Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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lin TTTvTTp.n riA mtctynt t ttwt'
Steel Makers Report Increased Inquiry for Equipment
From Trolley Companies Interesting Court De
cision on Pennsylvania Canal Bonds
' ... ii- tn !e tirnctlcnlly settled
W. will be no melon cutting by the
IrL.i nam improvement Company this
V"V . T e-li. hnnrcl met veslertlnv. niul
$ I-
".:' a. itnn In tf.e way of nrrnnir-
J? for special action ! the. -tockliolcl-lD'
ih nnniiat tncettnR In May. !t la
?Vlool tliat the recent purchnso of
"ln.rtlM In Indiana will be financed
iihout recourse, to n Bale of Block. The
Mi.ny Is il ngurlnK on certain other
j.. but these are not expected to tie
""".'-.mited for some time, so thnt ad-
'.ttlonal capital will not be necessary for
fi. nrescnt. The stock eased off frac
(toaaW on 'ChaiiKe today, but no great
P .miiiint came out. in met mo vvnoio
I 5 1 list was dull nna fluctuated within
ssrrOW limits)
A further advanco by tlio LelilRh Vnl
i... "mtiult croup Into new high torrl-
imv was about the only feature. Talk of
'MMnent of back dividends on the pre
(Tired accompanied the advance. Rapid
L:'..n anil I'nlon Traction were also In
9 iimand. while 100 shares of Harrison
Vnl atock sold at M, UP 20 from the last
i ersrlous transaction on 'Cliniif-.
r In the afternoon ft sudden outburst of
8 .nvsncY occurrcii in huko superior
fSf'WOl" i . ...h,..,,.!-! I,1nrk nr
lock were taken nnd quotation was lifted
i' iik For some time tlio Street hns
been looklnix for an upswing in Superior.
aw I...A nn nree or-iorn nna cxpaiKiinr
8 mlngs. The Income bonds also became
Sf srtlvo. OpenliiB at K's njralnst a prc
tsv vloiis close of 27 they Jumped to 2S on the
P "'.' nn Tlio Hl-ont In tnlblm-
'l of a resumption of Interest payments on
Dili issue.
; i Cambria Steel remained quiescent. Ks
L1' tlm'" lmvc been made that the Mid-
Black Retains Its Supremacy
Vary in Soft Felt
Board Plans
Msn's hats for sprint- will bo lower In
the crowns and broader In the brims than
those belnK worn now, said Gcorpe B.
"V-alto vinr,u 1in
1101 Market street.
"As for colors, when
a man buys a stiff
hat he always thinks
of black, and for
that reason we find
very little demand
for colored dorbys.
Personally, I con
sider a pearl gray
derby iv gentleman's
lint, nnd tn England
nnd Trance they nre
very much worn, but
they don't tnke here.
A nood many years
OEOnOE n. W'EtU, KO they were fash
ionable for a couple of seasons, but they
did not survive.
"la soft felts It Is different. The tle
' mum! l.q fnr rnlnrs. hrnvvns. creens. steels.
a few pearl nnd BOine blues predominat
ing. Steel In two shades and n color like
'London smoke' will be very fashlonoble.
"Straw hats will soon be on sale. This
jear what Is known as the unbleached
straw will be popular. The unbleached
straw hat will give better service than
the bleached straw. One of the reasons
$ why unbleached straw wilt be so fash
ionable Is the scarcity of blenching ami
' dyeing materials, which formerly came
t from Germany. Most of the straw hats
Y sold In this country are manufactured In
5 Baltimore Mil., nnd Brooklyn. X. Y.
"The rough Bennett straw, which has
I been a leader fnr some seasons past,
Kill not be so popular this coming sen-
T son. The macklmiw soft braids will have
the call this year. Formerly the mitekl
"av braids were made by the Mackinaw
Indians, but of late years they nre being
made by the Japanese, vho grow a bet
ter straw for the purpose than the In-
f dlans and weave a finer braid.
ien or lo years ago a nut store
wouldn't think of cnrrvlnir mole than a
(few Panamas which retailed for about
110, nnd occasionally one or two would lit?
sold for JW or $30. The demand for Pan-
amis within the last few years has
I brought nn enormous number of Panamas
on the market and they were sold from
4 up, i neu tne mutators oi i-uiiitiiuta
tame Into the field and hats that In some
Maces were called Panamas were sold
rM low as 12 nnd $2.50.
"I predict that the Imitation Panamas
will take tho nlnce of a meat many of
3 the cheap Panamas, and that the real
. WHEAT. HeeelnlB, HMRN Inikh. The mar
art further declined . arly in the iljy. nut
OMtquently recovered le. of tbu ls anil
toted Arm, Quutatlons: Car lota. In i-iport
Jilo'-No. S red, upc.t and February, l.a
8UU4, No, Hnutlierii red. l.:iill.jfil.:i2".;
.I'"!"" N- - r' l.2Ujl.!ll: So. It red,
te1?,1-'.'! . reiecttHl A. I.STfil.2Ui re-.
Jetted tl. 11 ijVJM.iit, I
CORN.-Iteceipta. 4(1. im tiualwli. Tim mar-
If I HUH mil At lehh nn lmananit ohnnau In
- T".t. 1111(1 iu iMnillllb . ...n.B.
?". Quotutlotn. i'ar lots for Inral irado.
ml.' l0,,'".'l0i-Weitmi No. S yellow. N'-'VjW
K7" iern learner vrunw, siunii-.;
Vllrt. -Li.ur.r. '". .o -.'"--, . J"V.,i '
' nil'o "S1"' - ""' rl lU lo.. euwme.
j wWi W'jflMCe.i BHiiinl o.il, BO'ati
'Sii-Purlnert oata. Kni(1l, oonSiPuc.
K- ".. ueiBinia, j.oi puu. Jim i,.i.hi.ii'h
Si i? Hck"- There m Utile tr.nllnic nnd
ii! KJ.rk.y wa largely nominal. Quolatluna
JJ, dp.. attilKht. limtLSik. do., iiiiiene. .,
S,5i B,". clear. Jute aicka. M.CH4iS.TS, rio.,
ht, Jute aacka. 3.tH)HU.I0; do., patent,
"Jcka. tL1.1Sil:10i aprlns. II rat clear. M.3il
S'?'."ralht. 3.IHifiiI.in; do., natont. $11.15
mm?' ,d0." 'avorlte brand. il.7MJ7.00: city
ttau. choice and fanqy patent. IO.TOH7.oO; ilo.
WiUr irailti winter, clear. 3.75.1.IH): do
8'o " '' "6H.M: do., do., patent, $il.:
; iiS.Th JI-Ol'R waa quiet out aleady under
JIM Olferlnii. quota 3,G0fltt per bbl
Fn!" market ruled Ann. with a fair Jobbing
tei.I4'. .Uuotattona ranged aa follo.;
i . iJ. ' .'" "V- amokea ana atr-urieu. sira
I tUrsJ. loata. IIU.inn .-A r,l..aa Inn,. 1 ftrt
tutiif- 1?" smoked'. lliieiSVic.! 'other hams.
.ivrf2i,i!,J' cured, as to brand and aver.
t, ia.. '?. I bams, smoked. Western ruri.
liIhSJn,rket a
DAIRY prtftnnrrrs
!UmliJir?R."'rhr wa a good outlet for the
a receipts of fajcy stock, mid tha market
ii th.'m " ?h advinw. Following
litkM..gUu'llon Western, fresh, aolld-
lw5s5",ftJVr,t"i xu' nrsta. )lllc.: seconds.
Jt. ladles, itlfr!r.. nearby prints, fancy.
"wad. r???$xtn- 35e:i0c.. first. 31nsc.i
mSu'i.j.??B28t' atieetat lancv brands of
r B3G.rvn'".a? vi
Wc 7u,KT:"r",. r" "l liberal ana
Sjim ,u Jraes. nearby etra, .-.
""a. nearby nrata. 17 "11 n .i.nHini
P u h " rW. iVM par standard
f 2,el..; '-, T. SO per tase. do. nrats,
i ;: ' "osra. csr lose. su.uuct.uo.
IS.rtFar JMfSl- r .
M " K? Pc..s,.n New Vork full
iiS'.f"! b'a'i knuckle and tenders, smoked
Kl l'-?rid. 2627c,i Weatern beef, knuckles
ei.u?,.l'" smoked, 208c.i beet Kama. $'J3
Hall; tvrlf .. .u. m-Mnn . i o II
ahniitl' ' y.'J. aoonea. ooneiess, -ic.; (iil-iuu
SiSfiP'i..?;...,'. .cured, loose; toJc.l do.,
Kr i? "B12ic:: bellies In pickle, accord-KMn.vfmte-
,0oa. 12Wai3c.i' breakfast
IsaiS. . '" "rajio ana averaae. ciiy cureu.
1 t Ti,l,rtfl,k',,t bacon. Western cured. 15
t SidlS. 'y.b- HWe-i do., pure city, kettle
t Rtu.V.Vnln ii,e. ll'ic.t do., oure city.
I ,,lu' "ndered. In tubs. lie.
