niritijBiijiici' o ffwiiiiywiwilwwl KVENJISra LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TI-E8DAY, FEBRUARY 15, 191 G. I .'WT"ywnJHWl'WHI'tm'lJUHIll'll,'''WJ!ll)WWll" IT Iff n vy )i ffl" II ffHE NOVEL OFTHEYEAP SS&ggSft, ...mrnn vvX-(Contlnucd). t. : . .j ieU." sad Llchur. "Tho liTir' never been so low hefore-not WC" Mmory of man. wo no not near fiLftn. more T,ld. rlvcr h a!!eop- Ejou want mo to send my men down fcl1" " ald Gerry. "I don't E!". n ti, ditch any more. It's tyr Grtf M'?.vJ.,i. "Whnt'B that about ffl Urd Iwnr' 'Lhurrled phrases nnd a low voice U(Mf ilnce Oerr s advent nnd of the ''.fifrrectlon to tho abandoned planta lBffu.rr.V.. . . nelciiborlnir stock." tin"- .. i (. a rtn linn i liivru ill uii u Kf! Mt a curious filance at Ocrry. m'l ,?. Ulnoss." bo said, "foollnR tf1?!. :.mi level In flood countri " ifl'i.k.VnocWcd and went on. Ho told Bb iiii well -t'o bail seen more man Mw ' ... u 1..10 nut Into woids Oct rv K?7J for a wbllo hut be soon wearied. Kfi had ll that to do with him now7 t'iitt off nnd started to saddle EL nine. Ho muit Ret away from f!5! Alan as drawing lilm but bo Abound In chains Ho must remember K Then too what .Ainn nnu mini M!1.. iine with tho normal level wor- rlTklm Ho must go back nnd station ri, ,i nt tho sluice-Bate. Ia Hidden puff of nlr, then n, breeze. ff gale, swept down on Llcbcr c '. the SOUthWCIt J no wiiiu was noi, Iftert e blast from tho torrid wlldei- E dry sticks, nud finally, small peu ii,i that huttlcd nloiiB tne ground. Gerry i".. ..-.. onnnlit Hlielter hv the Ivntf Herders came running Out from KB0D3C. . rtlt,ft-rt, I,, r,nnf f ll " ...j rrim w nil ictiildcnlv rcold. dropped and ceased. Tho dust sot- MtttL Thi sun mnzcu bs uciurc. mgru WL. t cloud In tho sky. Tho herders jjl looked at Lleber. They did not talk. t. rsete wnltlnR. Lfctxr rhrugercd his shoulders "Some where," he said with n wiwo of bis hand u tie eoutnwcst, -mere mm uuen nun iiro nou i,,u " " " " " i Wturefcll and drovo the hot nlr oft the iitstrt.'' Ho told the men but they did ' . . . .n, fPhpv Rtnnd nrnllnil. Mlplr Mom iwcepliu; tho liorlron to the south i Iqu ncro Hied on n dtstint pllliii of BUft- U Clmo loniuus iiicni i.iuutT W his (leldBlassci Without taklns .. . .. hit. ntnq llo unfilcn "Tla n KU1CD1 lt"n '" ' - ..w ..,'V... ..u . Wai riding. Looks llko he's rldliiR for BMt Somcthlns Is up. He's rldlnc to i Ml his horse Wa litihomm aDDioacI ed. a dull rumbllnc I4M.1 ,k& Aro nf" fl.n tl lltnlmva C!n ivrnfl. KHJHTU l" V.- .11 HIV inil-iiv. .. uu ..u..- wid was Its crescendo Hint they did not jollce It. i no rmer spurred ana licit Bj horse to a fliinl effort. They could 'ut lit nas shoutluB. Ho drew neaicr fai they heard him, 'Tlood! riood!" 't...n.a n rrti T'ni" nnnv cm Mm tmrWr... Km, n uhltf nilvnnnllirr mist. rPlin rlilor Eiilled ofl his stngscrliiB horse. "Tho jllooil," he Rasped "Xper beforo Ins Ktiere been such a flood." IRlTTIm...... !. .1 nlt! .. i.... ...., . W I.Ih ...... .At. ICCIUID II1U i, miin nuu uui ui iiijs luuuill m litre was a frenzied rattle of hoofs and qerry on xruo jjiuo toro on in a mau 'gallop down the trail townrds Tazcnda WAlino9t at his heels followed tho first jMunua o ina ucrucr.s. riuinB an incy knew to cut across to Piranhas abend of ue van oi naicr Kllthtr'a m.i.u rnllrti1 Clnrw'fi fllli. Ibtais turned them on Alan. "That 'FARMER SMITH'S A TALK ABOUT Dear Children I have before rne fiich she aska mo to send a button ifeays "losing things." It is a strnniro fact in this world fcir defects or faults. A boy is ashamcl of a knife that has a broken blade iofl a girl worries because there is a hole in her stocking, yet our little Bcmber is rendy to admit that there is something wrong with her mind lie loses things. I wrote her a letter and told her to BHE MIGHT LOSE HER FRIENDS. I told her that she was care-less, Ittter these words: I AM CAREFUL. If you aro like our little friend, do three words out and paste them on tember to do. Our minds are tricky. When we unds of reasons why we should go uway and forget where we have put a ypalr of scissors, for instance. Our mind .snouid be careful, else the day may come i-We may lose our SELF-RESPECT. BE CAREFUL. farmer Smith's Frog Book The sun was sottlnc nver ItntnhoW Fnn when nlnnc enmn Dr. Bull Frog, with a hop, skip nnd a jump. (When-he got; to tho edge of tho Big load ho heard a noise which made jn stop. L"Well, well!" ho wna H.