox-ered,
nntl. In nerordnnce with their
policy lo adjust tho values of InvcstmeUs
xvlionever necessary, the following items
Inix-c been charged off- Corporate und
other loans, $50,310; bonds, $3250; total,
IIAMI'SOV. In fond memorv of mv huslmnd,
WILLIAM HAMPstnN. who vllerl t'elirttnry
81. 1-rtl); also mv son. UHtllt ItAMPSON.
who ...ed tVhrusryv7.ti18T.N)
These Notices Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge,
.Mllltirr, On IVIiriinry 2". 1910. WILLIAM
11,. son nf XVm. H. nn.l Lnvltili C. Abbott
nnd nrnnd'on of I), le. tlv-e tl. X. nnd Anna
Spelinan. i.in;.l 0 venrs. I'rleint may call oil
tonll.v evening, from to 10 o'clock, nt his
parents' residence, llin llllner t. 1'uneral
and Interment at Me.lford. Del.
Al'I'l.tCIv Al her )el.1enee, .BJOl, JVlillliy
nv-e. on t'Vlirunry 20. 1910, HANNAH 1-S. .
wife of Morris 11. Aftllrk. Notice of funeral
A.VIIIONY. nn I'ebriinrv 11). ID lit. SALL1H
It., wl.lmv of John Anlhony. In. her 121,1
enr. llelatlve nnd f i teti.ls tire. Invited to
ntlen.t Hie funeral service, on Tuesday, nt
2.3D p. in., nt the residence of her son,
Thoinn P. Anthony, WWI Hover sl (ler
tnintiwn. Inlermrnt nt Cheltrn Hill (.erne
terv, Itemalns may ho viewed on Monday
ItAHHIl. On t-VPruary 21, 1HH!. SAItAH P..
wife nf Hie late Henry linker, nged I
venr Itelutlves nnd friends nre Invited In
iitt.nd ihe funeral srvlc. nn 'I'liursday
nfleriioon. al 2 o'clock, at the residence of
her son. 11. It. linker, finiin North Oth t .
I'ernrn.-k. Interment prlvnte.
llHNNV. tin rebrunry 19. 1916, JIAUY 1...
widow of Dr. Samuel P. Penny, llelatlve
and friend tire invito.! to attend tho funeral
services, on Thursday, at 11 a. in., nt her
late residence, corner Itroa.lwav and i en
tial ave.. Laurel Springs. N. J. Interment
strictly prlvnte.
IILANHV. on February 20. 191H. lttd.A
IILANUX. Due nnllco of tho funeral will
bo given.
IIIIXi'.K. On Vebruiirv 20. 1916. SAMtlHL'H..
husband of Amine Dell, lloyer trie Ilownrd).
Itelnllven and friend, ulso St. John's Castle.
No. 111. K. ut tl. 11. : Ciiiiip No. 336, P. f). S.
A., nre Invlteil to nttend IP" funerni services,
on XVeilnesdav. ut 3 p. ln.. nt ' Vh late renl
denee, tfiii N. snth l. Interment at Ameri
can Mechanics' Cemetery.
nillllM'lI. On rebrunry 18. 1010, T-'RI'D-HIIICI.
husPnnil uf the hue Annlo IJrels.ii.
Itelntives nod friends are Invited to nttrml
funeral service. Tuesdav. nt "2 p. 111., nt tho
resilience nf hi mn-lu-l.iw. tl, V. Metltger.
702 N. Illh st liit.rment tirlvnte. I'ern
wnnd Cemetcrv. Itemalns may bo viewed
Monday evening.
lllti;il"l1At'PT. On l-'ehruary ID. 151(1. MOIi
ITZ. liusband of- Isii.i llreltluiupt (nee
Stiiniitil. Ilelailv-cs nnd friends, also Tnbnr
Yearly llenellel.il Association, (In-itltc Cul
ti rs' Ass..t-l,.tiou. Phlhidi'lphla llr.iiuii. an.l
employes of Itehunnt Water XX'nrks. nre In
vited to nttend the funeral services, on
Wednesday, nt 2:30 p. ill., ut Ills lat,. resi
lience. 3710 Walli.ee st. Interment private
In Montrose Cemetery. Krlends may view
reinnlna Tuesday evening.
