Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    SBSSIS I " "
rVf TSPT f
' "ViUfffi ' ''"'' ' '"" '" '"'lllli3''w'TiJ,i nfwui j w'HHipii.ifSXW HB"t4'ltf'"''Wiil ili'tmiHii WP4MU
Intercollegiate Code Con-
sidered iiest lor Local
Quintets 10 .avoid
m Hio EPliolnstlo bnskelbnll trams In
fi,u city nml vicinity should flny tho
KSrcolIesloto I.fnRiio rules. This stnto
Inint was miulr by ono of tho most prom
ES t omclnls in tho city, who htti fol
S scholastic. Mid coIIobo sports for
K. last JO years, and who Is qualified
make on o-scrllop of this Iclntl.
f. it nrcsont a rather strained situation
infronta tho school basketball players,
cine to tho fact that thoro nro two sets
?..,,!. In force tho IntprcollCRlato
r..ma and the Kastorn LcaRiio cage
Mu ... inh CV.I.nnl T.mitfiin Inifnn
Em tho majority of tho private and pre-ri-tory
Bhool qulntots have tukon up
IM intcrcolloRlato LctiEUi rules this year.
On tho other " nnd, there ai o ninny
(.ms still playing "nder tho old Kant-
.rn League rules. All tho quintets In tlio
lice for the Catholic school title nro
'lirlnff Eastern I.cngue rules. Catholic
llsh. LaSnllo Coilcgo St. Joseph's Col
uu and Vlllanova Preparatory hchpol
hive upheld tho rules In force in tho past
?w vears. They lmvo l of used to play
'limes under tho ..itercolleglato codo.
' it li rri-aicted that tho nastcrn I-eairiip roiru.
!.iion will bo aipcnnr-il with nftor thH ir
,J that the tiuiiii plalnK tlw nit -stylo cko
Smawtll enanK" to tho IntorcollcBlnte I..mruu
foil of ptay- Thla wnul1' l'. a "l0;,"' "' ,llu
Mht direction. Kvcn tho coulioi of the H'anm
Mr a the old rules mlmlt lli.it tlio clitiiiKu
jauit como anil sooner tliun thej cxiut tod.
A number of instances whoro there worn tils
mlMOVor tho rules to ho 1110.I In wheiluled
Sums this year "'cro brouuht to tho nttontlon
5ho eauo M-n. St. Jotioph'i follenc wns
Muled to plnv the l'oiitisylvniilti Military
nllYii tenrn at , Chester. Intel rolljRl.ito
Situs rules aro nlmisH nlnjeil nt 1'. SI. C.
a. Joe would not piny hernusp nf this anil re
raied to pins- I"" Knutcrn I-ensuo rules and
Mlt IntercolleBtato ruios.
Another Inatnnio nan tho Dnrbv IIlRh Fihool
ChMtnut I J til Acndemv came, Unity IIIkIi and
liliitams in tho Dclawnro County I-c igun ntny
the Enitern Lmsuo rules. Uarhy minted ttt
iUr Chestnut Hill, but not tho lntorcolleKlnto
itifa of tamo nnd tho contest was culled orr.
There havo heen numorous ttispuios ot'n" the
rulM. As tho collcKcs nnd o many of tho
itnooli havo lureptpj tho IntcrcollcKlate rules
I "official," whv not chimin; to this dcflnlto
ul "lundardlzed" form of eagu pluyT
' Oermantown High won ItB eighth conrecutlvc
tukctbnU cinio yesterday In tho Mnnhelm
tilt, detention the ptroni? West I'hiladolrhlu
r School reserve tiam by a seoro of It) to
Tho low heorlug wna tho rorult of tho
itnnuous competition and tho clofo KUanllni:
Ir both squads. Kor Clonrtntitmvn Irish. Col
llnr. Mnfrner, Ilurnctt, llotzmcr, lltui'-ser nnd
Owner were In togs, Collins, Ilurnctt and
Eetimer cxrelllntr
11 It was tho samo VTcit Philadelphia High
School second team that moii its wny to a
tla for first place with Southern lllnh for
the lead In the second team league. IMnza
tixer. Allen, Mason. Ifermiinn and Melnernov
ncrctentcd West rhll.idclphla. Allen lrd in
fell goat SLurlnc. with tlirco to Ills credit.
