S5555S55?5i55S5?w?w55B?8S5w? ivjIfwhh w t in fiyjuM - J lPVT Ujuya, i 18 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1910. HELP WANTED MALE chair framkrs wanted. AITLY 241 iBWUTH iSTII ST. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. A wis. John A Scott's James uobson, inc. jiianitet . lane. Falls of Bchuylkl 1 1. bo NTRACTOn WANTED OS SILK WAISTS! one AcmrsTnMnn in tinmn noon wmicr, nNi.v Tiirwn wttri .viirt Aitsn. lutely iieliahlh need Arri.Y. ITOIIK ai.ii vwaii ROUND, m LEDOF.R OFFICK. 021, CUTTER Wanted, n custom shirt cutter; Rood opening tor right man. Allentown Shirt Co., 1W North flth Hi., Allentown. Fa. pntESMAN-Muft bo familiar stokers; reference required, nve and Calumet st. with . Murphy Apply Itldio GARDENER wanted for place In suburbs; wlfo willing to do laundry work, cnttngo on plice: apply between 2 and .1, C. I, llorle. 13n S. IMh lit. . K"iT COMPOSITOR First-class hand named: ntato age, experience and wnges expected, tend. Job alt tho jear round. O 202, lod.Off. LOOM FIXER, first class, Apply John James yonson. ine. Hlankct Mills, Falls of Schuylkill. Scott's lane, WKN wanted to work In shipping department of wallpaper factory Ileckcr, Smith ft P.iRe, Water and Snvder nve. OFFICE MAN Mtis't be nulck and accurate and experienced In grnoril of lice work, good reference and full details 1' 12.1, Lodger ofrice, OFFICE HOY wanted by electrical supply house, excellent opportunity for advance- mcnt. Apply ins N lothst. OFFICE HOY. good penman, to loam business: stale age and experience Jollt-edgcrOfL urnci, HOT wnnteil tn run errands; i per wk. AjmJyJIorroek Iron W'ks., 211 N. Ilroad. FV.PKR CUTTKU. first "class, wanted: ono familiar with writing palter stork, cardboard, ! J' I.1A Ledger Of dec SALESMAN - lllgh-ctass specialty imn to travel eastern 1M. , sitars. expenses: oppor tunity for man nf abllltv and hutter. Wrllo full partlcularsfor Interview, f tH, Lod.orf RAtESMAN on large suhurhnn properties sal ary snd commission, state oxpcrlenco and sal ary wanted. J TV), Lodger Ccnlril. SALESMAN wanleil hv a hrgo manufacturing and Jobbing house state ngo nnd experience. address C 112, Ledger tlfOi'o . SALESMEN Several men who possess tho nbttlty 'o sell goods, not lust order takers: good future I21XMI to $3000 a sear. C "(PI, Ledger Office BALT2SMKN experienced, wanted that can handlo a hlgh-gmdo proposition; Investigate. .. Address 11 444, ledger Central. 8BW1NO MACHINE FIXI1R Al man, expert, enced, kult underwear, state age. experience, ..salary expected. M rial, LcdgerOfflce. sexton a prf-shyterian church dif- hiiies a bhxton give age, f.xphhi- nNCE. reference p ni. i.i;n. office. BHOPMI2N Wanted. 2 all-around box shopmen, having experience on nailing mnihlnis, pie. fembly the Dolg nailing machine cxpcrlonrpd men necessary. Ap by letter, 1' lis. Led. Off. SHOEMAKERS WANTED - In order to In crease the 'cnpaclty of our factory owing to tho fact that n lot of our men havo enlisted In the 111th Hattallon. wo rcqulro Tho fol lowing help; Cutters. Instera and turn men: steady employment and best wnges: no labor itoudio; tueai conditions to work under. Aonly 1L u. woDcr. caro liclty u Scott. Ltd., Gait, Ontnrlo, Canada. STENOGRAPHER, young man, Christian, about 18 years of age, good at composition and English: opportunity to learn banking. Address, stntlng experience and silary ex pected. O 201. Ledger Office, Bl'VEHVISINO POnTEIt-A high-class rhest nut st. establishment needs a whlto man enp ablo of directing cleaning force, nunllflra "ons, fairly good cducntion. good build, nbnut n.it,8 In,, nnd must wear uniform: under 40: absolutely rcllablo and not afraid of work; trustworthy mechanic desiring change might nil position satisfactorily, give references in . letter. J .in. Lodger Central. TECHNICAL SALESMAN wanted: tn handlo fr.i-( iMiiiipuiK macnincry in I'nnnaeipnia en with previous experience preferred, i? Jjm lajuKeriJince. UIIIIP, TRAFFIC MAN, familiar with Philadelphia mviii iiiuuiin, .n mi, isfiiRFr rnirai. WAITER Colored head waiter for school in country: J10 per wck: experienced and in telligent: reference. Call beforo 10 a. m. 7S. 41st St. rt ANTLD Tno all-around box shop men hav ing expcrlenro on mailing machine: prefer ably the Dolg mailing mnehlne, experienced men necessary. Apply by letter to C 20S. . Ledger Office WANTED A bright boy for general office .work. Address P 12.'.. Ledger Office WIHEMAN wanted. 222 Arch st. WORSTED card room help. CARL GRUn vH X- SON. 2d and Erlo aye. TOUNO MAN, preferably college, to take charge of boys In charitable Institution In suburbs and Instruct In all brum lies of ath letics and 'outdoor play. Apply fully. C 1211. IxMlger Office "YOUNG MAN. bill clerk nnd general oftlce work: neat appearance, state salary and gto reference. C 20. Ledger Office. TOUNO MAN In draughting room; manual training graduate preferred: state full rar tlculars. P 12ll. Ledger Offlce. At H HAVE a very unusual oppor tunity ' for n flrat-rloss Insurance solicitor: permanent connections. An Independent bustno s nnd future Tor the right man. Replica treated strictly confidential M MI. LEDGER CENTRAL General BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE DUILOINO COST ACCOUNT. Jl.WO. ROOKKF.EPRRS, several. 2U to 2S. SALES CORRESPOND ENTS. $73 to JUKI per month. CLERKS, lev. eral. Sill to ft.-, STENOGRAPHERS, several. 12 to IIS. ROLLING MILL MAN FOR DE SIGNING. DRAUGHTSMEN, mechanical nd structural. SALESMEN, several, sheet metal, billing machines: ofllce furniture, text a boks. etc. SPECIAL A U T O M O It I I. i: Instruction given, day nnd night, hy expert mechanics at the oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing, Wiring nnd l') Road Lessons at a very malt cost. Oil NORTH RROAD ST. V. PETZ. 029 NORTH llltOAD STREET Oil Ilobertton's Old Original Auto School, Teaches youuiow to repair and how to drlvo nutns. ni NORTH RROAD STREET U SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ATTENDANT'S position wanted by a loung woman; reference. Please call or write. 