'AMI-ANA. On I-'ebruary t, 1910. l'll.IPPO.
son of Mlchele nnd Maria Tleruo. aged 25
ears. Itel.ttlves nnd friends are invite.) to
attend the funeral, on Thursday, ut 7:30
o'clock. from his late residence, Ili'tfi
I'ederal St. Solliim Mass of lieipilem ill St.
HUn's Church. Interment nt Holy Cros.:
CASH. -Suddenly, on .chrtinry 18, 101(1,
MA1IV LOtlsi:, daughter o. tho late James
and Mnry Ann Klrkpitr'e und wiro of
1-Ynnk .1. Ckbc. Itelntlve nnd friends nre
invited tn attend the func.nl. on Tuesdav, ut
2 tn m.. troin her late tesliteiice. 243S N.
Opal st. (20th and Cumberland sts.). Inter
ment nt .Ireenninunl Cemetery. Automobile
service. Ilody mav bo vlowr.1 Monday cv-culiigi
('A.sll)V.- On I-'ebruary IS. 11)111, HLIHA
flllTII A., wife nf John Cassl.lv. Itelntives
ami friends, also League of ihe Sacred Hear.
nml il. x. .xi Mouninv oi ci. .-naries -juuren:
Prlelidnhlp circle. Companions of the por
est. No. 102. are Invlteil to attend the fil-li-Tfil.
on Tuesilay. nt fi .10 a. n... from the
les denee of her husbitnl. 3137 Cedar nve.
Solemn lteoiiiem Mass al Church of the
Transllcutatlon nt 10 a. m. interment nt
llnlv Cross Cemetery.
COI.I.I.Vs. on tvbrii.iry 20, loifi. JAM MS ,L,
lilisb.-ind of Alice C. Cntllus and son of Mar
coni and the late Philip A. Collins, ltela
then and friends, also all societies of which
he was a niemls-r. are invited to attend the
funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 u. m., rrom
bis lute residence. 7103 lln-enwuy uve., XX'est
Philadelphia Solemn Hlsh M KS lit St.
Clenn-ni's Church ut 10 u. in. Interment
ut Holy cross Cemetery.
COsTHLI.O -On I-'ebruary ID. 1!1(! MARY,
wife .if James Cnstello (survived bv sister.
Mrs. Annie Durkiu. nf Scranlnn. Pa.l. Ilel
l.tlves ami friends, also Sacred Heart So
i lety of the Clnir.ii of our Lady nf Merev.
are invited to utlead Ihe funeral, on Wednes
day, at S::iu ... in., from her laic residence.
2133 N. Clarion st. Illell Mass III Our
l.mlv of Mercy Church at In n, in. precisely.
Ii.termeul nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
CI It 1,(1 1'T. on lVbruary in. 191(1, nt the
Methodist Ilplscopul Home, IH.l.AIIln'H X'..
wife uf John N. Curlntt, uoeil S3 yenrs.
Heh.llv.'H and friends nre Invlteil to attend
the funeral services, on X'cdneHd.y. nt 10 a.
ill., at the Home. Itlmnnl and I'lL-cly lives.
Interment at Arlington Cemetery.
IH'Af'ON. At Mnorestown. N. J on Keli
lliuiv tS. 1PIII, MAIITILX A., wife of Abinm
XX. Deacon, aged li'l yrnls. Uelallves and
friends, also Xlinnna L.nlse. No. si. D.iugh
tprs of Ilehckuh. nf 31oorestnwn. are Invited
tn nttend tho funeral, on Tuesday, nt 2 p.
in., from her lato resident o. in 1. Mnln st.,
i;at Mnnresiown. N. J. Interment private,
ut Cnlestown Cemetery. Pi lends may calj
lunll..y evening,
1)1, PII'ltltA. On Pebruiry 18. 1916.