Onus. iho took lfrrnunn'a placo as a guard,
ills did great work. Wheeler, of llatcrfonl,
vu tho rcferco in this eamo and ho did
jjod work.
I Irtrthmoro Preparatory School, with lllnch-ff-ao.
Benjamin, AV. Stow, T,unRron and Hot
putylnpr tholr usual fast cnRo Kumo, and witli
Ttrnall In tho second lialf in nlaco of Ilen-
Jimln. won tho contest with tho Swarthmoro
oiltEe reservo team at Swarthmoro yesterday,
:i to 17. Tho splendid work of IIIchtnnn,
Benjamin and l.unsrcn hroiiKht forth much
jriljo from tlio Swarthmoro l'rep rooters. Tim
tolleso reserve team lined up with Alnsivorth
inl white, forwards; 1". Stow, centre, Smtlh
uu unit, tjuutus.
('Northeast IIlRh students nro not overlooking;
the fact that I'lnlcorton. of West Philadelphia.
a shut out by tho Northenst cunrd In tho
.recent IaRUo camo. Neither will they soon
Itoritet the work of Sammy Asnultli. Mlnelmrt.
pturRli, Onrdlner, (linn or Cnptnln Johnny
'Hedelt. All they nsk now Is for Northeast
to repeat In tho gumo next Tuesday,
Tomorrow's Soccer Games
AMATKl'It Cl'r
1'lrst ltoiimt
Turltan IteerfN h, Somerset, nt Sil
and Clcarllclil Ntrcrts, Hcferoe, Jiimes
Ehnmrnrlc ts. Anoln, nt IDth street nnd
Iluntln!: I'ltrk uteiiuv. Jtofcrtc. 1'. (iiiiin.
Ascension h. ht. Htepheus, nt rrunt
street nml lrle mcmic. ltefcrcc. It.
Drlitol ts. North Philadelphia V. M.
A., at 10th street nnd lliiiitlnic l'nrk ae
nne. lteferer, James AVnlders.
Woodlauil n. Ulstnhlrkon, nt fiSd
street and Woudlunil utcntie. lteferer,
A. Watson,
A Income ts. I'rltnmllle, nt B3d nnd I.o
esit streets, lteferee, George Yaune,
, Zleetrlo rttnrnce Ilnttery vs. David I,up
tort Sons, nt Clielten nenim nnd Mue
oll street. lteferer, T. Alrd,
J, It, loster Company vs. Cresson-Mor-tli
Company, nt .1th nnd Ilrlstnl xtrcets.
lteferee, JI. M'nlteinnte.
fitandnrd ltnller IlcitriiiK ts. Holtlfeld
Jiff. Co., nt BSth nntl Hnerford tnenue.
Referee, II. Ilnnifnrd.
Martex Towel Co. ts. William Cramp
Co., at Tulip street nnd Allegheny ave
nue, lteferee. It. Scott.
ai.t.ii:i T.CAOUn
Vlrst DUIslon
Rills ts. St. Nathaniel, nt litlls. nf.
ee. J. Williams.
'nderers as, Curtllneton. nt Si! street
and l.ehlRh uterine, lteferee. ,1, Stmir.
tueote ts. 1'urltun, nt .Marcus Hook.
Bef,ree, ,1. Steel.
IlUston vs. Putnam, nt Slate rum! nntl
Caruh street, lteferee. John Wnldrrs.
Seeontl l)hl-loii
. 'tpn vs. North Ainerlean Ijic. nt
H ,-" - wuno DtirriH. itrttirc, s jiuiv
mini IllVlttlon
Eenilngton Itrsenes mi. Tlrlilesliurr, nt
! ad Clenrlleld streets, lteferer, J,
l'oarlh Division
AttnM at . i ..& a,,.
.-.....,, ,, urittuKC, III "til mill
""SVW"'. "ererer, II. SKelton.
lalrhlll vs. Puritan JiinlorH, nt front
"antloff" 01ney nTe"ue' "eferec, IJ. .1.
t Itohla'A. C. ts. Kilgrmoor Juniors, nt
'Mtthl""1 B'"1 Unrul1 're'- lteferee, I'.
