")iij8imMyy .usadTBi. Rise 'J'MniV 'trot ' IJ "wagjj from jEVENINCj- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBTUTAIIY 9, 1916. pBAKLS HOLD PARAMOUNT PLACE UN Jf KJUBJUWT TRADE IN JEWELS Paries J. Maxwell Talks on Beauty of he Gems of the ucean ana the Beautiful Tecla Product, heir Only Rival 'TJ ') i"',, t'l futui e Innulrlos foi fie film """"""tloiis will ho iefpirc.1 to Mr r.L Au,0,nnll'? Spunkier Company tiboiit nn.'li .M,y k comP Installs ' iv. J'1 ' nl,rd h,Mm "J Cnnaila nf ihBn.W" '" ''hllndelphln nre nvvntp L' 1" eV.tnm' n,lc "f "in business in thl3 nlnnl. In Uununry ha" bcpn Ncn' nt-tlvo sodnllj," iJ.iL..i.. .t Maxwell, of Maxwell A. I"! i.. IivpIpis nnd eem MUPPlnllst.s. ""' ' . . Wntnul street nt Ictti "Antlelp.Ulnj! tills ntllvltj f tinlc mnlltlupil adverlls liiB with results which have entlrelv Justified the cspen dlture "I'cnrl necltlneefl have, of course, liiovcd to ho flood st'lels tliirlUR thin social period Of nit RCtns there Is per Imps none bo self. -T7 .., " "" .,el" . . " h jCn"" pcuri. rci i n I n I v tiefe 1 nonc R0 e"Pccl,ill suitable for t needs of the modem toilette Uul n ,roM of pearls without blemish Is dim-K-ii In find and more dllllcult still to nnv 'tut In consequence, this Jewel of the ;icA h nevei yet occupied lis pioper 'Uc In the Theme or personal ndorn LnL .Vrituie's parslnioiij. tiovvcvoi. hnB Itmiti a IU1 to ninn'a etulciuoia and 7ih natural pcnrl-'ietlectlnp; nil the nhittlo ' . .1.1 if Mm ann' Undo imw I . 1 1. - .nil gillie "i im; "- ..iiiia nun in inu Tecl pearl lt eoiinterpai t. "The Tecla peirl has the same mis- fttrloils elusive charm, the same lildes int sheen n'iii ,nre llstre that me the ioitrce oi in oraiuj ui me iiuiiiini pro tacl Somplctely nro the qilnlltlOH of Jlhe nstIal peail simulated tlmt lcnl neckl'cs can no iiupiicaicti rj tile Trcln tfos3 with such perfection its to dp ce even the ownei. Possessors of valuable cem collections decord the highest cempllment possible Is Tecla ncafla b emplowlnu them to Jensthen tlieh icnl collais nnd to enlirR(. (he centres As becomes their hontttv. tbn finest art of the Jewelers Is expended f ipon the matching and settlnif of Tccl.i i pjjrH ior neciiinccs penuonta. lines, f iroochcs earilnss nnd nil Jeweled tiinii E mnt prescribed h the dictates of fnsh Plon. Genuine diamonds only aio used, find the mountings nie In platinum and tijold of cxnulslto norkiniinshlp continued Mi Kvans Ulll 17 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYI.H TTPE lor Ilka this) One time ,,,, lfie pr line Thru) tlmM un week 12 4e per lino 81s times one week lOo per line Situations Wnntrd, three times one week 10 eetils per pgnte line per InsettMn Place your order for three, or more times and it will be in sorted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. s '-X v i i 'M uu iiuif'na 11 A nn, ..1 i ,1 I nflp4 nt t ""H1 HIJUIH II nn.n..n. ,i 0I. ,I",CP We miimifncltiip, ' One nr twn time rnl for tlrrNl.vn IiKotfh - nnions: other thlnup, clutches foi niitonm. nn'' ' enno '.Ktn inmblnnl Is in cenis per ' 'illcs We minnlv nhoiit 1f .lirf..i nR1,"' ",,n ul,h V"" ee'Ptlon of Help Wanted makers of ir, mTJ -..? 0.'.....!??.., 'A"0.1'".1 "."' ..?' "ns flnied. uhleh Is '1 tents iiinuDiicfl Willi rr tint y . 1 4 ; ,1 !.... "-"" """ " MiKB cimrnes and no better material or workliinnahln t, n,, i. ,...,..,' "r i, .,,, ' ,.,iu ,utiii tiuiL' irs, I llo mntter uhfi,n i,.,H,,fi... .i ii. . ' m,n'0n,to trucks, both Tor homo con sumption and foi export. We aie one of '.?!. i a. l.wo Kcl,el"l "Kflitf In the lulled Stales for the Amcikan tlrass t-oinuain, nnd wo use about ono-lialf the Compa'iiT01' '"'"le b th" Uuss'Uhelm "Here Is a new patent flredodr uo are ma .iiiR it is co made that at the top and bottom there Is n apace of about half an Inch to- allow for the expansion of Ihe metal In uiso of lire, so that It won't Jim when doslntj it s rnnde of corrtinatrd Hteel of the finest iiuatltj There Is a double sheet of ateel used with the cor- i "Rations running' ono dlreetlnn on one side and In a dlffeient, dliei lion on the otlicr aide no mi to counteract the c ,nJ!V" uiusul "J' the heat In case of lire We me smelteis Manufacturers. ln imrtcM mid Jobbers None of our men work on piecework We lould not nfford to hurt our well earned Vepiitntlon bv hav Inp; work KllRhted Most of our work re quires the most eppit and caieful work- i lcn, who lai.p nn Inleicst In It We he ron TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) , nhkh N permitted In nil rlasslflcntlon!, et- i rept Help nnd .Slttmtlons Wanted. t.ost nnd J.Piinl, rersonals. Unnrdlnfr and ttonnis, n.til I WJ,ii&'C!i.",W?sA,,A,,B ,"I-V,! ' A'sv; . Need a Salesman? There arc plenty of salesmen- in the field today, but the aggressive men, with initiative and executive ability, arc not found cast ually. You can, however, locate them through a Ledger Want ad, because the Ledger is the paper that attracts the real "business-getters." If you need such a man, use a Ledger Want ad. That is where he expects to meet you. Phone, Write or Call LEDGER OFFICE Walnut or Main 3000 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A,n',(?iN"rAT nd oinvemimaiter desires to ?hlI.airftS.nf' .mimHent to take entire charse A lai, .edder orrlre m sis i ruoKti orptt'B ,,'J; V 3 tKU-A C 01 NTAMT llliih school jraduate, senior (Miirton Pehooi I er I.edqer ( entrnl n,7!fKiTpi:n tboioiiRhly experlenred.-will Sl.iV,'. "r,,n,,l'' "Pen rloro rtnd write up J s.f. i'St or "enln modeiate terms i11U I e.laei nfnie HOUKKrnPKH (mini mun ileslies etenlnc I Will0", re"Ulie ami n LOiintlnK exrerlence lls,1, I edxer rentliil "mE.!?K',r'n,,,n1 neeountant, ouiib, man" innrrleiK eP Iti fnttori costs best refs. A til I eiUer Ofilre i "II7A:,,MAKru ""t-clnsa, iminTniait. Sfl I c,e-es pos nood ref A III l.ertaei (Jtnee I "!,'rl,,,-,i" r."1 ,VA1 ,:t- ! ""'''. eseellenl ref X.reine AnilJill ins UiinerOiflc. IH'TM'U nlfhes insltion In Prhale famlljT . ctp liet or rci's A II 1 l.eilor Ofdoe 1 !!.,.'t,'f!n, ',- ts' exiierleme. 2H rnrs I '; last Ida. e .to own repilrs. all bluh-Rrnde 2i,i"t r-sfrence Phone (lernwiitnnn I . 1.1 1 or Mir In is f I'lielien nve tint i 't'APfrnt It (Jertt-b Ptntestant. -' ears' e. 1 nerleine nnn repilti, it :i, (.edcer ofllcr ; 1 '!'.'." n '5 ',l"", ihnme n' position T VrArs' 'perleiue nt shlipin Rood ilmraeter (I i 'it. I edRericnlrnl i IjRHlC, vounc tn in blah school Rraduate. 