EVEKING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1916. " r ' ....... - 5 iMt mis. TO ACCEPT 'illflEKMANV'S VIEW iTlHoN ARMED LINERS Ljn Warn Travelers to Uvoid Vessels uarrying GunS, JiriwB" " A j.w.o IjlAY LEAD TO EMBARGO WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Austria- (Hungary's formal decree to treat all firmed merchantmen as war vessels , tur March 1 and sink them without M received at the State Do- i" A u1tnHnilni T)sit flrt id ?P . . i. r. Viniinn Tim rlnrrpn Ljhortcr than the one Issued by Gcr ; ,nr, but it is substantially the same. ,.tM(iTnM. Feb. 14. Tho United rVV.V. will adopt tho auggestlon of tho Small Government nnd wnrn Americans t .iia take passago on armed incrchnnt 'wnlaccordlnB to tho International News R"- . ... ..... ..... .- .... i. TUflnltB UUOrmauuil uioi una 10 mo - Sot PreflWent Wilson ami that nn Xncemcnt to this effect wilt shortly KraTuO by the Stato Department, was forthcoming tonight from an authorlta- n um lource. In diplomatic Circles uiBguasiun iuuuy 'ired on tl10 Inevltablo consequences of Mi course. Even tho most conservative Minion holds that this country will lie Si In a controversy with Great Britain which may oaslly provo to bo tho most troublcsomo and embarrassing of UT tbe United States has yet had to face. No ono conversant with tho case goes io far as to forecast anything moro rlou3 than a loss of foreign trade. Hut that tho United States must expect a .v.t nf commercial retaliation If the i ..-,. rnntrntlon Is upheld by this GOV 'T eminent U considered certain. f i ihn United Stntcs prohibits the clear- taw from Its ports of armed merchant men the Allies may bo counted upon to reply with a threat of refusing to nllow any of their merchantmen to enter Amcr i..n nnrts. Allied merchantmen now carry most of tho foreign trado of tho United States, HO mai n ncriuua ius iiukui caally ba Indicted on America, nut tha Allies themselves would be tho greatest offerers by non-Intercourse. Ono diplomat hero hns suggested that tho Entente Powers ought to forbid any (hips to como hero except such as enrry munitions and other supplies needed by tho nations themselves. But such a sit uation could readily bo met by tho au thorities here. If tho Allies try to en force a partial boycott tho United States can readily mnko It complete. Accord ingly tho boycott threat Is taken hero as largely diplomatic bluff. German diplomats nro confident thnt the United States will support tho view that armed merchantmen aro In effect warships, In so far na their ability to net on the offensive with submarines Is con cerned. They declaro that recognition by the United States of tho Justice of their ""i"'0" w"l remove the last cause for controversy between the two countries. Officials of the German Embassy arc expecting- a final settlement of tho Lusl tanla case beforo tho end of tho present By Tuesday or Wednesday at tho latest hi a ! embassy expects word from the Berlin I'orelgn offlco accepting tho changes of plirn neology in u10 agreement which Sec retary Lansing suggested at his confer ence with Count -on Ucrnstorff last week. AUlioug i the chnnges did not reach . . .,"iUI! Vestciday, It Is thought prob nolo timt Count von Jagow. finding thorn acceptable, may notify tho Ambassador by wireless today to proceed to draw up tic formal agreement and to authorlta tho Ambassador to affix to It the nnmo of tho German Foreign Minister. ENGLAND WILL REJECT U. S. STAND ON ARMED LINERS London Hears Washington Will Ac cept German Ruling LONDON, Teh. 14.