Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    Millljjipiyi pi mi iHJilUllUHIIJl
ii jBiipnilun.Mti j y 1 1 ifg,ujaNti.H!l iW jpmpwjBwtarJ
""' PST "Tsn
Bi -
No. 12 Lilting Model
MACHINE will Increase tho
'efficiency of your office forco
'tttfacr n handling extenlon it
J..Imh tn nnnlnnt. TIia
. rltg I le thnn any other Hating
Bemno u. --,.-..,.
' 36 models weighing from 10 to
1,11 pound.
' Phone or wrlto for demonstra
tion or end for sample of work.
Division Sale Manager
Barrett Adding Machine Co.
503 Bulletin Bldg.
Walnut G734 Itnco 3165
Blaze in the Chicago City Hall
Laboratory Where an
Analysis Was Be
ing Made
CHICAGO. Feb. 1G. A mysterious (Ire.
evidently of Incendiary origin, was dls
nnred curly today In tho City Hall near
Aft) chemical laboratory In which poisons
found In tho room or. Jean crones, alleged
principal In tho anarchists' soup plot
ittlnst Archbishop Mundclcln nnd others,
tfi being analyzed.
P A quart bottlo containing nil was found
a.tha clonkroom on tho seventh floor of
tM wilding near mo laDoratory. t lames
trere licking their way up tho wall of tho
cloakroom when discovered by Dr. It. M.
Phillips, on duty In tho chemical labora
tory, In the early morning.
i The blazo was checked by firemen with
iiaall loss.
KHcalth Commissioner Itobcrtson said
ISis (Ire was ndmlttcdly strange, consid
ering: tho fact lhat tho laboratory was
tnpFCd In examining the poisons found
IaCror.cs' room.
IX floor map of tho City Hall was
found, pollco say, nmong tho papers In
Crones' room, together with floor plans
if tho Federal Building and Bovcral sky
itrapers. "Anarchistic propngnndn has gained new
Impetus In tho United States. Tho al
lied plot directed ngnlnst tho Arch
blihop and his distinguished guests nt
tt,Unlvcrslty Club banquet last Thurs
day night was but ono development In
Uu new annrchlstlo campaign.
These were tho theories of Chlcniro
;jluthoritles. Federal and city, today as
Jtlmearch for Jean Crones, 'alleged prln
Idpal'ln tho soup plot, continued.
EHrho activities of tho reds havo doubled
pa ins laBt fow months, ' said Detective
ACtptaln Hunt, 'wo have known It for
home time and havo been on our gunrd."
feTna search for Crones nad virtually
mrcowea aown to Chicago today. Po
lice wards wero thrown about tho homes
W M known anarchists. In tho belief
Crones may bo hiding In ono of them.
KDear Friend" of Chicago Soup Sus
pect Is Arrested
NEW YORK. Feb. 16. Out of the in
stigation Into tho lives of tho men nc-
ciued of having tried to poison all the
wrs ac me Dnnquot given to Archbishop
wmoeleln at tho Lnlverslty Club In Chl
ff last Thursday night tho police of
"it city and tho Federal Department of
JWtlce havo discovered Just In Its active
jetinnlng d vast anarchistic plot to de-
ItfOV Ik'Aa fii,l Hnn-...
--, ....... ,tu i,lUJUIiJ.
Accordingly, a nntlon-wlde dragnet has
Vk .Vune out- nml In'0 t"'3 'as' night
cJa Camlllo, a waiter, of 407 West 18th
"feet, this city. He admits that ho Is a
ar (rlend and comrndo" of Jean
SMnes. tha fugltlvo chef of the Unlver-
jr.ii10" or Chicago, who Is accused of
vS poisoned tho soup served at tho
M-willo further admitted himself to be
, uiarcnist, and the police who made
WH lrrPftf h,fimh .1... t i
a eight a trunkful of anarchistic llt
wurs and a packet of letters, the con
eau ox whinh lnttA.- mr.1, ..iai. iM
1 Want revelations.
t police allege that they found in a
ff '"W a fully loaded revolver
B J- extra cartridges, which gave them.
fgw for arresting and holding him
Sr the Sullivan act.
nlllo said that his brother-in-law.
wtjlomeo Bonlcalo, a chauffeur, now in
&a ' WBS even a dearer friend and
i Bf... 7l ao or t,le fUBltlve Crones.