'J APirs csp wishes nos A It", t erfoef ottiep ''ltl HNTIt-tlrad FHrdemr wishes iirlxnte i.i-,- tiiiir'sii,TiMs eelllllles creennoitses 101 AtlTOMOBILES for Sale t'SIU) CAI1S WHY snot i.d nt v rno! t s now variety from IIKl'At Hi: ion are Insure.) nhlch lo thooe IILCAfsn ou will noi be hurried In mak ing" a ehol.e. as von would be when the sprlnn season ..pens lincVi;K ion inn HAV1! MOSI'.aa the prl.es are much loner al this time than any other season of the enr. IIIJi Vi fij (,i inning imw vnu (nn, If vou so desire, have the car repainted lo xii ip kixp pienlv of time for a Brnd nnd have It nnd When spring rlielin llr:i l Hi; imiMj or how ears place their iinleri.iiiirn.il for sprimr .lelherv , tn avoid disappointment So, why shotililn t vnu? A.VI) WHI2V.. 10t 1)0 ni;v a ,i , r,t llt'V ir KltOM I'M IIIHMfsI! pou nrp protested from tulstep .... rereiitalloti III.i'.H'.H.I! our name Insures botlest. flf deilllnR BUSINESS OPSORTVMltEB Tin: prrprtTT -tTr of R iifeiima Is orrered to aynunR business man able tp Invest, $IO,ooo In a ihormiRh H substantial manufacturing bus. ikss that will produce handsome V ,111.1 profits An Mnnl Milltf aAilrA.4 eoultable Interest RUen In tho hu: net nnil n slrjm ... J .. Dividends should pay on money-ln vpsted at least ,WJ annually, Propn sliion will stand strictest Invrsti Ration. This Is no promotion and pi I nil pa Is only, nil), bo considered M 531. I.edRer Central URIsured ato.k rti innirled. -l ref., Ilfp. Hot viii Arilmore, Va tlllie ptpilictiie Thotc is n tlrup; store near your home that will accept Lotlucr want ads at ofTlco rates. v.wi LOST AND FOUND , ,.s HELP WANTED MALE "nXf,.!" .I1 !! ym.rriiindn and nnkp hlmsilf , useful 'I III N llroml st '" b"sl p"AMUt! wniiled Applv SU "" "iiMirvTi: i-ivti. r.vuivi:i:n. with t vrs PPerlpn.p, will open siles ofilce In Middle vvrmr-in Mtv fm .nntr.rtnrs nliil bulldeis nupplle VRPiirles wantpil (I III", Led. Cent l !..VTt.pIA.V .lislirs dtrlrnl work, whole nr part time teimr mu Iprnte ii I ' I.edRfr I i ei!inl tN"NTi Wirt: riperletupd. SiveitlaliTrrt- , pstiitits. butter and n.i' Can be Interview el Itoom SI.I Pub!!,. I.edRer bet t and -1 o'eloili . vt VN A NT) Wfrr deslie pniltlnns nn enunlrv Pine enretukprs or Eetienii pent of refer- .1 vli M t) , ti VH jfjt: . ,nirr yopn VV O II T It t A1)II.I,AC M'TOMOIIII.i: sau:s I'Oltl'OltATIO.V I IS N, llrnail street REAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS TltKAafltKIt WANTED for a ilenn-cut tuslness that will produce laisp returns, must be In n Poltlon to Invest Tir Induce Invest menls tn the extent of J.O000 In vestment amplv seiured: salary Slotfl JeiriJ. opporliinlt of a lifetime foi a Joiine coliexe man nr a rich man s son. will atin.l tho strictest Iniestl Ration: proiosltlnu a monopoly, field unlimited; United .states patents n promoters: .will deal with prlntlpals oai. Jt IT, Ledger Central, rimes no .hlldllll Ito i era ill Penllvn Pa IVir lllhep til.l ..n.t ,..... t.l u. It n!i'z!.!l'."!,i rn"nrd nn I no questlniis aked , . partlrulnrs and sal. etiierteilf IiWi'mI ivm' ;...l, ...'....'-.'"li"".' """,".' "ini'i rillR. lol , ,. .,,.,. ..,, ,.,. , ..,. ...r .7 -' " uni i.ii tiiiiiti. ,i)iii mun .v -I Hill nil I. ri ii I tat u .ilab ..a.h.i,i. . "- " I FIIUHII1III . . t V V """""" mill iiiiiinuiii iiiih mv enth hnliir.il mornltiif (i Sli, ldRer I'.ni V TI II II v H I.S- .nil. Rnlil ihaln net with pearls nnd .Jlamcnils. in pink thnmals Ihr about Jan uary I,. I'lcnso return In Hox Liil. ltoemont and uelve reward .love in shop en encbut "It "h tl.V c . ,c;nr!,"p,ave",fo" & clcncj of the spirit nnd not the material I ,Vn,rtcl '" Hewurd if returned to 111! Ilmta why we have the leptitntlon nnd I "ll""nr" "" vvh we have no plece-workeis s AN yroNOJHC QflJSTION "RopkIiIv sDenkltift," said Arthur (' HIbc low, 119 South Front stteet. iircsldciit of the t'hllndelphln Wool and Textile Asso elation "wools could be dlvliled Into tbico clauses "f'lass one would Inilude nil the wools ft om sheep of merino blood. "Class two would bo wools from KiiRllsh sheep, and "Clns tin ce would bo what Ib known to the tiado as carpet wools "The wool question," be continued. "Is an oinnomlt: problem livery one Ih vlt.illj Interesttd In the two most Important reip Wltes of life food add clothes Am. v.omp.iii), formeily tliinc tlmt will m.iko a. lamb or mutton of Arch street, now . chop cost less than It does toda.v. and at located at their ex- the miiiio llmo icdticcs tin. .ost of clothing tensive new oIIIcps ' uutomatlcallj. Is n benellt to the com nnd plant, Julli-l.". muiiitj Foi that reason nut association Waahlngton iivcnup, j Is UKltntliiR to hiine; ulnut wincUtlons wiipte tbe Kreut Apml.iolilaii chain can f IMPORTANT lU'StNUSS CHA.VOIJ 5 The Globe Automatic SnrliilJpi Coin C pjnyof Pennsvlvaiiin (which linn nctiuheil 11 tne assciH 01 ine uiooo Automatic Sprinkler Comp.ui of Ohio) announced tnnt I'owtll nvnns president of the .vicicnnnt 6. Kvans PERSONALS MJTH'K l heieli) clien tint I Iimvp tills il i reiirid from .1 mm 10 icnl business 111 'J.1T Sni th st. Plill.idelphli VII dehtn will le setiled In me at pbllitilrlphl 1 China fom pam lint. , t Pnsint ilHlms at oiko 1 It WAN, nil ' ..I rt . I He n' I .T .South st loril WUAVtnm nnnted. Annh lohn .llllliea llobsnii, Ini Mlnllket Mlfli. Holts ... !-. , nn ,n r-inutlMll i:ii7unri I Kpable .if deslltnliiR hea.lni! Mini power Plants nnd tii.ustnmpil In taklnu op ma terlnls finni pi mm ,,iid stiiiTliilendlnK In Mulllns Hurt, state evperl.nie nnd alaiy evp.tteil A JIT I.eilKer oflke MKCM V.Ml'AI. i:SflI.S'i:i3tt with soine eUll piimiienrliiR exherlenip em po.eil at prraut 1111 blue tool and specl.il iiwunirerv deslitnei pt erlenrpil rhop and nffl.p exeeuthe tniister or ilelnlls. ex.elletit reiord (1 ."?, I.e.'Rer Centinl MKi-llA.VICVI, HAMllvrw desires po-lllon nSTIlV VMi 1111,1, t'l.lHIK experl nced state age refereti.es and salarv . oppnrtunllv for rlchi mini wlih some exeiutlve abllltv I' pi-,. Ledtter Office Pi,i Lnril Ittllili , tnnlei Htenmer lluitson ,. , l). . rliiinl ., , Mrls.oe , .. It c II, . . Hulek Krlt , . . "leariis-ICnlRht Claiulers Vlmwell ,. . Hupp '.".' .. Iliiilsoii , ... IT ipirs' pinctli ii ii M.I tbcnrpil.nl evperlen.e I .WC i,j;,;i ,,,, can produ.e Ail.biss (1 IIS. 1 edser Cent I J . ,lw""cl ""' I ll.L, IIAMJ must tune some Mlhe PMierl Piiep I In IS and IJ in s rhlfln . tn.liv, II. I ox (Inn ( L'ld nnd llnmllton sts ri.MSlli:iis wanted nn hairs Atipl Jll S th si HELP WANTED rEMALE riltlNUnns exiierlen.ed I! ,tn S shift toil.il A ; hi unu iinmuion sis on Latidls inn. bine II Cox Cun Co has been elected president of the spilnklci (oiupinv. vvlieic all theli pp. proved devices will heienftcr bo pto duced. "Thp (Hobo Auto- roWEl.ti r.VANS mntli Spilnklci Compan,' said Mr IIvmiis Is now cora iletuur Its larue, new plant nt Wnrwood. ..near WheclInK, W Vn, where shortlv all the expertly raoi icnieu pipe ana ntunKs ifor their Installation vvnik will bo iniinu nctured " In this connection the Meicli.iut el SEvanS Coinpnns annotinco that tliev have "dljnosed of