PHpR J, IJIIUJUH I 1DIIII :'fimPLlUl nip .gl'J'p.tfJiiHuniJ.llpppppi LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBtttTABY 15, 101Q. s ija if I .... U! EVENING "financial NEWSll! GREATEST PART OF SPECULATIVE , TRADING WAS IN MARINE PREFERRED i .. I.,.,. ' Ohe Broker Sold 10,000 Shares on a Single Order Price t Dropped Sharply, Then Recovered Crucible Steel Up More Than Six Points New York Stock Sales High Poinis in Today's Financial News Maine Central directors declared an initial dividend nf $1.50 nn the I iitio preferred stock. Conferences on propote'd new Itussian loan, amount- ng to octween f.w.000,000 ana $100,000,000, interest probably 7 per cent. Negotiations completed for one-year $18,500,000 loan for Argentina. Good quarterly statements by Utah and Ctiino Copper Companies. Foreign ex change market quiet. Pennsylvania Steel shares strong on Philadelphia Stock Exchange. The common stock sold tip $17 as compared with the last previous sale on February 11, 1915. Street had it that Schwab bid may be accepted by Pennsylvania Haihoad interests. Wall Street under stood that the new 20-year convertible bonds of-Midvalo will be offered to public at 99. Midvalc received 95, Syndicate purchased at Oil. New high prices for wire products. jw yoiik. rob. 15. 1. Marino preferred occupied the greater part of tlto field In todny'fl Hpecu Trttlvo trading, l'rom tlio opening until Into In U10 last hour that Block Was offered in largo blocks, 0110 biokcr selling 10,000 HliatcH on 11 Hluglo otdri, TvJillo other houses, often handling Important accounts', Including olio foiincrlv '"tXJjresontlng the Interests of an Important patt of tho company, offeied the stock at what, for a time, neomcd to be a flood. From 71U at tho opening, tho price chopped to lfi"6, but on reaching thli flfjuro thero was nn abrupt change In market movements. Huylng orrit'ii Camo in Just as largo oltimo as tho selling older had pieviously been, and TVllliln a few minutes a IHc-poInt rally occurred, making a recovery of tho greater part of tho preceding loss. Tod.iy's selling wai lwed, to a great extent, on tho published statements of tho ltrltlslt tlrncrntnont'H policy to Incrcaso taxation and rcduco compensation. Back of this, however, was tho disturbing Influence of the contest between Jho two committees, and tho lower loels established on tho decline auto matically forced liquidation of the specul itIo holding and added to tho presume Whether the weak accounts have nil been closed out or not must for tho t'mc bo a subject of conjecture, but In tho lato trading mote was said about tho earnings of the company and of the addition of capital resources result ing from last year's earnings of $40,000,000 and tho expected profits of $1.0,(100,000 during- tho current year. Cruclblo Steel was In sharp contrast with Marino prcfoned. After selling af76Vi in tho first hour, tho price roso more than a points . Tho movement in, these two stocks wero tho most prominent features of tho Hading, but "trio Injcrborough issues wero nlso foiccd Into piomlnencc, with the two classes of .stock and the '14 per cent, bonds being pressed on tho market at con cessions as a result of tho developments at the legislative hearing. Tho general list was comparatively neglected, and such Issues as United States Steel common nnd Anaconda, after frequent showed Httlo net chango at tho end. Alaska J (told Mines Alaska Cloul Mines . Alllt-tliilm-r Mfu Allli-Chilmerj Mfg tf Am Ab Chemical . Am licet Simir Am Hoot Sugar if , Am Can Am Cm pf ... Am Cat ,t Kilv am tir a ttly pf . Am Coil l'roducli Am Coil Prod pf . Am Collon oil Am Cotton Oil tf .. Am lliiio .. l..allier . Am Hide A I. pr Am he Srurliiif Am Unseed pf . .. Am LiKumnllu' Am hocomnlho pf. . , Am Smelt A ItoC. .. Am Smelt A Kef pf . . Am Smelt pf A Am Siicir lief , Am Sinnr lief pf .. . m 'Irl A Tel Am Tolnreo Am rob pf new .. Am Woolen lr rit Am Woolen pf t t . , Am Xlnr I, a Srn . , Ameoml 1 Cop M . Aoi I iletl Oil A teh 'I up A H K Alth 'Inp -S I' A Pf llihlt-ln loco Works Hilllnmre A Ohln n.illlmnri' & Ohio pf. aiopiiM .Mining . Hellili lipin siorl Iletliteluni Steel pf llronkl-n Hip lr . Hush Icrmlml Unite A SuiHTlor . Cil Petroleum C.inacllit. P.ielfle . ( amillan Miillu fn t enlra' Ix-illier Centnl I.eiiher pf. f hesipeike A Ohio ( hint. Copper . C Idle t upper ChleiMi (it West C hli mo (II W pf . ( Id Mil A St p . C C ( A St 1. . C (' ( A si 1, ,,f Cld A Northwestern C Id It I A 1- ic . ( luil I Pea A f 11 Col Pud A Iron COHsolltl itid (lis .. Can . . ( orn Piodui It Itef Corn Prod Itef pf . 1 rut IDID Neel II 2.W HO'l fWi 005 0o)j (U51 II 23' ;toH 81' 7V( " Oils Hi 100' i 100) a 70 i' Jistcloe 11 IrIi. Low. Close, Il'i 0J( 2' 2.1Ji Wa ;u . 71 71'f mm -in 00 Ji 0315 . 0lf 02' i .110 110 . 71 7Hf .117 117H 117U H7 H 1(17 Km icovs ion J v,h 1104 110H in; . f.-4 MH fill) f0'i .KM) 100 100 1IHI , 1(14 10 10 10 , 104 r.i m r.i :id ill's :)4 .' U U IJ 2 (0 1.0'' l,V( ('0 ,102'f llli.4 tO-'Ji 10J4 1014 1024 101 10J lU!'' 1U 1114 lllt .. IH 'iVi ili "; Id IM 113 . 117'f 117 110 110, . 