70U B. IHth St.. Phlladelph la UOOKKKKPER and stenographer wants posi tion: correct, quick romp . mod. sal.; H yrs.' . ref. last employer. J 212. Ledger Centrul. CHAMBKKWOltK. light, and nsslst with chMd ren irel lable Eng girl. II 2:u Led. Off. CJIAilUEHWORK and waiting Experienced. whlte. Call IIUH Chestnut St.. Room 2'I.V CLERK Good penman, quick nt figures; 5 years' excel, exp. J 13S. Iadger Central. CLEnK. experienced tn general office work; .. neat, willing: it. J IIW.JedgeLCentrul COMPETENT white woman desires conking and downstairs work;best rcf.. stato work, fam lly and wages In letter. C 2n, Ledgerpffice. COMPANION AND SECRirrARY MIDDLE AO'Di GOOD IIOMH RATHER TN t HIGH WAGES. I'HONK SOMERTON 77 R. COMPANION, nurse to elderly lady or gentle man; English I'rot. Oermnntow n 77d J COOIC chambermaid and waitress and child nurse. tbre Hvvedlsh Protestant girls wish places together. Call tSOX Chestnut st.. Room -05 from 11 toi12-oj'clnck. for II days. COOK with excellent references, desires po sition': If possible sleep at home. 1U2:S N 11th " Phone Poplar I1MU W. COOK OR HOUSEKEEPER White; Prot. ; country woman; uesires position; oesi ret. ; exjrlencert. llor juj. rtorin nies. ra. VOOK Experience"! white woman. Chestnut Itlll preferred. II Jan. larger uan COOK, plain, or laundry work; colored weman. i aviao uerrnt at DHKSSMAKEH wants eng"m'ts. 2 50 dally; ref 8603 Ledger Ur.. 60th and Olrard. PETEYPetey Comes Into a Nice Gold Watch and Chain - ..,, ..- - - . i ..-. I.. . .1 .-- , -. . .. . - , i ii i ii .1 . 3 x c iv.ij- 00 K,DS x " eEJ S Des'vSmt A wl ' ( Vo THAT A6AIM Poi,,ce' S') -- DeVrp- i Pl-ce-Vo ETCM ViEVlID (?) (Let'Im)" I AMD lu Have , ) f , M-s ( nH,! J I -Pouice! V DE CoODS V V.oh&'; ,r,-rasasasasilBL . 3tfalalalalalalalab. & ,. mmBsbm.,.-? ,... V -- ---aa.. --',,TmMM6Sttiruy'- '-- -- fn-Tlliyift-ail.- - . - - i - 'an-.iiMaalalalalalalalalaWaW, . . . .... ,:iM SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LADY'S MAID Young woman. aropcl. dress maker; ex-ierlenced nnd reference. II '!-'! . Ledger Office. . LAUNDRESS, private; capable German s bent rererenco suburbs. Call niw N. faiw rence st MOTIIFIt'A daughter- r.ntlro work nf housoi city. Call, .1 days, ltoom 20.. 008 Chestnut st. MTnrTAjcTiTllRliTliti; 11 If Walnut, desires school work; prlv. pupils, contersat'l metho I'ltlVATB HECIUTTAUY- IMucatcil oung wo man, flvoyears with present emploier. desires position. Is competent stenographer, book keeper nnd accustomed, to general corre spondence nnd charge of nffUe, exceptional refs. ghen and rcoiilred. V inn. ledger Off. l'HOQFIIlIAOnit, with Ift years" experience In book nnd Job work, wishes position, or will prepare copy and rend proof at home. iCpii. .. Ledger Centtal. . 8i:AM8Tlti:ss or lady's maidNeat, refined girl wlhes po". "' H lilh.Ilck IWISY. SECItETAHY and i orrefpondent."thorniighly familiar with office manngement, stenog raphy, typewriting bonkkeeiilng and ndcr tlslng work. 11 tii2 LedgerCentrnl. . SECIlKTAllY-STliNOOfl M'HEU- Itlgh school graduate. It) rs ' rxp In secretarial anil Kn. commeridalwork II Mt. Leil.tept. STnNdOttAriir.lt. expert. I jcars' exp ; nun!" fled for secretarial work. .1 2.n . Le.t. cent HTENOOHAI'llElt. high slIipoI training. 2 jMirs'exp jrapld, acuralf.l ina. Le,l. cent, TIW.EI'llONi: OI'IIUATOII flerk. thornugTlly exp. ; cap., desires pes! J 2,'s Led i ent. TELEI'llONn nperntor. !1 i ears' experience! prefers prhate branch. J Ill.'l, Leilger Cent. WoTlAN. lofored. wnnts thambermald or wait ing or half-time work 2IS Niunlnln. Yot'Nfl LADY, nicninpllshed plpo nrgnnlst or pianist, desires perinnnent or substitute posi tion for nyitlnn pbtures. exp Din. L'n'iJ J YOL'NO LADY, cxporlcnceil In filing, itesircs cxporlenceil In filing, d .1 I'M. Ledger Central. pox. ns clerk SITUATIONS WANTED MALE r.VEHY IlfSINKSS MAN SIIOl'LD READ THIS Man with large ami successful advertising experience would like to devote evenings to doing this work at home, planning utinpnlgns, an! advertising mailers fctriulars. booklets, etc. for business ilrms or Individuals; having no ofllce rent. It will iwv von tn let mo wrllo jour copy. It tllli, Ledger Central. ADDITINO big nnd llule -dnnn by responsible man. M J!12, ledger ortlce .U'TOMOIttl.i: DEM'lNSTRATOIt Young man with selling experience desires opportunity to make gon.l with local nistrin iltor. C 1.11, Ledger oriUe. llOOlCKEEPI'.R ami nccountnnt. 3S. IS nr experience; best references. II Iifn,f.pl. JcnL IIOOKKEEPER or nsslstant: hlch school grnd : qiickiuid accurate figures lil!LLM1orf. n)OKKEni'ER nnd necoiiiitnnt -wauta work rvrnlnns. II st-class rcf. c rw. ledger Office. HOOK KEEPER wishes po,- exp.. stock brolt crage business preferred. .1 ."'!, I.etlgcr Central. III'TLER Young colored mnn wnnts poslllnn. irlvntefiindlv beatjef II Ills. Ledger Cent. Cll vrrrnrit-MECIIANlC Irlsh-Amcrlcnn, II veara' exp: efficient mechanic, thorough, exp. driver. Mn., It. I. N. .1. Pa. licenses: International pass. Including English. Irish. Scotch licenses, Irreprn irhablo refs.: Just dis engaged: oh.irncter ami ability enn bear strictcsMnvcstlgatlon. .1 2J(i Loilgcr Central. CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly tellable, aged DO, married, practical; in vrs. shop and road experience ilcslres slttiitlnn. Phono Dickin son .Tiiw't W.'IIiomnsMc(llrr. CHAEFFEl'lt, colored, wishes position, prl ate or commercial, I cars exp.: best of reference. Address I His Mantnn ct. m CHAlTFEl'lT. thor.. married, careful driver, reliable In evcrv respect, wlslirs pos.: excel, icfs of long stand.; mod. wages. Cl"n. L. O CHAiJITEril. white, single, vvlsliea pos.: 7 v cars' exp.: best ref Dickinson l02 CIIAHPFEril Young man. mat rled, white, own repairs; best rcf. 2.' N. Hambrr. CIVIL ENGINEER, Riudtiate, 2d, goorl ap pearance. !3 ears' exper. lomrete, general construction alul promotion work. dee. lor. with manufac. or contractor. II 'Ho. l.ed.Ccn. CIVIL ENGINEER. .12, now "omptnjeil. knnnP edgo of Spinlph. Lapable and oxpcrlen"Pd In ftov. cnginicrlng. also thoinughly familiar wltli steel Industry. 