B. .' ,h.e.la!t time he had seen Crones
K w this city In April, 1915, with
gSjMlo. Shortly afterward, he said,
h returned to Chicago,
r. ii.wf8 Bomo ot Bonleslo's effects
an1" possession, and among them
Ig picture postal card sent from Chi
jwsome months ago. It represented
S5 burning of old Fort Dearborn in 1812.
...a5033 the Picture in Italian was
t are VOU ainlncr. nliPnlnn, riwi(r
It burn? Ask also Berte I-a Rlno
lufly hpln voit ntiaHMtaa tniiin r-j
m5 J.1 wa8 sIsned, Amlgo' (friend)
the front nf tha ror ao -n!..
Ullai,: """ """"
hat are von Hnint , iv r.nni.
' .t5Srwl.se Patrol wagon. Time will riot
I-"? wi ae three of you."
"UlIlQeald he linil Viun In tha rnnnlrv
'J" was 25 years old, and a native
'e'ia. pravlnp nf Kivom tnit, ir
i ever applied for citizenship papers.
New York Man, Taken nt Ban
quet, Confesses to Killing.
Neighbors' Letters Lead
,to Arrest
Mlsuso of Doctor's Nnmo In Certifi
cate by Slayer Discovered by
NEW TOniC, Feb. 16.-After telling one
of tho most remarkable stories evor heard
by tho pollco of how ho killed his wlfo be
causo she was scolding him, cnibalmod
her body, forged n death certificate nnd
burled her, Hnrry Schrocffol, nn under
taker, wns formally accused of murder
Although Schrocffel, nccordlng to his own
confession, killed his wlfo December 29.
tho crlmo was not discovered until weeks
later. Ho was nrrcstod last night while
attending n bnnquet. Called from tho ta
ble by n detective, Schroeffel was aston
ished that ho should havo been found
According to tho police SehroclTcl
declared ho had asked his wlfo not to talk
so loud during nn argument they wero
having. Sho refused nnd ho put his hand
over her mouth nnd his arm about her
ncclc holding her. Sho fell to tho floor.
SchroefTcl went to bed nnd slept soundly,
"Tho next morning," said SchroefTct
calmly, "I found her body whero Bho
had fallen, nigor mortis, ns wo cm
bnlmers say, hnd set In. I embalmed her,
so nn autopsy would not show tho causo
t ilnntli T .I.h. 1II...1 l ,1. -ltt.
Iw utnui. a kiii-ii jiuuu iii uiu ut'iitu cer
tificate, giving tho causo ns lobar
pneumonia. I sent death notices to tho
newspapers, conducted the funeral and
saw her put In the grave. I was certain
no ono know anything about It."
Schroeffel was arrested bb a result of
anonymous lettors received by tho pollco
telling of nelghbois having heard screams
In his homo tho night Mrs. Schrocffel wns
killed. Tho fact thnt ho had forged a
doctor's name to tho death ccrtlilcato
was also discovered.
Continued from 1'nKr One
which Is attnehed hereto), whereby such
ii stadium will ultimately become tho
property of said University, nmplo pro
vision having boon mado therein for per
manently tnklng enro of such events ns
tho Army and Navy game, world's cham
pionship series, largo municipal events
nnd pngennts, etc., ns well ns tho Uni
versity's big athletic contests, under
standing further thnt tho Chamber ot
Commerce appreciates tho value to tho
city as well as to tho University of such
a stadium nnd approves of tho project,
wo bellovo that body should tako further
steps as may bo necessary to carry out
tho plans to a successful conclusion."