-cvlW in lilm. M, "I never heard a noise like that we." He put hfs head first on ono fc fillel then nn tnn ntliAV. EAu Of a Riirlrlen thrn xffan n IgLAP!" and Mister Mosquito disap- ireei. here," he said, "that js over m and by hq got down to the edge t" uig rond, and there were an 'inhabitants of Frogvilie waiting Jjiijn. 5ey claimed nncl Msinned nnHl the ll? doctor bowed so low his glasses v Finally one of them shouted; eecnS" l! tickled the .doctor almost to &i and he climbed up on a bank pis ana began; ort d V 0 I ! s (gw v6 X&&V 'SSiP? mmZtW iniL?! i'l0.Wn tIlcrc'" 1,c "a". ""t bo turned Into n rushlnc river In half an andrli!at's,flP?,,e c're """ "" I'm ,i,!T. Spot f."r"t 'lown tho trail It . - nU,,h c?mo lnto AWn'n chks norrv .,n, ,nusl. ,f Prt'"-Prltt8 lit Oerry H,M? if5',,.i,10t etltatecl He had not rn ilS . '"'oa lBB&ird Kvcn now they could sco that ho was rldlns for life CHAPTHIt XXXI GnnrtY bad never ridden n borsa to dontb bpforo When True Hlue first RtnRffercd ho put spurs to him ntul laid on his quirt rlRht nnd left. The roar of the rl'-er was ro loud that ho could not tell If ho lind really beaten tho Hood or not, UiourIi ho could see Jutt before him the Ions, snaky Hdpo nf tho mnln ditch banks Ho must Ret on. Hut True ltlue only came to a slaRrtor. ItiK stop under the milrt With hH fore- With arms stretched to their highest, she held up the Man. feet ho still marked time as thoush with them ho would drag his hiaj body and master ono step nearer home. From his loins back ho was paralyzed With a last desperate effort he straddled his foro Icrs but ho could not braco him self aRnlnst tho backward of dead welsht Gerry felt htm sinking beneath him and suddenly found himself standiiiB over his prostrate horso Of Truo Hlue. his forefeet outstretched, his head and brenst still held hlRh, thero was left only a Rrcat spirit chained to n fallen nnd dying body A cry escaped Gerry's lips a cry of horror at what ho had done Then lie remembered why he hnd done It nnd ran not for tho sluice-Rate but for tho bridge As he reached It tho toar bccaino deafening. LOSING THINGS a letter from one of our members in that will not come off, because she is that some people seem to bo proud of break herself of the habit, because she did not care, T also put in tho not tell any one, but cut the above your looking glass, as I told our ' put something down, there are thou- should be taught to MIND. Wo when wc may lose, the horror of ltl FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledceh. "My dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to talk to you today and tell you how much I think of you. My heart swells with pride when I think" (hero he arose on his hind legs, and continued) "of the many happy hours we have spent " Then ho came down on the moss again and looked straight at the pond the other Frogs had gone. "Well, I like that!" he exclaimed. The very next night tho good doc tor played a trick on the people in Frogvilie, and you shall hear about it. FARMER SMITH, Evening Ledgeh: I wish to becomo a member of your Rainbow "Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY; Name t t . Address Age , School I attend. EVeNAC.-EieDG-Efl-A0VEv? WiVvHW Thero was n splintering, cinckllng sound that, measured b tho great com motion, seemed llko tho tinkle of a tiny bell. Hut theio wns somethltiB In tho sound that called to his brain Ho cast n Rlnnco over his shoulder. Tho monstrr beams of his sluice Rate, hurled, splint ered, Into tho nlr, were still hanging BRnlnst tho bluo sky. fnder them surped nn ansry whlto wall or rsclng water' liven as bo started to run down tho long slope to tho houso Gerry thought wllh n Brent relief that If the Rate had been closed It would have Bono even so, llko match wood. Ilclow him rn?cnda Tlores lav peace ful, still, under the hlnrltiR sun Tho cot ton was n little wilted, but hlfili and stroiis; the cane sluiitrd, hut nllve Only In the pasture bottoms the stock hud Rntherert In frightened clumps Their In stinct hnd told them that daiiRer hovered near. Suddenly from the (pilot boure burst Margarita, carrying her son on one arm Sho had seen Gem fmm a win dow Whlto the others watched tho rising rlvcr, and now this terrlfjlng torrent buistlng down upon them from nboe, she had slipped out to run to lilm The house nt i'nzcmla I'lores stood on a domed mound. Ilohiml tho mound was a slight hollow before tho stead v llso to tho hildeu hegin Gerrv csiiKht nlirht of Mnrgailta as she run dnwn toward this hollow Ten Hied, he cast a Hlance nt the (lesi eliding Hood nnd hl.s ee messured Its p.ue agiiliist In