127)1 1275 I27!i 1274 ,. HI '.4 1014 101 tl t-S .1004 1004 1(04 1004 ... -104 104 IS4 104 .. 074 1)74 07 07 . 704 704 754 704 . . 004 004 S04 S0' . 004 004 i(j4 "''US 101 1014 101 1014 101 I01?j 1014 1014 1124 li:i4 1114 1114 SS S7jj .S74 h75s 771. 77 77 77 ITALY CUTS ALL TRADE DEALING WITH GERMANY Visit of French Minister of Interior Yields Quick Break THE ALLIES ARE UPHELD . 24 24 24 24 170 4004 -K'04 1004 . no i:n i.'H i:n S"i H.-.4 KI4 '4 ..110 11S4 1IS4 11S4 .. .n,' ,vi4 st( t-s . .'124 :i24 :U4 :)24 . 172 1724 1714 1724 .. oS4 fs4 fiS4 oS4 ftpf W4 ".14 W4 ..1005. 110 110 110 lii 024 (IIMV(.J . fs4 fiS4 f74 BS . 2.14 21 214 214 . 1.14 1.1 slU U . iid ::n iiii ltd . Ho4 034 !)" 0"i ,. 10 10 10 10 . . 70 "I 7.1 7.1 1304 1204 120 1.04 1!) 104 10 104 . 724 724 7J4 7.'4 . Ifi's 104' lfi4 104 Cruilliln stool nf . nil suuii iswui ua uiiueii ,,... , - , ,, , , ., , Cuban-Am sucir . variation dutlng tho daj, i)cmi.r ,v m0 (Jr Ditrolt Lulled Itjs New HIrIi Prices for Steel Products Notices havo been hent out by tho American Steel and Wliv Company of nn advance of $2 a ton In all classes of who products. The wire prices aro now higher than at any time slnco tho organization of the United States Steel Cor poration. What tho advance means In the way of profits to Amciican Steel and oWire, a subsidiary of United States Steel, Is shown by tlu fact that a jeai ago wlro nails wero quoted at $1.55, fence who $1.35 and ,'.ilnnled barbed wire $1 S3 Tho National Tube Company advanced tho price of steel and lino pipe $-' a ton on 12 inch nnd smaller, wlillo oil country goods aro advanced $3 to $1 per ton. This is tho third advance In steel pipe this year. " S.alc of Properties of New Jersey American Woolen Company Authorized jnUSGV CITY, Fob. 15. At a special meeting of the stockholdois of the American "Woolen Company this nftcrnoon tho sale of propel ty and assets of tho New Jersey corporation to a now company organized under tho laws of Massachusetts was authorl7ed. There were voted about 375,000 shares of l)roferredNHtoclc and 181,000 shares of the common stock In favor of tho sale. Tho consideration Is $50,000,000, which will be paid In stock to the holders of tho New Jersey corporation, and the 375,000 shares of prefencd and 1S1.00O Snares of common New Jersey concern will ho retired. ' Rumor $10 n Share Offered for Controlling Interest in Ce4den BALTIMOUG, Teh. 15 It was widely reported In financial cliclcs today that an offer had been mado of $40 a shaio for a controlling interest In Cosden Ji Co. Tho rumor lacked confirmation. Initial Dividend on Maine Central New Preferred Tho directors of tho Mnlno Central Railroad declared an Initial dividend of $1.50 on the now preferred stock, pnyablo March 1 to htock of rccoid February 15. Dlimimil Match 100 i:il4 1.114 1.114 1M4 , SO 704 704 704 "'4 "J 214 22 0(1 i 004 004 004 77 S24 704 S'j'i, 111 1114' IK14 1U4 200 202 100 100 114 104 104 104 s.54 s7? S74 s.jj LIGHT TRADING IN COTTON; JPUKASED ACREAGE ItEI'ORTEI) in Some Covering of Shorts in March. Receipts Smaller itiNEiW YORK, Feb 15 Business was tho smallest In a long period on tho Cot ton Uxchnneo this morning, only eight transactions being recorded on tho call Tho opening tone was barely steady, with prlcoa 3 to 4 points lower, or about In Una with Liverpool cables There was absolutely no elgnlflcanco to tho early trading. Some covering of shorts In Jfarch was no)ed, but hedge belling, which 1 many )mve looked for, was absent. After the call the market hhovved an easier ten. dency and further losses of 1 to 2 points were reported. Liverpool turned easier In tho later ffadlng and prices hero sold about 5 to S points under last night's closing figures ilurJng tho middle of the morning. There appeared to be considerable Wall street and wire-house liquidation on tho de fine, 'but tho offerings wero not heavy, nfld. after selling off tolIOSo for Slay prices rallied S to 3 points from the lowest. Rumors of an easier ocean freight ltuatlon probably helped to check the decline, particularly as Buch a develop ment might have been partly responsible tax the setback In Liverpool, Repoits from Natcber Indicated a break In the JfUalsplppl River a few miles north of St. Joseph, While the overflow at that point was considered a serious matter from a jrjiperty standpoint, It was not generally regarded as likely to exercise any mato iinl effect on coming crop prospects. The easier turn to tho afternoon market wH due to the selling of some 7000 bales July contracts at 12.25 and 1-N21 by one .broker. Hedge sales against spot pur chases In the South weie also a featuro. on the decline. Covering demand In creased around the 12Uc level. Waco, feic. wired,: "Grain crop being a failure Jn many sections, cotton acreage in Texas wilt ba increased considerably." Advices from the Eastern belt nlso said a larger acreage would go under cotton the com ihjr season than last year, Arrivals of cotton at "New York toduy wero 6201 bales, Including 197 llntera. Ye.close. Open, lllsrh. taw Ctoio ... . not u.&s una ji.70 . ... U.15 12.1S 12.JJ U.00 U'.OC! . 