EVENING LiDGKR-PHTLADELPlTlA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRtTARY OjlOl 18 When in Search of a Better Position Advertise Your Capabilities in the Paper Employers Invariably Rej !B. C !i I TOR SAtiE !6.W-vtrTnnt.A. Vt and 0 10-ln t. r. fee erds, guaranteed to be In perfect condition; an excellent outfit for one who In looking for A good machine At ft reasonable ptlro; BO writs weekly accepted; mil or write for com. plcte descriptions and large Illustrated cata- JinPPK'8 UPTOWN STOIlBS Corner Ctli and Thompson sts. LAnCKi BOISON TAI.KINa MACHINE, with cabinet and m records; finished In bwtullfnj quartered onki cost new $sii mn be paid . cents weekly: on excellent bargain! In good rendition; .write for complete list of bargains ami speelat trill offer. , . ., IIBPFKB UITOWN BTOItllS Corner filh nnd Thompson ta. 80 CENTS WKEI'IAVIUtYS A VICTROLA Cull or wrllo for 'particulars. IIBPPB'S UPTOWN STORES Corner oth nnd Thompson nil. SLIGHTLY ued slleinir"rnne"hlnes, nil kinds, nt grcntly reduced prices. 1024 Arch St. 1IEATIN0 MAKIN-Knt.SKvTmAI.TII HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water, l'ire fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KKI.SKY, (1 N IMh st Phlla. INSTRUCTION "(Vlir NOT make extra money writing photo plays? Increase nur Income, p.irtlcitnra free II 3.1. Ledger Hronch moi Market st. STENOGRAPHY nnd bookkeeping by Individual Instruction, eon re renulres onlr few tieeks. rms. guar 701 Locust tWaenlnrton Burn re I. OUNfl OKNTLKif AN "wished to gl"i rrenrh lessons, cepeelatlv rending una conTersatlon. A :112. Lodger (Jfllio LAUNDRIES TAMILY wash. Mt r. ban, nil woFlies teturn ed In less than 21 hours. North I'hlln. IJjrnji W!ash Laundry, 1011 N. 11th. Ph. Tioga Mftt. MACHINERY AND TOOLS iTTKNTION Mr. fontrnctor, Mr. Purchasing Agent, hot.tlng cngltics, OJjxIO to 'XI2 I). ( . T, D. nnd :i drum skeleton and with boilers; steam shovels, ." to 70 ton, locomotUes. der ricks, enrs, mixers, eti , nil sl7ea T '.. O'llrlen Co., 11 8. ISth st. Kprueo W2"i. Kverythlng the contr'torsneed. TOCOM KIllCTION CLUTCH nullejs ntil KKICTION CUT-OKI-" couplings nre often the 143 0rt" Br0n,lAMlY!)COM-- "QN MTt. COSCIlUTi: MAN. when you nnnt 11 mix er, don't fall to see the Interstate lutch Mixer, bag JJ7.1 ono lug. .WO; complete with sldo loader. T II. O'lirlcn, Agent, 41 S. 1.1th et. Sprucn I.TStt. pownn-PLANT nqi'iPMCNT Dvnamos. .motors hollers, ste.itn nnd oil en nines, nurnns, nlr compresHors. FHANK TOOMRY Inc ..t27 N.3det, ' SECOND-HAND PIPi: ... , Cut and threaded to sketch; largo quantity ol all sues In stock, tlrltnth IH1-20 Moyer tit. t!OY YOL'll I.DATIIRIl HEt.TINO .. Dimxrr rito.M Tin: MANrrAfrrritnn CHAIU.nS HQND COMPANY. n'J) AHC1I HIV DYNAMOS, motors anil mil him ry bniight, Bold nnd rented, armatures rep.ilre I Main 111, Market .lwaYi-nrsley Ce 221 N. .Id st . OXsTiNOINi:, Otto 21 ll. P. for sale, gnso- Une attach. , used erv little. A-l con., can bo houghtjlght. Howard Sujiplec ltosemont. Paj KoADrnOLM5Il ID.ton" "Iroquois, three-wheel macadam ivpe. icsien in ncm.11 ptr.Hi.-, ill (Tin., icon "" JJBYFnhT'S. 137 N..1.l Bt. 2, a. 4. U, 8-Inch power pipe machines, bolt cutters, power presses, foot presses, screw presses.. Nt'TTALL. 174H N. r,th. OAS. 'OASHMNH AND OIL ENOINCS OA8 AND OIL KNOtNi: CO... 4.1 N 7T1I ST. ALL Sl.ns Becond-hand pipe i-ut to order. M. J. HUNT. Will Peach st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PUAYEtl.PIANO-127.1 WILL lll'Y NUIV SV note player-piano. Wo hav, 10 or these Instru ments In stock and It will pav any nno who really wnnts n. plnor-plnnn for one-half the original price to cart nt our factory or write lor particulars Lose no time, as these few pianos -will soon be sold. Terms made to suit, IIOWAHD VINCUNT STO-VIS-MO N. ISTII Established (Wl ears. PIANO Slin NBW rPltttlllT PIANO. Theso pianos wero mude to sell Tor 827.1. sriuo. $-irci Guarnntccil for M carH. Having purchaseil the entire stock of these 11)111 stvle plnnoa. of a prominent New York manufacturer at ridic ulously low figures. I will cIobc them out at prices never before heard of. Sill. . HOWARD VINCIJNT. NKI-MS-SIO N. OTH Jstnbllshed 50ears. CIIICKKRINO fl'Itlfl'T 1'IANO. Full size. S73 HOWAItD VINCRNT, KIH-KIS-810 N. OTH Established fid years. ClIICKDIHNO "fPIHOHT. IAIlQi: SIZ1J. e:oo,I condition. SI2.1 IIOWAHD VINC12NT, KtO-tlS-SIO N. OTH Established .1ljcarB. ClIICICllHINn L'l'IIIflUT MEDIUM SIZE. C-ond condition SI I". HOWARD VINCENT. H-llt-MS-SIO N. OTH Established fill eara. 8TEINWAY lliiby Grand, perfect mndltlon. Call nnd make offer or semi for cntalogue. HUWAttU VIUiJT, -Ul-tl-MlU ;, U11I Kstahllshed r,0 ears DTEINWAV VERDI-ORAND, IN PINE CON. dltlon. Make offer. Tonne rould lie nrranged. HOWARD VINCENT. M0-S.IS.SI0 N. uTI! liniapiisncii ii carH. 8TEINWAY rPUKllIT LAROEST SIZE. Must e solft at once. Ver reas'able. Terms to suit. HOWARD VINCENT. S-III-S.IS-SIO N. I.TII Estalillshed .10 ears 8TKINWAY CI'ItlOHT. PCLL SIZI MA hogany cure. Excellent condition. Plrst reas onable offer accepted Terms can be nrranged. HOWARD VINCENT, Mtl-S-JN-SIO N. OTH . Estnbllsheit fid veara. BTKINWAY PPnidllT ERONV" CASE, me dium, size, fine condition. Can bo bought at a very low rlguro for tnsh or easy terms. ' IIOWAIII1 VINCENT, H.lll-h.ls-810 N. OTH Established CO vcars KN.VIIE PLYKR I'fANO-Handsnme mahog. nny case, JW-note. like new. first reaa offer Hccepte.li sould consliler easy payments. HOWARD VINCENT. MO-KIK-SIO N. OTII ICstnbllshed ,10 years EMERSON UHHIOIIT. PULL SIZE. FINE Jfl.l. Sctiil for catalogue of -over i ondltlon. "On (list audi hnrralm HOWARD VINCENT. SIO-SHS-eM N. OTII