-England will reject proposals tnado by tho United States thnt merchant vessels bo disarmed. In taking this action, Great Britain will havo tho backing of nil tho Entente Towers. This has been determined by Informal prelim inary conferences held by Sir Edward Grey with representatives of tho Allies In London and formal affirmation of tho de cision will bo mado nt a, great war coun cil, to bo held In Purls In tho near future. Tho British Government will novcr nbnndon tho position that It has takon that tho sinking of merchant vessels without warning, oven If tho ships at tacked nro carrying arms for their own defense Is contrary to tho principles of civilized warfare. Tho general Impression nmong tho pco plo of England and In London ofllclal cir cles Is that tho American Government In tends to accept tho argument of Germany. This Is certain to result In tho develop ment of tension, more or less ncuto, be tween London nnd Washington. $500 BEQUESTS TO CHURCHES Jano A. Taskcr's Among Wills Pro bated Sayro Estate Bequests of JJ0O each to tho Protestant Episcopal Church of tho Covenant and St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church nro Included In the will of Jane A. Tasker, 222 North 41th street, probated today. Tho will disposes of an cstato valued at $1100. A bequest of $100 to tho Corinthian Avenue Presbyterian Church Is contained In tho will of Chnrlotto Stutz, 28ID West Glrard avenue, who left nn cstato valued at $1000 to relatives. Other wills admitted to probnto wcro those of John C. Sayro, 0 North 0th street, which In private bequests dispones of an cstnto valued nt moro than $100,000; Mlra C. Brown, 1211 South Broad street. $20,000; Theodoro L. Schneider, 1302 Vino street, $I6.SOO; Frederick C. Block, 133 Enst Durham street, $8200; Joseph W. natighman, 1213 North 23th street, $3300; Alexander Wcmys. who died In tho Epis copal Hospital, $3000; Fredrick V. Matton, Atlantic City, N. J., $2300; Fredrick Ben der, 2821 Stiles street, $2073, and Annie L. nemlngton, 4929 Floicucc avenue. $2000. Tho personalty of tho cstato of JIary Mellon has been nppralscd at $12,391.51, and Cathnrlno Brndy, $2032.75. Letters of Administration havo been granted In the cstato of William Farrcll, 3010 Cresson street, which Is valued at $5200. RAVENNA ATTACCATA DAUNASQUADRIGLIA DIAEROPLANINEMICI Quindici Persone, Donne e Rn- gazzi, Uccise dalle Bombe Aeree Trlncea Italiana Penetrnta, sul Itombon AZIONI DI ARTIGLIERIA BOMA, 14 Febbralo. Alcunl ncroplnnl nustrlncl feccro sabato un raid sit Uavcnna o sullo borgnto vlelno ill Codlgoro c Bottrtghc, non dlstantl dalla costa ndrlatlca. SI dlco qui cho 15 por sono slano stato usslso In questo raid, trn oisl parocchlo donne ed alcunl ragazzl. Inoltro un ospodalo o la chlssa dl San t'Apolllnaro sono rlmaslo danncgglate. L'annunelo dl questo raid o' stato dato ancho ufllclalmcnto a Vienna dlccndo che gll ncroplanl nustrlacl hanno dnnncgglatb gravemento la stazlonc fcrrovlarln cd al cunl stnblllmcntl dl zucchcro o dl zolfo, ollro nil uno stablllmcnto ldrnultco dl Codlgoro. L'attacco aereo mi Itavenna, cho non c' cltta' fortlflcnta, ha provocato vlvls slma Indlgnazlono In tuttn Italia cd 1 glornalt domandnno cho si facclano rap prcsaglto glaccho si trntta dl scmpllco o puro vnndallsmo, II comm. Corrndo Itlccl, dlrettoro generate dcllo Belle Artl, ha dctto cho o' stato un puro caso so la chlcsa dl Sant'Apolltnnre, cho o' un monu mento storlco dl grnndo Importonza. non o' rlmastn dlstruttn. So lo bomo fosscro caduto una qulndlclna dl pnssl plu' vlelno alia chlcsa, questa non st sarebbo salvata. La chlcsa fu crretta ncl 635 o consnerata nel 549. Com'o noto. Garibaldi si rlfug'o' ncl 1SCT nclla plncta dl Ilnvcnnn dovo morl' Anita. SULLA FBONTE ITALIANA. II Mlnlstc;o dclla Gucrra ha pubbltcato II seguonte comunlcato urrtclnlo In baso nl rapporto del genomic Cndorna: "La nostra azlonc dl nrtlgllorla