"lf-g rx7y- gt r yyg-'JTw'w r' EVENING LEnaTilPHTTMDlDLPHTA. MONDAY, FEBRUABY 21, 1916. PONSTANCE GIVES "GRIM" EXHIBITION NEWS OF SCHOLASTIC STARS OTHER SPORTS F etuiiij '?' !: ri , Vld 3 "uneuin "nSi II ? " tied ,i le' Ul J hut It j, sh t. ; emi! he cUm to Wwi the oil Col. i , Thii . anil 'ate. CoiuiiJ HUM o clia lh.it Ii ra win ftfnr hlurjr"! 1 Jlcbt hswot lor lM0Cl. i lain, wed i ! cnuini -5 CRAFTY CONSTANCE CRAVES ruiMoximj.Ni, aohiivuIATES IT; OUT-GRIMS GRIM IN RING Beaten by Nelson at National, He Man ages to Prevent Ref eree From Counting Him Out By ROBERT W. MAXWELL . -. . . .. It..,n Itinrn n'nn n hnvnr l. OXCli UP"" " """ " " "' " -v.. ... rhltailclptila named Joo Grim. Joe rtuldn't lilt, tilnek or tiefotul himself his Jwtwork reminded ono of a O. A. It. nth t wftlkinp oil eggs, yet he met nil of the goou ones nnu pncKCd tlio house every time lie appealed on tho hill Mr. Grim wai a Jolto ns a. hoxer. hut nn expert nt taking punishment ' 1 1 z Simmons, McCoy, Sharkey, I'lillaiW pliln Jnwn nnd oth ers tried to put him down for tho count and failed. Joo would dive to tho floor sev eral times on eh round whether h o was hit or not, hut nhvnys scrambled to "W!QFSj r, V. MAXWEMj i Us feet heforo tho referee rnunted up ) to 10. , It was said that .Toe devoted most of his ', time In practlelnR lllpflopi and hack hand tprlngs so ho could Indulge In acrobatic feats after tne tiRtit was over, just to show his opponent that he was In good condi tion. Sometimes, however, he did not wait until tho battle ended to pull his act, but turned tack somersaults and slid nlontr the floor on one car all evening, beginning In tho very flrBt round. But Joo was taking no chances with his training, and always was prepared to do his best. I Many of our best flstlo experts often re- f narked that If Grim could fight as well as L, ttko punishment nothing In tho world could stop him. They were anxious to see f their theories tested out, but did not have t an opportunity until last .Saturday night I at tho National, when Jean Constance, a f lightweight from Frnnce, met Johnny Jfcl- jj son In tho second bout of tho evening. I Here's Another Grim Constance Is tho cause of this long preamDie. ior it was no who out-Grimed Grim, took ns much punishment ns Joo did In his palmiest days, canio hack for I more and Indicted some little damage on nis opponent. i'or rour rounds Jcnn stopped everything thnt camo his way. dlud to tho mat every tlin XcWon crossed his right to tho Jaw, but not for nna mmn,l ,11,1 tin full.,, .-,.. IipaoI. .t. n...l v..u u."'M ..... iiv lllllll .1 UlUll. 1. ,1111.1. 5. Constnnro ti clever, knows how to hit and Instba llC-n lllrt I...... ...... l..ln .. II, n ...I..I....1 VV'.U .11... .. ,.,,.,, .11,4 lIClli; QL1IUU milCli for In the dni of Joo Grim. - Tho Constnnco-Xulstm battlo was the feature bout of the evening It only lasted four rounds, but that was be cause Jeans lip wns seriously cut and Dick Curliv, who was In the French man's corner wisely Insisted that hostili ties cease Jack McGulgan concurred. Nelson began to reach Constance with .left Jabs and rights to tho jaw In tho first round .md had the foreigner groggy at the end In the second, Johnny diopped his opponent with n haid right mid It lool'cd as If the bout was over. Jean was up Immediately. hovoer, and then began to absorb cnouuh minlshment to j last an ordinary boxer a mouth. Nelson