Established f0 ,ears. BTEINWAY PARLOR ORAND. IIEAUTIFUI. tono and condition. Will Bell cheap. Call or send for prices. Terma to suit. liuwAitu viai;i;at, mo-wx-sio n. OTII Established BO years. WEItER IIPRIOIIT 1'IANO. condition guar anteed, J8.1. Terms to suit. Send for cata logue of over 200 lust such bargains. HOWARD VINCENT. KM-KM-MO N. OTH Established f.lt ears. BTKINWAY UPltlqjlT. MEDIUM SIZE. PElt fect eendltlon: will Hell very iheap. Miko offer. Terms could bo arranged. HOWARD VINCENT. MO-SlS-SIO N. OTH Established 50 years. CHICKKItlNO SS-NOTE PLAYER PIANO. Fine mahogany case. This Instrument Is ns f;ood as new and can ba bought at u rldlcu euily low riguie. Easy terms could be ar- HoV'ARD VINCENT. Rlfl.S.IR-810 N. OTII Established SO icuru. PRIVATE OWNER must sell player-piano: very Utile used noted make; finest music rolls, with mahogany cabinet. 1.110 North Hroad Call afternoons 134" VICTOR VICTROLA VI, Including 21 so. lections lis lu-ln. D K records): this liutru. nt hia a double spring and all the latest features. Including the new concert sound tux, and U an excellent machine In every way, can he paid for at the ralo of 73 cents weekly; call or write for complete descriptions and Urge Illustrated' catalogues. JIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Otli and Thompson sts. PETEYWe Let Him MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VtCTRoLAS ...... 'o Needles to Change. nflto or mil for full particulars of the hew Addition to this wonderful instrument, the Vlrtor Vlclrota IIFttPIN I'lTfllVV STORKS Comcr nth nnd Thompson m. IVl'tlS , ft POND SS-NOTH PLAYER PIANO. roll sis, mahogany ense. This Is a very fine Inslrumtntt In perfect condition. Make oiler. Term ran be arranged . Howard vincrst. snfl-H.Tt.9ioN. oti(. . KatnbllsheilJW j Lenra. H.UlOAtNH In new and slightly used pianos, i-iciiiwny, iinriiman nti'i outers; ngrncv tor Columbia grafnnolis nn,l records, Matiermnn, . i'to nnn .Master sis. Open evenings. records, i::rito.. sr. tp hoi-gut ROLLS. 0127 MARKET. A BOLD. 1'fANO flood make upright, best "tnndlttoni lidy muit sell this neck. 200!) N. Uth st. OLD GOLD ot.tt nnt.t sller platinum, plntod ware, old- din (,. rl.t trcth plates tiniigiu tor casn. ksi. into ,1 i.. nark, renner, ut wnsom. CAFUl PAII IVIt IlIAMONI)8. PltllflOUS stones, qntd. stKer, plallnitni. false., teeth. I'hlln. SmeltinK A lief. Co. 131 8. 11th st. OahH until for diamonds prni lous stones, gold, sllier. platinum, fnlse teeth. Itellable He- lj ' .!.-"' I j'"'1.: ,-......- .......,..... tliiltiB Co , nth nnd Wnlnut sts OU) not.t) Cosh mid for old cold. sller, nntloue clncss lll call Pell phone. Locust tain. norii-:ii8 27 4. 17th st. PRINTING SOCIKTY enRnulnr. nedillnir lnltntlnns nnd lsltliiff cards, emboi'slnR nnd pilntlm; (;nrd Shop, loot fhetntitit st. Open etrnliiRS. STORAGE CONTINENTAL HTOIIAfli: U AltKIIOIJSH SOI'lI -ST. AMOVi: I'lin.STNtlT PACH1NII. MOVINU 8IIIPPINO Hugs, Carpoty, ileined. sroured, stored. Hell, Locust HitiO I'lir.nc-M lc,, Unca lltlO. riDRi.iTY riiiupitoni WAiii:iiou8i-:g JSII-tSIII MAIIKIIT BT. ATLAS BTOIlA'll: WAIIIJIIOI'St: Storage. moving, paiklng, chipping, carpet cleaning, I'll, llarlng 7.",2 tor estimate. Market and n?th. McCANN'S WIOItA'li: IIOPSI2. 17IS" N. 11th st.; moving, pocking, shipping: auto vnn. Uolh phones. Let us estimate. m WHPTPJIILA. .MONAIW'II STOItAOH CO. WIJST PHILA. Auto packing nnd shipping. WIJHT PIIIIJ.;as70 LAN(rASTHItAVir. rillUPHIJllP. Molllploo Concl etc Wn rehouse. N. Phlll. Storage Co.. 20.1 Lelllgh. Tlo. . i2o0, I'linoi and 1'iirtiltiiro nought nnd Sold. STOHAilli In si'pnrnte rooms niovlng. pacuTng, shipping and arret I'cMtitng. I.ccln Pros., 20C llldge ho. Pnp'nr H02I. WANTED ANTIQl'H rrilNITt'lli:, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jcwelrj gold, sllccr, diamonds bought. 7nr. Walnut. Wnlnut 7020, Estnb, 'lit). CAST-OKI CLOTIIINO HIGHEST I'ltlCES PAID Poll LADIES' CMC Jll-e c.i.ii I Jll.it. Oil PHONE l'OPLAlt IITI42. WItlTIJ runi'ijH, tutu umAiui Avh. CAHT-OI'I-' CLOTIIINC, Wo buy .our n!d i lathing and pay more than other dealers for lothtiig. hats, shoes, etc. I'lirti:. ,.ns rallowhlil st. wenu pniiai. CAST-OP!" CLOTlilNO - Wo posltHcly pay Uth more for grntlc men's clothing, shoes; send poHtal. we i.ill ,hi or evg., city or aub. lYlcdtn.ill Ilros., 1114 South st.. i'h.Dlck.lllro. CAST-OI'I'" CI.OTHINn-lIIgh prlcctj. ladles' ecenlng gowns, gentlemen s clothing: postnl or ph , Mkt. 2(i'i0 SellKsohn, th and Sp.Jldn. CAST-OFP CLOTIIINC.-Hlghest prbes 'inlirfor 1 idles' nnd men's clothing, hats, shoes, etc.; plmno Poplar .is:i Hli kcr. 12OT Poplar jt. c".ST-o"l''l "CLOTHING bought, "best prices pnld lor men's goods. Write or phone. Mnl mit IWIS. Schllltz. 227 N. !lthBt. I'l'Il'ITUItn. pianos, carpets, antiques: entlra or part houwes I ought for cash: no matter how large. J. llernsteln. lMI Itldgo ave. HIGHEST I'ltlCES PAID l'OIt DIAMONDS. old golil sneer, pl.itlnum, l.use leeiu. ato p.inn tliketB nno rilbertnt i lHoorfront. HIGHEST PRICES Pild rnr"cen"tlemen's'sults. 7S7flalnhrldBe st l'hnne. Walnut 1720 WANTED Desk room 111 prominent IiiihIiios hullilliig with telephone and stenographic ser- lce. A 102, 1-cdgcr Office. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2021 Desirable single nnd double mis , prlv. bntha. well heateil. $2 up Spruce .1.10.1. BOVEIt ST.. .15.1.1 fflln ) -lirge front loom, furn., fin, light housekpg ; reaa. (Itn. 21P2.I. IIIIOAD, N MS !! will-furnlshcd rooms, prl vate h ith: stcond floor, bo.irdjiptlon.il. . ltltoWN. 