''PPyW'"11 ''H!y'W'tWWillJfWPu iil l)HBJHpMWfjlPp5p mky riii"mmmw'nw nm ' 1W ' Wf- W'llplWilPiPWPIHWwB 6 EVENING LKDOEB-PniLAPELPglA, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1916. 'GET ON JOB AND PUSH TO HAKE THE DEVIL HIT HIGH SPOTS IN DARBY' "THE TWO VIRTUES" HAS ONLY ONE FAULT V I IfAnnv T limnnln urmn THE N00! HE'S A DAISY So Says the Rev.W. P. Nichol son to Workers for the Six Weeks' Revival Campaign "TOBOGGAN FOR SATAN" Darby tnbernnclc rctlvnl cnnii.ilc;ti lenders aro busy today planiilnp; for tho six weeks' work of tho Nicholson IterrtmlnBcr party, and the mombert of the evangelistic organization aro tuvltiR the way to show, Satan and his Imps down an ley tobpgpan slide to cllmlnnto them from tho tonn and Its thriving suburbs. Tho ministers of tho town and tho co operating churches of the neighborhood boroughs met with Dr. William I'. Nichol son, the evangetlst, In the tabcrnaclo at 11 o'clock today and ho laid down tlio law for them to follow to make the rovlvnl a success. "Get on tho Job, nnd push, every nion of you, and we'll soon havo tho dcvul hlttln' th' high spots down tho pike," woa about tho subitanco of tho advice of tho athletic little son of Urln, given la his broad, Irish brogue "AMENS AND HALLELUJAHS." And with loud "aniens" and "hallclu Jfths" they nnnounccd their Intention of following llltn to "tho ends of tho catth, If need be," to ftiltll hit dcslro for co operation. Those busy clergymen of the pretty suburbs nro "some workers" nnd they're about the best "bunch of co operators" Nicholson has mot In a long time, ho says. Thcy'ro ready to bo on tho Job early and Into to help boom tho re vival, nnd tho devil's not going to lltul tho extreme, western end of IMilladclphU or Darby or Its neighboring towns a tle trablo placo In which to hnng up his hat In tho future, they assert. Not by a long shot, If they can mako their work and co operation gtva htm a good hard wallop In his solar plexus I Many hundreds of persons went on their knees In Darby homes today and prayed for tho success of tho revival. It was the first day for morning prayer meetings, and services wcro held in IS homes, Tho Prayer Meeting Committee is busy ui r an sing for other meetings, nnd It Is ex pected that by tho end of tho week thcro will bo nbout 200 prnycr Bervlces each forenoon, excepting on Sundays and Mon days. SHOP MEETINGS PLANNED Prof. J. U. Hcmmlnger, tho choir lenMer, and other members of tho party aro busy arranging for tho shop nnd school meet ings. It Is planned to hold two or three meetings In tho mills and shops of Darby and other towns each week-day of the campaign, nlso several meetings In schools. A week from Friday of this week probably will be "school night" nt tho tabernacle when all tho children will march to tho services In .1 body. Many delegations havo mado applica tions for reservations In the tabernacle. One of tho largest will bo composed of about 3000 Salvation Army -workers nnd officers from all parts of Philadelphia They will attend In a body and will be led by three brass bands. The dato for this meeting has not been announced. Doctor Nicholson will prtnch tonight on "Tho Holy Spirit," and each evening this week he will glvo a different sermon on this topic. Tho doors of the tabcrnaclo will opon at C:IE o'clock and tho song services will begin at 7.30. Following the services thcro will be n meeting of tho executive commltteo And That Is Sothern's Shakes- perean Interpretation of a Stage "Literary Man" TUB TWO VIItTUnS A comely In four nets. ,ll Alfreil tMtro Ailelphl llicitro. .TctTrrj t'untnn Jir Rothern J"ntnlii Jcrolro Mr nrtonelo Daly .Mm nmiiUnnl.. . Mis. Alrsnmlrn CnrMIc Udy MIIMjtnn, sister of Jcffcrv I'nntnn Mlrnllntlrr WrlRht ' !rr,n'e .MIm fmillnc Whllwin Alice r.xnn MIc Htnnrhc Yiirkn Mivllx , Mr, Arthur W. Anil .Mnry. . ... Miss Trailers Bnmmrra Art I JpfWy Ponton's 1inp on Cnmpilen Hill Art It-Mrn ntilldfonl's In Chelfnt. Art III JpfTcry l'nnton's Ilouso on Cnmpilen Hill. Act IV Str. Otilldford's In Chelsea. Humorous and Human Enter tainer Opens Week's En gagement at the Lyric DR. ST0UGH DENOUNCES TERPSICHORE'S LURE Evangelist Will Devote Final Week to Attacks on Dance Evil ATLANTIC CITY, Feb IE Having driven half tho saloonlsts In town under cover, and forced cabaret keepers to put on vaudevillo shows In an attempt to drum up business, Evangelist Stough Is going to see what ho can do to tho danco during the extra week for which tho city clergy has billed him at the Massachusetts ave nue tabernacle, Stough's campaign managers declare ho will go after "tho light fantastic," ham mer and tongs. His vehement attack upon tho harmless little Saturday night two step nesalons of high school students chaperoned by faculty members, which caused church-going parents to "put their foot down emphatically," upon that form of diversion, was tame. It Is stated, com