12 1-' '."J 12.10 12 18 12.10 12J1T 12 S3 J2 31 12.22 12 23 .. .. r.'.YS 12.1'J 12 40 12.41 12.42 . V 12.00. .,.,. 11,03 fttsrch , May Inly October January Liverpool Cotton UYJSRIOOL, Feb, 15. Spot cotton to day was nulet at 6 points lower, on the basis of S 03d. for mid Upland The sales aggregated WOO bales, including 4000 bales American The imports were 21,000 bales, sUl American The market for futures closed easy at a net decline of 6V3 to 0 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET SBW YORK, Veb 1$. The coffee Market was Arm again this morning with nt prlcil showing -alns of 3 to 10 lHtat& Sales on the call ware 4S00 bags. Itlce continued firm throughout the tlty QWlmr to svattsred buying- for trade recount and in the upsenoe of more than juoJerato offerings. TotUK'" YektMdsy'a essoins. " do - mi TUiTII Tatar ijauaSrve 1. 041.111 TJttfklM Ali-tt lW tmt iJKxtiia H.IS AM New York Bond Sales uivw Anglo r r. ', S00O Amor Smelt "ce i.s lnooo Amcr Tol clt Is . . 1HMI (111 ct It. auxi Armour Co J'jm JIIKKI AUIilson Ken Is J(() do ,', Jinn Atlm Co Uno Ht 4s KIXI (In !t Ih . . . MUIO rirtlt i. Ohio .I'.l . 10( do 4h .1MXK1 do n IM . . WO llusli 'Jcrm IlIdB Is lisio c r C sen 4s .'0(10 Cent Leather 1st rs 71MHW Lhlll Cddnep T . iikki rhes . Ohio tv Illch . S". Ill', 2l5 lulVj . II" 1(1111, . 112'J 'IP. 111, llj'i 111 IVj II" 111'j I 'lose lll 111', L1MIII Phna A. tlliln Jl(. 1IKVI Chi & Alton 1'Cs . (JXI I hi lit West 4 MMK) chl II & ij Joint 4a .VIGO Chl II .t( U.M1 4s MO Chl II tc It nit li till, .. 1121, . us 7'iJ 1112 1 12' IV,s.. S7i HUM 3 IliOl, !'-'!; 2' s" S7 UN, til'i 112 H21i 117 lis sst, SSI, 7!1i 7'H, 102 102 1 12 1 12 OS'S III lisl. 11100 Chl Mil Hi St I dll Is 021; -mm chi Mil 4. st v li ri io7i; 200(1 Chl Mil St I' lv 4'4 11IIU 1000 Col A. South 1st 4s IIHh (10(1 Col I" A. I ceil 5s . HIH. looo tlel Ac Hudson Is lull! 10OV. toon Del A; Hud rfd 4s.... IX.'. j 2lKl Den A. Itlo (lr Is . . 7S U(l lien A. Itln Or rfd .',.1 r7 loon Detroit 'lunnel 41, s . 0.1's WHO Oetrolt 1'nlted 48.. 77t, Ihmm Ills becur Curp .Is ... 721, WKXi rrla conv 4s her A . 711, loon i:rio prior 4s Ml iomi Hrecn Hay '11 ' .... 11V, -MOO (Jen i:iet deb Cs 10141 1000 (Inat Nor Ui . . . I'i'I 7000 Hud A. Mini In '. .. r.l'I ivmn 111 btosl deti 4W.s .. I2, 21X10 Indiana Steel Ss . . ..10.1 2(Jimi luwa Central ref 4s . Jl 120DO Intel h Met 4' . .. 7I, 2Ki() Interb It T ret Bs . im, 22IM10 inter Mer Mar it .. liTf 201V) Jap new Cl s 41-.S. . 7l'i 2000 Jao 4'is . ... SlJ .K4K) ltrka tcel r,s 11)2.1 luV, V4m laieka Hteet Cn 10'id . IIVU 1000 Ih Val 413s .. . SOOO Ug A. M T ' . . 200(1 l.ttr A; VI T 7s 1000 lying Islani rn 4s ... li 11KKI minu St I. 4a . ill U Minn HI 1' S S M 4s I) IV 2000 M K & T MJs .. . .311 HKH) Mo l'ae 4s ,. 4 J HUM do ct ... 42 vnitl N V Conn 4'tS . Ho 42.1000 N Y Cent lis ...nil, axx N V City 4s 1D.M1 . Hi. 12000 N V City 4V,s Itlli) ..10211 jixhi iv x uuy h.s iixo 111,1, 1000 NYC 4V4 May ST 107V 1(100 N Y flas 1l S. 1 r,a .lCKHj iiiftNt in y n it a: it us tin HOno N' V liny re 4s .. . 77W liNHxf ri 1 jiny auj ikt .... irjv. j -mm, , 1 iei Ken ia . irj.. axun) .Vorf . West Pocli 4s M5 100(1 Kort & Went 4 . W 4011O Nor l-ao prior 4s . 0HA mxmi ior i'ac Kon H9 . . iripv. wii uro itwy . N con 4s 0111 soon Oro & Cal B . 102'i liilKi 1'acltto Tel 5m . . ..101 4000 l'enna 4 1918 .. .. I)v, UMMl do Kon ct 4Vga . 1H2K i.MHI .1(1 in 4t.B llllLt'. stiuo Publia b'crv N J 6a.. noli MiflO Reading Ken la ... U".U 4000 Ken lr H Si 'fit 3000 Hoik Island 4a .... 8.1 10110 Hock Island rfd 4s.. U7U 110OO St ! M & M 4'u.. 10.1S 30011 Seaboard A I. adj Bs in "OOO Hon lh Hell it .1111 131 XX) South Pas cv 4a ... 80 BIOOO do cv ret t v s..infi' SOOO South Pac rtd 4s . , IK 1V)Ci(1 South Ilnv aen 4a tvk 7000 Koutli llwy ion in lltttf, ihu 'luiru av auj MA(U 'lOklO 0 lllli '-'t 1IS-IJ HI HS1, llJJj 107 li inl Wl 11.11. lOlfK, 1KH., 771, riinj in'J ll, lopl IIJ-V, il'i U214 iai r.n. 7l"l 100 HVH 1I2-I 72" J list; in hm. H2i 107i; 101'. Ill's II IH, 1IMH, 111,1'j 7K r,7 in', 77', 11V, 71 'I Ml II f, HU1, IIW Il'i U2i, iai 10 71', ici'i U7 4', KI4, 101 Hi 1IV l(ll4 101 HllS 101'! 10.11; 10.1', 121 '5 12(,'5 1l IMI 111 nil, :n 41 42 100 11114) on 111 tn4 S') 4.1 42 1(H) inij 111211 111."' 11171 111,1'i SfiOOil Trl-Clly Bk .. . , MOD Tokyo & ., SIHM II S tMcel Sri a( 1U30 Union Iac 1st 4a 10M1 ITnUrfi l'ae rtd 4s 1000 Va Car Cbm 1st 3a 2KO a. Itwy Ss C0O0 IVaUah 1st Sa . WOO Uab-r T 1st xt 4s.. mb Weal Md lst4a SOOO fVsj Hnore rK 4s 1071 nil. 111 7J(f 77U mvj nit; M-y NIV, tuft, navi i ui on, IJH, IJ1- til4 till, 102'i I02I4 lilt 101 WW Ut) 102W. lltt- 1(XU, 1001, WMS uou or.t. li'M uw. any. 1'itt fiv 1111 101 I l hi) K 1I1AV una. ', 1024T J02 rv UK ki 7U 7U 7!) Sib BS1 w,ft 7S 7S 7RK 105 104 HW "Ti OT 074 01 Ql at UK Ub DM. Z mil uiC. H 1R ' 1 1 9X1 ,OJ SI U slS; NOTES OF THE RAIL A new tl.009.COO tMnilual at New Orleans, to be uwsd by tlw Txa and 1'aciflc, the MUsouri 1'acilW and th St, haulu. Iron Mountbln and Soutliarn. was formally Jadlcatod yetrday Cremonls were nartU'lpated In by Government and rail road ottU-UI, Urdeis for i locovtlv of the Santa 'e tjpe are to be placed by the nsrar will Ldlce Brie to cows wttli ttie heavy ore tratftt toe ecajuaay is tiandlluff. (lU 'bj'i 70 71 11IIJ5 111)' 1 17J I7'3 71 ll'f ld'j Kl'l 1", 71',' L'fi'i , 71) r,o' ,' 775 s MID 01 .111 1')". , sflH KM .71 MM hS .'ir 10'J .11; 7.1 lll'i 17 fi-Uf in', 71'. JT 7S'i .",()', 7s)., 21 ill !)