20104 unfurn. rooms, 2d llonr. pri vate bajh. heat, hot water. ?11. Pop. -M.U W. ClfESTNUT" 1004" Very desirable single room- 2d nnd fid Moors- steam heat. I'll Ixicust711 CHESTNI'T. 200f Desirable sr ( ond-lloor room and bath, wjth iillionvenlenmi. , DIAMOND ST.. HMO Two rooms and private bath, or single front room: running water; gentlemenprefcrreiL Diamond ,10i:i J. DIAMOND, 1100 Oiio iipefv furnished second front; coinni. . cheap: children ai (eiitedjph. (HRARD, W.. I'll.! riirnlshed or unfurnished room.refi rence, private family. IOCP8T. lVII-Well-furnlshcd slnglo room. Ith door ,Jlo per montii. MlVvTHClMnttV AVi:.. . 14:cl U'ell"furn 2d HtoryroomsL adj. bath.Dlamond .1490 W, PARK. N., 2007 Attrnctlio rooms: single or en suite: private bath: electricity; phono. PARK AVE.. 2IW Piirnlshcil moms well heated all tonvcnlences. Diamond 0700 W. PINE ST. HiiSSIngln room, mar bath: well heated. PhonoI.o'Ustos:'2 J. RIDOE AVE . 2.1111 Nicely" furnished room, ion( nlcn( s. Phone Diamond loot J, SPItl'CE. 2022 Owner will rent attractively furn. bachelor apt of 2 large rooms, prlvato b.(th,flreplacerefercnccs xchangedj WALNUT AND UTH Two or three young men to sharo bachelor apartments. Tho Cler mont. Phono Vtn rill g 7.122 W . WALNUT. .loO.'1-Nleclv furnished rooms: all eomcnlenies: near "I." 10TII. S 30(1 Rooms, single or en suite, wltn private bath Phono Wnlnut (SHI. 13TH, N.. i:i07 Comfortable furn. rooms; physician's office, elec llghta Poplar .'i-"fi7. UTH, S., 210 Newly ruriflshed rooms; mod- conveniences, rhone Walnut 0103. 13TH, N.. 17ir Room. with board; c'onv. to bath: gentlemen or mar. touple. Dla.JlOIW, 10T1I. N , 1721 Comrortoble 2-room suite, batli modern home; no housekeeping. lliTH. S . .TI Well furn. rooms, 2d tloor; run- nlng water: tirlvate bath. locust 3012. 20TH. N.. 1(IIS-Nlcelv furn room. 2d-floor frontjexcel.car service; good loc. Pk..10IH A, 40TII. N . 717 Second or third story rooms; longing; nouscKceping' convs. :j)iione. 4STII. 8 431 Ono or two gentlemen can have 2 nicely furnished roomB. 2d tloor: private bath smalLjidult family. WITH. S. 131 Handsomely furnished 2d-floor sunnv rooms: electric light, hot-water heat: restricted nelghliorhood: prlvato: phone. SIST. S 32 Nlce.y furn.. well heated front rooms, elec, itgnt; an convs. iieimont mw J. 621). N. iHfl Attractively furn Sd-llonr front room: prlvato family, llelmont 7232 W. (OTH, S , 1.17 Cheerful, furnished rooms fo? housekeeping: gas, electric; linen; near A I'hone llelmont 40)1.1. DUS1NESS WOMAN, having a nice homo, wishes to rent dining, kitchen and 1 or mon bedrooms, furnished, to reliable people: ref erence. Phone Woodland 1(0.1 M IJEAUTIFUI.LY furn. rm . with or without hath. : elec.: exclusive sec. Preston 2201 J PLEASANT room or suite, genu, good trolley service. adjoining bath: Tioga sam W. ROOMS WANTED TWO bright, unfurnished, communicating first or second floor rooms for dressmaking and light housekeeping, give full description; must be reasonable rent and good location; for prompt-paying tenant. A 30'J. Led. Off. Do Things Like This Just to Humor Him BOARDING nALTIMOrtK, 4I0 Uirce, sunny second-floor ronmx couple or Rentlemer.eicellfnt JnWe. CAMAC, N., 2lni. ItrKO room, nejtt to bathi S Rentlemen or married rottnlo; Protestant rmllyireas. . nenr trolley. I)lam M7.t J. . Clir.8TRIt AVI2.. M2l-IrR0 2d-noor front room; southern capoMiro; excellent table. COl.LKOi: AVIi. N., Brtll-Newly fur. rooms, M n, front, nenr balhj very rens. to couple or RntlrnMi excellent table. Pop. 120:1 J, Mlitlflll AVIlTw., Ira7-Pr!iale family lias few vacancies: excellent table: nit conten . Irnccs; near cars; phone TIor.i 7.TM) W. Sl'lliJi'U, 1012 nioTmcliureO-llenutlfuilv turn? rooms, prliato bath, with bord; table hijard, KPIUrt'i:, t2-J0-l,ntRo rooms, slnRle "or en suite; prlwtte baths; tnblebonrd. SI'ltrci:. lil.'l-Vil (llrlsmonde)-Kiirn. rootnsT sinRle, en sullo. prlvatn baths; tnhln hoard. 2I8T."N., 1tmo-3d rront,fiim,i niso 2d front room, unfurn , homo tnble. Diamond 1800 J. 20TII. N.. 2(12.-,r2d-flnor front for 2 KenllemenT wlth board. Diamond 1122 J. JI1TII flinrsuiinv rooms: excellent tnble: phone. BOTH, 8. l.'ll-Handpomely furnished front room; electricity; hnt-nnter heat, phone. BOARD WANTED WAVrnn-A oulet boarding house In the suburbs, nenr the trnllevs, Overbrook pre ferred, state terms, fl 717, I.odgor Central. T SANITARIUMS niJADTirUL location: special scientific earo; nervojs, olderlv: oery comfort: nOrses. Hooklct. Dr. Itandnl, Cltv line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 11-slorv concrete nnd steel flreprnof slritcture reaches the highest point of ilo velopmrnt as set iltnlncd In npnrttnent cnnstruilinn nnd tuny be properly styled a perTei t tdai e of abode. An earnest effort lias been made to offer a mati bless homo to those whoso first con sideration Is not to count the cost alone, but to procure that which they desire, where there Is onlc perfection, the slro nnd character of which may be selected nnd shared according to the distinctly require ments of the IndlMdual Suites am arranged front two rooms nnd one bath In ten rooms nnd nvo baths, Includ Inp seeral desirable bachelor suites. The location Is excellent, being conven ient to the business nnd shopping centres and vet not too near. All things considered, the rentnts nro moderate. further Information, .arrangements for In spection nnd reservations may be mado through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut Street. WALNUT AND UTH STS. IS. W. Cor.), mod. suite: exceptionally attractive: high ceilings: abundantly lighted on three shies: sullnblo for housekeeping. If desired. $7.1. Janitor on premises. MARKER. HAUTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut st. . 