pared to what is coming When the strenuous soul-saver has dis posed of Boardwalk danco halls he Is going to apply heroic treatment to the cabaret shows. One of these last night staged a "grand St. Valentino revue" that was "some frolic" from all accounts. Patrons were bidden to "while away tho hours in play," nnd It Is town talk today that they obeyed Instructions to tho limit. Another Boardwalk cabaret supplied souvenir coupons for live turkeys to all who turned out for a free show of 10 acts. Prior to the arrival of "Tho Two Vir tues" nt tho Adclphl last night word got round somehow or other that Alfred Sutio's latest wns a thesis play, or at nny rato n thesis comrdv It wns gener ally supposed that eSf tho two virtues, charity and chastity, Mr Stltro lot his hero stick to tho old illctmn nliout tho greatest of these Mora than that, his hero wns supposed to cnll on ono of "them," nnd Instead of metely Inducing her to glvo up the husband of a former swrothenrt, to end bv marrying the de lightful creature himself. And not because- she was "fnsclnntlug In her odious, llleeltlnuite way." Which Is a good deal of a thesis for tho liritlsh comedy of Htitrei Chambers, MnURbnin, Dsvlcs ct nl. And with Hint Idea wandeilng through a critic's hencl. It was natural enough to cepect a pretty poor plot, prrttv poor roinci.lv nnd a gcnernliv tlrcsnmo even ing Not hecnusc a thesis is n lioro far from It. But n thesis has n vvny of show ing up the nrtlflclal silliness of English comedy writers who wnnder after It out of their depth. Tl.ully handled ns It usu ally is. tho thesis Is fascinating by com parison with Its play. And now you r.m sec why It wns a two odged stirprlso to fl id that there wasn't nnv thesis nt nil. The lady liegnn with dulto an interesting reputation, but before tho evening was over Mr. Sutro had dis infected It so thoroughly that It wns n little hard to lindcistnud just why th hero's sister kept on lodging necusntlons nnd Just vvhv tho Inclv thought thm serious enough to trv to sever all ron nectlons with him. Hut, of course, If they hadn't kept It up there couldn't hnvo been n four'h act or oven threo of them In spite of tho ccess of formnldelivdo. tho surprise of no thesis was compensated for by what was, on tho whole, an amus ing comedv. It wns especially amusing when Hnldcc Wright wns adding her capital comedy volco and her oven mom amusing shadings to tho really delightful part of tho hero's sister And AIpmukIii Carlisle's eternal ability for bits of pathos as well as arch hlgh-comcdy must not ho forgotten Under ordinary circumstances the vir tues of Mr. Sutro's comedy might have been added to by tho typical "literary man" hero that ho gavo It. Tho species Is sure lire nowndnvs. What 11 rhanco he gives tho cultured playwright to get off his intellectual playfulness! No mat ter what his specialty Is even If ho writes histories of historians, as did the present specimen he Is Just chock full of clever llttlo artificialities about tho most serious dramatic crises. Ho Is never serious for a moment. Sophistication puts on the mask of Silly Ass and says all tho very smartest things that nobody but a playwright would over think of It Isn't ical charactcilzatlon, of couise, but It does produce tho "dearest, quaintest, most cxnulslto creature" und a goodly bunch of laughs Tho only trouulo with tho literary Smart Alec of 'Tho Two Virtues" was that E H. Sothern played him In every vein but tho tight one. the vein which tho hero recognizes himself when ho says, "I'm eccentric and like to havo people think I'm a fool " Mr. Sothern .played his clev erlsms so seriously, unconsciously and slowly that tho gay court fool of tho in tellectual life turned into something much nejier tho malapropos Idiot of tho country village. And every now and then ho burst into a heavy forced vlolenco Just as out of k. ing with tho part. All In all In his "farowcll" production of modern comedy, Mr Sothern gavo an excollont selection from his familiar Shakespearean repertory, llo did his Petruclilo-stuft for the violent comedy, and his Jacques-stuff for tho sentiment. For getting entirely his moro appropriate Bcncdlc-K ho gavo tho chlpperest lines In the Macbeth manner. And he measured It all out In tho slow and arbitrarily ac cented fashlin that we used to think was Mich good reading of blank ver.se. Now wo know better It's plaj -acting K. M. Vaudevillo has Its stars thnt shine, nnd shines Hint star. Harry Lauder both shines nnd stats. He was tho first mng- iiiiuuo aicunr attraction in n constelia 1 tlon of moro or" less minor lights which Illuminated tho Lyric last night For there was something different nnd Indi vidual about nil Hint tho master of the Rhovv did And this does not reflect In tho least on tho diverse nbllitlen as cn lortnlners of tho "grent surrounding bill," ns a Into, theatrically speaking, press agent used to say nbout the programs at his house. flip actfl nffgrcfrnfffl n nnnnllnrnlttn ,! nxy, but 110110 of them wns nblo to prune oven a twig of tho laurels from tho head liner. This lack of comparison was prob ably premedltntr.l by managerial astute ness, et It would lie hard to imagine nny one now In vaudeville, except perhaps Wctto (lullbert or Albert Chcvallcr-lf ho Is not In tho trenches somewhero In iTance-Hlinrlng tho Lauderlan honors. Mr. Lauder's hour on tho stage mado sixty minutes speed by on tho wings of .....hiii.