I'X'ANHHLINl' lll.l'.AIIIlTII. ipnmhter uf
the int.i Adolfn C. und Mary llewson tie
Plerru. Uelallves und friends, principals of
Hie tlth School District ami teachers nml pu
pils of the Wharton I lid Itnlstoll Schools, tiro
invitcl to uttend the rui.eral, on Tuesday, at
8:30 u. m.. from her hue resilience. &3t
iucll.i ave Solemn lleiiiilem Muss in Church
of Our laxly of Mercy ut 0 a. 111. Interment
ut Cuihedrul Cemetery.
KCKIIIPI'. On I'chruarv 8. mill, riHOItlli:
T.. huslKin.l of the lute Annie P. Hckert.
Uelallves 1111,1 friends, also the laiyul Order
nr Moose. No. 31. are Invited to uttend the
funeral, from Ids lato residence. 2027 XV.
XX'cblmoroland St.. Tuesday, at 2 p. 111. Inter
ment private, at Northw.sid Cemetery.
11)111'. 011 Pebruary 20, lain, oi'oittn:
HDilK. iiBe.1 57 jeurs. ItehitlveH nnd friends,
ulsu Slu-kinuh Isidge, No. 248, I anil A M.,
and Anglo-Saxon laidge. No. 1,1, Sons of St.
lleorae. are Invlteil to uttend the fouerul.
on XX'ednesil.iy. nt 2 p. 111.. from his late
residence, 1.100 Willows ave . XX'est Phtla.
Interment fit XX'est l-iurel Hill Cemetery.
Auto service
llAI.LIt, At her late residence. C71S Torres
dale uve.. on l-Vbruary 20. 1916. JIAUY J.
I).. widow of Priinklln Haler. Due notice
of the funeral will Is, given,
lIltlSMAN. On l-'ebruary 21, 1916. MtS.
MAltlt: K. HltlSXIAN. or Marietta. l'u
Piuierul B.-rvle.. uutl Interment private
Wclnes, I. y uft.rnuuu, lVbruary 23, ut 2. JO
I'.M'TII. On February 18. 1010. HAHAIl L.
1'APTII nee. Wall), wire of Charles M.
Jailth. Itelattves and frloida are Invited to
nttend tho funeral servl.es, on Tuesday, at
S n. in.. nieciKcly. ut her husliainl'e resilience.
17:11 N. 2011) st. Interment private. Automo
bile funeral,
'KK. On lVbruary 20. 19I. THOMAS KKI.
puslianil of Julia Fee. Uelallves ami friends
ure bivtie.1 t.. attend the funerul. on x'ed
nesday. ut s.30 a. in., from tbe residence 0
bis brotlier-lii-luw. IMwur.l Cus.y, 123 Asli
il.il.) st. High Mass of It.nufein ut the
Church of thu lucurnatloi) at 10 a. m. In
terment Holy Cruaa Cvmcter). Automobile
IIIKKLK. On l-Vbruary l, 1916. LEMPKL
IL. husband of Amelia 1. Porker, uged 2
eurs. Itelutlves and friends, utsu Hunter
1jkIc. No. 441. P. uiul A. M. ; I "r stone
Iloyal Arch Chapter. No. 176. and all or
ganisations of wblcii he vvus a member, are
Invited tu attend tlw funeral services, on
Tuesday, ut f p. m . at his lato residence,
1725 Oxford st. Interment at XVest l,urcl
Hill Cemetery. Frlenda may cull on Monday.
U-tw-een 8 and 19 p. lu
1'111'W. -on February IS. 1010. MA11Y K..
wife of William Frew. IteUtlves and friend,
uie Inviud to attend the funeral servK-es. 00
Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at her late leslUcnce,
2710. W. Arlxonu, at. luttrtuent at Mt. Ver
non Cemetery. Itemalns may bo viewed
Monday evening.
flU.I.KKTON. On February J, 1 910. 1IAII
T1IA. uausbier Of the, late XVIlllam and
Sarah Fullerton. Itelatlves and friends ure
Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at
2:1S p. in., from her late residence, 711 S.
