tiwr. t fraiycw 'IISJJIS pwPl EVENING LEDGEB-PHIIiADELPHlA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1916; 8 (PJPW'v'Jfl"" K ,?' I BELMONT MARY PICKFORD AS T. A. DALY BOY" Masquerades as an Italian Kid in Her Newest Film, "Poor Little Peppina" By the Photoplay Editor TOOn MTTLB PEPPINA." A Famous Players -larnmount productlonjn seven iwuts. Released todav nnil Haying all IMS week at lh Stanley Theatre. Perpln .. , Mary Plckforl Robert Tnrrens ,,, ..Edwin Mordant Mrs. Torren.,ii. Edith Bhsmi Htiith Carroll... ........... ... nwrtne O'llrKn Fflldo ... . .... ......Antonln Malnrl I'ldro. .... Ernesto Ton' junto... i.,,, Ceiarn OraMna Jleppn. .1......... .Jack Plckford Krtpft ve Chief W. T. .Cnrleton Dnmlnlrit ... N. fVrvl Jllanca Mn. A. Malorl Btoker. ..... Franceses ouerra Not so many years ngo there wa ft rreat deal of tnlk about the Cnmorra, or Matin, tho (treat aecret criminal or ftnnliatlon of Italy. Finally a trnltbr enoaked out from this body and Rnvo Its secrets away to the. Government Arrests were made, and then came tho famous Camorrlst trial. Tho orRnntzatlon seemed killed 'and stamped out, but public In terest, onco aroused In such matters, wanes slowly, and thero Is still a univer sal Interest In this dread society. "In "Poor Llttlo Peppina," the newest Tlckford release, the Mafia, holds the centre of the plot. The vlllnlni, and there nro many of tl.em, who "pussy-foot" Around In the most approved movie-melodramatic style, nro all members of till") cliolco organization of enemies to society. The story deals with the desire for re ventre of tho Mnlla leader upon nn Amer ican, who secured his conviction for a crime. Tito plot Is, of course, tho abduc tion of tho only child of his victim, tho usual method of ncnulrltiB revenge when ever ' Is necessary to make a story. Ho succeeds, nnd the llttlo &lrl Is taken to Italy nnil rnlsed as the daughter of Itnllnn poaanuts. Sho Is beltiR forced to marry a pndrone. whom sho loathes, so, on her wedding day, sho runs away, dis guised as an Italian boy, Sho becomes a stowaway on a vessel bound for America, and finally reaches here, only to fall Into the hands of the American branch of the Mafia. Unwit tingly she la tho cause of their downfall, and the usual end follows. It Is not tho story that Is remarkable. It Is rather tho fine character work done by the players and the excellent atmos phere of Italy which Is found In this picture. Tho supporting cast Is to a great ex tent made up of Italian actors. Their work throughout the piece Is clean-cut and delightful. The real gem of the whole piece Is the Peppina of Mary Plckford. Not since that marvelous creation, Jean, Tho Juggler of Notro Dame, of Mary Gar den was revealed, has as attractive and well acted a "boy" been seen. Thero Is, of course, this difference: Miss Garden's Jean was a boy and Miss Garden herself a genius, while Miss Plckford's Peppina I a girl masquerading as a boy and Miss rickford herself merely a clever actress. Yet for all that one finds the same boyish spirit, freedom of movement and as surance of nrt In both characters. Miss Plckford makes you feel as If ono of those delightful poems of Mr. T. A. Daly had suddenly taken life nnd walked out to meet you. She Is a young, happy Italian full of the Joy of life. She Is wholly delightful. Edwin Mordaunt, whoso excellent work with William Gillette In "Sherlock Holmes" a. few weeks ago Is remembered with pleasure. Is very good In the rolo of the Amorlcan millionaire who suffers tho curse of the Mafia. Jack Plckford does a nice bit of Char acter work as Beppo, Pepplna'a foster brother. He Is ft worthy second to his sister In this cleverest of Plckford pic tures. The court scenes, the abduction, tho fight with the Mafia and tho confession scene nre nil thrilling pieces of action. Many lovely settings nro found through out this film. "Poor Mltle Peppina" will ploy nil this week at the Stanley Theatre. Work on the final scenes of the new World Film feature drama. In whloh George Dcbnn is to soon appear, was In terrupted last week by a painful accident to the stat'. During tho ettnettnent of a scene In which Hehali engages In a llercc hand-to-hand battle tho slnr received a deep cut across tho lingers of his right nnnii, temporarily uisaoiitig mm. In the scene John Davidson, who plays the rolo of the artist admirer of ncban's "picture wife," was to rnleo