I -T"rt' '"' ' EVENING LEDaEE-PHTLADELPHTA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1910. 17 ltHl'H fcta ""I NO i i BOARD WANTED ... l.,rlhiT home In the 'Vc-ar' IM troll" . Sro P- rrN"' tiMe terms. " in. i-"k- - SANITARIUMS 7c location; special scientine can rtMT'.M.riV' every comfort: nurse IJEir-... elderly. .;,,' iin ri.Atnii tin lirajnr nsnani "" e4,CIEt. - APARTMENTS . ..-n UTII AN'O WALNUT RTfl. W E. COiui' . ... UH1.rin ntii! sleet fireproof Lt "ft.ftei th highest Point of Oe; SrW'i'.s P pt attained In npirtrnrnt S2wi inil mH be properly staled n LrfKt r'"is iirnrl lm been '"Alio io oner IT. .nnt.'?."i.,.i nlione nrtt run. i tl?.I,S5i io count tho.cnst nlnno. :Vi,rtien i"...'.- ii.aI whrn i"" .'".-..i i . mi:rt ,"'Vomi nnd live hnths, Includ If "Kill to (Ml oil, .ii mi rooms nmi ive imiiis, rr?Si desirable bnrno nr .J"."' .feKiSih" Is excellent being conven- TM IfSi" E.i.inrsa nnd shopping centres H JK ;i too nrtr, .... .... rtlrtjaLirtMidOTcrt, the rentals Aro - iii ini"" Vil'.V Information. ftrmnKemenM tor Ir, M.V and rescrvrtiiu,," . ....... fewrt vonMAS s. mtr.nwooD N lilt Walnut Street. -TT-. ini-U-Comfortable. npnrtmrnts, 1 MI:.' iome furnished: .nrst-oiarsse! eerv- ImiiT janitor Phono pruco hiim, TnitinEN'. 1010 Excellent npts. In 8 Pjlir?l ?oit om fiirn.lkltchenetlM.. . ...."t.m .iir'ir.ilvA ntitirttnpnt. n out V-SSt nd bath, furnished nr unfurnished. Sft'SSJitOTt. Ilih nml rin sts. Apply jgHmint 50. Phone rii-L' JUi'-I . " COfHIrtAUfl 5Jd and Chestnut alt. i , oilfable vncajcleaJ.Jnjgennilarnill. west Philadelphia 'rFft a lante variety of nimrtnientB at ' EKltr and to meet nltnost nny require. SS ,p0ere.'a"r! JrtlSJn i'Vf nW, "AiARTMENTSJWANTED riVTED. tor several months, ccntrnlly In. 'r.M fornlnheil iipirtment. nlth three becl 551S A Sil tciger Ofnca ffilK HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS IMA modern fum. or unturn. npartments fwVrthwMt Phlla. and Tioga. see us llrat. KHOEPPr i CO.. 1.-.17 MontKomcryavo. EnrlBreEPINO npta , nil pnrta of city, rentw l?t tS !0 Mr 'month, cnll, phono or write for IE.ilon. ftimucl Stern. lW)t Chestnut. !,IHirrol. KfI5iovb 2112-Thrcn rooms, oain: Kiiencn; -Bwlrir.tM : Mat nnd hot water: S23;refs. .'MERE ARE SEVERAL "' WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT ' Ton cn look at ono after another until 'Tcacan go around to tho ilirferent ngencles until la dtspalr ou tako one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write k to This Office L ItUoolte true that nenrly cvprv elplrablft Ertpartment In IMill.idclphla Is Ihted with umt oT l rentfd throuuli in. F (ill upon u In our now ofClrri; they are SrtUlF quite nttrnctlve; you will be trlvrn Fti rcOBt courtcouH nnd efficient serlco ob An natomobtle H waiting tn tnko you to ' pit list of npartments you tIclffnato, nnd If fr MT chance jou nro not perfectly nultrd. Ermtlreoriranlzatlon will lie pineal nt your pout to procure for ou exactly our leirt dtslre. ... il ifrtilnl' nt nil (ha fntil1a nn nplll Vint' rvmtl and how find you will bo to know you iMv found the ono npnrtment in rhllndel Vthli which most neatly npproaclics j our " fu iaeai. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Hll WALNUT ST. Cprncs 3371. Race rM2." WEST I-lIILADKLI'llIA HOI AXRORA TRIlItAPt: Uoeem 5-rooin twin apurtment, Ith bl, electricity, high-claua janitor scr Ice. Annlv nil nrnmlRPR. nv m:, II. W. QITCK & lino.,Jne., S S JOth. IHfi HUTLAND APTS . JUST rOMI'LETUIX ,. UXJfST ST., S4T1I TO .-..-iTll ST. i l-rHmi-ud-bath nnnrtments. with nil tho J Utt mvenlenesB,1ilo io $42 nil ner month. t .. .HOBBUT PITTS. AlllINT. H. Wlbone Uelmont I4:i:i. Mi:i Ixwilst at. iHEXnt. APAItTJin.NTS . . i OVEnilllOOK STATION " Botnekeeoliig sulto il rooms nnd bath. t li per month, public dlnliiR loom. Phono . CUtrbrocli IJ2H. , TUU'CIIILTON lint and third floor apartments from L .. W tn Sn.-! KSRlIcLAIN. I121S Tlarlng at. ORKY OAHLES fliv. ii v r.i ai m IttracUvt apt., 5 to i outsldo rooms: shower ftuU'iood trnnHportatlon: rcaHonible. iBSDt. 