c EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1916. t ir: IF K : K W U. S. MAY REFUSE TO ACCEPT RULING ON ARMED LINERS Seeks Loophole to Avoid In dorsing Renewal of Sub marine Campaign BERLIN NOTE DUE TODAY WASHINGTON, Keb. 12. The summary of Germiuiy's tlcclnrntlon thnt armed merchantmen will be trenled ns warships nftcr March 1 renched the Htate Department from Ambassador Ger ard today. Gerard paid he would cable the text as (toon as It In translated and coded. Ambassador I'enfleld. at Vienna, cabled the, State Department that he had received the Austrian nolo and that It was Identical with the German note. He Is forwarding the text. There was every indication today that Secretary Lansing at least will ndinlt thnt the foundation on which Germany mid Austria hnvo built their contention that armament on merchantmen make visit ahd search by submarines Impossible Is sound. This Indication has assumed n degree of cerlnlnty ever since Secretary Lansing inn dp his first ruling rcgtmllng Allied merchant ships coming Into Ameri can ports with guns aboard, tie hits nltvnys requested that thry dismount their guns or declare they would be used only for defensive purposes. And In ench Instance ho has publicly announced that each case was handled separately ami that none was to be tilen as a precedent. SKK TllOI'M.K WITH At.MKH. So It Is with the Entente Allies, accord ing to State Department nlflclnls, that this Government' diplomatic differences seem certain to arise. It Is probable, however, thai Hie t'nlted States may seek n loophole thioiigh which to avoid acfiulcscenre In Germany's and Austria's declared Intentions. Although committed to an extent by Its recent proposals to the Hnti-nte l'owers that they disarm their mcrchnnt vessels, to the German contention that armed liners are to be regarded as auxiliary ships of war I he Statu Department. It was learned last night, Is considering the advisability of protesting against the propscd campaign of the Teutonic sub marine. A high olllclal of the department ex pressed the opinion last night thnt It would be reckless to assume that the United States woiild'pertnlt such a enm palgn to be Inaugurated without protest. As an Indication of the Government's attitude, another olllclal frankly admitted ho has been considering the possibility of a boycott by ship lines of the Allied countries against American goods billed for other ports than their own. This offi 'dal says ho does not believe such a boy cott would he In contravention of the rules and practices of Intel national law. He was Inclined to believe, however, that such a boycott might successfully be fought through municipal laws at ports where Allied meichunt ships call for mu nitions of wnr ami other goods destined for their own countries. Still another factor, ho said, In lighting such a sug gested boycott, would be trade treaties between the United Stntes and the Allied countries. MAY WAHN TIlAVKLKIt.S. It won learned positively today that agreement In full with nrguments con tained In the forthcoming Austrian and German note would be followed Imme diately by a formal warning from Hie State Department for citizens of this Gov ernment to keep off Allied ships that carry armament. The feeling was growing among diplo mats representing the Allies today that If the United States Is willing to acqui esce In a change of rules regarding arma ment on merchantmen while the wnr is going on, thnt It would he only n short step from that to the placing of an embargo on arms and all munitions of war. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Keb. U For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Probably rain tonight and Sunday; moderate east winds. High barometric pressure covers Can ada nnd the northern States from coast to coast this morning, while the south western storm has extended In u narrow trough from Texas northeastward to western Pennsylvania. The temperatures have risen rapidly In the Ohio basin and rain Is falling along the river this morn ing, while light snow has been quite gen eral In the northern States from the Itocky Mountains eastward. A slight re action to colder is reported from the west ern half of the country. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at S u. m. KuMern time. I-ow S lam Italn- Voloe fitatlon. a.ni n't. full. Wlwl. In. Weather Atlanta, Oa .11 r.2 . . s la Olou.ly Atlantic City ... :!l NB rioudv Memarck. N. l.. ! ! lloston, Mass. ... 