i9PiPRpmn il'Umpfi 1iui,1jiWpinty.inii)jljH t w"H'y wr&s& tt "" l JfTPHyW"""' fNJUWjWWW.1'1 ' ' LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 191G. 14 EVENING FINANCIAL NEWS SPECULATIVE ELEMENT DIVIDED IN DAY'S OPERATIONS IN STOCKS Some Traders Took Position on Bull Side, While Others Continued Efforts to Depress Prices Resist ing Power Was in Evidence New York Bond Sdles High Points in Today's Financial Ncivs Announcement made of reduction in price of foreign Government stcurilics, due to decline in exchange rate for marks and kronen. National Lead increased dividend, placing slock on i per cent, annual basis. Premium paid for Pennsylvania crude oil. Application made to New York Stock Exchange to list Kcnnccott Copper. Financial district could not understand tuij Pennsylvania Steel common should sell around $90 when price Bethlehem is to pan, as reported, is HO. l.ehiqh Valley Transit report for January good. N'i:V YOHK, I'cb. 17. Tho speculative clement wns dlxliled In Its market operations throughout the day, with some of tho InrKcr traders tithing nn nRKrenslvo position on the bull side, while others continued their efforts to depress prleei nnd foiee renewed liquidation. Tho direct result of these operations wns confused price movements. Somo specialties moved up three to live points nt the same time, while others yielded to nhout the same extent. Tho most Important feature, however, Was tho evidence of resisting power, which has been nliscnt from the mtirhet for somo time past, and ns the stocks were offered down by the hear rlcment. rallies quickly followed, while, on the other hand, a good part of (he gains itindo In various specialties wns malntnlned. Perhaps most Importnnco could ho attached to tho sounder maikct for JInrInc Issues, which mnde an advance of three points nnd good gnlns In the common slock and the 4'i per cent, bonds easy to establish. The gen eral market continued thin. Tobneco Products, as an Instance, rose three points on the purchnse of 100 shares, selling at 10.. and In tho next few min utes lost this gain on the sale of two single 100-sbnie lots. Trade conditions caused brisk advances In Hutto and .Superior anil Amer ican Zinc, both of these stocks selling fit new high recoids after the announce ment of the rise In the price of spelter from ID to 20 cents. Listless trading wns noted In the general list, but there was no longer any disposition In evi dence to sell tho lending ruiltonds nnd Industrials nt tiny recessions. Price of Foreign Government Bond Issues Reduced Zimmerman & Forshny announce n i eduction In the price of foreign gov ernment bond Issue", which they nic now offering as follows: Imperial German Government f per cent, bonds (third wnr loan) from $1!C to Sino per 1000 mnrks: Imperial German -1 per cent, bonds from J1S0 to $17i per 1000 marks; third Austrian wnr lojn GV& per tent, bonds from $130 to $12'. per 1000 kronen, nnd third Hungarian war loan 0 per cent, bonds from $135 to $130 per 1000 kronen. The reduction Is not due to any decline In tho price of the bonds themselves, the bankers state, but Is due to renewed decllno In tho exchange rate for mark nnd kronen, brought about by the Interference by tho British censorship authoiitles with the malls from the Central Empires nnd neutral countries. Application Made to List Kcnnccott Copper Application has been mnde to tho New York Stock nxcliniige to lint Kcn nccott Copper Corporation 3,000.000 .shares without nominal or p.'ir vulue. Tho application will probably be netnl on faornbly nt the meeting of tho Govern" Ins Committee next Wednesday. National Lead Dividend Increased By declaring n quarterly dividend of 1 per cent., tho National T.eiul Com pany mixed the annual rate from 3 to -1 per cent. Tho dividend is payable March 31 and the books clo.se Mnii'h 10. $1,000,000 Gold for Holland The International Hanking Corporation bns engaged $1,000,000 in gold for shipment to Holland. NEW YORK I I.atc ire IIIrIi. ! Close. Adams Eiprau lit) WVi WVi IM i Aia.iB,J Gold Mines . ')'( )i 0 i Atista Goid Mine . :S' 2-'i 22'i M ; Allls-Chalmors Mfc MM :'' ''", ' AUH-Ch.Jmcrs Mfs Pf. 'l'i &l IJ4 2 AralJectSunr ...ll'rt, 7()' fi!i (VI , Am Brake S& F W2i 101H 101''. 101H Am Can "JH ?'. JJl'i J?-' AmCarAFdv . 70 7() 0". ; Am Coal Product HI'. 10. 10b 11.0J4 Am Hldo & I-oathcr 10 It's' !.'' JU Am nido & u pr a)'i . :;'' -,, Am Ico ftcurltlea . HI :.n .'Wf -034 Am Unseed . 12'. -'.IN LWi 2i i Am Locomnllio O.'iU (" o.j tlo'i i AmSmolt&Itef.. .. Kll'j H'O'i 0t4 HM't Am Smelt 4 ncf pf 112 112', 112 112 j Am Smelt pf A. ..'