16th st. Interment Mount Moriah Cemetery.
(iltri.HK. On February 10. im. FKKD
KK1CK H. URl'LKR. Belallvea and frteode.
also PhlU. laalae 61. I- O. O. M.. and North
rbtla. Yearly U.iierkial Assn.. an. invited
to attend lhe funeral aervtces. on Weunes
day. ul 2 p. m. precla.-l al ills late real
dene, lOSti West Jefferson at JtemaUui
may bo viewed on iu, sd fruit) 7 u, lu
p. m. Interment al Mt Peace Cemetery.
JAM". oa yctiruary 9. J.JIJ, at iba I-tus-
CiltU. in. l'"Pri!nry 20, IDIfi, CATHAItLVI-;
I'Allll fnee lioyle). wife of Owen Cnrr. ltela
lives and friends nre lnvile.1 to attend the
foiieral. on Thursday, ut 7:31) u. in., from
her husband's residence. 2.117 Cedar St.
Solemn Itenuletn Mass at St. Ann's Church,
nt il a. in. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme
tei'r,,Vlx.y.?S,1,''.J fhlloIphl, ORR.tA
WIM.IATvlHON widow of. sonthArtl Hand
nnd rtiunrtiter of the Itev Mnss nnd Bmllr
It XVllllanisnn. Itelsiive imd friend n
Invited to attend funersl service nt Trehy.
tetlan Church, Cold Spring. N. J., On Tu. .
lay, nt 11 si B n. m, Interment Cold Bprlnc .
Cemetery. '
lll'.lf KUAN.V - on Pehrtmrv 18. IfJlflf'
JACOI1 1).. son of J conr.,1 and Ida tlelle
inann fnee Volgl). In 111 82.1 year. It-lfltlv-f)
nnd friend nr.; invited to nttend the funerni
service. Tuesdrii-. nt 8 n, m nt bis lute
re.ldenre. 1131 ,, est Vcnnngo tret. Inter
nint private, al Norlhwoo.1 cemetery,
111'ltTZ, Suddenly on I-'ehrunry SO, !9M,
minKCCA sr.. wire ;:. j.'iterti. ftel'
ntlve nnd friend of the family aro In
;ilr,l In nttend, Ihe funeral services, on
Wednesday morning at ti o'clock prerleiv,
nt hep lute r,l1erre. corner nt Spring nnd
I'.lkln nve. Illkln IMrk, Pa Interment
prlvnte, Auto service. Conveyance will
meet train. leaving llrndlmr Terminal 10.15
for lltktns Park.
lli:s.S, Suddenly, on Fehruirv SO. Hid, nt
the resilience of per ?n. XX'nlter Xv. Hfss.
r.117 XX'avne nve.. tiermniitowni RL1''A
IIKTII M. ItnSH. In her 9lt year. Itflsllve
and friend nre Invited to attend tho in
nerat services, nn XX'e.ltiestlay at IS in., nt
thn l.lltle Hrltnln Church. Lancaster County,
Pa. liiterinciit In th" rhurchynr.l,
IIIIYI, on IVI.ru in II. He I at. M, A ONES,
.1 .tighter nf 1're.lerlck XV. llevl nn.l Ihe lata
Sarah nilmibrth lleyl. of 722 South 22.1 HI.
Itelntlve nnd mends nre invited to attend
Ihe funeral rorvlres, on Tuesdav nfternoon, at
2 o'ii.,-k. al the Oliver II. hair Ilulldlng,
p2ii chestnut street. Interment strictly
.lAMI'.-i. On February 20. ft 1 6 NOAH
-.in 1 enrnary an. 19IB NOAH
Uelallves nnd friend, nlso Melltai
No-,295.. h. arid A. M. . Iv-mhoo.
