IPtpwqiipwiwv1 wtwiiiwMwwuii'iiuiHWiigff Awnapwm ""twsiyw HffW 10 EVENING LEDG ERA-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1910 WiilBlliilUP.,vtip I should a Woman hold the purse strings? asks m'liss tThe Fact That Lord Aberdeen, Lost From His , Wife, Had No Loose Change, Does Not Indicate Man's Complete Subjection MANY men, doubtless, smiled Btnlles of derision at the predicament In which Lord Aberdeen found himself en route from Jacksonville to Philadelphia, whGn, aftor being separated from his Lady wlfo, ho discovered himself to bo without sumclent funds to pay for his meals. "Ho must bo a milksop, indeed; and sho a holy tartarl"'was ono man's un feeling comment on the incident. "Imagine a man allowing: such a condition to exist that ho could bo thrown Into so embarrassing a position. After a whlla we'll bo clamoring for men's rights, so as to bo ablo to have pocket money and tho p'rlco of a lunch." Perhaps it Isn't as bad as ho pictured; perhaps Lady Aberdeen has a financial talent suporlor to his, which tho English pee'r has perspicuity enough to recognize At any rate, in a day when tho question of woman's cxtravaganco nnd hor inability to handlo funds lcvel-hcadcdly is over beforo us, it is com forting to know that there exists at least ono man who Is not too proud to havo It known that ho has sumclent regard for his wife's mentality and Judgment to intrust her with tho family pocketbook. Indeed, apropos this Incldont, I am not at all so suro that men aro better economists than women. Certainly they are not tho adepts In that mo3t dim cult process "making ends moot" that women aro. I know of soveral households whoro It is necessary to count tho pennies; and tho men, recognizing tho suporlor "cannlness" that women havo for getting tho most for tho least expenditure, content themselves with n -weekly nllowanco for carfare, lunch and tobacco, nnd turn tho bulk of their earnings over to tho wives of their heart. And It's a safe wager that tho wives do not havo as much to spend for candy and sweetmeats as their lords do for cigarettes) and 'baccy. Sartorinlly Speaking Have you a Httlo seasldo cushion with your new summer outflt7 This is fashion's latest kink. You must havo a cushion, nnd It must match your new straw bonnet. Born as tho result of tho popularity of the muff, tho seaside cushion ndds a gay noto to tho beach costume. Somo aro flat nnd some aro round, even ns the muff Is round or flat, nnd mostly thoy aro decorated with a cord and tassel, so that tho carrier can swing them dcbonnlrly when not in use. Gay cretonnes nnd rich satins furnish tho materials for this whim, and a monogram In tho corner of one's own particular cushion can bo embroidered to glvo distinction. M'LISS. Letters to the Eililor of the Woman's Page AildrcM all communlcntlon tn M'l.lw, rare of tlin Kitnln? I-nlccr. Write on one !de of the pnper only. Dear M'LIss Wo havo a wlro-hnlr fox terrier dog and it has been losing its hair almost all winter. It comes out dreadfully. Would you kindly let mo know through your column what Is tho causo of It, and what will stop It from foiling out. E. c. P. A veterinarian tells mo that it Is difficult to dlagnoso your dog's troublo without seeing tho animal. Falling hair may be duo to overfeeding, particularly of meat. It' may be, ho says, that you batho tho dog too often or too In frequently. Dandruff, eczema and lack of excrclso could also bo responsible. External applications, this authority declares further, are not to be recommended, except on tho advice of a veterinarian after examination. Threo grains of Glauber salts, however, given to the dog threo times daily, ho says, cannot hurt and might prove of grcnt benefit. Why not take tho terrier to a veterinarian? Perhaps a single visit would suffice to euro him. Dear M'LIss You havo recalled tho ancient quarrel between beauty and brains as tho dcslrablo clement in women. May I suggest that tho matter was settled somo tlmo ago by W. S. Gilbert, whoso luckless peers sang out "Hor origin's lowly, 'tis true But of birth and behaviour I'vo plenty