OTT A T--r--r- ,-., i,, , . ,,
vale Steel nnd Ordnance Company and
Its new subsidiary, Cambria, will cam
more than M,00O,O0O In the current year.
As Is well known, a lnrjie percentase
of the prollts this yean will come from
war contracts tnken by Mldvalo. It Is
estimated that Cambria Steel will show
profits of close to J10.000.Wi for the cur
rent year,. Steelmakers report decided In
crease In demand for equipment by the
traction companies. Contrary to tlio sit
uation among; steam railroads, the trolley
linos of the country did not come Into
the market heavily for new rars last yenr,
nnd this depression In 1915 Is described
as "without a parallel." Low prices pre
vailed on orders that were received.
Pennsylvania was n trlllo depressed
for h time but rallied later. An
Interesting IcKal decision Was rendered Ivy
tlio United States District Court of this
city In favor of Mrs. Alice Frances
Drown, of 1'rovldence, It. !., a bondholder
of the Pennsylvania Canal Company,
awarding her $7000 with Interest from
July 1, 1910. oRnlnst tlio Pennsylvania
Railroad Company. Tlio court held that
tho railroad should have nmlntnlned a
sinking fund to meet payment of the
$3,ooo,0) of bonds at maturity. This was
a test case, nnd attorneys Interested say
It will open the way for other plaintiffs,
whose ennat-bond holdings amount to
$500,000, to recover from the Pennsylvania.
In the bond section a block of JW.OOO
nnd olio of ".,0OO Pennsylvania consoli
dated 4ljs sold at IOJ'4. up '. of n point
from hist prevlulis sale. Lnler lOtiifc was
bid. There was unusual activity In bonds
today. Heavy sales of Koystono Tele
phone Ss, Standard Oiih (Is, I'nltcd Hull
ways Investment 5s and York Hallways
."s were recorded. Philadelphia Company
os were nlso largely traded In.
in the Derby, While Colors
Kensington Trade
Panama will fall back to the position It
occupied several years ago. As n matter
of fact, Panama ns a name for these hats
Is a. misnomer. Xono of them Is made
within 100 miles of Panama. The best
come from Ecuador, but as they were
formerly shipped from the Central Ameri
can countries to Panama as a matter of
convenience In shipping, they retained the
name of the shipping point.
"There was not n very great demand
for Leshorn hats last year and 1 don't
expect there will be much this year.
"A strange thing In collection with the
sizes of hats 'Is how they vary from time
to time. Hats we are selling today call
for larger sizes than we weie selling 10
years ago. Men wear their hats high or
low on their heads, aecoidlng to the dic
tates of fashion. Today they are wear
ing them low, and therefore the call Is
for larger sizes."
The newly selected Executive Uoaid of
the Kensington Hoard of Trade, which will
conduct most of the business for the board
In the future, will meet mid elect oftlcers
nod plan nut a campaign for new mem
bers next Tuesday night. The Executive
Board was created by a change In the con
stitution of the Board of Trade at the
last meeting. Twenty-one members were
chosen to constitute It.
Those elected were A. C. Keeley. R.
Lincoln McNeil. Samuel Jlelnlieliuer, J..
E. Ulrcher. II. I,. ""Marcus, Robert Mc
Neil, A. I.. Eellmnn, William T. Weir. Jr.,
Gustave I.lpschuetz, John B. Reynolds,
David Isnncman, Harry Schoenthal,
James C. Johnston. S. W. Smith, Frank
Wolf, Alexander Adalre, A. M. Wuldron.
Harry Derbyshire, A. A. Frankel. William
At The February meeting of the board
of directors :t2 new members were elected
Into the Bultdeis' Exchange. These new
members were obtained after the cluslng
of the Greater Builders' Exchange Cam
paign, which ended January IS, lUHi.
It was also announced at tho board
meeting that on Hie evening of February
M a "get-together" meeting hail been
planned, ut which all the old und new
members will become acquainted. The af
fair Is expected to be a gala event.
The Tuesday luncheons at tho exchange
are increasing In popularity and afford
an excellent opportunity for the members
to express their views on building ques
tions. POULTRY
I.IVK.-t'nnlie itock uas In good denmnd
(mil Hi in. with aunpllea well' under control.
Quotiiilonsi Fowls, n n lo ike and iiualltj.
isailic; rooster. tVHI.'Ic. ; uprlng chlrkns.
eofi-meatrd. 1'JJiioc.; ilo.. stHRgy. llttldo.:
lurkeys. 'JUfiV'.'c; dinks, as to size and quality,
ISfi'JUr. ; gctse. liifllic. ; pigeons, old. per
pair. '...'W.nk. . ui.. ounc. per imlr. lMii'iie.
fJllKSSKU. Iteielins of Hne dealralde
alzed Hock ero light and ilic market rule.l
llrm niuler b fair demand. Quoloi ons follow:
Kreali-killed. dry-packed Knwls. li' l" box. ctj
pleked. fane, selccteii. 20'ic,: nelRliInK 4 lbs.
und ocrt apiece. '.'Oe. : ueignliiK J'i lb?. uplc
Hie., weighing. :i Iha. ajileie. P)c : smaller
kUm. lo17o. ; fouls, tn bbls.. dry-plcaeci.
fancy, -nib, and over nplece. lllt.c. ; smaller
sizes. 1331SI'.: old roosters, dry-picked. I.V.;
cblckens jersey rancy nrnuers. inaoc.i in
nearby fancy broilers. Sse'-'ic; Western, broil,
era. neighing VAii lbs. apiece. SSilSlc.; Nirth
trn Illinois chlckons. fancy yellow, welshing t
lbs. and over. In boxes, IHtlKc. ; exceptional lots
higher. Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing :.(..
lli'j lbr., In boxes. I8S1IU- : Northern Illinois,
fuuey, weighing Jt.a.'IW lbs.. In bblt.. ITitlSc..
other Western. ueUhlng i lbs and oier. In bones
IStilUi'.; oiher Western, weighing -iflli lbs.. In
boits. lllttUc. ; other U'ealern, weighing -hti-l't
lbs.. In bbls.. IStflllc.; Inferior. Uc.. Capons, per
lb. -Weighing 8tO lbs. apiece. 37SSSc.; smaller
sizes. IKIiF.'Uc-; turkeys, pearbv, fancy, 27H21M.;
do., do., good to choice, SlflSflc. : do., Western,
fancy. SUJitiTf. ; do., do., good to choice, i'lbi
2Sc: dafalr. Miil-.'c.: do., old torn. 21c;
do., culls and No. I. lOS'-'oc.; spring ducks,
nearby, 18SSU.'.; do., Weatcrn, fancy, 1718c. ;
do., ilo.. fair to good. I'.'Bloc; geese, nearby.
JOfflfic; do., Western, U18c.; stjuabs, per
doen-Whlto. weighing XI to 12 lbs. per
dozen. SVS308.BO: white, weighing P to 10 lbs.
per dozen. J.VJ.WS.T.I; white, weighing S bs.
per ilozen, I..W8.73; white, weighing 7 bs.
per dozen, f.T.VMr'l: white, weighing. UffBti lbs
per dozen. $:.SOWA; dark r-V-'aUU: small and
No. 2 $1010.
Choice stock was In fair request' nnd alues
yo. 2. tl.CJS!..'''!. apples. In bulk, per 100 lbs..
SOo.0$l.3O: apples. Western, per bo. $l-23
2 21; oranges. Florida, per crate. $;itrt: tan.
gerines, ftoriua. Pjrrv?-!ni ij''i
Florida, per u(.. lB2oe.
The general market was quiet and without
Important change. quoUtlong: WWle goUloej.
Pennsylvania, per bush., l,lWfl.lS; New
York cr bulb.. $1.0Sa(.lU; llklne. per bush..
$U3f?0: Jersey ton", per bu.lL. l,.?-i
WMteVn. Per buii.. $1.IP: do. per ,2-bushei
bag: $2.7&82.S3. wblte potatoe.. Jersey, per
lSiket-No t Itose. H0i70i'.: No. 1. other
VtrUftiei i WtOc. ; No. 2303100.! sweet poia
Jnia Jersey per basket No. I. 404J00C . No.
TiianiV?iXn poutoe, y... per hb'.. l.r-J
at 73; onions, per 100-lb. bag No. 1. J.'U-'.M;
5"J ftctflirao; cabbage. Danish, per ton.
fli.8' do.? Flaf P hamper, $101.23; do..
" C.'. Pr crate flOl.M: lpVfc ". Y.. per
biiiin, 5J75c.i spinach, Norfolk, per bbl..
t-v' ell 23- kale. Norfolk. pr bbl, BOflUBcj
Jett'uc" H-. P tWgZi o- ' (
ir iowkit. TfcBlli b?. I iJ ,$&
tier ca
cmsbrouuis per
v-ooioiorxiat Par ller U( New ork M itWfc
generally miea siraay as ioimi. .ipiiif. f"
obl'-Jonathan, fancy, $-.s.jKl.M. do. fair to
gooil. 2.M):l: Wluesap. tS.Satf.'l.'.'.l; llaldivln,
i?..10ri; lllaik Twig, 2.Sofl3; Orimes' Uolden.
