'- . . ..!.. . , EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FUIPAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. TOUR OF CITY URGED FOR COMMERCE BODY TO LEARN TRADE NEEDS C'arles S. Calwoll, Banker, Suggests Trip, Especially Along River Fronts as Boosting Method " HAT CHAMBER IS DOING ' would nURROit Ihnt tlio t'lillnilplphl.-i 1 xmbet of Commcrrp, ni soon an tho 'ther jicrmlt.1, unllo nil lt offlriri, its of, buriBU5. fmploe and m"mtfri ft. biff HlRlit-proJOK tour f tho e-itv t tour to Inrlurlo n rninplili lnp'"ikn the rlvrr front from the river, r 'tint concerned would know what ie nl itaKes of tho fit.' lenlly !ro nnd w'mt iceded to Improve and make tho m"t these ndvnninttrn " 3 nald diar-Ie1 nlell, pr"Mn the t'orn Uxrhmino Nnllonil Hmh ien nuked what rwininc ho would tnnHo thej letter nrt(lroed to him by v n lly. Bcnernl Rprri-tnry of tho fhrnntr Commerce, In tpply to hlx 'i'if i n Klni? If tho Ciinmiier of Common f hod on Slvlnu much thnnylit to tin ile.,!n, nt of city propoitv nloiiff the lJtli " id Schuylkill IllvoM Ir. KelJl'a reply to Mr CaUvoIl . In rcaponae 10 your lottcr, nn'diiK if o Chnmbor of fomiiirco baa bi'ou nl -r much thought to tho tlenolopmrnt ' ty proptrtv nlnnn tin licliWi.ro nn 1 huylklll Itivorx. I hCR to awn re en tint both tho Induntrlal huronu and nnsportatlon buicau of tho i Vim lie r avo been Blvlnjr molt carnct considera tion to that mattri 'Tho Indualrlal and transportation bu- itauB ore n m onK.iiroil In rompillng cv. )0clflc nnd dot illod -tatomont of tho no vltlen of tli"lr rr("iotUo organization! lonff tlicjc llno I fhnll be verv trlnel to co that you roioUo thla tttatement as oon a tho dat i him bion Bnthorod. 'In tho moantitno. I Iiok to annuro yoit that any Information that wo rail obtain jii any subject (oncornlnR tho notlvltloH .r the Chamber of rommerco Ib entirely t your disposal "In tho forthromlni? number of tho hatnbor of I oinirn un -ournal vnu will nd a considerable amount of Information oncernlnc the .uloiin .ictlvltlea of the hamber's different nun tiu " WHITE HOUSE OPEN TO CONGRESS TONIGHT I DETECTIVE CHICKENS TRAP ALLEGED THIEF Follow Trail of Stolen Oats to Home of Negro, and Arrest Soon Results President and Wife Entertain Brilliant Gathering of Nation's Notables WASHINGTON', rob. IS. ConKresa will move into the White Houfo tonlKht. It 1 tho occasion of tho reception ac corded members of the Senate and Houso by President nnd Mrs WIlHon Prom the standpoint of numbers It promises to be one of the largest, not excluding the mcmorablo Pan-American nrtnlr. when JSOO people crowded Into the White House, ever held. Tho event will 'iriui: moie closelv to gether different factions of Connnss than anything due. p.irticulaib when they Ket Into the East Tloiim, where tho KUcsts uro always crowded preparatory to their ad vance down the retcUInc line. It will Introduce man in w fates to the ladles of Consress. tho fates of those whose terms of otnee have Just btisun. And It also will brlnB lmk Into tho charmed circle many standbs who went out of State existence temporarily upon tho lato defeat of former President Taft. President and Mrs Wilson will, accord inK to custom, siurid In the Illue Hoqm, with Mrs. Marshall andjadlcs of tho Cab inet In tho reception line. The lino tu rlsht will be marekd by tho absence of Mrs. Lludley M. Oarrlwon, whoso husband resigned last week as Secretnry of War. She was a favorltu In ofllclal social circles. At the Pon-Amcrlcan reception some of thoso In the rettptlon line were forced be ore the last of tho XW had passed In re View, to retire for nst. Tonight It stems probable that this will tie necessary again. But