18 EVENING L'EDGER PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916- LOST AND FOUND Fot'Othtr tost ami l'onnil Ads B robe 1 CAT Lost, largo yellow ratt Voward. rtesaa , retnrn 1121 s. 4$h at. .Ph. Woodl'rt 2012W, PIN Ieat, rcarl nnil sapphire bar pin set In platinum; row Mlsa dimming. Aldlne Hotel, WATCH-Lady's sliver wilst watch; monogram A. It. n lout Tuesday, Rewnrd.lO 3, 22d. FOODLB While French poodle. wKh un marked yellow eollar Lout on North Broad t.i yesterday morning. 1P1B rinn at. CHAIN Ixiit. (told chain eel with pearls and diamonds, in pink rhamol bag. about Jan uary 17. , Please return to Bog Sol, noscmont, and receive reward. PERSONALS ' NOTICE I, hereby Riven that t have thin dav retired from 5 ami 10 cent business nt 2.17 Sooth St., Phlladclphli. All debts will bo settled by me at l'hlladelphla China Com pany, 014 8. 2d at Present claims at onco. S. n. WAX. flit 8. 2d at.. . Mtn ot 217 South St. 1 WIUi NOT HE RESPONSIBLE for any flebta after Saturday, February 12, lnli), mi lew contractett by mtsclf. W. FR1Y, 2220 B,,ad st , Philadelphia TOMMIR Jcnnlo dying In hospital; como home, everything O. K. MOTHER. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE EVENING LEDGER MAINTAINS a strict uiu iuv r-,iiii i.LiLriir.ii wti.i i. censorship of all advertising to Because of this long.atnndlng public has teamed to place tho to ita. columns ng policy, mo :ho nfltnn ennn- rienco In ita advertising as tho new-. This la Particularly true ot tho Wont Ada. Tho ).edgor. Intends to safeguard tho Interests of Ita readers, so they ran respond to box num ber advertisers with a feeling of fullest seeurlty. If At any time you havo evidence that A UUeillCM I'K'UMStltUll, UIICI 1,1 VIIIPI"JIIHIIH etc, made through the Ledger Is not legiti mate, or la of a doubtful character, cnll It to our attention at once. A thorough and Immediate Investigation will bo made. 1'leaso help tho Evening Ledger In Its efforts to help you. llOOKKnEPKIt, double-entry. competent. Wanted; stato experience, snlary and Rlo reference. 1 ran, I-edger Office. UOOKKEnPRR Ono having experience lumber bualnes") preferred; salary $14 start. A ,128, Ledger Office. BOOKKEErnit, D. I:., quick, nctlve.good pen man; state wages, exp., ref. A ft.11. Led. Off. BOOKKEEPER Thor exp., quick, good pen man; stato ngo and sal, exp It rl. Led. Cent ClIAMllMHWOniC and waiting Experienced whlto girl for auburbs; best references. Meet employer, Room 20,", 008 Chestnut st , Tliurs day and Friday, nt 11 o'clock. CIIAMIIEIIWOIIK ard nnltlng Whlto girl. experienced, rrolcstnnt; td; no washing. "7.10 Oreetio St., Oermantown. ClItLDNUnSE-nxperlenced, Prot., for 2 chll- arcn; auouroan; rer ftl iwx. imager ccnirni. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Annly John & James uooson, inc.. mi lane. Falls of Schuylkill. niankct Mills. Scott's COOK and chamberwork nnd waitress Two maids, colored, must havo good references. can fTiaay morning, saw mttennouso st FORELADY to toko charge finishing deptrt ment largo factory making men's knit under wear: good salary to right party; experience In similar line might bo satisfactory Apply Rnxford Knitting Co Randolph and Jeffe rson . GENERAL HOUSEWORK Whlto woman nnd daughter, 14 jcara old, for general house work In tho country in family of .1; woman must be good cook, daughter to help with work and attend school for her board, no washing. 11 l'. ledger Office. GIRL for chambcmorlt nnd waiting. 222 sT 30th tt. GIRLS, experienced, to sew on buttons, hooks and eyes on ladlca' dresses, bring thlmblo nnd necdlo along, Greenspan & Co., N. E. cor. 12th and Arch. 10th floor GIRLS. 10 years old and over, to learn oper ating on Infants' caps and bonnets; splendid opportunity to learn a god trade. M. Frank & Co.. 718 Arch. GIRLS wanted, 1(1 to 17 years old; no experi ence necessary. Apply .Id floor, Roxford Knitting Co.. Randolph nnd Jefferson sts. HOSIERY Knitters, toppers nnd loopers on clean white work; steady, well piling. Apply 2d floor.SISS Wakefield st.,Germantown. HOSIERY Experienced knitters and toppers; stcadr work, good pay, nlso learners, paid while learning. 1.120 North Lawrence. HOUSEKEEPER (working) for Wynncflcld; good referenco required, small famllj. It 207. Lodger Office. HOUSEWORK Wanted, competent girl for noicia, . ,'uBuwurn, liLiuiiy ok tour; Illgnpst WnSTPM: r-t-nn-.. .HO Itnrrlonn nvn IMMn. Elklns Parte. Phone Melrose r"7 W. HOUSEWORK Family of three, plain cook ing; only nvo rooms; small wash; sleep nut; must be neat and clean; $3. 1231 South 4,'ith atreet. HOUSEWORK (general) Whlto girl; must have good ref.; small prlv. fam. Apply 111 Park ave.. Llanerch.or phono Llancrcli HOW HOUSEWORK Girl, whlto. good plain cook ing; no washing, J(I, suburbs Apply bo- vwron 11 and 1. 11-K. uiamoilfl St.. Apt. HOUSEWORK, general, white, good cook, for ib; bmiuii auwc lamuy. .Meet empiovcr, Room 2Q5. Washington Hldg.. Friday. It m. HOUSEWORK Capable whlto woman. Prot estant: one who desires good. home. Call . after 3 p. m.. (111.1 Christian at. HOUSEWORK Competent young white girl , for suburbs. 3H miles from Camden. H &0, VMUvr vj.iiue. HOUSEWORK Neat white girl experienced. 