.): M'i IW U.I's Am Steel Kountlrtei . S.'i!i 35 i SV-i " ' Am Suar Ref pf ....110 117W 117' U7'X Am Tel Tel 127', l'J7S 12754 127H Am Tobacco ... 100 VWi 100 1034 Am Woolen tr rets . . 4V , is' j IS l'-3 Am Woolei pf t r ..07's Wi OSj !!'. Am 2lnc L & hm 7G'6 7S i "Mi 7ft Anaconda Cop M . S ' M)' .SH' S)', Associated Oil . Oll'i OTi CO (.0 , Assets Iteallzatlon . . C'i 0 0 0 Atch Top A r .. 102'. KM WiH K.2 4 AtchTopST i pf.. 1U1.. 10174 1014 101, Baldwin lAX-i Work til 112 lOMi lOSJi Bald Loco Works pf 10!l 100 100 103 Baltimore & Ohio -7 tO'J tOtf Ml Bethlehem Steel. JG'-l' j IGS'i -IGS4 -Ifi-S' Brooklyn Rap Tr. . s-), (-0 ." W ' Brown Shoa . 52Jj .":i ft! iil : Brown Shoo pf 110 07 '" '' I Bnms T & It II c 10 10 i 10( Kl3 Batte fcnpcrlor . - S 02 f 1'2 . Cal Tetroleum . ?1 :l "'0 :il I Canadian Pacific . UWj 10SM lWlt lOi ' CasoJITrMpf h7 8574 8.'J4 Hi'ii Central leather. ? ..l .Vlf ill M'4 Cbesapcakn & Ohio . ( H 02 01 (2 Chlto Copper. l.Hi -54 2MJ4 2.IS. Cblno Copper . . . S7 57H KeJi 57'4 Chicago Ot West . 12. 12U' 12J. 12'i Chi MllS. St ! ... . UIJS UlU -lW OP Chi Mil & St I' Pf . .128 128 12H 12S O O O St I. Pf 73 72 7J 72 Chi Northwestern Ub'a 12Si 12S US Chi 11 I & Vie 10 III IS'i 10 Cluett Pca& Co .. . 71h 7 72 72 Col fuel & Iron I5'j 15U JW !." ComputTRecCo Ifl'i 47'j 47'i 47h Consolidated (las -1-M Ui-i'i 13.1 K'.'IJ. Continental Can Mlh SO Ml Nl Continental Can pf 107 107 100 100 Corn Products Iter. . . 21 Ji 21!' 2IW 21H Cora Prod Ref pf O.V. 05i 05Ji 0J'4 Crucible Meel bOa b2'i ilUj 80! CruclbU Steel pf . 112j U.Tt' 111! 1W Cuban-Amusar . 108 !'! 10.1I4 103J4 Delaware & Hudson Io0i 151 151 151 Del Lack & West 22 Pi 223i 22.1M 223H Denver & Wo Or pf 10) 1 10 10 19 DlstUt Sec Corpn 175 1W 7 17 I Dome Mines :0 25U 2Pi 25'' , Krle . "lb. :I7 :!.' i-7 I JCrta 1st pf .. .. 62W .W-i 6215 52J Oea Chemicil pf 115J4 115 115 115 Ueneral Electric 170 101) I0rl 10') General Motors pf ..113 114 lb'IH 114 (loudrtch B Y . 724 724 7Ua 71W Grub; Consol . . 0J C3)j 02 13 Creene-Cananea .. 474 47U 47 17 Great Northern pf. 120)4 120J 12013 12014 Ot Nor cfs for ora pr 45H 45i 454 45)4 Ouegen Eapln 2IH -JIH 2115 2H4 Homestake Minlne 132 13i, 1324 13 ' lnt Asrlcultural . S3 22 21 22 lot Aerlcultural pf 13" ti2 0J 02 Intljarv N J .- .llO't' IKJh U0H U0J4 lot Con Cor v t c sh. 10' 17 lflla lO.'i lot Consol Corp pf... 71 J. 72U 71H 7i lot Paper Co pf . 4b 47 47 17 InipCouCoD... , 4tHi 401 45i 10U lnt Nickel v I cfs .... 4S 48i 4 47J1 IntMMeft of dp. . 14U 10 llVj 1"?4 lot M M Pf cti of dp. H7Ti 70x 07 (i7 Kan City Southern . . 2 H 26i 20 20i Kao City South pf OO't tO 00 00 Jjttjibtee! . 77( 78 77it 774 1st Rubber & Tire. El'. .WJ, lilii 5l lebtafc. Valloy . 77 Y7- 19ii 77 IffBlud P Ua 10" 103H MS llliH Kul&NJB 121 IMU 123VJ 123lf Wackay Cos. ... QH nt ftH May pept Storss . 5J 5 5-5 65 MMweUMouw . .. OJ 0J C8.( ft)1 Max Moww Ut pf. . b7 bJH k7 S7h MMoto-s2d nt M 51)4 il 51H Melca Ptpiin. 1'ffH MH K'54 100 M PtW Pf 100M 00 80'i 90W Mitmk la'- 6 H 04 0t Uoms.&Tutt . UH UH 1414 14)f WIJfl PaMfk: - ' T 4H' 5 I MlHWKt Pc tr cfs It o H i't llosiaua Poirw . 74.7:1 7J 7J I Mvotau Poer pf l 71J'-i 113 1134 si t tak J! P II-1 1-H' lli H2!j l M . ai-j ti tt 1 iA t kaifcs M mil H ' 6 y Mt 1 Pf .ii'i 2Jij 23 1 i j i;(iiuii io'a lo'i itiii 1W I Uit ( 1( rv New York Air llraku -lis X Y N H . II N Y C X. II It N" Y O & Wct . Norfolk Western . Norfolk & West pf Northern Pacific Out HIut Mln .. . l'.idflc Mill rer111s.lv.ini 1 It It.. IVnplis (!.! Clil IVttlhone-M 1st pf Philadelphia Co ... Pitts toil Co N'J .. PUN Coal N J pf .. Pitts C C S. St I. . Pittsburgh Steel ir Preyed S Car Co Quick-ill cr (iuicksilter pf. I'.y Steel Sp pf ... Hay t on Copter . IteaillnL' Reaillns l!d pf Republic IAS Republic I & S pf . Rock Hand . . . Ruck Island pf St Louis & S r . . . fat L .1 s K 2d pf Seaboard Air I.lno . Seaboard Air I.inu pf Sears Itoo . Co . . Shat rliona Copper Southern Pacific . southern Ry Southern R pf . Siudelukf Co .. . Tern Coppr . Texas Co . .. Texas Pac.fr Tobacco Prod pf Twin Ctt H T Cnllcl Cljar Stores . United Cluar S pf ... fniled Cizar Mfri . United Dry floods pf Union Pacific Union Pacific pf U S Ind Alcohol . . United Fruit Co . . UM'll'i J-' u s c 1 p a r pf United Rys Inv f 0 . Un Rjs Inv Co pf U S Rubber ... U S Rubber 1st pf U b Steel Corpn . . U S Steel Corpn Pf Utah Copper ... Utah Securities . Vu-Caro Chcm... Va-Caro Cheni pf . Wabaili . Wabash pf A ... Wabnh pf II West K & M Western Maryland.. West Union Tel . Willys Oierland . . Willys Ov pf s cf f p Wooliiorth e W ijuc'ej ex dliidvnU. OS', 101 27 11014 bli 11 J ( Ti 15' j 57 HIP, 02'i 4l-i 31'i Kill1-, 70 15' i 5S ."' lll-ili 11 t (S 10,Vi 2; 117' j Sl, 113 7'.' ir.'s ."' iret 0J4 IH :sn 100 7o !) Pi r.o , r.'j 100 Oi'i 12 52'f no Vi . O'l . 