11 "I t. Ledger 'ntrnj GARDENER, marrlerl, wlshca private place, thoroughly understands greenhouses and out sido work; Ufetlino experience, Al reference. Ilox Win, Anlmnre. Pa. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. designer and chief dniuglusman. exp. with several largo mfg. companies, wl.le nngc nf Itnpertnnt ma chinery, designs. est rstltnates, srie' Idea tions, contracts and unlet, open for cngage ment. J HI. Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGER Excellently equipped bv mole than II vears successful experience to lompetentlv act In capailty of asst, to executive, gen'l or salea manager, credit man or purchasing ngt. : per sonal experience In selling, bujliic. iredlts, collections, auditing: loiato anvwlicre: ago 35, niarrhd. Addtcss J .",11, Ledger Central. PRIVATE SECRETARY", thoroughly exp. In salea department work. Jll, 1 edger iVntral. SALESMAN-Inside or traveling pns : handle nnv starlj line: prercr lianlwiin machinery, tools, etc.; ,-, yrs.' exp. builders' haiduaro, oung man; good education J HI), lavl Cent. SALESMAN, thoroughly rxp . has traveled Eastern States and British I-dos, desires nn ncctlon with flrst-clnsi mnnufiii liner or Job ber: best icffrences. ,f ..!. Leilcer Central. SALESMAN and executive, with business ex perience, desires position n quiring nn edu cate.! hustler with personality, tact and good nddress. C Kin. Ledger office. STENOGRAPHER Young man. I J ears' exp., des. sec'nl or hrokerage pos. .1 2ll.Led. Cent STENOGRAI'HER-Ilookkeepcr "desires wrk ciiuikh nr Djiunia . exp. a :(u, i.ea. tent. YOUNG IlT'S!NES.iIAN. nge mri.lt.nl i-iiutiuiuii. it-puijiii'in nnq exp.. iiesues con nection with rel. house, stenngruvhlcal nr ilerltal: wants chance Immo. .1 2..l,ITeil. Cent. YOI NO MAN, excellent education, good breed ing nnd unqualified references, desires sec retarial position. J If.!!. Ledger Central. YOIJNO MAN. with s jenra' experience In pressroom and composition, desires opening In offlcn of small printing house, cond refs.. salary moderate. J 240. Ledger Central. Y'OUNO MAN.'relfablo "would like position In office of binkrr, rniiivav or novitlon of trust, references. R. J. s i ,02 1 w a 1 n i us L YOUNG MAN. with .' wars' "business exp., good education, knowledge, of i-alesmnnslilp, desires position. S . ITU Ri hmnnil st A LIVE WIRE HUSINESS MAN A middle-aged gentleman of extended general buslners experience widely ac quainted, desires n vonnectlon commen surate with his ability, ns ho Is a high class salesman nnd competent to man age, good presence, fluent ami persuislvo talker In good English, well oducnlrd, good mixer and best reputation; circum stances require his resldento In Phlla. ; highest references given hero anil Den ver, Col.: mechanical lino preferred, J 231, Ledger Central. AMERICAN, n.1. married, with R years' exp. In Mexico, desires position with established export ami Import firm doing business in South America, will travel or becomri resi dent representative In nny South American country; completo knowledge of Spanish nnd wide ixp. In bulng nnd selling Iti-I-uIn-Atnerlcan countries: university education; highest references. Address X Y 55, P. O. IUx 78. Phlla., Pa. WHEN MAY I SEE YOU? A college education, threo gears' publishing nnd trade Journal experience ami a thorough knowledge of business methods lead tne tn seek n connection In tho advertising held. Write J it til. ledger Central. AN ASSURED FUTURE and fair salary de sired by a young man having 10 years' experi ence In bookkeeping, auditing, accounting., appraising and special detail work. J 3 IS, ledger Central. HIOII-&LASS MAN. with 11 yeara' road and office experience, desires Inside executive po sition, where strong liking for details Is re quired. J IS'.'. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT ACrEtfOIES MftS. MlNZLAFr. IMH Christian at.. .Dick. MB Help of nil capacities nanttal and sup ptleil: French-Oermnn nursery governess wishes to go South. . CHAMnKtlMAlDS, . ehlldnurses, . housework girls, rooks, girls for pailtry nnd Institution work. Miss lloso Dougherty, till W.OIrnrd ay. MM. KANI'n fill S. inth. wants Mrst-cttss help with reference, character and ability, first-class families Spruco Hint. . COOK-CIIAIiIH:IIMAII. nrst class, Protes tant, wishes situation, no ohlectlon tn coun- try. ."ill S f lit li st spruco :lioi. . MISS MAHY T MeCAHTIIY, 210T. Christian (I-oe. 1.TI1), supplies ft wants lst-clnss Trot., Cath. male and fcmnln help. nllnaUonalltles. rniltlt'SON'M 111 S. 121b, has light colored roiinl from Virginia for housework: good reference, l'hone Walnut -1014. . NicitoLt.s, lnjii iiAi.vnitiDfin sT.-coMrn- TENT Illit.I'. ALL NATS I'HN. I.OC. 2110 AUTOMOBILES For Sale sitAbotvs tuiFoith Imllffttlons point to the greatest riV mnnd for enrs tho coming spring known to the automobile Industry. THAT MEANS llinillMl I'llICES Automobile materials nre going tip In prlco nnd getting scarcer every day. THAT ALSO MEANS HIOIIER PRICE Some manufacturer Ivvvo already ln creased their iirlccs. Therefore IT WILL FAY YOt? TO lllfV A USED CAR AT ONCU IN SELECTINO A 1'RF.I) CAR YOU - III: I'ltOTECTED AtlAtNSl' MIS; Jllll'RliSENTATlONS WHEN YOtT JJUY FROM US CADIMAC AUTOMOtllLE SALES CORPORATION 112 NORTH BROAD SV. nnAL RAROAINS IN ROOD St'ltSTANTIAL USED CARS Taltcn In part exchange for COLE ORANT Also Demonstrating Cars. Slightly Used. These ears nre In first-claps condition and nro ready for demonstration nt nny time. NOW IS THE TIME TO I1UY AND SAVE L. S. ROvVERS CO. 2t,V2l7 NORTH HROAD ST. D1STRI11UTORS COLE GRANT BARGAINS IJOZIER LIMOUSINE EXTRA TOURING I10DY SIN NEW 'HUES GOOD CONDITION .. . COST. S71UU. PRICE. $n00. t.O.IER LAKEWOOD TORPEDO ItHJ It D. MODEL PEIlFEl'T ( ONDITION CO.ST. .-H)'l; PRICE. $000. SIMPLEX 'lOUnlNG .'IS SIIAbT DRIVE RECENTLY OVEIIIfAt'LED COhT. .-i7.Ml; PRICE, $111011 PEERLESS TOURING t-.'l.1 MODEL GOOD CONDITION COST. lutm: PRICE. S.iOO MITCHELL ROADSTER tit I il-o Under MODEL IF VERY GOOD CONDITION co.st. Sisr.u: price. iou FIAT MOTOR COMPANY OF PA. Spr. 211" 1K27chcstnut st. CADILLAC 1011 a.cvlln.ler rhassis. rimipned With Snrincfleld meinl body. This car Is very rultnldo for winter work being similar tn a Sedan, nnd cm le opened up the mmc na a touring car for summer work. Upholstered In light whip cord. Car Is lu exi client mechanicnl londl tlon: newly painted tlies lino. Price Slloo. 2.11 1 Mnrket St ' ' Locust 1.10. H A. .IENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE I1UICK. sin-ill car $.100 STUDEIIAKER '"ll." starter inn MAXWELL, touring firm FORD, touting: !!"." CORD, loadster 27r E. M. F 27." E M. V J.V) PHILADELPHIA SALES CORPORATION Itroad nml Callow hill sts. LOCOMOIilLi: mil LIMOUSINE Can furnish ixtri touring body If desired. This tar has bien thoioughly rebuilt, re painted end guaranteed In every respect the same as new Price as Llmnusluo sSsrai. Can furnish u new .".-pass. Touring bodv uliii this car, pi'nted to nitieli. Prlco of oulllt complrtu with two bodlis KK.Mfl. I.DCOJlOllil.E '.-311 Mnrlet St Locust ISO II. A. JUNKS, Mgr. Evchango Car Dept. jny.inn inn limousine " Willi exlra Touring bodv: equlpned ulMi self-stnrtir ami elcctilc lights; novvlv pnlnt cil, excellent tire equipment: In line sh no mechanically This I a very pretty littlo limousine. a tho llmouslno body Is now mounted nnd Is suitable for private usn or hiring for funeral work. Come In und look It over. LOCOMOIIH.H 2311 Mnrket ht. Locust -l.'0 11. A. .llNKS. .MRr.Exch.wTgu Car Dept. ELECTRIC COUPE, seating -I, In excellent condition: uitrnctlvo body nnd finish, at tho ridiculous!) I'ivy tlguro of j;-,n If isold lm- nedlatelyl'linLedgcr Ofllce. .MARMON. nil'.': in llrst-rlnss condition: jTist overhauled and repainted. It. J. IIOWLEY, am N. Ilroad st. ! PACKARD. 1UIIS. excellent mechanical condl tion; seven-tinssencer touring car; price. S150. 'I. C. MOSER 2111 N. Dread st. JM1GE nil."., It-Ill, overslia tires: driven -tono nilles: will sel) reasonable. Phono Locust loll OAlfl.AND TmriiTNG sv,n 1011 Stuilebaker touring f,oo GOMERY SCIIVVARTZ. 2.VI N. Rroad St. 11)1.1 J'AIGE fl-411, In perfect condition: botp7 tialnted spcclnl color, am going South Im mediately and desire tn dispose of car prior to leaving city; an attractive price. P lit ledger Oftlie. lilLI STUDEIIAKER. d-c 1-cvlinder. In excellent P 128, Ledger Ofllce condition; price 4.iii. 1UII FORD ItoAD.STER. fully equipped. S200. ilnulevard Garage. 1,00 bouth Ilroad st. TWO USED auto car trucks. 1 ami V, ton rapacity also I il-cyllnder touring car, all In first-class condition, newly painted. For further Information write M. L. ALLEN. F.Iks' Club Inillillnsr Rochester N Y ' ANY PART TO UUILD OK REPAIR A CAR. hCHOIIER. 3311-15 MARKET. BEND FOR FREE mil.LETIN" OORSON AUTO EXCI f ANOE. 238 N. nROAD Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! Ivew garuge opened ; curs bouaht. sold and exchanged; accessories, new and old; cour teous assistants expert mechanicians. COME SEE US Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 1111 H. Rroad. Phlla. VVANTED-OLD AUTOS FOR PARTS. n.1 -a AUU low UIHl, WE PAY up In Jlllil for old uutns. Oarage. Bit N. l'Jth. Phone 0813. Poplar Repairing Autos Ledger readers are interested in knowing who can quickly repair cars for them. Remember 70 of the automobile owners of Philadelphia read the Public Ledger 6r Evening Ledger. Seize this excellent op portunity. Place a Clas sified Ad in tomorrow's papers. It will bring worth-while business. Call, phone or write Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 mT-TTmm AUTOMOBILES Wnnlril WANTED-nt.D M"IOM FOR .tt'NK. Ml N. .1DST. PIION PARK II5S. . OLD nnlns wnnteil. nnv nge nr condition, pries, DoiiKhertv. isir, N. itith Ph. Dlnmnnd 33JJ. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAC3ES TO 1IIRF mtien day nml night), brand-new fi.pasH. tour, inr, with robes, m.2.1 lir. : also brand-new 7-pass. Ilmnustne, xl.rai hr. : Wed dlngs. ftinetnls Poplar lilt" W.ITlBJllriiril. FULTON GARAGE ftlD. FEI.TO.V AND GIRARD AVE. rnoNi: helmont inn AUTO REPAIRING ? SPEEDOMETER TROUHLES 7 Seo HILLY at his new location, nil) NORTH HROAD ST. CYLINDERS REHORED. new pl'tons and rings rurnisncd wcniings nnn nrazing. ii. i. Underwood & Co 102.1 Hamilton at.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES -I1EARINOS- New Departure Service Stn. The Gwllllam Co, 1S14 Arch st Phones Walnut 3407. Rnce nor,2. AUTO TIRES TOLLMAN TIRES Guaranteed toon miles. Compare prices. ORIM'S. 2fin N. Ilroad nt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPITAL A manufacturing company estab lished l&s'l. hnvlng innoii nctlve ac counts: enles In toi.1 Increased 28 over previous vcar. having K brnnch offices nnd !t. salesmen, nre com pelled lo Increase their manufactur ing inpacliv hence needing addi tional working capital. We will offer stock of our company heretofore held exclusively bv our own families to outside Investors In blocks of S.'Oim) or more. Preferred stock 70 cumu lative, common stock earning 20. Will sell nt tnr ono shnrn of common wltli cai Ii share of pieferred Rook value of stock way above par. Will consider an nctlvo business man to net ns treasurer, with $100 000 to Invest: references, Dun'n nnd llrnd strcct's Name nf company nnd financial statement given to respon sible party only. M, "3s. Ledger Central. 1 OWN A FACTORY In tho heart of Philn . few blocks from railroad freight station: 18,000 sq. ft. Double entrance on two streets: small nmount cash required: will tnko stock In flrst-class corporation for bnlance. M "17, Ledger Central. WANTED Pnrty to Join me wllh $100,000 to buy going woolen mill; ,10 of the npprniscd value; 0 months' orders nhcid: .10 n yeir net pronts: will deal with principals only. M 712, Ledger Central. AUTOMOniLH manufacturers wdth unquestionable uattnnnl reputntlon wnnt party with nbnut $10,000 to Join them In the manufacture of n enr to sell for lesa than $3,10. Ad dress Manufacturer, M 74!, Ledger Centrnl. WANTED IMMEDIATELY'-Investor with $10,00u. tn act ns treasurer of a $200,000 proposition; Investment guaranteed: good ilary: must bo ac tive nnd come well recommended. M 715, LEDGER CENTRAL EXPERIENCED promoter. Influ ential financial connections, open for engagement on n proposition of merit: references demanded; will deal with principals onlv. M 350, L15DOUR CENTRAL. BUSINESS established 30 years; stock earning largo dividends; limited amount of sto(.k for aalo Address Carroll O. Sparrwardt, 4201 Park sldo avc. PATENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIGE. 714 Walnut St.. Phlla., mechanical and electrical engi neer; registered patent attorney; established here 30 yeara; Inventions developed; patents, trademarks., copyrights secured and liti gated anywhere; rejected applications prose cuted; preliminary advice free. ESTAHLlSHEDdry .goods . location Corner store und dwelling: J very lar-" storerooms, II) large rooms. 4 small rooms, modern: cement cellars, ynnl and sidewalk; 3 en trances; steam heat, bargain to close an ac count: easy payments If desired Apply In morning. Owner. Iran Oermantown ave. THIS ought tn Interest, any man who with or wtlhout services, desires to add $3.1 n "LI ensh weekly profits to his present income. $K,uO will buy business established 4.1 vears, doing business with best people in wealthiest section of Philadelphia. O 110. Ledger Office. FOR SALE CONTENTS AND LEASE OF THE MOST EXOUISITEI.Y FURNISHED AND SELECT APARTMENT HOUSE ON NORTH HROAD ST : 1(1 ROOMS 11 11ATIIS: PAYS A1IOUT $1000 Y'ni.V. P 1117. LE DOER OFFICE. AUTOMORILK proposition of unusual attrac tiveness; opportunity bright, joung, active, reliable business man, with services, to step into safe, healthy eorp'n; fill vac. board of directors: Invest. $.1000, secured: eood Income assured; full. Inves. at Int'w. M 2 HI, Led. Cent. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ut'StNESS MAN AN!) BALES MANAGER, EXPERIENCF.r, HAVING NEW YORK OFFICE, Wll.r! REPRESENT nESI'ON SIHI.E CONCERN IN THAT TERRITORY. . .1 210, LEDGER CENTRAL, , CAPITAL wanted to form corporation to pur chase nsscts nnd good will nf long-established mercantile business Real estate nnd other tangible nsscts worth moro than J.Mi.noo Details: nt Interview WjMAUTIN. I' O. Itox ,'t Phlla.. FA; OLD-ESTAI1LISHED GROCERY. DOINO flW i'i; t vvi;i.it; ai.i i .vnii iuiMfli.ptia DELIVERY. ALL STORE TILtDE. MOSf' UP-TO-DATE STORE . IN. .CITY PRICE. Sl.-.nil CASH P inn. LEDOF.lt OFFICE LOANS NEGOTIATED nn legacies Inheri tances, estntrs, stocks, bond securities, ware house receipts, rnv mntrrlil, notes, bills nnd accounts receivable L. N. RtrSENIIAUM, go Wall st New York, . OENTLF.MAN Hebrew, single, 40 to 41. wanted, of good nppoirnnre; must be of good standing, to give part time ns overseer of cuecessrul meiinntfle business, ono In bus ness for hi nisei f preferred, C POT, Ledger orf2 YOt'.VO ATTORNEY, preferably one Just ad mitted tn bar. who Is In wnnt of practice nnd desires to estnhtlsh himself, we have nn excellent proposition If von have n small amount of cash tnlnvest. C 1,12 Led Off, DOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY . . , Widow desiren to rent well-equlppeil physi cian's office to relffible doctor: bcneilt of established prnctbe. 2020 N. nth st. , WANTEIU'APAItLi: PARTY TO " TAKE FULL CHARGE OF DINING ROOM IN SMALL HIGH-CLASS APT. HOUSE, NO INVESTMENT REQ. PH. POPLAR l"aWi UUHINESS mnnor wnmnii wnnteil with SI3 tiw lo investigate Invention which makes wnr Impossible and has great com. possibilities Untervjew solicited. Ad.H 41,1, lavi. tnt Tins MANSOM ST Restaurant, "must be sold this month: cheap rent: seating cnpa-lty. 10": everv thing new nnd up-to-date for quick Fervlre. DMlf'I'TIVi; OFFICER wanted for Incnrpor nted manufacturing concern In Phlla ; must Invest nt least tAOOO, Ilox 12S. Postofflce, Wilmington. Del. MAN Investing $20in can secure Bond-paving pnslllou. with Foiurllv nnd good interest on hlsjnnnoj. P 201, Ledger ofllce $2." YOUNG .fAN can have half-lntcrestf lii glowing inrloon school for nbovo amount. .1 llll. Ledger Central. ' VICTOR .l.'EVANS ,ti CO. Patent Attorneys, Wnshlngton, f). C. . Write Tor ilecrlptlvebookle. U S, PATENT of merit for snlo" (outright); will nci'cpl rcasonabto offer. Goolnlk, IHlii Cbeslnut st. PWlTNEtt WANTED nctlve nr silent, to Invest SHumn real esialo holding i ii. u monevsecured. L 111. Id Off. ADVERTISE-2I) "words III lll monthlies. i7 100 weeklies. $2..n. 20 Sunday papcra. $3; ln all. $s. Cope Agcncv, St. Louis. PICTURE THEATRE, J2VI0: terms, earns J7.1 upward weekly, trlil, booming Incatlon; no coinprtlton; Investigate, llarrlst. 201 N.llruad. J.1 A MONTH Etcurrn Interest In growing or- i bird, will be prndui lug beforo tmld for JjlARRY DARLINGTON, 1120 Chestnut st. PAINT in inufai tilling i hint nnd business for sale Simth 'imii Mukrl t . Phlla, Pa lVunteil MANUFACTURER or machinery and metal produi is has capa Itv for odd'l lines engineer ing or mech, spot I illlrs. ti 21. Ledgcc Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING CLOTHES LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS DEL1W .V CALLED FOR FREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 2'I3 OPEN EVENINGS TO HIRE LEIDNER'S. WTI1 .t GIRARD AV.. S.W.COR. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by clectrolvsls, the only pcrimncnt wav. Evcbrows arched. MISS SMITH, 102 Keith Theilrc Illdg. Miss Hoppe. h ilnlrosser, facial in issTge.man lcur'g,Jorni. Mint Arcade, with Mlsa Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutawavs. Tuxedos and Sack Suits To biro nnd mado to order, NEURAUER. THE TAII.OR. 1!l N. Oth st. Roll phone. Walnut 2018. FFHH AND FUR CO T8 nltered and repaired; reasonable prices: work manship guarintced Send postal or phone Hel mont s.li I w. CHAS .1 UOOSS. .1117 Arch st. . W'lll call nnd gtvo estimate. FULL DRFSS TUXEDO. FROCK AND'ctlT AWAY SUl'IS TO HIRU AI.I. NEW STYL ISH GOODS LARGE ASORT'T SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Glrard nve . phn. Poplar 0.112. DIAMONDS FOUGHT Dank reference. Appraisement. . ll.Vlllll vv . W.VII III. ,, MAwIJ.Vl tsi. CLAIMS of nnv drstrlptlon collected on per centage nnvwbere We uet vour money for SOU. AMCOSE AGENCY", 1101 Arch st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY GIRLS wantcil tn learn dressmaking. banco of a lifetime: e-irn as von learn Send for cnlnlnmio now 'Jbe McDowell Dressmaking Rdiool, 307 Denckla llldg, 11th nnd Mar ket sts. MAKE our own clothes while learning prac- lic-ai, ini xpriisive courses, inv or eve. Mcdowell dressmaking school 107 Denckla Iliilldlng. 11th and Market sts. POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING: DAILY AND EVENING SESSION'S. I US. OIHARD, AVE. Por.lain37. HEMSTITCHING 10 cents a vnrd. all mate. rials. A. REICHARD. 1113 CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSM'aKER from New York ""desires en- gagement. evening gowns speililtv; best ref. erenccs. 11PS Walnut st. I'hone Walnut Oils. DRESSMAKING and remodeling out dally; $1.2.1. Phone DliMnson 02CS w. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIGHEST prices paid for diamonds. Jovvelrv nnd piwu tickets lor diamonds. Apply, 2 30 tn 4 30 p. in , WM. FLICK. Room 3.12, Rurd llldg., corner Oth and chestnut sts. FOR SALE DILLIAHD, POOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exi hanged: repairing; supplies I.'ifo Kcafer. American manufac turer. 320 Glrard nve. BILLIARD" AND POCKET TAI1LES Also bowling nllcvs; easy payments. HRUN3-WICK-UALKE-COLI.ENDER CO.. 1002 Arch IilLLIARD, pocket, 2d-hanci tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2121 N. Front. CASH REGISTERS, new and factory rebuilt. iv'ew totni nailers as low as iu on easy monthly nasmenta. Call and seo our 1010 models. All registers sold by . .vii rcgisiers soiu uy us luuy Runr- antced THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER antced Tin; nation CO., 730 Chestnut st. DESKS, filing rablncts, safes, telephone booth) and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription; used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. HUGHES. UTII AND IIUTTONWOOD. SAFES Fireproof: closing nut slightly used: all sizes A makes, big bargains 211) N. Fourth. J01-CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO, cost $000 new; others at $7.1 and $S3: payable $3 monthly. Call or write fnr completo lists. HEPPF.'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. J12S-LESTER UPRIGHT PIANO, cost $1.10 new; others at $110, $1.10 and JIM); by prom inent makers: payublo $1 monthly. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPF.'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Cth nnd Thompson sts. $2tn-8HOMACKER PIANO, cost $110 new. $21n Heppo upright piano, cost $1.10 new. $295 Illaslus upright piano, cost $.110 new. Several Heppe-mado pianos wllh .'1 sounding boards at reductions of $7.1 nnd $100 below regular prices, payments $n monthly and up. ward. Call or write for lompletn lists, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. $321-AUTOSIANUAL PLAYER-PIANO, cost $0.10 pew: $17.1, plater-piano (Aeolian made); price $173 new, several Pianola pianos at re ductions of $ 10 and $71 below regular prices; slightly used and fully guaranteed for 3 jears; terms $S monthly and upward. Call or wrlto for complete lltas. HEPPF.'S UITOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sis. $23 TO $75 Several piano-players (outside at. tarhments); will nt any upright Piano, pay ments $S monthly, pall or wrlto for completo lUts, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner tlth and Thompson sts. t FOR SALE 2!).f,o VICTROLA VI and B 10-ln D. P. tee. ofdil guaranteed to be In perrcct condition! an excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good machine nt a reasonable prlco: CO cents wreaiv ncccnicn. c.m u. wow ., w,,.- ?VP.. j--1!i.lV-J T-.l lomn lllnslrlna rota. E! ucie nescripiiooB u,,v. .-. ....- ..-.fc- ... logucs. '...nr.M tttT-ntt-M nivineil Corner Oth and Thompson sts. LARGE ITDISON TAI.KINO MACHINE, with cabinet and m records: finished In beautiful quartered nak: cost new 111: can bo paid 71 cents weekls, nn excellent bargain; In good condition; wrlto for completo Hat of bargains ,nd .t'llpi'E-s "uptown storks Corner oth nnd Thompson sts. 60 CENTS WHEKLY nt!YS A VICTROLA Call or write for particulars. lillPITS UPTOW.N STORES Corner Oth nnd Thompson sts. RANGE Double oven, French Fnrtune.trood for restaurant or boarding house: also 1 Nov.lvlt.. No. MS, Rt, Hd. Oven, nnd 1 healer Nov A. No. 40. like new. Ph nil. IOT.JnlflV.Ynrk. PULLEYS, hangers, slnfllng nnd miscellaneous nrtlcles, nlsn 2 photographing flishllKhts; large assortment, Geo Hiitterwnrlh, Wright lllirg.llroid nnd llutitltiRiIon. Until phones. TEARING DOWN inr liirns, sheds, offices, ltd and Uincnstcr, lumber, roollng slate, steim boilers, pipe, radiators. WHShstnnds. toilets; clieaii Hnrrett WrrrklngJ'n. TWO "riJaTK, first row balcony, for Frldav nftcrnoon orrhestrn conierts for balance of aejs01i, p 12. Ledger (Ifflce , DESKS, large nssnrtmrntt also household fur niture. Diillng Centrnl Second-hand Furni ture Company. Diil-nnn-II Cnllowhlll st HEATING MAKIN-KEI.REY HEALTH HEAT. Is better nnd chenper thin stenni or not water, Purs fresh air with normal mnlstiiro. MAKIN KELSEY. (I N ISt i St.. I'llllil. INSTRUCTION PHOTOPLAY WRITINO-1'crs, Inslr.; photo. Plns, short slot lea, other -MS tyiiewrltten, 10c. per pnge. Smith, tij N. rtiHIt st., Phlla. SI'ENOGRAPHY and bnnkliceplng bv Inillvldnal Instruellon. course requires only few weeks; pos.guai; 7nl Locust (Washington Hiunroi. OENTLEMAN will tutor 1 nr 2 bnikwnrd nr conditioned bovs In gtHnimor ir high school Rllbticts. C 111, Ledger Ofllce. LAUNDRIES FAMILY wash. Wc. a hag; all washes return ed In lers than 21 hours. North 1'hlln. Dirnn Wash Lnundrv .1011 N. 11th. Ph. Tlnci R2.17. MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR HALE, thenp one mills A .lones boring mill, in ft. bet. housings. I em h 30-20 mid 12 II, P Otto gas engines; I largo Atlantic Works rcsaw mg bnnd nu, siiltubln for ehlp snrd work; 1 carry cnntinutllv a largo stock of hollers, engines, pumpi. steam nnd vvtiter licntlng hollers and radiators, pipenf nil sizes, cut nnd threaded in vour requirements; nil material guaranteed as represented. M J. HUNT, Klltl Pencil St. Ken. Itlll. YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining irni hlnn bearings. Wo want you tn trv It for light, medium, heavy nr high-speed dutv. IHO.vf nnd IIRASS FOUNDRY'S, 14.1 North Second. JAM El YOCOM A SON. 'STERLING" Is nnnther namo fnr nond'a backbone belting: pure oak tanned leather: write for sniuplca und prices. Charles llond company. f.'Jii Atch street POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT . . Dvmmos. motors, hollers steam nnd oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOO.MEY.Inc.127 .ld st; SLAIl'MILLER, 21 In.x2l In.xrfft., Ingersoll; good condition; Immedlnto delivers', L. F, SF.YFF.R'FS SONS, 437 N. 3d st. DYNAMOS, motora and machinery bought, sold nnd rented: armatures rcpilrcd. Main 01, Mirket :tfid. Y'enrsley Co.. 221 N. 3dst MORGAN mailing machine, complete. In good running order nlsn woodworking machines. nll kinds. NUTTALL. 17IS N. nth at. OAS. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES GAS AND OILENOINE CO.. 41 N TTIJ.STj, ri.ANn.Ii, 20x8, double,' surfacer; now In uso. Planing mill, nth nnd Tlogn. PIPE Second hand, nil sl7os. Phlla. Hand Tipe Supply Co., 1003 N. 7th st. Second Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS f.tl VICTOR VICTROLA VI, Including 21 se. lections (12 10-ln D. F. records), this Instru. ent has a double spring nnd nil tho lntcst features. Including tho new concert sound box, nnd la an excellent mnchlno In every way: can bo paid for at tho rate of 7.1 cents weekly; call or wrllo for completo descriptions and large illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORE3 Corner Oth and Thompson sts. $500 rLAYER-PIANOS REDUCED TO $373 (Easy payment club plan If desired). RIO SAVING IN OTHER PIANOS Wo nro solo distributers for the celebrate.! Whitman, Lelpslo nnd Wevdle Wcnkelman makes. rillLA. TALKING MACHINE CO.. INC. PO0-IHI2 N. Franklin St., Phlla. $75 OASII; $S.1. $1 weekly, for mangnlflcenl $.150 plnnn been used; decided bargain, TODD & MICI1ENER. 1003 Columbia live. $100 HANDSOME Lester mahogany upright grind, guaranteed cost $.100 open evenings, TODD .cMICIIENER '! Coliltnlil.ljuo. $01 ItXNDKOME uptight piano, good condi tion: cost $-'t.m. open evenings. TODD & MICIIENER. 1001 Columbia nve. $'I1-UPRIGHT PIANO; Just the thing for be glnners. TODD & MIOHIINER. 1001 Columbia nve. $S3-CHICKERINI UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. S3S N. OTH. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum, nlatea ware, old- stvle Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 187Q. J. L.Clark. reflner.07 SanBon CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, stiver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting & Ref. Co.. 12S S. 11th at. CASH paid for diamonds, precious stones, gold. Mlver. platinum, false teeth. Reliable Re- JljilnCo.,J)tli unjlWnlnut sts . OLD" OOI.r Cash paid for old gold, silver. antique clocks will call. Hell phono. Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17th st. PRINTING SOCIETY engraving, wedding Invitations and visiting cards, embossing nnd printing. Card Shop, 1001 Chestnut st Open evenings. ROOFING XND IRON AWNINGS HOOFING Slag and tin: old tin roofs coated; guaranteed fi sears; new slag roofs, 10 years. Paul Rock, 8IJ N. 4th st. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAUK WAREHOUSE 50T11 ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVJNO. HIIII'l'INO Rugs. Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stored. Dell, Locuat 10C0 Phonca Key.. Itaco 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 18U-181U MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving. Liai-KiiiK. srjipiiig, curpec, cleaning. Ph. Harms io- tor emulate. Market ana aim. McCANN'B STORAGE HOUSE. 174S N, lllh i.t.: moving, packing, shipping, auto vans, Dotl phone; I.et us estimate. FIREPROOF, Mothproof. Concrete Warehouse, N Phlla. Storage Co.. 2ttXI Lehigh. Tlo. 72J0, Planoa and Furniture nought and Sold. W&7. p.i!H'A- MONARCH STORAGE CO. VV I, a I J'lll I, A. WEST i'llILA. Auto packing and shipping, 3670 LANCASTER AVB. STORAGE MOV TYPEWRITERS AND SlTPPT.igr HD.VT JjP.i.rni: nt ?l?! iTESHfc. t,v-lfibu' j inrrvt-a- i..-::" 'rinur. "oarantee. vKlS ,........,,ww. inirr months i nm" I Jnent nnnllrn ,J.rn'?l put. t.r-VIIr,.nv. ,m;n."..M A&$R,$ iriirrhsti.. WANTED ANTIOUt! "furniture, false teeth r.,.i.. broken jewelry, go ,l" sliver 'if JI'Rllt-ilL"Viif.nut w'nlnftt VJ&a ?t,tn,f'H i nitOKEX.tEWU.LHV, fi1n ., ... , 5i Coin books, wllh prYccs lj,ay ' ntBni J fiVM -2i1i'!I''0rle'n Store). Sfid tf iHh wllV ' Ci!iiY'iT,'..Ij' '), t-ooiI condition, for . , child. Phono ReTmniii ,-,7rj y- lor a emull I ... , CAST-OFF CLOTIHVn " Pure, r.ns r-.iiinni,iu .7 Li "iocs. i-' CAST-OFF clothing bnucsht i,r,, h"- - fill r-Mrvti'd ..rt,1 7. -i.- " . "r?. Pr CM rim 14 -ZJ"ur:Tr227"y,,W1 ;" S CAST-OFF CLOTHING Hlahcst nclr.. - for ladles' nnd, men's rlntn ig fi ,'".vMI jMc.jphniio Poplar :isi Hia'ker 1 li'i-SUr"'' CAST-OFF clolblng. hid, prhes ladi..- "' gowns, gents' clothing, tioitni ne A?''. " Jam Sellgsojm. Ml, nndnsprlngrnnfdf.!n,"k" FURNITURE bought for cnjl, rarlr eT house office turn, slock of sfo", ' cn,il,,,t tin V tn rsmtsaitl na I.-.F . .... til It Will H. Slh.- Phono Wnraii mm I:""l. !ii r"ilrr.uu"' ria""- r?rpcts nntTauTsTTST.-: Jow'lirg'err iVe'rTs'Je.n'0 is"'.!., "J" '''.""rs'c'i'ne! $!? ?n!l,nk 'iisnJiii Mckcls. woo Filbert St.. 2,1 QoSr front! ' ROOMS FOR RENT ' L1..1 r' 1 2.2.- nc-P rahle single aim double rms" .prlv. balhs,well heated. $2 up Spfu el SaV UOYER ST.. r,13.1 iGtti )- lairgo fronrS furn..XorJigJitlu.ekpg rea, H SlSf HROAD. N P21-2d front, 2 rooms vatTir JarC2.0,tV.t,,,1, "h"ne '0 " fe I'nrbJ.lnraiK S; CHESTNUT. 2007-Deslrnblo second-no'orTo'; niidbnlhvvHhnllconvenleiires. " DIAMOND 1100-Two nhclv fiirn""2d fmiiL cnmm :chenpj children ncrepted phone GIRARD AVE NEAR HIIOAD-Fum. " or'trn: furn. rnoinjprlvfiinil)yjm. Ledger otr GHAT.. N 1.V1 1-Unfurnished sitting rcoii ndlolnlng bath: plenty nf heat: phons. MASTER. 121T Newly furnished room""for t gentlemen: Fnuiherncxrosure: conv.j phons. PARK. N.. 17311 Verv desirable lares fir". nUned room for gentleman, private famllr, Phone Dlnmoinl til". W "w. PARK. N 2lnt-sfttlng room, furnTs'hel, m'. furnished: nil conveniences Diamond TO. PARRISH, l.TOi-Iairgo "front room, eomfor.." nblo nnd convenient' reas Poplar ni;s vy. PINE ST.. 140S Single room, near bath, snuth em exposure l'hnne Locust IW12 J RIDGE AV17.. 2.11(1-Nlcelv furnished rrara; conveniences. Phono Diamond torn .u ' SPRUCE 1120 Furnished rooms, doubls ana single: reason ihle Phone Walnut Sing, SPRUCE. 13.17 Rooms, single or en suits; prt. baths prof, ofllces jdcnm heat electricity SPRUCE HT.iain Frnnt room furnlshedTrunt hlng water also other vacant lea phone, 13TII, S., 240 Now Iv furnished rnoms; mod- em conveniences. Phone Walnut OlfO 1.1TH ST.. S.. 210 Well-furnished largo front roomj joiephono: Kentlemen preferred, 1.1TH. N., C7S Lirge sitting room, $l,3d floor back, $2; conveniences, phone IGTII, N 1721 Comfortable 2d-room suite, I bnth. modern home: nn housekeeping. phon. . 2.TII .v: I'AIIRISH Attrnc furn room. ntiM family; vnungnian. references Pop. 7U7 TV, MiTH. S.. 131 Handsomely furnished 2d-noct sunny rooms: electric light hat-water heat: rsstrlcied neighborhood private i "hone. WD AND SPRUCE (N. W ( or ) -Furnished il. slrnble gcl-flnnr front, bnth, ref Del. (271 TV. ,., r.2d nnd Snnsom FurnliM WEST RRANCH rooms: men only, mtalt, Y. M. C. A. shower bnths, near fo alt thi comforts nf home. Phono Bel- nnnt4llSI Kev West .111 LARGE L'd-floor front also 2 plensint 3d-floor front rooms, furnished no children; relor ences. Woodland Hdl M - COMFORTAnLII front" room, reasonakls to lellned parts . private fnmllv Woodld, 2771 tT. ROOMS WANTED YOUNG counle des. 3 rooms nnd bath: vYMt Phlla.. nenr Park preferred. C 10.1, Lei Off. BOARDING DIAMOND. 2007 Lnrgo rooms, south, eipoi; lire, single, en suite, tnble board Ilia. 2IMW SPRUCE. 1221-21! (llrlsmondo) -Furn. rooms. single, en sulto: prlvnto biths: tabls pearl 40TH. N.. 32 Attractively furnished, aupnf rooms: excellent tatile: nhone. BOARD WANTED LARGE, woll-furnMicd room, with first-clan board, for gentlem m and vvlfo In Laraa, within wnlklna dlstnnco of Reading Station. .1 111. Ledger Centrnl. SANITARIUMS HEAUTIFUL location, spcdal selcntinc ctra: ncrvojs, elderly: every comfort; nunta. Hooklet. Dr. Randal, City line, Cheatnnt Hill. APARTMENTS K n CORNI1R 17TH AND WALNUT ST3. This n-stnrv concrete nnd steel flreorool structuro reaches tho hlglust point of aej velonment as set attained In apartmeDt construction, and mav bo proticrly et)iea a tierfect plnco of abode. . , . An earnest elfort has been made to orm a mntclilcss homo tn thoso whose first con sldfrtitlon Is not to count tho cost alone, bui to procure that which ther W vvhero there Is onlv perfection, the tun snj character of which may, bo elc,!2,f5: shaped according to the dlatlnctivo require tncnta of tlio Individual , Suites nro nrrnnged from two roorni ana one bnth to ten rooms nnd flvo baths. Inciua lug severnl dcslrablo bachelor sultea. Tho location la excellent, being convenient to tho business nnd shopping centres ana 7 nAIt00th,r.Ss" considered, the rentaH r Further information, nrrangementa for hv BPectlon and reservation may bo am' through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD llll Walnut Street. SPRING GARDEN, 1010 -Excel ent t. Is different bouses i soma furiikjtchj3"jii, 21ST. N.. 181U Apartment, also lU."!. keeping: terms reasonable DiamondK"iJ Tin- i.iniil;; . N. E. COR. 1ITII AND.ORKE.V BtB. RENT $25 TO $0 PER MONTH, iinn rtKT tni 22d and Chestnut sis, A few desirable vacancies, large ivrlEfii a rew aesiraoie vac-niic-iira. its r WALNUT. ltll-33-Comfortnblo airtroenta. to 4 rooms, some furnished Prst-claM atci Ice. Apply janitor, rnone tii "j"---; West I'lilladeljililJ . OFFER a largo variety of artniiita varied prices and to meet almot any- i y quirement. Call or send, for list- AUtogos BArvirii in insnect nnartments if neaireo. NOItMAN 'S 'SHERWOOD, l.lnjJ" SPRUCE 3071. "ACB " By C. A. VOIGHT !! i 4