It was stntcd today that these trustees
of tho University havo enthusiastically In
dorsed tho plan: Dr. J. William White,
chairman of tho University ot Pennsylva
nia Committee on tho Army and Navy
Football Game; Marshall Morgan, of tho
United Gas and Improvement Company,
and former Attorney General John C. Bell.
In a report submitted today to tho
Chamber ot Coflmcrce, Mr. Nltzscho out
lines his plnn for tho proposed stadium
Tho report follows:
"Philadelphia needs a great stadium If
sho expects to attract big athletic and
out-of-door events and to keep paco with
other largo American cities. Tale, Har
vard and Princeton havo stadiums seating"
from 45.000 to 70.000, nnd oven somo
of tho Western high schools, bucIi as Ta
coma and San Diego, havo stadiums seat
ing from 20,000 to 30,000.
"Tho Tolo Grounds In New York are
said to seat 42,000, and there is a rumor
that they aro about to build a stadium in
New York seating more thnn doublo that
"Franklin Field's seating capacity Is
19,214, although, with tho tomporury scats,
32,000 havo been crowded Into It. Unless
Philadelphia makes nn offort at once, sho
cannot hopo to bid for such big open-
air events is tho Olympics, national pa
geants nnd tho Army nnd Nnvy game. Tho
game has been becoming moro and more, a
national event.
"The President and hundreds of the
most eminent men In public life attend
annually; with tho proposed Increase in
the army nnd nnvy tho gamo will soon
attract 100,000. Philadelphia cannot nfford
to lose these games. Being halt way be
tween West Point and Annapolis Is a good
reason why the gn ;o should be played In
Philadelphia every year.
"The great demand for tickets for the
Inst Penn-Cornell game, tho supply of
which was exhausted several days before
the game, indicated thnt there Is no rea
son why a Pennsylvania gamo with any
of tho 'big four would not attract crowds
of 00,000 or more, as the football game did
at Yale last fall.
"The samo Is true of the world series
baseball games; In tho last six years
only once Philadelphia was not repre
sented In the world series. Almost a mil
lion people attended these games and paid
almost J2.00O.O0O for admission; had they
had a stadium such as Is here proposed
theso figures might have been trebled.
Such a stadium would also attract other
big events, such as the Olymplo games.
national pageants, etc. even the Uni
versity relay carnival would soon fill It."
, Mr. Nltzsche deals with the matter
of the stadium's site as follows:
"The Bite suggested for tho proposed
stadium Is the natural ravine and basin
in Woodlands Cemetery, adjoining the
University Botaplo Gardens, which at
present Is separated from It by a blind
nlley used as a city supply yard, al
though it Is on the map as 'University
avenue.' The accompanying plan gives a
picture of how this piece of land, now
useless and unoccupied, could be used
to advantage. It would answer all pur
poses of the kind for generations to come.
"As will be seen, the plan provides for
a large educational building, a parking
place for automobiles an open theatro
constructed near the site of the one pre
pared for Greek plays last June, only
having seats on the opposite slope, as
Indicated on the plan; and lastly, a huge
Scientifically treated by expert
enced nurserymen. Pnn'nK a"d
spraying season ends March in.
Norman Supplee
Walnut JUS, Wo,$,!1'"'1
Rc M W
i, . i in i iii I m 1 1 ii I n i ii ii i in nil ii i mi ii ii
Union Station.
stadium nt the southern end of the ravine,
arranged so that It coutd ho utilized tho
year around by converting tho outside
upper parts Into dormitories. Tho ap
proaches to these grounds could be trans
formed Into shady nooks nnd walks so
that tho present Botnnlcal Gardens would
extend over tho cntlro tract.
"As will bo seen by tho sketch, tho
largest portion of tho stadium would bo
on tho Woodlands grounds tho other on
a triangular ploco of unused city property.
This alto Is In many respects Ideal and
would reclaim land which might other
wise remain useless.