I2.BOS.I: ateenlng. $2.3000;, York Imperial.
$2a:i Twentv-ounce. lifltl; I'lppln. $; Ben
eioriau, per era ir. i. i...-.. ...... ..-,
l4t plneapnles, per crate I'orto lllco. Clii4;
Florida. J2C2.80, iranberrles. Cape Cod. per
bbl iWdl: do.. Cape foil, per crate. $2.0t
.1,. " iVr.V' ,r crate. I2.23B2.B0; strawberries:
-.i . & .Tffiai.y: z:
bu crate, $2&Wl toimfw. VU.
l-io. pa.i. (ipiw.
Much Excitement in Pit Mar
ket Recovered on Buying
for Foreign Account
CHICAGO, Kcb. 10.-A sharp rebound
occurred in tlio whent mnrket hero to
day, nfter there linil boon n sevore. hrenk
In prices following a fltroiiB start. There
wns n Krcnt ilcnl of oxcltemeilt In the
pit, Btiylns for fnrclRti nccoiint and re
ports) of fnles of nbntit BOD.OX) l)llshcl9 for
cjtport were the Influences that brouitht
about tho recovery.
Tho em Her downward movement ivas
due to throwlnn: oVer of holdliiRS on tho
part of tllsRiistcd Ioiirs. Wealt lines wcro
then dislodged nnd a vast mimbcr of
stop-loss otdcTs uncovered. ItcstliiB or
ders distributed by commission houses
tliroiiRliotit the market flnitlly absorbed
the offcrlnRB. Many operators expressed
the opinion that tho market had had
enough ilcctlno for the present.
Am compared with the recent hlRli prlrc
of tlis, eatnbllslied on January i'O. May,
at tho low prlco today, showed a loss of
13Hc and duly, at the low prlco today,
showed n drop of tPe. from the recent
IiIrIi murk of t.h, established on Janu
ary 21 Inst.
From tho bottom May rallied to JI.2S'S,
but llnlslietl at $1.27, unchoiiKctl from the
close of yesterday, and July moved up
from tho bottom price to $1.21',, elosltiK
at $I.204, nRAlnst $l.2f, yesterday's final
price. The market at Liverpool was firm
today. iRiiorliiR the breaks hero yester
day, becauso of firmness In the spot sit
uation tind Inndciiiiiitc arrivals. l.lRht es
timates for the week's shipments from
ArRontlna nnd Australia and bullish IIr
urcs on the world's lirquiroments. helped
to check the nativity of tho bears.
Difficulty wns experienced In nblnlnltiR
cash wheat. Minneapolis reported on ex
cellent demand for the cash article, llo
celpts at Interior points were liberal, par.
tlculnrly In tho Southwest.
I.-idlng futures ranged ns folltmn.
noal Open, iiign. t,oiv. t'lopn. ciobi'.
May t.as'i I. lis', i.sn 1.27-1. I.27,
Julv 1.21 1 l.2l4 1.17 120ljl.2lS
Corn Ineiv dotlrry
Mav 77 77'4 7H'i t77i. "711a,
July 77''i 77. 7iV1a 77 "in.
May 41'!, .S (7i tsi; 4ki .
July I5' Id I4, til tins
.Mny 10.2.-, m.fto io.bo in.ao '111.22
Julv 10.40 10.47 10.37 10.1.. 10.10
Mny 11.1.1 I1..10 11.12 tll.tin 11.12
July '11.27 11.1.1 11.27 -11.4,1 11.27
Mny 20. to . 20..12 8ii.no 2U.S2 "lii.ao
July 1U.13 20.(1.1 20.4r. 20.1V. 20.12
lilll. tAskcd.
Financial Briefs
Mldvnle Steel bonds "when, as and it
Issued" sold on the Curb nt OS'.s.
Wilson A. Streeter. vice president of the
llniley. Hanks & Hlddle Co.. was elected
a director of. the Republic Trust Company.
The American .SmeltliiR nnd ItefliilnK
Company has Increased Its sineltltiK op
erations In Mexico by blowing In n second
furnace nt Matehualu. Kivc furnaces me
In operation i Monterey smeller.
The .N'ntlonnl City Hunk of New York
was a joint purchaser with the flunranty
Trust Company ami l.ee, HlRRlnson t
Co. of the JoO.OuO.OOO Mldvnlo Steel 20-year
5 per cent, bonds.
The Stock List Committee of the Phila
delphia Exchange rules that certificates
of stock of the Pennsylvania Snlt Jlanu
fneturliiR Company, dated February 12,
1910, and thereafter to be a delivery must
be counlerslRiied and registered by tho
G Irani Trust Company.
Tho Aetna Explosives Company has In
creased the number of common shares ut
no par value rrotr. "O.tXfl to 6"n.n00. nnd
Its worklns capital from $12,'W,000 to $18,
000.000. Tile New York hanks lost to Sub
treasury yesterday t"7,000, and since Fri
day last $3,S."5,0O0.
K. P. Itlplcy. president of the Atchison.
Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company,
hns been elected a director of the ChfcaRo
Title and Trust Company to Mil the va
cancy caused by the death of Marvin A.
1 M A
Jim llutler
MUpali t?xtcuulon ..
Xorlliern KtHr
'I,.,...,... I, 111 n.nnl .!
Tonopaii K-teiMlnn t'i-
Timnpali MI11I11K .n 'i'i
Itescun Hula lb
West Knd 71
Atlanta '.'"
Illu- Dull 2
II0.1H1 in
Uulldog ' 02
Combination Fraction 07
OUmnndtleld H It l
Itilsv "II
Florence 1.1
(liililtlclil Consolldateil
Ooldflold Merger 17
luntbo Kitenslon 1.17
Kevvau3s Is,
On or
Hand Ken lis
Sllter Pick 03
Kuln Aztec 01
Klmberly "I
Nevada Hill Is
Arizona l'n 2.1
Nevada Wonder I, ill
Oflkial Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania ami New
Jersey Fair tonlKht and Friday; not
mucn ciianse 111 temperature; iikiu var
iable winds.
Light rains or snows were quite gen
eral In the Atlantic States yesterday, but
settled conditions are generally reported
this morning, with partly cloudy or clear
skies. Light snow has covered Canada
and most of Hie States along the north
ern border during the last "I hours, nnd
continues In scattered localities this
morning. High, barometric pressure over
spreads all of the United States and Can
ada from the Rocky Mountains eastward,
and the temperatures have fallen slightly
at most places under Its Influence.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observations taken at S a.
8 last ftaln-
m.. Eastern lime.
Statlon. a.m. n't. fall.
Wind. Ity
iv .' '.
NW ..
N'B 111
1lisi t ha
Atlanta. Oa..... 4 P1
' P.Cloudy
Atlantic "-".' S; ',",
llaltlmore, Md.;. J ;'J
lllsmarck. N. l. '
Iloston, Mass. . . . 20 2.
lluffalo. N. V.. . IH 14
chsrleston. S. C -) 4S
NE 14
Chicago. Ill
Cincinnati, O...
riaveltnd. p....
Denver, Col. . .
.IK .14
IS 111
Oaireaton. T.. '4
Calm .
W ..
NK 14
NR 10
NE ..
NE 12
NB ..
NK ..
NB ..
NW ..
Harrlsburir. Pa-. -'"
Hatteras, N. ...
Halifax, N. 8... 2
Helena, Mont... d
Huron. 8. II.
Indianapolis. Ind. 14
Jacksonville. Fla. "
42 I Ml
22 .2ll
14 ..
Kansas ciiy ;;
Kno-illle. Tenn. 34 J4 ,51
Utile Hock. Ark. SO i ..
Jlontgoinery. Ala. 4H
Montreal. Can... 14 If
W 20
W ..
SE ..
NV 18
New Orleans, La. HO 60 .
Xtw York 21 21 ..
rsorioiK. ..... .. -
Oklahomat Okla. M ilU . .
Omatu. Neb 18 H ..
PhltadelphU . 32 31 .07
Pltoenu" Ariz... M 4 .
Plttsburib. Pi.. 24 21 .10,
Un.lunf -.! . IK 14 .OH
PnnUnJ.' Ore... 52 44 1.10
Ouebac. Can. . . J"
St. liuU. Mo... 28
ttm. Daitl XII nn at
lilt'l-ake. btah
d Inlnnla HX 4 4.
w ::
Si :
S'.n Francisco. . & v
Saota Ke. NM
Ba. Ste. Marie
Scrantop. Pa
Taniua. FU.
32 32
4 4
23 30
re! no
32 SO
IVlnuUi-V, Ctui..-;9-l)
wJ3KiW 4
Good Buying for Wnli Street Account.
Insurance Kntca n Factor ,
NMW VonlC, Feb. 10. At the time of
tlio openltiR on the Cotton "'xehntiRe this
mornlnR Liverpool prlco were r.!, to 8
points IilRher, nr about 6 points better
than due, nnd this caused coverltiR of
shorts here to such an extent thnt (ho
early tone wns llrm, with prices (l lo 9
points higher.