wt him almost nt will, knocked htm all pier tlio ling, but Jean fought back and several times shook Johnny with stiff blows. It was the samo In tho third and fourth rounds, and when tho bout wns stopped tho plucky F.onchman was cheered as much as tho victor. Second Bout Stopped This li tho second tlmo In two weeks that a bout has been stopped nt tho Na tional and tho audience was fair In each case. .When Micky Donley was unable to answer tho bell In h's contest with Chaney tho crowd knew ho liad done tho beet ho could and applauded Instead of fr accusing the b. xer of "quitting" or "dog i ring It ' Saturday night It was tho same, Is which slmws that tho spectators aro not & only fair but cood snortsmen. I Constance has tho makings of a good t ooxer and will give a good account of 1 himself when ho learns how to defend Himself properly. Joe Azcdo seemed a trlflo stale when he met Jack Brazzo, but the llttlo Portu gese won tho bout. Joo has been boxing regularlv In N'ew England of late, and )iows the effects of tho hard work. Ho tried hard on Satllrdnv. hilt cnllldn"t tret f wing until tho sixth round, when ho had K frazzo In distress. Solly Burns and Kd- S die Wncrnrul mil nn nTir.tl.pr wl-ilrHi'lnrT 1 bout, which ended In a victory for Burns. Posts Big Forfeit Although Henry Hletzer has posted 11Q0O with Billy Iiocap, sports editor of tho Pimm I.EDonn, as a forfeit to meet Johnny Kllbano in Baltimore on March " for tho featherweight title, there "ems llttlo likelihood of tho boxers get ting together in that city. Jimmy Dunn, manager of tho champ, has not come through with his bundle of change, and thO ChanPPR nrp Mint ln will T.rtf ,ln tzn M until tho sceno of the battle la changed. Dunn objects to tho promoters of tho K oout Bletzer and Sammy Harris and K declares ho will lint mtoi- Into nnv flip. ft S?er Negotiations unless they step out To date, Hletzer and Harris have refused ?r tnls' and matters aro at a stand- u. -inero was eomo talk about getting wo boys together In Philadelphia In a Ix-rouml bouti but tho public refuses to e taken In and this, too, has fallen by we wajsldo. Jimmy Dougherty, the well-known cltl "n of LelpcrvIllei pai ,, Btm nfter tne nattle. Jimmy had a bankroll consisting of 10.000 healthy and negotlnblo dollars, hlch lie will expose to public gaze any !ini? th6 boxe''a tails business. Dunn is willing to do business with Dougherty. m Pletzer is holding off. As the cham pion generally has something to say about tne terms of a battle for the title. Dough fty has a good chance of landing the After Chaney's showing with Donley at MARRYING OFF LOOKiT HERE, r-VWBELLE, YOUVE. LOST SlfrHTrV" r.R TU1C PCAO UCAD i PROPOSITIQH'. WHE-V4 P 1 ARE Vou GnlKl TriT ' (j-tT A -REGULrVD I"2Jt i!2?ir riff ttREA7N.lmViMp,Tr' iBS UP'S TilCU' J vV AMI "PCCA5F. ME! T " -A (J I V V VrNIt TUi.. V JRk . fcFiO-UjlUNr: Olympla Club Bouts Scheduled Tonight I'Rr.t.tMiN.tnir.i. WnnlM Kjtfiieii ,,, te(lr TjI(,r i.i!,H,t.V.,I!Vl": v- ",urr Winner. Johnnj Itltehle . lulf Unl(l srAtnviND'Ui'. Aiule gainer n, I'reil.ly Hellr. iviNii-rr. Ilennj- T.eonnnl i. Ilmmj' Mnrplij, national ri.fii't nr.suivrs, ir. f'ln ilefentril .lurk tlrnrto, !Jlh Itiirn n from Kilille Wnitonil. ...,,,..,,., .