a heavy Jap aneso Jar. swing It over his head and bring It down with a Binnsli ns Hcban closed with him. Tho scene had been carefully rehearsed nnd tho Picture taken up to the point where Ucbnii, armed with a broken sword, forced Davidson ngnlnst the wall. Here Dnvldsoli. under Mcbnti'H Ill8latcnt ordeis. selxed the Jnr and swims a heavy blow at tho star's head. As In tended, Dcban met the blow with the hilt of his broken sword, but In shattering a Jagged edgo of tho Jnr lacerated Ilcban's hand to tho bone. Among Ocrmaiitown play-goers, the popularity of tho ltlalto Theatre long ago became firmly established and tho suc cess that It has enjoyed to date has been moro than warranted by the excellence of the entertainment provided. One of tho best and most varied programs of tho senson has been ai ranged for the forthcoming week. The main attractions will bo supplemented by minor picture offerings, nnd also bv splrndld organ minlr of a character Hint has ndded nnd is adding much to this plnyhnuso as a placo of recreation nnd amusement. It would seem highly appropriate that the week which contains the holiday dedi cated to love, St. Valentine's Day, pholild bo inndo the occasion for the lenppcor nnce of that dnlnty and prime fnvnrltn of tho films. Mlxi Plckford, at the .Stanley all next week It Is. If anything, etcn mure appropriate that the reappearance should be inndo In a orand-new piny, written especially for tho star by Kate Jordan, and breathing tho very ntmosphcro of the old-fashioned Valentino Day, "Poor Llttlo Peppina." The list of next week's attractions at the Glrard Avenue Theatre cover a wide range of recognized film masterpieces, which have heretofore been seen only at tho higher-priced houses. Grace Klllston, who Is featured In "Hlack Fear," a sen sational Metropolitan production recently released and Knowing hero Thursday, In i ono of tho row women in tins country who can operate an aeroplane. OPERA SINGER PLEADS FOR POLAND'S NEEDY Mme. Arian Jane Addy Arc towska to Speak at U. of P. Tonight Mndamc A Han Jnno Addy Arctowska, authoress and opera singer, will lecture tonight at tho University of Pennsyl vania at 8 o'clock on "History and He roes of Poland," describing the part that country Is plajlug hi the present war nnu una played In tho wars of the past. At 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon she will speak at the University on "Polish I-llcrutiire." Phlladclphlans will remem ber tho lecturer as Arlan Jnne Addy, who began her musical studies as a girl In this city under the late Del Puente After nttainlng noted successes In the musical circles of Chicago and Philadel phia, sho prepared for a career In grand opera nt Paris. In 1S0D she married Dr. Henry Arctowskn. Antarctic explorer. .Since the beginning of the European conflict Madame Arctowska has dovotcd herself to relief work for Poland nnd llclglum. Her husband Is n native of Poland, where ho holds a Government position. She has studied tho history, literature and art of t'oland and hopes to arouso American Interest In Its needs. While In this city sho will bo tho guest of Judge nnd .Mrs. Itobcrt von Mooch, zlskcr. Police Court Chronicles Psycho nnd Diana whose last nnmca could not be learned were kidnapped by S.un Williams, u negro, who nfterwnrd deserted them desplto their beauty and throw both young women through a win dow. Thev landed much bruised nnd humil iated In the store of a Walnut street mcr chntit but did not utter a word of com plaint. Psycho lost me ear nnd half a nosn. While Diana Inst both arms and could easily pass for sister Venus do Mllo. After ilc.Hcrtlng the renowned beauties so tingallantly Williams continued out Walnut street without even pausing to see how badly the women were hurt. His speed wns very necessary, for closo on his heels was Bernard Abramowltz, There Is plenty of action In Husslan melodramas. "The Yellow1 Passport," with Clara Kimball Young, the new World release, showing Monday at the Ituby, Is no exception to this rule. MAN'S I'LUCK SAVES HIM Lineman Clings to Icy Pole Until Near tho Ground John Wilson, employed as a lineman by the Philadelphia Klectrlc Company, who had a remarkable escnpc from serious In Jury yesterday, when ho slid down nn Ice covered pole at 6.1th street nnd Haverford avenue to a point within 12 feet of thf ground nnd then fell, landing on his feet. Is In