-i. 11,0 urovv or comedy ho dis pensed quenched nny deslio to go out be tween tho acts for something Inspiriting, IIii conttlbutlons would havo redcomed n mcdlorro lot of nssoelntcs. Hut his pre decessors were not surh a lot. In fact, on this, his eighth American tour, ho has had the sense to assemble n better group or collengucs from tho standpoint of amusement than at any prior season. Mr Lauder wins his way shcerly through pcisonnllt. Ho is humorous, but moio than that, ho is human. Hero wo have n squut llttlo man, no longer joung, hnmelv of nspect lie makes tho caies that Infest the dav fold their tents like tho nomads, spoken of bv tho poet, nnd silently beat It All through personality. Ills mirth Is Infections. Iieennu,. ii iinu a effortlessly, spontaneous!, ebulllcntlv. It Piovokes everything Hslblo in tho cate gory of cacchlnation ft 0111 a titter to a guffaw. Mostly llch, deep chuckles at tho ninnv son or a gun who can smooth tho cieiises out of the brow of the tired busi ness man moio effectively than n vanish ing peroxide cream applied by an obvious peroxide blonde, nnd mnkes his wife, mlladv, oblivious to the piidcful fact that her theatre fiock la moro In the mode than that of tho tlco-povvdered damsel In the seat ahead Diop In tn hear and -eo I Tarry nnd forget dividends on "war brides" or the common dally lound of eight horns' toll with 15 minutes for lunch at tho Highest flennan delicatessen. You will hnvo tho pleasure nf hnlf a d07cn new songs, nil woith while, and tho revived cnJo incut of a couplo of tho familiar ones, never forgetting "A Wee Deoeli an Doris," and tome genuinely comic patter. &. '""" W -SWW&W ,v,v k A "WflM(W vK'Jfc.-hk . nrf,vrm .viy.ife w -r-iri iitMJ It KliANK DANIELS who will shortly npponr in n scries of comedies on the Vita- graph-V. L. S. E. program 'THE LAW OF THE LAND' THRILLS AT WALNUT Broadhurst Jlclodrama Shows the Mellowing Power of New-Born Twins One touch of nnturo Is supposed to mako tho whole world kin, so what must bo tho power of n set of twins! This momentous question was evolved within the fcrtllo brnln of Georgo Broad hurst, until quite suddenly "The Law of tho Land" sprang full-llcdgcd, like Athena, from a master's brow. Inci dentally "The Law of thq Lind" Is play ing nt tho Walnut this week. The formula cmploved by Mr. Brond liuist in this mot thrilling of his inelo dranins Is that" tlio advent of twins Into tho life of a police Inspector can so mel low him thnt ho will not only let n mur deress go frco (tho effect of tho first ivvlni, but will put Into tho gulltv one's mouth, at thn time of tlio Investigation, words fleeing her of all blnmo (tho effect of tho second twin) And so. In bo fur ns there wero no witnesses to the crime, the C'oioner is notlllcd that tho wholo nffali tho death, by shooting, of a cruel hus band w as nccldcntnl. Mis Harding (Adelaldo French) meets and falls In lovo with GcolTrey Morton (John Glado) after her husband's vlclous ness (Philip I'hllbln) has killed all hor devotion. But sho remains with him for tlio fcako of their child, Bennlo (Mary L, cigiio;:!). uovvevcr, in tlio first act. Sho made her appearance In truly Orl entnl fashion nnd after offering some haunting melodies from Japan, quickly Americanized her net with up-to-thc-mln tilo songs. Incidentally, Miss Sen Met proved herself to bo a mimic of excep tional class. In tho courso of a song sho gave a. number of clover Imitations nnd avoided old standbys. Sho scored n de cided hit Prolonged applause nlso greeted tho efforts of tho Alexander Kids, who nro pacemakers In tho way of Juvenile per formers . llobert If Hodge nnd Company In tho sketch "Hill Blithers, Bachelor"; Wllklns and Wllklns, singing nnd dancing comedians; Denny O'Donntd nnd Mildred Blair, acrobats, and Frogman, tho con tortionist, nlso wero vvcll received. GLOBH Sketches nnd then Bomo moro of tho snmo kind of entertainment fill up tho bill this week nt tho Globe Tho chief offorlng are tho Klnknld Kilties, a com bination of clover Scotch lads and lassies who provldo entertainment that carries an appeal to every class of theatre-goer. Another star number Is that of Wilcar and Douglas, known ns tho pocket edi tion of tho Gaby Deslys-Harry Pllccr duo ' Charles A. Lodcr, noted comedian, nnd his company nro tho next on tho feature list with a playlet, "Tho