" W(JSrH-T yjH'i'i - '"'i'11 lWg-isyftjlBl-' HWU .'KlWfJJilWIBIJl EVENING LEDGER-PHIUADELPITIA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 191tie IT & - wgfvxr nvm'iTVT n RD '... WOi. Misled. 1 14 111(1 antt arm that int. filh nt. lh 'at. In are veil Jl I ti, HOME faENOVEL OF THE VER, SSSSSSSSi V J if .nTprt XXItf-tContlnncd) 1 Lti" . . . .... A,-..,- !., iftv lanecd 10 'W " """ " li 1 Ihroufth !'! rettirnliiB consclous tV". ..wnih n mngiilfvlllir Rlnss, gate ' thi world ho hart forsworn-tho If . . ... .tmmloneil. Hut tho fnot ' WSif-df manilcil tllgenttpti - nnd !! wrnKl h' unck ..0, .," ,i0 '"'..i nd vvlth "10 "pnl "! l2i the drive l,l0y nnJ mntle '"Sher tt'r did not Ko with them. When he -V . them orii no Dlisicu nuiran Kiv rf5hi for the tidying up of tho rt.J. the fecdlnrf of Alan' convoy, S in inr., nnd " prcpnrntlon of l5J for tho sclf-lnvlted guest, From 'ffJJj af dusty pillows, i scrvnnt wns '"i'i un fell n board. Lleber glanced '"If it Words wcro cut roughly hut 5. into the stirfnco Thoy Mpoko to flier held hli oyes. Hp stooped oiland picked up tho board. Ho "'Vii -i-,n mom. lirnniieit 2'. ilnt eomo hooka on tho table y'li efar It with Ills fnco dropped -i. I hind. To li:s eioscu eyes mo "3? itemed no longor curved In wood, V h.t the Inward darkness or his brnln fiLS? out In points of Hunt. Ho -isol-hut them out. "ui cio.ni yjiwOT 1 anVhAT UP ln dCfCns0 ot "" uerry wns tip early, dllnir Tn.o tn ,. ?."y' AS no n'a sad vcrnndn K' MftrBflt camo on tho ycrancia. "Where art thou cow .1,. IIBKCQ iliJhi .RV?kcful nlK,lt nn,, ,her were Bolni "V',0W" .Unc1or hl9 "yes- "I nm fhe?e , .Vcib7 " T.hero ls n alc "nn inv m lq ,,ylnff nml J must help. He Is inj fellow oountrymnn." llorhn!11'" CC3 8ca"hed his face. passion In linr voice. Jr f hiS .at,hc,r ,ln,, amllcJ- "I "Ut r.ir iotoi,.s;.nif.boforo ho dlcs'' ho BMd' lltt'iVI'i!!.nBl'InJl.arR'lr!t'1' bcfttltiB with her il;. 1 ?n t.0l, ll'o veranda pillar. "I then wih"0 ls not dcnth that calls n?' ,,u,y s"ould ono turn from thlnB that Uvo to fondle death? It Is the BtraiiBcr thou wouldst see." Gerry dropped tho reins of his horso SJi'i ,1Vprli,S' "I' tho stepa, took Mar Barltn In hh nrms. "And why not, my beloved? Why does thy heart beat so? If 1?i m ,uomn l KO to see. but a u nV ,''?' ,,"ot tnlk wltI a man that is at death's door?" "LiCt him but dip." tlnm1.1 Vn.n.li.. !"... .,. .a terrc nromlso, son Jour "let him but tllo nml ihmi .h.u . luuse. t sa lln en cxll?" bury hint. See. tho day Is beautiful H"-'. t i.i... . rut in 1.I0 1 There la n. .-tniul tinri,n 1, ...n. , ... btimiin il tvifi 111111 I l J If!.,, jio had him moved, scttlo and UfrK. .. . .mm u'lmso windows oncned I . Lik eranda. Llcber nt bcsldo him 'ffnurs d him HiroUBh tho long hot J1 h deftness ot his hand had Sn dded tenderness, nnd Into his face ' . determination had coino-a rcsdlvo J,"li Alan's battle for him whatever '. JM not slccn that nlBht. Ho Iny .Ve"' ,..! I. l.n.1 mniln .lnti Jlion'J arrival and. propping hlmBclf on ...thmtieh crcat cracks In tho warped ;.!. nnd nilcd tho vnst room with a ttaf that, as his ces dilated, beenmo a P ... iil. Tti nnn rnrnnr U'n nn ,U itiuhstand with Its vessels of coarse U metnl. a recent purchase. In iiothtr corner stood a Brotcstnic clothes ntt It looked llko u jotinR plno with wtfular branches and toji lopped orf. On ,u mbs or pess, huiiB his clothes and Imrgtrit&'s and, on tho lowest pec of all, iUe Lilliputian Bnrmciiia 01 111c .nun. a 110 Www bare and rolllnB. for the boards, HJlhhewn from hardwood clnnts of tho forest, had warped stendlly through many run In Its ccntro stood the great uistlc bdtiatOerry had mado from the twisted Itati of trees and llonlfnclo had plaited nth thftnes. Uy raisins himself to the iii length of his arm Gerry could sco vimrlt& lying uncovered on the coaiso ffflowlslt homespun. On hor baro brown iralay the black head of hcr son. IGrtTjr ehuddercd at tho nearness tho tallhrlty-of everything Tho scams of ifcnentary life stood out brutally. For tie flnt tlmo ho saw them. From tho Inch of tho coarso homespun that cov enlhlm, his mind went back to the feel of llebcr's nno linen and from thnt It Kljed on Alan nnd then How back to Allx -.Uli who, Been thtoiigh tho years, bo ume doubly ethereal and flowcr-llke. fftae was Allx' What had Alan tlono Its her? He must ask him. That, at tot, he must know Hut before ho could uk.be must decide about Margntltn nnd iteel himself to his purpose. He thought of the. long still d.ijs at Fnzcnda Florca More Alan had como to Llebcr's tho imiKle and tho reward that had been Uj-ui tho firmness In him. tho stead- futau tliat had led Alan to numo lilm Come, my Gercc, let uh go down to tho tlvor and swim. Wo will tako the Matt. iI08hp.ll sit on tho bnnk and tho river will piny with his baro toes. Ho will laugh." Gerry smile,!, but shook his head. "To morrow, my beloved, tomorrow wo Bhall play with tho Man and tho river." Margarita's nrms fell to hcr sides In pathetic surrender. Sho watched Ocrry mount nnd rldo Blowly up tho slope to tho bridge where Kemp nwalted him. Then she went back to tho veranda steps, sat clown nnd wept with hor face hidden In her hand. Sho did not know why sho wept, but sho knew sho wept for things that were going to be. Tho Mnn camo toddling out to hcr, foil on hcr shoulders, dragged hcr hands from hcr fnco nnd crowed with delight. It was nn old game, played often before, except that this time when the game wns over his little fists wcro wet. A";' CHAI'Tnit XXX. I,A. was struggling hack from coma. Ho was