v mmmmmmmmiimm .ST THURSDAY February 17, 1916 Emnm$mm Ceftner Mr 1,1 la SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS GATHERED BY THE EVER-PRESENT CAMERA m ' ' '?: ' (. '.''' ' V,H' 'fe w fPI COLONIAL DAYS IN NEW ENGLAND REPRODUCED BY AMATEUR ACTORS tiff " '' " '' - $'; "jr-WjSZ& -l$l ygsf Lcft lo rfeht: Mrs. Joseph Price Bell, II. W. Benjamin, Miss Cornelia Shcrron, Miss Almira Harris, Mrs. H. W. Benjamin, Miss Hulda' jffl ' fp$4w tfl?iWt& JcfForios and Mrs, Richardson Stockman, who took part in the Arts and Crafts Society's exhibition last right. .3H YOUNG "PERSIANS" IN Y. W. C. A. PAGEANT OF THE NATIONS "VuRlSOLmlS0 FR XVW ' ' ' '' ' ' 'W : &ctiR SorKsSncWcS NXn Mkm4 '&' MMyy : 1 ;. the Young Women's Christian Association. Jy? y$Al Xh'hSf'Ut Sftoo ' Si&i - :"SHP5X " V ;T..,-,v ..... Pieces of material tojWwwrtld'a headquarters in O'v"-??? V. jt Photo by nio. BEAUTIFUL HUNGARIAN REPORTED EXECUTED AS SPY Sari Petrasa, tie actress, is said to have been put to death in Budapest because of the interception of her letters addressed t friend In Loadan, where aba jomerly appeare4 pi; Uio jtsge FRANCE'S WAR WIDOWS GO TO SCHOOL TO LEARN. USEFUL TRADES to enter an auxiliary corps II. j j. , . . i . . , . , . .J . M vu tttAUIcH uwirou Ui young women wnose f e l "PL0 .F?1? "? to the war collexe on the Salna In Part, WW, thev are being pervinjr ww ny a nuwes., wp, to aey are now a melancholy feature of farw life. riow by Mtfc trained 4