the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital suffering from shock. Wilson, who lives at 121G South 12th street, was at tho top of the pole, when ho lost his hold nnd started to slide. Ho slid easily until more than three-quarters of the way down, when he was forced to loosen his grip. of !12 Walnut street. It was In his plocc that the negro found the stntues whllo ho was asking Abramowltz to give him the prlco of a cup of coffee. Ho fell In lovo with Psyche and Diana at llrst sight nnd took them In his embrace. Without pausing to evun thank his beno factor for tho coin Sam sped out tho street. At 10th street he ran Into the arms of Acting Detective Mitchell, and the chase was over. "You're nn Inginte," said Magistrate Pcrsch when Wllllums wns arraigned be fore htm at the 13th and Locust streets station. "Ah alwuz been a lobah ob art," said Sam, "nnd ahm try In" to make n col Icekshun Xo' ma tttew-dl-o." But the negro's nrtlstlc sense wns rude ly shocked when the Judge said "$IOO ball for court." -1 ' - n n..i.n. .m . -rSfl5jS "' " 'jm IHMlik PHI vlliHRflEif i Ww HHI HHBHHHW J IvJntrKBKisssHsVKisK iI.MjHH 'plan social centre to aid CATHOLICS OF KENSlJNliXUJN Three Churches of District Combine in Work of Estab lishing Much-needed Institution at 2016 North Hancock Street Poor to Benefit elude relief of the poor, the Instruction of working boys nnd girls and a day mir- 9 The house will be In charge of three nnns-Saleslan Slaters of tho Holy tuch-nrlst-csperlally trained for social work in a convent In Halt more. "'" assisted by lay workers from the three parishes. Knelt, parish will be "Pre sented bv severat men, who will have tho help of nn auxiliary of womon members of tho ihurchcs. ... . Tho first work of tho centre will be tho establishment of a day nursery un der the direction of the sisters. Here will ho Installed equipment for tho caro of babies over night or any short period whllo mothers arc nt work. Classes In dressmaking, millinery nnd domestic sci ence wilt be conducted for tho young peo ple. A dispensary will bo established where medicines may bo obtained freo by thoso unnble to pay for them. It Is oxpected that by tho plans to be adopted the needs of tho poor will bo moro readily mado known nnd help given thoso most deserving. A Social Service centre for work among Catholics of the district will be estab lished In Kensington. Tho handsome brick building nt MIS North Hancock street has been purchased for the pur pose, and after alterations the house will bo formally dedicated by Archbishop Prendcrgnst The work will bo under the nusplccs of three churches St. Michael's, 2d and Mas ter streets; St. Edward's, Jlh nnd York streets, and tho Church of the Visitation, Front street nnd Lehigh avenue. For years past the need of a Social Scrvlco Centre In this section has been apparent, but lack of resources has pre vented the Inauguration of the work. In each district there Is a large population of poor where the need of workers was felt. With the agreement of the three churches to tho plan and with a corps of young men nnd women to assist In tho work, thero promises to be a successful completion of tho project. Because of the varied needs of the poor In tho district, tho work of the centre will bo most comprcnenslve nnd will In- MME. AIUAN JANE ADDY Lectures nt the University of Pennsylvania tonight on "History and Heroes of Poland." 10 CENTS A DAY ASKED OP YOU Nonunion Miners Expect More Pay HAZLKTON. Pa.. l-Vli. ll.-Cinploycs of the anthracite coal companies outsduV of tho mlno workers expect a -substantial Increase In wngrs April 1. Philadelphia Committee Seeking Funds for French War Orphans Philadelphia women, who have re sponded no nobly to the causo of tho oppressed nnd suffering In lluropo since the outbreak of the world war, again are to the front In response to an nppea! for addi tional support for the war rphnns of France. A little committee hns been formed which Is striving to obtnln funds to Increase the liiHUfllclent French Gov ernment nllownnce of 10 cents a day to these unfortunates. What the committee Is aiming nt Is the purpose of tho big Ocneral Committee, known n.s tho Orphellnat des Armees, which Is centred In France unci has branches working throughout nil of Franco nnd In many parts of this coun try. The Orphellnat des Armees Is nsklng for contributions of 10 cents a day, or $38.50 a year, to