-giv ' w T-'kfflU iKJyi ' mtfMS1 "?K- COUNTY MEDICAL TO BUILD Society Plana Pcrmnnent ?1,000,000 Homo in City A permanent $1,000,000 homo for Ihe Philadelphia County Medical Society will be built In the central part of the city In Ihe near future, according to plans Just announced by omccra of tho society. Al though the exact site of tho building has not been decided upon, steps havo been taken toward the formation of a company to Issuo either stock or bonds among the members of tho society to tho nmount of $2.10.000. The remainder of the cost of the build. In wll be met by n llrst mortgage of 750,000. Already live members of the so ciety havo offered to contribute $5009 ttplcco. An advisory board, Including leading business men, has been elected. It Includes Hodman Wniinmnkcr, John Gribbel, Charles C. Cox, Judge Lnmoil relle, Thomas K. Mitten nnd Alba H. John son. The committee In charge of lite proj ect includes C. A. U. COdman, William Dullleld Itoblnson, ,?. V. Kchambcrg, It. TV. Cattctl. t.evl J. Hammond, Joseph Salter, I. V Strattmnttcr nnd J. M. An ders. The society has met for many years nt the College of l'hj Melons. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER Thla STYLE TYi'H (or Ilka thla) One time ttto issrtlns Three, times on week Sir times one week . . .12l4epr Una .10o per Una Situations Wanted, three tlmea one week 10 cents per ngato lino per Inaertlon. Place your order for three or more times and it will be in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rale for HrrxtNO Lr.nnrn and rosuo I.EIwrn combined la 11) centa per agate line, with tint exreptlou nf Help Wanted anil Situation Wnnled. which Is J.1 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted In nil classifications ex rept Help ami Sltuatlona Wnnteil, Lost nnd Found, Personals, Hoarding nnd Rooms, mid HVE CENTS PUR AGATE LINE TO ANV 1F AUOVH HATES. There is a drup; store near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllec rates. the evening ledger main'tals'sh ntriet censorship nf nit ndvcrtlslng to lis columns, llecnuse of tliN Inng-stnndlng policy, tho public Ins lenrnril to plnco tho samo cotiil rienco In Ha advertising na tho news. Thla la particularly tru" or tho Wnnt Ada. Tho Ledger Intends tn safeguard tho Interests nf Its readers, ho they enn respond to box num ber ailvcrll.-crs with a tccllng of fullest eeurltv. If nt any time you liao evidence that a business proposition, offer nf employment, etc., made through tho Ledger la not legiti mate, or la or n doubtful character, call It to our nttentlon at once. A thorough nnd Immediate Investigation will be made. Plense help tho Evening Ledger In Its efforts to holp rou. LOST AND FOUND I'or Other Lost nnd round AiN See I'nge I POODLn-Whlto French poodle, with un marked -ellow inllar. fiat on .Vnrih Itroad at. yeaterdny morning. HUH Fine at. Reward. WATCH Lndy's sliver wilst watch: monogram A. II. II.. lost Tuesday. Reward. 10 S. 22d. PERSONALS NOTICB Is hereby given that I have thla dav retlreil from fi nnd 10 cent buslneaa at 'J:I7 South st., I'hlladelnlila. All debts will he settled by mo nt I'hllndelplila Chum Com pany, OH S. 2d at. I'resent claims at once. S. II. WAX, lilt S. ?d si.. , lito of ' South st. I WILL NOT III: RnspONSIIlLi: for nny debts after Saturday- February 1'-'. HUH, un less contracted by mvsclf. v. rniY. rt H. .Id st.. l-MMdclphl.! 'NOT RESPONSinLK for nny debts unless con tracted mself. IMu-ln F Myers. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, doublo entry, competent. wanted: atato experience, salary ami give reference. V liSil. Ledger Ofllce. BOOKKEEPER, experienced: sternly employ ment: bring references. Call 11 a. m., 0 N. Bth at. BOOKKEEPER, D. E., Quick, active, good pen. man: stnto vvngea. exp.. ref A .CII. Ix-il. Off. BOOKKEEPER-Thor. exp.: nulck. good pen man: atate n:e and aal. exp. ll M. Led. Cent. CHAMUERWORIC nnd wnltlng, experienced" with references. Phone Oermantown 3UHU. CIUuDNURSE. young Protestant girl, to a. alat light housework, .'hone Locust .'l.'l.'l. CLOTH WEAVERS wnnted. Apply John & James Dobson. Inc.. Illanket Mills, Scott's lane. Falls of HchnvlkUl. OIRLS wanted. 10 to 17 yenrs old. no experi ence necessary. Apply .'Id floor, Roxford Knitting Co., Randolph and Jefferson sts. OIRL wutited to onerute multlgrnph; salary to Urt. Sb v.er week. Apply A 4.i. ledger Off. HOSIERY Knlttera. toppers and loopers on clean whlto work, steady, well paying. ApplxSd floor, DIM Wuketleld st.,Germantowii. HOSIElt Experienced knitters and toppers: steady work, good pay; also learners, paid while learning. VAX N. Ijwrence. HOUSEWORK While girl In small family: Oerinanton n. See Miss Reed, Public Ledger, or write H ai.t. Ledger office. MOTHER'S HELPER nnd assist with children ana uiher light duties. Southern girl pre ferred. glOt Wayne ave. ,cl ermantown. NURSE, competent, to lake charge, of twin babies 4 months old. H 210. Irfdger Offlce. 8U1T and coat balea'lady for Atlantic city do- Sirtment store, Thoroughly experienced sales dy. who deatres to widen her tleld and to show her ability, can secure a steady position wlm every opportunity of advancement. WtiWi answering state age, experience, salary wamea and name references. All applications treated strictly confidential. A 400. Led. Off. TELEPHONE operator, experienced, wanted for branch exchange, must havo tiling ex perience: state age, experience and salary itemed. Address 1' Ut.l. ledger Office. WOMAN, settled, for good home in country, family 3 adults; must be plain cook and gen erally UMful:: no chamberwork. Meet em ployer on Friday and Saturday mornings at fj.30 o'clock, OH Chestnut at,. Room -Co. PETEYlt Was Real 18 wjtff&r f Hazel's cot) ( To ceT strohg vtTv0") fllEI? U,Vo KaTiTfW "M So glad A J HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN, reliable, for housework Ami rooking in country; must dp good nrenn unser. eier man preferred. A 41.1, ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER, working, Intelligent Prnt. woman; must be good cook nnd have ref,, goodwoges. Phono ChesLJlltl 072 bet. 0 7. YOUNO OMAN wanted, reliable, to net ns enmnnnlon nnd cnahler nnd mnko hcieolf gen rrntiy useful In n smnll refined rnmlly In suburbs. O 7aS, Ledger Central. HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY HUHEAU la now located at WASHINGTON HUll.DtNO COS Chestnut at,. Adjoining Ledger tlulldlng. Kulto 20 second lloor. Elevntor service. NOW 18 TIM! TI.Mi: for vnung Indies seek Ing commercial positions tn consult Mlaa Dean nt Ledger Central, Hrnad nml Cheat nut ata. A special service la rendered to stenographers, hook keepers and CLERKS through tho Commercial Depart ment to t.i:il(li:it ADVERTISERS, am! n f:rcnt number nf tadlrs have been benefited . iy thla eery lee. , . . (lenernl GOVERNMENT iKiRltlnni open to women, Tn month. Write immeillntely for free Hat. Franklin lnat.. Drpt. 71.1 M, Rochester, N. V. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT HOOK KEEPER S.llarv $11. state B; andcjlporlonco. A .T27, Ledger JJfTlre. llDY-tlespcclable. well edueilerl boy, with prnctlenl nffli,. experience. Robinson ,Ve i ruw furd. 124 N. llilh at. . HOY uiiritcil for genernl offlie. Artdresa In own hniidivrltlng. giving nge nnd full particulars. L' 'iHIL- i.iKer juriie. llfiV. HI lo tM, wnnted In stock broker's office, fend own handwriting, slitting "go. refer ences. A 110. Lrdgir Orfln'. HUTI.ER nnd liousimnn. colored. Apply HIT Erie live., rrlilny, II tn I) p, lit. Reference reiitHred (.LOTH WCAVIIRH wnnted, Abnly John & .Limes Dobson, liu . Ill inket MllU. Scott's lane. Fulls nf Scliuvlklll coNSTitrrTtriN sri'i:itiNTi:Nit:,NT, nrst class, nn n iltv Idghuiiy nperntliitilti e.iRtcrn I'ennn., who la nls. familiar with uiinrry work; npplli.iut will stale nitf, , experience, whither innrrlcd nr single, and glvo niime nr last employer and wage expected. II li. ..'iwit i .'iniiii Ui:sl(INi:U vviinled-Sniing mull cnpnblenf de signing hlgh-claja Jovvefiy. I l-s. U'dger )fllce. . DltAfdllTSMAN. rxnertcnied In designing of small eleilrlcal motors nnd generators, ru mlllar with metric system, for fnetnrv In .lersev. Applv In mii littuln riling, slntlng nge. niitliin.illty. xiierlime mid sitlary cx peited, utnler "Slntiir," 1'. " Ho' . IMnln- llehl, N. J. FARM lim.l' vvnnli-d; highest referenio from m Inst 1'inplover. II lit). Ledger flfllce. I'lltST-Ct.AKS LATtli:, hnrlrnntnl boring mill and fhurkliig iiuthlne hind". Ainerlinn l.n- glncerjjigl"n L Ar.inilngn avr. S- Oimberlaiul FRONT Ot.CRK In senshori' lintel, slain nge, experience, snlniy desired hihI refirences. Apply The Chnllimte, Atl.inllc ("In .V J. IIIOH-CLAKS SA1.1:SMI:n minted In handle standard devlie; uulik seller. Ilnx A I.I. U'dger Ofllce. i7.ll()lti:itS vvanlK.I nt whiting work. Mnvcr nml Last lluntlngilnn sts. LAYOFT MAN ljirg" Phlladilpbla prlnllng plant, lin ing entnlmtw. biiiklet and genrtiil high gnule wink, teiiulrrs n mini whose duties will be m in-npornte with the pales force. Plinnlig tli nrt work. Ivpngmphli-il ar rangement, stmk mid I'cilor schemes, and who la ininlllleil In follow up the work In nn efililenl m inner uftcr It Is i.iscd on to the mnnufnciiirlng departments. I'lvo delnlls as to experience nnd iinnlltlrif tlnna. Replies will lo treated cnnllden- 'Address A 422, Public Ledger. LEAIJIU'RNI'.RS wnnted. ilrst-iliss men only nn chemical plants: lu dav. !i hours. d-dre-- lllxliv A Marshall. 1 O. Ilox nil, Ral timore, Md JlAt'llLNlSTS-lllgli-grade. day work good jvngja. nut nfjown. A It,". Ledger OIIRe. MAN AND WIFKwhlte. lo do entire work nf house. mut be excellent innk: references re inilred. Phone overbrnok 2I7i. illl Wood bine ave. MAN to take I'haige of shoddy card nnd Har nett miublnes John -v: .lamis Dobson, Inc. Illanket Mllls.Snitt's liun'.Falls nf Schuvlklll. MOLDERS wanted: stendv work: guol wngca. The Raldt Steel I'n., New I'astle. DeL IJKFU'i: MANAOER Man. '-'I to till, with exetutlve experience, preferably In advertl"ing work: must be cul tured, level-headed nml rcMiureiful, salary SU'00 or mnre, ncenrillng to qualifications. Address PHIL'. Ledger llftlce. PAt'KEIt Wnnteil, active vnung man lis packrr In wholeMile shoe house, rerereme le itulreil: state age. A His. Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE OI'FR'i: In Ucrmimiown wants joung man, HI or 17 years old. per manent position; both inside ami nutslde work: snlary according to ability. Apply in a. ln only. ."721 tlerinantown jive SALESMAN wanted lo lepresillt us In eastern New York and New l.ngl Hid selling our high-grade lubricating greases an I nils tn fnitorles. mills, tte. . preti retice given tn Party with good knowledge of machinery nnd its lubrluitlon: good opening for man who can produce results, state age nnd other lualihcatlnns fullv. Department (1. Cataract Rcllnlng anil MunufuLturlng Co., Iluffaln, N Y. SALESMAN Experienced specialty salesman tn blltlil linil take care ni ir.iue in giiaran. tied ilty territory. Applv. stating what jou have sold. A U l.edgir Oflke. SECRETARY for fnctory management, must be aggressive vnung mun nit under 2A, Her man, good tilucatlon: reliable and quick worker, preferably experienced In secretarial work, state nge. experience and Valary ex peeled under ".-'ecretnry." M iSlO, ledger Office. bOLIClTORS vvantetl for membership cam paign In Wen Philadelphia. Appl In per son to (1. Dalby Emtuge, N. E. corner .T-'d .mil Chealnut. h't'KNOURAPHER. exp. and rapid, accurate at tlgurea. able to assist In gen. office work tn manufacturing burlness. opportunity: stale education, experience, reference and salarv. Ilox Hit. Norrlstown. Pa. STENOGRAPHER nnd bookkeeier for seashore hotel: state age, experience, salary desired and references. Apply lladdon Hall, Atlantic Clty.N. J. STENOORAPI1ER. male or female: reply In own handwriting, giving age. experience and both dictation and typewriting speeds. 1 DOS, ta-dger Office STENOOP.APHKR, experienced, rapid and ac curate; gooil ut tninimHltiun, stnte full par- tlcularB; J1.".H 47, Ledger Central. w'aNTED Young man. not over I veara, who has had practical experlenco tn bindery or pressroom and who has done a little clerical work In irlntlng establishment and who wants tn work Ids vva up through office rather than shop: salarv to start, 112 to Jl.'i a week, according to experience, u future for the right man. Addless P HOT. ledger Office. W.NTED A joung clerk, male or" female, reply In own handwriting, giving age, ex perience, nblllt), with figures, and If possess stenographic abtllyy. P IM:i. Ledger Office. WANTUI Experienced draftsman, familiar with heavy inachne tool design. Apply Standard Cast Iron Plpo and Foundry Com pany. lirlstol, Pa. WANTED Man for trust company, not over ,1.t years, with experlenco tn title work and con eyanclng. AppljM II27, ledger Office. WANTEHMeclianlcal draftsmen; those fa miliar with powtr plant design nnd layout tICC.C.. . '-"'i iiw" u,""i YOUNQ MAN. about IT years of ugo, In office of uptown factory, muatbe good penman, quick and accurate at figures und well rec ommended. Address L 1801, Ledger Ilranch Office. 71h and Oxford. VOtlNQ MAN for offtco work; must be honest, intel. and willing to hustle, and not under lit; good chance for advancement for bright young man, 7 per week to start. A 417, Led. Off Amusing Up Till the Last Picture, Eh, Pete? EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY HELP WANTED MALE YOt'Nfl MAN for offlr work; must be honest, well educated nnd willing to work hard; ex eel, cp. ; $fl per wk. to stnrt.A 41(1, Led. Off. VOI'Nfl MAN for confectionery "and roda par lor; no phone or correspondence 10 Pcott st . Riverside. N. J. (lenernl nrMNEpq sEitVtci: t:oMiMNY 1101 LAND TITLE HFILDINO COHT ACCOFNTS (21, t.".(10 to StVX) HOOK KEEPERS .nnd Cl.EltKS. $1.". tn 2.V STENtHIRAPIIERF. pevirnl ripenings for be ginners. Jin tn MS. ROI.LINfl MILL MAN. designing, etc., Maori. MHIKMAN, Interior wondwnrk, $2.1 to $10. SALESMEN, offtco furniture, nil several good openings for vnung mechanical graduates; $?." month. DRArmiTSMEN, severnl. $20 lo 2", S 1 ll C t A I, A If TO MO nit. i; Instruction given dav nnd night by expert mechanics nt the oldest and original Auto Schnol. Repairing In all Us brandies. Tim ing, Wiring nnd (0 Road lx-ssons at a very small cost. . nit NORTH nilOAIJ BT F. l'F.T?l (IIO-NORTH ItltOAI) STHEET-R1I Robertson's old Original Auto School. Tenches von how lo repnlr nnd how tn drive nulns. (Vll-NoriTII IlltOMl STREET Oil SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CIIAMHKHWoltK (light) nnd sewing; good seamstress, refined, capable woman, reter ene. It 212, Lnlgi r ofnee CLERK -Capable beginner, good penman: will lng, dependable M "R- l.edgercenlinl. CLERK Hill (Endervvood typewriter), flle.grli era I office experienced. (1 tiMjLeil, Cjentrsl. CLERK. Ivplsl. experienced, deslns position In northeast section: rrrs. II ' Ledger tent COMPTO.METEIt, operutor. clerk, iisst. bkpr.; .yenrs' experience (J .",M, ledger Ontrnl COMI'ANHiN to elderlv ladv nr malinger nf gentleman a lintuclinld. exp. Eng. Prnl. -S West Lngan si., (tin Photic (till. n J. COOK (leriiinn Prntesl.int wnmati wishes posi tion: rerirences. 2s(n n. warnncK si. COOK, ehanihermabl mid waitress: mother nml daiighler: Kttg Prol. II 2tw. I.edgerOfllenl COOKINO -Flrst-clnss cnlnted girl: good refer ence; no wash. Il)2.'i Dlckltmn st T)EM(INSTRATOR-HAI.ESWO.MAN - llrllned oung ladv.nxp. In sties work. (J LLed.Cent. OOVERNESS Educated North (tec,: excellent rela.. city nr suburbs II 211. Ledger Ofllce. TlorSEWORK- Reliable tnl, Klrl wishes pos. housework nr laundress. Call 2K0 Retlner. TlfiFSF.WOHK (geti'D-Eng., 1'rnt : nn wnh ; stmillfain . stilntrhs. reL 11.211:1, Ledger Off. MLI.E. LFC1E IIERTIIE, 1117 Walnut, cleslrp ihnnt work prl. pupils, 1 onvi rsatlonal meth. NI'ltSE, trained, hospital fxpcrlence, desires polllon. un sickness or Invalid, lensonable. A 'I2.-I, Ledger OrHce. NI'RSERY'OOVEHNESS nr mnthrr's helper: lef : rp. Swiss wnmnti. II 2HI. Lidgertlff. STENOtlRAPIlEH Exptrt. .". .vears' exprrl rme. fanilllar with electrical and terhnbal work: rapid, nccurale. II I.V. la-dger'en STFNddRAPriF.R-Aiubltlnus. nent. acctirateT willing, trv me. II is, iMgcr Cenlinl. STENOORAPIIER-lllgll Schnnl, 2 yenrs'" ex perlence. rapid tplst. (t 7.i7, Ledger Cent. STENOORa'PIIEII - High" School graduate. some exp. nent.jiecllrilte (J spi. Led. Cent. TI'TORINO Lunguages, Eng. branches. Inr elgiers: Ijtrickward pupils, snl Weightman Hg. MISS DEAN nt Ledger Central has listed the qualification nf young ladles experienced In nil kinds nf office detail work, ami has had speclil tmlnlug In selecting the "right per son lor me riglll jinsiiinii. .xt-quaim 11,-1 with ynur needs either bv persnnal tall nr telephone Walnut nr Main ::non and pn sntial iiltrntlnu will be given ntnmptlv. This 1 a free service tn LF.n iER ADVER TISERS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOFNTA.ST Income tax reports prepared for Individuals nnd corporations. Suite i nrpn-nllnn reports made. (J 2IS, ledger Centtal. ACCOUNTANT, fnrmerlv In ch.uge or offices for plnmllient enrp., des. innnecllon: reas, sal.:plcase linestlgalnjlils. II 140. Led. Cent. AFDITINCr-llltl AND LF'TI.E." M 212,J,ED(!ER OFFICE. HOOKKEEPER-ACCOIN'I'ANT High " Hehnol gindiiate. i-cnlor Wharton Schncl. I enrs experience, prefer an nicnuntanta nfflce. tl sii. ledger Central HOOKKEEPER" - Cnpable nf taking entir.) charge: familiar with exist eslems and pav rnlls. gnnd correspondent: will stnrt Mb. now employ eil. II1."I, Ledger Centinl. HI'TLER OR VALET. English: excellent ref erence. Applv II IDS, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR. 12 earH'"exierlence: 2'j eHra In last place: dn own tepalrs. nil hlgh-grniln cars, best reference. Phnne (termnntnwn 1711 W. nr wj-lte 11.W II. Chellen nve.,(iltii CIIAUFUKUR. eight vears' exper.: best lef.. with private families, willing nnd obliging; knows town nndinuntr. II Uil, Led. Cent. CHAUFFlU'll-llOUSE.MAN. willing to make himself generally use ful. wants steady cm nlovment: city or country. A 41H. Led. Off. I'lll'MlKT'M ASSISTANT-Ynunn man: ; vrs." Cent. nloht High Seliool exp. II till. Led. CREDIT MAN Experienced man, holding good position. delres to better himself: best refer ence. II I.,-, l-e'iiner c-vinmi. ELECTRICIAN, good mei hanlc. mints slcadv emn.. small salary to start. A 411. la-d. Off. OARDENER Head gardener wishes pilvnte place; understands vegetrldes, gieenl-ouse", reglhtcred stock, etc., manlcd: A-t ref.: Ilte tlme exp'Tlence. Hoxr,tii;. Ardnloie. I'll. (iAHliF.NElt. married, position care llnwers. fiult. vegetables. poultr ; all llvo stock, would tako charge tst-clasH farm. Hox tiJ.ltadnnr.Pn, IJENTLE.MAN desires clerical work: whole or part time, terms moderate. O I..", Ledger Central. MAN AND Wli'i-. desire positions nil cnutitry place, caretakers nr general, best nf refs.; nn children. Ilix (It, JVnllvii la . MECHANICAL engineer, silcMiian nr traveling executive, niaihlmo still nlate eoustruet'n, nnv ter.: minimum S',000. II 1 1:1, Led. Cent. PRIVATE SECRKVAHV-STHNOliR API! EH--Ambltiuus vnung man. 21-, single, experi enced in general nfllce work, cnmpelent. rupid, with Initiative nml ixeeullvi' nbllltv, nnvv emplojed, ileslrex make ihange where ruture advaiicenient is ussured nn-l ability and Jovnltv aiprecdateik A 21a, la'ilger Off. PRIVATE SECRETARY-OFFICE M N.OER Executive asst., gnuluute In scientific nnd business courses, prof. acct. and bkpr.. 20 vrs' exp.: best ref. (I li.'.l. la dgerCeiitral. SALESMAN. 211 sears nf age. leinpcrnte habits, r liable and tactful, desires tn connect with established house. O li.'il. Ledger Central SALESMAN. 10 vears exp., successful rccorilT ejccellentieftJ gondjpres. A4U.I. I.ed. (Iff STENOORAPHER Young man. 21, exp.: gone j,plstj salary MB. (1 '.MS. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, 22, exp. good cor., desires pos. with advancement. II 21.'!, ledger Cent. YOUNO MAN wants position any kind: expe rlenced in cost, pavroll nnd timekeeping on construction work, some snles and englneer lngexperlence. II 112. Ia'dger Central. YOUNO MAN. 2il years old. would like to get into practical iiuvcruvniK wciriv: is .11 presenc stuilenc ill nu utivtruuinK xenuoi. tl 1.-.7, Ledger Central. HAVE YOU TOSITION TO FILL' Active joung man. college education, quick nt figures, new methods, good salesman, mechanically and electrically Inclined, de sires position of trust und responsibility: salary secondary; no insurance, bank or real estate. A .120. Ledger Office. SITUATION WTD. I seek permanent position with reliable Arm. 24 years old. engineering and commercial ed ucation, exemplary references as lo character and abllltv; will furnish bond or moderate In vestment if required; competent within range of private secretary to safety engineer; loca tion no object; will travel an where, living wage expected. H ,'.1, Ledger Central. I AM AN OLD WOOLEN MILLS SUPER INTENDENT Now enjoying life ns a commercial traveler. If you have anthlng nu would like to offer to the textile trade, I would be pleased to do It for you on a commission basis. Address JI Gos. ledger Offlce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANT POSITIONS -Trained Infant nurse, lloll frmduate; wanted, cooks, chambermaids nnd imisework girls; all kinds of first-class help wnnted. Miss Rose Dougherty, tlin W. J,lriird ne. COOK nnd'rhambermald. Scotch Protestants! sisters, wish situations together; city or country, no washing. Bit 8. Inih St. Phone Spruce Slot. MRS KANE, nil S inih st "wnnts nrst-elnss servants for flrst-clnss families; roferences for character nnd Ability required. Phono Spruce .1101. MIPS" MARY T MeCAIlTIIY. 2107 Christian (lAie. t.Til), supplies wants lst-class Prot., Calh. male nnd fcmnlo help, nil nationalities. MRS. MINZI.AFF. 11)10 Christian, st. (Dickin son ,11.x), wnnts n first class butler and Oer man cook, vvllh references. NH'IIOLI.S, man tlalnbrldge st, Competent help, nil nationalities. I'lione laicust 3I.-.0. AUT0M0DILE3 For Sale USED CARS WHY voir should nuv from us now HECAt.'SE von ore Insured n variety from which to choose IIECAL'HI! you will not be hurried In mak ing n choke, ns you would tie when the spring season opens. IIEOAESE vou can SAVE MONEY. ni the Prices nre much lower nt this time than nny other senson of tho yenr. HECAtrSH bv buying now you can. If you so desire, havo tho car repainted to .vour taste, give plenty of time for n good Job and havo It ready when spring opens. IttlCAUHE buyers nf new enrs place their nrders nheitd fnr spring dcllverv in nvnld disappointment. So, why shouldn t Jou? AND WHEN YOU DO lltrV A CSED CAR llt'Y IT FROM US HECAt'MI! poll nre protected from misrep resentation. .... HECAFSU our nnino Insures honest, fair dealing. AND YOF OET vonn M O N ll Y'S WORT II CADILLAC AETOMOnlLE SALES CORPORATION 1 12 N. nroad street. REAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS nelenrd "S. Limousine . .Jfi.'.n . .inn . .'I'd . inn . 270 . inn . 2.',n . 7.". . inn . "SO . tr.n . inn . n.ii . 2.",n , nn Hillck 12. Stanley Steamer ...11 Hudson It. Overland 1-. Hrlsioo IS. It. C. II II. Hulck in tent J ctcarns-Lnlght H. Flandern 12. .Maxwell J". Hupp, ".12" II. HuiNntl 11. Hub k UlVlssel' 'bo'd'y')'. J . Saxon In Met.'. I'l. . 'louring . . Touring . . Roadster . , . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring .. . Touring . . . Roadster . . Rondster . . Touring . . . Jtoadstcr . . . Touring . . . Roadster . . . Roadster . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . Touring . . . . Rarer . . . Town Cars . . r,7. . 2."(l . MS . 7r.11 . inn , isn . ISO , nn . 4011 Plerc e-Arrow 11. Krlt '. Elmnre 12. Studebikcr la. Maxwell OS. 2 Fords II. JtUIC.lt liuit. Any number of second' hand Fords, S100 up. MAIN LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT, PA. LIMOUSINES SUITARI.E FOR FUNERAL WORK OR HACKING LOCOMOH1LES Kill 1011 C,.S" LIMOUSINE M100 ' ll-lS" LIMOUSINE and llgh's with starter 1300 11)12 1011 1911 "0.-49" LIMOUSINE 13S0 "C-'IS" LIMOUSINE 2"'0 0-IS" LIMOUSINE and Touring.. 3."00 OTHER MAKES 1010 CADILLAC Limousine S30O 1IU2 PACKARD "0-IS" Limousine and louring 1014 LO'.IER Limousine and Touring. 1.100 1600 THE LOCOM0111LE CO. OF AMERICA 2311-22 Market st., Thlla. H A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. Locust 150. Race 3300. WE HAVE 17 OF TIIH FINEST SMALL AUTOMOniI.ES thai can le seen In Philadelphia. Each car nverhiulcd. painted and sold with a reasonable guarantee. Hacked by a icsiuitii'.ble concern. It will pay you to Invest Igute. .. ., MAIN LINE SERVICE CO.. Itosemont. Fa. 1NVESTIC.ATE Till :SE PRICE SAVINC.S USED C A R S Taken In p.llt exchange for COLE , ORAM' Also DimnnsirntliiB Cars, Mlgniiv Lseu. illg values fm Utile, money thoroughly overhauled nnd each ear satisfaction guaranteed. Huy now and save money. L. S. ROWERS CO.. 2IS-247 North Hrnnd street. DlSTRIHl'TEHS. . COLE GRANT HUDSON RUNAHOUT NEW HENDERSON 4-CYL CYCLE HUICK TOURINO CAR HRISCOE TOURINO MOO MOTOR- 200 ::no 400 METZ. l.Alli ll"-'. t it's IT WILL PAY vou 1x1 i.-x vr.cliej.-i-u. MAIN LINE SFRVICE CO. ROSBMONT. PA. J,", DOWN AND tl A WEi:K Without lent estalo security, will puichase a new Ford car Any other moke of pleas ure or delivery on same plan, ltepresentn tlve will cnll. or vou can tall upon us. Co-oi tratlvo Automoldlo Association, Inc., 5 nnd 7 N.21st st.Spntce 4'lll FOR SALE Packard :io, 7-passenger touring car. $325 euih. Apply In person, will dem onstrate. 0 n wlIKUI,,:r, Lincaster pike. Ilevon, Pa. AITOMOHILI2S Overland louring car. elorlrli- lights and starter, excellent condition; owner must sell; 12."i. A 42 J.edgerOf;c e. iTaDILL''. 8-cllnder touring, as good as Soil E IIY ''SCHW ARTZ. 2SI N. Rroad it. MARMON, I012-ln tlrst-class condition: Jmt overhauled and repainted, n. J. JIOWLEY, 210 N. Hroad st, MERCER ,1-passenger touring car, self-starter, electric lights, tires like new. L" q3tyL21UN.Hroadst. PAIOE. 101S. (Wll overslie tires, driven 4000 irlles, will sell reabonable. Phone Locust VJ02 J ANY PART TO UU1LD OR REPAIR A CAR. UCHOI1ER. a.Hl-15 MARKET. bEN FOtFREEULLBTIN CORSON AUTO EXCHANOE. 238 N. BROAD 1311 VEI.IB: FlRST-CHSS'cbNDlTION 822NORTH IIROAD ST. CHEVROLET AOENCY Ken-'a new garage, 1.110 Utrard ave. Storage, S up. AUTOMOBILES Wnnted STOP, IX)OK AND t.lSTEN' New garage opened; enrs bought, sold and exrhanged: accessories, new and old; courte ous BSafstanls, expert mechanism. COME SIHJ.US. , , tl. Phlla. Auto Paris Co., ml S Hrond st.. Phils WANTED-OLD At'TOS FOR FARTS. R21-2.-I NORTH 11111 ST WANTE'D-OLD AFTOS FOtt Jf.VK. S-lt N. .ID ST PtfONFi PARK IBI. AUTO LIVERY AND GAHAGES "INDEPENDENT TAXICAIl'CO. 10.11 N. WlLLINdTON ST. LIMOUSINES. TAXICAI1 AND TOFRINO CARS TO HIRE, M.r.n PER IIOFII AND UF roj'. Iim-IWII'AIIK .". NEVER CLOSED T(5 HtltE (open day and ntr, lit) I Irani new r pass, touring ear. with robes. S1.2 , bo r, nlso brand-new 7-p.iss. limousine. M.cjJ) hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1(117 w . . OERMANTOWN OAJ1AOE. iH2." (termintown ave.. lias rnnm to store more cars, ears to hlrn: M.."iO up per hour Pbnne ftth. l.li AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMflHILE REPAIRS Tlie best equipped shop In W. Phlla. ne straighten frnmes nnd nxles. make parts, Har den and grind. Rebuild, overhaul nnd repair all makes. Prices fair Agenev for Master Carburetors and Morhanlcnl sinners. IllflOINS HltfvrllHHS. 4212 chestnut. ? SPEEDOMETER TROURLEH J Hco HILLY, nt his new location. HIO NORTH HROAD ST. rjYLINDEItfl REHOHED, new piston" and rings furnished, weldings nnd hrajlng. 'L.n. Undervvooil fc Co . In'.T. Hamilton St., Phlln, AUTO SUPPLJjES "REAR1N09, , ' New Departure Serv len Sta. V.''nn"' 1.114 Arch st.I'ho'ies Wnlnnt iltn7. Raca 3002. AUTO TIRES "- pui.l.ma'n TIRES Ouarnnleed tnnn miles. Compire prlies. illllxt'M ntu v Itrniitl st. FIRESTONE DEMOUNTAIILU. RIMS for Ford cars. ia per sei, insiaiirn. 1 'inn,--, - 222H N. itroad st. Phone Diamond I l-i. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE MISSINfl LINK I am tho link between the manu facturer and the Investor. I,et ran organize and nsslst vou In financing your company. Address Promo.cr. At .153, Ledger Central. SMALL CORPORATION, raled high bv Dun's nnd Hrndslrect's. want ls nisi nddltlnnal working capital. Will deal with principals only. Ad dress, confidential, M 012, Ledger Central. WRITE ME CONSUl.TLSd PROMOTER AND I'INA.NI'll.R ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALLY M Hill. LEIX1ER CENTRAL COtXNIAI. HOTEL Tim beautiful suburban lintel, nn, sieepini. i,iin.-,. 1.,,. ........... ...... dining rooms. 21 Kiths, steam heat, .acres nf liautlful lawn, li.'lu at Media Mjitlnii nnd convenient tn irollevs to Phlla nnd Chester, this would make ll desirable bK.llinn fnr h siinltnrlum or school: prlcu right and liberal tonus, llenj. T. Levis, Media, Pa. PATENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIOE. 714 Walnut it.. Phlln.. mechcnliul and electrical engi neer: icglstrrcd patent nttniney; established liere .10 sears, Invrutluns developed, patents, trademarks, eopyrlghts serin cd and liti gated anywhere, rclei ted applications prose cilted: prellmlnaty advlto free ivie wvl.l CONTENTS AND LEASE OF THE MOST EXOUISITKLY CIIIl.lr.lll.i; .V.NIJ m.i.i.c 1 .a i.v ic 1 .ii.. 1 ";- ...,,, o A PA HTML. NT UCllMli ii. NORTH IIHOVK ST.. Ill ItciciiiM. 1. ilvimp, PYS AHOUTMIKO Yt;.RLY. P 017. LED tlllR OFFICE. CANDY, cigars, bread, milk nnd Ic-o crcani store for s.ile, have ice cream iind eandv mchv ; will sell all or separate. N. W.,Jnr Slh and Porter sts. Phone Dickinson Sgio. WANTED, one or two mtlvo business men with n capital of .M.-..(Ho In tin 0I1 -established nnd growing bushus. Full particulars "'vX!1Jlll"iL"i'",-"-nJliiLl'l!!l?: (IAKA11E Onod loentinn; doing business: has room for S."i cars; will sell cheap tn quick buver: owner lias oilier business. Call at 20 is ituige nve I'Alll.M'O VV.A.Nil.l' ncllvo nr -llent. to Invest f 111,11(10. real estato holding co. monevsccured. l. 111. Id. Off. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. I'ntrnt Altornevs. Washington, I. C. Write for descriptive booklet. TOOL ROOM nnd furnished roomed house, nil combined, for silo, cheap, 1215 South at. FIcfUHE"THEATRE. J2S();" terms; earns S7S upward weekly, trial; booming location; no cpmpetlton; Invcstigule. Harrist, 201 N.llroad. SS A MONTH secures Interest in growing orch nrd, will bo producing befotu paid for. Harry Darlington, 1420 Chestnut st HOTEL. "oep.rn Cl'ty. N. J., located nenr the bench: llrst class following. I-or particulars address P 021. Ledger Oftlie. EXCELLENT opportunity fnr gnnd dentist in growing Ponnsvlvnnti tnwn. (VWO iopul.itlon. Address M Ii07. Ledger Ofllce. HI'SINESS MAN. nctlve. S1S0O for half Interest In rstiihllshcd business; must stand Invest Iga tlnn: nn agents. A 22(1, Ledger Office. DO ynu need capital for your business? Write pni titulars A 22.1, ledger Ofllce FAINT manufacturing plant anil business for sale. Smyth. 3010 Market st.. Philadelphia. Pa, Wnnted RUSINKSS MAN will Invest $10,01,0 with serv Icea In estab. 1 rofltnblo business, slato lino of business. R ril'.l. I.cdgrr Ofllce. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENINO LATEST STYLE rin.i,.i)iii:ss suits CLOTHES DKI.IV. & CALLED FOR FREE CALL OR l'HONE POPLAR 2J5 'IXD r OPEN EVENINGS LEl'uNER'S. 10TH & OIRARD AV.. S.W.COR. ' FULL DRESS SUI1S Cutnwajs. Tuxedos nnd Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUI1AUEH, THE TAILOR, HI N. Oth St. Hell phone. Walnut 2(!t8. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent vvnv. Uvebrows nrched. MISS SMITH. 4112 Keith Theatre. Wdg. Miss Hoppe, hnlrdresser. fnelal massage.mnn leur'g Jorm. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith DIAMONDS HOUOIIT IlatiU reference Appraisement, 1 II AllltY W. SMI T I L 7 1 7 S A N SOMST. CLAIMS of any discrtiitlon collected on per centage nnvwhere We cet nur money for ou. AMCOSK AOENCY. irjil Arch St. BLDING MATERIALS REPAIRS SUCCESSFUL HU1LDERS for 21 years Wa beeomo successful by giving satisfaction. Don't do auv building or alteration work until you have our jirhes Will bo pleased to glvo esllmute We nro 1 arpenters and general construction people We do Jobbing of every kind on short notice. Wo also huy nnd i-ell real estate and busi ness properties of cverv kind throughout the State, secure tenants, collect rents and care (or estates ns vou would have It done. Write or nhono for price. . THE l'HNN REAL ESTATE AND I1U1LDINO CO., 21IVI North lUth at. Roth phones. BiLDING MATERIALS REPAIRS LET "A PRACTICAL HRICKLAYEK give you an estimate on utir bricklaying, rough east ing and brick pointing Duffy, 1222 Falr inuunt ave. Phone Poplar 3S5T. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES FINE breeding cockerels Ilarred Plymouth Hock, Wnndotte, Light Ilrahma. Leghorns, Ancona. Mlnorcas. Rhode Island Reds, from the finest strains obtainable. Call and see our Immense stock, E.C.Vahle. 31U Market it. 11 - lOlOy DBESSMAKINO AND MILLINERY xiAvt- viiilR OWN CLOTHES while learning. 307 Henekla 1 Hldg.. IHh 'd MfkM sll "nriTTrtt SCHOOL OF DRERSMAKINOt DAILY AND EVENING, SESSIONS. n" OlRARj) AT. jrVLJ9!l: ,:drTr!HTl.A?ts:13v:nFdsT?',s,4: ' PICTOR IAL Rl'vf EW PATTERNS nnfrsM KKR. I'renili de'lres engagements: FOR SALE titl.t t vtti) POOL, combination second-hand; 1.011'Jiit sold rented, exchanged: repairing; Ju !!' Lafe Keaf-er. American manutac turcr. .120 (llrard ave. . HILLMRD. porkrl, s'Ul1,,?'"??'! NFron? supplies clark-llerd Mfiii.rjaLrxurrone. cakii HFOtSTEHS. new nnd factory rebuilt. New loin I nclciers ns low ns 10 on easy CO., 7:t0 Chestnut Bt. DESKS tiling cnblnels, sites, trtephons booths JY?u!uTS MTHa' tluTVOOO. iiflsKS, largo assortment, aln hoiiseholcj I fur. ni 1 11 r? lulling Central Second-hand Furnl- ti'irf Compan?, jm-jw-U Ca1lowhlllst: ,,i.i'vivii noWN WORTH 7."i: WtLLINO 'TOuMttFI('EN,,MAKE O.FFF.IL PHONE IIEFOHE 12 A. M, HAIIIMI 1IIS, , PIANOLA. Mefrnstyle. do-note, mall : guar. perreOjV rolls music. OI2 Woodland nve. SMES- Fireproof: closing out slightly used, nil "sires makes; big bargains. 2111 N Foiirtli. 12-1 f,n -VtcTROLA VI nnd 0 10-ln. D. F. rec ord t gunianteed to be In perfect condition! nn excellent nntnt rnr nne wlio Is looking for a good machine, nt 11 reasonable prlto; M r-ents vveeklv iicecpted, call or xvrltn for com plete dcscrlpllona and largo Illustrated catn- "'imPPF.'H UITOWN STORES Corner 0th nnd Thompson Bts. LAHOE HDISON TALKINO MACHINE, with cabinet nnd SO records; rinlshea In be.uitirm quartered oik: cost new SI: enn bo pnld . renin wcrklv: an ex'cellcnt bnrgaln; In good condition: wrllo for complcto list of bargains nnd special trill offer. ,.,. HIIPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner (jth and Thompson sta. CO CENTS WEEKLY RUYS A yiCTROLA Cill nr write fnr particulars. HIIPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner flth and Thompson Bts. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd chenper than steam or hot water, cure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. fl N. ,1Sth st.. Phlln INSTIIUCTION STENOORAPHY and bookkeeping bv Individual Instruction, course icqulres nnlv few weeks; pos. guar. 701 LncustfWnshlngton Square). YOUNO rSENTLF.MAN wishes to give French lessons, especially reading nnd conversation. A .112. Ledger Office. LAUNDRIES FAMILY-ivusiTTricTc. 11 bag; nil washes return ed in le-s tli m 24 hours. North Phlla. Iimn Wash Laundry. .1011 N. 11th. Ph. Tioga R2S7. MACHINERYAND TOOLS THE FORMULA fiir YOCOM" ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining machine bearings has never been changed for si) -vears, becauso there can be nothing better. IRON nnd 11RASS FOUNDHYS, 14." North Second. JAMES YOCOM fc SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dvnamos. motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumns, nlr compressors. UHANK TCiOMEY. Inc . 12T N. 3d si. ""SUPPLIES O FEVERY DESCRIPTION FOR TEXTILE INUFSTR1ES CHARLES HON!) COMPANY, S20 Arch St. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold and rented: nrmalures repaired. Main 01, Market .'tuns. Yonrslov Co.. 224 N. 3d st. 2, C 0. S HORSE" CrAS" "ENOINES 10. IS, 20. 2a horse A. C. motors, dynamos. NUTTALL, 174S N. Sth st HOLT CUTTERS 1 -Inch nnd 2-inch Acmo doublo head, with dieB for pipe: excellent con- dlllniKSEYFERTS. 437 N. .'1.1 St. OAS. OASOLINE AND OIL ENOINES CAB AND OIL ENCINE CO.. 43 N. 7TH ST. PIPIr Second hand, all sl7es. Phlla. Second Hand Pipe Supply Co . 1003 N. 7lli at. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 531-VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 se lections (12 10-ln D V. records): this lnstru ent 1ms a double Bprlng nnd nil the latest features. Including tho new concert sound box. und is an excellent machine in overy way: can lie paid 'or at the rato of 7S cents woeMv; call or write for eomplclo descriptions unci large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Cth and Thompson sts. VICTROLAS No Needles to Change. Write or call for full particulars of tho now addition lo this wonderful Instrument, tho Victor Victrola IlEPPFS UPTOWN STORES Corner otli und Thompson sts, 5S.-CHICKERIN(1 UPRIOHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. S.1S N. KTH. RECORDS, ROLLS. EXCHO.. RC. UP noi'OHT (1127 MARKET. : soi,u, OLD GOLD OLD OOLD. sliver, platinum, plated waro, old stvle tewelrv. teeth plates bought for cash. EBt.U.7n. J. L. Clark. rcnncr.S07Sansom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, fnlso teeth. . Phlln. Smelting d Ref. Co.. 12S S 11th st. CASH paid for diamonds, precious stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable Re llntng Co ,JHh amlWalnutsts. OLD (JOLD-Cash paid for old cold, silver, antique clocks: will mil Hell phone, Locust 1210. ROnERS. 27 S 171b st. PRINTING SOCIETY engraving, wedding Invitations and visiting cards, embossing and printing. Card Shop, loot ciie-unut Bt. Openevenings :J7oo PF.R IOOO-LF.TTERHHADS, high grade white Hand: samples on leuiiest. Heck Print ing Co.. :il.i N. .Marshall. I'll Market l'-'7. STORAGE McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE, ITI8 N, 11th st.: moving, packing, shinning, auto vans. Uoth phones. Let us estimate. WEST" PHILA."" MONARCH STORAGtfco. WEST PHILA. Auto packing and shipping. WEST PII1LA. 3-170 IVNCASTER AVE. FIHI.PROOF.'Molhproof Concrete WarehousB, N Phlla. Storage Co . LWCt lajhlgh. Tlo. 72SO. Planoj and Furnltura nought and Sold, CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT rACKlNO. MOVING. SHIPPINQ Rugs. Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell, Locust 1000 Phones Key.. Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STOItAOK WAREHOUSE - Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carcet cleaning, I'h. Raring 752 for eailmateJdarket and 37th. STORAGE In seiMrato rooms: moving, packing. shipping and carpet cleaning. Levin Hroi.. 201s Ridge ave. Poplar G02I. WANTED ANTIOLR Ft'RNtTI'm. (..- .... -d beds, broken Jewelry, gold Mlte,u,ii'W(il . bought. 7.1.x Wnlnut: Fnlnnt 702" K.te0!"" HK1IIEST PRICES PAID ion 1 kr... ' OR MEN'S LM.()TltlNrllAt)IEff . WRITH OR PHONE l-.JPI.AR 2,19 . COOPIMI. 1010 IhJrtig AsL CAST-OFF .or.oTiti.vn -Vn buy vour old clothing 1 nd JI ,.. other dealers for clothing hats lv"bre tal .1'JJli:.-.W CnllovvhllT'st sJ'nd8 Vos'f.f1 CAST-OFF CLOTIIINO Vo Poslilcl -M more for gentlemen's clo?hinli',rM fcnd.posta . wo call day 01 ? ev i .?? Mifi all day or n ,1,.' '"(l: 1 T pi man urn, ill, cn..,.. r. " ...-.i -v,r .' l I.OIIliail nigh lirlr- i -i evening conns gentlemen's rlothini ,,l"? orpji . Jljct.jono sellgsohn'sth 1 n,i ."SIM CAST-OFF CLOTHfNri-Jii.i.-.rw.r '-"ii ladles' nnd men's cloth ng'i,",lr,1iJJ',l'lf pbonoroiAlar 3WI. IHacRer isil) fef " CART-OFF CLOTItiNO' boughr.. S: Frrl;Tou,eV,rugh7rKr!'V,W owge. Rernsteln. 13M lilllS HIOHEST riliclfS FATtTFORxIr,-. old gold, sliver. Patlnum false !...'i.0N,)'. r.-i2ntjckets. 1.100 Filbert st. T,i n7J.h:. 3 CAST-OFF CI.OTl HI faV'Halnidyi3 VitiMiWSS HainbnTO ROOMS FOR RENT RROAD. N 8S.V-2 well-fu7nlslrv.i2ii niejo:nnu,econd floor: board nniian. " pn- rrrr.r r-rrr1 - j.--"" . ""n.u niuional. iiiiuvv.-v, anin ( tinrurn. rooms "a ni.. -xnte bntli. lieaLhot water M', IV,"! MltfltlM t-ruxtvi. " na - -- ' ' ce-,iiii nvni rn Intuit riS CHESTNUT. EOlrl-Deslraiile seeona.Z:.!!-Pi nmlhnthjwjthn11 ronven'S?. tar'l 5ii U1.X.A111.X11J, liuii-uno n cely furnished ...."7 fronteomni cheap, children I nccepi.a. S? IHItARD. W.. l.-lLt-FurnlshM r unfuTits). room preference; private family """"""MM MONTOO.MERY AVE , W 14Td- WeiT.f,.,.-W jatoryrooms,jidjolnlng bath. Dlim 5,mw' FARK AVE . N.." 1737 Ilouseke".cSrJr: nnd other vncnncles'fn'r re ln"d p"p !? cS nlent tn trolley; reasona bleDlnrnnnn: aV) J ' PARK. N.. 20p7-Attrnrllvo rooms71in7u-S en suite: prlvnto bntli; eleetrlclty. "Ji9." PARK, AVE., 2102-Furni-hed rciniSr'vih .Jiented. j.llconv enjences. IilamoSTllTOO vT ''L?.0,''-,-'". N'cely fnrn rooms.'Wkrr: rnmllv: amln.Jo S2d st. L Prestor 1 4fVf w PINE ST.. tlOS-Slngle mom. nenr bnuTvwJ beated. PhnneLoctlst lls.12 ,1. n RfDOlf AVE.. 23til-NTcolv furnl7in"er7i?r ronvcnlcnces. Phone Dlnmond 4nnj SPRUCE. 2022-Owner" wilt rent attractimT fiiiti. bachelor npt. nf 2 largo rooms, wivJ! bath, flieplnce; references exchangta. ' SPRUCE. i:i:i7 ifnnms. single orcn ' suTim prl. bntlis; prof, nfnres; steam hat, elc ty VIN'Er.'TSI-Twn adlnlnlng rooms, unrurnl.W Berond floor, thlrd-llonr front. furnlsM. 21"). N.. .1310 One unfurnlstied roomTtTTS employed: gns. tilth: SS month. Kens jluv" Klfll. S.. 300-Roc.ms, single or en sulteTwini nrlvnte balh. Phono Wnlnut O0H ihTll. S". 210-owly furnished moras.lE em ennvenlences. Phone Wnlnut niivi UITIL. .N... 1307 Cnnifortnhlo "furn. roSnTT Phvieinn-s ngice: elee. lights ronlar TWI n,ccsNofin?irrK:!l5,i8l,Crt Tmn"H Ttrril. N.. 1721-Comfortnhlo 2-room suitT bntli. modern home; no housekeeping. 27TH f PARRISH Attrae film. raTriKM family, young man; refs. Poplar 7117 w SOTII. S" 137-fheerful, furnished Toomitit hnusekieplng; ga", electric; linen; near U Phnne Helmnnt 400,. I.AIKiE 2d-floor frnnt. also 2 plraant Mrnor front rooms, unfuriil-hed no children, refer. ences. Woodland U'sTi M PLEASANT room nr suite, adjoining rain" gents: gnnd trollev service, every conx, Phnne. nfler 7 ti. 111.. Tioi-ii LT.e.o v IIEAUTIFHLI.Y furn. rtti . with or wltho liatli.; elee.: exclusive see, Preston 2jr,tJ. BOARDING DALTIMORE. 4410 Iirge. BUnr.v recond-rioof , room; couple or gentlemen excellent table. CHESTER AVE.. r,021-I.argo Id-floor front room: southern extjosiire; excellenttahle. COLLEOt: AVIV. N.. 2031-Ncnly fur roomT "d tl, front, nenr bath, very reas. to couple cr gentleman: excellent table. Pop 12rex J. LEIIKUI AVE.. W.. 1027 Private fanilly"h"ii few vacancies: excellent table all rnnvenl. ences. near cirs Phono Tioga 7310 IV. SPRUCE. 1221-20 (llrlsmnnde) Furn. rocimj, single, en suite: private-baths table hoard. 40T1I, N , 32 Attractively furnished MctmJ- floor sunny rooins, excellent table, phnne. r,0TH. S., i:il-l landsomely "furnished front room: electricity; hot-water heat phone. SANITARIUMS nEAUTIFUL location; special scientific care: ncrvoas, elderly: every comfort: nurses. Hooklet. Dr. Randal, City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS.'1 This 13-stnrv concrctn nnd steel flreDrool ,inni.iii .. ml iitffiliierl In apartment - construction, nnd may be properly stjled a perfect placo of nhode. a An earnest effort has been made to 1 clef A a maicnicss uonio in inure- .,ui,o ...-, .. sldciatlon Is not to count the cost slone. lint to procure that which they deelrs, where thcro Is nnlv perfection, the size snj character nf which may be selected jn shaped according to the distinctive require ments of tho Individual . Suites nro nrrnnged from two room; one hath to ten mum nml five baths, mciua Inv several desirable bachelor suites. The location Is excellent , being conven ient to the business and shopping centm nnd yet not too near .i. All things considered, the rentals ire nlFuithor Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may be ml A through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut Street. .,-, k.r,.n . n ', ,nal.ln nnartmSntl. 1 i'n Y rooms, solno furnished, nrt-cla serf lee. 'Applv Janitor. Phono Spruco 4SW. SPRING OARDEN. 1010 Excellent opts .la different houses: some furn.l kltchejietie. Wft.L SUI1LET attractive apartment. I j side rooms und bath, furnished or unf urnlrteo The Gladstone, llth nnd Pine ts. AP5 Apartment BO. Phone FMbcrtJ51JijL " CORONADA . 22d and Chestnut sts. , A few deslrnblo vacancies, largo ana amm. WEST l'lIILADELl'IIIA I OFFER n large variety of Wl. xarled prices and to meet almost ""' "ffl, ment. Cnll or send for Hit. Au,tm')0", -rvlce to Inspe.t apartments fdMlrea. PcRMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1 III ,'fS,"S0k SPRUCE 3071 RACE " APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED, for several months, centrally 1 cated furnished apartment with tares tu rooms. A :i:m ledger Office. . GENTLEMAN, aulot" habits, wants room n apartment, state particulars. A 40T. i"-" . HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS GKRMANTOWN (YVayne ave. & School '"'H For rent March 1. handsomely furn., Sffi and batlu Fairfax Apt Phone,. Oln.l j "DIAMOND, 2112-Three rooms, bajh. "',,"' hot-water htat and hot watenJJ!. 'S- - , FOR modern fum. or unfurn. ,PS!lt? N"'!hwe.t Phlland noga , u. r.t.T HOUSEKEEPINO'aiSs., all parts of; Fl'(li,w S2S to S70 per month, call, phone "'"JRy liuuiiiiatiuii, ksiiuuvi " - 'j z. . i . , L.RGK housekeeping " suite, furnlA room, private bath. l 50. H01 N. " By C. A. VOIGHT t' Out ft (or let w m Sfi IT s R PHI M r. HI t i