" (r"?" '-''- B BVEtfllTCf EEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, THTJESDAY, FEBRTJABY 10, 1016. CZAR'S TROOPS FORCE DNIESTER; ON WEST BANK Capture of UsciecjJko Gives Slavs Advantage in Ga- lician Campaign DVINSK BATTLE CENTRE IONDOtf, Feb. 10. Sovero fighting Is again ueveioping on mo uvinsK ironi. i preliminary artillery duels having been succeeded by n continuous bombard ment of groat Intensity on both sides, according to a Potrograd dispatch. I The Hermann liavo taken the Initia tive and attacked the railway Htation at Llksno, on the cant bank of the Dvlna, seven miles northwest of Dvlnsk, This would Indicate a serious penetration of the Jlusslan lines, but tho Husslan Staff explains thnt tho German forces were unable to advance, still occupying their , old positions, and succeeded In reaching I.lkano only by using- henvy artillery, which they now have had time to mount Regarding the security of the strong German fortifications which were erect ed along the northern front during Field Marshal von Illndonburg'fl cam paign against Dvlnsk. Russian military critics bcllovo they will remain effective only as long ns tho ground remains frozen, and .that In the early spring the German position, Including Mltau, wilt be come, untenable Little Importance, therefore. Is attached In these circles to tho persistent predic tions of a great German offensive against Itlga and Dvlnsk In March, slnco Russian military mcrr havo been convinced by the failure of Von Hlndonburg's last efforts to take Dvlnsk that even under conditions most favorable to thci Germans tho DvIr.nk-IUga Una Is Impregnate. The German official statement Ib silent concerting tho advance on Dvlnsk and con fines Itself to chronicling tho rcpulso of minor Russian attacks. It says: "Minor Russian attacks, made In the neighborhood of Illoukst. northeast of Dvlnsk. and against tne field guard post that wo haru captured on the Cth on tho Baranovlch-Lyakhovichl Hallway, were re pulsed," GERMANS WIN BACK POSITION NEAR VIMY Continued from Tune One oners nnd captured Iwo rapid flro guns and a revolver cannon." German guns bellovpd to have a range of more thnn twenty miles aro being used In a systematic effort to destroy Uelfort. tho mighty fortress that forms tho key stone of tho French defenso on the east ern frontier. On Tuesday nnd Wednes day ten Bhclls were hurled Into Uelfort by those mighty cannon, which aro be lieved to bo the latest output of tho Krupp factwry at Essen. French aviators aro trying to ascertain tho location of the guns, which probably are mounted In some hidden recess of tho Vosges mountains When their position Is determined, French officers declare It will bo a simple matter for an air squad ron to put them out of commission by dropping bombs. BERLIN ASSERTS GAINS MADE IN VIMY REGION Trenches and Mine Crater Captured. Twenty-two Machine Guns Tukcn BERLIN. Fob. 10. Further success for the German troops operating In the west ern theatre of war Is announced In to day's report from Great Headquarters. Besides taking additional trerjehes nnd recapturing a cratpr, the German troops took 22 machine guns from the French. The text of the report follows: "Northwest of Vlmy wo captured a large trench section from the French and also a crater near Neuvllle. which had been previously lost to tho enemy. We took G2 prisoners and 22 machine guns, i "South of the Somme several French at tacks were repulsed. North of Uecquin court the enemy succeeded in gaining a foothold In a small section of the foremost line of German trenches. "On Combres IIIU we destroyed an enemy mine position by an explosion. French mine operations northeast of Celles In tho Vosges were unsuccessful." ifl 11 7T! f ciii if Bar MjLA jfW'KwrtjF