mrmmmmmmm. rSBPr p 8 ISVENING i LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 101C rijiiiBmimijIUPput, ,iii,i 'jujh A HUSBAND, A CAREER OR A COMBINATION? ASKSMTJSS In Reviewing Modern Novel, She Wondei's If Such a Happy Ending to a Like Situation in Real Life Would Be Possible TO HOST Blrlw tho tcnl ndVcnlure, If wo Rtato It badly, Is Kctttnp; rt liusbnnd. Hoso Aldrk'h'p rcnl ntlvcnluro wns Belting nwny from Iters nftcr bIio had him Incidentally, hoMIhr 1mcl to liltn. when sho had tnado u onrcor for liprwelf. Tho lirrolno of Henry Kllcltell Webster's new book, "The Henl Adventure," la a very modern young woman who htm her rountorimrt In life. Sho is tho Woman who, though site hns a husband nnd children, Is not happy In slnltlnB her personality nnd Individuality lu that of tho man whom sho has swoin to lovo nnd honor and, pcrlmpt, obey. With tho conselonsnesM of a latent power to tnnlco kooiI, whleh power lins never been given her to develop, sho feels that her utter dependence on her husband, who shuts her out eiitlicly from his intellectual pursuits, U Intolerable. Of course you will say that nny woman with a husband, two children nnd ii big liouso and multifarious domestic duties has a field characterized to tax nny amount of latent power to tho limit. Hut tho Aldrlehes luivo money, and Hodncy's position demands that a preten tious mcnagQ bo kept up. There nro servants for this nnd servants for that. Even the children arc turned over to highly specialized experts, who know moro about baby-inlsing than Hoso could over hope to know. And so. In order to "llnd" herself, sho leaves tho Middle West town tlmt Is Iter homo nnd fares forth to h.tvo a career. It Is a book fiction therefore sho has tho enrcer. In fact, she is Just as successful as If bIio weren't eating her heart out for Hodney and tho twins. Hut tho book has a different ending from that which wo nro led to expect In books of this kind. Instead of coming to tho conclusion that sho has made tt fearful mistake, that can only bo icctlllcd by her going back to Hodney nnd nsklng his forgiveness, that high and mighty gentleman, tho husband, Is made to see tho error of his ways, and trudges to New York to tell Hoso this. Ho should not have attempted to absorb her. Ho yields nil. She retains Iter apart ment In New York and her studio; takes him back as lover, friend, husband, but keeps tho career, too. A husband's love, sho opines, Is variable. It's nice when you have It, hut you haven't always got It. It's llko Byron said: "Alan's lovo Is from man's life a thing apart, "fls a woman's wholo existence." Hoso decides that her lovo for her husband Is going to bo exactly its Ills is for her a big, Importnnt nnd necessary part of her existence. Hut tho whole? Never! When I said that sho had her counterpart In real life, I meant that, given tho opportunity, there nro many women who, despite the handicap (V) of a hus band, are capable of successful careers. Hut Is It possible for them to live out their lives with any degree of happiness as Hoso and Hodney did In tho book? In other words, what chanco ltns tho average woman with husband nnd children to havo a successful career? Is It right that sho should have one, or Is domesticity a career In Itself? This Is a modern problem for which nono of the examples in real life that I havo watched furnish u satisfactory answer. What do you think about It? M'MSS. Letters to tltc Editor of the Woman's Page Aililrrn nil tominiiiilcitlnni Id "M'l.l. rare nf Hit- i:rnlni: LciIrit. nUIo if tho pnper mil. Write nit one Dear M'LIss Would you kindly tell us. what tho superstition is for falling pictures? AVc see It .spoken of In .Monday's paper. Inclosed find stamped en velope. Thanking you for tho samo. ! M. U. Skancatclcs, N. Y. If a picture falls from tho wall without dislodging tho nail, so tho super stition runs, somo one will die. If, however, tho nail comes out, It Is merely an unavoidable accident, denoting nothing portontous. I should havo no alarms In cither case. Dear Jl' Tho claim of tho older folks that the young pcrs-ons of 191B aro going to the devil ttt a rate a trlllo too fast for the comfort of their consciences, Inasmuch us their own offspring may bo entangled In tho habit of tho dance, drink