Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16
16 EVENING LEDGER-PniLABIQLPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916- FINANCIAL NEWS MARKET WAS ONE OF BIG INTERESTS; STANDARD ISSUES TAKEN IN BLOCKS Buying Orders of 10,000 Shares Were Numerous Ru , mors of Coming Increased Dividends Helped the Coppers Stocks Were Scarce Late in Day nited States Steel Corporation reported unfitted oracrs as pj ry 31 of 7,922,707 torn, an increase of 110,517 tons. A larger tti had been expected. Net profits of Lackawanna Steel Company for nthe, $2,409,108, against a deficit of $1,652,445 last ycart increase High Points in Today's Financial News United States Steel Corporation reported unfilled orders as of Januart, crease 44,001,552. Atlantic Refining tumped $60 on A'ciw York Curb, influenced bu good annual report. Another advance in railroad spikes. Melon by United Gas Improvement Company not expected this year, A'ciu 1 o7; Central December gross and net earnings, as well as 12 months, showed big gains. Surplus for year $16,060,876 larger. Austrian kronen at high viark for present movement in foreign exchange market. Copper shares again features on Stock Exchange. NEW VOIUC. Feb. 10. It was n mnrkot of big intcrcata nn! lemlhiK stocks ntul nf trailers' com binations In specialties nil tlironpli tho ilny. One Blimp of Binnll room trmleri mailo tho sharp advances In Mnckny common nml American Coal Products, tho nnmo of the latter company having been changed to tho Harrctt Mnnu facturlng Company on January 2G. Buying of tho standard Issues was mostly In largo blocks. II. Content & Co. sold 10,000 shares of American Smelting, but replnccd It with ir.,000 Bharea of Utfth Copper. There were numerous 10.000-share buying outers In other stocks, nnd one firm Guthrie .t Co. took 1S.O0O abates of I'nltnl States Steel common. Largo buying orders were executed in mnnv other issues, Including Inspiration Copper, Amctlcan Heet Sugar, Lackawimnn Steel and Studebnker, and the general Impression was that much of the tuoek sold In tho period of uncertainty from the beginning of tho now jcar to the end of last week was being rcbought by strong Interests. Lackawanna Steel has called the $6,000,000 f. per cent, notes maturing In 1917 for redemption on March 1 at 101, and these notes were quoted at 101 bid. Tho Chesapeake and Ohio notes, which were sold two years ago around 00 and which werehardly marketable for a time, sold today at tho high-record prices of 100, Rumors of coming Increased dividends on tho copper stocks, of an inltlnl dividend on American Zinc at tho rate of 10 per cent, and of the formation of n now syndicate In United" States Steel common played a part In helping along tho brisk advances. There wero recessions at times on profit-taking sales late In the day, but tho supply from thl3 sourco was early absorbed, and comment was made on the general scarcity of stocks In both the standard Issues and specialties. $5,000,000 Bonds Sold by Chicago and Northwestern Kuhn, Loob & Co, have purchased from the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company $5,000,000 of Its general mortgage G per cent, gold bonds, due 1987. Enormous Inquiries for Copper Enormous inquiries nro In tho copper markot for June, July and August deliveries. One Important Interest Is quoting 2"'i cents for the earlier month and 27 cents for July nnd August. There Is a considerable demand for April and May copper, with only a small amount available. Ono pi Ice of 2S cents was given for April, with May held at about 2"ai cents. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Last cltwe. ltlch. Alaska OoM Mines.... 23 234 Allls-Chalmcrs Mfe.... 3S 32 Allls-Chalmcrs MfS pf. SHj 82)4 Am Ac Chemical . 704 71 Am Beet Susar 0')l 71 Am Can OSU M Am Can pf Ill 111 Am Car & Foundry. .. 