jF.t ff IPv' lMJ"f t UPRESA DI ATTVETA' NAVALE IN ADRIATICO; LE PRIME AVVISAGLIE Gravi Dissensi tra i Govern! di Vienna c di Sofia per la Futura Divisionc delle Spoglio RUMANIA ED ALLEATI nOMA, 10 Febbmlo. rtlcomlncla ncl Maro Adrlailco l'attl- vlla" ti.avaln. f!I trntfn per ora solamento di slluranti e dl sottomarlnl, ma lion o' Hiinnssltilln elio si jiljbla tra non molto, sprclnlmcnlo so gll nUBtrlad declderanno ' ,11 nlt.inr.nrn Vnlrtntl. nllnlellQ Combattl mento tra unitn' dl mngglore Importanza. ncutrn0i fil credo lllfattl cllC. BO I'attnCCO SU V- j 11 nrr.it,tntn ,lel rVinalnlfn .!(...... I i lona dovra' e-iftero operato, sara necensa- n)lo vocl BCCon(0 cu u ROvcrno cllcnlco no rue lo lorzo navaii nusinacno uwium snrcobe slato fatto segno a fortl prcs- qualchc portltn. I Honl porcho' partcclpasso nlla gucrra, Qucsta mattlna it Mlnlstoro dclla am- , jssc cIlo ncssuna coerclzlonc, per quanto rlna ha pubbllcato un comunlcato ufil- Brave o penosn, potrebbe ugungllaro II rlthrdo. nasi d'attrondo non st nzzardano dl avanzare senza 1'aluto delta forza but gare. Inlanto el contlnua a dlro che la Ru mania si trova nella sua ora crltlca e sarebbo Irrlpegnata In grnvl trattatlvo con lo potenzo centrall cho honno fatto passl dcclslvl. SI dlco a qucsto propo slto cho quando I tcdcschl avrnnno Ilnlto II loro concentrnmento sulla frontlora rumena domanderanno cho Ilratlanu ccda 11 potero a Carp, cho o' nssolutamento In favore del tedeschl. Kl dice che una grave nota sla gla' stata prcscnlata a IJuchnrest o che I bulgnrl vadano conccn- tra ml os I sulla frontlera rumena nella zona dl Kutscluk. II governo rumeno ncmbra pero' Bcmpro plu' propc. so ngll aleatt. Un lolcgramma da 1'arlgl dlco cho Un rcpnrto dl truppo frnncosl ha occupato l'lsola dl Fano, che o' a nord dl Corfu' n cho nppartlcno alia Grccla. Gil alleatl occupano ora lo Isolo grecho dl Molos, Lemno, linbro, Mitllcne, Corfu' o Fano. Telegrnmml da Atcno dlcono che II prcs Idente del Conslgllo grcco, Skutudls, par lando lrl nella Camera del Doputatl cho era stnta rlconvocotn, rlaffcrmo' la de clslono del governo cllcnlco dl rlmanoro WHERE GEItMANS LOST 00,000 Fierce fighting has been in proR resa for several days around the heights of Viny, above Arras, France. These heights dominate several towns of industrial and strategical importance. The Ger mans have lost heavily in suc cessive attacks in the direction of the arrow. AUSTRIA MUST EXPLAIN ATTACK UPON PETROLITE U. S. Wants Apology for Seizure of Food From American Ship SHOT WOUNDED SAILOR FOOD CRISIS IN GERMANY CAUSES ALARM THERE Papers Reveal Extent of Shortage. Substitutes Widely Used LONDON, Feb. 10. While the German newspapers aro telling of the Kaiser and his armies marching on from victory to victory, and are relating dally new ex ploits calculated to stir the people to en thusiasm, the fact that Germany actually Is on tho vergo of starvation Is becoming dally mora apparent This conclusion Is not founded on the statements of alleged "neutrals," whoso Impressions necessarily are biased, but Is based on reports of tho artuaJ conditions as related by the Ger man press. The theory Is advanced that the Berlin Government encourages the publication of alarming reports on tho food situation with a view to misleading tho enemy. This obviously is absurd. The German press Is filled not only with reports of a moat serious food crisis, but with adver tisements of substitutes for missing arti cles of diet and the feverish activities of scientists seeking to discover new food stuffs. It Is obvious that the Government does not encourage the publication of adver tisements like the following, displayed In Berlin papers: "In view of the great shortage of fats hotels, restaurants and all cooks are