2102 North 0th t. I'nono Kensington ll'l. HOUSEWORK, settled woman, suburbs, good home; reference. Room 230. Public Ledger. JOINERS and belt fitters on ladles' dresses; highest nrlco paid. Greenspan & Co , N. 13 im. I.IU M.iu JTKll, iuin noor. I-ADIEB wanted in Philadelphia A good po altlon for thoso willing to take freo training with rellablo guar, corset company, thoso qualifying themselves will bo permanent; no outnt for sale. It 132. Ledger Office. OFFICE GIRL Young girl about 10 years of age. Address, stating age, P P21 Led. Off. OPERATORS Applications are now being re ceived for experienced femalo operators on Tirrgn'te-fo?; gy.""' ""' """lence. KH; Vn'SS"" & Co- N- L'- cor. 12tfi and ... ,.. OPERATORS wanted on Singer buttonholo and button sewing machines. Oat Brothers, 031 OPERATORS wanted to sew belts on dresses Ost Brothers. U31 Market. presses. pAi'Jru HOXES-Experlenced girl wanted on tl.?'afoUFlorist.: tt"" """"" A"y Schoot- BTJENOORAl'HER. must bo .quick and accui rate; ona with experiences In manufacturing concern. Apply In own handwriting, stating experience, ago and salary expected: excel. lent opportunity for right party. P iai . Ledger Office. ""'' STENOGRAPHER Wo havo a good proposli tion to offer a stenographer wishing to Vo into business for herself. For Information sea Mli Dean. Ledger Central. -nun STENOGRAPHER and typewriter Bright young lady, manufacturer's office: stats m perlenco. reference, salary, p. o. Box 15411 STENOGRAPHER, experienced In office dei UU work: saJiiry 18 to start. Boo Mils Dean. Ledger Central. SUIT and coat saleslady for Atlantic Cttr do Krtment store, Thoroughly experienced sales ly. who desires to widen her field and to show her ability, can secure a steady position with avery opportunity of advancement, when answering state age. experience, salary wanted and name references. All applications treated strictly confidential. A 408; Led- Off WANTED 2S WOMEN (SUPERS) I MUST BE ATTIRED IN GOOD STREET DROSS; IN TERIOIt SCENE DEPENDING- Os. NAT URAL tlOHT, THEREFORE A CLEAR DAY IS NEC3SAIIY. APPLY 0 "jl LUBIN MFG. CO., 20TII ft INDIANA. ' WAITRESS Competent white Protestant for private family, city; must have one year's referenco. See Miss Reed. 008 Chestnut St.. Hpom 203. PETEYPetey Went HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED White woman, mlddlo aged, ehnm berwork and car of 2-year-old child, farm. siooresiown, n j 11 wiy, i,oager uontmi. WANTED, for housework and cooking, a wh.lt Rlrl Apply 1727North 23th. b W01AN settled, for Rood home In country, family 3 adults; must be plain cook and generally useful; no chamberwork. Meet cm R lever on Friday and Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock. 003 Chestnut at.. Room 205. NOW 18 THE TtMF! for young ladles seek ing commercial positions to consult Miss 7can nt ledger Central, Hroad and Chest nut sts, A special service la rendered to stenographers, bookkeepers and CLERICS through the Commercial Depart ment to LEDGER ADVERTISERS, nnd A Great number ot 1 idles have been benefited y this service. General GOVERNMENT positions open to women, J7B month. Write Immediately for free list. Frnnklln Inst., Dcpt. 715 M, Rochester. N. V. HELP WANTED MALE ARCHITECTURAL ilrnughlsman wanted. Uni versity graduate preferred, must bo good In urnigii nnu ronsiruciion; kiv" ih-iiuuiih-,. kt, re I rrojicennd salary PI on, ledger Office. ASSISTANT UOOKKEEPEH-Salary n. otato . ago nnd experience, A .'(27. ledger Office. nAKi:il Must understand bread nnd cokes, etc, , 2.1 to 40 years of ago; must havo ref erence as to character, at Allcntown, Pa. Add, air. Jones, Thurs., 10 n, m Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER named; one with experience In lumber business preferred, state nblllty .. and snliryexprclod. AJtgi ledger Office. . 1IOV, bright, "nbout 10, needed" In flro Iniur ance offlto. Address In own handwriting. A tti'i. Ledger oini-o C'lIAlIt FltA.MEIlS wnnteiJ street; Apply 214 H. nth CIIAUITEI'lt Colored mm, cipablc of run ning nnd cirlng for nn automnhlln, also tnko charge of henter fires and lawn and mnko hlmwelf generally upoful: a good home for n relliible, capablo mnn nt Ardmore, l'n. Ad dress H ,"l, Iilger Central. . CIXITM WEAVERS wanted. A mWs. John Ac Scotfa Jumcp) Iioh-ion. Ine , Hlankot lane. I'nlls of Schumill DESIll.VEIt Wonted, voung man, capable of designing first -clniM jewelry. P D2S, ledger oriUe. IJllAI'llltlBMAN, rompctent and experienced! good wacs nnd steady employment. Address 'Permanent," It 50, Ledger Central DUIUIH-Cicrk wanted. 1 A., no student. Mil ler's Pli.trmicy. 1d nnd Hjvcrford. FINISHERS wnnted on chairs. Apply 241 . ntn st. FIRST CLASS lafhe. horizontal boring mill ami chucking machine hands. American l.n gltieerlng Co., Arnmlngo ne. & Cumberland, LEADIIERN'ERK wnnted, nrst-clapa men only on chemical plants $10 dny H hours. Ad drns Illxliy & Maishnll, P.O. Ilox ill I. Hal tlmore Aid. MACHINISTS, gcnertl, wanted, first-class men onlynei'd apply. 2USrninkfonl nvo. MAN to tnko chargo ofTehnddy card and Har nett machines. John & James DobHon. Inc., Ulnnket Mllls.Scntt'a lane, l'a1l8oficluiylklji. MN AND WITE iaMblo of" taking entire chargo of house nt Jlerlon; threo In famllv; nn wnshlng: must hio ref. II 144, Led. Cent. MEV (21) WANTED (SUPERS): MUST RE ATTIRED IN f'.OOD STREET DRESS; IN TERIOR SCENE. HE-PENDING UPON NATURAL LIGHT. THEREFORE A CLEAR DAY LS NECESSARY. APPLY 0 A. SI., I.UIIIN MFO. CO., 20T1I AND INDIANA. MOLDIIRS wanted, steady work; good wages. The U.ildt Steel Co., Now Castle. Pel. PACK IIR Wanted, nttlo joung man as packer In wholesale shoe houic. referenco re quired: state age A 40S. ledger pfflce REAL "ESTATE ori'ICE in Gcrmantown wants oung man, 10 or 17 vears old; per manent position; both Inside and outsldn work; safari' according to nblllty, Amm 10 n. m. nnlv John II. McCaflerty, 0721 Ger- mnntown ne , SOLICITORS wnnted Immediately for mem bership camplgn. Apply In person at 7::t0 P. in to G. Dalby Emtngc 52d nnd Chest- nilt HtS; STENOGRAPHERS, experienced, rapid nnd nccurate: good nt composition, stnto full par tlculars. $1.. It 47, I.cdgcr Central. STOCK SALESMAN of nblllt. Address II 44, Ledger Central. , TURRET LATHE HANDS First-class toolmakcrs. Apply 2I4R Frank ford ave.. between Sam. nnd 0 p. m. WANTED, experienced feeders on 27x10 galley cutting anil creasing presses, ones who can stack their work preferred. Apply A 401, Ledgpr Office; . YOUNG MAN. nbout 17 years of age, In office of uptown factory: must be good penman, quick and accurate at figures nnd well rec ommended. Address L 1SU-I. Ledger Branch Ofllce. 7th and Oxford YOUNG MAN. 10 jears old. for otflco work In wnolesilo glass nouse; salary to start h -u-dresH. with reference. P '127. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN for stock nnd clerical work; must uso typewriter, salary JO; good onpor tunlty for hustler. G 8111. Ledger Central. YOtTNO MAN. nbout IS wanted In wholesale cloth house: salary to start, 15. 507 Denckl.i Building. 11th anil Market YOUNG MAN for confectionery nnd soda pnr ior: no phono or correspondence. 10 Scott st . Riverside. N. J General BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1101 LAND TITLE BUILDING COST ACCOUNTS' (2. 115(10 to 11RU0 BOOK KEEPERS nnd CLERKS, 115 to 123. STENOGRAPHERS, several openings for be ginners, 110 to 115. ESTIMATOR (or print fng ot paper boxes. 521 ROLLING MILL man. designing, etc. 11K10. FOIIEMAN, Interior woodwork, $25 to 1.10. SALLSMEN. office furniture oil aever.il good openings for ung mechanical graduates, 175 month. Draughtsmen, several, 120 to 12.1 SPECIAL A V TOM O RILE Instruction given dnv and night by expert mechanics at tho oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing. Wiring nnd (0 Road Lessons at a very "liu1 NORTH BROAD ST. P. PETZ. 023 NORTH BROAD STREET 1 Robertson's Old Original Auto School. Teaches you how to repair and how to drive autos. 031 NORTH BROAD STREET 031 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASST BOOKKEEPER, clerk, 2 j ears' expcrl enco; competent, willing, 11 411. Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, at present em ployed by largo corporation, desires change; refs, A-l. salary 175 mo. G 252. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp., accurate, de sires permanent position with reliable con cern; beat references. It 52. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER nnd typist. 2'i years' mfg. ex. perlence; referencea O 152 Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER-Stenographer. capable begin. ner. neat, reliable, wishes pos. o BI5, Led Cen. CASHIER, experienced. American. Protestant: reference. It 13U. Ledger Office CHAMBERMAID and waitress, two young Protestant gins. -m. i-cugcr vjincc. CHAMBERWORK or chamberwork and assist launoryj cap, coiotea woman, j-op. .ihu J, CHILDNURSE or chamberwork: assist chlld'n; exp.; ref. Phone Miss Reed. Walnut 3000. CLERIOAL (general) or secretarial position; high school graduate; quick at figures and good letter writer. II 130, Ledger Office. COMPANION, refined, with perfect French. Ital., Ger., Russ., Polish, wishes posit, to go South as companion or chaperon; exp. in nursing; highest rets, u s.st. imager cent. COMPANION to elderly lady or manager of gentleman's household; exp. Bng. Prot. 23 West Logan St.. Gin Phone Gtn. 770 J. COMPANION, nureo or lady's tnald; refer ence; assist light duties. It 13S. Led. Office. COOK Colored woman wishes place, cooking and downstairs work 205(1 Fernon. COOK Good German cook wishes position In country, ihh.. uin at, DAY'S WORK, cleaning offices, apartments; neat, capa bla woman, ref. 11 202, Ledger Off. OOVBRNESS. North German. Prot.. children over fl years; beat ref. II 121, Ledger Office. Right Up in the AirHa! Ha! About It SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER, worklnr. or practical nurse, Prot.: aottled woman; ref. If 127, Led Off. HOUSEWORK, Ren., Enr Trot.! no wash.: mallfam. suburbs! ref. It 203. Lodger Off, NURSE, trained," hosrftal experience, desires position, any sickness or Invalid; reasonable. n .11, linger imice. BIlAMSTREfW. assist light duties, where other maids nre kept. 320 N. 4th St.. Camden, N. J, BTIJNOORAPHEH, B years' etperlenco private secretary and orflto manager, desires posi tion, icferences. A .114, ledger Office. . STENOGRAPHER, genernl office work. ears' experience; capable, dependable, It) o inn, looser v.Tntrni. STENOGRAPHER, fully experienced, capable, accurate: best references, O 055, Lcd.Ccnt. tTrENOORAFHER, ambitious, neat, accurate. wining; try mo. n 4S. ledger Central. ftTENOURAPHHR. expert, also eonvoyancer; 10 years' experience. O 751. ledger Central, 8TI.NoanAPlII.lt, llfgh Schooli 2 years' ex- iwncncc; rnpia typist. tot, linger lent STKNOUItAPIlUIt. exper., enorgctlc worker; aal. aiif. for maintenance. O 4.'.0. T.ed. Cent. BTlXN'OfllMIimrt, expert. S years' experi ence,, rapid and accurate. O 052, Led. Cent. BTENOmiAPIinil, .Ijcars' experience, quick, ncnirate. 110 (J SIR, tnlger Central. BTONCOIlAPIirSIt, beginner, do neat, oocurnte nork. trial solicited. U 241, ledger Central. TCLni'lIONH ornilATOIl-fl yra.' exp.; capa- uir, nrppnnnoie, fit jt o, lOrtger iTntmi. TtlTOniNa-lAnguogps. i:ng hranohes; for- elgnera. backwntil pupils fH Wolghlmnn Hg. TOtlNfl LADV. assistant bookkeeper, typist! experienced, desires position nhero executlvo . npiuty is requiren. u bhi, linger central. WILLIAit IT-NN Illch School grndunto do- elros poo as stenographer, two ym' exp. J nccuraic, neat, uepen flame, u H.-1, ld. cent. WOMAN, colored, wants situation; good cook or general housework. riKino Dickinson, 1411. BUSS nilAN at ldgor Central has listed tho qualifications of young ladles experienced In all kinds or otflco detail work, and his had special tnlnlng In selecting tho "right per son for the right position." Acquaint her with jour needs cither by personal rail or telephono Wnlnut or Main ,1CtK-and por sonal attention will bo given promptly. This Is n frco eenlco to LEDOI3R ADVER TISERS, HOUSEHOLD REQIBTnT ItUTtEAU Is now located at WASHINGTON nuILDING COS Chestnut st., adjoining Ledger Building. Suite 205, second floor. Elevator Bervlce. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Incomo tax reports prepared for IndMduala and corporations. Stato corporation reports made. O 24S, Ledsor Central. ACCOUNTANT, nudltor and systomitlicr, capablo of taking chargo of office, both public nnd prlvnto experience, would nccept position out of clt, it coo. i.odger Office AUDITING--RIO AND LITTLE. M 212. LEDGEM oniCU BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, will audit accounts, open, close and wrlto up books, day or evening, modcrato terms. A 310, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, joung man. desires ovenlng position, executlvo nnd nccountlng experience. G W) Ledger Cpntrnl BOOKKEEPER nnd accountant Young man. mnrrlcd. exp. In factor costs; beat refs. A 322. Ledger Ofllcp. BUTTERMAKER. nrst class: young mm, 20. dcslrcs pos . good ref. A 311. Ledger Office. BUTLER OR. VALET. English; excellent rcf- .n-ni-f. ipniy n uii. iu gPTi mice. BUTLER vvl'lies position In prlvnto family: . exn : beat of refs A .11,1. Lodger Office. CHAUrFEUH, white, Blngle. wishes position with private family, references from lait employer: will also miko himself ppnpr.iiiv useful: wages $I a week, room nnil board J -v -i. linger uince. CHAUrFEUR. 12 years' experience 2W lean in last plice: do own repairs, nil hlgh-griidu J2J-H. best reference. Phone Germantnwn L44w"r wrltojons rChplten nve. Gtn. CHAUFFEUR, Scotch Protestant, 2 years' et- .l''"uinf. mvn lep.ura. 11 i.'.. I.PUgpr UIIIl'P. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position, prl v.tto or delivery . oxp,:rcfn. 1020 S. Iiouvler. CLERK desires phango of position, 3 lears' PTiierlenco at slilpolng; good chir.ii.ter. G 8,4. Ledger Ccniral. CLERK, oung man, high school graduato. 2 ypnrs1 exp IvyJsliespoB. A .115, Led. Ofllce. DISHWASHING or kitchen work In hotel, cx pprlence I German. It 20.1, Lodger Office. GARDENER Head gardener wishes prlvnto Dlnce; understands vegetables, greenhouses, registered ninth, etc., mirrlrd: Al rcr.: life time rxperlencp. Box Mid. Ardmore. Pa. GARD1.M.R. coachman. English, single, good with Yegutiih'CH. (lowers nn.t stork; tarn hent ers, best rpference. A 131, Ledger Hfficp MAN, 32. welt educated and cnp.ible, with both etecutlvo and selling experience, wishes new connection. II 57, Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE, colored, from South, wn"nt positions; wife, first class cook, man, butler nnd all-around man, cltv nnd country. 10 j ears' references from last place, sot'i C.ith nrlne. MAN AND WITE, cook nnd housemnn: un derstnnils garden nnd farm nlso chamber maid nnd vvnltress, .1 rellablo iienplo ilehlro postogether 1st class refs. A 10 Led. O ft. MAN AND WIFE desire positions on enuntry placp, caretakers or general best of rtfs. . no children Box 01. Pcnllyn. Pa. MECHANICAL engineer, salesman o rtravcllng executive; machinery steel Plato construct'n. .,. ,c,i, m.imuuiii .tvm,. 11 n.i, i,pu, ucnt, I'AINTER, also can repair house, roof to cellar, .vorria. na N. 2Ut h , SALESMAN, experienced, as branch mannger. sales solicitor and adjuster: will consider proposition; at present employed; excellent referenco; Interview solicited. O 457, Led ger Central. SALESMAN, 45. 7 years with last emplover. troducer, reliable, desires position. C 42. edger Branch Offlco. 22.13 Columbia nve. SALESMAN.23 years of"nge. temperate lubits; rellablo and tactful, desires to connect with established house. Q Oil, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, outside. Protestant, open for do elrable Una; com, basis. A 404. Led. Office. SALESMAN, 10 years' exp,; successful record: excellent ref,: good pres A 403. Ia-d. Off. SALESMAN, high class, changing line, wishes connection. H 141, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Young'man. 23. exc: good typist, salary 115. O 048, ledger Central. YOUNG MAN desires to connect with real es tate office (selling), whero salary and ad-vanc-mevt would depend on ability. Address G 042, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN wants position any kind: expe rienced In cost, payroll and timekeeping on construction work, some sales and engineer- lng experience. H 142. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 28 years of age. desires re aponstblo position; has 10 years' experience as order clerk and corresponding; cln far nlsh reference. It f,u. Ledger Central. SITUATION WTD. 1 seek permanent position with reliable, firm: St years old: engineering and commercial eJ- and ability: will furnish bond or moderate In vestment If required: competent within range of private secretary to safety engineer; loca. tlon no object; will travel anywhoro; living wage expected. It 53. Ledger Central. DO YOU WANT a technical man of character ability and personality, with five years of business and ofllce experience and three years' engineering work, to develop Into good mien-nan, office or department manager O 831. Ledger Central, We'll Find You an Office! Have you succeeded in locating that office you've searched for? A good way to find good offices in any section of the city is to consult the columns of the Ledger, or better still, insert a Want Ad of your own. We can help you locate an office with out difficulty. Satisfy your needs at once by placing a Want Ad today. Phone, write or call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICIIOLL9, 1020 Rnlnbrldgo st., Ins comp. bullcra, second men, housemen, couples; cooks, $25 to $7,1; wnltrcsspn, phambermn! Is. excellent Swcrllsh and Gerinin parlor, and chnnib'iualils gov'nesses. Inilles' mnlds, chtld nurses, laund'sps. h'semnlds, etc. Wanted, nild, help, nil np Phone f-ocmt 21.'). SOIITIIIlRN DIREC'TOItV wants colored cooks, housemaldf, man nnd wlfo; man to cook, nke position; highest wages to worthy help. Walnut .17112 12.1i Pine, Upchurch. MRS. KANE. 511 S lDtli st., wants flrnt-claas servants for llrst-clnss families, references for clnrnetrr nnd nblllty required. Phono Sprure .1101. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses nnd housework girls, flrst-clast help want positions. Miss JtOHo lJoughcrt, 1,111 cst illnirdjive , MISS MARY T MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian (!.np ll'M), supplies wants lst-class Prot., Cjitli. male nnd fpmnln help, all nitlonilltles. MRS. MINZLMU. 