Night Doctor." Other nets on tho bill nro tho Dancing Macks, Jack Strnus, tlio Olymplo Trio, Hmlllo Hnrle, Charles Kennn, tho Four Headings nnd Bernlvlcl Brothers. , NIXON. "The Luck of a Totcnt," presented bv Harry Oliard and company, headlined tho bill at the Nixon. It Is a tabloid, dealing with llfo In tho gold fields, and thero Is Just enough plot to sustntn Interest. In tho courso of tho act 'Agnes Cnln-Brown offered a number of songs Tho sltiBlng generally was exceptionally good. Cleo Gascoyno pleased In clnsslcnl and popular songs. Applauso also greeted tho Kauffmnn Brothers; Hvebn May nnd company, In tho sketch "Live Wires"; Holmes nnd Wells, and the Pnldrons In nciobntlo feats. IN NEW MOVIE SERIES Frank Daniels Completes Work for Vitagraph-V'. L. S. E. Releases By the Photoplay Editor Tho Vltngraph Company announces tho completion of a scries of comedies In which frntik Daniels, tho Inlmltnblo comic opera performer who forsook tho slogo for tho screen, Is to show his funny llttlo self to tho plc.tUro public. Tho comedies wero written by Paul West especially for Mr, Daniels, with a thorough knowledge of that actor's capabilities in tho lino of hu mor. Tho series has to do with a Mr) Jack and his tempestous enrcer. Episode No. 1, which Is released on February 21 through tho V-L-S-E, Is called "The Escapades of Mr. Jack " Under to direction of C. Jay Williams, who produced multlplo-reel comedies of Daniels fpr tho Vitagraph some tlmo ago, tho vctcrnn fun-maker Is seen at his very laughable, best. Few actors oh tho American stage aro better known than Fiank Daniels, who has been working successfully ns a sure flr4 laugh-getter for years. Ho has scored In notable successes, among tho moro Im portant being "Tho Wizard of tho Nile," "The Idol's Eve," "Tho Ameer," "Miss Simplicity," 'Tlio Olllco Boy," "Tho Tat tooed Mnn," "Miss Hook of Holland," Tho Hollo of Hrlttot y" and "Tho Pink Lady." Daniels' first work for tho Vltngraph Company was In "Crook;," n five-reel comedy, nnd ho appealed moro recently In "What Happened to Flnw ni trations nnd story of the episode JJKI published In tho notion A2Jtt?,S?.? WJ KXcSncwsp;s ?h Tho Chestnut onntlmin. . t . tho Uirllllng war pictures, "b th , t?.r8t Lino With tho Germans." lwVi i-Er.r, Durborough. Tho pictures V . ., u' nnd beautiful throughout, "hlta lVtal! views of many prominent Tmw nti" Tho Stanley all this week Is ,. tho now Mnry Plekfotd plclurl ?.$ Llttlo Pepplna" which x,utSm viewed In yesterday's Evening- t." This- picture shows Miss PlckforeV. tlllty to a greater degree than rl 2 ous one. Tho lirrnnn,tin v...," PWrl- lions' WnB bUt Paramu"l P'2 1 Tho Arcadia opens this week m. "Tennessee's rnrdncr," with V Ward. On Thursday, Friday and h'1' day "Mlco and Men," with m, Jf',!f Clark, will bo screened 'MarWlli Tho Palaca offers "Tho lt9Mm., ,. witly Blanche Sweet, the bfi? lho"weck. On Thursday, Friday .'J Saturday "Tennessee's Pardn"? i?2 Fannlo Ward, will bo tho feature h Transit Survey for Chlcairn CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Willi- t, ..... ' Parsons anil Hobort Rldgvvny. of nK fl York, and Blon J. Arnold, of Chi M cncinccrim; cxncris. nnvp (.(-. .i ' tract with tho city of Chicago to mdom on tho report ho question of traction mn.ii:??" 1 and subways in tho city. Thn ,;;.. 12?. I bo tho nrst general survey of IransDori. tlon conditions In Chicago, Tho lnvti gators aro to bo paid $30,000 each FENCIBLES TO HONOR MAYOR ). However, In tho first act, bv Plccinir out the entertainment .-.re n means of beating tho 9-voar-old child . . 1 , ... . . I tl!H, A I if ..I'.nltl.l.lnllu Tin.. II.... ....I. ...h. ,. I.UI-.J -lllllV-lllll-l, JJdlUUlK III1K from ids wife and Morton tlio confession that Bennlo Is their child. Later, when In n fit of rage, Harding attempts to beat tho child again, his wlfo shoots him. This nil tnkes plnco In tho nrst act. The re maining Uueo acts deal vvltli the efforts of Morton and Mrs. Harding to shield each other. It is tlio cruelty of Hnnl Ing's treatment of Bennlo that softens tho heart of tho new fathei-pollco in spector Then, too, tho twins. Mi Glado was a convincing Morton. Mr. Phllhln plnyed the hui.sh Hauling with enough restraint not to mclo drnmntlzo tho role bejond the limits of belief. Miss Fiench is nn emotional actress, who knows tho voluo of a sob nnd a shrug of tho shoulders. A. T, Hcndon, ns tho Engllsn butler, Chct wood, did an excellent bit of nctlng. Glen L. Bovcrldgo was a good inspector, and William Green a rather too-active secro tniy to Harding. A llttlo less notion of overly c.Npresslvc legs would help his P-irt- V. If. L. fit nam and Isabel Jason, In homo clover untieing, Including a Cakewalk fitted to bear off a tilple decker of a fruity cako with Jelly between the laveis and cocoa nut on the top. Selvvyn Dilvcr, a planol oglst, who Is not so bad eoiisldeilng that his