passing through what Llobcr termed to himself 11 stage of reflex cere brni phenomena. Ho muttered, ho talked, but the words were rendered unintelligible by his thick, Wry tongue. Lienor listened. When his patient could speak clearly, ho would give him broth, even if ho had to rouso him Dut before Alan could speak clcnily ho awoke. Llober found his sunken eyes, tho pupils appearing almost concave, fixed on hlmwith a seeing gaze. It was llko resurrection. A spirit had como down upon tho body. Kyo to eye, mouth to mouth, heart to heart, it had given sight, breath, life. Tho oos closed. Lleber hurried away. From tho kitchen he brought a bowl of broth. It was steaming and filled' tho room with an odor ot rich essence. It was In Itself a conccntiatlon of life. Lleber held Alan's unwilling head on his left arm and with n small spoon catrlcd drops of tho broth to his dry lips. At first Alan scarcely swallowed them. They stayed in his mouth or trickled down his throat. But gradually his tonguo softened. Ho could feel tho contraction of his throat giving way to the oils of tho broth. Ho tried to reach a weak hand toward tho bowl. Lleber smiled nnd fed him with a larger spoon. Tho bowl was emptied. AInn sank back Into the pillows. His eyes wandered wistfully over tho baro walls, tho high tiling of the strnngo room. "l would have, great gods! but otto abort hour of native nlr let mo but illo nl homo,' " ho murmured nnd Lleber henrd. The words clutched at his nwn heart but ho answered cheerfully, "Vou shall, my boy. you shall die at home Jf you like, but you'ro going to havo years to think It over. Sleep, that's tho word. And sleep It Is," ho Added to himself as Alan's eyes- closed and his chest began to rise and fall In healthy breathing. Lleber held his wrist. Tho pulso was taking on strength. Alan was still sleeping when Gerry arrived. Llober looked Up, surprised. "You'vo como all tho way back from Fnzenda Flores?" Gerry nodded. "How Is he? Has ho come to, yet?" "Vcs," said Lleber In a low, modulated tone. "Ho camo to, nil right. But tho fight's not over yet. Fever goes And comes, you know. If another paroxysm selves him, he'll not have tho strongth to pull through. It's a question of hours now " "You've been nn nil night." snld Qcrrv. "Go and lie down for a whllo. I'll call you If anything happens," Lleber roso reluctantly. "Don't frill to call me," be 'said. "I'll leavo my door open." Gerry sat down In a chair beside tho settle. He had not known how tired he was himself. Soon ho drowsed. Ills head fell forward nn his chest. Hlcep came to him and then n great trouble rnmo to his sleep. Ho roused himself from a nlghtmaro nnd, suddenly wide nwnkc, found Alan's eyes fixed on his face. "You." murmured AInn. Gerry did not nnswer. Ills fnco be enmc a 'mask. It seemed to him thnt only Alan's eyes wcro alive, nnd to Alan that Gerry hnd projected his spirit to his bcdsldo to watch him die. Alan tried to smllo In defiance, "dnn't ou speak?" ho whispered hoarsely. Gerry leaned forwntd. Tito question ho had to ask wos stronger than he. It forced Its way through his lips. "Alan, what did ou do with her? Tell mo that nnd I'll go away." A troubled look camo Into Alan's thin face. Ho frowned. "Vo with her? Do with whom7" W"Alan," said Gerry, his suppressed volco trembling, "you know. With Allx." "Oh," said Alan, stilt struggling on tho verge of consciousness. "I lcmcmber. I did nothing with her. Sho wouldn't go with inc." "Alan," groaned Gprry. "I saw you I saw you and Allx on tho train." Tho frown wns gono from Alan's fore head. Ho felt sleep coming back to him and ho was glad. "Vcs," bo snld, "alto was on tho train with me. I remembor. She Jumped off. A baggageman caught her." Ho dropped off to sleep ngaln. Lleber stopped catlike across tho floor. Ho caught Ocrry by ono enr nnd with the other hand over his mouth, led him out of the room. Gerry went tamely. When thoy wero on the veranda Llebor looked at him. "So," ho said, his bluo eyes blazing, "you only wnnt to kill him." "No," said Gerry, dazed, "not now." "Mr. Lansing," snld Lleber, "you get out of here. Wo'll settlo this business some other time." FARMER SMITH'S (w$m RAINBOW CLUB rJUST A LITTLE TALK ABOUT YOURSELF L Dear Children I have often asked a lot of members gathered together Mscjuestion: "What is the most interesting thing in tho world?" and thoy tower all sorts of things. W Irnlcht tako vou all to see tho most beautiful building in all the world, gd yet you would say that it is not the most interesting thing in the whole world to you. f The setting sun is interesting to some, and to others the sun coming out rf the ocean is wonderful, but what is that which occupies your keenest Merest? Is Ij it a watch which costs iJIGO and does not miss a minute in a month? I Or, come with mo and look at tho mother bird setting on her eggs. How patiently she watches over them until they havo becotno small birds 1 and yet 7 00 no? interest you as mucn as otner tilings you nave seen. Let us ko to tho river in snrinir and see the tinv eggs which later are to MCOfflfl fishnet nil o trsvwlnif ill nrnui!0 rf nnfllfn I Look at the electric light, which one little boy. called "a burnt hairpin S bottle" can I interest you in it? No, it merely makes you yawn when Iipeak of it. . I What, then, you ask, is tho most wonderful thing in the world? I YOURSELF. PARMER SMITH, K Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. RAINBOW PEN VALENTINES Br Mr YAterviiNt I ill W I s jr r 1 1 1 ; i urnc w f I I hsuot Ami m itr I ' I V I KM TO JU1 M SUMTA n JyJ 1 W J Je Mr -,Me n & J fin wMMv i y I . aif11 r (? fVJ rr s To.nr- , Our Postoffice Box uIs Gusst, South 5th street, is ISfWr picture gallery tonight nnd ho J Vs w De' becauso ho hafi worked 1m hard for your editor. Albert Lnston, Brown street, savs ?verv little, but what he does say ho says well, How many other people havo learned that les son? Florence Berg, West Dau phin street, is an industrious Rain bow, Sho studies, draws, taken care nt , 11,4.1. ,f H and SWeS to dancing school. tOUnrta W 1 j.