1 r let That "For Rent" Sign Down by Some Real Advertising I in Philadelphia's Real Estate Medium EYENtKG LEDGER PIIILADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1916. BBAt'ESTATEFOR SALE rtSNSVIA'AJlIArAKJiri ron sale now r i n n or r A it M 500 ACHES. Hacks County. 2 mil" f'""! littlw " fe;,, In ' 22 miles from rhll i. : by alone own. or Iioufp, In icer. 1nin W rhoio! and 1 hirtlwr information by Si. Prnvldrnt 11 jiff., h and Chestnut Mb., Phila. --77iir 150 nrrrs, 2." miles from nrnd. HWS.SJlW one-hnlf mil" from Newtown. lJ?Tviuiii LnnRhorne. Trenton nil! r-r-"..;-. trollcvs pas iiirm cuironce. C'f'.wnllon Dwelling, tenant house. EJjLuVe running water, orchards. Build rr.J!'n1'ilrs 2.i head slncl, Bifflff T Wright, rtrul ti-'nlc Agent. ,jMoltn'-k' county, or J. W. Doris?. fiwwSnl Phlln.lclphls. i'a. UtCerr , c.. . rh .i. SfS-jniIcellont ground, with practically N?, house, hoited with hot water nnd ? ..u modern hath: nil tho noccs. ""1.rh,VtlnlnM 100 fruit trees and crj erv "3 tragus patch, nnlv gibui Sco W. ISt Walton. Jcnklntown. in. notntn nnd fruit farm, npple, 'Juh nnd rherrv " 7r eu tln i' nrennrii, ntmiir.ui 'i '"k11 Hon. Rood bulldlnRs; near air ."..artrt 'Wlwf'gKnsSBn. HurlliiKtoi.. N. J. V OHKl'N 'li' '.' . .,-.. . STrTtfTliicnV Uoilrntnnn: stono houso nil Rfftsiw""1' implements: cheap at J....0O. a If TTSOS.I.nnsdnle. Pa. . JfJrnESciiestcr County fnrm barKaln: only 100. -.injipsoy, West Chester. Pa. xkw .ii:hsi:y takms HJtlllKS: Wod bldKS.. 12 he .Vml farm machinery, ehleke heail of entile. 1 kens: nrlee S1V10. Tntk crops nnd Impiememn ineiuiieii in wut, f 1114 Walnut st. Plillndolnlila. J "DonHrnrRet the Numbrr. HnTiTATIt.i: SOO-ACrti: I'ATIM Mnoulnm 'mS' near ton. slntlon. creamery. Rood ferP.'.-i.r .. r.nnvenlenees. sll(: llfierill fS" "ill . vide 100 acres ttlth bulldlnRH, &). A. W I)Ki;SHi:U. llurlliiRlon, N. .1. fBEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT w-T A HOME-Mnntlily piMiient SIT to $.'0; umhinlV Union 'rnist Cn 71.--T1II Chesft. Tnrony taconv m:t- r.sTATi: j. if. cfitmua 3707 '.ONOsiiom: st.. taconv I srm KIIAN f misdate, ln ! tUBCHnAK real, estate of nil descriptions; sOilt Turk bunR.itowH. Ask Ilnrry Illclmnlson. MAIN I.INT. PA.. T. 16. K. 9, We Have an Exceptionally II.. . .. v.intls rs nfnnnvt (no lutt lift of ery nttractlie properties both Stor rale nnd rent, nt nil prices ; let iim know F roar rroulremenls f HIRST & McMULLIN ! WET PN1 TUCST HHI1.DIX11 81. I)nld's FIXE rORNKR PnopnriTV. near station: ikauie hns 1.1 rooms. .'I baths, electric llsht Pml central steam hc.it; lot 1M)x2.0. with fihade tnl shruliherv f LOWEIt MnltlO.V RKAl.TV CO. f LAND TITI.U Ill'ILOINO ti B. X.-SALE OR EXCHANGE 1. 1. COR. CHESTNUT AND I0TH STS. kCalonlal houc, lot -111x1111. for sale or ex Ictuct. Apply on premises. iEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ULS. cheap, on easy terms, or will exeb.inRe. 'I acrw 10 miles nnd .v ncrcs I, miles from iCttr, Hill Jlc-rslion, .Tin l-ind Title Build ln IXCEPTIONAI. reslilem-e. Mill and lit. Vpr- f eon. for rrnpertv on Slain I. Inn l'enn.i. It. It. ivuiuu,i.u .. .iiin EXCHA.NQINO oursoeclnltv. What hale ion? i. Arroatrong ft Co.. Iii"J Chestnut si rrtT clear lots. East Hammonlnn. for city property. WOItui:i,I. & CO.. M.i N. 17th. Subiirhnn BEIBTIFUL SUni'llBAN BUNOAIJW Spe tetally attractive proposition, exi-hanffe for frJUntL l!lt inll.i-A nt ntnr tlllUHl l.Jr.lVI.' ItllAIlT, 1111 N 13th St. HEAL ESTATE WANTED 'WVETnNANTy waltlnc for small bouses Ft?? V? t0 Jt month. Wo secure tenants ourgueci rents in all pnrts or the city. Wo N rjccensful by rUIiib satisfaction. Our m la tho best. tr' It. We keep your f"pny In repair, sao jou much troublo Oa wOrTV. SB nell na mnnnt- r-ma ntirl una ja, or write. Wo are builders also; In bual aeai 22 )eara. ns a-ENN RRAT, nRTATU AND 1L ni'ILDINQ CO. 'IM North llith street, lloth phones. lIAleaas or buy, alter or build, temporary ! LTS"."1'' SO 100 ft. upward, two lloorn lloorn fSace. machine snop. A 421 Ledger ttviiJl." T "IV-. a,,er or build, temporary IJLc.rmanent, ,10x50 ft. upnard. ono floor or (ft; ,or ehcet metal ,vorl- A 42.1, Ledger vwXF'Pv snB rOIt OAltAOE 1 crvii ... .V ." .' over -HH) ot- n-ilSWAHILLtJTSilOX. 