17 . .Ts .lh'l . :i7'f . 0'l4 :()'4 . .".Vi . lall'5 . :bn 210'.' . 7'4 .100 . !Bt 0!. 07 131 Mi. 15:1 140)j 1ft I0J4 Il 31 5l'j 107 Kt 117', M'S 10 40 'f I0UW llli I3M 27h 0014 27 Sb', 2KI 105 I'll 77; IHi .'2',' 110 .' .' 5'4 7 1 17 37! ISO 37'.' J!)), 21 H 5s7 151)3 210 I.nw. ll' l7 1 II) 27 110' 5 Sl, 1124 7'i IV, :v,'t l(l"k 0.,-i -IP; ;io 100 7S 0 1'i CO .-lj 7!, 0b 25 7 l'i 52h 110 !! 1.7)4 lfli'i 27 117 Sti 113 '' 10' 3 .rnri ii)-'ij 02', ii)4 :;t 100 7S OP, ;o 5' j 7'. I'b 25 77j 41'i 52 'i 111) tuooo Adams 1:xpit 4s 0000 Amor Ari 3 . I.TO Angli-K I. ' leco Amir mell "e ino Amer Tel ell l ."noo do rnni l linoi d.s eit l's . .. 1000 mt t rli Pap as 1 IV11 Aichbon gen Is vxm Alehlson mlj )s ."coo ilo cv If infill .'iimo ilo ." finoo .Ml to Line 1st l.. KKin tin I to & Ohio .l'i .. KKJI rlo l tsnoo ilo rv -IV4 Tom ITclh Pteel 1st .1. . Mvn .10 rM .V .. 1 no 1 (ironic l'n Oas ,n 2'tflil Hush Term 111 1 .Is 2IIOOI Cent Leather 1st As I Pol Vnt l'nr 1st 5 1107) Ches A Ohm ei l'3 ."fioo flics Ohio ia. Kssi CHI A .lltnn .Is .asm ("hi i Alton .t'is . anM ciii 11 (l Jo nt l irro fhl II X. if Ken 4h 11HI f t P. kit IIhi T.a ICT10 ( it fe Ht p pen I'is '.tnl'i HUh . 102 .. !Ms .lll't l2S 100 .UCI'k .. "OH a. .. sin toil ..10l'4 . !!2k . tjl .. Ill, 11111, 10-1 .in-,n rl ,m (HS, . si . ..s! . It'll . us; . . pi in; mno c m a p s 4s ."firs) Dul n, m 11 .is. ,. . .vvio Den A.- lllo cir 4s . r(i pen Hid Or rM fii ISi'no llrle mm 4s S'er A .VKU Crle om li Ker 11 IM Lrle prior Is . . L'lOO oriinhs "ons Htn '.'mil Or 11 liloe ileb ." , lnoi lluil a Mnn rfil Ss L'mil llnelc nl l'4 .. Jlfsi III HCel ileh 4Ss ti'inn tnilliim S'tefl ." iMO III Cenlnil rM Is J'i 11 Ins i'fiuei 1 lis l"(Mi) Ititf-rti Met 4is .. Dim) Intrrh It T ref ..!, 10(1 i Inter Mnr Mnr et i2' 'isl JniwiiPM' now ,n trui Kiin ntv So .in . . :,(ii 1 m k Steel :,n l-.Vi . I IP 11 1 t.k h'h iteh Is I1HI II in t.eh Val Ji .s . . I'll in I.Ik M T ."is., -'nisi I mnr Iniiinil Is . 2xiiim MnnnittRii Htn Is "ini jiex Pet Co Hi Mir I -TiM) Minn Ht L 4 , Ilium M tin St P H H M 4s limi Vn Kim n T 1st Is Li 11 Mo Unn K T ai Is I tin 11 Mo Pne .".1 lu.'il . II Is) Mont poller .".n. ... MitKi Viit Tuhe .Is . :ikii N V Atr IlrHkp its.. I11IKI N V i" I. H lijs J Ml V I1 JC. U 111. V ft Mini IS . I lluil l'i.. V Cent i:k .... V t"lt Pis llnki. V X II il. II iw 1. 1 on N I'.'HII N I I-.Oih N inoi) Kino n i pmi r. ) T.Misi N V :i'ir n x '.MIHI .r.rf IVHHI N K. ITilKSI .Nor mil llll's t's . 72 . 7M, Ml .II17I.J 7 . PIU Mil, 11 71'. Iiti . ILK, . M . til's ll'.1 IIP. III1V . III.''. . Ill's III ttu . 1 mi, !?, .SI, t.lis, HI'. ll'J'ii 77, VI tr.', Ill' ,1111 IIP, tiovr oils 1) 10-IH 7f4 114 8SV4 nn lniu tri te.'i, 1 7s idi's f, tll.-,'t tri i POV, "71, 1124 nsi, 41', nsJ 111 in7i tin'b HI 'I tin's !2! r.7's 72 7N's M 11)7 111 IN 7., I", lia'a tni tsT' 711, I'P. tmii, HI tills Ml 111. 1"t 1112', 111 n!, nn 1:.". i Close. IfttJ oiH Ill's 021, IPC) IfuHi 7 in. 89U mm lOt't Hi's P24 1121, P74 UO, IOI linn 112 In2 tsi'4 S7V, tiii . ns'i in 1117'. litii, III . sit 7S', m 1117, tVi'n 02V, mi vn, Pl 7P. ten, tisi, VI nils in up. mi', 1112', ir.ii 'ii 110 111 in', LONDON MARKET ' 2. Im j ref Is Itui mil .Is Tel cm l',s ft Poih Is W ev Is IIHO.2 r, urlor In . t II s if 1 N'nr Pti, cen Ss .... limi) Pm co.int ipt r.o "IHI I'llllM Is I1IIM . . 21 IHI 1I1, urn it Hm ... .1IKSI Pulill, Sen N J Tm. flit II lien le S fii 1I1IHI si I. I M ,C- S (lliir 4s hliu. 2IIIXSI !piiIkihiiI A I. uilj f,H lilPl linn Miutn lieu .im .... .-.mm South Pee Is ... l.n Oil South P.te , v Is . 21iiki ilo 11 nt r p f.s inrri Sinill. i"m rM If 1'imsi Miuth p.u Term .Is Ml nil 1 im Is IIIiTii Tlilnl AM' new Is. lmi I do mlj f,s Mi 11 Toklo Is .MHlll Tll-Cltl fi3 .villi V Ituliber lis ."tv mi r h steel .is h r.. . Imn I ntun Pae 1st Is . IIiiihi ilo rM In ... . 71 (SI I'll Iluss H I' 4i. . mm Vn lift r,s . . . . IIUSI Vn Km . P .Is tlldll West llleet el .Is . IIHIIl Wpst Mil 1st 4s I'MMI Vit Piilon 41.- . Ii'll, '"'. 111'. us'. 1111. Hi's till, l'l2lj mi ten. ..llll's . . Mij . . I'l ..111.'.'. . inn, . . 7.! .11121, . 2', l . 711 . U'l's . Iltll, 111" .. 1171, . Ulij 41 IIS I, III 111 47', "', 101 ', M' !I2'4 tr.n 114V, 107'. IIP, 77', lltli el', vn, llf.ii. tin's i,ui, in1, 'I'l's KK'i ll ti'l'. MIL. nn', HVA 1II.V . IM1, ;i 11 ji, j', M 7Vj ii'i's tui'i iui; M7. !MH . II IISIJ til 111 7J1. I'l. 1, 47W ssi, till', inin 11 p. 77', s.t H4- Ins 1141, 771, IIP, tr,i, s n, 11 V, 11.11. .Ill . III', len, Kiji-i ISI llH's mn 1 hi, nun H7K. SK in.