the President and Mis Wilson seem able to stand ninlllni;1) through the or deal and there are momenta wiien Mrs. Wilson at least seems to enjoy It. Dur ing tho reception refreshments will be served In tho dinln room and the Marine Band will play. FREAKS' SH U'KS MAY WIN' THEM ADMITTANCE TO U. S. Eight Feet and One Yard Arrive at Ellis Island NEW TORK. Feb. 18 -Baptist Uro, -who is 8 feet tall by circus measurement, and Esmlllaro Adrlen. who Is ess than a yard in height, arrived yesterday In two con solidated cabins of tho French liner Ks pajrne, M. Uro occupying most of the space. Tho Federal surgeon sent the pair to Ellis Island for examination, and It wan found that Ubo was suiferlnfr from big ness and diabetes nnd Adrlen from little ness. They will have another examina tion today, nnd probably will bo released, as they are not likely to become public charges, belnK quite nblo to earn their living on their shapes alone. HANS Sr H.MIDT Tho unfrocked Cntholic priest paid the ptnalty fur the murder of Anna Aumullcr, when he died in the electric chair in Sinjr Sinjr nt sunrise. lie dismembered the Kirl'a body after Killing her Sep tombrr 2, 101M. HANS SCII HI IDT DIES FOR MURDER OF GIRL Continued from Pour One Into the room where he was to m'' bli dpalh Ills heard hid been shaved off. Ills hend was closel flopped. No one would h.ive rofneuiz.il him. Preceding tho slaer was Km per bonier nnil Pather William Cfihln, Homnn rntholic chap lain of the prison. S'hmldt hrM himself erect, llo walked with a linn stop, re peating In clear tones the litnni of th dlng. rinnly he paced tho few stopn to tho death-deillng hair. Then ho turned nnd faced the witnesses He held nloft tho crucifix he entiled In his right hand, as If to hold In cheek tho four stalwart guards In blue, who sprang forward to seize him. "One minute," ho cried In ringing tones "I want to say one word before I go. I beg forgiveness of all I have offended or scandalized, nnd I forgive all who have offended against me " lly this time tho guards had forced Schmidt Into tho chair, and were ad justing tho straps around his arms and waist. .Schmidt praytd aloud repeating tho words of a prayer after Pntbur Cash In. "Into thy hands, O I-ard, I commend my spirit," ho concluded. Then with his voice as firm as when he bado good-by to his fellow inmates In tho death house, tho slaor uttered his last words. Scarcoly had ho finished when the at tendants had tho electrode attache d to his right leg, tho brown cap with tho black mask slipped over his head and tho wire nt tho top adjusted. Tho slgnnl was given and Schmidt ex piated his crime. Addison Jones was tracked to his home today, not with bloodhounds, but with chickens. Jones Is a negro, and ho was hlghlv Indignant when placed under nr I test Hut tho trail of guilt led to Ills I bark door. Albert Honsill, manager of the Amcr Iran 'oal nnd Icp Company, couldn't understand what bepnmo of nil tho feed for tho horses Neither could John ISeat , t, si able man Thev saw an unusual numoT or tnioKens omening nnu picmne nt tho snow nnd Investigated As tho ehl'kens moved down tho Philadelphia ! nnd Itndlng tracks at Annat street, Hon- I ..-.i i t.-.... .1I.. ..I Ad .11.1 tl.lnn. , wail ,'fntl liemiv loil"eu, n utu iyt-t.ii.