Church nivltlon
.fS'V1"''."' s'' John, nt r nnd Tioga
ilreet, Hefftt,., 1Vf fjaI1,e).
''"i,Jarnaha8 " North Phllndlephla. nt
'f. II. Thompson: '
!ili.-.V.e,n"la Cricket Club ts. Unlvrr.
Schotastic tta&kctball
Schedule for Today
, fnmilen High vs. I.n Hallo College, nt
1 a nllr.
Ilnltlmnre I'nlj ts, Dreiel Institute
nt lirotel.
Ilntrrford School ts. Oermnntonn
Aimlrmy, nf (lermnnlown.
thMlrr .High mi. Doter High, nt
Dover, Del,
tetter Merlon vs. Itryn Alliyn Acad
emy. nt llryn Athyn,
Doslestimn High ts. Nnrberth High,
nt Nnrhrrth.
, TltACK.
llnverford f'nllrgr lntrrschnlntln track
nncl gjmnntlo meet, nt llnverfonl, B
Cointtlneil High SrlionU ts. t'enn 1'rrsli,
nt Cenlrnl Hlgli School, 2il3 p. m.
Columbia Captnin and Fonvard
Will Not Play Tomor
row Night
Posperts nf wlnnlnir the lntorcolleKlnto
basketball gamo from Columbia, tomor
row night nt 'Welghtmnn Unli, looked
mote fnvornblo for the Hed nnd lllun to
day when It wns learned thnt Cnptnln
liwyer, stnr forwnnl on Columbia, would
tint be nble to play because of a broken
rib. Htistalnetl In practice enrly In tho
In the Penn gnmo In New York, last
Saturday night, Dwyer scored 1G polntt
nnd was n big fictor In tho showing of
Mornlngflldo Heights ro"tblnatloti. At this
time tho Ited nnd Hluo, nfter seven fruit
less yenrs, defeated Columbia, 25 tu 22,
In two extra periods.
Visions of landing tho championship of
tho Intercollegltito I.enguo nro looming up
so fuvorably nt Penn these days that
thcro Is moro Interest In baoketball than
ever. Next Tuesday, when tho Venn tennt
journeys to Frlnroton, moro thnn 100 stu
dents also will make tho trip. Grent
enthusiasm has been nroused, and tho
committee In chnrgo has inndo plans for
a special train to leave West Philadelphia
station nt 11:07 p. m. Tho gnmo Itself Is
a crucial ono for Venn, nnd If the lied
nnd llluo la victorious alio will virtually
clinch tlio title.
Ted Meredith left for New York this
afternoon to run In n, special 100) yards
race In tho 71st Regiment Atmory to
night against n classy field, consisting
of Homer linker, Davo Caldwell, Joo Hlg
gins nnd Sid Leslie. Meredith Is In ex
cellent condition nnd should show his
heels to tho field If ho runs up to tho
form of two weeks ago, when ho broke
the world's record for COO yards.
West Branch Wins Intercity Game
Tho West Ilronch V. M. C. A. tenin, plailng
high grndo ball, captured an onsy vtuory from
Trenton Y. M. C A., In nn Intercity irnmn In
tho former's gym. 62d nnd Smsom streets,
lnt night The scoro -was no to 31.
Tho victory for West umm h settled tho
Ouestion of supremacy between the Pnlla
elpiilans nnd tho Trenton nvo Scleral weeks
ngo West lirnneh traveled to Trenton nnd met
defeat by n threo-point margin, as two field
gonls woro rulod out because tho refcreo
claimed thoy woro not scored according to
tho Intercollegiato rules, undei which the West
llrnnchers were forced to play,
.lack Kellv, tho champion slnglo sculler,
fdaylnir centre for the local tennt. wns tlio
ilgn light In thn West Branch attack, nnd win
closely followed by tho veteran Kilos. Tho
former scored ten goals from tho door nnd tho
latter dropped seven.
