"shi ' inwi:.r-wpfl EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1916. n I ONREPARTO AUSTRIACO PRECIPITA ML MUlNTti TOFANAINUNBURRONE 1) Ministro Thomas Dichiara a Une irancin ea in- V Boma t o-hUterra Dominano la Frontc di BattagHa BRIAND AL PANTHEON HOMA, It Febbrnlo. ti Mlnlstrro dclla Oucrra puhbllcava lerl tern II segucntc rnpporto ilcl generalo Cadornii: N'clla zona do) Covcdale, holl'nlta Val i.n'infl marled!' sera II nemlco nprl' un KJinso Moco ill fucllcrla contro lo nostro ISonl U Bcopnrta ncllo vlclnnlize til CMin. za "ro' fnro v,u,mo dnnnl' N'elln vnllc iloll'Adlgo mnrtedl nol ", , .niniccnimo un ilcbolo nttneco contro to " ,,re noslzlonl. Nella zona, clel monto tofana mctcolcdl' sera It nemtco tonto' ill Mlungero l.i soinmltn.' coll un dlscreto nirto ma fu rlcacclato Imllctro ed It repirlo preclplto' In un burrono. nc.iin fmntp dell'Isonzo la l)loRcla e la K, Mi,bia hniino tmpetlito Icrl qunlunque ulone in nruRiiiiiiv- JtHIAND A ROMA. H prcsldcntr del conslsllo frnncese, Arlstldo Hrlnnrt. cho glunsc a Ttoma Icrl, hit avuto c contlnun ml nvrre nccoRllcnzo nluslnsllclic. inn enormo 1011a pen dente lo nccompnuno' Icrl ilalla stnzlono m Termini nl CJriind Hotel, o tiltta la cltta' era docoratn con Imndlcre francesl d Itallntio c ilcH nltrl nllcall. Dapper tutto lo'C pnssavnno le nutoinoblll clic Borlavnno I mlnlstrl frnnccsl si grldava Vlvn Hrlnml! Viva la Prnncln! DavnntI alia stnzlono repartl ill fantcrla . flj nrtlsllerla icndcvano nil onori mill tarl c nclla snla nttciulcvnno I mlnlstrl francwl H prcsldcnto del CoiisIkIIo, on. Salandra. II mlnlstro Honnlno cd altrl membrl ilfl Roverno. Ilrinml al rcco' s'ublto a fnr vlslta alia rcBlna Klena, nlla reglna MarRlicrlta cd nl ituoa ill (tcnova o deposo comae Hiille toinlie . Vlttorlo Km-' manuele e ill re LTinbcrto, DICIIIARA'.IONO DI THOMAS II minis"'0 trance-no dcllo Munlzionl, Al berto Tliomns, parlando nl glornnll.Htl, fecclerl lo MBtientl dlchlurazlonk "Questa e' una guorrn, ill rainc c dl azoto, placebo' e' xopratutto una gara dl anal, i" munlzionl e dl cblmlca. La nola Francis ba 7r0,000 operal ImploRatl a fabbrlcarc munlzionl cd arm! c la quantlta' di arnil J dl munlzionl oho nol nbblamo ora sulla frontc sorpassa quclla delta Cermanla "La nostra supcrlorlta' vara, schlaccl ante non nppena l'liiBbilterra potra' pro. durre II clopplo dclla quantlta' dl munlzionl rrodotta da nol. Ola' ora nol dominlamo II nemlco c continuercmo a ilnminarlo lino a ehc non nl avra" ja pace. Nol con tlnueremo .1 produrro una lmmcnsa quan tlta' di munlzionl lino n cbo dura la guerra." , I P1J1MI COLLOQUII. Questa niattlnu Hrinnd o Thomas con ferirono a Iiiiiro con l'nn. Kalandrn, con I'on. Sonnlno c con II mlnlstro della ?r Guerra generalo Zupclll. In qucste con- ferenzo si uiscusscrn nmsuoni cconomicnc, dl polltlca ostcra cd opcrnzlonl mllltari. Ad un pranzo offertoBll Icrl sera alia Consulta. Hriand pronunclo' un dlscorso nel quale dlchiaro' dl aver plena tlducia chealla line kII allcatl avranno la vittorla. Sonnlno pnrlo' ilando 11 benvenuto nl mln lstrl franecsi e rlcordando die la tradl tlonale atnlclzla del popoll Italann o fran ccse era Mntu ora ccmcutata dalla Rucrra cosl' the lo duo nazlonl sorelle formano 11 blocco cbe Rtilda la lotta per la Uberta' t per la glustlzla. Oesi e doniaul I mlnlstrl franecsi sn renno osnltl al Musoo norRbcse cd a I'a lino Ilnisi.'hl, nll'Ambasclata frnnccus ii al Cainpldogllo, o domnnl sera parti ranno alia volta dl Udlno per confcrlre col re gencrale Cadorna. Intanto rII clcmcntl radlcnll bamio rt crcso la campaRna jiercbo' l'ltalla dlcbl arl la guerra alia Oermanla It McssaR wro instate ku questa neccsslta' dl mettcr lino ad una sltuazlono cqulvoca, e l'Idea Xazlonale rIuiir.