()', ,rr li).") H 15 :i7'. ri 7l)J4' s.S r.i liipj 0'i lS'j ;i7' r.i 'j Dlsim --ec ( onm . I71f 11011m .1111ps . . L"l J;'1'' 171 j l.rlo M pf . ,;il l'td Mln .1 s, Pf . fj (ten ( Irnilcil 200 di'iirral Motors if .llltj, (loodrlih II I' .. 72'i (.ranlij Lnnvil . )j.j (rtont'-C iniiipi II) droit Northern pf 1L"J Ct Nor els for oro pr 1(1' 1 (iikkcii i:x)ln . 21'f Illinois t mini . .. Int Vsriiiillncil pf .. Int II in Corpn . . .. Int H.iri N J . I at C on t or 1 t e li . Int Convol Corp pf. .. Int 1 ipir Co . ... Iusp ( on Cop Int NlrKil I t (f . . Int M M ifjof dp . Int M M pfifs of dp. Kan C'llj fcoiitliprn. .. back strel . .. l.i i Hulilier .V 'I Ire Lehigh Vallej . . . LlBUPlt Mver : I oosp-W lies II 1st pf Loose-VVIIeb II 2d I'f. Lorlllard 1' Co . .. . Mick 11 ( os Manlnt Kiel uld . Maj Dept stores Mavmll Motor . . Miv Motors 1st pf XHv Molors 2d pf .. , Mi'Vlriu IVIrolcmn . Minn .. st Iouls Minn .1 st I.nub pf Ml mil Copper .. .. Missouri I'irlfic . ., Missouri l'ae lr cfs . , Montjni Toner Mont 1111 rower pf , Knun A. Co Nitloml l.o id . . . . Nat Itjs Mex 2'1 pf ., Nav Con Copper N'cn York Air brake N Y N II A. II N V V .. II It XVC1 St L 1st pf Norfolk S. Western . . North American .. ., Northern larlfic . Ont S1U or Mln . . 1'ennsjlv.mH It It. l'eoples (las C hi I'hlUdclphl 1 Co . Pitts ( 0 il Co .V J Pills ( IMl J Pf . Pitts C V &. St L (luirksllier .... Uiilikslher pf iiy oieei i ui Itay Con Coppor . . . 2'tJii Iteaillnu- 70 Heading 1st pf 1,'IH Itepublie IAS fflj, Ilepulillc I & S pf ....UO Itock Island Hock bland pf St I, & S P 2'l Pf ... 7H St I, boutlwcst pf ... -14 Seaboard Air Line . 17M aboard Air Line pf ;IS bliat rlzoiu Copper . .fl'( hloss-shef , j, j f)i)j, bouttiern Pacific .. ..KM) Southern Ity .... 21 Southern Hy pf 6!Hj faludebakor Co . ...lf.2), Tenn Copiier S9U Teian to 2121j 211 loxas Pacific .... 7 'Ihlrd Avenue ... (II Tobacco Prod pf . lO.'l, Tol St I. &. W Pf Klij KlVi Kid 17 17a4 21) 21 :i7'i' :t7'j M'a M'j N.l'i Li I lKl'f 11,1'i ll.l'i 7JS 72' 1 72' i )7i (.7 117 I7'4 IT', I7'i 121', 121'j 121'a lll'f 1".J It.'s 2IM 21', 21", 1(11. IS 2'1'j .I7J, .M .)) 101', HM'i 101!, 101', 1,2', 70' 1 110', l.'l'l 71 ld'j Id's i:i'i c.v. 2(1'4 7S ,".(l'4 771, 02' 71 111)', ll., 7P, ID'j 1(ii :2s. IP, bS'. 27 7S .--,()', (-., ;iii) 2(H) '.MP, r". I'd m :i i' r.". 11) " S.l 104 120'a 1201i 0!) S7'i SI ios, r.',. ls'j :i7', Mi r.m m 27 70 fs III' 7l'i li:i 21.',' 70 S im. rr, (.IK' h7H ."i 10')', nn .I7H r.i, f.w 7l'f 11.1 -,i 71'f 113 :Mi "(Hi S Wi U,0'i 1..2 (.Ti (.'J',' 10".', 10(. KlVi (),',' 8S 0fl 'DM IKIU Htm UHi 117 117'. . 70 70 70 70 .utf imh nan- nan roi, !s Kl'a 1IS'4 HS'i (.') fill S'i 7)i r.7,' r,H Kit 101 12h 12 :m' ,tj IDs Ilia 7!) 70 m r, wi 1 12 Sl'f 70 H1 fl 110 1 '. n'i 11 17) :i7ii ao;, .VI 100 m r.o 154 con' 7 TU in', fii'i Tol St I. & W Pftf dp S Tnln City It I I'nlteil C Ijar .ston United C isar 8 pr United Ury hoods I'f Union Pacific U b lnd Ahohol U b I nd Alcohol pf United I'rull Co UBCIl'iK United Itjs Inv Co Ua Ilys Inv Co rf . U b Itubber . U S Hubber 1st pf . . U S bteel Corpn . . U S Steel Corpo Pf. . Utah Securities .... Utah Copper . . Va-Caro Chem Va-Caro Cheni pf Wabash Wabash pf A . . Wabash pf It Wells Farso Eip . Wet E & M -. Western Maryland Weat Union 'lei VW)S (Her and Quoted ex dividend. 0.V( ill, i.i i 0?.' 00 100 10 0 o.vs 0), (.7 101 12 :u 101 70 I'5 11" '2.'il, 78t, rui Cil 110 H n on 11 17W :i7) as, so ma a 1 so 15-"S J62Ji .57',' SO lilli 212)5 mm 12 a.' 100 70 s iif MM 7K t! v S.1',' 111) 0 II 171. a;h asi so oow 21 50 IJi li') 10) 10 0 Wi 0 V, 11', (i7 OJi r.o 10U 10 it ov, !))j 11J4 07 um lxui i:i.n. io2jj ioos iai, iai KMiVJ 100 10(1 101 ID, 11M, llli . 10 IK, IS, 175, ICJi 101; . J-' 31 30 . 52)i 52f 51!, .1071. Ki)J 1001, ion), . t.J8 MSi SJU MU U7H U7K UO;, U7 iu, i'j)i lUJ . HU,' S.J1,' & 4714 -17K 17. .110 lOOVi 100H wax llli 14;,' HH 11),' -liM -H, -liii 'i7H 28 27 i JM Vl&H 125 07 t'8, C7 . 27j 27, 27i . 8') SO N) 217 213 215 MS 184, 10j 31 bin 10H Sljg 47J. 11 27JI IJok 07. 27i b!) 215 RAILROAD EARNINGS CIBORUIA aOUTHHtlN AND FLORIDA. PI rat week February UUi 111.082 Frem July 1 1.1M.610 ANN ARBOIt. First ek Febraary.7 . t,848 From July 1 .. . '. . 