-.', inn, 72 1, WJ SJ' si 7si, H'i' inn, nr. 117', lllll j 11 IISIj tit 1H 71" iii , Di li) 4 17 37) i 170 :iou 00 21m .'.S'S US , 57' i :oo 'l 105 102 115', 05'4 014 0'f 11,' . 11'. ro 5'ji( 00 I, . I,'!!', I32lj b.llf S2'.' 155U lil.'J llfi'i 1I5 lS'i lbl-j IM 10I, Id). I5'i 32 3l)i 02 5 1 I00). KKl4 Xl'i h2' U7 117 SIM S'l'f Hi 1S)i 401k 101. 100 100 11)4 LI'S II 4J 27'4 20) j ro)i 1:0 20' 1 20)4 8') b P. 21 1 207 10D4 mm 121), 1211), Ti 17 3715 170 37)5 JO 'l 20) j 58', Mil f,8 207 7', 10.1 05'; nj; o'J'i 00 VWi 83', 152 14.)'i 1SS .'.() 10!i 32 52 10034 MH 117 ht 18)i 40). 100 11)4 43'i 20)4 t'O 20 881 20 101)j I20)j Totul ulc", ln7.H00 sliareK, eomparril 1ltl1 CU8.G0O .hares jrsleriluyi thus fur thlt urek, 2,3IK,il0iJ l,arni mme period !ut urek, :i,2J0,nut tliurct. Dank Acceptances NKW YORK, Fpb. 17.-In tho market for prime bank acceptances, it i.s the old Htory of only ery sradual Incrcane In ofTcrlnga. So far. the predicted consider able movement of acceptances haa not been In evidence Uventually there Is cer tain to bo a very material increase In ami broadening of the demand for this class of Investment. Kates are nominal at 2 per cent, for Efts mid 21, for SOs. ANMJ.ll. JIKKTINGil -y tlfFICK II F WII.M.UI ' IIONWK1GHT i CO.. A3IF.K1CAN" WTIMTIBS COJUMNV The Annual Meeting- of the Htockholdars o( ttii Aimrlcau UtIHtrs Owmpuny und an HUctluii far OITturs und Directors to xrve for tlw eiwulln.' yui. will tte he hi ut the olllce of th Camjuny, 437 Cliutnul t . i'hlluilel pUta.. on lehruurj- S3. 1910. ut i . 1,1. AHTHim H. MIMsBIi, Scrtary. JSMSOTIOK NOTICE K3r TUB IHIIUlil.IIII.V NATIO.VAI. "3 11AMI February in. J010. At lb ricuUr intsttnv of the Board of Director of The Philadelphia National uank held this day. Charles I Blloo. Jr. u elected a vUe preetdeat and acarge V. UeBtes an auiuiaot rasbier H. yORTBJrCUB. Cashier. 'Inlnl Miles. it:t.().H.(lllll. lomniireil ullli s:t llll.dllll x'strrihi.i s thus fur tills ueel., SI. 1,7 1 2,(100: sniiie period Inst itcrh, SI I, UO'l.nill). MONEY IN NEW YORK .VIJW YOISK. Krh. 17. -The mm kct for time money on (ullateial does not Indlcilu nny clinnRC In condltinni In tlie Immeilliiti' futiite. althdili .some piomlnent Imnkcrx t iiilcilor flimncinl (.enties me coinmittnl to the theoi.1 Hint money bIiouIi! lie north inuio a 1 011 nil .Maieli I m n little Inter. It Miit! slated Hint the Ke11r1.1l stmU e- I 1 Mature loan proposition wan not overex- ! tended, nlthouKh them may have been, I and (luiibtleHs mo, enhes of nvcioortoii-; Iiik h brolieis. mIkic cllcnti oiorstajcil their niniket vlicn n numlier of the most actlvo Hpeci.iltics were iiillns nt or neat the highest in Ices of the movement The count 1 y is full of money, and, coln I'lilciilalli. theie Is In husluetis cliele.i a. Judicious .iplilt of cotij-uivntlxni .Money In most ease.1, of industrial opei.-ttlons Is needed on actual lush 01 dors. This is one lensnu liy the met (.hunts have had so j little rerouisp to the uedlt maiKot. Itntcs I air uiichnniten at S'i'iS1, pel cent, for CO tlayn nnd mono Is lendliiK for 00 days nt the hiKhei tlKiire mentioned. I.011K matin Ities nre orfcicil at nominal itiotn t'uns of 2iiTi1 per cent for 4-3-b mouths Thcie is nothliin' new to icport In tlio mntket for pi line meirnntili1 paper. The larger huiers 111 o only Interested to a very sIlKht ilexice In anything not sttlctly cllt ctlucil, .nnd tho model nto offerlnss of tho hlith quallt.! paper caii.se continued com petition, with the li-sutt that occasionally tho uvei.me minimum discount, 3 per cent , Is shadv. As a. Mile, institutions a.,- tin ullllnu to In cak tli.it late and less deslr- nlilo names are negotiated at 3HTi ",1 per , cent. Thete is less Insistence on tho max Imurn flKUte by Eastern bankets than 011 the part of officials of Intel ior Institutions. ASQUITH SPEECH Premier's Talk May De velop Criticism of Fi nancing of the War U. S. AID FOR COLONIES By FRANCIS V. HIRST lMltor The HconomlM. London. Sprclal Callt to Hie Bicnlno l.atarr LONDON. Icb. 17. Tlio stock market Is dull nfter 1'rcmler Asipiltli'ii rtloomy speech nitumhrntltir; prlvntlon nml taxa tion for a Rcnerntlon nnd post-bellum sufferlnfr. Tnrlff reform activity Is nrotislnrt the free trndern, hut chambers of commerce linie nltva)s been protectionist with few exceptions. The debntc on the address probably will ollrlt plentiful criticism of the flnnnclnR and conduct of the ival. Sir Charles Addis, of