17th st. rnrIa,'"Is1N,TE,lI:ST COUlnCTEb; -Sort" Ilau f?? Vie ,nunce placed quickly. See U!a for nromn, results, 2.12S Tasker at. i'aEiitn" 50Ur vac""-lfs with ua; len r'y' &'T"ATTVPn m Xfarketst. kltt th.1J,b,,s?rol3er",;3.r'nted-Llst'now and SLmsWSTR. akt111 L'PPreftS7ftit0i!5?J11 DfaJ.,!r Plii.la- BUburbs; ilTr., ixuger contnil, e ulBAj:s..,o.r "" house's": VHMTiScJl'A?B.a real estata bumne"i liM5K7-i!ii2i: . Watk Uiii2i'x.Ilm.ent .Properties: muat b ...v. ..v,LUBa iteaiiy, o-uu I. Lancaster Suburban Et BtlniTIT 4 XT ,m.,.n P" tlM mo ,?5rJnv PfoP'rtlM. renting from 23 a nftA.KBrK8 '86n- ---"- """", tT. (rJstub. 168(1) 41 BEAL i-ALSTATE FOR RENT CITY SKt.,V.,n5r',M 3d ' floors, 12r . 7J &S. !th ,?" ? ' Mclc. 12r. all cA-.':iil '4. KHh ,t '? .' Drlfk- '-r. all CA-. 7 MfmfunK P."?.'"''' "rick. 10r. . batu. HODt-rArn.. "" v ruuins. conS ffiit rffip .t"" 3 ". io "oSm, ::: fSN, 48th .T" -7 '" frame, about 8c . . EaK ..".?' - tOry. OOrch R rnn,nu k. ' rii.in.,n .. h" .-.- , . .. - ... SsvVtV- iv.7"."" "! J-iinaueipma. tnss-r."""l"l S "--r-ryLi."!": 3!IHd? 1 T.'.i.W.'Viiat been comoleteTv 'fe "Ctrlo Ii;h7..--.M". nw plumb nc. beat na. .-rw. am.. - . --r-'. . "mbi iiiu rW. Quiei ' A.'"?1"'!, paper may ha ae. ffBi att s iriii neighborhood Me-ir ;"iwn - -wtn. ur unnnn jit hi run. EjS2 Mllli.u?','a A.cnue Station .t-lin;. '.sfcT-'T Tti LCM'utiie. . ."?.!? -rwiu ilnelllmr. B..L ISt ii,L,,L1?si "' "'." '!' ''"I'- rsWM-tP 19.-; V B; . .-OL-SfJllAL & I1W)8T 1B rooms, suitabfe for for phsl- rHf-NOTm.K JSaw V-MSS, ?." co MliC.? roon" H0 a month. Apply fijil11-''! W. -i$ rooms, a batba; good feMJWW ao 217 S Hroad st. Cut. . lt.T.v.' rp residence, lot 17xNi M.Ycs5a?s IWIIW. IIUUAH VJ'ev puc-h .fetr. -i..r . .-..- 4 room. , .",.,", -wM,-iury uwvu 1 Bi . -.,"??,ll 'bqm furnUhKl or Ikio; I'l-U on orgniuca and 2 btha.' hr , . Sr ?( E "vlfBVlI,I.l.. crrra-iiiiiu, ivi.. Hum, fBwfi-mod m s hulldlnKs, nne land: depot MfSn? TS00 Jnck'n Intcrt Ilillletln El "A tormina Jut out. JACKS 1'MIM fr'.KrV "is Stephen Olrard Hldg.. 21 a. V j hrlt lv m roaniK. cnai,...! ..C-ir't .":: ! tMKant; n.t v t i?u una luui VvWMirnamj.Mni 5. Wm ii "a ,,.- """ ana ut&, i;1, renoaud tbrouahout "n W Co SIT a. Br4 t i REAIi ESTATE FOB RENT MTV " tVi?niA-,VL',,,X."Tr5s'.ST - "rooms" nnd Kith:' ncwiv renovated $11- open. Vii iAn'.N.Vv. ' I-NTttA'. HES DUNCES I' n,!'.M. ,".', ATTRACTIVE TERMS J. a. Patterson, na south ism st. KENT r-llKIi until March 1-1510 Stlllman st.j ii rooms. larKO jnrd; rent reduced to -A-i'-J 5YA'" CO.. 2nth and Jefferson sts. ,!lr :'iST0," " nnd I" room houses or ..f"Ji'. I"1'. Turner sts.. west of 2.1th st .- uv-m inn: nn ronv s. : in rooii nmer. K it. carhe itch n" aiih st, ' Af' ; -N"l". suhwnv entrance; suitable for zjill'"11 conveniences u.i .unmet st IM.EASANT S-ronm cottage. 175r N. 1.1th st. Inquire I LJI. 13th st Ainrlmtnt Houses HIT TtOOA-Thrro . n.iths, steam heat: nparlmrnls, 15 rooms, line condition: Ho. Business Properties nnd Storm 7SH-721 MAIIKUT ST. About 70 feet from 8th st. BTOllll AMI RAHUMKNT i:ntiiu: o-stouy iiuii.niNci TpO feet front bv 100; 4 elevators: rear out let to street: steam beat nnd electric llRht; nutomntlc sprinkler system: hlsh eelllnRs. OSCAI1 .1 IIAMIlP.HOKlt ft CO. 1201 Chestnut st. 1231-33 FILBERT ST. , 4 rt.ooits. uAcii Mxios rnr.T .Modern, well-llRhted huslness bulldliiR: ren son.iblo rent, sen It. KMT.itSON CO.VKAD, Kt N. 10th, fl.-l.-i.n7 NOIITH IHtOAt) ST. Siiltnblo for nutoinohlto accessories nnd supply stores. , IWS-IO NOIITH IfiTIt ST. Suitable for enrnRo nnd salesroom. HAnitv t. sAFjNiinns. at s. .mtii st. .101 MAUKHT ST. Store nnd basement. 22xM: rcsponslhlo tenant can secure cood terms. .1. A. PATTKIlsny. 1.-.0 S. I.'th St. MAHUCT ST.. MS Entire btilldliiK to rear street; lot 2.'. .1x200; Immediate possession. Apply 1'enna. Co , M7 Chestnut st. P2I CllESTNl'T ST.. 2P TlIOlt I.Altni: SKVI.K1HT AT IlIlAll Apply l.i:. ESTATES. 7rt Snnsom st. 1012 CHESTNCT STItEET Immedlato Possession. Apply Penna. Co., r,l7 Chestnut st. in: -14 WAENfT (cor. Quince st.)