10.1 H. 11TII ST. ItaelKlor apartments: cxiep llonnlly desirable 2d-Moor suite. 2 large rim. and bith: cvtry modern lmt)rovement: Janitor on premises: steam heat Included. IIXltHCIl, HAUTMAN At ('O.r.'UICheMnut. OXroi.D. '.Iios (near Parki I moms mid bath; hot-water heat. Ahernethy, 2721 N. ."Ih, KI.I S. 12th. WALNUT. 1i:il-.TI-Comfortnblo npartments, 1 to 1 looms, sonic furnished; first-class serv ice. Apply lanltnr. Phono Spruco IMP- N. W. COR. I7TII AND HANSOM STS. Two desirable nptrlmentx, ono loom and bath each. Applv .las. D. Wlnchell. otpreml'es SITtlNO HARDEN. 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses: snmofurti.;kltchencttcs TIOOA. 1117, WEST, at lltn.id-1 anil bath: tnnilerti: sleini bent, moderate rent ATTRACTIVE suite of unfurnished rooms, aav lug two rooms, with tirlvalo ti.itb, gas om! el .(trie llgh. Imprnved vapor-lieattng system. ei"vaior serv. ; sirniiy iirejirooi niog. : eomrni' ly located: rent lo k $.Vi, rerereiu,, necccs.iry. YARROW X. VAN PELT 17TII AND CHESTNUT STS. THE PARKSIDE 40TAv-$NSi!, IRARD OI'I'OSITE 1'AIRMOUNT PARK One to four roonia and bath; reasonable terms. Phone Raring 221. WILL SUI1LET attractive apartment. 3 out side rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished. The Gladstone, tllh and Pine sts. Apply Apartment r,0. Phone FUlicrt .1171 J. COnONADA 22d nnd Chestnut sts. A few desirable vacancies, largo and small. WEST PHILADELPHIA I OITER a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost nny require ment. Call or send for 11H. Automobile service to Inspect npartments If dedred. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. SPRUCE :i07l RACE .102.1. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CHESTNUT. 201R 1 rooms, hath, shower, ele ator: nil outside rooms; gentlemen desired. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE WARWICK Ki0fl-S-10 Kansom street A modern 7-stor llreproof building, contain ing suites of apartments having 4 to 0 rooms with all conveniences for housekeeping. Tho (titlrn water supply In this building is Altered. There nro 2 or 3 desirable vaean cks; one suite on the ,1th floor, containing 0 rooms, at $.1.1 per month, nnd ono on the 3d floor, at f'Ai per month. There Is a cn tercr In the building who will servo meals when wnntcd. either In the public dining room or In tho ntiartments. WHITESIDE ft McLANAHAN N. W. Cor. 1.1th nnd Pino sts. THE MONTEVISTA 03D AND OXFORD STS. In tho exclusive overbrook section, within 2.1 minutes to City Hall via Market st. ele vated and (loth st, rrosiiovvn line, which runs direct to G3d and Oxford sts. Suite or from .1 to 7 rooms and balh from JKi to (7.1. Dining room located In building. PHONE OVEJtnttOOK ,100S ALL THE FINEST modern npartments, con structed and under construction, are listed In my office, as well as thoio at moderate rents. Let me give you details. MEUTON. w. ilREIMS. Real Estate Trust llldg. Walnut 3071. Race 14C0. Originator "Aiurtment llureau" ServKe. "'"""10r FOR HOUSEKEEPING APARTMRNTS IN Winr PHILADELPHIA OR UERMANTOWN SEE Edward PIutchinsonLJi01r-l-;7"j,33t; THE ENOLEWOOL. 320 S. IITH ST.-fdeal lentral hoiisekieplng upartments: suites, ,'i rooms, kitchenette and hath. Applv Janitor on nremUes, or LEWIS A. TAULANE. 000 Walnut st. NORFOLK APARTMENT8 Desirable I and B room upartments near park: Janitor service; reasonablo rental). ltechtel. 3232 Ridge nve. FOR modern furn. or unfurn. apartments Northwest Phlla. and Tioga, ice us first. bCIIOEPPY & CO.. 1317 MontgcomeryaveI HOUSEKEEPING npta.. all parts or city: rents $21 to $70 per month, call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. POI'LAIt APARTMENTS.JfllB-20 Poplar st. 2. a and 4 loom BUltes, Tur. or unfur.; hot- Waterhoat: private baths: hot water. FIVE rooms and bath.lieat. hot waler;Janltor o. ...". -i'KJ ,. rjtuin.imn ttve. DIAMOND .JII'J Thraa t-nnmu K . I. . 1.1. -u TT hot-water heat and hot water: $23; refs. IGTli, N.. 1401 Large houkekeeplng suite, fur nlshed. $5. room, prlvattfuath, $I.1S0. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1M2 NOUTII l.VTlt ST. Modern botisekeeplnR apnrtmentsi 'reduced rentals: just renovated throuxhout, Apply to Janitor, on oremlses. or I, DU'IH A. TAD 8. V. cor. Uth nnd Walnut sts. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OP SECURING AN APARTMENT You run look nt ono after another until Von nnr on or Youn ko n round to Hip ittfTerent flsrenrlcs tintll in t1cpilr vou tnko one, or You Can Call, Phono or Write to This Office It In nultfl true that nmny rvrry ileMrnMn iii.irtmrnt In PhllnrlrMMiln In 1 1 Med with nnd mav he rpiitcl through u, Cnll upon i In our new office; they nre reilly quite Htlraf tlvei nti will bo riven thf mon lourteou nnd edlclent nerlr ob tnlnnble. An niitr-tinntillA la wnlllnrr In tntsA t'rtii In the lhu of npnrtmrntn you ilenlttnnte, nnd If hy nnv rhnnre sou nro not ncrfertlv aulted. our entire nrjrinlzntlon will ho tlnrrd nt jour t!lpo,Tl to pr-xuro fori ou exactly jour henrt'n dewlre. Think of nil tho Irouhlo ou will hnvo efivefl nn'l how Rlntl you will Ixs to know vou niii-fl foun-l the ono npnrlnunt In I'hllndel nhln whlrh moit nenrly nppronrhci jour exnrt Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD till WALNtr'P ST. Spruce .TD71 . Race .1021 WEST PHILADELPHIA THC RUTLAND APTS . JUST COMPLETED. ,ULI M- M . (IIT1I TO n.iTII ST. B-rooms-and-h.iih npartments. with oil the latest ton cttlcmoe.siu tt, yrJ.r.o per month, .. .. llOIIEUT I'lTTS, AOENT. Hell phone llelninnt I IM. ,14 III locust St. THE NETIIEIlLANDt SEVERAL DESIRAIILE VACANCIES 1111. UTH AND CHESTNUT STS. 0 rootnn and bath. 7 rooms and hath. , , Mil I'Elt sinNTII AND lp C1IARLES II. llC'KLi:V,:ll S. 10th sL THE WAIIUHN. 