the HonkotiK ShntiKhnl llank, nnd I discussed nt tho London Sohool of llconomlcs the iiues tlon of lioiv India nnd tlie ltrltlsh colo nics can be supplied nfter the war lth enpltnl for development Addls ndvncntes flee trade within the empire, and depre cated prohlhltor.i profcictUlnl tarirfs nfter the wnt. I atnued that after the war the colonies nil) have to spend less for pea cock feitheia and save more thcmselics for their genuine capital requirements. Thus Indian snvlnrrs should suffice for the Indian rnilwnfl. New York mlKht llnancj Cannda, Mexico, Argentina and Hrnzll to n Inrcer extent, I added In con clusion. I wish T could ncree with tnv friend, Sir rleorfic Palsh, who lectured here the other da, that In spile of the new debt, and, perhaps, becauso of It, wo may con lidently expect the nation nfter the war to have as much nc.v enpltnl for Invest ments us before. Personally, I think wo will be ery lucky if In Ovc years nfter tho wnr we hnve Inlf as much new capi tal for Investments as In the live ears inccciliriK the war. Wc nie crcathiK cvci month about ns much new debts ns wo cieatcd In the thtcc rnrs of tho Hoor Wnr, nnd arc creation evcty five months ahout ns much as wo crenled In 20 enrs with revo lutionary and Napoleonic France. How many shlllltiRs In Income tax will bo re iiulicd for the sen Ice of the new war debt" If the dead weight of debt Is harm less tn Oicat Hrltnln, how con It he hai infill and iiiluous to Austria nnd IJeimnni 7 It seems to me that this wnr Is con vcrthiR reproductive private capital Into public debt ot a prodiRlnus pace It Is de vourliiR the snvlnxs of the past nnd mort RnKiiiR the leaoutccs of tho fiituic. For ever month that passes the las Rathcicr takes toll of oui iuikos nnd the ptollts of futuie years. I teKard London capital Issues In peace times as tho surplus sav ings in overflow after all home demands, ImluilhiR taxes, have been sntlslled. If taes me doubled, how can we expect the annual savhiRS of tnxpajcrs to remain tl.o same? Sales in Philadelphia Railroads OrderiiiR Equipment CHICAGO. Feb 17. The ChlcaRo and Not thwestein tall has nsked bids fifim tho ttildwin, American nnd Lima l.iieomotlvo Companies on 2 Mikado type frelRht, 12 iiasseiiRet Paclllc nnd 2S switch etiRlnes, InlolvlnR approximately cxpendi ttites of $1.00fi.fiCO Tlie St. Paul, Minneapolis nnd Omaha has nsked bids fiom tlie same companies on in Mikado freight, two Paclllc passen Kcr cnslncs, to cost ahout J200.000. Want Receiver for Lancaster Railway LANCASTIin. I'd, Fob 17. Application has been made for a tecelver for the Lancaster and Southern Street Hallway. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NIJW YOKIC. Feb 17 Tho mail.et for forele.ii eclianso nt tlie openhiR anil tin 0113I10U1 tho dny was li tegular. Relchs m.iiK.i worked loner, beliiR iiuoted at 71 0-115 anil ,1 1 1-10. a drop from the extreme IiIrIi ilguro of a recent tally of over !! points Sterling Allowed steadi nes.s at nlinilt Wednesday's final flRtires, 4.7(3 for demand and I 70 0-1 1! for cables French exchange was easier, with eubles ut D 87), and checks at 6.881,. Strong features Included lire, with cables at fi.BS, and checks at fi Ollij. Vienna sympathized with relchsmarks and worked a little lower to in 20 and 13 io Hubles retained the better part of their lecent advance at 31. GO nnd 31 B5. Guilders moved up .111 aditional fraction, being quoted nt 12", anil 4- 7-1G Tho strength of this class of evchnnKe and the Influences bearing upon It have been explained from tlmo to time, being supplemented at the pre'ient time by exports of gold to Hol land In payment for American securities sold nbrond and for Sumatra tobacco and other commodities purchased by American interests Other quotations were- Swiss cables, 5.221.,, checks, 5 22i; Stockholm, 28.30 and 23.35. pesctus. 19 and 10.0,5. DIVIDENDS DECLARED South I'enii Oil i'nn,p.in. quarterly ." per lent, pn title Mnreh :il In Mixkhnhleis of rein-il .M.iult 11 Meirlm.ie I'heink.il Ciiiiip.inv, reRiilnr semi innual .1 1 er nut, 1 niahle Miireh 1 to stock ,r reenrtl 1'eliuari HI. South l'rnnmliuiitu Oil f'omnany, quarterly .-, ,ier cfiit . punble Man h :ii tn holilers of -e-oril AI ,n h 11 Cities i'erUe Cotupun. rewular monthly Is of 1 1 er ,ent. on iireferrnl. iuiahlo Mnnh 1 to stois of le ord i'ehruary 15. Ilrnoklin I'nliin (liu Compnii). reftulnr quar t.rl I'j er ,eiit, i, j.ililo April 1 to ttock jl ic ortl March 1' XineiUan I'neumiitte -'enlee ('onipunj. reit-ul.i.