rs "Go hack' ho shouti d with nil the stieiiRlh of his lungs mul waved his aims It was as though In- had not spoken. Tlnoutrh the din and roar of the Hood the sound of the words Hmruls i cat lied his own ens At the ei bottom of tho hollow Mnr iirila felt that sho was stepping In water She took her ecs from Oeitj, who she thought was beckoning to hoi, and lookid down. A hiirijlli rivulet, whose swift How carried It beforo the (burning iiest of tho Hood, tURK d nt her ankles She lookid up tow aid the than- , deling wall of oncoming water and knew Hint she was lost sue slopped and neii 11 t eves cm Gem, who wan plunging il-vn the slope in n inncl tftoit to tench her She culled to him, but she knew lie could not hen hei With nuns sti etc lied to their high est she held up the Alan. The Man . .13 not fiUhti nid 1 1 ,s black oes wcie livid on his 1 nulling fntluM. Margarita could feel him giiigllng with Jo In tho new Kline 'I hen suddcnl he ciled out It was (i will of flight. Tlie wall was cut short Itroken hi two, It lang terribly In hei ours as she wc nt down The watei had felled Maigailt.i and tho Man Gcirv ssw them Hung down against tho gioiiud and Ihiu high on the crest of tho wave Thcv became Hiiddcul u twilling, sodden mnra, Inanimate suo for the fling of a loose llmh Into dealer view against the blue skv or the uncoil ing or long black hair on tho seething wutci Gcirv reached tho ton cut. .Margarita, and the Mull had nlundv been whirled far toward tho gient river Ho plunged into the Hood The watei was thick with caitli, stliks, uprooted plants nnd debits of cveiy sott. Conflicting, swilling cm lents tugged at hcaw stouts, rolled them along and sometimes even to.ed ono to tho sin face Gcnj'.s struggling body was hulled hither and thither A stray ciincnt shot him to the surface, but, before ho could tako breath, other currents suiked him down and di.iRgcil him along tho lough biufaco of tho crumbling soil Hu. felt as though ho were being torn limb from 11 ml) Then suddenly ho was caBt Into an eddy RAINBOW CLUB Our Poslofficc Box And still they come the post matks that do say not Philadelphia. Here's one from Audubon, N. J., an nouncing Helen Louise Beck, a little 'quarter ufter seven," who wants to Know if she is too young to belong to the club. Most nssuicdly not. If she is old enough to write such a pretty letter, sho is old enough to he a Rain bow. Here's a letter from Chelten ham, Pa., that brings bright, happy thoughts from Fanny Hnrt, who wants to cheer weo hospital folk. East Lansdowne sends to the club a message from Mario Casaccio, n very, very lovely messago that made us hope to havo another like it very soon. Grace Obcrle, Ycwdoll street, is all excited about the pin money nnd so is Anna Malamut, North 10th street, and so is William Quinn, East Cedar street, AND so is everybody, AND no wonder, becnuso little folks arc piling pennies so fast that they feel like real live bankers. Every letter that comes in is brim ming with prnisq about our beautiful Rainbow button 1 ATTENTION! GIRLS AND BOYS If YOU want to earn pin money after school and on Sat urdays, write a letter to Farmer Smith, Room 101, Evening Ledger. Do You Know This? 1. If a farmer plants seed ono day and it rains three days later, what will come up? (Five credits.) Sent in by Williametto Haney, German town avenue, . 2. Build as many words as you can from MEMORIZE. (Five credits.) 3. Namo two Philadelphia parka. (Five credits.) Wanted HAINVOAT 11 or llyoar-olJ size, by a boy who I willing to cito uway an "almext new" rulncaut. U or lu-ycar-old elze. AdJrera Furmw Smith 0 0 o 0 o a a that 4n comparison with the maelslrdm was nlmost peaceful. For ftn Instant ho felt llko one who nw-nkefe from a terrible dreniri but with tho sigh Hint trembled to bis lips cntno renllration Trom head to too bo was battered nnd bruised Ills cotton clothes werculn tat ters Ills chest heaved In great, spas tnodlc g.isps Ilrcath whittled through his wracked lungs Ills eyes protruded His head ached till It seemed on the verge of bursting nut to bis mind pierced a thought sharper than pain the thought nf Margarita and tho Man With clenched teeth he struck nut for tho current, l'nr, far awav rose a. dusty line of mist tt mill keel the head of tho Hood tho meet ing of water wllh the necuniutateel dust of rnlnles" months Oerry rceogni7cd the meaning of thnt line Somewhere there In the turmoil of tho first rush of the mad flood were Mnrgnrlln and tho Man what was left of them Tho dlstunco dlsmaved lilm, but ho swam on. Then he felt the fast apprnvchlng end of endurance. A soli choked lilm. It was onlv minutes till his nnns re fused to answer to his will They moved so weakly that more than once his gasp ing mouth snnk below the water He swallowed great gulps of the turgid ttooel Then nn uprooted treo brushed bv lilm Ho clutched Us lirutiiltca When all else In tho world has passed from 11 man's lirnlu there rcmnlns the life Instinct the will to tight for the Inst minute of his nllotted being The life Instinct wns all that still lived In Oetry Ic urged I1I111 to a last effort He drngred his hoely upon tho lieo where the branches foi keel from tho mnln trunk CONTINUHD TOMonnow. WOULDST WIN MAN'S HEA?iT?MAKEPOTPIE AS PER THIS RECIPE Mrs. Eisenstein, Who Won Mr. Hocheimcr's Hand With Mix ture of Dough, Meat and On ions Tolls How to Do It IS A SOFTENER OF HEARTS Recipe for Famous Husband-getting Polpic 1 pound meat, cut line. 2 cents.' woith of paisley, nlso cut fine. 2 onions, cut small. 1 potatoes, nlso cut small. 1 small can canned tomatoes. 2 cnirots, cut small. Popper and salt and cook pood. Mix ckk and flour in ptoper pro poitions, ntiK up to proper con sistency, cut into balls with spoon, and shove in other stuff. Cover with water and cook for an hour and a half. If von aie n flini hellever In the, gentle. Insidious power of lovo that comes to Its victims llko 11 suniiuei hicero iinaldeel b nnv inaleilal helps don't rend this story, hut go and liv and get n husband ns best ou mnv. As for Mis Henrietta lllscnstelii, sho believes In notpies L'oquctrv, Mrs lllsonslcln, will tell ou 1 1 all light. If that's the onlv accomplish ment vou'vo got, poor thing' Soft glances, gentle wavs and lino clothes, howevei, nio not Cupid's most potent el.uts. l'nr rioni It' Tho leal Ineslstlblo arrow Is compounded of such elelcctahlo Ingreell ents as .1 woiideiful shot Inning, the kind that melts In vour mouth, and meats, vegetables nud beabonliiR mixed with an evpert hand Cloortf Ask S.imuel llnchrlmcr. Last week Siniucl wns onlv a hoarder. Todnj he is on tho vcrgo of becoming a lnldo giooin Tho answer" Mrs Hlscnstetn's pntples, of course, l.ifo to S.imuvt looms up as one grand succession of potples, and ho Is Indeed a h.ippv m in Ago makes no dlffeienie, foi tho hrlde-to-bo boasts tU! summers nud her white haiied brMc groom Is 71 Twice before has bo taken tho matrimonial plunge, so one cm easily undoi stand that his seasoned masculine palate must bo mlghtv tickled with Henrietta's potples. Ilo Is taking a elnnco nt 111010 lb in three scoio and ten at tho Himeiienl game that many n innn would "pass up" nt DO The. lovo potions of old were unstcrlous concoctions Mrs. Hlsciistclu'n pies nre tho nemo of simplicity. Hero is tho reclpo us given beforo tho admiring swnin tho other clay. Ono pound of meat, any Kind, cut fine. Two cents' worth of parsley, cut Hue. Two onions, sliced. Tour potatoes, cut fine. small can tomatoes. Two carrots, cut small Salt nnd peppor to taste. Mix nn egg find flour to 11 good thick pasto and cut Into halls with 11 spoil, und add to tho above Cover with water and cook well, say nbout one and oue-hulf hours. Male and femalo reporters have been I besieging tho modest homo of Jits I.'lsen I sleln for several clajs. but with different motives. Tho malo of tho species has a hungry look In his eye, whllo tho femnlo brand baa 111010 than tho ordinary pro fessional inqulsltlveness. Other cntcrpils Iiie persons t-avo stormed the place, too. Ono nutoiuohllo company olTora Its car for tho couple to uso on their honejmoon to Strawberry Mansion Such reckless generosity la only equaled by tho various furnlturo agents' promises. Hvldently the minora of Hochelmor'a money for ho Is said to bo rich aro not without founda tion. "My man died threes jcars ago," re marked Mis. Hlscnsteln. "He was a good man I miss lilm so much. I ezpresa my sorrow In potples. I inako them every week. Mr. ILochclmer was sad, too. 60 heat my potples N'ow we are happy; wo shall havo plenty of pies. I am tired of cooking. I um going to make nothing hut plos. Yes, every woman ought to know how to cook." Jersey Cloth Again Wo nil lamented tho coming of full pet ticoats for ono thing: tho Jersey silk pet ticoats wore so well that they were a de light, but they were hardly stilt enough to slvo tho fulness required by present fashions Thero nre signs of a strong fashion for Jersey silk cloth next spring, and for Ha durability If for nothing else we ought to' bo glad