"Any objections which might bo brought
by tho lot owners of tho cemetery, bc
eauso of Its proximity, would ho met by
putting a concroto wall on that Bide ot
tho stadium, which wall would soon bo
overgrown with Ivy and lined with shrub
bery nnd tall poplars. Tho facilities for
emptying the stadium would bo unsur
passed nnd tho open spneo on all sides
would obvlato congestion.
"Tho stadium would bo nbout 40 feet
below tho surface nnd nbout BO feet nbove,
tho audlonco entering the stndlum from
tho ground level through numerous en
trances, nnd going either up or down,
nccordlng to tho location of their Bents.
A wide walk or drive would encircle tho
whole field, tho drlvo being covered by
tho under part of tho section of tho
stadium extending nbovo tho ground nnd
tho outer walls, consisting ot n dignified
ncrlea nf nrche3 Tho field would seat
from 80,000 to 100,000, nnd would havo
ample space for a qunrtor-inilo track,
football field, baseball diamond, etc.
"Tho proposed clovntcd lino from 30lh
and Market will skirt tho southern boun
dary of the stadium, also tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad, nnd thcro la nmplo room
for a union station. Tho northern end
Is nccesslblo by tho surfaco and subway
cars along Woodland avenue. Walnut,
Chestnut and Market streets. Ono can
reach tho City Hall, tho heart of Phila
delphia, on many ot these lines In less
than 15 minutes; and theso enrs connect
with others going to tho remotest parts
ot Philadelphia. Automobiles could reach
tho stadium on good ronds from nil parts
of tho city, nnd tho proposed Park Bou
levard from Falrmount Park to Bartrnm
Park would run close by.
"This slto Is moro desirable, ns the
ravlno does not contain n grave. It would
Improve what Is now a moro or less un
sightly part of tho cemetery, some of It
being swampy and other parts being used
ns dumps. To moot any real objection of
lot holders, tho money derived from tho
salo of tho ravlno might bo devoted to a
fund, the Incomo of which might bo used
for beautifying tho cemetery.
"Tho outer walls of the stadium could
bo so constructed as to make a permanent
source of Income. As, previously stated,
from 40 to CO feet of this stndlum would
extend nbovo tho ground. The under sldo
of this might bo benutlllcd by building nn
nrchwny with two stories of dormitories
nbovo It. Tho brlclc work nnd architecture
might bo mado to correspond with our
present dormitory system.
"This would nlso provide for nn outer
drlvo and an Indoor track and comfort-
ablo dormitory nccommodatlons for al
most 1000 students.
This feature In It-
. l I
self might bo mado to pay an Incomo of
from J30.000 to JjO.OOO a year, which
would be a fair pcrccntngo on the nmount
Invested, although tho profits of two or
three largo cvcntB might in themselves
be a handsome dividend on tho invest
S. R. Clark, secretary of tho Municipal
Affairs nnd Convention Committee of, the
Chamber of Commerce, said:
"It Is now up to tho trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania to npprove
these plans, nnd when thnt Is dono tho
Chamber of Commerco wilt try to make
the Btadlum a reality. Wo should Btrlko
now while tho Iron Is hot. Tho public
Is aroused by tho loss of the Army and
Navy 'game, and they will welcome n
movement of this kind. A stadium such
as is outlined by Mr. Nltzsche would place
Philadelphia permanently on the map and
would greatly uplift tho civic life of the
"An awakened Interest In outdoor sports
means a better and cleaner citizenship.
If we glvo Phlladelphlans a place to wit
ness some ot tho world's greatest athletic
events, we will cut down the attendance
at tho saloons and other objectionable
resorts. This Is a movement which should
receive tho enthusiastic Indorsement of
every public-spirited man and woman."
Bryn Mawr Shows Japanese Prints
Dr. Howard Gray, nn Instructor In his
tory In Bryn Mawr College, has lent that
Institution a collection of Japanese prints,
which havo been placed on exhibition In
the college, library. The collection presents
the development of Japanese art from
the middle ot the eighteenth century to
the middle of the nineteenth.