-Kloro and l.trire clear ktiii-p nt nttrnctto rental. .1. A. PATTfiUSON, 110 S. I.'tll St. ."hi N. HI) ST. ."-slory bulldliiR. light "on ihreo sides: tloors Ifril feot deep. Wlllls-Wlnchcslcr Comixin, loot Chestnut st. r,0'l-ll .MAItKIJT ST. lieslrnblo ilouiile-bulk storp tmrl basement, :!oxt:tn CIIAS. I, IIIiriWN St CO. 217 S. Ilrond st. LARGE, LIGHT STOUE 1107 CHESTNUT ST. 2 slreei entrntmes- steam hent low rental. C. I' PETIillS fe SON JJ1S CHESTNCT ST. I.AItlli:. nttiactlD store nnd basement.l'ith between Chestnut and Market sts.: steam beat, elecirlc llRht and all cnnicnlcnccH, rent . xirt J C.KCl.t.Elt. 10 S.lSth Bt. STOKE onU. barber, tailor, shoe repair, noiio near I-'irZPATlllCK. 1.-.2.1 N. 00th. factories. M'nrcliouses. Mfg. Jloors 72H-T2S MAItKITT ST. MOOEItN. ATTHACTIVE I-'f,OOItS SOtKl aiiunro feet f.-nxlilii) Windows on four shies. Rlvlntr excellent llRht. passenper and tuo larce frelRht ele vators: spi Inkier svstem: low Insurance; hlsh eelllnRs; rent rmsonablc. OSCAIt .1 llAMHEIttlEIt & CO. 1201 Chestnut St. CENTHAI, MANLTACTI'IJINO Oil STOItAGE n.ooits Steam heat, electric elevators, modern btlllillnRH. 21 1 N. 22d st., (1S-1.12, communlcatlnp; rooms, 40xt'12. 22S.2.-,() N. 221 St.. 2 floors, SOxIM. 17HI I.iullon- st., first Moor, ::0x75, any part of basement. Itcasonabto rentiils. HAIlltr T. SACNDEUS .11 SOUTH ISTII ST. FIREPROOF Storageand Light Manufacturing Floors, with R. R. Siding. Reasonable rates. Permanent and temp, leases. LARKIN BUILDING 22D AMI AIlCH STS. "Phllndelphla'a Finest Huslness Floors. I.AUCi; MANfFACTI'KINO PLANT. Ill) fe. t frontage on Delaware Ither. Pennn It It sldlnR: offlco bldR.. laborator. coiered shlp pln plntrorm, etc.. water supply from rlier nod artesian wells, hollers, enKlm-s, evcrv thlng i-nmph-te. TAl'I.ANE. ;Ksi Walnut st. I.OW KENT llro.id, uboo Cumberland 'Mann facturliiR space in the modern llreproof WrlRht lltilldliur. near N. I'hll.itlelphta and HuritluRdon St. Stations nnd frelRht urds. WOUHBI.U 5VLS. 17th. EXCEPTIONAL SPACE POH MANUKAC- TUIlINO-MOnEltN nilll.TIINCl Ever desirablo ndvantaRO, railroad, etc. Cheap rental. I,ow Insurance, f. J. MII.NE .C- SON. 11th S. Washington nve. M7 MAItKET ST.. .1I FLOOR Heat, elevator service. Suitable light mfg. MODERATE ItBNTAL. 2x204 FEET. Est. JOHN nOHSON. S0!1 ChestnuHt. FACToan:s ri.oort space l.'or lient. WJI, C. HENKEKT. I.'.OO Arch st. llltOAD AND WALLACL (Metropolitan llulld- Ingi Itooms, jsimio to 40,un(i: cheap: power. Alply to tleo. F. lusher. 117 N. I Oth, mil ClIEItltV Desirablo tloors. 10x."i0: cIciTator; low rent: suit nnv small liuslness. MYHUS a 1IAP.TH. UldRu ae. jmdOtlv CORNER 1IUILDINO for'llRht manu"facturln purposes: about '1000 square feet; $30 a month. i. E. corner 10th and Tioga. l'ACTOIty FLOORS nnd warerooms, largo and umnll: centrally tncateil. HARRY T SAtT.VDERS, ,11 3. lSlh St. KENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY Tor Insurances on I.Ives & Ornntlng Annuities, .117 Chestnut st lloth phones. 21.". S. isih.l.ir J20S..1I .-inns. :ith. inr.i.inoo 201S. 22d, 20r. .l-ono'2n20 Locust, l.'.r. .HIVH 1.11(1 Pine, 10r. .ItrVMIiriOPlnr. 13r. ..I0.'I4 420 S. IlroauM'ir.inn.nO 1420 N. 10th. 17r. 0.00 111 N. lSlh. ISr 7.1001101.-. (Irecn. ISr .. 7.1.(KI 1:1112 Pine, ir,r.. . 7.I.O1M UOS Pine. Ilr 700(1 KllSPIne. 10r... 1.11.(17 l.K) H. 21.1. lie. .11.00 lies (irecn. i:ir.. r.0 001 1113 N. inih. I4r. w.no EI21 fllrard. Ilr.. .'.O.OOIimll Poplar, llr.. 121.1 S. llroid.IOr.-o.roi :us fi. Id. lr . S2.I Race. 13r. in.Ooi r.oit S llth. Hi. I.vci N. I7lh. Ilr 4'l.POI17ni Wallaie, Ur 1.VU Master, lllr 41(17' 127 N. Mh. Mr.. 1714 Oxford. Ilr 40flO'17t-. N. IRIll llr. 17:10 N. inth, 12r 11.1.0(1 H40 Lombard. Or.. 2(122 N llth. Ilr .m.fo MS s 4th, llr.. IK!(I ralrm't, Sr. 2S (OII41S Wharton. Or.. "2 IN. nth. Or . 27.rfll2Ml Columbli l-'r 172U N. stith, Or. I'liis 2110 Master, llr.. 1I1 1nmtow O OlWllUrt V Otll Kir. 10.00 fid oa 4.10(1 41.00 41. OT 40.00 40 00 .12.011 2S.0II .w IVl 27 00 21 CO -:-. v:-..- . " -'.-- 7---. --. 1 -,... 12(1 N. i-unn. ur .M.UHI 11T W. Knarpnacs 111. 2141 v. llth. Or. 21.001 Klin N. stb. llr... 2i.no P2.1 Vine. llr. . 