-.ri-.'ii mnitiirn .ipnii i niHinnrr. i Inp Jlilnnp nml I'nntdc .MrMnnn ilrew. I trr Hi'mii lt"1'1" '""l'1 Uimrterm.m- the National a week ago nnd Cal Dclancy In Clox eland lait Wednesday, some ques tion has been raised as to the llttlo Hal timoreatrs chances against Kllbano and his right to moot tho champion for tho title. Many believe that Pliancy wouldn't last 10 rounds with Kllhnno, ns Johnny could kenp tho cbnllenger off with a straight loft and nwild tho rushing tne tics. Chaney just wades Into an oppo nent, takes a punch to land ono nnd would ho easy for a clever man who co 'Id jab and punch hard. It Is said remember, IT IS SAID that n still hunt Is being mado for a GOOD featherweight In thoso United State3 to (ako Chaney's place If George refuses to talk business and put tho GOOD featherweight on with Kllbano In a bat ,tlo for tho championship. At tho present wrltlnr wo do not know whether It is n ntOMISK or only a TimUAT. Now for Erne Just a minute, men. a courier from Johnny Burns has arrived. Ho has a message. Give It a look: I do not wnnt to tnko up much of your , tlm or spaio but I Ml'ST " Hnnio tlilntr In refnrime t llrtii- If Ilrm-'n frlrndi in Urar OM ItlPlunoml wouM llko to bpp nlm ippp!. nunthpr laclnir notli tiiff uoulil suit llnrrpll licttpr thnn to kKp It to him Ami If nn iluli rpps lit to ntlli;p tlio hnut. I hopn time will ponin tri thp liHt ronilltlon nml not Ijpit llor rpll to atop hltttnic hlni so Imnl This tlmo T ahnll nimranlpp his frlentls aii'l ndmlrprs In ttiplimoml thnt llnrrpll will knock him out Inslilo of tho limit. Tho mystery of Benny Leonard's re cently discovered knockout punch nnd his much-talkcd-of hnndages will bo with us tonight, when the Now Yorker mingles with .Teems Murphy, our local pride. In tho wlndup nt tho Oljmpla Anglo llat ncr, former amateur lightweight champion of New York State, will meet Freddy Kelly In the semlwlnd-up. and tho remain der of tho card Is only fair. Ilouclt Wants Recognition Another Interruption. Joo Devlne, the Kensington merchant, arrives with the following: Thpre nro a numbpr of po-ralp,l HKht wclRhts l,foro tho puhllp, hut few can make 111 pound-. I have M'lllln Itouck untler my mannupment. ami ivlll mitch htm with nnv llnhtwrleht In thp world. I hopo ou will seo lit to uso this. Philadelphia Jnwn O'Brien has 10 rounds of perfectly good boxing to spring on the good citizens of Norrlstown to morrow night. Brother Jack will meet lMdlc Rovolro In tho wind-up, and Sailor Jack Carroll, who has hopes of being n regular hoxer, battles with threo husky unknowns In tho beinlwind-up. Mr. Car roll will allow his opponents to remain tlvo rounds or less. A ten-round curtain raiser also is on the bill. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Krtuiklo 'Whlto Is In prpat nhapo for his match with Alio Kalilnroff. nt tho DoiiKtas Cluh tomorrow nfftht. nnd ho fpeetH llttlo trouble In Hhowlnif to luKnntiiRe. Whlto al8i In srhoduleil on tho Olsmpla program next Jlomljy nlBht. Dnn Cupid has ndded another K. O. In thn realm of tioxlng. MlcUey Donley, who cheated Jack McGulgan from counting him nut In his rpcent hout with Ceorgo Chaney by rpilitlnK when the otilttlng wan good, wan tloored hy D. C. In Allentown. tho other afternoon. In tho future Donley will bo managed, or ml mannced a the cane may be, by Mian Anna .1. Kllkonny, of Newark, now Mrs. MUkey Donley. Another linockout, thla one scored by n right hand tan on tho ihln, occurred at Atahanoy City Saturday nlrlit. when Joo Hunting, of North l'enn. heard prettv music in tho seLOnd