-- live Com and Policeman Frith, who had been rilini in on tho tasp Klowly the (bilkers moved along, picking at tho f'lm r.nd having a faint trail of shells and shucks of cracltcd outs nnd bran. The trail ted threo btocke down tho rail nnd if High street and finally stopped dMul it a high board fence A peck oi.rr the fonro showed the trail led straight to the Intk door. Jones was rocking to ind fro In ibe kltrhon n ho hugged an lifi ompl. burlap bag to hi? bosom ami ran thout a quart ut rracktd oats t1 khij.Ii l is flngrs. In one eornor of tho tig was a hole that .Tnnen hadn't seen. The ling of oats had weighed SO pounds it lint "ft'fkon Ah s(iueood dat ba? a IP!" too night," sighed Jones, ns ho frowned nt tho clucking chickens nil around Jones tried to oxplnln to Magistrate tvnnoek at the Qcrtnanlown stntlon that ho often did things nlsent mlmled! Hut tho Judge thought the offensi In question wns wpII rlaniH'd. Tho prisonpr was lipid In J1W bull. ILLNESS HALTS WEDDING Miss Elizabeth McHrido Watches at liedsidc of Fiancee A voung woman who was to have been a b'ldo Is todav watching at the bedsldo of her llanci, nursing him back to health so thnt the wedding may take ploco as soon os possible llo wns stricken by i pneumonln the day before the ceremony 1 was to have been performed The bride-to-be Is Miss Kllrnbcth Mc 1 Pride, Jf) crirs old, of 2,I'I IMsemont street, and her prospective husband Is Daniel A. rjraham. of 2S20 Cedar street. Their mnrrlnge was plnnneil for last Wed nesday, and many Invitations had been I sent out for the eonmeniy, uhleh was to I have been perfoimcd In St. Ann's Cath olic Church, I.eblgh avenue nnd Memphis I street. The couple obtained a rnarrlago license at Cliy JIall Monday, but on Tues elny, Ornham, who had hem nuffcrlng from glip. was sent to bed with prieu- rnonln I'hjslclans advised postponing I the marriage, which Is to take place ns soon lis the prospective bridegroom re covers. "SCHMIDT NOT MUKDEKER" Dr. II. W. Cattell Says Anna Aumiller Died of Illegal Operation Dr. Henry W. Cattell, of 3;iTi Spruce strtot, when told of tho electrocution to day of Hans Schmidt, slid "Hans Schmidt should not have been electrocuted Ho was not guilty of Ilrst degree murder, according to New York law. Ho should have been Imprisoned lie did not 'murder' Ann,i Aumulltr, using tho word 'murder' In Its stilcte-st (-ptise lie either committed an Illegal operation or canscil one to be committed em her, and from tho effects of It she died: but thoro was not deliberate 'murdi r.' I ex-i amlned the remains, and I know whereof I speak. Fire in Home for the Aged COLI.INQSWOOD. N. J, Feb IS Tho Home for Aped, housing nearly 100 In mates, was threatened with destruction last nlvht. when fire was ills o.ore d In the lasiincnt Loral fliemen extinguished the IiI.izp with dumb lis If tiou visit -tiour dentist twice a tjear, and use aS. S.White" Tooth Paste twice daily you will krow the joy of having healthy teeth. In too or Mr tuhr At vour t!rutyi t' ir miut'd on re 1 1 tltl nf l ri , 'I he s. ,. MliHe , lPl Vandals Cut Western Union Wires Telegraph and police offlclals aro In Ttstlgatlng an attempt which was madi early today to cripple the 'Western I'nlrjn service between Philadelphia nnd Ilead Inir. Several of the company') wirea are said to have been deliberately cut a short distance above Valley Falls. No lnfnrmu tlon wus given out at tho Western l nlun rnaln office, except that a tow of men had been sent up to repair the damaged wires SPECIAL TO-DAY $400 Hallet & Davis $110 Good condition; taken as part payment for Cum nuignarn fiaycr-riano. -. feite jtricuiu vu, fiCKaatnutjV m & sL -iir Nowadays you can pick a caramel lo match your complexion! all color from rouge stick red to marilimallow pallor I Phone, write or call 40 cents the pound. IK candy shop SIX FEET BELOW BROAD ST IN 1111 LINCOLN BUILDING HKOAD ABOV CHESTNUr OPCN UNTIL MIDNIGHT STEAMSHIPS JVINTER IlESORTS ATT.ANriC CITY. N. J. wbe j& i?simjr&&9 Tin AMTif firv Superior location with an unobstructed view of beach irul liftfirriwnlk A rpcntSnWf.ii standard oi excellence ccn.6oa WiWmj.Bvzsr. mRBSb .ATIeVrTTIC CITY SLXXl. JL JL ' JL'SaJaraj, has L..t n TlffW jjtaillHfi-rrf nf i;..7;"-.u""rur.T.v. J-Cl tIKO WUII1IV) t CJ7U LeCUlV IARUEst naivROoe kesort kotel- nit uading mm Horn or hc wamo Riaiii3oroiifltiiKnnim ATI.. A NTH. CITV, N, J. OWNtnSHIr UlHi.f UIMT JQ8KH WHITE A SONS COMfANV lllton N'S 3HI.Ijf-I-TIIE-I"INKS. N. 3. TUhl INN ,x """ wi ji x t.