only "props" aro an attack of la gilppo nnd n grand piano; tho Golem tioupo of ncrobats, who nie agile and audacious, how ever much ono may ques tion their billing ns Persians, straight from the Fhah's Theatre the mointeh icnlly ought to have a "P" in front of tlio title In tills case; Lucillo and her talking cockatoo, who have dlveitcd our city before, and Albeit Donnell, "tlio silent humorist," who has adapted tho old stunt of making shadows on the wall Into a very clever variety turn W. It M. LYON WILL SHOW HOW TO MAKE TOWN 'DRY' Evangelist Will Announce Plan to Drive "Booze" From Wilmington WILMINGTON. Dal., Feb. IB -In begin ning the closing week of his campaign hero last night, Dr. Mllford II. Lyon an nounced to an audlenca of E000 assembled in the tabernacle that he would tonight present a plan to make Wilmington "dry." Tho evangelist refused to discuss his plan or to gfve the slightest Inkling of lta details; hence much interest Is felt In his announcement. Doctor Lyon nlso called lost Inght for 1000 more converts to round out his seven weeks' campaign In this city. Last night he got 63 "trail hitters." The evangelist spoko with feeling of the. meeting being tho last Monday eve ning of the campaign. He urged activ ities during tha week In prayer and per sonal work and emphasized at length his desire for 1000 more converts. He also refuted the objection offered by some of the clergy against the reflection which they said was cast upon them when the evangelist pleaded 'with church members to coma down the aisles and consecrate their souls to more efficient Christian service. The evangelist stated that this was a compliment to them rather than 8. redaction upon their work. PREPARE FOR CELEBRATION Hammonton Citizens Form Semi-Centennial Association IIAMiMONTON. N. J, Feb U.-Blghty delegates, representing 30 Hammonton organizations, have organised an associa tion whose purpwe Is to commemorate the Mtb, year of Incorporation of the tpwn. Thva B. Delker was elected ahalr auui n4 Mr. Thomas Creamer as sec retary. A totu.iutiee coropoMiT el Nathaniel I Hlai-t, J L. Megsrgel H Kirk Spear, !Tu AjHlMfw J lUder and Uerbjrt C. iiyhty, wii uad to Mfer with SOTHERN TO POSE FOR THE MOVIES Actor to Be Pictured in Plays He Acted on the Stage Downtown Pluy Uptown "The Law of tho Land," tho Gcoige Iliotidhurst drama which had not hcrcto foie been seen in Philadelphia until laat night, had a stock piesentatlon nt tho American as well ns production down town by a traveling company. Whllo this Is ono of Mr. Broadhurst'd most theatrical plays In fact, ono along tho lino of what umjcI to bo admired by tho gallery god as thrilling melodiama It Is very effective on account of tho ndrolt wny in which the play w light has avoided staglnes3. Tho talo Is ono of a murder. A wlfo Is accused of tho death of a brutal husband. Circumstantial evidence lles tho crlmo on her Mie wins vindication In tho course of an absorbing plot light ened with humor. K If. Sothern, who last month an nounced his Intention of lenvlng tho stago and going to England to live at the end of tho present theatrical seuson, has en tered Into an agreement with tho Vita graph Company of America whereby ho will uct for moving plcturca of plajs he has acted on the stage. This will bo his nrst venturo In tho movies. Mr. Sothern Is now In this city playing In tho Sutro comedy, "Tho Two Virtues," at the Adelphl. Friends of tho nctor say ho has recently spoken of an offer of $200,000 for him nnd Julia Muilowe (Mrs. Sothern), who retired from tho stago a year and n hnlf ago, lo poso In Shakespearean roles for tho nims It was also learned that the Vitagraph Company began several days ago to pro pare material for a country-wide cam paign for Mr. Sothern In "David Gar risk," and it was assumed this would be his flrst picture "David GarriW wa the last play In tho Sothern repertoire re cently at the Booth Theatre here. Thero is considerable speculation as to whether Mr Sothern's entry into the movies, ndded to the sale at auction last week of costumes and other properties used In his plays, meant tho actor needed tho help of the movies to make his retire ment in Kngland comfortable. But Inti mate friends said Mr. Sothern wa worth (300.000 and Miss Marlowe 51,000,000 Mr. Sothern will probably bo seen in New York in about threo weeks In a classic revival He tald labt night he had signed a contract with tho Vitagraph Company to act "Hamlet" and other plays for the . movies before he goes abroad. GAYETY THEATRE MAY REOPEN Director Wilson Willing to Gjvo Les sees Another Chance Lessees of tha Gayety Theatre, which was cloned last week by Director Wilson on account of its Indecent shows, will probably be given another chance to offer proper performances. They have been Informed by the Dl restor that if the theatre were permitted to open again. Its shows would have to