all contiacts lolutliiK to nnd Interest In tho sale and Installation or t lie e iKvans' approved aulornntlc sprlnklct np- be devoted to the lalsinir of Hhi'ep, to which It Is ki well ad.i itcd I have found tint In the past faniK-H vvete wlllltis to 1 also sheet); but the 'dOR' question was thp prrent drawback The ra vases In dotes have stopped the i.ilslnc of sheet) In veiy many tnirts of the eountr.v! and pioper protective legislation must bo ennctcd If wo are to have "Uicessful wool growing In this tountt In the c.ir 1010 the crop of wool produced In this oouiitrj was US. 000.000 pounds In 10H It had shiunk to -'OO.OOO.OOO pounds "I believe that .low. when both mutton and wool aio winging exceptionally high pi Ices Is tins isvc.ioli.gPal itniuit tbn ouglilj to Inteiest the fanners, tho Oov ernment nnd the Stnle I.eglslnturo on this Itnl subject Tin: i:i-M.sn t.t:noi:rt MAivrvi.ssn stn. t lensorshlp of a I ndveillnliiR tn Ita .olumiis llpriiiisn of this loiig-staiidlnp pnlkv the luiill Ins Itnrned m plnco tho rnnio cnnfl ilrnlp In lis ii.lvirtlslnK ns thp ue. rl bis la iiirtbulirlv true .if the Want Ads The I.edRer Intends In sifeRunnt tlie tntpiots nf .H nailers en thev i-aii riHiioml to bos mini lirr iiilvcnlscra with 11 i.cllnq of fullest spiurltv I' nt am time vou hive evidence that 1 buslni-s prniosltlon offer or pniplni m. tc , tiisiie thimiRb the I eilcer Is nnt leRltl mate. or In nr n .Inulitfui .luiiaLtcr .nil 11 In i,ui. iittoutlnn nt oui- A thorough mid Lt.ADIH'ItMint wiintnl first lns men onlv .111 1 hemic 11 1 plants, I0 dnv p hours VI- Iipss Itlxln A. Marshall P O llnx .'111 naltltnnie, AM MACIll.S'isrfi Renerul, "wunled tlrt-i lass m-n only need nppl .'Ms rrankford ne MAN" AVI) Win: -Mm ill reslden.e Cbeainiit Mill wife for inching mnn tn mnl e himself pnrill; useful ppij Wednesdaj Itoom Jo.' r (I.J. Ilulldllllt VI N to take iliniRe or hnllv. . nnl nnd clnr nett in lUilncs lohn i. Initios Dolisnn Itu lllanl.et itllls Hcctt s line Knits of ri huv 11,111 ,VH.VANP Win: white" fiuuiVr nnil .00k. for Piloll a Meet emploer Itoom J SI Pub Hi I differ Weduesilii It otlmli VPH.IJI'.'IS uilltd H- id vnrl. Kii'l W.lk-es. 1 n? iimmjMPPi yo . .xiii i'upiip iei "if."? rvi'nfnBl'eVlRer"! 'itnVrr'oV'tl, iI.'TipIS ' SALmjV VN-Wnnte.l ivp-r outside salesman Vnii i-venuiR i.eiii,er In Its ilTorts to heln m scl! nnet sroierlen tn fnrnllv t-nilo. slate I .'.""-liiue nnd inlirv A 1.0 I.c.Irci Offlie PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR 'JlVIIEVr lie clpta 11(17". bu Tbe-e was I fair cxpon bniur but pe.ulitlon In other lome grain rentr h n.is beirlsh and pikes tat nmpul'iPll. 11 . .lei lined l'j. Ouotn- lloni Oar tots In pxi ort . levntoi .N.i J red, iporiml Felnmr 1 ..ijfil !.1ij No J -ouih- ,rni rd l Hi til 1,1 j steamer No S led IlJMUfl 1l Vn 1 i,l ! Ill IT.1 . M- i. jWA r."-5.1 SI lelDitPil II. SI .11'. I'll SS'. ICORN-ne clins Iff hit bush. Irnitn una Jtulet out prli pa en tlimh belli ijuotatlons Cur Ion for lo.nl tr.ide ns to location - West ini 0 '. ellou so.lisii Western slenniei iri.lowi SlfiSJ. Western No t ellow. 7si.ii 1ST Southern m ll.m 7si,ftsin, . uib pei ,tlf lit. Ml?lSI !i OATS He plnt -.". -.11 l,itl, f'rl , Hum vjrl raUntniuiil nut n.uie was unlet (Juolu- t,-, An x "' '" ' lie WiiiViC No I uhte .M'jfl'.l'jt . No 4 ; -? . . vi 1. .. ii , ij ....'. , Jorl.lcJ o,iii- riiiiIi -f'it'i . yLorn n. 1.. u ,ii-. 1.. ,- ....1 r-.i .7? Jf. In nickj Mure" mm II lie trailing but iim'H 1 we 'I mabitul-ie.1. cj mtii I'PI It . . l r..l . 1.... .,n... fu.n in : " "' .Him' -11 i'ii urn, WP110 in tu ,1,- Sll.l-.f.'l VI ,.ln. Vll.fi- .si . I ' . llu ttllil-lit. Inln uneLia lt l.'ffll lO IV. Ilflll ill' , . , , , eackn, $nrn,il 1) h,,i . vLvctla lie ulmli-lu til i-l. 1 .n n w;nt. tiK-.ni f ',""",,, .;- , "" Pi WH.1. ihftiP nt.) fiiti. . ..t..-.i it '. ! per dozen, )CI ttozon, licr dozen per dozen, .NO M Wl.").7.". uhllp. Vpltrlilnc S th 10l.7"i white nelxhliiK 7 Iha. iliWh ?n m ,J Titular uiaUor Inter, i.lp.r. f,.l l. fit t -e.ir -.. .1 - nn: n.ni n .... , -. .... I 1 a... "' 3ul'l'y "no ur.ii. uui !tii)f) ''""-' K' Vli"''i I" bbl" na to I PR0 ihlONS ... .... i fciMnc l.,fi. .i"1'1' 'le'd with a fair IiiJ iS.V ?HYlr . yjnmloiui ranred us folli.wa t IV...1S. '"." ?mo'icd nnd sir dried. 2lti Hj rlK Le.r." .Lm , ,'" e' nuoked. Slfe W-, City bfe. kill, kip .ml mini,,, Bn,l,e.l $IVil white, uclshlnc. il'di.'i lbs, "ri07M. daik L'LTilil. small and tlitl in FRESH FRUITS I hero wjM a fnh tmpilr fur ibnlcp slo.k of most ilesulpclniiH and viiUica Rencralh ruled sle.ul (iitnlntlou; Vpp'es per I bl Jouatlmii. luiKv SI -idf I -hi. do fair tn jimd JJ .lOfi I Mnisip. W.OJIIS-. tlildwln t.' Viu I, lil.uk TU, sj .Of!, (.rlnicu lioldcn .' .Vifi.l. (Sreen Iiik. V'UTI. Voik linnerlal yu t. Tnentv minie .'! Plpln -'fi I, Hen t)als M 7-ilf I'.l. otllei i.irletlpa II VI BJ V. o .' 1 J'.u - API les. In bulk per till lbs SO .ffl IUI, IS-. '"""' ier 1,ov !-'-- OrnnKea For da pei .rate SI7.V&.'7 runeerliies I lorbla per strap JJJi 1 Qrapoiruit. Plorlda, lei mite, (iT'HI.'d Lunom nei tux twKil I'ln-n.pleH Pin in mm per nale ftfl do, Morllu, pi r i rap, -"fi.' -.0 Cninbrrrli s. ( npn I '.i.l, utr hid SiSill do tin, ner .imp i.'-,ii l I no. Ipim'v per i rile .' -.,:.lj ..:!) straw - beiileii Morlitu ip qt iril.J"., j VEGETABLES ' i..',.rai)' vv'.ih elnvi nnd th mail el showed little iluiiRp CJtiouttlnns While puMtues, her buijh . sifrl .si white inituo.s lerKj lei liiskir .No 1 Hose IJifi7('i .Nu 1 other vnrletl'f. ihiii7(U . .Nn s. ,Pfi Idc aweet nota loes Ipircy pei baaket No 1 iniVli . Nn - ''JlSi .. sntct potatoes. Vli uer bl I Jil n ; (i.i.i, unions iw lirn-lh haR-.No 1 JiiOS.'tO, i ?. .""' '.'. -"' eibtMRe. Dinlsh nei ion JliiS, do Tin uer luimiier SHil 10, do f i-.. I1 r .ran, tun .0, .eleri .N V per luiuli ir.li.ra. Hiilnub .Norfnll ner lib! . i"Mil lidle Noifolk, in r bid Mifiu',. 1. 1 tiu. I'bi i ei Imfkel 1 siiti J do N o , i.r Imtlei 71 Ml bc.in Flu i.er basket. M .',1ff .'. pcim I'M., per luskii SI. .-.Jo. I, i'.