7.1 744 Am Coal rrolucts....I05, 1734 Am Cotton OH 51 .w " AmHIde&Ijpf K .ril4 014 Am Ico Securities 2S4 204 2S'i Am TJnsee-J 214 21H 214 Am Linseed pf 424 -134 424 Am Locomotlvo HSJ tiWS u5 m Locomotive pf. ...102't Am Malt 04 Low. Close. Pi 23' 31W 314 81.' 824 71 71 704 704 024 124 1104 1104 734 73i 1054 1734 100M 1714 r.M fil4 294 244 424 08 1024 1024 1024 0 84 0 Am Smelt & Ret 10J4 1034 102JI 103 Am Smelt & Kef pf. .1144 1144 111 1H 74 034 03 03 1)3 H0M tti'i .rw4 f4 1134 1134 1124 1124 1274 127J-4 1274 1274 2044 204 2034 2034 S04 504 5(1 074 07 07 07 704 71.4 704 704 h04 004 804 004 Associated Oil f.f4 07 07 07 Atch Ton s s F 1034 1014 1034 1034 A T 4 S F p( 1014 1014 1014 1014 Bald Loco Worls 1154 ,154 1114 1144 Balllmorij & Ohio 884 S8Ji 88 KS", 704 .171 24 .470 .. M54 .. 85 ..121 844 .. 31 .. 32 . 014' ..1724 170 . 544 544 1094 1094' . 03 03 . 234 244 .. 554 574 13 13H Am Smelt uf A. . Am Steel Foundries.. Am Sugar Hef Am Tel ft Tel Am Tobacco Am Woolen tr rets . Am Woolen pf t r. , : Am Zinc L & Sm..., Anaconda Cop M OaltlmoiB & Ohio pf Bank of Commerce. Batopllai Milling . Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Kan Tr Burns Bros Bush Terminal . . . Butte & Superior .. Futterick Co Cal Petroleum.. .. Cal Petroleum pf. . Canadian 1'acKtc.. Central Leather. . . Central Leather pf. Chesapeake & Ohio. Chile Copper. , Chlno Copper. umcaco ui vesi 77 171 Chi Gt West pf 354 Chi Mil & St P Chi Mil & St P pf Chi It I &Pac..,.. Cluett Pea Sc Co pf Col Fuel & Iron . . . Consolidated Gas. Continental Can, . . Com Products Ref- 004 r74 171 171 171 24 24 24 470 407 470 87 804 804 854 844 814 1204 1204 1204 80 81 814 30 30 30 324 314 J24 0-14 05 173 1754 54 544 1094 1014 02 (S24 234 214 50 504' 134 134 354 354 00 004 05 354 904 1204 1294 1204 1294 104 204 10J4 104 204 20 20 20 . 83.4 844 81 844 1054 1014 1014 1044 111 110 110 110 484 404' 48 48 137 130 135K 130 . 804 RJH 80 81 . 224 234 224 224 Com Products Ref pf . 00 07 064 97 Crucible Bteel, .. 82 834 81 b24 Crucible Steel pf. 1114 115 1144 115 Cuban-Aui Sugar, 107 1004 108 1094 Cuban-Am Susar pf .1174115 115 115 Denver A Rio Or pi Detroit United Kys. Diamond Match . . Distill beo Corpn.. . 48U 40 484 Mi Dome Mine.. . 2S4 294 20 294 Dul S S All Pf ... 104 104 104 104 Elec Storage Hat. CO Oft 054 00 Erie 384 384 34 384 Erie 1st pf 51 514 5-14 544 Fed Mln A Sm pf. . 504 664 554 554 Gen Electric 1724 1724 1724 1724 General Motors . , . .450) 470 470 470 General Motors pf,.., 113 1134 1134 1134 Goodrich BF ,734 744 73M 734 Grteue-Cananea ,..,,, 484 404 Uranbv Consul 07 99 Great Northern pf.... 1224 1224 G( Nor cfi for ore pr, 474 474 Glisten tlplll ... . 224 Int Agricultural. . , 221 j lot Agricultural pf ... U14 Intllanr N J HI Int Cou Cor v t c in, 184 Iut Consul Corp Pf .-. 74 Int Paw Co 114 Int Paper Co pf Ill Inup Con Cop , 46M Int Nickel r t cfs. ...209 Int M M cfs of dp , 17 Inl-M M pi c of dp. . 774 2U4 131 704 14 35 40 07 24 234 IH4 iv4ii City Southern Kings Co E L ft P Luck Steel Co. Lake Erie ft Wrst Lake Erin & W pf Ice Rubber ft Tire LehwjB VUey LooaMYUea Biscuit Louts ft Nash MacUy Cos Mackay Cos pf Manhat Elev gtd HavtL Muurc Max Muiats 2d pf JImIkui PixrUeiiin Mel Petroleum pf Mioa ft b( LouU ilj Kdu il Texas Mo Victlia tr cfi Mi-uiu tapper Nat ctonk ft Suit Nat huwt ft a Co. -Nat Essst ft S pf Nat Lsail . S Cou Ccppei Ne Mitt Dtxi Y Ait BkUb . M -S H 4 II !"Vl'IIH 7T ju;i 494 t8Ji 122 4(14' 474 214 214 2J sm 024 044 1104 1104' 1104 IS 174 18 74 734 X1M 1UJS 474 404 474 404 211 210 17 104' 774" 704 27 27 130 704 14 37 58j 77 20 130 814 II 37 584 771 .TJ 34 104 404 211 164 77 27 130 SO 14 37 584 774 211 1244 123H 1254 1254 44 01 854 8S4 074 074 674 67M 130Mt 1304 1304 1304 714 24 ,1 71 5J4 44 434 534 10i 1004 1(04 100)i 100 1004 1004 1004 .til an Mi 54 64 64 3741 76 274 06 71 in 114 6 54 37i 70 294 97 714 I0 ie 0 5H 374 76 2SH oa, 71 16 13 O 54 VH 76 284 07 714 104 10 UiU 4 115i 1474 lifi HhH t4' 684 1004 ICW 1064 U6W 27 Ji 2AS.4 U I.nstcloo. IIIkIi. Ixin. N Y C i St L 2d pf 604' 014 614 Norfolk ft Western. . 