urged) tto make use of the new apparatus, called the Fats-separator, which. In serted In an ordinary sink, prevents a particle of fatty matter from slipping through into the drain." WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Austria must explain to the United States why one of her submarine com manders stopped tho American ship Pe trolltc, a Standard Oil tnnkcr, In eastern Mediterranean waters and helped him self to stores nhoanl. In making this announcement today Secretary Lansing said the request for explanation was not a "note," but ho said also that "perhaps there may bo demands later." Tho request for Information and an In vestigation, it ;ik learned today, is based on affidavits received by mall from Tap tain Thompson, of tho Pctiollte, which supplemented naval affidavits and which clcarod up the question of tho Identity of tho submarine C.iptnln Thompson's affidavits to tho State Department set forth that he was bound from Alexandria to Philadelphia lie said tho Petrollto was Hying the Stars and Stripes and had her name and na tionality painted In huge white letters on her side While he was IipIqw deck Thompson sworo he was startled by the sound of a. shot. Ho rushed to the bridge and stopped the ship One man, a Dane, was wounded by a shot fired after the ship stopped. When the submarlno ran alongside tho Austrian commander asked Thompson to sell some provisions Thompson refused. Tho Austrian commander is said to havo replied: "We'll take thorn any way." Then, according to Thompson an Ameri can seaman was taltcn on board the sub marine as a hostage whllo tho Austrlans helped themselves to tho stores. A report which was not denkd at tho Statu Department today was that tho Thompson aflldavltH contain mention of shots fired by tho submarine whllo Thompson was on his way in a small boat to present his ship's papers to tho submarine commander. Despite the seeming seriousness of tho Incident, ofilclals today refused to Eeo another crisis In the Petrollto case. clals ncl quale annuncla cho si Bono avutl ncl giornl Hcorsl clnquo scontrl navall nell'Adrfatlto. Ecco 11 tcsto del comunl cato: ".Vol nomerlcclo del G corrcnte un I caerlatorpodlnlcro Itallano rho scortava un Incroclatoro allcato nvvisto- un cuc clatorpodlnlcro nustrlaco del tlpo Hussard cd un Idroneroplnno puro austrlnco. Un lncroclatoro Itallano aprl" II fuoco sulla sllumnto austrlaca cho fuggl' alia sua baso dl Cattaro mettcndosl sotto la pro tczlonc delle battorlo del fortl. "Ncllo stesso glorno un lncroclatoro al lcato Inseul' qualtro torpcdlnlcro nus trlncho oblilignndolu n lornare nlla loro base Plu' tardl un sottomarlno nus trlaco nttneco' lo stesso lncroclatoro tncntrp questo era dnvanll nll.i' ratla dl Durnzzo, ma II slluro non colpl' II ber sagilo. "Un nitro sottomarlo nustrlaco nttacco' davantl a Capo Laghi, sulla costa nlban cse, duo torpedlnlero Itallano cho, dopo nvcro Bc.in&ato I sllurl, attnecarono a loro voll.a il sottomarlno con bombo. "Ncl pomerlgglo del glorno S un sotto marlno nustrlaco nttacco' senza colplrll un lncroclatoro franceso cd una squadra Itnllana ho Incroclavano davantl alio costo nlbanesl." Notlzle dalla Pcnlsola Ralcanlca dlscono cho lo vocl dl dlsaccordl scopplatl tra l'Austria c la Bulgaria per quanto rl guarda l'Alhania hanno mi fondnmento dl verita' Gll Intercssl del duo pncsl sono In conlllttQ c per II momento non pare che si sla ancora trovata la via dl ri solvcro lo dlvergenze. Non solo, ma si credo eho questo conllltto dl Intercssl ab bla II suo effetto aiicho sulla offcnslva che teutonl o bulgnrl dovevnno lanclarc contro Salonlcco Qucsto splega 11 rl tordo degll austrlarl o del bulgnrl ad oc cupare Durnzzo, pure cssendo alio porto dl quclla cltta' nlbancsc, Xji ricrmanla