-' alia stessa concluslone. II Glornalo d'ltalla Inveco si mostra plu' tlsenato e dice cbo dalla vihlta dl Hriand el avaranno importantl rlsultatl. oella Sera lutorvlsto' Hriand prima cbo I esli partlsso alia volta di ltoma. II pres ' Uente del Conslglio franceso dlsse: J "111 reco a ltoma con la iilu' irrande Ilducla. Sono ccrto die cuadaRnoro' dal YOBtri uomlni dl Stato, cbo bannn dato . till siilendldo iirovo ill Intelllcenzn o dl I'1 nareezza. II plu' forto appogelo per stabll- in ira mi aueaii una ptu' sirctta e plu' WILL IRWIN TO INVESTIGATE USE OFWARNEEDLE WORK Writer la Commissioned to Report to Mrs. fJeorge Horace Lorimer ii".' ,r?',2' mRnlne writer, wbo sailed ill'LT h f,.r Europe, hns been commls if LbK Mrs' aeor"v J'""" Irlmer. X hp alitor of the Saturday Kvc ninR rost, to find out what use Is belns iw , lh? suPPllcs shipped to unr suf L7i V.c,llbs' SCW"B circles nnd other organizations of this country. Jlr. Irwin will visit the hospitals of brntlaml and France nnd will conduct a thorough Investigation nlotm the lines suggested by Mrs. Larimer. Itrcentlv members of sewlns circles In Philadelphia who have tolled without complaint to mnko useful little things for war suf- lercrs, were Riven a shock when they were Informed how some of tho articles were being ucd. I'or lnetntice, It was learned that the largo socks of eiderdown that arc Intended to cover tho bandaged feet of wounded soldier nrc tincd to clean izuns nnd polish camp utensils. It Is part of Mr. Irwin's mission to find out whether or not these reports have been exaggerated. It Is expected that bo will send a report to Mrs. Lorimer in a few weeks. L.nst summer Mrs. Lorimer joined one of the suburban sewing circles nnd she beenmo an enthusiastic worker for the cause of the war sufferers. She is much disturbed by tho reports which lmvo reached this country from nbrond and she determined to Investigate, thorn. HAZLETON MAN'S RADIO SIGNAL HEARD ON BOAT WHILE FAR OUT AT SEA Small Wireless Apparatus of New Type Sends Message About 400 Miles Across Hills and Water AERIAL INSIDE HOME POT PIE PASTRY PLEASES MAN, 79; POPS PROPOSAL;WILL WED WIDOW, 56 "Yum, Yum," Says Bridegroom4o-Be, as He Smacks His Lips Reminiscently Plans Honeymoon to Strawberry Mansion COLLEGE CONCERT AT WAYNE Hnvcrford Cnp nnd Bells Club to Be Guests of Social Organization Tho Cap nnd Hells Club of Hnvcrford College-will give a concert tonight nt the Satnrdny Club, Wayne, under the nus plces of the Junior section of the club. Dancing will follow the concert, the pa trons for which will bo Havcrford Col lego nlumnl who live nt Wayne and St. Davids. The patrons and patronesses Include Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis .lnnuctto Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. ItHtlne, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles a. Tntnnll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles H. Howson, Mr. and Mri. A. O. 11. Spiers, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. II. C. Spiers, Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Trout, Mr. and Mrs. Norris A. Scott, of Moylnn. and .Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Itoover, of Wayne. HKtCTOH ) J "v ta'G4 i V j no e tat GVLgZZZfiJf-"" Im-SHIP The savory potples made by Mrs. Anna It, Klsonstcln, a comely widow of S8, 20S2 North 6th street, brought a proposal of marriage from a boarder at her homo Samuel Hochhelmer, 79 years old, a re tired manufacturer of musical Instru ments. Mrs. Klscnsteln knew that ttnrlibrlm- er's Judgment of rooking could not be nt fault, as ho hnd experimented with tho pastry products of two former wives, so she ncccpted him on tho spot. They' will be married In a few days by Itabbl Klein. Hochhelmer hnd been n bonrdor at the widow's home only n month when ho asked her to marry him. Ho "popped" the question after finishing one of her potples. "Yum, yum, such potples," snld Hoch helmer today, smacking his lips reminis cently. "I never met such a flno cook; everything she makes Is of tho best. I know wo nro going to bo very happy together. We are going to have potples three times n week after we are mar ried." Hochholmer's first wif0 cl led five years ngo, nnd his second, two years ago. May 1 1 inst, Hochholmer i;ot a license to marry Augusta I.ehrlleld, 6.1 years old. 20T.S Krnnklln street. Hut a few days later Mrs. Lchrfleld reconsidered nnd refused to marry Hochhelmer. "I felt sorry then, but t nm glad now, for 1 have found tho best cook In tho world," be snld. "Arc wo going to take n wedding trip? Yes, we will go out to Strawberry Man sion; that will bo far enough to go. These long honeymoons nro nil right for young folks, but wo are old now, and nil wo want Is a hnppy little home. Wo nre going to hne one of those delicious potples on our wedding day." Mrs. Klsenstcln has been married once, her first husbnnd dying about thrco years ngo. She has three sons! ono lives In Denver, another In Pittsburgh nnd the third In Olnoy. Hochhelmer was born In Switzerland and catno to this country In 1832. For many years ho was engaged In tho manufacture of musical Instruments In Wilmington, Del. Hochhelmer takes pride In tho boast that he Is not a hyphenated American. "I became an American citizen In 1R62," ho said, "and t think that the United States Is the best country In the world. I made my money hero nnd I am pre pared to stick to the country of my adoption tor all time." gunmerfflfflfe MEN'S Sffi SHOES CJ r "V? 1312 Chestnut St fcrrcrtX 1232 Market St Market St. Shop Open Evening FinalClean- Up Shoe Sale For Men In Both Stores Another Cat in Prices $4.50 to $6.50 Shoes, In nddltlon to tho nbovo re ductions this lot includes nit tho odds nnd ends of $0 shoes; 2 to 4 pairs of a style; 375 pairs fancy top JG.G0 nnd $7 shoes. $6.50, $7 & $8 Shoes, By such makers ns Johnson & Murphy, Banister, Forbusb Shoo Co., etc. Oood run of sizes. Also 450 pairs fancy top shoes; 4 styles In which sizes are complete. These sold for J7 nnd J8. $3-90 $4.90 f H. 11 Ers x 1' jy v vWX SPECIALS J 5 Pumps $3.95 STOHH OI'KNS HlHO A. M. CI.OSKS fiiao 1 M. MAir, a piio.Ms onnnits filled ANNUAL "LADIES' NIGHT" M Central Gcrmantown Business Men Hold Affair at Hotel Maj'estic The sixth nnmtnl "Ladles' Night" of the Central Oermnntown Avenue Uuslncss Association, held last night In the salon do luxe of tho Hotel Majestic, was at tended by COO men nnd women guests, who enjoyed tho banquet, the cabaret per formance and tho dance. In the cabaret, vocal sotos were glvc-i Miss Nclllo Gnllagucr, 311ms Mao Uleasoii nnd Miss A. K. McCruddcn; a piano solo by Miss Madeline Kgnn; n lecltatlon bv Miss Klslo Shoyer, and a vocal solo by Dr. Clcorgo B. Graves. William J. Nash, president of tho association, acted at presiding genius nt the banquet; John C. Klauder was chalrmnn of tho Dnnco Com mittee, nnd Joseph T. Brown, chairman of the gcnernl entertainment committee. SCHOOL TO HOLD DANCE Young Women Hope to Procure Funds for Fellowship Alumnae and students of the Phila delphia School of Design for Women will give n dance tonight nt the school. Broad and Master streets, to procure money for a fellowship In the school, to be awarded to ono of tho deserving students. Tho dnnco will be held in tho hall which was once used bv Forrest, thn actor, for an art gallery. Tho alumnae officers who will receive tonight will bo The wireless call "C. Q." traveled nil tho way from Hnzlctou, Pn.. through the coal regions, down over the Delaware Illver to the Atlantic nnd thenco lo the steamship City of Kvcrctt, 100 miles south of the Diamond Shoals lightship on the night of January 17. Diamond Shoals Is 10 miles off Capo Hntlcrus. Heavy sens were raging, and S. Towner, the wireless operator, was keeping n sharp ear. Ho heard the call from Hnzlcton, 40O miles away, and tho name of the sender, Leon G. Maue. As It was a dark nnd cheerless night, he welcomed the greeting, and sent Maue tho following letter, which he received recently: "S. S. City of Kverett. "January 17, 1916. "Mr. Leon CJ. Mnue, "Hazlcton, Pa. "Denr Sir Perhaps It may Interest you to know that I heard you call C. Q. at 10:40 p. m. January 17. Your signals came In loud. Tho ship's position at 'that timo was 100 miles south of Diamond Shoals lightship. Very truly, "S. TOWNER (operator). "Home address, I0SG Vyso avenue, New York city." The message was flashed from a small sending apparatus, which Is erected along different lines from any other now In use. It Is smnll in size, but, ns proved by tho letter, has exceptional carrying power. The aerial is inside the home and con sists of three wires. It Is IS feet in length. Tho sending apparatus consists of a one-eighth kilowatt transformer, with nn oscillation transformer of Mauo's own make. The receiving apparatus consists of a nill7.cn transformer of the rotary type nnd n Ferron detector. Mnue takes a great interest In wireless telegraphy. Ho built a machine in l!Ki, which ho presented to tho Hnzleton Y. M. C. A., nnd Instructed n largo number of Boy Scouts In Its use. He nlso Installed Miss Clara Virginia nichardson. Miss I n wireless In the Hnzleton township High Harriot Sartaln, Mrs. C, Miss Sarah J. Harvey. B. Varnum nnd 'tfruttuoga cnllnbornzioiie.' f, otLUT SITE EUR KAMI ft KXPKKIMENT STATION 1 MacFarlnnd Farm, at Monroeville, Has Good Train Service , MONROKVILLE, N. J. Feb. 11. Balem County farmers nro Jubilant over jlhe selection of tho MacFnrland.farm here m M the Statc'B South Jersey agricultural Mperlment station. Strong inliucnces were made to hnVe the H "" iuaied nt Finley, near Urldseton, :. Of at the PfltrlKb fr,,m .,., !... H i,. u.ce?ter County as well as Sulem. will K ifn ' & ,ne P'adne of tho farm at fJ!.Loe..vllle' a3 u w"l ho easily accessible m i ,i?atroUMty- Thero are 12 trains n day W .. ."f'dseton branch of the West Jer- ni. -. Se88nore Railroad. Glaesboro is K tlttM mlle3 awny- with an exccIlent -..u ii c.uii irtun service. Attends, Church After Stabbing Mrs. Stella Grey, n negro woman, stabbed her husband six times with a potato knife, according to tho police, and then leaving Grey at SStli and Market streets, where ho had fainted from loss of blood, she calmly attended funeral services of a friend in tho AVhito Itock Church, 45th nnd Aspen streets. Grey was removed to tho Presbyterian Hospital. Mrs. Grey was arrested and held in $1000 ball by Magistrate Stevenson. Traveling- Drug Men Dine Tonight The Executive Committee of tho Travel ling Men's Auxiliary of tho Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association will dine to night nt the Hotel Hanover. School nnd in the Boy Scouts' headquar ters at Freeland, Pa. The success of the Indoor aerial, which wan in the nature of an experiment, will lead, many believe, to further valuable discoveries In tho wireless Held. Mayor to Be Old Guard's Guest Veteran's of the Civil nnd Spanish American wars, men who were with the Allies In their assnult on Pekin and thoso who saw "Old Glory"' raised nt Vera Cruz will gather tonight In the Hotel Adclphln to tnlk over old times. Tho occasion will bo a reception their organi zation, the Old Guard, City of Philadel phia, will tender Mayor Smith. Tho pro gram will be mostly of a social nature and but ono speech will bo delivered. The speaker will be Captain Frank McFcely, U. S, A., and ho Is expected to touch on the subject of preparedness. I PAWXimOKEM HOLDS THIEF UNTIL THE POLICE AltUIVE Points Pistol at Suspect While He Calls for Aid niii 'Ke polnt ot a revolver for more AkSJ' minutes last night. Nathan trains, a niiurnhmb.i. .ai.i n ,... i. fKCKtd Pf atea"nB a gold watch and i.rJi1.? wished to pawn, In his pawnshop ti iH " alul Vino streets. When arrest "Vine man admitted t, n,,r. ...i mm I Tulfn T2! 7.wiuim !;. -":? n" chain, vninci . . 4 wi.. rtniiA i " " -v iiuiii iiia-tuuiu- Rdi Vrwnard JIwer. Magistrate Beaton na Haves in icnn iu i ., ..L, . TV. w,i in (iiu infill cuuiv. "ft Dflurnhln- . i ... . . 'tad rfi.i V icviiKiiiiea ino waicn k polk ni01. desc,'Ptlon sent out on ,-llh . " neiayea uarsaimng .i", ""VM until the man became sua. tlclout and ran for the door. Abrams - n qovered him with tha revolver. Money Loaned on Diamonds N. & S. FRIDENBERG Lowest RateM in'the City BinkH,'?1? Klctrle Protection. ana Trust Company neferences. 37 NORTH UTHST, Q-pi. "''I'1""' t'lllwrt Hit. 8TH & BUTTONWOOD STS. Tckphane Poplar ISST, tiaui(hea W) Years. DANCING :&J!!y'.i,AM!J,i??..,. tffflnhln .Tr .L Miiiei4 -ivuvui i g'PWa, MUh tho mot modern nuthod. HwgLS AND COLLEGES YjATfER'S to ( Uunclioo. SEMIANNUAL GEUJING'S 15th CLEARANCE Shoes for Men Formerly $4.25 to $5.50. All Sizes in the lot, Every shoe of Geuting's own regular stock, nationally famous brands, stamped with the trade mark of the maker. Buy now. $4.90 for $7 and $8 Shoes $5.90 for Finest $8 and $9 Models Clean-Up of Full Dress PUMPS, $9.90 Patent and Dull. Formerly ?4 and $5.50. Now 1230 Market Shoes and Stocking for the family. -7 d 1i M SVYJL- (fronouncid ovtino) iThe Stores of Famous Jhoe-s. U ' 19 So. 11th A- quick Service Men' Shop. Spt'fe of the Big Reductions Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising Men's $5 t'108 Silk Shirts L Pure silk, with self satin nnd colored stripes, including two-tone colorings. Soft cuffs attached. Sizes 14 to 17 years. 50c Silk Neckwear, 25c Lit Brothers FIRST FLOOR. 7TII ST. HATS TRIM MUD FREE OF CHARGE Lit 1 it9tl2f,I ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Women's 75c Gloves 50cl Two-clasp chamoisctte, white-with-black backs. in white, and Women's $1.50 Kid $ 1 . OC Gloves Lit llrothtra -rtnsT Ki.oon. south Announcing One of the Most Sensational Shoe Events Ever Held in Philadelphia Special purchase from the Smith-Briscoe Shoe Co., of Lynchburg, Ya., of I - '' tO $3,49 An Entire Retail Stock of Men's Shoes Actual $5, $6, $7 & $8 Values, now They were consigned by the manufacturer to one of Philadelphia's most exclusive men's footwear shops, located at lJflCi and 11,18 South Penn Square. (A condition of the sale is that we cannot mention this firm's name in our ad vertisement, but every pair bears the retailer's name.) Sale bepins promptly at 8:30 A. M tomorrow, with an unrestricted choice of this excellent, high-Erode stock of Celebrated "Biltrite" and "Steadfast" Brands. Rcnowne From Coast to Coast IIIrIi hIiocs In patent coltskln, patent unlf.skln, Rtin-mi'tiil anil French calfskin, tan Russia calf, black klilskln and Renu- lno kangaroo and shell Cordovan. Latest Sprlnf; models am Included, strictly custom made. Complete size and style assortments. Klncr shoes than these are not made, and never before have they been offered at such n sensationally low price as :i.l!. Sec Special Display of These Shoes in One of Our Market St. Windows. h'.i-nrni ttiinilrpil T'nlrs Krom Our Own Fine Stock of ! Women's $4.50 to $6 Shoes it9 45 ; 1 Go on sale now at one extra low price J r " ' N'mv n,l f.-ishlniialile models In patent coltskln ami Kiazeu Kiusitin m broize nnd blue. ,aec or button styles, Willi loaincr j.ouis ami ium I.ouis covered heels. All sizes in widths A to D In lot. Hoys' $2.50 Service Shoes at $1.98 Tan and black calfskin, patent coltskln. Sizes 9 to G,&. Shoes for Misses, Children and Boys Misses' $2 to $2.25 Shoes Sizes I1: to 2 nt JU.-I5 I Sizes RM to 11 at SI.21I 1'atout c iltskin, dull calfskin and tan Russia calf. Button styles. Misses' & Children's $2.50 to $IJ Shoes Sizes S',i to 11. SI.". Sizes 11 i.i to S, 1.7.". Patent coltskln, dull lalfskin and tan Russia calf. Regular and hlch cut. 1M llrolhcn -FIIIST I'l.OOIl. NOtlTII IF YOU KNEW THE WHOLESALE PRICES ON SUCH Men's Suits, Overcoats and Trousers ;; As Are Offered in This Great Manufacturers' Sale You would better realize what sensational values these really are. There is hardly any difference in the wholesale prices quoted, today and those at which this clothing is marked. In cluded in the sale are Suits at $8.50, $10 & H2.75 Shown in a wide variety of patterns and colors in fancy cassimcres and cheviots; also plain blue serRC and clays. Styles are the very latest. Overcoats, $8.50, $10 & $15 Made of kersey, chinchilla, cheviot, plaids, etc., in staple- or double breasted Chesterfields, Balmaroons nnd storm ulsters. Quartered lined with satin and satin sleeve linings. $4 Georgette Crepe I ?Q CC Waists &"OD A Daint Style Like Sketch Men's Trousers, $2, $2.50 & $2.98 Popular narrow models. Made of fancy worsteds in neat patterns. Many Hundred Garments in the Clearance of BOYS' CLOTHING $8.50 Two-Pant Suits, Reefers & Overcoats, $4.98 Norfolk Suits of fancy cheviots, checks, cassimeres, etc. Reefers of chinchilla. Mackinaws and Overcoats of fancy mixtures. Sizes 2Ms to 18 years. $6.50 Suits & Polo Coats, $3.98 Norfolk suits in fancy cheviots, checks, plaids and mixtures. Also brown or blue serges in middy. Billy Boy and Tommy Tucker styles. Polo coats of blue, pray or brown chinchilla, fancy mixtures, cheviots and cassimeres. Sizes 2V6 to 17 years. K d d 0 o ( 1 4 ii I W i i V I a h h or w h 1 1 o j a 1 pretty mod- ' el with Iny- down collar. Ions sleeves, fine pin i plaits a n d I a e e Inser- . tlon. F I n shed with tie of seir-ma- i. t n I (i i 1 a o o -trimmed. fcsh V - ?"vin ' j i-j i''jmTr J y'i i -v ww- ' w-w tWW 54 Satin $0 QQ Waists. ; 'VO Of n.u LIT imOTHKIti?, :d Floor, 7th St. 0 i-- Saturday We Will Present an Unusually Tempting Display of I New Spring Attire for Misses & Women 1 Stylish, youthful models that reveal in their smart lines, gay trimmings and bright colors the modes that will rule this spring. beautiful quality satin In flesh, o. peach and rose, with Robes- niciro collar, lone sleeves, nrettllv sn,' eked shoulders and larue pearl buttons. J.U Brothers SECOND FLOOH imwuuvmtitMuwwvvwmti $4Readytol $J9 Wear Hats I U In every new shape and color Chic - tailored midels of flno Milan hemp, smartly trimmed with ribbon, quills, ornnmentB, etc. Splendid opportunity for the woman in search of a stylish hat. Lit Brothers FIHST FLOOIl, KOJITK ivtvvwuuwvuvuvivvwuvwtui Subway Shoe Specials Women's $2.50 ) $ For Misses $14.98 Suits, $10 Smart little models designed with the new ripple coats. Made of very fine serge or novelty suitings, in navy blue, black or appropriate spring shades; peau de cygne lining. Little women can also be fitted. 1 to $4 Shoes Gun-metal calf, patent coltskin, suede and tan Russia calf; button, Blucher and lace styles. All sizes in lot. Misses' and Children's $1.50 to $2 Shoes at Patent coltskin, gun-metal calf and kidskin. and Blucher. Sizes G to 2 in lot. 98c Button $20 SUITS-, ; 14.98 line oncii-iiru III navy blue, black, brown or green medium-weight serge and diagonal suitings. Several attractive styles with full-flaring short-length coats, novelty revers and fancy collars, lined through out with yarn-dyed peau do cygne. $20 TOP COATS. ?9.75 A clearance Involving about two hundred and fifty smart styles. More than fifty models frm which to select. Made of zibellnes. Kerseys, mixtures and corduroys; many lined throughout; some aro trimmed with contrasting material or fur. For Women $27.50 Suits, $1 A yg Many fine models; all with short, full-flaring coats, many new Ideas In belting, and collars are featured. Amiiig the materials are black-and-white checks, shepherd plaids, gabardines, pop lins and serge. In navy blue, black ana light spring shades. The End of the Second IFeek of the February Furniture Sale Finds varieties and values just as great and compelling us on the Opening Day. Despite the tremendous selling of the past ten days, thu greatest we have experienced In any sale, you will not find a break In tho assortments anywhere in this Vast Floor of Welt-Made, Good-Looking Home Furniture Prices, If anything, are even more attractive, for many of our best values have only just arrived. S3 Purchases Can Be Paid for on Our Liberal Club Plan : LIT DUOTIIKKS : Lit Brothers SECOND FIOKJR IN OUU 11IO HBSTAV WANT WEST OF EVERYTHING AT LOWEST V UlCES FJETU VLQOIt SS I4T UHOTUEHS V&.-OV bsuuiit o(rb, u