3tlh and Chestnut. Monterey 4M nnd svuKir; iHimom, iitn inifl Mnnng linruen. - ,...tf. janitor or i resse ;J3 i Halo Illdg. (lermantmni If- .. WISSAH1CKON ft At Queen Ijno Station, 1, TJ. Tt. A tholes apirtmentB, ono furnished. ? Cafe a la carte anil tnblo rt'boto. ' ir,;VAUU iu Ji'iiiNsoN, jn., tl 1. 8. nth. or ncrcnt nu tremisr ' 8. 11th, or agent on promises. t 5 F. LANE. E.. WO 1 and S rooms and wata Mt-water heat. nr. porch; $23 to S.I5, APARTMENT HOTELS EPnUCI? AT 11TH ST. iiI.rra.,ed.anU, rcfurnlshea through Ed' vc.TfiIt?bly i '"rnlsheit parlor. , bedroom !..&.'.! tne d".y we?k .r month at rea 1 wVi"t. tl.'SVj.'.'J ",!,sle unexcelled. "'" P. KENNjC". Manager. WlDINE HOTEL cUSSSJHI A?,D ; The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. ay,Week, Month, Season, Year tjie nnr.MAn-Morinis JU!iJftWE?f- AVK STATION. PENNA. m IAlpSIr?TD,W.IJoK3 AND HOUSEKEUP. ?-?LLADST0NE UT,ifAi'ri,,NB S !TJBKicflT5FOt" WINTEH MONTHS 1 '"iWiSHKD Oil IINMMIItNIfillED ' cauLTE.Y FIHEPnOOie AiiiAVK.N, N. J. TTICT TXtnTn.H ImiubrfnIl.E?I?LTT STMICKT B "-4UHII lUrnllhod op iinfnfi..hB-. nAM. a-'ebjth.: ..cell.nt service. fiF ESMOND S B- COItNER 12TII UrTB ne n "n,.AND BPItlJCF -AaHJjPgJOOMS AND HATH fsvi. THE Tmnv K .1KENT Oil TIIANSIEVT nttWRTd TH AND CHESTNUT 1AI, ESTATE FOR SALE CITY !?N. .'(.rilANKI.lv om - . .. L&? M rooms" hi ."." ?" "r wick awen- j510 T 'g, hOt-Water heat! fln cnndltlnn. P'W IowPr?.rSS?,e,l cP'etIy furnished m m rrfivBs - fi"T. -rim X.i;ZT.A "ood Investment: 3. -rOOm Krlole . M,JM lC-iiUIBUli VWW CrlCK hnUfU In irM,l flnnrll iM-inJ1?d.1"m.bl'i-',. n conVenlences m iViVK: r.J!i". ? Per month; price Buiwni. W LOCUST StT ij".'" . .......i.. wr. browntton dwell. ,"W fiP. "7 nlted for DrofAMlonnl nrri psri(?tf5:--'ytiHl forjjulck sale. S-? BA!lDra1Tf,yEliN"r,;5 Pfc &e?i li-W'a, 'ral!1 .jyAMkE. i tsorT ' ' jsssw;ghM"S- 'AN AND PAMliniVinvi ,?!MN j. -vvaiSman - 1 ... a vv atajusBiiLi.,' uttiAltu AVE- trln..i""1 . . "t TJ" (a i bui?2aenul realty.! tft i" buying property. Tli man rep iU Is ray Vrt- - ,1. Kitva ...... . T " ? o nKiTmt,"t"""'y Vl SEVnTi, "u.iw VYAtJtUT ST. lc3r .WAi Proper! le. that will be vah!- 5.tea for less than th S" if a i2?i,ne,"tal-EqultabU Trust tu. W ue i.m.. e a ..rM' TfV. . .k-.. jyia fronV K tory, semldetsihaif 10 art 'in.llA ." j . . -. IXllO unn tn- n,.l 17th, st phn WoacTltvO ""V-iLD FIRE IIMRIIIAHr..V jiittT's iM v. Ubith a. 1 UU) 3 story, 10 rcoms. sou- l A HlNs.1, ur .c, .., tRii,i. v . . ,.; " . "M v. '. Mills xiA. BTSR a CZ- lliov desire. Kt l.rJ?ii imlr perfection. Ilio site nnd BW y'l'whlcti may ' 'elected "nil r&rr L,"nl$ lh dl.tln.me require- riitinuni iwn rnnniR hiiii lAI s - Temt Bidg - '"a ao4 Cteaittut, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY M''AknWA7r;TRn "AI.B OR ItENT Spm-v, r Viut1-, co' , niiJWIne Lots. I-nrtory Sites. Kle. PALLS OK SC'llfYLKILL , ... nitOP.VD mi-fi 't K,nJ.f!mnll Tracts for ""LI.LI.no oil MANUVACTUniNn WfPt PirCSt?. h! b"1 'PTtlons ..f-LLLLJJT HAILnnAfi FACtt.tTIKfl f.i intiJl(X7.r.nPPllllon. Lt. IOI1.N nougo.N1. siri Chestnut at. KrtLtmit WANTni to taki: ffot'i:"nAr h.i .,.,,T10N 0I' tmcPLS ,.nJ;i fa."" "orMieuM, n.antes ran be e- PL1M1.biitW.N- WTATHrrl,on nidi.. . ' d,elWrX.iAi!rAjrronv ln 'be hart of I'hlln- In stork matt,f.",n,u,1" "n'Mh Part pajment '" IpcK.Jt.itO t.edjtfr Control C,ro!inii) iL,UI,,,-tl,n '-"TS and large tracts ii riV.,"" .p.n.y ll. also over iOO mfg. JMMeliln. l.-,is-in Heat Utato Trust Dldg. Iluslness Properties oml Jltorn niaTilrArlf..,.i-,ir,pi'nTV suitable for light RuC "-Vi'ir'11. nurroses. nnlv W II. nls. rotlj U Hprlngci uden Phnn Market :in;o. . stores nnil mvjrJUn ii" Hill'TII ST.. ..- 1. vVnfrk y storo WM. L. . MJ15J .I'llILAnKLPIIIA rooms, twin houses. Apply ..ti s. nnth. lV7?.?om" bot-noter hrat. gas nn.l elee- Liii.iS"1, P'rn.u etry lloors. shower bath, gas tiAvir.i,nA.?!l..,"n''r mmlrrn nnnnlntments. iMMni. ciAWFoiiu. m. iiuiLDiin Ji3tli..nil llmlflelil sts. r?