SSS-SSSS 16 Evi-Niyq r-icnaKR riiiLADi-LPiiiA. Tuesday, February is, ioig. HEM WANTED TEMAAE GIRL, whit, wanted for nenefM housework in rtnall , family, 4710 Oakland at. Phono FranKford Qlfftf wanted for kitchen work In restaurant. liojyino t. , ICOSIEUT'-Experlfneea knitters, and toppers! tradr work, itowt pay; also learners, paid while tontmnr. 1820 N. I-riwrence t. HOSIERY Experienced palrers. folders and lazu in, i.awrenre m. HOUSEKEEPER, managing (public)! n enter ing; experienced) I'rolcstnnti reference, II ,!dger Ofdec. HOUSEWORK Oerman'or Foflih girl, apeak. In it Kngllilt; upetalra work. Call 2107 West Venango at. H0U8BWORK Etp. white tlrl. Phone Sharon ftlll 37. or write H 225. ledger Office, HoifSiSWORK White Ctrl, experienced, for ArdmorPhono Ardmoro 1310. , INFANT NURSE. "not"ovcr 83 year,, expefl enced; beat ref, rhone Chestnut Hill. Sja. NURSE, " practical, experienced, willing to aew ana . assist tor invalid eweriy wny (paralysis'! give reference. Aaaress x: u, tiox zii I. l.anghorne. Pn. OPERATORS on nil parte of allk and cotton shlrtwnlstai learnera taken. The Hagedorn- sier companyd turn urown oVEItXTORS " experFenceSH on Singer hutton aawlng machlne. Seltzer Pros., 321 Market, dPEHATORS, exp. on wash-top sklrts'l ateady T . ork. good pay j Hellxer Hros.jilM.rkt, BKCIlETAity and correspondent, thoroughly ramllla twill nflna mAnAAirint atftiOffrn- phy, typewriting, bookkeeping nml advortls lnr Work .11 P32. Ledger Central. BTENOQIlAPilEn In social aerrlce work: ex cellent opportunity for Intelligent and ex- per'eneeil stenographer to grow .with now organl-mt'oVi! IO,t'r iekl.Lcdn STENOGRAPHER, smart, exp. nnd accurate; una twill. ain.M 1jni.ilAilffA nt rnattlsr tt nrlf preferrwl no studrntai must be cnpabln of TIinnngioK miail nunc, ic-m. n p.p.. .vm v.t:,,h TELEPHONE EXCHANGE OPErtATOIl wanted, must nleo underiind atenography nnd typcwrltlrit. kohn'. Anr.En a co. 720 MAItKET TvHAVEHS- Experienced haircloth weavers wantedi learnera taken, Geo. H. Cox & liro.. Ino. famtirbi nnd Orines sts, TOUM WOMAN wanted, reliable, to act as companion and rnahler and makn herself iten ernliy useful In a smnll, refined family In suburbs, O 7I1S. Ledger Centrnl. NOW IS THE TIME for younir ladls sek- inff commerrlnl positions to consult Miss Jean at ledger I'entral. llroad nnd Chest nut sts. A epirlol servlrw Is rendered tn HTENOtlllAPHEnS. HOOKKEI'.l'EHH AND Cr.i:ilKS llimiiali the fnmmerrlnl Depart ment to I.IUKIEIt ADVEItTlHEIlS. nnd n. Ereal numlter of laillcs hao been benefited y this aenlce. OOVEHNME.NT pnalllona open to .omen, 173 month Write Immediately for free ..list. t-rnnklln Inst.. Dept. 71.1 M, Rochester. N. X. HELP WANTED MALE IlOOICKBEPEtt. competent, experienced on card ledger preferred: reference ns to char acter rciulrcd, stato ago nnd qualifications'. II 4M, Ledger Central. 0Y,"jusf past 1(1 vears, to learn general office work: largo retail grocery business; salary In start ti per week. Address P. O. Hox . T2W. BOY wantrd, 1 right, who Is ambitious and wants to learn good business; stato ago and reference. M 7.1. ledger Central. . BOYH WANTED. 10 years nr over, to work In wall paper factory: npply at onco. Decker. Smith ft Page. Wntcr nnd .Snyder nve. Cr.OTH WEAVEItH wanted. "Apply John & Jamm Dohtmi. Inc., Illankct Mills, Hcotl'a lane, -lls of Hchuvlklll. Ct.TTI.H- Wanted, a. custom shirt cutter: good "openlnsf for right man. All tSn N, mii st.. Allentrmn, Aiicntnwn amrt to.. i'a. PinEMAN wanted: must bo familiar with Murphy stokers: reference required. Apply Calumet nt, nnd Itldgo nvo,, East Falls, I'liiiaucipniii. INSUIIKNTII MEN can add a profitable sldo line. II ",. Ledger Central. Lineman wanted" electwc i.ioht MAN: STEADY WOIlli; OOOD WAGES. A I'LY IJ. A. OOrtMAN. 120S N. HIHT HT. LOOM KIXEIt, first class. Aliply John ft James' nolieon. Inf.. Illankct Mills, Scott's lane, Falls of Schuylkill. MAN, middle aged, to, care for furnace nnd clean front In iiclgnborhood of IKth and Sprueo' am. ; rcferenco required. C 101, Led- gtr Oirico. MEN, vou.1T, two of neat appearance, to enn vass West Phlla. nnd eastern Pcnna.; gnofl salary. Apply Tuesday, until 3:.10 p. in., Mr. PPt. Kins Walnut. MOLDEItH wnnted; sternly work: goo.1 wages. Th llnldt Hteel Co.. Now Castle. Del. NtililT WATCHMAN, young man. cxper. with bollcrn nnd rumps. Address, giving references aiidmil iryJ''atrhmnn, I O. Hox H.100. NHHIT WATCHMAN nontrd; Inside dutv: bring ref. MyisMjinlloJIIdg.,2uoi. llroad. HUM, ESTATE MEN can add a profitable aldo line. 11 831, ledger Central. SALESMAN HlaH-CLASH SALESMAN WANT KD IIY WOHLD'.S (JHEATJ:ST MANIICACTI'IlEltH HAVINn PHACTICALLY EXCLUSIVE MAR Kirr FOIl TIIEIH PRODUCTS. IIANOINO IN PHICE FRO.M J350 TO ." mm. HNL1JI1TED POSSiniLITIES AND PEHMANENT Kt'TUHIl ASSIIUED TO A MAN OF I1IO CALIIIItE. MAN ONLY OF lllfl CAPACITY AND EAIt.VINO POWER AND ON KTItAltHIT COMMISSION CAN HE CONHIDEItED. V 'J30. LEDGErt OFFICE. SALESMEN Young men ot good edu. cation, appearance, energy and ambi tion, who aro desirous of mnklng a fiermanent good future In a fast-grow-ng buitnoss: men of undeveloped sell ing, ability who will eventually develop Into district salos managors that will ray better than J2S00 annually. Prefer young men who can flnanco themselves during the training period (about 1 weok). This la a high-grade proposi tion of n meritorious line, and only men ot tho nbovo calibre will recelvo an Interview. No investment la required In tho company, which la firmly established and of national reputation. Address M "'-I-'1. Ledger Office. HALE8MEN. experienced, wanted that can handle a high-grade proposition; Investigate. Atldrea II 444. laslcer Central. WIlPPErfcTexper., for wholesale house; state full particulars, refs. ami salary wanted. Address W. H., P. O. Tlox ill la wn"o. BTENOGRAPHEIt. MALE. WANTED A com. petent, and refined young man, with ex perience, for permanent position. Apply by letter only. FEIHIACUTE MACHINE COMPANY nitlDOlrrON. N. J. WANTED Young man for office of sales and advertisement department: state age, exper ience and salary desired: opportunity for ad va ncement. ! m. Ledger Office. VANTED White married couple, do all work iir. 