- itml.iiiniiul on t1rt iireferreil 'Ub per cent , on peionil i,efirr,il I'j per cent., pijuhle Much .11 to stuck of reinnl March 11. llnstou rnni Alh.in Itillrnul. rcKiiI.ir quni lerly y per tent., p liable March 31 to slocl. of reionl Keliiuarv 'J.t link nenilent IlrewInK rimqinny. nKUlar nu.ir teil n. l,r c nt. on ircferreil linialile Ktb iiiary 2P to holilitn of letonl r,bruar IP HUh. 31 Am Itnys rM- ltt'4 "TO Huff ti Sus t e 41 in itrtti. in . . si !M Cnm Stt .... Ml. M frue Steel .... R0 110 Klec Storage .. n.. SO flen Asph pref. 7PS 20 Ins fo N Am.. 2H 2.i Kev Tel Co.. .. 1IU 12S0 l.k Rup Lirp... 1IH 10 Lehlnh Nnv . . 7JI, 211 t.ehls-h Vll .... 77M tin I.eh VhI Tran. 2IH atl do pref ... I1M IM Penna ttrnli . :7H 4(1 i'a Salt MrR..i2i ."2 t'enni Steel .. s iseil do pref rei (tt l'hliit Co ... IPs I .VI do cum pref .. IP', 27. J'ltlln tllrc .. 21, MO P H T tr etf.. Id's I I'hlli Trne .... 70U .1" Heaillnir . ... 7TH tin do 2il pref. . ii 100 Tcnn Cop .7?i 10. Tonopnh Helm. IIJ 310 Tonopnh Milt . n 21 fnlon Tract .. IP, s Pnlted tl Imp. mi's 27.1.-. tl 8 Steel ilU 10 West I5lee .... r.0U , IVm t'riimp A S 7" 77 HO York ttwy . . tl II 11 do pref .... 3 flP, Total snles, I'J.gJI shares, rompnred 27,(18 shares jesteriln)! thus fur Mils 89,173 stiuresj smne period lust week, 3 shares, UOS'IIH. 1iw. Close, Mi J P.1i 40i 41 3s SO R04 81 S04 ROS IUH irt TIM, 71U 2(1 2rt 111', lli ioi nn 77'4 77'4 77 77H .'Pi 2Pi 41 11 lint lOJ'i . ps tn Ai 41U 4IH 4IU 2S 2SH tiiti nn; 7IUI 7IUS 774 77s 41K, 12 :,7i)4 M IV Pi '!', n 41 41 fj. Ml. run riin Net chge. 3 - H H i - . - 'I - i -"'1 - .U U u, 'i 's '(, - . J- "I 't - 2M - (, liltll iieek, 11,901 Net tllsli. I.on. Close, eh'fre. -ion Am (las A i: ,i P.P, tni. Pin i- '-4 IOIIO Kf A Pen Tr Is St Si SI - ls tooo llanionl t:i lis.lnl tni 101 inoo Ko iyi tnt r.t no p'i in I toon I, .Vav ens iis.1n3'. Htli4 lO-'Pi i .-,000 I, Vnl urn 4s.. liPi Mi2 PPJ Mono ilo Ren l'$s ..lfls'4 1021. 102'. , loon l'n ft n Y c :.' ins ins ins 27000 I'a Co pen 4ij,s.lirJS injij lO-ili 3S()0 do cons 4l4s..10(l4 IniP. HiilU I(1 I'eo I'ass t e 4s M s. V.I "OOO Puh h'er N J .s IKP, HO'l 10', i, KUKKi I'hlla Co his r.s P2ij PJ P2i3 -'5 7tOl I'hlla l;iee 4a fit s.11, Rl H ."0(10 ,lo ,s ..10i. 10ij IOC, 'i 2(NXi Htnnil f!as ds. tiO 01'i IKUj '. r) l'n H Inv ,s 72 7Pi 71'. , - tncre.isc Increase. lotnl nles, $177,10(1. lonipnred with SV!. Hflll ., rterilii) ; thus far Hits week, $.180,11(10; same period Inst weeli. 'SI'.'H.'.'on. Local Bid and Asked Toitny Yesterday Hit. Asked. J lid. Asked. IliitT & Sus t c 41 12 :.nii 40ij ilo iiref .VU J (Oii ui lit .1 i iirlli .ti in :ki ::n IliMnln losUj limi 111 lll'j (Sunhrla Kleel SI su( Mil; si nieelrle Stor.iKo ('. dO lit l- Ciieral Asphalt V-Mfc III 31 III ilo pref 71 711', to 71 Uesftone Tel 14'. 14IJ Hi; 14IJ ilo t f 141, 14lJ 141', 14lj do pref Mil , 70 7(1 71 Like Sun Corp l(lt 111; 1IU IP', lhlKh .Via 77 7714 7il, 77i l.elllich Vnllev 7li'4 771, 771, 771, LehlKh Vnllej Tr . . 2M, 2111, 21 Sit, ilo pref 42 II 4IIJ 4 II., Pennsilianta ."" r,7U r.7 Tui', Phlti i:tectrle 2M.4 2si 2714 2s I'hll.i r'onqinnj I! 41 in, 4'-'ii l'hllii Co , pir cent pr. :i-.i, .17 .v, :i7 PI1II.1 Co il per cent pr. II', 4I'4 II J Hi Phil 1 11 T l'.i'i 1U'4 Pi 211 Plill.i It T t c Ill', Pi', ill'; 20 Hcnillni? 77 77i, 77i 7S Ton lioliiiont 4 4' , 4'. 41. Ton Mining ii", n'5 i.l, 7 I'nlnn True 43 14 PP. II rui fcs'i vi vm, sv), II M Steel M'j MU XI Ml. York Itiiy 11 till si; tnj do pref X 3'i ::4 3.- Wm Urn mn t c 72 78 73 7! Premium on Pennsylvania Crude Oil FRAN'KMK, P.I., Feb. 17. Tho Vtilvo llne Oil Company, a competitor of the Standard Oil Company In Butler nnd nd jolnlng counties, has announced that It has resumed the payment of n premium of 10 cents a barrel on ciudo oil. RATES FOR MONEY Call 3 '.iff I Xciv York Philadelphia iiostnn (Tillman .'l',ffl Conimenhil pnper, three to six months, Phlla delphli. Jlliftl pel lent Tlmo 2iJW I 3irif4 4 ij 4 lill'j BANK CLEARINGS Ilink tlearlnirs today inmiiaii.I with eorrc ipondlnu dni I , ik jeain inn, 1111-. 11111 I'hllddn JH'i.o.'-W! $.'11,112 tut! .s.'ii.wii.l'tl llol, 'I-. 111017 2IC!t.ll7l 2.-..474.-II Ni w York ",S.I07.-,'.'7 411 ll'i.i.M MIs,ihi7,i,,hI CIllruKO . . (.7,1(1.'. 1 .Vi.Kll.121 .-.-i.'.'O'l.l O'l SI I ouls ll'.'Vi.t?) I l.Ms.712 112.,'."lt IMItlinnre MA" 122 fi.2is,.ki ,-,.si.',pci (Jerman Mark Drops AM.STi:nAM. Feb. 17 -The value of the Herman mark diopped one point on the Moncj Uxchnngu tnduy. ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. 1st Sinking Fund 5s, 1939 Tax Exempt in Penna. Yield 4.72 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED CHALMERS MOTOR Markets on all Motor Stocks. Chandler BROS.