or some form of deviltry. Is not well taken. Memory Mitnolhs over tho rough spots of life. Our parents, yen, even our grandparents, forget that statistics show drinking Is not as prevalent (nt least, among our best families) now as It was four, live or oven six decades ago. Clgaretto smoking was, of course, not tho rule niunng tho mesdnmes of tho nineteenth century, for the apparent reason that men did not do It. Tho dance, of fifty yenis ago was just its bitterly scored by tho keepers of other people's morals ns are the fox-trot and ono-stcp today by the aforesaid keepers' de scendants. Tho vtorlil Is not getting worse, oven though a few peoplo think that Infre quent smoking und drinking indicate tho arrival of tho millennium. On tho contrary, child labor laws und provisos for women voting meet with moro success titan they did hut a few years ago. Oft with the mask of hypocrisy! Tho present generation does not, at least, sneak out of a cafe by the back door. SIC SK.MI'i-m TYHANNIS. Dear M'l.lss I am a normally courteous young man. Since I believe In tho subjection of women, I make It a point to. treat nil women as Inferior, nnd, of course, as weaker; moro to bo tnken care of, assisted and. In short, coddled. Without being rude, I extend this principle to strangers, doing often for n woman what I would not think of doing for a man, such ns giving up my seat or warning of an approaching motor cor. This morning I was In tho "L" and a young womnn sat next to me. My word! Her complexion was tho most beautiful ploco of art I havo over soen. Its texturo was amazingly smooth to tho eye. Sho was cxcpilsltcly dressed. She was talking to a girl companion in a volco tho llko of which was never heard on land or sea. It wasn't only tinusunl It was positively unreal, so smooth, so thin, so inhumanly without expression. Sho said exactly what she should havo said, in fact, I, who couldn't help overhearing, bald each word just before sho did to myself. Finally I decided that sho wasn't real. Sho was tho most perfect mechanism ever jiuj together. Certainly sho didn't havo a fcoul. Sho got up at Hroad Street Station ami there fell from her hands a newspaper nnd n package. I have told you that I am normally polite. I had an Instinct, an inclination ot tho body, to pick up tho dropped package. Then I sat buck. "If sho can bend and pick it up," said I to myself, "she must bo real. So I'll watch." Tho dear lovely thing actually looked about for somo one to work for her. Kvery other man in tho car sat and watched, thinking, no doubt, what I was thinking. I -hould like to record that the ineffably sweet mechanism was compelled to walk oft without it. But truth nbovo all things! Sho bent nnd picked It up! Hence tho mystery. If sho was alive, in splto of being so ravlshly beautiful, what had she done to her soul? becauso I give you my word sho didn't havo nnyi She was loo beautiful. hlTCIBN B. Havo you not, perhaps, boon unjust to tho young woman? It Is tpilto pos sible that sho considered the gentlemen who sat so stiffly analyzing her n bit automatic thenihelves, particularly when they didn't get Into action when she dropped hor package. She could not havo boon expected to know that you had such a praiseworthy instinct, ns you say you did, to pick It up. Mnybo If you ljud given her the opportunity sho- would havo demonstrated that sho could smile and thank you for rescuing It. Deur M'I-Ihh Do you know ot any one who makes layettes, hnnd-ombroldered children's Uothing, und such articles.? I have acme things I would llko made up. MOTIH3II. A stamped, self-addreiweti envelope for this Information, please. Dear M'J.hib-Will ihort sleeyoa bo worn on afternoon frocks this spilng? pm:ssMAKi:iv v I havo seen many ot the new dresses, nnd none of thorn have short sleeves. Wide bell leevea, reaching Just below the elbow, are the nearest approach to short ones. SEEN IN THE SHOPS . ' I. mJrnlMs. Wmm' 1 1 i ' I V W V iwu.' She could not recollect who itatd It, but wns sure It was gome great poet Also thai It wns not Cowper, although pinlses tea highly. Wns nny such thing ever written of tea? I doubt It. "IL B. N." Edmund Waller, an English poet ot the evanlecnth century, wrote a poem In honor of lea. Ho says! And keep tho wince of tho