'ttmUy. of 3- APPly. between 0 and 12, . imj b. alst at. WEAVEH3 Experience haircloth weavers wanted; learnera taken. George S. Cox Ilro.. Inc.. Cambria nnd Ormea sis. YOUNG MAN. atiout 17 ears of age without business experience, available: must be of neat appearance and Intelligent: position In Chestnut it, store. Addles Salesman, Post offlce Ho 1157. YOUNO MAN wanted who can run an auto mobile and do light housework lr. private family j wages U anil keep; references re oulreil. C 33. Ledger Office. YOUNa MAN for confectionery and soda par lor; no phone or correspondence, 10 Scott lwtde J, J( 'fJt i , It. .. . I ., . . WE MavI i. very unusual oppor tunity for a first-class Insurance solicitor: permanent connections. An Independent business and future for the right man. Replies treated strictly confldtAial. WTOU. --DOER CENTRAL. PETEYThe Wear and Tear Would Be Too Much for His Head t Haw j ! HEIANTEDMAEE STEAD POSITION office, for educated man having some mechanical knowledge! graduate of training school preferred. Apply 120 K. Allen at . Philadelphia. Oencrnl b rnciA Tj . , A tlTOMOBir.Et, Instruction given day and night by expert mechinlcs at the oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing, Wiring and 00 Road Lessons at ft very email rot. mi north nnoAt) st. p. rr.TZ, KM -NORTH linOATJ street m Robcrtfon's Old Original Auto School. Trachea you how to repair nnrl tin-v trt rlfltrn nllfon. ll NORTH nnOAD STREIMI RUBINE'S SERVICE COMPAN, positions for inrm-ci.ARi memonw 1.101 LAND TITf.rT llflT.niNO SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE llir.r, CliTitlK. trenernl office nsslstant: thor oiiKhly exper'needi reliable. II 04.1. l-ed. Cent. IlOOKKnKPI'.n nnd slenoxropher. expert: qualified by education and experience for sec . retarlal work. II ftlfi. J,eilKcrCentral; IlOOKKRHPntt. knowl. stence. : 2 yrs." exp.: capable dependable, desires (.hanga. beat ref- . erence, 1 1 r..n. ledger lenirai. HOOKKEEPER (nsslstant). ledger clerk, comptometer operator; II veara experience. HJM, LedgerCentrnl , BOOKKEEPER, young lady, thoroughly ex- periencen, expert, uesires in rnnngn purnnm, -" " nni.Ledger Central Bookkeeper i. e . thoroughiy. p. nmi rellihle. desires per, pos. II flip, Cent. HOOKKEEPEll. cashier. " thnroughly exp . rnpable nnd truitioMhy.ItIIJ.Led.. Cent. ?T(OKKEEPER, knowledge ; capable; Wm.Penn grnduiite. II Ledger ' iurai iioOKKEEPINO Young womnn" penile, well rdurnled nnil experienced, kiiouledgo of nnow- keeplng nnd stenography, desire l,r.,,,!1n with good concern: best reference. P 10.1. Ledger Offleo. CHILDXCHSE young girl, white. Protestant: sstjhutles.J2SIJ.lBe. CLERIC, tvplst. experienced desires position In ..northeast seitlori; refs. It Ledger eu CinillK-Exp .'itilrk nt figures, good penmnn. nest bookkeeper. 11 HIS ledger Centrnl CLERK."iletnll. n'slctnnt bonheeperi typist: 3 years' exp : ntriinite. O s II Ledger Cent. Cl.liitlC- File." ili-tnil tvplst over "n'venVa'rx- porleme telephone. II I1 lslr t'entrnl. COMPANION to eblerlv l.idv or nmtitger of Fentlematra bouseliold; rxp. Eng. Prot. JS West Logan St.. Illn. l'hone iltn. 770.1 COMPANION." vMtlng. h liivir nr dav: good rrnder. nlo new log nnd shopping nr part rnroof Invalid. II SI7. I.niger of lice. COMPACTION -Prnrtlenl nurse cultured wnm- bii: physician's refrreni'e H gvn. 11. f)ff. COMPANION nurso In seml-lnvnlld; good rower and render. II 222. Ledger Office. COMPANION nurse, hospital trained, seam's. reader. for patient. 10OI Melroso nv.. Mlrn COOIC or bousekeorier While. Protestant rnun- trv woman desires position, best references: experlenceib llox 202. NortliWnles. I'n, COOlt Flrsl-cjars Ocrman wants prlvato fam- llv; nn agents. 13, lgerOffleo COOKINC, nnd down'taTrn work: experienced lolored girl. 1023 Dickinson st. COOK nnd chambermaid and Protestants: cltv. Room 203. waitress 'Vi MS Chestnut DEMONSTRATOR-SALESWOMAN Refined young lady.exa.ilea work. RI2,Id '' DRESSMAKER wants cng'mt's-. $2.r,0 dallv; ref. HOP. Ledger Rrnnrh. rlth nnd C.lrnrd I'RENCH" NURSE or "governess wants a po sition: fi vears' experience: reference. Call or write 17 Rowlnnd st.. PalmyaN.J. GIRL, colored wants apartment or housework: roferemo 1309 otith Chndwlrk. GOVERNESS, vlslilng. flerniin. desires en- ggement: best refs. Hiring 71I0W. HOrsEWORK no nnsh'nc adult family: f"x pnrle.ned English Protestant, young. 2S30 .S.jl.1.l st. HOCSEWOiiK Settled wnmnn: nn wnvhlng: cltv nr West Phlla. II 22X. Ledger (lfnn INFANT or ehlldnurse. Germin: references. Aldress Ledger flranch. Otli nil Thompson LADY going u ay wishes to nliro reliable ehlldnurse, Irish Citholle' Main Line or Chestnut 1 Til I preferred. Write or telenhone Mrn. M. Parmer, Phbenlxvllle, Pn. Telephone Phoenlxvllle 01. LADY, refined, rnpable. exnerlen'ed d' sires resnonslblo noslt'on: nin like full chargo of office. ll0ll. I lgerCentrTl. LADY'S MAID Young' wnmnn, good dress maker: experienced and rrfcreme. II 227. Lodger Office NCRSE, llrst clnss. trained wishes Infant or obler ref, II ,'ir.l, Led,Cent. NURSE, graduate, wnuld like to connect with prlvato raso. H 031 Letiger Ontral. NIJRSC. Infant's, from Dr. Ilult'a "llosiittal: heat refers-nco. II 43S, Ledger Central. PRIVATE SECRnTARY-Eduented vnung'wnnT an, flvo yeirs with present emplover, desires position; Im competent stenographer, book keeper, nnil :ucu1omed tn general rnrre-1-pninleneo nnd charco of nfflco: exi-eptlonal refs. given nml re,ulrcd. P loo. Lodger fff. SECRETARY-SfENnciRAPIIER. "high Behnol graduate. 10 years' exp In serretnrlal an,t genenmmerr'nl. work. II SIOLed. Central. SECRETARY-STENOORAPIIER-S yrs' exp mfg., bnnklng nnd professional work: Al ref.; rapld, areunito. II RI3, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER with S ears' experience In general detail work, desliea position with tlrst-clars business bouse: knowledgo nf bonk keeping and secretarial work. II K32, I.od,ron. frENOORAPHER. ronipetentnnd "nerurate, doilres pos. whero application tn work will bo appreciated: mod, inlnry. II333 Id. Cent. STENOGRAPItint AND CLERK-IIIgll and Tolrce School tmlnlug. I ra.' exp. In rail road and lnw. II R.,7,Ledger Ceniray. STENOORAPHER-Expert. rr""years' xp"erb enen; familiar with elc nnd technical work: rapid: neeurate. H 13S. I.edgcrCent. STENOORAPHER-Heglnner wlshen pos. with good firm; qui k, neeurate, willing. 