Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 13

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Meters of the Junior League Will Give "Orlando" in
' New York at the Ritz-Carlton on March 6 for Charity.
New York Junior League to Lend Films
nEnTAINIiY our Junior Lenguo iliil
f. markaulo work Inst week In their
f ititomlme, "Tho uauoi 01 unonuo,
L J"I the tamo thereof hna evidently
t oread to. other cities, for yesterday I
f fj that the members had been in
h toted to repeat It In New York at the
' niti-Carlton on the night of March fi,
( hen a benefit will bo given for the
I It Johnsland Society. And nt least
flfiy of our charming society girls have
' accepted tho Invitation, and I assure
!' jjcw Vork will sit up nnd tako
i Luce for I challcngo their league
1 to do any better. As one woman said
I' last week, It wns tho vory best amateur
' Dirformanco sho had over seen, and
i that was going some, for that selfsamo
UaY goes to every charity affair on the
tula each year. Tho Now York Junior
, jjg-ue will loan Its films of "Tho
I ffiarae of Kapur" for tho performance
f thlt night. 'Tho Flamo of Kapur" Is a
i" melodramatic movie, In which such
tharmlng New York bollea as Angelica
' Brown, Theodora Larocnuc. Edith Mor:
timer and Cornelia Landon and a num
ber of men take part. I am sure a
great many will go over from Phlla
' delphla for tho event.
Friends of Mrs. Dobblo Olendlnnlng
mill be glad to hear Bhe has recovered
'" jufflclently from her recent Illness to be
!" able to go down to Palm Beach with
' jjr. Olendlnnlng. It Is hoped that tho
warmer cllmato will havo a beneficial
effect on her eyes, as her sufferings
; have been Intense.
Tho weo bird came In ogaln today
tflth two astonishing bits of news, that
'- Is, tho breaking off of two engage-
m'ents. I have been wondering why I
',' have not heard of tho dato for tho
nuptials In tho case of a very pretty
s girl whoso debut was made about threj
years ago nnd whoso engagement waj
announced a little moro than a your
1 put to a very popular young man.
' Well, It seems It Is broken off, and now
Ma best friend, who was also engaged,
' teems to havo had differences with his
' flancee, and all is over. I hope It may
' all como right, for In tho latter case tho
I man has been devoted to his little erst
" ivhlle fiancee over since they were tots.
h However, If It Is to be final, it Is better
for them to find It out now than after
I' the bond is tied. Don't you think?
At a luncheon recently given by ono
of the 400 of this dear old snobbish
? city, I was standing by my hostess
talking on various subjects of interest,
when a very nttrnctlvo young girl with
t ' Hjht curly hair came up to her to say
' ood-by. I noticed tho hostess seemed
f Very cordial and dcllgh- U that sho had
r come, and called her by her first mini;.
. I was particularly attracted by her ap
', pearance, nnd so I asked who sho was.
? Would you bellovo it? Z'y hostess
1 laughed heartily and remarked: "I was
; , Juat going to ask you. I can't rcmem
1'irWher last namo to save my life." I
If1 thought it would be well to seo how
!"mny moro sho did not know; but the
' itory ended there, for tho next ono sho
'called by h"r first name was her cousin;
-'ni1 n nhn ovnlnliinrl. "I could not Well
V forret a namo which was tho same as
my own." NANCY WYNNE.
Mrs. Hodman Wanamaker villi glvo a
dance this evening at her homb In Tuxedo
Mrs. William Dlsston and her daughter,
SJLas Pauline Dluston. who have been
i iptndlng tho winter at the nitz-Carlton,
Z Sw York, will leave today for Palm
Mr. and Mrs. Normnn MacLeod, who
are spendine a few duys In New York
,lth Mrs, MacLeod's mother, Mrs. John
Wanamaker, entertained at dinner last
; nliht at the Itltz-Carlton,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl Edwin Ilarrlman.
of LUnfalr road, Ardmore, will entertain
at dinner tonight in honor of their guest,
Mrs. John McGee, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Girvin, Jr.,
lll give a card party this evening at
their homo In Hosemont.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Work, of the
SL Jamea. will p'ntprtnln nt dinner, fol-
fc (Mowed by dancing, at the Anchorage this
e evening.
I Dr. and Mrs. L. Foster Jack, of 1633
Locust street, will ctve a dinner of 16
' 'overs this evening at the Merlon Cricket
T Club In honor of Miss Helen Baldwin
Qleason, debutante daughter of Dr. and
. coward Baldwin Gleason.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Potter, Jr., of
Washington lane, Chelten Hills, have had
Mils Christina Srjencer. of Devon, as their
f Ct for several days this week.