'S- 111 Buffalo, N. V... is is Charleston. S. C. tit K! Chicago, III 'js M Cincinnati, O MS .is Cleveland. O it '.'t Denver. Col .... :t2 ::. .v X K K si: x xi: SB XK B 13. BV SI'? SV .V ,VK UK Cloutlv Cloudy Cloudy Clear Snow Italn Snow Clear Snow I'lomlv I'luudy P.CI'iudy Snow It Detroit. Midi nalveston, Tex". , HarrUburK. 1'a.. llatteras, N. O. . .Halifax. N. S... Helena, Mont. . . . Huron. 8. I) IS is, ot ' 2H ill .Ml M 111 It IK IS H (I 12 Clear 14 .-now Indianapolis, Ind. Xt ,TJ to Italn 10 Clear .. P.rioudy 32 italn . . Clear '-0 Cloudy Cloudy 22 I'.Cloudy IS Clear . . P.Cloudy IS rioitjy IK Clear -"-' Italn 14 Cloudy 1- t'loudy . . Clear . Iliiln HI Cluudy . . P.Cloudy 12 Cloudy .. Cloudy 15 P.Cloudy . . cloudy . . Cloudy .. Clear . . Clear . . Cloudy . . Rain . . Clear ,. Cloudy . . P.Cloudy Jacksonville. Fla. Knoxvllle. Tenn. ir.' IE! 50 4s Sit M Little nock. Ark. .. H . N'K -3S S Los Angeles, cat. Louisville. Kv... Tit 4S !W .VI Montgomery, Ala. 3S Montreal. Can... ul 4 XH a HK NK BV X X NE 13 NE X NW NB NW N si: k X N HI-? NB .Vtl Nashville, Tenn. IJ 3S New Orleans. J -a. m m New York. N. V. 2H ill Norfolk Va 50 4S Oklahoma, Okla. . 10 -to Omaha. Neb... til 111 Philadelphia, Pa. :io :in 4 is 40 'is 18 is 30 31 4 M2 at 3i I'lioenix Ariz.. Httsnursh. fa. Portland, Mo ... Portland. Ore. . Quebec, Can. . . . St. Louis. Mo.. M. nwi. .Mtllt,,. C U, -T.....I 111.... 8 8 Salt Lake. Utah, at! :U San Antonio, Tex. no r.s an Francisco... 4S 4H Baata Fe. N. M. . na :u Ha. Ste. Marie,. '1 '2 Scran ton, Pa...,2U iitl Tamna, Fla, no hi IVashlncton 31 33 'Winnipeg. Can. . 20 'M Below lero. , NB .01 Observations at Philadelphia A. M. Barometer ... .... 30.51 SO IS miles . Cloudy . ., Truce 8T Sit ...... 35 Temperature , , tVlud Northeast, Sky Precipitation last 24 hours Humidity Minimum temperature Maximum temperature ..,.,,..,.,,.., Almanac of the Day Bun set Moon sets .,.,.., Uoon souths ,,., Lamps to Be Lighted Autos and other vehicles...,,,... MO p.m. H:.Tta.ni. 7:30 p.m. S:13p.m, The Tides POItT .niQHUOKD. Low water .t:.V) p.m. High water OM) p.m. low water topiorrow 4:0Pa.m. CIHSSTNL'T STJIBHT WHARF. I ay water . 3-Jlft D.DL 11! 1Mb water S:37 p,m, 3:33 a.m. Law water tomorrow HEBUV ISLAND. Ijbw waUr .11:57 a.m. . S:4dp.iu. .li&dani Mg Pah water Jjw wtr tomorrow BflKAKWATBR. Hlsb lf isi"1"' Sifb fptsrraw : 3tt9.m. L'ALLEANZATRA ITALIA EFRANCIAE'COMPLETA, DICE ARISTIDE BRIAND Piccoli Combatlimenti ncll'Alta Vnlle del Chinrzo Accnm- pnmenti Austriaci ft Go- rizia Cannonegghiti L'lNTERVENTO RUMENO HOMA, 12 Fcbtirnlo. Avopilo complctnto con pleno successo la sua mission? n Itntna. II preslilente del Conslgllo frnnccse, tirlnml pertlra' questa sera, nccompngnatn 1nl mlnlstro dclle inunizlonl, Thomas, per In fi onto llnllann, ilovc sarn" rlccvuto dal re p dove avrn' colloqull con II generate Cndortui. tirlnml e 'fiiomns hnuno nvuto una ! porle ill lunghl rollotiull con II presldentc I dpi Conslgllo Itnllnno, on. Hnlnndrn, e con II mlnlstro tlegll Knterl. on. Sonnlnn. i p tie! cltroll govcmntlvl si dice orn the ltnllno Fimicla hanno rngglunto tin com plcto nccordo circa la Pcnlsoln llnlcaitlcn, necordo rhe potra' nvera on peso lion llevo sulle future operitzinni In quel trntro dollit guerrn e nella illvlslone del tPirltorlo alia tine dell.i gticrra. l.'ncco glipiuii ohe o' stnla faltn nl mlnlstti frnn ce.l e' statu stradnnllnitrlnmcnte cnlusl tisllcn dappertutto tlovo pssl sotio npparal, tale da Inaclnrc una profonela Imprcsslone twtirnnltttM lnrn OitHtn mnlttnn Arlnlldp llrlnnit ha delto con un senso di arntido ! coiileiitczz.t: "I.a mitt mlssiom? p' statu tin successo I complctti sntto ogiil rnpporto. tVnllpnnxn trn I'ltalla e hi Kranclii e' complctaineiite renlUstatn. La guerr.t ha oni una sola fronte." 1. 'on. Itrlnnu ha Infnttl rnglone. II govertlii itullano ha puhbllcatn otgl tin deiTPto col quale si prolblscc, sotlo gravl penc, dl impoitaip mercl dalla Uermntilo o dall'.Vustila. Qucsto decreto era gin" stuti) picaiinunclato da Hrland dopo un ciilloqiiin con II linronn Snniilno. con qucsto parole dette nl glornalistl: "Abhlamo coinpletato II oerchlo dl ferro nttorno alia nermanlu." In tempi miimall un decreto simile, che oostllulsre un alio dl ostlllta' contro In Germnnlii, suiebbe stnto segullo dn una (llehlarazlnue dl guerra da parte del gov prnn tedrsco. Invece si crede clip, per rnglnni tlnanzhirlc o per raglonl mllltral, 11 kaiser si nsterra' dal mettcre nnche I'ltalla tra I stiul ncmlct apeitl. Arlstide lirland h.'i dctto che gti nlleatl sono decis! n strlngeie semlii'p plu' la nittraglla dl ncclalo nttorno nlln Germnnlu per Htrnzzarla