e' stata oggl partlcolarmento efllcaco contro co lonne dl rlfornlmento cho marclavano lun go I flanchl dcllo nlturo dl Ulacna, In val d'Adlgo; contro gruppl ncmlcl nello vlcl nanzo dl Lusernn. nella vnllo dcll'Astlco, o contro la stazlono dl Caldonnzzo, In Val Sugana. Nclla vnllo del Scxtcn la nostra nrtlgllcrla ha lnccndlato l'nlbcrgo dcllo Dolomltl. "Nclla conca dl Plezzo, alto Isonzo, nll'nlba dl sabato II ncmlco con uu nttocco dl sorpresa, fatto con forzo conslderovoll, rluscl' a penctraro In un nostro trlnccro mento nella zona del monto Uombon. "Ncl scttoro dl Oorlzln le batterle nc mlchc, tlrnndo da .oslzlonl nello vlclnanzo dl Ubbla o dl Savona contro lo nostro poslzlont del Podgorn, furono rldotto al sllcnzlo dalla nostra artlgllcrla." NELL'ALHANIA. Un comunlcato ufllclnlo pubbllcnto sa bato n Vienna, nnnunclava cho per la prima volta gll Italian! crano stntl Im pcgnatl nclla gucrra ncl Balcanl. Essl avevnno attaccnto lo forze nustrlacho cho occupavano nlotinc poslzlont nello vlcl nanzc dl Tlrnnn. ad est di Durazzo. Nes sun comunlcato nfllclalo ltallano si o' avuto qui per chlarlro questo nvvcnl mento, tnnto plu" cho gll nustrlacl dicono cho l'attacco dcgll ltallaul fu rcsplnto. Ora vlene un altro comunlcato ufflctalc bulgaro che dlco cho lo forzo bulgare hanno occupato la cltta' nlbaneso di EI- ON Wl T TELLER &XO. F gffle (Spech(ShopOtnatiottt CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET OURRUJRE BEGINNING TOMORROW, TUESDAY Final Clearance of Furs Prior to the Closing of the Department for the Season The Entire Stock Is Included in This Event Without Reserve or Exception At About One-half or Less Than Regular Prices k3 :Xjtm Scarfs Regularly 6 Natural Skunk 10.00 5.00 5 Mole 14.50 7.50 7 Hudson Seal 14.50 7.50 3 Black Lynx 18.50 7.50 8 Beaver 10,50 8.50 5 Natural Skunk 16,50 8.50 6 Natural Skunk 25.00 12.50 2 KlttFox 27.50 12.50 4 Beaver .... , 22.50 12.50 8 Black Fox 24.50 12.50 5 Battleship Gray Fox . . . .37.50 19.50 7 Natural Raccoon 9,50 4.50 Muffs Regularly 5 Nutria .....' U.50 7.50 9 Natural Raccoon 14.50 7.50 8 Hudson Seal 19.50 9.50 5 Beaver 22.50 10.00 7 Black Fox 22.50 10.50 4 Hudson Seal 29.50 14.50 7 Natural Skunk 32.50 16.50 5 Natural Skunk 39.50 19.50 5 Black Lynx 29.50 14.50 2 Kltt Fox 32.50 16.50 A Battleship Gray Fox... 42.50 24.50 6 Mole 24.50 12.50 Women's and Misses' Fur Coats 6 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 85,00 to 95.00 55.00 4 Trimmed Hudson Sea! Coats Regularly 125.00 to 185.00 69.50 7 Bordered Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 145,00 to 155.00 85.00 (Skunk Collar, Cuffs, Border) 2 Caracul Coats Regularly 125,00 58.00 11 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 155,00 to 165,00 95.00 (45 inches long) 14 Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 175,00 to 195,00 1 1 0.00 (40 and 45 inches long) 4 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 185,00 to 225.00 125.00 3 Model Hudson Seal Coats. Regularly 245,00 to 265.00 145.00 1 Model Hudson Seal Coat Regularly 825,00 175.00 3 Imported Hudson Seal Coats Regularly 875.00 to 425.00 200.00 bnssnn e ma.rcla.no verso ovest per oper- concluded separatamente la pace con are II roltegamcnto con le forze nustrlacho operant! nel settoro ill Durazzo. Le, avan guardle bulgaro sarebbero ora a meno m ventl mlglla dallo forze austrlncho o sa rebbero gla' In comunlcazlono lo uno con Id altro. E butgarl spcrano dl nvvllupparo lr forio ltallano cho si trovano a Du razzo. Un altro telegramma da Atcno dlco che I hulgarl hanno occupato la clttadlna dl Fieri a marclano su Vnlona da cul Fieri dlsta appena 31 mlglla, I hulgarl pero' si sarebbero fermatl a Fieri per nttendcrvl I'arrlvo dclla loro nrtlgllerln., n