'3WriTr!7ipw3?BVyp ,.-.-. v. ..i-,.., .) -r "Tnrwi TOBWRl EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1916. IT tlbl it. oaq ' Kill XH Mil, '01 nil. Uii w (ON lent E. fill tm. W,J IIB II ir BREAD MADE BY MACHINERY HAS KILjAUJUD HAND-MADE LOAF Louis J. Kolb Discusses Revolution Effected in Baking Methods Wonderful Advance in Electrical Appliances Vt,r u centuries.- sold Colonel Louis , ?.nih of Hie Kolt" Hakcry Company, ..h mi Hctd streets, "brood xxna mndo Ih nn i . ,mllU Thc flrBt innclilnery for man ufacturing brcnd cnino Into use about 20 cnrs pro From that time up to to dn maiij Improve ments have been made, nnd bread It now being made In bakeries which prac tically Is not touch ed b) human hand1! during thc several processes of inutiu facturo The tlrst bread machine1 was a simple mixer. LOI'ls J KOMI Teinpernturo Is thc ruling factor in the scientific bread--.i.i. nt todav. The chances In thc ' otiUlde atmosphere, brought nbout by the neither, are never iiuriiutti-u iu imtr me iHDrfttiue of the room where the dough u raised We have triplicate window tithe' In that room, and thc temperature i. kept een at about 75 degrees by cold "'. t.l,lrli tnlin llin nun tfr xentnwiu'.. "- ....... ..... ,....., freih cold air from the roof of the build j, where there can be no contamina tion "Vo longer Is broad bakjng done In lh cellar out or Bight. It Is nil done ibove ground In the open, where thc public can see the whole process through Blile-gtoM windows from thc public ildewalk. There aro no secrets to hide. "Another modern Improvement Is that ttch loaf H weighed. . fumes from coal or coal cas enn f ,ach bread In the modern ovens. The f ...iHH ia nit indirect, lix nn Intricate utnl iclentlllc s)stem of draughts, In a most modern oen ...... "flour has gone up at least 2 a barrel i jlncc last October, when It bad reached ' Its low point for u year and a half. .It looks to me .is if we were going to have hlfh (lour "I have tn own Ideas on wheat nnd flour, but 1 would like to sep the Gov- . rnment put u duty of 25 cents a bushel on wheat excrx time It went nbovc $1.25. ' When " focs lo ",nt nr'ce " 's "" Indl- cation th.it there Is a scarcity In this country, and the h'gh price offered might ........ Mnt.n ..tin.it iillt r.f thn mHntl-v tliren t leinjn HIVK- ........ ".. w. . ...... rf ....... , . we could spare and if we should be com- , relied to liti.v It b.ick ngaln we would be . obliged to p.i a still higher price than what wc sold it for." ELECTRIC AI'PI.IANVKS IN DKMAND "Seventj five per cent of our customers t use electric rut rent tor at least one House hold appliance besides the cut rent used for light Mid Howard K Mohr. of thc 'Philadelphia Klectrlc Company "Peoplo hac come to take electricity as PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR nilEVT Iti'ieliitB I l..fcn' lnnh, The inar lt rulftt tlrm with it fslr ilemanil rot .-xiiort. Quotations I'.tr lots. In export eletstor No 3 red. spot an I Frlmiitrj $1 :U .ll'j. -No. "J 'Foothern rpcl $1 .',0fi U.ljr, ntcntner No 1! red 112849111'' No -l ted. SIJU'sWl :iHj rc JectriA tlS"l.ai rejected H jVaVjAl 'JT'j COItN Itetclpts, TI.U7J liusli Trmlo ws nult but prlies were well maintained Qno tttloni Car lots for loml trade, ita to lo-rstlon-Western No 'J lelliitt, sjt,iBS.ijt Wtrn steamer tellon. sUCiir. . Western No S rellott iSMimh t .Southern jellon. S'-if SOW cob er 70 lbs. SiiliSK. OATS. Itoelnts. 411-f, liusli Demand was only moderate hut prlies ruled sle.tdt. Qtto Jltfons Vo .' white. STJi'T'ni. Btand.ilil Mhlte MtilV.i No :i white, ,".''-(? ' No. I white. ."O'iITM' . sample oats. .,0'3fl.,-'o. surilled oats Rrndeil, ,V.I Ml'tc. . . . ,, FLOL'R lletelpid, 1H.V) hbls and I fl. t 101 Its. In sat k 'I ho market as dull and nom iteu.nIUi transactions tltlclly In sctoniihand '.stocks, slilih were Hallable below mill limits iQuoutloM per inn Ihs In wood Winter clear. KklltlO HO, SirUIKIU, flTM..l.. UU., Ii.lirill JUlinlfl. K.ins.ts. rle.ir. Jme sitks, . .."Tt 7J. do. stralKht, Jute sicks, t'jliiiiili.11). do .pitant. Jute sacks, il IMnl !i0. paring. Ilrst tliir T, .vtfln do sttalKlit, ri.!HBn IS. do , ritwt. il 13'd II ii". .In. rutnrlte brands, $il. , r HKX .lit mills i holte und rncy pntcnt, ; 7Vi7.:ji do regulnr kihiIm. winter, tlenr. Ui'ieiiitt do. do fctralKht. HHHI SO. do.. k lo.r rateut Jtl isfni ifl It. RIE PIXU It wns unlet hill sleadt under t llliht ofrerltiRs We quote JVMI'nil per bbl r In t5 qualltt PROVISIONS XV market ruled firm with n full lob- otng demand QtiotatloitH rntmed as follows. pty ter, m sets smoked nnd nlr dried, 1MW i, :sc.; Ueslern beer. In sets, smoked, -! , 3c.; city beef, knti.klea and lenders, smoked k Hid ilr-drled, iftW27o . Wentern beef, knuckles ft inJ lenders, smoked. IMfJif . beef hams. J2S BI6M, rorlt. fsmllt t2i.SOHil. hsms. S. ! iMftnl. loose lSRlilc . do, skinned. loose. 10 I lie.; do, do., umoked, 17i'jftlS'sc. , other hams. IxoKed clrv .ured. ns tn brnnd nnd nter ? Hf;Jliftle h.tnts, sinokeii. Western cure.!. 6, 18HS17c i do boiled, boneless, l!7c.; picnic f. I laoulder.. R 1 ,-nrefl. Inn., int.c. . do.. f laoked. 111.17 12Kc, bellies in pickle, accord ? pt to aerage, loose, ViWitl Ic. . breakfast I iff'0", as to brand and averane clti cured ; jjfllte.i breakfast bacon. Western cured. Lift I UV.i lard Western rcrlned. In tlen.es. ltVic i i-.ud.( uo (uns. ll.c. . ao puro city. Kcttie , judered. In tlercea HUc t do., our city. ' iilUe rendered. In tubs, ItWc. r REFINED SUGARS Tbs marke ruled steady but quiet Hellners' , 111 ("'."'"'"la'e'lj 1103c, iiondered, n1c. , ton Hi f "'"loners' A, Itux , soft grades, S.lMtS.TSc. DAIRY PROpUCTS BUttjji, Itetelpts tvero light and the )nirk ruled firm under a fairly active de- KlBltina I'rlres iiiltnnfvil ldp. in Rnllil-naeked tallffiM ,c-on Prints Following uro the nuota- kBJ ! IlOni, western fpHh antl.l.n iUml rri.nm.rv. KillS iK,,Jl "'''j1--. extra. ill'e extra KSg", SieMVji firsts, SOUllc. seconds. S7W I.. 1 is'eo in..c , itearny itrtnis, ihiio. ".! ateraire extra. 'I1i.l7i.. flrsta. XMiMi Ffi!."11. .-,h,aS"e sretUI fancy branda of JWEffls,b.b" ! """ m, -.-- ""iaini nna jiiuff m uvr aim ru'. MlSSlf".'1 ao Ppr I'ollowlnff r H HWf dort, ntarbv lirarn IT an nr tanrtard .w'l warbj mrrent rccelpta, 7'tS per caee, MrB M,r rtrats. 7 50 per taae do . flrsta. i; !h,?'llaIllJ' rancy tected cundled fKK were -:;?!' " .Hun i.-c tier dozen. ir.,i!:ESIi.r Tne market ruled firm under Hunt fS'WU- "ft demand was only moderate It ijl- .c,'5:,o.f,B,v . turn, lull crcttm. i.iiiii f ttrfc.lfyHmc ,j0 ,0 (aJr , good, hew, i. laeiSHc.; do., part skims, HtflOo. i POULTRY t' bHT.?110'0" 'ock -waa In rood request and J5,11lln juppllea well under control. P- X??tlons Kowla. a. tn nIza unH nulllt. IS .". I?0".?"' KB Wc. spring chickens wXL'- -"C. . ducks, as to size, and quality. MD5fe?K"5 ' "lc : Pistons. oold per b..w7, ?vy ; ".kctcipid were, usnt anil tno t SJLv,,i.lu,'.d nrm "" demand fairly nctlve. k.i. T" w,,.",."yviiju. luncy. i i foil. . . .'ol.low Tesn-kiiisu, ary-paikea-. XuJ ' iJit?.box dry-picked, fancj, uelecled. . 3.M'll,nK 1 lb, and oer aplecs. Sue 'Sil JItIL3'?. "" "Piece. 1UC. weighing 3 fa khfleci 8c'. "mailer sizes. 13S1TC fowls. i rliA".1... "iry.plcked. fancy. 4 lbs and over fife Koitef. "rfjf-k! m". '"'v. lasi'wv olJ MfHenJ'1 "p,?!'??t 15c-- chickens Jerse. 