There was some Rood biiylnR for the ac
count of Wall Street houses, especially In
; October, while Liverpool straddle selllilR
was noted. After tlio fall here the Eur
llsh inatket declined several points and
local prices Immediately followed, only lo
1 brlnir In nn Increased demand, and quota-
I tlons were about unchiiiiRed from the inl-
j tlnl levels
! Prices fliirtuntcd narrowly, with no defi
nite tetideiiclc-. The market wns very
unlet ilurlnp the late denlhiRS. There
were rallies of snino 2 or .1 points fiom
the lowest on rr potts of steadier Eastern
belt spot tmirkets nnd sonic attention
wns also Riven to a message from Mont
gomery, which said that crop preparations
were far behind In that section, owlnR
tn farmers' lack of money,
Advices from New Orlenns said bankers
and merchants were tisslstliiR tho Federal
and Stale (lovernnients In their campaRiis
to keep down the cotton ncteiiRo tlio com
Iiir season, nnd to diversify. Arrivals of
cotton at New York today wcro 2123
hales, IneludlnK li:t llnters
Yes. t'ln-e. (ipen. 11 fl.m. 12 m. 2 p.m.
Mnreh tl.l'ii 12,0.1
May I2.ni 12.2.1 lS.lt 12.211
Julv i2.:u 12.:iii r'.:i'' I2.;il l.:il
October 12.:im 12.111 12.;i.i I2,:t7
Derenitier I2.IM 12..1I
January .. ..12..VI -12.511
.tolin I'. Ilnvle. I'nper D.irln. l'n.. nnd
Tliercni A. .Million. '1.1.1 H. 1Mb st.
Alio Itnrnett. Mt ft Arlznun St.. nnd f'lnrn
Fucrer. 2.H N. Mnrshnll si.
Amhroso Kenlru-s. ;r.M N'. Ptli -I., nnd MaK-
dnlrna Vltl:au-kl-, 2712 1: onlurlo xt.
It.ivrv (llflsMiiutn, 2M.1 N. Mb st.. nnd Lenn.i
Idler, 2111m X. I'lilllp st.
OiWue II. Verlies. Plnlnn-ld. N. J., nnd Grace
tlitttlc-, N'fivtoHn Hipinrr, Pa.
liidolpli llt.ishke. too Itnittii St.. nnd Knllrsn
Itelmk. 400 llrovvn -t.
On- llnsls. 441 N. Cnlorailo st., and T-mlorn
I'lilondrofclnnni. 4.111 N. Colnindn st.
Ilobort .1. Allen. 42:11 X. Hicks -1.. nnd
aneos 11. Ftnlt. 21.01 Huntltur I'nrk me.
Hnrry Pollock. 'PI Meiey St., nnd Sarah Kdol-
-teln, 1.1IH H. iliti st.
Wtlllnm II. Ilnmle. I7.TI Chrslnnl st.. and
Lucy K. Flllelirown. 21110 Chestnut st.
Thomns Itcilmnu. ini'.l Kellers at., and Nelllo
MrNinie. :t722 N. i:tth St.
Mlclmel J. il'Mli-.i. t'hester, I'll., nnd Mnr-
Kiiret 11 Slipplinn. 1X1 S. 22.1 st.
Andreas C. Prln-, r.2.1 W. Cmnlirl.i st.. nnd
Sophia p. Smith, nrrj N. Urntz st.
Jnlin J. t'loiieher, .It , :t.'t77 Howell st., ntnl
ll-lpn K. I'iirsiin, 20.11 tliutilte st.
Jn-epli H. IjitTorl). :I7I Princeton He., nnd
H.'liim llrnrj. Ulllnrd st.
Sdrpurl Kclnaii'ln. IHI11 H. 7tli St.. and Kstlier
Cohen. t20 H. 7th st.
H.nnuel P. Mmlth, Pi lures- Anne. Mil., and
Naomi II. TdiM, Mil S. I'.ixmjii st.
Patrick J. Cirreti. .1124 Hi ll.i st.. and ljiureim
K. Ilurn-. .VI2H iilusin? live.
Alplinnso Mennel. Toledo, t).. und AKncs M.
wllhelm, Deilntii-e. i.
Jniiii'H P. Fbnn, 2K0.1 Oram st., and Alice V.
Il-nnett, :ii:io N. 2.1 st.
ClenrBv I". Land!-, IMk l.nne. t'n., Hnd Kllza-
lii'tTi J. Iienl. Kill Hiitler st.
Jnlin P. Ilurns, :i:mn llenrlrisr st., nnd t'ntlietlne
A. Monte, .1UI.1 Phr-tllllt H.
ih-irae II. t-Meniiorn. 22.1H N. Coloni'In st.. and
Kllen M. lfnnartty. 22.1"S N. ("olnrudn st.
Flank .Venice. Krunkloril, Phllii'telphln. anil
Mnr .Moiieln, :t2lil V. I'olunililn live.
Il.irnai'd IttuntilKnn, l.'tl t. Cunilierl.mil St.,
und I.Hureilii li. Utiwill. IK1I K. Cuiubcrliinil.
John Hzantn. 27tm Passyunk ave.. and Sophia
l.ucn. 27CO P.isiyunk ave.
.tan Bucha, i:-l Lcvrrlni; si., und Anna Hollar.
i:i.'l l.pverlmj st.
Jacob Kslrelciier. Memphis, Term., nnd Krn-
estlue Knslcnian. 2.1IU . Cumlieihitid l.
Isaln ranntisrlonn, 1:12 lilcklnson st., nnd
Alltnnli'ttn Cajilelln. 1224 c'edernl st.
Divorce Suits Uegun
Tin- follow Iiir divorce suits were bepun
In Court of Common Pleas No. 3 today:
Lena Wlmllmer s. Kamui'l Wluillmer.
.Ipuiile Kuloiluer s. KdAiird J. Kalutluer.
Iloliico C. HnnlliiK vs. I Ian let Illinium.
Pinners KlIriKliorTee s. Itadore KltiiKhnffer
U.iulel lUmllUiu vh. Atmlra V. llamlllon.
Clurcnce Carter vs: lna Carter.
Godfrey Funeral This Afternoon
The funeral nf Lincoln Godfrey, prom
inent financier nnd manufacturer, will bo
held this afternoon lit St. James' Episcopal
Church, 22d nod Walnut streets. Services
will be conducted by Dr. John MockridRe,
rector of the church, and Interment will
lie In West I-aiircl lilll Cemetery.
South Street Business Men's First
President Succumbs
Harry M. Lomlsch. one of the organ
izers and first piesldent of the South
Street Utisliiess Men's Association, Is dead
nt Ills home, 122S South street, from can
cer of the throat. Mr. I.emlsch Is stir-
1 vlvi-il by a widow. Mrs. Fannie I.e'vi- -.
I n ilntiRlitur. Mrs. Alc.vnnder A. Aron 0
! two sons. Hernnni and Matthew l.em .1.
i Funeral services will bo held from Ids
1,'ito home at 11 o'clock tomorrow motn
Iiik. Itabbl Henry Herkowltz will olllclate
Mr. Lenilscli came to this country from
Rumania wnen H years old. end started
I In the produce business. Resides bcltiR
Identified with the South Philadelphia
Ilusiuess Men's Association, Mr. I.emlsch
I was it member of Liberty Lodge. beiiiR a
1 former president, Order of lirlth Abra
ham; llyliuin Lodge, Independent Older
of lirlth Abraham; Samson Lodge and
Knights of I'ythlus.
Mrs. Florence G. Evelnntl
Mrs. Florence Gehhnril Kvelniid. known
lis a Rolf player, 11 member of the Over
brook Golf Club, died on Tuesday at her
home. SUIT Sherwood road. Ovcrbrook.
She was sitting in a chnlr and was read
ing when she wns stricken ami died of
heart disease. Her husband, F. Wlnsor
ISvi'lnml. Is lu th" automobile business nt
1411 Spring Garden street. She formerly
wns nf Jersey City, N. .1., und for years
had been a member of the Overbrook
1'iesb-terlan Church. One child survives.
The funetal services will lie held at thn
home this afternoon. Interment will be
made at Ctlca, N. Y.
These Notices Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge,
AI.I'OIII). On February T. 1910. HENJA
11 IN M. AI.FOIID. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral on Satur
day ufteruoon, at 1 o'clock, at late residence.
411 N. Villi street. Interment private.
Frlruds may (all Friday afternoon after &
AMIKNIIACII. On February 8. 11)10. t.OUIR,
husband of Mary A.hent.ai'h. axed years.
Ilelaltves and frl-min. 3U0 Humboldt Lodce.
No. 1. F. (I. f). II. S.. are Invited lo attend
Iha funeral, on Saturday, at 2 v. 111,. from
his ate residence, lUi'I Huffner si., Nice
town. Interment at Nortlmood Cemetery.
Hemalna may bo viewed on Friday evening"
1IIKIIOP. At Huyes Mechanics' Home, on
February 0. tum. ISAAC It. IUSIIOP. aged
HI years, formerly of Atlantic City, Js J.
Funeral and Interment private.
IILAIU. On February H. lulu. MAItV, widow
of Joseph UUlr. IleUtltes and friends are
Invited. to attend the funeral services. Friday,
at 2:30 u. m.. at her late residence, 3U0S
Hpruce st. Interment private.