Intanto un altro telegramma da Atcno dlco cho la Bulgaria sta trattando per gll alteatl In mods che nssumerebbo un nttegglamento favorevole a questl. La voce earebbe norta dal fatta che si sa eslstere dlssenM tra la Bulgaria r I'Austrla per quanto rlguarda la dlvlslone dcllo spogllo dl guerra, so la gucrra flnlsce con la vlttorla dcgll Impcrl central!. Un rlsultato dlretto dclla vlslta d! Brland a Boma o' che t'ltnlla partcclpern' ptenamentc al consign dl guerra o polltlcl che gll nlleatl Icrranno a Prtrlgl L'ambns clatoro Tlttonl cd II genomic Porro, sot tocapo dl Stato Maggloio gcncralo dell'cs er'clto, saranno I rappresentantl dell'Italla al conslgllo, Questo nvra' scopo dl co ordinate to operation! mllltarl degll alleatl e Id loro nzlone politics. I mlnlstrl franecsl ed 11 loro segulto sono partltl fin da sabato sera alia volta della fronto Italiana per conferlro con It ro o con Cadorna. Brland lift formalmento Invltnto Salamlra ft rccarsl a PnrlBl. Tra gll nlleatl o' stato conelmo un nc cordo per lo scamblo dl munlzlonl o dl matcrlalo grczzo cho nbblsogna per la gucrra, non solo ma ancho per Intenslfl caro la produzlone dcllo munlzlonl o del l'nltro malcrinlo dl gucrra c pcrslno per lo scnmblo degll operal nddettl ngll sta blllnicnll d'nrml o ill munlzlonl. II prlmo conslgllo dl guerra dcgll alleatl sara' to nuto a Parlgl al prlml dl mnrzo. Man ConfCBses io Robberies 1.ANCASTF.B. fa.. Feb. li-vVaitcr Oll moro has been orre'stcd for attempting to rob Daniel Kline' factory. After- his nr l-est ho confessed to robbing recently the rtMlccflf of Louis N. Cramer, M Mlcltnells & Bon, I. II. Weaver nnd'JDAvid Kline. H njso confessed to looting several Batci, Swedish Ship Strikes Ice STOCKHOLM, Fob. II. Tho Swedish steamship Bos, which sailed from New York for Stockholm on January U, ro ported today that It had struck Ice oft th Kcrrles nnd was leaking badly. 3r QI iriHTI Y 3 Oiljrll S iw 1 in Priced for Quick Clearance Our January business was large. We took in part payment for Cunningham-made instruments many pianos of other makes. These will go on sale Monday morning. You will find them all in first-class condition, many practically new, having been completely renovated at our own factory. The prices are extremely low and the terms will be made to suit you. UPRIGHTS $75 NOW $275 Sherwood Upright Piano . $250 Daniel F. Beaity, mahogany $65 $250 J. C. Campbell, oak $75 $275 Marshall & Wendell, mahogany.. $75 $275 Kohler & Chase, mahogany $75 $250 Bourne . Upright Piano Mid uoaruman a uniy, nmuuguiiy 65 $ii $275 Kohler & Campbell, mahogany... $275 Owen & Simpson, oak $275 New England Piano Co., mahog.. $75 $80 $80 $85 $275 Horace Wafers & Co.; mahogany $85 1 $300 Decker Upright Piano $275 Wright Piano Co., mahogany..., $275 Patterson & Co., walnut $300 Wagner Piano Co., mahogany. . . $85 $85 $95 $275 Howard Upright Piano $300 Conrad Meyer, mahogany $95 $300 Dyer & Hughes, walnut $95 $300 Winter & Co., mahogany $105 $325 Paul Mahlen, mahogany $115 $325 Summer Piano Co., mahogany.. $115 $325 Chas. Edwards Piano Co., oak... $125 $325 C. Lifchie & Co.', mahogany $125 $356 Everett Piano Co., mahogany. . . .$135 4nn ei. Ughtmpkno. $125 $375 Hazelton Bros., mahogany $145 uPrisht Pia" $375 Solimer & Co., mahogany $150 $375 Meredith Piano Co., mahogany.. $150 $375 Ivers & Pond, mahogany $160 $275 Forrest (slightly used), mahog. $175 $400 Gilbert, mahogany $175 $450 Emerson, mahogany $190 $500 Chickering $-fl 95 ' $275 Forrest Upright Piano JLJ!J? Upright Piano We Also Have About 20 Cunningham-made Pianos and Players at Prices Less Than Usual ; IT PAYS TO THINK tijLisro llth& Chestnut Sts. Factory, SOth Street and Parkside Avenue JOB I $80 I $160 $225 K If U