economlcametite meutre gll csercitl nlleatl nttucclierntino le posUloul degll auslin-tedeschl. Msll ha fatto notare che l.i rlpiosa ilpll'offensira russa nella Volinln, nella Gallzla e davantl a Czer uovltz !' un Imllce delle gramll rlsorse inllltnri che posseggono gll alleatl. Hd ha nggiunto: "Finn nil ora lit plu' gran fnrza del nostri Hemic! ein nel loro mngnitlco sls lenui di trusporto che permette loio II rnpldo v comodo trnsfeiimento dl truppe tin mm iitiiilslsl altro settore delle loin front! ol battnglla. Mu gll alleatl linnno steHo ora nttorno a questa rocca ledesca un cordone dl ncclalo tiguulmente Im prendlble i-il II vuntngglo del slstcma dl trnspoito e' ipso inutile In quauto lion da' plu II grande vuntngglo milltare che dnva prima. I'nn perfetta ttnioue degli alleatl era necessaila per erlgere questa inurn glla dl ncclalo, e I'unlone e' ora perfettu mento ottenuta." Una serie ill altrl decrctl slmlll n quello pubbllcatn oggi saranno piesto umanntl dal govcrno itallano, tuttl con lo scopo di schiacclare economlcnmcnte la Uer nmnlu. SULLA FRO.S'TK ITALIANA. 11 Mlnistero della Guerra' pubbllcava leri sera II seguente rnpporto del generate t'ndorna circa la situazlona sulla fronte itnlo-austrlaca: "HI sono nvutl piccoli combatllnientl llnltl con nostro vnntagglo nell'alta vnlle del Chlarzo e nella zona dl Santa Maria (settore dl Tolmlno.) 'Nulla zona di Gorlzla la nostra nrtlglieria tiro' efflcaceniente contro ac campamentl iiemlel e su trenl die si mtiovpvnno verso la stuzlone dl Knn PIp tio, forznndali a rlturnare al pumo donde erano pnrtitl. "Si sono avute fortissime nevlcato nella zona montuosa della nostra fronte dl battaglia." I'll dlspnt'clo da ttucarest alia Xeuc Xurcher Zeituiig dice cho la Itumanla seinbra. detlnitivamente ulla vlsllln dl Intprvenlre nella guerra europea a llanco della Quadruplico lntesn. SI dice che l'nttegglampnto pooo rnssicurantp della rtumania e' stato dlscusso seriamente tra II kaiser o re Ferdlnando di llulgarla, e che si preparano avvenlmentl ill grnndo lmportanza. II governo ruinenn non s oppone plu' all'agltazlone degll Interventlstl. ma sem bra anzi favorlrla. t'n corrispondente che si trova a Hucarest dice che le condi zlonl pollttche nttunti della Itumanla ras somigllano struordlunrlnmento a quelle che esistevann In Italia nel 11)15. poco prima della dlchlurnzlone dl guerra contro l'Aubtrla da parte del govcrno dl lloma. coslcche' si aspetta che la prlinavcra del 11)16 in Itumanla russomlglia molto a quella del 1!)15 in Italia. I preparatlvt militiiii che sono in corso ora In Humanla nan litsclnno nlcuu dub blo sul loro Ecopo. I minlstrl della Guerra e delle Finalize hanno prcso provvedl menti che tendono senz'nltro ad una prosslma dichinrazlnne dl guerra. 1 pre paratlvl sono supeiioii a quelll (ohe sareb hero necessaril se si volessn manteuere una neulrullta' armnta, ed II governo lis, ora a sua dlsposiziune sotto le iirml plu' dl mezzo mllinne ill soldatl inodernamcnte equluagglatl. CANADIANS DOUBLE GUARDS AT NIAGARA Rumor That Teutons in U. Intend to Destroy Fac tories Causes Action NIAGARA FAULS. X. V Feb. li.-Fol-lowing rumors last night that Germans from the United Stutes were planning a move of some sort, detachments of Can adian soldiers with machine guns were rushed from Toronto and Thorold, On tarlo, bringing the garrison on duty across tha river today to J70Q men and 15 machine guns. The guards at the powerhouses, bridges and manufacturing plants were doubled and provided with machine suns. Other artillery was wheeled In position early to day at advantageous points between the upper powerhouse and the lower bridges. Shortly before midnight a terrltlc ex plosion of dynamite caused considerable damage to the plant of tha Castner Klec-trolytlc-Chemlcal Company. The ex plosion occurred In a new building of brick and steel construction, under course of erection. Immediately afterward the police found three sticks of dynamite planted in the foundations which had failed to explode. Superintendent Charles T. Vaughan, ol tha plant, scouted the Idea of a pro German plot, and sald'hls company manu factured only caustic soda and bleaching powder used In the dyo trades. He said the steel work on the building Is. being done by the Buffalo Structural Iron Com pany, and he understood there was some trouble between that concern and Its men. targe quantities of liquid chloride and chlorine gas are said to be liberated In the manufacture of the company's product. This by-product, it U said, has been coiiectea sjuj sola