1001 0.1 H. 40TH ST, -The most atttactlte 2d-llnor nnirlment In West Philadelphia: 0 Inrgo rooms and bath fnll outside), with priwito porcli: beautiful sur roundings TAYLOR A. SON, 21 nnd 21! S. 4Cth St. DRENEL APARTMENTS OVEItllltOOH STATION One housekeeping suite 0 rooms nnd bath. ,"n..5l per mouth, public dining room. Phone Oxerbrook )112S. THE CHILTON First nnd tlilrd Moor npartments from fin to $:i.i MHH. R. McLAlN. .'I2IS ltnrlngsL (1REY flAIILEH .112-11 N. .Till st. Attrnctho npt. 0 to 7 nutsido looms: shower bath; good transportation; rcnsonnlilc. ESSEN, ,11th nnd Chestnut: Monterev, 4"ld nnd Chester: llelmont. .'I Ith and Spring ilnrdcn. Inquire lanitor or Cresse::osJlale Ithtg, $'t(t Wynneflelil Apts, .K'.tll c Lallsdowne ave. : .1 rms. and balh, bright and cheerful, porches, CASPAR - CO. Old nnd Haverford nve. (Jerniiinttivvn WALNUT LANE, I".. 1.101 nnd fi moms nnd bath Jiot-water heattir;norch; $2.1 to S.1.1. Hnv crfonl, I'n. HAVERFORD. PA. NEW SIMPLEX and Dt-plox Apartments: one minute's walk front station: southern txpo sure: bcautltul surrotiiidlngH: unsurr3fcsed lo cation, tiiorlrnite rentals. Mcll.VAIN As CO. 1MR Ijind Title Rultdlng, Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS WASHINOTON'S RIRTHDAT Patriotic Celebration Suitable Souvenirs. Henuilful Electrical Effects. DOLLAR DINNER DANCE Tito Great Ilusrnl New York Ranjo-Drum Orchestra at tho Splendid HOTEL MAJESTIC APARTMENTS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP $3,000,000 PROPERTY SPECIAL $2 RATE. INCLUDING RATH Resides n $3 Rate. Sumptuous Parlor. Itcdrnom nnd Hath, nil Outside Rooms, for Trnnsicnt Guests. MONTHLY RENTAL SCHEDULE Single looms, without bath, but running water, with bath ad joining, and each room Hultnblo for two persons... $30 to $10 Single rooms. Including large, at tractive bath $10 to $.10 Two-room suites, including large, attractive bith $0.1 to $100 Three. room suites, including large, attruitlvo b.tth $S1 to $1.10 High-class French kitchens nt reasonable R rices. All footl supplies from tho big mar ets every morning jiurchased personally by the management. Cheaper than housekeep ing, with no expensive nor troublcsomo serv ants. SUDSTANTIAL CLUR RREAK KAST 30c. 40c, r,(lc. SPECIAL WIIOLESO.ME. ATTRACTIVE (III,: LUNCHEON. 20 PER CENT. DIS COUNT PROM A LA CARTE CHARGES FOR REGULAR OUEhTS. VIENNESE GROTTO AND AMER ICAN (.'Alt;, WITH MOST EN LIVENING CARPENTER CAS TELLE MUSIC NIGHTLY. ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED AT I'ltlCES OF $l.r,(l, $2. MWI. $3 AND $.1 PER COVER for nil University, Club School nnd Lodge llannucts, Suppers, Dinner Dances, Dinner Parties and Luncheons. A SPECIAL PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR PER COVER for Ruffet Supper. Including complimentary use of ballrooms for dancing for any num. bei up to OS) participants. JAMES A MEAD. Proprietor. JAMES S. iVUTf.Ni:ara' Meager. SPRUCE AT UTH ST. HOTEL COLONIAL Newly redeeorated and refurnished through out: comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by the day, week or month at rea sonable rates: services id culslno unexcelled. WM. P. KIlN.ViV". Manager ALDINE HOTEL cl$3ES?JvF The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE DELMAR-MORRIS GERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE STATION. PENNA. St "t"?iminai! l,NUTUa I'lt0it nitoAD ATTRACTIVk'lY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND IIOUSEKCEP. ING APARTMENTS. mw" THE CLINTON TE,gH,,Ij"w 200 ROOMS. IJVERY CONVENIENCE Ia1urn1shed or unfuniUhed. cither by lease or transiently, suites of one to four rooms, with hath. THE GLADSTONE ll'l2I1- b APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR IINFW11N1HIIBD AHSOLUTBLY FIREPROOF APARTMENT HOTELS Tim V-nvtvuxilM ciinsT.M'T and .aifir STS. It. I ENCILE MANAOEJJ. ALSO THIIENOLESIDE IIEACII HAVEN. N, J. Tiii:"tAsiiw-nori ISO? CHESTNUT STREET. Hffttltifullv furti. or unfurn. rooms. Private baths. Excellent service. THE HHLVIDEIll ,, N. ' COIl. P'TII AND LOCtlST (WEST HlrTENHOI'SK SOIIARE) , PNDi:itNIJWMA:A'HiMKNT THE ESMOND AyXtuc.!2T,t SPITE OI' 2 lloriJII AND RATII. PIRMANENTTOIt TIIANSIP.NT OUKSTS nOTH AND CHESTNI'T . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ell v 101.1 NORTH PARK AVENUE Elegant browtilono dwelling, with 1 IRn; class appointments and In prrf(Cl condition! II rooms, side vard rear iiorrh: nnillKrii ex posure: may be examined by permit. m. I.. Craven's Sons, 1.11(1 North ilh . NEAR STlf ANI) Lf.HKlll -Ilrlclt dwellltig. Id moms nnd bath, hot-nlr heat, gns; lot Ifixid, prhe I.V). Rent ,10. II. II. McCOLLCM, ,, 1311 Walnut si.. I'lilLidrlnliln. "Don't Forgot the Numhrr . 2211 N. PRANKLIN ST 1-slonv brick dwell lug, 12 rnotus. hot-wntrr heal, line (ondltlon, X.I2V). can be piirdinsed entiiplrtcly riirnlshed nt a very low figure. Applv on premises, or North Philadelphia Trust Co.. Ilto.id and lIHe ate. . . . 2010 TfRNEIl ST.-A good Investment: 3- ,,. IL.nnm l.rlnl. l,,.,,rt' In enOll COnOI- nilllJi ,'-l'"lU, ,i,,.n ,,,,ur- , ... n , tlnn. modern plumbing nnd conveniences, nlwnjs rented: rent 20 per month: price J s.'lisi. i ravens, -ill" v oiumom ii.-. . U!I7" stil'TII t7Tll-:i-slorv brlik store and dwelling, store, s moms and bith; 5'",I, ,0tll" lion: price right for oulik sale. ('HAS. . MIJLI.Illt. 4UI-KI7 Commonwealth HtilldliiB. "" MO"! LOCUST ST. , Hnndsome, modern 1-story tirowntnne ''well ing. Especially tilted for professional offices. JLow prlro and easy terms for oulck sale. inir N. IIIIOAD ST. - :i-storv. all brow-nstono finnt : lot 22x1,10 ft. to rear slrtet; price moderate .... ("HAS I.. IIUOVVN A ( ().. -1 t. n".'I 1211 WEST ALl.EOHENY AVE . II rooms J baths; near new subway stntlon: gas water heater, steam bent: excellent condition: limit- furnished. Applvnn premises. . 1H.11 N. lIlfdAD ST.-3 story, nil broivnstono Done lot 22xir,o ft. to K.ir street; price moderate. ,... . . CHAS. L.HROWN CO.. 217 S. Rrond st. NINTH ST. rACINo"HUNTINO PARK We have several Ideal propositions near tho Northeast lloulevnrd that inn ho bought right, I'll 1 ED RICI lft CO. si.i N. 12th. 2020 N, STII ST. l-storv" brick dwelling, s rooms and Intii; house In excellent condition. (HAS. W. MILLER, 101-107 Commonwr ilth llulldlng N. E. 10TII AND MT.'VEn.VON. 1-1 large rooms, hnth: largo lot. suit npartments; chcnp. Mjers ft Ilarth, Rldgo nve. and loth. .100" S. 17TII Store' protnrtv. "20xS0; to close estate WORHE'.L CO.. .".1 N. 17th. 2V AND 2.12 NORTH .ITH ST. Two 4-story houses: lot .lOxtrO foit to Itiese st, L. A, WHITE.. 1",07 W Tioga St. 2010 N7 2.1TII 2-torv s-rooni dwelling: nil conveniences; price reasonable; easy terms, INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO., 10.10 N J-'rnntst. N. E. COR. 1 tt Ii nnd Jefferson sts.-"rms. and" stote. this property touts bo sold to settle est. (!. C. SEIDEL H CO.. Ith and Callowblll sts S. W COR. 10TII AND CHERRY STS. T-ot 21x10,1. JAMES D. WINC1IELL. N. W. nr. 17th nnd S.illsnm sts. HAVE a ttalncd. mnlldcnlnl realtv man rcn msent you in having tuopcrty. This Is my STieel.illv 1 can sive vou money. WALTER C. REDDING. 70'l WAl.NI TST. EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP PROPERTY-710 W. Itcrkn st : .'I stnrv brick store and dwell ing, (ontnlning 0 t,ntns and bath. cilMtl.l.S W. MILLER. 101-107 Coinmonvvellth Itldc. WILL SELL "OR EXCHANGE - Equltv In 37-30 Strawbirrv st . n ,1-Ktory light manu facturing building. Tor nnv reil i state. What Jiavo ou7 HUR1JV1TZ, 'll N. Oth st. WlVlLWE SEVERAL properties that will bo sold to cIom' estates for less than the as sessed value. Coiitinental-Eoultahlo Irust Company. 21 S12th st. $(M)o" IIELOW nsscRsment, 17th St. nhovn Chester nve.. .1 Htory. i-cnildetachcd, 10 rooms, porcli front: lot .'iffxllo; snap for quick vle Morgan, 1120 S. 17th at. : tdm WopdJUPO RENTS COI.LECTKli: FIRE INSURANCE ALIIHIJCHT'S 2IHV I-lllRll inc. FOR SAL)!. "SISOO. 3321 N. PARK AVE, NORMAN II. 1IAFLE1GII. $1 PElt HUNDItEI). Investment homes, north ern tCLtlon, good relltets. AIIERNEI'IIY. 272lN.rdh $t.:oom7 N. 20TII ST.. 3-Btnry, 11 rooms; modern cutivs, , i lectrlclty. D A IINNIC. 1VI(I Rldgo nve. INVESTMENTS Send for my siicciaT list at desirable investment properties In northwest M-Ulon. .Inmc D.Witi( lit II. 2010 . N2fllji. $IO)0-RESll)i:NCE limwnstnno ftont, norch steiis. 10 rooms, 20)S -N. 2oth st. Apply at premises. . AT assessed value. 2-storv dwelling, vicinity lsth nnd Cumberland, tenanted. Apply Hid W. cllviden ave. : phonejjtn. J U2 M. INVESTOItrCHavonumber of new Investment Sropcrtlcs tnvlng 1.1: norllivvc.u sei tlon. AS. A.MiNEI.IS SninerseL west of '.'.Id. SPLENDID LOCATION for public garaco on NortheiHt lloulevaril. !!'. Ledger Of Hie. Big Reduction in Prices IN ORDER TO CLOSE AN ACCOUNT. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL HE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. AND MPCII UNDER ASSESSED VALUE ONLY $.100 TO $.100 CASH RE- W"sl E. Cor. 21st & Wallace ASSESSED $70111. 12 ROOMS 1721 N. 18th 12 ROOMS. ASSESSED $4tW) 1006 Melon 0 ROOMS. ASSESSED $2000 1721 Wallace 12 ROOMS ASSESSED $0000 Mfivahnll U Smith loll CHESTNUT BEST LOCATION NORTH OF MARKET ST. BAST OF BROAD ST. for fancy take bakery and confet tlonery. Easy terma lo reliable party. German pref. GEO. T. SALE, 18 PENNSYLVANIA HLDO. i: "TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties can go on water meter rutea at nnco if Installed befure being occupied. Ask jour plumber or PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANT. 1H2 Real Estate Trust llulldlng. IIARGA1NS 3i0 American it., dvvg.. 7 rooms. 22HGlenwnod ave., divg., 7 rooms. 21.17 Page st.. dwg., .1 rooms. , 2.1.10 I'age nt , dwg.. 7 rooms, 3421 N. 21st st.. dwg., 10 rooms. 1M)1 Cicrmautnwn ave., store & dwg., 10 rms. Industrial Trust Co. 10.10 N. Front at Lumber Yard With R. R. Siding For Bale near North Philadelphia Station. Frederick H. Warner 020 Land Title Hulldlne PARK FRONT RESIDENCE, No. 1911 North ld Street, below Oxford; 14 rooins, two baths, modern, porch front, large roar gar den: charming view of Park. PEMIIERTON ESTATES. Harrison IlulldlnB. Tel. Spruce 6 1 OS. CENTRAK PROPERTIES for sale or rent: send us your requirements. YARROW & VAN PELT ,. N. E. cor. 17th and chestnut sts. rtione 3188 Spruce or 2070 Race, :::::: i? n A vmnuT - SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV JlEAUTrFUiT sldevard nome. new. 'jl original price Jl7,,o, 0 rooms; rcl2 enew st. . TaBo?" hot-water heat; 4 ''r;lf0'JV;i.,0,lalrrJS lights, parquetry Hoorlng; wWV'W'i '".WS lot, terhis nrrangfd; xoit nil it di Pllcntc ; this for near tho price asked; 2 trolleys; mock froAl"r?l"NKTlJ!IL' N.l'. .!!"- 12"''- PRIVATE garage with our benutlful 'J''"'-""''' strcM homes Vst west of tengan Station). Oct this: 1200 for home. Bnfnge and lan-if. toll ; without garage, lajtjy tjonc.bjtij wi "23ffl7lV.fOS'.:DJ!i-. ZnSTTTXi ,..