K r. , Alien HtocRton and Miss Chris
R '" "are Stockton will receive Informally
r weir nome, 2300 Pine street, tomorrow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsay Long
a&Q MlflS Purnlvn J T nntr nf Phantal.
prlll give a the dansant this afternoon
r 3 until 6 o'plnok. Thnv will nlao
"lva next Saturday afternoon.
f' .Mr' na M". William T. Warburton
R Unetta McFarland. to Mr. Francis
" wacueath, Jr., on Tuesday, FeD
Y 8, at Annapolis, Md.
A Stated meAtlniv nt Yn linnr1 nf mnn.
tr8 Of lh Pnnauhionlo Qnnlatv Pnln.
i"1 Dames of America, was held this
rK",ln ln the west wing of Independ
mca Han,
i,. onn' A. McKenna, of Lansdowne,
m returned horns from Havana.
Cardti nf in..iA,. 1 1 , j, 1
ifnu. . "tlns t0 hear Mr. G. Lowes Dick
" iiJ?S "cture on "How the War Can Be
"tku",a" TBe lecture will take place
, gM 1 evening at 8 o'clock In the meeting
lii;!'njfmeit8 are helng made for a
: v.iiBd. vv,. r"o,"""" ."""'
ton' J., fu " "eorge asiunB"
,(S! .P'fihday, at the Germnntown
;ii?'i -'"b- The rooms will have bunt-
- 4 nara as decoration.
f.5H. 'Wmiim.s.
Lloyd, of 833 Harvey
finta i B,VS dinner on AVedneiiday
ftVlckt Club. Mtthhelm.
JH Marguerite Hoberti. of 6812 Wayne
kTi "iiertalned at tqn$heon yestarday
W7r "i ajrg. jjoru i iSasor, 01 eyra-
-i bi r. Aiir vvaiton tiiwu,
V ,fe of 1'leutennnt Commni.dcr lllml.
.'iLii Mrs- l:flRer is spending a
nn,1 Kin IS, l ,c Bl,cst of ' s's,
m.1,1. ll,1.rln",nw nt ,hp Nnsl1 Apart
v.?in 8ou,h Klu 8treet- The guests
jesterday were Mrs. Harold ltoberts,
Sini't t .1 Cnrv,r- ' Wllllnm II
mi.. ' t r ol,," Ounnlng Urlpps and
Miss Jesslo Willing.
Dr. nnd Mrs. James Wlster, of 5130 rler-
nrn "'1,?'I,IC'.W11 lenve next week for
Browns-Mllls-ln-tlic-Pines, N. .1.
vilri' ?n1 Mrs- !:1K'lr xt- IHey. of S12
it. ni.cl,,i, Btrfpt' lmvc -'"c l'n"n
""', rin., ior Bovernl weeks.
Jlr. Michael Dorlzns. a native of Greece 1
ami a student nt tho University or Penn
sylvania, gave an Interesting lecture on I
, cd"e(Iny evening In tho parish house
.. 8J. .1,'"kc's I'rotcstnnt Episcopal '
t-nurcn. Ills subloet wm "Tim mm. sit.
nation in tho Balkans." Mr. Dorlzas It a
graduate of ltoberts Collego In Constnn-
Pioneer Xlght will bo observed nt tho 1
lumiff women's Christian Association
Saturday evening, February M, when Miss
Mlrabeth Wilson, of tho National Young
onion's Christian Association, will
Mrs. Kdwnrd Kenrlng Is visiting her pa-"n,s-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ltoberts, of
103 'West tfpsal street. Mrs. Kenrlng was
Miss Adelaide ltoberts before her mar
riage. Miss Mary Jtoberts entertained at
bridge on Thursday afternoon In honor of
Mrs. Kenrlng.
Mrs. John Dunn, Jr., of Pcllinm Court, i
Is spending the week with her sister, Mrs.
Henry lluttcrworth, of Pclliam road
and West Horlter street.
Mrs. A. Hurley Pnnrnntt of llen lane.
Is spending some time nt (lie shoie
Miss Downing is the daughter of Mrs. Robert W. Downing. Her
engagement to Mr. John Chaffee, of New Orleans, was announced
last week.
The marriage of Miss Susie Johnson Carter and Mr.
Herbert Slack Takes Place Today Friends'
Ceremony Other Nuptials
THK marrlago of Miss Pusle Johnson
Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
lain V. Caiter, of Ilaverfoul road, Ard
more, and Mr. Herbert Lloyd Slack, of
Nowtown, Pa., was quietly solemnized
at 12:30 o'clock today In the lllckslto
Friends' Meeting House, at 15th nnd Itaco
streets. Only the Immediate families
were present, nnd theio were no attend
ants. Tho Vi lends' ceremony was used. (Mr.
and Mrs. Evan T. "Worthlngton, Mr. and
Mrs, Franklin Palmer and Mr. nnd Mrs.
Carter acted as overseers.
After a Southern trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Slack will be at homo Third-month 15th.
at .112 East Washington avenue, New
town, Pa.