supplement tho Govern ment allowance. Tho Philadelphia committee, of which Mrs. John Markoo Is chnlrmnn, and Mrs. Joseph I.eldy treasurer, expo ts Philadel phia to take i-aro of 10.001) orphans. It send.s out a general nppeal, urging every one who ran mnko tho small sacrflce pledgo themelcM for tho small sum of 10 cents a day ST. CYIl AND FRIENDS LBAVE ON MYSTERIOUS ERRAND Men Dash Off to Washington, but May Proceed to Palm Beach Jean Hnrnld Kdward St. Cyr, his friend, llobert Von Hchwcmni, and a third man dashed off to Washington this morn ing on nn errand unexplained at the nolle-vue-Stralford, where St. Cyr and his wife havo been Rtopplng ever since thy left Palm Ite.ich, when the allegations con cerning St. Cjt'n Identity were published by a New York newspnper. It had been expected that St Cyr would reply today to theso allegations, which nro to the effect that ho has no right to tho namo St. Cyr, but 1b really "Jack" Thompson, of Waco, Tox former news boy, haberdashery salesman nnd chorus man. Ho mnrrled tho widow of James II. ("Silent") Smith, who loft her his many millions. Sho Is a sister of Mrs. Anthony J. Drcxel, of this city. Tho tlirco men left the hotel nt 10:1I o'clock In the $10,000 nuto whtch Mrs. St. Cyr gave her young husband. Tho nuto sped to West Philadelphia station, where tho travelers boarded the 10:34 train, ar riving nt Washington nt 1:35 o'clock this afternoon. Their tickets had been ob tained In New York, nnd It was thought possible that the thrco were bound event ually for Palm Beach, where It was sup posed Mrs. St, Cyr, who is still at tho hotel, would later join her husband. LONG SEARCH ENDS IN ARREST Man Accused of Robbing Office 18 Months Ago Held in Bail A man accused of robbing nn ofllce nt 11th nnd Dauphin streets 18 months ngo has been arrested nnd Is being held under $1C00 ball for a further hearing on Wed nesday. Ho Is lllchnrd Lynch, alias Clnrenco Miitchler. 30 years old, of 220(1 North 1 2th street, and Is said by the police to havo formerly been a city fire man, The robbery In which Lynch Is said to have portlclpntcd occurred September 20, 1014, when the ofllce of John Dougherty, a coal denier, 11th and Dauphin streets, was entered nnd $10 stolen from a desk and a safe wrecked. Policeman Nickels, of tho Fark and Lehigh avenues pollco Btatlon, discovered tho thloves, gavo choso and finally shot ono of tho men, Arthur llotollnir, of 2237 North Franklin street, who wns sentenced to 18 months In tho County Prison but was released on parolo six months ago. Lynch Is said to havo been tho man who escaped and tho pollco have kopt a care ful lookout for him over since tho robbery occurred. Ho wns finally arrested early yesterday by Policeman Klllott, of the Park and Lehigh avenues pollco station, and was arraigned before Magistrate Carson. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR Corner of 60th and Spruce Sold Tho property at tho southeast corner of 60th nnd Spruce atrcets has been sold by C. Folk Klein for Mlchnel Weln Hteln to Glorglnn Castelll and Angelo Baccinl for $13, G00. Du Pont Employes Given Bonus WILMINGTON. Del., Feb. II. Numer ous employes of the du Pont Powder Com pany havo been presented with G per cent, debenture stock of tho company ns a bonus for good work. The company de clines to stuta the basis on which the dis tribution is being made. The company Is also selling Its debenture stock to em ployes who dcslro It at $102, while the market prlco Is $108. Four tfsM fi t-t i . -i cXnusLprbrsM 11 to the arrest 'of thre? L' nS woman from Mount lte-hl" tM N charged with robbing .& 8m1K resldonco of thn mi..-'"... Ml WniJ lisle, cousins of Senator IE!?"' (S The residence was ranSaCk?dU" ?' not until tho articles were $ ft1a " u that a clue was oblaTned "" fof ,' ineatneal Baedeker NEW PLATS. F ADBI.PHI "Tho T.. .. Rothern nnd Alejatirtm EJV. with 1 again tlmt'-iha kttn&Vh ,, mS38 LTIUtVllarry Lauder en w3 , taw3l lean tour. 'mi. nrVf.rSS, h'illlMfi i.J "men innnr ol.l favor tea i ;.". F"'li lH .Sd-ohSi -is:. Lon .TK:i nn intcrnatlonM" vaudevlllo bninna ii WArtrTo-F'TJn0ch.If17.' "2 . W- J 5!K '"?. A lv bV oSl0" M rfiS jlfallng with it ifurScV intJK. "" tho culprit 13 discovers bW'JJ'i ." ,."85 A!intCIv'-"Twln ,). wilh ""'H fnrce by SnllihiTfi -i51u,.f?l' Cm. , .Mayo, which ilcal wrih IV. nn Mnrn.2 lure, of neonle wfio'nVJt.'k? .S,,m,ll W apartments for their ow"? 