Roebling Net Makers Strike
TRENTON, Feb. 16. Another part of
the Roebling plant has been tied up by
a strike of 80 net makers In the Buck
thorn plant of the company.
I "iimMI B
This $35 (full size) Wardrobe Trunk
With Yale Lock $22,50
$40 Wardrobe Trunk $25
$45 Wardrobe Trunk $32
Others $(5 to $100
Designed for
Greek Theatre.
Students Will Bo Asked to Buy
Policies in Favor of Univer
sity Before Their
Members of tho senior class of tho
University of Pennsylvania will bo naked
to tnko out 20-ycnr-cndowmcnt Insurnnco
policies In fnvor of tho University beforo
thoy nro grnduntcd In June, It wns do
cldcd by tho Senior Class Fund Com
mlttco at a meeting In Logan Hall.
Tho Bchcme to nliT cohego endowment
funds by making them tho beneficiaries
ot Insurnnco policies taken nut by stu
dents wns tried nt the University of
Pennsylvania for the first tlmo last
year. It has found favor for several
years at Yalo, Dartmouth nnd Williams
College. Monoy to tho amount of $34,000
will bo paid over to tho University of
Pennsylvania from policies taken out by
tho class of 1115, If tho policies run to
Tho class of lOlfi plans to nssuro tho
amount to $50,000, or If posslblo $60,000, by
selling $500 nnd $1000 policies to all Its
members. Tho nvcrago cost of a $500
policy to tho students would bo about
six and a half cents n day.
John J. Sullivan and Miss Hilda J.
Miller Married
ATLANTIC CITY, Feb. 13. Tho Popo
cabled his blessing yesterday to John
J. Sulllvnn. of this city, nnd Miss Hilda
J. Miller, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
J. Miller, prominent In Philadelphia, who
wero married hero this morning. Tho
young couple wero united In marrlago
by tho Row Joseph A. McCarthy, of
Oxford, Pa., a friend of tho bride's
The bride was given nwny by her father.
She- was attended by Mrs. William E.
Hubcr, of Johnstown, Pa., ns matron of
honor. Mr. Sullivan's best man wlaa
James Reiver, of West Philadelphia.
At tho clqso of tho ceremony the wed
ding party,' comprising only closo rela
tives, nssombled for tho breakfast at tho
Ventnor cottnge tof, tho bride's parents,
Atlantic nnd "Dover nvenucs. Later In
tho day the newly married couplo de
parted for Havana, Cuba, whero they
will spend their honeymoon.
Mr. Sulllvnn Is a Pennsylvania Univer
sity mnn and tho brldo Is well known In
.tho rhllndclphla younger set. Sho was
born In Gormantoivn.
Insure Italian Schoolchildren
Mutual-benefit Insurnnco societies hnvc
been established In tho public schools ot
Home and other Italian cities. Tho un-
.1ntltir trlrtn la tlint TlllnltR almll nn V
small weekly sums to a general fund,
from which certnln amounts nro paid out
In caso of sickness, nccldent, or death.
Tho system Is said to bo growing rapidly.
$& to $6
For the Man
Who Seeks
without sacrificing style, and
Did you ever wear a cushion
sole shoe?' Your first pair will ba
the Unit step toward everlaitlnr
foot comfort.
It la a combination of atyle,
quality, service and comfort.
Thin Cushion Bhoe Is an Im
provement over any elmllar one
offered and la better lu every way.
Improved Cushion Shoe Store
37 S. Ninth St.
orrosiTis rosroiiiCE
Shoes sent to all parts of U, S.
Write for catalog of view's
and women's shoes.
Open Saturday Evenings
We built these trunks
ahead of the rise in
cost of pnaterials.
George .Nlt.icho by Koramkl & Camrron.
Educational Bldir.