Announcement Is made of the marriage
of Miss Helen M. Cnscnden, daughter of
Mr Frank J. Cascaded, of 4339 Mana
yunk avenue, to Mr. Alonzo Rowland,
also of Iloxboiough. on Monday, teb
ruary 7. at tho homo of the olllclatlng
clerKS-man. tho Itev. Robeit Hetherlng
ton, of Mount .Ion Methodist Episcopal
Church. Mr. Rowland and his bride w 11
receive after February 21 at 1332 Pechln
The marriage has been announced of
Bliss Blanche Emerlck, daughter of Mrs
Albert Emerlck. of HOI Palmer street, to
Mr. Clarence W. Weckcrly. of 3510 North
3d street, on Tuesday evening. February
8 at the home of the bride's mother.
The ceremony was performed by the Hc.
U. W. Myers. Jr.. pastor of the Pi -crlm
Congregational Church. Marl
borough street below Frankford avenue,
and was followed by a reception. Mr.
ad Mrs. Weckerly will be at home after
February 21 at 1101 Palmer street.
u,.. ttii.nhath D. Ellis, daughter
?" "'i?". r:..;.,r " married with a
. a itia I'niii run la. ui
Nuptla Mass at St. Columba's Church on
Wednesday to Mr. James H. Murphy, of
Jlrdentown. N. J. The "WgwS
performed by the Rev. J- l- f3'" e- :
the Visitation parish, with the Rev. w.
P Gough in the sanctuary. The bride
was given In marriage by her father.
He? sister Miss Bertha Ellis, was ma d
S'rh.'no?.r,.nd M.Ss Edna Ilae Bchu.U
n.n llnll'fr Kin. ! Ul... -.-
Bordentown, actea as uw '"""' J
SKriSf0." tahewt :
Sers"?y of" the bride's parents was
also celebrated on Wednesday.
The marriage of Ml.s Fannie Goldberg
'.,(. jnlea Dlvao was solemnized on
SM the Rev. Marvin B Nathan,
at Mayers Pruwlng rooms. Ml.s Gold
berg was given in marriage by her
father and v. as attended by six brldea
maids. and MIm MolUe ? vac as maid of
honor Mr Dlvac had Mr A- Goldberg
Wt man and six ushers la attend
ance. Tb cweroony wa 11l,w?1 b' ,B
suppw. ad 04Heiaif- Th IwWal coubU
w AftiL. .: . -lll -
mmm&xmim m jsp . . - F8gmm&'m immM?mMmtsg7$: misj? itht.-rn . gleason
HIiralMMu v" -ST 4 ' ' ' ' vt IwAlWIMSi Tho debutante dnURhtor of Dr.
maWStsi - W S ' -li MM, lfMSWl & M. Edward Baldwin Glen-
mmy'W i ' j , i vMfeL'hiMffi son, who will bo entertained ,nt
MWW- SKBIi1(MlSI Cricket Club by Dr. nnd Mrs. L.
8 siSMmMiFtmm Fostcr Jack-
WBmm Wmmnm 7lwsmmi&1, lyii
Imam- ! wk -w8
zzz ib:i
aro spending their honeymoon at
Reach and will bo nt homo after
13 at C53S Christian street.
Along the Main Line
RADNOR Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Austin
Obdyko nnd daughters. .Miss .Molly Ob
dyko and Miss Josephine Obdyke, have
taken apartments at tho Waynewood
whllo their homo In Radnor Is being reno
vated. ST DAVID'S Mrs. Henry C. Todd, of
Pittsburgh, is visiting Mrs. Charles V.
Lister, Jr., of St. David's. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Lister entertained the brldgo club of
which they ure members last evening.
Among tho members are .Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert A. Treat, Jr., nnd Mr. and Mrs. It.
John Patton.
Mrs. John A. Tlllotson and Mrs. Charles
H. Qulmby. of St. David's, aro staying at
Hampton Terrace, Augusta, (3a , until
Mrs. F. J. Huxtou, of Windermere ave
nue, is spending tho a eck In New York.
Friends of Mr. Charles Walton, of Wal
marthon, will regict to hear of his serious
South Philadelphia
Miss Matilda do Rivers, of 1721 South
15th street, gave a tea Thursday afternoon
at her home. Following an Interesting
entertainment of music nnd fortune tell
ing, tho guests mado surgical band
ages to be sent to tho Emeigency Aid
for tho wounded soldiers. Those who
participated were Miss A. M. Bean, Miss
Frances E. Ilergmann, Miss Mae Blrney,
Mrs. W. Burgess, Mrs. George Gowey,
Miss L. L. Omensetter, Miss Elizabeth
I'.ixom, Mrs. W. It. A. Rooney, Miss
Mabel Schumo, Mrs. Thomas Shallcross.
Miss Isabel W. Thomson. Miss M. Trout,
Miss Ilepsey Norrls Wells, Miss Mary
Lewis Yarnall and Miss Sarah Yaruall.
