WB!P'OTlS!C(W(Hpj i5fgiSSP Ji.jjpu mpwwim I EVENING IEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1016. -' win i y wgiraMw njwn,u;jiwi' i'Mi'ii"i4WfipiW'jriw'-yywwwWlPp! fcf tt FEDERAL BANKS MAY LEND MONEY TO BELLIGERENTS Financing Must Be Done in I Roundabout Manner, Says Reserve Board CAN'T BUY BONDS DIRECT WASHINGTON, Feb. H.-The Fcdornt Heerve Board toilny virtually threw open thevaults: of the 12 Federal reserve banks) of lho United States to the flnanctcra of tho, European war, giving permission for the" uso of tho funds of thcao semi rovxsrnmentnl banking Institutions In pur chmlng munitions ot war for belligerent nations. Tho permission Is given In the second annual report of the Federal He servo Board, mado to the Speakor of tho Hopse of Representatives at noon today. InV view of tho terms of tho Federal reservo act, however. His board warns tho banks that foreign financing must bo Jierformcd In a round-about manner, ths' Federal reserve banks making no direct purchases of obligations of foreign Governments. "While not authorizing tho Federal re serve banks to buy directly tho bonds of foreign governments, this appears to give them authority to lend money on bills, notes, drafts and similar commercial pajwjr growing out of war-order transac tions and other forolgn financing. Labor Interests In this country alleged to be hrflfflffttnnn Inst ntimnipr r-nmmllnlente1 tvi the board tho threat that if tho banks ivcrp pormlttcd to engage In this sort of financing, steps not directly In tho path way of recognized legal procedure would be taken to preserve tho neutrality of the nation. RECOMMENDS NEW LEGISLATION. The board's report contains a number of striking recommendations for legisla tion, among them being amendments to listing law permitting; National banks and Federal reserve banks to subscrlbo for stock In banks de signed to do foreign business. The Issue of Federal reserve notes to Federal reservo banks, either against the deposit of an equal amount, faco value, ot notes, drafts, bills ot oxchanga and bankers' acceptances. or of gold, or of both, provided that gold deposited be con sidered as part of tho reserve required maintained by tho bank drawing the notes. National banks and Federal reserve banks to extend the acceptance business, now .based on exportatlons and Importa tions of goods, to domestic dealings. National banks to establish branches In their' cities or counties. Tederal reservo banks to make advances to member banks against reliable col lateral. National banks to lend on farmlands within 100 miles of their locations. WOULD LEND ON REAL ESTATE. National banks to lend on real estate other than farmlands, provided tho real estate Is Improved and unemcumbcred, that tho loan therefor not to exceed one year nor for more than W per cent, of the value of the property, and that such loans shall not exceed 23 per cent, of the capital and surplus of the lending bank, nor one-third of Its tlmo deposits. Tho board's report says that the great amount of confidence which tho very existence of the Federal reservo system has Inspired has been of inestimable value to tho country, keeping money rates low and causing the free and easy movement of trade and commerce to endure In the face of extraordinary Industrial and finan cial upheavals brought about by the European ivar. "Depression In business life his given" away to extreme activity," says the board's report. The establishment of local agencies rather than full-fledged branch Federal Reserve Banks, such as that at New Or leans, Is recommended by tho board. It would not be wlso at this time to estab lish many branches, as tho expense could not easily be borne, It Is said. The board reports that Federal reserve notes Increased $188,000,000 In circula tion In 1915. The Federal reservo banks. It is stated, earned but $639,881 during 1915, but, the board Bays, their func tion Is not to make money, but merely to carry themselves along and hold themselves In readiness to Influence the discount rato market when emergency arises demanding such action to forestall financial panic. Further recommendations for legisla tion aro being formulated, but nre not nature at this time, the board says. Two Big Operations Change Rands IL E. Smith has sold to Harry V. Betz 99 houses at 4th, Orlnnna and Cayuga, streets, which were built by Bernard L. Shapiro. The price paid was in excess of 200,000. The same broker has also sold to Harry V, Betz another operation of 61 houses at 3d end Orlanna streets south of Cayuga for a price in excess of 535,000. Con veyance of the houses has already been made. Supreme Court Decisions Tho following orders nnd Judgments were entered by the Supreme Court today: PER CURIAM: Tyrant vs. tho Philadelphia. R. T Appeal from C. P. No. B. Judgment afflrmed. HY JUSTICE MESTItEZAT: Keller Pke Co. vs. Wetter. Appeal C. . u. j, juiiiiaenL as inoiiinea ainr gment as modlded affirmed. MOQawm vs. jiecKier. M,rui,F. Ann,, ,T 1 N7a i-nii. iiuaKrocnv uilirmea. - Dt Meifla and. others vs. ThlU. & Reading Tty. Co. Appeal C. P. No. 8. Judgment In each case) reversed and a new venire awarded, canwy et al. vs. Union Trust Co. Appeal C. I. No. 4. Decree affirmed. ffilinr V: I'hlU. Rapid Transit Co. Au peal a P. No, a. Judcraent reversed with a procedendo, WrUht vs. Mitchell. Appeal C. P. No. B Judgment reversed with a venire facias de novo. I'ampfcell et al. vs. Ctty of Phlla. Appeal C. P No. 1. Judgment affirmed. aY JUSTICE POTTER: lwartlaF Estate Edwards et al. Appeal. Orpluuis' Court of Allesheny County. In so far as questions rataed by these appeals are con