IPlAnpniuii m.mmM-m it u mmmm m -mmmwim vwimw nmmmmmwiwKwmm MwTiugwpViPj x imii . wppipwfiiiiwppppwP!w .TP'h. A " . Event 4 'SATURDAY' February 12, 1916 . 1 " PICTURES FROM HOME AND ABROAD THR.OW SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE Df J IS HE THE REPUBLICAN MAN OP DESTINY? JO a , P?f0? .P ATR?1;LlN rTHE MEDITrERANEAN . y49BWIl I ffPx L,hHfb;Vhankd?dXKfohr On and Austrian submarines have , beKun U ) Operate i tho Mediterranean their v j A SCENE CUT OUT OF A FILM BY THE PENNSYLVANIA CENSORS This was one of the elisions from the phutoplay entitled "Virtue." which brought about the decision permitting "movie" makers "to obtain' relief by appealing ta tha fourts,- AMERICAN AMBULANCE HOSPITAL, AT PARIS, IN CHARGE OF COUPLE WELL KNOWN IN THIS CITY. This is a scene inside the convalescent ward of the war hospital at . Neu illy, just outside Paris. In the midst of tho croup of soldiers, most of whom bear terribly disfigured faces, are Dr. and Mrs. Hunter Scarlett, The forme r is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he' was a famed ti ... - " gridiron 0ta? '