be decent. Any other kind, they wore In formed.' would not be tolerated. It was agreed also that the present manager, Joseph Howard, should not act in that capacity. Editor Chesterton to Lecture Here Cecil Chesterton, the London editor and brother of Gilbert IC Chesterton, will lec ture tonight on "Socialism aud the Ser vile State" at the Bellevue-Stratford. The lecture M to Mtiunaer the auspices of the Ladles of Charity, of which Miss Agnes Keppller is president, and Is tot the bene fit of the SuHtaar Home for Poor Chil dren s-t Fort Kene4y, Pa. "Old Rip" Ajrain Thcro has been no piny better beloved by all than Josoph Jetfci son's famous "Ulp Vnn Winkle " Tho legend of tho Catskllls as told In Washington living's story Is too familial to need comment Last night tho Knickerbocker players revived this play with notahln sucicss Carrio Thatcher wns excellent as tho pcovlsh vvifo, vvliilo Philip Lord as Der ilck von Beekmnn made a nasty old rascal. Ted Brockett as Hip was line in nil parts and won desorved nppluuso. Tho whole production was on tho usual high standard of these popular players. Theatrical Baedeker NEW I'LATS. AnnLrm-'The Two Virtues," with E. II, hotliern nnij Alexandra Carllulo, A coni rdy by Alfred S nro dealing with tho vlrtuna of chastity and charlij. which prr ultra again thn "tho Greatest of thcto la charity." LYKIC Harry liuder on his ctehth Amir lejn lour. Thu tirocram will contain, lie eldea many old favorites, tho following new HonBir tihu I'OHiea Vrm i imi, farotlnnd. ' Jran ily J, nn," c'ume Had., N inn " and nilura Mr Laud, , tnrroundid by nn "international" vaudeville hill WALNUT ' Tlio Law of thn Land" with Adelaldo Trench, Wen Beveridso nnd Frank Merlins. a nlay liy Oconto Brnadhurat ueallne Willi a murder mjntery, in whloh. the culprit la discovered but freed tn tho end QATmiCK ' Tw In neds," with Itsy Cox. A lareo by haliabury Tleld and Marpsrrt Mayo, which deals with tbo comic adven tures of neonlu who mlitako other people's nranmenta for their own. rortUUST ''Arwind tho Man." with Clalo Aider nnd William Norrls. clood imulr, bet ter nctlng and Blnglnc, Urban's scenery best of all. nrtOAD-'Tollyanna ' with Tatrlcta Coltlnse, Ufflo Shannon and Herbert Jtolcey. Tlio '(,' ud Klrl" of tha "siad books" playing the "kUd B1B18" with entlme-.t3l thoroughness. PHOTOPLAYS. CHHBTJJUT STIIBET OFKHA IIOUSE-"On the 1'lrlrK Lino with the Gennana," the ISorth Americans war picture, nhowlns fteencs during" tho German ottenalvo agalnat ,., HUMIWIW, "Poor Llttlo rapplna," 311a J'likrord Is seen STAN'LUY "All week, with Mary llikford. aa a Utile Italian. A Burton Holme travelogue, entitled. "The Grand Canyon A I'aramount IMctograph. New films will also bo shown, AIU'ADIA Tuesday and Wodnea.lay, "Tonnes " PardiMM-." with Fannlo Ward: Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, ' Mice and Men," with Marguerite Clark. PALACK Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Ras ainuKln," wllh Blanche Sweet; Thursday, rrldaynnd Saturday, "Tcnnesee's Partner,'1 with Fannlo Ward, VAUDF.VILLE. KEITH'S Elsie Janls. Imnersonator: ' Henri fi,,,..desfi'.l?,an? ''r " Parisian models, the Farcer Girls. In ongs.- dancea .and chati Jer; Charles Olcptt, in "'A Comlo Opera In Ten Mingles"; Josih E Bernard and coiS ?inY- .S. WM f "!sl .1 Kramer and Mor. Un. "Two IJack Dots';. Jed and Ethel Uojiley: Harris and Manlon. In "Uncle Jttrf at tha Opera"; Lohse and BtsrUns. acrobats. NIXON "The Luck of the ToUm." Cleo Oui coyne. vocalist Tho. Kaufman Hrothere. ooinadlans. fcvtilyn Itsy and company. In Live Wires", llolmes and WertlsV come dUns The I'aldrons. acrobats. natts; K8I anna. Itjrwaijs ariANO-Ti Kmllla The Four EarU, .. vocalist; Charles (leadings and BeroJvci i0' and Alexander Kids. Robert H. romtunv. tn "Rill lllith XV?,,'; Ladt' r"1 'S'-j vwsI'H1, .Wllklns ii uaiu. ujaiua huu or D' Dona Id aad Mildred Ulalr. in r dansUis laktt: Uen- d lilalr. BPrnliBi.. 'rcsniio. cantortlonlat. STOCK. KS-"lR Vao Wlnlele " The a 4eun jeaerson's Rra.cbtt Aa MliT" AMBRICAN ' The Law of lbs Land " -The Arviut r layers la uoorge (iroadhuxst a nlar of murder aud Intrigue J J8S BBHLESQUE DViiOtiVH- tJumouC MloslreU U tnxillu oa'dRsft erfeur.sBt lotsrew Vaudeville Keith's The audlenco nt Keith's last night gave Klslo Janls a hearty handshako nnd didn't let go of her for fully half nn hour. It was hor flrst nppearlnco In vaudovlllo In many years. Sho has becomo a stan dard star since sho frolicked at tho local vaudovlllo houso before, but It has not affected her equilibrium. Tho samo girl ish sincerity which enabled her to climb to stardom was very evident in her work Sho didn't carry any fancy accompanist Willi an International name along to strike fancy attitudes whllo ho plnyed Chaillo Schraedcr und the Keith Orehes tia wero sufficient, and they proved cciunl to t,ho occasion. Miss Janls woro a plain. Huffy, green