Charles Mills, Who Was Asso
ciated in Market St. Work,
May Have Had Breakdown
Charles Mills, who wns associated with
Wllllnm S. Twining, Director of Trnnslt,
ns nn engineer In the cotistrii- 'on ot tho
Market street subway, committed BUlcIdo
by shooting yesterdny on a lonely strotch
of road near Fort Mifflin.
The sound ot tho shot wns heard by Leo
Mayor, of tho Fort Mlflltu barracks. Ho
notified tho corporal of tho guard and
then, with Edward Albcrtson and Charles
Yost, began a search. (Mills' body was
found hi tho rondwny, a now revolver at
his sldo nnd a wound in his tcmplo told
tho story. Tho body wns removed to tho
University Hospital In an automobile, but
upon arriving there It wns said death had
occurred an hour beforo.
Mills left his homo nt 4311 Florence ave
nue shortly nfter D o'clock yestordny morn
ing; ho parted affectionately from his wlfo,
Mrs. Clarn CI. F. Mills, and daughter, Miss
Dorothy Mills, nnd seemed In rood spirits.
Ills fnmlly heard nothing from him until
word of tho sulcldo wns received.
Tho only reason his widow and daugh
ter can advanco for tho act Is n mental
breakdown which tho man suffered In
1911, when ho wns consulting engineer
ot tho Brooklyn subwny. Mills entered
a sanatorium In this city nt that time,
nnd only returned homo three months ngo,
but frequently gave ovldcnco that ho did
not feel entirely cured.
Ho was 53 years old, nnd Is survived by
Mrs. Mills nnd his daughter. No nrrango
ments for tho funeral havo been made.
Rescues Woman From Burning House
Joseph I.udwlg, who llvex at 2226 Cal
lowhill street, proved himself a man of
resource In a flro thnt occurred In tho
home of his neighbors, tho Itossman fam
ily, nt 2228 Callowhill street, last night.
In tho hasty exit of tho Rossman family
from tho burning house, n boarder, Mrs.
John Botskoufskl, wns forgotten. Ludwig
henrd tho woman's cries and, going to the
garret of his homo, crept through a trap
door to tho roof. A spneo of four feet
separates tho two houses. Ludwig
bridged this with a door ho wrenched
from Its hinges, nnd nsslsted Mrs. Bot
skoufskl ncross tho Impromptu bridge.
Tho flro Btnrtcd In somo rubbish in tho
rear of tho house and caused a damage
of sovcral thousand dollars.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
902 Chestnut Street
invite inspection of
their collection of
Chinese Jades
Crystals ana Flowers
Talking Machine Co.
Delivering the Victrola is but the first
step of our Free Service.
We continue to be of "service" long
after the machine reaches your door.
In the matter of satisfaction, no con
cern appreciates its obligations to the cus
tomer more keenly than we do.
Talking Machine Co.
Broad and Columbia
52nd & Chestnut Sts. Three Branches
4124 Lancaster Ave. Pen Evenings
16, 1916.
Vaudeville and Movie Magnates
Would Also Enmesh Miss
Margaret Willetts
Vaudeville managers, motion-picture
promoters, autograph seekers nnd would
be husbands havo deluged Miss Margaret
Willetts, tho Swnrthmoro Junior whoso
physical measurements nro nearly Identi
cal with those of tho Venus de Mllo, with
a multitude of telegrams, letters' nnd mes
sages. They contnln offers to appear be
fore tho footlights, to pose for tho camera
In tho movies nnd oven to appear beforo
n minister. They nro n result of tho wldo
publication of her distinction In Philadel
phia. Now York and scores of other news
papers. Tho beautiful girl Is tho daughter of
Mr. E. H. Willetts, of Trenton, N. J
who Is prominent In tho pottery Industry
there. Tho Wlllcttn fnmlly Is of old
Qunker origin nnd has long been promi
nently connected with tho Swnrthmoro
College administration.