to welcome It. Those of us who had Jersey silk sport blouses last summer know Just how well they wore. HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS Baking Day li a plesnura with a breailmaker This breadmaker nil0 and kneedj bread 1 11 tbres minutes Instead of thirty ail In the old-fashioned way. 1 1 50 to tJ.60. If you buy Sour kite, lieu utU lllm from us, JOU will always hats u cheerful cook. JFranklinMiller INCORPORATED 1626 Chestnut St. Tfce Horse Pu aj-hiajf Store) GARBAGE LAW PLAIN; CLEAN CITY DEPENDS KM "Shnll" Is Mandatory in Pro viding Secure Receptacles for Ashes and Wastes to Be Collected APPEALS WERE IN V A I N Thh e flir rlphlh of a uprclal srrlc 0 nrtlrfct terlftoi ripeelcillv or Hie" 'irnliift I.rtitirr bv hnnnrn D Onktni. leiitrft irlll opprnr nrry Tneiilnu, inert edilcli edit clrnl tilth iiiiiuiriiin! tom vhtrh nfiy ellltrii nitfllif to J.HOH .Ur OnMrj ) corrrronrf lff rcrrlnri nitrf n iiirmlxr of the ftoeml of rflirrlnr 0 Idf riilr Cub, rlinlrinnii of Ihr C'ltle .Sen lev Jfoiin Committer 0 tli Mofr -rifernllnn, nrfi iwry rlinlrmnH of thr Cliil Hrrilee Reform Commlttte of the rienrrnt I rrfcrnllon lire inraMent or the Vtnuihnnlrt .fmlfnl suffiane I,enaie ei mriiilirr 0 li! FjrrtiHir rommlttrr 0 llir irommt'i I,eapue for Ooiil rfoiritmfiir, oml ei membrr 0 (fir .Virllmint Jinilrlicil 1 capitc 1 BY IMOr.KN H. OAKLKY I'tider the new bousing nnd snnltntlon net, approved Tune 11, 101", It Is provided Hint "the occupant or tenant of cverv duelling, and of each npnttinent In n two-room family bouse, nnd the conduc tor of every tenement house, shnll pro vide for each npnitment under his super vision a suitable non.ibsorberit, nonleik able, covered receptacle for garbage: and n receptnelo of approved kind for ashes " I'm thermnre. all occupants and tenants of buildings "shall securely bundle nil rubbish, waste paper nnd like refuse In such manner ns to pi event It from caus ing a nuisance upon the propertv or upon tho stieet when the collectors aro taking It awav " The "nonnhsorbent. nnnlenkable. rovered leeeptarlc for garbage" Is no new require ment The garbage of the city Is collected and c.urleil to the reduction works In West Philadelphia whore It Is inaiiufac. tilled Into commercial oils, and to make this process n success It Is necessary that no other waste product shall bo mixed with tho garbage Tor this reason n tight covered receptacle has been re quired for some e.ns by ordinance of Councils nnel this ordinance Is the only ono that the stieet cleaning officials have been nblo to enforco with any degree of success Many housekeepers have reallv learned that garhago must be put out In a e.tu with 11 cover mole m less geueialh less tight fitting, nnd If tho cans vvcuo not upset bv strny hungry dogs, or their contents se.itteied hv Irresponsible scav engers, hcuiKchnhl gaih.ige would not add greatly to tho filth of the streets unv "WAsm NrisAN'ci:. It is the ashes nnd other diy waste tint make our streets look ns If a cv clone had struck them Tlicie has been no ordinance governing the kind nf receptacle In which ashes and other diy waste should bo placed, hence we see on the sidewalks nnv kind of receptacle from peach baskets nud fi lilt 1 rates to old dish pans nnd lion pots, nil filled to overflowing with ashes paperse and sweepings nnd all without any attempt nt n, cover which might prevent the refuse from lljlng on tho four winds of heav en It Ins been Impossible for tho Durcau of Hlghwavs to arrest nnv of tho house keepers whose carelessness und untldl ncs cause this litter In our ttccts, for tho housekeeper has tho right to put out her ashes In a sieve, should alio desire to do to fcho has done almost this very tiling, for old peach baskets nnd fruit crates aro only sieves on n larger scale Tast summer tho street cleaning de pal tmont confiscated 75,000 dilapidated peach baskets In oriel week, hoping to dis courage the practice of using them ns ash and rubbish receptacles, but tho courts, being appe.ilcel to by tho owner of ono of tho 75.000 pencil basket sieves, ruled tho department had exceeded Its power, nnd so 0110 inoro despernto attempt to enforce cleanliness camo to an uutlmelj end. LAW OF 1315. This new net of IfJlli provides that ashes must bo put out In a "receptnelo of nn npproved kind," and the) Iliirem of Health Is empowered to do tho approving Will It toler.ito tho ,nrious kinds of sieves that h.ivo been used in tho past, or will It appfovo onlv nn unlcnkablo box or can with a tight cover' Tho