1010 Christian st. (Dlrkln son 515). wanti a first class butler nnd Ger inan nook with rpferences. ,MAD.IE Ailll". I.10 Christian st Rellablo help supplied nnd wanted, all nitlonalltlcs, l'ERfU'SfJ.S" Inn Hrge number of colored help. Call .111 S 12th Walnut 4014. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXtCAI! CO. 1fl.11 N. VAILLtNOTON ST. LIMOt7SlNi: TAXICAI1 AND TOrtllNO CARS TO HIRE. Sl.fiH PER HOUR AND Urt POP Ins.1-1RS4 PARK 75 NEVER CLOSED TO HIRE (open day and night) Brand-new 5-pnss. touring car, with robes, 11.25 hour; nlso brand-new 7-pass. llmouslno. 11.50 hour: weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1017 W rilLTON GARAGE rEIION AND GIRARD AVE. PHONE BELMONT 11(11 S-PASS., R-cvl King to hlro by day or week: rensonablo price. 2S.10 N. Lambert st. Park 4X12 A AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Tho hcst-enulpped shop In W, I'hlla. Wo straighten trnines and nxles, make parts, har den mid grind Rebuild, overhaul and repair all mil,ts. Prices fair Agtncy for Master Carburetors and Mprhnnlcal Starters, IIIOniNS BROTHERS, 1212 Chestnut. STARTING lighting nnd Ignition expert; nny mccb. or elec. specialty for nutos attached or repaired lleattj, Hill W. Ontario, Tlogn 7251. ' 1 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES I See HILLY at his new location. 510 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS HE1IORED, new pistons and rings furnlihed weldings and brazing. II. B. Underwood A. Co.. 102.1 Hamilton st.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES BEARINGS New Departure Service sta. Tim Gwllllam Co, 1811 Arch st.Phoncs Wnlnut 3407. Race 3002. 'j AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. (HUM'S 2111 N. Broad st. l'lHL'SlONE DEMOUNTABLE RIMS for Tord enrs, 15 per set. Installed Duplex Tire Co., 222S N. Broail st. Phono Diamond 1423. AUTOMOBILES For .Snle REAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS Packard llulik Htnnlcy Steamer Hudson Overland Briscoe II. C. II Bulclc Krlt Stparns-Knight . Flandcrn Alaxwcll . ...... Hupp. "32" Hudson ...OS.. ...12.. ...11.. ...11,. I!!i.i!! ...it.. ...in.. ...i'i.. ....l-i.. ...12.. ...10.. ...11.. ...11.. Limousine Touring Touring Roadster Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Roadster Roidster Touring Rondster Touring Roadster Roadster .lfi-,0 . .inn , . :i.",o . ion . 270 , 400 -'i;0 I lsii . 7 111 . 150 . loo . 550 . 250 . 800 . 571 Hupp 15. Ilulck (Gelssel body).ll... Snxon 15, diets 10. Touring . . A 321 . . . . i,i 210 IMprce-Arrow 11.... Touring . ... 7,111 (frit 14.... Touring .... 400 Elmore 12.... Touring .... 120 Mudebaker 15.... Touring .... 450 Maxwell 03 Racer 50 2 Fords 11... Town Can ... 4i0 Ilulck truck 2.1 Any number of aecond-hand Fords, 1100 up. MAIN LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT, PA. rOR S VLU Packard SO. 7-passenger touring car. 1523 cash. Apply In person, will dem- 0natra,e' G. B. WHEELER Lancaster pike, Devon, Pa, CADILLAC. K-cj Under touring, as good ai new, 11SO0. OOM.ERY SCHWARTZ. 25.1 N. Broad at. CHEVROLET AGENCY Kerr's new garage, ill 10 Qlrard ave. Storage. 15 up. FORD. 1014,-sTOUHINO ELECTRIC LIGHTS. I. S. BOWERS COMPANY 343-247 North Broad street. LOCOMOBILE (1013), 0-38-C-passenger tour, lng. equipped with one-man top. self-starter and electrlo lights .thoroughly rebuilt and re painted; price 11S00. p ' v LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market at. Locust 450. II. A. JBN'KS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dent. OAKI-AND Sociable Roadster: 1014; excellent condition: extra equipment, cheap. Oak Lana Auto Station. Phone Oak Lane 272. " MAUMON, 1012 In flrst-ctass condition: Just overhauled and repainted. R. J. HOWLKY. .in it. .j,m ,. - MERCER 5-pasaenger touring car, self-starter, electrlo lights, tires like new. I. C MbsBIt. 218 N. Broad St. ' PAIOE, 1015, 6-46 oversize tires, driven 4000 miles, will sell roaionable. Phone Locust TBQ2 J ANY PART TO BUILD OR REPAIR A CAR. SCHOI1EH. 3341-45 JIARKET. 1 AUTOMODIXiES For Sal used cAna WHY TOU SHOULD nUT FROM US NOW BECAUSE you are Insured a variety from which to choose BECAUBB you will not Vo hurried In mak ing a choice, as you would bo when tho spring season opens. BECAUSE you can RAVE MONET, as lh prices are much lower at this time than nny other season of tho year. BECAUSE by buying now you can. If.you so desire, havo tho ear .repainted to your taste, glvn plenty pf tlmo for good Job nnd hnte It ready when spring opens. BECAUSE bujers of new cars place their orders ahead for .spring ."ellvery to avoid disappointment. So, why Bhouldn you 7 AND WHEN TOU, DO IIUY A USED. OAR, I1UY JT FROM US DECAUSE pou nr protected from misrep resentation. . f.ii- BECAUSE our name Insures honest, fair dealing. AND .TOU GET TOUR M O N I. TB WORTH CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE SALES ' CORPORATION 142 N. Broad street. WE HAVE 47 or Tim .FINEST SMALL AUTOMOI1ILES that tan bo seen in Philadelphia. Each car overhauled, painted and sold with a roisonnblo guarantee. Backed by a rcsponriblo concern. It will pay sou to Investigate. ... n MAIN LINE SERVICE CO Rosemont, Pa. HUDSON RUNABOUT V 100 NEW HENDERSON 4-CYL. MOTOR- CYCLE 2v0 BUICK TOURING OAR 5S2 BRISCOE TOURINO J"? MET. LATE ltlir, ..V.StWiVW:?? IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. MAIN LINE SERVICE CO. RpqEMONT. PA. 15 DOWN AND J5 A WEEK Without real citato security, will purchaso a now Tonl car. Any other make of picas tiro or delivery on same plan. Representa tive will cnll, or son coll coll upon us. Co-opcratlvo Automobile Association, Inc. 5 nnd 7 N 21st st Spruce 4111 SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS .. ,. OORSON AUTH nXCIIANGU. 2.1R N. BROAD 1014 VELIE: riRST-CLW CONDITION S22 NORTH I1I1C1AU ST. Wanted STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New gnrago opened: cnri bought, sold ana exchanged; accessories, new nnd old; courte ous nRslatants, expert mpthanlsm. mitn ri:i: us. Phlla Auto Parts Co.. HIIS Broad St.. Phlla, WANTED OLD AUTOS FOR PARTS. s.'