The Strafford Country Club held Its an
nual meeting at the home of Mr George
A. Aldrlch In Audubon, N. J. Theru was
an election of otllcers and the following
weio chosen for the ensuing year. Mr
Thomas J. Brady, president; Mr. John A.
Fltzpatrlck, vice president: Mr- John W
Hanf, treasurer, and Mr. Albert J.
Frltcher, secretary The trustees elected
were Mr. George A. Aldrlch, Mr. Waller
S. Aldich, of Audubon, N. J.; Mr. John
A. Hanf, Mr. John Bentz, Mr. Louis J
Sollgau, Mr. Warren Conover, Mr. James
Sherwln, Mr. William If. Young. Mr. Nel
son Dare, Mr. Philip Carson and Mr
Louis J. Schandcel. The club has com
pleted plans for the erection of their new
home In Clementon. N. J., which will be
finished early In tho spring.
Camden and Vicinity
Miss Mildred Blake, of State street, Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs F
G, Stanley, of Island Heights. N. J.
Miss Helen Brooks has returnd to her
home in Ridley Park, Pa., following a sev
eral days' visit at the home of Mlsij
Julia a. Nash, of 60$ Cooper street.
Mr and Mrs- Samuel V. Waddy. who re
cently returned from the CatskilU, where
they had gone for Mis. Waddy'a health,
have Uft for Florida, where they will
spind the balauie of the winter.
Miss Freeman is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Jnckson
Freeman and n debutante of this season. With Miss Christine
Stockton, she will be n guest of honor nt a matinee this afternoon,
to bo given by Mrs. Charles P. Maulc.
All the Boxes Are Already Sold for the Performance to
Be Given on February 22 Industrial Art
School to Have Two Parts
PHENOMENAL success Beoms certain
for tho performance of tho "Masquo"
for 10ie, given by tho Seven Allied Art Cr
ganizatlons, and scheduled to tako placo
In the Academy of Music on tho evening
of Washington's Birthday, Tuesday, Feb
ruary 22.
Ahcady every box In tho house has been
hold, and nearly every sent In tho two
lower lloors. The nudlcnco promises to
vie In brilliancy with the participants in
the pioduction Itself, which Is proceeding
on a big scale under tho Joint direction
of Stanley Muschamp, Jr., music director,
and Fiank Buchanan, stage director.
Reheat sals aro In actlvo 'progress. The
stage betting, in the hands of Arthur B.
Cniles and Wllllnm A. Young, Is ready
for placing, and Is understood to bo some
thing very unusual In color and design.
In tho "Masquo" the School of Indus
trial Art Is assigned two nttractlvo parts,
involving about 123 plnyers.
Tho Hi st Is a gorgeous court scene. In
which pomp and splendor will bo tho key
note. A remote period of civilization
which has never heretofore been repre
sented on any stage will be essayed. The
story is based upon tho legend of an an
cient tyrant, who holds sway over his
vassals and exacts relentless tribute from
neighboring kingdoms.
This ancient civilization presents char
acteristics In Its ornamental forms, and
other artistic expressions which mark it
as distinctive from any other known
style, and yet thero is a sympathetic re
lation between tho styles of dress In that
remote period and those of the ultra
modern. A surprise Is promised In the costuming
and tho color of this scene, In which
about 75 players will participate.
Thebo unlquo costumes will bo made up
from designs based upon a careful study
of tho comparatively meagre data to bo
found concerning the dress of this people,
Tho second part assigned to the School
of Industrial Art presents a series of four
pictures, as tho neighboring nations each
ricli In art lore send their respective
tribute In goods and slaves, exacted an
uually by this mighty tyrant.
Tho scheme of color In this part will
chance to he In character with the peo
ple represented, and has been carefully
planned by the commltteo In Immediate
Mrs. Reichlin, whose marriage
took place last Tuesday, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Leshner, of 5912 Catharine street.
Mr, and Mrs. Reichlin are at
present traveling through the
South. They will be at horaa
after March I at 8233 Mont
gomery avenue.
., ,.....jaS-.y-... i4M2'fWCtlm
chnrge In conjunction with Mr. Leicester
Holland, tho author of tho scenario, to bo
In contrast with the color effects preced
ing nnd following It.
Every resource of the School nnd Mu
seum of Industrial Art has been drawn
upon In tho designing nnd execution of
costumes and accessories, and tho results
promlso to bo remarkable, both as the
best effort of ntudents and teachers of
decorative art and Trom Its distinctly edu
cational value to those -who witness tho
performance, as well as to tho partici
pants. Dancing will bo followed by a stately
pageant, In which youth and beauty will
be paramount.
Tho members of tho Sketch Club, whoso
portrayal of tho "Indian" wns so success
ful In last year's "Masque," will represent
Grecian warriors In this yenr's produc
tion. Tho Important feature of their num
ber will bo a barbaric torch dance, which
takes place at tho time that Theseus Is
supposed to bo slaying tho Minotaur. At
the end of tho dance Theseus appears at
tho mouth of tho cava holding the head of
tho Minotaur, and tho released sacrificial
maidens descend from their placo nf
bondago and Join the Grecian warriors In
a dance of thanksgiving. Joseph Craig
Fox is directing this episode, and tho cos
tumes have been designed by Morris Hall
Pancoast and Herbert Pulilnger.
The boxholders will Include Dr. Gcorgo
Woodward, Mr. William J. Turner, Mrs.
Lorlng Drouet, Mr. S. N. Bourne, Mrs.
John Harrison, Mr. Oscar E. Mertz, Mr.
Joseph F. Slnnott. Mr. Herbert Welsh,
Miss Mary Butler, Mrs. C. Shlllard-Smlth,
Mrs. 15. T. Stotesbury, Miss Violet Oak
Icy, Mrs. J. Madison Tnylor, Mrs. W.
Yorko Stevenson, Mr. John D. Mcllhenny,
Mr. Charles Bond, Miss Emily, Sartaln,
Mr. Theodoro B. Search, Mrs. James C.
Stlllwell, Miss Janet Wheeler and Mrs.
William C. Madeira. Mrs. If. II. Furness,
Mr. Horace Wells Sellers, Mr. Percy M.
Chandler, Mrs. L. Webster Fox. Mr. Wil
liam II. Barnes, Mrs. John V. Combs,
Mr. Frank II. Bachman, Miss Mary A.
Dobbins, Mrs. J. S. Holton, Mr. Charles
Grally, Mrs. Louis Jurist, Mr. Wllmot
Grant Telrce, Mr. E. J. McAldor, Mr.
Henry Jarrett, Mr. W. W. Adams, Mrs.
William II. Derbyshire, Mrs. J. W.
Coales, Mr. Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., Mrs.
George II. Stephenson, Mrs. J. Louis Ket
terlinus. Miss Mary A. Buruham, Mr.
Harrison F. Morris, Countess do Santa
Eulalla, Mr. E. Clarence Miller, Mr. H.
E. Passavant, Mr. Samuel D. Lit, Mr.
B. K. Price, Mrs. Langdon Mitchell, Mr.
Harold Rosengarten.
An Important meeting of the Amicus
Girls, a newly organized club, took place
on Sunday at the home of Miss Reba
Zangwlll, 608 Morris street. The results
of tho election were as follows: Miss
Reba Zangwlll, president; Miss Dorothy
Cherry, vice president; MIbs Tlllie Rosen
thal, secretary, and Miss Jean Rosenthal,
treasurer. The next meeting will take
place at 1144 Jackson street.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. A. Stanley Miller, of 3320 North
Broad street, will entertain at dinner to
night In honor of her daughter, Miss
Helen Miller. Covers will be laid for 13
guests. Dancing will follow, for which 75
additional guests havo been Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ralney, of 2621
North 4th street, entertained a number
of friends to celebrate the 3Uh anniver
sary of Mr. Ralney's birth. There were
more than 60 guests present,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reiner, of 2S30
Glrard avenue, spent the week-end In
Atlantic City.
Mrs. George Washington Edmonds, of
1543 North 33d street, will give a theatre
party this afternoon, followed by tea at
the Bellevue-Stratford, for Miss Rae Fox,
Miss Craven and Mrs. Virginia Craven.
Other guests will be Mr, Vernon Knox, of
Washington, D. C.j Mr. John Maler, Mr.
Gorge Caldwell and Mr Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Hatry Spaeth, of 12S1 West
Lehigh aveaue. have gone to Palm Beach
for the remainder of the month.
Mme. Luisa Tctrazzini Will Bo
a Patroness for Wed
nesday's Affair
From far oft Lugano, Switzerland, tho
permanent homo of many musical celebri
ties, a letter from Mme. Lulsa Tctraz
zini, tho famous prima donnn, was re
ceived at St. Rita's Church yesterday, de
claring her Interest In the concert which
Is to be given at the Bellevue-Stratford
Wednesday evening for tho purpose of
lalslng funds for tho Institution.
Several weeks ago Mme. Tctrazzini was
requested by letter to become a patroness
and her reply carried her consent as well
as n check us n donation. War conditions
nre icsponslble for tho great singer re
maining in Europe,
Plans for the concert and ball are com
plete. All tho boxes have been taken by
Philndelphlans. representative of tho high
est social, artistic and professional stand
ings, nnd the demand for scats Is unusual
ly great. Tho list of patronesses Is one
of the longest nnd most distinguished for
a function of this kind In the city.
Many notables will bo prcsont. Including
Victor Herbert, who will como from New
York to bo present at the local debut of
Mine. Lydia Locke, the famous American
soprano whom Oscnr Hamtnersteln "dis
covered" In Paris and who created a scn
satlon at tho London Opera Houso when
sho sang before tho royal family. Mme.