IIKANIION. On February P, 1010. JOHN,
husband of Mary Brandon, itelativea and
friends, also employes of Carey Brothers,
are Invited to attend the funeral services,
on Saturday, at 2 p. in., at bis late reel,
dance, 2133 North 10th st. Interment pri
vate. Remains may be viewed on Friday
evening. Automobile funeral.
CAHTKlt. At Delanco. N. J., on February
U. l,Uia. HA -.Lit: v.. wife of Joseph E. Car
ter, d IS years. Itelallve and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at
2 p. m.. from her lair residence, comer of
Poplar and Viae sts.. pelanco. N. J. Inter
ment at Odd Fellows (emetery. ilurllngton,
CAKTklt. On February 0. 1816. MAIIV 8.
fAItTHH at residence of Mrs. Thomas, her
nlecea house, Ilurllngton. N. J.
Cll AMUKItS.-r-On February 0, 1PIB. nOB
EAT CHAVJUEnS. aged 60 year. Uelu
tlvea and friends, also Lodge No. 432. F,
and ,A- M., are Invited to attend tbs funeral
services, oa Saturday, at 2 p. 111.. at tb
resldenca at his son. Hubert M. Clumbers.
10 North Clinon ave.. Mharon Hill. Fa. In-
IffWSr.," iloiwt Morlah Cemetery.
CllESXNlT. On February T. 1010. BAMUBI.
a., sou of s..nucl and Sarah ctuatnue. of
Dully watt County Antrim. Ireland aged 2
ers., ReUtlve- and Irtena- of ihe faniUy,
klso -Vvklla-s T. a. I. . Nf 3S. are Invited
10 dtteud funeral, on 'rtjuredav. t o'cloek, at
live ituleu,B of his fcromei ln-Ur WlllUm
itoyle. ail. Nann Perboro t teear oOtb and
Karriwu. Intaraient Oreea Mount Cenetaiy.
CLAItl'. On February (1, 101(1, CltArtl.na
II.. husband of Henrietta Clark, In Ms SPth
ear. Due notice nf the funeral . will bo
Riven, from I1I1 late residence, ll Itlchmond
COLLINS. - fin Febru-ry P. tntd, ANNA
MAIHE. dnuehtfr nf Jflmes F. nnd Mary E.
Collins (nre Fnn'.ilna). nelntlvrs nnd friends.
nlo employe- nf the 1,-ndcnhtror Hosiery
Co . nre Invlt-d In nltend Ihe funernl. nn
PAlurlay. nt 8:,10 n. m.. from Ihe relrtrnri
nf her nnr-nts, 22211 F.sst clnirrlrld et. Illeh
Mass nf N-t'vlty Cburrh st 10 n. m. Inter
ment nt Holv Hruulehre Cemetery.
CFttltY On February P. 1010. MAItV. wife
of Jnmes c. Curry. Helnthes and friends
nre invited in nttend fun-inl services, Mon
dny. nt 2 p. in., nt her lute re-lilenee. 2111
Fedeml st. Interment nt Ml. Morlah Ceme
tery. Itomalns tnnv bo vleived Sunday eve
lilna, between S nnd 10 n'rlock. Aiitninobllo
IIAI.nv. On Fel.ruarv . 1111(1. JOHF.PIf.
-nn nr Kll-nheth and Ihe late Itlclmrd IMl-v.
Ilelillve.- nnd frlemls. also emiilojes or Cut
ter Ci. nre Imlled lt nllcnd funeinl. Sat
urday, nt S.30 . m.. from Ills lute residence.
11)11 Mniintnln -t. (Kith And Morris sts.i.
Hlsli Mns or Htqttlem nt 1 1lo Church nr the
AnniiiH'UIInn nt 10 o'clock. Interment nt
Holv Cross Cemetery.
DAVIS. On February P. 1010. MAIIV A ,
. wire 01 vvininni 11. usvi- i(nnue nnn
I rrlen.ls nre tnvltcd to intend fnnernl. Satin-
1 rtny, nt 7:;:o n. m.. from her late restdente,
2.111 Wilder st. illfth Mast at the Church
tf St. tlabrlel ni tl o'clock. Interment nt
I llnlv I'mH Crlileterv.
IKKli.F. On February 7. 1010. K.MU.Y. wld
nf the late Cleorire Kirolf. nged UH years.
Itenlllves nnd friends Invited tn attend fu
neral services, on Frldny. nt 2 11. in., nt her
lute residence. 2.Y1 N. llroad at. Interment
Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
ISI.I.IHON. Suddenly, on February 8. 1010.
ECCJENK L. m.l.lSON. sued 70 yenrs. f"un
ernl services will be held lu the Church or
the Savlmir. 3sth nbovo Chestnut street nn
Frldny. February II. nt 3 o'clock. It Is re
(Pieatcd that no Doners bo sent. Interment
UNCI. Auddcnly nn Februnrv 0, 1010. nt
ihe rr-ldcni'e nf her son, Frnnk A. Enik.
14112 North Wnn.unikrr -t.. ALICE C widow
nf Henry T. Oirk. nacil (17 .venrs. Itelntlves
nnd friend ute Invited to attend the funeral.
on Saturday, at 10 n. tn., from the residence,
or ner son. c. 11. Knck, is N. Hill st.. iinr
rlsburR, I'm. Interment at Mount Zlon feme
terv, Cutnlierbind Cniinty. l'n.
lilEI.A.M). Miiddenh. nt her hu.-band'a
residence. 0;to7 Sherwood rond. Overtirook,
Fehrunry 8. HUH. FLOUENCE OEIllLMtD.
wife of F. Wlnsor rvdntiil nnd daualiter of
I'rederltk A. and the lute Mnry A. Oebhnrd.
Due notice nt tho ftinerjl will be Riven.
1'KIHT. On February 8. 1010, PllEKKIllCK.
son nf Hose and the Into (Indfrltnl Fclst tneo
Ilns-cnroderl. Itelallve nnd friends nre In
vited in nttend film ml on Saturday, nt S .10
11. in., from his late residence, mill L. t.elduh
live. Solemn Hcuutciti Muss nt St. Itnniracltis'
clitirch. nt 10 o'clock, lntcimcut Mo.-t llolv
Itedeenier Ccmcterv.
I'PltltlS. -On Februnrv 11 1010. MAItV
FEIlltlS. Funernl on Ssturdny. from her
lute icsldenie, II1211 Itldce p. I lli-h Iteipilem
M.i-s nt the I'lmrcli of the rirsu nt I11..IO
n. m. Interment prlvnte.
FIEI.IIINU on February 7. 1010, Iti:NUY.
hti.-bnnd nf Hamh Fteldlnic tucc Dalv). ltetn
lives nnd friends, nl-n St. Albnua LodKe No.
MO. V. unit A. M.; Court Peiina.. No. (17. F.
nf A.; (leitrRp V. Vnn Duns Uenctlctn! Assn.:
W. 12. Whnrton lleneflcfnl Aaso., nod mem
hers of the llethnnv PrcsbMcruin Church,
choir nnd Urothcrhood nnd emtilovea of tha
I'nlon TnnV" Lino nnd Atlantic Rcflnlnc Co..
lire Invited to attend funeral services, lit his
InUKhler'R residence. 1"20 Sliunk st.. on Sun
dnv nfternoou. at 2 o'clock. Interment Fern
nood Cenieterv ltenuilus m.iv be viewed nn
Saturday evcnlriR, fiom 8 to 10 o'clock.
FOI.I.V.Mtl).-On Februnrv 8. 1010. MAIIV.
wire of John Follyard. Relatives and
friends nre Invited to nttend (he ruurnil. on
S.ituriln.v. nt S::to a. in.. Troni the ri'sldcnci
or her son-in-law. Thomas Mctlnrry. 1S(
North Vnlon live.. Lnnsdownu. DelnWHro
County, P,l High Mnss .it St. Prdlomenu'n
church, nt 10 n. in. Interment nt Holy Cross
I'll HAS On February 8. 1010. CiEOItC.F.
FltKAH. nged 07 sears Relatives and
friends, nlso WnshlnKton Citnp. No. -.'I, P. O.
S. of A., are Invited to nttend the funernl.
on Friday, nt 1 p. 111.. from his Into resi
dence. Cold Point. Pa. Services and Inter
ment nt St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Barren
Hill. Fa., nt 2:30 p. ni.
IT'I.I.ERTON. On February 7. 1010. KI.1Z
AI1ETII. widow or William II. Fullerton
tnee Eaher). Relatives and friends am In
vited to nttend funernl. on Friday, n t l:.".ti
n. 111.. fiom ber late lesldeucc. 11U2 W.
Moyamcnslng ave. Inteiineut Fernvvoud
Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Thursday,
nfter 7 p. m.
(illll.MAN. On Februnrv 7. IKItl. 1IE.NRI
KTTA. widow of William II. Uehnian. Rela
tives nnd frlendi are Invited to attend the
runrrnl services, on Friday, ut 2 n. 111.. at
her Into residence, :U107 Melon st. Interment
Ht Mount Morlnh Cemetery. Item.ilns mav
be viewed on Thursday owning.