Castle, No. 2. U, of O. II. 1 Fourth
...x.-li,-.. I
Lodge. No
PI .rr in
of July Lmtii.-, No, 144, I, I), o. F, ! Loiian
iriiio. ,no aa, i. ii. it, .xi.. are invited to
attend the funeral services, on XX'edncMay.
ut 2 p. in., nt hi late residence. 677 North
trnloti st . .Wet Philadelphia. Interment
prtinto. 1-rlen.ls may cull on Tuesday evon
l'li:ri:it.Oil February 18. 1910. LOUI8,
husband or llelln nntl son of the late Martin
nnd Marie Antoinette Klefer. Itelntives and
friends, also members or the II. P O. F.Iks
an,l Catholic Itcnevnlpnt ta-glnn. of Chester,
Pa. : Aerie No. 12. Fraternal Order of I'ngles.
nnd Jnck.on Chili, are Invited lo atlrnd tho
(uncial, on Tuesdav. nt S::in n. nt., from hi
lale residence, northwest coiner 11th st, nnd
I'oltiiiibia uve. Hlsh Ma at SI, Peter's
church nt 10 a. m. Interment at Pcnns
grove, N. J.
l.Oltll. On February 20, 1916, HAtlAlt A.,
wire nf I'dmund Lord, llelatlve nnd friends
nre tnvlle.l to attend funeral, on Thursdny,
nt 1 p. in., from lhe residence of her son. In
law, XVIlllam Limber, 3640 N 13th st. He
malna mav lie viewed on XX'c.tnexIny nt S p,
tn. Interment Arlington Cemetery.
MiCAFtillliV.- On February 18. 191R.JOHN,
liusband .vt Janet McCaughev. Helatfves and
fi lends, nlsn Ilnterprle Council, Nn. 3. A, O,
1. nr M. c, are Invited tn nttend the fu.
ticral servicer, on Titexlnv, nt 2 p. m,, nt hi
late residence, 25.VI lhnerald si. Interment
private, at tlrrenmnunt Cemetery. Friends
tuny call un Monthly, after S p. in.
.XletllNl.l'.Y. On February IS, 1010, MAIIY.
widow of CliarleB Mcfllnley. llelntlves and
friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on
Tiieiilny, ut s n. m., from her late residence,
212:1 Cnrpenter st. Solemn High Mas of
Ileoulem nt St. Anthony' Church nt 0:30
a. in. Interment nl Cnthe.lrat Cemetery.
Slel.At'HIII.IN. On February 17. 101(1.
OHACi:. wife of the lale llernnrd McLnugh.
lin, in her 77th yenr. Itelntlve nn.l friend
lire Invited to attend the funeral, on Tue.
day. at 8:30 a. in., nt late resilience. -120
N. 02.1 st. Solemn MIkIi Mns nt Church
or Our Ln.ly nf the Itosary nt 10 a. m.
Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
MeVAt'fill. On February IS. 1010. nK
III.COA S.. wife of thn late George Me
Vaudh. Itelutlve and friend nre Invited
lo nttend tho funeral services on Tuesdav
afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at hef '
lato residence. 013"! N. Ilroad st. Inter
ment private. XX'estinlnster Cemetery.
MI'.I.YIN. On February 20. 1916. THOMAS
A., hushund nf Lucy Melvin and son of tha
late XX'illlam anil Mary A. Melvin. Funeral,
tn which the relatives nnd friends tiro In.
vited. on Thursday morning, nt 8 o'clock,
from his late resldenre. 31!) (Jerrltt st. Muse)
of lleouleni nl the Church of the Sacred
Heart at 9:30 o'clock precisely. Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery. '
MONTANVi:. On Fehrilary 20. 1916. WAt
THU S. MONTANVi:, beloved husband of
Lottie Montanve ineo H.ilman). Duo notice
nf funeral will bo given.
JHIOllF.. On February 19. 1916. WILLIA!.!
J., enn of Xl'llUnm nnd Annie Moore, aged
22 ears. Itelntlve and friends, also epi.
ployes of the First National Hank, nro in
vited to uttend the funerni services, on
Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. ut his lato residence,
21 16 Later st. Interment at Arlington
Cemetery. Automobile funerni.