I'vo blood and position for two, And grammar and spoiling for twenty!" Somo of us feel that we havo quite brains enough for twenty, which, I nd- " mlt, is an intolerably snobbish position. When wo are told that beauty fadeth as tho rose, wo reply that that's better than never having It bloom nt all, eh? And .not all of you, beautiful or bralnful, can reply as Phyllis replied to tho lines I havo Just quoted. SULLIVAN. I agrco with you that Phyllis' retort was very neat. For tho benefit of those of my readers who don't know it, hero goes: I'm very much palnod to refuso But I'll stick to my pipes and my tabors, I can spell all tho words that I use, And my grammar's as good as my neighbor's. As for birth, I was born llko the rest. My behaviour is rustic but hearty. And I know whero to turn for tho best. When I want a particular party. Dear M'LIbs Will you kindly tell mo tho meaning of tho namo "Nellie." KEADErt. "Nellie" Is a nlcknamo for "Helen," derived from a Greek word meaning "light." Women with this namo aro supposed to bo blessed with more than an ordinary amount of Intelligence. Dear M'LIss Can you glvo mo tho recipe for tartar saucq and namo the various dishes with which this can be used. A. KITCHNER. Chop fine a half dozen shallots, greens and all, put in a bowl and add a handful of parsley, a half of clovo and a plcklo, all minced fine. Mix together well, and strain through a whlto cloth. Add an ounce or two of mayonnaise, de- ' pending on tho quantity you desire, a teaspoonful of mustard and salt, and cayenne to taste. Sauco a la Tartar Is served with soft crabs, trout, filet of sole, In fact, with sea-food of most every kind. Dear M'LIss That many women workers prefer a man to a woman ns boss Is not surprising after all. Thoy prefer a man because, as a rule, he Is not so strict. But what does strictness mean? It means that those who en force it have tho Interests of their employers at heart and bellevo that an honest day's work bo given for a fair day's pay. This Is tho view tho woman boss almost invariably takes. Sho cannot tolerate loafing, and as loafing enters very largely Into somo girls' conception of "a Job," she Is consequently disliked and written down a tyrant. The man boas may, and often does, overlook a Uttlo carolessness now and thon In a glrl worker, but a woman boss never does, simply because sho cannot under stand why Buch carelessness should exist. For good, honest work and strlot fair play to employer and employes alike, give mo tho much maligned woman boss. ONE WHO KNOWS. IN THE SHOPS SEi&r 7 Sfi6tjf Wi iP AN EARLY MODEL FQIi A ANOTHER adaptation of Xjl. tho popular g u 1 m p e frock Is shown In this child's costumo of butcher's linen. The color combina tions Include rose, white, pink, navy, sky blue, tan or copen with whlto linen. Tho sltlrt Is ample, tho material being laid In ulilo plaits at the hips and flar ing out at tho hem. Iirgo pearl ball buttons nro used to good effect on tho little Jnckot of colored linen. Tho bindings nro dono In white. Bands of color aro fastened to tho whlto gulmpo by means of hemstitching. Tho whole Is very ncnt and decldedlv practical, for linen wears and launders beautifully. Price, $G.05. Tho name of tho shop whero this dress mny be pur chased will bo supplied by tho Editor of tho woman's Pace. Evekinc) LEDnnn, COS Chestnut street. Tho re quest must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envclopo nnd must mention tho dnto on which tho article nppcared. Fnshlons nnd Fnda Somo evening frocks boast the dnlnty caught-up drap eries of tho Wattcau period. Even Bilk or broeado hand bags are now being trimmed with fur to match tho gown. Bownro of buying ex tremely Bhort skirts; the fashion may chango to mod erately long. Collars high In tho uacic nnd open in front nro in rrntor favor man m SCIIOOLCHILDYiIgh nil around. Marion Harland's Corner Dresses Renovated $1.75 to $2.50 You will ba dellchtdl when you e how beau tifully w clean your varment, making them At for any occasion, EMl'IRE cr.BANING UVKINC1 CO. 48 South Eighth St. (Jiut above Cheatnut) Telephone Walnut 45TT Careful han dling-, Best of service, a trial will con vince you. MfllSlliTXa Hair Dressing Waving Electric Vibratory Scalp and Facial Massage Manicuring Shampooing Jane E. Bickel 1120 Walnut Street .Well Telephone Asks Quilt Pieces for Invalid "T)i:iN"0 much Interested In your Help J3 Ing Hand Corner, I notlco tho kind offer of Jlrs. It. S. to glvi- quilt piece nnd un unllnlshcd embroidered piece. 