16 . REFEREE CONTROVERSY THREATENS BREAK IN BIG BOUT BALL MEN EAT PEACE DOVE EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TIIUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1016. N 1 8 vx 1,1 Ti WILLARD-MORAN REFEREE HITCH MAY KILL BOUT Lies Says Skelly or Match P IXN'11 Tin DpnlflVPfl Off !j0 BONUSES MENTIONED -.ttr lsvii. 10 A. Rprlniln hitch L. developed In the ncRollntlonB for the KSi.M-Morrtn bout over tlio selection of Lfflll "".: ..... ..,..-,1 hv Mm fnllnrn rVnWoncs. tho chnmploli's mannRer, K j tv Dorenn, Moron's manager, to Hre. ,. fpPiin,j which was shown 1 . the Tcfcrco question tho bout might over u . . 8' . .1 ... e,.- Tni.li Btn1K. nf i for referee, while Dorfinn want- Tnill Brown. Jones shouted his (lo ir at Moron ami OorBnn and said SSfftM Wlllard ami himself still had ,h money left so that they did not V5Vt Itlckard and McCracUcn aro Xpfor tho 10-round bout at tho . . m.ireli H. . ti wnrrv hi'u. u.u ,,....,.. . v.v,vuu Garden "" ' . .... If The articles of agreement were all duly K. ii,( itnd J22.C00 In leal money was PO.i'liw In tho articles signed riltrday, no mention whatever was ivTrfs of tho bonus of ?t.u wnicn hick- W?? ' Ji . wi nrnmlKPil Wlll.inl or fh IISOO bonus for Moran. Hlclrard and ttVmeken havo scparato contracts with ith'WIllard and Moran, nnd both nro W" "'",., annrulMlnn nf thn State Athletic Commission. ...,,,-.. I I. receive SIC. 000 for tho Mul'- Of this amount $10,000 was paid nlctard and tho other $30,000 Is to ho rald'to the champion 21 houm heforo tho F". w Tnn, fnr Wlllanl. nut Ull :15000 In cash ns a guarantee that Wlllard ' .. ...rti i.i .,. nt llin nnnlrnrt roUIU IUII1I "a 1"' ........ ......... ! . la in tin tin il 320.000 for his 'ihare'ln tho proceedings. Of this amount com was posted yesterday by Sam lie Sicken and tho other $ir.,000 Is to bo U ha i.mira hnfnro the bout. Moran r L.iT 2Sno Guarantee to carry out his . Sulfations to tho promoters. f nfii. .nnrd wnrn Htllhhnrn. With JJ01U iiia,i.h" ... -'- . .--.-- ( Jones having a slight advantage In tho ItUDBOrnCSS. " momn.-u mi uu.met Bielly.'pr calling tho whole thing off. . l '-r-a nr nhnvl Wliltn. .Tim finr. 'belt and Jim Jeffries wcro augRcsted, Imt I . t.nitrrlit(1tf U"i vnd nil Mlln'tf nqt Intlti f' wide. Ko pounded tho tablo nnd remarked .m louu. ruucoua luiiua nuii. v uum wu llttelly or no bout. i Tha two managers will meet ngaln this ifterpoon at 2 o clock and resume tno ..mAnf Tnttnfl ntinnlttinpil flint Willnnl tlU.IIVV.. ..u ....u....u.. ...... .... would do all his training In the vicinity 1 01 oviv lumi mm iv jo ajiluivu ...... uiu i'ehtmplon will arrivo hero In a day or WO. flioran win ho iu aaruLUBii luuay iu lian inuiuub. Y0UKG JACK AFTER GIBBONS r O'Brien May Meet Phantom at Norris- tovn February 22 Young Jack O'Brien will appear In tho i feature fray of IS rounds at tho Palace $A. C, Norrlstown, February 22. Ills Mother, I'hllauelphla Jawn, Is negotiating nith'Mike Gibbons to come Kast as Little Z Johrfi opponent. If tho 3t. Paul Phan. torn Jftciiites to accept tho offer, Kddlo ;' Revolro.or'Joo Borroll will get tho match. At me same snow Sailor Carroll, wno proved his punching nblllty by knocking out Lew Fink, will appear o'n tho same program. He will meet tho best of tliroo hiavjrwelghts O'Brien, Is dickering with. SPORTS WRITERS'. BANQUET r'ilany Prominent Men to Attend "Peace Dinner" Here Tonight TOfl 1?th nnnliql linnnllnt nf tha Tll.lln.lalHl.tn tftortlnjr Writers' Association, which will bo (IPf "nni in mo crunu uauroom or tno ilotcl jwaltra. oromlsea to bo a memorablo ovont, J?1, "",4W or moro participants can mako up iuelr minds thnt thpv nrn irnlrin. tn hnvn thn ftllrn of their lives. ' t WJ oinnor is Known as tne "Peace 4 uu utiuei," imu ma iiai or KuesiK in. flOWi all the hll? llirlifa nf thn prnnt nntlnnnl rfimej taraous club mniuiBera and still moro SB",.,lJal1 Players. Ah a matter of met. ". win oe more prominent men at tno uin- BCf Utan eiPr hf.fnrA nn.l It tn Itbnltr tint h. ! will hoar ouito a lot of Information re t. I0?. "10 settlement of the recent disastrous Al USU3I. tKon, wno ,ha ...,! 