Chief Declares He Will
Enter Live Bird
Shoot With Marker,
Regardless of Threat
to Jail Him
LIKE the majority of Americans,
J whether hyphenated or not, Chief
Charles Albert Uender does not caro to
sco a thousand bhlnlng slmolcons slip
from his trusty w allot. This sum is ap
proximately what his hurlershlp would
rcc'clvo In tho llvo bird rdioot scheduled
with George Marker tomorrow afternoon
at tho Federal League baseball park In
"I don't enro what tho Western Penn
sylvania Humane Society says nbout It. I
am going to shoot that match with
Murker," declared tho Chief aH ho melded
a hundred aces In tho plnochlo ring.
"There Isn't nny law In this State against
llvo bird shooting, nml I don't Intend to
bo Interfered with by nny person or bo
clety regardless of color, race or condition
of feathered solicitude Let 'em go to
It, They can't do unythlng and that's all
there Is to It."
Speaks Feelingly
Theso few remarks were not spoken In
anger by tho Chippewa chieftain, but
thcro was no mistaking the fact that tho
promising Phillies' recruit uttered theso
fateful words straight from tho hcait.
Tho Chief has always had a little habit,
nt times extremely disconcerting to the
opposing batsman, of doing Just about
what ho set out to do. And ho usually
sot out to inako the would-bo hitter look
as foolish ns possible.
nut controlling tho hlde-bound pill and
tho laws of tho Stnte of Pennsylvania nro
two sopnrato oml distinct things.
Just ns tho Chief states, there Is no
law against live-bird bhootlng In this
State, although New Jersey and Now York
have such statutes. At tho Bame time, It
is posslblo that If tho match Is attempted
John H. Itltcnour. president of the West
ern Pennsylvania Humane Society, may
provo to bo a very bad hazard, as they
say on tho links. Mr. Rltenour says that
he will have Uender and Marker arrested
and prosecuted to the full extent-of the
law on the ground of cruolty.
Want Legislation
The Audubon Society and similar or
ganizations havo nttemptcd In the past
to havo legislation passed forbidding llvo
twerev a lot
Delaware River Division
Organized to Aid U. S.
in Preparedness
The Delnwnro TUvcr Power Rciundron,
local division of tho United States Power
8qimdrou, wns fc med last night nt a
mnss-meotlng liolit nt tho Hotel Walton,
when 100 jnchtsmett of S3 yacht clubs,
situated on tho Delaware lllvcr nnd Its
tributaries, signed up ns members. Tem
porary officers wero elected after a gen
eral discussion had taken placo ever i
the naming of tho division between two
factions representing tho two associations.
Tho mnln object of the formation of the
various smindrons, of which thcro nro 10
nt tho present time, l.i for preparedness
to nld tho United Stntes Government In
time of need. As put by Charles V.
Chnpmnn, of New York, one of tho chief
men In back of the movement, which was
started four 5 ears ngo under the aus
pices of tho Hoston Yncht Club, nnd tho
principal speaker, "the United States
Miner Squadron Is n mllltnry organiza
tion, which will bo of great eervlco to
tho United Htntes in cuso of war, In aiding
the navnl tosorve."
Dr. Uugene Hwnyne, commodoro of the
Tint Hock Motorbont Club, nnd sponsor
of the Philadelphia division, which was
formed under tho auspices of tho Schuyl
kill Nnutlenl Association, wns elected
temporary commander. Tho Philadelphia
division, nfter a warm debate, llnnlly
merged with tho Delaware Itlvcr Squad
ron, which was formed under tho aus
pices and leadership of Dr. C. S. Streot,
of tho Columbia Yncht Club. Tho other
ofllcers elected wero Horace CI. Dastburn,
of the United liont Club of Wilmington,
lleutennnt commander; Charles Helber,
former commodoro of the Columbia Yncht
Club, of Tncony, treasurer, and Willlnm
O'Donncll, of tho Falrmount Yacht Club,
Tho Delaware River Power Squadron
will bo tho largest of tho various divi
sions, provided tho members which havo
signed up pass the examination. At the
present time, nccordlng to tho rules, 10
members aro ready to take tho examina
tion. Tho squadron will bo a permanent
one, rendy to aid tho Government at any
time, nfter tho next meeting, which will
bo held nt tho Hotel Walton, March 7.