- ,A .All looil Itaen st for Inmedlnte business Improvement. I rice TV'fJ.CKM)N CO.. Chestnut nnd lath. . SIMON 1, WALIIMAN 111(1 W. (littARIl AVE Real estate and Insurance In nil lis branches. collection or rents a specially. . i7oME. northwest!" frVnil for my romplcto list liefore purchasing In this RccllQn: easy Tir:spw'iNCHi'.Li.2jioN...2inib llullillng t.ols. Pnetorr Sites. Etc. . N, E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND STS. Well located slto and buildings .adapted for factorlrs, garage, etc: lot 00x100 to Palo- ,hrn "' LEWIS A. TAULANE S. W cor. Uth nnd Walnut sis. OEllMANTOWN AVE and Itnv St.. 100x100 ft. 20 lots Venango nnd Warnotk s.ts. 14 lots. Rising Sun nve and loth st. B ncrcs. Utisnl and Sprnguo Ms. It .11. front. I,. A WHITE 1 .10 W. Tioga st. "FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL ()I(()II,N1 tjitge and Smill Tr-'cts for DWELLING OR MVNt'FACTlJRlNO purpo'cs In best se tlons EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application. lt. JOHN DOHSON. SO) Chcatnut et. Lumber Yard With R. R. Skiing For sale near North Philadelphia Station. Frederick II. Warner 020 Land Title llulldlng'. SITES RAILROAD, for site. Pennsylvania nnd Rending: JBuoii tier aero ami up, accord ing to location. Innulre for terms. DIETRICH. 737 Walnut. I OWN" A FACTORY "in The heart Of PhlW delphli, 1N.000 square feet of lloor space: will eeii to manufacturer and lake tnrt payment in stock.Mr.IO. Ledger Central. CHOICl IIUILDINO" LOTS and" large trarH ground in nil parts tlty; also over 200 mfg. titan Mclvln. 1.11.1-10 Real Uitntn Trust Illdg. ,. 1.11.1 -Pllih Idns Pnrlc. I'n, THE HIGHEST nnd most convenient lorntlon available: lot 7.1x100; price $1000. c. G. Schllchtcr .122 North American Illdg. Hitslness Properties nnd Stores THREE-STORY brick store nnd dwelling, ln tntod on Main st.. Mnnnyunk. Drug business been conducted In this property for Inst 30 .vears. Will sell to close nn estate. John J. Fotnti. 1 110 Cresson st.. Mnnnyunk. Tele phone Mannviink 070. . NEW CORNER CATHARINE AND ALDEN STREETS Modern, wide street, entirely new neighbor hood Price .tlQ.lo, Terma to suit. Open. , KERSHAW ft CROWU 1211 chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPI'ltTY." sllltnble for light tmnurnetttrlng purposes. Apply W. II. Dels. roth. 713'riprtng Garden Phone Market 30(0. WI'ST PHILADELPHIA I1ADPIELD AVENUE HOI'SIiS-'Tho most beautiful houses you ever saw." New Eng land central doorwnvs, outdoor sleeping porches, with PretK li (asement windows; Art Crnft front doors, with thumhhtcli and knocker: old Colonial atalrwnvs, breakfast rooms. Italian sunken gardens In rear, hard wood floors, t lot trie lighting, hot-water heat ing, and the most navantod Ideas In paper liingliig, minting nnd decorating. Price. $1200 Ask for Mr. Pox. ngent for Pemberton Httatos. 1I3S S. r.Rth st.. corner of Willow ) nve. Tliia very attractive neighborhood Is near the Pnrk and Itoulevard, trolievn nnd tralm: in minutes to ilroad st. All linen pass free tin r.Stli street lino to irndfleld ave. . ".n"NORTH".lilTH Three-atorv brick liouse. 0 rooms nnd hath, hardwool floors, all modern conveniences: assessed 17.vi; ('rst tnortrago $2300. Owner leuvlng cltv mil wnnts offer. HERKNEMS i, STETSON LAND TITLE RLDO r.oin CHESTNUT ST. Two-story, sldo-yard house, pnrrh front, lot 10.(1 by 114.0; electric lights, parquetry flooring, metal weather stripped thrniiglknut. Aptilv tn owner on prem Ises. TeUtibone I'reston IMIO. Kit S. MTII, 1200-0 rooms. Apply 2.1.", S. ri.lth. tvvdn houses. .101(1 CHANCELLOR 2 ST'Y S RMS.: LAUN DRY IN HASEMENT: FINE CONDITION. T. A. REDDING & SON. 0201 SPRUCE ST. risirTl-'lLIlEHT ST.-2-stnry porch-front" brick dwelling. CHARM'S W. MILLER, 401-107 Commonwealth nulldtng. REST VALUES IN PHILADELPHIA L'Nl-QUAI.EI) HOMES fiOTH ST.. AROVE LAVSDOWNE AVE. West Side. X :i 0 0 II Every known convenience. Hardwood floors throughout, JAS. C. ENRURG, HUILDER. RUILDERS. ATTENTION! S ncrc? ripo ground for sale, ndjolnlng Colb'a Creek Parkvvay: S. W. Intsdowno anil Haverford nves. J. A. PATTERSON. 110 0. 15th st. $3!'Hj S rooms, hot-water heat, gas nn,l elpc- trlc ilgtit, turouelrv floors, shower bath, gab l.lichona and nil other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD lit., HUILDER nsth and ll.idfleld sts. $TI0(i Hot-water heat, gas nnd electric light, gas kitchen, hardwood floors. 7 looms, with basement laitndrv: i.' squnre from car line. SnOHTLlPGE. QU.S. .mill St. I'OR SALE i-'nven 2-story porcli IrotitH, 0 rooms, with bath: now rented: loented near 3Mh and Spring Gnnh'n sts. A 318, ledger Office. minuK's HOMES BOTH AND PASOIIALL AVE. Apply 11111 CHESTNUT ST. SEND FOR LIST HALE OR RENT JOS. M. HAKER .12d nnd Ilaltlmore nve. .MODERN. Msli-grado Dutili hill, 4 bedrooms: (iveriooaing square- ,vi touoiion: nt cost; tmiiuies io- uuv Hall. ,10.:0 Osage nve. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES W. EDWIN IILA1I1, 207 S. 00th. I GUIIMANIOU'N GERMANTOWN V. I.OOAN ST.)-Large 3 story brick, semidetached brick dwellltig, u rooms and path: Belcct resltleutlal section, CHAR. W. MILLER 40L-I07 Commonwealth Hulldlng. 1VYOMINO AVE., HIT 0 rooma, attic, hot-water heat, elec. light, Dutch hall, back stairway; JtMW. Thorn-is. H.Kvoy, 4.VI7 IVnyne ave. WANT TO IIIIY A HOME' Most attractive modern 10-room house 10(1 E. WALNUT LANE. Just completed: mod- erateprlce: llttlo casiireo.iilred NEAR WIfaTER STATION- 1-stoTy VtoiuT house, ii rooms, porch, lot 22x111; perfect condition; $.'isoo. THOS. II. KVOY, dS37 Wayne ave. FIVE :i-STORY porch-front rooms and bath and laundry; mortgage. $1,100: price. $2100. dwellings; 0 rent, $lt; drat J. RUSSELL WINDER. 4910 Wayne nve. IF, YOU ARE LOOKING 10 U A HOME TlS Germantovvn. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con- pu,fc ,o. j, 4.. jiccimii, unt vjermantown ave ItESIDHNCU SITES-Oiiund in best eectlen of Germantovvn, and Chestnut Hill. n. 1), . jj-.iv w titj., uuu uermnniown ave. ciioict: ICE HOMES. Tulrwhd ken st . east of Oer. jtown ave. J. H. CHADlVlCK Si CO.. H Germantovvn ave. mantown cum w.E.c.AN.a''l8t."1, ,0 '""I 'bat house you are looking for. Germantown Trust Co., Chelten and (lermantown aves. Mt. Airy, ficriiiantown Pethatn. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.rUllO Gerinantowr. ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SAt, , Clieslnnt J till " In lWhllenfu;VrMil'tVVeyl6,i SSTT' rf'uir r-ViStiFS"' era.o pri.e ,'n"s?"es,,,a,e?"h " S mLND?TL'nKIT;TS0-' gnrage; 2 acres lel section" m.v '"."l M Ttarn SfSSlEj i.ognn n 'i-".'!.? iviJAli JiSTATP .. .."'XL-M. "'T AND EXClfAVn, 4! -i'iL'-niijnjNroad st opp. Logan StinJi STORES, nwi-r.t.t vVi T . irFr-T--!ii2! Mhjrjsm yiiK i.nne stf JL'." i-'oaj.-vi,vi, LOTTAOI: Olid r.-. TZf Tho nnl' Ltmnll,rtetnPlied Comnlil fce.S'1'? nble In Philadelphia tniVruHy d?itSlJ.nlH eellently. enulpped for smi tilyaV"!fiS!.W. D.ESIRA.liLi: corner nrnpertv?' .k ...TrS org" lot nnd well-appointed hrnisV tSf- soid lo close nnestnte. ' Prlc ' 12 BOO btel Wr. IIARIt. Sth nml nkC i.'SY0' h SIJIIimilAN WESTVIEW ELKINR PARK:- Reautlful building tnrfiiV! high, location! extended view over Sn. ffiSt! ni i.iuins i-nritj near train nnii ,,. Prices S1 100 nnd upward. Our nmomobW nppn nttnent. rhnnn xtetri. r ,XPm'"ttT RHOADS & PAUL '?;.?'"'" bt.I Trirv., .."SS-asi iu"" j-"1 vjuuiitiy oeais STPjAFFORD 7,1 Acnns jfi.HiA ri Acnni JENKINTOWN 70 ACRE? IIETHAYRES BO ACRES . i . ...... v.i cc aj, iwa (.iii;sTNirr sj NEAR DOYLESTOWN, on Enston troHtl nrrea deslrnblo land, with orchard nndSiil friills: 13-room dwelling ' n-Som ffif house, framn barn, large chicken hom"i itSfi mnval of owner neeessltatea dulek sats .4 YOCU.M A POWERS CO juS'rSsjf iiv.V)Vii..m i-iiit HrfM,i; r)K RENT MVENDELT, MAPSF.Y RnXJEstat(!Trustnidg CHOICE RUILDINO SITES nnd nrriwirn AnTTHJR P. TOW'NSENp.Lanithivrirv Hiiiiuiiii.N ki;al estate Am' price. All locations. Sile or rmL CIIARLKS J. IIOOD& CO. Morris ni& List orders now. LEWIS T. nnoOKE il SON. 1411 South Penn so. roPNnr.t! iMi Ambler. Ta. FARMS, rountry. placea and suburban homei on the Reading a Dethlehem nnd DnTtH(An branches H. J Daeer. Inc.. Amblfr. P.J nnln-Fynvvyd. Pa. IV 73 HAVE A LAItGE SELKCTldW m" well-located mrdorn houses In thee dr'rMiS suburbs. All convenient to trains and wnul within easy reach of trnllev Every otherj cltv convcnUnce State rcqulrcmetiti IMI vvc win rend list. LOWER MF.RTON REALTY CO. LAND TITLE IIUILDINO Tlnrlir, Pn. DARC.AIN AT MROO Ttrlck slde-vnrd dirrtl-l Ing. 0 rms., heater, hnth tot 22-121; flotj conui n. etwope (v nuiw. ,io-it .vnin. uamrj 'i i:iklns Park, Pn. NEW S7N0LE DWELLINGS 12r. 2 baths-! Si min. from station: reas. price McCormlckljl .vict-ormicK. jut l cnesinut st a tasins rarxn l'rlmns, Tn. PRIMOS-noo ft from stntlon a acres; rips fori Improvement: Springfield water, gss snl HJ other conveniences nt hand price lasJ l.oilis DAI..M ih Rent i;state iTi'Kiiiarv; Ridley. I'ntk. Pn. OLD Colonla mansion, remodeled, located .wil Chester pikc. convenient tn train ana uoutj;m lot 200x220 tet: eld Bhade. garage and mwtl J. T. JACKSON COMPANY. Chestnut uSJ 1,1th sts. MODERN Colonial mansion, corner of Mortons nve. and walnut st (onvenient to inuossij trolley; lot 102xlil(! root splendidly mMS house at liarealn figure garage J. Ta JACKSON COMPANY Cli.stnut nnd 13th t.l Itvilul. I'n. nx-PAl nvt lllt.T.TOP Stono Colonial liouse, 13 rooms nnd 4 batii: Inrr-A ntnnn tmfamt t-r,.enlli)tl 9e t4 BCni: convenient, to trnla and trnllev nndgolt llnttjl LAND TITLE IlLDOj. Willow rove,Ja. SUMMER HOME, completely f urnlshed : ml mile nbnve Willow Grove, for sale; all eenj enlenccs. Apply IMP N 7th Bt MAIN' LINE. PA. It. 11. OUR LIST OF MAIN LINE PROPERTIES; comprises everything from small suourws Itnitaoa tn liirrrn riminlpt1 natfltofl. AI80 IIBU lotH and largu hulldlng sites. Lists to jultl Individual requltemcnts sent upon reoutii, IXJWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE IIUILDINO SHHURIIAN HOMES, 'country places building sites to stilt all rcqulrementi; Line. II, C. HUNTER, Wayne. Pa, Mill. Merltin $8.100 North sldo semldetuched house I beano fut location! $2.1.001) neighborhood. tl. M. RANDLI. Stephen Olrard milla'ax-. Hnvrrford NEW HOUSE. It4 ACRES. SIIADP; IN REST LOCATION ON NORTH SIDBJ NEAR STATION AND CLUE; ..I OCK Si EMLEN. Cnmnierclal Tr.WeTJ V'ARNOCK M. David's Sfnnft Colonial "Residence 18 rooms, 3 baths, clectrlo light, steam teat. largo porch and glass .oontervatory, JW nutry lloora; rooms all large, 'tone $ffJ for four curs. Ihtee rooms and batB ejj tecond floor, one acre, high location. vj""f beautiful shade. This property. If ""...I once, can be purchased for a little mora ias oue.iiair oi original cost HIRST & McMULLlN WEST END TRUST BUILDING. LOGAN'S Proven few t.. " 1,1th to 10th, just west nr Lnw &? tf' Inlf nlrca.ly .old; evorv modern r..0"' "wj Mantlal y built nnd nr IstlcaiTC nnuZT' "Hi lining to produce a "real hLe", (5 "4 terraced front; select and in" 9 Ml iniTro,ll Wf " '""lyi 'bo porchca deep lo s-'o'te'tl high, llglit bisements with I mfilclw,,a expensive plumbing, stiprrlor henihfS1 ,"1, roil "Arco1' boilers, $-1M or jlSn ii.VV'-"! garage, nnd 122 feet of groun" iv' 5 Logan Stntlon nr risherVtanein i.i?hwtti then south to Ruscomb st three troLf on.Jorii-ro;"': n" Premised or R r'MIi tiethv. 2721 N. 3th, 133R 2t, B' rH t 1 : j r l 1 tavj .t. k . .. . ui vupa - vi-fr wmmm 1 I TT. i N A CoUPCA MlLB. ' N " i . . . N I .. .rtouoHT IH16 MORE AU l'i l Tiih 7 "- Yi VOOUEP J Jr ( W CST M16HT "-"-TORM-BCK, 1 I 7EKU - HUH ? J v tfl t APvER. DIMMED 1 7. y . , - : .KHsssssssssssssssssHissHilssssHBL