Locko will sing the "mad sccno" from
"Lucia," as well as other llorld numbers.
Socloty Is keenly Intel eatcd In tho ap
pearance of Mrs. William J. Balrd, who Is
a great favorite, as well as Miss Eliza
beth Latta, whoso beautiful voice has won
hor many friends. Tho program Includes
Mrs. Wllllnm H. Greene, who has many
admirers; Mrs. Lelgo, Mr. Balrd, Mr. Grif
fin, Mr. Philip W. Cooke, tho La Favor
Ita Quartet, compo&ed of Miss Robinson,
Miss Rosenkranz, Mr. McNIchol and Mr.
Hntz, Miss Hollenback, pianist, nnd Mr.
Cella, 'cellist. M. Marquarro will bo tho
flutist and Mrs. Mnhon and Mr. William
Thunder accompanists.
Tho third annual banquot of tho Ushers'
Association of tho Twenty-ninth Street
Methodist Episcopal Church, 23th nnd
York streets, wns held nt tho Hotel Rlt
tenhouso on Wednesday evening. Among
the guests present were tho Rev. John
D. C. Hnnna, D. D., tho Rev. Frank S.
RItter. tho Rev. James Hooy, Miss Flor
ence Thompson, Miss Esther James, Miss
Beatrlco Maurer, Miss Vera Thompson,
Miss Lillian Wlldonger, Miss Lottie Mc
Mullen, Miss Elslo Simmons, Miss Mary
Jones, Miss Hazel King, Miss Edna Bar
tie, Miss Benetta James, Miss Helen
Werner, Miss Gertrude Hnrdlng, Miss
Marlon King. Miss Reglna Hicks, Miss
McMullln, Miss Roso Burncll, Miss Clara
Melvern, Miss Shelmaklte, Miss Estella
Warner, Miss Virginia Gillian. Miss Ellz.
abeth Kates, Miss Anna Schllttlcr, Mrs.
Miller, Mrs. Colflesh, Mrs. Mntthows, Mrs.
Kates, Mrs. Springtield, Mrs. Thompson,
Mr. Walter C. Recso, Mr. Charles Shlnn,
Mr. Frank Ewlng, Doctor Maurer, Mr.
Arthur Welnhart, Mr. William Lewln, Mr.
George Thompson, Mr. Charles Talley, Mr.
Earl Bowers, Mr. Harry Knlpe, Mr.
Charles Schwaebe, Mr. Wlnflcld R. Kates,
Mr, E. V.. Brown, Mr. Warren Russell,
Mr. D. Valentine, Mr. Arthur Haines,
Mr. Charles Rels, Mr. William Reynolds,
Mr. Robert McCtillough, Mr. Wllllnm
Stout, Mr. Franklin Vlrdcn, Mr. Edward
Miller, Mr. Walter O. Colflesh, Mr. J.
Grlillth Strlngflcld, Mr. Edward Math
ews, Mr. Theodoro Miller, Mr. Wllllum
House, Mr. William Fcrmler, Mr. Morgan
C. Bull, Mr. J. W. Kates and Mr. Harry
Arrangements havo been completed by
the Library Commltteo of the Hebrew
Literature Society for a muslcale and
dance tomorrow evening at the Audi
torium, 310 Cntlinrlne street. Tho pro
ceeds of tho affair will be devoted to the
replenishing of the Hebrew Literature
Society's Library.
The featuro of tho muslcale will be the
Initial n-jpearance of tho orchestra of the
Hebrew Literature Society which was or
ganized by Dr. Joseph J. Coltune, secre
tary of tho society. Tho Library Com
mittee of the society conalBta of Mr. David
II. Cohen. Mr. A. Share, Mr. M. Katz
and Mr. Leon Savage. Mr. M. Satlnsky
and Dr. Joseph J. Coltune are on the
committee for arranging tho muslcale and
The first muslcale of tho Wissahickon
and Roxboiough Choral Society will be
held at Woodvalc, tho clubhouse of the
American Bridge Company, on Monday,
March 6, and will bo one of tho social
and musical events of the season In this
section. The assisting soloists will be
Mr. Herman Sandby. violoncellist of the
Philadelphia Orchestra; Mr Jacob Gar
ber. violinist, and Mr. Earl Beatty,
pianist. Mr. Clarence V. Nice Is musi
cal director. Tho entertainment will be
in chargo of Mr. Arthur Dietrlck, Mr.
Ellwood Augstadt, Miss Carr, Mrs. Al
cock. Miss Marian Broom, Miss Alice
Falrhurst, Miss Grace M. Oliver, Mr.
George Davis, Mr. William Moore, Miss
Tholey and Miss Hansbury.