1 should llko to have theso pieces for a poor shut-in, to I usk jou to forward the address of Mis. M. S. to mo. In return for this favor I offer a number of lovely crochet and knitting patterns to any of your Corncrltri. ANNA I.." Tho hlg bundle of pieces offered by Mrs. M. S. was given away beforo your letter arrived. Wo sluill hao moro for you soon. I speak ndvl&udly upon this point. Bo patient ami expectant. Many thanks aro duo jou for the proffered patterns. Thoy nro "lloly stock" In tho Corner. Aid for tho Deaf "Mrs. II. S. F a poor oUl ladv-God bless her! asks for an car phone. I hope sho means nn autophono; If ho, the ono I got from tho voninn who also kuvp me valunblo raised letter books for tho blind Is still in my hands. So if jou will sond mo Mrs. II. 8. F.'h nddics I will write to her. I am planning to find a dent and dumb Institution where the Instrument will bo put to good use. I know ou will help mo to placo it. W. C." "Our Englishman" is ever a welcome visitor to our Corner, nnd tho clialt at our hcurthstono is always waiting tor him Ho comes now, as hia wont, with a full hand and heait. Orange Spots on Serge "I am coming to you Tor advice. How can I rcmovo oningo spots from a blue sergo dress? Let me know through the Corner, please. j," Spongo the spots with a mixture of equal paita of grain alcohol and other, or chloroform, adding to pint of tho lltiuld a tcaspoonfifl of household ammonia Lay under tho s.ergo two sheets of clean whlto blottlnc pnper nnd w-lpo dry with a clean soft cloth. Should tho color he altered by tho application, spongo with ammonia, laying whlto absorbent cotton under tho spot to prevent tho formation of u ring. Candy to Be Pulled "May I enter the family clrelo with n reclpo I know to bo 'faithful and true'? Soft candy to bo pulled: One and one- All cnmrnunfuitlon addreeeed to Ma""" Ilnrl.iml ehnuM lncloe n Mnmneil. bcii-ntliln-ril riurfuio mill i flipping- of tno article In whliUjou nro Intereeteil. 1 1 f r onH wMilrnr A nlil In tho charitable Hiirl: of the II. ft ' ehnul.l write Mnrlon Hiirlnnd. In f-nrj of thlH imper, tot ml tlrenses of thone Jicy wonld like to help, nnd, limine recrfted them, communicate direct with tliniemrtles. -r half cups of brow sugar,' half cup or gyrup, two tablcspomfula of butter, one tableppoonful of lVnon (vinegar nnd water will do). Bo sugar, syrup and butter until nearly duie: then add lemon. Cook until a hard M forms In cold water, turn out upon a buuorou tin, ami leavo until cool. The! pull until a light color. Cut In any dcred pieces. "J. u." The distinctly fitter and richer flavor of jp COCOA 35 tiuuc uinc come from u the best coc roasted by tlfc process. , O. WILDUR 4 SONS. Philadelphia. ing only a beans, i Wilbur morad&Warviljcli 1302 Walnut Street Wish to announce that we have invented a new process for per manently waving the hair which. will produce a larger and mors natural wave but will not injur, the texture or change the colof of the hair. ''IIS A ri: t'l1 TO KIT F13ET A WLite Winter Is Vogue in Footwear 'THIS White Calf " Boot is the beet looking model you will find at a moderate price. M$& $q.75 Special J You will he more than pleased with the quality and the workmanship. Overgaiter, White and Colored, $1 Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. Tin: iik; sum: vroitn HINTS ON SIMPLE METHODS FOR RELIEF OF VARIOUS PAINS THtJ other day we observed that tho skin of tho thorax nnd abdomen Is supplied with sensory branches from the Intercostal (between tho ribs) nerves, 12 pairs of which nro given off from the spinal cord. Wo mentioned how pain In tho appendix region (the lower right comer of the abdomen) sometimes