tat both the Allied and Centra nufirt, WAVERING OF WILSON IS SHOWN IN HIS MANY CHANGES OF POLICY The important questions on which President Wilson and cx-Sccrclary Garrison failed to agree : MEXICO Garrison advocated a stronft policy, including armed intervention. President Wilson favored "watchful waiting." THE PHILIPPINES Garrison rejinrdcd the measure to give the Filipinos independence within foUr venrs ns nn "nhnnilnnment nf the dutv of that nation." President Wilson declared H most inadvisnble for him to indicate that he would dissent from the action of Congress in voting independence for the Philippines, THE TARIFF Gnrrison stood for modest protection. President Wilson indorsed the Underwood bill of low tariff nnd no reciprocity. THE ARMY Garrison insisted on the creation of a continental army of 400,000 men and did not include the State militia in his plan. President Wilson, while nt first for the Garrison ideas, later indicated that he was favorable to the plan for n Federalized militia. OTHER POLICIES OPPOSED BY GARRISON Secretary Garrison, it is understood, chafed under the repeated changes in Presidential opinion on important pending questions. The following arc examples; Repudiation of three planks in the Baltimore Democratic platform referring to a single term for President, the exemption clause in the Panama Canal act nnd the merchant marine. Reversal of Wilson's "too proud to fight" belief as enunciated in his Philadelphia speech. Reversal of the President's Mexican policy ns evidenced in the final recognition of Carranzn. Reversal of his Philippine ideas for unexplained reasons, Parts of Administration's railroad legislation held to bo contrary to the declaration of the Baltimore platform to which the President fully subscribed. Whereas, the President wanted to find some means "to knock Bryan into a cocked hnt," he Inter made the Nebraskan his trusted political advisor and premier. BRITISH RELIEF CORPS I MAKES GALLANT DASH TO ARMY PENT IN KUT Native Munition Bearers Com mended for Bravery Un der Fire of Turk Snipers TIGRIS FLOODS BANKS I.O.VIJON. Feb. K. The gallant efforts of General fir 1'eic.v N'ixon's army In Mesopotamia, to relieve the beleaguered nrmy of General Town shend in Kut-KI-Amnrn. Is exciting the admiration of the Ilrltlsli public as no other operations have done. In addition to the overwliplmlng num bers of Turks that are attacking the rp ller columns of General Aylmcr and Gen eral Campbell on tin Tigris Klver. the British have to contend against adverse weather conditions nnd mud, which Is de scribed as being worse than that of Flanders. An official statement issued by the War Ollloe takes the operations up to Janu ary !. On the 12th the Hrltlsli attacked the Turks' new positions live miles nhove Sheik Sand, on the left bank of the river, the attack lasting IS hours, when the Turkish trenches were penetrated. On the night of tho 14th the Turks withdrew under cover of darkness, but bands of Arabs kept harassing the British and snipers along the mud tints Hanking the river caused considerable losses. A hurricane which intermittently swept the mud Hats on botli sides of the Tigris was accompanied by torrential ruins, which caused the river to rise more than four feet. The stream turned to the color of red brick and the great amount of mud carried Into the water gavo It the consistency of molasses. Fighting side by side, the British and Indian toldlers pushed forward on both sides of the river In mud In which they sank to their knees The wind was very cold and the men were frequently drenched to the skin. L'nlike the other fields of war, the men could not be billeted in villages, hut had to make camp in the mud, .sometimes sleeping on wet blankets thnt were stretched over the thick, black mire. Wnr conditions in tills sphere arc car ried on after the fashion of old times. Most of the modem appliances which are to he seen In France. Itussla and the Balkans are lacking here. Much of the artillery of the Turks Is of nn old-fashioned type and some of the Arab tribes men who are fighting benenth the Cres cent are armed with muzzle-loading rllles. On the Kiiglish side the gallantry of the ammunition carriers has been a con spicuous feature of the recent lighting and some of them will he recommended for decorations for bravery. They crossed exposed ground time after time at a slow walk with boxes of munitions upon their heads. Many of them were killed by snipers, but as soon ns one man fell there were many more to take his place. During the lighting from January 7 to January 14 It Is estimated that 1500 Turks were killed and wounded and nn equal number made prisoners. Tho lhig llsh losses were necessarily heay, but not so severe as those of the Turks. During the fighting General Heklr Haml IJey, one of the chief lieutenants of Field Marshal von der Goltz In Mesopotamia was killed. Local Reserve Bank Statement Tho weekly statement nf the F-ederal He bervi) Unnk of 1'hllailelphla, ua of the tlnso it tiualnets yeutenlay. compared with the previous week, follows: ItESOUHCES. Feb. II. Feb. 4. Uohl coin nnd certlflcatea In ault ,... 