- - ,, a very nappy inne, fc Mabel TuUaa, Carlisle r ; ill ?.. street, rescued a poor little wet kitten" from a bad boy, who was hitting it, took the kitten h6me with her, washed it and gave it something to eat. Then sho found a lovely home for it with a lady who was very anxious to adopt a little kitty.. Now the kitten J3 very, Yery happy and so i3 Mabel, because she is the cause of the happiness I John Dawson, Jr.i promises a very large branch club in Woodbury, N. J,, the town in which he live3. Judging from his enthusiastic letter, we look for great things from his young friends. Sarah Faberman, North 2d street, is a clever little letter writer, and we surely do love to hear from her. lUN MONBT Thoa woo wUn to twin mony Itr school and Etatuidlyn "oouU writ Utter t Farmer Smith's Bug Book THE LADY BUG'S SURPRISE It was getting toward the middle of the day. when the Lady Bug tripped down the stairs of her bungalow and out on the porch. Sho had hardly seated herself when she heard a faint, "Whoa! Whoa!" Looking up on the high bluff sho saw Doctor Beetle seated in his June Bug carriage, tugging at tho reins, trying to stop the runaway Juno Bugs. His high hat was bobbing up and down, bobbing up nnd down, as the little carriage jerked first this way and then that. The Lady Bug gave ono shriek and, dropping her knitting, ran as fast as she could to the foot of the cliff. She waited and waited, but Doctor Beetlo did not come rolling down, as sho had expected. Pretty soon sho heard a clatter and, looking toward the house, discovered the good doctor and his fiery steeds, which had now become calm, waiting In front of tho steps. Running back as fast as she could, the Lady Bug greeted Dpctor Beetle with, "My dear doctor, I never ex pected to sco you again alive, that is." "Never fear, never fear" said tho good doctor. "Leavo those Juno Bugs to me. I can manage them!" The Lady Bug smiled again and tho doctor, bowing very low, said, "I have come to take you riding." "I will trust myself with you," said the Lady Bug, smiling up Jn the good doctor's face. But when Jimmy June Bug heard this he winked at Johnny Juno Bug and well, tho Lady Bug tells Mrs. Potato Bug a)l about it tomorrow night. It's exciting, too. 1 1 ' ' " ' ' - Do You Know, This? 1. What keeps the water of a river fresh? (Five credits,) 2, Is the water of Delaware Bay fresh or salt? (Five credits.) 8. Mention two rivers- that flow into Delaware Bay. (Five1 credits.) Gerry's lip trembled 'Tou'ro right, Lleber," he Bald, "You're right, only you don't know It all. Thai chap In there wo wcro boys together. Ho ran.away with my wife. That's why" Gerry sud denly stopped. AHt hnd not run nwny. Sho had Jumped off tho train Where was sho then' What had sho dono through tho years ho had been away? Why hnd sho Jumped off the train? Ho struck his hand to his head and stum bled olT tho veranda. Llebcr's anger died In him, but ho turned and went back to Atnn. Two hours Inter he camo out ngaln to find Gerry crouched on tho eranda. Tho spirit had goho out of him but ho turned on Lleber with n determination In his tired eyes. "You told me to get out nnd I haven't. Theio are things I've got to know. I'll wait " "I spoko In haste, Mr. Lansing." said Lleber. "I want ott should forglvo mo. You are nil In, too. Como with me " Ho led him Inro his own room, mado him lie down and closed tho shutters Gerry throw himself across tho bed, nrms outstretched, face downward. Lleber slipped out and noiselessly shut tho door Gerry lay exhausted Ho could not think any more. A grout weight Iny on his brain. Tho ten minutes' dozo In tho chair nt Alan's bcdsldo hnd not been rest but a nlghtmaro. Presently ho fell Into sleep, n deep Bleep that was nil unconscious, ness. It was almost night when he awoke, nnd with tho awakening tho weight set tled back on his brain, only now be hnd tho strength to think in splto of it. Ho got up nnd went out In scarclt of Lleber. Lleber heard him nnd camo out Into tho hall. Gerry nodded toward Alan's room. "It's all right, Mr. Lansing. Ho must havo a solid mind. Your tnlk didn't ex clto him didn't ceti disturb his sleep. He's on tho road up wcok, 11 baby, hut he's started life again. He's nsked for you twice. Seems to have something he',! got to get off his chest to you. You'd bettor go In " Gerry sat down onro moro bcsldo AInn. Tho questions be must tisk ctowded to his lips, but he forced them bnck. Ho tested IiIb strength with resolutions nnd hold them. It woh his wav of reassuring himself. Ho wanted to feel his firmness rising in him to meet the struggle ho felt must eomo when Alan spoke Alan knew he wos theie. He mv hint through half-closed ocs but, more than thnt, ho felt hint. Ills blows puckered In a frown. It was still hnnl to uj words. "Gerr, Inst night I wanted to tell -, 011 moro only I couldn't. I had to slorji. All didn't go with me. She only ii tho train. When I kissed her sho w and found she wasn't carnal n fi . i Sho wont b.tck homo Von dldti't n up. You never tut nod