-.i,A,,r.:r'x''.lp" 2-story porch fronts, rt i!7im V".1' ,,n,b: now rented, loenteil near 'Arn nni "Prlns Harden sts. A .118, ledger WUnLAN'H llOMHS (MTII ANt) PASOHALL AVH, Aliply 0J) CIHIHTNUT ST. scnd rolt mht raLi: oii"ni:.Nf ...JOS M. IIAKHll "iLand Hnltlmore nve, ALf. CLAiliS OK .V.J:ST ''"'LA. PitopmtTtrst T-V IIlVt WW. 21 nnd Id H. 40lh "-"KQUALKD" IIO.MKS. f.D'h ff.TbKfS i.ansdonneiwe. i:ery known rnnvenlencc. jamus c. B.vnmtn, imiider. y.I:f.T PHiLADrSLPHIA ItOMFZ1? w. nnwiN nr.Aiit. ro? s roth. onntiANTnivN D AVAltt), flermnntonn me prnperl). In tho centre nr tho tiermnntown business eootloii. oeciiped by good tenint; prlco Interesting. IllJii, Ledger Central. '.'V,.ntlI?.c.Uv': modern 10-room home. 10d irA A,,iLT.r,'ANn-. I"t completed, mod emto price little cash required "'iiHoiminii, .mi jiry or i iicsiiiUE lllli. con- "t me AJMcchnn, 747 aciTOant"y, UnfSnV3i'CI; SITn.S-Or limit IrTTcs'rjpcUn' i.iSTEn J-0.V, .1iri2 Oermantnwn nie. CIIOICR IIOMLS. Tulnehocken'.l mnhlnun nin I It II ClIADWlCK it CO.. . Kills C.ermant'nwn'nve'. nntiA'f,latr.mi to itml that house sou nro and OerinanlnHn nves. ML, Airy, Oermnntown JC1?,W. SALIl AND IIHNT LIST nllADY. nrr il Vmn.MI,Vcn4lW. and Chestnut Hill. PCLIIAM THUST CO.. 11740 liermnntown ave. Tloca wi: have run jiotisi: you want ,....,IN TIOCIA OH T.OOAN JLNNBDY A I1AMIIO, :17IU OHllMANTOWN I.ognn .,. LOC1AN ItnAL ESTATH rr MSAJ,'F.i.",t."NT,AND nxcirAxon .M. .ii. Smith. Ilronilt opp. I.ognn Stnllon. riLAL ESTATi:. mortgages nnd conveyancing. WM n niAMiicrts 40:i.l North Ilrond at. Onk Inne Di'i.ir,A,n!'1" comer property, with stnhle. largo lot nnd well-appointed hnuie. being sold to elnse nn estnte Price. S12.G0O. WM. HAnn. Mh nnd Oak lane. HUIU'KIIAN NF5AU DOYI.n.STOWN, on H.iston trolley 0 ncrei deslrnhlo land, with orchird and cholca fruits: I.l-room dwelling, n-room tenint hourc, frame barn. large chicken house: re 5nJKSl..1' owner necessitates quick sale Yoct'M &powi:rts co ins. iBthst. IlCM'TiriTL brick" mansion. 12 rooms, nil con veniences, best rnnlt.irv condition: lot NIxHO. mi good corner, In best of neighborhood; ono of the. best homes In Media: very attractive prlco If sold t once. UenJ. T. Levis, Media, Pa. IIOMHS KOIl SALK on ntLST JV'ENIinU, A MASSEY iieai i.suua -i rusr, lildg. CHOICB riUILDINO SITES . and nerenge. AnTHUn P TOWNSKND. Iinghorno Pa. sirnmiriAM nrr. p'utitp ."." nr.Uf-. All locations. Silo or rent CHAni.LS J. HOOD & CO.. Morris nidg. IjANSDOUNT! gU'AIITIIMnnn , LAnOIl LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. OIITnn.OSIiqRNE,15.,4 Chestnut st. SELECT PnOPnnTinR-fotintry snts. fnrmsT List orders now. LEWIS T. nnoOKE RON. 141 1 South Penn so. rOHNDED 1S70. laroi: list op srnnmiAN iiomrs salo or lent. on.'Jie Jialn IJno or nendlng n. n. WJI.II. WILSON Co.. Morrli Unlldlng suiiUiiiiAN IlESIDENCIW for salo or rent: nttrnctlvo locations; .prices right. Maurice J. Hoover, neal Estnte TruBt Itlilg. Ambler, Vn. rAIt.MS. country places nnd etiburhin homes on the Reading a nethlehem nnd Doylestown hnnches II. J. Pacer. Inc.. Ambler Pa. Darby, Pa. JlAItCJAIN AT S1SD0 Ilrl.k Ing. u mis., henter. hath: slde-nrd drvell lot 22x12.'.: (Ins rondt'n Swope. fc Sons. Slfl-IS Mdln Darby. 1'll.ln Park, Pu. NEW SINOLE nWELLINfiS. 12r. 2 baths: a inln. from Btntlon. reas. price. Meformlck & Mccormick, lull fhestnut at. k Elklns Park. IlEAUTIFfTI, lirit.DI.N'O SITE, high locntlon. near train anil trollev at decided bargain; all Improvements P 1011. Ledger Office. I'rlmoa, I'a. PIUMOS-1100 ft from stntlon: S acres: ripe for improvement, Sprlngtleld vvnter. gis and nil other conveniences nt hand: price low. HUMS DALMAS. Ileal Estate Trust Hldg. Willow Grove, l'o. StJMMEU HOME, completelv furnished: one mile above Willow Grove, for sale; all con enlences. Apply JUIO N 7th at MAIN LINK, PA. IX. IL WIHrilHAN HOMES, country places and building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line It. C. HIINTEn. Wayne. Pa. , Haverford NEW HOUSE: H4 ACRES SHADE. 