round of a go with Kid Ilroad. A 15-round match betueen Younp McGovprn ttl Itnlihv .rI.fnl Is tho thief tonic of linxlnir converentlon nmonp KenslnRton uml Itichmon! fnns. Followers of both Inrti nre nnlou to seo them decide their nupremacy In tha rlnjc. nnd tt uoiiUJ tuKo a bout oC loneer tlurntlou titan six rounds. Vounj? I.ucas, Jimmy Dunn's heavy weight boxer, will choo-choo Cloelnnd today for Bridgeport, ronn , where ho will meet Larry M'ltllamH. of this city. In u 1U-round go VedneiiJay night. Joo Jfanilot. tho New Orleans liclitwolcht, ftsntn thn-atcna to ault tho rlne. If ho loses tonleht's bout with Johnny Dundee of New YorK. nt New OrlennH, Joo will add ''(tnls' to hts record. The bids nre billed to aa 2D rounds. The winner will be matched for a 20round battlo with Fred Welch durlmr Mardl Qraa. I'ENX RUXXEKS LEAVE FOR RACE WITH HARVARD Meredith Also Will Compete in Brook lyn and Kansas City Tho University of Pennsylvania relay team Meredith, Lennon, Lockwood nnd Dorcey left this afternoon nt 1 o'clock for Hartford, Conn., where It will meet tho Harvard quartet tonight. The Crim son athletes nro Tesclmer, Pennycacker, AVIlcox nnd Captain IJingliam, the same men defeated by tho Quakers last year. Tomorrow night Meredith and Lennon will compete at the 47th Heglment armory, P,looklyn, In the Suburban quarter mile, tho annual blue-flbbon event In that city, Meredith has v. i the race for two yeari, and It will bo necessary for him to win again to get permanent possession of the cup. Meredlbi will leave for Kansas City Thursday. Hi will represent Penn In a special handicap race at tho Kansas City Athletic Club. Davo Altizer Signs Contract SlINNUArOUS. Minn.. Feb. Sl.Daiid Altlser. eterai Inllelder. who recently nn itouiucd hta ntlremunt from, baseball, has ilined a 1916 ontract with the Minneapolis club of tha Am-lcan Aoclation. MAYBELLE M SHUSH', tUSH. . i UlUAT'C TH' MATTG V 1 rf oui ncj vor Mwua Uf u icu 1 ;r. . .TV....V? r-cr.vx . IT r J WITH THEOPHILUS-r VTOT- HAMS rW SKOOUtJtUS UK&J r'm K.t' KK&VX) Vt50 f&' , ' J wiAtrnve. staluinV - u a co-car. why tsont c v---j tv. vjmu-; i werh there, v .- v; -' 1 II I ..,.,--, - - , - . - - . . y . m m -, - - - - , ; f l ' HIM OFF FOtM r tOU UT HtfA XO WQKK.I , f ' V fV-U W TIME, M ' c BsWiCTBWBWWCWBWHWHWWBHPWWWW ' iii in i mmmmmmmmm Tho West Philutlclphin HiRh School shown in tho photograph arc, left centre; Pinkerton, forward; Hughos, SCHOOL STARS TO SWIM FOR SH0RETITLES Dippy, Central High, and Kistler, West Philly, to Compete Tonight OTHER SCHOOL NEWS Many of the best sebolnstic swimmers In tho Kast will take part In tho South Jersey swimming championship meet to ho held nt tlio Ilvgela pool, at Atlantic City, tonight. Robert nippy, of the Cen tral High .School, tho sta- in tho West l'hiladplphln-Central High diml meet last Saturday night, nnd Captain Hobart Ivlstlur, son of George Kistler, swimming Instructor at tho University of l'etinsyl vanla, have entered. Clarence Luke, of l.awrencevlllo School, is another entrant. As tho tank meet H open to any registered nthleto In the I'nlted Stales theioVlll bo plenty of keen competition. Jnmos Shryock, record holder In several evcntH; William Leh man, Watts, I.vann and Coons, of tho I'ulverslty of Venns.lv.mla. are entered, and lecords aio likely to fall While tho schoolboys and collegians will makii this event a great success an add. tlonal