-t . . i ilc for nsutwrailon pur. water and fuoj c 'Haute dry mu4 arfia I L a M t) Itt'UDGHS SCHOOtS AND COLIeEGIS 5Tf? AVPRS Tn Out &utius Sstl. In Tropic Seas 16 Days of lazy, restful cruUing on tho opalescent waters of the Caribbean. Porto Air Expenses Rico $94. Cruise 50 and up A comoiuble. 10.000-ton turner, Luuii, itllly quipped lor tioptcl nrice. your hotel lor the, cntiie voyag from New Voik to end around lovely Porto fueo, etopploi at pnoxlpel poll nd letuin, Shore vieiui plcturcequa 3paaleh lifrs ana cuetoiue. Seal Inaeovery Selux day under the American Flag. Wnla (oi illu.u.ted Loolltl.Perlartlca Craua. PORTO ItICO LINE CruUIng- liept,, 11 Itroadway, Neir York Jlrunih Ticket Olllco 101 Chralnut fitrrel. I'hlluilrlnliU. FLORIDA $31.80 W $31.80 JACKSONVILLE From Philadelphia avnry Wed. and flat, loeludicK tueala sad choice of atat.rooia saaoruiuotisiluna. All out.Ue rooma. VUa .t.amera. Beat atrrlce. Tkketa limited U WJ 31 Marchsnta & Miners' Trass. Co. Otr OWss. IBS go. itb 81. ffcoa. Lorabar mo, Cyjiault twr ticket at fjttriBiSBi. STUDENTS AT TRENTON WILL OMIT BIG DANCE High School Seniors, Due to . Sunday's Influence, Decide to Drop Amusement T!in.S'TON Tcb 1! Homer Rode hraver, "Ulllj-" Sunday's chorlRter, an nounced In the tabtrnacl lait nlpht that the fetilor o1ast of the Trenton HIkIi School would omit danclnj: nt ItH recep tion to the Junior clans. Thin t ono of the blr; poclal events of the Hcason. Incidental with the Sunday campalcn heie thero have been ervlccn In tho High School, with tho reiult that by a. vote of & lo V the tetudenti! decided to drop ilmclng. Homo other kind of amusement will be substituted "nilly" Sunday prenrhed last nlcht to U.V) on "Heaven, a l'laco and Not u rondiHon " H1 toolt occasion to sprnk his mind about tho N'ew Jersey LcKlsIa ture Itst week the I.oRlnlnturo ad Journed rspoclally to piy "Ullly" n vlrlt at the tabernacle The mem&ers pre schtcd "Ullly" With a beautiful Bible, n set of Wllion'fl "Hiietory of tho American I'eople" nnd the life of Thomas A. Edi son. 'Tho cansehst said that nil of his life lie would earrv tho pleasant memory of tho Jnrscy I.oi?lslaturrj. n was a or tallity nt that time that the. local option bill would bo def-ated. Last nlRlit he nttnrked the Legislature for bcatlmr the Mil "When a man stands up and il-fr mis the- s.i!or.n." ho sold, "ho forfelti tnv rrnpect I don't enro whether that man Is In the Senate or tho House, t'orhapa ho can set nlonfj without my respect, but I want him to know ho hasn't Cot It, anyway " Tho sermon wai as near to a comer Rational tone as Sunday could use When ho iravo the Imitation U trall-hlttcra 330 camn fnrwarel and tunl hli hand 500 V. 31. C. A. DELEGATES OPEN SESSIONS AT READING Princeton Man Chief Speaker at First Gathering nnADINO. Ta. Feb IS The Btftte convention of tho Y M. C. A. convened hero yesterday afternoon, with BOO dele pttcs In attendance The chief speaker of tho openlnir Katherlnt? was Ur, Charles It, Erdman, of Princeton Tho delegates assembled In T. M. C A. Hall, where they partook of tho hos pitality of the Ladles' Auxiliary In tho form of a convention supper. Fletcher S lirockman, of Now Tork city, uas nno of the speakers last tilRht. 