up. The 1 need ou tn it liver, nn emptv canne pnjnni.is on Know," lie stopped 'and sighed as though his task wcto over. Ins ciiln icsted on his clinched hands, his elbows on lily knees. "Alan," ho said, "whero Is Allx now? What has sho done?" AInn opened his ees nnd looked nt him. "Sho Is waiting. She has always waited for you to come back. She would not bcllovo you wcro dead, because of the. boy." "Tho boy'" groaned Gerry. "What boy?" "Yours," said Alan. "Ho Is n great boy, Thcro Is a now AlW since ho enmc. She Is ns far from me and whnt sho was as tho stars. Sho Is a steady star. Hut It's all right now. You'll go back.tn hcr." "I can't," whlsperid Gerry hoarsely, more to himself than o Alan. "I'vo got a wlfo hero I'vo got a child hero. To mo he Is my llrst-born " Alan's eyes opened, this tlmo In wonder. A twisted smllo came to his lips. "You"' ho said. "You I" and then tho smllo chnnged to a faint disgust. Ho turned his head on tho pillow nway from Ociry and slept. Tho next morning found Gerry still nt Llebcr's. Ho knew he must go bnck to Fazcnda Flares in the end, but Just now his bouI wns too raw. lie hung around waiting for Alan to wako up. There was only 0110 way to soothe tho p.iln of his wound nnd that was to add vinegar to It. It seemed a terrible nffront thnt Alan Alan of all people should sit In Judgment over him. Alan nwoko nt last to a rav enous nppetlto and a deslio for tho open. They moved him. settlo unit all, out upon tho vetandn. "What a murderous day!" hO Hfild. his eyes turning, blinded from tho blaze of tho sun, to test in tho sluuly nooks of the vernnd.t Outside, tho heavenly bowl of bluo wns virgin of clouds. It stretched and domed In a sphered eternity of cniptiuebs Through Its depressing void tho sun swam slowly, pitilessly, as though It wcro loth to mark tho passing minutes. Tho whole eaith baked. Strong trees wilted and turned up tho wrong sides of their leaves on tho sen of heat llko dying fish turning up their whllo bellies nt tho Inst gnsp. Not a breath of nlr stirred. Heat roso from the ground In an unbroken, vlslblo wave. "My God," snld Alan, gazing with wistful, fnr-scelng oyes beyond tho fa miliar, iflpellant scene, "'a homeward fever parches up my tongue.' " There wns such an agony of longing In tho words that Geiry was frightened. Ho looked questioning!)' nt Lleber. '."No," said Llober, "he ls not dvlng He wiis djlng, but bo's changed his mind He's going to go homo instead." "I bellovo he's right. Gerry." snld AInn with a faint smile "Hut I didn't change my mind. Ho did it for mo. He's In line for n life-saving' medal. Llebcr's alt right." Ho stopped, tired out Llobcr began to tulk to Gerry. "How's tho wator In the ditch, Mr. LanBlng?" "Mighty low," said Gerry. Ho spoke al most absent-mindedly, l'or tho first time in months the ditch was far fronf his thoughts. CONTINUED TOMOUItOW ANNIVERSARY WEEK KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Local Lodges Arrange to Cele brate Order's Anniversary and Entertain Supremo Chancellor Grand Lodge Olllcers Louis Jaeoby, grand prelate: Byron II. Ilodle, grand Inner guard; Julius Mountney, grand mns tcr of exchequer; Lemuel Wilt, grand keeper of records nnd seals, nnd Hntnuel M. l'yfer, grand trustee, havo Issued a call to all lodges In this city to moot nt the hall, 1625 Arch Btrcct, on Saturday night, nt S o'clock, to honor tho supremo chancellor, Drlghnm R Young, who has agreed to come to Philadelphia to help commemorato tho Md anniversary of the founding of tho Order Knights of 1'ythlns. Although tho older wits founded In tho city of Washington, Philadelphia has al ways bcon among tho lenders In Pythtin ism. nl ono tiuio holding first place. With the celebintlott planned nnd nn encouraging visit from tho supteme olll cers, nn effort will be made tn testoro tho order In this city to Its former position of prestige nnd lcadorshlp. A splendid program has been arranged for Saturday night, and the convocation Is expected to crowd the hall to Its full capacity. Itltpcrltv T.m1rfv rnn lid iles tnnlitlit In the No. 4S, will Initiate three in thn "nmt nml xponnil lrjltur the work In "long form " Tho iniiue nni reiriiruto nn IMH itnntirrssrv inm month, nntl the membrrs nn tho Untertnln ment Commlttre nrn cmliunl iMIcllly working tfi nirntiKO n splemlld program for tno i.ia- Ion Chnnrellor Commnndor I, t B Hmlnk In nrriuiKlnir to lme tho grnml chnnccllor, HorRO A. Mciitrrll, hold a convocation In iiucurlty 1idRo on tho third Momlny ninht next month, win 11 the loiiK-rorm thlnl Uccrro will tio ex empllflPd upon a class of cnnUldntM. I.oiIkc. No. .11, Initiated tn" OtlnUrr Pltv cnn'llilalrn lt PrlJn lilnht In the long form iiuru num. piuiinn un ino norK in nn excel lent ninnner. Tlipy were tho rcciplcniH of threo Itnndflomo picture unit frumps presented tn tho loclgo by Ilrothers Doll, Neat anil Hnlnos Next I'rM ly ovenlnc tin, rank of knlnlit will ho conferred, nftrr which u Kanie of lodgo polo will he pluieil with a team from Mlnnnk Trllie. No tit, of licit Men Tho members of Quntter Cltv 1,0 Ir team are Harry I.. .cai, i.ipiain, jamra wnon, ion iiunrieroncK; John Hpemer, rlsht qiurtcrliui k, Alex.uuler PhliiRlc, (ullluuk, nml J (1. Ilrooinall, goal keeper. , Thn Drnmntle Order Knlshls ot Khornaoan held another open mcctlnc In thn cantlo hill of lnrek 1 LikIko, No. V2. Wt Thurn lay nlRht, when U proceeded with the project of net ting 11 temple InaiiRuiatnl In thin city A lame attendnnco Hint had at tho meetlnR. which nrotiRid cntluietnPtn to a greiter helRtit thn.11 