14 ROOMS. B UATHS: OOJIH. IN BEST LOCATION ON NOItTIt SIDE NEAlt STATION AND CLUll. WARNOCK & EMLEN. Commercial Tr.Bldg. NEW .1EI1SEY lladilon Hellhts. N. J. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES IIADDON HKIGHTS. N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS; nearest to Phlla. train and trolley: write for pamphlet. HARLOW ft CO.. Mapleshade, N. J. Mt. Ephralm. N. ONE-ACnn FARMS Mt. Ephralm, N. J. (adjoining IJaddoa HelEhts). only 5 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract), $300 to $000 per acre; tills Insured; free deed; no taxes for 1013. CAMDEN COUNTY HARDEN FARMS CO. 1203 Broadway. Camden. N. J. SEASHORE COTTAfJB at Capo May or Ocean City, erect. ed to your satisfaction; attractive plans sub mitted free by the reliable builder, OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. I WAN!" TO SELL my Hotel at Ocean City. N. J.: medium site, well .established, fully rurnUhed: good reason for selling. 119X L 110. Ledger Office. MM. . 1'LOIIIDA FLORIDA FARMS AND GROVES 2U. 5 and 10 acre developed farms and grovea ln Florida, on terma to suit: also soma undeveloped land: all close to thriving towns, with schools, churches and, pest trans portation facilities. Reliable Informs. Hon on all real Mtate anywhere .In Florida. Postal card will bring full partlcuUrS. Plorldi OulJ Coasi Co.. ol-3)1--37 Drexel Bldg PblUt Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FAIIMS SCHWiaNKSVILLK, crek-front. 10S, acres. Urge rommodlous bijlldlnxs. fine tand: depot 1 mile prlew $7300. JaOk's latest Bulletin olf 'firm rgalrirjust',out. JACS FARM AGBNCY 213 Stephen Olrard Bld. 21 S. 12th st.. PhlU. SO ACRES of excellent ground, with, practically a new bomw heated with uhot water and ilauUd with aa. modern bath, all the necea unr outbuirains 10 rult tree and ery Sod alLarasus patch only $0. Sea W Very! Walton. Joklntn l'a 23 ACRtB -Neat vllUge. property 1IJ0 feet inato Bla " trolley fronUae good : t0M SwelUag 0 square rooms and lyln- beautl fulfy Uih"outh. farm outbuildings strmua. $1. bt cTlta kind to our knowltdse. BROWN & CLOUD MarricHuwa, fa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKNNSVLVANIA r,HM9 TAnM, lot AcnER-,1 mlle from Glenmorn: high stato of cultivation; largo stono house nnd barn; buildings In good condition. Iler- Y?rA''rynLr"n!!',LJ,''!. IDEAL POtM.TIlY rAllM-1214 ncres, 7 miles from Philadelphia, 7-roorn house, poultry house, barn, fruit trees: price :i000. Henry t" Irwin, CnvTMl, Pn. ivilITl" for special hulfetln of farm birgnim. IIUNStir.ntlEIfH rAHM adeNcy QUI: EN LANE, PA. 07 ACHES Chester County farm 'bargain: only IP00. .1 II THO.MPSoy. West Chester. tn. I.AItdE on'sXfALT. fAllMS-I.et me. Knovv what ou want. nOClllENTINI". MM Oer iinntewri nvjs riil'NTItYllOMES. tnvvn Property, fnifms. nnv sire, reasonable prices: ftucka nnd Monlgom- erj Counties. A II, TYSON, Lonsdale. Pa. Ninv .ikimi:yi'ahm.s , SALKM COfNTY FAItM. near Penn'grovei IDS nero fnrm. nn rood road. SRono. A. W. DltESSEIl. Ilurllngton, N, .1. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT I1UY A HOME-Monthly payment ?17 to Wi N Phlla. and flermnntonn. slsmi to 7iN). Merchants' fnlon Trust ro., 7in-7in Cliet'L CITY AND HfjmmnAN prnpertlei for solo or rent. I,nwer Alerion ltenlty Company, i.anu Title luiuuing. I'niinneipnia. iju CITY centiial rnnpEttTins Tor Sale nnd Itent. .TAMER D. WINCIIKLL. 17th Ransom sis. (IllItMANTOWN I'AttT nr whole, bargain; exceptionally fine Cntonlsl bouse. If) room, .1 baths, hnt-wnler heal; a acres, girige. 4 cars, 4 rooms and b-vth nbove- chicken house, fi minutes to stitlon 70 trains dally: 51 mlnutni to Terminal, nn'ner. Tcl'Phnne, Womlng )0!3 W. nr I 721. Ledger Office. .Hl'IlUItllAN Hnla-Cynnyil, l'o. LAnOE LIST HOt'REH. sale or rent, nt nil prices. SAMUEL C. WAONEIt, .Ir.. Commer rial Trust Hldg., lnthnnd Market sts Ijinailnlr, Pn. SUntMtllAN real estntn of nit descriptions; Oak Park bungalows. Ask Itarrv Illrhardson. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE S. K. Con. CHESTNUT AND 40TII STS Colonial house, lot l.lxl to. for salo or ex change. Apply on premises. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANOINO our sperlaltv. What have sou' A. Armstrong (k Co.. 020 Chestnut St. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE TENANTS wnlllng for rmnlt houses from 12 to $21 month. Wo securo tenants and collect rents ln all parts of the ilty. We are successful by giving svtlsfactlon. Our system Is the bctt; try It. We keep nur property In repair; savo ou much troublo nnd worry, as well as money. Come and sen us, or write. Wo nro builders also; In busi ness 22 enrs. THE PENN REAL ESTATE AND 1IUILDINC1 CO. 5I.M North l'lth street. Iloth phones. WANT OIIOITND ltlPE FOIl TWD-hTOnY HOUSES L 2jM Ledger Central WANT listing or city nnd suburbnn properties. II. II. McCOLLt'M. Pill Walnut st. "Don't Forget theNiiiiiber RENTS AND INTEREST COLLIXTTED. mo'rt- f:ages nnd flro Insurnnce placed nulcklv. Seo Cane for prompt results. 2.VJH Tnsker st. WEST PHILA. properties rented List now nnd get the benefit of quick results. ARTHLMt J. LEUPOLD. 4IS SlUtll .12il St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2122 DE I.ANCEY ST. Just been completely remodeled. 2 bnihs. new plumbing heating, electric llrhts: 10 rooms: paper may be se lected, quiet, rellned neighborhood Moirs .si Iliowii, 202 S, lBth, or phono 117 M Nor rlstown. 20J0 IX)CFST ST. Modern remdenco. lot 17x!n feet to Hircet: t" roonm and 3 batris. EDOAIt fl. CItORS, 1411 Wnlnut st 2.110 MONTROSE ST. Neat H-room $11.00 ilvvelllng; contains range, bath, gas. etc Key D2S S. 2-".d st. STORES AND DWELLINOS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX A CO. S. E. cor llth nn.l Callow-hill. ItENT FREE until March 1-Eiin Sllllman st , i rooms, largo yard; rent reuueeu to SI I P COWARD CO.. 20th nnd Jefferson sts. SEND FOR OITR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Uroad and Chestnut sts. SEND for our rent list. free. Wm. Sadler's Sons. 1.120 Columbia ave. RENTAL LISTS T. F. NEALIS. 010 S. 12TH ST. Office open Saturday night until li p, m. ;n vj press, w ...91 2inss. Wntts, 7r... 14 .'I20S Wntts. 4r... 13 KUI Wilder, tlr. . .. VI 740 S. Clarion, 3r. 12 121S Ilodman. Ir... 12 1233 N. 12th Mr.... $21 1012 Page. Or 20 1417 N. Warnock, Or 1.1 1"B7 Trenton nve . 7r II 7.ii itace, rear. :,r, . 10 41S N Alder, 3r I) WEST PHILADELPHIA 041 N. 47th. 7r $101 f.02 Sloan. ' ...$12 3-nil N. ST jr.T.o ,$?M livui N. Camac S2S . 231 aiNIndlann 1,1 . 20llfl'il Ingersoll 14 . 2012221 Orlanni 10 . IS 1112 Cadwaladcr ... in . 1712010 Cath.irlno 8 10.12 N. Pamac .. 2031 N. Marvine. , .1 H. .lid 721 s. Molo IHl't French ... ., 321H Snencer ALFRED IL WILLIAMS .122 Wnlnut st Huslness l'ropertles anil Stores MARKET ST.. U3t Entiro building through to Commerco st.: suit retail or wholesale business; Immediate possesion. APPLY I'ENNA.CO., .117 Chesjnutjit 311-10 N IIROAD" ST. STOItE AND ri'PER FLOORS I.ei Estates. 700 Sanitom st. Pnctorlew. IVnreliuuweH, llfg, rioorH EXCEPTIONAL SPACE FOn MANUFAC- 'l Ulti.NU .11111 J tilt A lIUILIJI.Mi Everv desirable ndvnntige. railroad, etc. ( Cheap rental. Low Insurance. C. I.' MILNE ft S ON lllh ft Wash I ngtonnve.. FIltlM'ROOF STOItAGE anil Light Manufac turiug Floors, with R R. Siding. Reasonable rates. Permanent nnd temporary leases LARKIN IILUO.. 22D AND APC1I STS. "Plillndeiphla's Finest llusjness Floorii " STORAGE ROOM, or whole building, four llors; 23,000 squaro feet, reasonable, will rent part of building, good location, elevator, IKiwer. three blocks from Market st. ferry. Address M 32.1, Ledger Office. R37 MARKET ST., 3D FLOOR Heat, elevator service. Suitable light mfg. MODERATE RENTAL 28x201 FEET. Eat. JOHN DOIISON. SOU Chestnut nt FACTORIES " "FLOOR BPACI5 For Rent. WM. C RBNKERT. IS00Arch st HAVE PARTY who will erect building cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETRICIIL737 Wnlnut at FACT011Y"FL00RS and warerooms, large and small' centrally located. JJAJ1L'X.TSAUNDERS. 