117 1174 1174 Nor Pacific ... .jit 11 Hi 111 Ont Silver Mln 84 9 84 Pacific Mall 154 17 H4 Pennsjhanla R R . .. 504 574 504 Peoples Gas Chi 102 10-14' 1014 Philadelphia Co 424 134' 124 Pitts Coil Co N J . . 334 "-i'l "13s Pitts Coal Co N J pf 10S 10S4 1084 Pitts C C ft St L . . . . 70 79 70 Pressed S Car 594 .VHf 504 Pullman Co 1014 10-1 (lulckslher 44 Hy Htecl Sp 41 Ity Con Copper Itcadlng Republic I ft S ... . Republic I ft S pf . . Rock- Island pf . . Itumely M cfs dp . . . Seaboard A I, pf "'ears Roe ft Co Shattuck Arizona Cop. sloss-bheff h ft I ... bouth Porto It Sue Southern Pacific . southern Hy i-outhem R? pf . . Standard MUUnc . Mudcbaker Co Tenn Copper 'I ens Co Tcias Pacific Thlnl Avenue 25t rs-, I 101 II 124 374 180 314 01 101 Tol St I. ft V pf cf dp 1 1 Union Has ft P I'nlon Has ft p pf United Cigar Stores. United Cigar Sts pf United Cigar Mfrs ., Union Pacific Union Pacific pf 424 2." 4 2" 70 78 544 51 1104 1104 110 4 4' ' 114 12)4 3S f 3S4 1794 182 344 314' 004 01 15- 11)2 .100'J 100,4 . 214 21j; . 00 (VI . 90 01 1.134 1514 1534 04 614 IT) 2084 207 74 7 d04 8 S 30) j 04 114 004 Clone. 014 1174 1144 S4 154 574 101 13 3.14 10S4 70 594 101 14 424 254' 79 .M 110 4 124 174 ISi 354 1 1C2 10055 1004 1.4 214 20S 04 004 00 91 C04 S . 30 0 . 11' 01 .1354 1354 834 831 30 04 114 0 )' 4 1314 834 111) 01 1514 0 ,4 207 74 00)4 .8 74' 30 04 114 004 1.15 834 Uhlnd Alcohol 1534 1504 1524 1504 U S C I P ft K U S C I P ft F pf United Fruit Co U S Realty ft Imp . United Rys Inv pf. U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf. . U s bteel Corp. 204 . 484 .112 . 39 39 . 33 32 . 524 534 .107 107 8. 854 0 20 20 10) i 40)5 494 Us4 1424 1184 U S Steel Corp pf 1104 117 Utah Securities 20 Utah Copper S14 Va-Caro Chem IK Va-Caro Chem pf . ..110 Wabash 15 Wabash pf A 454 Wabash pf 1) . . . 284 Wells Fargo Exp 130 West K ft M I 8)i Western Union Tel ... 804 Willys Overland 223 Willys Qerpf ret f n.100 Woolorth V W ...1214 121 Quoted ex dividend. 19 8.14' 184 110 15 114 29 125 08 J 89)4 2234 105 39 32 5t 107 814 1104 104 814' 18) 110 15 114 284 125 U84 81) 2254' 105 122 19 32 53! i 107 85 1104 194 83 4S4 110 15 444 284 125 0MJ 894 2254 105 122 NEW YORK I1UTTER AND EGGS NRW YORK. lVb. ip.-IlUTTi:il.-Mnrket firm. Kecolpu, WIS patkaxu llwrn cream ery 33MI3lu, lilulur HinrlHB 31' i:i."i . siiiiiu dairy, 3Jc . Imitation Lriainer. 2JtrJ34. KliUS -Market un.eltltil Hccelit, 10 .Itlt packages, Uxtru nrula, Sl(1tv ttrt, i3li )1U,; whites, a'i7IU . bnmnx. aTIiSse . mlieil uilor. 24riUc.. telrltcralur hesi. IDiiyic. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ciiicvao, ivb to iiCMjs-itn.ciiiu. 4,roo Market ateady. Mixed and Uutiliera, 7.l0 840. KOO.I ha, IS IMis 0. lough hem. J0I .llBht. J7Mlt(.M. pls. SU.S3B7U3. tulklss.ios to C'ATTLK Hocelj.n. ij)u) Market weak. neee. S.I.U.'KiJ.T.'i. tcme mid helrr. J-I.Wit 8 40. Texan. (il.TSfjH.V), luliea. tu.aifill atlEUf-Ittcelpte not'i0.T Market weak Na. tlo and Western, ll.M8S.ts, lambe, SstiU.w. RAILROAD EARNINGS NEW YOIIK CENTItAI. UXE& . 1115 (ncrea. December gross . . . . S'.'O.OTI.lliO Kl.l-."' T Net after taxed It ruio.TS.' :t.T4 "in Twelo montlie' grona .30s.m,-i.87 savasTWi Net after tuxea W.HtU.3in 5J,l7i.lHiT - Money in London LONDON, Feb, 10. Money, 44 to i per cent. Discount rate, short bills, 54 per cent. Three months' bills, 54 per cent. I New York Bond Sales $1000 Adam nxircM I High. Sits ... l1 in .loi la 11 Pi ,,rJi . ..IiiiiH id . .. HHi a .lot". .TiWiCO Aneln Fr ltit-n ,mcr lime I, icio Amcr smelt Sm tisii-) mer Tel clt J. :.()0 do et ii . .. I 'M Ann Arbor la .. I to Armour Co 44. H0O Aielilon sen 4 . ."M Ia) iln et 411 11H.0 .VtHtl Altrtn Ca f.lnn 1t X !l tii tt 00 Halt f, Ohio .1'i.. . n lU a 1(K tl do l (2'i ll,no do ev 4i its 211)0 II O-P l.t: St WV 4 "1114 "tin llrnok )Inp Tr flu l!lls.0((, IKU llrook fn IJIei Int i.lOt '.'till llU8h Term Illclir .1 mil. TO 0 I'ent Loither Im :.s tun fettt ( hlo 4'4 .. ITIOt Cent I'ne li 4 AMI) V hill Copper Ts . ,. Jim) Chen ,V Ohio ev I'tji Him Che & Ohio 4,f. . TUH) Chi 01 West cen Id. 2C I i Chi II fc ) Joint 4 O'ti i hi 11 it (ten I . It) 0 Chl II A. w leu J . Ii I'll fill II & (j 111 4 ... 