dress (at least It looked green to us), such as a girl would wear to a party. And her act was a decided novelty. Sho showed the ambitions of famous stars, and characterized them fnlthfully. Sho enng u topical song ns ftthel Barrymoro would do it, and offoicd a war Bong us sho believed It would bo done byJIadamo Nazlmova. Then, hvv Itching her hair around, sho becamo Frank Tlnncy for a few moments'. It was. perhaps, tho best Imitation In her selection. In quick suc cession sho fihowed Georgo M. Cohan and nddlo Toy In a talking act. A character ization of Hnrrx Lauder In a lovo bcciio followed. Miss Janls then showed that sho had lost nono of her grace as a dancer. In a. speech of thanks she used faithful quo tations of Lauretto Taylor. Sho worked Just ns bird Inst night as tlio artist who makes Iii3 debut In vaude ville. Landless curtain calls attested to tho appreciation of those present. Constance and Ireno Farber In comedy and songs , easily took second plnco on tliei mil. Miio act nas tho punch of "classiness" which should carry It through at nil times. Joseph II Bernard nnd company ap peared In a sketch called "Who Is ShoT' written by WHlard Mack. It concerned the troubles of a couplo who quarreled and mado up alternately, with tho evi dent Intention of getting laughs. And the laughs came, It is true. The sketch was well acted.) but It Is very evident that Mr. Mack must havo written It tn a hurry. The exhibition of Beauty nnd Art pre sented by Ileurietto Do Serrls is undoubt edly one of the best posing nets ever seen here It adds a new message In art lines. Ofher good acts wero presented by Jed and Kthel Dooley, Kramer and Morton, Charles Olcott, Harris and Manlon and Lohse and Sterling. President and Mrs. Wilson wero shown among the Sellg-Tribune motion pictures which preceded the vaudeville. NIXON-GRAND. Lady Sen Mel, a dainty Japanese American comedienne, was the arttstto treat of tho show at the Nixon Grand. Reception Tonight to City OITIcials. Exhibition Drill Tho State Fenclbles nnd tho Old Gunid Stnto I'cnrlblcs tonight will glvo n re ception In their nrmory. Broad nnd Hnce streets, to Mnor nnd Mrs Smith and tho members of the Maor's Cabinet nnd their wives, A number of Judges also will bo present. Tho Fenclbles. wearing their famous dress uniform, will glvo nn Indoor parado nnd pass In review beforo tho Major. Tho exhibition -drill by Company B will follow. Tho Mnyor will bo received by Mnjors Lanaid nnd Furth and Mrs. Smith will bo escorted by Mrs. William L. Peck, Mil, William loggers nnd Mrs. Margaret 1 Oldcnberg Tho veteran nnel old guard organiza tions in tho city and tho mounted patrol of tho Shrlners, headed by Receiver of Taxes Kendrlck, nlso have been Invited. Tho commltteo In chargo consists of Major Thomas S. Lannrd, Major Eman uel Furth; Captains Bui ton, Gnrcln, Green, I'ortcr and John Jordan, Lleuten nnts Frank T. Bacon and Lo Grand En sign, nnd Sergeants Peck, Mnlcr, Pcalo and Whelnn. o DIAMOND GYPSY RINGS $35,$40, $45 I 'll 1 P 1 et wita two tine dia- ,monas ana sapphire rulDU or emerald. Alritle finder rind of aritty m an original ana individual settind. Our periected credil sys tem oilers a liberal paijmenl plan mat makes ownership an easu matter, HARBVRGER'S 10"14CflEl,TNVT.ST. WHERE CREDIT HAS THE SAME PURCHASING POWER AS CASH Iff,; I PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIO sssgss .n t I wjSTTSiuV 7fTi?li iXX" YUd rW ffH n olm jujam sws mu Bot&tmg Cormamu Till' fnllnivliitr fltntrfA oh lain their ilctiirrs tlirnucli Ihn fiTAXr.KY llnoMiiK Contpuny vUiIch 1m it Kimrunten of rurly hilowImk of the iilrtiirrH reieiftl before ovlilhition. A sic for tho tlicntre In 3 our locality obtaining" pictures through the STANLEY flnebt production; llooUIni; Co 1 11 pa 1 ly. All ALHAMBRA HAZEL DAWN 12th, Morris t. Pansyunk Ate. jut. Daily nt 2; r.es . 7 fc O. Vnude-Wlle i. I'aram't I'lctures. in "MY LADY l.NCOa" ARCADIA FANNIE WARD in CIinSTNUT nui.ow ioth TENNESSEE'S VAUDNEIV 52D AND THOMPSON MATINEE DATLY APOLLO GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" raramnunt I'lcturo BLUEBIRD 220D N01lTI1 DnoAD st I'aramount rrenenta De-ntnnn Thompson's "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" 1217 1I'M'T, r'2D ABOVE MARKET JDiLLiVlVjlN 1 Mats t ::io . a -.an, jno EES (I '30, , 0:30, ISc MVIAN MARTIN 111 MEHEI,Y MAItY ANN" TOX 1'ItODUCTION I IRFRTY BROAD AND telDLK 1 I COEUMEIA TVIIONK l'OWEIlS KATIII,YN WII.I.1AM1 "THOU SHALT NOT COVET" Logan Auditorium Brnao.,,,Av.. THIANOI.E PI.AYS Wm, S Hurt In "HETWEEN MEN" Keystone "Dizzy HelKhts anil Da r I nit Hearts" 0OJII AND fpnAR PAHAMOUNT CEDAIt AVE VEjL.tt.I.V TIIEATUE Fanny Ward in "THE CHEAT" I'aramount Production FAIRMOUNT 2CT1I AND CJIHATlD AVE B-A Paramount Drama Charlotte Greenwood in "JANE" FRANKFORD ini nU!Sa MARGUERITE CLARK in "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" KOA