means, not nppendlcltls or surgery, but plourlsy or pneumonia the Intercostal nerves cvl dently trying to play a Joko on tho doctor or tho patient. Tnko tho sixth and seventh pairs, which supply sensation to tho sltlh over tho pit of tho stomach. They leavo tho spine way up between tho shoulder-blades, nnd there Is tho spot to apply your countcr Irrltatlon for pain In tho stomach. Thcro Is tho placo for tho mustard. If counter-Irritation Is of any value In tho relief of Inflammation, It must aot through tho nervous system, certainly not through tho circulation. The proper placo to npply tho hot stuff Is thcrcforo not nccossarlly directly ovor tho situation of tho plan. Vigorous thumping of tho seventh cervical vertebra tho prominence of tho splno below tho nape of tho neck Is a recognized menns of stimulating a weak heart. Tho thumping should bo dono with tho closed fist, not too gently, and at tho rato of about flvo times a second. Ornndma Instinctively thumped us a bit lower down on tho splno when wo By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. choked on nn excessively targe hunk of hor home-grown turkey. That Is tho placo for bronchitis. A patient of ours who suffered much from flatulenco (ho had pernicious anemia) discovered that moderate thumping of tho back half way down the splno would relievo him for a tlmo. Thcro Is tho spot to npply countcr-lrrltntlon for troubles In tho colon and tho small In testine. Cold npplled to tho back of tho neck will stop a moderate noicblced. Sometimes tho "old women," after nil, display an uncanny Intuition. They havo learned whero to npply tho mustard even If thoy don't know a nervo from a "bronlclo" tubo. ; eg wi J Est. 1SG1. C hend 14 Fine White Diamonds In entirely new desipn nil platinum La Vul licro. $80.00 Lnrgo variety Plati num La Vallicres from $25.00 to $350.00. m THOMPSON 3512 S. 8th St. fur llnolilet ltco If You Love Flowers You Should Know THE CENTURY FLOWER SHOP 12th Below Chestnut St. i - . : . u HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS A Soapstone Griddle uniNo nr.n.i?(m,.... not always a had trnlt R. ' .,'-" 13 nothing, belter for man a MkMihn ,..'"' .m llko grandmother use 1 V'' Ihlt rhW oquirei wli'iiT",",." T,m K'wiua, JFranklinMiller INCORPORATED - i?2 Chestnut St The House Fumithing Store . si J J ''II XL I VSM W ; mm I 4 ml & 4UW Tyrol Wool (In a Knitted Fabric) LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS The New Spring Colon The New Spring Modeli Suits for All Purposes $18.50, $22.50, $25.50 lap Goats $21.50 Black Suits for Mourning Purposes Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. MANUFACTURERS OF SHIRTS, GOWNS, PAJAMAS, ETC. IMPORTERS OF UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CRAVATS WOV I figbtiog aesarwou ale's At the famous banquet which Cleopatra gave to Caesar, she offered her royal guest the rarest and most expensive delicacy in the world night ingale's tongues. But the "noblest Roman of them all" waved the golden dish aside and demanded barley! Try it yourself. It is a wonderful food one of the most nourishing and easily digested known. Now, it has been especially prepared for you by a secret process and in a most delicious form JHw 8 4&. fry J. H lis 8001 Lai ffl goes f f 1 Ullim s Aid Stir' 1 raWfJli (Ak your trrocer today) S J$Sl mM I vOV" lrftiffl MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS CCopjrrUht. 1016.) MONTY FINDS IT PRETTY HARD TO COVER UP HIS TRAIL (0H! MONTY. Oo; 0E CARE FUL WHATVOCCAT WOR LUNCH- I DON'T W0RRY.ANG6L. VIA. -CTOP AT THE. CLU3 AND 6eT50M CKAcrtKnu niLK I A fimiFJ) LOR5TER. AN flKTKHorc,rRcin FRIED POTftTOeS.A MO FOLLOW IT WITH PCANKGD IveRYiueLL L SIR ITHeLOCiTeRAND VOEr?E FINEWLLIAM. ITHINK I'lL FINISH Yes.-flR. ano THE MINCE. pie is veRY M(30N6TO QEO.MCeLA lOori'TFEeL. OH ' DEAR J 'LL RIN6 0PTHE 1 ft lnOiHIriO luwurcru nwv,j MRS". VAN00DLS. r- M ?wtBB m.!r'M83&to syt fbtKr JBU0ffl. 7 REMEM6ER YOlReCNOieTf' 3TeAK, WILLIAM. DOCTOR. AND C0FF6G WITH SIR. T 1 COGNAC O - WITH Gl-SCUTTORfONj 6000 TODAY, WELL. u m r IKPVHl I ''3 11 -Hi b 1 WM 1