EVENING LEDGER PHIEABEEPHIA', THURSDAY, EEBRTTABY 10, 1916. tr IUt Sw ?JX THE NOVEL OF sTNorsis. - LuiHiMt h exiled himself In Bpulh iSSSm When he aw his wife, Allx. Ejm with his old plnyirmte. Alan Wayne, K5l V tlrrlnu Venn fnllowlnn a well !"(r..A rebuke becmiw of A Ix'n Intl-nncy ''.Tlr Ain ("erry decided to take tho flmt fiii Ail left New York. After some ram. Mill M eneoimlers n Rlrl on n. peninsula lllni "J'ViioHth of (no San rrnnctico ; i Wtotoli "ltl her and MItfn!"oo!"h. extIM hlm-elf. lint hi Alan, .""it ",,.-.,,. annt thn vmlnc man '' i,Yi of hl profligacy. .Later tfu?.Ji'' E'KJI Aiix Suddenly real Had tli !& of her elopement Rho Jump. lliu riijiiiii- en on mo in Atntlnn. Ho went to Africa ai WJ n5er of bridge,,. III. rjflcleney eima I, " T, twllllon, "Ten Percent Wayne." Mm "PSj-iViii whan nil irncrs of A i. mr""""'-.' ..... ia ku '. Med H "' "" eho'llve; jth her 1 Mi.r.ln'liw. All lirnorant of tho fart. f CfiJr becomei tho father of a boy back n S rW..Kc i iinM not tako Ocrry lone to "fiLi himielf to hl new lurroundlnRii. and !!, fir i Mnrpirlla. tho r rl. hai turned tnAl't)f whole estate, o well as herself, to BWM Tho Bfei est la tho "ByMem of &nTdM, hlcl. ho hope, will en- Hi Mm to rrcuunuiu mo .-; ,8iiv. Mathlas. In who'fl pariah Mar- .'. ?iivm. "a I i upon her and flndi Oerry '!?. completed ditch, Upon tho prleafa Irttrt representations, Ocrry marries Mar- 'VlihVr who live mme distance, in tho j'r. ncarlnVof Gerry and his Irrlsated ftS Huki TOerry to keep his itnrvlnj cnt undhor"c7 until the droUKht Is over. !!!,, Bcrees. Ono afternoon, he Is nt; ?,'.7ui to the house by a cry. It Is that of pMweomer-liH son. anil Mnrcnrltn'ii. . ...BAC." rSiV Ml en in love with her, but fi "hi i ittadtaitly refuses to allow him to pro- ' T.i Kemp, a lexnn ri-i'ii.,ii...,f, .. inftrlein orchid firm In Smith America. &w refuge with Ce.rry. ToKCther thev t'i iiiiit In returning .ucnern noriwy u ft tittle titer the drought and nro nt Llcber'e me. ClIArrnn XXV Continued. ', mllE rains passed. Gerry contrnctod X wl"1 kleber for labor to be paid t fnr In produce. i nzcniin, r lorca i:.. to i-onie n from nfar to barter for produce mid a uuyer nppenred Mivii took over tlio whole of the lUtle cot- R'ton crop. Gerry poured money into aiar ff'rirlta's lap more money than sho had fever secn-nnd sent lier under escort or E Dona Mnrlo and IJonlfncIo and tho Jlan I in purchase an 01 ramiun nu ii " that the tiny market of Plranhan could n tvrrn to bo cono two days, and Oerry left the Fazcnda in charfio of his iinn tn co and snend tho time with Wrjeber and Kemp. He found Kemp In a tort of controlled elation over tho Brcat- CSt ihlpmcni or coniniuruiui urtiuu.i inu i had over known. Just nfter Ger- K rfs arrival two men nppcarcd bearing a (monster plant 01 over wi it-uvL-a ouuus, 'like the grapo cluster of Kscliol, on a t pole. jvemp s acep-Mui cjli acuui iu (.luit cot of his head ns he made out their burden. "Hl-yl!" he yelled and rushed 'iff to the corral, where ho threw himself Jen to an astonished heifer. For ono sec- tail she Bnuatted ana tnen went. mau. With yell and floSBlnfr hat Kemp poured ell on the Are of her frenzy. Sho bucked and twisted and all but somersaulted in ner enons 10 no. ncrauu 01 me ucmuii on her back. On tho veranda Llebor and n,m hplrt thwlr Rldp.q nnrl mnrpH nt thn ijnost grotesque flno rldltiR they had over Men. Finally, with a desperato lunge,. the heifer breasted tho corral fence. It caught her middle and sho teetered over. Kemp turned a handspring from her back and landed on his feet. Tho heifer scram lied free from tho fenco and tore, wlld ered, out into tho desert. Laughter rang from every side. Thrco herders throw themselves on to their horses and rode, ihoutlnff, aftor tho heifer. Kemp straight ened out his hat, put It on and walked sedately over to the veranda. Thero was FARMER SMITH'S RSffl RAINBOW CLUB A TALK ABOUT non Olia 11 An inn rvaisinr aIIa Pe., "5"' "U'H' " Juu Ku" ' ;'writers. They will bo your friends who, (the, land of yesterday, will send you iyoii. Each of our minds is the door and tho thoughts of writers aro tho jkeys which open the door to our thoughts. A writer who is very hard to understand, sometimes, is Emerson, and it is be who has said: "Thought rules the It would be useless for me to stand 11 day, with no purpose in view, and