11 SKI. Lodger Central. STENOGRAPHER. 3 yenrs' experience desires position: references. H 030, Jedger Central. STENOGRAPHER, voting. lady, beginner, tn- pablo, dea. perm, jirodtlon. II 217. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, about 1"& yrs.' experience; strndiyorker.If III." Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, competent beginner."" will., neat, reHablo: trhl sol. 1I2IS, Leil. Cent. STENOGRAPHER Expert: S vears' cxperl- enro: rapid nnd aceurate G 032,la?d. Cent. STENOGRAPHER -High School graduate; some exp.: neat, accurate. G 810 Led. Cent. WOMAN of refinement will do meniflngby day or week. If 221. Lodger Office. YOUNG LADY. High Sehool graduate. ,f,res afternoon und Saturday work, tompnnlnn, reader or earn of children. II SI7. Led Cent. YOUNG LADY, ni'inmpllshcd typo organist nr rlantst, di'Htres permanent or substitute roal lon or motion pictures; cxperM. Dla. 20S2 J. YOUNG LADY, reliable, willing, desires poi. tlon as general clerk. H .':i'-'. Led. Central. MISS DEAN nt Ledger Central has listed the qualification nf young ladles experienced In nil kinds of office detail work, anil hna had special training In selecting tho "right per son for tho right position." Acquilnt her with your needs either by personal cill or telephone Walnut nr Main JlPOtJ anil per sonal nttentlon will bo given promptly. This Is a free acrvlco to LEDGER ADVER TISERS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WORKING HOrsEKCEPBR for family ot 2; small house, CaliS82t Cedarhurst at. AUDITING bltr and little done, by responsible man, M 212. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MANAGER. 11 years experience, very good references, some experience In shop and office sstematlzlng and auditing, low wages with thuncu for advancement 11 517. Lodger Central. UOOKKEEPER. thoroughly experienced, will audit accounts, open, close and write up hooks, day or evening; moderate terms, C 101, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER and accountant. 3.1; 13 years' experience; best reference. II Ol'l, Led. Cent. UOOKKEEPER or aeslatant: high school gra.l. ; quick and accurate figures. P r Leil.jOff, CHAUFFEUR Gentleman wunts plate fo7 chauffeur; colored, lst-claw driver and me cbjnlc: courteous, reliable. 420 Winona uvc. ti mtm it --.g Bll SITUATIONS WANTED MALE cirAlTFRtm colored, wishes position, prl vato or commercial, 4 years' exp.i best or reference. Address 1 Manton at t'lIAt'FFElin, eompt., wlshen position with prlvato ra m.: city, country, n sk, i, vcim. CIVIL ENOlNnETt. graduate; 2(1, rood P; pearance, 4! years' exper, concre" general construction nnd promotion work, lee, loc. with mnnufae. or -ontmctnr. II nin.Iil.CenL CIVIL ENGINEER. .12, now employedi knowl edge nf Spanish, cnnttita nnd experienced In Oov, engineering: ulto thoroughly fjnilllsr njitecljnilustry.. .H74n. ledger Centril. COOK-Japnnese, wants position In- prlvJ, family: has good refcrcneea. TAM1, BOS N. CREDIT MAN-P.xperleneerf man. holding good position, desires to better himself! best refer ence. It 132, ledger Central. ELECTRICIAN wants work, spare lime, any . thing. J. C. P.. 1221 rnlrhlllst. . ESTIMATOR nnd contractor's engineer desires noiltlon with firm doing mutilclpnl nnd gen eral work, roods, sewers, bridges. It Oil, . ledger Central. , OARDENER-Hend gardener wishes prlvnlo filaee; understands flowers, vegetables, green muses registered stock; mirrled: Al refer ence, lifetime exp. Rnx 300, Ardmoro, Pa. GARDENER-Conchman, sing.: long exp ; good nil around; best reference. Tailor, 202 N, 1Mb. GARDENER, young, single, strictly first class, nil branrhes; good ref n2 lavlgcr .Office. HOUSEMAN nnd butler Experienced young colored man: reference. ir,H MAN. 3.1, wnnts out'ldo work: rererrnco nnd ensh security for pleadv position full por tlenlnrs nt Interview. Phone Dlrklnson 2S1I W on Jiundiy. or iuldreJI 21ft, LedgerJL'ent, MAN AND WIFE-Iiutler uifd co'ok or chnnv berwork: while; reference.. H 2.12, Td. Off. PHYSICIAN; w-nnta poilllntu'lleensed In Penn evivanln: Ins ono ear hnspllnl nnd I venrs' praetltnl experience. ( u20. ledger Office. SALESMAN hiving mtteli time In snare would do hlgh-grnde specialty work on commission. P 010. Ledger OffRo. SALESMAN Young limn wishes It) mnkn con neetlnn ns Inside nnd outsldn cleettle tlxlnro snlrstiinn: small irtlary nnd commission proposition will bo considered, Salesman. 1342 N 37th st, SALESMAN, emploved, cteslres ohitigeT estnb. Ilrm. local or 'ravel; rdiieated- good pres ence: aged 2 refit II 031. ledger Centrnb SALESMAN With rnad rxperletn e; vniing nmbltlous, energetic; enn produce results. . M 1120, Ledger Office. SALESMAN, Atner . 20, European exp. fiTlati- Kuages. seekn for, trndo open. C 107, I-ed. Off. SELLING or clerical poslllnn: cnpihle, stcidv: mod, salary; security; ref H Pis. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER Ambitious young man. competent, rapid, In dustrious. 11 YEARS EXPERIENCE In mercantile, lecil add statistical work. de. sires connection with firm where nblllty Is appreciated: ns prlvnto secretary nr In an cxcoiitlveonparlly. lr H .Llge Central. STENOGRAPHER Young mnn. 2.1. exp?! rood .typist: salary S13. II 710. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. reliable, would like position In offico of rnlhviy nr position of trust; references. R, .1. s.. (!02lWnlnut sL YOITNO MAN, 21 yenrs old. employed nt pres ent, desires tn ch.ingo position; knowledge bkpg. nnd general clerical work; honest, trustworthy nnd willing: refM. II DIO.I .cd.Con. YOUNG MAN. experienced In general offleo vinrk. fiinllflnd tn nssmno respniisihtiitlra, desires position combining ntitMlilo dutlcH; references. C lOS. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. 21. 0 vrars' experience general office wnrk nnd bookkeeping, desires position; best nf reference, 2211 S. 2(llll st. YOUNG MAN wlshea position with b-ink. trust companv or real ert. ilrm.II 017. Led. Cent. JAPANESE desircH position nn cook nr house work with family In city or country. I. II.. 7.10 Rnce st. I AM AN OLD WOOLEN MILLS SUPER INTENDENT Now cnjnvlng life nn a rnmmerclnl traveler. If you havo nnvthlng vnu would llko tn offer tn the tevtlle trade I wnuld ho pleased tn do it fnr vnu on n commission hnsts. Addrins M n0S.Jdgor Office. A IIIGH-Cr,AsS MAN." who bus had several vears experlenre ns snlesman, and executive. wIsIhm npportunltv In nnv enpse Itv: has tinnnnalltv and resnurrofulness anil Is well edueat'd. If CIO. Ledgrr Centrnl. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 311 S. 10th nt.. wlshea positions for Trench eouple. also Scotch Protcstnnt cook and chambermaid, sisters: best city reference,,: no objection to coilntrv: also wants ihlldnurseH, Protestant and Cathollo cooks, waitresses: must' hnvo reference. Phone Spruce oi, NICHOLS 1'i'Jil I'.ilnhrldge st -Competent bnt lern, couples, rooks, waitresses, Swedish, t.ermaii. Irish parlor, ehnmbcnnnfds. nurses, lallndrepses. etr. phono Locust2t':n. miss'mary t McCarthy. 2107 christpTii 'I-ci-. isrt), siinptles & wnnts lst-clnsa Prot., (nth. male and female help, nil n itlotial.'tles. MRS MINV.LVFP, 10.10 Christian St.. Dlek Help of nil rapacities wanted nnd aup p!led Germ in flrst-t las cook wanted. WANTEDCnnks, 1 binibermalds. elilldnurses houhcwork glils. Miss Rosn Dougherty, 111.1 W. Glrard ave. MtME AHE." 13.1.1 Cliriatl-in st-Refiabio i' .,nP bLTlL and wnnted. .1 1 1 rijt to niiUucs MMIJ PI.VTZ ".-.1 S. ('amnc'."Vunples Ist-class white help wlth-i it 'dinnce Ph. Wnl 171't. AUTOMOBILES I'nr Sal TWO USED nuto rnr trucks. 1 and 14 ton cnpailty: also 1 tl-eyllnder tnurlng enr, all In first-clans ropdltlnn. newlv painted. For further Information write M. L. ALLEN Elks' C(ub bulldimr. Rofhester. N. Y. CADILLAC, 1011, tnurlng car, overhauled nnd rcpilnted: full equipment' nrlco 730. AUTO ririco sifiu. At 1 12 N. llroad st. rt.Ai.i.a i iiiii'iiu.v 1111N Clc,.r,'r,,,?U'T AonvcY-Kcrr'a new gn'foieT 0110 (llrnnl nve. storage. J3 up. FORD HirrTODRINO. electric lights; L. K ROWERS COMPANY .IT. N. Jlroad s FORD town car In rood cnndltlon. with Im prnvementB, J.173. Ktnnlnn'n (Lira go. .lOI 8. Chadwdek st.. nr phono lrfv,usti,.r,tn. JIARMON. 101'i: In flrst.rians condition: lust nverhauled nnd repalutcd. It. J. HOWLEY. 210 N, Ernnd st. PACKARD. ItTfiS: excellent mechanical condi". tlon: Kcven-nassencer touring car: price. SI3U. 1. ('. 210 N. Urond st. PEERLESS 1012 .IS S-passenger touring, equipped with electric llghta nnd generatoi ; rood tires; excellent meehaulctl condition- price 730. IJ"OMOIlll.E 2111 Market t. Locust ISO. .11. A. JENKS. Mgr. E changoCarDe t. P"1GE" 1013. 11-10; nverairo tires; driven inuii miles: will kell reasonable, I'hono Locust :i302 J. 1811 Wlntnn touring, painted brown, brown upholstering, non-skid tlrea nil around; two extra tires nn rear bumper and full equip ment of tools; car recently overhauled: must be sold this week; price xiOO. P Ids, Lodger Office, Tiiu"oak"land touring'.". W) 101 1 Htiideb iker t luring ,V) GOMERY SCHWARTZ. 2W N. Rroad st. 1013 Scripns-llooth roadster In excellent con dltlon. P 122. Ledger Office. ANY PART TO BUILD OR REPAIR A CAR. SCHOIIER. 3a41-4S MARKET. SEND FOR FREE IH1LLETIN ' or USED CARS 00RSON Airro exchange, aaa n. rroad Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New gurage opened ; curs tiougtit, snld and exchanged; uccesborieH, new anl old; cour teous ufcsUtunts, evpert mechanicians. COME SEE ITS. PbllaAutn PartsCo.. 1111 H. llroad,. Phlla, i.'i'i'.S In" 1 1 oil vim rt Stibdlvlalun. near Houston, Texau, tn exchange for second-hanI uutomo- biles und motor trucks up tn $3uou, II 21.1. Ledger Central. WANTEI-OLD AUTOS FOR PARTS. oSI-2,1 NORTH 1'ITII ST. ,v , ,,t J , N. 1 . I i nMKT VHATS TUG. ) y ER,E Vr-sATl A ' s- N S1 W H0V. I - US1S No J rT 1 i ! IILIII- IISjl II Ul OIL L I-" - USIIll'll I 'MM 1IIIII4.SII 1 i II ' "' ' ' .1 I II I - ' " t l 1 l I i i "' I iR l II ' ' j X --ft. 1 ( Nffr- NHKsryowfa Mtrirr. a I COMPANION? I Who wrote "Solitude is sweet" ntatlc a doubt ful statement. Every day wc see advertisements for "companion for an cld,crly lady"; "compan ion for elderly gentle man" ; "companion for invalid," etc. Congenial companions can be reached through the Ledger it appeals to the right class of men and women. If you arc in need of such a person, use a Ledger Want Ad. It is where a "compan ion" would expect to meet you. Phone, Write or Call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 .Ss,V,XSYrN AUTOMOBILES limited WE PAY up -to J too for old antes. Garage, fill N 10th. Phone 3SI.1. Poplar AITTOI 1WI JUNK. Ml N. ST. I 1 1 1 1 N H I ' A 1 1 . . OLD nutos wonted, any ago or condition, prices, Dougherty, 1KIB N. 10th. Ph. Diamond .T122. AUTO LIVERY AND QAHAOES TO HIRE (open dnv nnd night), brnnd-new n-pass. tour. iar. with robes, $1.23 hr.; nleo lirnltd.nniv 7-n.iss. Iltnoilslne. St. 311 hr. ; Weil. dings, funerals. Poplar 1017 W. 1713 Glrard. FELTON GARAGE 0.1D. I-ELTON AND QIRARD AVE. PHONn RELMONT 1101 OERMANTOWN OARAGE. 0223 Germmtown nve., Ins room tn storo moro enrs; cars to hire; .tl.30 up per hour. Phono Gin. 437.1. AUTO REPAIRING 7 SPEEDOMETER TROURLES 1 See HILLY, nt his new location, MO NORTH RROAD ST. CYLINDERS REIIOREII, new pistons nnil rings furnished weldings nnd brazing, H. Tl. Underwood Hi Co.. 1023 Hnmllton at.. Phlla. STARTING, lighting nnd Ignition expert; nnv nicch. or elc apecliiltv for uutns nttnehed or lepalrcd. Reatty. 1110 W. Ontario. Tioga 7231. AUTO SUPPLIES -nEARINGR- New Departure Scrvlen Sta. Tho Gwllllam Co. 1311 Arch st.Phones Vnlnut .1407. Race .1002. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. GRI.V.:S, 2111 N. Rroad st. DEMOUNTARLE RIMS for Ford cars. 313 per Het, Installed, Duplex Tiro Co., 222S N. Rroad st. Phono Diamond 142.1. DOGS PEDIGREED ENGLISH RITLLDOO PUPPIES. '' MONTHS OLD. PHON'H LLANERCH . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPITAL. A manufacturing company, estab lished ISM, having 10.000 customers on the books, fnlcs In 1013 In creased 40'T, over previous year, hav ing H brand; offices nnd 03 salesmen, is com.ielle to Incrcoso tin manu facturing uioltv, hence needing ad ditional working capital. Wo will offer stock of our companv heretofore held exclusively by our own families to mttsldo Investors In bln'-ks of $3000 nr more. Preferred stork "c, nccumulnted; common rtock earning 20. Will sell nt par nnn nhari! of inrnmou with each share of pre ferred. Rook valuo of stock wny above par. Will emiMdcr an nctlvo partner, with SlOO.nno to Invest: leferences. Ijiiii'h nnd Ilrndstrcct's. Namo nf company and tlnancltl statement given tn resrionslblo pnrty only. M 751. Ledger Centrnl. EXPERIENCED promoter. Influ ential financial connections, open for engagement on a proposition of merit; references demanded; will dcnl with principals nnlv. M 330. LEDGER CENTRAL. COI.ONIAL HOTEL--This beautiful suburban hotel, 100 sleeping rooms, largo parlors and dining rooms, 21 baths, steam .heat, 7 ncrcs of beautiful lawn, right nt Media Station and convenient to trolley, to Phlla. nnd Chester: this wnuld makn n desirable location for a sanitarium, or school: price right and liberal terms. ISenJ. T, Levis, Media, Pa. WRITE ME CONSULTING TROMOTER AND FINANCIER ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALLY M 010. LEDGER CENTRAL THE SURE WAY tn makn money Ruy n good metal muck, preferably copper or zinc. If a guaranteed dividend of 1 ir mouth, with your principal perfectly enfeguarded, would Interest you. write mo nnd 1 jvill bo glad to send demits. II.,iOI,edgor;eijriil. PATENTS-ARTIIUR E. PAIGE. 714 Walnut at.. Phlla., mechanical nnd electrical engl peer; icKlstercd patent attorney; established uure 10 cara, Inventions doveloped: patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and liti gated unywheru; rejected applications prose cuted: preliminary advlco free. SALES MANAOER-Phlladclphln district, Ohio corporation: old established; line stock and laultry products; pays $.100 to $300 monthly; requires moderate cash capital to supply es tubllshe ltrudo. C 101. lalger.OIflcc. i Oi.D-ESTAIlLISIIED GROCERY DOING $130 PER WEEK: ALL CASK Ill'SINESS: NO DELIVERY. ALL STORE TRADE. MOST UP-TO-DATE STORE IN CITY. PRICE, $13011 CASH. P 100, LEDGER OFFICE, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTY WITH $.1000 TO $3000 CASH to Invest III one of tho best propositions: strl. tly honest and b ultimata must have mill and tako an art Ho part: nartlculcts by appointment "J&i?yi,!!ier- l'e"lrtt LOANS NEGOTIATED nn legacies. Inheri tances, estates, stacks, bond securities, ware house receipts, raw mutcrlt. notes, bill1 and 80 Wall St., Now York, CCI'UIICS rt'CIt'lVUUir, ,,, ., linfullltlUM, , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OENTLtiMAN. " Hebrew, single, 40 to 4,.' wanted, of good appearance! must he nf good standing; to give part lime as overseer of successful mercantile business, ono In bnsl ncss for himself preferred qjm. l.edrer (iff. $.1000 WILL HIT nirtnorshlp offered In Urge theatre: not moving pictures; profits $30 to sin or moro weeklv;wlll stand closest In vcstlg.-uinu. No trltlers or meddlers need npply. M 7,.i. Ledger Central. WANTED, one. or two active business meti with n capital of. $13 000 In nn obl-esmb-llshed and growing business. Full particulars Kivrn in nin juiiieiin iiiinaing. llltSINESSmnnorwomnn wnnled with $15,000 in invesiignio inveuiinn wntcn mases war Impossible and lias grenl rom. possibilities nterylowrollcltod. Ad. H44, Inl,Cent. Victor ,f. eV'anh a co. Patent Attorncvs, Washington. I). C. Write for de'crlptlvo booklet, . At)VERT18l,-20 words In 100 monthhes. .1 100 vvcekller, $2.30; 20 Sunday papers. $.1. In nll.Jts.Cope Agency, SI. Lnuls. PlCTrtlE THEATRE, $2300: terms; earns $71 upward weekly: trill; booming location: no ompetlton, Invcstlgnte. llarrlst, 201 N.Hroad. IIOTEf,, Ocean f'llv. N." .1.. located near tho beach; Orat-elass fnllnwlnc. For particular .JiddrefsP 021. Ledger Office. $3 A MONTH secures Interest In growlng'or- clnnl. .will be. producing heforo paid for . HARRY DARLINGTON? 1420 Chestnut st PAINT manufacturing plant anil business for eal Smyth. intOMarket el , Phlln.. Pa. WILL riNANCE builder nn "smnll operations. give parlluilnrs, II lllfl. Ledger Central. Wnnleit MANtirACTURER nf tnnchlnerv nnd metnl nrniiucin naR cnpn'Miy rnr-nitft'i lines engineer- my or reeen. snectnltl ties. C 21, Ledger Office. hAfEltli'.M'UD business tnnn will. Invest with services In nrnninble growing cnniem Pnto nnttiro nf business. II fill ledger Centrnl. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LTEST STYLES rULL-DEESS SUITS clothes nni.iv. called for free CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 213 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE LEIDNEIVS. 10TII & OIRARD AV . H.W.COR. SUPERl'LUOUS HAIR removed livrlectrnlvslsi the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Ulilg. Miss Iloppc. h'ilrdrcnar, facial mnsmge.mTn Icur'g, form. Mint Arcade, with Mies Kmllh. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutntvavs, Tuxedos and Sink Stilts Tn hire nnd made to order. NnURAUHR, THE TAILOR, 10 N. Oth st. Rell plmne. Walnut 201S. FI'RS AND FUR COATS nltcred and repalreil, reasori'ible prices: work- minshln ginranlred. Send nostalor nhonellel- monts;,') W. fit AS .1 ROOSS, 31.17 Arrh st. Will call nnd glip estimate. rtti.i, DREst Tttxnno, frock and'ci't"- AWAY SUITS TO HIRE. ALL NEW BTY!.- ISII GOODS: LARGE ASS'ORT'T SMtEt, . COOPER, 1010 Glrard live ; phn Poplar 0142. . " DIAMONDS" IinttrHIT nanlf reference. Appraisement. I; HARRY W. SMITH 717 HANSOM ST. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anvwbero We get vnur money for vou. AMCOSE AGENCY. 1301 Arch st. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TII ST. AROVE CHESTNUT Jtell'hone. I-ocuat 1000 WEST PfltLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PIIILA. 3c PER YARD WI?T PIIILA, .1870-72 LANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MAKE jour nwn clothes whllo learning; prac tical, Inexpensive lourses. ,lav nr en. Mcdowell dressmaking school .107 Penckli Itiilldlng. Uth and Mnrket sts POTTER SCHOOL OC DRESMAKINO: DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS. uuiAill) avj;. 1'opiir ieiti. HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents n yard; all mate, rials. A. REICHARD. 111.1 CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS HEMSTITCHING. 3c. jard, Al material, but tons cove., plcntlng. stamping, hand embroid ery. Modern. 1002 Chestnut. Phone Spruce 2.10" TOR SALE HILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, rold, rented, exchanged; repairing: supplies Iifo Krafer. American manufac turcr, ,121 Glrard nvo. HILLIARD AND POCKET TAIILES - Also bowling allovn; easy payments. REUNS- VICK-RA:-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch HILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hand tables, repairing, supplies Clnrk-Hird Mfg. Co.. 2I21 N. Front. CASH Ri:OISTERS, new nnd factory rebuilt. New total nibb rs ns low as $.10 on easy monthly payments. Call and aco pur 1010 models. All registers sold by us fully guar anteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO., 700 Chestnut at. DESKS, filing cabinets, sifco. telephone booths and offico furnlturo and llxtures ot every de scription; used, hut in lino condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere IJUOmHllTII AN1JIUTTONWOOD. DESKS, largo nssortment; nlso household fur niture. Dllllng Central Secnnd-band Ftlrnl- jlurn Companv. Oui-ouil-l I Cullnnhlll st SAFES Flreproor; closing nut slightly used; nil Pl'.'n iv iiiiimh. ,,,h ,,., , ftt.tiin. ,,, ... ,-,u,,,,. SHOW CARDS, wall cases, "shelving." flno floor cases for sale cheap. 210 Mnrkct et. JOT-CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO, cost jeno new; others ot $73 and $13: payable $3 monthly. Cnll nr wrltn fnr cotntib to Hats. llEPPF.'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth nml Thompson sta $123-LESTER UPRIGHT PIANO, cost $130 now: othcrn at SHO. $150 and $100; by prom inent makers; pavuhle $3 monthly. Cull or write for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth and Thompson at.. $2IO-SHOMACKER PIANO, cost $130 new, $213 Hcppo upright piano, cost $10 now. $21)3 Illaslus upright piano, cot $330 new. Several Hcppe-made pianos with .1 sounding boards at reductions nf $73 nnd $100 below regular prices; payments $0 monthly and up ward, (all or write for complete lists. HEPI'E'H UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. $.12S-AUTOMANUAL TLAYER-PIANO. cost $030 new: $173, player-piano (Aeolian mnde); price SI 7,i now; several pianola pianos at re ductions of $30 and $73 below regular prices: slightly used und fully guaranteed for S yenrs; terms SVmuntlily and upward. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPIi'S UPTOWN STORES Comer Oth and Thompson sta $23 TO $75 Soveml pinno-players (outside at tachments); will lit nny upright piano; pay ments $H monthly. Cnll or wrlto for complete """'' HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts 120 f.0-VICTROLA VI and 0 10-ln. D. F. rec oriUi guaranteed tn bo in perfect condition: nn excellent outfit for ono who la looking for a good machlno at n reasonable price; 30 cents weekly accepted, cnll or wrlto for com plete descriptions und large Illustrated cata logues, unppE's uptown sTonna Corner Oth and Ibompson sts. LARGE EDISON TALKING MACHINE, with cabinet nnd 30 records: finished In beautiful quartered oak; cost new $$!: can bo paid 73 cents weekly: an excellent bargain; In good condition; write for complete list of bargains and special trial offer. HDI'PE'S UITOWN STORES Coirxr Uth und Thompson m. COUPLE must sacrifice practically new plaver piano, gold mirror, parlor suit ($12), leather and tapestry library suits, Jucobeau dining, oak breakfast room, mahogany und Circas sian bedrooms, brass bedH, Davenport bed, couch, easy chairs, rugs, palntlnaa, grafunola, etc. Restdenie tll'-'S N UAH RANGE und Instamuncuus Watcl-lleuler bath short time In use, for sula on account of moving. lf,2il Walnut sti ceL 60 CENTS WEEKLY RUYS A VICTROLA Cull or write fur particulars. HBPPE'H UPTOWN SPORES Corner 0th am) Thompson sts. t t t t IIEATINQ MAIMN-KELREY HEALTH HEAT IJ better nnd. cheaper than stenm or hot water. Purs rest nlr flth normal mol-ture. MAKIN KELSEY, ft N isth si.. Phlla. LAUNDRIES rAMILY wash, fiOc. n bag: oil wah-i return ed In less than 21 hours. .North Phlln. IMrnn Wash Laundry. .1011 N. lllh, Ph. Tioga WST. MACHINERY AND TOOLS Irs NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND jour ma chlno bearing wayo by making them heller, AlN"Tr.Vf,,ic,."rON,,e ifn-WC ""fflriSf.! ""Atw KouN.i" j M j ,N;?;.Ms'7,,d:v. POWER-PL NT EQUIPMENT Dvnamf. ntntnrs liollers. sleam nnd oil en gines, pumps, nlr comr.rosso.r RANK TOOMEY inc. 127 V. .Id st. lin.Vli'f" RAtllltTT METAW Imperlnl. Vlnnr Roval. Monitor, .Vincent, rlRADEI) FOR EVERY WIHPOSB, CHARLES HON!' COMPANY, 320 Arch St. CONTIIACTOIW MACHINERY-lairgei nnd well-selected stock Tor Immediate delivery, rend for list. Sr fort's, 117 N. .Id st. HAND SAWS, Jig sows, bnnd resawa, circular resiws, 12, 11. 10, IN, Bit. 24 Inch Jointers. NtALL 1741 N. 3tb. t YNAMOH. motors nnd macliTnery bought, sold and rented, armatures repaired. Main 01, Market fiW.3. Yenrsley Co., 221 N. .Id st. GAS. GASOLINE AND OILENGINES OAS AND OIL ENGINE CO.. 43 N. j THSJ. PIPE Second hand, all fires. Phlla. Second- Hand Pipe Sunnlv Co 1003 N. 7th M. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $.1l-VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 21 ss. lections (12 loin. D. F. records) this Imtru. cut has n dcublo spring nnd nil tho latest features. Including tho new concert sound box, nnd Is an excellent machine In every wny; can Im paid for nt the rnto of 73 cents weekly; call or wrl e for complete description-; and large llluslintrd ntalogucs. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner (Jllv and Thompson sta PIANO Onbler Upright, In mahogany caoo, medium size, good loudlllon. $13. HOWARD VINCENT Mil Vts-SIO N. OTH Estnhllshel 30 Years. . PIANO-Full slro Weber, cost $300. In good condition, $1.13. IIOWAIli) VINCENT. Mlt-MS-mO N. OTH , Established 30 Ycnrs I ANO Fischer Upright, foil size, in good condition, $73. This la n great bargain. IIOWAIli) VINCENT. KlltHS-SIO N. OTH Established 30 Years. PIANO Hardimn Upright piano. Inrge aire, elegant condition, $11". Llko new. Would consider monthly irivmonts tn reliable party. HOWARD VINCENT. Sill Slt-SIO N. OTH Established 3d Years. PIANO-Stclnwnv Upright, innhnrnny case. f:nod tone, as good as new; cost $330. Can bo inhght at a great sacrifice. HOWARD VINCENT, MllWI-SIO N. OTH Established 3d Years. riANO Chlckorlng Upright, good condition: cost $300; can bo bought for $110; cash or easy terms. . HOWARD VINCENT. MO IIS-SIO N, OTH Eatnbllshod 30 Years. PIANO-Chlrkcrlng Upright, beautiful mnhog nnv case, llko new; cost $330. First reason able offer accepted. HOWARD VINCENT. RIO fi.11-810 N. OTH Established 30 YcorS; PIANO Angclus Flayer, bench, muslo nnd niuslo cabinet, nil In elegant condition, JlS.i cash, or terms mndo to suit, HOWARD VINCENT. KI0-R18-8I0 N. OTH Established 30 Years. PIANO Emerson Upright, full Blze, mahogany caso; a very flno Instrument. Can bo bought on easy terms, nt a great bargain. HOWARD VINCENT, Md-KIR-SIO N. OTH Established 30 Years, , PIANO Raby grand. In handsomo mahogany caso: exceedingly small; only In use two months: cost $750; will eell for S1R3. Easy terms could bo nrrnngod with rcllablo party. Do not miss this opportunity. HOWARD VINCENT. K'lll-taS-IIO N. OTH Established 30 Yenrs. PIANO $143 New Upright jiionn. Theso pianos wcro mndo tn Hell for $27.1, $.11)0. $130. Guar anteed for 10 jenrs. Having purchased tho entlrn Btock of theso 1315 stylo pianos ot u prominent Now York manufacturer nt ridicu lously low figures, I will closo them out nt f rices never before heard of. IOWARD VINCENT. KIO-S.1R-SI0 N. OTH Established 30 Years. ; PLAYER-PIANO Knnbe, full size, mahogany case, Uko new; will sell for $230. HOWARD VINCENT. Kill KIH-HIO N. OTH Established fill Years - PLAYER-PIANO-$273 will. buv now 88 noto Instru- player-piano, vv o navo 10 of theso mnniM to ninclc nnd It will nav nnv nne who really wants n plnycr-plano for ono-hnlf tho original price to cnll nt our factory or wrlto for particulars. Lose no time, as theso few pianos will soon bo sold. Terms mndo tn suit. HOWARD VINCENT. Rill S.1S-810 N. UTH Established 30 Ycars PLAYER-PIANO Electric, foot nnd bnnd. In uso two months; cost J1000. Will bo sold at n ridiculously lnw figure. HOWARD VINCENT. 8.10 R.1R-SI0 N. 6TII Established 30 Yearn. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, ptated ware, old- style lewelrv, teeth plates bought for cash. Eat. 1S70. J. L.Clark, roflncr.K07Hansom. casiTpaid roil DIAMONDS, precious stones, gold, silver, platinum, fnlso teeth. Phlla. Smelting ft Ref. Co.. 128 3. 11th at, CASH wild for diamonds, precious stones, gold, silver, platinum fnlso teeth. Rcllablo Re- fining Co.. Uth nnd Walnut sts. OLD GOLD-Cash paid for old gold, silver. antique clocks- will call Bell phone. Locust I2in. nooF.ns. 27 s. 17th st. PRINTING SOCIETY engraving, wedding Invitations and visiting cards, cmbosMn g and printing. Card Shop, 1 00 1 Chestnut st. Open evening". ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS GET estlmato to coat your leaky tin roof; guaranteed 10 years. Paul Rock, 312 N. 4th; Market .1320. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20rH ST. A1IOVK CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPINO Ruga. CarpotH. cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell. Locust 10C0 Phones Key.. Race 41U0. FIDELITY FIREPROOP WAREHOUSES 181I-181U MARKET ST. CASH ADVANCES Storage. Moving. Autos. 5211 Market st. Phone. DERQER McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 N. 11th st,; moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. Hoth phones. Let us estimate, ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Raring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th. FIREPROOF, Mothproof Concrete Warehouse. N Phlla. Storage Co., 20.1.1 Lehigh. Tlo. 7230. Planoi and Furnlturo nought and Bold. STORAGE In separate rooms; moving, nock. tntr. shlnnllll- 11ml enrnel rlpflnlni- T.TCvIN IIROTHERS, 2018 Ridge ave. Poplar 0021. MOVINO and storage; prompt service; lowest rates; estimates free. I'hono Tioga 2178. R. M. RROWN. '1831-50 N. nth. WANTED ANTIQUE, furnlturo, falso teeth, feather beds. nruKcn jewciry, Kuni. silver, uiamonav bought. Inut. walnut 7020. Est. ISIIO CAST-OFF CLOTHING We must buvo clothing for nur new store and will pay you the best prices for men'a clothing, full dress q'uxedo suits, etc. Writs or phono Walnut 1.803 before selling to othei dealers. Bchultz. 22nnd ail N. Uth at. . CAST-OFF CLOTH. NO " " We buy your old clothing und pay moro than other dealers foe clothing, hats, shoes, etc. Pure. 508 Callowhlll st.; send postal. CAbT-OFF clothing, high prices; ladles' ov'g gowns, gents' clojlilng; postal or h. Market iojo. Sellsiwhn, Sih and Spring Garden. WANTED CAST-OFF clothing- ntt ,, 1, , . -j send postal. SNfilDMAN ti.i ', u,r"" nfl reiwiiuu;, pianos, carpels .rim,, . "sj or port I nusrti I i-usM for 1 m g? ' J ""Ml how large, .t. HernM. In la" ,.,! , " ' pay" n rnnsult ",' bcfornV. litn V ' M t. Phone Wal 1-,m. lnB' Kn"l jJb ItlTlllrsnen ...... .. gold, sllver-nlslhinm .tWr, .'1 ""$ oM llekets, 11.WI Filbert st.V' 2d"n. ", "rl J ,1,?,I".L,.TcI .'" 'J? I'.!''' f"-eenu.r..-.. -.. iinirtT ifi. "! H.n - .. wii 1111,11,,.- lit I, ,M 737 RnlnhrMrto tf. inono walnut ( ""in, ROOMS FOR RENT irir f.Titii.ri- i. .." .".- J i,h-,wV..."heaJ.r'.$S "up? Ipr... .i urnfor llght.husekpL'fe'fs". fnl S-J. "".Yi": ..; ." '.Ta jront. a rooms. t.ii.v.