IJKIIIIORN, On February 8, 1010, ALFRED
KUUKNl. son of Alfred Theodoro nnd
lllunchn Wlntergerst lierbron, need 2 years
I months. Relatives nnd friends nro Invltid
to attend the funeral services on Frlduv
mornlnc. nt II o'clock, nt his pnrents" resi
dence, .152 ICnst WnslllnRton Line, Urrnian
town. Interment prlvnte. Remains may bo
viewed Thursday evening.
tiOltllAN.-On I'-ebrnarv 7. 1010. JAMES A.,
son of the. lute Hugh and Jane (Ionian.
Relatives 'mil rrlends nlso einnlioes of H. H.
a. 11. W. Fleischer, are Invited to uttend the
funeral, on Friday, nt S::!n a. in., nt his Kite
residence, i'.TS Is'. :j.1d at. High Mass nt St.
Agatha's Church, fthtlt nnd Spring Garden
sts., at 10 a. ni. Interment at Holy Crots
O It A HAM. On Februnrv 8. 1010. LAURA
E. GRAHAM. wife of Christopher C. Grahnm.
Due notice of the funernl will be given, from
her late residence. 2303 N. Lambert at.
Cilt.W. On Februurj 7. 1010., JOHN (WAY.
hunband of Annie Gray (nee Mecaryl. and
sou of the late Juines and Ellen Gray. Rela
tives nnd friends are Invited to utltend fu
neral services, on Hnturduy afternoon. 11 1 2
o'clock, nt hli late residence. 2332 S.lith
st. Interment prlvnte. Mount Morlnh eme
terv. Remain- mav be viewed on brlday
evening nt o'clock. '
(iltF.EN. On Februnrv p. 1010, PATRICK F-.
son of the late George and Ellen Green (nee
Tralnon. Itclntlven nnd friends nro Invited
to nttend the funeral, on S.uurdnv. at :
n. m.. fiom hi" late residence, ir.n . Cum
berland st. Solemn Reiiuleni High Mast ut
Ihe Vlsltntlim Church nt II a. in. Interment
al New ciiineiinii 1 emeiery.
GRIGGS, On February 0. I III it. nt the resi
dence or Henry S. Krelder. pun s 1HI1I1 st .
Mlsa OI.AItA K. GRIGGS. Itebltlvei and
friends nre Invited to intend the funeral sen -Pes.
at Ihe Parish House nf Ihe Evangelical
Lutheran Church or the Holy Communion, 22d
nnd Hansom t. Friday, at 2:30 p. in., pre
cisely. Interment ptlvnle. at Westminster
HARRISON. On January 0. UUfl. JANE
HARRISON, aged 00 years. Relatives and
friendH are Invited tn attend the funeral, on
Saturday, at 8:30 a. m.. from her late resi
dence, Itiol MncnHter nve. Solemn Requiem
tnu nt lb church nf Our Mother or Sor
rows ut 10 u. 111. Interment at Holv Cross
HECK.-- On February 0. 101(1. LOP IS, bus
rand of Sophie Heck, aged OS .veurs. Horn
lu Mnrburg. Germany. Due notice of tlio
runeral will be given, from Ids Inte residence,
,VK!t Crowson st. (Chew nnd Church lane),
IIKIMVKK. On February 8. 1010. GEORGE
F husband of Clara llelntcke. aged 41
vears Friends, also members Drawers' I'nlon,
No. .1, nnd empluses of Louis Uergdoll llreu
erv and Harmony Singing Society, are In
vited to attend the funeral services, on Sat
urday at 2 n. 111. precisely, ut bis lalo resi
dence. 2730 Eire st. Interment private. He-miln-
may be viewed on Friday evening.
llEltSHLV on February 0. 1010. FLOR
ENCE "., daughter of Christian and Maud
llersltev. aged 3 vears 11 months. Funeral
servlies private, mi Friday, at 2 p. ni.. mi
tho residence of her parents, fiSK) Hsdtleld
l.. U'est Phlladelph'a. Iniennent at Arling
ton Cemoleiv. Omit lloweis
lit I.I.. On February 7. 1010. ELIZAUKTII
HILL tn Wark). wife or Nubia Hill, aged
10 years. Relatives and rrlends. also members
ot Sens Preibyterlan Church. llroad st. and
Castle ave.. nre Invited to attend the lunt-ril
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at her late
re-ldente. 1712 South l'tb at. interment at
Mount Morlah Cemetery. Frlemls may call
Thursday. 8 v. m. Automobile funeral.
HILL. On February T. 1910. MARIAN
SLS'r.Klt. daughter of Ruth A Hannuni and
late Horace M. Hill. In her 12th sear. It.lu
tlvei and frlenus are Invited to attend the
funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, nt the residence of her mother, 211
North ltth at. Interment at Ivy lilll. Re
mains may he viewed nn Thursday evening-
1IOIIIN. -On February 0. 1010. MARTIN,
husband of Elizabeth M. Hobln. fuimerly nf
Glrardvllle. Pa Relatives and friends, also
Holy Name Society. Altnr Society and League
of tho sacred Heart of St. Columha'a Church,
are Invited 10 attend the funerul, on Sat
unlay ui 8-30 a. in., from Ids late resi
dence, soulheasl corner Mvrtlenooil ,itKt
Huntingdon sts. High Reqiletn Mass at St.
Columba's Church at 10 a. in- Interment ut
Westminster Cemetery.
IKIMII.I.KIt. On February 7. 1010. MAP.
THA P., wire of Henry llomliler and daugh
ter of the late Aaron and Margaret Lag la.
aged 117 ears. Relatives und friends are In
vited 10 attend the funeral services, on
Frldav. at 1 p. m.. at her Lite residence,
CO20 York road. Brand town. Interment orl
vate. IIORNFAI.L. On February ". 1010. 8AM
t'BI, sou of Samuel and Anna llursfall me
l-oulne). agedSayeara. Relatives and rrlinds
ura invited to attend tha funeral, on Friday,
at 2 p. m.. (rom funeral narlor of tinder
taker Vrunk Drayer, 2'.0" West Glrard ave
nue. Remains may le viewed on Thursdiy
evening. Interment at Fernwood Ceme
tery. IIOFCK On February 8. 101. GODDAIin
'. IIOUCK. son ot Mrs. Gotlelb Houck. aged
S3 year. Relative and friends, aliu LyUia
Da r rah Council, No. 172. Jr. O. U. A. S.I..
Camden. N. J., and Wlldey Lodge. No. 01.
Lao F. of Canulen. S. J., are Invltjfi
to attend the funeral, on Saturday.' at 8:8.1
P. m . from the lesldente of bis brother-la -law.
Edward Cowubomj. Glassbpro. N, J.
Servlies ut the house. , Interment In M. p.
Cvmetery. OUwboro. N. J. Automobile fu
neral. lil'GHES. On February T. 1910, IDA M-.
wife of John C T. Hugh.-, aged 62 ya.
Itelativea and frbnds ar. Uiyltod to atttad
the funeral services, on Saturday, all p. pi.,
at the rasldence or her daughter. Mrs, I4
M. Freno. "311 Greenwich at (and Dtk-In-an
sta.). Intermeut private. .Friends may
.all Friday evening. Auto urvke.
JACOIIS. -tin FeUuary S. lOlll. at Fort Lo
gan. Col., capium puuui.ab 11. javus.
12th Cavalry. U. S. A. son of the pit Lucy
Owena and BuBiuel V Jacobs,
KKEIII-KR- -On Kebruaii S. 1010. KMMA
I. widow of Godfiuy Keebler. In tha TTtb
vesr ot her age ilelatue and friends of
the '.11111b are InviuJ 10 attend ib fiwanl
i.rvue- a trllay. at .' v ' a Ow lpel
ur Audi- Ita'r So" Aicb and IW at
Intel mm tlvte AJto .-rvlie,
KKI.I.LIt. On February 0. 1010. JOHN
PCHROnilEfl KELLER. , Relatives and
friends nre Invited to attend the. funeral
services, on Frldny, at 8 p. in., nt the home
JT :. Hunn, "4.12 woodland ve. Interment at
llellefonte, ra.
KKNNIIV. At her resldehce. fllfl N. lf.lh st.,
Phllailelnlils, on February P. 1010. At.tCR
II. KINNEY. Inlermcnt nt Oakland Ceme
tery. West Chester. Pa., on Friday.
KINO, On Fehrunry ,, 1010, ANN. widow
of John King (nee Wnrnock), nged ".t yenrs.
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited tn attend
the runeral. nn Friday. February 11. nt 2
P. m.. rrom the residence of, her grandson,
George W. Kenton. 118 North Itnmhrcv st.
Remains may be vlewco Thursday, from
? to 10 p. m. Interment Drlvnte. nt Mount
Morlah Cemetery.
KIRK. On Fehrunry n. 1010, JF.NN1F. A.,
wife nf 1). Edwin Kirk nnd daughter of Ihe
late James and Anne Adams. Relatives and
friends nre Invited to attend the funer-l
-crvlre nn S-tturd.ty, nt 2 p. tn.. nt her tale
tesldenee, 12 S .14th M. Interment nt Fern
wood Crmeter.