11lk.l..n. JHS-ye'terday. and tho Seating- Committee, Mteh started Its work last night, continued '....,he "& hours this momlns BlaciiiB the BJ, i,ll t itiU(Oli;Ul jtVt.LlJUIIIWl.d PtSlt:.66 "feive! up to noon today, but lato k? wmer Will not bo acrnrrlttrl thfl rhnfrn nf eata. BASKETBALL NOTES 1i&3fe?. "."' tfy concluslon with the "stick Hatff '"Per team tonlcht in Nonpareil UI'uiimiSl"v''fhTn t0ry' OVer YfttB at NeW IIaw,n Ml Ivl.k -."., GU)II1BU Ul II1U OCUB111. ill. Sit il;". ySegrce of common sense tlKUrcd 6?.imr,S0u,h..coul1' bcat Xala a' Ilanoer. t alone .New llacn. SJto, Invades South Phlladelnhla tomor iuun? 3..i" P'ay , Greystock, The contest KCft,.A .Ylctory, for Qreyetock will KUeiihin .. "'S. "eaainir irom me cnam tM?tkglu' whlle a victory for tho Boors f " PM them very much In tho ruiuilne. ttSifilHa.?lect.r'P wanted to win the Indus- ?l3tT;;S',i,u"cn.?0 nueh tliat it contributed dtUT ! VW Kerr's Une: but even with D? tefter "no'uP- the Uudl teanl Proved i b2JSK? 'L1. Play Princeton at Prince. Waiiy nl.nt' aP'1 ToJ Bberle, bos pol feuairtPvS?1. ,or 'fe13 Kame. The Uarnet Jitt a'Jgjf to K through tho season with-. rSijSK.1 ft? "'ar foul goal thrower, has Kattlnuinn iii i."ara .uoueite, and a new InSet wUl bs wfk&l la Ibo remaining wSS'.!' i"."..! a great help to the ll tSTGivi'r.;, "ortneast would have done E 1u iSH had th0 crew captain In uniform fcth. tJ2" tha.t. wUh Prea G'c In tho iK ,Uti5l9 ur.Prlse by Dartmouth Is a trreat lt.i?.?nWvanti. If the Ureen can put lW? ltB B'ue -at Hanover Saturday niKht. Ifi wealS'ur. f0r U' tl,Ular honora ""' MARRYING OFF MAY BELLE What It Will Coat to Stage Dig Bout The following table shows clearly and concisely the enormous ex pense necessary to conduct tho 10 round bout between Jess Wlllard and Frank Moran: Wlllnril's nlmre , f 17,100 ?Inrnn' Minre , 22,(100 lent anil rot nf nrenn M.noo Stnte tax 7,f,oo J.iprn-rdirlntltu;, oflleeti, nil rrtlliiir, rnt to fierure Blcnnlurrs, elc 1(1,000 Total .JlnV.OO This tux is based on gate re ceipts of $100,000, showing that If tho fight does not draw this amount the promoters suffer a financial loss. MAGNATES LEAVE NEW YORK Many Baseball Men to Attend Sports Writers' Dinner Here Tonight NRW YOIIK. Fob. 10.-Most of tho baso ball magnates who woro hero for tho Na tional League meeting left town today. Among those who will remain over nro Carry Herrmann, of Cincinnati, and Chnrles Wcoghtnun, of Chicago. Pat Powers, representative of Harry F. Sinclair In tho disposal of Federal Ix-aguo players, was tho centre of Inter est among tho baseball men still In town. Powers still has Ilvo or six players to dispose of, nnd there was a great deal of dickering for bnrgaln prlcos. CHICAGO WILLARD'S HOME Champion's Wife Picks Family's Fu ture Abode for $13,000 CHICAGO, Feb. 10. .Teas Wlllanl to day started spending some of that $17,500 he'll get for battling Frank Moran In Now York next Month. The .hamplon loosened up to tho tunc of $13,000 for a Chicago residence, a handsome houso that Mrs. Jess picked. Tho champion, who was provented fiom undergoing his usual sparring matches yesteiday becauso of an attack of sore throat, got back Into aCTton today. Wllllard will go to Hot Springes for a period of two weeks' stiff training, start ing early next week. HAVANA ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW First race, selling, purse, a.joar-otds and up, n furlongs Mnrlgold. IM: 'Paulson. H5. 'Mnr gnrct Kllcn. Ki, Ilcssllcu, lot): Inl.in, tiki; PVnrnck. 100; Daylight. 100: stubborn. 110; Miss Prlmlty. HO: Unity. Ill: Jim U. IVi; O TIa True. US; nusscll JIcOlll. 11.1. Second race, selling, nurse, 4-yonr.oldH and up. (,'. furlongsMlss Oenplet 101: Mimlci. Hll; 'Zall. inn; Uiura. WO: Itnval Interest. 107. Snrdelln, 10S; Iird Wells, IDS; Snlll Allen, IU: Kdmond Adams, 114 Third rnce. selling, pursp SIOO. H-ycar-olds nnd up. II furlongs 'Itcllcctlon. US; Klntliuili, 10(11 Cl.irlbcl. HC.l; Sprlngmass. ICI; Im-hgaliili-hlc, 111; Southern Gold, 111: llclfast. Ill: Sonny Hoy, 114. ' Tourth race, polling, nurse .'1-ye.ir-oIds ami up, li furlongs Dmlly 11., !(. Ueilltry. H; llrown ITlnce, 10S: l'nco White. 10s. l,oulso Tnivers. loll; 'Malik, 101; I'rontlcr, 111; Cop pertnwn. Ill: Iamb's Tail, 114. Fifth race, selling, uursc. 4-nir-olils and up, mile 'Coin, ltri; lien t'neas. 101; Sun tluldo, ltH: 'Tenner. 104: Foul Mat. Ml: Almml.i l-nw-rnnce. 10.1: Day Day. Mil. 'Sim Jon. 107; liluo Mouse. 110; Lady Ilankln, 110, Water Ltid, 111: Centnurl. 112. Apprentlco allowance clnlmcd. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Whllo Willlo Ilannon nnd Frnnklo Monro nro exchanging punches fbr Intcrscctlonnl lionora at tho llroadway Club, Voung Jack Inland will be endeavoring to cross his southpaw slam on tho chin of Joe O'NcIl in tho wlnd.up at tho Douglas Club tonight. Tho programs follows: BROADWAY CLUB. First bout-rat CI'Malley, Smoky Hollow, vs. Hurt field. U. S. S. Oklahoma. Second bout Johnny l-oughroy, Oloucestcr, vs. Tommy Jamison. Schuylkill Third bout Whltcv Fltzgernld. West Phila delphia, vs. Joe Illrd.Southuark. , Semlwlnd-up-Kld Slmms, Denver, vs. Hddjo R.'indo, Southwark. ..-.. Wind-up Willie Hannon. Point Breeze, vs. Franklo Moore, Southwark. DOUGLAS CL.UB. First bout Leo Flynn. Richmond, vb. Frnnklo Conwny, Camden. .... ti Second bout Phil Itvan. Fnlrmo2t. vs. I at Mauley, West Philadelphia. w.rrv Third bout Mnxlo Wchster, Grays terry. vs. Matt Conlln. Jlanayunk. Semlwlnd-ui Ford Mungcr. Kalamazoo, ra. Ireston Smith, 10th Ward. , . --,., Wind-up Voung Jack Toland. ltth Ward, vs. Joe O'Nell, 20th Wnrd. Frankle White. Little Italy's flstle' 'pride, wtio hopes to become tho leading light, plgllls tically. of that section, followmg In the foot steps of Hilly W Ills. FTiiddy Corbctt. ronimy Howell and 11 llrudley. wl".."'. "1 ring harness nt the Olympla Club ! fbruary ' -l. He will bo opposed to Solly Woods, another Italian, who hulls from FlatbusD. The final fray at tho Quaker City, tomorrow nigh? wUl brTng together" K13 Broi. . of H :hen. andoah. and Danny Ferguson. Lddlo Mullen S: r,u v.C ,i. i-S ifnn m a return match at the Fonparell Club. Somo good boys aro being developed I In the amateur boxing tournaments now WS ducted at the People's Theatre. The bouts are nnen to ull amateurs and are held Tuesday ulrC8on1gh?.'ll!!dmSSnShwhfI Young Hurry. Jimmy llutrhes. Kid Ijalev. lMdte i Muillnf Buck o'nrlen. Leo Flynn. K. O. Myera Willie Ure?n. John bawspn. a, middle weight from Tacony who looks ke the com- his last four bouts by the K. o. route. Joe Borrell will display hi; flitlo n":"'0. fore an Allentown audience tonlghf. The Ken ilnStonlan will tackle Jackie Clark In a IB. rourid bout. The Allentown promoter has un "ouncod that ho will match the winner with Jack McCarron. Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night OAYETY Charley Ctmplhl defeated nemiy Moore. KM Chappie brut Johnny Contello. Young IValley won front I'rf Allen. KM WuHute trimmed Younir eU, Jack Ohms drew ltli Joe I.okuii, JJEW YOIIK lohnny Ertle won from Terry Martin. Sllke Krtle Uefeuted KM Miirtha, I11U Defoe outfought Hush Hod den. HUVI'ALO Ted Lewis und Soldier HurtOelil drew. DOVE OF PEACE IS DEVOURED AT BASEBALL EATS Fortieth Birthday of Na tional League Celebrated in New York GRAHAM SCORES HOMER SEW YOIIK, Feb. 10. They nto tho dovo of pence at tho anniversary dinner of tho National Lcnguo nt tho AValdorf Astoria last night. It was good Ico cream, too, They made speeches nnd drank toasts, and altogether they mado merry, for tho denr old National Lcaguo la 40 years of ago, and thoy gathered to cclo brato In rltting fnshlon. On tho corner of Great Jones street and llroadway, In 1S76, the Nntlonnl League was born. Long slnco It reached tho ago of discretion (In splto of reasons to doubt It nt times In tho last two or thrco years) Hut now that It has reached n tlmo In Its life when dark days, momentarily nt leait, have passed, nnd when tho futuro looks bright nnd prosperous, It was only moot and proper that Its birthday should bo eclobrated and that It should tako tho form of n dinner. (lathered about the hoard woro men of affairs In tho professional and commer cial life of tho city and country and base ball owners magnates Charles II. lObbcts Insisted upon calling thorn and those men lost no opportunity to express hy tonguo or handclap their Interest In tho great national game and their sympathy for a sport which ranks with tho greatest and bcit. Sparo Is lacking to mention moro than a fow of the COO or moro who sat about t!u tables, but a few may be named. John K. Tericr, massive and mannered, president of tho Nntlonnl League, pre sided, and ho made n speech, too a rather short speech In which ho said: "Kvery nation has a sport It calls Its own, and as wo bcllevo that tho United States Is destined to sit at tho head of a table in tho councils of tho world (great applause), so wo believe bnsebatl Is des tined to bo tho greatest game In tho world, even ns It Is tho national gamo In this country." And then he wound up by adding "Ilase balt Is tho banner of American sports even as Old CJlory Is tho banner or sym bol of American liberty." This was tho cuo for tho band, which struck up "My Country 'tis of Thee," and everybody sang. Then there was August Herrmann, ro tund and rosy, chairman of tho National Commission; Colonel John Jacob Iluppcrt, handsome nnd dignified, nnd Captain Hus ton. Jovial and Jolly. Comptroller Premier gast. who was introduced as ono of the most popular city officials, denied It. Senator Morgan J. Hulkeley, former Gov ernor of Connecticut, nnd the first presi dent of tho National League, made a little speech In splto of tho protest of tho "head of tho family." Colonel A. G. Mills, tho third president of tho league, also had a fow words to say. as did Charles II. Eb bcts. Irvln S. Cobb, William II. Taft and Dudley Field Malono among others. George A. Graham, representing tho press, made, perhaps, tho homo run of tho night. Ho analyzed tho development of tho gamo and showed how It had grown from it "stick" to a column. Yes, baseball Is popular. . Shoot Ends in Triple Tie WHITUMAItSH, Fob. 10. Not n single straight score wns registered In tho Fort Side Inn dun Club's regular weekly white Ilicr shoot at If, birds. Thrco Philadelphia gunners, Davy Paul, Isaac Knowles nnd Sam Ocheltrce. shared the honors In the ITi'blrd competition, liieh ono of tho Quaker City trio gathered ull but ono bird, scoring II. "Izzy" Hoffman won second money, with i:i on his score card. Fanciers' Banquet Tonight The fourth annual banquet under tho auspi ces of the Kensington Kennel Club will be held tonight, at Mosebuchs. JOE WEAR TO VIE FOR GOLD RACQUET IN NEW YORK PLAY Star Will Represent Racquet Club for First Time in Tuxedo Park Competition PHILADELPHIA will pin Its faith to Ita newest club recruit In tho competi tion for tho Gold Racquet championship, for many years ono of tho most remark able of America's a'.Motlc championships, tho event to bo dectfted at Tuxedo Park, N. Y beginning today and llnlshlng on Sunday. The player from the Racquet Club who will ropresent this city Is Joseph Wear, playing In this competition for tho first tlmo as a local representa tive Tho remarkable play of Wear for the last two months decided tho Rucquet Club to enter him in the big event, ho being the only entry from this city. Heretofore Wear's play has been almost entirely con lined to doubles. He held the champion ship In doubles with Dwleht Davis two years ago and played In tho finals this year with George Brooke as partner. This season he has played considerably with Jock Soutar in singles, and as he Is strong und rugged he has come to the front rapidly In single play. He will have his work cut out, for among tho men op posed to him will bo C. C, Poll, the na tional amateur singles champion and holder of two legs on the Gold Racquet. The other entries aro Stanley G. Mortimer and George St. George, of Tuxedo; Joshua Crane, of Boston; Malcolm D. Whitman, W. W. Hoffman and Cyril Hatch, of New York. The feature of the tournament will bo provided on Sunday, when Jock Sautar, the young Itacquet Club professional, who holds tho world's championship at ruc- PROMOTERS OF WILLARD-MORAN BOUT Tex Rickard, on riRht, and Sam McCrackcn. They will stajro tho ten-round match between Champion Jess Willnnl nnd Frank Moran at the Madison Square Garden, March 8. BOXERS' TACTICS TO GET COIN HURT BOXING GAME Fans Rebel Against Methods and Object to Continue as the Gold Goose Few Matches Draw Big MONEY-MAD tactics of modem dny boxers are riding the grand old gamo of flstlculllng to a stato of collapse. Although promoters in this city have been attracting capacity houses, from practically every ring ccntio of Import ance In this country como reports of a noticeable falling off In tho attendance at boxing contests, and men who lollow the trend of the times In affairs pugilistic unhesitatingly declare that tho lighters and their grasping managers alone nro to blnmo for this regrettable condition. In searching for tno cause of decreased patronage, promoters havo found conclu sive evidence to show that tho fans are wearying nnd rebelling against tho fren zied financial methods of so-called stars of pugilism and beginning to object to continue as tho golden goose that fattens tho purses of this gentry. Instances where boxers nnvc earned from J5000 to J15.000 and $18,000 for ap proximately 30 minutes of actual fight ing nro so numerous that they causo little comment at tho time, but when tho fighters In question begin to boast of their earning power, rather than their lighting prowess, then tho public starts to nit up and tako notice. Tho money received ror c nnd 10 round battles by (lstlc celebrities often repre sents tho amount that makes up tho average man's yenrly Income. When tho worklngman or sinnll business or pro fessional man begins to think seriously of this discrepancy In earning power ho resents tho fact that tho averago lighter Is capablo of drawing down enormous pay for his services. Boast of Earning Power Investigation of present-day conditions has demonstrated that this feeling on tho part of tho general public is tho root of tho lndlfferenco that is affecting tho box ing game. In tho old days, when fighters really fought, weeks wcro spent In preparation for ring engagements. Today conditions aro reversed. About all the training somo of these notublcs do Ib a. day or so of JOSEPH WEAR quels, will play a match with Jock Mul llns, tho New York professional, who is camping on tho trail of Soutar. Plot by J. P. McEvoy (Copyright: 1010: By Tho Tribune Company) I M I shadow boxing and road work, nnd then they nmiouncp loudly that thoy nro lit and "eager for a hard battle. Recently the public ptlnts carried tho story that the ambitions managers of Ted Lewis and Charley White were In a spirited dispute over tho earning ability of their respective scrappers Each man ager called attention to tho long list of engagements that his man had filled, quoting llgures of purses received and outlining a list of futuro battles that would keep the boxer busy Indefinitely. In some cases it was stated that two matches woro scheduled for ono week. It Is Incidents like this that havo sick ened the paying public of tho boxing game. Naturally, It stands to reason that when n lighter hus so many engagements to 1111 his innln object when engaged in battle will bo to protect himself from in jury, and he accomplishes this by adopt ing safety-llrst tnctlcs. Tho result Is that the match le clops Into a boxing exhi bition rather than u light, and tho fans who havo paid nut good money to sco a real scrap do not get an honest return for their coin. Need Co-operation These match-making mothods of certain boxers piobably could ho curtailed, by tho way, If the commissions that hnvo control of the spoil In tho lending fistic centres would co-opet.ite to put n stop to tho practice. It ought to bo n simple mntter to adopt a uniform rule barring a scrapper from engaging In matches too closely In succession, nnd If this rule Is backed up by another one which would suspend a tighter for several months If he failed to put forth his best efforts In a light, then tho evil besetting the sport would quickly bo eliminated. Thero would bo honest, de cisive lighting then and not so much Jab bing and clover footwork. When men like Ketchel, Papke, McGov crn, Corbett, Cans, Wolgnst, Nelson, etc., wcro In their prime tho gamo flourished nnd prospcted, but the present-day meth ods of cortuln lstlc celebrities, who aro safety-tlrst boxers nt all times, cannot help but make pations sour on tho sport. It hns been noted that slnco tho stnrt of tho present season thero have been only Ilvo matches that drow receipts running Into ilvo llgures. New Yoik city had three of these. Now Orleans ono nnd St. Taul tho other. In practically every other boxing ccntro tho average gate for a show ranges from $2000 to JSOOl It takes a match of exceptional promlso nowadays to draw out tho funs. In tho metropolis thoy like tho ring mastodons, nnd any tlmo tho headllners In this division are matched a big house Is sure to result, Tho Crescent City Is partial to tho mldgots and lightweights, whllo tho Saintly City falls hard for any attraction In which tho peerless Gibbons Is featured. New York Money Centre Tho big matches of tho 1915-10 season to date drew gates as follows: McFarland-Glbbons J58.000 Moran-Coffey 22,000 Moran-Coffey 28,000 Glbbons-Ahearn 23,000 Williams-Hums 13,000 New York naturally has been tho big money centre, but thero Is only one match now remaining for tho metropolis that will attract tho coin In bundles from fight fans. This Is the proposed heavyweight tilt botween Wlllard and Moran. Receipts of $100,000 aro forecasted for this con test. Minnesota enjoyed Its record gate under legalized boxing when Gibbons and Ahearn met recently. Thero are two matches in sight for tho Twin Cities that would ex ceed that amount, ono bolng a bout be tween Cllbbons and Dillon, the other with Gibbons nnd Darcy- jgP f Clearance GEO. B. WELLS 1101 Market St. 1317 . "Wells Hats wear weir-. Scholastic Basketball Schedule for Today Rmith rhtti. High Itmerrr T. Cler mnntnnn High Second, nt (jrrmnntonn High. THACK. Trndrs School Indoor color contests, nt 3d Iteglmrnt Armory. man school i.KAaun standing. (First Teams) Won Lost P.O. Centrnt High .1 11 .r.no Northenst High .1 .1 .5(10 R. I'lillailrtphln High ... .1 a .fiOO W. rhllndelphlii High 3 3 .300 (Heeond Teams) Won Lost P.O. P. Philadelphia High ... fl I .8.1.1 W. Philadelphia High 4 2 .007 Northeast "lull . t .533 Central High 1 S .100 NOTES OF THE BOWLEKS The Artlnn Howling League bowlers rolled good pcorca In their weekly matches last night, and na a rcnult the competition ninong the til tenmt, whl.'h Include about 100 or moro nctlvo bowlern. tho races In lioth sections, con Mnue to bo Interesting In section A. the Adel lhl quintet, runner-up, nttempted to halt the upwanl march of t'nilenlown No. 1 tenm. but won only ono game, and that' wns tho tlnnl of tho series. To get lhl Mctory tho team was forced to snook down 10.1U pins, tho host slnglo game t.ital of the night. For ttiulrnlonn, Kline showed the best results, 021, ho being the leader In his team's scoring, with counts of 221, 1111 and 201. Adclplil'B dig totnl wbb ro conled through tho go-nI work of tho entire smiad. Mrt'orkell got 221, Thels 173, I.lpsey Ml, Lambert 20". and Fry 212, which, Willi tho 3-1 handicap pins' allowance, counted 10W. Northwestern eauad waj In splendid form and won all thrco games front Pennsylvania by gooil-slrcd mnrglns. The Houston) had to work hard to win two of their three victories over Ilortram, After capturing the llrst game by 101 pins, thoy won tho second by 12 pins nnd gained the third by 8 pins. Hill's 21.1 totnl being aluable. Spartan grabbed thrco games at the rxpenso of the tell end I'rogrcsslves, and In doing so Kayes had the honor of being top Hcorer for tho night. He got OM for thrco games, be ginning with 211, then 221 and llnlshlng with Tho result of the Artisan Section It games resulted lu Northwestern No 2 team rolling Into n tie with Umlrrdonn No. 2 for llrst plnce. The Northwestern team met ndellty on Term inal alles. winning all three games. In ench It managed to show slight superiority over Klilrlllv fenlors, 111,1 In tho opening gamo for Northwestern being tho highest single gnmo of thla scries. t'nderdown had to battle with thn fast trav eling (.clilgh squad, and as a rc.iult of a U20 acoro by Knapp's hopefuls they dropped tho List game. Only thrco men In tho 21 games rolled by tho eight squads of Section IJ. Artisan teams, renched tho double century mark last night. Tho honor roll Included nilber, of I.chlgh, with 217, llnlger, of Undcrdowu, 207; V, lleck, of Oak l4Mi, with 2U7. Accounting team Is rresont leader of tho rhlladelphla Hlcctrle League tourney, hiving won three ganvci from Motor, tho llrst by HIT tn 01,1 score. This wns sumo feat, ns Dllty Knox Is a member of tho Meter tenm. Taylor, for iho winners, occupied tho limelight with a total pin tally of 00'.). Ills best cITort was 221 In tho llrst game. Sam JIcFall got back Into form with Hcoros of IM, 201 and 207 for Supply, who lost two games to Station S. The results of the second series of second round games of tho Philadelphia lllcctrlc seems to Indicate that tho battlo will be evencr than ever. Underground totaled .Vvl pins ngalnst Instal lation In tho first game, but substituted Free man for Haber In the second game and grad ually Improved and won the next two games. Tho best acoro of the series was Roberts' 1K2 In his third game for Installation Lounsbury was next best with 170 In his second game. Keystone Lcugue teams nro to meet ng.ilh this ecnlng. Tho Strawbrldso & Clothier Lcaguo teams nro scheduled for their weekly games tonight on Casino Alleys. 1-ntry blanks for the National Association championships are nbout to be distributed. This ecnt Is to tako ploco In New York, start ing March IS. Tho local meeting of tho branch IS' to bo held on Monday next. Schmidt to Play at Home TlALTIMOItK. Tcb. in The report that Charlie Schmidt had repented of his decision to retlro from the diamond anil after a con ference with Clocfse Stalling had expressed his willingness to guard llrst base again for the llniitnn Uraes h.u como ns a surprlso to the butcher boy. Sehmldt said that ho In tended to stick to his business, nnd that the only ball he will play tho coining season will bo with the Wallbrooks. one of tho clubs of tho Intercity Lcaguo here. WMw Bjjl fflgraK GET OUT of the rut! Simply being dissatisfied with your present position will not secure another one for you. Get busy! Find the right connection. There is always a better position for those who have the ambition to seek it. Buckle down to it today. Place an ad in the Ledger's Classified Columns. Big business men will read it. I I iff PUBLIC Such a Son-in-law FOUR-CORNERED TIE IS RESULT OF W.P.H.S. VICTORY Speed Boys Defeat Central. All Teams in Line for Cage Title OTHER SCHOOL NEWS A glanco at tho standing of tho fbur teams In tho High School League will show" that Central, South Philadelphia, West Philadelphia and Northeast havo an aver age of .500, which tells the story of the "present worth" of theso quintets. This Is tho result of West Philadelphia High School's 3 to 23 win over Central High, yesterday. With the series half over and tho, (cams on tho homestretch It Is still ns much a mystery ns ever ns to tho ultima to Win ner, and tho students and officials, of all four schools nro equally confident of car-, rylng oft tho Dutch Company Trophy. In fact, thla spirit of optimism Is not only evident among tho coaches and of Hclats, but within tho ranks of tho play ers ns well. West Philadelphia earned Its victory yesterdny, for It was a clean-cut win ant! tho llrst in two years for the Speed Boys over tho Crimson nnd Gold. Mearklo warn steady In his foul goal tossing, with It out of 111 throws to his credit. Ho mado snvcii of theso In tho first half out of 10 chances. McCnskcy had four field goals, , whllo Gross, Hubbnrt nnd Plnkqrton each landed ono from difficult angles. Prnnkford High and Cormintown High have Joined tho Intcrscholnslle Tennis Association and will pliv out tho league schedule or matches ratlllcd nt the meeting held ottn I'onlml High School yesterday, when Prof. Ilobert M. llrookfleld. of Central High, was re elected president nnd Professor ICnowlton, of Episcopal, vice pre.tdont. . 1'ror. Clinton A. Strong, of tho I'enn Charter School, who has always been so active in tonnla nffnlra nnd who has coached so many, title liams at l'enn Charter, Is secretary and treasurer. ,. . The season will open April 22. when Pcnn Charier nnd Camden High School clash at Camden High's grounds. The schedule: April 22. Penn Chnrtor nt Camden High: 24. Central High at .plscopal Academy, JVost Philadelphia at Trankford. Oermantown High at Northeast High, Hwarthmore Prop at Gcr niniitnwn Aondemv. Penn Charter at Camden High; 2H, Episcopal Academy nt WCBt Phila delphia, Fnmlcford High nt Central High. Northeast High at Penn Charter. Bwarthmor Prep nt Orrmantonn High, Camden High ot normnnlown Academy. 2S, Frankford High, at Swnrihmore Prep: 2:. Central High nt West Philadelphia, Germantown Academy at uer mautown High. May 1. nplsconal Academy nt Northeast High, Oermantown High nt Central High. Frankford High at flrrmantown Academy, Swarthmpr I'rep at Cnmdon High; a, (lormantown High at Ilplsrop.il Academv, Contrnl High at, North eist High, Camden High at West Philadelphia, l'enn t'liarter at (lormantown Academy; 4, West Phllidclphla at l'enn Charter; 5, Epis copal Academv at Snarthmoro I'rep; 0, ucr mnntown Academv at Central High, Camden High at Frankfort High: S. Germantown riulemy nt episcopal Academy, Northeast High at Swnrthmorc Prop. Oormnntown High nt West' Philadelphia, Frankford, High at Penn Charier, Central High at Camden High: 10. nplsrnpnl Academy at Camden High. West Philadelphia nt Swarthmoro Prep, Germantown High ot IYnnkronl High, Northenst High at (lormantown Academy, 11, Penn Charter at Central High: I'l. Swarthmoro I'rep nt Central High. Germantown Academy nt West Phila delphia, Frankford High at Northenst High, Camden High at Oermantown High, 15, North- east High at Camden High. Penn Charter at Swarthmoro Prop 17. West Philadelphia High at Northeast High. Germantown High at Pcnn Charter, lb, Episcopal Academy at Pcnn Charter. INTRODUCTION OO CIGAR sr "EXCEEDINGLY BETTER" LEDGER Would Be a Comfort i g. M Hl mi TlS?fpSl aO HQW CO-EDS AH' NVSSeXGwr -PRWjfDE MAtfBE EM ANYWAY, "A- VJMAtM '' WE rZ OP 'uAW SWi-m-tM fi &X& Sa ?St V"5 ,T? J ?rAV J NECESSITIES A BPEU. L3 f e OP-BEErX-FP ( L- (JiSIrbnt' J I , J H , ir l & V1J r) ' i : 1 , 11. ,, v . y j r- j f t. I . . . i mm i ' . - Jfri . .1 .tfffT.'Vniidi. t ' " 1