17m cm Jill ft Ht ! Keti J lil'i iwii hi M .1 M r Ken ii.lMI4 .two I unit). ilitid Tel ." mU . :.ih) liel .V. II .nn .", r ti.loT iniM Dei a.- iiud in linn .no; lltim) Din ieetir Corp Ss .. lmil KMp gen l ll)i iltlo tonv In er A II I) l.rle loin 4 rer II.. 2SWHI lluil A. Man in r,s LIV) lltnl Ac Mnn rfd Tm im1 tiiilhinit Steel ." . !!i(ji town CentrHl J .. mono Ins copper e n vkii Inter .Mer Mnr -ian Um K C ft S A. M ! UNO Mi kit Steel ."in lli.V) L'HlM l.k Sli deh la ltni :.(, I) tirlllnrd -.t , . ... tiim I.oiiIh A: Nni.li 4a Imuxi Minn & Kt l. 4 . . L'tflO Mo Knn A. T let In . Hint) Mo Knn Ar T 2.1 Is . .It (i Mil I'le rt Is K m .Mo t'.ie ev fli . . TOO) Mont I'ower .". . .1141 Nat Ilnnm A Htp .V .-4to Nut 'I IlliP .. tt'0 N Y Cniul Imp 4i.js. IDO) N Y C A. II 4s . . 41.00 " V C tt 11 l 1 Mil 0 N Y cent lis IX)W. ClOJC. DlS IMH HKK) .V Y Cltv 4a 1II17 1(00 X V Cits Mka o M 21KXI X Y X 11 .. II lis . 1120 0 X Y Itwy ref Is .... 22MHI0 y lttv nilj .la . . 7(1 X Y Tel Hon lit, .VXW X Y V C A, II IV . 211100 Xnl I'jte prior la . "i4io Xor I'ne nen 3s . I (int) ore Short I. ref Is W'Ki Cm Coit 1st ."n . ."IMKii I'hiIIIp Tel .-.s icmn I'enn.i gen r t iss I limMI Pinnii in 4ijB ... UK II Pnlille .Ner X .1 rln l(n Kenilltii; gin Is .. 'tvHiti H.uk Island lf.1 Is I.O.UI Hot I. I'lnnd "'9 . i mill South Hell ,-.s .vio S.mlli I'ne !.... Z.rnn SoiKli Cue ev l . Illillll S I'.ip e ret f p Sh I.IUIil Hntlth I 'up rfd Is .. J(0 South ltn gen 4s .-.iioii South Itwy ion r.s .. '.(ri Texas Co I's Mim Thin! Ap now 4s... It (l Tol 1'pii A V Is lt'tll.O C H Hllbl.er lis . 4."ltl I' S Steel .".s a I Jiiim Ciilon I'ne 1st Is . iron rn itws s p r.s . Mid!) Vll Itwy as wni) unUiah 1st r.s . limn West dee .Is... 10(111 West Cnlon Is ls)i tiri M7', . lit 1HJ4 "7 .III 111 I'l III '".I li nt); j Tljt . .I.'i 71. Sllj3 . Ml', 7IJ r.s .ISS'j ten, Tlilj III. .11111 ir,;, . 7sii . 17'J . 4 l'i !i7 H7'. IIM's .114', . IU. . III'. ...Ili' mi ti'JS lllil'i ill H1H in WIS m, tii'i 02', H7's MHi till mi;!, M I(U 7, III I'.'Ji l,M in in ttu .iS'- iljs .111. 71. ,"H lid', li'Hj Ill's Ill's llll till ltiH 112 twri in in', in 10IH 1114 UP. H'i't II7 N'l'i 10P llll ss ms tirj 17' lit 11 Pi 17' III II- 111' lit in), in), in lilt's I in, In7 Kjtllj 71' "IP. Mil) .IPs .7,' r.s IM'j ii'p, 7(l'j III. Itlltl nvfe in). 71 J 7Si in i t'i . llls vi L . IIP 1 .7 . 'H'i llPtj llll .IIU IIKII. t.ni,, . Ila'j . Ill's . 17 .till 17'. vil. Kill . mi'i .tt'lJ'J .lin', X1 .Kill. lin . 117', IP, tin; niPj . ri; . in.', !'!s i i't i i'l 117 ,117', llll in J, iut. in, it.-.', tm KIT'i 77' i li, ll'l's llll. Ill U.lj IIP, lM'.j llll 111'.", Kill lull, inij ..p inn'. 17', vii, Kill n, ll'lJN 'I!':!' -- s ..I 11)11, nip, 7 . II'O llll, 1111'ii 117 till', fl! liii 117 117'i, llll 111', ll.'s III' II.-.'. tl'l 111714 II.-. 7Si. !!'!' Klllj IIP 117 III' j 11)1 111.", nml. him 1 n-.'i 1,1 17 101 pin; I'"', nn. S.'tw III II, mi'; 117', ip im?. 111P5 117 mil. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOIIK. Teb. 10 Tho fo.itiuo of tlir forelKii cxchnnRo mnikct in Hie Hi at hour of business totlny was a now lilsh In Austrl.'in kronen. This clnns of cc chniiKt' roso to 15.23 nml 15.J0. There wnn continued conlinvpisy over releh'Jinarks, nltlcli uoro held liy some prominent In ternational bankers nt mound ""!. TIip open market quotation was 77 a-IH and 77 7-17. Sterling ns a shade easier at 1 Ta'sfN.". r.-lfi for demand and 1.7(1 "-1G for cables: French exchaiiKo was not np pteelably chanscd nt 5.W. for cables and r,.Sji', for checks. Later there was a reaction In German ccelmiiKe. Itelchsmarks tteie ipioted nt 77 "to the bu or," which Is equivalent to 7tln4 or thereabouts. Vienna, fiom an earlier quotation of 15.S ifi 15 CO. icnctcd to 1U. Tho low on relchsmarks today shows a decline of UJ from tho nskhiB IlKiiro on Wednesday The other marKct wns not nppreciablv eh.iiiKed, with de inrinil stcrlliiK I.73'i,TM.i3 lj-lfi, and cables I.Tfi7-lC!Ti4.7("i' French cNchaiiBe was called o.SS',i. for cables and a8D'J for checkR. In the late nfteinoon, thcte wns n further icactlon In lelchsmniks to "I'.Uf "6, with unconfirmed reports of quota tions as low as 7i). Tho last mentioned figure would show an extreme decline of 2 points from the highest of tho Milli on this movement. Fieneli eeliniiKe was llrmer with cables nt 5.SS14 nml chc-cki 5 Ml. Sterling was steatly at 173 15-11! fnr demand and I.7G 7-lGftJ 7i'.. for checks. Lonst steillng wns quoted nt l.ii',; for Gu-d.iy hills nnd 4 70 for 00-day bills. .MONEY IN NEW YOKK NI1W YOttlC. Feb. 10 Cotillions of nauownehs continue In tho mercantile paper market, nnd mtcs ate unchanged at ,."! per cent, minimum for the best quality, limning up to secn months- maturities Other grades run up to 3K per cent The offering of choice paper Is still limited Tho tlino money marrtet Is quiet at un changed quotations. RATES FOK MONEY New orlt 11, ni! Philadelphia s at Iloston :ni.f,,4 Commercliil paper, three to six months, adelphln. ::'-JH per lent. Th. e ::! 3 tfl (i ii . l'hll- BANK CLEARINGS nanj.,clearliiKi, today compared with eorre- spondltnf day last two jears milt 11)1. -. toil Philadelphia $.111.721, '.'10 $2I.4.10).12 lloll.liv Huston .... JU.(il)J,l2ii 24.3I0..1V) Holiday DIVIDENDS DECLARED Pratt tc hltne Co , tr eent. on preferred. to Btnelt of retord Kebruury regular ouarturlv ti. per eent. on preferred, payable February 1.1 11 Pittsburgh Steel Cnmnjm i-ncila, n.tnp.a.i.. 1", per cent, on niefcrred. paablo March 1 to Block of reiortl February 17 Atlantic Defining Company, usual quarterly " per share. paab!e Mann 15 to BtoLk of retord February in. Xntional JIlBcult Company, quarterly 1, per eent on preferred, ptynble February 21) to stock of record February 111. Cnlon Puclfle. regular quarterly 2 per cent, on common and regular semiannual 2 per cent on preferred, pajablu April t to stockholders of reiord March t American Window (Mass l-'ompanj. regular quarterly ill. iht cent, nn preferred paiable Mirth t to stock nf record Fcbruari 21 Southern Pacirlc. regular quarterly Its per cent., payable. April 1 to stock of record Feb runn 211 IHlavtare and Jlrounbrook Railroad, quarterly 2 .per cent., payable, February 21 to stock holders of record February 11. OIL SECURITIES OCCUPY CURB Sharp Advances in Standard Subsidiaries Atlantid Re fining Up 60 Points NHW YOHtC, Feb 10 Interest In the mni-ket for mitsldc securities today wns shifted to n consldernhlo extent ft 0111 tho so-cnllod war slocks to the oil Issues An Irregular price movement characterized tho trading, although In tho latter Issues slinrp advances wete the rule on Inci eased nctllty. The continued advanced In the price of oil nnd gnsollno wero gcnornllv glven Jot- the upwaitl move, although further melons In the number of Htnndnid Oil subsldlnilos were mentioned. Atlantic Itcllning, on small purchases, moved up to KO points: Ohio Oil, which had "been making sensntlonnl ilses for some ilnys, rose 12 points, while shnrp Willis wero shown In I'rnlrlo Oil nnd Gns, I'rnlrlo I'lpo Lino. Stnndnrd Oil of In tllnnn, N'en .lerspv and New York; Cos den Oil moved up to n now high record while Knpiilpi, Houston OH nnd Whnlcn Oil all ntlvniiced. Copper stocks wcic strong, In smpa thv with tho metal; Kennccolt moved up ncnily n point: Ccrro do Pnsco nntl First N'ntlonnI n small frnctlon each Honds wore moderately nctlc nnd steady Late In tho nfternoon thcro wns con siderable realizing In oil Btocks which brought nhotit n reactionary tendency. The profits of tho Snpulpa neflnlng Company for tho month of Jntntnry weie .i1,7S2, of which $14,000 camo from the sale of Ihe tiunsury stock nbove par On tho basis of tho .lonunry cnrnlngs tho company Is earning In excess of 15 per cent on Its common capitalization after the p.iMiicnt of 10 per cent on the pre feried stock Tho company now pas a monthly dividend of 1 per cent, on the common, and It In probable tho rate will lie raised l's per cent. In the very near future. Although the Ueo Motor Car Companv, Inc., docs not publish nn Income state ment. It 1s ollklnlli stated that Ihe net pioflts for the lenr ended October 31 Inst amounted to nppioxlmnloly J3,.'00, 00 cqtinl to nearly CO per cent, on tho present outstanding cnpltnl stock of $0,000,001. The authorized capitalisation or tho company Is $10,000,000 nntl the $l,(K. C00 when Issued Is held ns n reserve for futllio stock dividends. IXin-HTItlAl.S, HI.1. Ask. Am Hrltlnh Mfg 21 I2 aii tiulr & w 1 s s 2titj .no iln lir.l 41 W Am Miinoiil P, I Ajix Itubbor I ne w 1 70 ,i;'j Canadlin Cur A: IMy 72 ill do pfd vs tr. Chevrolet Molnrrnr i:to 1.12 Chandler Motors HI J J .' Cuban Cane Hiurnr M M Curtlis Aeiniilano .V.1 r." DrlRKs-Seabtiry 142 1411 DrlixM-Senhury rta 12 12'i llnikdl At llarker Cnr r.iP, r.l llendee Mfc 27 L") Inter Mer Murine , IIP, 17't. Inter Mer Marine pfd int .iikci ;.: Kelly Sprlnelleld 1:1 Kathndloll llrnnre pfd 2.' Maiihatlin 'transit I7 MiiNlm Munition 7, .MldlHle .Sleet (CI (Ml i:ieiator I ..I Peel Icsh Motor 2iP, Poole Km: .V. M.li'll 10", St liwcph l.eid 1"H S K Kreegp u 1 1."' M indard Motnra Ul-i Stibuiarlne Itoat v t v ctfs 3S TrlaliKle I'llni v t ctfs T, Cnlted Prollt Sharing 1'j f S Light .v. Ile.it -T5 do pref 4 White Motora w 1 Ill World Pllni 2 STVXnUtD OIL SUnsIDIARIDS. Indiana P L IM ;n M", 1.1 120 ir. in in .111 tru PS. 4 r.21' 1S7 Ohio Oil 2" 2'.7 s o or c.illfc.rnln 17.1 .i7n S 0 of Xew- Jersey Kio s.1.1 H ti or .New tori; .11 ..i Orill'.It OIL STOCKS. l-nidcn Oil 21'; 22 Chalnierrt Oil ." 7 llciiutnn Oil 21 2t'i Mldwrst Itefltllng ."(1 W Slpulptl Oil i:.'i 10 MIXIXO STOCKS. ' Vtlantti 20 21 Ccrro dp PiiHcn IP! 41i', initio C .- . v t ctfa . yij. st.! I III UP IV . I 1 .l I-'lrst Xntional Copper , 71; 7 Colltlcld Merger 17 In Hoc la .Mining :n, :i lloe Sound 1.1. 1.', Ilm llutlcr '.U tin Itimbo Kxtenslnn 113.10 Pi Kemieeott ('o)iper M3g r. MeKlnlev-Dirr.iKb HI lii Mines c.t America .'I nt, Mpslug Mines Co 7 San Tnv IK 20 West I ml ("on st 87 West Nnd I-xtn 1 3 IIOXDS i:rii- Him 1.; s, II . 11 r,s . . ,.102 int, ( erro de Itisco Us , K'Oi., ii Midville r.s w 1 !isv-, p.i. St Paul Id 115 W O.'.'i Suggestions How to Invest for both large and small investors will be given those who write for our Circular No. L-143. A. 6. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street Philadelphia Now York Chicago Buffalo Uoston London, Km;. Baltimore rf4ggg ;,r,i. s.. BUY OR SELL Du Pont Powder Aetna Explosive Rights L. T. LAYTON & CO. Member t'blludclphia htoilc Knebanife Heal Ktate 'lrint lllilE l'lillu.. Pa. Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. 1st Cons. 5's. C ue Oct. 1, 1918 Price to yield 6.50 MELLOR & PETRY Member N. V, A l'lillu. Stuck Kicbanjes ?S8 C'OMMKlttl.VL Tltltj-r Iltll.DlMJ D1HEOTOBV OF ACCOtTNTANTS CiUId PublUs AccounUaU IJLVVltli-WlJli K. WIUVVN at CO, .818 TtfcAL, jjpfTAYE TltUtrf WUlCOtNO auajij & bj-KAKMAN Union National Bank Third and Arch Streets "The Neighborhood Bank" .. OFFICERS W, H. Carpenter, Chairman of the Board J. S. McCulloch, President T. H, Conderman, Vice President ' Louis N, Spielberger, Vice President & Cashier Samuel Campbell, Assistant Cashier ' Our experience enables us to offer a service unsurpassed February 9th, 1916. ItfcSOUItfKS Loan t lBVMtmnU.iT,tS0,&&3.se Dus tram Bank 1)12,431 31 UncbatigM Clearlnir Uouw 305.62439 Canti Retrv 1.W1.012.T1 $10,539,657.07 T.IAH1I.ITIE8 Capital ... .-. f 500,000 00 Surplun and Net Pronta 448,460.42 Circulation 640.3U.5U UfPMll 8.011.840.19 $10,539,657.07 LOUIS N. SPIELBERQER, Cashier Sales in Philadelphia Ii Alliance. Ins 11 Am Uai 1tm Anumnrtii SI Muff S t e pf 27 .t O llrlll ini fruc Steel . N Cam Iron SWI Cam SJ1 2n (,'oi n Prod .. 1MI (jhlno Cop llll ntec Slorane. 4(n t:rlc 1.1 Hen Ath tiref IIKI II irrlicnn tiro.. l.T it T un t e inn in l.KW I.tike Sim Corp in'-d I'll I.ehlBli Nov TTti It) Lehigh Vol . TT'S 21(1 l.eh Vnl Tr .. 2njfi 2S-, do pfd I2(.j HO I.lt Ilrothem .. Hi'4 mi .Met i-et ,....ni7'i M pr in ilti ltlch, xw. "S 1'Vjli put. 114 H2' 44 vn at'. 72 111 ltl-U. 122 ltiH unit tr, S2U 41 W) in rat in .v vriii. S.i ft rn Rnlt Mrs 2sj 1'enna Hlec.l. I IMilla Co .. . hi I'hlln t:iee . . Han Phil It T tr ctn Kri Itnv eom inn Hep I & S . 1VI ItendlnK . . I J", Ton ltel ... . Inn Ton Mln 03 l'n True . .. .tun Cttih Cop .. . 10.1 IT a 1 Klin 1 a ffleel ... viMi went i;iee JIW r Ir II V .1 .en VW York Itwy . .5 4t 27i 20M, m 78J4 . . 4li !. 131. . . K'l . . . Hill, ... s: ... mu st. n .. Wl ... II 211 12 111' 1(17(4 III iM ', 41 27 IIiJk $$ ik MIU. s,2i 111) 8". Clou. inn 1S2M po .It 72 in rai 77t? ,7 Bil 42 "'!? 1()74 111 S7IS InoW M 41 ttfci SO :w "Si I3l(j WMft lifW 10 1 Wlli II Net chge '' w 20 ! t s t-'i. " 'c - N "ji J- '(i '"'4 To I n I nlen, 1.1, R0 1 nlinrm, roniinrrcl irltli .1.1,17(1 Khnren jfnlenln.1 1 llliu fnr till nerk, 321,01,1 flinrmi inline perlotl lnl nee It, 70,81(1 lntre, 110Nt)S. Net Illuh Low. Close, elm n Re SlOOn Am O A R 5i . HI 025, raj, , 4IKI Cltv 4 IIKII rg. 102)4 10JU 102 4 hki do inn reit... 10215 102(5 lie 4 r.o do inn re ..ituJl lojti in2? n anco r le Peo Tr 4 S2S tllf iHI .-lonti nqult lit o M. 11111(4 10'4 1iH4 Kit (in Kev Tel Int ,-,. PSIJ lisjj lisij 4- J, Ii'.'ihi l.nke Sup Ino r.i 21 j-., 2714 '1 1(100 Mi Vnl Imp 4n HI", ti?' H7'4 liwiti Mi N cona 4i4s.1(ini KllS 1015 . IIHIHI I .oh V cen 4.. ai III III 4- '. .H'lm 1.11 v sen 4j4.intu nun iimj 2I1I1II I'll co iten 44B.lti2;n 1IK" !, I) 1.1. ...II III. CJIIIIS I -nil Pa & M St 4VH.tn.lU liviu torij, i4n.ioiiH ioiiu imiij t 1U.101 mi mi pjjj lni J-.OIY1 I rn Pnn. R... II?U tll: TIHTII ,ln !, .to InllC 1 , 1 1 A- ion 1'hlH niee. 4s.. .l4 M5 Mi Ititio do ,-,s 1ft". 10- 1ti.- 20011 Ttciidlnu (ten Is li'.ti ml, ir.14 intmn Hend Jr Cent 4 m'i to 11V, 4.".((i Stnnd Onn t'rt .100 noli Kki KtKio Un liny Inv .-, 72 72 72 10PO WeWineh Co r.n 117 07 n7 7li() York It Int r.n If. l)"i in I)eerea8e, Increnpe. Local Bid and Asked tltc1wln Huff A Sm T I.. do pr llrlll JO, Cum Steel Klee Stornite Oen Arj do rref Kesntone Tel do t,e do iM .. Inke Sun Corp .. Lehldli Nv ' " Lehigh Vol .- Uditrn Vnl Tr do M .., I'ennnjlyinla, PMIn Rlectrlc IIS!!; r.i'npeVVntVir Phllii Co 11 per cent pr Phlln it T pnun it Uftnillna Ton I lei Ton Mln t'n True tt S Sleel Y-ork II nv do pref Co tt per cciu I-, . j-.:., it T t c Ijjh ne, Del .!r Today , Bid. Ankctl 11.V4 11 40 41 3 .Wl ,-n .in yoy, von nil no 4 :M :ti'l 11 14U 1014 7t 77J, 204 4 4V1 4I "II 7H 44 RU". Kl4 Yeslerdny Jllll. ASKeci 4i 31 31 .vn'i ir. 71 A (S 31 .!,!r 7tl'4 r,ii'4 27'a 12 .".11 41 ins, I'JS n h 4i ."' 4.1 Ml'. 8IT4 ai? 11 ill iOlJ 1. 11 iiu u(t c.'i 10 n't 211 424 3S 41 T4Sii ""-3.i Litcrpnol Cotton l.IVRItPOOl., rob. 10-Ppot cotton was In moderate demand today, nt a decline of K points, on the ba'ls of 8 o.n.1 for mltl unlantl. The Balea aBgroBatcil .000 bales, Iticlndlnrr COM lialeH American. The Im. porta ttcre IXOOO bales, InelutllnK 12,000 bnlcs Amerlcnn. The market for futures closed atently, at a net ntlvalico of lffo points. ATLANTIC l.EFINING'3 YKId WAS UNUSUAtLYWiosPERojl Compnny Shows Surplus of UmiS Against Deficit in 1914 I Tho Atlantic Ttcnnlnrr Companr,,!. an unusually prosperous year . 5 to Its report, for the period endM comber 31. The surplus w. ..... compared with a loss of m,m in ., Tho teport slates thnt nfi. .. . ,l. break of the war tho companv h.,3 experience embarrassment In h. .!!;il ess by reason of the tir.ZS of Its business frMdtlij1 " "Mails !afiirf )rne ,m'.;'i .- ncBOtlatcd conlr...t vessels, tho nrst of which will be In mission before tho end of th , "n scarcity of vessels, especially tank l ships. As these difficulties lner....;?2: tho passaso of time the directors dtewJ that It wns necessary to have snm.1: n.t n.llt.. . ,.... ""Ull year. Payment for these Is proTltMJ I... llin l-nnnrvn f.,,l IIUM l los compnrntlvo lnconlo accoilnt f Vr. end. Dee. 31. llll", inn I i njsja iiniu i'llni c mxi.i. i 'i in inn nMdends .. 1,000 tain s-.i'inn nurpnin . .. niu.ij , - yji irt., .i'QI. Prev surplus 20, 7.W.S In 21 tilniip ,ffl.Sti P. I., surplus 23,.17,Ult 20 7.vi-io '!-2i1 'Theto mis prollt rrom nperntloii i of l$fii lint ft los rrnm deprec ntlon of ' int.r!!lV. Sl.ni.Mlo, mnklnK net lias W)i 8J ntwl,,U 4ierrensc. ' v A ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia Braden Copper Company 15-Year Sinking Fund 6s. 1931 Yield About 6 $50,000 Cleveland & Pittsburgh 412 Bonds Series A & B due 1942 Guaranteed Principal and Interest by Endorsement by the Pennsylvania Co. Price 105, Interest yield about 4.1'5. Wm.C. Wilson & Co. 34 Pine Street, New York inVALE. CAMBRIA Send for our circular letter on these stocks, containing the very latest information. HUGHES & DIER n.NKi:itH & 1S1IOUKIIH 1435 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The National Bank Act 1,402 j 0 was" passed by Congress and signed ty President Lincoln, February 25, 1863. At that time the Government was sorely in need of funds to carry on the war, and this hill required hanks to take out circu lation based ona deposit of Government honds, thus providing a market for the bonds and funds for the Government, at the same time giving us a safe currency. Tbc First National Bank of Philadelphia was the first hank chartered under this Act. Though proud of its historical re cord this bank takes greater pride in that it is equipped and conducted for the hiriK- 1a ass service to its customers. The First National Bank- of Philadelphia 315 Chestnut St. i ilk A Constructive Bank Aggressive Concerns with character and capacity are cordi ally invited to in spect the facilities of the Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut at Second Street , Graham 3c Co. BANKERS 435 Chestnut Streot Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Go. Equipment Trust 4V2s Series "0" New Issue. Maturities of from 1918 to 1926, yielding 4.10 to 4.30, according to maturity. Prices and Description Upon Requctt l-IIKB I'KOM NOHMAI. FEIIEHAr. INCOME TAX TAX KEIUNUAIILE IN rKSNSVI.VAMA $4,000,000 Denver Gas & Electric Light Company First and Refunding Mortgage 5 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated May 1, 19 II Denomination $1,000 Due May 1, 1951 Interest Payable May 1 and November 1 Total Outstanding $4,832,000 Bankers Trust Company, New York, Trustee The Denver Gas & Electric Light Company furnishes, with -:;tUion, electricity and , gas, and steam for heating purposes,1 in the City of Denver, Colo ' Net Earnings for the year 1915, applicable to the payment oft ot on present authorized issue, are $1,276,354.96, or over five times the annual interest requirements. COMPARATIVE, EARNINGS STATEMENT Years Ending December 31st. 1915 1914 Gros's Earnings $3,273,189.10 $3,140,965,40 Operating Expenses and Taxes 1.615,244.56 1,717.746,74 Net Earnings ......... "T657;94T54 "T423.2lf.f6 , Less Interest on Underlying Bonds. , , , , , ,,,.,.., 38 j 589 58 337 626.32 Balance for Interest on First and Refunding Bonds , , . , $7"i276,354.96 $17085,592734 i u Je3C bndA rCN et'nB !Tld lr 'H purPfS of retiring $3,500,000 Denver Gas & Electric Light Company 6 Notes, due April 1st, 191 7, which will be taken in exchange for this issue at the call price of 101 and interest to date. Additional Information on Request, Price 92 and interestto yield SVZ We recommend these bonds for investment i i KLEMM & KEEN I uAnrUitta 1326 W?lnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. ,