- lar '2101 'Vur"l,reli t"K"") "' weekTi;; HROWN, 20104 unfurn. rooms oa ;. " vnto hath, heat, 1ml water $!"'. iI,fl(?A. . . CHESTNUT. EOOO-Deslrable Mcond.flesT". . nnd bath, with nil convenience;. w,r 'Win DIAMOND. 1100-Two nicely furn. 5d"fT7-i onmLcnr!dc phej,1" I OIRARD. W 1.11.1 mrnlshed or urnvlrM. 8 rnnm! rArAroiiraii iiirn. Jit. u,-iurn.i4 Si ww..,.j..s...( tiii.u tHinny. i nOJofnlng bath; plenty nf heat ? 'iKSf. roo. UAoTnn mis v.i.. ,.. . . ' ., v '"'.," " .-cwi.- iiiniisneii room fntl.l gentlemen: southern ojcnosnr., ;-.'".V" J -.. x- ., i pnors jr MONTGOMERY AVE., W., ini-WelilfiiTrsf story rooms, ndlolnlng hath. Dlim SicS' H' PINE ST.. HC8-SInglo room, near bsisTi healed. Phono Locust 08.12 J. w"li. PPRUCE 1.1.17--Rooms. slnghT"or en mnTT . prl. baths: prof, offices: stenm heal' el"",' viyr -it.-u Tn. tiAiHi..M .. .. Z l 20 X: th:floolf Ho:fL,rnnIBb,4 PARRlSlf. n20-Lnrgo front roon;i.T- nhlo and convenient: roas. Poplar fUMw-' t,i,tr 1,1- X- , "o .. ' PARK AVE.. N , l.l, -llourekeeplng "siaT: and other vacancies for reflnd peopS; eeM '." ' " "-"" ,,.mv. nmmonq aH7.1 , I'Aitiv. avi, -nu-i iirnified rooms ttt neatea, nil conveniences. Diamond 7m"i fc -- -;"', my,, ,v PAXSON, N 25 Nicely furn. rooms i rrlvI family; 2 mln. to f.2d st.Jf Prestcn 4671 w? loin, is., iiin riiriiiiiicu rooms, all COtlTI-i, teneen. Pnnlnr IIH1 w,fn. 10TII, N., 1751-Comforlablo Xd-room tult hnth. modern home; no housekeeping; phoni 27TH ft PARRISH Attrac. film, room rrflnM family. nung mnn; refs. Penlar 7117 w 50TH. 8.. Ill Ha"ndsomey turnlihed M-floef sunny rooms: etectrlo light, hot-water heiti ern:,c,i neigiinoiioonj private: hone I'i 1MB PARK "AVE.-Two furalheTu1tr 4 hkpg. : $4.50; ndjolnlng bathngle vac. I -4401 CHESTNUT Lovely roo'ms, prlvatTbitB I - furnished, unfurnished: dining mom. ' PRIVATE FAMILY. II minutes from qW-i't' Lnno station. Oermantown', has f urtilrtsl . s ' -,,r - .... - ...... ,-.. uil. I A, n.nnn .AHt. , n , ..- 4 ,,,,v,,4 ,-,,, nun,, iu'u - ptensini r., ,'i floor front rooms, furnished! no"chlldrn ,; references, WoodHnd 1001 M, 'i i COJIFORTAnLH front room, ressnnsM. t i refined pnrtv; prlvato family. Wondld. 2774 1 y.1-2 THVn Inrcn rnnmit. hnnanWpdnlnfr' rt---taV- n nicely furn llirl room, $2 1401 N. 18th, J ... ... .. '; ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMEN want two rooms and rrlriU i iiiciii in iiiDurii imrcn nouse, seals lermil permanent. Jt 1)33, Ledger Central, YOUNG couple des. a rooms nnd hathfTiVMt Phlla., near Tnrk preferred. C 105. Led. OH, J BOARDING TlTA7.mJT. 2007 T.nrr-rt rnnm-t. nonth. kytmi. uro. tilngle. fn RUlto; table Iw.iril, Dla, 243W KPHITflR. 122,-2(1 nirtninonrfM ITurn. rfwwni .1. Bingln, en nulto: prlvn t ft I'ftthw: tablo botrd. 40TII. N.. ii2 Attractively furnl-hed. lunn; rooms; excellent table; phone. Allnntlc Cltv. V. .7. CALIFORNIA AVE.. 27 ft. Attractive hui comf. rooms; excellent table; refined location BOARD WANTED SINGLE, elderly gentleman desires boirl Is prlvato rnmny In tiermuntonn: wants com- fortnble room, with conveniences. State j terms nnd Incntlon. C 102. ledger Office. SANITARIUMS IIEAUTIF17L location: special scientific can; nervojs, olderly; every comfort: norcn Rooklet. Dr. Rondnl. City line, Cheitmit Hill APARTMENTS i siWi IT CORNI-n 17TII AND WALNUT STS,, This IH-ntory concrcto nnd ateel flrrf ntruL'turn rcachcH tho hlnhpat rolnt ot vnlonmont as yet nttalnerl In apartment construction, nmi miiy uo propeny Ierfect pliico nf nbo'le. , An rarneat effort Iuih been made to offef n mntchlOBa home ta thoso AXhoae flrit con pfdfatlon la not to count tho cost aloif, biu to procure that which they -itrts whero thcro la only perfection, the size Mi character of which may bo selected Bhaped nccordlnff to tho distinctive rccjuir4 inentH of tho individual. , Hutten nro arranKed from two roorn M ono bntn tn ten rooms nnn nve uatno. inc,u Tho locution Is excellent, being convcnKBI la tho business and shopping centres anil lit not too near, , , All things considered, the rentals r moderate . . . .. Further Information, nrrangements for IJ; Bpectlnn and reservation may bo mMli througn NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Wnlnut Street. ... . - .-. iiniii rissn n -sTtf TTIrV!. WAIiWUT Aisu Jiiil rio. ip. Vtr"n ie-1 1... ti..-i . sttFosiiuai hitrh piimnr p nuii-i iai ciiuiiuiijr mniii-iiin ,v" ; i.ll. abundantly lighted on three sldesisulUblt? for housekeeprng. If desired. 73.Janltorea premises. jiaiiiii-ii, ii,kivAai. - lui cnesinuc si. 103 H. 11TII ST. Rachelor apartmenHI aa tlonally desirable 2d-floor suite, 2 laref.rfff; ntul bath; every modern Improvement; 'siumr on premises; stenm hem lncunmi. h,. liAlilir.ic. . t WALNUT. J411-33 Comfortable apartments, 1 ' ., ---.-.. -,....,. ,,i ilrai.rlass left" II 1 IUUI1IO, EI'IIIB ,,,,,,,n,IV JD-rt lee. Apply Janitor. I'none pruc', uiiuivn iiAimpw into l?ppllent arts, la I .VU1" :"?tT7.Jj'-ZZ-y .. . LiiphanittlAJ. Qinereni nouaeai suing iuiimj.l--- CWJIl',Sls 22d anu Chestnut sts, A few desirable vacancies, lanrs snil sms'ii A Vent 1'hllnilelplila, I OFFER a large variety of atwrtnien tl l varied prices ami to meet aim "..."'".mu ; NORMAN S HIIERWOOO. H',J.)Jr?")"i SPRUCE 8071. RACE W- FURNISHED APARTMENTS West riillaclelphl- J , ....... .Tun W nn.l l.alh SflCOnS j9 floor. tSatterlee, 453(1 Chestnut it.; -" " A long lease. Phone Raring 17IU J, "ffl HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS COR. RIDOE AND JEF-FEnSON - 1 lor. a rooms und bath.iltt. APPU " f s. li. 1.1 ilnn 'I uii-ima P. Cowird Co., 20th and Jefferson sti. DIAMOND. 2112-Three rooms, bath- "I'S""' refi- liot-vvaier niai anu noi wirri 'LARCIIWOOD'o,.rl,, LARCI1WOOI) ANO 4VlII STIltETS EIWAR1 IIUTCHINKON. Jr. 122 U. 13th, or 117 8. sit" By C. A. VOIGHT llltDKIJ.N .IliVVLLIiy. f . . .,,th . Coin bnoi,, with prices 1 pay. msY'SaTs "," Ross (People's Store), 2C,0 rf l(h'lp! . ' CAST-OFF (LOTHINri Highest J,, ' ,ST for 1 idles iind mo-i'e. tlnth " El '",'H ete phone Poplar :ikii. m v'i" ..f,'1'.'!, rnll. XtilUnht. I '1? a tn.i: "n r"Hr.nt tt-1.1 t' - f r H IS I. K F I- K