0U" XiA l?nntitom in. . I Alde'r n,l tffflffig N'orkM;,rCl "" W .523 5LEtta "!?. iS&?'8&..ffl " " " " """ """mental IhoroVikVT, PHOTOPLAYS. i llOt!nr. fcottif1 Wn: STANI.HY "All week. -I'nnrTiin. ys!2?s?j.. '.niwar. -The tffiffiv'HSt , .iMHiuuMi iiciogrnph. Nw i."1 also bo shown. cw n tffl' AIAcn-MmnlAy'TudaV'nml wT , TS .n".!5!' " ' . PI "nflnXi!Sa rn.ay nn.i Hsturilar fsiitT" r. with ronnle Ward. "" CIIBBTNIJT STnnCT OPHtlA the ..firing Line nlth ih. .,. .Mirth American's nnr DlctVir.. "' M-ciies during thn neriAnp.i-,'"'.1'.. tho llunslans. """"in PA Thursday. ! Bce'x I'ardner, VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Elnlo Janln, ImDcmonaiA-. t elto do Herrla and her 15 Pafltlin ifeM Iho Fnrber Olrln. In sones. daiK.?,,?8!":! ter: Charles Olcntt. In "A cSmS, rK.cta'l Ten -Minuter". .inVint, r ni!1? Own h tinny. In -Who in Sh.i". iV.!.""-""1! Wn.1 ton.' "Two Illnck mrtiiFl$; Dooley: llarrla nnd Munlon. iJ i" trHf'i NIXON "The Luck of tho Totem" cii n.. coyne, voca lot: The KaufnSn Br?i?' comedians: Evelyn May 'nnd nin,n. "! "Live Wlrcy'-jilolmM and Wen? "?L5 dlans: Tho I'aldrons, ncrobati. QLODE J. Davis. In "Tho KlnlmM vim. h IMIcjr and Douglas, dancer?; Ctan in "TIio Night Doctor-; The Dancing fijafj' Jnclt Straus vocalist: Olympic TrFoiii """: mn liirle. vorail.t: "bhiffi ilrthcVs.1"" KUr "cadln" "" nSiw' OltAND-Tho Alexander Kld. Hobtrt a I IIoko and company, In "mil Bltttaft'l IJiwyer": Lady .Hon Mel. vocal lit- winKSf and Vllklnj. sfnBlng rtnd 'danclni .KU-'KS? ny ODonald and Mildred Ulalr, acVoffil tho Frogman, contortionist. rem,J STOCK. KNICKEnnocKnit-'-nip Van Wlnkk-." n, Kn ckerbockcr l'layera. In Joseph Jerfmoi J AMUItlCAN "The Law of tho Land." ,,H i"j3,.i""l"!,ta Ocnrgo Hroadhilraf! iSi or murder and Intrigue. -ouri nUHLESQUE. DUMONT'S-Dumont's Jllnstreli In tmuuv on matters of current Interest. """u,. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO IraMaAlftt yjrm.Siuj afflWf 1 1 ItWVIH. MKWW i:liltV MONDAY SUIMECT TO CHANGE ALIIA9IBIIA APOLLO ARCADIA BLUEBIRD BROAD ST. CASINO CEDAR MO.VDAT Hazel Dawn, In My Lady Incog Marie Empress. In Loo's Crossroads Tnnnle Ward. In Tennessee's Pardner Vivian Martin. In Merely Mary Ann Valeska Suratt. In The Immigrant Arthur Hoops. In Tho I-'lnul Curtain CENTURY CHEST. ST. OP. HOUSE EUREICA FAIRMOUNT FRANKFOHD 52D ST. 56TH ST. GARDEN GERMANTOWN GIRARD ULOBE GRAND GREAT NORTHERN IMPERIAL IRIS JEFFERSON JD3IB0 LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN AUDIT0RIU3I MARKET STREET ORIENT ORPUKUU 0VERBR00K PALACE PARK PLAZA jtf"' PRINCESS REGENT UULTO RUBY SAVOY 6HERW00D STANLEY STRAND " SUSQUEHANNA TIWA smow- Dorothy Donnelly, Madamo X TUESDAY Hazel Dnun In My Lady Iimok Geralillne l-'.irnir. In Tfinptatlon I'annle Ward. In Tennessee's I'ar.lnr Van Martin. In -Merely Mary Aim Df-mnan Thompson's Tho Old Homcuead Harry Ileaumont. In Tho White Ally WEDNESDAY Iltuel Dauii. M L.id liu iilll Valll, hi The Turmoil Tannlo Ward, In Tenncssei.-'s I'atdiier Theodore Hnhrrts, In Mr. Oiex or Monte Carlo Mario Empress. In I3vp'h Crossroids 4il, TUUItSDAY lllluhr. Swt. Ill Tim HaK.imurfln IlulhKKik llllnn. Allen Ilrady. In The unlet Clltl Mariruirlte Cl.irlt, In Mice nnd Men Thendnro Hnberls. In Mr. llrex of Monte Carlo Olnn retron. In What Will Proph. ay" Jeell Hunt. In llv Love Itedcemed Infatuation Five Acta The North American's (Jerman War l'litures Houso Peters. In The Ore.it 1)1 hie Illueblrd: Helen Ware. In Secret I.oe MnrKiierlte Clark. In 1'rlm.e nud tho Pauper Arnold Dalv, In The House of Fear Mary Plckford. In The Koundllnc Anita Stewart. In My Lridy's Hllpper Constnnci- Crdller. In Tonff'ies of Men Ifouae Triers, In The Winded Idol Ulllan Walker. In (Jrevn 8tockln(ts Holbrook nilnn. In Ufa's Whirlpool Orrln Johnpon, Acquitted Wlllard Mack, In The Conqueror Valll Vulll. tn Her Debt of Honor Edmuml Ilreese, In The Lure or Heart's Desire Girt and the (lama (I) Water Stuft The Battle Cry of Peace Mary Plckford. In The Foundling Julia Dean, In The Hansom Clara Kimball Younr. In The Yellon Passport Emily Stevens, in The House of Tears Ida Schnall. Undlno Marie Doro. In The White Pearl Orrln Johnson. In The l'rlc of Power Lillian Olsh. In The Lily and the Hose tllanche Seet. In The Itanamurtlii Fannie Ward. In The Cheat Harry Mvers. In Ulna Fliers Crime of Circumstances Cured '- Tellenen. In The Unknown Clara Kimball Younir. tn The Yellow