MOIIC.AN. -On February 18, 1010, PAT
HICK, husband of Amelia Morgan, aged 31
years. Itenilven nn.l friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on XVctlnesday. nt t p. m.f
from his late residence, 817 North Hancock,
st. Interment at (Irecnmoutit Cemetery,
l'rleiiils may call Tuesdav evening.
.XH'I.IJN. -At the resilience of her nelce,
Mrs. Daniel Cullahan, -PI3.I Pas.-hnll ave
nue, on February IS, ItllO ANNIC C.
MPLLIN, The relatives and friends nro In
vited to nttend the funeral on Ttiesi'av morn.
Inc. nt 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence,
2122 South Cecil street. High Mn nt. 8,
Pinnces DoSales Church nt 1n o'clock In
lerineni nt Holv Cross r'enielerv
Mt'ltPHV. On February 20. 1016. JOHN. be.
loved hushum! of Ann Murphy and son of tho
late Patrick unit Ilrl.lcet Murphy fnee
Nlxht), of XVoodstock, County 3Iayo. Ire
land. Uelallves and friends, also the Ucv,
William XVelsh Itrnnrh. No 149. ( M. Ilt
A., are Invited to nttend the funeral. Thurs
day morulim. nt 8 o'clock, from his lat
residence. 3416 Sunnv-side nve.- Fiiiln of
Schuylkill- Solemn He.iilem Muss nt St.,,
Hrldiret's Church nt 9:.in o'clock Interment
St. Mary's Cemetery, ltoxburouj-h.
NF.SII1TT. On Fcbrunry IS, 1910. THOMAS.
hi'sPuml nf Annie Nesldtt. Itelutlves and
fi lends, also Jit. Slnnl I-ndge, No. .11. L. P,
of A., and tho employes or XVanamaker A.
ilrowii. nro invited to nttend funeral serv.
P-es, on Tues.lnv. nt - p. in . at hi Inte refl
deuce. 3P2S Catharine st. Interment Mt. Mo.
rlah Cemetery. Itemalnn may bo viewed on
Monday, between H and 10 p. m. Automobile
PASCALi:. On February 19. 1916. I'MIDIO"
PASCALI1. husband uf Xtarl.l Pascnle nged
59 years. IlelntlvcH nnd friends are invited
In attend the funeral, on Thursday, at
u. in . fiom hi Inte residence. O'O Cuthrf ,
i.rln.. nt. Solemn lllah xtass of He.piiem at
St. Mary Magdalen do Pnz2l Church, nt 9
a. ill. Interment ut Holv Cross Cemete-y.
PAYNi:. On February 19. 191'!. JAMI'S If.
PAX'Nh", iiBed (i3 years. Itelatlves and
friends are Invited tu attend the funeral
services, on Tuesday afternoon, nt 3 o'clock,
at Iho Oliver 11. Hair llull.llng. 18:o Chest
nut street. Interment nt odd Fellows'
Cemetery. Itemalns may Isj vlewej Monday
PI'I.ILLI'lt., Fnlere.l Into rest on February
II). 11)10. IIKNItY C. husband of Kllia.
both M. Pltleger. Itelatlves and fi lends are.
Invited tn attend the funerni services, on
Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late
tesldeiice, 22.11 North 10th st. Interment
I'llflT. At the Philadelphia Home for Incurs.
Ides. 4hth and Woodland ave., cm February
18. 1916. MAHY NII'LAND. wife of John
Pont. Mass at St. Francis do Sales Church,
on Tuesday, nt 8 u. in. Interment ut Novr
Cathedral Cemetery.
Pltlf'SKF.TT. On February 26. 1910. JOi
Sl-II'lt M . husband of Mlnnlti Prlcakrtt (nee .
Orr), aired 62 years. Itelatlves and friends,
also Mlshawum Trllie. Nn. in. o It. M ,
an the unployts of Henry Dlsstnn & Sons,
are Invited to attend funeral services, on
Wednesday, ut 2 p. in. precisely, at his lata
residence, 4019 North 8th st. Interment prl
v.ite. Ni.rthwond ivinetery Itemalns may bo
viewed Tuesday evening.