&60. 1338 Chestnut Street Hell, Filbert 23-31 Krjtonr, Hare 33.80 PRESENT EARNINGS OVER ?650.00 PER DAY BARNETT0IL&GASC0. (Incniporuterlt Property located In We! Virginia. Capital S2,r,(i(l.(l(l(). l'nr Vnluc SI :o iioiiiIm. Nn niitBtnndliilt Inilelitrdiiess, flfocfc IrouYil In on X. Y. Cure. Order executed ut present mnr. kct prlceH. Sptclal Circular A'o S upon request. E. H. CLARKE 57 William M. Nciv York City, WANTED Established Investment firm dealing in Inch grade bonds wishes to obtain services of an A No..l salesman for Philadel phia. An exceptional opportun ity for right man, but must be a real producer. Wanted also a salesman for Pennsylvania territory. nKe detailed Information Iteplles will be treuteil an onfl,lntlal Box C 127, Public -Ledger Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain Approved Curb Securities Bought Sold Quoted HlGHES & DIER Hanker and lirokrn I43S WALNUT STREET DIHECTOUV OF -lCCOCNT.KT CcrtUUd I'ubUo AccutmUaU Iu.WitUcu K. UHOWH CO. ,tlt II1UL ESTATE TUUtf-T UUlLUiNQ. BURNS ft BPSXXMAIi Mmmwntwin iiihi rnrnw ! I I I Union National Bank Third and Arch Sts. "The Neighborhood Bank" OFFICE IIS J. S. aicCulloch, I'reildent, Theodore II, Condrrraan, Vlce-I'relden, X.OUU N. Splelkerarr, Vlcc-1'resldcat and Cahlcr. Samuel Campbell, AuUtut Caklrr. niHECTOltS ' Wo, II. Carpenter. Chairman of Board. Wru. JlcAdoo. dr. fraatlaa J. Dobua Aaron Oana Tbo. II- Condermaa Harlan Vajrj Horace T. PotU Ibarle " Walton lleurr 1'. MltcbcU H. H. Marvin J. M. MvCuIIoch John C. llartto IoU N, Splelbeoccr K.iuar.l Wolf lleurr II. Ilarlon, Jr. Nalhtn T. FolweU iiamucl K. LandU Ouf experience enablei ut to offer a tervlce unurpaid VALUE OF PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMMON STOCK PUZZLES STRBrf Philadelphia Company Group of Securities in Demand Weak Market Interest Has Been Eliminated. 1 Lehigh valley Transit expansion. The remainder of the Hit ,. nml Mently. tvltl, eonie netlvltj" ? Superior. About tlio only fentt ?, tho Phllnrlclphla Company RroUJ of . rltles. The common moved una niJtcu' more nnd there uns nlso good dernanS tho 6 per cent, bonds, ng well a? ir2i,'I ltnlhvay tnvcMment 6s. it wa. liini"2 today that a blocX o nccurlltes 0I ' hl companies which had been hnnRlnR ov!J the market for nomc tlmj had been laWl over by poncrful lnsldo IntcrcMa in v.. 1'ork and that thU lelenscd a drag inn! the local trading In tlusc Issue" m The Lehigh Valley Transit groun mnlncd Innctlve rictplte tho announeemM by rresldcnt Fchr that tho company Im Bpent $375,000 for new equipment, and li. January nnd 12 months' report whleli .! tho best In tho history of the company As wns announced on Tuesday, li. 20-yenrJ5 per cent bonds of the MMia ! Steel nnd Oidnnnee Company nro belnt olTered for public suliscrlptlon today iu The subscription books were opened Ihlt morning nnd will rloso on or befor. Kobrunty 21. It Is lltiderstood that tha mnnngcrs of tho underwriting- syndlcati for the bonds received subscriptions for 10 times tlio nmotitit ot bonds under, written nml Hint nllottnents were cut down to approximately one-tenth ot th amount nsked for. Although the sub Bcrlptlon books wcro only opened this morning. It q slated Hint the application ' nt tho offctlng price of 09 was equal if not over the entire amount of bonds to bo offetcd. Most of the bidding wns from New Yoik Iioubcs, Hie local demand belnt only fair. The local financial district wns agog today over the sale of Pennsylvania Hteel to tlie Schwab interest, dotallfl of which were forecast In tlili column esler ttny. Chief Interest centred around tho value ot tho common ntock. Just why It should be selling nrouml HO, when tho reported price paid by Bethlehem was W, Is one of those nnomnllen which occur oc casionally on Change. Some peoplo were Inclined tn believe that an nttempt might bo mnilo by the small outstanding minority Interest to "hold tip" tho party In control for a high pricoi others, how over, pointed out that tho common stock Imd alunys ruled very much nbovc Its netunl market value. Still another sug gestion was Hint the new deal might not b a cnsli transaction, mm mm m ..,.. of the securities ofTorcd In c"cchnngo for Pennsylvania Steel common might bo such ns to tender the pioscnt quotation not so far olT as it now nppenrs. .o common changed hands on tho Phil adelphia Stock i:clinngn this morning, but the ptcfeited wns moderately traded in between 03 nnd 03. Toward tho end of tho pension Pennsyl vania Steel common opened nt 8,", down r.U from last night's tlosc. In tlio