attraction Is tho 220-yard dash be tween Miss Olga Dm filer, who mado a new world's record In this event Saturday night, and tho noted Now Uoebelle swim mer, Miss Claire (Inlltgan. Miss Dot fnors new record is 3 minutes 3 1-5 seconds. West Philadelphia Itlffh School won tho mppt with Cpntnil llllth In a mor uf IS to 10. hut not without many iloio iIuImIu s. In thi Wmt llrnni-h V. M C A. tank iluli Hlpp w ih the star, wlnnlmr the 100 and 200-yird d.tsii. h in ixiuIIpiH tlmo. TlldPii. thp Wist l'llU.iil.llihl.i star, won tho phnmi. for dltlnni.'. and "VV 111 l.iniM, U'pst IMilluilelnhia. thu fjnty UKlnK pint. 'J'ho "Wt-st ridladclphl.i hcIIooI had Mip Ntroni:er team, scurlni; lrtualty all of tho plat'eel. BAUMGARTNER SIGNS CONTRACT WITH PHILS Pitcher Accepts Terms, Which Aro Better Than Last Year. Itixey Only Holdout Stanwood liaumgartuer, the former I'ni vorsity of Chicago poitsldo heaver, tum.d In his contract with tho Philadelphia N'.i tlonal I.caguo Club today. Tho cuntinct Is for ono year, and calls for a slight ln creaso over tho salary handed him in 1015. Tills leaves Kppa r.lxoy, tho lanky Vlr gjtiian, the only member of tho Phils who has not signed a 101C contract. Thero Is said to bo a dlfforenco of $700 between Itixey and tho Phils that is, Illxey wants $700 moro than tho Phils want to pay. If ni'xoy doesn't sign his contract within tlio noxt few days ho may ro- celvo tho samo kind of a letter as was forwarded to Pitchers Tlncup and Heaum gartner. They were requested to return their signed contracts within u week or to remain away from tlio training camp. Tlncup camo through at onco and liaum gartuer soon got Into line. Thero was a thought that Uaumgartncr might not ro turn to tho Phils this season, as tlio southpaw wished to llnlsh his law course at tho University of Chicago. IIo no doubt will flnhh it soma other time. Itixey nnd tho Phils' management havo had trouble in coming together for tho lust two seasons. Tho elongated Virginian was the last to alllx his "John Hancock" to tho papers uory year since he joined tho club, but this year tho Phils nro not likely to fool with tho lanky portslder as much ns In other years. Itixey, however. Is needed by the Phils, for ha has the makings of tha host left-hander in tha business. "Cnp" Anson's Wife Is Dead CIIICAtlO. Feb il lira. Vlrulnla, M-iilellne Anaon. wlfa of "Cap ' Anson, famouti oM tlmu ImneliiiU player and ("tiliJu'o club munuuer. died today, uttir u thruu itU' lllneta. 'lha hody will be taken to Phlludelphla tomorrow. lira. Aimou murrled "Cap" Anson to pars Hio, when ha wan playint; in l'hllatlliilil.i. Hhe accompanied him on all hln baHeball trip and Journujed around tha world with him In IbtiS. with tha tint Klobo-trottlis ball club. r-"&K, TUUPJtJ- lUTi j I 'wn, i "" l-'W VAIUUKtS OVIV VUH tjyiJ ; I tlipDC WJ I TAri 11 t Li WEST PHILADELPHIA HIGH'S CAGE TEAM quintet is one of tho fastest scholnstic tennis in this vicinity. tne men to right: Standing, William Trimhle, manager; Ilubbert, guard; McCaskcy, coach. Sitting, Gro s, giiard; Bachman, captain and guard; Mcarkle, forward. Where Major League Players Will Train NATION w. much n. The lopntlnii af thp T!irtnn4 nilnrtpr. nnit the upprnxliniilp itntpi of the start of thp iiiulii iiqmtiM for thp niithlanil follow ! Npw Ynrli, Mnrlln Mirlnc, Tp., lVli ruary SS uml Munli I. llnmklMi. Iliilimi, rin., 'Mnrrli 7. ( lilracn. 