1.081, Ul laraai N GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid. 2a of 1880 tf m Ja nf lUQfi eouuau . . aai Panama la rastataaad I'unaiua 9a ',18 realatarad .... (Unuuui uew Ha rt'aurad t'uuuu ni, la toupeu . . la of U1H legUt.riif a of l.1! (uuuua 4a o 1.7 retflatered . . it at W2J i9Utl .. ...... iflae I7.MI 91715 tsaar S.S01 A,k laesi no 1 io'4 m ui By YVMS GUYOT IMItnr TAReiiFO Hrnnomlquo cl Plnanclcrc. St.rclal Cdltc In tlic Kuntajl Lfrfocr 1'AHIS, l'ob 11 -Ailstltlo Orlnnil, Mln liter of tlio Interior, returned Jeitrrdnv fioin Italy, anil one Rood result follows Imtncillatrly fioin tlio trip. ".It nppenia Hint nil cnmmortlil relntlonn Had not been broken o(T botweeii Italy nnd Ooimnny, but now tboy villi bo " It nppeniM Hint In the Cbainbcr of Dep uties no one tontcitH tlio tax on war piolltB N'tverllielc'i sueli a tax vvlll cause tlio follow Im; coiiioqiionicB. If vvai piolltH are tnsed war losses must bo InilPinnlllpil If tlio Htnto taxes iiioIUb on cnntrnetH innile by Itself It virtually vvltlilinlils part of tlio luy nBrced 011. Tlio tn wilt lnive a tetioartlve effect. All In illvldii lis, llrms 01 romp.uiles ctiBnued In cotnmoirlnl business vvlll bnvo lo bi omit to liKiulsltlnn Into iliclr nffaiv) Ilstl mates of the nuinbci nffoited bv tlio tax vaiv fiom bv tlio (lovrinniriit to 2,000.ou0 bv onn 1 iputv Tlico Hjturcs laclt pieclslon In icallty all persons cn- Kiiged in commerce in bo suspected of iiavliiB made uniisiinl piolltH owIiir to llm will, nnd tlios( whom the liHiih,l!una nvcilonk pan icly on beliiB iloiioiinceil by soino one If 11 wrnnp ilpilirntlon H undo the lax c.111 bo doiibleil, tl or iiunilriiplut, and this would amount in conllKi it It. n. It vvlll take until two vears nftei tho end of tho war to deililo all coiitratrd cases 1'iomoteiH nf tho l.iW cm miteecd In IinvliiK It pissed, but they t itniot suc cessfully niRito.tliat It will develop busi ness 01 assist rieilll. .Slngiitai llilngs me hcni(laboul war piolltH. It is t-nlil, for cMiniplv, that the I! ml. nf li anrr his lendeicd Ricut Bcrv bea to tho Btato, (.01111111 ico and Industry slnco tho war, but Iihh been well paid foi It The fin la nie Hint tho bank's busi ness in I'll", ncltnl It .1 pioflt of 21.3.,'..7''0 fumes, but tlio total tinned ovei to the stntc iiikUi vailous fnims of tavntlon and Used ch.irKos his been 2",()0!),i;iS fiaiica, or OS per cent, of tho net piollts. LONDON STOCK MARKET New War Loan Expected Americans; Dull LONDON, Pel. 1. Trnillnr- In .secilil tles on Hip Stock KschntiBo was fairly lulsk todiv, and the tnno hi the 111 iln was 111 in, nntwlthst.indlnn H10 icoi.ciiliiK of Parliament It Is expelled Hint I'lcmler Asqultb vvlll next week ask foi a new- wnr lonn of piobably 1. Kl.OOO.OoO, makliiR l,9iJ,O00,00O slmr ihp online. ik of tho wnr Ainciknns vvere dull nnd lutlhied to so lowin .Sales to Hie tie.istuy aio slowly nil tlio wiine. Avnll.ililo paiccln havo bi en biiKelv rxli iiisted Home inllvray Bhnies weie Hi in, and Canadian and Ar gentine lulls were hind. Thcie Investment iiujIiib of Jap 1 luse Issues. About el.W00 was ills tiibutPd In Japineso coupons toda.. In p.imcnt of ov pi due Intel est Colombians showed Impioveineiit. l'usli buov.UK was in evidence In cop peiH. I'lo Tlntos weio iw',. The Trench loin dlsplajod stability, bclnff1 quoted at FOREIGN EXCHANGE NI1W VOItK, Tib 1". Tho maiket for foielsn exchnnqo opened (pilct, but with .1 Htendv tone Ktcilln' was a shade lower, at I "' foi demand and 4 "t.'s for iiiblis Other quotations weie not npprc (lal.l cbaiiKcd, holnjr as follows: 1'ianc tables, .'.S0i4; checks, ."S7'j, lelcbsmaiks, 75 H-lGfiVi ll-n., Iho cables, C 71; checks, fi 71'j, Swiss tables. r 2 1 b . checks, S22, Stoekholin, 2S .'".t(2iS0, i.esptas, ISftlSOj, Bulldeis, 42'tilJ',4. Itubles vvcro stioiiBer at 3n,fj32, lellectlnB Hie icported Impend liiB new loan Vienna was a weak excep tion, ISSOfilXKi. Later tlio market was dull and practi cally without chango in tono m (nida tions. Kinnc cables icccdcd to u S7 and cheeks to 5!7n. The market showed llt Ho Interest. RATES FOR MONEY c.,11 14 A3 WJlt 1 lain S'jfi'l HTI I iffHj 4 rut.; , Phlli- Ncn Vnrk , l'lill idolplila llnsttm L'hiniRo . .. ... nt-ni rommeril il paper, thrco to six ninnllia, (uiii, 1, ,,'jtu pt'r (ctii RANK CLEARINGS Hank tli.tiliiKs today compiircd wltli lorre tpondlUK dty list tno M-ira loin ru-, )(,n I'hllnilelplilx $V I'liO .01 J.II IIS "d", f 11. li-, 1117 Hnatoi Is.Tli. I'.s I'lioin :nt ! 1 l.-, 1 7ns Now York .nJ.',l",s up. tljsiiffiij 3 n l ihis OilciKo . Tl.'iklill'i in, ..ii'Iit r.s tv,.7s2 ht lillls . 1I.7 0 7IU 111.10 77", l.'nsonal lUltlmoro . 7.SS.MIH ii,iikii o,i'l l,"Ju LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS oiiifAoo, lvb is linos -rtcicipis, moo market Se nnd 10r Inwcr mlxeu nml hut, h. rr, JiVKiS'Mi, kooiI, hrnvt s I'liS .0 roiiRli, Iipiu. TWi'iSO-,. lUht $7TO,iS2" pics. fnillfitIO, bulk 7 0V!,n:o I'A'ril.l: - lleelpla, W1011 mirkot. Btcuilj lilfVM. Xtl(t,llll) inwa aii.l luirirx t,l V( s 10 Btnikira n,ul rpuleis ?3iTi7V. Toxana $J1 .'Jlfl s lit. ,.,Uea. J'12Vll ' ,ui"""' Hlli:i:i' Iticplnta. IIIIO11 mirbi .!,,( nuiiH (tini I'tfiurn, aijfcia limbs, till .'