Tho power squadron movement was
conceived by Commodoro Upton and It.
I Stcbbin, of tho Boston Yncht Club.
Tho first squadron was formed under tho
auspices of tho Hoston Yncht Club, nnd
wns a club division. Tho Portland Yncht
Club was formed In 1013. and tho same
year notice was sent to CO representative
yacht clubs to attend a mass-meeting.
Thirty yacht club representatives attend
ed the meeting, and tho United Status
Power Squadron was organized, to bo
under Government control.
bird shoots, but thus far tho shooters have
been nblo to block the passage of tho
measure. This means that If Bender nnd
Murker do hold their shoot, which they
probably will If tho Chief remains In his
present Btato of mind, tho courts of tho
State will decide tho all-Important mat
tor of whothor this sport comes under tho
legal definition of cruelty to animals.
l-'or somo tlmo tho Bender-Marker match
has .been advertised throughout tho Stato.
Ono hundred birds wero decided1 upon ns
tho proper target number. Uender and
Anrker havo n big sldo bet and besides
thoy were to have split a part of the gate
receipts. In nil tho Chief counted on
cleaning up n sum bordering on tho thou
sand mark, which ts ono llttlo reason why
cmirlen Albert Is bo keen for tho match.
Pat Moran has not been Interviewed on
tho matter yet. Very likely the Phllly
leader would bo loath to sea his hurling
hopeful In tho clutches of the "reserve
claws" of tho law. Nevertheless, Pat Is
somewhat of a shooting fan and per
former himself, nnd would be unwilling
to Interfere with tho Chief, even though
he were flirting 11 little too despor.ately
with tho clammy prison walls.
At nny rate Deader Is going tr Pitts
burgh. Whether he will drop tho birds
with his nccustomed monotonous regular
ity, or whether ho will be dropped by the
humuno statttto remains to be seen. He
strongly favors tho former, but humane
pcoplo aro often very Insistent on pun
ishing what they bollevo to bo a crlmo
against animals. Hence, the dope points
to a close battle between Chief and
the society.
ClP i
I E? " it-''t wK2was
il. "18
wtmL ' n?
paW N 1
MitlillcwclRhts Maul Each Other
Throughout Uninteresting Go
Llttlo can bo said of tho final bout nt
tho Broadway Athletic Club last night
other than It was a splendid exhibition nf
how not to box nnd that Henry Hnubcr
was otltmnuled by Irish Pat Bradley. The
latter, who Is supposed to have picked
up his knowledge of tho gamo In Auttra
11a, demonstrated that mauling Is his spe
cialty, whllo Haulier put up tho worst
exhibition of his tarecr.
Bradley would suddenly grow bravo
when tho refcreo stepped In to separato
tlio boxers, nnd whllo they wero breaking
tlio Irishman managed to sneak over
plenty of hefty punches. Haulier held on
repeatedly, llratlley took ndvantage of
this to get his mauling tactics tint king,
pelting Hnubcr with short, choppy
punches on tho back of tho lead.
Champion, However, Does Not Honor
tho Agreement
Henry Blether, representing George
Chniioy, challenger for tho world's feath
erweight title, sent J1000 rrom Clovelnnd
to tho Sports I'dltor of tho Puulic
Ledoxu to honor his agreement inndo
with Johnny Kllbano nnd his manager,
Jimmy Dunn, for a 13-round bout for tho
world's chnmplonshlp, scheduled to bo
decided ln Baltimore on March 17.
Tho posting of this forfeit, which Is nn
evidence of good fnlth on tlio part of
Chnncy for weight nnd appearahco doubt
less mnrks tho beginning of n wrangle
whirh Is likely to make American ring his
tory. I'p to midnight Kllbano had failed to
honor his part of tho contract, nnd his
manager, Dunn, Is reported to havo said
In Cleveland that Kllbnne will tctlro from
tho ring rather than meet Chnncy.
New Racing Bill Introduced in Mary
land Lcgislaturo
ANNArOLlS, Mil., Feb. IS. A new
racing bill has been Introduced In tlio
Maryland Senato which Is Intended to
huppl.iut tho ai lous drastic measures
now before the Legislature. Ono of them
would go so far ns to forbid not only
betting nnd racing but nlso would pre
vent tho circulation In tho Stato of any
nowspaper containing racing news.