110YS UHLD TOR CTM THEFTS Dealer in Second Hand Goods Accused of Buying Loot Stolen Jowelrs-, worth $103, nought for 3W nnd hidden In a wall, today resulted In tho holding of seven youths on a lnr ccny charge, and of a man, who li ac cused of purchaslni tho loot from two of them, who are minors The man, Morris I'Ure, a dealer In second-hand Roods, of 60S Callowhlll street, was held In JW) ball for court, and tho youths In 100 ball each for court by Magistrate Ileaton, nt tho 10th nnd Uut tonwood streets station Tho Jewe-lry, $;00 worth was stolen from the window of J. Walter Sheppnrd, CM North 10th street Special 1'ollccmen Kears" and Titus, who rruovorcrl most of It, said thev found tlOj worth tucked In a holo In a wall behind a calendar in I'uro's shop. Slate to Buy Toll Road HAItlttStUTIlO, Feb. IS - Negotiations for tho purchase of the Centre ami Klihaionulllas turnpike, a toll road 7 9 mlleM Ions- leading Into Itellefontn, hao been opemed by Stato Hlrthway Commls aloner CunnliiBham. Tho J IIkIim eiy Dr.. liartment has nppralied tho .nluo of tho turnpike nt SIT.cn, or nn nerago jirlco of J2230 a mile. PLAN TO GIVE LYON ROUSING SEND-OFF Collection of $10,000 Bein-j Made fA Evangelist Big Private Gifts Expected WILMINGTON, net , Iob. IS.-Prepara lions already are tinder way to rlvn Dr. Mllford II I.j on a rouslnir send-off when ho winds up his evnneclMIc rampilRn of seven weeks here Monday and departs for Camden, where he Is to continue his rellRlous emleivors. It Is planned to dontle tiD.fff) to the evnnuollst on Sundav, when tho collection is taken for his remuneration, and It Is further Intimated that thero will bo sev eral private cls of substantial sums Plans aro bclntt mule to hold a. service Monday at the Pennsylvania Hallway Station Just before the "Lyon" special pulls out for Ph'l.vlolphla. A Rreat throne Is expected. Rydal Boy Hurt Whllo CowUnTi In tho Ablnitton Illsh eehnt '... ,wtl Inff with companions on Vlneesr'Vn!' - '" "' "" control of i, sled and wns thrown arjalnst a ire, , ' was picked tip unconscious And bl.Mi from the noso and mouth. Pour uri. " "" "". nnd Dora M a mllo to tho Ablngton Hospital rW, Woodward, In charge at (hs 'ho,1 said tho boy may bo suffering from fractured skull. In addition to cut ' tho fnco and head, and Is In .... Cft condition. ttlm,t T 1 lum.Kecords Af Bands, Xylophonei,yLJi SonC, etc. Jl y V EVERYBODY'S,iooN.ioihS(. 1 Open i:tcnliiit. 1 pc?Kr'.-iavxia,-MjuiiiuiMaajixuj.ijajuuji iNiiMiriMi.niw ..in nn muf mm 1111 -'' "i 1 1 111 '"-r nmrm-'-Tin maTagnrnttragan isoern IIJOURS are leaden or golden, accordin' to what you put in 'em. A little VELVET will put a lot of gold into yo' hours. WW53&im& - jy ? i.'h tfWWMrWsv1.iirfWJriJ $01?$" 8W-W. kJE PVERY good quality of choice Ken tucky Burley tobacco is brought to perfect ion in VELVET by two years' ageing of the leaf. kxsm m Mid- AlM All Final Wind-Up Winter Sale Winter Shoes for Men, Women and Children at Marvelous Reductions 20 to 50 Savings WOMEN'S SHOES Were $5 to $8.50 $3.35 Were $4 to $6.50 $2.40 The season's buttoned or laced. smartest styles m black, All sizes among them. Including: New Tans Gunmctals Patent Leathers Cloth Tops Wero $3 to $5.00 $1.90 colors and combination!, were $4 $6 oqJO i 'i c 4 3 Satin Dance Slippers. Regular $3.50 Slippers; high and low heels, of fine quality satin, kid lined. Black and colors to match gowns $ $1.50 Silk Stockings to match, 90c pair 1 HALLAHAN'S -bm?B 1 11 ranch Bttrti Open Kitty tttnxno 919-21 MARKET STREET ( 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. ) 6604-06 Gcrmantcwn Ave. ( v GOth & Chestnut Sts. ( ( 274G-4e Germankcwn Ave. ) Market bt. fitoro Open Baturdar