31S. IRth at. UROAD AND WALLACR MetropomauI!ulld lne)-Rooms. K11110 to 40.000' cheap, power. Apply to Geo F. Iuvsher. 147 N. 10th. CORNER nUILDINO for light manufacturing purposes; about 3000 square feet: $30 a month S. E corner 10th and Tioga. Stores ami Dwellings STORE only to rent, good for harbrr, shoe re pair, tailor, ritxpatrlck. 1323-27 N. uutli OFFICES, IIUKINESS ROOMS, ETC. DREXEL DLDG. OFFICES Annual Centals! Slngla llms.. $100 $120. IB0 $200. $300 $450 Suites 2 Itms.. $18S. $150, $175, 1200, S2IS.2'V0 Saltes 3 Itms., JIW. $275. $400, $410. $30n$?.i0 Corner Suites. 4 to 8 Rooms. $050 to $1010. ELLIS I). WILLIAMS. SCO Drexel llulldlng DES1RAULU seQond-tloor corner suits; .1 largo rooms; northeast corner 15th and Walnut sts.; alto single or communicating ofiicca. elevator and all convenience. 1 tMIAS.L HROWN & CO . 21T a. Broad st BELI-EVUB COURT BUILDINO. 1118 Walnut st. 0th floor, lama corner office, southern exposure, with reception room and tlllnr room, sublet: tenant leaving- city; $75 per momn iyfir jww.i iv. 130 a 13TH ST. Offices from $23 per mo. up; rent Includes heat. Ucht. elevator and Janitor service.. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 8. 15th atj HEED HUILDINli l.ll-ll riDeri st. Centrally located, all conveniences: rent at- r"UyelovvBervlcecontlnuous- TilllEE DBSIRaTBLE 8ENtl FLOOR3-- ON CHESTNUT STREET 20OO. 650 and 2i-00 so. ft., respectively, MBAHS & UIIOWN. 202 S. 15th st. ' MERCHANTS' UUILDINO a4 North 4th street. desirable offices. Heat and light. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS AHn I1IIHINKSS PltQPKHTIKSI. J. C FOJiLER10 S. JIvTlI JT. PLAZA Iit'ILDIKO. 1503-07-09 ARCH SfT Oftlcea at reasonable rental. Location light and convenience unsurpassed. OFFICES for rent, first lloor hanker: (mailer ofilces on other ItrJnjILDINrt. J19 a. jth 1 Mrst lloor suitable for other floors. FOIL si. 4toom 25. WANTED Desk room. In prominent business OUliaina sun iihuuimj. wmi IvauaTaPOlO BaMtcA A 402. I-edirer Office " T- Professlouul Offices t HBSTNl T 1808 iDashwood)- Large, airy and light room, suitable for professional office, with walling room guod service A. location. SPRl'CB, 1337 -Prof offices, steam else y exv vh and door serv good & bi. SPRUCE. 1732-Physic Un's suite. Urst Boor. newly renovntel. electricity lisrdwoo floors.' PROFESSIONAL BU1LDI NO. U31-33 Chistnuli SL A few auitta for physlc-lacs or deatlsts T JACiCSO-N Cp.CbstnutattJ lain TWO 1 coma and bath refined neighborhood. exccpitooaU good opportvuiii tvr unauian. L Le4r BriOvb. ifib, and alt. Yuan REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Desk Room Wanted nt'S. WOMAN nil! give services exch desk rm. , splendid onnofturtltv for man much on . street. U. I)., 110" Harrison llulldlng W AN'TED-Desk "room iit'offlco hulfdlng een- tral locntlon MJK2.Idper Ofllce ULSTPJIILAUELPIIIA 107 S. mi) ST. New tO-rcrotn bouse, fa, Ing ttnulevard hot-water heat and everjthlng up to-ilatc rent ma. JAS N. MITCHELL, mill and Market sts. DWELLINGS STOntlS AND AI'i' "MENTS wm it. unci ft nnt, inc WM. H. QlMtMf ft IlltO. !C H 8. 4IITH ST. l7TKpIM?nsON"S-irrii,00i)eslrablo resident section: direct car service on M)th st re Ijvnsdovvne ave., 1 rooms nnd bath on Ju lloor, Dutch hill, modern KITZPATMCK IS2.-.-1.W N. With St HERMAN IlltO-I.. 11010 SfAltKKT Houses, npnrtments, stores Neir CUTIt ST. "L" STATION For rent nr sale, IMNE locntlon for phvslclnn or dentist In the IIMh st section. Will rent with option of nurchnslng Can lw bought on easy terms T. II. Maglnnlss A Son. Wmh) Ilaltlmore ave $14 TO $li"i, 2 storv, 0 rooms, porch front near cars good neighborhood. MILLEIi-Nnllc'ltOHS I1EALTY CO IVntich St.1 N tvttli MilOlJincnster nie ItENT reasonnlile large ,1-atnry corner dwell ing, i- rooms, n onins. suuanie ior apnri- menls .IKrJ Mantua nve. Key, .1101. J. J. Turner, 1201 rhemutst "jl'l DWflS., HTOitKS. AITS . SHOPS. TO I'OTTH TOWNSEND $1)0 4I)0-, llALTIMOItE AVE $llC-SIX rooms, steim beat, hnrdwood "finish I7 SIt rooms nn.l bath. Others. I4 io JIO I H.APHLE. rilh nnd SDr'ngnelilavi i1 S. MTlf II rooms. $1i a month. Apply 2.