2.1.00141SS 11th. llr.. 2 ." (12(1 N 10th. lOr 24.001 70S N. 10th. Or.. 2.1.00 Iflll Wharton, Or 22.OOI21.1rt N. l'lwr, r.. S'.ro 2HI I N. Jessup.'ir 21 PHI 720 N. Mkl . ir.. ?J nil 22V! Italnbr'ge.tlr 81 001 mo N. Or'na.lOr. 21.00 21X12 Turner, lie. . 20.001 till Latimer, lOr. 20.00 lois Federal. . IH.OC'1120 Stiles Tr.. . . tn-JU 141(1 N. Camic.OrlSOOl BHPnrrlah, Sr.. IB.pO IMKIN. UlnsM.Pr lil.(VJ2'!2." Wallace. Ur . 1J. 217 Fllxwater.'r MO M Nectarine. 7r 110-1 02.1 Falrm't. or 10.00 8.11 N. Amer., Or Ill.liO :i i-crs ct .or i.vsn i" ci- " ii-;: 13.00 jcnil i.eniou, ir . i.iii u, 1 .". . WW, Ilew'n.lr 1.1.UIH ' "'vkS i.mi.ADKi.riiiA tJ, 110 Pine, 2cir . 7VH" K?,vc,ion.-,.llr"-L? 7.M) N. 4oth. rir. -ivr'is nirord. Ur ... JJ 414 N. :ttd. llr... llltfilfi ''rdf. ; HI Ml Vernnn Or SI SOON. Mai. Sr ... 10 414 S'i-ill Mt. Vernon 47,0 u.rrd r S,S 221 S inth. v.-,.--..-- 12 N. "I Sr. ..III.JT 2.11 N. 2.1, t'r . 40 ( IfllS Oxford, llr. 'O.Ort 1HI0N. 20th. 10a. "7 11IX Front llr 2J 00 01SN. . Sr! ?0. "-il.1 ItliUe. Ur... 21. J 8IRW Norrls.Or -'l.i'i H'OI F.ilrm!. tlr 2 .('O 41TOreen. 7r .. 23.' 12-1 W. Ox(ord,0r il.'O 120 south, ir". 20 001 :i"IH. 'id. r.... M.r 2l7nAmbSr.Tr ium 112.1 S. 2d. Or.... MOO 12O4-0 B. 2d, Tr. 20.001 204 Wharton, Or. 10.00 J II. MASSEY & BON S. p. COR. irtTII AND nHJBBV STS- l118Sp.flUn.,14r l0-00 ml f' 'Vf ?.".:..'.' iiV'li'iA ;i3i M, liar., or, .vu H".l V l'Jth. I'Jr 4.100 1101 Wal'ace. 12r. 4J00 i.-n'otl,!.. lie 42.00 Illll. ,'r. .' -- J.ViOMty.ai,fi10r 17.BIV S.12 N. llth. lOr S0.O0 1124 Mt. V'n, llr "0.00 1131 Mt. V'n, 12r .10.00 641 N. 12th. Or. SO.OO '471 N. nth. 11 r... :ti.oo j (108 N. llth lOr. ajOO ' llll Green. Xlr... 3?. . II 'S N llth. tor. av.ici 1129 0reen. lOr... jn.po HWOOreen. llr... -lOOO M1N. 10th, fir,, 2.1.00 KI2N, 20th. Or.. 2.V00 l20York t..lOr. fti.po 1222 Bron. Or... -K.po UIO N. Front. Ur 21.00 2244 Master. Or... 21.00 OJO Mt. V'n. Or. 20 00 IIM Falrra't, $r., 20.00 1017 Berks. Or,,,, 20.00 12liareeu. Or,,,, 20M 1202 North. Sr, ... 1T.0O lT(HN.3ll. Tr., 1TM lrt-iOgden. 6r..., tT.OO 10t:t Seybert. St.. Jg 00 1H07 Hamll'n, lor 2.(i 2127 Mt.Vo'n, lOr 20.00 Kin N 1.1th. Sr.. aiLM) 1020 But'w'd, Tr. Kj.OO 1011 Brown. JOr.. .i 2107 N. Mar., Or. 22.00 1012 N. llth. 8r.. 20.00 1107Parrih. Or, 20.00 lOOOii Lemon. Sr 20.00 10tl Ogdan. Sr. . 20 00 1.122 ML V'n. 9r, 20.00 1220 North. Sr... 20.00 liTtf Cmli?n, Sr 1N.0O 101.1 OlHe. Tr. .. 1T.00 14as Melon. r. .. 10.00 llOOOgden, 5r.. 18.00 1021 Qllvc.. r j - ISM n.i oigei, ir. "."v iiu tirciy a. or. !".' .Norm 1011 Ltmin? Tr II OOl 100 Melon. Or. .. 12 00 ,. o ?H2rEriANoSi siiLaKa?frj8 HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT IIENTAI, I.lsrs ,. SAMUEL T. VOX Ik CO . . S. K. COIl. IIT1I AND CALI.OWH1I.L ST9 STORES 0 N. Olh st . star. nn,l llrtrtra 001 rilhert sl . -I floors $10.00 ,.. . fiTonra AMI llWl'.LLINOS .,M HO, Cumherlnnd, Or. nnd slore, coins. ..Hn.oo W. Cnr. Crt,V a.t Thi.lnn.nn 30.(X1 SMI Perot, n rooms. rnVELl.tNdS 212S. intli. 1.1 ronfiis 2 baths ill N Franklin. 1.1 rooms, all corns . 171.. Master. 12 rooms, eonxenlenres ... .Ir.'rt N Uroid, 12 rooms, eomentences. .20 Marshall. 12 rooms MUX, Broad, 12 rooms lilin Nnrrls, II rooms, cnnccnlences. ... .JC0.00 . .11.00 . R1.00 . .-.O.nil . .-,0.011 . 1000 , 2s no 111 inittnnwnod ..S57I l.m N. Oth, Or. . I 2..01 rnlrmount. Or. 007 Wood. Or 1407 Park nve , Sr. Uiooiue. Rp 1020 Thompson, 'r. 1201 N. 11th. Or,. 'JIT E. Su(ihanna 211 041 N. 1jiwrence.Tr. 21 M17 Perth, sr 17 .212110 Mere.ilth. 7r. . . 17 201211.1 Perot. 7r 17 2012211 E. Ilunt'n 8r... 1(1 is 01.1 Melon, Sr Ill IS nlO Wnnil. 7r 1(1 1, . Warnock.7r IS'SSV) lleese. r 1.1 l-WOntntlo. 12 rooms $40.00 .1110 N. Hmedlev, s rooms 1S.00 Oeslrnhle housekeepfiiR apartments. $40 to J..0 per month. Jnnltor on premises. . T. F. Ni-IALIS, 010 S. 12T11 ST Office open Httunlnv nlsht until in p. m. .100 Cypress, Sr . $2111211 X. 12th llr.... $21 20.1SS. Watts, 7r . H mis Purer. Or 20 120 M Walts. 4r... 1111117 N. Warnork. Or 1.1 Ml Wilder. Or... . 11 l07 Trenton oe. 7r VI 710 S. risrlon. rir. 121 711 Hare, rear. Or.. 10 12IS Rodman, r.... 12'HIS N Alder, .Ir 0 WEST PHILADELPHIA. Oil N 47lh. 7r . $lfl 002 Sloin. .Ir $12 US. 41d sl $20! OWN. 12,1 $12 S. Mnln . .n,2srai(iriannn at 11 . 