ellsposltlon of pnper nnd rubbish, tineler tho new net. Is not 'eft to tho dis cretion of any bureaj or department The law "is emphatic In stn.lng that all mich waste "shall" bo securely bundled so thnt it shall cause) no nuisance Dining tho last administration Director fYmko made ninny appeals to housekecp eis In regard to tho wasto-paper nulsanco Ho litged them to tie waste) papers and diy rjibblsh Into bundles, which would be Society and Business News How Do You Select Your Dentifrice? You Can't Be Too Careful In Seeking Efficiency and Wholesomeness. You've got to think of two things not just one, but two in decid ing what dentifrice you shall use and shall let your children use: ef ficiency and wholesomeness. Efficiency to-day covers more points of value than it used to, for as the science of dentistry has ad vanced it has shown reasons for a necessary increase in the number of things a dentifrice should do. That a dentifrice will scrub the teeth clean by mechanical action or abrasion is far from being sufficient to make it a good article. It must have this quality and at the same time not be so harsh in its action as to injure the tooth surfaces. For this reason we recommend the exclusive use of either SAN ITOL Tooth Powder or SAN ITOL Tooth Paste. Their base is the highest grade of chalk of sufficient density to serve as an effective abradent but not dense enough to injure the enamel. There is no pumice stone, cuttle fish bone or gritty matter in these preparations. Nor is this all that is necessary to a good denti frice. Your dentifrice must have anti septic properties ycour dentifrice must contain something that will destroy germ life in the mouth and by so doing not only retard tooth decay but also, for the general health of the user, keep the mouth sweet and pure and clean. . ,h rZ&ZE- 'Tfrl! 7vN tl W f 4wv SBSHis THE HOME OF J5ANITOL taken iiiwny at itnted Intervals by cot lectors, nnd not only taken nwny, but paid for There seems to be a steady demand for old papers Jn apartment house that I know of sells Its dally accumulation of papers nnd bns In consequence n steady Income of $0 n month Mr Cookers ap peals nnd arguments had no effect Housekeepers were too lnry or Indifferent to bundle their papers nnd sell them, they preferred to stuff them Ititg baskets with other wnslo nnd let both w'nito nnd pa pers leak out over the streets "SHAI.t," IS MANDATOHT The new liouslnir nnd sanltntlon net Is quite unusual In that Its regulations nro mntidatorv. In Section t It Is stnted tho word "shnll" shnll be manda tory and not directory, and It Is with n sense of relief thnt we see In Section 1 the word "shnll" npplled to the hlllt illlnir of papers and city wnste, the placing of gnrb.iKo In tinlcnknhlo cans ntul of nshes 111 receptncles of nn np proved kind, nnd to bo told In plain I'ligllsh "It oh ill be tho dutv" of the Division of Housing nnd .Sanitation "to enfoieo snld rules nnd t emulations, and the provisions of the not" Wo at last have 11 mnnelatnrv law governing wnsto pnpets. Will the Division of Houslnu nud Sanitation be nblo to educate out housekeepers nnd eibtuln clean streets, It tndlenpped, ns It will be, ny our ntttlqtiated mstctn of thrco separate cans for threo kinds of ieftise7 IMIILOMUSIANS MARK H1KTIIDAY Shakospcatcan 1'eatiuos Will Cltar nctciizo Club Luncheon Today The I'hllomuslnii ciuhlr 11th nnmnl charter luncheon will be held nt 110 i) clock todav In the ballroom of tho Hello Mie Strntfoul There will he 100 to cele brate the iimilvcis.iiy Tho event for which the luncheon Is being held will sh.iro honois with ono William Shakespeare, nnd becnuse tho 1'hllos want to maik tho tercentenary of the It.ud of Avon they will give tho menu nud ench Item on It a Shakcspe.irenu II. i vor. Mrs It V nichnrdson, president of the club, will have nn her special guests of honor Mis lioland Cllensnn, president of tho State reiteration, nnd Mrs K. H. Harnes, president of the Ihiiemm Club 'lhe 111It1clp.1l speaker will hn Mrs. Cle.ison, whose topic will he "Ideals" The address of welcome will be mndo by Mis I'lchnidsnn Miss Marj II Honey will bo tho toast mlstiess "Past nnd Present" will be the toast of Mis. Joseph I. Mumfoid and the other toasts will he: "the work of our hands," Mrs. Cleorge W. Smith, one of tho former picsldents of the club "Caviar to the general," Mrs. Kdward W. Xlcbcr. 'The pi ess," Miss Ginco r.alkner. 