had heretofore been phown, so that u tetnplo ln thin city aeema to bo u ccrtnlnty, William Tenn I.otlRo. No. .10. Inltlatod eight candidates In tho "necond rnnk" last I"rumy nlKhi with 11 well'lllled lodge room of mem ber who a iw thu "rnnk" put 011 In good style. r I'sthnRoros Lodge, No. 110. will rIvo a Hnchl nlBht to tho memhera ami their families ton neviewr, and Mrs. M B. Kvsnn com mnilr of Uartram Itevlew, were aIo welcome lueeta, . The Uniform lUnk held n business nd drill meeting at RH North Ilroad utreet, una will meet hereafter thn first nnfl third Mondays of ench month, A Maccshee ring wns presented to cnrlnln Crouch nnd arrangements msila to hold nn entertainment, drill nml dsnee the latter part of April, with Miss Win. Hsney ss ehalrmnn, who will select her assistants. The, Runnl Is trjlnir tn rslse enough money, to go to I'ort Huron, Mich., for tho dedication of tho home office building nml to ilemonstrnto tn tho West Ihnl the Hast, especially l'hlla delphls. has a good drm team. . netsy lloss Itevlew, Cnpron Post Hall. .1017 itulh street, receliod nnn application for mem bership nnd mado arrangements tn ce'obitito Itrt 11th anniversary on Tuesday evening, Teh ruarv ift with Mm. Pablna frlcdhofr ns chair man nnd Mrs Hoffman, ns nfl"tnnl chair man on Starch 14 It will guo ft mns quernno with Mrs Ilorence Osborne, as chair tnnn nnd Mrs. Henrietta noerlnr ns assistant chairman Mle Hurgln presented her tntmbpr shlp cnmpilgn which wns adopted by llctsy llos lteWew, who will continue tn hold In teresting nnd prontsblo meetings. Miss Anna I;. Ilerll. record kecicr of Olrnnl HcMcw, was among tho Motors. IIOYAL AKCANUM Thursday, itcnue. ut Met street nml Ilaltlmoro Orlrntnl Iftvlff Nn. v I loins roo.1 work In West ri.tlutlelphla, initiating camlldntos ut iitnri' tiifirltitt- ulrtht. Ilniftn r It MMVinnoll nf thti Indue, who In nlio deputy t-hnntellor, i rporiri ma i inf lonces in un district tiro proRroasliuc rapidly nnd gaining ln member ship ut ever) meeting. KNIGHTS OF MALTA Commandcrics Prepare for Election of Stnto nnd Subordinate Olllcers The election of officers of subordinate commandcrics of tho State of Pennsylva nia will bo held on tho last meeting night this month of ench commnndery. . t tho same time ballots will bo cast for all past commanders for olllcers of tho Grand Com mandcry for tho coming year To Humil iate Interest In tho work of the order nnd bring out as complete a voto as possible, recent regulations havo been mado by which past olllcers living moro than threo mllos front meeting placo of tho com mandery, as well as ofllcors unablo to at tend bv reason of Illness, aro pormlttcd to forward their ballots by mail. The official ticket for grand commnndery offlccro Is ns follows, tlrnnjl,.. commander, James P. UrnUy, No, .'. grand generalissimo, PARMER SMITH, - ' """ Evening Ledgers f ' I Vish to become a membef)f your Rainbow Club. Please send mo a beautiful Rainbow Button free, I agree to DO A LITTLE i KINPNES.S EACH AND EVERY DAY V- SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG" THE WAY; Name ,..,,......, ddrefljf i,iMiii,iM,,MM Af8 , ,,,,,M,l!,l,, School attend. ...-...,., .. TELLS MINISTERS THEY NEGLECT SOUL WORK The Rev. J. E. Tuttle Says Clergymen Give Too Much T,ime to Social Affairs Ministers of today are burdened with too many business and social affairs and thereforo neglect their main Iut thnt of looking after the spiritual welfuro of their congregations. This assertion was mado todnj by tho Itev John U Tuttle, pastor of tho first Presbyterian Church, of York, In an ad dress before Presbyterian ministers nt Westminster Hall In the Wlthcrspoon Hutldlng. "I believe that business and social mat ters should be placed In the hands of the layman," he said, "but tho trnublo is they expect thj minister to do all the pushing In tho way of making" things progress That's why thero la a prejudice against taking a minister who Is more than 10 years old. In most places they want n young man who, thoy believe, can better push things to a conclusion. "They loss sight completely of the fact that tho main duty of tho minister Is to take eai'o of the spiritual mutters of the church." The speaker then pointed out that the manifold duties greatly hampered the real work for which tho minister was choaen. 4. declared that the average pastor could onl obtain the proper results when re lieved of the numerous duties which en croach upon his time, The speaker also asserted that batter progress would 'be ob tained generally f conditions were changed ln this connection. Ilnrn M. Askin. Nn. ILW cr.inrt cnntiiln ren oral, Warren J. Itarfensborgcr. No. J.',J, grand prelate. Clint S. Miller. No. J'U; grnnil re corder, John 11. Hoffman, I' H. C. No. un, grnnd tr, usurer. Charles W. IlTislor. I O. C, No 112; grnnd senior warden, H. Itny mond Snyder. No. 117, grand Junior unrden, Jnmrn I.. I'enney, Jr. No ill; grnnil warder, Hll J Sterner, Nn ir.n. grnnd sentinel J. M. 1'olloik. No lh'i c. I.. rtcaer, No L'2, frank C. Hills. No. .1.V. W. A. (Iretilnger. No. 422. V. li. llraunllch. No .ISTt W. L. MegulRiin, No. 171, A. M HprnberBcr. No. 277. J. Smith Itolhle. No 27; (leonjo fl. flrmo. No ."IMI. W. V Kngle. No 2U. H. II. Olass. No. :i7S, nnd T. C Stephens. No. 131. grand trusten o. It. Houck. No. . Cass Morgan, No. 177l A, L, Hnyder. No, ISO; J. J, Unset, 1-. O. C , Nn. 12, anil W it. DaUs. No. :i1u Constantino, (leorBe II I'll roe, St. Hlnlo, Quaker City nnd .Mvstlc Cross Common ilcrles of this illy, will hold u Joint public Initullntlon