Passport c,S!y filT,b,"-,?'',un'r- J" The Yellow Tassport Kba Thomson. In The Sins of a Great City Mary plckford, In X4ttl pl Mary Plckford. In Poor Little Peppina Anna Knellson. In The Coquette's Fat Molly Mclntyr. lit iter Ore.it Hour Tha Old IlowMteail Paramount Picture m &IS!tt33, ' Fanny Want. In Anita Stewart. In The Cheat My Lady's flipper Allen Brady, liolbronK Nance O'Nell, In llllnn. In Tho llnllet Girl A Woman's Past Tho North American's The North American's German War Pictures Uerninn War Pluures Orrln Johnson. In llobert Mantel), In The The Penitents UHndnem uf Devotion Charlotte flrrrnuooil. In Penrl White. In Jane I LrzM Klrke Mareutrlte Clark. In Mario Dom. In Prince and the Pauper -Tho Wood Nymph Crll Maudo. In VI Ian Martin. In The Greater Will Merely Mary Ann Mary Plckford. In Constance Collier. In Tho Foundling Tongues of Men Helen Wnro. hi DIaby Hell. In Ciuas Currents Tathcr and tho Hoys Constance Collier, In Marguerite Snow. In 'longms of Men The Upstart Allen Ilrady, In Mary Plckford, In llm Woman in Llttlo Pal Lou Tellegen, In Clara Kimball Young. In The Unknown The Yellow Passport Rmfi Vt?.S!e Dnrrlscale. In Graft Th 1 'a Intel Soul Orrln Johnson, In Clara Klmhull Young, In A (.quitted The Yellow Passport WTIIard Mack, In Id FchnaITm The Couiiueror l'lidltie Dustlii Kamum. In The Triangle: Wilfred Lucas. flentU-iiian From Indiana in Acquitted Houto Peters. Wm P. The Hart. In Hevween Men Hattle Cry of Peace A Soul Enilari Trail of the Wild Wolf The bller.i Trail Pete'a Awful Crlmo The The Dattle Cry uf Peace Hattlo Cry of Peace Mary Plckford, In Clara Kimball Young, In Tho J-ouudllnr Camllle Tyrone Power. In I.ulu Glarer. In Love's fhou Shalt Not Covet Pllgnnnmu 10 America Clara Kimball Young In Marie Doro. lit The Yellow Panport The Wood Nymph William S. Hart. In Maurice Costello. In The Hetweeii Men Crown Prince's Double Pearl White, In Julia Dean. In Hazel Klrke The Hansom Gladys Colburn. In Pearl White, In The Ulack Crook Hazel Klrke Orrln Johnson. In Helen Ware. In The Price of power Secret Love Herbert Kelrey. in Triangle The Bphln? Cross Currents lllancha Bueet. In Dlsnchs Sweet In Tim llagainuftln The Ragamuffin , Viola Dana. In Alice Ilrady, In The Innocence of Ruth The Woman In 47 Marie Empress, la Cleo Madison. In Love's Crossroads A Soul Enslaved Hill Petera'fKU Golden Lies " House Gone Wrong The Tale of the Goat Fannie WardTTn, Mary allies Mlnter. In The Cheat Dimples Mart- PIck'ord. In Itlcharil Duehler. In Behind the Scenes The Gods of Fate W'allace Held, la Orrln Johnson. In The Golden Chance Acquitted Winifred Greenwood. In Clara Kimball Young. In A Modern Sphlin Tha Yellow Passport Anita Stewart. In Edna Goodrich. In My Lady's Sllppsr Armstrong'a Wife Miry Plekford. In Mary Plckford, la Poor Little Peppina Poor Little Peppina Holbrook lillnn. In Tha Destroyer Butterfly on the Wheel The Crash Others Malfiolm Duncan, la Mary Iloland, in VVTUlOats The Edge at the Abysa Tbe Old Homestead Grace EUlston. In Paramount Plciura Ulack Fear Cleo Madison. In A Soul Enslaved Valll Valll. In The Turmoil Alice Hrady, In The Woman In -1, The North American's German War Pictures Helen Ware. In Crusa Currents Ixiu Tellegen. In Tho Unknown Ida Schnill, In t'ndlne George r. Marlon, In Excuro Mo Constance Collier, tn Tongues of Men Aubrey Munson. In Inspiration Marguerite Snnw, In Tho Upstart Grace Elllnton. In Ulack Fear Fannie Ward, In Tho Cheat Harold Lockwood: The Other Side of tho Olrl Clarn Kimball Young. In The Yellow Pussport Marie Empress, In Ixe's Crossroads Marguerite Clark. In Prlnre and the Pauper The Battle Cry of Peace Tho X-'amlli Secret (Timers Julia Dean. In The Hansom Francis X. Ilushman. In Man and IIU Saul Clara Kimball Young. In the lellnw I'assport Mario Horn, in The Wood Nymph Clara K. Young. In The Yellow Puasucri Viola Dana '-. The Innoicn c jf ituih Ill.UHhi. Sweet, in The Itiigamutriu Theodore Itnherts. In .Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo Marcuerltn Clark. In Mice nnd Men Charlotte flrcenwood. In Jane Id-l Schnall, In I'udlne Gladys Ilanrnn. In The Enngeli-tt Lou Tellegen, In The I'nknowu Acnos Glvnne. In The Iivo Trail The North American's! tlennnn War ITctur-s Patho Gold Ilonster Piny Excuse Me I'ninclM X. Ihi-'limnn. In Mm nnd Ills Soul Carljle ni.ichwell. In Mr. Grex of Mniilo Carlo Pearl WhUe. U Thn Klng'a Game Ivols Meredith. In The Precloua Packet Arthur Hoops, In The Danger Signal Marguerite Clark. In Mlco and Men llobert Warwick, In Fruits of Desire Mme Petrova. In What Will Peoplo Say? Th Fled Circle Orrtn .Tnhnrnn. In D'Artagnan Orrln Johnrnn, In The Prlco of Power PTanre Nelsnn. In Love's Crucible Helen Ware In Cross Currents Graft (Nn iro Pants and Petticoats Clin Kimball Young. In The Yellow Pa ss port Constance Colli.r. la Tongues of Men . Vnlll VnlU "n Her Debt of Honor Laura H , rows, lllackblrds Francis X. Bujhnun. iiau and ai Wul fraoeea Nelson, la Loym Crucible "Ji"1'.."'. Walthall. In The Misleading l.ady Dustln Farnum. In The uentleman From Indiana Fannie Ward. In Tennessee's Pardner Marguerite CortoT In" The Dead Alle Dorothy Donnelly, In Madame X The Olrl and the Game The Chain of Evidence Mary Miles Mlnter, In Dimples Itlchard Tucker. In When Love Is King Marguerite Clark. In Mlco and Men Wayne Arey, In Outwitted Emily Etevena. in The House of Tears Mary Plckford. la Poor Little Peppina Heart of the Blue Ridge Charlie Chaplin Comedy Deajle Barrlscale. la The Painted! Soul Blaacha Ring, to Tbe Yankee Olrl Frances Nelson. In Love'a Crucible Wlllard Mack In The Conqueror Mary Roland, 111 The Edge nf the Abyss Alice Brady In The Ballet Girl E"llv Whlen In Tableu Turned ,!t:.,,'larrl'eale. In The Green Swamn Sarah Bernhardt. In Jeanne Dora Fannie Ward. In Tennessee's Pardner Maclvn Arbucklo. In The Reform Candidate Mlgnn Anderson In The Mill on the Floss Sold to Satan Jane's Bashful Hero Jackie Saunders. In The Shrine of Happiness Gladys Hanvon. in The Straight Road Orrln Johnson. In The Price of Power Tom Chatterton, In When the Light Cam Marguerite Clark, tn' Wlldflower Mary Plckford. In Poor little Peppina Tbe Broken Coin. No. 19 Tne laurel et icars Orrln Johnson, In The Penitent BATURDAT ln.i,l,c1!? Sweet. In jho ltuganiulflii tA!Ic.';. "radyrin lhcWoman In -17 Marguerite CHrk. In " Mice nnd Meii Charlotte Vireenwood. In "'WkS'tf- mSm BoSm Gmpom THE following theatres obtain llirlr pictures through the STANLEY Hooking Conuinny, which la n Kuiiriintrn of early Nliolngs nf the finest productions. All iilctures re lew eel before exhibition. AhIc for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY Hooking Company. E ALHAMBRA HAZEL DAWN 12th, Morris Passyunk Ae. Mat Dally nt 2; Evga., 7 0. Vaudeville & z'aranri i-iciurcs. in "JIY i.AUl INCOG" CHESTNUT BEIX)V 1CTII LIBERTY Julia Dean BROAD AND COLUMBIA "The Ransom" WTh5n '-rby: ."trnnger -ir" w omnn'a witl iuo"?&0"?2.L . , !,,, (,irJ91fj '"-'."'telLln '"hiiui no Ths North AmerlcaiTa J.erman War Ilcture, ti ..in it, inrev. ri Knight of tho Range wi Innl Mack. n Iho Conqueror IjiIh Meredith. It, JPrecIoyi Packet House, PeteTsTTn , 2.11 tJrat Dlido MnrgiierTtr7 iTnrk. lii Mlcu ami Men . Dorothy Ghih In j!aiLJl!L" '"a" w,,rnn Povpr In r...... . . . V Ai ' "elriehe. In A Circus Romnnco 0rrrS ,J',l"ion. In -- ..i.aanan rv., ... . Th. "i! ,Jnnnson, n The Price. nf j,'0r Orrln Johnson, lu ' "wiiian Srft'lar, Elentlng Father raters of Fire Triangle: W-lfredLulal In Acquitted TofAW'TriT" - "- Jicn '" ' rSi". s,akThi , iliqueror .Tttnl.1.. 7T "- -. Th m,., Baunder, n TjHhrlne or Happ,,',?., ,PjKa. Petroi. i -'""" 'y'U PeoSI. 'a..., Tennes,;, Parjner J-rejiorow Th. i? UI r in The 1-ourth EsVlt. JP&iss&jT Thi hlS-Bau"Iers. In Thejihrlne " tlapplnes. T'M-.rm rTKJrz - " CHHil "Vffiiffi! .StaJSft-- "w ij jr ARCADIA FANNIE WARD in "TENNESSEE'S PARDNER" ' APm T O 02D AND THOMPSON ArULiLiO MATINEE DAILY J'.0."'iP.. MARIE EMPRESS in 1' XiVAUI.I "LOVE'S CROSS ROADS" RI UFRIRD 200 xonTH uriOAr) ST re.'ntYvr Valeska Suratt in "THE IMMIGRANT" TJt"! MfiNT r,5u ABOVE MARKET DJliLilVlvJlN 1 Mais. i::m :t::io, kic Ega. 0:30, H, t:30. We VIVIAN MARTIN In MERELY MARY ANN ' FOX PRODUCTION ami and prnAD paramount CEDAR AVE LUJI THEATRE Dorothy Donnelly in 'Madame X' PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY FAIRMOUNT sftT" flAnD AVE. Helen Ware and Harry Carey in "SECRET LOVE" -Illueblrd Feature In 0 Acts , Logan Auditorium UlZ&. EMILY STEVENS in "THE HOUSE OF TEARS" rC1 TCT 5-D AND LOCUST JUVJUUiJl Mat 1 an and It :iO. 10c ers ii no, h. n:io. ir,c World Feature CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" Market St. Theatre 33:f "fe IDA SCHNALL in "UNDINE"' SEE "GRAFT" EVERY WEDNESDAY ORPHFIIM OKRMANTOWN AND V-,IArrlI:,U"1 CHEI.TEN AVES. Triangle Plain Orrln Johnson In "Tho Prlco or Power" Roscoe Arbuckle mid Mablo Nor man In "He Did und He Didn't" Keystone. ORIFNT a2D WOODLAND AVE. XlL,lN 1 uay Ma ,, v 0 3Q ( j, PARAMOUNT PICTITRE Marie Doro in "The White Pearl" PAI APF ,2U MARKET STREET rMxHAE, u A. j, to 11.15 T. M. BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAGAMUFFIN" FRANKFORD 47U FRAN,A0EnNJun MARGUERITE CLARK in THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" CO J Ci- BSd !. 