-iii,r , ,a iri tarrier. itl hi.ii.i I, i.uiiii i iu i.t .ran- f. it j, hi inina.oes. HOOMKnPi:it must bo thoniURlih exnerl oii'il In nil brsii.bes: brlBhl. nulck. Rood penman, write full lmrtloihtis of psiurl eniei state ist npd salarv ei,lie(ted whole sale eitnbllHlinicntt .M ir.il I.edRer Central HOOIM.rii:n experlemed .pilck and ar. u r.lt. at llsures koo I penman o-e IS In S.' jteadi iiosltlon with larwo con. em. salarv .' moiithlv Address u own b mdw rltln (. . ill Ledger CentrnJ liOOKKUUPmt I) 1. .ommer.hil tilnb sihnnl Rraduate preferred atate iq-e and Hillary de slred Hrin.h Lt-luer sir, York and Coral. MOOKKnKPRR double entrj. lomnetent. v anted state experleme. salarv anil l,lve rpfeien.e P "Sli Ledaer Ofllie ll()()KKi:KPKIl One IuvIiir exiierlen.e In lumber business preferrpd salarj ll tn stnrt A .ISS LnlRer orfire ll()OHUr:i:lnit l. i: ouh It, nrtlw. Ri.nl pen man HtntP wnpes exp . ref A Ml Led (Iff. CIIAMllLKMAIl). nerinnn for Mnln I Ine" Meti eniploier Itonm 210. rublh- I.edirer. Tliursdiiv liiniloik CIIAMHi:itMAl whtte. to nsslst wusbbiaTniul Ironlnff. Phone (lermaiitow n "7S1I i CIIAMHi:ilVOItK and naltlnc -White plrl: refere.iie. Call S1I W Chclten live. Utn CIIILDM ltSK Pxnerlenced Prot . forSihll dren suhurb.in ipf M ir,7 Ledger Central ciotii "wnAvnns w inie.i nniv joim "Vt James Dobson In. , Illml.it Mills, Siott's line Pulls of Schuvlklll COOK and ihambermald nnd waitress -Two Illatds. PrnlpMlnnlM fop Hiihiii-ltrf referen, e Aleet enulner llnom S lo Public I.edRer. Jlhursduv. a5(!p m COOK Plot. experletueil, tapsble woman refoieiue Meet emplojer Hooni s:k") Publli LeilRei between 11 and 12 1 hursda. .morn COOK exn Snti h or English wuman Call 1(0 V. VV nlnuMano, Oertu.intnwn t:NAMNi:ttS evnerlen.ed on Infimtn' ami .blldrrns coats M. Irani, A. ( 718 Areb I I'OItnLADV to take ibiiae flnlMdnf! dennrt ment large failoiv iiijKIiir men's knit undei xnr Rood silnrv tn right nirtv oxii-reme iu elmllai line mlRbt bo sailsfactori Aunlv llovf.iril Knlttlne Co .Pumloliih and Jiffeison tlK.N'IIHAirilOCMlWOItK Wbllo woman an,1 daURbtei II earj old, for R.lieral house work In tbe country In fam Iv of ,l, woui-ni mll-t be Rood took: daughter lo help with wruk and ntten I school for her board no wishing. II 1M ledger Offlie I sii:M(,RAI'lli:it pxp nnd rapid a. curat"' I it llRiires nlite In urlst In Ren offlie vvolk I In munufii. tiirlnc business opnnrtiuilti statp i .ducutlon experience refereme nnd siai ( Ho' Mil Norrlstow n Ja h HICK MbllSVIAV'i f ahllltv Vd Irrss II II Ierbrer(Vntral I 1 1 lit I-A JnnS epetleiud . u i urlaln vains Vnnli Quaker laie Co J'l and Lehlcb np Tl'ltltr.T LATHI', HANDS : I Irnt i lass InnlmilcrrM Vnt. "Ih l'riitiK- ford nie between s.a ni and P u in VOI'MI MAX 1S..M ('Hirlsilin PrlRliI ami ai tlvc. for Reneral nffl.nA.luilcH: one with hlgti i I n d pilu. atloit i referred M (.II, I.eil3er orru.e VOl MI MAN for sto. k and tlerl.al work must use ivpewrlter. salarv so roh,i .ippoi lunltv for hustler (, SID Ledger Central VOI'.V. VIAN stenographer and tjnewrlier, miiuiif iilnrer a office stnie iiro experience, ipfeien, cs salar P O Hox l.'ilil. VOl NO MV.S H!"vears old for ofltre work In wholesale gtasa bouse salirv lo start SI Vd dieHS lth refereiue. P ll'-'7 Ledgei Of lite fleneral Oltnnit Cl.D'tK-VoutiK married in in inrd svstem Rood follnnpr-itp xpcrlenced and v lllltu wnrlter A .'10 Ledger Offlie I PAIN'Ti:it, aln urn repair houre roof tn iellu. .Norrls I'l N sob ii'Hivvii: si:cm:i'vitv-on ici: mavaoph pc utile n-sl Riadiinlp In sclentllb and , luiMtii'tn -iniises iirnf. a. I uu.l bkpr . SO I vrs exp, best ref U irtl I pilger (Vntinl I SAin-!MVN six vparn with one linn desires iiph mnn. lion nijiiesi rercienip cnl (lrnt . iilss nroisililini . .in. l.l.,... i .1,, ... n..t "." l'dgu (Vntril SVIi:sMAN'. now eniploieil dcsllen . bangp pxterleticpd In krii.eries but not Iu tint line a nus.nt fimlllar vvltli entire Hint (I ...-. I eilrei Cptitrsl . VLI.SM VN, pinpliwpd derlres . Imiirp-Ttiib linn Inii I nr trnipl, well edllcaled, aged IJ, IJ veaia exp icf. i! i,J I.edRer Central sil.'.t?iIVAN' .-'" p."', "r "" lenuerate linblts re llahlp and tu trul deslies to ennne.t with estnbllslieii housp n till ledger Central "ii'n,JiM ,V'S J" "'ira pxp . sucecspfufreenrd ex. client ref gnrtd pies A ISO, Led Off Si',iuJ')N' J" v-1"' "P succ. ssrul record . ex.ellcnt ref. roiuI pros. A 101 Led Off HTt:SO(lllAPin:it-Vniinir i, -j:i exp .'"ro.,,1 ljplst; salnis II' C, Ols (.eiiger CenindJ M',.Ntl.VAN drains tn lonne. t wltli leaTes Inle nfll.e iselllug) when silnu nnd ml- vnn.einciit woul. deiund on nMllf. Vddress (1 I'U l.tdrer Central M.'l!.N," MAN, IlliirrlPd desltes tinittlnn, iiinilv mini or box ixirk 1 rais expiilence. bpst rpfereme a ,'IIS ledger Ofllie. o,N(i..J'AN'. -JS "iiPlnje.1 in tn .1, .les pn.' Uuna(J jaud inuibign o ir,7 Lid Centril A MAN KOIt IIIi; JOII ion rou Tin: man Single iSJl tadful 1.-, irs nie.ll eiiRlneer liu nnl huslucHS irnlnli g rj v i - pro tln.ft- irpspniiu inpiwritc! vviia-tnn letr Plene-Airow' Krlt . . Ktmore Sludebaker M ixwell S 1'ords iiuiiii truck ... . Anv number nf se.nnd bind Pnrds nq. . 1L' .11 .11 .IS 1". .11 111 .11 .11 .IB. .Ill 14 II .in. V'l 1 I 1.. ...in , ..ii . ti . is . . . i -, ..ns . II Llmnusine touring Touring llo ulster Touring louring Touring1 'lour big Touring Touring lliindster Ho ulster 'Inuring Ituadster Touring ituadster Hoidster 'louring Touring I ourliiR 'louring . 'Inuring . Itaier I'own Curs xir.n i son , TO ton I S70 too ' Sin . I ' 710 1.10 100 I 1113 .MI8Sl.SC! LINK I dm the link between the man fni Hirer nnd the Investor. Let n organize and nsslst vou In financing our ramiMiiv, Address Promoter VI ,t w. Ledger Central, PA1 i:.N"l S Write fur bov tn nbtnln n patent list of pnlent bujpis nnd Inventions vvantedl si iks ,ii n in prl7ps offered for Inventions. Send sketi ii r.n tree nplnlm ns to patentabll Hi Onr Jour locks sent ftee Patents ad. lertlsed free Vp assist inventors to sell their Inventions Vddiess Ilppartment A, V tctnr J j.i.nn .C Cn li,tent Alfv. . mn.n nrflies VVasblnRlon n i Piillu office, HSU . ,i, . ...... , ..nn .", i, , i null I'tllie. son I h.siniit st Hell plum. .Spruce (11.11 ''MALI, i OltPOItATIOV. rated high bv Duns and Hrailstrret's want j. , win ..uuiiioiiii uTiraing capital nut iii'ii vv i.ii iirinviu'iis nnl) Sill SJ1 7.10 Hill ISO 410 10 1 01 1 . i Slim up. MAIN LINE SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT, PA. dress onlldenll.il, centril Ad. Ledger limoi SI.M3S st'irAtii.i: roit rr.Ni:itAi. VSOItK OH HACIv'I.NIJ I ocomoiiili:h mil 1011 (1 Is ' l.l.MOCSI.Ni: 1 11-IS" LlMOl'SLN'i: nu I llfih's with starter 1012 -ibis" l.tJIOt'SINi: inn 'i. 'is- limol'sint: . . . 1DII IMS' I.l.Mor.si.Ni: nnl 'louring. oriinit MAKLH into CADILLAC Limousine jniJ PACKARD IMS' Limousine and rourbiK 1 111 LOZinit Limousine and Tourlim. M100 1300 invi Si.VI 3VJ0 $300 1MJ0 IfiOO where Si lionl triiliiln, .In. I,,, i.n.... -,- ....... .... ... ...- ,i,'.i.i ,! a.i.iiiiv wouiii It- iliprpi ale - nlep irn'l refs given Ad.lrcs c, 7( Lrili.tr Central. osn-.Noitrii imovii strcht-mi Uoterton s Old Original Vuto School. Teaibes jou how to rciMlr and bnw to irlve aulos (vn north nitoxi) nti:i:i" mi mujhroonis per i.J. I 1-11. PER- 1 la . biifkit iHl 10 ii i 41!..'.- "'' ""' lenners inn . .- .,.. ii ,-, .em ten 810. m,J'' JSSf 0l1 .-'''. f-;x beef hams. J1 mrtd Ine.. Tsl'J:, "-' imms a i' itu. lOOH llftllle do nkltinerl loo.e. 1(Vl tuitV, '..?. 