-n S Kith st GEItAIANTOWN Jfio SE.MI-DirrACItED, II moms hnths osn tr gjirage, hnnlwood floors, electricity: closo to A It. nnd trollev TOUItlSON. 7014 Dover st. Tlogo rott ItENT. TIOOA-Coiv 2-story, 0-room. porch ilvvelllng; nil convs. . elegant neighbor hood: 2111 W. I'ncine ft . near 22d nnd Erie ave John .1 Turner 1201 Chestnut st. HtllUIIIIIAN ROSE VALLEY in minutes' walk frun Mov lin Stntlon: convenient tn both I'hlln and ilieater, nttmctlvc home, baa hnt-wnler beat nnd everv other modern conv.: S rooms, rent $10 mo Whiteside .C McLntiilinn I .Mil . Pine. 'FOR OUR SPIttNtl RENT I.tST . . I 1ST YOt'R Hltlll'ltllAN PIIOPEUTH' NOW C P. PETERS ft SON. bOS CHESTNUT ST. South Artlmorr. Pa. ATTRACTIVE HOMFS along Ardmore trolloy $22 to $.1,1, hundreds of building elics. all sires; write nnd get list or phone. m. S Davis. South Ardmore. at station Willow drove. Pn. DETACHED fnmc houne containing 7 looms nnd bath, vapor heat, gas nnd electrliltv: lot Ax ISA; high elevntlon. within half block of trollev and ," minutes or train, rent $20. W. VEHYL WALTON JetlklntovMl. Pn. MAIN LINE, PA., II. H. MODERN HOUSES $.10 to 200 per month. various stations. Send for special list, llar- bi.rtftfMaghoni.:oi nnjlev nulldlng. REST LINE OF'm'aIN LINE HOI'SKS Either for sale or rent, nt all prices. HIRST ft McMULI.lN. West End Trust Hldg. Wynnowooil 40 MANOR ROAD Modern: 1.1 rooms. 2 baths: 4 airo laud. $40 rer month. Walter ilassett Smith, Wynnevvood, l'a FOR RENT FURNISHED NEASHOItl! Island Heights, N. .1. ISLAND IIEIOIITS-I'or rent, filrnlhed, ,', moms nnd bath, on Ocean ave. : $K'0 for season. FRAZEIt W. GAY 40 M)rttc ave,, Newark, N. J. . MORTGAGES' MORTGAGE MONH In all amounts at low est rates and minimum expense. TROMPT ATTENTION ARTHUR RORWELL. member neal Estate Hoard. 21.1 North 13th st. Iloth phonesL $l TO WAN ON HEAL ESTATE socur to lty; Immedlato settlement: payable as $2000 desired. EDW. M. MOLL ITl S. 12T1I ST. MORTGAGE MONEY Sums to hull. Firsts nml Seconds. O. C. SEIDEI. ft CO., INC. 4th and Callowhllt sts MONflV FOR MOnTOAOI-Vl LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS II HOOD, ilia W. NORRIS ST. W. .1 It. MASSC.Y & SON MTII AND GltEEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES IIUILDINCJ ASSOCIATION FINDS IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, exinange or insure "SEE TAULANH AIIOUT IT' 1)00 Walnut st. I H'VH converted my business Into cash nnd will Invest in first mortgages: small ones preferred ; run particulars must be sent. iiuaM, i.eoger t-enirni. WORRELL funds rou rinsT and VVJlAVUJ-liJ HECOND MORTOAOE3 r,.13 N. 17TH ST. $100. $200 TO $.1000 TO LOAN $50 LEWIS ft CO. 1227 W. Glrard Ave. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES T A. REDDING ft SON 700 WALNUT ST. .120.1 SPRUCE ST. MONEY TO LOAN on first and second mortgages, building as. sedations a spec! illy. Ooodstcln. 411 Falrm't. TRUST FUNDS mil FinST MOItTOAGE " HEItKNESS ft STETSON LAND TITLE TttTILDINO PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 1ST MORTGAGES 2D MOItTO OPS JEDWARDI.j'TZ.210N 17TII ST ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE II. MATHNOEn. ni. Ert. Tr.JWg. DEEDS DRAWN $1: MORTGAGES. $1.50 WALLACE 1112 tjncoln RulMlng. Roth phones MONEY FOR 1STAND 2D MORTGAGES Quick results: rents nnd Interest collected: all sections. Cameron. 2SU Kensington ave. "FUNDS FOfl 1ST AND 2D MOItTOAOES ANY AMOUNT POTTS ft THOMSON. 