1 iimn i, I'll,, Mnnh .",. I'lilllle., ''t IvtrrKlmri;. flu.. Jlnrrh 3. IliiHtnii. Iliml, 1 In , M ircll 1. Clin ImiiuII. Hiri'rinrt. I.n., .Itnrch 4. Nt. I otih. huii ntoulii. Tpy., .M.trrh 0, ntNlMirnli. Hut .irliic. ,rk., nod D.iw hnn MirbiKii, Ii)., March I. AMi:uir.N i,t:.(U'i:. New York, Mjciin, tin., IVbrimry ?0 anil M.irrh 1. t.'littnco, .Mlnpriil Spring, Tp., Mnrcli 12. Ilimtnn, Hot Siirlnc. Ark., Marrh It. M. 1 otiN, Palptliip, 1p.. Iliinh n. Athlptkn, J.i.'kMiiullle, i'la., March 7 nnd 17. Dplrnlt. MmliiHhlp. Tp.. Marrh 4. W :ilihiatiii. t'li.irloltrMllIp, Va., .Mnrrli t'leielantl, Npw Orlpim, I.a.. lVbruary 20. JESS WILLARD RKCOVERIXfi; 3I0RAXJ1.0U1' TO RE HELD Jones Telephones Promoter Riclcard Champion Is DoiiiR Well KBIV YnitlC. Fell 21. Te nickard, promoting the Wlllaid-Moran light, mado tho following .1ntlll1cp i 'it toda : "I had a lnng-distanco telephone tnlk this morning with Tom .Tones, who Is In Chicago. Iln told mo tl it thero was ab solutely no truth In the report that Wll l.ird's condition had become serious nnd that tho bout for tho UDth of March would have to bo postponed on that account. "Jones told mo that Willard was out for a walk yesterday and was almost com pletely recovered from tho hatd cold which afflicted him. .Tones said that ho and 'Willard would coma hero from Chi cago nt the end of tho week and that tho bout Kiuoly would bo staged at the sched uled date." WINTER IirSOHTS ATLANTIC CITY. ounonor location with an unobstructod view of beach J and Doarawa k A rccodnizad 1 standard of excellence Cr.v600. WAURJ.BUZSr. XTiewstandaTi rtirtin f swain lUAttuki XARGEST TIBSI'ROOF TlESOnT HOTEL HSWHlTE.Vnu. ,w THC "",rOau,JWH0TT.CiH)t THE ItAOING HtSORI HOIfl Of Hit WORID HQariBorousraenwim ATliAOTIC Ol'V . N. J. OWN1MHIP HtNtatMCNT JQ3IAH WHITE A SON3 COMPANY VpqrminitfV Xy. uv, nr. Ucai.li. Uev. to trt-mtuuiaLci uU ,,r(v balhg run wttt,r, 11.50 ud dly. to tK'.BU up Mily. Chaa, ltuhra. nitoivx's .mii.i.,s-i.n-tiii:-)'1m:h. n TTIR INN n thu i-inus tin x '" "' placa for recuperation: water nnd food. Cllmutn ,lrc ami uann I. I,. & M. S. HUDDUnS, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LEARN LANGUAGES' at lbs Berlitz School Ktli A Cbettnul Sta. (Over ltluer rhuruiuc) Telephono Spruce 4001. New Clnjupj Coujtuntlj' 1'ormlni sninnr, or m'.sisnss JIarch 1, apeclal evanlni: Louraes In Short band. Typewriting nnd Hookkeeplne will ba orxantzed Nina hours' Instruction Is alien per week. Application for admission should tie, made at omu. The school la In seaalon throughout the entire i ir TEMPLE UNIVERSITV" Ilroad Ht. Iirlu- llprks I'liiiiiueiiiiiiii STRAYFR'S The Beat Uualneaa School a 1 IVrt A ca J got.801 Cbeatnut Stra. atrt. Plot by J. P. McEvoy (Copyrlfht. 1018; Jly The Tribune Company) J MTSs iYm When a motor-car is eagerly sought each' recurring litti: f3smt&KjS' it & Atlantic city. I-'IC - . . . . ilw! M- PW?S3 ATLANTIC CI TV has ?et RTiew -standard of FRANK RAKER TO SIfiN YANKEE CONTRACT TODAY Home-run KinR May Get ?10,000 Sal ary for Three Years JCnW YOUK, Veil 21. J. Franklin Baker, tho Tr.ippo farmer, will get Into town todav to sign a contract with tho Yankees While Maker was acquired from tho Athletlet Inst week, ho has not yet signed with tho local American Leaguers. IIo will bo tendered a contract for threo ycais at n snlnry variously reported to bo from ?i50n to $10,000 a season. linker linn already agreed to tho terms nnd no hitch Is likely. Tho homo-run hitter will have a con ference with Colonel .Take, ltuppeit In tho club offices this afternoon ?iM! lHwi0 fS jl'l THE VOGUE 111 l-;l OF THE HI i wxs. vear bv more than double the number of Deoole miili. lym ' . mwv jfp who buy all other highest class cars combined, sW. Ii 0 j rl l--o. i: .