'mukcd IfMiiscjc. oihei hams liIfJA'S...' ITW .. BihilM" .-.., urr. v 'jpi ns in i inn) and hici i" mokci Wenern . ire I boiled boneless, STe, pknlc Wid innei 'US".. loose, to'.i do i V to" iiJSi:1", bllle. In plclilc. a- out , Im.'-,'", bwe l'.'l-.icl'lc iirenkfasi IJSWc hriitV?1?'!. "'"' ""' i ! lined il. lird 'if'.'?" ""I VVeitein iuio.1 I.i.i '.1. eii,in reHiicd in il.i,,.. in.,. I Arid ,Vi.ll,,,.,d0 wuro cliv kettle yim.,Ve'L lf,rc". ''.' l'r. clt. - -- ... VllUf i i .,p t REFINFii micAiic n...., -" " ijr.4iii ftJiiL." ,",M,1" tui 'there, waa little ShlrV"?n'. Ut priies Uxtn rtne granu- IH tWc" fni,,:!;,4 urnnulaied HOV . powdsr L'8173c. l0l,r"nei V. 3 U0c. suit arade. DAIRY pnnnnrvi's I Sl'TTI.,. .. ww.w Bllhi ii!i.:.rr1. "?. nurkei aliaued 1 uudei t"vV ouoiii K., iv?3 '"mand Follawlnji Ink... .sUOlatlons VV'ealei-n iresh. .ollu. W im nli. ""J i'll. Mi . .tra. , fanci it? """ SIBSJ ...nt,a"'5 i sctta.it lou. 17c nveijiKs exiiu 'IMimtc tAd. ...;...-!' ;iw;v . i leGlls"',.'!""1" lobltlllir ul lll'dlli (Utlln.a sAiSlJ""8 were more liberal and o-Uea i"i va.r iteniuiiti (air ro BSiS .."?'? ib.r.js."ji. b JJfr,"18,, 'luoutlon. in fieu .ae i Mr stiit.!,.. i '"' ,ole Mrli Hrt , ItiiV '.,rJ U1,ev nearby current m- fe'.Ji"' t'r Caie demerit exfr.t (Iran &J: ". i.00B7(15?'famI ielmVd w. ' "era Jobbing ut .IJfi IK. uer tHru!iidb'n7''",ns were light aim ihe niar- York (Jn' ,"'ln '"de air. quotatlonu Hnair1-. nlehvr. ,in ..i.'. :.,. , ',JP .. I ii,u,i..inn h c c 1- p-ri ilkim," lift i5v. '""' '''iciTwiftlil , CltKfnnail O POULTRY eieuu o E HfiniSn ...... iw Orni ami hi t" S""1' a""3 ' niarkei L'Uin. vml1,11'" u""er, light fferin i iJi!h..7-,.11' and nun I) THEJWEATHER Oflicial Forecast S A.SHI.VUTON, I-Vb 9 For eastern I'oiinsvlvanla and New Jei ae . P.ullv cloudv and somewhat coldet tonlKht. Thuisdiiv fail and colder: muduute west winds The told wave lost Its eneigy dining the last .'I houis, nnd has moved north, catluaiit vliltmlly out of tho Meld of ob servation I'lisettled conditions developed throughout the Kastein half of tho coun tij, nnd light 'rain m snow has fallen at most plates. The rise In temperitu-e Iu Penus.vlvniila nnd the adjoining States dining- the last .'I bouts tins averaKed about SO degiepa while a considerable rise Is leporled Horn all oilier districts east of tho Plains States sharp drop is leported from tho Uakoias and Aton tana4 ' U, S, Weather Uureau Hulletin obteivatlons tiikin ai b a in basteiu lime Ihiw h last Italn- elot station u in nt tall Wlnd.lt) iv rather IIOSII'RV Knltteis. toppeis and loopers on i leiu vvblto work alemb . welt laving Appl Sd floor. .11"". VVakclleld Oermantown. Atlanta (Pi Atlantic fit) IMlllmore Illsmarek N l Itolton. Malta . Il u Halo .N v (lenvpe C.il Detroit Mkb ilalteston Te llarr aburg Pa It HI S in 'JS 3 HIV Sit .".II H IS IJ fa! N'V Jh Ih 10 hi-: J J 111 .22 VV 111 SJ HW Is IS 01 NVV .10 Wl NVV Jll SO ul w .U It J UK SI III SI N'W I.J Ul .. S JJ 20 NVV 10 Cloudv Itdln Cluud) Char Know Ik CIouill 10 Cloudv IJ Cloudv Cloudt IJ Cloudy Clear 10 Cloud ir , P Cloudv l lomi mealed iiiT '","( """ns rnirkan tiavreiai, -. i ; j- " r" "sur !? iSfiK. ""in i, ',0 ?. Il I lUllfa. N S J 1 -? NW HI hn, Stat -wBAi iiuLka as to He and nuallti Helena Mont , IS .11 HW C Mir a1' K? al. " PUtons. old, pif Huron tf II ' .", 'Wr S58Ea3ED fe ou"? er pali, ISfJtJe ' Indianapolis a JJ NVV C outly ItMTSJS, J,?? "'.ar,kt. ruled Arm under Jatkaonvllle i" y . h 10 C wr f?th-illlia rtfi1'1 ",flr denuud (iuolatlona I Kansas Ciu. 3J , s Clf,r 5 (iSvtl7,wckf-Ti'0l. ISto boi, dry- Knuxvllle Tnn ill J" 12 VV. Rain f"4ovJ 5tJ aelenta, SuVsu welcblnc 4 lbi. iJtltla Uo'k Ail ll l OJ .N Clsudy S,. i?iP,Iec Wv vvslitVlnit fit Iba aoleLB i'tw Aiitelis, Cal VI Is S . .Cloudv S81. 4 lb. .n.,owl' ln kbla, dry-olttfea, Montaomwrv mi J . H.v . 'loudy Stt isic ri1 "Vr apiece. W'.s... liiialler Montreal Can .' V b..i W ,..'.',r fTOici8.lSc ",u" r .sterVT dr-nick J I 111 i , Njibvul Ttnn ti 4u .31 NB . lUilu fcjjbWi I ,?h.er"'n WUWWVa(H.j.9,u 'Tlulu Mo 3J 3 .NVV . p Cloudy Wu i k.,111, ... " '"fior in . t4iij Mf g: scj, j,iOI, s n io XV 13 'r St SI1 Tit; POKK HOSiritV experienced knitters and toppers steidy work good nnv . .ilen learneis. i.td while leunlnn 1320 North l.iwrence. HOI'.snvVOItK (grniral) Whlip Rirl.' inuw bavi gold ref smnll nrli. fain Apnlv III Park ave I.ianeicti or phono Llirorcb lltlll IIOCSnwOHK-O'rl white: good plain conk ing no washing, il, suburbs Apply be tween 1lniiil 1 1711 Diamond st , Apt S HOI'SPWOFIK Oermill or Swedish girl small fimll 1 . miles fioin Philadelphia. Call Ronni 210 Publli I edger lllllldlng IIOI'SRVVORK Voutil: while elrl wanted In , small famllv Proirstaut preferred refertnie I i.imlreil S3I South list ut IIOl'HBVVORK Competent Piwciiant girl ir in 1 tool small family In waBbbit, M (III J.-dgcr Central IIOI'sLVVOItK-Pxp girl for tllv Meet em- ptover. Room ISO, oclnik Pubtle Ledger IIOCSSWORK no wssblng wbi'e Irl refereme. Oormley Front and ralrninunt av IIOI'SFVVOllK. settled woman suburbs good home, refereni e Room yiO. Public Ledgei . LADII3S wanted lu Pblladeliibla A pood no" altlon for Ihoso willing to take free training wjtli reliable gusr tormi innunin: lbi oualifvinv themrelv.'S will be permanent, no outfit for sale H 1B2 laslaer Office OPERATORS Applications are now belns re celled for experienced female operatora on fusea Call oi address stating experience. S1IH rrnpkfor.l aie OPKIMTORS nn celt parts of silk and cotton sblrcwaUta Uurneip taken Tb ilagedorn. Mera Company. Id and Hronn hTENOORAPlIKR Apnlv b lpiter isii.i". experience and salary expected to R Jacobs N VV cor nnad and 8outb vri:NO(RPII"n and general office workeT wanted. A'inly Caffery Co l( th and Mar'ie' his . Camden VlblTINff (lOVERNESS to(akc care of e'll'" fi yeirs, from J to 7 n m dallv Aoplv Tuurada 1JJ3 North Rroad OMAN wanted lo demonstrate food prod. ..... r..ii rvit .