cerned the decree la affirmed and appeals dismissed at costs ot appellants. Macnelr vs. Wallace, Appeal O. P. No, 8. Judgment affirmed. PETEYPetey Wouldn't Take a Chance on the awe yav au tfeAov ' . -x f 6EAT svtiW&. f, s? AVvT"v' TT I Perri ocAa-? Mabel rJ ( Mect m aho J C 7 zJL, ' V?!ly rP0E e ) rf J so giao J HAITEfe TW o"T SUSPECT MISON-BOUND, TWISTS SHACKLE AM) FLEES Man, Held Here, Breaks Loose From New Hampshire Sheriff PORTSMOUTH. N. It., Feb, U. Wil liam J, Haley, Just released from tho Eastern (Pa.) Penitentiary and for whom County Solicitor Hatch nnd Sheriff Spin ney, of Rockitiham County, recently went to Philadelphia, inado a desperate nnd successful attempt to escape upon tho arrival of tho trio at tho local depot last evening. Daley, who was handcuffed to Sheriff Spinney nnd who hail been a remarkably well-behaved prisoner during tho trip, made a sudden wrench Immediately upon alighting from tho train, succeeding in tearing tho handcuffs from tho sheriffs hand nnd escaping. This Is the Becond escape from the lo cal authorities within a week. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STILE TYPE (or like this) On time lto pr1ln Three times one week .,..12t4cperlln Six times one week 10a per Una Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents pec ngato lino rer Insertion. Place your order for three or more times nnd it will be in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two lime rate for Kvrst.vo Lrnnrn and FCM.1" I.Eixirn combined Is 10 cents per ngato line, with the exception ot Help Wanted nnd Situations Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. for TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In nil classifications ex cept Help and Situation Wanted. Lost and Found, Personal. Hoarding nnd Rooms, add KIVK CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANY OP AliOVH HATES. There is a drin store near your homo that will nccopt Ledger want ads at oflico rates. THE EVENINC! 'LEDGER MAINTAINS a strict censorship of all advertising to Its columns. Because of this long-standing policy, the puhllo has learned to placo tho samo confi dence In Its advertising as tho news. This Is particularly true of the Want Ads. Ths Ledger Intends to safeguard tho Interests of its renders, so they can respond to hox num ber advertisers with a feeling of fullest security. If nt any time you have evidence that a business proposition, offer of employment, etc.. made through the Ledger Is not legit -mate, or Is or a doubtful character, call it to our attention at once. A thorough nnd Immedlnto Investigation will be made. I'lenRo help the Kvcnlne Ledger In Its efforts to help you. "LOST AND FOTJND I'or Other Lost nnd round Atls See Tnge 1 IUNG 500 rewnrd paid for the return of dia mond nnd emerald ring, platinum setting, lost Saturday, February .". Liberal reward for authentic Information resulting In Its recov ery. M rVl. ledger Central VMnnELLA Ixist, In Phlla. store, slllc um brella, with Ivandlo of Toledo steel. InlnlJ with gold namo engraved on band. Mrs Wllllard Hall Porter. Suitable reward It returned to Ledger Central, Droad and Chest nut streets. PERSONALS A RELIABLE PARTY or homo to board nnd care for nn epileptic lady: highest refer ences required. State lowest terms, C 32. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED PEMALE BOOKKEEPER fasslstnnt), thorough! ex perienced, good penman, accurate at figures; Kcrmanent position to capable, rcltablu girl, ours. 8 to BMH. Applv KI2Q Rnce. CIIAMRERMA1D and waitress: 4 In family: reference required. C. A. Zlcgler, 710 Lincoln Drive. Ocrmantown. CHAMI1ERWORK nnd sewlnB.coninetent white girl for suburbs; ret. Meet cmploer, Room nplo 11 n' 20',. r.W Chestnut St., Tuesday, I'clock. CHAMHERWORK and assist with children neat joung whito girl. Phone Cynwyd BSC, rnuo gin. i-nnne III. Ledger Office. or writo ii ii CHILDNURSE A'oung whlto Protestant to assist exper'd nurse with 4 children; suburbs. Call Monday at 2110 Pine st . between 10 and 12 a. m.. or phono Overbrook fl.iot .L CI.OTH WEAVERS wanted. 'Apply John & James Dobson, Inc.. Hlanket Mills. Scott's l.i ne. Falls of Schuylkill. COOK Country, good cook nnd bread maker: no launutv Herman pn February 20. Address K no laundtv. Herman preferred; placo acunt i.eager ventral. GIRL, yhltc Protestant, for cooking and assist with downstairs work: two In family; no washing. 101(1 S 45th st. Tako car No, 13 on Walnut st. to 43th si. GIRL, comp., for typewrlt'g & secretarial pos. W.T.ltarrl.gm lUverford av.. Najberth. Pa. IIOSIKttY Experienced knitters and toppers; steady work, good pay; also learners: paid whllu learning. 1120 N. Iwrenco st. HOHIEItY Uiperlenccd palrcra, folders and lioxcrs. 1120 N. ltwrence. HOUSEWORK Exp. whlto girl. Phone Sharon Hill Ml. or write II 223, ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Settled whlto woman: of two; city. H 210. Ledger Office, family MANAOEH WANTEt A lady of culture, good business ability, to arrange recitals In this and other large cities; must be experienced. P PHI, ledger Offce. NURSE, practical, experienced: willing to sew and usslst for Invulld elderly lady ipar.i'vnNi. give reference. Address P. O. llox 27. Uiughorno, Pa. NURSERY OOVERNESS. young Protestant, for child r. years old; Haverford, Kronen pre- ferred. C 34,Idger Office. OPERATORS, experienced on middy blouses: pleco or week work, highest wages paid: steady work. Lledlka Mfg. Co.. S2l Jefferson. OPEHATOHS. exn. on Singer emb, machines: piece or week work, highest wages paid and steady workt LledlUe Mfg. Co. B21 Jeffflrson. OPERATORS on ull parts of silk and