eoul. Ten does our fnney nlil, . ItrprcM thoo npors which the head lnad, And keep the palnce of the soul. It Is strnngo the lines havo never been quoted us tho motto of a ten garden or city tearoom. Your neighbor sltotttd commit them to memory. Vnlue of Old Coins "Will you kindly tell mo If there Is ft premium on a $20 gold piece of 1WI with out tho motto, 'In God Wo Trust'? Also where can I get a list of tho coins that nro worth moro than their fnco vnlue? "CI. Jr. II." Inquire at a book storo for such a insinu nl ns you want and of a dealer In coins ns to tho Value of tho gold piece. Nc INEXPENSIVE DRESS FOK PLAYTIME O JIOTIIBIt could select n mote liecomlng or a less expensive outfit for her llttlo girl than the dress shown today. It Is designed for tho small tot, nnd Its daintiness should nnncnl In pvcrv nrnotlral uom.'in. It Is cool nnd c.'isllv laun- dricd. The price Is aittotig Its most attractive feutuies, being but $1. It may be had In sli'es " to I r.iis, and comes in gingham or clinmhray, colors including lose, copcu, coin mill n pi city pink nnd while stiipe. The .smocking Is done hi white. The collars and cuffs nic made of nig.itidlc, Mulshed off with hemstitching and a pleot edge. The pockets nnd belt tho latter, by the way, Is placed a weo bit above tho lioimal waistline ate of self-material. The mi mo of tho shop wheie this costume may be purchased will be supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Page, Kvkniso Ltmnnn, GOS Chestnut street. The lcquest must be accompanied by a stamped, sclf-addrtssed envelope and must men tion tho dato on which tho nttlele appealed. Marion Harlancl's Corner Alt rnmniiinlriitliin ndilrcssed lu Sliirlon Hllrluml hlimilri IihIoxo u htlilitMl, Helf-uclclrc-MMl emclupe unci u IIiIiik ot the nrllcle hi which 3011 are intcri'Mrd. I'er mii wltldnir to nltl In the hnrlliihlo work of tllr II. II. ('. Khouhl write Marlon lliirliuiil. In care ir IIiIn imprr, fur ml ilnHsiN of tho! (hey would liltc to help, and, liui tin; recrhed lliciu, comtiiunUuio dlrrct with thrn pnrtleM. Hose Cullcn Bryant "rpm: literary club of which I am a J-member has given me tho subject 'Chicago Writers'. I havo been nble to llnd personal touches about all tho au thors e.sccpt one Itoso Cullcn Ilryant. I can get no Information about this author. Can you glvo mo any Infotmn tlou as to her home and history? Mrs. J. II. The name of tho author would teem to Indicate relationship to the eminent poet, William Cullcn Bryant yet I llnd no mention of lit r In encyclopedias and lists of American writers. Hendeia who have oppoi tualties of gaining tho Information you would Incorporate In your paper 1110 earnestly solicited to comniuiiluatc with us. Wo wish to keep abreast ot tho literary woild as well as of the domestic and philanthropic. Ants in Possession "1 mil in need of jour Helping Hand. Ants have taken possesion of our homo and nothing seems to rid us of them. If you hae u remedy, please toll mo in tho eulf-addiesscd anil stamped envelope you retjulro for an answer by mall. "J. N. B." Asks for Two Poems "l should llko to know If any one of your readers has the poem entitled 'The Face on tho Barroom Floor ' I havo tried to buy It, but no one booms to havo it. There Is another poem I should llko to learn: If you sen a man In wop. Walk right up ami say "Hello!" Say "Hello"' an-1 "How do you tfo? And how a tho world treating you."' "If you can And these two poems for mo I shall never forget your Helping Hand V. N. M " I hope you saw an Interesting sl.otch ot tho history of tho first poem you asked for, published in tho Coiner homo weeks ago According to that, thu title of tho verses should bo tho "The Faco Upon tho Floor." You will Burely get It under ono name or tho other. Tho fecund set of rhymes Annie Kellet Hair Dressing Marcel Wave Manicuring Hair Goods Violet Ray Treatment 1308 Walnut St. Khould bo familiar to many. It only for the s.iko of tho optimistic friendliness of the uditco contained In tho opening stanza A Uoston Song "Theio was a Boston song, sung years ago "Jump Into tho wagon and we'll take a ilde." Tho clioius inn: romo nloni;! corar nlonsr! Mnlto no delay: coino irom oicry ji.itton, conio from cicry way. I no Und la plrnty broad enough. Jion't ou feel