.; :r north iitii st. WANTED-OLD AUTOS FOR JUNK. f!D ST PHONE PARK IMS. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES TINE breeding cockerels Barred Plymouth Rock, Wvandntte, Light Ilrnhma, Leghorns, Anconn. Mlnorcns, Rhoilo Iiland Reds: from tho finest strains obt limbic. Call and oeo our Immense stock. E.C.Vnlile. ,11" ainrkot st. rass BUSINESS PERSONALS LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS DELIV Sz CALLED FOR TREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 2J5 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE LEIDNER'S. 10TH & GIRARD AV .S.WCOIL FULL DRESS SUITS Cutnwavs. Tuxedos mid Sai-k Suits To hlro nnd mode to order. NEUBAUEIt, THE TMI.OIt, ll N. 0th at. Bell rhone. Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis. tho only pcrmaiipnt wav. Eyebrows nrcned. .MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre. Bldg. Miss Hoppp, h ilnlrosscr. farlal mnsstgo man Jeur'g form Mint Arc ide, with Miss Smith FURS AND rUR COATS altered and repaired, rcnsoniblo prices; work mnnshln ruir.inteed J-end postal or phono Belmont 21M W. CIIAS. J. 1IOOS3. 51.17 Ann st 111 c i II anil glvo estimate. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bnnk reference Appralement. 1, HARRY W SMITH. 71. RANSOM ST. CLMMS of nny description collected on per centngo nnv where Wo get vnur rtionev for 10U AMC'OSE OENCY, 1501 Arch Bt B 'LDING MATERIALS REPAIRS SUCCESSFUL BUILDERS for 21 jeara. We horamo successful by giving satisfaction. Don't do nny building or alteration work until yiu luvo our prices. Will bo pleased to glvo estlmato Wo aro carpenterfl nnd general constriction ppoplo Wo do Jobbing of every kind on short notice. Wo nlso buy and Fell real cstato and busi ness properties of every kind throughout the State, securo tenants, collect rents and cars for estates as vou would havo It dono. Wrlto or phono for price. THE PENN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING CO. 2151 North 10th st. Both phones. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WA7CT a first mortgage loan of 1200.000 on Improved Washington D. C, property. Address owner. M 5-13. Ledger Central. COLONIAL HOTHL-Thls beautiful suburban hotel, 100 sleeping rooms, largo parlors and dining rooms, 21 baths, steam heat, 7 acres of beautiful lawn, right at Media Station and convenient to trolleys to Phlla. and Chester; this would make a desirable location for a ranltarlum or school: prlco right and liberal terms.llenj. T. Lcvls.Medla, Pa, PATENTS ARTHUR E. PAIOE, 714 Wnlnut at., Phlla., mechanical and electrical engl neor, icglsteicd patent attorney, established hero 30 ears, lnvtntlons dovelopcd, patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and liti gated ani whero, rejected applications prose- Lmcui uri-miiumry miyiteiiee. lTIt SALE CONTENTS AND LEASE or THE MOST EXQUISITELY FURNISHED AND SELECT APARTMENT HOUSE ON NORTH BROAD ST.. 10 ROOMS. 0 HAT1LS; PAYS AllOUT 110CO YEARLY. P 017, LEdJ OI3R OFFICE. OAND1. cigars, broad, milk and lco cream Btore for sale, havo lco cream and candy mchy. ; will sell all or separate. N. W. cor 5th and Portor sts.Phono Dickinson 5211, WANTED, one or two nctlvo business men with n capital of 115 Ooo In an old-cstab. llshed imd growing business. Full particulars Kiveii v m" nuiicuii umiuinK. ENTIRE STOCK Issue of recently Incorpo rated company with plenty advance orders can be purchased. For particulars address n -II, leoger central. OARAGE Good location, doing business; has room for 35 cars; will sell cheap to quick buyer; owner has other business. Call at 2048 Rldgo ave. PA RTN ER WANTED active or silent, to Invest 110,000, real estate holding co,; money secured. L 111. Led. Off. VICTOR J. EVANS A. CO. Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. Write for descriptive booklet. POOL ROOM and furnished roomed house. o wmuiiiCTi . n.,c. v.,cmj. Atf PJmn St. PICTURE THEATRE. 12500: terms; earnT73 upward weekly, trial; booming location; no coiiipeiuoii, iiiveotiKaie. tiarriat, -m iv.uroad. A MAN Investing 12000 can secure good-paying position with security and good Interest on his money. A 201. Ledger Office. 5 A MONTH secures Interest In growing orch. ard; will be producing before paid for. Harry Darlington, 1420 chestnut st. : : : : : : P n a vnWHT i tl BUSINESS OPPOItTUNITIEa THE MISSING LINK I am the link between the. manu facturer and the investor. 1-et m orgnl-e and assist you in financing you? company. Address Promoter, M BM. Ledger Central. SMALL conronATION. rated high hl An,in and Urndstreefs. want ! nnn additional working .capital. Vim .Vi"1.. it . I wrtrlrlnv tnnl!JI Vviil" WtWaS TltrprWipils-o-nlyTrAd: dress. . confidential. M D4.-. imager Central. ,.-t.T. n...n fill-. N. J located near ths beach: flrst-cla's following, address P 024. Ledger qffjcj X or parutitm,- CELI.ENT opportunity for good dentist hi grow ng PennsvVvnnla town, J000 population, drlrrss M 00L ledger Ol 'flee. E.( MAN with some business experience wouia in vest 100, with services, In A good-paying bus ness. II nr, i.eoger -ctiihi, i'AI NT mnnufacturlng Plant and business for sale. Smith. 3011 Market st.. Philadelphia, ra. CARPET CLEANING C O N T I N E N ' T At, CARPET CLEANING HOUSH 20T1I ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Hell Phone. Locust 1 0(10. WEST PIHLA. MONARCH HTORAGE CO. WEST PIHLA. Sn .rER TAIip . ., VfrXVT PIHLA. ,187(V72I,ANCJi. ERvnrTra.. Rmi, carpet matino. rm N. liitll NO HiniPICrg UHilll. I IIUi- "l" w-w DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES whllo learning. Prnrilcal Inexoenslvo coures. day or eve. The McBbWI?l5S uhESSMAltlNa SOHOOi, S07 ijencliliiHJd.BJll!SI,i-M 1L i "liOTTER SCHOOL or DRESSMAKING! DAILY AND EVENINO, SESSIONS. . 14!5 OIRAHD AVE. Poplar 0371. ard inCTORIAI, REVlEWJPAJTERN8 DRESSMAKER. French, desires engsgoments; 1" ,.,-. .-hI. wnnna a ftnp- terms rpusuimut". " "'"-'"'. .Xii.. remodeling. 