Erenlne Branch Slorit Opan Eirm tfiniri; Only Left On Washington'3 Birthday our stores will be closed, so you have only nine days left in which to take advantage of our February Clearance Sale. Extra salespeople have been provided to give you prompt attention at all of our stores. On March first the appliances are returned to the regular prices from 20 to 50 saved by buying now. The sale includes ranges of the Cabinet (high oven) type, modern art brackets for every room in the house, table lamps, glassware, semi-indirect light ing bowls, and many other gas appliances. Remember, some prices are cut in half, but you must buy before March first. The appliances aregoing fast, so the earlier you come the better selec tion you will have to choose from. Easy payments on all appliances if you desire. ' A Special Bargain The No. 467 Eclipse Cabinet Gas Range that we have sold at $22.75 has been specially priced for this sale. It has large roomy baking and broiling ovens with closet under the top burners for pots and pans. A modern Gas Range in every particular. During This Sale Only $1 A.75 There are also other gas ranges equally modern and up-to-date at special prices, such as the No, 665 Eclipse Range, 1 8-inch ovens, roomy broiler, white enamel door panel, white enamel drip pan, complete with plate shelf. Regular Price $31, During Sale $26 More expensive ranges at attractive reductions. All ranges in this sale are subject to 5 discount if paid within 30 days. You Can Have that beautiful soft, mellow light only obtained by semi-indirect lighting at a very small cost. It is the latest development in artistic home lighting. We have included in the sale a number of semi-indirect bowls all of good design, It is impossible to describe them to you and do them justice. Come in and see for yourself. They are real bargains, All Table Lamps at 20 to 3313 Less Lamps with pottery and porcelain vases, in hammered brass, in bronze and in mahogany. The pottery and porcelain vases are adaptations of Oriental works of art and are equipped with hand-painted silk shades conforming in design to the vases, Boudoir lamps that will set off the bedroom to advantage. Brass lamps -have porcelain shades finished in a rich bronze color. Some lamps have bowls or pedestals and shades finished in green, some in brown to match the furnishings beautiful designs for the den. A few floor lamps in mahogany with silk shades at special prices. Sale prices range from $3,50 up. I Lighting Fixtures Reduced Fixtures for residence lighting from the most elaborate design to the simp! bracket. This is your opportunity to get new fixtures for the various rooms in your house at about half the regular Pr,ce': All of these fixtures arc modern and will he placed on sale at regular prices after March 1st. Special brackets for inverted lamps REGULAR PRICE, $1.25 DURING SALE 75 2-light brackets for inverted lamps REGULAR PRICE, $2.25 DURING SALE, 1-50 A big assortment of brackets in brushed hrass and other finishes at special prices during the sale. Glassware of all kinds, including some imported designs some in color, son plain. There are still a few silk shades for table lamps in colors and some tew cretonnes left. Take advantage of the special pn? during this sale. Theae goods for sale by our representatives and at all our showrooms as follows: Broad and Arch Streets 135-37 South 52nd Street 4236 Main St., Manayunk. 1 706 North Broad Street Broad and Tasker Streets Germantown & Maplewood Aves, 2209-1 1 North Front Street 4419 Frankford Avenue N, W. Cor. 1 3th & Cherry Sts, THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY CSV-WtMl rsj'.'i m 1 I f 'l a