LAItlilN. Suddenly, on Fehrunry 0. 1010. nt
hl Inte residence. 210 N. Franklin St.,
NICHOLAS. Sr., father of Nicholas and
Frank Larkln Relatives nnd friend.- nre In
vited to attend the funernl. on Saturday, nt
7::t0 a. tn., from apartments nf Albert Monro
Son. 7S2 N. Ilrnad st. High Mnss nt SI.
Augustine's church, nt 0 a. in. Remains
may bo viewed Frldnv evening.
LEAS. On Fehrunp- P. 1010. DAVID P.
LEAS, aged 7 venrs. Relatives and friends
nre tnvtted to attend the funernl services, nn
Saturday, nt .'1 p, tn.. nt liter Inte residence,
40.1 S 40th t. Interment prlvnte. nt West
tjvurcl lilll Cemetery. Please omit flowers.
LEATIIF.lt MAN. On Februnrv 7, 101(1,
HENRY LEATHKUMAN. In his 70th jear.
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend
tho funernl services. Thursday, nt R p. m.
precisely, nt the residence of hts nephew.
Chnrles Lentliermnn. 2fi".1 N. 7th st. Further
services and Interment nt Snlnnerslown Re
formed Church. Friday, at 11 11. m.
l.n.MISCIL On February 0. 1010, HARRY
M., husband nf Fannie ltnlsch. nged 17
veer-. Ilelntlves nnd friends, nlso Liberty
Lodge, No tl, o. 11, A.; Sampson Lodge. Nn.
"I", 1". of P ; Ifvinnn Lodge. I. o. II. A., nre
Invited to attend the funernl. on Friday, nt
It n. m. from his Inte residence. I22S South
st. Interment tit Ml. ftlunl.
I.I.OVII. On February H. mill, ERNEST.
lulsbnnil nf Clnrii M. t.lm-,1 (nee VVI.pl. Itol.
allien ntnl frtends. nlnn Kensington ltiterna
llnniil ltenetvinl As-01 t.illon. nie invited to
attend the funernl services, on Saturday, nt
2:00 p. m., nt his Inte residence. IS". North
7th st. Interment nt Notth Cedar lilll Cemo
tery. MHMIIH. Suddenly, on Fehrunry 0. 1010.
JOHN L. LOOMIS. nged 4S enrs. Relatives
and friend-, also Perkins Loilge, No. 402. F.
and A. M., nnd employes of Sivtrt & Co.,
nre Invited In ntlcud the funeral services. Frl
dav, at 2 ti. tn., nt the residence of Mrs. Cath
arms I. Iiotnls. tr.s N. tioth st. Interment
nt West laurel Hill Cemetery. Friends may
view remains Thursday ovcnlng.
LYNCH. On Februnrv 7. 1010. THOMAS.
husband nf the Inte Sarah Lvnch (nee Con
rnvl. Relatives nnd friends, also nil societies
nf which ho wns a member, are Invited to
niieml the funernl. on Friday, nt S::m n. m..
from bis late residence. 112(10 N. flth st. Sol.
emn Mass of Requiem nt St. Veronica's
("lurch, nt 10 a. tn. Interment nt Cathedral
"I,(li:i:. On Fehrunry S. 101(1. ELLRN
FRANCES, widow of Henry Magee. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend the
runeral services, on Frldny. at 2 p. m.. tit
her late residence. 200 l.lpplncott nve.. Ard
niore. P.i. Interment prlvnte.
MALI.OV. Suddenly, on February 7. 1010.
JOHN MAl.l.OY. Relatives and friends 1110
Invited to nttend the funeral, on Friday, nt
7 :io u. in . rtnlll the lestdeuce of his brother.
Patrick Mnlloy. 1018 Cambridge st. Solemn
High Ileitiilcm Mass ut the Church of tho
Gesu. at 0 a. nt. Interment private, nt New
Cnthcdrnl Cemetery. Remnlna m.iv bu
vienod on Thursday, from 7 to 10 a. 111.
MALTMAN. On Tobruary 0. 1010. DEIIO
ItAH D. MALTMAN, vvlte or William T.
Mnltman. llclatlvra and friends, also Will
lum llevnoldH Circle, No. 1ST, L-ultes or tho
G. A. It., are Invited to nttend thn funeral
i-ervlccs. on Friday, at 1 :.'U p. tn., at her
bite residence. IlorseShoe Shoals. West Group
Light Stitlon. Fort Mttllln road. Interment
prlvalo Mt. Morl.ih Cemetery. Automobile
s-rv Ice
.MATTHEWS. On Fehrunry 0. 1010,
GEORGE . hustiund nf Ruth Matthews
dice HarrlHi. lit.- of the lterwtnd. Wltdwond.
N. J. Hue notice nr the funeral will bo
given, frun the residence of hts cousin,
Charles Dedaker, 1200 Marlborough st.
"IcIH'VITT. On Februnrv 7. mill, JOHN,
sou or Hugh nnd Marjory McDevltt (nee
Mellugh), used 10 yeais. Relatives nnd
friends, also Young Men's Catholic Club of
the Immaculate Conception Church, arc In
vited to attend funeral, on Friday, at S.flO
a. 111., from Ills parents' residence. 1120
Leopard St.. near Front st. and Glrard ave.
Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of tho Im
maculate Conception, nt JO a. 111. Interment
at New Cathedral Cemetery.
"IKl'ICAY. At Cnpe May. N. J., on Feb
ruary P. llllli. Dr. JAM11S MECRAY. Rela
tives Hnd rrlends are Invited to nttend the
runeral services, at hts late residence. 222
North at., on Saturday, nt 1 p. m. Inter
ment at Cold Springs Cemetery, Cold Springs,
Cape Mav County. N. J.
.MeRONAl.l).- On Februnrv 0. 1010, ELLEN,
widow nf .lo'.i'pli McDonald nnd daughter nf
the late Patrick nnd Mary Harrett. Relative-
and rrlends nre Invited to attend the
funeral, nn Monday, at 7:MU n. 111.. rrom tho
lesldence oi ber brother-in-law. Mlrhnel F.
Cabin. 72." Shirley st. Solemn Requiem Muss
nt the Cathcdrat at 0 a. m. --interment at
llol Cross Cemetery
MiKINNLY. At Ills residence. 2027 South
Opal st . on February il. 1010. JAMES, hus
hand nf Ell-abeth McKlnney dice while!.
Notlcn of funeral Inter.
.Mi'MI'I.LKN. - Suddenly, on February 9,
I.EN. Relatives and friends, also employes
ttt Allen. I.ane A- Scott, nre Invited to nt-li-lld
Hie rupernl services, on Snturdny. at
2 p. m . ut the Oliver H. Hair llull,lln
jtijn Chestnut st. Interment nt Mount Mo
rlah Cemetery.
.MLTCALF. In Norrlstmvn. Pa. nn Febru
nrv 7. 1II1U. EDWIN' METCALF. The rela
tives nnd filends ure Invited to nttend the
funeral, from his late residence. 320 Hamil
ton St.. Norrlstmvn. Pn.. on Saturday, the
12th Inst., nt 2 p. m. Interment private, ut
Riverside Cemetery. Remains may be viewed
nn Frldav fiom 1 In li 11 in.
MOOIti:. On February K. 1010. MARY
LYONS, widow tr the Rev. Georao It. Moore,
aged S7 vears. Relatives and L-.-t-ids nro In
vited to attend the itinera! eevlees, on Frl
dry. at 2 p. m. precisely, at her Inte resi
dence,' POO Rldgu nve . Itoxborough. Inter
ment private.
.MORRIS. on February 10. lolfc, JOHN
MORRIS, husband of the lute nilvv- Morris,
am! i-uii nf Atui.i and thn lute Wllllum Morris,
line notice nr the funeral will bo irlven fiom
Ids mother's residence. 2101 North ttttt street.
JHIItPllV.-Ou Februnrv 7. 1010. THOMAS.
husband1 pf the lato Ellen A. Murphy. Rela
tives and friends, also employes of the P.
it. T. Ituadway Dcpurnneht, Division No. "0,
A. O. 1 1., and Karsfleld llrancli. I. C. II. U..
are Invited In attend the funeral, on Friday,
nt ? a. m . from bis late residence. 120 South
llucknell st. (24th nnd Whnrton sts). Solemn
., .,. -. ..-.-.! .f-. 44- ..-....
!-.; ..-M. ...Mlli I!ZI - t2lJ
-i.. . -.!..
j sJ-E--- ffl 1 fS I'?
Colonial Designs in.
Do not appeal to all classes of people. They
do appeal strongly to those who desire tasteful,
artistic homes. ' ,
There is a huge body of such people con
stantly seeking furniture and oddities that will
add new charm to their homes.
Several local furniture dealers have realized
that the best way to reach this highly profitable
market is to advertise in the Public Ledgers
Evening Ledger. Their continued use pf adver"
tising space indicates that the Public Ledge;-.
Evening Ledger combination effectively coverl'
Philadelphia's strongest buying power.
gy-r "T
i.rr iix, eg tsrT-g .tjaxu,:
ltl-h Muss of Requiem flt St, Anthonys
Church nt 0.30 a. m. Interment at Holy Croet
Cemetery. "
SIII8SO. On February 7, 1910, nt VlnMdnd.