-o. "iaShS" - '!iffa y neeu ieei nu iictjiucmcy legcuuuig its intrinsic WOP I fi s e value, its performance'value and its social prestige. S lllrf 1 1 P CADILLAC A UTOMODILE SALES CORPORA TION S i i! S iiPi If'! -0 00-. Hi' til' I i site? v$A jf Br? te.;;l sshs mm I mwc all L- iHh'.H I foo-ij Wi H WlfiMSfaVia. W Wi tBIOT U. ! w wt iTimfflr.wam if a mt aw 'irMTf -2sss 111 fB)MtlftlaftmeaMW?iaytl t t t 111 .l New Scale of Weights for New York Boxing I'nnetiTflalit 10Rnonml llnntnimiplcl't inpoitmM KentherweUlit 12.1 iinmn1 I.Uhtnrhtht '. . 133 pound Mpltrrnelglit Illpounit JlliMtenrlitlit IKsimunil PoinmUiitnn 17,1 pouml llmtjurlsht Allnirr MANSFIELD WILL BOX BEVAN AT P0TTST0WN Bantams Clash in 12-Round Go Tonight Rocap to Referee Tho first match of nn elimination ' tournnment to dccldo on tho bantum w eight champion of Pennsylvania 13 scheduled In PottBtown tonight. Alf Mansfield, tho Kngllsh boxer who Is making Itcndlng his homo nt tho present I tuuo, will bo pitted ngalnt Hilly Ilenn. of Wllkcs-narro. The bout Is scheduled I for 12 rounds. Hilly Iiocap. of Phlladcl- ' phla. will referee tho contest. i Uoth llevnn nnd Mansfield havo ap peared In bouts In this city. While the Wllkes-JJnrre lad depends on Ills punch ing ability to show to advantage, tho Drlton Is of tho boxer type, lie Is rlover and fnst, and scares heavily with n left hand Jab. Another match on the program will bring together two featherweights, Joo (loodney, n New York featherweight who has been residing In Philadelphia, will miiko his first nppearanco In IVnnsyl anla In a bout with Wllllo Jackson, who halls from Gotham. This bout also will bo n fighter vs. boxer set-to. JIM SCOTT STAItTS SOUTH First of Whito Sox to Leave for Training CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Jim Scott, Whlto Sox pitcher, left today for tho South, tho first of tho Chicago American l.eaguo players to prepare for tho spring training, lie will bo followed In a fow dnys by Pitchers Joo Ilenz and Bed Kaber and Catcher Daley. Pa Had to Think SPORTSMEN TO ATOTD CANADIAN CLUB DINNER Men and Women Here Go to New York for Annual Meeting Ono hundred of Philadelphia's" beat pportfincu ntid sportswomen left tod&y for Now York lo attend tho ilth ahnOal meeting nnd dinner of the parent New York branch of tho Canadian Club, 'nn organization composed of big gamo hunt on In nil quarters of tho globe. W. Ii S. Dyer, president of the Phila delphia branch, wilt bo tho guest of honor nt tho dinner, which will bo held at tho Hotel Astor. Tho menu will bo made exclusively of 8outh American dishes. In eluding, of course, tho choicest big game of that continent. Tho dinner last year was an "Arctic dinner," wnlrua and polar bear being tho chief dishes. Philadelphia sent a large delegation ns part of a plan to procure a return dinner In this city within six weeks or two months, with noted explorers nnd hunters u3 guests. DIAMONDS AT LOW RATES BANK REFERENCE Fast That Time Cor. 91h& Buttonwood Sta Ml ' o N E , IyI , r LOANED ' iQNr aa fel iii 3 ii IP ' "" I .