The Roxborough Board of Trade has
issued invitations for its annual banquet
on Wednesday night, March IS. Among
the guests who will make addresses wilt
bo Mayor Smith and Honorable Bolea
What's Doing Tonight
Exhibition of Morgan porcslaln collection
opens. Unlverolty o Pennolvaiihi Muuturu.
Ladles' nlcht. Robert MorrU Club, ISO North
JSth treL
Group " Pennsylvania Bankers' AuocUtloo,
annual dinner, utllevue-binuford Hotel. T
PsitMnt. "fJlrU of Othtr Day" Y. V. C.
A., 4100 KUz avenue. 8 o'clock.
t'nttad SpanUh War VatcranV bonqu Hotel
MwV Oral TMchtri AsaocUtloa. baoqutt
KugUr't rMtaurant
Nlnt In BotuniU '' Evening- 6ciwol Unl
rlty or, PcnnultaoLa Haul Waltoa.
Father and eon tuuwuai. Vt't Bouu.ii. I
H CAT o'otock
l-adlea Auxiliary Sou of Vtun4. Hvl
Adllhl 8 0 llo.k.
Dedication of Charles Guatis
Harrison Hall to Be Largely
At the reception given by the officials
of the University Museum this evening At
8:30. on the occasion of tho dedication of
tho Chnrlcs Custla Hnrrlson Hall and tho
opening of the Oriental Art Exhibit, the
social, literary, professional, artlstlo and
business world will bp present. Several
thousand Invitations have been Issued.
.The official receiving party will consts?
of President Eckley B. Coxe. Jr Mm
Chnrles llrlnton Coxe, Miss Carollhs S
Slnklcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Custls liar
rlson, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Nowbold, Ml
nnd Mrs. 11. Franklin Pepper nnd sorJ
other inembern of the board of m.tnagerf
and their wives.
Among the Invited guests nro Mr. an
Mrs. C. Ynrnnll Abbott, Mr. and Mn
Kdwnrd Page Alllnson, Mrs. ElUabef
D. Allemus, Mr. and Mrs. W W Attcr
bury, Mr. Richard L. Austin, Mrs, Richard
Meade llaclie, Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert L.
Bally, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright Balrd,
Mr. and Mrs. It. Loper Balrd, Dr
nnd Mrs. George Falos Baker, Mrs
Thomas Hnlch, Mr. Thomas Willing
Hnlch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sellers Bancroft
Mr. and Mrs Wharton Barker, Judgo and
Mrs. Norrls S. llnrratt. Mr. nnd Mrs,
Gcorgo K Rnrtol. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Bnugh, Mr. nnd Mrs. S McKean Bayard,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bell, Mrs. Edwin N
Benson, Mr. II. Dale Benson, Dr. Clement
Riddle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Craig Riddle. Mr,
and Mrs. Nicholas Riddle, Mrs. Charles C.
tilnncy, .Mr and Mrs. John S. Blorcn, Mr,
Gcorgo Tucker Illsphnm, Mr, nnd Mrs.
ChnrleB F. Bochmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel
Uodlne, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fiancls II. Bohlcn,
Miss Mary C Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
llorle, 3d, Mr. and Mrs. Benuveati Borlo,
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Boyd, Mr. nnd
Mrs. H. Bnrtol Brazier. Mr. and Mrs.
Philip II. Brlcc, Mr. and Mrs. Sharnwoid
Brlnton Mrs. Robert C II. Brock, Mr. nnd
Mrs. John M. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bullitt, Mr.
nnd Mrs. D. S. B. Chow, Mr. and Mrs.
Isnac II. Clothier, Mr. and Mrs. Morris ti.
Clothier. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clothier,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd H. Coates, Mr. Al
fred M. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Converse, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, 3d, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry B. Coxe. Mrs. Alexander
Brlnton Coxe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwnrd
Crozer, Mr. and Mrs. Cyius II. K. Curtis,
Dr. .Tudson Dcland, Mrs. Richard C. Dale.
Judge and Mrs. Morris G. Dallett. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Miles Dny, Dr. nnd Mrs. John
B, Deaver, Dr. Georgo B de Schwolnltz,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob S. Dlsston, Mr. and
Mrs. George Dallas Dixon. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarcnco W. Dolnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F
Drcer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo W, Chtlds
Drexcl, Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry S. Drinker,
the Rev. II. L. Duhrlng, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Dulles, Mr. and Mrs Pierre S.
du Pont, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo H. Earle,
Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Boulton Enrnshaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard M. Elliot, Mr. and.
Mrs. Samuel Emlen, Jr , Mr. and Mrs.
James Elverson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Theo
doro Ettlng. Mr. Lincoln L. Eyro, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Christian C. Feblger, Mr. and
Mrs. E. II. Fltlcr, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Fox. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Fraley, Dr.
and Mrs. Horace Howard Furness, Jr..
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph II. Gazzam. Mr. and
Mrs. II. L. Geyclln, Miss Mary K. Gibson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. E. Gllllnghnm. Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Gilpin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis
I. Gowcn, Mrs. Clement A. Grlscom. Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Fraley Hallowell, Mr.
and Mrs. Gcorgo J. Harding. Mr. and Mrs.
Emlen S. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C
Hnrrison, Mr. nnd Mrs. C C. Harrison,
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George L. Harrison, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Harry W. Harrison, Mr, Stevens
Heckschcr, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Y. Heeb
nor. Mr. .1. Bayard Henry, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Hethcrlngton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
S. Hlnchman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph B.
Hutchinson, Miss Nancy Hutchinson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Story Jenks, Mr. and Mrs.
Alba B. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Justice, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Bayard Kane.
Dr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Keen, Mr. George
deB. Keim, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman
Kuhn, Mr. nnd Mrs. David Landreth,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Large. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur II, Lea, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Tatnall Lea, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Lcldy.
Mr. and Airs. Alfred II. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Bertram LIpplncott, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wannmaker, Dr. and Mrs. Gcorgo T.
Lukcns, Mrs, James McCrea, Mr. and
Mrs. Gcorgo MoFndden, Mr. and Mrs.
John H. McFadden, Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Pratt McKean, Mr. and Mrs. C, Emory
McMlchacl, Mr. and Mrs. Wnyno Mac
Vcagh, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C, Madeira,
Mrs. John Markoo, Dr. and Mrs. Edward
Martin, Judgo and Mrs J.. Willis Martin,
Mr. George Meade, Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Meigs, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Vaughan Merrick,
Dr. and Mrs. C. IC Mills, Mr. and Mrs.
Effingham Morris, Mrs. Wlstar Morris,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Morton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Nollson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
II Nowbold, Mr. and Mrs. David Newhall.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Newlln, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Ileldo Norrls, Mr. and Mrs. Har
lan Page, Mr. S. Davis Page, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry S. Pancoast, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Pardee, Mr. and Mrs. George
Stuart Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Paxson,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Morris Perot. Mr, and
Mrs. William Potter, Mr. and Sirs. Ell
IC Price, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ilea, Mr.
Travcrs B. Reovos, Mies Agnes Reppller.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Brlnton Roberts. Mr, and
Mrs. Edwin Robins, Mr, Joseph G. Rosen
garten, Mr. and Mrs. P. F Rothermel,
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sailer, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
Stotesbury, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sellers,
Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis Scull, Mr,
and Mrs. Marshall Scull, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel R. Shipley, Miss Caroline S,
Slnkler, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Spencer, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Stengel, Mr.
and Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, Mr, and
Mrs. R. E. Strawbrldge, Mr. and Mrs, J
Madison Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. George
Thomson, Mr. Richard Tllghman, Mr.
and Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, Mr, and
Mrs. Harrison Townsend, Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Townsend, Mr. Sidney F. Tyler,
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Van Lennep,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer,
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker, Mr.
and Mrs. Barclay II, Warburton, Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Warden, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam G. Warden. Mr. and Mrs, William
Welsh. MrB. S. Price Watherlll, Mr and
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler, Mr, Charles
Whepler. Mr. and Mrs. J, William White.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Wldener, Mr and
Mrs. J. Morris Wlstar, Mr, and Mrs.
George Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Chu-lton
Practically all members of the faculty
and their wives will be present, as well as
other leading educators of the city and
nearby. A large number of guests from
New York, Wilmington, NorrUtown, West
Chester and other cities In this State and
New Jersey will attend.
A play for the benefit of the Ever Will
ing Circle of the Cooper Methodist Epis
copal Church was given this week fn the
parlors of the church. 63d street tnd
Glrard avenue, by the Thespians of West
Philadelphia. It was a two-act farce, en
titled "Let's All Get Married," and was
much enjoyed by the large audience pres
ent. Tho cast Included Miss Carolyn
Hayes, Miss Jeannette B. Reeves. MUe
Madeline E. Zane, Miss Edith Fries, Mr
Barry E. Thompson, Mr. Edward R. Will
iams, Mr. Jesse H. Wblteley. Mr. George
Seel, Mr. Joseph Seel and Mr. Erwln Lat
tlmer. The play will be repeated nexjt
week. Mr. Walter W. Hagy suprvt8
the production.
Notice for the Society pe will b j
accepted and printed In th KTcnlit 1
Ledger, but all uch notice fuuat b f
nrlttrn on oil tide of the IMP. uut bo
tlcued hi full, MltU full addrc, Juu '
.. ...... n.u.ull.1,. tlv,iliuna uuuibr xaBM.k b s
Beau au aueu wminiuumnMa m
"SocWty Editor." Bwnluit lJaer, CM i
L'nica theta rroulreiat ore carrion
out m that erlfltiaa may ! mMfcl,
the no(lf l mi hi PlttlW"'