, -fr-f w-rL"1""' A JUIIII . IMlllil l 4 m, -1 1 1 i i-1 ii ii , n sTO THURSDAY February 10, 1916 & Euetim f&bger SIDELIGHTS ON THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS GATHERED BY THE EVER-PRESENT CAMERA MAN I 4f m v i r 1 f "'',' ' - ' . '" "S Photo by Medem TC 1 l , Thoto by Underwood & Underwood. . , , , , ' '"-l-rWw Jlllilll MEXICO'S CHIEF MILITARY MAN SURVIVES LOSS OP ARM WOMAN CHAUFFEUR FOR LLOYD-GEORGE .- . ' ' - '"' MSK General Obrogon, whose forces broke Villa's power, for a long time 1 v Following out his own recommendation that women be employed wherever I ' T4wWm was reported dead, but this picture shows he recovered from his injury, possible, tho British Minister of Munitions takes a pride in his girl driver. &.,. s ,. , ., . ?;3fer - ' pSms , B -n , fggg - ' j I B , r , , , ,'. , . 4 W8&P '" -. . " t ' ' ' """ "' " W- HAVE "BILLY" DOLLS - -CST p Z$ : .-r -i ' -' - . "Si . .; .- i i"S. " v , , r Ski . Miss Grace Darling, the photoplay star, has introduced this fad at Palm Beach, with tho result that several factories are booked ahead on orders for boy doll babies. t "SNOWBIRDS" AND "POLAR BEARS" INVADE PENNSYLVANIA While other folks have been shivering in heavy clothing during this harsh spell of weather, these young people have been gamboling outdoors in bathing suits at Harrisburg. LSj-'.. L tit?- . r-ssSSSrrr", tTl',wi.!',Iw'' aC :- A V-r" ' r 1L W w . :X .r 2g&iu iiK. " !. " tSXf rSS ' ": "''rK rrMNHajL jag- wa 77ifftitttfcg5i?A'i i. -tyQjwg- j, .J l'hoto by ilJt.u SUBMARINE ASHORE ON R "CKS OFF SAN DIEGO, CAL. Another in the series of eatasfnimi a t'-,,t I'avc occurred to the little American fleet of submersibles overtook them during n storm on the California coast. sa'msm Photo by InUrn&ilona Film Eenlc. NEW FRENCH AEROPLANE CARRIES ITS FORWARD GUN QN PIVOT France'? reply to Germany's heavy warplane of the Fokker type is this light,, easily maneuvered machiue carrying a machine gun so mounted that it can fire at an enemy flying either above or below. Photo br Underwood A UnjUrwood. MEMORIAL TO TITANIC VICTIMS. vThis red granite sculpture was the design of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney and will be Ulacad in Potomac Parbt Washington, D, 0, MAYOR SMITH JOINS THE "RAINBOW" CLUB Louis Ruberton. a devntpd vmmr rlintni - uu . . r, ,,. ...... thought it would be a good idea Q ask the Mayor to belong, and, elk enough, ho ,.-"..v Bvvsicu u, uutuui w taw growing order.