cotton shirt waists; learners taken. The Hagedorn oiwra .uinpany. .,', mm iirewn. OPERATOHS, experienced nn Singer button sewing machines'. Seltxer Rroa . .121 &larket. OPERA'l'OItS, exp. on wash-top skirts; steady worn, mtwi i.ir 3eier tirna., .ti Jtarset. BTENOOitAI'HKIt. with business experience. Apply .u ev i-emroat to.. ia walnut at. WKAVEHri Experienced haircloth weavers wanted: learners taken Geo. S. Cax & Dro.. Inc., Cambria, and Ormes pts. YOUNU UIiy. bright, for clerical work In office; must have some experience. Apply It. Jacobs, S. W. cor. Uroul and South sts, HELP WANTED FEMAIiE tlrnetat GOVERNMENT positions open to women, .ITS month. Write .Immediately for free. list, franklin Inst., Dept. 713 M, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE hoy B WANTED, 1(1 years or over, (o work In nil, pnper fnctnryi npplv nt once. Ileckcr mlth & Porc, Water nnd Snyder nve. Smith CI.OTII WEAVERS wanted, Apply John & jnmc.s uoneon, inc., uinnKct illl lis, Scott' ' innc, i nun ot ncnuyiKlll. ENGINEER, atea frl reliable, care of Corliss engine nnd hqllery Kensingtons state, expert rpen- edger eni-p null reference. Address V 18,, Office. FIREMAN nt tho rxtcnslvo greenhouse estab lishment of Henry. A. Dreer nt Itlverton, N. J,, must thoroughly understand both steam nnd hot-water heating, pumps, etc.: work In s hour shifts: man must he thoroughly com petent, not afraid of work: preference given to man who has had experience In similar position, mint have reference ns to charac ter nnd sobriety: npply only by loiter, giving full particulars as to experience, nge. etc. Address HENRY A. DREER. Itlvcrton. HOSIER V A thoroughly-experienced man to tako full charge of n knitting room making transfer work, both hnlf hose nnd misses anil Infants' ribs. Answer, with experlenc" nun wages expecioi, a ira, i.rager urnre. IlOUSEMAN'nnd waiter, white, private ram- llyj reference. Apply It 22(1, Ledger Office. LEAUtlURNERS wanted flrBt-clnss men only nn chemical plants. HO day. 0 hours. Ad- ilrcsn IIItIiv & Marshall, P. 6 llox 314, It.il- llmore, Md. LINEMAN WANTED ELECTRIC I.IrlltT MAN- STEADY WORK; GOOD WAGES. APPLYG. A. GORMAN, 120S N. 3IST HT, MAN to tako chirg- of shoddv card and Gnr- nett machines. John & Jnmea lMrsnn. Inc.. Hltnkfl Mllls.Sott's lane. Falls of HehuMklil MOLDEKS wanted; steady work, good wages The Hal.lt Steel Co.. New Castle, Del. NIGHT WATCHMAN wanted; Inside duty; bring rer. John Manvllle wag.. 210 N. tlro-id. SALESMEN, experienced, wanted that enn handle a high-grade proposition: Investigate. Address II 141, ledger Centrnl. STENOGRAPHER" MALE WANTED-A com- ii lent nnd rennet voung man. with rx Py: for permanent position. Apply by letter on ferracfti: machine company tmrnnuTON. n. j. WEAVERS Experienced haircloth weavers Experienced haircloth wanted, icnrners taien. i.eorgo n. ltox a. Pro . Inc.. Cnmbrl i nnd Ormes St. . Vit'N'J MAN wnnted who can run nn nuto mobllo nnd do light hnusonork In private family: wares $d nnd keep, references re quired. C .is. Ledger Office; YOITNO MAN for confectionery nnd soda par- lor: pnono or correspondence. 10 Scott St.. Ulverslde. N. J. WE HAVE a very unusual oppor tunity for n flrst-elasa Insurance fnllcltor: permanent connections. An Independent business nnd future for the right man. Itepllcs treated strictly confidential. M (141. LEDQEIt CENTRAL Oenernl SPECIAI, AUTO.MOII IL E Instruction given dav nnd night hy expert mechanics nt tho oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all lta branches. Tim ing. Wiring nnd fiO Road Lessons nt a very small cost 1111 NORTH HROAD ST P. PKTZ. 020 NORTH UROAD STREET-0.il Robertson's old Orlglnnl Auto School. Teaches you how to repair nnd bow to drive nutos. (viixon.Tir nnnAD street mt HrsiNx.eq service company POSITIONS roil Hin-H-CLASS MFN ONLY inni LAND TITLE nflLIIINO SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE HOOKKEEPINO Young woman, gentle, well educated and experienced, knowledge of book keeping, ileslrcH position wlih good concern; best refeienre P10fl. J.odgcrOfflee. nOOKKE.'CPER, knowledge stenog ; capable. Wm. Penn graduateH ifid. Ledger Central. COMPANION to clderlv l.idv or manager of gentleman's household: exp. l'ng. Prnt. 28 Weal ligpn st.. Otn Phone ntn 770 J. COMPANION nurse to Bend-Invalid: good fewer nnd reader. 11222. !.c,lccr Offlre COMPANION nurs. hospUnl trained, seam'sT re ider for patient. UhiI Mclrnre ave..MelroFC. COOK, Ist-rlass. tlorman, wants private fam ily no agent C 11. Ledger Office. DAY'S WORK Colored woman wants diy's work for half time. 102.1 S. 17th. Phnne Dhklnson Sli7IM. DRESSMAKER vvants rng'm'ts: M .10 dill; lef MUC. ledger Ilr.. 00th and tilrard. . l-'ItKNCH NURSE or go,rneHs wauls n po Rlttnn: 3 venrs' experience; reference. Call or write, 17 Rowland St.. Plm ra. N .!. GOVERNESS or eninpanlon visiting bv hour orjliyj good seamstress. II 217. ledger Off. GOVERNESS, visiting, German, desires ci gagement, best refs. IHrlng 7140 W. HOUSEKEEPER (working) or cook Exp. -young woman wishes alt. 2011 Si Ibine INFANT or ihlMnurse, Germnn: refs Address Ledger Brnnch. nth n nd Thompson Nt'RSE. rlrst class, trained, vvlshen Infant or older children, best ref. ' II IIM, Je.l.Cent. NURSE, "infants; from "Dr. Hull's 11031)11111": ht-ut reference. If I.M, Ledger tVntral. NURSERY" GOVERNE"sS or mother's holper: ref.,exp. jSwIsm vvnmnn. II 211. Ledger Oftlcn. PROOFRlfADER. with 1.1 yeurs'"cxperlence In book nnd Job work, wishes positton. or will prepare copv nnd read proof nt home. H 7B0, ledger Central BTENOORAPHER and bookkeeper vvants posi tion: tapable, .iccumte. quick: 1) sears' ref. prosi nt employers. II 2.10. Ledger Cflitnl. MISS DEAN at Ledger Central has listed the riuttlltlcatlnns of young ladlns experienced In nil klnls of office detnll work, and has had special training In selecting the "right ner son for tho right position." Acquaint her with jour needs either bv personal call or telephone Walnut or Main .100(V and per sonal attention win no given promptly. This Is h. freo service to LEDGER ,uv i;it T1SERS SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUDITING big nnd little-done by responsible mnn M 212,LedgcrOfflce. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MANAGER. 14 vears' experience: very good referent es. some experience m shop and office systematizing and auditing, low wages, with chanco for advancement II .117. ledger Central. ItOOKKEEPER. assistant: young man of abso lute honesty and reliability; best references. II 251. I.edxer cen t ra 1 EOOKKEEPKR or assistant; high school grad.: quick nnd accurato figures. P 134. I.ed. Off. CHAUFFEUR, exp , thorough mechanic, sin gle, desires position with prlvato family; lurnlth best ref S , 2121) Frankford ave. CHAUFFEUR, idored, wishes position, prl vato or commercial; 4 years' exp.; best of referenre. Adrtrewi 1808 Manton st CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position, pri vate family or on delivery car; reference. 1-0.1 s. IBth CHAUFFEUR, compt.. wishes position with prlVHte fam., city, country 11 412. Led. Cent. CIVIL ENGINEER, 32. now emploied: knowl edge of Spanish; capable and experienced In Gov engineering; ulso thoroughly familiar with steel Industry H 741. Ledger Central. CLOAKS AND SUITS Young man. experi enced In buslnoss, can manage, first-class references, desires to connect with good house. Michael Grossman. 3.10 Fltz water. COOK Japanese wants position In private family; has good references. J. All l. MS ."V. intn si. OARDDNElt Head gardener wishes private fdace; understands flowers, vegetables, green louses, registered stock; married: Al refer ence: lifetime exp. Hox fi&O. Ardmore. Pa. JOU PltEdSMAN, 12 years' experience, desires position. A 410. Lodger Office. MAN. 3-1, wants outside work: reference and rash security for steady positton, full par ticulars at Interview. Phone Dickinson 2841 VA on Sunday, or Bddress II 2 1, Ledger Cent. PHYSICIAN wants position, licensed In Penn. practical experience, yivaniH, nis one year Hospital ana years' j u-o, imager urtice. Same Pond With the Big Mr. and Mrs. Little LOOKING AHEAD Take a Klaticc into your future. What has it in store for you advance ment, prosperity, or mere ly a review of your pres ent daily routine? YOU arc the master of your fatel Insert a Want Ad in the Ledger, where it will attract the attention j of prosperous business j firms, and help you make j your mark in the world. Hundreds have increased 'i their salaries through Ledger ads. You can. Campaign yourself with I a Want Ad today. Phone, Write or Call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 1 I SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SALESMAN having much time to spnro would do high-grade specialty work on commission. ! WO. Ledger office. SALESMAN Young mnn wishes to make con nection us inside and outside electric fixture salesman; small salary and commission proposition will bo considered. Sjlesmnn, l.lli N. BTtll st STENOfHtAPHEIl typlst: s tlary Sift louiig man It 740, etlgcr Central. YOUNO MAN, ago 20, pleasing personality, pood business exc-utlvo. nt present lending broker In town near this city, n hustler nnd knows tho business welt, especially selling end, wishes to nssoclnto himself -with n hlgh rlass real estnte firm or trust company In Philadelphia, where salary Is commensurate with services rendered. Address M Oil, Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN. 4 scars' experience In genernl offlco work: knowledge or bookkeeping, rea sonahln salnry to start. H 2.M, Ledger Cn. lor.NU MAN. 24. II vnars experience general offlco work nnd bookkeeping, desires position; best of reference, 2211 H. 20th st. , I AM AN OLD WOOLEN MILLS SUPER INTENDENT Now enloylng llfn as a commercial traveler. If vou have nnv thing vou -would like to offer to the textllo trade. I would bo pleased to do It for vou on a commission baBls. Address M 1,08. I.odgor Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MCHOLI.H. 1020 Ralnbrldgo st.. has competent butlers, housemen, couples, young Swedish. Engllih. German. Irish. Scotch cooks, cxc. Swedish nnd other parlor rhainbormnlds, waitresses kltchenmalds. inundresscs. ladles' mnlds, governesses, nurses, housemaids, etc. Wanted, Infant nurses, housemaids, etc. Phone Locust 21.10. MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian fl.oe 1.TI1), supplies & wants lst-class Prot., Cath. male and female help, nil nationalities. MRS MINZLAFF, 10,10 christian at.. Dick .11." Help of all capacities wanted snd sup pi I eiljGermanflrstehisscookvvatul. AUTOMOBILES Tor Snlo CADILLAC, 11)13. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment: prleo J7B0. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 112 N. Hroad St. FORD 1014 TOURING, electric lights. L. S ROWERS COMPANY 215-217 N. Rroad st. IORD town car. In pood eonditlon. with Im provements. J.17.1. Stanlon's Garage. 309 8. ( ' h a 1 1 wj ck s t .. or p h ono Locust 0030. MARMON. UH2: fii flrst-clasa condition: tust nverhnuleii nnd repainted. R. J. HOWLEY. 2 1 11 N. Hroul st . OVERLAND- good condition: seen 4203 Sanson! st. $300. Can be PACKARD. lfloS: excellent mechanical condl tlon: seven-passei ger touring ear; price, $450. LP MOSER. 2111 N. Hroad st. PEERLESS 1012 38 .1-pasenger touring, equipped with eloetrlc lights nnd generator: good tires; excollcnt mechanical condition: price $730. LOCOMOBILE 2.111 Market t. Locust 4W. II. A JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. PMGE linn is-fG; overslo tires; driven 4000 nines: win sen reasonable, n.ioa J. I'hone Locust 10H OAKLAND TOURING $.1.10 11114 Studebaker touring f0 GO.MERY SCHWARTZ. 2,M N. Rroad Bt. ANY PART TO UUILD OR REPAIR A CAR. SCHOjrtER. 33I1-4S MARKET. SEND FOR FREE HIILLET1N OF ITSED CARS OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. RROAD CHEVROLET AGENCY - Kerr's new BarEgel onu uimiiu ji-, inuntiji'. u. Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New garage nnened; cars bought, sold and exchanged; ncceasorles. new nnd old: cour teous assistants expert mechanicians, COME SEE l'S Phlln. Auto Pans Co.. 1141 S. Rrond. Phlla. WI PAY up to $11111 for old niitoB. Poplar Garage, nn is. iuin. I'hone nsi:i. OLD nutos wonted, any ng or condition, prices. Dougherty. 18 IB N. inth. Ph Diamond .1122. WANTED OLD AITTOS"FOR PARTS. SSi-2.1 NORTH 11TII ST. WANTED-OLD AUTOS FOR JUNK. 834 N. ,1D ST. PHONE PARK 018 AUTO LIVEHY AND QAHAGrES TO HIRE (open day, and night) brand-new B-pass. tour. car. with robes. $1 25 hr. ; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, si. SO hr.; Wed. dings, funerals. Poplar 1017 W. 171B Olrard. FELTON OARAGE 63D, FELTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE nELMONT 1101 GERMANTOWN GARAGE. 0225 Germtntown ave., has room to store more csrs; raro to hire; II.B0 up per hour. Phone Otn. 4571. AUTO REPAIRING J SPEEDOMETER TROUI1LES See HILLY, nt his new location. OIU rMUU'iU III1UAU ST. CYLINDERS REUORED, new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. It. u. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton st.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES BEARINGS New Departure Service sta. The Gwllllam Co, I Y AIVII BV,- I".".- ITBtllU, J1U. HttCD dUU.i AUTO TlBEa PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. (hums, z:tti rv. iiroaa si. rinESTONE DEMOt'NTAnLE RIMS for Ford cars, SIS per set, Installed, Duplex Tiro Co., 2229 N. llroad st. Phono Diamond 142.1. DOQS I'EDtrinEED ENGLISH HttLLDOf! rt'rrinp. 2 MONTHS OLD. PHONE LLANERCH 8. BUSINESS OPrOKTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY l'Olt CAPITAL A manufacturing company, estab lished lSt, having 10,000 customers on the books, pules In inl'i In creased 40 over previous lear, hav ing 8 branch nfflces nnd .13 salesmen, is compelled to Increase Its manu facturing tnpnelty, hence needing ad; dltlnnnl working cnpltnl. We will offer stock of our company heretofore held exclusively ly our own families to outside Investors In blocks nf $,V00 or more Preferred stoik in accumulated: common stock running 20. Will sell nt par one sharp of common with each share of pre ferred. Hook nlue of stock way above par. Will ronMder nn netlvo partner. Willi JlOO.Oi) to )n'eti references. Dun s nnd nradatrcet's. Namo of company nnd financial statement given to responsible party only. M 758, Ledger Centrnl. EXPERIENCED promoter. Influ ential financial connections, open for enitagcment on n proponm"" u merit: lefcrcncea demanded, will i M 111 MCtlt with principals nnlv. ....,, M S30, LEDUEH CENTRAL. COLONIAL HOTEL This beautiful suburban hotel. 100 sleeping rooms, largo parlors nnd dining rooms, 21 balhs, steam heat. 7 acres of beauilful lawn, right nt Media Station nnd convenient to trolloyn to Phlla. and Chester: this would make n desirable location for a sanitarium or school: prlco right and liberal terms, uenj. i. i.cvis, .mcuiu, i-. WRITE Mil CON.WLTINO. ... PROMOTER AND KLN'ANCIER ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALLY M fltU, LEDCIEIt CENTRAL ATENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIOB. 714 Walnut St., Phlla., mechanical nnd electrical ,engl; ncor: registered patent attorney: established iiere .10 years. Inventions developed: patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and liti gated anywhere; rejected applications prose- emeu, prciimnmry nuvitu imui (JLD-ESTA11LI8HED OROCERY DOINO St TO PEtl WEEK. ALL CASH tlt'BINEBS I SO niJLIVEUY. ALL STOHE TltADK. .MOST 1'P-TO-DATE STORE IN CITY- PRICE, $l.-.noCASH P 1011. I.EDl1EItOFFICE. GOOD OPPORTUNITY" roll PARTY WITH 5-1000 TO $r,00( CASH to Invest In ono of the beat propositions, subtly honest nnd lekltltnato must liavo cosh nnd tako an netlvo part: particulars bv appointment onlv. H 842, Ledger Central. LOANS NEGOTIATED on legacies, Inheri tances, estates, stocks, bond securities, ware house receipts, raw material, noten. bills nnd accounts receivable L. N. ROSENUAUM, 80 Wall St.. New York. GENTLEMAN. Hebrew, single, 40 to 45, wanted, of good appearance; must bo of good Htnndlng: to glvo part tlmo ns overseer of successful merenntllo business: ono In busl ness for himself preferred. C 001. Ledger Off. $'!0)0 WILL HUY partnership offered In ljrgo theatre; not. moving pictures, profits jnu to $7,1 or moro weeklv- will stand closest In vcsllg.itlon. No ffrflers or meddlers need npply. M 7.V,, Ledger Central. WANTED, ono or two netlvo business men with n capital of Sl.'.OOO In nn old-established nnd growing huslness. Full particulars given iiijutiiuiieiin iiuiicung. HUSINESS mnn or woman wanted with JIB.POO to Investlgnto Invention which makes war lmnnsslblo and has irreat com. possibilities. Interview solicited. Ad. II 4 IS, I-ed. Cent. VlCTflll .1. EVANS A CO. Patent Attornes, Wnshlngton. D. Wrlto for descrlptlvo booklet. C. ADVERTISE 20 words In 1(H) monthlies, ft; 100 weeklies, J2.,V): 20 Sunday papers. S3; In nil. f8. Copo Agvncy. St. Louis. $2000 INVESTED n" eounl pnrtner In going business would earn 50 per cent, profits per )car: security. 1' H23, ledger Office. PICTURE THF.ATRE. S2.-.C0; terms; earns $75 upward weeklv: trial; booming location; no conipetlton; ln vest lga I c.Harr!s t. 20lN. Hroad. HOTEL. Ocean City, N. J., located near tho bench, first-class following. For particulars nddrets P 1)24, Ledger Office. $.1 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard: will be producing before paid for. HARRY DARLINGTON. 1420 Chestnut St. PAINT manufacturing plant and business for sale. Sins Hi. StHli Market st., I'hlhi.. ra. WILL FINANC'n builder on small operations; glvo particulars. It 010, Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LATEST STYLES FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES DELIV. & CALLED FOR TREE CALL Oil PHONE POPLAR 235 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE LEIDNER'S, 10TH & GIRARD AV.. S.W.COR. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed byolectrolyel". tho only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Thcatro Hldg. Miss Hoppe, hairdresser, facial mnssage.man Icur'E, furni. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To blro and tnndo to order, NEUBAUER. THE TAII.OH, 10 N. 0th at. Bell phone. Walnut 2018. FULL DRESS TUXEDO. FROCK AND CUT AWAY SUITS TO HIRE. ALL NEW STYI LSH GOODS. LARGE ASSORT'T SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Olr.ird nve.. phn. Poplnr 0112. DIAMONDS IIOIIOIIT Bank reference. Appraisement. 19S. HARRY W SMITH. 717 HANSOM ST. CLAIMS of nny description collected on per centage nnvwhere. Wo get vour money for SOU. AMCOSE AGENCY. 1501 Arch st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MAKE your own clothes while learning; prac tical, Inexpensive courses; day or eve, Mcdowell dressmaking school 307 Denckla Building, lllli and Market els. POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKINO; DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS. 14.15 GIHARD AVE. Poplar 0374, THOROUGHLY experienced waist trimmer from flrat-chiss establishment only. Apply byjettor. giving ref.. to Nash.lB-M Spruce at. HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents a ynrdT all mate. rials. A. REICHAIID, 1113 CHFSTNUT BT. .D. 4k. (,,..,1., ,,k,fcf , ,.,.1 k,irO,.VUa PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSMAKER. French, desires engagements: terms reatonanie; evening gowns a spec; . remodeling. 1103 Walnut Ph. Walnut QI3. THOROUGHLY experienced waist fitter from first-class, establishment onlv. Apply hy let ter, giving, ref.. to Nnsh. 1B25 Spruce st. FOR SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys; easy payments. nrtUNS-WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch uiLLiAitu, nocKet, u-nand tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 2121 N. Front. CASH REGISTERS, new and factory rebuilt. New total adders as low as $30 on easy monthly payments, call and see our 1019 models. All registers sold by us fully guar anteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 730 Chestnut St. DESKS. Ming cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription: used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. HUGHES. 11TII AND HUTTONWOOD. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, repairing: supplies. I -a fa Keafer. American manufac lurer. 320 Olrard nv e. DESKS, large assortment; also household fur niture Dullng Central Second-hand Furni ture Company. UOl-000-14 Callowhlll st. t i FOR BAtiE SAFES Fireproof, clos-ng out slightly used- all .lies & makes, big bargains 210 jL. Fourth. SHOW CARDS, wall cases, shelving. fln floor sesjor salo cheap. grj Market .st tP.V-cmCKEIlINd .UPntOHT I'fANO cost 1000 news others nt T jnd IV.! payable $.. monthly, call or wrlto for lompleto Hats. monl jfEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. st2--LESTr:it UPRtOHT PIANO, cost l5ft new: others at l 40, 50 and Mr: by prom Inent makers; payable 5 monthly. Call or write fp,'-I.Tir.Up"WM STOnK3 Corner (II h and Thompson sts. $2t0-SltOMACKER PIANO, cost 1150 new. J2ln Heppo upright piano, cost 1.,0 new. ho.v-Illasliu upright plmo. cost CM new. Several Heppe-made pianos with .1 sounding boards nt reductions of 7S nnd Mot) below regular prices: payments monthly, nnd up ward. Call or write for complete lists. lilll'PE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sta t,1".. AUTOMANUAt, PLATER-PIANO, cost IdBO new; t1'. player-piano (Aeolian made); Srlce $I7. new. several pianola pianos at re lictions of J.W nnd ,."i below regular prices; slightly used nnd fully guaranteed for ft oars; terms $8 mnnlhlv and upward. Call or wrlto for complete lists. vvnio ',0.r-,ui'-H UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th nnd Thompson sta J25 TO KlvSevernt plano-plnyers (outside at tachments): will nt any upright Piano: pay ments tS monthly. Call or wrlto for completo ""' HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th nnd Thompson sts 120 BO-VICTnOtA VI and 0 10-ln. D. F. rec ordi: guaranteed to be In perfect condition: nn excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good mnchlno nt it rcasonablo price: 60 cents weekly accepted, call or wrlto for com flcto descriptions nnd largo Illustrated cats- "' HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Gtli and Thompson sts. LAROE riDISON TALKINO MACHINE, with cabinet and M records: finished In benuttful quartered oak! cost new $81i con bo paid 7R cents weekly: nn excellent bargain; In good condition: wrlto for completo list of bargains and special trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cornor 0th nnd Thompson sts. 60 CENTS WEEKLY T1UYS A VICTROLA Call or wrlto for particulars.' HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. COUPLD must sacrifice practically new player piano, gold mirror, parlor suit f12), leather nnd tapestry library suits, Jacobean dining, oik breakfast room, mahogany and Circas sian bedrooms, brass beds. Davenport bed, couch, easy chairs, rugs, paintings, grafonobt, etc. Residence 102s N flrn-il FOR SALE t-ton wagon. Fulton & Wnlkcr mnko; nearly as good ns new; cost $500: or will sell nt n bnrgnln. II. HCHEETV.. Norrlatown. Pn $200 DIAMOND EARRINGS VALUE. $3.10 RIEDEn S LOAN OFFICE. 124 MARKET ST GAS RANGE nnd InstnntnneoUB water-heater hath short tlmo In use. for ralo on account of moving. 102B Walnut atreet. $.1 20-I'C. CHEST OF SILVER ROGERS HROTHERS: VALUE $12.B0 RIEDEH'B LOAN OFFICE. 129 MARKET BT. $20-DIAMOND EARRINGS HLTJB WHITE: PERFECT: VALUE $60 RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE 12s MARKET ST. $2.1-DIAMOND RING PURE WHITE VALUE $50 RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 MARKET ST. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh air with normal moleturo.. MAICIN KELSEY. 0 N. 18th st.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY nnd bookkeeping by Individual Instruction; courso requlrea only few weekB: pos. gunr. 701 Locust (Wnshlngton Bquare). YOUNO GENTLEMAN wishes to glvo French lessons, especlallv reading and conversation. C 001. Ledger Offlco. LAUNDRIES FAMILY wash, BOc. n. bag: nil wsshes return ed In less than 24 hours. North Phlla. Damp Wash Loundry. .1011 N. 11th. Th. Tioga 8257. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ' SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow -'ocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings nrn the best for nil shafting nurposeB. SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS. 145 North Second. . JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT ,. Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. .Id St. MILLWRIGHTINO rinnnlng and moving mehy.: shafting erected CHARLES IIOND COMPANY. 520 Arch st. SECOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; largo quantity ot nil sizes In stock. uriuuii. -iiu-iu aioser bv. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01, Market .100.1. Yearsley Co.. -'24 N. 3d Bt. WOODWORKING MACHINERY Large stock of new nnd used: standard makes. L. F. Seyfert'B Sons. 4.17 N. 3d st. . 23.000 FEET single and double used leather belt, 1 to 12 Inch wide, lot new shopworn belt. Nutta 1 1 . 1718 N. Bill St. GAS. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES OASAND OIL ENGINE CO.. 43 N. 7T11 BT. riPE Second band, nil sizes. Phlla. Second Hand ripe Supply Co.. 1003 N. 7th st. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $.H-VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 se. lections (12 10-ln. D. P. records); this lnstru ent has a double sprtng and all the latest features, Including tho new concert sound box, nnd Is an excellent machine In overy way; can bo paid for at the rato of 7,1 cents weekly; call or wrlto for completo descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts $85-CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old- sivie leweiry, teein piates oougnc tor casn. Est. 1870, L. Clark, refiner. 607 Sanaom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, Phlla. Smelting & Ref. Co.. 128 3, 11th st. CASH paid for diamonds, precious atones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable He . fining Co.. Oth nnd Walnut sts. OLD GOLD-Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks: will call Hell phone, Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17th st. PRINTING J.0O PER 1000 LETTERHEADS, high grade wnitn tionu; samples on request, neck print- Ing Co.. 315 N. Marshall- in. Market 15B7. SOCIETY engraUng, wedding invitations and visiting cards, embossing and printing. Card Shop, 1001 Chestnut st. Open evenings. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS GET estimate to coat your leaky tin roof; guaranteed 10 years. Paul Rock. 843 N, 4th; Market 3520. STORAQE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING, SUIPI'INO Rugs. Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell, Locust 1060 Phones Key., Usee 4160, JT0RAGE FIDELITY HttEPROf'F VAr rtrm. ' ISU-ISH) MARKET s-jP-WtSE J McCANN'S STORAOE H0U8F 1-.. f iff St. moving, packing. ehir,,;.-"'.N f.i lilt Both phonos. fi.et u ..?ilil1,.n- ante ti ISSi mmi r.H.A.- mon-a-icu 2 . ATLAS STORAGE WjCnTlOl"Z Ml--Vl- . rillEI'HOor, Mothnionr . 7,na:I'r N. Phlla. StorafeTo . XnflVfl ',. Plino- nnd Fumlturo ri J:S'. .Tie, Tz-s- MOVING nnd storage: iLl J ",l,r C. R'aiiffiH'as' rZVl WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, false teeth fe.k. . " broken Jene ry. go d iiV'.J m'l'' Mt ...bought. .t.1.-LWnlnut. valnut Mr V . CAST-OFF Pl.oriti,; 1 ' r .... I""!. . (v Mr,8o? M a flfalerw. RcliuHa. 227 nmi I 24 v n.i lYS. LXinW!! nnVt mM..Jj nmi.v.il.'f CAST-OFF rlnlbln-'hui. ,.. .."""" I. gowns, gents' elwhlni uosin - 'ii1!'. ' t rno Sellgrnhn --lh an.rsllrlng'rjaf,) "' -J CAST-OFF elothlnr, shoes nn,) !,.! i .1 sen.!rostal BNlilDXI v N a., ff Mnr J FUitNlTUllE bought for cash ,i house- office, turn., stork of sto'es ii-ilf Ii"..1." vonsuii us iiernre s-l ne. Pn.i. ". - i-- ""i. rnoiie walnut 1.130 ' . FURNITtmn. tiT-nn. M.n. ,. ... or part houses .bought for cash Tn -TiM how large. J. Ilernsteln. 1.111 Rtda. ?i."J imtiKKN JEWELRY, false te.lh i.,,. . . r"rtlKJ Itnnla lit. ..!. J " . "'II rntp 707iminhrldcoVt. 'VS'xSSi M ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH, 202.1-Deslrnblo single nnd IrniMi rtn. prlv. baths, well heated, $2 up.jgrjaj"V ' IIOYER ST.. n.M.1 (Otn.l-Irgo front rn.," furn., for light housekpg,. reas OtnlsimV """A". .. "217! front, 2 rooms, kltcst.41 ftto.bn.th. furnished; phone; $10 week Pa35 inr zmi vv -"" nilOWN, 20IO-4 unfurn. rooms, 5d floor, rrl. 1 vato bath, heat, hot water, $1,1, Pop, jjmrn!. , BROWN, 1311-Nlco. warm, homelike, for r, tleman guest: owners: small family: . J CHESTNtrr. Sfino-Deslrahlo second-floor rooa ' and bath, with nil conveniences. a ) DIAMOND. llOO-Twb nicely furn. 2d franL i' comm. : chenn: children nccepted: phoni GIRARD. W 1.11.1-Furnlhed or unfumlilm (V room: referenco: prlvato family. """'"" ; GRATS5. N.. 1B31 Unfurnished sitting room.2'! adjoining both; plenty of heat: phone. , MASTER. 121B Newly furnished room for t " i"'".,""""'" ijiuauie, enny,; pgpni. J MONTGOMERY AVE.. W.. 1433-WeII-furn.M. 3 pm.j iuhiii". iiiij.iiiiiiik mnn. uiam. ovy vv ' .,,. ,11,, nun-oiiiKie mnm, n heated. Phono Locust (VS.12 J, RIDGE AVE., conveniences. 2.110 Nicely furnished rocmT' Phono Diamond 4601 J. SPRUCE. 1337 Rooms, singlo or en suits: . prl. baths; prof, offices; steam heat: eleo'tT. VINE. .17.14 Two adjoining rooms, unfurnlnhJT second Moor; third-floor front, furnhhel PARK AVE.. 2102 Furnlsheil moo's 7jl . heated, all convenlenees. Diamond 0700 W, M PAXSON. N. 25 Nicely turn, rooms; prints ij family; 2 mln, to B2d at. L. Preston 41)11 ff. 4f ,.-b. ..&., .... ,iiu iiuuDrncTlllllN HHlllllDHI, Yl 2 or 3 rooms: nlan lodging. Diamond 4V) wr WTH. S.. 210 Newly furnished rooms' mod, 1 urn nntnnlan(na Dhnnn H1s-iti iltfl1 ?. 1 35TFI, N., 078 Furnished rooms, all cormn Ipnrrs. ropI.ir(U4; lfiTIF. N".. 1721 rTomfnrtftblft "rt.rnnm ir hnth. moflern home: no hoiiBekeeplnn: phontv !7TH fc IAnUISH Attrnc riimroom. rifli, iuniuyt young man; reia. rnpiar mi w. S0TH. S.. 1:11 Hnndpomelv furnished 2d-floor1 niiiiiiv tttuiiin. -irvil4i; I IK Hi, I.dl-miivr u rpmcted nplghhqrhoofj: prlvnto; Wionp, minny rooms: electric light hot-ater heatt fiOTII. S.. 1.17-Cheerful fiirnlchcd roomi. t Am hout?kppnlnir; ithb. electric. llnen:nMr -L-l U rvhnfiA TlAtnsvfsl .lAflt M)VIIU IJCIllJVflli tvjss, A-fH PLEASANT room or sulto. adjoining batli: gents; good trolley service; every conr, .. Phone, nfter 7 n m.. Tioga 2000 w. .- LAROE 2d-floor front; also 2 pleasant SJJ floor front rooms, furnished no cnlldresr! referenceB. Woodland 100.1 M. jk COMrORTARLE front room. rcasnnsMt Ii rcllned party: prlvato family. WoortlJ. 27NW,- BOARDING SPRUCE. 1221-20 (Rrlsmonde)-Turn.- roonuuj single, en suito: prlvato oaths; taoie potni. tis 4utii. K., ;il" Attractively furnished, losirrs rooms: excellent taoie; pnone. Atlnutle Cltr. N. .1. CALIFORNIA AVE.. 27 S.- Attractive boots,! vmiiis luuiua VALPiirill, lliuio, icititrvj iuvbiiua , SANITARIUilS BEAUTIFUL location: special sclentlflo cirsi nervojs, elderly: every comfort: norssi-a nooKiec. ur. itannai, city line, cnestnnt nn- m APARTMENTS K. B. CORNDR 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 1.1.Btorv concrete nnd steel flrtprocf structure reaches tho highest point of OS . . . .. ... ..,.,...., In r.w.mnt vuiupiutrni iva jet iiiiaiiicn in ,.-. jm construction, nnd may bo properly stylel pvriccv piacu Ot IIUOIIP, - An earnest effort lias been made to onir n n.nlnhlD.a hnma in IhflaB urhnR flnt COS ul. lam. Inn lu nn, n Mlinl the rOft slOOS. hut to procure that which they deilrs.; where there la onlv perfection, the sire aj character of which may be selected ios shaneil according to the aisiincuve mw iiieiiis ot the Individual. ... Suites uro arranged from two rooms t" one bath to ten rooms nnd tlve baths, tneitn Tho, location Is excellent, being, convenlstl . to the business and shopping centres M T , not too near. . , .,., j All things considered, tho rendu ' moderate . . ,. ,-. Further Information, arrangements for 'J; , snectlon and reservation may be oaas tnrougti NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut Street. .. k.i.n. ..n tl t -ntm a ru, rtrOSBUI. vvAi,ru. 1SJ1-.K, v-uiiiiu, ,"i" -'T"!,:.; Mind to 4 rooms, some furnished, fll-clM " ice. 'Apply janitor, i-nono pi'iu." - , -j tiPRINO GARDEN, 1010 Excellent ipM. ainereni nousesi eome turn., r..." . CORONADA. . zza ana cnestnui sis. , , ; A few desirable vacancies, large nd " , West riillttIelplila T rM?TJ.1 a In... vatlslV tlf nDartlDSDtlJ varted' prices and to meet .most .f.'Xihui" cm rement. Call or tend for list. Autoo" service to nspect apartments, it p " ,. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. IsJKSrS'snsjr SPIIUCIQ SUT1. W" - By C. A. VOIGHT Eiii,uoi,v,'if jsj'.Hi CAST-OFF CLnTHlNffT nnv bl-k... il for ladles' nnd Gentlemen's r 0," ' 11 nnvwhere, anv t me Send ro.f vie. iT 1' Walnut 2007 Malanrndron 1112 nli.vti" Ji coin books, vvlih nrlres I nnv ml e iv T3 Boss (People's Htore). 201 s tltli WsliiiJI CAST-OFF CLOTHING-HU best i,., . ,) i for l1dles nnd .men's rlnthlnc Wi ..? 'U e4c. : phono Poplar .1"llt marker raVpi,!-, ars.A" $" Eo,.U"k rtt.,5 IIIOIIEST PRICES pal.l for dlnmoml. ta cold, silver, plitinum. falte te "h STioVJl -iL'-i'qiSilSlOJ Hbert St., 2d floor fronr" PARRIRH. 1.120-Lnrgo front rooniTroSfonT ,'jL,, . nhlo nnd convenient: reas. Poplar IU28 W. Jf PARK AVE.. N... 17.17 Housekeeping ntii If and other vacancies for refined people; conn. iIb--nlent to trolley; lensonnhle. Diamond 3$7t J. I """ 8 TH. I IT M M K .1 I'R wr n w m 8ER' kftr till Il vui inrw inlD r 'JS nt 'mil lion m fa tint m 9 m RTv iu, as- If ! f"