ha promesso Durazzo nlla Bulgaria, ma sn la Bulgaria occup a Du rzzo l'Austria l vedo tagllata dl nuovo la via dl Salonlcco a cul cssa non ha nffntto ilnunclato. Intanto proordono trattatlvo dlplomatlchu tra 1 governl dl Vienna e dl Sofia t'n telcgramma da Atone dlco che II mlnistro dl Bulgaria a Bucarcst, M. Ha doff, ha dctto ad alcunl lntlml nmlcl cho mentro I duo governl d'Austrla o dl Bul garia cerenno dl venire ad un nccordo, laioIa condlzlono alia quale I bulgarl par tceiporanno nlPattacco su Salonlcco e' cho dopo la guerra qucsto porto groco slu dato alia Bulgaria. Altre notlzle dlcono cho il rltardo dell'attacco su Salonlcco e' dovuto al fatto cho I turchl hanno dovuto togllere truppo dalla Tracla per mandaric verso Krzerum nd arrestarc 1'avanzala del russl Qui i ltoin.i si ritlene che soltanto la promessa del porto ill Durazzo varra' a dccldcre I bulgarl ad u anare verso l'Adrlatlco SI dlco cho i bulgarl non hanno potuto avan zare plu' oltro dl Klb.-jinan perche' man cano vlo ill comunlcazlone, cohlccho' si credo cho II collegatnento degll austrlarl e del bulgarl Mn sia avvcrmto ancora o gll austrlacl t-arebbero csaperatl per questo dlsastro che vcrrebbo nlla sua porleclpazlono alia guerre Orcrla da europea. AUSTRIANS WIN DURAZZO;FRENCH LAND AT VALONA Italian Expeditionary Col umn Reinforced to Check Foe's Control of Adriatic BULGARS MAKE ADVANCE jl The easiest thing we do is fjV W IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS. VIJ k Boats in the front yard 13 in tho back vord fill l trains structural lumber all over the place! Edward F.Hensonfi Co. Btruoturat Lumlor and Tf mtr PopUr St. IVbtrfM, fhlls. uG Ji tamaaaaw3KSsKKey, xv --viNiT. pyyt7vy t v v v v rt' unv TTrrTV K'nV I he Southland Is Callin, WB never use drops in the ex amluatlon of the eye for irlasaes. Therefore you cannot ebtaln enyjhlne but your honest refraction. Be honest with your mi especially when they are In distress, g they are pricelew in value The best service money can buy is obtainable here at the most reasonable cost la the city Prescription Accurattly Filled and BroUnn Lm DupllcattJ AT HALF PRICE. Examined Pre CH?- M'lGRQM&Bgo, '-? TpEBRUJRY is the height of t the Southern Winter Resort season. More Philadel phians than ever before are visiting these recreation places. And Ledger Central has already planned trips for many of the Philadelphia contingent. Ledger Central is exception ally well equipped to plan a Southern trip for you. There are circulars, booklets and leaflets from Southern resorts arranged for quick reference. - Ledger Central's travel and resort bureau service is free; If it is impossible to visit it, write, ,and your letter will receive cour teous attention. Ledger Central Chestnut at. Broad Street VIENNA, Fob. 10. A dispatch from Ccttlnjo says It Is re ported thero that Austro-Hungnrlan troops havo reached Durazzo and aro oc cupying tho Albanian city without re sistance. Their next move will bo toward Valona In on offenslvo lo gain tho base of tho Italian expeditionary forco nnd thus control tho Adriatic. HOME, Feb. 10. Allied troops nrc reported to have landed at Valona (Avlona), Albania, to reinforce the Italian nnd Serbian forces which are defending" tho city. Vatpnn Is on tho Gulf of Valona, 60 miles north of Corfu nnd GO miles south of Durazzo. It l the objective of n Bul garian army which has been advancing slowly through southern Albania and which Is now at Herat, about i- miles away. t It Is possible that French troops from General Meullo Dcsjardln'a command at Corfu may have boon sent to Valona to assist in tho defenso of tho port French soldiers havo been landed on Fano Island, 15 mllci northwest of Corfu, oml havo taken complete possession. Thero Is severe