1711012 Wlllnrd 10 . 14 2221 Orlnnna 10 . 11l2ia7 Titan 0 . 1.H2S10 Cnthnrlno ..... a . 151 .1210 Spenrer ler. 1021 Ingcrsoll at Oil N. I2d .... .10-.2 Helen iiuu enmena ALFRED II. WILLIAMS 22 walnut si. IBM N. CLARION ST. 2 story. 7 rooms. 22J0 N Lambert st.. 2 storv. 7 rooms. , Hreenway nve. West Philadelphia. 2 sty, tioreh: Just papered. LEW ISA T A U LA N E OOOW'al II lltsl . orriCKM.JHISINESK ItOOMS. ETC. OPFICES AND STUDIOS PULLER. 10 H. ISIh st. WALL Itt.nO.. 1710 Chestnut st. SMITH Ill.no.. S n. cor. 1Sth anil Market sts. OfTlces. business rooms nnd studios, large nnd smnll nmms, slnRlv nnd en suite, elevator sen fie and nil modern appointments; will suit architects, dentists, artists musi cians nnd other purposes. Hent $15 per month upward. Write or apnlv for 11st J c. PULLER 10 H tsih st. bllExni." IU.no OFFICE.' 'Annual Hental"! Slnclo Itms., $100 $120 $1.10 $"(Hi $flOO l.-,0 Slllte-l 2 Ems . MM. tr,n. HIT.1, 200. X22.1 X2.V1 Silles .1 Itms.. SlhO. X27.1. $100. $IW1, $.100 7".o Corner Sillies. I In s Rooms. $010 to $1(1.10 ELLIS D WILLIAMS. fiOO Drexel HnlliMng Bright. Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. MIDDLE CITY Ill.Dll., 17tliT nboie" Cheitnut". Offices, good llRht: niodcnile rentals, Winis-Wlnchester r,.,J00t Chestnut si I1ELLEVIJE COURT BUILDINC. HIS Walnut at. Oth Ooor largo corner nfilce. soulhern exposure, with reception room ,and tiling room, sublet; Irnnnt lenvlng city: $70 per month. Apnlv lloom 010 nEHIIlAHLE scconrl-IIoor corner suite; .1 large rooms, northeast corner 1.1th and Walnut sts.: nlso single nr communicating offices; elevntor and all conveniences CIIAS. IjlinoWN CO.217 S.Jtrpndst. SEVERAL nnSIHAHLH OFFTcES SINifl.il AND U.N SUITE' ALSO FLOOR IN A NEW .MODERN IIUII.BINO JAMES n. WI.VCHEI.I. N W. COR. 17TH AND SA.VSOM STS. 5ES1RAIILE (IFFICES'and Mludlns.'nltli o7 without recentlon rcKims: nil conveniences .ts nnd $27 VI per month. UULLU.R 11UII.I)- 1NO, 10 S, ISth st, HEED nUtl.DINO" 1211-17 Filbert st. Centrally located, all concenlences. rent at traetlcelv low: pen Ice continuous. 121 S. 8TII ST.-Thlnl" Hoor'llloBcs llTdg ll nnss. and freight elevators, etc. 511. s.1. OJSEIDEI, .c. CO.. 4th and Callow hill sis. ' merciia'nts builoino 41 North 1th street. Verv desirable offices Hent and light. PLAZA'llUILniNCI. ir.n-r.07-0'i ARCH ST. Offices nt reasonable rental. Location, light nnd convenience unsurpissed. OFFICES for rent- Orst lloor suitable for hanker: f-nmller offices on other tloors. FOIl- RE.ST IIUlI.niNO. 110 S. 1th Bt. Room -I2.1. I'rofesslonnl Ofllces CHESTNUT isns iDarhwooin LarRe. airy nnd light loom sultablo for professional off h e, with walling room, good service & location. CHESTNUT ST.. lS2n-I'rofeslnnnl ofllces or studios: running water, electricity. SPRUCE. KITIT I'rnf. offices: steam licit; elce'v: exe. Ph.aniI door crv. : good light. SPItUCB, 1732 Physician's suite, first lloor, newly renov ited: electricity; hardciood tloors. SPRUCE ST.. 2I10-O"fflces for nhyslclans: ex cellent corner bouse, reasonable. FINE location for physician or dentist In the 411th st. section. Will rent with option of purchasing. Can be bouehl on easy terms, T H Maglnnlss ftSon. .1000 Baltimore nee. TWo'rooms nnd bath: refined neighborhood, exceptionally Rood onoortunltv for phcslclan. 57. Lodger Branch. 1.1th and Mt. Vernon. Desk Room IVanleil WANTED Desk room 111 office building; cen tral location. M :i22,Leclger Office. . WEST PHILADELPHIA 107 S. KID ST New 10-room home, facing Boulevard: hot-water heat and everything up- to-date- rent i'. JAS N MITCHELL. 4Cjh andMarket sts. 4SI0 WOODLAND AVE -Five rooms. In good condition: rent $13 Kev 4310 C. P. rmVAIlD CO.. ailll . .leffersniisls $2S00:-JEFFi:RSON ST "(COOOl-Deslrnble ics Ident section; direct car service on oitli t. to Luusilownn ne. 4 rooms and bath on id lloor: Dutch hall modern FIT1'ATItlCK, 1525-1527 N 00th at, HERMAN BROS. Colli MARKET Houses, anartments stores Near OOTII ST "I." STATION For rentorsaJej $10 SIX rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish $IT Six looms ami hath. Others, XI I to $10 E. H APM.EY. 5Sth and Spr'lisllcld nee. ""Jill llWOS.r STORES. AITS.. SHOPS." IO POTTS ."4 TOvVNHl:.Nl $1IV1I!I0.