of newly elected ofneera Wednes day renlng. March H, ln tho North Urn id Street Drawing ltooms, 713 North llro.nl street. GOLDEN EAGLE KNIGHTS Monthly Session of Locnl Associated Councils Plana for Order's Good Tho ARBoolntod Councils of Philadelphia and vicinity held their monthly meeting In tho Parkway llulldlng February S President Itoedol commented upon tho good nttendnneo representing 13 Itoynl Arcanum Councils. Tho meeting wns honored by the presenco of Supremo Trtts too Henry K. I-nthy, of Ponnslvnnla Council. Committee reports wcro received and the usual lino of business transacted. Philadelphia Council, No. EM, nt Itn regular lebriinry meeting tierxed n. Dutch lunch. About 1 leltors from the carnation Cluh nnd oilier 1'hllsdolnhln coiitu lis ruJoeil n good meeting Philadelphia Council members who do not intend their mum II meetings are missing soino goo,I times Itegent llrother Culbert will hi something nt cvVry meotlng, nml Is de serting or n mil hnusciind tho cordial support of his fellow members; Printer's Ink Is now being ncthcly used bv tho leading councils Cor snmo tlmo past Hniorforcl Coum II had abandoned Its monthly paper. The Hustler Tho Pobrunry number hiiB Just been Issued ngaln, belter and brighter i'sn ,'er bcrore, containing counill news, rlillnilelnlila Council's nsner. The Visitors. appears In a new form, with hicrenped spaco for lienn mntter nnd n promise of consider nlilo Improicment oicr this Issue rennsvltn nla founrll's linot. always newsy, reflects thn hands of ctrlenrcd writers nnd carries ihcerful reports to tho members of tho order. mt',.,!cm.cn,, lmo been perfected nnd n great tlmo Is expected nt the ''rw to bo gUen Ki'.,e '-'.'bes- Auxiliary Wednesday oNenlng, ,m,ri"'lry,1 '' ''! ""' ,,ntel Adelphla. A lllienil winning cl J1" '' es wlu '" ll""rilc'1 l0 Ttrothers 1'nwler nnd Oelpke. nf Ilnxcrfnril 5...IIS.1,r'.,,,l",trl0,,a,J". Ilt ork organizing i,., .JW' Ar,',ilP,ul.n,'0.unfl1 ' "in north- Sm ?."M?,' ?f ! ''Il.idelphln. They proposo to nnd1h.,:yuAnue:r0lJlCnl,,K d 2Ul" ",rt Tho inrloiis teams contesting In the Hnvnl fVetn.m",Vi ,",,l"r'' I-MKun arS now- ngl.tuii of n".n"iei ua ,"cy cnlcr on tl10 '' rou"U Ilnvcrford Council holds first position by six games, with two teams occupying iei on 1 nnd hlr.1 positions. Credit should' Ro given ih0 ARTISANS' ORDER MUTUAL PROTECTION Annual Report of Most Excel lent Recorder Presents Fig--ures Showing Gains Dur ing Last Year The coming 41th nnnunl session of tho Most Excellent Assembly, which will con veno March 1, promises to bo of excep tional Interest by reason of suggested changes ln the lawn b( the order, which will be certain to Invito considerable dis cussion. Among tho amendments which will come, up for consideration Is a novel one, to abolish wholly tho Initiation fee, thus opening tho door freely to nit dcslrnble candidates who may seek tho advantages of membership, without tho payment of any chnrgo for admission. umer nmendments seek to limit the term or nfflce of a director to three yenrst to permit member to rcduio or Increnso death benefit rertlflcntes nt any time, and to pay benefits to members for the first week of sickness when unoer a pnsicitin s enro ror mo or more weeks. Oriental Assembly. No, regular monthly meeting to SSrr.Vnl? nl,..,n.u"hll;h tt"L lnil in tl, position. At tho clnso of the tournr banquet will bo held, nnd the priie" Licensed to Wed at Elkton ELKTOtt. Sid., Feb 11. Marriage li censes were Issued here today to the fol lowing parties: Vred. W. Beck 'and Mary I'arter, Samuel Squlllao and Jennie PI llmroo Thomai Sutherland and Anna Harris. John K. Downle and Ceclle I). Klaga. all of Philadelphia; William Ciclger and KlUabeth W Wood," Conshohoiken; Harry E. Bolt und Anna B. Kenkel. Wil mington. Coleman A Carson and Lillian Newman. Trentan; Harvey Eshen. Wil mington, and Uba M. Voti. Newport, DeL; John Qulgley, Camden. N J. and i'lorcncu Newjflan, Phoenlxvaie,. l'a. Now Corps of Grand Cnstlo Olliccrs Elected by Subordinate State Bodies The board of Grand Castlo olllcers will visit Bethlehem on Kobruary 23 for an all-day business meeting and In tho eve ning will nttend the 30th nnnlvcrsary of Hcllertown Castle, at Hellcrtown. The arrangements are In tho hands of Grand Sir Herald Harry A. Herbst. Bt. Paul's Castle, No. 37. of Philadel phia. Is at tho present tlmo enjoying a boom nnd tho attendance has been on tho Increase. New propositions ute being re ceived each meeting night. This castlo is ono of which Colonel Charles N. Williams is a member. A. C. I.sttln Cammundery, No 101, hoa had an unusually busy month, being on tho Ku almost ovtsry evening Installing thu olll lers of the various Lasllea assigned to It Captain K. K l.yttle. who Is In churco of this coinmanclcry, Is ono of tho uctlto work ers In tho order, and had hud with )ltm a largo Installing team on each nuaslon His lommamlery Is growing rapidly, having now u membership of 7.1. At tho last meeting It took In nine ap plicants for membership. Ono of the strong eninrvs or una cominanuury iti mo kouu fellowship whlih exists umoni,- its members, and thoy are also favored b having u 1, miles' Auxiliary. This body h.is Just olei ted as oincers for the following term: Miv Will Ham filarllng. president Mrs, V. K. Lyttle. vice president, Mrs Mary Knable, sucre tary, und Mrs Clarence, J.ynili. treasurer. Huprenia Master of Hecords John n Trelbler Is busy making arrangeraenta for the lilannlal wesslon of tile Supreme Custle, which meets this iear in Atlantlo City, and he, as adjutant