Trenton Signs Hargrcavcs
TltllNTON. N. J.. Feb. 18. Announcement
luiR lieen mario that (Jhartlo KarRreavoit, tho
contro man of tlio Wilbur Y. M. C. A. bnskei-
ball loam, 11.1a been sm-nea ny Trenton una n ill
inako Ills debut nt an rjulorn LenRiier next
Monday nluht nRiilnst tho Camden Club nt tha
1,'d lloulment Armory.
Moro bets are being placo.l on tho result of
tha Hobby MoLeoit-Younir Mcflovern matrh at
Ilia Nonpareil Club tonlKlit than nny bout In
tho mill district tills pouson. Tho Scutch lull a
aro lacking McLcod heavily.
Sammy Docker nnd Hddle OlRfl, of Now
York, will oppeur In tho featuro fray at tho
Quaker city . A. UmlBlit. .Selsel mado a
tile Impresifon on tho fans at tho 20th and
l'auphlu streets arena recently vihcn ho won
from Joo O'Ncll. .
rtest flrotvorks are on tap for tha wind-up nt
tho National Club tomorrow night, when Jack
llrazzo and Joe Azevedo clash. Tlio llirlit
welvhts tlElit along; tho samo lines, neither
giving an Inch and punching continually.
Benny Leonard.
of Now York.
Is duo for n mid. Ini
nvestlcatlon of his band
aires previous to his encounter with Jtmmy
,f....l... n. ttx. niutnnln On.i ... nl.hl --I'll
Murphy at the Olyrnpla Monday night.
make suro that Leonard doesn t tuvo any
'Itorseslioeb' in ms gloves wnen no meets
Murnh." said Managor Charley tjnlnchart this
Tex rtlcksrd, promoter of tha postponed
Willard-Moran bout in New York, has ono
consolation, lly tho time he Is thruuirh utth
tho set-to he will 'havo a lot of ezperlencc If
nothing else. .
Two boxers who have been on the stda lined
for some time are anxious to get back Into
harness. They nro At Thum, welterweight, und
Hobby Hayes, bantamweight.
I.eo rtoux, tho Memphis boxer who reeently
Invaded Philadelphia nnd will box under Ilia
guidance of Hobby Morrow here, will get
started next week, lloux hus been working out
dally in Adam Itjan'n gym.
Tammy Duck's right arm Is In great shape.
Ho hus kept busy for several days shaking
hJnds with his many friends. Now tho
Southwarlc featherweight Is In strict training,
and ho will bo In ahapo to maka his return
appearance here in a week. Constituents of
liuck arc anxious to sco him In combat with
tho K. U. Kid, tleorge Chaney.
Leo Vincent, of this city, his decided to fol
low tho Idea of Uattllug Levlntky, erstwhile
Harney Williams. Vincent will Lax In the
future under his real namo, Leo iJivlinky Ho
orobably will appear at tho Iiroadway tjuvrllug
Club, lirooklyn, February --'.
Plot by J. P. McEvoy
(Copyright: 1813: Hy Tho Trlbuna Company)
VUUV Tlrv Vtll)
to a.urr
Athletics' First Baseman
Laid Up With Infection
of Gums
BOSTON. Mnss , Feb. n. More hard
link is on the trnll of Cornelius Mcnilll
fiul "Stuffy" Mcllitils, of Gloucester,
(-,mni,''a flraf hneitmnti nml ttti.lniilitnillt
tho luckless ono's best remaining star, tins
tint eaten nnv snlltl food for n week. Trou-
1 nle with the gums of his teeth Is tlio cause
Hpivl.iiisti nro now working on tho gum
Infection. If thev fall to discover nnd
apply n prnctleablo remedy within tho
next few days Mclnuti will bo In 11
Inmentablo condition to stnrt tho spring
tr lining regime with his fellow Athletics
in Florida next month. Ho Is In such
weak "hnpe now th.it he views with nlarm
the 1 1. lining trip.