- IIALTIMORI3 AVE. $12 TO $2S 2 and .1-story houaes: (til con veniences: good locations. JERVIS. 54th nnd Olrard ,I1C, Stores ami Dwellings STORES AND 11WEL LINOS SS2S LANCASTER AVENUE. SMll LANCASTER AVENUE -$31.00 EDWARD V. UVNSDALE 712 WALNUT STREET HERMAN"! OWN tiKRMANTOWN Cuay stone homo on Chun h lane near train and trolley; largo roonu, Hiepl.iccH, inndirn heating. 0 irage prlU leges Rent. $l(oo A real home. .I.T JACKSON CO. Chestnut Hlld Illll. 03.15 (1ER.MANTOWN AVE. Nine room-Taml store: steam healing- good hui-liicrs l,.ritiou: S30. Ci l. SEIfiEL & CO., ITII AND CALLOWIHLL SI'S l . OWNER to secure good telwint, will rent twin bouse In (lermantown. 12 rooms. In i lulling two baths steam heat and laundry, for $10 per month, location nnd neighbor hoodverj' jieslrable.. H 410. I.cdgcr Central. Jisl-SEMI-nicTACIIKD. I'l rooms. 2 baths. F-? araife. mirum,.'.. iiual-. rie.-tiKiii.; tiu,u ,u Hi it. ana nun-), v. a. luuiviiiun, ivi-i DWELLINOS. 11 ROOMS Weill ror J. 1st. Conllne.ital-Enullablo .Trust Co.. 21 S. 12th st JOU TO" $125-SBND FOR LIST. MAUrXv DOLMAN & CO.. 219 LANR TITLE IIU'ILI). I.Ntl Tloxa 20.11 WEST ONTARIO ST. fat Tioga Statlon) 14 rooms, up to date for apartments: rent $40 ncr.mniiih. Apply INUL'STItlAI, THUiT CO . lllVI N. Front at. Logan 11 WE dally Inquiries for houses for rent In Logan. List tour property with McIL HENNY. 4UT1S N. Broad at. x,a.ne .Inncllon 12.1 CHEAP!---''!' and most dealrable S.story lurch-front houaa at Wayne Junction; all ..nuvenlenroe; 2 minutes walk to station. 44IJ N. 20th at., above Uennantown ae. StllUIIHAN FOR RENT Furnished for summer months, country house, with vegetable and flower gar dens, garage, etc.. electric lights; city water; near Chestnut Hill. M 017. Ledger Central. LatutloH-ne. Fa. FOR rtENT. LAN8DOWNK, PA, Beautiful 2-Acre Country Place Only T mile from City Halls may be leased at nominal ngure. unfurnished, for term of yeara; old Kngllsn residence. 10 bed rooms and 4 bathes planned for solid com fort! commodious stable and garages quar ters for man's family; the situation is Ideal, aurrounded by homes of prominent Philadel phia buelnua men; country club and golf courne oJJ,l-f.yTr3n OSBORNE. INC. 1324 Cheatnut at- Philadelphia. TAIlloiT Grove. Pa. DBTACHED frame house containing T roonu and bath, vapor heat, gae and electricity, lot 75x123 blgb elevation: within half Hoik of trolley and 3 minutes of train, rent $20. W, VEUYU WALTCN. Jenklntown. Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MAIS I.ISi:, l P. II. It. WYNNE WOOD 7 bedroom. .1 bnlhs. sl porch garnge $12,100 .. iif-drou-iis, ., nutns (I iK-dronm, 1 Inth T bedrooms, 2 baths .... garage ill Hi 40 00 ARDMORE -)olrnrtmj, .1 baths txrtnffp $vfH' no 7 bpilrnomn. H li.itiT. nlrpiAni; lorch . inn 1.7 brflritonr. bath1 ll tir(lrnomi. X bitji1 7 brftrooin, n btitiir, 7 t'P-r1rnom, T bitln 7 .oilrooni!', .1 baths 7 brflrnotn". t b-nlh 11 b()1rnomi, 1 bnth Rnnu-o S bpiirnom, 2 biitho r. bpilroom-", 2 brtthf.... 7 bedrooms. 1 hnth UAVERFORD 7 hedrooins, .1 Imths $12100 T bedrooms, .1 baths garage 100 00 7 bedrooms, 2 hit lis. si. porch, Ear. J 1.13 4 bedrooms. i baths 0 00 Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. .TJrt COMMEIlCtAL TRUST 111.1)11 15rltANI MARKET 2'rS., PHIL.. MODERN HOUSES $10 to $200 per month varloua stations Send for special list, liar, hert .yclnRjiorn, 2.VI llilley liiillding Wynneivoml 40 MNOR nOAn-Modern: 11 rooms, 2 baths; 'J aero land: $10 per month, Waltor llnssctt smith, vvjnnewoou. ra. . Ardmorr AttDMORH PA., 21.1 Church roid-Tbree-slory stone dwelling. 1.1 rooms, nil Improvements; tleslrnbln location. THE LAND TITLE A TRUST COMPANY lroacinniIChrstnut sts., Phlin.ielpiun, SI. David's TOR HENT Stono nnd frame bouse. I min utes walk PTiutb from slntlon, corner Mid land nve. nnd St David's road, containing about 111 rooms, .1 baths, S chambers, all modern conveniences large porches and nbout 1 acre nf ground old shade. HAHIIHHT & CUMIIIORN, 12IS Cheslllllt st. Wnyne MODERN HOUSE. 