.0, t1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Sinii'tnril Oil I'onttwny of New Jcrt,e, iuaritrly f.". u share, pijal.lo lioldora t.f retord Tebruari I1. Uulney Mtnlns Company, quirtcrly. JT psi nble Mireli '.J, in atutk uf rtmrd February 3T bl.unl.inl (i Company of Sew Jersey. reK ular ouarterly $.1, piiablo Muri-li 13 to atoik of reionl 1 eliu.iry is. usual !" to Mackay Companies Annual Meeting BOSTON, rob 15 At tho annual meot iiiK of tho stockholders of the Mackav companled held lieie today tho retiring dlicetors were re-elected Asked as to tho possibility nf an Inc, eased or extra dividend, Prosldont JIackay said that while tho earnings of tho company for the last J ear Justified a larger pajment It was wholly a matter of policy as to whether tho earnings should be paid out In dividends or put away for a "rainy day." ANNUAL MKET1NCB K3 '1HK 1.KII1UII COM. AND H.HI. - (i VI ION C'Olll'ANY Philadelphia, February 13, 1010 The annual meeting; of Ilia stockholders of 'lbe Ltlilgli Coal und Navluutloii Com pany vvlll ba held at the ottlce of tha Com lan 447 Chwlnut atreet, rhlladelphia. J'a. on 1 rbruury 29, 19IU, ut 11 o'clock A. 31.. when and vvhera an eleillan will be held for 1'iesldent and Hoard of Manugora to serve for tha ensulnaT yaar Copies of the Annual Report can be had at the Company's ottiu on and after Feb ruary 21, l'Jlt) HENRY li. pbabb, Secretary. IIIV1IIKM1.S TUB AHKII1CAN (IAS COMl'ANV VV,t llMliinctou Square lUdUdek.hla. I'a . February J5. 1018. A .luarUrly'illvldt.Bd of ?. or 2.ou Mr share, hits ba declared 'on the tapital stock of Ihla company, payable March I. 10 10, to tae stoikliolders of record at 3 oMock V. M curuury i, join Checks. ...1,1 ... .nollo.f "ft J H TOWNSBND, Sd. Treasurer DIHEOTOltV OF ACCOONT.INTS Certltted l'ubil Accooatajits LAVVltt-sct: b. I1UOWN fc co. " ,815 HEAL Ji'J.lf. TBUST WltfitKB !. A.,iwii I Sales in Philadelphia Net Jllsh Low. Cloe. chanRO W 11 A. O ... . 17 Wt fr'1, 10 J a Drill ... 17 .17 1 14 2 dm Iron . . 4"i i 41 ra Cam Sterl . . M o'A t inn lyeo Stor . nil nv,4 ICT'4 H 27 (lcn Aanh pf 7l'i 701, "HI - i l!T Ins Co N Am S 2.V4 23T - H list Kev Tel Co.... 14 14 U'i "i 1.. do nref 70 70 701 14070 I.skn Sun Corp 12'4 11 11 - "' 111 Lehigh Nitv ... 77 77 77 24 I.phlRh Valley . 77f 77i 7i 'i 140 Leh Vol Trim.. 21 20H 20V4 - H ! do pref 42U 42 4J 100 Miami Copper. .1714 .17 .17'i .. no I'cmn n it R714 r.7 avi w 111 l'enna Halt M(r.t02i4 Hi2't 102'i .. 10., l'enna Pteel . . () "!0 0 17 2001 do prcf 0.VS l1 Wi 4 2 loll I'lilla f.lectrle. 2.S 27W 21 170 I'hlla It T tr ctf 20 10H 104 ' 1 l'hlla Tr-ictlon 70 711 7(1 SI llendhiB .'..78 71', 78. - " MO Tonopnh IMm. 4 4 .Vlfl 4 B-HI 'k tM3-TonoTHih Mln.. 7 0', 0' 11,1 Union Tract.. 41 41 II '4 .1.1(1 United O 1 ... St1, SSI', SSij - S 170 U 8 Steel . Ml. 11S M' fix dividend. Totnl onlen, 21,180 hurr', rnmpnred with 21,317 xhnren -eMcri'iO t Mini fur title week, 411,007 MmrMl anme period lnl week, 24. 311 Kluiria. . HO.MlM. Net Cloe ihge HI IIIrIi. l.on, J1000 Am fins ft I 3s 1)1 M lir.00 Lk fctm inc 41 .".. ni'5 1000 lh Vnl pen 4a nit' inVa 7000 do pen 4i ...lai'l 101 2000 do C011I 3s lllil 10(1 MOO l't CO Ren I'UIOJ', 1024 Wmki (lo conn l's 10(1 10(1 2000 riiiii Co cni r.s iijh tun onoo do 1st 3n ..lOI'd KilU 1IKK1 llrmllnir Ren la 0"j P"14 SIKH) '.tnnd His (la.. TO1, H'llj llnoo fn Itnja t e Is 7"."5 7.'j (.000 WoUlinch Co M 07 (17 20(H) W.N V&l'nK'n Is OJ'j H2', -1 Increase Decrease 'li.tnl hiilei, fi(I,".on .iiimpnreil with $81, 1,0(1 jrMrriln-1 Hhih for llilx wick, SI0,I0(I Mime period Inst Merit. ? 1 1 (l,(ill(l. II 111', 10.1 Kill 10.' 10C, li.!'. lnt'l li 1, I'!))4 7i'4 117 SJ'4 1'. - Local Bid and Asked f I Todnv Yestcnliv tlltl AaKert Hid Ashed Ilnff Jt bus t c ... .l'"4 IOVj .l'"4 I0!4 do nM II, 01 III 111 I (1 llrlll I". 17 'it', Ml lUldull, 11J 112'j 111' H-4 Cunlirll hlerl . w, St (, SI lllutili St inn,a IV j HI ", (0 (leneiiil Asplnit . . !-'' W, It , .Il'i do nf.l 70'J 7I5 7I'J 72 Kiv 'lei IM, V4'V IH; II do t IM, IM lt' II do prrf .... 70 71 l.s l.'l Ijlke Silo Corp . ... 11 It", 114 1-' UhlKll Nnv 77 77'i 77 77"4 I.ehlKl, Vllllej . . .. 7 7S'5 771, 7S UhlBh Valley lr. . . in',, 2t 21 211. do prcf IJ IJi, Jl 18 IVjillt 371. 37W 37', 37 Phil 1 lllec 27"i LS 27'4 2S I'hlln Co -IJ 11 I J -n do 3 per tent, pr .. .1", T17 .1", .17 dn II per tent, pr . . -I I II II II l'hlla It T l'l'j 20 nil. a 1 do t c 1104 20 1111 :it tlculliiB 7SV. 7(, 7K11 7'i 'Inn IM I 1-,ll 4 7-10 4 l'4 Ton .Mln IP, 7 il", I i! 1 11I011 'miction II 11 4 1 111, r ,1 1 tm, wi, ssi', s, IT S Steel SI" s.1 Sl M Voik Itwy s in, si, id, doirer .'II 1" II 1", Win Crump t e . ... 7J so 73 Ml "i: dlMdond. To Protect Sherman Rondlioldcrs NI1W YORK, l'eb 1". -Tho committee of vibkli It. Walter I.elKb li chairman lini Riven notlt to lioldus of the 30-venr 111 st mortK.iKo pel cent Kohl bonds of tho Shot man, Shrevepoit and Southern Knlln Company that, In view of do fault lmvliii' been mado in tho pn.vment of tuteicst vvhkb ma tilled on these bonds on Doccmbei 1 In3t, a commlttco has been formed nnd requests holders lo dcpoilt theli bonds foithvvlth vilth tho Columbia Tiust Comp.ui, t.0 Ilio.ulwnv, depositao, under a deposit agreement, copies of which m.i he obtained from tho deposi tary 01 Joseph S Dale, societal y of tho committee, SJ William stioet Ilonds must linvc uttacbed the December 1, 1D1, ami all subsequent coupons, and If registered must he ncioiupanlcd b propel ly exe cuted transfeis In blank New Krcsgc Co. Capital $12,000,000 