'I ho toasts anil speeches will be Intcr speiseil with musical selections by the riilladelphla Ladles' Stilng Quartet, who will plav tho dances fiom "lleni VIII," a Morris dance, "Shepheid'a Dance," 'Tench Dance" Miss 1'dna Huivvood Iliiughcr will render Shukespenieau songs between the toasts anil the progtnm will conclude with a sjlvnn dance by M.idcmol sello Oilier. CLUB PURCHASES DWELLING Poor Richards "Will Enlarge Their Present Homo The Poor lllchaid Club has pure based from George AV. Jacobs tho dwelling 211 South Cnmac street, lot 1 1 feet by 70 feet, which udjolns Its clubhouse at 2",0 South Cnmac street. Tho dwelling Is assessed nt $1000 It will bo used to en large) tho clubhouse Tho row of old dwellings on tho east side of Camae sticct, between Irving and Spruco, with about threo exceptions, h.ivo been coin cited to club uses within the List few jeus Tho Philadelphia Sketch Club, tho Tlastlc Club nnd Lo Coin d'Or, In addition to tho Poor Itlchnrd, havu lo cated In this row. Peace Leaguer Seek Support Tho P.erlotic Peace League has placed r.000 recruits In tho Hold to obtain tho support of cdiicntoiH of this Stato In Its' wai against w.irfnie. Calendars com prising 3thi pointed uuti-mlllt irisiii quo tations have been son' to tho supcilii tendent nnd principal of cvorj school In I'cnnsvlvanln, whllo thousands of slgneis havo been obtained for 11 number of peti tions which nro to bo forum (led to Oeorgo A Ch.iinbcrkiln, chairman of tho Affairs Committee, nnd to Representative Claude Kltchln. A forum of In'crnntlon ul prohlcms Is to bo held In the Lincoln Building every Monday nt 4 o'clock. HP1 "Today and every day" On the other hand these antisep tic properties must not be produced by chemicals or drugs that will in jure the teeth, gums, lining of the mouth or Btomacli. The ideal denti frice in this direction is SAN ITOL Tooth Powder or SAN1TOL Tooth Paste both of these preparations are thoroughly antiseptic and harm lessly so. The next important point is that the dentifrice should be one that neutralizes acidity of the mouth. An acid mouth not only encourages (term life but it also increases tooth decay, is bad for the gums and enamel of the teeth and. because it acidifies the saliva which plays an important part in digestion, is bad for stomach and digestion. But and ponder this well an acid mouth would be less harmful than some of the chemicals and drugs used in some dentifrices to neutralize acidity. Especially be ware of these dentifrices that con tain certain powerful chemicals and drugs, if you value the biggest asset you have good health. They prob ably do neutralize acid mouth, but if your constitution is not only vigor ous but fortified so as to resist and throw off poisons that are prone to lurk in the system, they may cause f bad effect on the stomach and kidnoys. As one cannot brush his teeth without swallowing each time some of the saliva containing the dentifrice, you can easily under stand that the swallowing of a powerful chemical or drug, even in minute doses, every time you brush your teeth, cannot help but disturb the health of the user. Why not be absolutely safe, then, and use SAN1TOL Tooth Powder or SAN J. TOL Tooth Paste, both of which perfectly neutralize mouth acidity and yet are guaranteed to con tain no dangerous chemicals or drogs? Is your dentifrice a pure white, or is it colored? ' Any colored dentifrice is artifi cially colored. This' artificial color usually in the dentifrice does not add to the efficacy of the product. It is there to make the dentifrice look good, or for the purpose of dis guising one or more of the ingredi ents on account of their character liM7 EVENING LEDGER'S GIfTS BRING GIRLS' THANKS Four Scholarships in Dress making School Make Happy Four Recipients Letters missives of gratitude, received from the young women to whom tho KvBJj t.vei LRDeinii nwnrded the four drcssmak Ing scholarships nt the McDowell Dress cutting nnd Dressmaking School, Dchcklu lhtltdlng, corner of 11th nnd Mntkel streets, bring n feeling of happiness to thoso nt the Hvrminci Ledoer and the McDowell school who mndo It possible for the young women to tike the freo cciir 0 nt tho school nnd thus Increase their elllclcncy nnd earning capacity. Ono letter particularly, which h gins "Dear Ledger lrlcnds," Is filled w tn e. gratitude, nn nppreclntlon. which 1 akce thoso who awarded the rcholnrslilp fe I thnt they choso nright In that In auo nt least. Another letter Is so brimming ove w l'i npprcclatlon nnd thinks that ll h aves 110 doubt In the tenders mind of tin s n cerlty of the wilier. Tho oimg woman snvs: "Please accept my mnnv thanks for tho "clear" scholarship I'm more than l, at ful to you. I shall mnko cverj off 01 1 lo nial.o it a success You (the Hvr Ntvit l.Ftionn) will truly In turn ho "honored" hv me I do not know how 01 when to stop thnnklng vou, for this scholntahip tnenns so much to mo " Ono girl was so pleased when she found thnt she had been nwnrded n sehololshlp that her ees lilted with tears and her voice became "all luitipv," ns she ex pressed It afterwnid when telling how plcnseel sho was that she would now be nblo to Increase her Inroino so sho could help herself nnd hor "loved ones " "I stirelv do feel pleased that I wns chosen as one of tho four fortunate girls nut of all that big cloud who applied," she said. "I Intend to work awfully hard and be a credit to tho DiFNlva LuoOEi'. which chose me. to tho McDowell School, which co-opcrnted with It nnel nlds girl 1 to show Its nppreclntlon of Its M years' successful career, and then, too, I want to he u cicellt to myself, I want to mako good." J LECTURES YOUNG PRIENDS Dr. William 13. Foi hush Discusses Religious Education At n meeting nf tho Young Friends' As soc! itlon last evening In the niidltorlum nt 15th .mil Cheriv streets Dr Wllllnm 17 roibush, n lecdcr in tho child culture movement nnd now ellrectoi of Instruc tion nt Woohnnu House, Swnithmore, pavo tho first of a com so of lectures on lellglnus education. Ills subject was, "How to Pulld up Tho Society Thtough the Young Peo ple" The first requisite wns gcnuluu homo religion, ho said Xcxt tho work of tlie l'hst-day school, which should he organized io as to meet tho children of dlffeicnt nges Theio must bb .1 iiitlonnl nnd thorough knowledge of the Bible, which should ho taught to the Utile children through tho lflblo stories, ho said In tho business meeting tho following olllceis wcie elected for tlie coming car: Chniimnn, Low Is Kirk, assistant chalf 1111111. IMith V Tower: coriesponding sec retary, J Helen Stuhbs; assistant treas urer, J. Watren Pnxson, B0V THICVES LOOT HOUSES OF I'llILADELIMIIANS AT SHORE Plumbing Fixtures Pilfered From Homes at Chelsea ATLANTIC CITY, Pel) IB Nine tenths of tho cottnges in Chelsea, tho police believe, have been invaded by n gang of eight Industrious boy thieves rounded up yesterday for pilfering plumb ing fixtures from tho shoro homes of Commodore Martin Ihlghain and AiTron Sanson, Philadelphia manufacturers. The extent of tho damage done by the ruth less lads. Intent' upon neUure of copper piping, foi which Junk-dcnling "fences" supplied u re idv market, cannot ct be estimated, but It Is feared It will be large. Wills Admitted to Probate Wills 1 robated today were those of John W Shuler, Bit Westvlew street, which In private bequests disposed of nn estato worth l'JO.000, Mary Jones, 2238 North Howard street, $1551, Cecelia .SLhucisole, JO 1 West Logan squnrc, $4100; James It Thorn. 5111 Ludlow street, $1000, John Frederick, CGI North 39th street. $JJ00, and Louis Hartmaun, 437 West Lehigh avenue, $2100. Latest in Health and Oral Hygiene or possibly their quality. How can you expect to ensure the whiteness of your teeth by using an artificially colored dentifrice to brush them with? Besides this, who wants to mix this useless coloring matter with his saliva thus introducing it into his stomach? SAN ITOL Tooth Powder and SANlTOLTooth Paste arc pure while dentifrices. Remember all these facts in select ing which shall be tour dentifrice and you can't possibly make the mistake of selecting the wrong one. And as those delicate ivory plants, your teeth, are at stake and at tho same time your health and diges tion, you must realize that this carts in choice will repay you many times over. To cap the climax, also remember this. In competition with all the dentifrices in America, sixteen judges awarded SANITOL Tooth and Toilet Preparations the Gold Medal. HIGHEST AWARD, at tht. San Francisco Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition. This surely is confirmation of your own good judgment in selecting SANITOL Tooth Powder or SANITOL Tooth Paste as your dentifrice. So for a pure, sweet mouth and healthy white teeth SANITOL Tooth Powder or SANITOL Tooth Paste, All Druggist3 Free sample package of Sani tol Tooth Pow der or Sanitol Tooth Pasto for your name and address and 4c in stamps to pay postage and packing. arrfffi'SZ'tft"f7 Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company St Louu. U b. A. .11 Ml VI I t i I 1 . H 4 run i 1 11 1 utrrnrmmni f ""- irmniiii n