I wave my poor brain around until it Kwme tired from waving them. Before von snralr. tlinrn must hn haughty" thought, then a naughty word misbehave before your tongue can lead Look at that beautiful hand of yours. See the five fingers, not one too koany or too few. Look at the lines in Milch keep tho tips of your fingers from THAT HAND? Your thoughts. As I write this, mv thoughts come m it were, carry the message td my fingers and the obedient fingers pound cut the words on a beautiful.new typewriter. What rood nro mv fincers nnd the body if there is no thought behind what Without some ono who thinks to write A bucket full of water can hold wughts cannot hold anything else, let Our Postoffice Box ,Morris Rauer. Lombard street. ?kS his bow tn thn Tlntnlinwa tnl Ewing. We are very happy to in- DDllnra I .,. , i ..---. a iiiuniuer wno nas provea Kjtaidf an interested worker for the welfare of the club. Henry and Cle tus Long, Apple tree street, have Joined the money makers and we ex pect to hear from them very soon. Edward Jones, Palethrop Btreet, ! waais rauer PMney" boy whom we wish every ljim:s3. The kind gnil 5 ...ju: 1.1- Duai. :J" ". K-rur"ar: r1 IR certain mtie gtrl in BSr Hposit Md- Her name is Isa- nates. Part of her Invelv little reads vnnA n.. in. .i Nier w .i.i. j t ..i isi.ii. wn - vn aim j. iook my luue B2W. who i3 three years old, out for iliwa!k so mnti,.. ..i.i i j l- j-. ........ wulu teat, oim uc- went i did the upstairs work tended to mother, f hiH. thlncu trery litHo .,.. hi. iu i. Lit ' -"' uui Ilk. tO UHI1B VUUIlt, V wey?" Indeed, they dp, Isa. F'? raucft so. that they make tip it things in. ltfe. veipe, Sotth IStb street, OME THE YEAR- SBHSBi llmyinnnMnt B,,'nt '" h,S Cy Rn ,10 btUKt shipment crown ,h0 monBi" CHAPTER XXVI. ON ntJD HILL It was raining, not In a downpour hut In vast veils of mist that swayed to tho breeze, caressing tho hills and hiding tho TaHcys. It had been raining for thrco days, After lunch Clem had jrono to her room, tnLH"? ,nml comc low" a8an "nd wandered from window to window, tap ping the panes, and with her forefinger trnclng tho courso of tho drops of water h,'rTlng down outside. Hho went to the vcrnnda at tho back pr siaplo House, and searched tho west in vain for a gleam of sunlight, then she camo In again and sat down before her ttlo writing table In tho corner of tho 1 1 wry Sllc llrPPCtl tho lid. On tho Dlottcr lay nn opened letter. Sho had ,l" ' oeioro. alio nicked It up and read It again. "I do not write," It ran, to tho Clem I met the other day as I stopped out from J. T.'s building. I do not know her and sho doesn't know me. I am nfrald of her, not for what sho Is but for what sho can steal from me. I write to the little Clcm-tho Clem of tho days that won't come back-the Clem that has stood at my knee and clapped her hands and wept nt tho same time over tho fato of n Very Heal Dragon That Was ot. Dear Mttlo "Clem, what bewilder ing company you nro keeping! What hns become of those lanky legs, those thin bnro arms and thoo Ilouncy short skirts that wero so very much out of tho wny7 You have abandoned them. How could you when you knew I loved them Just so! And you nro hiding In tho vision of flesh and furs and broadcloth that put me to rout In front of J. Y.'s that tied my tonguo and twisted It so that when It got loose It said tho things that wero furthest from my heart. 1 know you nro thero because the eyes that looked out at me beforo they crinkled up were your very own. "Clem, It's hard for me to spread my heart on paper. Wftrm words get chilled In tho tub of Ink and belle themselves. Thero Is only ono way, and that Is Just to tell you that in splto of how thlng3 may look and seem my heart 13 warm. Without understanding you can forglvo a warm heart, can't you? "I told you I'd bring back my other self and send him to you. I failed, xs'ot because I didn't have him with me but because I wanted to send him to you without tho rest of me nnd couldn't. "I can't tell you why I couldn't. You must understand It without telling. I can only say that even today men are tested by lire. It's a tiro one can't smother It would only smolder on. One must let it burn out. It burns out tho half of a man and some men don't know which half is going to be burned out until It's all over. It Is that way with me. My soul Is a furnace. I couldn't bring It too near for fear It would scorch you. There, I havo written too much. If you find that tho words are cold when they get to you, warm them at the flro of your child heart. Alan." Tho Clem that read this letter looked very much a woman. Sho was 19, her hair was colled up at tho back of her neck, and her frock when sho stood up almost hid her slim ankles. Alan's letter trou bled her and made her feel even older than sho was. It brought to her white forehead n tiny frown. Clem was as tanned as a long summer could brown hor, but obovo her brows tho skin was quite white because she had such a lot of hair that thero was always somo of It breaking loose to ah a do her forehead. Suddenly tho frown vanished. Clem's THOUGHT fnn im11 1aosj 4r Intra A i (Pn a y J" " '"" " '"w" though far away in another land, messages to cheer and comfort world." out in tho street and wave my arms yet, if I do not control my thoughts, is tired, even as my arms would be- snmi kind nf thnupht. If it be Q will be the result. Your mind must you astray. your hand and then at tho nails wearing off. WHAT IS BEHIND first and then the telephone wires, nrm thnt connects them With mv I do? What use is the typewriter on it? no more vour mind filled with kind alone those which annoy you. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. answers the questions of "Do You Know This?" very faithfully. Why, we even know Elvira's handwriting! Many thanks to Lillian Cunning, Paulsboro, N. J., for her little gift and also for her sweet little letter. A happy greeting to Madeline Larkin, South 68th, street, and an earnest wish that the rest of the little ones in her neighborhood haye now received their Rainbow buttons. Farmer Smith's. Frog Book DR. BULL FROG PLAYS DEAD Dr. Bull Frog had carefully tucked himself under a board, backing in with his long legs first, and gone fast asleep one warm night only to wake, up the next morning and find Mr. Water Bird sitting on the limb of a tree over his head. Dr. Bull Frog wondered if Mr, Water Bird knew he was there and how long he was going to stand guard over the entrance to the good doctor's modest home. By and by the bird turned its tail toward Dr. Bull Frog and he hopped out of his home as fast as he could and went toward the big pond. He kept ono eye on Mr. Water Bird and every time the fellow in the tree made a move, Dr. Bull Frog would lie very still. . " Finally, Mr. Water Bird saw him Jyinff there and he said out loud: , &.US2H a iv i ff$t mtv i JZfr7ir f LW---!- full llp.i opened In a Utile smllo and n, glow stolo Into tho tan of her cheeks. Hho Jumped up nnd ran to tho old pier glass, In the parlor, otherwise known as tho Seldom Hoom, so rarely was It Invaded. Clem nulled down her hair nnd shook It out. Then she took a bright red ribbon from a whisk broom hanging on tho wall and gathering her hair at tho back of her neck, tied it with a bow. With the Instinct of a woman sho looked for pins and found them. Hho turned up her skirts In a brond plait and pinned thorn. Sho had to do It sovoral times over to get tho tucks Just right and tho hang Just so. Sho shook her head to tumble her hair and turned for a last look In tho glass. She was a little girl onco more. Hor eyes laughed back at hor. They wero half light, half shadow. They seemed to understand her. Clem ran back to the library. A shaft of sunlight struck across Alan's open letter. Sho snatched up tho letter nnd tucked It In her bosom. Then sho fol lowed tho shaft of sunlight on to tho back verandn. For a moment sho stood poised beforo sinking to a scat on n bench. She crossed her knees nnd smiled at her slim, well shaped legs. It wns so long since she hnd consciously seen them that they were al most strangers. Then sho forgot them, braced her hands on the bench nt each sldo of her, threw back her head, filled her lungs with tho keen air aid felt her heart begin to pulso with tho pulso of tho living Hill. Her eyes crew largo and dreamv. In their dcptlin wero swirling clouds, chased by n glowing light. Her eyes mirrored tho world of Ited Hill nfter rain. Clem's head slowly dropped until her chin rested on her bosom. Sho locked her hands about her knees, Thon, with a last look nbout her, sho rose Blowly, slipped In and sat down at her desk. "Dear Alan," rho wroto, "this Is not a letter nbout you nnd me but Just only about Itcd Hill. We've had a noith castcr not a blusterer, but ono of thoso Bleepy ones that rains and rnlrm llko a. baby crying becauso It's lonely. And now the third day and tho storm are over and tho sun has Lomo out. ou know what that means, Alan, lied Hill isn't exacty laughing, but It Is smiling with that sweet first smllo that comes to babies and hills whllo their cheeks aro still wet with tears. "The maples nro still dripping, mostly nt tho edges, llko big umbrellas. Tho firs look ns it they had taken their bath in black paint and nro busy making every thing else In sight look white. Tho elms aro waving their plumes nt tho vanishing plumes of mist ns though they wanted to bo polite, but uicn't very sorry to say good-by. "The sun, I nm sorry to say, looks as If ho had been drinking too much. Ho's very red and he's wearing a great spiked halo of rain shafts tipped at nn nbsurd, rakish angle. He doesn't seem a bit ashamed and tho smllo on his face looks as If ho meant to make a night of it somewhere out of sight. -uuiuoors thero's qulto n nip In tho nlr that makes you feel as though with tho rest of tho world you had Just stepped out of a cold bath. But inside, Mnplo House Is cozy and warm and I know that when presently I curl up on the lounge I shall feel like a chick nestling against Its mama hen whero tho feathers aro down iest. "Maple Houso Is very lonely Just now because thero aren't any other chicks about. 'Nanco has taken her lot back to town becauso Charlie Sterling says they aro quite full of health and he's full er of loneliness. As for grown-ups. Un "It is too bad that poor old Dr. Bull Frog is dead. If ho were alive, I would surely eat him." Then he kept very still for a long while. Once more ho began talking to himself out loud: "Look at that beau tiful beetle right alongside of Dr. Bull Frog. I will just hop down and eat him before some one else gets him." At this Dr. Bull Frog opened his eyes and when he could not see the beetle he closed them, but he was too late. Down swooped the bird and was about to eat him when suddenly Mr. Water Bird dropped Dr. Bull Frog. "A hawk," he whispered, as he flew away. "I guess I won't 'play dead' very soon again," said Dr. Bull Frog -as he hopped lamely away. HOW MANY RAINBOWS CAN COPY THIS? Drawn by John J. Foley, Jr., KUzjerald it. FARMER SMITH, Evening Ledger: I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY: Name , , , , , , Address .,,.......,., , . . . , Age ,,....,...,.. ;......., School I attend. , ..,,..,,...,,,,. Do You Know This? 1, In what year was Lincoln bom? (Five credits.) 2. Mention two important facta about the life of Lincoln. (Five credits.) 8, In what year did Lincoln die? (Five credits.) PIN MONET. Tiioss who wish to earn money ftw school and ml (Jaturoayii should write a letttr ta Faratr S(t&, ,t illS cle J. T. In In town n great deal this summer on account of other people's1 money and tho old captain never gels out of bed alnco he had a stroke. He says there's nothing tho matter with him! It's tho modern whisky thnt has lost Its tone. "So I'm mostly alone with aunty, and Mnplo Houso seems almost too big to fit, But It Isn't a bit too big when I stop to think becauso I know that the old house doesn't stand for any ono of us nlone It has to keep a nook for ovcry ono of Its scattered brood. "Thnt's the dear thing about Maplo House It Is nlways waiting. And that's what makes It Homo. Sometimes In tho lonely nights t wako up Into a dream nnd tho old house Is ringing with tho sounds of tho children of 100 yonrs at play. Thev I audi nnd sometltnoa 1ipv cry, but thero Is ono that never laughs or cries. He Is n chubby little boy with awfully staring eyes for a baby and ho carries a wooden sword nnd r vmner drum. It's the old captain, I'm sure, and once you have seen him ns a chubby sol dier of threo you'll begin to know tho secret of Mnplo House-that It's waiting for us to come back young or old. And If you nro very, very Blllt for a very long time you can hear the old houso brratbe, and then you know that In every closet nnd In every corner It has hidden away a beating heart, It never loses one. "Dear Xlnn, when I started to wrlto this letter I was qulto a llttlo glrl-now I find I'm quite grown up. I'm sorry. But It only goes to prove that you aro wrong, nnd that It takes moro thnn a half to mnko up one's self. Clem." CHAPTnit XXVII. THAT dry season saw tho beginning of n drought that will long hold the blackest pago In tho annals of the San Francisco basin. It seemed but days after tho rains when the sparse grass and new leafed bushes of tho wilderness began to shrivel un. Day after dav thn sun Innnni brazen, from the horizon to the sky, his I moi iwui mj-B Hcnrcning out mo scant, stored moisture of wilted foliage1, and tho very sap of tho hardy brush. While tho cattle wero still fat they became weak and uirned to cactus for nourishment. They iroko down tho sickly brnnches with their homa and rubbed them In tho sand to freo them of tho worst of tho thorns. Marion Harland's Corner Needy Little Cripple "THAVE a llttlo crippled brother who X has no bed or choir suitable for his trouble. He is 13 years old and haB never wnlkcd or talked. If you could do some thing in this line to help him out, it would bo greatly appreciated by me. "MAKGAKET R." Wo pass your note down tho lino without comment. Tho sad talo needs none. Tho compassionate member who reads It twice over will agree with me. Laid Up for a Year "I havo been laid up for a year and havo dislocated my hip. I think some times I might bo ablo to get around a little If I had a pair of crutches. I am a poor woman and need help. I earned my own living until I got hurt. I shall bo thankful for tho crutches that are offered. M. S." The pair of crutches you speak of In nnother section of your letter were given away several weeks ago. We ask now that a second pair be put at our dis posal for you by somebody who has no longer any uso for them. It would bo a worthy thank offering. Dill Pickles "I notlco In the II. II. C. a request from a young housekeeper for a recipe for dill plckels. Tho following Is tho way a good German friend prepares them with ex cellent results. Wo use two two-quart glass jars, thinking them nicer than stone crocks. Mako a brine that will Just float a fresh egg. (Almost any liquid will float ono that Is stale.) Put a handful of fresh dill sprigs In tho bottom of tho can. Wash good-sized cucumbers and drop thorn Into tho Jar with a few sprigs of dill between. When tho Jar Is filled with cucumbers put In another handful of dill on top, crowding down between tho cucumbers; fill tho glass jars to overflowing with the brine you havo prepared. Screw down the tops, wlpo off and set away In a cool place. They will be fit for the table In about four weeks. II." Makes Economical Paste "Tho Inquiry of May C. as to library paste suggests to me to tell how she can make an excellent paste for her use. I do a great deal of scrapbook pasting dally and I find this the best and cheap est and most economical, of any I have over tried. The material Is called cold water paste. It comes tn bulk In tho form of a white powder or flourlike sub stance and may be buught at any small store dealing In wall paper and paper hanger's supplies, etc, at 10 cents a pound. A half pound will go a long way. It may bo mixed with either cold or warm (not hot) water, and should be mixed gradually, a spoonful at a time, to a latherllko consistency. 'One can soon And the right quantity by experimenting with It. I have an old cold cream Jar, or one similar to that, holding a half pint or more, with a screw or thread cover. Kept this way, the paste does not sour. Tho THE CHEERFUL CHEW I'll be . coTvnoiaeur of III .seek no lofty stt-tiotvs, LVt jpersd my time. lt carefully Collec-fenyj neu .3erofc.Tiqr3. . .rs wrcr' ( C $A' Greatly Reduced Pricep Choicest Furs "MWHHMMM Herders rode the rounds on wcakenlns horses, nnd dismounted time nnd again to pull out spines from tho snouts of passive, panting cows. Bulls died of broken pride. They would not subject themselves to tho pain of eating cactus. Tho river tho great river was no longer great. It grumbled with a weak voicn from deep down In the gorge. Gerry wntched Its falling level with falling eye, and one day sent nn urgent call to Lie tier for help. Llcbcr came. He brought with him nn army, every man bearing with him tho tool thnt had come soonest to his hand. Spades wero few nnd hoes: tho bright shares of a pick or two caught the light llko lances, itost of tho men depended on the heavy sheath knives they carried at their sides. They looked llko nn nrmy of sanscullottcs ns tlicy sWnrmcd Into tho ditch nnd began to dig. In two days they had sunk It to tho required level. When they finished Gerry rodo back with them to help bring down Llcbcr's weakening stock. Kemp had stayed In sole possession it Llcber's. Digging wns not In Ills line, so ho hnd volunteered to hold tho fort ngalnst tho return of the garrison. Ho welcomed Llcbcr and Gerry to n supper or nis own tunning in approved cowboy stlc; sour-dough biscuits mnilo by n master hand, steaks cut from a freshly killed calf and fried befoio toughness set In, n plto of creamy mashed spuds. Thero was a homeliness nbout the meal that made them cat In silence. They felt as though for years they had been wor shiping fnlso culinary gods. The pile of steaks, tho heaped potatoes, tho hot bis cuit wero exotics, strayed Into a Innd of pepper sauces and gnrllc. Tho supper seemed to tho threo men to take on a personality nnd to bo III nt ease, but It was they that were III at case, for tho supper reminded them that they were exiles. Tho silence on the vcrnnda that night was even longer thnn usual. Gerry's mind wont back to n French book that ho had bought In desperation at Pernnmbuco. Ho had ploughed through half of It, nnd with n catch In his thoughts ho remem bered that It lay open on the tnblo when ho left his little room In Piranhas on the morning of mornings thnt hnd broken lite In two, Some of Its phrases, conned over nnd over again In his strugglo with the half-forgotten Idiom, came back to him. CONTINUED TOMOnnOW. paper to bo pasted should bo (saturated; wipe the edges off and placo old books on scrapbook when drying. J. IC." Makes Good Brcnd "I have noticed several queries In the Corner from housewives Inexperienced In brcadmaklng. Mnybo what I havo to say on tho subject may bo helpful to such. I mako all the bread eaten In our house. Much has been said of tho three-hour bread. Although my way takes about doublo the time. It Is much bettor, as It is not so strong of yeast. At noon, when you boll your potatoes for dinner, dinln tho water off; measure nno quart. Mash and ndd one cup of mashed potatoes, two tablespoons of sugnr, scant hnlt teaspoon of ginger, ono cake of yenst which has been soaked In n llttlo water. Set in a warm placo until next morning, then set your sponge, using all your yeast, mak ing fresh for each baking. If bread Is set nt 6 by 12 o'clock you have It baked. "HELPER." Sponge Will Be Light "Apropos of numerous inquiries re specting brcadmaklng nt home. I should llko to submit tho following helpful hints. In making salt-rising broad the main trouble Is keeping it nt an even tempera ture. I heat my electric Iron (or any other would do), and turn a pan ovor It. I then put my bowl of Bpongo on top of tho pan, with a cloth between' to keep It from getting too hot, nnd cover all with a blanket. The Iron will still bo warm In tho morning and sponge will bo light. "H. C. Ii." All communication addreimed to Marlon Ilarland aliould Inclose a utamped, rlf niMrmcc cntclope and a cllpulnc of the urllclo In which you are Interested. Per. nana lh!nr tn aid tn the charltnbls work of the II. II. C. sbould write Marlon Ilarland, In care of this paper, for ad dresses of those tlicr would like to help, nnd, having- received them, communicate direct with these parties. "WHITE ELEPHANT PARTY Union Methodist Episcopal Church Ushers to Sell Christmas Presents A white elephant party will bo held tonight In the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, Diamond street near Mth, by tho ushers of the church. The idea of tho party Is to trade any left-over Christmas presents or other articles that have bo come elephants on the hands of tho church members. Private View of Hascltine Paintings Paintings and etchings whose valuo was placed by their former owner, the lato J, F. Haseltlne, at nearly half a million dollars will be shown tomorrow night at a private view at Glmbel Broth ers' store, Eighth and Market streets. On Monday the collection will be placed on public sale. Women in Consultation Wo scarcely pick up a paper without reading the opinion of women regarding this tremendous matter of Immigration and how to handle It Women no longer leave It up to tho men: they get busy. They keep busy. Women havo proved their endurance and are not afraid to tackle difficult problems. Best of all, men aro coming to realize this fact nnd are not only willing but eager to call women Into consultation, and to be guided, to a great extent, by their suggestions ana plans. Perfectly Protected Deerfoot Farm Sausage In pound parchment packages m our entire stock of Advance Spring Exhibit of Modish Millinery for those who will visit the famous Southern Resorts ' BLOUSES rmilineiyShop 1423 Walnut Street ' STONE PILE FOR DERELICT HUSBANDS ADVOCATED AS CURE AND PREVENTIVE Its Enforcement Would Make Extradition Law, Now Null, Effective, and Aid Needy Fami- leis, Says Anna B. Burns The futility of the extradition law of 1903, caused by the non enforcement of the stone pile net, which provides that the earnings of prisoner-husbands bo turned over to their wives, is pointed out by Miss Ann B. Burns in this, her third of a series of articles for tho Evenino Ledger on needed social rcfoim. Writing authoritatively on her subject, she shows how the two laws nro interlaced in their practical effects, and how, if the latter were enforced, it would not only relieve tho sufferings among dependent families of men imprisoned for deser tion and non-support, but would also mako tho extradition act n power ful weapon. Not n penny of the money earned by husbands' labor in tho House of Correction has been paid to the needy families. By ANNA B. BURNS Slnl Worker nnd In estimator Not only does tho non-enforccment of tho stono pile act Inflict suffering nnd deprivation upon the families of desert ing nnd non-supporting husbands, but It nlsn renders futllo the operation of tho cxttndltlon law of 1903. This law, making desertion nnd non support a misdemeanor nnd therefore ex traditable, was passed by tho Legislature In order to force these delinquent men to support their fnmlllcs. However, It Is pointed out, the process of rxtrndltlon Imposes nn added expense to the county, which often proves fruit less of good results. These men are sent to tho Houso of Correction for a term, nnd when liberated again Ilco tho State, leaving their fnmlllcs still dependent nnd unprovided for. Whllo In somo cases Incnrccintlon has n good effect, In many It proves of no avail. PAY TO FAMILIES. It U argued that If tho stone pile law woro enforced and C5 cents per day of their prison earnings paid to tho families of those men In many cases tho extradi tion law would not have to ho Invoked. Delinquent husbands would then rcallzo the futility of leaving the Slnte, for they could not only be brought back, but put to labor In tho Houfo of Correction nnd their families be paid a portion of their earnings during their confinement. This not only would bring relief to the families of theso men, but also would freo tho county of tho expense of extradition. This argument Is given strength by the fact thnt It often hns proved effective merely to threaten tho enforcement of tho law. Michael J. Ityan is authority for tho statement that during his administration as City Solicitor, at which time cases of desertion nnd nonsupport wero handled In that department, ho found tho mero threat of enforcing tho law efficacious In bringing about the desired results. "In almost ovcry case," said Mr. Ryan, "where a threat has been made to en forco tho stono pllo act tho man has promptly paid tho court order." , It will be noted that this was at a tlmo when tho law was new and before it became generally known that It was Impossiblo to enforco tho act becauso of Councils' failure to make an appropria tion whereby tho payments could be made. Tho annual reports of tho City Solic itor's office for tho years 1912 and 1913 show tome Interesting statistics:. Tho report for 1912 shows: Orders for warrants of arrest In deser tion cases lf91 Casos tried In the Desertion Court In which orders wero mndo for the support of wives and children 1171 Attuchmonts Issued for non-compllanco with order, of court that had theroto fnro been mndo for tho support of wlvei nnd children 1S73 Tho report for 1913 shows: Orders for warrants of arrest In deser tion cases 27-f" Case trlod In Desertion Court In which orders wero made for tho support of wives and children..... ir09 Attachments fonued for non-compllanco with orders of Court that had there fore been mado for the support of wives and children 2013 Attention is called to tho great number of attachments Issued for noncompliance with court orders previously made, great .AT ALL OUR STORES 5&5 utter and Es Since the beginning of this business, over twenty-five years ago, we have always been particular about the quality of Butter and Eggs sold in our stores. This fact is known to thousands of people and has given our stores the name of being "Headquarters for Butter and Eggs." The brand Gold Seal on Butter and Eggs sold in our stores means the highest quality of each to be had. GOLD SEAL EGGS, carton. 33c The largest, fullest, freshest eggs that money can buy. Hcnfield Eggs, carton, .30c I Selected Eggs, Dozen .. .25c Fresh Eggs of Excellent Quality. I Twelvo Good Eggs in Every Dozen. GOLD SEAL $& BUTTER, 38c lb. The highest grade of freshly churned Butter made the Butter for particular people. Hy-lo Butter, 33 lb. I Ca-Ro Butter, 28c lb. Fancy Creamery Butter. I Ture Butter of Good Quality. There are many other attractive values this week at every R. & C. Store, whether it be located at 21st and Market Streets Downtown, Uptown, Germantown, Kensington, West Philadelphia, Manayunk, Roxborough, Logan, Oak Lane, Overbrook, Bala, Nar berth, Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Lansdowne, E. Lansdowne, Llanerch. Darby or Media. Robinson & Crawford Grocery Stores for Particular People l&gigil . c. -fc- -fc- i- Last year our eighteen agents in vestigated 52,946 cases of cruelty Think what these figures meant Think of the amount of suffer ing prevented! and relieved) Yet before this Society was granted its charter there were no laws in Pennsylvania which protected durob beasts. Our Year Book and Forty-Eighth Annual Report recount in detail the history and present-day efficiency of this, the oldest hu mane organization in the State the second oldest in America. It isn't filled with cut-and-dried statistics or shocking specimen casj.s. It tells you a lot you ought to know about modern anti-cruelty methods. WRITE FOR IT TODAY AddreM Dept 3. The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated April 4. 1808 Headquarters, 1627 Chestnut Street wf ly outweighing tho number of ncwsorders made during tho year. In 1912 tho number of attachments for non-compllanco overbalanced the num ber of new orders to tho extent of 402, In 1913 the dlffercnco aggregated 604. EXTRADITION I3NFOIICED. "riurlng my term In office," said Mr. Ilyan, "wc stringently enforced tho extra dition law." Tho foregoing figures nnd Mr. Ilyan'a statement lend color to tho belief that woro tho law of 1913 enforced a much greater number of men could bo Influ enced to support their families; the extra dition law would havo to bo Invoked loss frequently, and when administered It would provo more cffectlvo of tho desired reulU. Mr. Little, general secretary of tho So ciety for Organizing Charity, says: "If both tho compulsory support law nnd Uio act of 1903, which makes desertion and non-support a misdemeanor, could bo'on forced, It would havo a wonderful Influ ence upon hundreds of men and their famlllts In the County of Philadelphia." It would seem then that oven whero tho extradition law of 1903 Is strictly en forced It still needs tho enforcement of tho stone pllo law to effect any material ndvantngo either to tho Stato or to tho Individuals most nearly concerned tho wives nnd children of the men who re fuse to support them. BAD ODORS WORRY OFFICIALS New Jersey Health Department Sum mons Chemical Company for Hearing TRENTON, Keb. 10. It Is announced by tho Stato Department of Health that tho Hulls Ferry Chemical Company, of Edgcwntcr, had been cited to appear be fore tho Stato Department at Its mectlncf to ho held Tuesday next, to show cause) why an application for an Injunction for bidding tho company to liberate chemical fumes Into the ntmosphcro should not bs made. Investigations by Inspectors of tho de partment havo shown, It Is nlleged, thnt tho manufacturing processes carried on by this company give rise to objectlonablo odors. , Repairing Since 1837 For 70 years we havo devoted our energies to well-executed and dependable watch repairing. Tho reputation wo havo ucqulred forms a tradition thnt calls for grenter efforts to slvo perfect service to our customers. i C.R. Smith & Son fflarkot Jt. at 18th Jfi - - Throughout the City and Suburbs t 'I iHtttti2 li$&YX Watck fi wj&m ife N