N. .1.. .SALVATOnn. beloved hushsnd t
Emma Musso, formerly nf Philadelphia, "gel
(CI years. Relatives and friends nre Invited
to nttend, Ihe, funeral .services, on Thiirsdsy
nt 7. o'clock, from his latn residence, en
Myttle nvenue, Vlnelnnd. N. J., Interment at
Monument, Cemetery, Friday nt II n, rrt.i at
O'llOVLi: On February P. 1910, UArt-
GARKT. widow nf James 0'I"o-l and daugh
ter nf the Into John and Mary Cook. Rela
tives nnd friends nre Invited to attend Hid
funeral, on Saturday, nt :.10 a. m., from
her lato residence, "fHJt Tlltonat Requiem
Mnss at the Church of the N'atlVlly at 0
n. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Ceme
OSWALD On February 0. 1910. JULlWS,
husband nf the late Catherine Oswald. Rela
tives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tho
funeral services. Saturday, nt 1 p, m.. at his
late residence. 2IH7 North College nve. In
ferment nt Hillside Cemetery.
I'ENSANO. On Fehrunry 7. 1010, ELtZA
IHTI. widow nf Antonio D. Pe-sano and
daugble- nf the lato Samuel nnd Mnry Jones
oiden. 'n her with year. Relatives , nnd
rflends are Invited to nttend the funeral, on
Thursday, at S p. m from her sister's resi
dence 70-1 North "nth st. Interment prlyat-.
his 7d venr. Relatives nnd friends hr4
lnvlle.1 tn attend the runeral on Sixth Dav,
Second Month, at .1 p. m.. from Horsham
Friends' Meeting; House. Trolley Will meet
1:41 p. m. ttaln from Reading; Terminal at
Willow Grove.
ItlllNl-IIART. On February 7. 1010. AtAItY,
vviro of Harry Rhlnctiarl (nee, Rmcd1-y)..sgd
r.S years. Relatives nnd rrlends, nlso the R.
V. M. Sodality nf tho Visitation Church and
Women nf the. Holy Family and Altsr So
ciety of St. Unniraclus' Church, are Invited
tn attend the fun-rnl on Frldnv. at "dl( n,
m., from her lato residence. 870 Emerald
st. tnlemn ltcqnl-m Mass nt the Church nf
the Vimtatlnu nt 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy
Fepvlehro Cemetery.
lttlOAN. On February 7. 1010. HELEN.
wife of Hnrry W. Rngnn. Relatives nnd
friends nf th" fnmllv nre Invited to nltend
the fun-rnl. on Frldny. February tl. nr 7i.11
a. m., from her Into residence, .117 lllrch t
Camden. N. J. Solemn Rettulem Mass at th
Church nf tho Holy Nnme. nt 0 a. m. In
terment at Calvnry Cemetery.
ROGERS. On Fehrunry H. 1010, at' Cross
wicks. N J.. David If. Rogers. In th Both
yenr nf Ids ace. Relatives and frtends nre
Invited to nttend the runeral. from the resi
dence of Ids son. William If. Rogers, Cross
wicks, N. J., on Frldav. February 11, at 11
n. m Interment nt Allentnvvn. N. J- Auto
mobiles will meet the 0 n. tn. train from Fhll
ndelphln nt Ilordentown. N. J.
NAI.III'H On Fehrunry 7. 101(1, CAROLINE
SALI1ER. Relatives and friends, nlso the
societies of whlrh he wns a member, nre In
vited to attend the funeral services, on Fri
day, nt 2 p. m.. nt her lalo residence. 422
Richmond st. Friends mny call nfter 7 p.
ni. Thursdny.
M'llltOPDPIt On Fehrunry 0. 1P10. JOHN
SCHROEDER. Relatives nnd friends nre In
vited tn nttend the funernl services, on Frl
dnv. nt H 11. in., nt Hie homo of E. Hunn,
."412 Woodland nve. Interment at llellefonte.
SCOTT. At Elwond. N. ,T.. on Fetrruary 7
JAMES W.. husband of Ell-abeth Scott (nee
Freeiit nnd son of Mary and the Inte David
Scott, in his lath year. Relatives and friends,
nlsn Phlla. Lodge. No. 111. I,, o. O. M.. and
employes of Link Relt Mfr. Co.. nre Invited
10 nttend the runeral services. Frldav. nt 2
p. 111.. at his late residence, 0057 Nice st.
Remains may be viewed Thursday. 7 to 0
u. 111. Interment nt Ivy Hill Cemetery.
SIIF.RIIIAN. On Fehrunry 0. 1010. TIIOMA3
I.. Jr., son of Thomas 1. and the late llrldr
get M. Sheridan, Funeral on Saturday, nt S
a. ni.. from father's residence. 1783 Aberdeen
st. (2d st. nnd Pnrksldc nve.). High R
quleiu Mnss nt Church of St. Gregory a
0:.10 a. in. precisely Interment private.
SIGNETT.-On February 8. 1010. MARY
wife nf .D.ivld Slnnett. ngeil 70 yenrs. Re!,
ntlves antl friends nre Invited tn attend
funeral services on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.
at her late residence. 1"02 . Conestoga st.
Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery.
SIMON. On February P, 1010. LEWIS, hus.
bnnd of the Int- Mnrgnrato Simon, nged 7-1
years. Relatives and friends, nlso Enterprise
Iidge, No. 12, A. O. F. W.. nro Invited tn
nttend funeral, Sunday, at 2 n. 111.. from, the
residence of hla pon-ln-law. William Rrecker
till Cooper st.. Camden, N. J. Interment pri
vate nt Arlington Cemetery. Remains may be
viewed Saturday evening,
SMITH. On February 7. 1010. nt his late
residence. IMS N. Hope St.. CHARLES, hus
band of Anna Smith (nee Kearney). Relatives
nnd friends urn Invited to nttend the funeral,
nn Saturday, nt 8:ao n. m. Solemn Requiem
Mans at St. Michael's Church, at 10 a, m.
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
STOCK. On Februnrv 0, 1010. ELLEN
widow of Frederick Stock (nee McKenna),
Relatives and friends Invited to attend fu
neral. Monday. K..to a. in., from her late resi
dence, 170S Wood st. High Requiem Mass at
the Cathedral nt 10 11. m. Interment Holy
Cross Cemetery.
SNYDER On Februnrv 0. 1010. ELIZX
HETII, widow of George Snyder. In, her POth
yenr. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to
attend runeral services, at Baptist Home, 17th
and Norrla sts.. Friday, 11 p. m. Interment
SYL" IS. Suddenly nt her residence 100.1
South llrnuil street, on February 10. 1018,
EMMA M.. beloved wife of John M. Sylvia.
Notice or funeral later.
TORKINGTON. On February 8.- 1910.
FREDERICK C husband of Irene Rond
Torklngton. nged 44 years. Relatives and
friends nre Invited to attend funeral services;
nn Saturdnv nt 2 p. m. precisely, at Ido late
residence. KI2 Wynnewood road, Overbrook.
Interment private
TOt'I.MIN. On February R, at Illrmlnghnm.
Ala . FANNIE 11. TOFLMIN. In her 87th
ve.ir. Funeral services at t'nltarlan Church.
Northumberland. Pa.. Friday, at 2 p. m,
" ANSTONK. On February S. 101(1. WILL
IAM 11.. husband or Rose and son of the lata
William nnd Julia Vnnstone. Relatives and
tileiiils.' also Yolo Tllbe. No .177. Imn. O. Ri
M : George Cham-ellur circle. No, ".I. B, of
A.: employes or llenrv lilssioli -1 Hons, nrs
Invited to uttend runeral, Saturday, at Ri.10
a. in., from his late residence. 102S East Le
high nve. Requiem Mass at the Church of
thn Vlsliatlon. nt 10 oclock. Interment Holy
Cross Cemetery
WILSON. Suddenly, nt Burlington. N. J,.
1111 February S. Illlrt. JAMES WILSON. In
bis '.lilll vear. Funerul service ut St. Marv's
I'hur. h, Iturllnglon. nn Friday, February 11,
at ;i:."0 11. m. Interment. St. Mary's Church
ard. Kindly omit Powers.
WINING. Un Februnrv P. .11)1(1. MARY
I.Ol'ISA. daughter nf late James and .Ma
vlua Wlnlug. Relatives and friends are In
vited tn attend funeral servlrea. on Frldav
afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, from the tmrlors of
lliimbl It. Mulligan. 2211 North Kith street,
hit Geimatituvvn avenue. Interment prl
Zl fr. 1 I.Kit. Suddenly, nn February 8, 1010.
LI-JVVIS D. ZIEGLER, Sr. Itelativea and
friends, nlso employes y.tealer llrothers, are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Friday, at 2 p m.. at Ids lata realden-u.
PUS North lOih st. Interment private,
- 7' ? LwlCr r. ?1 !1!T ?m II . f, rTTT HT"! ' ! L'.TTtl
.ixrxtjLn, r xf3smisexMM,k u,
"$ liitw