2521 Frnnkfnrd Kle. "IIUILDING AS0 AND PRIVATE FUNDS ROBERT I NASH 1001 CHESTNUT ST. MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED MORTGAGES .TAMES O FRANCIS, 701 WALNUT ST. ""FUNDS'KOR 1ST AND"2D MOP.TGAaES MORTGAGES FOIt SALE TilH?J' jyJCKJESIlS Oermanlnwn ave. HAVE $10Oi TO !NVET IN EITHER 1 OH S FIRST MORTGAGES APPLY M 112. LEDOEIt OI'IMCE " LOANS ON INTEREST" IN ESTATES Rensonablo Charges JOIINA P.AIlllY. fi07 LANDJ1'1TI.E nLnfl RILVDYFl'NDa for good first mortgages bring us our impltcatinii, PHAS L UnOWN ftCO.. 217 S Broad t. $100,000 1'Xllt FIRST. SI'COND Olt SPLIT eltv mortgages, "mo us nrsi." AllBRNKTHY, 2721 N. Bth m 3 llth1 WANTED First mortgage of $7000 on prop erty: assessed $10,01x7, value $13,000. O 141. Ledger Central MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES rinlck answer !.avv rates. W1I.LTAM IAMES KEOOH. 88.1 Drexel Hldg nivvma If vour mortgage has been cilled I wilt tske It up: also 24 mortgige money CHESTER D. ROTTNER. 1120 Chestnut st. SEVERAL 0 ground rents for sale: also funds ror geevnu hiuiik.k". larsnuii 11 oinu.i. jonCtHymuL MONEY for first and second mnrlgages. sums to suit. Jacob A. Frits, 62S Land Title llulldlng. unvpv for Orel nml iipcnnd mnrtim.p. rltv or suburbs, sfpromnt answer given all good applications. ii ij. iBser v-iurui. MONEY for first and second mortgages build Ing ass'n and Instalment mortgages Willis Winchester Company, 1001 Chestnut st FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any amount, quick answers. CHAS. W MIL LEH. 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg FIRST and 2d intgs. or on note, anv amount low rates; Immediate answer F. X Delany, 4112 Lincoln Bidg., Broad and Penn sqiiare. LOANS Large or small aums on real estate? Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset tled estates. Dempaey ft Co . 27 S. 70th f"HAVB PRIVATE FUNDS for first and sec. ond mortgage. Wm. Barr. Sih and Oak lane MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers We loan from $11 to $204 on surprisingly easy terms. Your monthly payment on $SH Is only $3 Your monthly payment on $72 Is only $ii With interest at S. Your monthly payment 011 $132 la only $11 Your monthly payment on $201 (a only $17 With Interest at 2K. $ us. write or phone Walnut 4303. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open8a. in. to tt, p. ro. Saturdays to u, m. " YOU CAN BORROW UdS'tV ON 1JIAMUUS, JEWELS, S1& AND lip 7J " ' 1 50 " " .. .... J tlS MARKET ST. ItlDOB AVK. AND OXFORD ST -"ft-AND SOUtTI STS. MCjNKV LOANHD to he re "of unasttltd ea tJLt.s loteneta bought F V MARTIN' T2t 0 StUtp. vjii.rcj UUi; 41 B. lata aU h SCRAPPLE 4W - ', . .. . . . c- A College Education THE PADDED CELL Son 'Tat tier, oiir titblc manncra I HsuKw $ V nrr terrible ' 57B55y 'W I'ntcr- "Yoinir; man, I'll lmvo you LeVKyyi'l Vs (rw. X. tintlorstntiil I como of a line fnmlly!" vjffiyysi I Sv)' VtN tfuk 2- Son. "You're n loiiB wiiy from lioinc, MytrYy CJscW i IJg9 r Hut the Clgnrs j Mgm 9Vv X T Wlfcy John, wnsn't that a booJ box of clKnrs I Rave you Christinas? llubb ! never saw a better box, my dear! HEN PECKHAM TELEPHONES HIS WIFE TO SAY HE'LL STAY IN TOWN WITH THE BOYS TONIGHT ' VV i ' V ' Taller and Columbia Jester, Three lies Do ou believe In preparedness? Three Shea Well, I nouli'n't, mind being In arms. -AND THE WORST v' ' """,,ffl"" fL g-J7"Vcatiiria4o' - ffi y V s Ayf'VAnev I'VE CHANGED MV MIND Bovs I c,ues cu Co STi?Ait,HT HOME TB-NICJAT; IS YET TO COME UNANIMOUS W$l UvST When Time Is Money Professor 1 1 rjcolosy Tho ecologlst thinks nothing; of a thousand ycaral Student Heavens! And I loaned tr geologist $10 yesterday I Smart Dog Smith is that dog of rours smart? Brown (proudly) Smart? Well. I should say so! I was going out with lilm yesterday, and I stopped and said: "Towscr, wo liavo forgotten soma, thing!" And ho sat clown and scratch ed his head to seo If he could think iv hat it was! Farmer Ilornbeak What's yer nephew that giadualed from col lego doin" now?" Farmer Corntossle Still colorln' a meerschaum pipe. 1 A Question "Ten yearn ago there was no town (.here at all." "Humph! And what makes you think there Is one hew nowT" An Insult to Art l, icon. y VVu.Lcu&u tttb.Hctnj.ue posta aud cuiha) Toere's uotbia' lal..i uttuut Una lot). Now, In TO wn lies. WlatUntxliiiig otiliujj. JWJ 4,4a i,il Very Busy -Tr yw in