1 Si WfTsiB. "etern broiler", weigh i SUHii." apiece. 22Wse. , Northern m ttJrrnH f b,ckf n". fancy yiiow, weighing 4 I Uihi?dMT'.ri. '" b0,M- -lBWe.1 Mcepttonallota Obi. t 'fe,rn llllnol. ncy, weighing 2W V finev i.i-t, .7 ."i!" . nmiiiwo IlltllUIS, Kfr!i!'h,n eiW lb.. In bbli.. 17184-.; BWftlSc.- S.n,cl'fhlns" ,b and m"' ln bo" boitM iiLi..v' v'i weigntns ibif.tft ios , in n.f.a ftt8?.. Inferior. 14c: Capons, per fil asSf !lu ,0- PW. 3TQ28c: mal r SI dS'2Si'.'u!r' n.S?Ib.!r. fancy. 27(!Sc, ' SScV'sJIf- S? ijli, good to chotco, -13U Mrty ii.nA N- 6320c.i spring ducks. llJcT.' a t?.,g00d- 1'Bc.i geese, nearby. MaWhi7'" w1'.'. fisiBc.i squabi, per 4ott5 rssiTu,jA """ weigning, tigov IPS, FRESH FRUITS iWwiiV'Sf.Tl.." L'n. 'a'r request and xaluea !". QtSl.iin.eilayA "X,r.. Ig5lrttl,.-J?' hivisip. ivr sJwi,s"ijj' ir tsu. ... 7 " .ju". i't ufc .M. . L -0 . , ,p 'o-i. Rho Hft4 Hurl I fct, ,r, it""MU''i 'M SirwUrrlj. ssraro. rtnr- -. ' w vm, , Hiwi5.nn-?lftWil; " ''r oo'i. 2 Kt Or ten ll, J.H'fe'i O'lme" Coldan. I2.M8 tyui?ifn. it,?0f Yc"'k I'nperUl. 1281. B'ttl ti.w,s WpPln. -L lien IUxU. Hkei Li a$!", varieties. II S02 SO .No. 2. MPl5 a "'r.- ,n bulk, per 10U lbs. .Vlt HrUfcs ril'.X w "lern. per bo II sua So. Marar . ' " Pr trite i.'fl I. Tanserlnea. Mi i ,' ' J"iiKiiio Orjtwfrutt ii a matter of course Just ns they take tho air t hex breathe, and only when they would be deprived of cither could they fully realize how dependent they arc on them "t loth and Christian streets our coin Pan) has recently Installed two enormous fn"lur", '"".H1"?. hntslntlon the Urg- - "- unu ii won m cover ine utiy I mil plara One of these generators weighs 1, 200.000 pounds, the other weighs " 1 0,001) ttoililds Their enliilrltv rmtil.litiwl Is etpial to .,(500,000 20-candlo Mazda tamps "This capacity is suniclent lo supph seven lamps to every building In Phila delphia, witlt enough left to light tho principal streets. " "With these two generators wc could light the Lincoln Highway from const to const. We roitld hang a festoon of lights along the Atlantic from Maine to I'loildn. "Today mantifacttiicrs ate tlndlng It as extinvngnnt to make their own power as It would be to carrx their own mall ot make lltelr own sliitloneri H.x buying power from a central station all share In the overhead charges, and thus reduce the unit cost. "The Ma7da lamp is n great eonservcr of electric cnercx. It Is the nearest itn- proach to the light of thP iltcll.x, which In considered perfect. The old stIc fila ment gave out loo much ciicirx In heat Verv little of the current passing through the Mazda Is convened Into heal The great demand for these lights has ennblcd the manufacturer to reduce the price. "There Is n ronsltintlx Increasing de mand for electric household appliances, such ns lamps, xncuuni cleaners, washing machine", coffee percolators, chafing dishes, toastcts, grills, fans and a do7cn other labor-saving devices, which are eat It ilu growing mote popular. "Then" nro 30.0W homes In Philadelphia thai pay on nn average of J25 a xenr for electricity and the number Is dall In ct easing." KKKININU OP OILS. "The Hellnlng of Milnml and Vegetable Oils" wns ihe sttblect of a Icetmo which was dclKoicd last night In the Franklin j0i n. Institute bx Prof, Charles Hnskervllle, I'h U . I-' V S., pro fessor of chemistry, Collee of the C'ltv of New York, N'. Y The lecture dealt with the scientific nnd technical results of an Investigation of the above subject extending over a pe tlod of about four J ears, and descilbed a new process of re fining these oils be- I1AK UASUl lt n.i.Klleved to be of great praitkal nnd commercial value, and wns oi'i-oinpunled by experimental demonstra tions VEGETABLES The geneial inaikot was nttlet and wltltout Intportnnt rhange (Jnotntlons White t,ottoei. l.ur.'i, lL'"."h ' "'f ''" MHlne pe, hush. .M.l fal JO. Western, net bush IHiini white L"tfltues. Jersey pci bnsket-.Vo I Hui-e, lib '"' ;,, No I. otnu tnrlitles, t,ott.7()c No. 2. v.? I rs",rct f.o"V,0. .'erset pet bnsket v. lVt1',-' Yl-.-J.M'..-'1, swcei potiitoes. ii.""i,PIr vbbl". 'j t!V"'- ""Ions, per Iiki. lb bnc- No I, SJlii'Jj. Nn i.vnilM. oulibaiie. Danish, per ton. ts., tlo . Florida pet hainptr. IBI..M. io, .South Carol na per ciate. 1I..HI. .elert. New York, per pui'l i MB75t,: snlnath Scnrfoll. per hi.i . i. J1.J.. knlf. Vorrolk. per bhl. .Willie., letline Ha., per basket $1 riOTiU', do. N. c ."ir..r.;,.rW1, ""' '"!.. beans. Kla . ier bnsket 51. .'Ml J a, i pen ! la. per tiaskts. l.rill1i:i poppers Hit , per carrier, SI M1H 1.7,1: etc Plant. rii tier itute, ',is m, tonwtoin, KG T, per t.irrlcr-rain. S3 .10f4 SU. t holte, SJMa inushrDoma iht 4-lh. bnsket. iim.w. FOREIGNERS TOOK filial ,,nl, iht nupn , ai I,'nl in. xew MORE WHEAT Shorts Covered Selling Con servative and From Strong Sources Commitments Reduced r'HIl'AGO, I'eh. 11. The outHtainliiiK re.tttire of the uhent market today was Ineieasetl IiujIiik foi foieiKtt ateount nnd coveriiiff of shorts. Higher cables and the Mtieiinth ln coin uffeeted bcntimont to a consldirablo extent, but the selling nas coiiseivntivo and fiom wbat wus consld-t-red very .stioiiK sources und berved to hold the inurket In check. At one time prices eie about 5 points nbovo yesterday's lowest. Tho markets In the .Vorthttest neio Inclined to sag anil Ihls factor nlso jtreveiited further up turns after the start. Thero was a sen er.il disposition to leduco the open mar ket commitments as much ns possible, be cause or the two-dny holiday May wheat opened at .11 29 and mimed from Jl.a4 to J1.27'4 iloslntr at Sl.liSin 2S'i, a Kaln of 1e. July started at It 21i, Its lilKlteat belns II 2Ji4 and Its lowest 1 2018, with a tinal llfiiire. of II 2I4, an ad.ince of c. Corn wns higher, duo to a ahaip ad vauco nt Liverpool and the forecast for unsettled weather in tho belt. KelllriK piessuie wu-j absent, and a good demand fiom n number of commission houses was noted. May finished at 77c . and July at "TV . losses of i.e. net, due to a moia llbeinl stippl). Willie oats advanced with the other Kralns. tlicie was fairly good selllnir ut the upturns, and this held the market In check. Leading futures ranged as follow a Ves. Wheat Open. High. I.o. flose. close'. nj I...I I.!'-, Jul! l.Wfl, l.SJI I V.pii man Halli unl. l"7L 1"S I.H7. 1.2US, si.SH, l.SOi, lUv ssit nivn mihicii TSU, Bfc 77 , 77h IRIS 4HJ 77", Ifcij 'Vk July . , Oata May . , Jul Lard -May . . July . Itlba May Jul .. I'ork Miy . 7S . IU lOti 1I115 w 10.32 10.47 11.12 11 .VI 20 11 211 .12 10.47 11)11.' 11.12 11.70 20 72 20. 7.1 lOSS 10.37 10 30 10.4.' tl'I.M MMS 11.21 11.40 11.41 til 10 II. I.) Ml. 11 20 10 20 fl.1 20..12 20..V! t20.7S 20.U3 JUIV llld. TAslied DIVIDENDS DECLARED Harbison Walker Refractories lompanx, quarisrli. 1 Per cent, on common. tMyabls March 1 to stotk uf record lVbruar Is Sapula Refining, monthly, II, per rent., an Increase of t per cent, paxable March I to stock of record February 20 Oreot Lasts Uredge &. Dock Co . nuarterly 2 per tent payable February 1) lo stock of record February IU. I'hlladclnlila. Urnnanlonn and Norrlilown It. It. Co, regular auanerli .1 per nt 11 .Vli per hure, pax able Marcli 4. aa reglstersd February 10 Rooks (loss Februar) 10, reopen MChelnut Hill R- R- to., regular quarterly. 1M, per cent, i unts, otr sharel paxable March 1 as reg sttred Februar 10 The transfer books close rebruary 10. aa reopen Philadelphia Electric Company, rtfular quar terly III per cent . pajsble March 1.1 tu block of record February ID. Chicago and North estern Railroad regular quarterly 2 per cent, on preferred and M, pe cent on 'ommon, pajable April I to stock of record March 1 Price of Rivets Boosted PiTTSBUHQH. Feb. It.-Advances of ii a ton have been announced In the prices of structural and, bo'ler rlcta. Structural rivets aro now quoted at J2.S0 a pound and boiler rivets at 12.90 a pound. Predictions are being mode freely of an earli upturn In tho prices for nuts and bolts. Massachusetts Bonds Awarded I BOSTON. Feb. IJ.-The ,K.600 Muia- cnuseiiw uoiu ?.., t.-.. . r I he sxnaicuie tuiiiv''l'o "TT .. " ;,". Korbes & Co., Curtis Hanger. & Co. pn their joint 6W or w-i". STANDARD OILS HEAVY ON CURB Indiana Dropped Seven Points. Copper Shares Generally Strong Trading Less Active NM:W YOItK, Feb. II. While n geii eralh steady tone prevailed In thc market for outside securities today conaldeinble hcnvlness ilevclopcd In a number of Standard Oil stocks The trading, nn a whole, however, was less active, due, In pnrl, ;0 ti,P forthcoming hollda.x Ohio Oil, thc leader In this group for some tlnjit past, developed further weak ness on comparative! small offerings nnd ... ... . .. i- nr nun iimn s nivrn n n nr iipnrn. ! points .Standard Oil of Indiana was down about 7 points Hlmulard of New .Icrsev. California and Xeu York ruled ntcnil). Cosdcn Oil mocil up to n new high mark at HU. Houston O'l Improved l', tthlle .. Letler Innni.t .... .I.n.v.. f, Winlnlid Oil nnd Oil's Mldvnle Btee. moved within narrow limits. Chandler Motors stronger nt nn improxement of mote than a (taint Haskell nnd Marker Cat ni a shade easier. Copper stocks were gen"rnlly strong mid In good demand under the tend of Kcnnccott. although when high levels wcte readied 'innll reactions followed on prollt-tnklng. Honda wete llntt ntttl mod erately nctlxc INDUSTRIALS. Hid Vslted. American-Hellish Manufacturing 27 .12 Atlantic (Iiiir SWISS . . . .! 31 do prd ini; i7's American Mart mil .'I'. 4 AJn ttnbher Ine I 70 Tot, Oitiadlaii c'nr & Kdt 72 7H do prd . is in fhetrnlet Motor Car ISO I IJ riinndler Motors Oltj 112 rulmn fane Husar AIU M' t'urllss Arrnplnne VI .11 llr ngs-Setiurs 14,1 144 KntTsin I'honn !; I25 HusKell Ha.-lier Tar .MHi .11 lletdec MfF i7 rn Inter Mer Marine , UU 17' Inter Mer Marine pfil 7r. 7s Int Nhkl Mi. .1.11, Krlll KprlPltmltt 71 72 Knlliodlon Mrttnz pfd . .. . 22 2.1 Manhnttnn Trtnsit 1 ia-u 1 1.1 ir, Mnxlm Munition 7 7", Mldvnle Kteel . IMt, lilt Dtls Klenitur W IB Olio Klsenlohr n I .1,1 do pr ... !ni Unit I'cerlrss Motor .. . 2Ut 'J7 I'oole ling Mathlnerv . .. Iu". l.'u M .Ineenh Ij-ad ill, pi S S Kress- n I . . ... MS III .standard Motors 10 Hubinarlne llnai tie ufs .. . .1hi4 isi. Triangle 1'IInt I rtfs . . . 4" ft Tnlled I'rollt Sharing ... i P, 1" s Light ev Ileal Ii, I do pref . . . It, It, Whlto Motors n I ,11 .IP World film . ... 2ij STANDAni) OIL HUHSIIMAIIII'.H Illinois I' I. . .. ..Ik: IS'l Ohio Oil 2.1(1 2"IS S o of California 1711 :t71 H O of New .lrso .. .VO .Mfl S U of ,n York 21S 221 OTIIKtt OIL STOCKH. ClMilen ... 22 22U I'halmera OH .1 s Houston Oil 22', 2J', Midwest Koflnlng wi " itapulp.t . . 14', In minim; stocks. Atlantn . In 21 r-erin ... IP, 12 llutte c 7. I rtfs St n llutte & ' orl. '1 :i Plrst National Topper 7t, 7W (loldfleM Merger 17 in llerl.i Mining I', 't Hone Sound 7, ,11m Hutler . HI ':. Jumbo Kxtn I 1-ltt 1' Ivennecott Copper . . . .... .14H .11. McKlnlev-Uarrngh HI 411 Mlnen of America 2?k '1 VIplsHlnB Mines Co . . ... 7 7t4 .an Tov Is 20 West Kntl I'on 71 77 Wet Kntl Lxtenslon 2 .'I IIONIIS MaKtna ... 17'g t7K4 Krle rights , llnltlmore & Ohio .In . 11)2 Ifl.'l, (.'rrro de l'ns(.o lis .. . ... 12) 122 rhltneo Union Term t,s ... Itxi'-j MM7. Mldvale s ... till !lfn4 INSURANCK QUICKLY PAID Equitable Settles Claims Within 24 Hours After Proof of Death Moie than Vi per rent of thc death claims nRiilnst the Kuultahle Life Assur ance .Society of the United .Slides In the fulled States and Canada in 1915 were paid within 24 hours after teceipt of due proof of death, nccordlni; to the society's Mth annual report, which has Just been Issued. New Instiiance paid in for 1915 amounted to S1D8,456,G12, the maximum which the io clety wns permitted by la to wilte In that eal. The society invested .i.88S,017 at an average yield of 5 01 per cent dur ing the year. Other flKures in the report arp. Outstanding Insurance, December 31, 19)5, l,029,SSi),05.'t. admitted assets, Decem ber 31, 1915, S.)46,961,'M:, neutral Insuiunce reserve and other liabilities. 453.90!.(ri; . surplus reset ves SS,06ri.81o. receipts from premiums In 1915, ."6.015,S5J ; leeelpts from Investments, 1:4,899,405 total income fiom nil sources, 18.1,290,310, and pu meats to policyholders. t53,371,3SX American Iron and Steel Report In the annual report of the American Iron nnd Steel Manufacturing Compain, President James Lord said that the last half of the xear was marked with un usual activity. t'ndivlded profits In creased 1303,267, while the allowance to provide for depreciation amounted to 11,180,000. Details follow. ASSETS. Kill I'aah II2S.U1S Accounts rocelx. 40.1,1.1il Inventors l.sW.2i Insur. and taxes 11,77:1 Real eatate . . 7.200, ,174 1011 11112.101 :UK!,4S1) 1.2;r.'.7.lH in. mi ll.M1.OSS inn 11, 111 r.ss :mi,7i7 l.ll.'I.V.'il K.40O :,.im,iii Totals VI.74 I 002 tn V.7 '121 $H.2iII,i;i2 L1AII1LITIKS 13,000.000 taononoii 3riooooo U,Val,0OU l;,1VI,00l 2.0,10,000 rfd. stock . Com. alocK llllla payable IX'iivet. Int Hctr. i.iuutsiij rssiutsi not due . : Fndlv. prutlt. 2.S10.RKS 2..VI7.121 S.7i:i,l2 Totals . JD.74.1 18)2 1S..1.17..121 VS 2UI.M2 Subject to payment preferred and common dividends pa able In January MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH 8TOCKH. lid. Asked. Jim llutlrr 04 .Oil Mac.Vamara i2 Mldttay 14 MUpah Intension .Ill ..'I in 20 .27 .13 4 7-111 4 0 111 7 .UI 70 xuontana North Star Tonopah lielmont Tonop.ili Kutenslon Tnnopah Mining mi .07 71 llescue Kins. West End (JOLt)FIKI.n STOCKH Atlanta Hue Dull Hooth Hulldoe . . . , O O 1) ... . j Combination Frnrtlon Olamondtleld 11 Daisy Florence .. ....... . OoldHeld Comolldaied (loldltsld Merstr Jumbo Kitenslon Kewanas . .. ,. Oro ,- ., ,... Handstorm Kendall Sllxer Pick MISCBLUsNEOUS, Fair Altec Klmbarl).,,.. K.Mldl I 10 02 .10 ft.' II.' t7 Ill ai .... . .4.1 Ml ., 17 .0.1 .11 .0,1 .! IIS .04 .01 .17 .(vS .18 I.2U .1H .00 .00 .04 .0.1 .04 .10 ..10 1.72 LIT .17 ,01 .iV, . .17 ,2ft J 67 Arltons United . Nevada Wonder NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NIJW YOItK, Feb 11 -The coffee mar ket was tlrm and active asaln this morn ne and first prices were 3 to 10 points higher. Todal's Ouen. Yes tloia January . February Match . . April ... . May June .... July August . Scpternbtr October . November 7,IVB7.8 . .'?.! 7 7S7.7B 7,kil7.Nl 7..VM7.M 7.h7ut.tW 7 0lilT.U2 7.O4H7.0H 7.0f)S,00 S (lltis.OI kocJkoi 7.M 7.42 . 8.U0 . . SO? H.OIJ1 H ON S.l.l pecmesr H.V 12 Rid. Sal" l'-000 D' LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. Feb. 11. IIOO8 -Recelpu, 35. 000. nurktts. wak, ,1c, lousr, mlied and butchers, I7K ! ood, heavy. S.iOhS IT; S vtevtos'tsteoai:-Jl kmm- CATTLK -Receipts. 2400 mrta, vt.alc betxea. 4H.IU, cow and heifers. M 73478.10 uut-c-li -HaAilDti. 0000 markets. vuV. gflx H4 Wtern, i 2-68 15, Umbi, S C0NDITI0N8 SATISFACTORY IN C0TT0NAND YARN TRADE Less Buying, However Textile Mills Supplied With Orders Conditions In tho local cotton nnd cot ton yarn trade, nceording to dealers, nro very satisfactory, say H O Thin & Co. While there has been less butting for the Inst two weeks, owing to the rnet that the bit) ers are temporarily well supplied. prices are sun urm nnu steaux. .Most or i the tevtlle mills report that thev are well suonlled win. nnleis nro nnrklne to fUl cnonelU. hut are evherlenclnir: . . ' -,.,.---. -. to iutt capacuj, uui are evperiencing consldernole .llfflcultx In obtaining thc proper kind of labor The wool market is still strong, with .i uwi llllimt't 13 mill itlllim, llll !!. n good demnnd The mills hnndllmr this product nie doing a large business nnd are tuning heavily The market fanrs 1 Mill BnllflKU M...1 H t ... .. --I .. 'l nini-in uii uii ;iitefli;' ui uip uitiu'iir I ','" '" Rood demand lloldcts of wool do 1 ""' "I'Mtni i ue niiMous io sen ami ap- i I'1'"'-o "e holding for an ndxancing price. ' u,l,,1' ",o1" nre ijulet but lltin Nolls lir " "r"','l "'ere Is n fair demand. ' (,l ' "K" scnrcllx of nici chtilldlse. ' ,rh'e have been steadlh ndvanclng both I ." "n'1 "00l(!1,. which makes It dlf- llciilt for manufacturers and piece-Roods Joltoerf to supply the demnnd Sniing business In clothliiK, both men's nnd bovs', Is Rood. Tlicie iiDDeais to be a rrellnt of eon- fldence In haidunrp circles at this time Those consulted report thnt business Is uriln. Mnv 2'. in a healthv ..omlltlou with wt brlaht I Mteij nlht their will bn ,ioRmm piospects in Men I'ol.cetlon. nn-lPioiir.l 0r special ileitis of civic linporlance ns beln? fait nnd. mix th hi?, a trllle lin- ,! seneial IiiipicM. nts special pro prove.l In some sections, nlthoiinn In other J K1!lln of ..iitortmiiiiieiil an.l music by fenirTl " """rnve,m'nl "-I talented . lists, c'lxlc ..rninlriitluna front nhe iron and slee, market onntlnues lo ' ll,TX be xery nctlve nnd Piotlueers ale teporle.l ,.,, le cx0,m. t""" Vl" to he sold xvell nhend Into the second hnlf Thp business men of Camden expect of the .xear. Itnllwax embargoes sill ar- . ,nr.i rii. ram , '',,. ,.n. ; , feet Hhlpment but ...- leported . Itnxe i" m.Thlch Is" he' 'llt"' been somewhat Ic-semnp I'Ir lion pio- , ,lu, u, ,,,, ntteiiinted Ii the ..lix r duct.on I., Janun.v Is tepoited tn Itnxe , ,, ' ' , ' P ," U,Vm . '' "''' ' : ,- fallen off sllnlitlx front the December rate. The electilcal trade i epulis a satlsfaclon xoltime nf business, chlell.x In hoiisehuld specialties, though oonsideiable inqtnrx Is ii.pniteil In connection xxltlt IiiiiIiIIiik op eintlons to be heRiin In the spilni; RAILROAD EARNINGS III'FKAI.O. ItlAJHUSTIIIt AM) I'lTLSlll 11(111 run $220 'I7 7 IIS2 71I1 lm $.17, 2.17 I 314, M14 Ist txtel. Fell From Julx 1 . C.N'AI)IAN I'ACirU 1st t p. k Feb. .. . JLR7U1SSI I3iV0OO 13 440 I"iom lulv 1 . . 7i1017.noii wi:.-m:itN mahvlano. 1st tteek Feb. . .. 1102.011 From July 1 U.4S3 04L' CIIGSAPIIAKK AVI! OHIO 1st tverk Feb I70.'.m Fro.li .'til! I . . . 2s. 1117.427 CANADIAN NORTlllIRN. M vteek Feb . . . I2I tlsl From Julx- I . . . I7..17I" Km SIS Sis 1 138 433 III 1. ISO "i 174.IUI 7L'.3(l OOl.hlSI DILN'VUR AND RIO tlRAVIIK 1st ii.i'k Feb . . IHI, 'lull till, 100 From Julv l . . ir, irio.voo 1.323 dmi HT. IXJFIS hUUTllWRSTIIItN First week lebrunr . ItH.l.iiiiti ilil (jt From Julv I . 7 147.740 7Ul .1S2 TWIN OITI LINKS Fourth vteek Jattuari .. I27.1,:isil 120 421 From Junuur 1 sji,077 is. in' COIXJRADO f.M) SOFTIILRN. Fourth ttiM-k .liinimrv .1Mf.'i.t $2.1,111 From July I .. M.1C7.4I.N IkI3.-13 t Dec. ease COTTOX PRICKS IRHKKUIiAK: FKKKillT KATBS MAY RISK Wall Street Houses Were Light Sellers at the Start NKVV VOItlv, Feb 11. Thc cotton mni kct opened steudy In tonp, but at a de iline of ,. to 7 points, the loxxer rulinK of values helue; (nlluencert b.x the disap puiutlnir t-ables. iiusettliiDf ilcxulopmcnts In the shlppinK situation and in Cabinet cirtles Icul spot merchants seemed to con sider the latest developments ill connec tion with the c.iir.xiuf! of Kttns h mer chantmen another complication which mlKht lead to a furthei serious handlcnp plnp of cotton exports as well as other shipping-. There appeared lo be no ureal amount of cotton for sale on thc earl.x setback. tho pi ices soon turned up on Liverpool buyinir and renewed covering-. Tiaclim; was ver.x uulet durinR the middle of the tlav. R.MttcrliiK accounts appeared to haxe betin prett xvell evened up for oxnr the xxoek end, but prices held steadx vxlthin a point or tno uf last nlKhfs clos Iiir (ivtures iu the absence of Important offerltiRS Thete xxere rumors early that ocean frelKlits wete firmer, but a local cotton shipper, nfter mlldiin with freiKht nnd insurance people, said he looked foi no Immediate chance In the Mtuntlnti. The law clearances reported from Sa xnnnuh helped tlte tull.x. Wall street houses wrre licht sellers, partlj Inlhienced b Ihe lrrep;ularit of the stock market. Weather conditions over the entile belt xieie considered fa xorable, and the indications wero for con tlnued xvarm durinR the coming M hours . Ves. tlose. Open Illfth. Low Close l.'IM 12 HO 12 01 II 112 II 111 12.2.1 12,111 12.2.1 12.1.1 12.1T. . . 12.'ll) I'.'.'ll 12.11 12.. Ill I2I2 12 II 12.2S 12 II 12.11 12 17 . 12..KI l.'..1ll 12 17 12 .Ml 12 11 . 1 J..HI 12.SI 12 IU 12 .10 12 II.' , . 12.1.1 .. 12.10 Maun xia . Jtil . . October December January Spot .. Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. I-'ob. 11 Spot cotton was dull today ut uu advance of 1 point mi the basis of S.0d. for mld-iiplund. Tho sales were 5000 bales, Including; 3000 bales American. Tho Imports were 12,000 bales, all American. The iparket for futures closed quiet but steady at a net advance of lV4tjY23 points. THE WEATHER Oflicial Forecast WASHINOTON. Feb 11. For eastern Penns)lvanln Ox'ercubt, with piobabl) lain In south and rain 01 snow In north portion tonight and Satur tla) , somewhat warmer In north portion tonight, light to moderate cast winds. Light snows continued Iu the States along the northern border from tho upper Lake legion weatxvard, while partly cloudy weather has prex'ailed ox-cr tho remainder of the country. Conditions are becoming unsettled In the great central valleys, and the temperatures havn risen considerably In thosa districts during the last 24 hours. Intense cold Is reported from most places In eastern Canada, the cold area spreading southward Into the northern portions of New York and New England. Mild temperatures are reported over most of the cotton belt. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. m , Lanttrn time. I.QW S last Rain- Xtloc- Statlon. a.m. n't. fall Wind. lt.W'eather Atlanta, fia . 4S 411 Atlantic Ult) . 02 .10 SK Clsar .. B ,12 K NW 21 UF. SB K H 02 HE .. Cloudy 10 Cloudy iloudy 10 Cloudy . Clear . Cloudy P Ctoudy 22 Cloudy 14 Clear 11 Cloudy I'.CIoudy . . Snow Clear manures', N. . 4 4 Roston, Mass .14 II Buffalo. N. Y 42 12 Charleston 8 ' ' 4S Chicago. Ill . 28 24 Cincinnati. O. . ,12 Hi Cleveland O. 24 22 Denver. Col MS .18 Detroit Mich . 2U IS 20 IH ,li B Oalxtaton, Tn . 1.0 U) llarrlsburr Ca .K) 2H Hatleras N. C 44 42 llallfai, N 8. 10 h Helena. Hon I .. ;il lit Huron. 8. I), . . IndUnnpolts. Jnd. 82 an JacUsonxllle Kla. .IS 68 Knoivlllt. Tytu. :i .11 Little RocW. Ark. 4s 40 Lm A(th. Cal. 4S 48 Lfllixllle. Ky.. 18 SH Montiomcry. Ala, 48 48 Montreal. Can... ! "4 Nashville. Tenn. .Irt .14 New Orleans. L, 5K M Nsw York, 211 22 Norfolk. Y. , . :8 .18 QkUhoma.. tjkl. 48 48 Omaha, Ksb. , 24 20 IlilUdelphU . 2 28 PhospU. tArU. RO 48 Pittsburgh Pa. 28 34 fontanel" Me. . ti Portland. Ore... -IS 38 fucbac. Can. '12 '11 I VliU. Mo.. 42 53 t;i I'aul, Minn . II 4 Salt Luke. I'tah 40 40 3 Anlonla. Tax. UI .IS I8 K ,04 NW 14 Clear ,02 W 18 Cloudy E 10 Cloudy SB N K SW .. at: s y. SE i: K K K .01 8 N B SB SB N'XV ,02 NW . W 8 ,01 N'E t- x.iouay CtOUdV Cloudy Cloudy .. Cloudy Cloud) Clear . KCIoudy Clsar Cloudy 10 Cloud) .. Clear 16 rUIn Cloudy 10 Cloudy c tear Cloudy i'lcr Cloudy l' Clear 11 Cloudy Cloudy rlwr Clsar tinou, Cloudy Cler Cloudy aw bin FrauFls.-o.. 48 48 .00 NE K SiSll. Marie 4 Scranlon Vii 18 10 8 Tampa FI&, OJ 2 waaruagtBs lit 12 19 18 B Winnlws i an CAMDEN'S EXPOSITION PROGRAM COMPLETED I" InUntin (n T) I .. " T I . .. 1I.iI .. xjiuuuitiii: 1 1UIKS illHtlU lot 1V1U I Celebration and Industrial Show to Cost .$50,000 Charles M Cum-, icretiu of the ,,. 7 . 7.1 , '" rtnieloii Hoaul of Tindc, tndn iinnounoeil ".. .. mat tile genera hrnuuiln of the c '""' lllp genertn proginni or lite cmc celebration ami Imposition of Industries ,n i, i.-i,. , f..,,,...., ,.. ..... .c , n- i. . . "M,, in trt"1,'c" f,0' M- IR lo s- I '" - ! , - ' . ..... ' "ml l,P('" lompleted tuitl that the lonimlt- tees were working out the lUlnlls. I fnless changed bv the ecctitle com. .n.. .i. . . . .. , """" 'nr "ro,t1"" '"y- ............. ..., .,, ,ui,. ui untie , itiiiiual slmd dlhner i Tliutda. Mm IS. opening of eno- , , . o, entng expo "'''' '' '"'I" tt.ltade. i Mltirda, JIa Jtf. cvposltloil. fraternal p.in iitle In eveiilng. Suntla., Mny SI. olle dn In the Cam den churches. Mondnj. Maj JJ. exosltlon. .nay .-a. :i ami .-, will be known as 'sales dins The affair will ilo nn H.ii. -Xiultlim. Cliarles XI t'urix Is nsslstant iiirector nnd llllus Imxls trensilrei. Tile incmbcis nf the Executive Commit lee In ch.irRe of the blR affair are Con- crrssiiinn W III am .1. Uroxxnliic. . uxor flmrlna II l'lli . .r.... t i- . ' , -, I Maries H. I. Ills, deorRc A liey. John II. Kates, Joshua C. Haines, Charles S lloxer, Francis II alien, Charles M. Ciirix, Joseph i:. Nowre.x. William 1. Iluilfx, II. At. Ilftlrit'k. Hum C Kranit-t, IValtet l TiishliiKhain, A V YnutiK, J. M. Headman, Itoberl I) t'loxx, ,lr, Hoxv nrd J. Dudley, Klmer II l.onir, David II. .lestet, Kilns Dnxls. FinttU H. Vuith,tit. Ileibert N .MuttKer, Di. I N. Uriscuni and Andrew It !'. Smith. Police Court Chronicles Tlte nKitatiou about preputcdness found n xxelcomi' folloxvi't- in Thomas liullnvxav The subject of prcpuilnR this coiinlix nBiilnst fotelKii Inxaslon bv an iiileqiMti' arm.x ami nnvx was to him tlte statT of life. So Thomas bet nine obsessed with 11 nilson thai of aixakeiiliip; the tesl tleuts of the northeast section of the cltv to tne ilmmer Hint miitltt await them In case (box tlftl not heed the call Armed vxlth nothinir mure than a stionc xolu- and a peisHtout nature, that ptoxed 'irltnlliu to ni'inj of the pence-lnvltiK hotisi'W lies of Konslncton and the vicin ity, TI10111 is started out fiom tloot to tloot. iliiKlnK bells, hikuIiis, npp.iIlliR to itarlike spirits ami such. Km fully two bouts lie Kept on Ills way, lielnu; at lust pleased to 11 net that he hail Mec tired taiiRl ble resulis bx a following that, thoiiKh It xvould not pass inuMrr with reel lilting olllcers xxaruiHil the heart of 'Jaltovva.x Thomas Rnzed on ,1 scoie of white faces, some .xoiiiiK. otlu-is pxtet'dliiRly old. ninl ileclded lie would slioxx them an exumplc lhal they could later emulate, if they so desired, on hehalf of their cnuntr.x "Ladies '11 item'tin, ' said Thomas iu clarion tones, "folloxt me " And they followed and w.ilched with nmaiement as Thomas ranir a door bell and demanded nf a little woman that nitsxxeied hit rlitR tho location of hei husband "1 demand to know," said Thomas. "vxhere he. Is It ih time he serxed his counttx l.'ollovx me nien " The) mleht have done so had not the woman darted 111 the house und 1 united out again, not xxltlt her husband, but xxith an alarm dock nnd a black cat Ah she III Thomas between the eyes with the clock tlte cat jumped 011 his back. Whereupon Thomas sat down suddenlj Whll h was tryliiR lo collect his thniiKht Policeman Hicathwalte, of the 4th and York .streets station, came up and touted the arm). Thonuis was taken before MaRl-urato Olfiin "Too much warlike iplrit," he explained somewhat sobered "I heartily Indorse the preparedness idea," replied the Judge. "Hut too much of the kind of splilt you seem to hax'o means uuprepaiedness So I'll give, you live du)s iu prison to think up .1 better combination of prepaiedness with the right kind of spirit " METAL MARKET NF.VV VORK. Feb 11. -Lead iiuiei. LIB O'.'.ic. tin unlet, 41 -TR. hid, spelter, tlrm, prime Western spot, 10'si . Mitreh IX'titlbXie.. aerond uuarler deliver), 17'jWliVsc. French Rentes fit Francs I'Altia, Feb. 11 Three per cent, rentes bl frnncs. 110 centimes Ilxchunge on London 28 francs, 3 centimes TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES NlihoUs XX Unnannn Iletertt. N' J., nnd Florence K ltnicle, lleverls. N. .1 Oeorge llarskt .11.1 Snyder axe . and Anna Htein. llxiil 8. .1th si. Jotef Kaslorek. 2122 Salmon nt . and Helena XXnziiMk 2422 .Salmon st Hendrlck W. Duxeniwrt. Hhlckshlnny, Pa , and Hon if. llrlggs, Shlckahlnny, I'a. Ueorgu II rhornley 4ti2d Cedar ate., and Hebecca A While, Oak lane and Austin axe. William H Uurkhjrt, 171 1 Oxford at., and raizatxth M Hhwcj 1UI7 Olrard ate. Isaac Kirk. Frankford, I'a , and Anna F, X elsnun. Frunkford, Pa Michael Centred t. 108 8 11th aL, and Alda l.fone ill',' Morris si Jacob .Samuels 2110 8 2d st . and Nellie I'asteln. 2140 8 2d si Charles Hellwlr. 718 W MoxamenslnB av , and Margaret Klmmel, 2:121 8. Warnotk at Adoir I'oHziler. Wilmington Del and Kon4 lllllk, .1512 H Thomp.on st Frederkk D Menslng. '.'Ml Frankford axe . and Kd)th F Anderson. 2M5 Frankford ave Mlthele 1)1 facto, 111 E. 8harpnack at . and JosenhliiB Itlsle 227 K Haines st. John F Salmon Slot Furley trt . and Pauline) A Schoxlck Jenklntowu, Pa Frank 2ollner. 2012 K Wlllard st . and Jostlna Etui. ;i)12 K VXIIIard st Hnrrx A. gvvrenev ail'l K at mid Marguerite narneti. u.'n.' itn t Saniutl I Harmon Urin llawr. I'u., and tleusle Parker. Itryn Mawr. Pa Clarence K. Thompson. Harriaburg, Pa , and Jeanetta 17 Williams llarrlsburg Pa. Johannaa Varrt;ii, 077 8. lunlpsr at,, and Christina Itolllns. 1708 Addison st Jotef llekler 1POI N 4th at. and Susl ilrefn- Ich 111.18 N Xnierlran at. Edward Fries. 4108 Market at. and Hilda Fenias 240.1 Perot it tolsion T Johnson 712 b Iftth at., and Ollle K Steven., 1117 ,S ISth si LEWIS D. ZIEGLER'S FUNERAL Services in Bethlehem Presbyterian Church Burial at Laurel Hill Iwls I) Zlesler, one of the most prominent of Philadelphia shoe manufac turers, last active member of the firm of Zlegler Urothers and president of the Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Asso ciation, will be buried today In Laurel Hill Cemetery l'uneral services, will be held at 2 o'clock In the Bethlehem Pres byterian Church, of which he was a member of the board of trustees, Mi, Zltgler died earl) Tuesday morn ing at his home. 1618 North Uth street He Is survived b) a son and a daughter The Rev John It Davles, pastor of Uethlehem Church, will conduct the ser-i-i,-b uttfllated bx the Rev Framlr V. I Parkin, district superintendent of the uit-r5ff$ I r L"1 L i Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist I Episcopal Church. Mr. Zlcgler would have been 70 years old jesterdnj. j KLLISON FUNEIIAI. TODAY ! Services for Insurance Head at West Philadelphia Church funeral services for I'ugene t Kllison, president of tlte Insurnlirc Cnmpativ of Vnrth America, will he held this nfter- I.Mnt. l .1 'ntfr In 11, n Pl.lernl.fl1 Ctitlt-rl. i f Our Saviour, ssth nhoe Chestnut or uur saviour, m nnotf i nestnuc street, where he wns for nmnj enrs a c I .-"i."i. ihutihciu win u.mi- in i..u k... 1. ...... t..l ..I ..III !....).. t.. U'.1 t - -; - - ! 'n',,"', 1",r,c"'-, , , , ! Mr i:illon died suddcnlv on Tu morulii nt his olllce He had w csdav I nit-itltn nl Ii nflliiA lln liriil tinfUAi t i'"im v nn -jiiit ii- mm iuiItl. hli w.iv t tho piesldencj of his companv ' f'om the position of Insurance agent, In 1 wnlt'h position he started with the com patty In IS71 Hi' is survived by n widow nnd lltrep ditiiRhters. Ills futni'y resl- j deni'o xx us nt 1100 Spruce stieet. IN XIKMOIIIAM t'l Itl.OVI. it loxlnir meinnrx nf lim.KN l". Kl'ltLtlNtl mother nf Ihe late Mnlor 1 nit ti W Piirlnnr;, t' S Armv xvho de parletl this life P.,b II. I8S7 I'RIKN'D llAI.IOt'lt. lit IoiIiik remembrance of ItOH Klir A. IIM.rot'Il. nho departed this life rehru.ir II, 101.1 ' Thx menilior exer cherished," 2Deatf)8 Thtte Notice Are Printed in the , Evening Ledger Free of Charge. ' At.l'Olttl.- On rviminrx 7. 1010 HliNMA MIN M ALKOHD. Itelnllxes nnd friends are United to nttriul the funeral on 'ntur da nrternoon. nt I o'clock, nt lair residence. IU V .loth street Interment private Friends may call Frldn) afternoon fter .1 o iloik AmillMltril On l'ehruarv S 1010 LOUIS, ht.sbittd of Marv Ashenbach aged 01 xcors Relaliies nnd friends nlso Ittimboldt I ndee No 1 l !. t) II. S.. arc Inxlled to attend Hie funcrnl. on SUurdux, nt 2 p. m Iront his Lite residence, loivt nuffner st N't, e town Interment st Norlhuood Cemeterv. Remains mat be xletxed on Vrtrlnv evening lliri'MIII.-On IVIiruart 0. 101(1 It'Llt'S ,",1T-Nhl Ml "Red .1 xears lieiatliiss and friends also organlmt otis of nlith he Mj member are tnt lied to attend funeral seethes situidnt nt 2 t, tn nt the re"i- 'I1M1, e of his diitfihtrr. Irs 1 hnmns XX'ood ...u . 2d M utnet in'erment prlxitte lilt XMIO.N.- On Fehttlirv 0. 1l)l JOHN, husbind nf Mart Ilrandon Relatives nnd irletuls also empltives of Ctrix Urothers. tire Inxlted to attend the funeral serxlics, nn Hattmlty. at 2 ti in, nt his late resl-denci-, 211.1 North 10th at Intrrment prl xnle Itrmalns mi be xlevvcd on Frld.tj rveiilnir Automobile rutiet.tl. IIRl.t.KIL On 1'eliriinrt 10 IOIiI it thi leitldente ,.f Ills snll-ln-llivv Dr. llentt L riiin.llnr is7 Moii'h 40th strtet, ALFRi:i IIHIMKI! itaed s. vtiirs Itelaiites nnd 1 Herds .ue Invited lo intend tin' runrral nrvlir. un Mutiil.it. ut 2 p m , ut the Olltir II Hair rtuilillnx s.M t'hentnut street. Inter inent private. Klndlv omit rloweis. IIRVAN. On Feliruirx 10. 1010, nt Ihe lel ihnrt. of his son-ln latt It W Miller. 4.124 l-ninkford ute , HAX'ID F llltVVN. hus I1.1111I uf I'lthirlne llrjan mee Mcfool) and son cr the l.ne Samuel and Surah It Hrxitn ntred sit teirs ltelatltes an I friends urn Invited to nl nd Hit- funeril servlies. on Inndii, nl '.' 10 p in, ut J. II. .Slander A llto , 4'lltl Fuinsfuril live Friinkford lutertnint prl vale Remains nuj be xlevvcd Sundav ove 11 In K ( XltrKlt. At Delnnco N ,l on Februurv II toil! SALI.Ii: V. tvliH nf Joseph E Car ler. aped as xeais ltelatltes and friends are Int Red to aiiend tin film ral, on Saturdjx, at 2 p in from her lite residence, corner nf I'oplar und X'tne at- . Deltnt.o, N J Inter ment at Odd Fcllovta' Cemeterj. Uurllngton, CARILR.- On l"ehrunr 0, 1010 MAIIY S cxitTDIt ut resident r of Mrs Thomas, her nlect' a house. IJutllnKtoti. N. J IIAllllLlls. o F.-liriinit n. 1010 ROR IJRT I'll XMIIIIHS. aced Ml vi-lrn Rclallxea and friends, als.i laidKe No 4 12 F. and A M ute tutlted to mil nd the runtral serv lies, on Saturilax. nt 2 p m., nt the tesl denitt of hlf uon, linbtrt ii. Chambers III North riirton at. Hharun Hill. I'a Inter mi nt nt Mount Xlorlih Cemeterv. Retnalti.s iiuj I... tlcvvtd on rrlda exenlnK. Automo bile funeral CLARK, On I'elirunit 0. 1010, ClfARLLS II. CLARK, husband of Henrietta clarl. and pu ,i iiip i.ite aonn and .xnrgnret t inrk III rrletlds alio A f llnl-mer lf.mthti n fMiit, ',,, ,fa, ,,, uts UK). ItCIIItltHK ami Mt liujul Vi lit t'ltth are Inxlted to attend 1umr.1l Hunduy ut 2 p m from his lain lesldente HO HI, hmond st Proceed tu lliluier X'liult. COLLINS. On Kebruniv 0 1010 ANNA -MAItin. dauijhter nf .Limes F. and Mary K. Collins (nee Fan tine). Helatlxea and friends ilso rmploxes of the Landenbi riter Hosiery Co nro Inxlled to attend tho fttnrrnl on Stiurjav, nt 8 30 h. m . from the resldente nf her parents, 222U Lust clenrlleld st III 1 Mnsi nt Nativity CI urch at 10 a m. Inter ment at Holv Sepulchre Cemeterj. tOHHV. On Fehruurs 0 10IH. ItOSE A., wife or Francis P. Corbv nnd daughter of Mary Ann and late John Ctirrun Itelutfxes and friends are Invited tn attend funeral Mnndat, at s a. nt. from mothers rr-ldence .--'l, aiertdlth st 12.11 st und Fnlrmnunt nve Itrqulem High .M.ish ut St. Fr.tnrls Xatler 1 htut'h nt n oMock Interment at Holv CroHt Cemeteiv Autnmoblle fitnernl Ct ltlt On Fehruarj 0. 1010. MARY xvlfa or James c Currx Helnlltes and friends are Inxlted to attend funeral servlies. Mon ddt nt 2 p. m. nt her late leslrlenie 24 14 Fe.iet-jl st Interment nt lit Morlah Ceme terv. Itemalns ma be tlewed 8unda ..ve iling between 8 and 10 o'clock. Automobllo funeral. IIAI.Kr. On rebruarv 0 1010, JOSEPH "im .if L'llznhelh and the latn Illrhard Ilalet. ltelatltes and friends, nihil tmnlotes of Cut t r Co nre Inxlted to attend funeral. Sat urda ut S 10 a. tn from his late residence, toil Mountain st iloth nnd Morris air). High Mass uf !teiulem ut tho Church of tho Annum utlon nl 10 o'tlULk. Interment at Holt Crosa Cemetery. IHtl1.-On February 0. 1010. MAIIY A. ttl'e of William II fUvta Itelatlves and friends are Int te,l tn attend funeral, Satur- ititi, at , JO a. m from her late residence 2.1.13 Wilder kt. High Mass at the church nf St. llabrlel at 1) o'clock. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery. DKN.MN.-On February 0. 1010, MAIIY AMELIA xvlfo of Harry c Dennis. Rela tives and friends, ubo Fntrxlew Council, No Mi, D. of L, H Invited to attend tlw fu neral nervlces. on 8unda nt 7 p m , at her late residence ftni2 Insdovvne nxe. Inter ment at Fntrxlew Cemeter). Ches'er Counly. P.i.. on nrrlxal of train leaving Philadelphia 11 in 11 m. Monday IIKMNK. On February 11 10111, RICHARD. son of John A and Florence Coghlan Dexlue. aged .1 years nnd 0 months. Relatlvoa and irlends ure Inxlted to attend the funeral, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from tho resiueiue or ins grandparents, u.-i ?ortn ssin street Interment nt Holv Cross Cemeter). Itemalns mux be xiexved Sundav exenlng. Ill'NTON.-On February II. 11)10, nt her residence, K TE N , wife of the late Kugene Duntnn. Relatixea and friends ,tru Inxlted to attend the funeral serxlces, Mondax after noon at 2 o rlo. k ul the Oliver H Hair Hull. ling, IS.M chestnut street Interment at Woodlands Cemeterv h.M'K huildenlx on Februarx 0, 1010. at the residence of her sun, Frank A. Enrk, 1402 North Wanamaker ut. ALICE C, vtldow of Henry T Bnck aged 07 )earB Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend ihe funeral, on Saturda). at 10 a m . from thc residence or her sou, C II Em k 4S N I till ht , llar rlsburg: Pa Internient at Mouttt Zlon Ceme tery. Cumberland Count), Pa FKlliI. on Februar) 8 JOIO. FnEDEIlICK. son ot Rose and tbe late Clodfrltd Fetat (pre liassenfoder) Relatixea and friends are In xlted to attend funeral on Satuidav. ut 8 30 a m.. from his late residence, 1010 17. l.ehlgh axe Solemn Requiem Mass at St llontfaclua' church at 10 o'clock Interment Most liolv Redeemer Cemetery. FKItltlrl pn February 0 1016, MART FERRIS Funtral on Saturday, from her lale residence, 1li.0 Rldga axe High Requiem Mass at Ihe Church ot the Oesu at 10.30 a m. Interment prlxate riKLIIIMJ. On February 7. 1016, HENRY, hUHband of Sarah Fielding (nee Doll) Rela lltes nnd friends also st Albans I-odxe No MO. F. and A M, Court Penna. No. 117. r. of A. Oeorge W. Van Duns Heneflclal Asao. IV 12 Wharton Heneflclal Asso., and mem bers or Ih" llethany I'resbjterl.tn church, tholr and Drotherhood and emploxes of the t'nlon Tank Line and AtlantL' Refining Co are Invited to attend funeral services, at his daughter' residence. 1120 Shunk st en Sun day afternoon, at 2 o clock Interment Fern wood Cemeterv Remains max be viewed on Saturdax evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock 1 OLI.VARD. On February S. 1010. MARY, wife of John Follyard. Relatives and frlende are Inxlted to attend the funeral, on Katurdav. ut 8 10 a. m.. from in realftent-a of her son-tn-U,. Thomas McGarey. ISO North Union axe., Lansdownu. Delanare County. Pa High Mass at Kt. Phllomena's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cmeterv GAIXAfillKR. On Februarx 10 1016. JOHN J. iJALl.ACIHEH, son of the, late Elizabeth Clinch. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on baturday at 2 30 p in from his ulster a residence, Mrs Robert C. Newell. 4112 Westminster axe In lerment nrixste at Westminster Cemetsrv. liKUHKS. -Suddsuly. nn February 9. 1010, KLI.ADBTH OKHPES. daughter of the lale Robert and Mar) J LaugMIn Relatixea aad friends are Inxlted to attend the funeral terxlces on Saturday, at 2 30 p. m., at tbo Oliver II. lUtr Rulldlng, 1820 rChestnut St. Interment private. GRAY. On February 7. 1010. JOHN ORAY. husband of Annie Gray (nea Uegary), and son of the late James aad Kllen dray. Rela tives and friends sre Invited to utttend fu ntral services, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 2332 8. 17th at. Interment private. Mount Morlah C.mo. tery. Remains may 1 viewed on Friday venlng at 8 o clock GREEN. On February 0. 1010. PATRICK F.. son of tbe Ute Oeorge and Ellen Orun foes Tralnor). Relatixea and frltnds sre invited to attend tbs funeral on Saturday, at 7 W a m. from his late residence. 190 W. Cum berland st. Solemn Requiem Hlgb Mass at the Uluttoa Church at a. m. lotermtat at i' Cathedral Cemslery HARRISON. Ou January J, 11B. JAKE HARRISON seed G8 ears. Rolatlves sod friends are Invited t attend the funsral tin Saturda), at 8 30 a in from her late resi dence. 4001 Laniaiter axe Solemn hsqulsin Uass at the Church or Our Mother of kr roits at 10 a. ro Interment at Holy Cross Ccmstsry tlKATHS HAttTMAN. -On February 10, 101ft, BENJA MIN T son of Louis n, nnd .Klirttbfth W. Hartmsn. Relatives and friends sre Inxlted to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Monday, st 2 p. m., nt parents' residence, I21S Ells worth st Interment prlxntc. IIWH.-On February t, 1010, LOUIS, hus band of Sophie llerk, nited OS ears, llorn In Mnrburtr Hermnny. Due notice ef th funeral will be (then, from his Istn resldenee, r.121 Crow son st. (Chew and Church lana), Oermantotsn IICINICKr;. On t'ehruary 8, lOiO, OBOROB F.. husband of Clars .ItelnlcVe, Seed , 41 xears Friends, nlso members nttxersr Union, No. 1 nnd emploies of riuis lleritdoll Brew ery and Harmony SlnRlnir Society, ars.ln xlted to nttend the funeral services, on 6nt ttrdsv nl .2,0. tn. prrclsely, nt his late resl 1enre. 2710 L)re st. Interment prl-ale. Its mi Ins mav be tinted in frldav nvcnlnsv IIOIIIN. On rehruary 0, 1010, MAItTtN husltnnil of Klliahjlh M. Ifobln formerly of (Mrnrdtllle la Ilrlntlves and friends, also Holy Name Society Altnr Society and Leanu , of the Snrred Heart nf St. Columbs's Church, nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Mat urdav nt s no n m, from his late resl tlence souihenst corner Mxrtlewoort snd Huntingdon sis. Utah Itrqulem Mass nt 8' rolumbs's Church nt 10 n m. Interrupt t Westminster i emeterv. HIMIIKIMKII. lULlA nTTIN'OKIt, sud denlx, nt Vew York Tehruarx 10, iniO. wife of Mst Hofhelmer. nued .17 jesrs. Duo notice nr th r,,,tinl ..III ),a .1, ... , niiin.' n., r.i., n mm nnr.r,t,. r 1IOLCK son of Mrs Untie!!. Ilmietr. anrf S3 tears. Relalltes and fi ends, also Lrdla Dannh Council, No. 172 Jr. O, U. A, M Camden N. J. nnd Wlldey Lodge. No. f. t. O. O. F . of Camden, N. J . nre Invltetf in attend the. funrrnl. on Snturdax', nt 2tu ii. m , from the residence nf his brother-lrt-lavx, Ldvxnrd Cossnbone, CIMsshoro. N, .t, Serxlres at tlm housp Interment In M P. Cemeterj. Olassboro. N J. Automobile fu nernl. lit (HIES, On IVhrinrv 7. 10111, IDA M. tvirn nf John C T. Huglies. aged 82 years, Relatives Mnd Mends nre Invited to attend the runeral serxltes. on Saturday, nt I p, m . nr the residence or her daughter, Mrs Ida V Freno 211 1 Clreenvxlch st 12.1,1 nnd Lick Inson sts ). Interment prltate friends msy mil I rldny evening. Auto service. KLI.LLIt On felirunry 0. 1010. JOHN SCHIlOlllJmt Knt.l.nil. nclatlxcs and friend nre Inxlted tn attend the funeral sprvleew nn Frldnt nt s p. tn , nt the home nf n Htinn. .1112 Woodland axe Internient at Hcllefonte. Pn KIRK, -On I eliruurt 0. 1MH JKN.VIH A.. wife or I). i:dtxln Kirk nnd daughter of the lite James nnd Anne Adams Relatlxes nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral sertbes on HMurditx ut 2 p in nt her lata resilience IB s 31th st. Interment at Fern wood Cemeterv. I.ARKIN.- Suddenly, on Fchruarv 0, 1910, at his line irsldenie 210 N. ?"runklln St.. NK'HOLXi Pr rmher or Nicholas and Frank I-ailtln ltelatltes and friends nro In t If-d to attend the funeral on Haturdav, at 7 10 n. ni from apartment' of Albert Moors K Son 722 N ftrond st. High Mass at St. Augutln s Church, at 0 n tn Remains ma) be xiexved Frldav exenlng I.i:M. On I'ehrunrt 0 11110, DAVID P. I.IIXS, aged 71 tears ReiiUt.it nnd friends nre Inxlled to attend the funeral services, on Snttirdnj. nt .1 p. m nt his late residence. 100 t Inth t Interment private, nt West l.iurel Hill Cemeterv. Please omit flowers. I.I.Oll). On IVhruarx 8, 1010, F.RNE8T, huthnnd of data M. Llnvd Inee Wcls). Rel atives nnd friends nlso Kensington Interna tlnnil Itetipfl Inl Assoclitlon nre Inxlted to attend the funeral servUts, on baturdnv. at 2 3D p. m . nl his late residence 183.1 Nortn 7tli st. Interment ut Norll. Cednr Hill Ceme terv. XL DONALD On rebrunrv 0. 1010 MLLUN, widow nf 10i.i.pll McDonald mid daughter of the late Patrick and Marv Uarrett. Rela tives and Irlends are Intlted to attend the funeral, tin Monday, at 7 '.0 a in from the lesl'lemr of her brother In-law Ml, hael F c.ihlll 72.1 Shlrlev nt Foltmn Requiem Mass nt thc Cu'hednil at 0 a. in. Interment at Holv Cross Cemeterv XltKINNl',1. On t'i bruarv 0 1010, JAMES, liustMiiid of Ellrntirth McKlnnev Inee White). Relatives nnd frli-nds also Kexetnue Ilranch, Nn 117 Natlnnnl Association nf letter Car riers, nnd the Philadelphia 1'ostolflre Relief Association and l'lillndelpliln I'oilofflte I'ro tettlxe As-ot'latlon. nnd XX ashlngton Camp. No III p o H of A nnd tnrrlers of Sta tion D and Point llrecre station, ore Inxlted lo attend the runeral serlces. on Monduy, at 2 p tn ot his late resldente. 2027 frnuth Opal st Inlcrmrni at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Itemalns ma) bo viewed on Sunday, from 7 to lo P tn. Automobile funeral. Mpliri.l.BN. Suililenlv. on February 0, 10111 AFGl'STA CCI.IIKRTSON McMUL LEN Relatives and friends, nlio employes nf Mlrn. Lane A Si..tt. are Invited to at tnnd the. funeral services on Siturday at 2 p in . nl the (lllvei II Ilalr nulldlng lsjo (-hestniit st. Interment nt Mount Mo rtnh Cemetery MI.CK.M.- At Cape Mm, N ,f on Fcb runrv !l. pin. Ill .IA.M17 M Hi 'RAY llela lives utitl rrlends nre Invited lo attend the funeral servlies at his Isle residence. 222 Ninth st nn Saturdax. at 1 p m. Inter im tit it Cold Springs Ccmclcr). Cold Springs. Cupe Mu) Count). N. J. MEKIIAN. At his residence. 1700 Arch st, on Febntnrv 10 1'IIC OWEN MEKIIAN. nged .14 xears husband or Martha Keely Meehan, formerlv nf Hist and Market sts,, and son ot the late Mhhae! und Margaret Xlechau of Carrltkmore. I'ount) Txrone, Ire land. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from the Oliver II Hair nulldlng, 1820 Chestnut at. New York city Tapers please copt. XILTC'AI.F. In N'otrlutotvti. I'a on Febru arx 7. 11)10. EDWIN METCALF Relatives nnd friends of the famll) are lnvlud to attend tho funeral from his late residence. ,120 Ham ilton street, Xorrhttown. Pa , on Saturday, Feuruar) 12, nt 2 p. m. Interment private at Rlxtrsldo Cemeterv. Remains may bo viewed on Friday evening from 7 to 0 p. m. M II.VTED.- At hat residence. Hotel Lincoln. 11th and Locust sts . un February 7 1016. vvii.i.iA.-vi .r;xu. nusDanu oi Antonine Chandx MUsted Solemn Requiem Mass at M. John's Church at Monda). nt 10 a. m. Friends max xlcvv remains on Sunda), from 8 until 10 p. m . at the Oliver it Hair Build. Ing. l.2o Chestnut st. MORRIS, On Fehruar) 10. 1010, JOHN MORRIS, husband or the late Oltxe Morris, and son of Anna and the late William Morris. Dim notke of the funeral will be given from his mother's resldente, 2101 North 11th street. Ill KPIII. On Fchruarv 10, 1010. WINI FRED A Ml'ltl'lIY beloved nunt ut Ilrulah M' Clinch Relatives nnd friends nre Inxlted In nttend tho funeral on Siturilax nfternoon nt 2 n'clork. at the Oliver II Flair Rulld lng 1S20 Chestnut street Interment at OlJ Cathedral Cemeter) O'HOVLF. On Felirunry 0 1010, MAR OARKT, widow nf Jnmes O'Boylo and daugh ter or the late John and Mary Cook Rela tlvts and friends are Inxlted to attend the funeral, on Saturdax, at 7 30 a. m., from her lain residence, ,1081 Tllton st Requiem Mass at me uniircn or tne Nativity at V a tn. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. DSUAI.Il, On February 0 1010, JULIUS, husband nf the late Catherine Oswald Rela tives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral eerxhes Saturday, nt 1 p in., at his lato resident c, 2417 North College axe. In terment at Hillside Cemetery. PETERSON. sudtlonl), on February 0. 1016. SARAH ELE.A11ETH PETERSON, daugh ter of the late Alexander and Ann Attss Peterson. Funeral on Saturday, February 12, from the residence of her nephew. Alex ander P Corbet Odessa, Del., at 12.30 p. m. Interment at Smyrna, Det. ROLLER. On February 10, 1010, HAR RIETT JANE, widow of James C. Roller, U her 71th )car. Relatixea nnd friends are In xlled to attend the runeral services on Satur day evening at 8 o'clock, at her late resi dence. 170C1 N ISth st. Interment private. M IIRHKDER On February 0. 1010, JOHN SCIIROUDER. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Frl dav. at K p m , at the home of K. Hunn, 114.12 XXoodlund ave Interment at Relief oats. Pa SIII.R1I)N, On February 0, 1010, THOMAS 1 . Jr , son of Thomas I and the lata Ur id ee t M. Sheridan Funeral on Saturday, at 8 a m from father's resldente 1733 Aberdeen st (.12.1 si and Parksldo ave,). High Re quiem Mais at Church of St. Gregory at 0 30 a tu. nreciaely Interment private. blGNETT. On February 8. 1010. MART, wife of Divld Slgnett. aged 70 5 ears. Rtl atlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral services on Saturday, at 2 p. m , nt her late residence, 1302 r'. Conestoga, , Interment Mt Morlah Cemetery. SIMON. -On February 0, laitl. LEWIS, bus. band of the late Margarets Simon aged 73 5 cars. Relatives and friends, also Enterprise I-odsr No 12, A. O. U. W are Invited te attend funeral, Sunday, at 2 p in., from the residence of bis son-in-law William Brecksr, tilt Cooper St.. Camden, N J. Interment prl xate at Arlington Cemetery. Remains may be vtswed Baturday evening. SMITH. On February 7. 1016. at his Ute residence, 1S01 N Hope st . CHARLES, hus band of Anns Smith (nee Kearney). Relatlxes and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturda) at 8:10 a. m. Solemn Requlenf Mass at Si Michael's Church, st 10 a. a, Interment Holt Crosa Cemetery. STOCK On February 8. 1016. ELLEH widow 'of Frederick Stock (nee McKsnns). Relatives and friends Invited to attend fu. neral, Monday, 8 30 a, m.. from her lets resi dence. 170S Wood st. High Requiem Mssa at the Cathedral at 10 a, m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SYI.118. Oa February 10. 1910. EMMA M , wife of John M SylvU. Relatives sn4 friends, also I-adles' Auxiliary Mary Com mander)' No "6, K. T sre Inxlted to attend funeral aerxlccs Monday, at S P. in., at bee late residence 100.1 8. Ilroad st. Interment private, at Fernwood Cemetery, Friends ma call Sun.lav exenlng, from to 10 o'clock. THOSII'eiON. February 10, 1010. aEORaU R, THOMPSON, at his late residence, 2o3t Wallace St.. In his 82d year, Services so. Interment prlvste. TOHKIN'I.TON. On Februsry 8. lt FREDERICK. C. busbsnd or Irene Bond Torklngton aged 44 xars. Relatives and friends are Invited to attsnd funeral services, on Saturday at 2 p. m. precisely at hU lajj residence. 832 Wypnewood road. Ovsrbrook. Interment prlx-atc. VAMIKHNUCB.- On February 10, 1116, WAI.Tlin II.. SR . busband of Anna L. Ysnderkllce. Relatlxes ami friends, als members of Court Conshohocken. No. til. F of A., Grand Fraternity. No 4 and em ployes of I- aad C ot the F R. T , are In xlted to attend the funeral services so Men day afternoon at 2 o'clock, at bis Ute resi dence. 2311 N. 7th st. Interment at Omen mount. Friends may call Sunday between 8 and 10 p. ui ANbTONE. On February 8. 1916. WlUf IA31 11 nusoanq of ttose sua twi im ins iar rrleiuU. also Yolo Tribe Ko 377 Injn. ff. ST v imam ana juna titjtiiout, iwue ; A euipleves of Heorv ptssioa Sons, are invittd to attend fyn.raj Saturfiy at fc H ni from his late residence UO iast TU hlli, axe Rsuulrm Mass st.the CburcA ef the lsUatlan at 10 oclok. Intermeot let) WIEDERHHEDI Suddcnl) on FSrtr 19, 10111 THBODOHL IC WlEDKR8U.iaf 'JS nu 1 v uf funeral wlU tw ltea