- n. au .. .... r una, nn ,,, . .jgf wwt wig H"ANTCli White woman, middle-aged, cliam bsrnork and care of :'.iear-nr ehlld. farm Moorestown NI tl SSJ, Ledger Central VOCN'O VOMAN' relln--il ,ia mothrr's helper i"kB charge nf 2 small bovs Phone Wavne .10 A or Woodland 37tJ J u-fereiw?e required VOW f THE T1MK fo- vouns ladles seek ing commercial 'luHltlonn li consult Miss I lean ut I ndger Ccullal. Rioad and Clust. nut sta A speenl servlca Is ienilred in STKN'OnirAPiiGRB .IIOOKKEEPKRS AND CLERKS through (lie Comnirpal Depart men lo LMDOEil AnVERTISERS and a grout number of ladles have ten benented by this aervf'.e AGENTS I.O( VI, or trivelliig for subSLilptlous to long established Presbiterlnn wieklv Piopisltloi for expeilenied and Inexperienced applicants good income i: H.1 I.edRer Central SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE , HILL CLERK Elllott-PUher operator knowl edge of bookpg and stenog s v.ars ex- ! pertenr . Sin l 313 Ledger Central I HOOKKi:i:pi:it, experteiued, nt nrcseni .m i llln.'il bv larro .nrpoilillon d. sires (bin;-.. I nfs Al sil.iry 7., mo (I 2.U Led I'm . RO.lKKHI'Prit. i xiierlrnccd and rellal le ai -i uatomeil tu full ibarse, dezlr.a inslibti with rclnbl llrtn O rij, LeilRerCntrut. HOOKKEEPI1R D K. several jears cxir . q.inblo of tnkltig cbarge (1 ril Led Cent HOOKKi:i:pi:it stenographer cntiable i egin- uer. lent reliable, wishes pos (1 HI.1 Led (en CAHHIER, e erlen.ed, Anierb.ui Pm-estint. referenie II 13d LedRerOfJlte cilAMRERWORK oi ihamberwork and assist l.tundiy aii tolored woman Pop L07!l J OHILDNt R.SE. assist (hambermild "f.otih PiOtestiinl. ixperlenied II 201 Led Of'lc. CI.I.RICAL (geturnll nr secretarial pos lion high school Rr.u.unte nul.k ui ilgures snd good lettir writer II 130 ledger Ofilce CLERK Vnung l.ldj exii-rb iu eil willing d. -sires permanent position (i PI". Led Cent CLERK Dill (t'ndei wood ivoewrlten tile. c.eu eal offlie uxper ellced (lli10jl d Ceiitinl COMPANION -nureo or Judy n msll. refer" ente assist llBhtdlltles.H 151. Led Of IU i COMI'TOMETER operate r .lerk aist bk'.' S sears' experlonie ll MS la?dg( rCeinral COCiE wants cooklux or downstairs work, th7 lountrv. refereme 2201 spen. l OOK, good wanta place. Rood refeieuie fioin last place .110 .south Utiles st GENERAL IIOI'SCWORK no washing." aff iled woman, cliy ur suburbs , referenie It m 1 II Ledger Offl.e lldl SL'KEEPER visiting nr companion In da. nr liuiir gnod hewer and baker .an alsn lead and ahnp well II 1J Ledger Ofilce HOI sLKEEPER working or prank il imri-e Prot aetileiljitoman. ref. Ii 1J7 I.e.) Off IIOCfEVVOHK (llrl w"anis"houeworl. 70S N Hhedwhlt at West Philadelphia LADY of refinement, experienced, deslies good leilcsl poalilon ti .1 17 ledger Central Nt'RHE named hcp'tnl expeilence deslies position any .lekness or Invulld reasonable .IS 1 Ledger Offlie NCRSE pructleal. wlshea eiiL-ngementa ii ii vvi; voc posniov to rn.L- AcILp muiiir man (ollogp nluistlon oulil. nt ngures now methods good salesman ureiliiiilcnllv and eleitrliatlv inillned. ip. sires pmltlon nf (rust and rpsiainnlhllltv sitarv sriondny nu Insiiranie, lank or real pstaip A 3JH, l.pu(,er OfOn, DO (V WVN'T a tPilinic.il mutt nf Unrulier abllliv and p. r-nni litv with llv. vears nf lusiiitiH nnd orilie experience and tlnee v.ari englnceriiiK work tn develop Into good silpsmiiii nfiicp or deimiiment minaKer" ( S .1 1 pilrer Ccntrnl JAPANESE rlpslrea position as (ookand bom wo k In private famliv . tv or .oiiuin, ins seieial bpit refs TorI, 2J1 N r.lli st THE I.OCO.MOIUl 13 CO. Ol" AMERICA S3II-SJ Matket St.. Phlla. It A. lEN'KS. .Mgr. Exchange Car Dent. I ocust 410 Race 331 hi INVEsrKt.VTi: THESE PRICE HAVIM1H f mill' C A It H ' '1 aken In part exihange for com: chant Also Demonstrating Cars, sllghtlv L'sed. Rig mines for little monev ea. It .ar tbmougbl overhauled and satisfaction guaranteed Iluv now nn I s.vp nion.v. I, S ROWERS I O JI1-JI7 North Iltonil street. DLSIRIHUTERS COLE ORANT ElMPItOYMENT AGENCIES MRS KV.VE III Mouth Pith st. wishes sit ii unns fur pin'estmt ( ook and chamber, maids where other help Is kept also I rem Ii topple Ocrmin nursp in i banibermnld wall i.sses butlers, set ond men nlsn tlrst-clars help wanted for tlrstilnss families refer ences for chariut. r and abllti) required I 'lione spriu e SIOI MClloi.l.s. nun llHlnbrldgc st bis ..;7upT tint butl.rs. hPcnnd men. Iitiu... men lauples I ngllsli. irlph. Oerninn. Swedish .oo,s, v.'l in x.1 . hamberninlds waitresses, nurses, uindrrss.s, gniernesses ladles' mails par lor milds etc Wanted nldltioiml help, atl cipaclties Ptione Locunt Sill) COOKS, chambermaids, thillnurses, house work girls want positions Herman clnmb. r iiiiiltls want osltlous wanted, all kinds of llistilats help. Miss Roso Dougheriv. IT! I VV (Ilniil av. MIK"MARY T "MeCAIlTIIV 2107 ChrisTlan (Lne 111)1), sunplles ,t wants 1st clias Prot, Calli. male and femnlo help, nil nationalities. MRH MIN'ZLAPF. 1010 christian st (Dlrkln son .il.tl wants a first claws butler and Oer man .ook with referen.es VV NTED-nt Ells.opil ufllie Ms S ISthTT" iooks wniireitsps, i ii imheimnlils and mi rsps AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES ri:i.'ioN as it voe PIREPRCOP 1U 000 ! ft stotugo sp.u P. C1I VPFPEPRS CIIACFI'ECRS Ilefoie muklng a chaiiRe Inspect our service. ItlD (1IRARD AVEXI'E .N'D PELTON STREET Phone. Ilelinont 111. I. wi; have 47 op i nri finest SMALL ACIOVIOIIILES that inn be sppn In Pbllatielrlila. Each ar oierhiulod pilnted and sold with n reasonable guarantee Racked by a lespnnrbln concern. It will pay you to Iniestlgote. MAIN LIVE SBRVICE CO. Rosemont, Pa HUDSON' RCN'VHOtJT $100 .N'I'VV HENDERSON.' I-CVI. MOTOR. CVCI.E . 200 UCICK l'OITRLNC. CVR .'100 IHtltl'Oi: TOPRINtl 400 MET. LATE 1011 . . .123 A'NY v ITshVIM.. ,i . ".... J T. . -isiji?v fc.f0 'd co thoKe &. ,- , ,' "tci otrg. Jit . ",e ".tfJ"u , Pr'o, "" I" IP IX e.tl fun . 'M. ,L. ... .. .-. ." '"VJ .,Tit.V do Tv r ' '-f' tu oeaiii i """" bi H sbl , u lo iu Hr .Mt'' i 'a Hll t ji a.r. AntertUi ytii.Kr.ti Is o aanu f M Si ie Mars S iun.io.1 la Mini W Vi'icofiion vV t iluen i ho sL S, U l 111 0? us us Mb s feW K S'E NW tit I Cloudv CI ir Cloudy tousiy P i loudy i lo idy tear OeneraJ LADV. "ihqroughlj up-to dale business womarT for position requiring executive ability and lattf must be hustler and ivllllii to make short trips 1 np.cwrary. best rre.tvnttala re ouirud salarv S'.tl uettklv 4 ti, t .t. 0(fl ' "" (JOVERNMENT poBitlons open la women. 173 month Write ImmedlateK for free list Franklin Inst Oept 71. M Hachester v v HELP WANTEDMALE ARCIIITBCTCRAI, ORAy(lHTSMANwantHl l'nfyfrli graduate preferred. Muat be gSod In clealsn and cona ruction Give Khoollui 4 erafe'ei.c and salary A 303 Ledr x AN'THO r:i erler set feeder ou sjXw J3SZ nnlllnv fltt.l .rMi.liiir tiri,... .... .. . " . -IS".V .--- - Ladzer i AMlHTaVKf aOOKKbEPfcR Salary 10 "idie mMSA SLwriKt A 2S1 J3M' OniCeT " .( ability IWr Offlva : nvalld. experienced .'nil N IRth HEVMS'IRESS assist light duties, where other maids are kept. HJU N 4th at Camden V J SECRETARY-Expert stenographer capable of handling- correspondence end details 8 years' exp , salary 1I A-t refs li 1.17 Led Cent bTENOURAPllKR expert excel . exp In a I vertls dimmer and secretarial work, unlj high grade pos considered (1711 Led teni hTENOURAPHER fi'veara' experlen.e prlvute secretary and office manager deslies ltosi llonreference A .IU Le.lger Ofllie SU'.NpilHAPHER flrstilass 7 vears' "exp capable correspondent, can take charge of ofilce (1 Jll I-edser Central bTENO'jRVHHER general orflce work III vears. experience capable, dependable (1 imii l.eileer Central I LWivniiittiinpn u..i ..