' -V K4WMRVHf0pi -tr-r-st-.-, . r --- i?fjm& - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916, f I I R f; I r PAPER BOX FACTORIES BUSY, BUT MATERIALS ARE SCARCE Dye Situation Hits Colored Are Advancing Rapidly, Due to Imports of Leather Decreasing mvo nro emnloylntr ntt our rtfinurre-i l nil mir orders nml necomniortntp oiir cutomM nml li.ivp great cllrtlrtilties . In ntcompllhlii-f II," tnltl Wnlter I'. Miller president of Walter V Miller Company, Bill street and York avenue. The paper box business never was more flourishing as far as orders aro concerned, bijt we can t Bel the ma terials. Tho dye sit uation is hurtlim; business as well ns "31 Qfp Hie textiles I'aper By Photo r-rnftcr.. wctorica liavo slut X L .... , ..1 -ow" on certain wAtvrniir mim.lh coIorfl of conlC(li dazed paper wlilcli nro used In such ante quantities In the business, especially ilnik reds, blues and ninroons and the lighter tints vvlilch aro derived from these colors. 'Straw board lias advnnced from 2."i to SO per cent In tho lnat few months. Freight rates linve n (rood ilrnl to do with this Increase. It Is easy to sec that a sirnwboard mill that would turn out, say M tons, of board a day would Use up 60 tons of straw. It takes quite an extent of territory to supply ft) tons of straw, and with each day's consumption tho territory from which the mill draws for Its supply gets mole nnd more dis tant and tho hlBh freight rates begin to count "Then (hero are tho chemicals used for bleaching tho straw. Hn many of these cheinlcnls are being used by the munitions plants that prices aro almost prohibitive Tho highest bidder gets them, nnd as the munition manufacturer Is making bigger profits thnn tho paper boxmnker, bo outbids us. "In coated paper the advanco during the last few months lint been 100 per cent, and the mills In mnny cases can not tnko our orders, or If they do takn them It Is subject to conditions over vvlilch they havo no control.' "Tliero nro nnotit m mauurncturera of paper boxo In Philadelphia nnd tho ramiricntlons of the business extend to virtually every business dry goods, hardware, candy, cigarettes, drugs In fact, I don't know of any wholesale or retail business tbnt docs not it-m them In larger or smaller quantities. From tin Ir bulklness we nio confined to n, business within a 100 mile ladius of tho city, but theic nro boxmakcrs In this rllv who ship fine nrtlstlo boxes to every State In the Vnlon. "I attribute tho genernl piosperous conditions all over the country as tho rea doii of our unusual activity at this time. "Corrugated strawbonid for boxes nnd packing la subject to the samo conditions ns the regular straw bo.ird, and has tiil ancod In price from 25 to 30 per cent. In the last tin oo months. "Unquestionably tho prices of shoes are Increasing," said Anthony H. Gcutlng, sccietary of tho Nntlonnl Shoo Retailers' Association, 1230 Mmkot street, "and I don't seo nny possibility of a change, ex Books Received JAPANl'SII EXPANSION AND AMERICAN rOMCIBS llv J. P. Abbott. l..ill. Mac mill in Co.. Now York theodorh iioo.hijvhlt: Tin: logic or HIS CAREER- llv C. C Washburn. I.fi0, Houghton Mifflin Co.. New York. WHY UK CAT Uy Amelia Summon lllc. SOe, F A. Htnlins Co , Now York. Jilts. UAI.IMMi: l!y Oertruilo Athorton. l .11 1" A Slnki fn . New York. riSIHNfl WITH A WOHM H- Hllsl Torry. fide. HouRhtnn Mifflin Co.. New York. MOUTH AND Din IKS Oh' NHUTitALITY I!y D. C. Ilrtiwor. H.-'. Putnam, New York. ct'itioxrrins in phoviuhis iiy d. n. llnrvlu SI "t. IMllnntll. New York, PSYCHOLOGY OP ItLLAXATION Hy O. T. W. Piilrkk. JI.SS. IlouBhton-Mlfllln Co., Sew York TUB HrilAtll'AHT PniNCKSS lly C. I,. JIHbb niif. Miicinlll.ni To.. Now York. IIANDIIOOK OP ATHLLriC (iA.MLS Wy James (I. nancrort ami Piilierniaclier. Jl.fln. MRcmlllnn Co.. New York. Tin: HtoiiY or thii suii.maulvi: iiy rarnham Illthop. Jt.oo. The Century Co., New York TWILIGHT By Prank Danby. $l1.";, DoiM, Jfoart ? Co.. New York. OIIEAT ItimsiA lly Charles Sarolca. SI, 23. A, A, Knopf, New York, THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON'. D C, fob. IS. Tor eaitern I'ennsjlvanla ami New .!er-tej- I'lohably lain, turning to snow to night, colder tonight; Saturday fair and much colder, modcrato vatlnblc winds be tomlng northwest, piobnbly Increasing to Sale forco tonight. A dlsturbaueo Is central over Lako On tario nnd overhpreads tho eastern por tion of tho country tills morning. It hns caused Increasing cloudiness except In the south Atlnntlc States, nnd light snow has covered most of tho Lako legion. Tho temperntuies continue mild in tho dis tricts under Its lulluenco and havo risen nlWitly nt most places, rroin tho MIs shslppl Valley westvvnrd tho country Is oversprend by high barometric pressure. Pair weather prevails under Its lulluenco and the temperatures aro generally some what lower U. S. Weather-Bureau Bulletin Obacrvutlons taken at S a. in. eastern time. 1,!W K lnat Rain- Veloe- Rtation. am n'l fall. Wind. Jtv.Wrntlicr. Atlanta. Ga . . Tfl 4K W 1(1 Cleir Mlantlo Cltv . :irt :u HUmarck, N. r. L'J at lloalon, Man .. .'It 'M ilurfalo. N Y SO 2(1 I'harloaton. 8. C 10 Ml rhk-.iKo, in ... :m an -tivclnnatl, O... 40 :m levtlanu, ') . !M :t-' Denver, Cnl SJ .1J 5trot Mich . :tl .11 Oaheaton, Ter . 51 M -larrteburff. Pa .'HI !IU llatteraa, k C . S3 -HI Halifax, N H .10 L'i 'lolena, Mont i!rt SU Huron, H I) .. S3 SO Indianapolis, . :ik :til JaclKonvllla . A3 U Knoxvllle, Tenn M IS Jtllo Hock, Ark 48 48 Los Angeles .. M M Louisville, Ky 411 4i) Montgomery, . 48 48 Montreal, Can.. .11 110 Niibvllla, Tenn. 4.' 4.' New Orleans .. r.3 il Kw York . an 3U N'rfolk. Va . . 43 43 SI! NVV H BVV ,. Iloudy .. Clear . . Clouily It tnov 13 Clear HV NVV I-.' Clomly W 10 Cloudy .03 HW 13 hnovv . . near 10 Cloudy . , P.CInudy . . Cloudy 13 Clear , . Cloudy .. Clear .04 KVV .. BW .. SI3 .. HW .. KK . . BVV NVV 13 Clear Nv 13 Cl.iudy fiV 13 Clear W .. P Cloudy N N W sv w SW ?0 Clear ?. Clear lit P Cloudy Clear It Cloudy 3 Cloudy Cloudy 10 Cloudy 13 Clear "Klahoma , . . Ril SD ha. Neb. . lift .10 N 1(1 Clear NVV 1 Clear runaaeipnia . WlUburKh Portland, Me Portland, Ore. Quebec, Can, ft Louis ot 1'atil rin LWiWIMWjmMWW jr i louuy Clear Italn Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy :i Klt lake. Utah .1: .. i ifar . . P Cloudy . . Cli-ar . . Clear 20 Cloudy . . Boon Clear .. Cloudy . . Cloudy p Antonio, wn Pnnclaro g-nla pe. N M . bta Mario ' ranton, Pa JJaahlajton WinnliHg, Can t-etow iero THE6HFAT INTFQMiTlflNAI SECRET SERVICE ROMANCE GEORGE GIBBS W i rmermnr iff -V If TlmM 'ihin$ lair N Y Trib1 ' ntin Millo. Prat tJwlft -t mitg -.v y World. A all l"'irl.i 1 fit JMt. fP-tOH C CO.. NEW YORK. 40 n .. sv Ml 4S ..13 .18 3(1 .. HW 31 2S .. K 48 48 .. UK 2(1 Si .01 Culm 3(1 :l .. NVV id ki .. nvv : 33 33 .. NV SI .11 .. N mi m .. nvv 30 30 . KB 10 10 .01 NW : 32 2S .0(1 N M Sri HW 38 38 ,0S W 3 ..SB Card Board Shoe Prices cept for still bigber prices. Tho prln- Cl.ll grazing nrea n,l il,.T. ,'..." wifuiia urn inn nnrrpntn nr i,a lntlnn In h iV..Vi. i ai ,,. i'"i"-- ni.i-J VJI? .Ln.'!c" S-,n,M'.. Avf "re not irnltlnn, .. i ..'".:. .. .- ""w ran .,... r " J. --,ur'"-M im o. i.. . . i? '" . " unu" JlnRO scnrcinongcrs This book should bo nr J)?-', 1' (,,,crnln"J'' wl'ro c.itllo rend by every American citizen nnd Con "J."'1 ""''Pnlly 'f. Ijeof, nnil where gressmnn before deciding whnt attitude calves are not killed till they arrive at . to tako on "pieparedness." -,; ucgrce or maturity, man they nre permitted to do In the United Stntos, which we call a, dairy country, and whero calves nre sacrificed for the milk. Sixty per cent, of these calfskins used In the manufacture of men's aboea came from Hurope beforo tho wnr In tho fnce of this wo nre exporting to tturope thrco t ines ns much leather ns wo did beforo tho wnr, and three times ns mnny sIuhh, most of them of heavy leather for Iho boI dlersln the trenches "When the wnr stnrted some shoe tnnnu fnclurers stocked im with leather ni n.i. vnnccd prices, only to find tbnt the 'beef crowd' had more thnn 1,000,000 bides suited nway, which they threw on the mar ket nnd smashed prices, but this cannot bo repented; tho stocks of hides aro depleted. "The shoo business Is peculiar In ono way. It finances Itself. In 1912 the per centage of profit to tho dealers In t'enn sylvnnla was only 1 1-16 per cent. When tho bankers found tho prodt mnrgln was so small they were chary with credit, so the business flnnnces itself Vo have not cried lor protection, nnd wo haven't got nny tnrlff on our goods "Shoo manufneturers, In Bplto of In creased cost of materials for many years past, have succeeded In keeping the prices or shoes to the consumer it l the lowest pos slblo point by using Improved machinery and by other economies, but wo can't do It lufneo of present conditions "Hero Is a tolecram repelvetl imu .. ....... ing from a manufacturer," ta!il Mr Oeiitlug It rend: "Sell no moro goods on present quota tlons." "I wnR talking to, a shoe salesman a few days ago who was returning from a two months' trip," continued Mr. Ocutlng, nnd he told me of a lino ho carried to re tall nt $1,150. On his wny back they wero tuuiuu ill ?!.ll. KNOUGli HOTELS linnrj. "Theso statements nro very amusing." said Thomas C. Leslie, secrctary-treasurcr of tho Uonnsylvnnln State Hotclmnn's Am. wiclntlon, when bin attention was called to n published report that a hotel syndi cate, to be known ns the C. A Cold Com pnny, Is In process of formation In this city for tho purpose of purchasing and developing it chain of New llngland hotels ns llist-clnss all-year resorts. "1 havo on a shelf In my ofllce." said Mr. Leslie, "tho lilun prints of nt least 20 hotels to bo built In this city" after it long pause "some day. "Ono thing I know, wo don't need nny moro hotels here," ho continued "Wo have S00 moro rooms than the normal needs of tho city require. Of course, wo need them all and moro when wo have a big convention or nnythlng of that kind "No. t don't know Mr. Cold, and I think If theie was nn, thing In this report I would hnvo heard something of It " BRITAIN'S SAD PLIGHT A STRIKING WARNING TO UNITED STATES Lesson to This Country Found in British Statesman's De nunciation of Secret Di plomacy and Militarism OTHER NEW BOOKS "Citizens who desire peaoe can Indulgo In no greater folly than that which Is summed up In tho phraso 'the best way to preserve peaco Is to pieparo for war.' That totton expedient i.ih been shnttcicd completely. Tho position of the nations w airing la Kuropo proves conclusively th.it no amount of "preparedness' can Mem tho rush of militarists once they get out of hand." This i.s tho solemn note of winning to America sounded by nu I'ugllsh statesman who has published, anonymously, n his tory of the facts for yeais preceding the wnr, entitled "How Plplomat.s llnko War" (M. V. Huebsch, Now York). The tovlovvcr knows the Identity of tho author and can vouch for his authority. Tho most casual student ot politics can sen that tho United States is passing through exactly the samo metamorphosis that Ore.it Ilrit.ilu experienced beginning a decade ago and culminating In Its par ticipation In the Huropean Imbroglio. This country has Its counterpart of tho Hrltlsli Mr. Mulllner, the paid agent of tho ar mament ling, who spread panic and sowed the seeds of German hatred In tho Ilrltlsh pi ess. and misrepresented navnl nnd military conditions to tho nil too cred ulous British Cabinet. raillament was kept In total Ignorance of "understandings" and "conversa tions" between tho British nml French gcncial btaffs, which so ensnared Great Britain that It was compelled to side with Germany's enemies despite tho lack of u legitimate casus belli. Tho German Invasion of Belgium was seized upon us tho excuse most likely to win popular favor with the British public. It was not until August 2 that Parliament was Informed of the alliances which bound nnglnnd hand and foot. Thoro was noth- LARGEST OLD BOOK STORE IN AMERICA LibrariesXle Purchased UlUli large libraries. Fiction, gen eral literature or collections of works on special subjects are all equally acceptable, Simply drop us a postal, stat ing number of volumes, and our representative will can. We pay cash always. Write (or Catalogue of Remainders of Editions. Learys Book Store Ninth Street Below Market Opposite Post-Office, Lrcs&s' jf mjJB& For One Week Only Standard Sets Bargain Prices E ' ' """MiL Ins to do but clectoro wnr. Tho author, In pitying air Kdwarij Oroyi who rcnlly Blrovo for pence too laic, cays, "He wna the slave of secret diplomacy nnd not the servant of tho country " Cannot the nverngo American ask, "Are we not engulfed In tho quicksand of secret diplomacy?" Vhnt Is Colonel House's mission, for Instnnce? Of course war cannot bo declared without the con sent of Congress. Nor could the Hrltlsh Cabinet declare wnr. Still "understnnd Ings" nnd "concrsntlons" by tho Cabinet ami uy special emissaries lead to sltua i i Ui.. .. ..,. . ... . ... ' ""' " ,V "'". """ '.. T.eopio s rcpre- neninuve- neipicss. we In tile Clllted s-ne hne our secret dlplomncv. our """ " " Miilllner. our nrmament ring and our Uoro moic bloginphlcs written In tho sympathetic spirit which chnrnctorlzcs Amy Crtuo's "llobert Louis Stevenson" (Jrcdeilck A. Htokcs Company, New ork), this form of lltcratuic would en Jov a greater vogue. Tho ntmosphcro of the principal permeales tho book, nnd those who hnve lenrncd to love tho nutlior of "Trenstire Island," "Dr. Jekvll and Itr. Hyde," "A Child's Dai don of Verses," "Kidnapped" and numerous masterful ossnvs feel ever In his company. A 'biography well done Is probably tho most fruitful sort of book to bo had: It Is n story of life with life's lessons. But tho studied academic manner with which most blogrnpheis have nppronched their tnsks, nnd the cold, erudite air which per ndes tho completed work, havo combined to repel leaders. The At my nnd Navy Journal has con tained within recent months somo very nbic nrtlcles dealing with tho questions growing out of tho wnr, treating espe clallv of tho lights and duties of the united States ns a neutral Power. tIipv vveie wilttcn by Daniel Chniincey Brewer, a Boston lawver Mr. Brewer has col lected them, and they now appear In it volume entitled "Highlit and Unties of N'eutials," from the piess of O P. Put nam's Sons, .Vow Yotk. Tho volume Is not a mero legal treatise, for Mr. Brewer hns some sound American views. It liijs down the accepted pilnclplcs of Interna tional and domestic law and discusses them ns they npply to the present condi tions, ihen it suggests what tho law should bo In order that It might be logical nnd fair to all concerned. No ono can lead It thiough without becoming much better informed on tho subject than when he began. Dwlght Kdwnrds Marvin's "Curiosities In Provcibs" (G. 1. Putnam's Sons, New Yotk), Is ono of the most Intcieitlng hooka ot tho kind that has come rioni the piess Mr. Marvin has el.isslllcd the wlso salngs of the undents and mod el ns and has given oxplatmloij notes with each so that the obscure allusions nio made clear. One toolion Is devoted to sn.vlngs of supeistltlon, another to pro crblal similes and compailsons and a thlid to unimnl piovcrbs. But these are only a small part of tho liitotcstlng giouplugs. "Diusllla With a Million" (Fredeilcl. A. Stokes, New Yoik), I.s a drllghtful story by Bllabeth Cooper of a woman who, until her 70th oar, was tho onl charity Inmnto of the Doano Home for Hldcily Women. When, at this advanced age, she came Into possession of a vast sum of money and a beautiful mansion overlooking tho Hudson, sho was not uir iled away by the ftlvolltles of the wealthy. Nor did sho become a sellMi nnd grasping woman, but lemalned tho samo pleasant, Hiinshluj ami clmt liable little Diusllla of tho home She was con tented with tho work of uplifting the poor and sc.tttciliig seeds of kindness far nnd wide. It is an ciiH-llnwiug .stoi v and the quaint but fascinating humor nt Iho heroine tends to make tho stoij In teresting desplto tho lack of dramatic Incidents. Harold Blndloss presents another Mi tt resting and clear story, "The Coast of Adventure" (Frederick A Stokes Company, New York) Tho sceno Is the coast of Central America. Tho stniy dials with two young adventurers who. In search nf romance, become tho mnstei.s of a block ade runner Tliero nro very good nr counts of tho lemarkable escapes of tho vessel past tho Govronmcnt fleet, and of eluding tho rutalo spies. In "The Lnw-Itieakeis," by Illdgwell Ciillum (Geoige W. Jacobs, Philadelphia), Stanlej Fyles, nf the mounted police, Is assigned to hunt down whisky runners In a secluded valley In Western Canada. On his travels he meets and loves n girl Ills stiuggles and disappointments, and then his final Miccess, make a talo of suspense and mstory that holds tho readers' at tention to the llnal chapter, win re It Is shown that the real culprit Is tho gill Flcs Is going to marry. It makes an ac ceptable addition to the poputnt I st of now llctlon. FOR BOOK LOVERS IMPRESSIONS OF THE ART AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION By CHRISTIAN' BRINTON Author o "Moiltm Artiitu, ' tic Willi 5 plati t In lull tutor and .? In bltu It ii nil iiiltr u lloaiils t III! hi r The first aiitlinritnilvci art rpronl of thu r.uilli- Coast KxllillltloiiH It Is also u crltlciil Hurvoy of modern lluiopc.in ami Ami-ilrnn art, ami Is vviittn by a ineinbor of the International Jury. PLAYS OF 1 HE NATURAL AND THE SUPERNATURAL By THEODORE DREISER Author oj "The Gcntua.' " '.sllrr Car rie," etc llmo. lloaiita. $1.33 lltrt. Mr. Drelsler In this hook of one-act plajs opens up an entire ly new Held of dramatic possibili ties. In tho "natural" plays ho has written the first truly realis tic dramas to como out of Anior Ica, In the "supernatural" plays he introduces a deep and novel element into dramatic effort The are based on tho broad foundation of philosophy, and contain what may lie called, for lack of n moro specltlo term, the fourth dimension. THE CRIMES OF ENGLAND By GILBERT K. CHESTERTON Author ot llcrttica," "Orthodotv," clr llmo. Cloth, $1.(10 ncl Drllllant political, historical, so cial and topical literary essays, THE PATH OF GLORY By ANATOLE FRANCE .lullior o "Ti lltd Ltlu," "Thalt," He Illustrated, fivo. Cloth. $1.50 net. Gallant and tender anecdotes and letters from tho front; a delW cute prose lyric, "La I'etlte Vlllo de France," and a dialogue, "After Herodotus," In which the Master Is most completely and Inimitably himself. A PAINTER OF DREAMS By MRS. A. M, W. STIRLING Author o "Coke o Norfolk," etc wtth li ijfudralisiu. mo. Cloth. $3.30 nl. A book teeming with incident, humor and hitherto unpublished Information respecting many prominent historical personages. ATMJBQdKSfORES JOHN LANE CO., NEW YORK SUES GRAND FRATERNITY Interests of 1500 Members of Old Or der Involved In Litigntion Whether or not n fund of S10 held by the Ornnd Fraternity Is applicable to tho credits and benefits of about 1300 members of tho old Order of Amerlcus, absorbed bv tho Grnnd Fraternity In 1301, was the question presented before Judge Stnake nnd a Jury In Court of Common i'lens iNo. a tortny, in n Still by Irc V. ! Squler to recover on n JIOOO consolidation I'lens No. 3 today, In n suit by lc W. ccrtiucnte, with Interest riom December fi. 11)12 Tho plaintiff's brother, llurton O. Squler, Refreshing, Unusual May Sinclair's THE By the Author of "The Three Sisters," "The Divine Fire," etc. "A perfect composite picture of real human beings amid the stress of present-day events and emotions" Boston Transcript. "Rich in its portrayal of the effects nf temperament upon tem perament ... a story of events as they are measured by and sway the minds of men and women. ... A inxcinntiiiBiy intcrcstinc story. Better in scheme and motive and characterisation even than 'The Combined Marc.' Touches the heights of Miss Sin clair's skill, and indicates in her still higher powers." Boston Transcript. Now Ready at All Bookstores. $1.35 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, NEW YORK A COURAGEOUS BOOK for COURAGEOUS PEOPLE Would George Washington recognize you as an American ? Would Lincoln ? IF YOU ARE AN AMERICAN, fg8 M O tfrt S &ftaD TAKE YOUR IT &$!T AJ?BJ? OWN PART "" iim,ii jiuisiidmmwiiiii inn um.H4i i mjui,ijinjwiiiLiiui.jiil.ui.n!im THEODORE ROOSEVELT says "Let this nation fear God and take its own part . . . Let it exercise patience and charity toward all other peoples and yet at whatever cost unflinchingly stand for the right when the right is menaced by the might which backs wrong. Let it furthermore remember that the only way in which successfully to oppose wrong which is backed by might is to put over against it right which is backed by might. " AND MUCH MORE ON THE SUBJECT OF PERSONAL AND NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS 8vo. 414 pages Net $1.50 AT ALL BOOKSELLERS GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, 38 W. 32nd St., New York Publisher In America for II O 1) f K It STOUGIITON FABM.GABDEN a.nd the HOME. fesdSfiKSs ",i nF,n Jl fl'I ? - ' iVJCU, S- 'ft tii--vi'.v'.vM.' -K-ifc.Lsj R. J. VAN BILLIARD TREE SPECIALIST 1524 Chestnut St. Est. 1911 Philadelphia, mm HIGIIhST OUALITY Is Not Caustic Cannot Hum IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE 'llic, tiest auil tuost ecouoiuliul form 0( Unit- to usr, , . Full Information as to ilio most eco nomUul way tq puriliane. E. J. LAYINO & CO. , , , 476 Bullitt Bldg. Philadelphia HOSK UIIOW EltS OAHDKNKRS lAUMERS Wa bav a Hns lot of COW MANUltK and 1IOUSK MAM'KE For Lawns, aardeos, (lrsnhou and tba Farm. fre Iroin shavlnts. street dirt or rub blah of any kind Prompt shipments. C1IAHI.E3 A. HltKKN . . . UH Glrard Are. rhlladflphla, la. l-DUK COtNXHV HONEV 10 lb. bucket II TO, a lb 93 cents, de livered by Parcel Post saUsfsiiioB sum. s.nut4. F 3. Btrltuoaitsr aud. wilt. EUi t tu- W's&SfSamrX' --r-V '5CS3SgawiyW ."IT Winter W pf vm may ruin your if 1 most valuable JMJI trees, because lm of superfluous jm! ' M EXPERTSw i bur-, Joined Iho Order of Amerlcus In 1S9), nam ing Sfiulor ns his bencflclnry, nnd dying December 6, 1912. The Sipiler certlllentes were refused payment, because, It was alleged, the de ceased member was not In good stnndlne. The plaintiff contended tbnt his brother would have paid his dues If pio mtn credits of the "Amerlcus surplus" fund held by tho Grnnd Prnternlty hnd been made. Tho caso Is still on trial. ni'.I.UlKILH Mlllt'ia Jenlnh ttODLI'll SHALOM (Peek Peice) Rervltps Prliliy, S p m H 13. cor tlroul nml Ml Vernon n "Tho Messiah In lllstnry," by llnbbl I3LI MAYClt All welcome! Most Interesting and Readable." New Novel ''jjyjy BELFRY "Most intcicstinp; and read able . . . recalls Miss Sinclair's mcmoiable first success. ... In 'The Helfry' the stoiv is the thini;, from the first pane to the last. It fulfills our idea of a really successful novel a story so interestint; in itself that cvery bodj likes it, and so well done that nobody can find fault." ,V. Y. Globe. "Few liviiiR writers arc en dowed with such gifts of hu maniation and character por trayal." Chicago Herald. -.T -T -i jmiM.I i, J-!- . .w m L 1 -l vux'suptrr: " T ,3Mi'."Tf"i SEEDS, PLANTS BULBS AND Horticultural Supplies Evorythinir needed for tho Garden, Greenhouse, Lawn and Farm, ineludinjr the best varie ties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Lawn Grass Seeds, Farm Seeds, Roses, Dahlias, Hardy Perennials and other Plants, Garden Implements, Lawn Mow ers, Lawn Hollers, Fertilizers, Insecticides, etc., all of which are fully described in Dreer's Garden Book for 1916 together with useful cultural i: iurmution for tho amateur. Call or write for a copy FREE nnrrn seeds, punts, bulbs LmLlilV 7 U.I a CllliSTNUT ST, BEAUTIFY YOUR BUILDINGS Afour if the time for Spring Rpatrt HOME. BARN and OUTBUILDINGS. They need material that ulU add to their value, beautify as well as protect. Cover them with MONTROSS METAL SHINGLES and you won't need to repair, because they bold tho record for long sad efficient service. J2 years' acrv lea without a complaint. Economical In price and easily UJJ. Writs for our book. "Best Kool Under Tba Sun." IT'S FREE. A comparison c( roofiaj materials. It's a rcvclaUon. bnowa you bow to roof your house at kast cost. MsatrsMUtUlRssoMClSI ErbSt.CaaiJta.K.J, '-r WM. H. BARRETT 4734 DulTield Street KRANKFORD Landscape Gardening Bprayinr. trlmmlnc and prunlse trtaa our cpeclali ty, Ball 'Prions Frankfort) 2MIW Bl'llAtlNl'll MOSS Flv-brra! bales, U. ten balsa, IB 00 Craaowr ilota Cuittliauy. ntajctts, ti. J. J i i eatljs The$e Notice Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge. m:iTI('lli:it. -On Klnmry 17 101(1, nv niAiu.Ks i:rm:.vrj iir.TticiiKn, of ticv. rrU, N .1 Duo notice of funernt will be Rlicti Inttr. IIIIAMIIAN -On Fehrunry 1ft, 101ft, JOHN, litiMKtn.l of tli( laic Mnrv lirnnlmin Hel. thru nnJ friend nrn Invited to ftttrnd thft funrrnl, on Snliirdnv, nt n 10 n in., from till pon.n-lnw s rrnldpntp Margin HutrhinRon 1MB North I7lh t. ftiqulem Mum nt HI, tlllnlicih'ii I'liiirch at 11 n, m. Interment at Npw cnthpitriil Ccmctcrv. IIIKMVN On IVhrunry 11. 101ft. ISAAC S lilunv-.S' In liln dilth rvr. Itctntlvf nnd friend, nlfo Col. 3, VV. Moore I'em. No fid. 11 A. It : Col ,1 W ilooro Cnnip. No. 27 ? of V Col J VV Mnorr Clrrlp No 87, l.ndlc-K of the ! A, It aro Invited tn attend tlii' funeral erlcen on Saturday, nt 2 p tn . nt IH Into residence, 1018 llaverford nve lnlerment rernwond t'emelery Trlenda may rail I'rldav. from H tn 0 p m lit t'K On IVIirtiarv 1.1, 101ft IIHSSin K , dnUKhter of nilraheih C VVIer Huck Hela- i then nnd rrlendii nro Hulled to ntlenn jne fiinnell n UritMtJii nt I h m feint haF (I I III II , III! 11 IIUI I in (I i i ,' III ( i ' - lalo reelilnnT, liljii Trench i lnlerment nt Wemmlndter Cemeterv. Itemalna mny bo t levied Prldav. after 7 p. m, Aiito aervlec. Iltltlii: On l'etirunrv in, lOtft, .1AMKS .1 , eon or Mnrlln .1, and the lato ltliliard Ilnrke, Itelatlvea and friend ire Invited to attend the funeral Haturdav, .it f 1ft n. m., from the lentdenee of hi hrother-in-lnw, James J. MeNnllv, 2112 11 Cumberland at Solemn lleiliilnm M if" nt St Ann'n Church nt 10 o rloek. Interment nt New Cathedril Ceme terv. Ill ItrON. On February 17. 101ft, MART A. Ht'llTO.V men Dever), nlfo nf Jamra J. tlurton. need 1" venra. ftelattven and friend n,. Intllcil ti, nftrml fhn funeral, nil Mnn- djiv, nt s to ii, in , from her late residence. tl t'nton at, Kolemn Itequlcm Mana nt Ht. AriIIii'r Church nt 10 u m. Interment lit Nen Cnthedrnl Cemetery. t ANMMI. On relirunrj It, 101ft. M3TITIA t'ANNINO Itelntlve nnd frlenda nro In vited to nttend the funeral aerilees on Sat urday nflernoon. nt 2 o'clock, nt her lato realdento, 1UI South 22d atrcct. Interment private. CllOt'Si:. On l'ebrunrv 11, 101ft. SOPHIA, vlilou nf John It. Crouee, In her 82d venr, Helnllve nnd filenda nre Invited to nttend the funeral aeivlcea nt tier lalu residence. 2011 North ."ih at on Hnturdny. nt 2 p. m pioileilv Interment private, Urcennood K, nf l Cemetciv. Iiri'i:il. On Pebruarv 17, 10111, DOnOTHY A , d.iitRliter nf (leorce II. nnd llell.i 1 upee inee Kniirnmn), tn her Tith voir. Itelatlve nnd rrtenda nre Irnltcd to attend the funernl, nn Mondiy, nt I p m., from her father'n reHldeiiee, 2110 North 2th at Interment at Nnrthwood Crmeterv Hem.tlna may bo vloue.l on Sunday evenlnir. i:ili:itll,ltl)l'. On I'ebruary 1ft 10tft,f,OU18 .1 huatuind of Louisa K. nberhardt nnd pnn of laenh J. nnd Loulaa nterhardt, nued .11 jenra. nelatlve nnd friend, alao I'lilllp It. Sihuvlcr Oimp. No. 2. Son nf Veternns.nnd TonKtinu Trlhe, No 2t0, I. O. It. M , nro Invited tn nttend the funernl F-cnlicH, on Sundto, nt ,1 p m., nt tils Into tfsldence I7ul North Mnachcr Bt, Interment nt ilreenmount Cemeterj. I:nII,ANI1. On Tclirunry 17. 101I1.THOMAH VOI'Ntl, son of Nancy t). nnd tho lato Jnmen William I'nglntid. nped 1(1 enra. Itelntivct nnd frlenda nre Invited to attend tho funeral acrvlres, on Siturda. nt 11 n. m, nt resi dence of hla mother, Ki. Pavld'a Tn. Inter ment prllnte Convejniuea Mill meet tho trnin IcnvlUK ltrnnd St. Station nt 10.13 a. m,, nrrlvliiB nt St Divld'a 11 ,12 n. m. I'tlN. -on Itbruiry 15. Illlit. JOHN. Ind ian I "f Mnrv I'ox ttelatlven nnd frlenda, nlsn llolv Name Society of St. Ullzahcth'a I'nrirli nnd Heer Drlvrra' t'nlnn. No IX., nro Inv.leil to at end tho funernl, on Snturdnv, nt s ,0 ii. in . from hla Into residence, 22"i,1 Mister nt. i-oleinn itequlom .Maaa nt St. rilnlieth'a Churih at 10 n. m. Interment ut llnlv Ci04 Cemetery. :i;v. I'.lt. On lVhrtinrv 1ft, 1010, THANK. husband o Annlo (Icjer (neo IlnlOniter), nerd 7K ve.irs Itelitlvea nnd frlenda. nlso 1'enii Cnnilnve, No. .IS nnd Leather Work ers l'rotectlvo Aasocntion. nre Invited to nt tend the tuneiiil. on Snturdnv. nt 8 -io n in., rrom hla lato residence, "2.1 i: LIvliiKaion H HlKlt Iteiiulem Mass nt Holy Nnmn churih nt Id n. in preilselj. Interment at Most Holv lledeemer Cemetery. ,lli:r.Ni:WAI.I.- on rebruarv 17. 101ft, ISAAC 1. husband of tho Into Hosa Oreene vuild, nfred (,il yearn Itcl.itlves nnd friends Invited to view hla remain, nn Sunduy nfteruoon. nt 210 o'clock, nt tho parlors ol Umnnuel Asher, 1102 Ulimond street In terment private, at Mt. Slnnl Ccmeioo. HAI'II1:NNI:st1:L. On the mornlnc- of niiruuv 1(1, llllft LOUIS IIAI'IHINNK S'l'i;!,. need 00 venra. I'unernl acrvieen villi be held on Snturdny. IVbruary 10, nt 2 v. m. prei Isely, nt tlio reaMence or I. Itnniinn. 1212 Aspen street, West Philadelphia. In terment In Mt. Morlnh Cemetery. lir.MZ. At New York, on February 111. loin HI.IZAIIITTII S. widow of J Henry ltentz Helatlvea nnd frlenda nre Invited tn attend the funernl services, on Saturday, at It to a m , nt tho realdence of her son. 211 W est Tulpehocken at (lermantown, I'hll.i delphli. Interment prlvnlc. KAMI.-On February in, lOIil, JAMCS I . luli.iud nf Hannah Kane ltelatlvra nml friends nlso Colonel Fled Taj lor Post, No. 10. I, A It., nro Invited to attend the funeral, nn Katurd.iv, at 1 .to n. in, from his Into lesldiiue. 1001 IlonlU ut , Nlcctimn. High lo a, m. Interment at Holy Crosi Cenio terv. I.Otl'i:-On February 1.1, 101ft, IlHltNAntl .1 , huatiiud of Ilentrlco Loruo. nReil 110 eara, Itelntlvea nnd friends, nlso cmplojca of Alner linn lie Cninpiny, stutlou No . nro Invited to nttend the funeral, nn hnturda), nt 8 :i0 n. m . from tho Ollvel II ll.ilr ItulldlnR. INJil ( hestuut ut Mass of Solemn Iteriulclii at St. l.dmnnd'n (hurih. 2td nnd Mifflin, nt 10 n. in In ernieni at Holy Croca Cemetery. Auto mobile funernl. Itemalna may bo vloueil l'rlduy. from 7 to 10 p. in. lONAHAL'CH. On February 1.',,lD1il.nLLA, iliimthter of the lato John anil Ann Lona InuRh, llelntlvea and friends nf the fam ily nro invited to attend funernl services, Krlrtay evcnliiR, nt S o'clock Precisely, ut Sihuvler'M Hrond and Diamond sts. Inter ment atrlctlv private. M (.l IIIK. On Februurv 17, 101(1. I'iTrnit 1'., hunbanil of Mnrgirct M.iKulre. nnd son of the late Peier nnd Mary MaRiiIro Funeral on Momliit, at S !() a. m , from Ills lato re. lento, -tUJS l.intai-ter nve. Solemn Hequlem lns at Our Mother of Sonoun' Church nt 1(1 u. m. Hclntlwn and rrlenda nre Invite! to attend Interment ut C'nthcdril Ccme terv. Kindly omit tlowera. Mui'llAlli: On Febniarv 1ft. 101(1, nt ths Medli Hoipltil, JAMIIS, eon of tho lata James nml Hllzabcth MicDnde. In his Odd jear lltlatliea and frltrds are Invited to nttend the funcrul airvites, on HMurdity, nt I p in, In tho chnpcl r North Ceda Hill Cemetery. Fruiiktiird, Phil idetphl i. Inter mini nt North Ced ir Hilt Cemetery .ll(l(ll. on IVbruars IS, mill, CAItl.TON Mii.NTAtlt i;. In hla iiOili ear. Funeral on Mnuilav Uue uutlie of acrv 1 ta will bu Riven. 911 I.I OKI). In Mlllvllle, N. J., on 1 ehru ary n loin. HANNAH J. MULFOHO. widow n Loituzu F. Muliord, In her Wd sear, iiiiauvtd una irietuid tiro invited lo ntt uneral strvlira. Haturd.iy. at 10 10 a. in., at lir late Itsldeiue. 227 Slssafma St., Mill vine N J. Interment prlvnte. Vllltl'IU.- hudilenl), on l'ebru.iry 11, 1010, llltllninr. widow of Anthony Murphv (nee culllxnn) lUl.itlvcs nnd frleuda are Invited In iillind ruuer.il, ,SitunI,i, at 8 00 a. m , rroin the resident e of her son-in-law, Mictuel I' litnle loji Hh ickamaxnu st, rlolemr, Ite iiuiem M ma at tho Church of the Immacu Uie Cnmeptlon, at 10 a. in. Interment New Cithedrul Ceineterv. I'Altli. tin IVhrunry 15. 1010. ALHX VNDHIt PAItK In tha hOth tear of his use. Rfltlivea and friends are invited to nttend the fun, ral fcervlna, on Saturday, at 2 p. m preilsHlv, at Ills late lesidrnce, HIT North 42d at Interment private Auto service rriitci:.- on iviirum is. loin, mattiii l-LIZAHITH, widow nf Georpe M. Pflrce, fn hei Tsth ear. Itelutlves and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the reshlent e of her snn-ln-lavv. James N Knlpe. IJ'i Arirvle lload Ardmore la Trlnay Feb ruary li at 2 P. M. Interment private ItlCi: On IVhrunry !, 1010. CHARI.na VV II.I.I.VVIR ltlcr son of C Walter Itlco and ntsabeih A C nice (nee Knnls), In his 7th ear llelntlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, frlday, at p. m., at his parents' residence, 1310 Harrison at. 1 rnnkford. Interment at Cedar Hill Cerne. lerv ItfCII. At lier residence. 87H Toptar at, mi ivbrmrv II 1010, MARY J , wife of Will, lam It. Itkh In her T2d year. Helatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aerv liea on l'rld.iy at 10 a. m at the 20 1 h St, M i: Churth 20th and York sts. Interment ,i i.itn nt Greenwood Cemetery. ltOlllllNN. Near Vlncentnwn, N J , on Feb. ruar 11. 1010 n ritniiKIHCK husband of Gertrude Robbins (nee Hleg). Relatives and fi lends, also I. O. O. M No 111 of Camden N J nru Invited to nttend funeral, Satur day, at 1 p. Pi from hla lata residence near Vlni-rnirmn N J Interment I. O. O. F. Cemeterv I'emberton. N. J Carriages will meet 0 '12 a ni. train ftom Market bt. I'erry. Phil i at Vlncentown. HI ri On February 17. 1010, at lier lata residence, lOOil N. Camau st , MAHY B., wife of John G Ruff. Huo notice of the (uneral will he sttcn SCO IT. On February 10, 1010, JANB SCOTT, widow of Joseph W. Sotl. Rela, tlvca and frlcmls are Invited to attend tha funeral servlt.es on Katurday at 11 a, m. at the resident e of her son, 1J2 West TIojm si itiieriuiiii prituie hlvlPMIN. On February 13.1010, ROBERT. husband of Jessie Simpson, Helatlvea and frit nils also employes of I". R. T, (10th at, and Woodland ave. I, are invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 ,1U o i lock, at bis lata realdence. 0203 Wheeler at. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, Friends may lw remains Fri day evening. KM! I II. On February 10. 1010. SOniESKl C SMITH. In, his eoth year , Rslattves and friends ure Invited to attend the funeral serv ices on Saturday, at 3 0 p m from the residence of Charles S Smith Uryn Athyn. I'enna. MN CUI.IN. On February 10. loiu, JO. SEPH O VON Cl'LIN, 'husband of M. Kut (see Black), used J? years. Relatives und friends, also Bus tern Star lant-re. No. isii. F and A M , and Chosen Friends i Council. No. H Junior O. r A JI . ara In t.Sd to view, hla remains at 2 p. ni , at the parlors of Oliver II. Hair. 1S20 Chsstout at! Interment private, at Arllnston Cemetery It KLK. -Suddenly, on February 18, MARY (wife of Joseph K. , Welle Relatives and friends, also the B V 11 Sodality and the league of the Sacred Heart of the Church of toe os.n im .w .iiticecj n acicna toe tuneml. on Saturday it II i, a. from be l ite residence. 210 Sliel at Saleoin Hljh &ls I ot lltt'uietn ne v nurcn oi tne Sacred Heart at 10 10 a m precisely Intunt at Cathedral CeBittary wdltltALli - Suddenly, on Februarr In. UXf. at bl reU- Hlmsfora. BeaJ Fort I REAIi ESTATE FOR SAtg Merchanttllle, N. t. $100 Will mnke you Owner of this BUNGALOW LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, 3 RED ROOMS. HATH. M1TFA1 HI) ON N 37TH ST line sniutre west of Weittlfld art. Tske Penaul.i'n nr Trenton rtrs. sAcnn lot ron chicicenb, vi:oi:taih.h (iaiidkn. rnuiT, i:tc hub vh. we-lL makd it iiasy. The Cramer Realty Co. S311 FlIDIinAti ST.. CAMDEN Phone Camden 2557-J. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGRATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or llks thl) One time 18o perllni Three times one week 120 pr Una Elx times one week lOo rxrllot Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per nxats line per Insertion. Place your order for three or moro times and it will bo in serted in the daily Public Ledger nt no additional cost. One or two time, rate for Etbmino Lcdoi and rest lo Ledger combined Is 10 cents per asatc line, with the exception ot Help Wanted and Situ itlona Wantod, which Is 15 cant per line. ron TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In nil elsaslflcatlona x rept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, 1'oreonat. Uoardlntr and? Rooms, adl Fivu ciwrs pnn agate line to anx OF ADOVC ItATUS. Thcro is a drup; store near your homo that will accept Ledp;er want ads at oflico rates. LOST AND POUND I'nr Other I,ot nnd l'niiuil Ails See l'ane 1 PIN-Lost diamond bar nln. containing nlna ntnues Reward If leturned to Ilaller. Hanks .t Hlddle Company Philadelphia. FMltnilLLA Lost, durlnc Inst 2 vvks.. small blatk silk iimhieitu, Run-metul hall handle, studded Willi brilliants. J10 reward If re turned tn 17,10 Spruce st. I, PERSONALS tlltOCKRY nnd butcher store, J. Freedman. 8. W. cor. (lermantown ave. and Master at., sold Present hills beforo Feb. 1U to Jos. J. Itosenbluth, IHll N 2d HELP WANTED FEMALE ClllLDNim!K-eonipetent trutavvorthy. Trot estnnt wanted to take charKo of 2 children, suburbs, pleasant home. Rood wages. J 01, LedRor Centrnl . cmr.nvt'usrr t:ner erlenced Scotch or Kngllih Pinteatnnt for baby rcferenco required. Call rci, uau Cnrfara 100 West Walnut Inne, Oermontown, paid. Teiepnone i.ierninnii)wn ,'inii. CI1TII WHAVnns wnnted Apply . Jamea Hobson. Inc., Itlanket Mills. Inne, Falls of Schuylkill & Scott'i COOK Capable, white womnn. Merlon) small fnm.t no vvanhlnsr, ref. Meet employer Room 201, ons Chestnut st,. Friday, ,1 p. m. COP wiNnilltS wnnted Apply John A Jnmaa Pntieon, inc.. iflntiKet 3111 Mills, Scott's lana. niils of SchuvIkllK OIRI. -onipetent for tvncwrltlns; and secre. turlu. position W. T. Harris. 20!) Huverford nve., Nnrlierth. Pn. - GIRL wanted, experienced, for rnoklnc and downslalra work: no waahlng. C 203. Led Off. aim, wanted for Rcncral housework. 1003 Vine st. GIRL. Id years old. to lenm wlndlmr. Quaker Ijice Company, 2'-M nnd Lehigh nve. GIRL.H WANTHD Nt'MDF.R OF OtnLS FOR YARN UOXINO. NO HXPFRIBNCF. RE. Ol'IltHD START WITH M A WEEK. ('all at s n ft n w. fluisher, inc., '.-.I'll AND HAMILTON STS. GIRI.R wnnted Active help, not under 10 years of nse, In severnl dermrtments; Uaht. elean work, full time Apply Wrlsbach Co, Olou c ester. N J Apply between 0 nnd 10 a. m. OinUS. over 10 venm. wanted In packing" and Icing department. National mscul Company, Klh and nienwood nve, HOl'SHKHnPHR, worklntr. for 2 adults: aub urbs, no washln-r nr Ironlne; ref. Meet em Plover. Room 201 OPS Chestnut at,, Bat, 10 a.m. HOI'tCWOIllv Whlto Rlrl for Renernl housa work good cook. Apply 102 W. Ihllth. IIOl'SEWORK White ulrl. general housework! Kood cook. Rood home. J 012, Ledger Cent. HOl'HnWORK-Colored rlrl: family fours no wflshlng Box 22. Cynwyd. In. INFANT Nl'RRK Hxperlenced woman! ref erent e required 11 -100 Ledger Office. MOTHHIl'S HnLPRR-CaiUble rettled woman; reference required. II 2.TI ledger Ofllce. NCItsn. Protestant, to take entire charge ot n. child 2 sears old, English or French ere (erred. Answer by letter to 1810 Pint st. ETHNOGRAPHER having a number of yeara r".fflfA nvn.rl.ni.fl no others need annlv. unce esperien ItertFer-Aaron Itledberger-Aaron Mfs. Co., eOOO N, 18th St., r.ear Way no Junction, STENOORAPHER wanted In law office, Intel, licence, fslr speed and accuracy required, but legal esperlence unnecessary: opportunity (or advancement. C 113, Ledger OHlce. STENOORAPHER. permanent: good-paying po, sltlon oRered to one of ability and experience. Elgin. 1C0.1 Filbert, . STKNOOHAPIIEIt. one or two years' exnert.- ence, In a manufacturer otnee nt vviiiini. 'e. iiopoosse-r'Jiiis. ', .-yvtsi w,, gTENOORAI'lIUR-At least 1 year-a esperU TELEPHONH OPERATOR wantod. 130 er M. UI h and I month In person. wM ,, ,iw- pltal, .1'th i Spruce sts. (leneral GOVERNMENT positions open to women, m month. Write Immediately for free list. Franklin Inst., Dept, 713 M. Rocheater. ti. TC HEL WANTED MAI-E ADVERTISING Manufacturing concern needs ambitious young man to assist In advettlstne: detail department, should, have general knowledge of advertising detail and Uaa charge of mailing list to retailers, also ol low.ups and understand usa o( multUrapU and addresnograph machines, send full de tails. O 118. t-eder Office AltCIUTECTURAL DRAUUHTSMAN flrtl class, must lave experlem. In hcus di slEnlAg'. n Slegal, 61st and Carpenter , BATTElfY MAN wanted. Brat class, to take care of batteries In tars, also to repair aqd charge them M"i Jdger WfJCT SookKLEPEIl wanted by New York ant) Flu' adclnhia Stock Exchange house, good uppor tunlly for joung man who is amfclttou ts 200. Imager uuicc nOOKKEEPEU. eiperleuced, refereuci: re- quUS saUrTlte. state age and full PartRu lars. otherwise no attention. J 313. LedCent. fiOYAaE tafFOIl HIIRANDS AND (IEN KRAL WORK IN WHOLESALB HQHSBi MUST I1E5 llUIOIir ANU ACTl E AI't-V 082 MABKBT ST HOY wanted. 10 )eara of ago. oHKa o( sbse- factory houra I to 0. H a, neea; to iai. O lgl Ledger Oftite BOY, 17. wanted (or cmt-ework. Anasjrer W own handwriting P a Box 1571 ' BOYS wanted 15 to JR yeara sge Biowra 'c.,1... rn ally M Vpsnklln. COI.LBOB MEN- Two college men. 23 ty M, are wanted for resionlble position. In large publishing house good wets of ajvjuire uTeni for rigEt men. must he alert 1 ve. headed and resourweful exec-uUTt experii;, rUslrable salary to Uti IIO-M. ifci -phone number AddrtM immciiat-i! V i ' Ledger Olfk DtXer I lajdljUnl Ada oil Jti Fj