110S Wnlnut. Ph. Walnut 0158 FOR SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination second-hand; bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies. Life Kenfer, American manufac turcr, .120 (llrnrd ave. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES A!o bowling nllesn, easy payments. BRUNS- WlCl"-ll ALKECOLLENDER CO., 1002 Arch BILLIARD, pocket. 2d-hand tables, ropalrlng, auppllcjCfark-IIerd Mfg. Co., 2421 N. rront. BILLIARD TABLE ilrunswlck's best; origin- ally lriQO: now 1200, Phono Wnodlind 44Q1 CASH REGISTERS, now and factory rebuilt. New total oddera as low as 130 on easy monthly piyments. Call and seo our 1010 models. All regl-ters sold by us fulh- guar nnteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 730 Chestnut St. DESKS, filing cabinets, rules, telephono booths nnd office furniture and fixtures of every de rcrlption; used, but In flno condition, and very cheap; free delivery nnywnero. UTII AND BUTTONWOOD. tiuijui.a. DESKS, ltrgo assortment; nlso household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl turo Company, HOl-OOQ-14 Callowhlll nt. FRENCH WALNUT WARDROBE, with a mir ror door, about .1x0; original cost 1110. P 014. Ledger Ofr.ce. TIANOLA, Metrostyle, 03-notc, mnh.; guar. perf cct ; 80 rolls niUElc. 0320 Woodland ave. SATES Fireproof: closing out sllghtlyused: all slzej & iiiakest'lilg bargains. 2lfl N. Fourth. P0 50 VICTROLA VI and 0 10-ln. D. r. rec ords: guaranteed to bo In perfect condition: nn excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good mnchino at a reasonablo prico: 50 cpnts weekly accepted; call or write for com plcto descriptions and largo illustrated cata logues. HEPI'E'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 6th and Thompson sts. LARGE TJDISON TALKING MACHINE, with cabinet nnd 50 records: nnlshcd In beautiful quartered onk: cost new 181: can bo paid 75 cento weekly: an excellent bargain: In good condition: wrlto for complcto list of bargains and speclil trial offer. IIIIPPE'S UPTOWN STOIIES Corner 0th nnd Thompson sts. 60 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA Call or wrlto for particulars. IIIIPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Ctli and Thompson sts. HEATING SIAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh nlr with normal mnlsturo. MAKIN KELSEY, fl N 18lh st.. I'hlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY nnd bookkeeping bv Individual instruction; course requites only fow weeks; pos. guar. 701 Locust (Washington Square). YOUNG GENTLEMAN wishes to glvo French lessons, especially reading nnd conversation. A 3.12, Ledger Office LAUNDRIES TAMILY wnBh, 50c. a bag; all washes return ed In less than 21 hours. North Phlla, Dnmp Wnsh Laundry, ,".011 N. 11th. Ph. Tioga 8237. MACHINERY AND TOOLS BHArTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCO.M hnngcrs and pillow blocks with fin ished ball nnd socket bearings are tho best for nil shafting puriwses SHAFTINO AND MACHIN11 WORKS. 141 North hecond. JAMES YOCOM U SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, nlr compressors FRANK TOOMEY, Inc . 1 27 N. 3d st. ELECTRIC MOTORS Power transmission equipment nnd supplies. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 520 Arch St. BAND SAWS, Jig saws, bund lesavvs, circular resaws. 12, 14, 1(1. IS. 2(1 21 Inch Jointers. N UTTALL. 174S North Stll LYNAMOS. motors and machinery bought, sold nnd rented: armatures repaired. Main 01. M irket HUila. Ycaraley Co., 2.'l N. 3d Bt. GAS ENGINE. Otto 21 II. P., for sale, gaso llno attach., used verv little; A-l con.: enn bo uougnt rignt. iiounrn nuppiee. itosemont. i'a RACK SHAPER 22-Inch Irlple-geired Hendey, In good condition. L. F. SEYFERT'S SONS 4.17 North 3d st. GAS. GASOLINE AND OIL BNOINK3 GAS AND OIL ENQINE CO.. 45 N. 7TH 8T. ALL SIZES second-hand plpo cut to order. 01. J. HUNT. 1310 Beach st. PIPE Second hand, all sizes. I'hlla. Second. Hand Pipe Supply Co 1011.1 N 7th st. Phones. COLUMBIA Machinery Co. Wood and Ironw'g machinery bought, aold.exch. 2120 N.Lelthgow MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PRIVATE OWNER must sell player-plano: very little, used, noted make; finest music rolls, with mahogany cabinet. 1310 North Broad Call afternoons 134 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including U se lections (12 10-ln. D, F. records); this Instru. ent has a double spring and all tho latest features, Including ths new concert sound box. and is an excellent machine In every way: can bo paid for at the rato of 75 centi weekly; call or wrlio for complete descriptions and Urge Illustrated catalogues. IIEPPCS UPTOWN STORES Comer Oth and Thompson ats. VICTROUiS No Needles to Change. v V"?,..0T cf" ?SF 'uU Particulars of tha new VUtor ViVtrola" won(icrful l-trument, the HBPPBTS UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' FAUTUlir HAMPLES-P no Sinn TTa price. 00; malters' RuraMee?lSlJ,.t'lSll FACf ORY "SAMPLES PlaverTw. T--J K Tlh. ur""nl" :! cash onlr' RM JSS-CHICKEHINO UPRIQllTlnANrl HOWARD VIMcumt . .. . PIANO, 12Y-F""y.amplocoEioSi! ?7nif,iN,n?th'n',tn""tntai ''" ' g RECORDS, excho.. no. up" JH)I,I-H, ifil JviAlt ( l-Tp, svsiSiM OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum 3LD, silver, platinum, rlat.a .- TT; lewelry, teeth plates bought K''J'F B.o. i. L, dark. renJSr"ieuj:: fllVID i:st. l CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS aSBJSI Thlift. Bmpltlnpr & - mn CASH paid for diamonds, precious stnn..T' envcr, piatinum, ra so teelh, nliVi.S!,t2 . fining Co , flth and Walnut sts: """ ntj ri t rtrr I i i i H "nntlquo cibcksiwlfi call' BellVooJ' f2 1211), nOGERb, 27 B. ifth St. "'' && PAINTING AND PAPERHANorMaj PAPBRHANGINO, palnt'g. tovv't nrle..."r guar. MEDN1CK. 4 N "sOth, faaV'nr jn?. i PRINTING OrtntTTTT-T Anvrniflnni vimrlrtl.. i t. -. " visiting cVr3- emb'osslng'an'd 'SPi t Shop. j0O4 CheMnut at. Open even Jv, 45 STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CIHOSTNUT PACKINO. MOVING, SIIIPPtNJ jvugs. uarpoiis cimnea, scoured. if Hefli Ixicust 1000-Fhoncs-KcvYr ine!. FIDELITY i rillEPROOr WATtnitODBIS Aoii-ioiu Aivivtiyi. HT, 3 ATLAS BTORAGE WAREHOUHM o..-r moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleHi;? Ph. Baring 752 for estimate. Market lid Ijtt CASH ADVANCES " uisiiuiiv Miorago. Moving. am- f.241 .llarkct st, rhnns Alarhpt !. rhM, MCCANN'B STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N linTJS' st.: moving, picking, shipping; wit"n'H, Both phones. Let usestlmate "" riREPROOr, Mothproof.'Coiicreto Wsrehsiur 7 N, Phlla. Storage Co.. 2M Lehigh, tBtsS 4 Tlanos nnd rumlturo Bought and JhiV""1 T TORAGR In scparnto rooms, moving, piekS? 1?3i shipping and carpet cleaning. Levis DrSt' !H 20IS Rldgo nve. Poplnr 0021, "" Sftjjf K WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather'1 beds, broken jewelry, ii!.cn, Jewcirj ', goiu, silver, OUBwiiJij 735 Walnut. Walnut 7028. EstaK'iA? oougnt. CAST-OFF ClaTTltlKn IIIQIIEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' OR MEN'S CLOTHING. " WR1TD OR PHONE TOPLAR 0342. v.um-1-it, mill u l ItAHD AVE. CAST-OrF CI.OTIItNa Wo buy your old cloth ng and pay mors than other dealers for clothing, hats, shoes. t I PURE, 50S Cnllowhlll st. Send ooitil CAST-OFF CIXyrilINO We positively mt UlTc, mora for gentlemen's clothing, rtoer send pontal, wo cnll day or ovg.. city or sulk IVIcdman Bros,. 1 141 South st Ph.l5lcx.ei CAST-OFF CLOTHINO-Hlgh prices. UoleV ovenlng gowns, gentlemen's clotnlngj pottif v I r pn , BiHi. -uii. aeiicsonn. otn and sp. (Ma,e OAST-OFF CLOTIIING-Hlghest prices nald "for i" Indies' nnd men's clothing, hats, shoes, etc.: l phono Poplnr .Ibfll. Blocker. 1239 Popfsr it! CAST-OFf CLOTHING bought: beat prlcii pnia rnr men's goods, wrlto or phone, TTtl-vt OSIiS. . v riiu or pnon 227 N. 0th St. Hcnuiiz, -i-a n. nth st. iSJ Ftl-T.n f3T.AR317t3 d.mui h.., .... ,1-,H5M mngnlflcntlons preferred; write, stating mait, condition nnd nrlcc. AI 541. ldser rnirti . rUHNITURB. pianos, carpets, antlaues: entin ? or pirt houses bought for casht no msttn how, large. .1. Bernstein 1314 Ridge are. iiT,.i.cn nri.nt-c, nun i..n r.. . ..A.nn" iiiiiiii, i riiivi,a i n,u cull U1AMU.1U3, ' old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth; till a .pawn tickets 11(10 Filbert m 2d floor tnmt S iiKiiiEKT I'ltiCLH piio ror gentlemen's suits. 737 Bnlnbrldgo st. Phono Walnut 1720. ROOMS POR RENT ARCH, 2023 Deslrablo slnglo and double rmi. priv. oatna, wen neateu. - up. apruceawo. r BOYER ST. 5531 (Gtn.) Large front room. film.. fo- light housckpg. . reas. Gtn. 102 J i BROAD, N., S35 2 vvcll-furnlshcd roomi, prl' vato bath; second floor; board optional. BROWN, 2010 I tinturn. rooms, 2d floor, prl-, vnto bath, heat, hot water. 115. Pop, 25.11 W, t. CHESTNUT. 1901 Very desirable tingle rootn 1 2,1 nnrt .Id (loors- ntpnm beat. Ph 1-ni-uit'ni. sj CHESTNUT. 2001 Desirable second-lloor rooapi nnd nntii, vvitn nil conveniences. CHESTNUT, 2011 (new manngemenO-Attrw'j turn, suite: electric iignts, noi-waier ncn,---e TMAir.Vr. UH, .11(1 -P.. n nnmm n,l n-t.,a bath, or slnglo front room: running wstrn" gentlemen preferred. Diamond 5043 J. DIAMOND, 1100 Ono nlcclv furnished leconl -n; irontt comm. ; encap; cnuuren accepieo; pa; GIRARD. W 1313 Furnished or unfurraihed room: reference; private fnmlly. . MONTGOMERY AVE.. W 1433 Well fora, 2d story rooms, adj. bath. Diamond 5409 w, PARK AVE.. -N.. 17.17 Housekeeping aulta nnil other vaciinclea for rellned people; convj. nient to trouey; rcaflonaDie. uiamunu oo,j- PARK. N., 2007 Attractive rooms, single of g en su te: private bath: electricity: pnon. PARK AVE.. 2102-Furnlshed rooms, well heited, nil conveniences. Diamond 0.00 w. PAXSON, N. 25 Nicely furn. rooms; prlvttt Inmiiv: a mm, to f-'n st. i-remn ti I'lNE ST.. 1108 Single room, near bath; well ' heated. Phono Locust 0"vl2 J JUDGE AVE., 2310 Nicely furnished reoo, Ji conveniences. Phono Diamond 4C04 J. . l SPRUCE. 2022 Owner will rent attractive!!' furn. bachelor apt of large rooms. pniu natn. nrepiaco: roierences hcjiuiiu. SPRUCE 1X17 Rooms, single or en nki prl. baths; prof offices : Bteam heat: eletft'ir VINE. 5754-2 furnished front wms: 1 iieiuuu ; cmivciiiciiLTB. 1.1114 - - 2D. N.. 3210 One unfurntBhJ room toow 10TIL S 8011-Rooms. single or en suite, win private hath. Phone Walnut (Q44. 13TH, N-. 1107 Comfortable fum. roomi; physician's office: elec, lights Poplar 8Mi. 13TH, 8.. 210 Newly furi1shedroomit mod- conveniences. Phonjo i"'.IHm n 11,111, IM., uiu lionm, Willi ""'.' "SiilW, h.sth! eentlemen or mar. couple. Dla. 3SHVU i6TH. N.. 078 riirnlshedrooms, all cenTM- lencca. iopihi wn. 10TJI. N 14012 lareo hskpg rooms, Inrfre. newrlv rurnlsbed room. 13, 10TH, N 1721 Comfortable 2-roora suit , 27TH . PARR1SH Attrac. furn. room, refrntj family, young man: refs. Poplar Tin " - writ. ,S.. 137-Cheerful. furnl shed room. f , U1HIJ, IIIIIUCI II Jiuina, am iwukiv -j . nnuseKeopuiK bb cic-iwi r .. ...r... r-v nil ...4a n nlr ntfc ..!. A ri n nv itrhn and l or w . bedrooms, furnished, to reliable) people; J . nhr,iia Wnnfilnnrl 1 fUH 51. - 1 C4H.C. HIUIIQ IS uuuiwhm PLEASANT room or suite, a.41olnln MU , gents: good trolley eervlce;, nf ot. Phono, after 7 o. m- Tioga 2""" w. - BEAUTIFULLY furn, rm . "," 3T bath.: elec: "im(v - Preston ""' BOARDING BALTIMORE. 441B-Lrg. 'L! room; rminls or gentlemen; excellent!", CHESTER AVE.. B021-Largi Sdf fl ... ..,,An. ..Minn! eroellenl v2i COLLEOE AVE.. N.. 2031-NewIy WJff, 3d tl. front, near balh: vy reas. '"S01" , sit,as7f as4ii pvsnifc . a i r lis ' LEHIGH AVE.. W., jp27-Prlvate ranai, lew vacancies; cxtoiic, "i-"- ---j. ve j lences: near cars: pnoiw w SPRUCE. 1224-26 (Brlsmonde)-Furn, "JJ trlngle. en suite: private baths: '" tour 40TH, N.. 32-Attractlvely furnisnea j ItVUI WW liny WIIIHi iwsjees. Jj tOTH. a, 131 Handsomely 'urnlshj " room; electricity; not-waier oi. tl U VT V r- t ft (4 i T I pi '1 w H XI m & -i 1 E