ItOIIHICTS. At XVIImlnglnn, T)sl on Feb.
rualv IS, tt)1ll. KLLFJ.V J. IIUVVIS. widow
of lieorge It. Itpberts, pged 7S years, ltela,
lives sntl friends nro Invited to nttend Ihe
funeral services at her late residence, 700
Adams st.. XX iliiilngton. on Tuesday nfter,
noon. February 22. nt S o'clock. Interment
nt interview Cemetery.
MIIXTON.- On February IT. 1010, NOIIAII.
beloved daughter of James nnd Julia Sex
ton li.ee H.ilevl. In tier Istli year. It-lafv.,
nnd friends of the furr.llv. also einnloyrs nt
Adnmsoii Tape Mills, aro Invited to ntten.l
the funeral on Tuesilay morn ng at H 3.)
o'clock, from her patents' residence, 1112 v,
Cadwallader si. Solemn Itequiein Mas st
St, Michael's Church nt 10 o'clock precisely
Interment at Holy Crors Cemetery.
MKIWLI.I. At his residence. Itlverton. N
J., on February 21. 1916, l-UlWAHD V.
SHOXVHLL. Due notice of funeral will be
sill.Kv-O'i !- .-..I xi.mth I9h. 1916
LLl.AIUrni (I. STILUS, widow of Henry
S. .Stiles, ut her residence. .1021 Christlun
st. Services and Interment private. Third,
day ITuesduy), 2 p. m.
TllllMPsilS'. -xi 'iiiii.-idnto. in en r.bru
ary 19. 1916. JANK, wife of John Thomp
son und daughter of the lata Alexander ami
Mary M.-Cuen, Due notice ot the funerul
will lie tlvun.
Tl'ItCHl. On February 10. 1010, MAItCJA.
UKT Tl.'UCHl. t.eluve.1 wlfo of Alfonso
Turchl. aged 23 years. Itrlatlves and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral service,
on Tuead-ii. ut P a, m.. at her late residence,
ifipi Wheeler st. Ills h Mass riiur.h St.
Clement's ut 0 a. lu. Interment ut Holy
XX'Al.r.11. -On February 19. 1910, niORIiIf
W. XX'ALSH. n of Mrs. J. 8. Emmn Walsh,
In his 27th year. Relatlvessnd friends, sis,,,
the Auditing IHrnt. of tha p. It. n. are a- ,
vlted tu atieii'l the funera. on Tuesday at
S 31) u- m. from his late residence ".(' Jl
Noith llh street Logan. Solemn Requiem
Mass at the I hurvh of the Holy child, at lit
a. m. Interment In Holy Sepulchre Ceme
tery. V TKRsi. On February 15. 1911 ADLfNt).
WATKRS, widow of Oeorge W. XVatera.
used 7 years. ReUtlves and friends sr
Invited to uttend tts. funsrat services on
Tuesday, st JU19 Pi.m.. at the residence of
Mrs. M. Uevvtea, TU Lembard st. Inter
ment at Merlon Cemetery.
H'lTIIINGTON.-- On February IB. 1819,
COHNEI-tA KINO, widow of Joslah IVItu-
lligton. Ijue aojive a iiinerat win be given
NtW lora ttuu vw,.eu
papers slogss
H-tSWilWAHI'. On February 18. 1916,
HARRY P. AVOpU-WAKD. aged 4T jewi;
Itelatlves and friends, also Orttntal Lodge.
No, a83. TS and A. M.. ami nuMnbera of
Philadelphia Produce Hxchange. are Invited
lO eiiesiM twiwifiw, wu . wap.aj. a. m ), uj..
frolB W lave .e&iuciice, .a. aioui
Jou ttrumjir u
Cjnwyd. fA, inierineni si
VB-XOKK- On F-brusry 29 Ttit, SARAH,
J widow of Alfred Yesger. used 1$ years.
Relatives and friends ar Invited tit attend
the turn. rat servU.ss. oa Weduesday. m 1
Lm ui her lain resldesc. f9 Hus-hs at.
Iiubmui inrivst-.