NIIW YOIIK, Feb 15 Itepotts from the West concerning tho iclncorporatlon in Michigan of tho S S Kicsge Com pany was confirmed hero today Tho new company will havo a capital of 112,000,000 consisting of $2,000,000 7 per cent cumu lative preferred and $10,000,000 common Tho last of tho company's outstanding htock will be retired by April 1 nt 110. In connection with recent activity of Utah Coppei It was rumotcd that Kennc cott Copper Is Increasing Its holdings of Utah Copper shaics. Underlying Bonds of the Montana Power Company Butte Electric &Power Co. First Closed Mortgage Gold Bonds To Yield About 5 The Butte Electric & Power Company properties are ope rated as an integral part of the Montana Power Company, One of the most notable con tracts of this Company is for furnishing power to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St, Paul in connection with the electri fication of 430 miles of its main track. Send for Circular No. 332 WilliamP.Bonbright&Co..Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York IIolou Detroit London I'urU William l'. llonbrlght & Co, rtonbrlfiht & Co. HOME STATE INVESTMENTS No, 1 Wo Offer and Recommend for Conservative Investment First Mortgage Bonds of a Steam Railroad Opera ting in Pennsylvania Large property values, good earning power and an active sinking fund, indicate the abso lute safety of these bonds. The investment yields about swxt Tax Fre In Pennsylvania Detailed pircular on application dwar H. Smith & BAJNKCRS ElTilVLUBU 1S83 Utmtcrl Htuj York and PhilatUlfMa Mock Exchange! BlOlO 4KD CUMTMtlT 81., PatUB (0 Full SniO Ksv YoK LAKE SUPERIOR AND PENNA, STEEL " i DOMINATED PHILADELPHIA MARKET Midvalc Steel Interests Assured of More Than 90 Per Cent, of Cambria Stock at $gl Per Share. Keystone Telephone in Demand J Active tradlnc In I.ako Superior nnd Ponnij Ivanla Steel preferred continued on tho Philadelphia UxehaiiRO thH mornliiB, for a time, to the exclusion of most o tlio usual leaders, t'enniv Ivanli Rtecl, In par ticular, nan a fcatiuo of strotiRtlt, altliniiKh nothlnr; olllclal came out with remit d lo tlio tieirotlatlons for Hie Itentllnu and Peim Bjlvnnla ltallroad lioldlne Tho forllm on tho Httcet, however, was Inclined to ward tho piohahllltv of the Ilethlehem Intel estfl turnlni up In contiot It watt tcported In Wall Street that the deal piovldliiR for the pm chase of tlio prcfeircd and common Block of tup t'enn fivlvnnln. Steel Company hv tho llcthlcliPin Steel Corpoi.itlon had hecii closed, nl thoimli It wns Impossible lo obtain any continuation In authentic tlrelea Ac cot dins to tho mniori, the profoncd stock of the l'eiinsjlvniila Steel Companv la to bo taken over nt $100 n ahaio and the common Block at $10 a shaie I'.iMncnt for the prefctred it to be piovlded for by nn Ihiiip of bonds to bo exchanged on the Inili of one bond for each share of profmed Btock, and tho common Btock wilt be paid for with cash In tlio trensuty of tho llcthtchcin compan'. Intcresti cloto to tlio 1'enns.vlvanln llallroad nsverted today that Ml Schvvab'n proposition would bo presented tomoi lovv for approval, but that tho bid for tlio IlcadliiR'H holdliiRS might not be tnken up till later Theic Is said to bo no mm pctltlvo blddinir between Messri Dotinor and Schwab Camhtla Steel continued to hold nt 81, which vvaB to he expected, In view of tho Drcxel aniiounceinent The atock holders today lecclvcd their dividend checks, lucludlnt the extra dlshiiiscmcnt 'lliero wai nlso Inclosed tlio Diexcl notice of imrclinsp nt 81. and this waa n paiilcd In- a tcnuest for pre Mes ,T itBcd at tho nnniinl mcctltm on Jti,.? J. They aio leqiieMeil In hBil?my,"Jl. It. Oonnrr. Atthttr 13 Nowbold n,W' Leonard HepIoBlo. As control .? the fc0' pnny vvlll pass to tho JlliUalo Vlwi J ordnanco Company, about a mo'iitlt n?,11'' to tho annual meotltiK. Instructlm,? 1 how to alBtt tho liioxlesnrp'm ,''!, " tho btck of each notice, in til ,?n Tho fact that Mr Uonncr and Mr. '& Klo Blnicd tho rcpieat for proxies vvn,?, appear to Indicate Inrmonlous itlaH between those two InlcicstB ,elal"n- It Is understood that tho Mldvalo pco. and possibly 0, per cent , of tho ixvirr. 1 aliarea of Calnhila, to bo turned In C 1 forts l-chi uaiy 11 It is said that Mld-ali I inn, ucci, ii'iniiiuii oi nt icnst ,, per Ten! when nesotlnllons wore llrst under wbv It Is tepoited that the t,pW Mldvalo eon vcitlblo bonds vvlll he offered for duWIo Blil.sctlptlon at W The liankeia are nil lo havo paid the company '.", for them. A Jump of 17 points, to m hi l'enn'ssl. vntila Steel common nttraeted altcntlon nltlioimh only fow shares dimmed hands' Tho Koystono Teleiihono Rroup nlso de-' Vclopcd BtrenRth, tORcther with rhlla delphla 1'Iettilc, but thero was no Krent amount of activity. " Lako Superior mado a new top, cross. Iiir 12, nnd the r. per cent Inconio bonds extended tlielr recent rise, nlso bronklne Into new territory for tho year Around 1 o'clock, however, Increased offerings drovo tho stock below last nlRht's close but It rallied somewhat beforo tho end' of tho session Tho bond market re mained