fit BM Mats, 2.3 30 3o 6U Pansom Evgo 030 to 11 10o Cyril Maude in 'The Greater Will' PATIIE OOI,D ROOSTER PLAY -jS, HARDWOOD 1R) JCTfe, FLOORS JKJa GERMANTOWN B5 tSwn'e I'aramount Plrturo COVSTANCE COr.EIER 111 "THE TONOUES OV MEN." Aitlnl Altrao tlon "Strance Caso nf Mary Panei" 2J Eplsoilet f "lf TCT B2D AND LOCUST LUVUOl Mats 130 and 3 30, lOo EE3. U30, 8, 0 30, 13c CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 'THE YELLOW PASSPORT" World Feature- Market St. Theatre '33S maSet Pearl White in "Hazel Kirke" he-e ORAIT" Etory Wednesday ORPHFIIM GERMANTOWN AND ytVJrrlE'U"1 CHELTEN AVES. TRIANi.I.E PLAYS Orrin Johnion In "lhe J'rlLe of Power" Iloscoo Arliuckla and Mabel Normand in 'Ho Did and He Didn't' Keystone &:ntii,u. ChestnutStOp.House nichhrt THU XOtlTIl AUEMCAWa GERMAN WAR PICTURES VEST 1'lULAPKLrHIA flR AND 52D Bn(1 MARKET BT8. VI1X-"lN4-' MAT. DAILY. 2 T. M, "GRAFT" sT rrTm xt in..jTMimfi UVCKDKUUfi. "'""IC:, I t' U1V1V Alft DOUBLE TRIANGLE BILL r&Ufi11?? O'SH.ln .'.'Tlie Lily and th. neat" A diaries Murray in "Qreat Vacuum Robberr" 'I fl A Dnriil t53D & LANSDOWNE AVE. uniwL,n MAT., 2. EVO,6;U. TRIANGLE PLAYS HELEN WARE In "nnoss r-iinmrvrei WEHEIt H FIELDS In "Worst of rrienUJ. ' fsRTFNT 05D WOODLAND AVE. vvi-il! 1 Daily Mat.. 2. EB. 0 30 to 11. . , KALEM FEATURE Gladys Colburn in "Black Crook" PAT APF 1SU MARKET STREET 4 '--'-'- 10 A. M. tO 11 13 P. M BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAOAMUrriN" PARK JlIDQn AVE & DAUPHIN ST "i.v Continuous show frnm2 DO-fl 30-11. Klelnj-Edlson Feature VIOLA DANA In The Innocence of Ruth" EUREKA "T" MARKET OTf TRIANGLE PLAYS Presents ORRIN JOHNSON nnd SEE.VA OWE.V la iilU 1'U.Ml'K.VTH" Kejstonc-Trlrngle t'omedy "THE HUMT' IMDITOTAT TI i 00th Below inn uuinLi nicuiic walnut BtnH' TnuMp.i v oi avc n WILLARD MACK in "THE CONQUBHOUt, MACK SWAIN In "A MOVIE 8TAIV I' s k MJIITJI 4 rf Broad Street Casino nf" EVENINGS 7.15 AND 0 HARRY BEAUMONT in THE "WHITE ALLEY" OTHERS PRINCESS "'grMF A'lo'Pjiand Houso Gono Wroner" Skb 'Tlio "fllrl anil tha flnmn" Pib.u n-K...a... ,-b. ,tui,ua7i ''Girl and the aame" pi flRF BOTH & MARKET 213.7-0 UL.UD& J1B.O0O KIMIIALL OROAN Lou Tellegen in "The Unknown" PARAMOUNT PICTURE i"1 II? A PI" AVENUE: THEATRE jllvrtn'1-' 7TH AND OIHARD AVE Alice Brady in "Woman in 47" AMATEUR STAGE CONTEST RTAI TH GERMANTOWN AVE. 1VH-H-.1V7 AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. MARY PICKFORD in "BEHIND THE SCENES" REGENT 1C3J MARKET STREET KEAiE4T I UMAX VOWB ORCAH FANNIE WARD in "THE CHEAT" RUBY SIAnK?T.,8I"EST 11 A T A lVt wCVi.-i1 0IW5E,-t YrtL,urtiE. kuiu in THE eiOI.DEN CHANCE" fli-pnt Nnrtliprn ""OAD ST, ERHi & urear. iNorinern oermant-n aves TRIANGLE PI v Orrin Johnson in 'ACQUITTED' IRIS THEATRE am $8$$ DUSTINFARNUMin THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA" JEFFERSON 20Tn 1?"" TRIANGLE PLAYS- Tlnusn Petem nrnl Wm. p Hsrt In "RETWEEN MEN" "Dlzxy Heights and Darlnr Hearts." Keystone IITAHPO FORTY.FIRST AND LJ.UCtt. LANCASTER AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in THE FOUNDLING" Weekly Programs Appear Evtrv Monday In Motion Picture Chart PFMTI IDV ERIE AVE & MARSHALL V-C1N 1 Urt I MATINEE DAILY Alice Brady & Holbrook Blinn in, "THE BALLET GIRL," 5 Acts SOUTH SHERWOOD 84T A.NS SAVOY 15,i MARKET u - t v x STREET WINIFRED GREENWOOD in '-V MODERN SPHINX" TIOGA 17T" VENANGO STS "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION VICTORIA MAKET ST Francis X Ilu.hman and n.v.K.V NIh'T.11 "MAN AND 1IIB POUL Se Vh. I?iy,,n,, ln Case of Mary PaRe-ery ".nA8,!8 STANLEY UAIlKW ABOVE 16TII MaryPkkfordin Poor Little Peppina' CONTINUOUS JJ.IID A U. to 11 iK P. M. PLAZA BROADANDroT?EBr. MARIE EMPRESS in "Love's Cross Roads," 5 Acts ri NoimnvKST Susquehanna T1Sffi ave , , Malcolm Duncan & Alma Hanlen in "WILD OATS," 5 ParU NOKTnEAST STRAND "ANDOIRARDAVS HOLDROOK BLINN' and VIVIAN MARTIN n "Butterfly on the Wheel" HAM: AND BUD cuamm 1 KENSINGTON JUMBO oTraavi. "A SOUL ENSLAVED" THE SILENT TRAIL".. 'MRVBUMPTcOMMUTEIt'' Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart IC The Increasing preference for Hard wood in place of ordinary floors is the ' outcome oi e-uiuijuiauye tetti. It is because Hardwood is more durable, artistic and more easily kept clean than other floors that it is preferable to any other kind. PINKERTON 3034 W. York SU .. PBC. METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINOTIVB CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures 4a Absolute Guarantee of Quality uUlfllJlsIIKLOW Mat! Eycnlnrs 78 til Seats 15c. 1 Hill- .. P. r.Ha'CB AJuil.ToJ.Chll.50 Mary Pickford in "The Foundling" TOMORROW'Tovnup... ,,.... I All nlcturea secureilVhru Stanley Ilkr.Co. 1 WEEKLY PROGRAMS IDDEIIT, l,r,v. - UWVXV IN MOMONICTURa OUABT LAFAYETTE 2914 KENSINGTON AVENP Tuesday and Wednesday THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE I i