Miss Willetts, according to her gymna
sium measurements, wns found to equal
In nearly every proportion tho measure
ments of tho Venus do Mllo, who has
through all tho ages been considered tho
"perfect womnn." Tho Swnrthmoro stu
dent weighs 132 pounds, Is 5 feet 4.8 Inches
In height, has a neck measurement of 12.4
Inches, chest measurement of 34.6 Inches,
nnd 36.2 Inches when expanded. Her
friends In Swarthmorc, however, are will
ing to bet that their "Venus" could con
siderably outoxpand tho Venus do Mllo,
for tho latter marble-chested lady cx
prtnded hers evidently when no ono was
Widow Forced by Poverty to Send
Thrco to Institution
A woman who had been making a
despcrato struggle to support herself and
her four children slnco tho death ot her
husband a yenr ngo was forced to sur
render all her children, except her bnby,
to tho Catholic Children's Bureau today
when sho petitioned Judgo MacNclllo In
tho Juvenile Court for aid. Sho Is Mrs.
Savlna McKcnna, of 634 Callowhill strcot.
Judge MacNclllo oxprosned regret that
tho laws would not permit an order to
support tho children unless they wero In
tho caro of n charitable Institution nnd
then mado arrangements for tho payment
of $1 a week to tho Catholic Children's
Bureau for each of tho children, except
tho youngest, a 0-month-old baby, which
Mrs. MclCennn refused to surrender.
Those who aro turned over to the charity
aro Josephine, 3 years old; John, 7 ycara
old, and Frances, aged 3 years.
You could find no fault at
oil with your collars and
cuffa when wo launder
them. Our Souplesso meth
od makes them unusually
"dresay" nnd sufficiently
flexible for your absolute
Neptune Laundry
1S01 Columbia Ave.
For Mechanical Parpeies
L. R. BERGER CO., 59 N. 2d Street
Hell Market JJJ. Ktystonr iatn 4000,
r itiCiltli
Is Absolutely Free
Ex-Mayor, With Wlfo, on Vacation In.
San Diego, California, for His
- Birthday
Rudolph Blnnkcnburg, former Mayor
nnd war-horse of reform, Is 11 years old
today. Far away from the place ho was
wont to speak of ns "My city," Mr,
Blnnkcnburg, with his wife, Is enjoying
a vacation In San Diego, Cfll,
Mr. Blnnkenburg was born on February
16, 1843, In Germany, nnd came to this
country In 186S, nt tho close of the Civil
Wr. He was educated for the ministry,
but decided on his arrival here to fellow
a commercial career, with tho result lhat
10 years later ho started In the yarn bust
Girl Victim of Coasting
Helen Schultz, 18 years old, of 131 Wpka,
street, sustained a broken right leg last
night, when a uled upon which sho was
constlng down Fountain street, struck a.
Inmp post near Oglo street. There were
soveral other persons on the sled, but
Miss Schultz wns tho only one injured,
Sho was taken to St. Timothy's Hospital.
are precious today
because they're
scarce and hard
to get!
That condition
with regard
to dyes
makes these
Perry v
the most interesting
proposition in yivir
paper today!
f Dyes! Dyes!! Dyes!!!
The, mills are mad!
Their looms in many
cases are idle! Dyes!
Dyes!! Dyes!!! How
can they weave cloth
without colorings to
change the sheep's
white wool? They can't!
And what they have
dyes enough for they
are selling at staggering
advances. Next Octo
ber the price of a Suit of
Clothes will be about
twice what you can get
one of these Perry Suits
for today at one of these
Radical Reductions!
This season's $15, $18, $20
Suits, next season's sure
prices, $18, $20, $25
ire this sale, $13.50!
This season's $22,50 and
$25 Suits, next season's; sure
prices, $28 and $30
in this sale, $18!
This season's $30 and $35
Suits, next season's sure
prices, $35 and $40
in this sale, $24!
Perry & Co.
"N. B. T."
$15 to $400
EatUtt of
MMMiW r if
Chestnut St
1X5 So. 5th
" m muc