lighting in progress north of Durnzzo, where both tho Ser bians nnd AUstrd-IIungarlans claim to hnvo won a victory. A dispatch to he Idea Nazlonale from Durazzo Btatps that Prlnco William of Wleil. former King of Albania, has arrived at Scutari to mnko a triumphal entry Into Durazzo, his for mer capital, If the Austrlans aro success ful In taking It. . L , Tho lull on the Greek border continues with the exception of Intermittent nlr raids by both sides The Greeks aro said to bo masilng heavy forces on tho north ern border of nplrus. ...... . Advices from Athens state that the be lief exists thero that no attack will bo mode by tho German allies at present. Tho explanation is that tho offensive against tho Allies has boon postponed until nttcr a grand attack against ono of the more Important fronts, possibly the Italian front. 75,000 SEItl! TROOPS llEACll JJASE ON ISLAND, OP COlUj Remnants of Shattered Army ComM pieung rjvncuaiion or Albania PATHS, Feb. in 1 Tn timnher nf flerlilnn lhv,n. ., .- . i0- A ronrherl Ihs Island nf C.nrt,. I. ...,1W9 ,nt 73,000 by a correspondent of tho piiul Pnrlslcn, who says that In two days im 3 000 Serbians will havo arrived there .V llm Avnrimflnn of Alhnntn ,lll i Rnll completed. "V0M!1 The dispatch says the Hulgarlaha hJ occupied Tirana, 20 miles enst of Dur. i zo, and that Important fighting aDn.-m.nTT Is Imminent. Tho Austrlahs In front . J nitMsin nrrt linnitiererl lir . i . w . dltlon of tho roads. a C0I A French detachment, tho corrrsDonii.i reports, has occupied tho Greek l.tV?J' nf l.'nno. north of Corfu. "'M Uurnctl nB Wire Hlln Locomotive Whllo standing on tho tender of a lomlH motlvo attached to tho Pcnnsvlvnnl. Wi road express duo to leavo this city f ' New York at 12:31 this morning, KraiVjr ! Wlncss, n fireman, was seriously Inlnw when a looso feed wlro touched tho mIH of the engine. Wlncss, whoso homo li ul Jersey City, was burned nbout the fectLS ' ono nnnu. no was laKen to tho JIcdlnC'SK Chlrtirglcal Hospital In a serious cnn.i.7i?r$?! UIUQI pijmr,fVfmKiJmN BMa,g3BlBt5BtB53B8LICnffB jigfceP" j Br rpv - 1 (k ! i s Kansas does things. When she does things everybody hears about it. And everybody listens. That's one reason why agricul tural Kansas gets ahead. How does she manage it? Is there an idea here for other localities to follow and cash in on? Without a doubt. , Read Kansas, U. 8. A. It's a two-part article amusing, keen, suggestive on how Kansas got on the map and why she stays put. It starts today in Also iniMs imnrnt A Poultry Disease Chart Diseases, causes, symptoms and reliable treatment are all listed out for instant reference and action. Pork A City's By-Product How Michigan contractors save Grand Rapids a third on its garbage bill and make money on 5500 hogs. Green Manures for the South Experiments showing large crop increases following the use of legumes and how to use them. Fruit from Worn-out Land A detailed account of the first year's work in putting an old farm to apples, pears and peaches. Diana of the Moorland The second instalment of the mystery story by Louis Tracy, author of "Wings of the Morning.' And a great deal more including Market Garden Equipment, the second of three articles about getting into market gardening; Everyman's Garden, telling varieties of flowers to plant; the Buff Plymouth Rock, by Judge W. H. Card; Squeezing the Water Out of Corn; De horning Old Apple Trees; Your Boy and His Own Money a duty laid upon parents; Iceless Refrigerators and how to make them; a dozen delicious ways to cook Turnips; and a score of other good things, including the regular farm and home departments. m mm ple' cz owl any blows dealer ffbmraftalffi . -1 i ! .. f iyy-.ifeSSi Jtefe 'S, i UMfefc ISM , 5&- fo4 4rfta4r4irAi m Hi