1.1 rooms and 2 baihs: all conveniences. InrRO porches, old shade, ono nire, rr.inlen, high elevntlon $oo month CIIAS. M. DAVIS, Wavne. Pa. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTGAGES LOWEST HATES AI-SO IIU1LDINO ASSOCIATION UUNDS FOR UIItHT AND SECOND MOItTOAdES JAMES G. FRANCIS 70.1 W A I.N I T ST. Mortgages First and Second 1 plate them quickie : trust funds on hand for 1st murtg.iRi s for any amount nnd 20 building assort iHnm with funds mi hand; for 2d mortgages. l.irRe or small, try me. Quick Action Is My Motto Chas. Z DeYoung ,",.r:c..t.dg MOUTOAnE MONEY In all amounts at low. est rates and minimum expenao. PROMPT ATTENTION ARTHUR BOSWELL. member Real Estate Hoard. Bt.1 North 13th st. lloth phones. $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 Mortgage nr note, real estate security. pay- nine easy terms: settlement saino nay. LEWIS & CO. 1227 W. CHKAtlD AVENUE MONEY TO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MnilTllAOES LOWEST HATES. QUICK DECISION ALSO ni'll.DINd ASS'N MONEY J.J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut st nEsiRAiir.E rntsT mortcaoes Uor Sale PEMBERTON ESTATES Harrison Building. $.10 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secur to Itj : Immediate settlement: pavablo as $2000 desired. I EDW. M MOLL tn S. 12TII ST. MOItTOAOi; MONEY Sums to suit. Ulrsts nnd Seconds C, C SHIDEL -fe CO. INC. 4th andCallpvli)ll sis. MONHY FOR MORTnAOES LAROH AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS II HfJOH. 512 W. NORHIS ST. W FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOE FUNDS .IIH1.N (i. IV II.1.1.C.-.1-. SUCCESSOR TO L15WIS II. REDNHR 727 WalnuJ m. "FOR SALE MORTGAGES tvti'.-i ii wiNi'iiur.r N W ((lit. I7TII AND SANSOM STS lll'ILDINC. asn. latlon and prlvnte funds for good cltv oi nearby suburban first and sec ond Uioriua-TI'N iin-Miuc mimii. ROBERT J. NASH. 1001 Chestnut. TRUST FUNDS for Orst mortgages: building association funds for Hrsl and second mortgages. WHITESIDE .c. Mel.ANAIIAN 1.1th and Pine sis. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES HENRY S. RHEn 1420 CHESTNUT ST. WORRELL Fi'Nfa r fhist and Vt-IVn.Jlll-l SECONO MORTOAOES 55.1 N. 1TTII ST. ""TIll'ST FUNDS UOR FIRST MOltTOAaB-HEItKNE--S & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOrS Qui. k answer. MAURICE II MATSINOER. Rl. Est. Tr Rrfe ' DEEDS nitVWN $l-"MORTOAC,ES. $130 WALLACE 1112 I Ineoln IlulMlnir. Both nhones " MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES " Ouick resultH: rents nnd Interest collected all sections. Cameron. 2R11 Kensington ave MONEY FOR MORTOAOES $1000 TO 1100 000 J VCOH A. FRIT.. UOrt LAND TITLE Ill.liO HUlLDINfl ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES l It. RHOADS. 1.1TH AH. SUSQUEIl NN FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES ANY AMOUNT POTTS R- THOMSON 2521 Urnnkfniil nve FIVE PER CENT, building nssuclatl in and unlit mortgager!, quick action, modeiate barges. M. Jletz,1.1thnnd York. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D"MORTOAOES" MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO. . N1CKI ES. g.llfl Oeimantown ave. ' money" for .morto voks T . HEUDINd SON T(l WALNUT ST. 5201 SPRUCE ST. LOANS OS INTEREST 'IN ESTATES "" Reasonable Charges JOHN A IIAIIHY. B07J.AND TITLE 111.00. MONEY for first, second nnd split mort-g-age-s. taiihllng nssoclatlon funils. Howard H. Wilson. 2122 dermnutnwn ave. $100,000 FOR FIRST, SECOND OR SPLIT ..l innrlfrnft "fitan Ma fir lit " ABBUNET1 1 Y. 2721 N. Bth; 1JW S 12th. ' ii ve $-1000 to Invest '" IN EITHF.R 1 OR '.' FIRST MORTOAOES APPJiX. M '"Si- LEDOER OFFICE. MONEY TO LOAN on first and second mortgages, htdg. assoela. tlons a spoclaRy. Hoodateln 413 Falrmount. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick answer laiw rates. WILLfAM JAMES KKOOII. fiO-1 Drexel llldt OWNERS-If our mortgage haB been called, I wlll take It up: also 2d mortgage money. CHESTER n nOTTNKR 1420 Chestnut st. KMEROB.VCY FUNDS placed-at once: anv sum. Immediate answer; loweat rates. F X. DELANY. lll'-l Lincoln, Broad ajiil Penn Sq. MONEY for first and second mortgages; city or suburbs. Pronint answer given all good applications. II 43. Ledger Cent raj. LOANSI-arge or. small sums on real estate, ludament notes or mortgages, loans on unset tled estates, nempaev A Co . 