2-3 30 tic OsCU Jl. Sansotn Eves. 0 30 to 11 lOo ARNOLD DALY " $IgB,JftKBn PATHE GOLD ROOSTER l'LAY" GERMANTOWN 150!TSR. J'nrnmount rictura CONSTANCE COLLIEIt In "The Tongues of Men " Added Attraction "The Strange Case of Mary Page." 2d Episode. runnr both & market :im-o ULUDL tlfi.000 KIMBALL ORGAN LILLIAN WALKER "GREEN STOCKINGS" V-L-S-E FEATURE In "ID ADH AVENUE THEATRE ValKVsAL1 7TH AND GIRARD AVE. TKIAXOLK PLAYS KATHEHINB KELLARD and HOUSE PETERS in "THE WINGED IDOL" rZZl 1Un.tl.oi-n BROAD 8T, ERIE & Great Northern oermantn aves. TRIANGLE PLAY ---- Orrin Johnson in "Acquitted" IRIS THEATRE 8H8 JST53 VALLI VALLI in "HER DEBT OF HONOR" ! PARFC- n'DOE AVE. b DAUPHIN ST. ""' Continuous show from S uU-0.30-11. rAUAJiuu.vr FANNIE WARD in "The Cheat" PRINCESS ,0,ffiOT "THE CRIME OF CIRCUMSTANCES" "CURE D " See "The Olrl and the Game" every Thursday. RIAI TO GERMANTOWN AVE. . rtr AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" RFdFNT IMI "ARKET STREET LOU TELLEGEN in 'THE UNKNOWN" R II RY MARKET STREET ' i.. . T, . .... UELOW 7TH STREET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" S0TH AND DAUPHIN STREETS "THE LURE OF DESIRE" METRO. PICTURE JEFFERSON t J 1 D- In CQIRUIIU UrCCSC HEARTS 1 V KXWTt FORTY-FIRST AND LJliiWCit LANCASTER AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in "THE FOUNDLING" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion 'Picture Chart CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House ",,! THE NORTH AMERICAN'S i GERMAN WAR PICTURES I WEST PHILADELPHIA f.RANn MD nntI MARKET STS. HOLBROOK BLINN in "LIFE'S WHIRLPOOL" OVERBROOK """"-oTidV RED TEATHER DAY Herbert Kelcey & Effie Shannon "THE SPHINX" f- A DPT7TVI SiD i ussnmvvc vu viaxtXZjl -I ., . ....r. ... V-L-S-E Anita Stewart & Earlsi! Williams in "My Lady's Slipper"! EUREKA i0ni L MAnKET SIt' V-L-S-E Present"! "THE rmi-AT nii-inr!" House Peters and Ethel Clayton i Hi IMPERIAL Theatre MZW J Willard Mnelr '" "THE Trfaimfo TYHIdra 1V1HCK r-nvnrtpnniv ,1,n Mack Swain ,n " "5gn. f NORTH R-J Cu.i n : RnoAD neio uiuau uuect UtKIIUU i;KIE MATINEE. 2.30. EVI-VIVO. 7 nnd G. Arthur Hoops nnd Alma Halom" In "THE FINAL CURTAIN ' OTIIERI PPNTI IRV i-nin ave marshau. CIN 1UKI MATINEE DAILY "INFATUATION" 5 Acts SOUTH SHERWOOD 81T,tR?moK PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION K DANIEL FROHMAN Presents MARY PICKFORD In "LITTLE PAI." S AVOY 1211 MARKET V.ITs ..-. STREET EBA THOMSON in "THE BINS OF A GREAT CITY" TIOGA "TU VENANGO STS. "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION VICTORIA MAKKET ST. Vllvl Waia ADOVB NINTH Francis X. RUSHMAN 4 Beverly RAYNE In 'A Man and His Soul." See "The Strange Case of Mary Page" every Wed. and Thurs. STANI FY MHKET ABOVE loTII S.i.'ifjrhr1 MARY PICKFORD 11 1 i r In CONTINUOUS "POOU IilTTLK PEPPIKA " y.agHa PLAZA "nJSlxrif "14,'r.l-. PIIqo" Featuring Harry Hi"! lilgh rlierS an(i Rosemary ThiW. NORIHWEST a- TI "fllC TnP.1Tlh at ousquehanna susquehanxa w MOLLY McINTYRE in itjct r-DCAT uniin" s. m PABT SOUTHEAST STRAND 12TH AND amARU AV& ANNA KNEILSON in "Thi Coauette's Fate" Other! KENSINGTON JUMBO FTOOTMuDAYswvd .XHE OIRLAND ; THH OAMi. --'rScSstM -U'ATLlsii'rr . .fc" --n.---.. THE JUMBO WEKKI.I "ARTISTIO INTERFERENCE" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday, In Motion Picture Chart mle Fadden Out West Mary, Plckford. In Poor Uttle Peppina Dorothy Donnelly. Jo Her Mother's Secret Clara Klinhall Young. In The Yellow FaasSSit Lr SuF Ollmore Pauline Frrderlefc. la Ullmore lydla- la Ms rr Mitts Mlnter. ts Wmrlca M0- METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Pictures An Absolute, Guarantee st Quality THFATRPr.'' HhthNfr inEmnuut s,at."5 . MARY PICKFORD in "THE FOUNDLING" Tomorrow UAI'y pickford in ..... , THE "UNPLINa All pleturea secured thru Stanley llkg.Ce. WEEKLY PROORAM8 APPEAR EVERY MONDAY IN MUTWN-PICTVRH CHART I APA YF.TTE 29U KENSINGTON AVENUE THREE DAYS ONLY THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE