" -rW-ii"l "rncrnfe " t.-' EVENING LEDOrEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1016. m i ! 7 : ill 1- M ?! a1 1, 4 i M tH7 ifa' m if. W HI -ffi '$ 1 '.14 f tfl, .Mlf: fl am im 4' m. M J 1 i Mlttrii? Af ARM KRVS WITT. TAKEN FROM BOXES; I INSURANCE MAY JUMP il&n to Put Them in Saloons7 Bakeries ami uuim x mtcs Backed by City Officials xOP THE FALSE ALARMS . ... ..niMam hns been nrotiscd nmeme went and nro umlcrwrllliiB experts - Im city ns ft restlll 01 me nnnouncc- that kcn to nic-nla.rin boxes, which SenliL kent In Bias's cnsc3 nttnchcil to rt Sc. In he future nro to bo kept t",f."i:. .nloons. factories) nntl other j.uMIhmenls wh,ch nfC 0PC" Iny nnU fcVi is inserted Hint this will result In n "hattsc In 'ho nnnunl loia tluo to IH mav endanger human lives, nntl will IStirMtlV result In the ralBlnR of tho flro- IbflitnCB '" Br. TSlem which Is to be put Into cf Hl was used In this city until three If?, i:m West Tlonn. strict, killing Miss Snafcth K' nj'a"' . Tk. Inoucst Into tho dentil of the woman B ' .(,! there wns a dclny of more than BY ..""... ,1I I,, ,n flro ntttlm , '-'L to Inability to locato the Key to the i Kta It was asserted that If the fi ftVhid been available her life could havo ;. 55th little difficulty Immediately alter me iragcuy uinyum '-.ml. n,r.n chief of tho bJlectrlcal TJu- r,.u ordered the liiilnllntloii of the pros .fit ATC 0f alarm box door, with the key Kntilned behind a glass panel which may S readily broken and Instantly available K.$i.4ffA nf lire. tt CHKCK ON l-'AKK CALLS. f Chief McLaughlin, of tho Klcctrkal nti ;,," conferred yesterday with William It Murphy, chief of tho Klro Department; p A. Raymond, of the National Hoard of lire Underwriters; Charles A. Ilcxamer, of (hi Philadelphia Hoard of Fire Under Wr)ini. and IMward Aiken, chief of tho ftlMtrlcal signal syBtem or tho Electrical o,.i. After tho meetliift It was an- - ...i i,.t tlmrA u-nitlil ho n. rntllril to tt old isystcm of licenltiB the keys to !rm boxes In nearby e-itabliahmcuts. lit reason given for making tho clmngc was the Increase- in the number of falsa Virros recorded since the presnt typo of tox was Installed. Prevalence of false alarms sounded In Jtf'Ml c"les '3 " ius-tlfcatlon for taking fl$ th keys out of the boxes. In tho opinion II el John W. Kcuy, cnici ot me itccincai 1 1 Bureau of Camden, and former president iol the International Society or .Municipal Isnglneers. , WHAT OTHER CITIKS DO. "The large cities havo most ot tho keys Incited In the boxes," ho said, "and tho We3t practice everywhere la toward 'pitting the keys where they can bo ;'ud Immediate . In New York, Daltl I'moro, Washington, Chicago and nil of tie larger municipuiuics wmi wnicn i unacquainted the keys are nt tho boxes. iTiJt Ij tho placo for them. In Nownik. , J., they even go so far as to leave tie keys unprotected that Is, there Is M slats to break before the key j reached. ;iThough no olllclal action was ever Ukjn by the Intercatlpnnl Society oC Municipal Knglnecrs, tho opinion of near Ij all members of that organization was tut the keys should not be kept away tnt) the alarm boxes. "Taking the keys away Is not the way ia mppreas the faUe-alann nuisance. A lUtt jail term for offendcra Is far mole i effective. A man who rang a false alarm la Camden not long nnp was caught nnd 11 hocra after ho puIlodVhc alarm he was fceglnnln? a 60-day sentence Jn the county 'Jill, Time is everything If lighting a flro, aid the place for the key Is where It Is ami acceuioie. : PIKE FOR Ptt JSENT METHOD. f; f-Cli)ton V. Pike, rormor chief of tho uuucipnia Electrical iiurcau, wnen (watloned on the matter lcpllcd: t "I do not wish to be put In the posl- ia or criticising any one," he said, "but By attitude on this question ia apparent front the action I took when In charge M tie Electrical Bureau. I lnvestlimtert tie ituatlon and found that the larger municipalities kept tho alarm box keys ow ""! uoj. or eiso nan a rorm ot alarm I hlch AA HM P.nill.a .. 1 nif T nnl fnrtfed IDfieit In thp tr.lnmtiloalrin tt ).. ilKiXT Jlarmj essential and consequently ordered litis w Mange." i1 SfeLAtir.HF.IVH ni'tnvii .! Cilef McLaughlin, of the Electrical Bu reau, aald of tho proposed change: jfJThla will not bo done In a day. It r tk six months; but one thing is MrUIn, v.e have got to protect the public Ijalnit mischievous boys nnd drunken " who break tho glass In the alarm tons now on our streets just to see the Itglnes come. jfThese kejs will be placed In baker ppj, reputable saloons, hotels, npart- I. houses, factories and other places Jfe open at night and are In the Mlate vicinity of the fire box. They Mt be located in dwelling houses in circumstances. FRATERNAL AMERICANS e Officers to Officiate at Initiation or Union Class of Candidates. ' Councilor Sheneman and State ftt Secretary Ford were accorded a reception at the last meeting of R. . ' ' HoU8tn Council, No. 739. ras rr ",uc omciated at the Inula r ttth . i " clasa ot candldates, after Tauii,. .i' ca were oenvered, compll uai' thi. m.iiH-ti ..- v bA V . ... "k" upo" ,la progressive ii ft L,I1Inr of the widespread inter tBrth"t. tne Jurisdiction and the mtt the Bute. reporUa ,rom a" sec S.J,hJiiaiwd'.on l0'':? Sle councilor. .!Stff,.!l"l!Li?H.i 'JEKitet" ui ll& .,00k' 'rward for many MlSuitrm.iI".,.,Sla .Saturday evening- In rtfi a UUdT(,.r' DP"nS..oaen street. ! ! Into hi. 51. "i B? iniuaieq ai ul liSJi-3mli! wl" b decorated ti K5Vl2lSs..c,,,r State flaira be "wt lit? "rtou.,..:ounc"- A selected r 8hM;m;T.r""!!i' laeiea By state ? DBcaeman. win ...mum.. ... n. .. im . T. ':-. -'" . "i". ". "'lenaanee. utmun pnila iiT i!. "v ,ro.ra ." ' VfS''Si?! taU, Council K2THS? iaeotleV'or ihff eSSS.J'Sr.1 M ." ttalwT iRf Cbuncll. No. 6is7 In thi l..'. Tale taunrf U.IH .-..' !:: " oair o ih rauacll. . bill .r M held 'fueuday evenlnc ifUor xfiSOS,?"1 Count.". No. 4TU. lttifiK.Wl'ia and ma.nr dtDullfi f Mttw; m!Sl,n wr prewnt. Plana fiaVW;,SJ"n and Stale Couacil fTl St,MUit 8trlek.riuia Council. ,f,Si"1,'fiS&,Md wm " I 5a ii ,w v. g4 " , ,il"" u Nu 97(1 i lk UleiI?io ', ,f D0.Lr of BOO voicea, under 5 T?I irolhM; nobert M. 'Banke. ot Bretff? JLttM P'P er?an will 'n ,lr',V.cd?'c.eKf,?.wfil " '" r.j Tirtw ff MR. AND MRS. HENRY COPE KENSINGTON COUPLE KEEP GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cope Re enact Event of Fifty Years Ago There will be an all-day cclobratlon at 42 West Dauphin street tomorrow In commemoration of n most happy event. Klfty years ago, on February 11, 1SSS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cope were married nt Vaston, Pa. This wedding ceremony will bo re-enacted In the presence of their four Bons nnd six grandchildren. Mr. Cope Is 71 years old, four yenrs his wife's senior. Ho Is widely known and popular in Kensington, where for many years ho hns not only been a lender In public-spirited movements, but also, pri vately, has dono much work for tho roller of tho poor. Ho has lived 43 yenrs In tho lDlh Ward. Mr. Cope is vlco president of tho ICvan gclical Hotho for tho Aged, Old York road and Hunting Park avenue. Ho Is a di rector or the American Enterprise Build ing and Loan Association. Tho four sons ot tho couple Prank, Charles, Edward and 'Walter Cope arc all active In Ken sington business and social life. RED MEN CAMPAIGN FOR MEMBERSHIP GAIN Tribal Meetings and Union Gatherings in Local Wigwams To Capture Palefaces As tho result of a vigorous three months' membership cami algn. Wlssahlckon Tribe, No. "J, mi Tuesday evening held a ban quet In Mosebach's Casino, 12th streot and (iirnrd avenue. Captain Charles Wleland, of tho State Council Finance Committee, with his Tcllow team members had tho pleasure of acting as hosts to Captain J. Locli and tho members of the winning team. Great Sachem Samuel J. "Walker, Great Junior Sagamoro T. C. Beswlcl: and Deputy George Knlttle were among the honored speakers of the evening, Thn Allied Trluci or Weat rhlla-lelphln, Tuedn) cNcnlnfr, met lit the wlKwnm of Ka liuntnli Trllie. at Ciil ftreet nnd lllrard ave nut?, preliminary to iho "Iloom" getmlon to he hpl.l ilurltiK worm moon. In tho wlirwam of Tuclcnhoe Tribe, at -"'-' South OOlli street, liiaml Sachem H. J, Walker offered a prize to the tribe sending the larseat delegation to the proposed "lloom" nesslon and Great Junior SiiKumoro T. C. lleswlck offered a prlro to ha awarded the West Philadelphia trino capturing tne largest numiier ot paio facen prior to the date of this meeting. The movement. It in bclleted. will prove po tential In advancing the Interest of- Redman uhlp ttcet of the hchuvlklll. and Is only nno of manv plans contemplated by the allien tribes of that dlrtrlct for a cenoral forward line of work In which all tribes wilt be ma terially benefited. - The big .Montgomery County district meet ing held In Nnrrlstown proed a gratifying auccepa nnd brought together nctlo members ami delegations of Norrlstonn. C'onnholiocken ami nenrb" tribes. Aslnteil by tlreat Junior Kagumore lleawlck. tirent Harhem Walker ton ferred the pant eachem's degree upon o past olllcera of subordlnat" tribes, fleorge Alker. rhlef of records f Tribe No. U'J, made an Interesting short ta!k Monday evening the Board of Great Chiefs attended an enjoyable banquet tn cerebration of tho tilth nnnlversnry of Saw Saw Tribe, J.O. SSI. or Edgo Hill. Tho affair was held In the (ilensKlo Methodist Church, and tho members who turrounded the festal board were caret! for by members of the Ltdles' Aualllary of the tribe, who supervised the details of the ban quet. Short talks were made by the great chiefs, and tho affair was one which reflected the highest credit upon the tribal manage ment and the order at large. Friday evening delegations from Kingsesslng Tribe. No. SOP and Mandam. No. 110. visited Teocco Tribe. No. 313. and assisted In a house warming gathering held In Its new wtrwam. "Oth street and woodland avenue. Represent ing the Great Chief. Great Junior Sagamore lleswlck made a short talk. Tho Slat anniversary of Tongwe Tribe, ?o, 32.", was appropriately celebrated Friday even ing in Columbia Hall. 22d and Norrls streets. A large gathering of warriors and brsves listened attentively to addresses by Great Sa chem 8. J. Walker and several of the local deputies. Following the regular business aeeslon of Tubu Tribe, the Haymakers from Heading and various sections of Philadelphia Invaded the wigwam and In Jolly good fellowship enjoyed a social season, discussing affairs affecting this Important auxiliary to Redmanshlp. The Past Sachems' Association or Pennsyl vania held Its regular monthly meeting Sat urday evening In the new headquarters at Teocco Trlbo'a Hall. 7id street and Woodland avenue Renewed Interest was shown by the large deleaatlon present, and President J-Jl Camero seems assured of a large numerical Increase. This was an open meeting, and there were a number of past sachems pres ent anil representatives from 13 tribes. PaBt Sachems U Jnn and Sower gave Interest lng talks on the progress of this active hody This organization ia chartered under the laws of Pennsylvania and Is open to all oasi sachems of the reservation of Pennsylvania to Join and become rnoro fully acqualii wuh the Inside workings of the order In this Past Bachera George W. Nicholson wm raised to the position of vice President and iniade a few remarks on the good of the order. Other addresses were made by P.st Sachems Itheln hardtrsutton. Phearsop. Ward. Camero. t and Rudolph. The committee served refresh, ment.: aatf all enjoyed themh .and prom- lieu a larKer amfuuv3 - March f. Among the tribes prent .Here Nos. 21, 30. 81. OS. 87, 181. 1ST. 208, 133. 813 and H. ifinonlt Tribe No. 431. bad an exceptionally laTgo attendant on list Friday-, sleep. There were many visiting brothers., among whom wtn SStbers C. Williams. F. Ktanartl and E? BDlcVr. of Mohave Tj be. and BroUw C. W. Campbell, of Mlnokln Tribe. 'No. Ml. Brother Campbell has lust eomoUted practi cally a round-tbe-wortd tour, serving for a time in the State of California as the desuty ire?t IncohoneV. His talk ws lnterestlnr SeMrlbloTln Part the tribes located throughout 4h.!.,,t...,0aX s!iu?iv& roMovQ,u,VAt,BVcShef; ffi; and Ktenard. and Taylor and Oilman, repro santliur Mlnonk Tribe, resulted In a victory nJrthS home team. The regular weekly gama if' indoor Scictr wa Plad btwo Braves aad Warriors, resulting In be fl"- during tho annwrwo. "i; "rl'n'iii. fn iil I.? wlinlpg by the close score .of H goaU to 18. T.tV'uJ0.h.e V." . S "pnounced , .AA i5Ffrerent period? of Play RenuUr nm tomorSw it 80 " the epaciowi wlgwam- SR,pfeSru;t?fMaVof UMtaonk-. , dear., Igm trii!l to Mohave Tribe on Moodir a slse; and MlM4 to b adaptloa of a paleiaca Iny ht tribe. Pacosta. Ttb. Mr SI omtoa to gtl ja Sw use .beta DO hit a mt WW adoption degree was conferred on one paleface, who later was elected to membership In the Tomorrow's sleep the Dakota Association will confer, the warrior nttd chief's degreo on pale faces In IMeonta's wigwam, nnd n largo gath ering of members Is looked for. To those mem. bers who have nexer witnessed this work this will prove an opnnrtunlty. and visitors aie requested to attend ns early n polble.. ,, ., The speaking leaf, entitled "lltiMIo Month," was rerelveJ from the great sachem and was IIMenert to nllh much Interrft. I'Acontn Is doing Its share In gathering pilefnere and will bf un with the leaders nt the end of tho pres ent term. , . , . Past Hnchems Wrlto1oit, Camero and nro. Hansford were appointed to the Jubilee Assocla. Hon. and the members nro ronfldent that tho tribe will make n jrood showing sgnln this year. Thn election ef mflrers of tho tribe, also thon of the great council. Is rapidly approaching nnd members are nntrhlng with kern Interest the candidates nlto.nre up for election. During tne next seven or eight, seven suns there promises to be an nctltc cninpalgn. On the sleep of the 1Mb sun, Snow Moon, the degree ttnm of (lotvanese Council. No, ,2. De gree nf rneahontas. wl'l trnll to the wigwam of tJikotn Council. No, 22n. nnd work the ntlop lion teremonv upon n class of candidates. A large ntltndnnoe of inemhers Interested In degree team work Is expected, ns Oowanesj Counrll enjovs the reputation of hming one or tho best nnd mttut carefully trained tlctree teams In tho order. , Wlnnlpurkett Tribe. No. flfll. sill! continues to bring new members Into Its fold, ns was shown Inst Monday's sleep, when the ilerfee te-im under the captaincy rf P. S. I. I. 1.111 ntt, performed the adoption degreo on four little- Ore'nt Interest! being dleplsved hv the mem bers who ore Inking part In the, snorls tourna ment now In progress, nnd tho friendly rivalry for the prlies Is keen. ...... Preparations are nlto under wav for the Jolttt raising rf tho chiefs of I'.yota, Trite, No. as. anil of Wlnnlnurketl Tribe. No. 3111. which will he held the first SttuMay night In April In the stidltnrltlm of the Parkway Building. Same will be In public anil In full costume, tho rlelng tenin to consist of jiast racltetns of each tribe. The Dakota Asroclttlon nf South Philadelphia held n rcksce parly and dance Mnmlav ee nl ig Inst, rourtecn tribes were represented nntl the hall wns well filled . Tho Dakota As eoclitlon will parade In n body nt the con vention next June, nnd from the arrange ments nlrendv under wav thev expert to make a tine showing and bring home some or the prizes. Vubi Tribe Is still capturtn paleface". This tribe ntlniltled.two on last Wednesday's elecp and will lmo an adoption this week. The rnkola Association will take Its de- 5rce team to l'aconta Tribe. No. 31, on Krl n's elcep nnd thero exemplify tho warrior's ami chief's degree. The Deputy Great Sachems' Association held Its regular monthlv meeting Mondav exenlng A larce number of the deputies were In at tendance and perfected plans for tho coming raising up of newly elected chiefs. JUNIOK MECHANICS Class Initiations Produce Substantial Results Among Local Councils. A successful class Initiation was held by John U. Morlln Council, No. 20, In the hall, &08 Vest Allegheny avenue, Saturday evening. Tho feature of tho evening was the degree work of tho council degree team, especially tho work of tho Guards. Many new features wero Introduced, which were appreciated by the largo membership present. Tho fol lowing members were on tho team: Coun cilor, Henry Wollenmann; vlco coun cilor, William Ploss; chaplain, Harry Harford; Junior past councilor, John F. Rue, Jr.; warden, William A. Lewis; con ductor. Elmer W. Cross; captain of guards, Walter W. Young; sergeant, John W. 71. Gray. Tho council now has n membership of S30 members, making Mnrlln Council tho largest council In membership In tho State of Pennsylvania. The council Is now aiming to ocllpso Wayno Council, ot Urooklyn. N. V-. which has the record for tho largest membership In the order. Tonight tho debating team will havo the floor on tho following sublccts: "Shall tho Railroads ot This Country B Owned hv tho Government or by Corporations?" This will bo on Interesting debate, nil members arc In vited to be present. Stephen Glrard Council. No. Ill, hrltl n successful class Initiation In Its hall Thursday etenlng. Tho deKrc work was porrornte 1 hv the degree team of Stephen Glrard Coun -II on two degro nntl the third was rut nn l.y tlto guards of John B. Armstrong Council, No. 1"0. Many of the hustler" of Stephen Glrard re ceived prizes for their artlilty In putting In new candidates. Among tho list wero Warden M Stein, financial Secretary Harry l. YoiKcr: Recording Secretary. William ijtuderw-HHier. Visitors present were Stato Secretory Charles H. Hall. Stato Treasurer Charles Kaufman and a delegation from John R. Marlln Council. Stephen Olrard Council now lias n membership of 230 members and ranks among tho leading councils In Philadelphia. West Philadelphia Council, No. 51, held an Interesting opon meeting on "Wednesday even ing. Tho membership was out In largo num bers with their friends. West Philadelphia Council Is trying for a targe In -reuse In mem bership, and this Is tho opening ball In tho campaign. After the entertainment ndtlresses wero mnde hy State Councilor S. O. Scott nnd Past Stato Councilor Thomas It. Walters. Re frcshments wero then served. Frankllnvllte Council. No 7.1, Is going to hao a big housewarmlng night when thev enter the new meeting placo In tho spring. Plana were mode at thn last meeting for a largo class Initiation. Tho work will bo put on by tho de gree team from John R, Marlln Council. The dato of this night sjlllboj announced later. District Deputy Stato Councilor John r. Rue reports that he has visited every council In his district and that all nro In a proipcrous condition. Councils visited were Spring Gar den, No. IS, Relief. No. S; Liberty. No. 33, ami General "Warren, No. GSI. Brother Ruo's slo gan in nil his talks Is "Don't forget tho Bene ficiary Degree." sr m a-ariesa-aBMs-, swaMa-a be mmv ma eVmngg y' " Making distance nil in business Mr. "A" ia a Philadelphia business man. (He assures us he will be glad to have us tell you his real name if you wish.) The sales report was before him. It showed a bad drop in the busi ness from up state. He knew they needed his goods up there, he hisw his goods were better than ever, and he knew he could sell them himself. But his desk was inches deep with important work; to pack up and spend several days on the road was impossible. Then a Bell advertisement in the news paper he had tossed into the waate-basket, caught his eye. That four-day trip became a matter of two hours and a dozen telephone calls. He saved "half a hundred" in traveling expen ses and sent the sales-record up with a bang. He spends an hour a day with his Bell Telephone and his prospect list now! ANNUAL ELECTIONS ORDER GOLDEN EAGLES New Corps Grand, Castle Offi cers to Assume Direction of Knights of Golden Eagle Aeolian Castle, N'o. SIS, nf this city, will have the honor next year of having one of lis members nt Grand Chief In the person of John I- Hrounloy. and Phil adelphia Castle nrc particularly inter ested nnd active In endeavoring to make his year a great success. Thev are trying to make an Inerenso ot 100 In Philadelphia nlone during 1316. The Election Committee of iht Grand Castle, appointed to compute thn voles cast for Grand Castle ofllcers, will meet tonight In the ofTIre of tho Grand Castlo for the purpose of opening the returns nnd computing the votes cast. This committee Is composed of Past thief Hnrrv V. Whltlev. chnlrman: Past Grand Chiefs Thomas J. Mccnutev nnd George II. Gregory, tellers; Past Chiefs James W. Welremnn nnd Jacob L. Al bright, clerks. Supreme rhlef John IV. r"nrd Is no-v on n tour of the New Kngland States In the In'erest of the order. He will visit castles In tho Stales of Connecticut. Massachusetts ami M-ilne. seek ing to stimulate Interest In the frnternltv. Brother Ford has done a great deal of trav eling during his term ns supreme chief and has accomplished much of tnnglble benefit to the order. The grand chief has rontracled for Ralh Temple. In Rending, for the session of tho Grand Castle, which will be held In tint eltv, nntl ho hns also arranged1 for the head-nu-irters of the flrnnd Castle during Us ses sion Tho local committee will Issue shortly tho usunl demonstration circulars. The military branch nt the present time Is active nnd his completely reorganized during thn vear. The hrlgndn governing the Stato nrui tne orurrrn or tne sinn: are ns ronows- Brigadier genernl. George R. Oregon. 10.11 Mineral Springs road, Rending. Assistant adjutant Meut. Col. Charles O. Htthn Rim Prnnkford avenue, 1'hllndelphla. Assistant nunrtermnster. Major J. C. Fred erick. 21 IH Ktit7iown road, Reading Assistant surgeon. Major K. F. Shay, M! First street. Utncaster. Aides de ramp. Oantaln R. A. McCrncken, Danville and Captain A. I Broomal, 703 South Matl.tck street. West Chester. Sergeant major. W. II. Gnsnell, Jr., .1,111 North llllh street. Philadelphia. Quartermaster sergeant, tl. Madarn, 132 South Dlnmottil street. Philadelphia. Color sergeant. P. Kemp. Olney, In Tho value of thn military branch In the de velopment of the prosperity of tho castles Is being more generally understood than formerly, with tho result that sir knights are participat ing In tho work of thn uniformed rank nnd with branches nro working In harmony for nn nd vnnce of thn Interests of Ragle knighthood nnd thn extension of thn principles ot fidelity, valor nnd honor. ' Tho success of the order In this turlsdlctlon rnnv be Judged from the fact that, notwith standing the ustnl number of suspension, during the past ve.tr the official records will disclose n substantial net Increase In mem bership The figures received nt headquar ters show many gains nmong subordinate castles, the most notable net gains being as Montour Castle. No ISfl, Danville. 01, Delta Castle, No. s. Philadelphia. rkS; Crescent Cas tle us, Philadelphia, lit. Livingston Castle, No. -"VS. Allenlo-vn 42, Anulla f'nstle. No. 3,10. Perknnle, .".3. Qtlnkertown Castle. No IIS, (luakertown. 30: I.vcomlng Castle, No. J23, Wllllamsnort. 20. Wlnd'nr Castle. No. 02, Dnwnlngtnwn. 27: West End Otstle. No. 2rtn, Philadelphia. 2R. i:nst (Jreenvlllo Castlo. No. 2!1S, Cast Greenville . "ill. Olev Castle. No. IIP, rrledcnsh'trg 24. Ansonla Castle. No, J12 Rtwvh, 22- 1'nlon Castle. No. 42. I.ln flelil 22. Florence Castle. No. 2.11. Philadel phia V2. 1'pner Dsrhv Cnslle. No lrtp, Oar rettford 20: Wlntcrv lew Castle. No. 220. Arnot, 20; Milton Castle. No SI", Mlllon, 20: Itns dale Castle No. 244. Lnnsdnle. IP: Hellertown Cantle, No 112 llellrrlnwn. IS. Sinking Springs Caetle, No. 335. Sinking Springs. 18: Ilerrys burg Castle. No. 23, nerrvsburg. 17. West Chester Castle. No. 220, West Chester, 10; Pntl.-er Castle No. lift, Bethlehem II: Ard moro Castle, No. 102. Bryn Mawr. 11; William Penn Castle. No. 141. Blclervllle. 11. and Chambersburg Castle. No. 201. Chambcrsburg. a net gain of 11 members. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Courts iBstall Officers and Discuss Various Plans of Advanced Work. Deputy Henry Miller, of Court Pass yunk, No. 31, at Its last meetliiR Installed tho newly elected ofllcers for the current term. Tho court Is maklnu substantial numerical Rains nnd with the present sustained Interest Is assured a highly Biiccessful term. Brothers Cox, Moloney, Metcalf, Prcole nnd Piatt, as chairmen of subcommittees, havo completed nrranftcmonts for the celebrntlon of the eighth anniversary of the court February IS. Tho Supreme and Grand Court ofllcers, are expected to bo present and a program of exceptional in terest Is promised. Tho court meets In Greble Tost Hall, 721 Wharton street, and the character of tho meetings always attracts a. host of fraternal visitors. Court Pennsylvania. No. C7, held Its Initial smoker of tho year Tuesday evening. A social feature Is to bo held each meeting. Tho Incrense of membership Is growing and tho enthusiasm nf tho members In tho cause Is boundless, A gamos tournament, embracing the various Indoor sports. Is In operation. Monthlv dances have been added for the pleas, uro of the ladles' auxiliary corps A schedulo of springtime festivities has also been per fected. Deputy Sanger Installed the officers nt tho last meeting. Visiting delegations from I'm tEE Ma I MCIU vCJJuijs.' fll')' 'ip?,r'trn.,.,ae' American Bagle, St. Alban'a and Robin Hood were welcome guest. Brothers Gamble, Fa. hey, MeKisslck, Camp bell and Meyers contributed to the entertain ment features upon behalf of the guests. 2Lriy,,vs Holmes, McCall, Dunleavy, Simon, Dtlffljld. Pltsehl, Tully and others of the homo talent added to tho entertainment. A brief !?Jk ''A., "'other c. Bradley, P. O. 0. II., Something to Consider," gave a new view to old truths. . Court Northeast. No. .110. Tronkford avenue and Mat Tork street, on Friday evenings Is mo nieces, or tho Woodc hoppers, merry men who nre striving to nailst the order by Infusing a little fun. ntler the work Is done. Believ ing In Playful mood, it Is, however, not to ba misrons.trt.rd Vt hen work Is to be done play Is cut out After the tasks are done, then recre ?i'on.,',nm"2 ln, b"nK While light-hearted, the iVvlehopper. i)-. not lightheaded, so to their playful moments there nre added hours or roihi work. In the serious aspects they nro it; pr.imlnom ns they nro piramount In the fun rronuclng ttnrtlons. in ttm ,,...., ...... - campaign to advance tho order this body wlth-,-.. nflr !? '"Producing results, Woodehop. IEtllB. ' ""hers Brady,' Creeden. Btownrt, h fiLM.'0!1.' .I.0.B'', O'ron"-. Young. Mor. rle, Gamble. Prltchard and such celnbrltles In t?. nrttBt0 l.0Wt' nrM- ""' and all the .it?.. T.h,,1ntIH"e In choppcrdom but In. 2!m.? tni?lcn. .n.nrlS '" forestry, and the SSL" ,ln :- lln ' '"" n "" of the good 2m -ii.y.i11"' coilrt .x "" t0 sanctum l.l.?.1il.?f!?"n1Jnc.n0,t of K"0,1 fellows from every section of the cltv to bo found there will 51 n? ,?d"t ", ,0 ,h0 m,rk of th' order dj courts that encourage this feature. enSSM.'in'?'11 'J1!1.' Vol I""-,heli! Its quarterly rM.r,J?nlf ni . f,r ','. J" Odd Fellows' Hall, Im.'I e' SehuyUIII. Chairman Tvrrel pre-ii.,,.'L.Th-0i' wh"on,rlu",'1 I" talent were ;iV?i""iirn!'ol' MfCortward George and Vin BLii'X,"1' illCl"1 "nJ Flanagan. Grand r.,l"iS.-Lo,mbrf ge an appropriate talk. Supervising D. o. V. It. William Hurley re ISi'k '"'" ,,a5L t,'Knri,lnB the Increase of membcrfhtp In the district. An award ot gifts ".US.11 Jen'"re of the occasion. An announce ment of a class Initiation for tho section will havo stimulating effects In causing tho mem-2-7 C-( c0,,ir,." Matiajunk. MIITIIn. McKlnley suits m R E0W "how'ng tn re- ..r..u.rt ohoi,k'l"krJ, N- 145- n,rk and fith streets, Tuesday held tho first nf Its five meet ings for February. Such n schedule win not be possible for four veara more. Thn court had tv membership of i:,7 at the last fiscal tr.Wf' nnJ a'neo then 40 havo been added. With a treasurj' of close to f.12.000, It Is In a most flourishing condition. Supremo Repro sentntlve Brother Borrell epoko relative to the progrceslvo work of the court. After tho meet ing a games tournament opened, and a round- ,nuiu itiin tut- tnoso not participating in me games was enjoyed bythoso present. Court Passyunk, N'o. .11. turned Ha social 't'.iSP .1' Jn"' meeting into a commemoration of "Thrift Day," Brothers MoCormick. Coatello, Brown, Gray. Corlees Williams and others spoke upon tho topic as related to fraternal Issues. With SOI membership, nnd adding weekly to tho number, the court, with Its surplus of JCOOO, despite Its K1000 dispersed In benevolence, Is a striking Illustration of that commendable Idea, which la furthor empha sized by tho fact that J.470S.OS n year Is con tributed ns dues to meet tho objecta of tho order. A past grand officer pointed out three Indirect ways that tho order adds to tho prac tice of thrift Inees through Its teachings. A useful, though novel, proposition to add Inter est to tho meetings was suggested, sind will bo put Into effect. Wednesday each week Is tho mooting night at 1S02 South Broad street, where Grand Chief Ranger I J. Pilot keeps tabs on tho promise-makers who were profuse In pledges of support: but many have, up to dale, given no tangible results. Ho wants each man to work; no mere summary "our court" did so will suffice. The court la only a designation; It Is Individual work that counts. Court West Park, No. 81, Wednesdav evening had n notable session by reason of tho largo attendance of members ana visitors and tlto degreo of enthusiastic Interest manifested. Six candidates wero duly initiated ns a result of the good work performed by the Membership Committee. In chnrgo ot Brother Lynch. lec turer Flaherty presented an Interesting pro gram. In which Brothers Rellly. Helleman. retTls. Hart. Nagel and otners participated. On the noxt social night Brother W. D. Bacon will deliver nn lllustrntcd lecture and In con junction therewith a list ot talent will render specialties. Doctor Donnelly was presented with his cer tificate nsti PC R. In a speech glowing In fervor by P. C. It. Pern-, nnd he accepted ft In words which Indicated his aripreclotlon. At the preceding meeting Supremo Trusteo J. P. Donohue opened a course of brief addressos. which nre to continue for tho winter months, when officials of the ordor will pay fraternal Islts and give words of encourngement and !.rca4 VPon, ,5.plc?. of Interest. This meeting ? ' R- Bradley opoko upon the practical Ismte, "Some mattera the war makes It nec essary for tho order to take cognizance of." This court Is 24 years old. hBn 2M members and assets amounting to more than J00O0 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK The 56th Annual Report of the Society, which Will be sent to any address on application, shows: NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR IN 1915 $ 158,456,612 (The maximum which the Society was permitted to write in that year under the Insurance Law of the State of New York) OUTSTANDING INSURANCE, DEC. 31, 1915.... $1,529,886,053 ADMITTED ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1915 $546,961,912 GENERAL INSURANCE RESERVE .$448,826,331 OTHER LIABILITIES 10,079,766 $458,906,097 SURPLUS RESERVES: For Distribution to Policyhold ers in 1916 $ 13,573,499 Held awaiting apportionment upon deferred dividend policies 63,910,551 For Contineencies 10,571,755 $' 88,055,815 RECEIPTS FROM PREMIUMS IN 1915 $ 56,015,862 RECEIPTS FROM INVESTMENTS $"24i899405 TOTAL INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES $ 83,290,810 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS $ 58,371,388 During the year the Society invested $27,888,067 at an average yield of 5.06 per cent. The Annual Report contains the Financial State ment, verified by Certified Public Accountants, schedules of investments, and full details regarding the substantial advances made during the year. It also describes a variety of new policies, including one under which the Equitable will pay an income for life to the person insured if he should become totally and per manently disabled, as well as an income for life to the beneficiary after his death. Of the death claims paid in the United States and Canada, over 98 per cent, were settled within twenty-four hours after receipt of due proof of death. PHILADELPHIA CLEARING OFFICE .gOMaiEitCIAL TRUST BUILDING E. r. I..NGI.nV. Aecncy Supervisor , MAItTIN I DUIIKE, General Actnt, HUGK.XK pOS!Klt, General Anent, CIIAIILKS M. FOSTEn, Agency Manager. TUB I. 1- rtHQISTKH AtiliNCV. A. II. GRAHAM, General Ascat, WJI. II. ItOUINSO., Meprcscntathc. KIS.VNKTII GIIAHAM, General Agent, ; si. 1UCE, General Asent, a, II. LANG A SOX. General Ascnta, SASH EI, 11U1IIN, Agencr Manager, JACOll WEIL, General AkcuI. I'RAniK. D. BUSEII, Agency Manager, .North American llulldlug. Philadelphia, J'a. A, S. ULAS15H. Agency Blaaagcr. Lafayette IlulldUic, nth A Chestnut St- lalldelpUa, Pa. J. A. LENAIIKJY. ABeney Manager, Urcxcl Ilnlldlag, rfalladelpnla. Pa. A. B. LKVV, Agency Manager. Central Trust Jt Saving, llulldliig, pnJla.elpaUb !. GRAND OFFICERS . VISIT LOCAL LODGES Odd Fellows' Lodges Meet State Officers and Consider Plans to Advance Order's Welfare To night tho grand master and Hoard of Grand Lodge ofllcers will pay a frater nal visit to Columbia Lodge, No. 36, In lh6 hall at Glrard avenue nnd Hutchinson street. This Is the lodge of which Grand Hecretnry Asher A. Hall Is nn honored member, and a large attendance of mem bers and active workers In behalf of the welfare of the brotherhood Is confidently expected. The raltv meeting held last night tn the Parkway Building, Broad and Cherry streets, under thn dlreotlon of tho local district deputy gmnd masters, was tho first of a series of movements contemplatetl, looking to tho re juvenation of tho order In Philadelphia and vicinity. Tho meeting last nignt orougnt 10 gether it goodly number of prominent members, who listened nttentlvelv to addressee expound ing the principles of tho frnternlty, and ex plaining the steps necessary for the advance ment of local lodge Interests and tho personal work needed for the further uplift and pros perity of the brotherhood. At the Rebekah Home, 17th street and Alle gheny avenue, tho religious services Sunday afternoon were tn charge of the Episcopal City Mission, Mrs. Mary A. Kngelman. president of the home, spoke briefly, a sermon wns de livered by tho Rev. William Davidson, and the congregational singing was under the direc tion of Miss Rachel Davis. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 118. had charge of the rollglous services held Sunday afternoon in tho Odd Fellows' Home. 17th and Tioga streets, A largo delegation of members and friends attended nnd listened attentively to an Interesting discourse delivered by tho llev. 1 Merrlll Hotnos, pastor of Belmont Avenue Bap tist Church. A brlof address was made by Thomaa Slrps, president of ths home. Musical features of the exercises Included a duet by Misses Ined and Carrie Tliomaa and a nolo by Mark Fisher, accompanied bj Miss Lillian Vclsendans. At the Homo for Orphans Sunday afternoon the services wore without any regular ministe rial address and wero conducted by Robert Gorman, secretary of the homo. Mttslo toy tho children's orchestra wttli solos by Miss Mary Tuson and nn address by Charles B, D. Rich ardson, president, mado up quite an attractive program. Tho regular monthly meeting of the board of grand lodge offlcera was held this after noon at grand lodgo headquarters, 1723 Arch street. Business affecting tbe welfare of the ordor at large wan considered and disposed of, as well as matters discussed for further pro gressive activities. Under tho administration of Noble Grand V. C. Bobbins, Conquanock Lodge, No, 40), Is displaying an unwonted degreo of activity. Special attention Is bolng given to tho social features of lodgo work by setting aside cer tain urgent appeals, bringing out a largo at tendance of those whoso faces are no longer frequently seen In tho lodgo room. With auch efforts nnd an attrnctlvo entertatunment pro vided It Is not surprising that pleasant erven lnga are enjoyed nnd mntcrlally bcnoflclal re sults obtained. Mlllo Lodge at Us last session Inlttated tho following class of candidates' George Ash wprth. John O. Simpson. Harry E. Bartels. Richard Cotte. William II. Heln. Albert It. Darhart, John 11. Pancoast, Ceorgo Roland. Charles n. Weaver, Richard C. Wootton. Wal ter II. Southwlek. John 11. Gardner. Elmer p. Mel!a.Waldcrmom Frltzschc, William W. stout, Walter M. Winter. I.otils Marigg Thomaa MaeClarln, William Wolf. William Wlloy, Charles, E. Taulus. William G. Boy sen. William J. Butterflcld and Francis W Hill. Thursday. February 17. Oxford Lodge degree team will confer the second degTeo In full ceremonial form In Mlllo Lodge room. Under the auspices of tho District Progres sive Committee, a convocation of tho lodges of ths 11th District will bo held Monday eve ning In Room No. 1. Textile Hall. Kensing ton avenue and Cumberland street. The meet ing will bo open to the public nnd has been aimnged Jointly by North Star Lodge. Nt 0.13. and Guardian Lodge, No. 462. Tho speak ers of tho evening will bo Frederick J. Shover, of North Star Lodgo, and the Rev. Amos D. j:t Crowell the. popular rslo of, Curnbsrlafid Street Methodist Episcopal church and a pat guard ot Henderson t-odge. No. BSO. Olive Branch Lodge. No 115. tomorrow eve nine will confer the first decree .unon on petitioner and.U elreadv assured of flva can dhMtcs for the several degrees during the coming month. .The regular monthly meeting of the board hf directors of the I. O. O. F, employment bureau wns cnlled. nt 7'10 Tuesday night, nnd the large Attendance nnd nmnunt of business trans acted showed .the wisdom of early meetings. Manager. J. N. Litchfield made nn extentlvo report of the work oftho bureau, showing that 4.1 Odd relloive had been placed In posi tions during the month or January, among whom were two young men who were placed with one of the large steel corporations nenr Pittsburgh Past Grnnd Benjamin F. Calver ley. Jr.. of Rosborough Lwlce. wns elected vhe chairman of the bonrd and continued nt the bend of the extension work. He repotted that one of the largest publishing companies In the country had opened Its doors to the bureau. Plans were started to enlarge the usefulness of the bureau nt an early date. Trlday evening Grand Master J. P. Halt Jenkins and other prominent Grand Lodge officers made nn official visit to the lodges of West Philadelphia, composing the Pth district. In the lodge room ot Arcturus Lodge, No. 33, 00th street nbovo Spruce street. After the closo of lodge business the meeting was thrown open to friends of the members nnd a pleasant evening was enjoyed. MUale was furnished by the orchestra ot Roxborough !ndgo. The principal address of the evening was given by Iho grand maater. Addresses were also made by Grand Secretary tfaher A. Hall. Grand Marshal Joseph Graham, Paat Grand Master Robert Graham, District Deputy Grand Master Drnce, of the Pth district, and Past Grnnd Buckley, ot Hamilton Lodge. Representatives were present from many lodges of other districts. 7.1on's Intermediate C. T5. Society In a body Sunday momtng will visit the home for orphans, Ogonta and Chelten avenues, and par ticipate In the morning exercises of ths chil dren of the Home. A main quartet will renaer selections and an Inviting program, has been arranged. These exercises are held at 10:30 n. m., are open to the public and always at tract a good attendance o,f members and friends of tho order. , Harris Bncampment. No. 22, held a (octal gathering ot members and friends en Satur day evening. The meeting was well attended, many members ot subordinate lodges being present. After a plenteous repast, prepared under the supervision of P. C. P. Thomaa R. Duncan, an Interesting address on the rise and progress of Patriarchal Odd Fellowship wu given by D. D. O. P. Charles ShotwelU and P. C P. George Carr made a stirring appeal for renewed Interest In this branch of the or der. Tho occasion was featured with muslo. singing and good humor. The Interest mani fested augurs a bright future tor the en campment. Temple "Encampment, No. 100. jsot on Ua patriarchal degree Tuesday night In Room O, ninth floor. Parkway Building, before a large crowd, and. as usual, received much applausa for Its excellent work, A number oC good voices havo been added to the ataft and under the leadership ot Past Chief Patriarch Robert Herrmann have Improved tha singing greatly. Work on the class for Saturday night, April 15, was discussed and plans arranged. TREES pruned! and Cared for Properly by Experienced Nurserymen Inspection of your grounds with out charge. Estimates furnished with digest of trcatRient. Norman Supplee HULLKTlN 11I.1K1. 5900 WASHINGTON AVII. Walnut 8488 Woo.lland Race 1070 1894 .f w President, i-y an -tt ! si w'"1