27 8. 7Hth. MONEY, tn Kdward IT Invest Cloud, In good cltv mortgages Itv .1013 Land Title Building rilAVU PRIVATE FUNDS for first and sec ond mortgages. Urn. Barr. Sih and Oak lane. MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICEN3KD AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers Wi loan from $10 to $201 on surprisingly easy terms. Your monthly payment on $30 u onU .1 Your monthly payment on $72 la only $11 ' With Interest ut Your monthly pajment on $132 la only $11 Your mouthly pajment on $204 Is only $17 ' With Interest at 3. See us. write or phone Walnut 43iU. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 131 South Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. Next to Forrest Theatre, tSpgnS a. ni. to a p. m. aaturdaya to (I p. m. " " YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS, KTC. 2 AND IJP.., 2 $5U) " 1 HIEDHR'S US MARKET ST. RIPCB AVB. AND OXFORD ST. SR. AND SOUTH STS. MONBY LOANED to heir or unsettled ee Utee lnteraete bought F P ilAHTlN. T24-23 StepatQ Olrard BlJg.. 21 B 12th nt. 1H' SCRAPPLE W More War Economics I TUB PADDED CELL ;Wk$i .tll4.i ' ome. 9WAs The or . fourmore. V !,?S?I If Wfifc ! MW 1 UIKE. T, ANb AAAKES ABOUT OO-4 V. i'm-S! I Mt) .3?TrWAh 1 y A VEEK. HIS FRVEAIO ONLY MAKES A H: I llll HP WmW I X 40-2 A WSEK BOT OUST 3oT A. mSJ 1 11 M JKlk Two TOLUAR RAISE. WHICH 1-bViHlClU? .io oo VI s Minn sA.w IB. i . . . rs .' I vl WMtt&dp'F A?ETER; 'Af7-N n rnllier I'll never Inlto you out to "y 'l " X v;?aSM&i? U HKKfS uaZmfi .iim. . ..ni.. X X O' a I C i Tjiir'SrOy. illWlLmni' gjfef ''!LJ Dntiglitor And why? -K-T- -l. - - - r- fl- l"- I'ntlior Hec'iltise luticli Is no much Ii. I m"S;EariV?tfc3gltt:l'-' - 'It -tl '""ti s c KjShfL-2 Patients vs. Patience At Palm Beach I.nily Oct away from hero or I'll iTt. V "Ss'iisZ f &&Sz?t 1 Tramp Oil, no you won't, becnuso WvflK r?vi"V i'A I. -J tJtTtcSI' Tramp Hceiiuse a man what marries ipffi m itti i i iS i!nn;n",',atnre!n S "Ue y" " "Iy Doctop-i Und It very herd to get on Phe-IIave you a Rood room nt tho nonio at meal tunes. ,n my profcsslon! Slnr-ctor Inn? " Ills Wife Do not ciospnlr, my dear. Ho The best over. Why. I'll ven- rrom England you'll succeed If you only have pa- tun- lo say It's almost at bis as tho u tlenco. lintel safe. '"'''' WlPll-s?v ' FAMILIAIt FIGURES OS ANY KINK '''I, JA'iSMPjS., f Tnt CRACK vMO DMlIi rtctf MR AND MRS IpNOVveD If THE TAIR BEUNHER WHO ti ,' 'W.SilifSlSMf-WL IS THE QCVT iKIVTCR IN &UBOCt-t IO CALb Atb 7 ' tf!rWWf?fe T'' 6TVTl- SCIOOCN TAMICS tilffli!yi,tfe'HH3rSiBB ) T7IC NOT "AMO LUXES TO THE HOCKLV TLyeRS AL-lf THIS AIMLEIS PtRSOPf .IWrffifiifistSStsSSr s-c now tuoit-roTiie vs ""& T stT 'r"c stations hihselt intmc IlllWbilnl SBBim'BfiSS. hole me ca.n comb wjiTii- Pv-v Ocrout-CN YVSotj LEM. MiObLE or Trie Rink Ar4Jl Uim'MMJ .,am!mwB&b out-toc.i.inc, iv f, ncver riovct prch 17? Will rW&mWzfmfr tA tht -spot WE ., A fPa, f J.A P.MSC V tho North Sea for kIkiih of the Ilrltlsh y "5& Mrvii S3 j Zgk Hoot." llci In Wireless Message. V MF riv ' ,W -7 Ai ?WsBtJ Contradictory tSi" -sJjSv rmm r jrVK . ( 50MCWHAT PUMN LAqV WHuJI tub Younc, IKy and If A TAKf iJMtJER The IM- JibJ SsBc eKevTC CCMK OfF CVtRV THtltl THAtu Ott'vAReCKAC,! PtfWSlON TIM TIlK IS Aj yOs, Hkffi Twe M1NUTes Tm tANSAN- "So vour husbdiicl kept hoiisn and cooheil his mvii meals while you were uvv.iv nid he onjoy It.'" "Ho h;is ho did, but I notice) thut tho pari oi has learned to snenr ilurin; my ahsence." AND THE WOKST Jttiinj! IS YET TO CO.ME V "-" " ('.V1X wjiVCia A Little Misunderstundinc; ij'ill1 London Opinion. Medical iitllcer (exumlulne recruit) - luur hcleht und chest measure meats are ull right. Now get on to tho tea lea. It ecru It (promptly) Doll ray ma full soh ! Good Advice Henpeck Never write letters that you'll regret in after life! Uewull You spaK as though you h4 ipariti.vj. HcUjiack 1 have. In early corre 4pau(iJic with her who Is now my vvlf 1 aigusd mclf "Your obedient BtTvaal." llll IIJllilH f r I