generul ot the military branch. Is making arrangements for a splendid demonstration of the military branch at that time The Election Committee of tho Orand Cas tle met List Monday etenlng to open and compute the returns of the vote cast for (Irand Castlo omceiv Unofficial figures show that tha following oincers have been eleoted (Srund Chief. John F. llrounley, Aeolian Castle, No. 3IS, Philadelphia; tlrand Vice Chief. JIarry A. Herbst. flood will Castle, No. 75, Uethlehem; Orand High I'rleot. It. M K. Lewis, Ollt Hdge Castle, No 188, North Wales; Orand Muster or Records, L ! Oallagher, Cheater Castle, No. 29; Orand Sir Herald, August O Htemme, Antlock Cau lie. No. 38. Philadelphia Orand First (luardsman, Oeorge K Kane, West Chester Castle. No. 220, Welt Chester, Orand Second (luardsman. Aaron A. Hlnti. Mount l'enn Castle. No. Bl. Heading; Orand Trustee. Max Trankner, Delta Castle, No. S, Philadelphia. Itepresentatlvo to the Supremo Castle. John H Clruyblll, Haul Petersburg Castle, No. 10.', East Petersburg. THE MACCABEES sportsmanship for, entering two tennis In tho "tc?i J l1."' wcilcenlngn possible team cnVble ... ...M.tiiiK ini: i-ii.imnionsniii. 'me ntlier three ni.,i-"". ".. Wl" " l".". nni ll is a tho cellar rniim-nf ,, .i. ...in ... ,llu,rll,l.l .l ,.-- ",""."."V '"!. ' "r .......yU.vu .. umicii, ,-iLt.-ieii lor next season. r.rrJdiiy ,"'xt l's been set nsldn by Ihnorford Council nn of particular interest to tho Indies ni their relation to thn order. I'ebrury 4 llrother W H Miller ilelliercil nn Ininrestlng ecturo on cotton. This council Is noted for Its Inntructlvo ns well ns cntcrtulnlng meet ings. Shepherds of Uethlehem i-A inoiement Is under way to orginlzo a new lodge of tho fthepherds of Uethlehem in this r"rV -A(. a .Preliminary meeting held In the hall, l.'l.'l Melon Htreet. tho supremo orrlcers nttendetl nnd cMilnlned to a. numbor of pros pectlo cnnilldntes the principles and tmrpnses of the organization. Among those who spoke wero Mrs. Uwi Wjeknrt Hall, founder of the order; Supremo Commander Sir J. Tracy nnd Supremo Treasurer H Miller. It wns decided to namn the now body utter Us organizer Annlo M Stokes Lodge. No. 122. rKan,zT- In nddltlon to tho orgnnUer, tho following names wero attached to the appllcntlon for u Lharler: Joseph, ilcNee, Anna A. Thurmnn (leriruile T. stokes Nelllo McNee. Liz "bet h Thurman. Ailrew Hnmllton Mrs. A. Nelso Maria Hamilton . nilzabsth Itiitler. Marv llln kel, Kathcrlno Hicks, frank Norton. lMward McNeo. l'earl Sanders, Kllalieth Hnrron. Wal ter Hnrron. Mary ; Klenk, Anna Hrown. ftuth erlno J.lggott William Norton Jr.. Helen Stroheclior. Fanny Ilody, Nolllo Cnsnr. Ileglna Itclger. James Trnlner Jennlo Colllnalr. Mrs. K I rnnco nnd Miss M. Trnlner. Another preliminary meeting will be held Thursday evening, when officers will bo elected inn, ,iuu uiitiiiKi'uienis rnmpieieii jor tno or ganization ceremonies on .March 2. TUSH GOOD ROADS WORK 17, will hold Its iff lonlshf. with Mnstsr Artisan l-m,lrlelr 11 lllthln In ths chitlr. In Prnternlty llulldlng, Ul4 Arch street. With ono candidate for Initiation, n luncheon sup plied by the Entertainment Committee nnd a progressive pinochle party on tho program n cnJoMiblo meeting Is assured. Uartram Assembly. No. RT, started Its new term In a most satisfactory manner nt the February session. Ten cnndldntes were duly l.iltlnteil nnd nn enthusiastic. Interest mani fested, which presages a brljlit nnd prosperous fraternal jear. The new corns of officers Inst led for tho venr aro Master nrtlsnn, Thomas (J. Vnncet superintendent. J. D. A. Mannt Inspector. C. W. Martini cashier. U, J H. Itubberti record er, C W. Hlgglns; medical einmluers, P. Sam uel stout, J. M. Helo. John 11. llecker and John S. 'ihorpi conductor, C. Oscar Hall; chop lain. 1. c. Henkhnusi rcprescntntlves. U, t S. Hubbert. 11. U. Yocum. 11. W. l'nlmer and C. IJ, Steel, alternates, W. A. Gray. J. M. Delo, William J. Hills and Louis Wester. Jr. Tho new Hntertalnment Committee consists of tho following active members! H. W. Palmer, chairman: A. W. llojsen. secretary; Thomas J". Vance, ex.ofllclo; J. I). A. Mann. C. U. Martin. C. L Steel, Joe Uurnlng, J. C. Mnrr, II. (1. Tocum. J. J, Ilrennan. It, (1, Drnun. J. C. Simpson. L. lllester. Mart Schilling. V. limy, J. L'. Craig. William J. Hills and Oscar Hall. , The Hntertnlnment Commltteo of St. John's Asromhly, No. 2S, was entertained Tuesday cienlng bv Master Artisan William A. Purka at tho Adelphln llolol. The commltteo has mado arrangements to entertain a largo nurnher of visitors nt tho regular meting on Washington's lllrthdsy nnd iii nom n. spiciu meciing i enrunry i ior vne urposc of Initialing cnnilldntes nnd entertain- Bucks County Automobile Association Joins Movement nOYLKSTOWN, Pa.. Feb. 11 Tho Bucks County Automobile Association hns lined up behind tho various civic and trndo organizations that havo Joined tho movement for good rouds. The offorts of Hie association will bo directed toward freeing tho plko from Doylcstown to Lnnghorne. Steps havo been mado to havo tho toll gates thrown open. Stnto Highway Commissioner Cunningham wrote tho association that ho would co opcrato In tho good roads movement. ing out-of-town representatives to tho most excellent nssemhly, which will bo held Wednesday. March 1. at Fronpect Fork, nt which tlmo llrother nnbert C. Thompson, of St. John's Assembly, will bo elected and In stalled ns most excellent master artisan. Tho members of St. John's Assomblv feel highly honored to havo one of their members selected to