afnrmeil, l;or I ucto .Sun Is rli-h enough In Klio 113 nil a farm. "I'd llko tho wholo of tho song, and can only ictall this muih. Your Corner might find It for me. A. II. K." In my gill hood a song under the caption of "Walt for tho Wagon" was popular. Tho melody was "catching," hut the words wero not those you quote, although tho chorus was: "Walt for the wagon nnd we'll all take a ride." It was a Ioo song nnd not a patriotic. Headers may know of your version, and the music is piobably tuo samo In both song3. Hook of a Play "Will you plenso tell mo whoio there Is a book of tho play 'Tho House or Tears'? And, If w, would you pleabe tell mo uheio I could buy It? H. H." Inquire of a book storo or u.f ' tho libtary. 1 A Line About Tea "A neighbor, who Is to my nay of thinking, a 'tea toper.' quoted n. lino nbmn tea being 'tho keeper of tho palace of tho Beauty Is as Beauty Does Have you tried tho permanent wave? If done by n reputable halr-drcsscr, who Is up In the art, you will be delighted. It presents n very tintural appearance, Is not Impaired by dampness and keeps In older so long that you almost forget .Nature left Us accomplishment to arc. You've been warned from tltno Im memorial almost not to dip your hands In very hot water, so It Is scarcely neces sary to remind you again, still a fow pointers on tho enro of tho hands nro not amiss. A dally rubbing vigorously, remember with ollvo oil will do wonders townrd Improving tho texture of tho skin on your hands. Wash tho hands In warm not hot water, dry without tinduo fric tion, then apply the ollvo oil and rub briskly until tho oil seems to bo well ab soi bed. After onco adopting this care of, tho hands do not relax after you notlco Im provement. Keeping at It will result In good-looking hands. Wid-ograms Uneasy lies tho head that wears curl papers. An old maid in lovo Is llko unto a pickle In whipped cream. "Wisdom Is bettor than rubles" because rubles can bo Imitated. Sport Unpreparedness Commercial notes Inform us that there Is a gieat scarcity of good skates. Such Is unpreparedness, when wo havo the lco, there aro not enough skates to go round. Just about tho tlmo tho skates are forth coming tho lco melts. Is It luck or just ns It should be? The Sword I nm the Sword. Yea, babble of peace as jo will, I am tho Master still; For initio Is tho ultlmato word, When I speak, naught else is heard. Since ever tho woild began I hao been lmd of man; AVhen tho llrst anvil rang Twis of tho sword It sang. And tho rorge of Tubal roared As ho hainircrcd tho ruddy sword. Sceptro nnd orb and crown At the Hash ot my wrath sink down, Whllo tho bat spreads dusky wings O'er the urns of mighty kings That I broko and cast nsldo And crushed In their pomp and pride. For those I love I crown, And thoso I hate, cast down, Potent to slay or shield. Lord of the stricken Held, Where flaunting pennons stream And sparkling lances gleam. Men como to bo Judged by me And I utter the I.nst Decree. For I urn the Sword, And, babblo or peace ns ye will, I am tho Master still. -D. Ii. Van litircn. In New York Times. dmondS War wick Hairdressers 1302 Walnut Street A isli to announce that wc have invented a new process for per manently waving the hair which will produce a larger ami .more natural. wave but will not injure the texture of change the color of the hair. LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladies' Tailor Early Showing of New Spring Models in Ready to Wear SUITS and DRESSES The New Garments Coming in Daily Arc Charming in Fabric and Design, Beautifully Tailored and" Appeal to the Esthetic Sense of Women Who Appreciate the Distinction of Being Well Dressed. Order Depnrtment prepared to take orders for Spring and Summer Gowns The Millinery Department Is Iladlant With New Spilng Models. "V T71 PI TT1T1 T TTTl T"TTTTTtT rfT71 TT ftl A Tm. HOW TO ACCUMULATE 1? By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. ,tr.?? .' hMrt. a u.L, upon tberes rTowe'r " orclb." earl b'Jat , rWhV through tho arteries, nnd the .!.. Is done by drawing on than.' serve. Diseased kidney, tnw.- al,ab' worry, Irregular hoTsand?,; .c",,,.t.? ?. Uio heart's ?!25ita! u.i uusmess to nvo on your . "3 Ilcservo power may bo bull V.u 9 ns a bank balanco Is built up p """S wKhVaTt tteyren"; 4 slve movements and' brine bMh.p,'J-' by graduated Walks, nrst nn T then upgrade, for sloadl ft1, 'hj3 tatices day by day. ,nc"aslnj 41c Thoro Is nothing ik ,., i sticngthenahcart. And nothln-iVi? ' nlng to store up reserve r?"sllk( mg GIVRN n case of valvular defect (caused by scar deformity following somo former Inflammation of tho heart lining), or n case of permanent high blood pres sure, or ono ot nrlcrlnl hardening, or ono of chronic Urlght's disease, tho Important rpicstlon lu diagnosis nnd prognosis Is tho rescrvo power of tho heart. A normal heart has suniclcut rescrvo power to wlthstnnd sudden or temporary physical strain, Such ns running to catch tho last car home, going through nn attack of typhoid fever or pneumonia, or chas tising somo ono who misjudges ono'n char acter. When you run for fiomo dlstnnco you get short ot wind, and then presently you get your "second wind" If you keep run nlng nnd your heart Is normal. This "second wind" Is largely n responso on the part of tho reserve power of tho heart. People, with dcfectlvo reserve power get short of breath on slight exertion nnd re main so until complete rest Is obtainable, or even In splto of complelo rest. Thcro nro various factors whleh reduce THECHEERFILCHEHU5 - 1 1 Jvyt Wop your ckock-Foll oP love, It mt.kes tke. gloomiest dty 5 certs bricjkt, It keeps you -biw&ys youiMj fc.nd $ra-d And tkis is trvo.iF it doo jovmct "trite. IWI (-V- ) An nthlelo wl,n i,.. . Jlrl".r- . A nlly. not In a week or VwS nf'?Mtl" football or gymnasium training h?""I reservo power than nnv nn V. h?1 living, healthy man has enon.i.A,K nower in lilc lin., "iM emergency heart for any TtUnt "Hi XIIO 1111 MVWIItnl ...I,. '"JJ. troublo has a roduccd rescrvo .- 'I nonce must bewaro of stralnV.j 181 cesses men -v must oewaro of strains i" ".. . '...T-' '" ""w.orr tha d,f,Mu. cult nmj UU HO WOII UU It Utl thai , " practical purposes, tho Patient I, Successful Literary Broker Miss I-'Iora Holly conducts nn ..- jor tno p acing of manuscripts an S mado such a success ot her nrnfiiS that her bureau has bcome "ff" clearing houso for writers new In th S as well ns thoso who havo arrived. Ml, Miss Holly read manuscripts for aw ber of years nnd her knowledw AS.f tasto In things literary serves a, iVT rect guide to tho placing ot mawJcrW Her client nro lavish in thdr ,' mendatlon ot Miss IIollv. jr. !!..?.'? aro practical nnd mutually fatr . T self and thoso who found a IS.JS through her medium. rnittit i For Breakfast Delicious waffles or griddle cakes can be made in a few minutes with the aid of Royal Baking Powder, which imparts distinct ive qualities of .wholesomeness and flavor. Very appetizing and satisfying when served hot with maple syr up and little sausages if desired. BAKING POWBER Made from Cream of Tartar Absolutely Puro No Alum No Phosphate M ft Newest Cotton Dress -Fabrics Wonderfully Effective But Moderate in Price Printed Voiles, 25c, 45c, 50c 38 to 40 inches wide. A collection of unusual attrac tivenessdesigns, figures, stripes and flowers. Dainty Things in White White voiles new, good and just 25c a yard. Gabardines from 40c to $1.00. 38 to 40 inches wide. - Striped, figured and plain. Embroidered Swisses Embroidered Voiles Embroidered Organdies Embroidered Marquisettes AH new the typical embodiment of the charming styles in current vogue. We Are Fortunate In havinc selection Colored Dress Linens inpr a good of best-made A looS Chestnut Street jy.GZSsSst'Q' MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS (Cop) right, pi3.) ITS TIME T0 6T UP, MONTY 7 THASSAlO y , rcGHT' J ONE IS OCCASIONALLY OBLIGED TO RESORT TO SUBTERFUGeT) RELMEMBeR.THerjOOKON hyGiene) SAYS YOU SH0UL0 TAKE ACOLDi HAT1J glCDV MrtOlJIMC. D0NT6EWN6,aD6OY, BREAKFAST AT TEN 7 IMPURE TH0S6 GOLD BATHS WIU tfO HIM 600t. I CAN HAR HIM SPCASRIIN6. ) I mero peceiiE Yzswr II - r SS- X. Cf-h A,... 1 N I im- --... 11 JIM 4 J A l I II II I I I I 1 1 I II i B i j i i m i in i ii i i. -x i xiyfuiiiirvir. ii ii ifi i ia. im r. uii viirvi. iiiiiiiiiiii iiyan ms-i.' Ji MWftrrxo ) i . ' I . i i i5iv vA vziriror-,'1u VX1 ,u iniiiiu r jfji ifi fill riiii nil? tup- .in b p u P t ;Pi t1 F Ft :W. J tw m k TT75J 9n W r U . ' tM'M!m&L f,J isTHESONWYerl' ffi W M n?Hil H ' "' i ' aftr - vJ 2L Jb --""" I