relatively quiet, hut tho undertone was Arm. FINANCIAL BRIEFS The Chlno Copper December quarterly tepoit allows a surplus after dividends of $1,1,91,737, nn Incrcnso of (.SS,78 over tho previous quarter. Tor tho quarter ended December 31 tho Utah Copper Company reports a sur plus nfter dividends of $I,'S2,1CS, a naln of $1,092,331 over tho September quartet. Tho AlllsChalmcts Company lint sulH clout business on Its books to Rtiar.inteu full operation for the plants for a period of eight months Tho II. K Mulford Companv. manufac turers of pharmaceutical piepar.itlons. has Issued Its annual statement tit the cloi.0 of business December 31, 191!., which Miovvh a totnl surplus on that d ito or $l,7H.Sjr, compared with $1,000,021 on December "1, 1911 i Tho Listing Commlttco of tho New York CiiiIj Maiket Association hns ruled that 1'cbruary 17 shall bo the date of dellvciy of permanent certlllcntes In settlement of nil outstanding when, as nnd If Issued, contracts In the common stock of tho At lantic Steel Company. Tlio Krnnklin Tiust Company Is the transfer agent and the I'qultnblo Trust Cojnpany tlio tenlstrar. Tho Boston nnd Albany ltallroad Com pany reports for the quarter ended De cember 31 last net Income of $18!i,lD5, lompnrcd with a deficit of $102,035 In tho corresponding quarter In 1914. Tho Xew York Central has decided not to Issue tho $12,000,000 equipment trust certificates, which tlio railroad commis sions of New Yoik and Ohio wero re cently asked to .sanction Tho manage ment lias decided to chargo tho cost of tills equipment, which has been ordered nnd will he delivered at Intervals through out this j car, to tho rcservo funds ac cumulated tluough depreciation and re newal charges to operating expense. Tho Bridgeport Forgo nnd Projectile Company and tho Bridgeport Projectile Company filed a certlllcato of nn Issue of additional stock in Ilnitford, Conn Tho former's incrcnso Is '3,000,000, tho sub scribers being George M. Hnadley, of Nbw York; Carl Foster, 1 12. Morgan and D. J. Morgan, all of Brldgcpott The l.tttct's Increase Is $2,000,000, and tho sub scilbeis aro Goorgo W, Hondley, P. Morgan and 12. J. Taj lor, of Bridgeport Iho Continental Motor Manufacturing Company of Detroit sprang a surprise, when It nimoiinccd a 100 per cent stock dividend Tho dividend will nmount to $2,900,000, Increasing tho capital stock to $,",900,000, with a million In common stock still lu tho trcnsuij Tho Continental mndo a profit of $1,500,000 last jear on a capital of less than a million. Blddlc it Co bid up Pennsylvania Steel profcrred Chandler Brothers bought Lake Superior. Negotiations Have been completed. It U imdet stood, by Hnllgartcn & Co , N, W. Unlsej & Co., Kountzo Bi others nnd A. B. Le.icli & Co. for tho purchase of !",. fWOOO Aigcntlne gold notes, and thnt a public Issue will shortlj bu made. Tho Massachusetts Consolidated Com pany has told a lot of copper at a price equivalent lo 2S7c cash In New York. At a dinner tendeied J A Campbell, presldont of tho Youngstown .Sheet and Tubo Company, slnco the failure of the Cambria deal, Mr Campbell spoko freely of the merger negotiations, stating that ho had Inst Interest when It b-camo up patent that homo of the proposed con stltucnts could not offer at I avt "A n-f cent of their stock, and. In his opinion, it would be thereforu impossible tu u, cute all of the comp.inlej as a unit. EL.KINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. 1st Sinking Fund 5s, 1939 Tax Exempt in Penna. Yield 4.72 Income Tax Returns For 1915 We have opened a department expressly lo assist individuals in the preparation of their income tax returns, and invite its free use by all persons subject to the tax. Inquiries received by m a i 1 w i 1 1 be given prompt attention. Philadelphia frust Company Main Office 415 Chestnut Street Broad Street Oflico 1415 Chestnut Street "TV Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain Approved Curb Securities Bought Sold Quoted HUGHES & DIER Ilankrm und llrokrrx 1435 WALNUT STREET PRESENT EARNINGS OVER $650.00 PER DAY BARNETT OIL & GAS CO. (Incorporated) Property located In West Vlrflnla. CapHul s,ao(i.o(Mi. I'nr Value II No Ilond. No oiitntniiilliiK ImlebtedneM. Stock tradrii in on N Y Curt. Order executed ut ireent mt- Wet iirlt'ea. pcctal Circular No. I ujo rtquttt. E. H. CLARKE 17 William it. New York CUj. ri!z y ' lnl b ,l1" faJMmiiwaiiiiififfliiiiiiintiiiiuHi minu i m B 9 '1 Union National Bank Third and Arch Sts. "The Neighborhood Banh" OFFICKHS , J. S. McCullocu, I'rc!(leut, Theodore II. Condennon, Vlce-l'reldent, LouU N, tJnlelliericer, Vk'e-l'reldrut and Cahler, Suiuutl Cauintell, Aolstant CUler. umccroiis. vm ir ... , . . . . . Iraallna .1. flnltun .. ... . .. . .. A v.... nwtm Ibeo. IK Condcrmaa lUrlan Pace Horace T. I'oltt (.baric S. MaUoa If.nnr 1 IIK.I..II . VlnJinA .lr "". . Wlt.UIU 1)U(. w. , - ". b. Jiurtla .uuru itou .1 a i. ..i, .. . it Wi... Join, o. Slarlla LouU N. bplrlbtrser Henry II. TJayion. Jr. Katban V.ValvitU baruuel f- Lnji Our experience enable u to offer a tervice uniurpaned I """"""Trnniinrrii J