Study's presence i needed In tho
Mailtian Inlleld nnd In thn Mnckl.in tint
ting order. If anything keeps Mctnnls oft
tlio tu live list the chnnccs of tho Macks
lining tho come-back strenuously tiro
whncked nmldshlpH.
Stuffy had been doing gymnasium work
up until tho last week, In enmpnny with
t'y lvrkhiM, tho former Gloucester High
catcher, who will go South with tho Mack
men this year. Mctunln absolutely re
fused to play basketball this oft-reason,
even as ho has refused to Indulge In tho
Indoor winter nport for tho hist tlirco
Notes of the Amateurs
Tho ilraylpeli Hovs' Club, rlnlmunts of tho
I'lillmlclphia UU". I ullllhi: to ilerrmt IH HMo
axniiit mi tlilr. cI.ifi team Milling to pay full
t Mtcint'H. Clravlock inn ho honKiM hy mliirpHH
Irm Walter Kloncm. l'J0." r-uutli ItliiKcoM
utreet, riilliuU'lphln.
The neltmnr A. A. wnuM like to nrrnnge
Raines ulth all llflli nrul nixtli claim tennis
having tinltM. In or out of tho city. Write
Willlnm lJcnllcr. iu:'!) Houth 17lh utnet. l'hll
itdclphh!. Trim nlrhlng to til I out tholr home pched
ulo for Humlnn Nhoul.l mlitropH Wllllum Conl
nor. aiwtt Onkfonl troet I'hlliulelohi.i. Mm
urday finmeH with tlrpt-iliiba teutntt ilcatrcit.
Tho now Mailonna Cntliollo Club's hnftkcthnll
team. Italian chnniiiloni, will piny tho llcnum
quintet at tlin Iiuit'h tialt on ittunlay op
nlnc. Kehruiiry IP On Tiioiiliiy otcnlng. IVh
rimry --. Minlonna is nrhoiltilrtl to piuy tho
(Irnoo llvo at I'-'it and Foilornl ptrerts.
MnmiEor Josctili A. Lointianll announcoH thnt
ho ittlll h.iM a few oin'n il.itoi In Foltru.iry unit
.vturi.li. an'l woiihl Ilko to henr from icatno In
I,onnilvniita Mtirland anl New Jersey, ns
well iih I'tiliiniolptilii teunit. palng a guarnn
too. AiMroNK Juseiih A. I.oinbarill. 17 tu Houth
11th street.
MJ.V.V1 kaVkidawW rt VtJtkVi' IS '
Your first view of the newest shapes
and colors to be had today.
A few minutes spent in our Chestnut
Street Store will convince you that
Stetson's this Spring have more than ever
set the style in hats.
The new "Pacemaker" is bound to be popular; the "Lawn
ton" is sure to make many friends. Derbies will again be in
Let us show you today the hat that fits not only your head,
but your physique and personality.
1224 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Stetson Hats arc sold by leading Hatters and Haberdashers everytohere.
'PR.6FE.ll.- CJOUF
Evcniiia Ledger Decisions
of Ring Hauls Last Night
HltOAinVAY- lrlh 1'nt llrntller dr
fentcd Ilr-nry llniiltrr. AUIir llmrell Hon
from .toe Itolihiftnn, Unity lllnelile bfnt
.lean I'nrkrr, Johnny Mrt.nuclillil liniled
Tnn I lynn, ITnnkle I'onmty stopped
,loo Mrdrntli. ,
M:U ItlllK-tiim mntfnril nnd am
Sli'Vrv drrn, ndre Anilersnn knocked
out liner ttoilrl in Hip llflll.
(l,nii:i,AMl llrnrRo Chiiiicy drew
nllli Cat llrlniiry.
Clinches Position in Final Gamo
by Defeating Halo
& Kilburn
1:. o. nnd! y 'a Vsft
BtnnlnrJ Holler 11 !l .TS.-.