hc.ul tho A O. JL F. this jonr. To show tin lr appreciation they hive pledged their sup poit to Ltrothcr Thompson nnd will use every effort to make this a banner year in Artisan ship. William Patton Assembly. No. "0. Introduced nn Innovation nt Its meotlng on Tuesday eve ning In u handball contest between thn mem bers of tho nssembly. It becamo so popular nt once that n tournament wns arrangoa and n schedule will bo played nt the coming meet ings of thu assembly. Two new membera wcro received. Recorder C Wnlter lllgglns nnd Brother Joseph Ilrlggs wero tho star fc iturcs of the bill of homo tnlent- that entertained Ilnrtram Assembly on Monday evening. This team has been promising to do n. stunt for tho Inst six months which suffered none by tho waiting. Tho most excellent recorder has completed the statistical review for tho year 101,1, which shows tho organization to be ln a most excel lent condition numerically nnd financially. Tho death benefit fund nf tho oider on December .It showed n hnlnnco of JnH.ULK.!, a gain of $122.5U"ns. Tho combined contingent fundsl were. 1.is.1(n.4t, giving combined nssets of fl,MK1,nuX.27; fH.V1.UOO of this Is invested in mortgages on I'hll.idelphln renl estate nnd Is earning 5 4-10 per cent. Interest. The average Interest on tho entlro death beneflt fund Is r..07 per cent. Tho latter Item Is Important nnd is better than tho earnings shown by most Inrurnnro mid trust companies. Tho In terest receipts were f4t,3U8 and pnia more turn 20 per cent of the death claims. Tho huge nmount-of f 10,1 12,250 of risks Is carried upon membcre Death benefits paid woro ftS. P.U. mnklng a total of t2.1T5.21.l paid out for this purpose. SlcK benents pnld veero $27. 7.17,30, which totals fj:.7.SH.rili cxptndod for the relief of members Tho expenses of man ugenient wcro lH.17.1.i8, or $1,114 Per member, Tho membership ut tho close of tho vonr wo 17.11S, nf which numbor 2143 wcro received during- tho jeur. Isano C. ITndordown Asaemhler Kn. .IS hsd n good turnout of members at the meeting on Thursdny evening, who wcro rovnlly enter tained bv tho now committee, of w hlch llrother Harry C. Smith, most excellent master arti san, Is chairman. Pnssyunk Assembly. No. BS. has begun already to wojn for tho year inlft. Ten new membera wcro received ut their second meeting this year. Philadelphian Hit by Auto at Shore Theodore Knrsch, of 213 North 4th street, Philadelphia, was knocked unconscious by n motorcar near Atlantic City this afternoon nnd Is In a serioUB condition. He was rolled over sovcral times In tho snow by tho forco of tho Impact, but re covered consciousness later. Ho wns taken to tho City Hospital nt Atlantlo City. The pollco aro seeking the owner of tho machlno. Membership Campaign Inaugurated by Local Reviews Meets With Favor Pcmn Treaty had an enjoyable meeting Wednesday evening in Its ball, 1126 Ger mantawri avenue, and received one appli cation for membership. It also adopted the ''Installation memjbershlp campaign" pre sented by Miss Bargln, the supremo chap lain, who was a welcome visitor. Action wav taken to havo an onertalnment .n the near future. Quaker City Itevlew. 1318 Columbia, avenue, admitted one applicant at Ua last meeting and took action to amend the by-laws la order to pay tS per week sick beusflts Instead of 14, Miss Hurgui, tha supreme chaplata presented br Installation membsrsblp plan which was yprovsd and the Review wlU try to phiia good net gala to Us credit by October 1 Mrs- Kouubury chairman of to Installatlou CortimittM, was present sot1 thanked all -bo baa aulstetd to tusks the Installation a sue tali. His. Jf. M. Httcu, coxamiadcr et Key AT ALL OUR STORES & Where Quality Counts : Low Prices Prevail i BIG COFFEE SALE THIS WEEK I A Robinson & Crawford Coffee Sale is always welcomed by the Mt Particular People of Philadelphia, welcomed because it is well known Xj that our price reductions are genuine and our quality is always main- M. tained. So here we are with the Four Biggest Coffee Bargains in j! Philadelphia. Take advantage of this money-saving opportunity of 5 supplying your coffee needs for some time to come. Ins. .10o m 15 .Un,,i 20c Capital Blend Coffee g.?. 17c .?, hi The best coffee you can buy for 20c the pound, for Capital Blend 613 it is not matched at its price. . 25 cTi-.V;!,'.,' 25c Robford Blend Coffee Rfc. 22c 03,'o"'' tfOSt The most popular 25c coffee on the market, a reputation won by f$) j& merit. Wf 35 TCo-IJi, 30c Golden Blend Coffee &. 27c Ube- f w A blend of high-grade coffee, rich in flavor, full.bodied and satis- W mt fying. W m 50 SVu?,i'35c R. & C. Best Blend Coffee ?.,, 32cj"- f M. If your taste demands the rich, smooth flavor and delightful W aroma which can only be attained by blending the highest grade W rfOS coffees grown, you will enjoy the R. & C. Blend. $ Gold Seal BUUDCarlon The largest, freshest, meatiest eggs that money can buy or hens can lay, fs Jh JV Henfield Eggs, Carton 2 7c I Selected Eggs, Dozen 23c S Second in quality only to Uold seal. Twelve good eggs In every dozen. Us There are many other attractive values this week at every Viif fj R. & C, Store, whether it be located at Wjf 21st and Market Streets fi . Downtown, Uptown, Germantown, Kensington, West Philadelphia, Jl m Manayunk, Roxborough, Logan, Oak'Lane, Overbrook, Bala, Nar- W m berth, Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Lansdowne, E. Lansdowne, Llanerch, w iXi Darby or Media. I Robinson & Crawford I urocery aiores tor rarucuiar reopie inxougtiout ins uiy ana outjuDJ t . i3f in 41