0.'J10,rtt)2 1'.'.MS.LM0 Hold lettlcinent fund bal ance 0,tm.OOO 3.100,000 LKU tender nolea. til- .., ..,,. ver. etc 9,043,521 5.0TI.W!I Total reserve. . .121.41)4,014 S2I.T.1ll.h29 Commercial paper. . . . Hank acceptances $220.1101) 1.M2.3VU J'.'IS.HIT 1, ,21.00.1 Total bills illacountod und bought 12.033,320 J1.OI0.4S1 United Btates bonds. . . Municipal uarranta.... Total Investments. . t1.SIS.AAT fl.213,:illT ;t,lS7.4HS 2.US7.4SH tO,402.HSS tW I02.B.VI Due from other Federal Iteaerte banks, net Federal Itrserve notes on hand .'. -. Note of national banks and other Federal He serve banka. net All other resources $213,022 3tT.033 tl.ns.iot 371.2:13 K.1.B00 TT.avt 200.270 70.312 Total resources $30,040,121 $31.aS2,010 LI-UHMTIES. unltal paid In tV-MLOnO t.1.212.830 Itcstrvu deposits, net... 23.I72.M1 23,Mvi..Yii Government depoelta 100,31,1 30U.H12 All other liabilities 2li,W 373 Total liabilities. .$30,010,121 t3l.tlS2.etO JACOBS "628 POR CHESTNUT mfftr& STREET jsP m& ir &r a . .Aflnanaau Social Stationery MAKE . AT HOME" VALEN TINES. Lots of Fun. Material for making 10 yalentlnei, 25c boxed. r . SCHOOLS ANI COLLEGES STRAYEIYS trS TURKS SEEK PEACE THROUGH U. S. ENVOY, WASHINGTON HEARS Morgenthau Reported to Be Au thorized to Sound Entente Powers on Separate Pact RUSSIA WILL OPPOSE WASHINGTON. IVb. 12. Henry .MoiRenthnu, American Ambas sador to Constantinople, who Is on his way to the t'nlted States, rnrilex with him lnfarni.il proposals for a separate Turkish pence, arcordliiR to Information obtained from nn ntithentlo diplomatic source. Tho Porte's willingness to enter into a separate peace was conlitled to .Mr. Mor- j Rentlmii. it Is snlil. by the Turkish au thorities, with the idea that he could sound out sentiment to this end in the allied capitals. The pioposais are highly eoulldeutlnl in nature. It Is not to be hoped, says the Herald's Informant, thnt any confirmation of the existence of these peace pioposais will be Riven hy .Mr. Mor Kenthuu or by Turkish officials. The basis of the Turkish proposal Is the preservation of Turkish territorial Integ rity. Presumably those In contiol In Con stantinople fear that whatever the out come of the wnr will bring for Geriuan.v, Turkey will fnre badly. The German pence proposals, even at this early date, contemplate the restoration of lielKlum and concede other territorial Inducements to the Allies In other quarters. It is not likely, therefore, thnt Gcrmuny will make the preservation of Turkey's territorial Integrity a condition of her peace terms, nnd hence the necessity ntisos for Tur key to shift for herself. It wns represented that the prospects of fmorablo terms for Turkey He In the chance of her muking a separate peace and at this time, when she enn make her olfer to the Allies substantial by reason of the strategic position she holds with regai il to the projected campaign ngulnst the Suez Canal. The Impression does not seem to prevail In diplomatic circles here that cither Great Hrltalu or Russia will regard a separate Turkish peace, assuring Turkish territorial Integrity, with favor. Russia is considered certain 10 dissent therefrom, while It Is not considered probable that Great llrltnln will allow fear of n Suez campaign to counterbalance entirely her Interests weighing against tho preserva tion of Turkish territorial lptegrlt.. ITALY BARS IMPORTS FROM TEUTON NATIONS Visit of French Premier Fol lowed by First Step Towards Break With Germany UOMK. Keb. 12. -The last gap In the ranks of the Allies has been closed by the issuance of n decree hy the Italian Government forbidding unoer heavy pen alty the Importation of any products from Germany or Austria. The announcement was made after Arlstlde Itrlund, French Premier, had conferred for several hours at the For eign Otllce. Shortly afterward Premier Hrland declared to correspondents, "We have completed tho steel wall nround Ger many." Under ordinary circumstances Italy's act of hostility would provoke nn immediate declaration of war on the part of Ger many. For financial, as well as military, reasons, however. It is not believed hero the Kaiser will care to enrol Italy among his open enemies. The Allies, the French Premier asserted, are determined to tighten the steel band around Germany, throttling the Teutons by un economic urlp while battering away at the Austro-Germnn military positions. He pointed to tlie'renewal of the Russian offensive In Volhynla, Gallcla and north of Czernowitz, as Indicating the great military resources possessed by Ger many's enemies. MILK LEG sufferers can get relief byuelnsa Corliss Laced Stocking Laces like a lea-glnr. Comfort able, porous, lie tit. atrone, dur able, economical. NANITAItV can be boiled with soup and water. No rubber to draw or rot. Made to meaeure. 11.73 each. or two for Hint limb, $3.00 postpaid. Call und be tneaeured free, or write for elf.meaaure inent Blank No, 0. lor Lear Ulcers, Varicose Vf Ini, riwollen 1-eitii, Ankle Weukiiets, and other Leg- Troubles. We alio make non-elastic Abdominal Belts to order. Hours 0 to 5 dally, except Sat. urday 0 to 4. l'rnna. Corll.n IJmb HpecloJty Co. 480 Heed Uldr. I'll. Walnut 001. 1211.13-15 Filbert St., Phlla. BEAT. ESTATE FOB BAI.E CITV REAL. K8T.VTK lOIt SALE OB KENT NO MONEY HBQUIRBD If ground I Improv ed. Will take mortgage. Lot 300x390. ocpoalt Penna. Railroad freight station. sOtn. and Oakford. Weet Waahlngton ave. Lot at 28th and Washington ave. 12SxI20. or more If de sired, with Penna. Railroad aiding. Alto lot 100x120. 3th and Cray's Ferry road. Apply EMIL GUENTHER Stttt and a ray Verry read- mi li 'tS', I w VSi a W o Ua I SLAVS DELIVER TRIPLE ASSAULT ON FOE'S LINES Offensive Resumed in Buko wina, Volhynia and D'vinsk Sector in North - - - CZAR, AT FRONT, INSPIRES I.O.VDON", Feb. 12. Tho nrrlvnl of Cznr Nicholas nt tho front has been tho signal for fresh as saults by tho ttusslnns nnninst tho Ger mnn nnd Austro-MtitiKnrlnn troops, says n dispatch from Petrojrrml today. Attacks art bclnir delivered by the Hub slnn forces nt three widely sopnrntrd points on the lonir bnttlo line. Tho stones of nctlvlty nre: First. On the Dvlnn Illver, north nnd south of I'vlnsk. Second. In the VnlliVlitnn tilniiKlo (oil the northeastern border of Gnllclni. Third, tin the Hukowlnlnn frontier, north of Cxcrtnm-ltx, particularly In tin Bector of the Ilnlcsler Illver. Ilusslnn military experts repaid ns par ticularly Impoitnnt the capture of the helahts' southeast of IsebrolT, 111 tho Htrlna Illver reRlon. These liriRhts com mand the district In which runs the main railway line between the t'hodorov nnd Stry Illver nnd lie past of Tchemerlne. Vhoy wpie t.ikrn .tTt-T :t lle-ce stnmide, and the Illusion troops showed the ut most Knllnntry In storming- the Mtomr defenses which linil been erected under the direction of German engineers. Altlintili the Itusslnns differed sevcio losses, the Aiistto-llunnrlniis nnd Ger mans likewise suffered heavily In the IlKlitlntr which followed the capture of their main positions. Artillery duels ale 11 chief routine of Hit operations al tin; lioithern end of the line. HOUSTON LOOMS UP FOR WAR SECRETARY t'lintliuird from race One snld to stand somewhat in the way of the builder of the Panama L'iinnl. Ptesl dent Wilson, however, has Riven Innu merable evidences that he Is not bound by precedent. IT the choice, of General Goethnls appealed to him to l" a wlso one past practice would not be permitted to Interfere. In General Gocthals' fn'vor It Is ui'RCil that he stands IiIrIi with foiiRiess. Ills appointment, It Is ni-RUed. v.oukl com mand instantly the coulldeiice of the en tire country. AmoiiR the many names mentioned thnt of Frnnklln I). Huosevell. Assistant Secretin-, tif the Navy, Is received with Brent favor. Mr. lioo-ievelt Is recoRiilzed ns 11 man of ability nnd Is known to have un excellent Rins of tho Administration's preparedness proKinm. While Secretory Daniels would tint like to lose Mr. Hoose Velt as a department nssocinic. It Is known he would be Rlad to see him made Secretary of War and Is disposed to uiRe his selection. "WHY NOT COLONEL IIOFSK?" "Why not Colonel 10. M. House-."' wns .1 question frequently heard. Some olll cials declared thnt the appointment of Colonel House would be 11 IorIciiI one. lie Is known to he the closest friend of the President. While this was ttrRcd ns furnlshliiR excellent Riottnd for Ills ap pointment. It also was uiRed strongly in opposition. It Is : ot believed that Colonel House is amonR the men whom Presi dent Wilson ban in mind for the War De partment portfolio, The report that Henry M. I'ludell, of Peoria, III., Is IicIiir seriously considered was received with ridicule. The report current and npparently lnsphed from out in thn West wns that the Peoria publisher j had been called to ashliiRton hy Pres ident Wilson. Inquiry Indicated that If Mr. I'ludell received u call It was in the form of an invitation to attend a dinner to ho Riven by a member of tho Cabinet in honor of the President. A report Ruined currency that Senntor Stone, of .Missouri, had recommended the appointment of Judson Harmon, of Ohio, for the place. This was denied by Sena tor Stone, who declared he had recom mended nobody, NEW PIKEIIOUSE DEDICATED Mayor Smith Takes Part in Festiv ities at Byberry Mayor Smith and other city officials participated this afternoon in the dedica tion of the new llrehotiso at Byberr. A thousand persons attended the cere monies. Tho visiting RUests were met at the railroad station at Somertou hy officials of the tire company mid citizens of Hy berry. There was n parade to the tlrehouse, which Is situated on the Byberry road east of llustletou pike, and at Its con-, elusion several addresses were made. In addition to Mayor Smith, the speak ers were Director AVllson, former Di rector of Public Safety Porter, Controller Walton, John Dennis Mnhoney, of the West Philadelphia High School; Hnrry S. Honncr, president of the Somcrtan Im provement Association, and others. Wat son Bavlngton presided. WINTER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. KSfotAt TiNrtecirv. Superior location Inn v 1 unobstructed view vus 'of bachs :co(jmzed I ance I OiJ.BV2BY and boardwolK Arecoflmzd i stam laawTor excellence I c.t6oa lmxJXJ.nvx&A Tt-AT-TTIC C5TTY HRE has 5t ariewataTidaTdnf 'XAR0E3T TIBiFROOr HUOirr HOTEL hie UAOiNo BtsoRr oin ont WORIO jioarwoioiifiraKniwim ATLANTIC CITV. N. J, OWNCRIHIK U1HIIISIK1 'H WHITI SOW COMMIH Westminster S1P'Yi r- ,eacn- E, u nitowNs aiii.LH 1 n Til trvi neb, n. j. THE INN JN THE PINEB th Ideal . j plsc for rtcuptratlon i pur water and food. Climate dry and warm' J. I 4 U. U. HUDDBHB. Charles J. Bender & Co, INVESTMENT BONDS Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange 421 CHESTNUT STREET DIUECTOUV OF ACCOUNTANT Ortlfled l'uMlo Accaaatanta LAWUKNCB E, UUOWK k CO. JUS MCXU EBTATB TKUaT llUILO.Na. BUHN8 BPBA.KUAN am wvursa. FBSmc I Today in the War The French hnvo pierced the Gcrmnn line at MesslRnes, in Champagne, and captured 300 yards of trench. The loss is ad mitted by the Berlin War Office. Terrific fighting in Champagne and Artois continues. The renewed Russian offensive against Austria is threefold. At tacks arc being delivered nt three widely separated points on the Dvlnsk, Volhynia nnd Dukowinn fronts. The Russians have taken strategic heights along the Stripa, dominating the principal railway of Galicia. Rumania has registered formnl protest against tho raid made this week by Dulgnrs. According to re ports, Rumanin has virtually de cided to cast Its lot with the Allies. DISCORD IN CABINET THREATENS DISRUPTION Secretaries Lane and Redfield Reported Ready to Follow Garrison's Example WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-Thc rrslRlia tlon of Secretary of Wnr Garrison Is enr lylnif with It repented and persistent minora Hint further reslRiintlons from tho Cabinet nre to follow. These rumors couple most' piomlnentl.v the name of Secretary of the Interior l.nne. although that of Secretary of Commerce Itcddcld nlso Is to the foio. Moth Cabinet mem bers for some time hnve been chatlng tinder the drastic rules laid down by President Wilson, nnd both nre men big cnoiiRh lo decline to bo hnmpered In the work of their own departments. Secretary I.ane was n firm admirer nnd n devoted adherent of Secretary Gnrrison. It Is said authoritatively that on more tlinn one occasion he Joined tho Secretary of Win- In defiance of the Presi dent. For his own part, Mr. I.ano has not had too happy n road to follow in the administration of the nffalrs of the Interior Department. Ills prnRrnm for wulcr power control, the withdrawal of lauds and their lestoratlon and n vast number of other plans In many cases hnvo been held tip or thwarted, For that reason tho Secretary of the Interior Is In no pleasant frnme of mind. Secretary Itedlleld. likewise. Is dls uruntk'il. He Is openly hostile to the President's plan to create a tariff board. etinteiitllnR thnt such n board Is unneces sary by reason of the fact that It would merely take over tile work beliiR done by the cusl-productlon section of the Kureitti of ForolRii and Domestic Com merce. This bureau Is one of the prin cipal compouunt parts of Mr. Kedtleld's department. The political effect of Secretary Gnr iIkoii's reslRuntlon and the ensuing- unrest In the Cabinet Is gravely disturbing to Democratic lenders. One effect thnt It will hnve. It Is pointed out, will lie the strciiRthenitiR of the position of W. J. Hryan, whose inltuence virtually had waned to notblnR before the nntlonal pre paredness imitation. In the division of the Democratic party the Republicans are npproachlnR the coining campaign with lenewcd hope. All Snyder County Licenses Granted MIDDLKUl'tlG, Pa.. Keb. 12. - After deliberating less than :m minutes, .ludgo Johnson and Associate Judges Fields and Hendricks yesterday granted W retail and one wholesale llintor licenses, all renewals v . Cs 'mm ! &A hf.. cj IR! ! : rJ- ntw uuison mm l , rft Diamond Disc u ; Ife Phonograph j ' wfifTl '"t" Kdlson's re-crea. ' ' III?' ''" "f music be dls- If, ; ili'7fl Gngulshed from tho PS 1 iilitii (JiiHiiuii. i.et us piuy 1'si - 1 lltfilR some uxumples ,if this 63! 9 t'ffj ' lu'ilil re-crentloii for you. Um , I J ' lilt fl& LUt'e money sends 1 T mm II n oTeiV tf tli W . I mm Luatrng , j , Sdfl D' " 1 llllllan0'l ' Twelfth and Arch St, ll'f'ififlh "03 Cheitnut St. ! ' i Entrancr on itth St.) fpZMifA ,,..., - OLAUOI3 M. .MOHR, Ur Perfect k Mderate Edison Service IT a SSSi OI FJCUltS J. H. McCnllocli, PrrNldent, Theodore 11, Condermun, Vlce-Prealdnit, Loula N, SplclberKer, Vlce-1'realdent and Cashier. Samuel Campbell, Assistant Cashier, niUKCTOna Carpenter, Chairman Henry r. Mitchell N, H. Marvin .1. H. McCullorh John C. .Martin Loula s, bplelberger tVm. II, Isnatlus J. Uohau Aaron tians Thro, II. Conderman Harlan I'age Horace T. 1'otte Charles H. Walton Our experience offer a, service STEAMBHirS Under the Tropic Moon Down here the nights are balmy, The air is soft with the perfume of flowers and the spicy scents of the tropics. Visit this Island of Enchantment Porto Rico, Gem of the Caribbean. 16-Day Cruise, $94.50 and up Including AH Expenses foi Amenfin kit A mrt: ... rri. r riiiT-T-T.:! rr.ii?." " Mvwani, Cruhing Department .PORTO RICO LINE XI Broadway Now York Branch Ticket ivi inettnut bt. Philadelphia U. S. Slips SHOW BETTER TONE ,n GARRISON QUI1S -.t Resignation Suite . :TT.a : x:iRm etui uiu-rt-sts, says Edi tor of the Economist ' TALK OF ANOTHER L0Aj By FRANCIS W. HIRST Editor of Tho Economist, Lena. Special Cabt to the tetntng ?X LONDON, Feb. 12. -. Th 1 strength in tho roW reserve hni nged tho stock market. Copper ih nro still stroiiR. "' 1 iic icsiH-uiuon or your Wnr Sttttli nnnenrn in null rliiannini i... . ... .... . .. ., ,icru(, American shares nre higher The question of the status of i. , merchnntmen Is provldlne com- t. i?" street. It Is also of great Importing? future sen warfare nnd lnternatlonn. In war time. " The expeditionary policy, with !(.. a freights, will. I hear, bo raUed l ildress next week. 'wwfj, on add Protectionist Interests are WorklnrV... to convert Walter lluticlmnn's rttMto. proposnls Into n tariff reform kw1 thus committing oltlclnl Liberals t , tcctlon und disabling them for the J2 rrom nn elective platform. With th iV " ' " "'"""i' "ic young T(iri might expect a long leaso of nowr In the wnr. 'u""u, I attribute the recovery of rtuistm,, change to hopes that political humo".' will pt ogress, bused on tho roaistmtZ of the Duma, but financial operation, London and Japan may bo contrlbuti,. factors. , ' The size of our floating debt mttm the proximity of n loan unless exchS bonds nre still further popularliei Much curiosity is expressed renrilti German pence feelers, but th Be1t.J legation denies there have been ni tl Kotlatlons. Lincoln Night at the Hanover W HY is it that on every "red-letter day on the calendar al most everybody seems to celebrate at the Han over? We know of but one reason the happy-go-lucky, cheerful atmos phere that prevails no where else, plus the Rood eats, excellent music, re fined dancing and our prompt, "on - the - instant service." Table reservations should be made at once. Music, of course, and a special menu. Souvenirs. i' 'JfeW .oTEii AN0VER m 4 frl L, union National Bank Third and Arch Sts. "The Neighborhood Bank" of Board. Win. McAdoo, Jr, Kdurd Wolf Henry II. Barton. Jr Nathan T. IVIwrtl Samuel K. I amll enable ui to uniurpatsed STEAMSHIPS i . "y noon- Office H JSMRHi mm iWinmmi -fmmmm it ,t .. --,-; 1 1 IM,