J. A J. rtooaon jl fl ."t.l
Wentfrn r.lri-lrle 11 .W
Blectrlo Ktoroitn li n .tirJ
National lltsrult 11 .215
Amerliiin t'lilloy tl II. ,'Jtn
ll.ilp Kilburn S 11' .113
The Tlutlrl team, plnylng fast ball, last
night won tho ehntnplnnMilp of tho In
dttstrlnl League by dofcntlng Halo & Kil
burn, CI to 11, In tho other gamo Stand
ard Holler Beating nosed out Western
Hlectrlc, ,11 to 25, These wero the llnul
games of the league.
Tho ties which havo llgurcd In tho
stundlngs of the teams nil season remain
nt tho finish. Standard Boiler Bearing,
.1. & J. Dobson nnd Western Kleetrlc nro
on oven terms for Fecund place, whllo
National Biscuit and AuiciJciu Pulley ate
tied for sixth.
In announcing tho official averages to
day ''resident b'ranklln snld: "The In
dustrial League passed nil expectations hi
legard to Interest nnd llnances. Consid
ering that this In our llrst year out, tho
nlllccrs nnd players of tho nrloua teams
think wo havo mot with remarkable suc
cess Next season wo may Increase our
circuit, ns numerous applications nro nt
bund for admission to tho league.'
It was alio stated today that to mako
plans for a series of gamci between 11.
O. Bndd, champions of the Indiitrlnl
League, and tho Olrnrd team, champions
or the American League, a meeting will
bo held next Sunday nt 2116 North IDth
street. President Franklin will represent
tho Industrial League, whllo President
William Allen will negotlato for tho
American organization.
Oermantown Y. M. C. A. Wants Games
OwtiiR to their nchciliileil team canceling tho
r?amo at tho l.uu minute, tlio (icrniiiutown
V. M. A. In ultlunit a gatno for Saturday
ccnliiff. Any team u. Miliar to pliy for ox
idises plionp Cloniuintown v. M. C. A. after
7 o'clock Mils owning.
iV-tv XvrtyijiS (vriefcv. AVi-rvX wsft iswkwrAi
Stetson Company
You Can't Evade the
chiefuv "BEcuse)
Jones Wires Rickard to Go
Ahead With Arrange
ments for Bout
NTW YORK, Feb. le-Tom Jones has
wired from Chicago telling Tcs Itlckard
to co right ahead with his arrangements
for March 25. Tonsorla! Tnwm added
tltat ho had given tho "big fellow" n
mustard foot bath, rilled him with aulnlnet,
wrapped him In a coat ot sliced Hermudat
nnd sent him off to his trundlo bed that
ho might get a grnpevlno twist on that
threatened attack of "doo-bode-youh,"
Also To win said that ns soon ns the
nultiliio chimes had stopped bonglng In
Wlllnrd's earn th . would mount n train
and light out for Hot Springs to stay' a
week In the bulling waters.
That done, Tom said that he nnd th,
champion would make a keen cut for New
York, to put In almost n solid month of
training nt the Pioneer Sporting Club,
a handy place for the pop-oyed populac
to peer nt so much per peer.
With all thin good news under his belt
Tex Itlckard took tho first long breath
that has seeped past his lips In days and
Rickard got busy on his seating ar
rangements nnd announced that the sale
of scats would begin Monday morning.
The completed chart will bo ready by
then, and when Mr. Faithful Fan walks up
to the llttlo window at tho Carden llttlo
I'eto Colemnn from Ills crato will bo able
to point out tha exact location of the
Morah spent tho day going about town
listening to those who thought ho had a
glorious chanco to win tho tltlo and glar
ing nt thoio who thought that Jess would
knock him Into tho mlddlo of next week.
Moran said that ho would leave for Pitts
burgh Immediately to visit his folks for
a day and then It would bo Frank back to
the training grind nt Saratoga.
Referee Floors Boxer
NXW YOPJK. Feb. 18. Low Snn.talll. nn
iitniiteiir boxer, ddlberatolv kicked Ulilr
Murray la nn ainntcur boxing tournament
hclil nt tho New York A. C. Inst nlpht. Ilefore
.ctuem;lor whs quick to notice the foul and
riishoil nt S.itulnlll nnd knocked him throuch
tho ropes with n Ictt mine to jaw and sent
him on hl9 nny.
1WWiAliJHVwMAA II h.Wj-,1.
Cold Logic of That
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