-.i..- . 1 I ,-t ,, .w..,,, iit.it ttrttiiiiict el tvpic Ulll clerk wishes perm position (! JIJ Led. cent .STENOGRAPIIER fulli oxprrli'hce.1 rapibls accurate beat refeiences. O 0V1. led Ceni S1ENOORAPIIER good tvplst t vears' exp" good ref detlrew iIuiiko A 211, Ledter Off STKNOORPHER (beginner) experienced tu tierlial qtktrlal aolbjted O 71IS I.edCeut TI TORING -iMiiguagea Enw "branches for- etgiierabackviara implls .101 Wejghlnian Re. TYPIST lerk. exp .lenen.lab'e" knniedj. stenog neali-es pos it SM, Lsdicr Central. WOMAN of experience desires a pusltlos In en ipstRutlon A JiW. J edgar Office slLLE U'CIE'llER'niE. ItU W.alnui deslr-i school work, prl pupils, conieraatlonal meih INDEPENDENT TAXICVR CO Kill N WILLIN'OTON ST l.IMOC.SIN'PS TAN1CAI1 AND TOI'IIINO CVRS TO llllti: l .111 I'I'R IIOCR AN'D PP IOP 10SMHSI PMIK 71 N'EV Elt CLOSED TO HIRE (open day and nlgbil-Rraud new ,t pass, touring .ai wltli robes SI J1 hour, nis.t iirniiM-iiw i ott.n iiiiuiusine i oil nour, weddings funerils etc Contsr 1017 VV S-PVH, s r-sl King tn Ii ro bs dnv or week" reasonable prl e 2S.pl N lounhert si Park AUTO REPAIRING M TOMOBILE .REPAIRS The hpst efiuippett shop In V Phlla We tralKhieu frames and axles make parts, b.ir den and grind Rebuild overhaul and repair all makes Prices fair gency for Master Carburetors and Mechanical starters IIKidINU HRoniEILS 121J Chestnut SPEEDOMETER TROURLES 1 See RILLY at bis new locution, aio tNiiitrit iiiiiMUHr CYLINDERS REIIOHED. new pistons snd rings furnished weldings and brazing II. n. Underwood A. Co I0JI1 Hamilton st rhlla. IT -WILL PAY VOl' 'IO INVESTIGATE. MAIN Ll.Nt; MLHV ll'i; CO P.O-EMONT P 1 DOW.V AN'D S V VVREK ' VV'llliout red est., p sciurltv. will puiihase r. new Ford tar Anv other make nf pleas ure nr dellierv on same plan Representa tive will call or vou cm tall upon us. Co-nierutlic Vulomnhlln Asso.litlon. Ine, una , n -isi si , -pruie iiii PART TO 1IIII I.D OR REPAIR A CAR .SCHOIIER .Hll ,11 MARKET, send for ntnr: hulletin" OF USED CARS OORSO.N' AUTO EXCIIANOE 2.18 N. RROAD IVsnted STOP. I30K AND IISTE.N' New garage opened curs bought sold nnd exchanged. iuichsoiIcs, new and old. courts ous assistants expert meClisnl-m. COME SEE l'- Pbllil Aula PartsC.t IIIIH Hroa I at Phlla wanted for parts SCHOIIER 1111 II II Market. OR PARTS. FOR HALE CONTENTS AND LEASE OF THE MOST L.NQI'ISITELV. PITRNIRIIED V.N'D I'.L1 CT VPVRTMI3NT HOUSn ON .NORTH 11IIO VD SP 1(1 ROOMS (I RATItS: PVVS AROI T JIOCO YEARLY P 1)17. LED- (JER OFFICE 1 IIAV E 21 vears business expirlcucc, with dnono imnrp ir neressirs) tn Invest with aitlip sirvlip In a business that will stand invpstlgatlon A small bushiest with n possl blllij will be ciiuallv Interesting Replies lull In slrbt c mndence O 713 Ledger Centrnl OLD-EST PHILV I 1RM desires flnnnclaT bs. king can sccurp spvernt new contracts Willi uddltlmiil capltnl credit unlimited: standing Al, .xiellent opportunity large fac torv In . Itv M 141. Ledger Central REAL ESTVTE RROKER, specializing In comT nien'nl building Improvement desires nnan clnl nnd business nsslstance from investor of me ins for further development or well pax In. s"Us1ib1ipi1 business P J1J1, 1 cdRer Office Stn (ino - PARTNER WANTED uctlveman7 safe prolltablp mnnuracturlng business; you took after ofilce and handle flnances; ns eiiiPd pav vou goo I revenue M O.T.1. .Ledger Centiat t AC1IM- PEimo.V offered dtrei tornte, with snlarj nn Investment nf f'ooo In established manurai luring buslnen see Robert Adair, Contlnentnl Hotel IS lo 7 p. m ENTIRE STOCK Issue of rccentls Incbrpo latcd coinpiiuy with pl.ntv advance orders cm be purchased For particulars address 1 1 JM IjsIrci Central (IARAGE- Good location tTolug business, hss loom for II c ira will sell cheap to nulck timer owner has other business. Call Sit 2ujS nidge ave ACTIVE or silent partner with $10,000 to xl" nno for rapldlv growing nnd well-established business Address 11 12, Ledger .Central. ADDITIONAL capital fumishen mate business. O 2n. Ledger Central. POOL ROOM and funds led roomed house, xll pomblnpd. for sile cbpnp IS11 South st. PICTl RE TIIEATRF SJKKI " terma earns $73 upward weeklv trill booming location: no iiimpetlton Inveatlpste Rarrlst, SOI N, Broad. PROMOTER ItPsponslble tlrm nr Individual to place stock of new Industrial concern on commission bislsO 411 Ledger Central. ". A MONTH secures Interest In growing- orch ard will be prnduZlnR- before paid for Harry Dntlliigtnu. ll.'O Chestnut st HOTEL, Oiean Cltv N I loc-ited near tho bem h first diss follow lug For particulars llddr. s P (l.'l Ledger Offlie $200o lovested ns p.iual partner In going bust, ness would e irn 10 per.cent. profits per earj securltl P OJt Ledger Office FFTly EQCIPPED matblno shop "for sale or rent J.C lohnsoii 224 .V nth limited I3FSI.VI.SiS M V.N will Inv.st $10,000 with setv bes In estab i rontnblo business, atato lino of but-lne-s R nn ledger Office OLDCARS BUSINESS PERSONALS EV EX1NO I.ATEST STYLE I t LI.-DHi:S8 SPITS CLOTHES IIEI.IV A. CVI.I.FD TOR FREE . - CALL OH I'lION'E POPLAR SJ3 II1RI' OPEN EVENINGS LhlD.NER ft 10TII UIRARD AV . S W COR. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutawnve. ,'Tuxedos and Sack Suits Tu blio and made lo order, NEURACER THE 1 V.ILOR, 1(1 N. Oth at. Uell plione Walmll 20tS SCI'tntFLPOI s II MR removed by efertrolvals. the onlv permanent w,i Evebrows Mrched. MP1S SMITH 40J Keith Theatre, llldg Miss Iloppe, hairdresser facial massage.inan. ItllCg. form Mint rcaile. with Mlfs Hnmh . DIAMON'DS ROFOIIT"" nank refereni c Appraisement Is. IIARRV. VV SM1TII 71? SIN'SOM ST. i LVIMS nf anv destrlttlon collet ted nn per centage mv where We gel inur monev for vnu AMCOSE VOFNCV IV) I Vr b st WANTED OLD Al'TOS ssi.". MRtrit inn si WANTED-OLll Al'TOS TOR JL'NK. "S!4 ID ST PIlO.N'n PARK !3S AUTOs wanted, anv make or toudltlon Dougb ertj. 1S(3 N IHtli phono Dlimond Tfvi POULTRY AND SUPPLIES PIN'n breeding cockerels Rarred Pl mouth Roe- Wvondnlte. Light Rrahma Leghorns, Ai vona, Mlnntxas Rhode Island Reds from the tlnefat sirnliis obtain ihlp. Call and see oui Immense stock E C Vabte '110 Market ftt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES llOI.NO llllll'k PI VN'l on rallioad siding about JO miles from Phlla . s.oud uualll shale and clav about o feet deep will sell outright or half Interest. M III, Ledger Cen ttal JB'LDING MATERIALS REPAIRS SCCCESSFFI, 111 ILDERS for 21 earsVe became succesuful bv giving satisfaction. Don t do anv building oi alteration work until y iu have our prltes Will be pleased to give estituatp We nro carpenters and general ennstr;. Hon people Vie do Jobblnr of everv kind on short notice