late dealings Philadelphia Klcctrlc also at tracted attention, crossing 2S Ilrill roso 2 and Hnpld Transit hardenedf. too. Stor ngo Hattcrj. after n point decline, rallied. Oddly enough, Cambria Steel sold up to SIH. a now high record. Tills Is a shado nbnvo tho llicxel bid, another otic ot those market oddities mentioned nbovc. In well-informed elides It Is thought that the two main icasons for nctlile hcms purelinso of tb Pcnnsjlv.inla Steel Company nro the lnttct's otc beds nnd tho fact that It owns n shipyard. It Is thought that tlio Hctblchem Is preparing to bid on the tnlkcd-of new licet of Amer ican warships. Barrett Manufacturing Co. to Expand YOL'NOSTOWN, Feb. 17. The Ilarictt Manufacturing Company has purchased n site of live ncres near this city nnd will etcct it Inrge plant for the purposo of rellnlng tar products. The corporation has secured the output of war and by products from the coke plant nnd benzol plant of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company. It Is ptoposcd to enrry reduction of coke by-products further than has heie tofore been nttcmptetl In this country nnd It mny eventually cngnge in the manufac ture of des. . Budapest Exchange to Open AMSTERDAM. Keb. 17. The lludnpest Stock Exchange will be reopened on February 21 for limited trading after noon oath day. No quotations will be issued. Money in London LONDON, Feb 17. Money Iff Pi per cent : discount, short bills HH per cent ; three months bills Bif, per cent. t n-v. n yPOBLIC SERVICE rnf SECURITIES "The dcncndcnce of ,. nicipalilics on Public Service Corporations is the strenqth of their securities." J We recommend to conservative ia vestors an income ana Penna. tax-fret l"aby Uond in denominations of $100 $200 $500 fj These bonds arc of the highest grade, are suitable for trust estates and yield a return of 5yg per cent. Net earnings and surplus show a steady increase, territory served by the company shows approximately 60 increase in the past ten years. ff Complete investigation requester! B a.keir Aylirvg Co. Land Title lSldg. Philadelphia. "Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company Philadelphia As an evidence of the Fidelity's continued advance in financial strength and insurance service a few im portant facts ai'e here presented from the Company's 37th Annual Report filed with forty-one States. ASSETS First Mortgages on Real Estate $12,731,257.65 Real Estate Owned 1,564,692.83 Loans on Collateral 78,529.63 Loans on Policies 7,770,679.59 Bonds, (Amortized Value December " 31, 1915) . 7,343,929.77 Stocks, (Market Value December 31, 1915) 170,926.50 Cash in Banks and in Office 378,865.24 Premiums in course of collection 817,728.30 Interest and Rents due and accrued... 421,968.84 $31,278,578.35 LIABILITIES Reserve for Reinsurance .$27,018,192.41 Reserve for Outstanding Losses 225,700.33 Premiums and Interest prepaid 205,749.02 Accrued Taxes and Miscellaneous Liabilities 113,869.75 Premium Reductions for 1916 626,285.37 Accumulations upon Deferred Dis tribution Policies 1,858,603.14 Reserve for Contingencies 1,230,178.33 $31,278578.35 The Fidelity has set aside for distribution among its policyholders in 1916, and charged as a liability, dividends to the amount of $626,285.37, the largest dividend distribution in the Company's history. In addition, its accumulations for deferred dividend distri bution amounted, January 1, 1916, to $1,858,603.14. Paid Insurance In force, $132,355,777.00. Paid to policyholders and beneficiaries since organization, $39,072,318.75. Paid to and held in trust for policyholders, $70,251,304.11. The Fidelity is a purely mutual profit-sharing Com pany operated solely in the interests of its policyholders. There are no stock or proprietary interests of any kind. Its insurance and itsnvqstments are confined to Ameri can soil, and are under the supervision of forty-one State Governments. Detailed report or any information concerning the Company or its service will be sent upon request. WALTER LE MAR TALBOT, President F, X. Quinn, Vice President, Chfcrles J, R. Sproule, Assistant Charles G, Hodge, Secretary. j Secretary. Samuel J. Steele, Treasurer Dr,i Wm. H. E. Wehner, Medical J. B, Franks, Actuary. pirector. J. Russell Sykes, Comptroller Dr. CD. B. Pfeiffer, Associate and Assistant Treasurer, Medical Director, BOARD OFJDIRECTORS Lewis R-Dick Joseph de dJunlHu George W- Roydhouse Nathan T Folwell Geo. W. KenTOck,. Jr. Samuel J. Steele t T. Comly Hunter F. X. Quinf W<er LeMar Talbot J P. Hale Jenkins Y. T. B. "Roberts Charles S. Walton i 1 .Trrr,'"T"ra gam ',5