We also bu and sell real ebtate nnd bust, ness ptopeities of everv kind throughout the Slate, seiure tenants collect rents and care for estates as vou would have It done. Write nr nhane for price. THE PRN'.V III L ESTATE AND III'ILDINO CO. 21.11 North Kith st. Roth phones LFT A PllCTICM RRICKLAYER give jou an estimate an vnilr brtcklavtng rnush Past ing and brlik pointing DufTt S2S Fair' mount ave Phone Poplar 'is 17 OLIi-EhTAIILISHEn BAKERY 7 AUTO SUPPLIES I1ERIN0S New Depkrture Service Sta Th Gwllllam Co. 1314 Arch at. Phones Walnut S47. Race 306S. : and cresalnK priMu one who cun Otce ur,,frrJ AsijTly j " MISS IIEAN at Ledger Central has listed the qualiftcatlena at joiing ladles experienced in all kinds of offics detail work and has Hid special training In selecting the iUht ipi son for tbe right position " Acquaint t,.r wlihour needs-elthtr p peisonat .u'l ,v tleptone Valnui or Main IIKMi- and per oral attention will be given prompilj Th' TISHRS ""Uo ta -sW'clER AnVHIt AUTO TIRES PULLMAN' TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles Compare priies ORIM'S 2.HI N llroad st FIRESTONE DBJIOUNTAnt,E RIM8 for Ford pars Sir. per set Installed Duplex Tire Co . SSJS N Rroad st Phone Diamond 1423 i AUTOMOBILES For Sale FOR svi 13 Paikard TO. ..passenger 'touring cai I1J1. cash Apply In person, will dem ons t rule. 11 II WlibELER I.incj.ler pike Devon. Pa. AI'TOMORILK .1 passenger. 40 H I '.! la lumber bualnesn prferri1 ,du pt,tttr2 nwKtsi ...ir x. SJTUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT locome tax jeports orewred for Individual D,.,?T3?g.rcSBt?arni,to""wM Al c Ol NTANT AM. OFFICt M IMl.l R n 3Sa3! b"tof ,e't'eK" ' At i'l NTANT ai)1 correapondent ouslilleij in - "i-TT FmmJ - t-n iB iu iV WW!WG l V4M(V miff U 43 Led leutraj mnmv cat, in guoti coudlton 2 extra, tires and cot vm eirc.i.c .ism. toil unu vvinu snieiua complete good famliv car, cheap no deal ers Pbone Woodland 3181 J Can be seen 84 ittth St tlarag. J " cADII.l.vc 8-cyllnder tourlnr, as good as new 4u. (JOMBRYSCItJvnTaL23.1 N Broad CH NDLBR, 19F1. "electric lights, etc.; ex cellent con James P Farrell, 1(31 Sanaom. CHKVlfOLET AOENCY Kerr's new garaTr (lUUQlrardave. Storage, $5 up, FORD ribTDBTBR now. 101 a model, electric stanei driven but bOO miles. Phone Qer. mautowii SMS R MARilON, 1912-ln flrt-cbia condition, JUI"t overhauled and rewlnled. R. J, HOVYLEY 3IU N Uroad st ' and confectionery at IH20 Jefferson st newly alierc-l snd Improved for rent In nrst class condition lit every reappit and bakers permit gianted V food place for the right man VV J SMM1I, I US Ctiestnut st PR'1Y Willi $IO0(M) cash with or without s(rvlies, to loin me Iu billing cash lelall business that has been extiemelv piofltable foi J1 xeurs, I will not draw anv thing (runl the business until our monev luia been re paid In full 1 .an largeli increase present nel piofits highest refereme fir .hiracler and pracllcsl abtllo furnished cash and quick decision after Investigation required Ul. I.edaerJ-lftUt- MEN AND WOMEN wunled tmmeilately We ratrtttll.lt u, tt, .jctiit ttltrilt IIUBineSS Wlin eX- iluslve tetrRory. supplying ou with machine lhat we will guarantee and demonstrate vou tan turn out $.10 staple goods dallv total i u. i of law material $1 jour profit $21 machine and contract costs $210 cash ter rltori going fast unusual opportunity, see Kidder. 1SJ8 Arch t WANT a tlrst mortgage loan or $.00 000 on loiproied Waahlngton D c , properly Address owner. M 5(1, Ledger Central DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY 1'IIE MeDOWEI.I U11KSSM KINQ SCHOOL ur, Dent kit Ridg 11th and Mnrket its. "POTTER" SCI 1 00 1. OF DRESSMAKINfJl- DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS I4J3 aiRARD AVE Poplar 8371 HEMSTITCHING 10 cents a yard: all mate. rials A REICHARD, 1111 CIIFSTNOT ST PICTORIAL KEyiKVYJATTEiyJS 1IEMSTITC11INO 5e ard" Al material, but tons cove, pleating stamping, hand embrold en Midern 1C02 chestnut Phone Spruce 23M DRPSsMAKUt Frencb desires engagements terms reasonable evening gowns a. spei remoleling IRIS Walnut Ph -Walnut MYs. GOWN'S REMODELED blgh-grude work only Phone Spruce 2221 $10000 'IO $1.1.000 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL wanted with pr wltbout services In well-established paling business, will stand rhzid investigation, integrity must be unquesilSn able prtuolpala only. Address M S3o7 Ledger POR SALE ANTIQI E and modem furniture Phone uS M, ( olllngswood Jirlv. party. A .Till. Led Oft. HILLIARD, POOI,7 combination "second band bought sold, rented, exchanged, repairing supplies. Lafe Keafer American manufai mrer. a. i.irarci ave BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES AI5 bowling alleys, easy payments. RRUNS VVICK.llALKE.COLLENDljR CO.. 1002 Areb BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hanJ tables, repalrlog, supplies Clark Herd Mfg.. Co.x2421 K Front, Uil.LURD TnLE-Bruna,tck's beatToTigln. ally $rmo now $J00 Phone IVoo.llainl In v Cxsil ItEGlSTEnS, new and factory rebuilt New total adders as low as $40 on easy monthly pajments Call and see ous leil models All roglsiers sold by ua fully gusr sntaed THE NATIONAL CASH REdlSTKIt CO., 7S0 Chestnut at. MERCEIlVwaseiiEer touring csr, selTuoTuF. ricv i$ iA"t -ssx wv ww -s. I C MOSER. 21S N Broad st 19FI ft-40 overall tires driven x0 will sell reaeuablc Phone Loctuit I' VICE n lies .1402 J 1011 Vfcl IK yiKBTCIASs Cv.VDITfOV 8iS NORTH BROAO at. YOUNG MAN with a few thousand dollars can secure excellent oupurtu nlty by taking sctlve part in the dla. trlbutfon of an automobile accessory selling -or $1 by mall. Urge DroBt. Si 457. Ledger Central. T " Ba, PARTNER WANTED Active or silent partner to Invest $10000 in a going corporation to further ineriijetieLr bat inanuf-cturlng business M 0 Istleer Central - st rtlla , iiiacb-ulcal sua electrical ! ttv talstered DAtfint aitmn., .,.Viftnsit Iuere 10 joars inveutlons dsvsloceJ uiur iradeaiarks. coprIgbts s.ure5 sjjcl UK gate J anj where reie. led appllcsiiuns oro vutww i.,.it.f uitti tree PAUXT'oianufscturlng nljat an I ' islncss ( sale Sn-iib. 3l Market st PUL adtbkia. I. DESKS -mine cabinets, safes, telephone fcootbi and office furniture and fixtures of every scrlptlon, used, but In fine condition, aoj very cheap free delivery anvwhere IIUQJJES, 1ITH AND BtftTOXWOQp BVBNINO OOWN WORTH 175 WILUKO TO SxCRIFICK VAKE Ol'FKII PHONE BEFORE 12 Af MV RARING UUS W OFFICE EQUIPMENT pWfecl SO rulla Buists, s Woociu'ji!, SAFSfc-Fireproof clsa-ut wtybtJlrilJ; lies nukes Dig bargain iVi M FouiitT Ten Electric Radiatora "" Simplex Make Brand New Wil I Sl.ll l HiVP-iHx-- U S41ERS Hti rAlB.MlJt NT X, , Oltief ti-Mltt4 .lu m ht tf4fe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers