!l it m ;! ii Rf It m 16 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, EBTtTJABY 9, 1916. FINANCIAL NEWS COPPER SHARES BECAME PROMINENT IN AFTERNOON, WITH HEAVY BUYING Record Profits Talked of for Anaconda Predictions That Extra Dividend on Butte and Superior Would Be More Than $10 Caused Advance in That Stock jw Copper stocks wcro forced Into prominence In the lute nftornoon liy the nppeitrance of somo larRO buying orders, one Iioiiho tnkitifr ROOD Aimcoitiln and helping put tbo price of tlmt atorlc up to OS, while ttlntllnt' IniyliiK inndd immy other of theso Issues nctlvo nnd nttrncted Incrcnsed nttentlun to llio lionvlly swollen profits. It was said by one of the heaviest buyer tlmt Aimrontla'a piullts for the current ntlnrlcr will bo the larRcst In Its history nnd with these heavy piiniIiirs there will be cqimlly large dividend dlsburHcmcnls. An advance of moro than G points In Ituttc and .Superior was iirrmnpnntpil by predictions that the extra dividend on that stock at the next directors' meet ing will be tnoro than $10 per share. These alatenients caused a good deal of conjecture as to how long the copper stocks and stocks of other metal producing companies can remain at their present range, with larger dividend payments promised nnd earnings continually Increasing. The. activity nnd strength In this group had tin Influence In trading In the general list nnd encouraged somo speculative, buying, particularly from the West, which was the first Indication for some time of any outnlde lulercst In stock market affairs, Tho railroad stocks acted better in the Into afternoon with I'lilon Pacific Jn demnnd In anticipation of dividend action to bo taken tomorrow. War order stocks wcro active, fluctuating over a wide railgo and showing little net change as a result of tho day's trndlng. Tho market tone was far better all around than If had been at any time Blnco tho beginning of tho year and there was a confidential feeling In some quarters that tho movement in copper shares will be an Influence in generally broadening speculative Interest and prove an Incentive for pool accumulation nnd outside activities In tho gcnernl list. ' $30,000,000 Chicago Union Station RihhIh Sold Tho Chicago Union Station Company has sold to Kuhn, l,oeb & Co., I,ee, HlgglnBon & Co., tho Illinois Trust nnd Savings Hank, the National City Hank , of New York nnd tho First National Hank of New York $.1(1.000.000 first mortgago 4 per cent, bonds, principal nnd Interest guaranteed by indorse ijTiont by the Chicago, Burlington nnd Qulncy llnltrnnd Company, the Chl 'cngo, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul Hallway Company, the Pittsburgh. Clncln natl, Chicago and St. Louis Hnllway Company and the Pennsylvania Company. New York Stock Sales Iint close. Adams Kjpress MS OJfl 2.-14 XI' i & 7(1! i 7P( 103'J (1271 MIDVALE ADVANCED ON NEW YORK CURB General List Inclined to Be Er ratic Bulge in Balti more Tube NEW YOrtK, Fob. 9 Further Irregu larity characterized tho dealings In the market for outside securities today while, at times, considerable activity developed In some quarters, trading" In other parts of the list fell off. Midvale Steel was again one of tho principal features and t after advancing nearly 5 points, broke .1 but subsequently rallied to within a point of tbo highest. The fluctuations were erratic nt times, the rishts fell sharply over C points after tho announcement re garding the new Issue of bonds and stoekB. Submarine I3oat after advancing over a point onBed off. Baltimore Tube made a sharp rise of nearly S points. More Interest was shown In oil stocks especially Ohio Oil which rose about 3 points while a heavy demand was shown for Cosden which touched a new high mark at 22. Supulpa rose 2'i points, also a new high record. Motor stocks wero Irregular but decidedly less active. Cuba Cane Sugar after a small advance reacted. Copper stocks were comparatively quiet with Interest cen tered In Kcnnecott, while Cerro de Pasco on tho announcement of tho Initial divi dend declined. i Donds were moderately active with small price changes. lN'DUSTHIALS. inn. ASKru. S5 . 1." 10.- AmerlcanHritlsli MnnufacturtnR Atlantic Cluir Si W 1 S S do pM American Marconi AJnx Rubber Inc w I llultlmorc Tuba t?annltan Pur & Foundry Canadian Car it Fmindry pfd tm cnevrotet jintor car . . Chambers Motors .... Curtlsa AeropUno Cuban Com HtiRivr .... DrlgEo-Peahury Prljncs-Kcabury rta . . . . HaiUetl nnd Barker Car Hendee Manurnetiirlnir . International Mercaiiillo Marine i'la lUlj 17 International Mercantile Marino pro 7 a: an in 4 7 II.-. "II 1l.i Kit it4 at ItVt International Nickel new 51 jieny Htirinmioui im Kathotllon Bronze pfd Leo Tire Manhattan TratiHlt Maxim Munition Mldvnl.i Steol Oils Klevator Otto Klienlohr w I Otto Klsenlohr pM Peerlcm Motor Poole ICnslne and Machine . . fit. Joseph Lend 3 S KrcsKo w I Standard Motors Hubmarlne lit v t c ctfa ... Triangle Film v t ctfa .... United Profit SharlnR United States Light & Heat do pfd White Motors w I "World Kllm STANDARD Oil. SUHSIDIAIUKS. i Anglo-American Oil 12 Illinois V U 1KI Ohio Oil '.Els Standard Oil of California MBS manaanl un or .mw jersey run ( Bjandard pll of New York 210 OTHER Oil. STOCKS. i Cosden 21i unaimers jii Houston OH Midwest Itennlnc ... lyji !!: M ... jtj .;; itiVi ... 2lj ...u ... in ... 15 ... M. ... .TT',5 ::: $ ::: 3 ::: r .VI as isr. liVni 120 i.vt Bt'4 14 Bapulpa MINING STOCKS. Atlanta Ilraden t IlUtte C & Z V t ctfs ... uutta is .Now TrK First National Copper Ooldfleld Merger , llecla Mlnlim- Howe Sound Jim llutler Jumbo intension Kennecott Copper McKlnley-DjrraKh Mines of America Nlpliatng Mines Company .. San Toy , West Knil Consolidated West End Extension nONDS. Erie Ilts llaltlmore and Ohio 5s Cerro do Pasco S,t. I"aul 4a Ill Wl 1.1 20 mil', 17" !! : ft i a , 7 im; . 71 l i.i 1M1 21ft 1172 SM 21 1 2.,; 1H .Vi IVA 21 iVj a .'Hi $ if .102W 102H .1211 121 . O.'Vi tMl LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO, Feb. 0. IIOOS. Htielpts, 50,000 head, market 10c. liluhcr. Mixed and butchers, 7.H3Si-'iO:- Rood heavy, .0.'jm.:iUi rough fieavy. 7,75tlH. Ilnht, .7Uj8.2u; plus. Ju.u.1 UTM. bulk, t4.U3ft8.20 CATTLB. Receipts, 16.000 head: market 10c. lower lleeves, I5.151iU.(I"S: rows and heifers, $.vr,S.tU; Teians, 4U.U6S.IU; caltes, JU.13W 10.78. 8IIEEI'. Receipts. IS, OOO head: market strong, Natives and Western. I.5HS.;I3; lambs, $8.25CfU.SO. New York, Chicago and St. I-ouls Railroad. ." per cent, on the tlrst preferred, payable March 1 to stock of record February 18. RAILROAD EARNINGS ILLINOIS OBNTRAU llilH. Increase. January gross $3,ta7,071 H17.73U YAZOO AND MISSISSIPPI VAU.BV. 1H16. Increase. January Krosa ..-. t,07B,S!H so,5M TEXAS ANl PACIFIC. December gross ....... . L.WJgU ttsgg Wxt m.0.n,. t;"::::a!hS tJi:S3I Harmony Mills Capital Increase BOSTON, Feb. U. StoekhoIdarH of the Harmony Mills have approved an Inereas in the preferred ptocU from 1.500,000 to 12.260.000. A dividend of $15.75 per tdiare, covertnK all accrued dividend up to February 1 haa been declared on the preferred utock. payable February 15 to holders of record February 12. Railroad Increases Dividend NEW YortK, Feb. 9. The New York, Chiccbo and St. Lois Railroad Company has declared a dividend of 5 Dr cent. mi Its first preXerred stock, payable Match i to holders of record February ?i The Ust pj-ev.ous dibursnijit on thv isaum fv& itr vent , on March t, 1W- ! New York Bond Sales 1000 (KHI ItHKHI L'l'.".! Id l.-ilKl llKKhl Itium .IIKHI l.'i.'JIII 1IHO aiHiti ,'IIHIO IIIUHI ,MHHI LI II II I 1'HHI IHKIO .-.IHKI 1IHMN maiiNi .IIMKI MKIO uimi 1IKNH1 ,'IHHI HHCI lMKIII OlIKI 1III1I 2111" I 2IKKI 111,11 lull) lOIII .17IKKI 2MHHI .".IHXI 31111 :i(ni ."JKXI .HllKI 221 (II) IIIIKI ikii'o icim la'im lliiimii kkio 1IKKI ::iitn) IIIX'O IITHiO "(MH) L'IKill ."MlO VMM 7liflil IL'OIXI .".IHKI r.ram ..w HI in no .VllHI 17(110 Kn.o .iHllKI TIK'IHI MKKI 17l mo 2(110 11X10 2.V:(III 2.".(K)(I Ikhi I 111 I) llilHIII .-.(ri.(l II Oil .IIIIKI Clll.HI 17IHXI 11(111 IIIIKI K2( :(i(l r.inio lined 100O llll II III .11(11111 :iiiji) id Hi Ui(l I ."Jin .'(KJ(I 1011(1 111(11 .'ICMI 2000 llluli. Adams nxiirowji -la ... sr Aincr Art .". In2' Amor Cut Oil r.a ... 117 AnKln !' I. ."0 Kl'n Amcr Kmclt Sec ('K4..112 Amir Tel rit la II2S Amir Tel cvt ii. . ,lfitsS Armour Co 4Via Hl'l't Atchliinii f;cn -la .... ICi Alcliltum mlj la .... H7' Alihliim cv la Una). .1(1 11, AMiIpoii r.H lull'. A tl in Co l-liii' lat Is !'.V'; Atl.lt! Co l.lnc clt H. S7 n.iit & Ohio ai(,H.... !i:i'. Halt .V Ohlii Is 111'', Halt Af Oh cv Via... lis If & O I.KAiWV Is.. Ml'i llronkii It T ." HUH,. lol it, Hush Term 111,1b .1h.. !i (Vnt I.rathcr iRt r,H..tll2 Chill Copper 7s...... 112 Cites ft f tlilss cv Mis.. 7'l, t'nes onto 4's. . . Chi & Alton .'I'-jH... Chi (It West Is Cht II : "J Joint H.. H'.l Chl Mil .t SI ! V ."w.lnll Chi Jill Ac St P cv II..K-. llll's I'hv Sh I.lnu His Hll" (nl ,; South I '4s '''a Cuban Am S (l 1H2'.j llll - Ihul H llllll.. .11.111.. Detroit lMls.m 1st .h.1iiii-j Iirtinlt Tunticl A"ia., !.!'; tJctrnit united I'-is. Din Si'eur Corp Te. .. Krlo eonv 4s Her A. Irlu conv -la tier II. Kl.T. .c ICast Co l's ll't, 72',(, 7:iK, 71 If. sill:. ii:i'4 Uranby Cona Sta C1..I0.S ni lnn.i 'Steel ..a. . . Iowa Central In... Ill Central rrd la.. Ins Con i'V tt.1 Inter h Met l'SH. lirj'l Ml Id lCll4 llltcrb It T ief .'a !. Inter Mcr .Mar et Hia lillS .lap ne ti a ivja ivs .InpancKn I'As Ml, I-ieka Steel r.a lltlSl. . lls'S l.aeka Steel "a lll.'ll. . lit l.ako Kll deb Ih 1II.II.. II.', LIB & M T 7s I2l!'l J.orlllanl ."a l(il. aiox I'ct v.0 (is per c .ii- iilnn .Si HI I. 41 .Mo Kan ,fc T iBt Is. .Mo Kan Ai T 2d Ik. do fd Is Mont Power ."is Nat Tulio r,s .N V C As II .IJiiK.... V C Ai lliiil IVia. N V Cent i;a N V N II & II ila.. .V V Itwy rot la... N' V Itwy ail ."la. ,. . Norf Ar West la. . . . North Pac prior Is do ecu Its Pcnnn 13 III IS do Ren et 1 '(.a .... do en I'as Public Serv N J .".a. Heading gen Is . ... itep i ,v ia !i:( Iloek Island rf.l 4s.... 'M do r,a 1714 St I. I SI Ai s Ben .'.a. . IW Seaboard A I. mlj .Is. . i:il il rM Is 71 Soulh I'ac cv Is Mi do cv ret t n .la 1C; do rfil 4a 1 014 South Itwy Ken 4 .... 72!i Tenn C A; Ir ev pf Sa. .120 Texas Co llj lll.1ti Third Ave new Is s:t 'I'lllrd Ave adj ,1s SI Tukln ,1s 711 It S Rubber i'm Iltlij IT H Steel rf HIT. Union I'ac I lk- 1st la., !7H Union I'ac cv 4a wit Vii Rwys r.a IiTm Wab-P T 1st ct Is l'i West Shoro res 4s .... U2Vi West Unliin litjH l)i'4 no S2 117 l(SI .115 .us la's, til m'i, WIV, nc; Kill i'0'1 n.T.j Low. S.i H2l . H7 III'. Ill", l'2'i, Inilis lin! iilji st' li'Pi mi's iwu H7 ll.'l'i H2i II7 MH, llll Ml 102 null s""-, M.I 4l's 72M.. lis', KISK l(ll!, llll'l. ion.. Ill l'i l'l 77' S!i Mid. ti.'il Ids 111"!', sirs, IM 7'i !l!l !isl Tt't M'i IISTj, III l,.1 1211 llllKj 112 :. 7..'i Clnsn, S.1 1112', 117 Ill's PL" KICK, in '.i.l h,":. Itilli llll . 87 IW'i H2'4 PS M!'l mi :l 1i)2 i:t2 N7's l'i 4 1',. si. II SV, tor. HU'V. S-.I.J lirjij 1(i'.5 1(i l'i --; 77' j T 7l'(j Ml . !i:n; lu.s 1IJ2U M)' 1.IU 7.1', tRIKj .'lil 7IH Mi, II'b III i;r, 12(1', linii 112 I7TS I7 .2s .12 117 !I7 KKI-V, 1(HI S'l'a Kl't, '.llli III', 11.1 111 11.1 11.1 7ISK, 77 1.2:', llj ., lOLj lei'i, l'.j til in,'; i h'h IK)'', II!) I, Krjn 1(11! 1(1(1 Kill mi'', on', ll.Hi, H.H.J n:i mi nil'. ciiTs 17'. 17... (I71.J i!7's 111 l'i, Ol i sii wi lur.'i lid's Mil, IMI', 721 72U 1211 120 IIIW 11 .1'', .S'J',1, XI n m 7!i 7!i in.ii; Hflij 1(11 1(1.1 Il7'i H7'.'. (I'm !l'l' tisa, list, l'i l' !'! M'i. I.U', 1)11', EXPECT STEEL ORDERS WILL RE MUCH LARliER Increases of Hetween 200,000 and 250, 000 Tons in Tomorrow's Statement NEW YORK, IVh. 0. Revisions down wru'il am bchiK inado In tho eatlmutoa tin to what Inercuac will ho reported liy tho United Stutca Stcol Corporation In ItH monthly Htutement of nrdcra to bo Issued nt noon tomorrow. It Is considered fair ly certain tlmt tho lnctetiso In hoolilns will bo between 200,000 and 0.000 tons. It might bo stated that tho corporation could hnvo shown it gain of nearly threo times as much had It not been for tho fuct that It turned down a considerable, nmount of business that was offered. These refusals. It la learned, wero larger In January than in uny other month. Thus fur this month tbo company has been taking 0 good volumo of ordeiH, and tho indications at this time are that February will go down In the records as a fairly bis month In tho steel company's bookings. An Increase of orders of 200,000 tons would bring tho total on the books of the company to slightly In excess of 8,000,000 tons. Thla would be hut approximately 400,000 tons under the largest ever reached In tho history of tho corporation 3.2W.C0O tons on December 31, 1'JOB. Should Feb ruary make a better showing than Jan uary, as is at present Indicated, It would take but two months more of Increase; to reach record figures. Estimates of tho earnings for January continue to rango around $t!,000,000, nnd tho total net for the tlrst quarter of ...is year Is expected to reach 130,000,000. J. G. Brill Company's Year The annual report of the J. O. Drill Company during the calendar year 1913 shows a surplus equal to 2.5 per cent, earned on tho preferred stock, compared with XI per cent, earned In 1SH. The com. paratlve figures follow: Yaur enduis: Dec. Ul 13 1011 fUIwa u n d ctner inc.. ii.iuh.iiii Win 11 MM 1.W.:t70 l.l6l,UBrt 3.1.511 1.4:11.181 m.seo 1.217.H1 0,r. nju... 1'roflt Uep. res. . . Surplus . . Prcv. sun' Tula! surp. I. cast adust. Uauuue . . . Dividends . Surplus .... Net surulus t,rl,310 4, 300, lot lielSSl 1.333,413 m.em l.U-ll.ttltt 2Ka,auu 1.38S.370 i.wsi.mu 1013 SO. 15 1,411 K.ll KI.O.-JI 1.0i,:i77 too, 14:1 1. SKI, SIM 2.142.781 2M.(iM l,(I,lll7 :i2o,t'k)0 1..T3.-..41C I. .133.110 Record Price for Quicksilver Tim heavy demand for (luleksltver has caud tte ptbeg to sulvunce to new high leveU at H0 per lluk of 75 pounds. The price before the war was about JW per 1 H,Bl AiMx.i J (loid Mines.. Wi AlasV.l (loid Minos.... 21 Alllt-fhalmPM MfR. ... X Allh-Clislmon Mfs pf. S2'f Am ,B ('hernial r9) Am licet Siicar 70 Am llrnko S & V m Am (',111 (i2 Am Cm pf 11(1V Jit Am (Mr & Foundry... 00; Am Coal Products.... 107 Am Kxprrsi 12S Am Hide A I.Mtncf. . . Wi Mil tllile A I. Pf r,2 Am ice f-fouritloi 2H Am t.lnieeil 2.1H aim i.itieo(i pr iii'f tllKh. Uw, 110 111) Am Lccoiiioiivo. r,7'i mi 13!) 2Sj 21 1215 1,8 '( !)' 2.1'f ai S2 70,'j 01 '1 102 'f 111 70H IM 1SII 10' i f2 28'$ 21 r.71 ClOKS. 110 IIS 2:l' 32" i K2 70' i O'tH VXiH MH 111 71S iro 10 10' i t,i 2S'J 21 12H r,s't rtlii IK-omollvo pf 102'f ll)2'f 02!f HU'I Am Malt pf Am Smelt A ttof. . . Am Smpit A Iter pf . Am Smelt pf A . Am sti-cl Foundries. . Am Kucir lief Am Tel A tMhlo Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco xv.i iWs !i:i'i :w .10i 101 101 H IWl .lli!i 11:115 n:i'j I1HM . !)2'f Oil Kt 111 . f,0 fi(lf Mil oil! 11:1s Haw ivm urns . 0.- o:i n ivt .127S 127)5 127 I27S .201 Am Toll pf new ms Am Woolen tr rets. , Am Woolen pf t r. Am Zinc I. a sin.. Anaconda Cop M. . AssixMnteil (III Atrh Tim & S F. ., A T A S V nf. .. . Ilald l.ooo Works. r.o . 117 . Wl . SII? 1 . llll ..HISS .llll'l 20 Uf 20.'l'i 201i lOS'i 1()S!4 10.s;j ..llfiH ilil'l fill 07" i 70S Ml'i no ireis inais io:t'; 1014 Kll'a MH CO 07'f 70J Mi's no fit) 117' ( rssN K'j on Maid Loco Works if..ll)H'i !()" KHH 701-j 171 SOU SVi 121 SIS ;iu 17:1s il.S .ss 171 2S MM .S.V,j wtii inns ions 02Ji 22s HTs 1:1 :t.-.s OSH 1 :12s lai'i 20 7:1 is'5 is 112 (12 2:1 h 2.1s f.ll (Vl,' 1:1 1:1 .ms rws ilil'i llO'f 12JIS 121) 12'IS 120S 12IIS IDS 1!) Ul'l 72 72 72 MS IHS ix't 17 17 17 1.17S Kl" i:i" 13' Ml Ml) i SO . 23 Oil 22)5 on S2 .113)5 IMS IMS .200 200 1II7S .ions 107.S 107' i . 7N S3S K3S .10.jS )0.'iS 10.))4 l().-i)4 is) I -in)3 is3 .is?i 21) llalllinorn A Ohio SS lliiltlmoio A Ohio pf . . 70 Hank of Commerce.... 171 li.itolillas Miiilticr 2S llrcioklyti I tap Tr SOS Ilinns llros s.jj llitsh Terminal II!) Iltillp A Superior 7!) Cat Petroleum 32 Canadian I'nelllo 170S Central Leather MS Central Leather pi... Chesapeake A OI1I0. .. Chile Copper Chilli) Copper Clilcaen 01 West Chi (It West pf Chi Mil . St P Chl Mil A St P pf . (Ill A N'uillnvesletii. Chl It I A Pac Cluelt Pea A Co Col Fuel A Iron Cntiipllt T Iter Co. . . Consolidated (las Continental Can Corn Pio'ltii'ts Iter... Corn Piuiltieti Kef pf. DO'S (Jrticihlc Steel S3I; Crurlhli- Steel pf... Cuh.iu-Aiii Stiu'.tr . Cuban-Am Sucar pf Detroit I'lilleil Hys. Diamond Match .. . Distill See Curpn... Dome, Mines 21) Dili S S A All r Dili S S A All pf JO Krlo 38 Frio 1st pf 53H Fed Mill A Sin 3Ui Fed Mill A Sm pf HH Oen Chemical pf 1 lfl (leu Kleelrlc 171 General Motors pf. ... Goodrich 1) F Grcene-Caiianea Granny Consul !)3'f (ireat Northern pr. . . .1215 Gt Nor crs for on) pr. -17 GtiKKcn K.ipln 23 Illinois Cent 103S Int Agricultural pf C2S Int Ilarv Corpn 73 Inl llarv N J UO'i lut Con Cor v t c sh. 17S Inp Con Cop ,")j Int M M el's of dp.... 17 Int M M pre or dp. Kan City Southern. .. Kayser J A Co Kings Co II I, A 1' Lack Steel Co Lai'ledo Gas Lehigh Valley Mackay (Jos Mackay Cos pf Maxwell Molors Max Motors 1st p(. .. Minn A St LouK Minn A St I. pi Minn St P A S S M..12.'l?s 12.'P Mexican Petroleum l()Si lOD'i Mo Kan A Texas (IS OS Miami Copper 3IDi 37 Mo Pacific tr cfs :,i Wi' Nat Hl.ctiit Co 122)5 12.1)5 Nat Cloak A S pf U2 1124 Nat Knam A S Co 211 27? 1 Nat Lead 70JS 71 Nat Lead pf 113 112S Nov Con Copper lfiVJ 10 New York Dock MS HIS N V Air Hrakn 110 Ml'i N V N II A II 07S OS .v y c a 11 it io.')S ions 100 N Y Chi A St I, U N Y C A St L 1st pf. Kt IMS )l(Vj llftj, H'SJi SS 7lb 171 2S sn' RV5 llOS )2I 70S -SIS 3IH .'1! 17IIS fil'f 173S ions 02 23 S MS 13 3.Vf no's 12ns so 22s no S2 IMS m7H 107S S3i 10s 3SS ("3)5 32 ,r.0)5 115 172S 2S)f r 10 3SS .r.3S 32 .rio!5 11") 172' 111)4 113S 112'5 MX 17 asn n I0S 3S'i ,r,3'4 32 fitlS llfi 172's 113 73S is1; 07 122' i -I7S U'J'i 1 73' I!) 17S 117 Ul 122'f 12LS I7S -ins 23 101 02S 02J8 73S 70 111 Ul 17S 17S IDS -I.V-j 17 ins, 7S 7I1S 2(1' 1 20' i Kl)i SIS 131 131 SO 77 ..ltlfiS 107H ldOS 107S .. 711)5 77 77 77 S3 I17S 71',' SSS fi)s 10 s ... 27S ... S2S ...13IDS 103S 103' 5 112.' S 70 111 l7Ji Ifi'i 17 77S 2IIS SI'i 131 70S' H2!f 07 71 SHii l.'.S S2) ' 07!. TO'i SS SJs Ifi-t 123 107S HISS S3 07S 71 SSS Hi 123S N Y O A Wi-,t. Norfolk A Western. No- Pacific Out Sliver Mill Pacini! Mail PrniisylvanU It II.. Peoples Gas Chl.... PhilailelphU Co.... PUN Coal Co N J. Pitts Coal Co N J Pressed S Car 27 117 U3S ... Vi ... lfitii ... filis ...101 . .. .12 ... 33S pf.lOSS 4 US KS 27 117 lit SS lfiS fill) J 101 I2S 333, 10SS fillli IIS i'OJi ."S 121), 112' j 2IUi 7(l)i 112 lfiS 10 Ml!.' 1171-i 1 ft'' 17 fi'5 12.".'i U2S 27f 70S 112 10 10S MIS 07 S icon; 11.S bS II! SS 2li 2 117 II U3S IM K4 l.'.S fills H!t)S 12)5 32)5 IDS Pressisl S Car pf 101S 100 Pullman Co 1(1.) 1013 Quicksilver ,r. fi (jtiicksllver pf 7)5 Ity sttvl Sps 10 liy Con Copper 2 Hi Heading 77S Heading 2d pf -I2S Hepilbllc 1 AS o3i liepublic I A S pf 110 Hock Island )5 Hock Island pf H St I. Southwest Pf -11 Seaboard Air Line 17 Seaboard A I. pf 38S S'ars Hod A Co 17!) hhattuck Arizona Cop. . . Moas-Midlf S A 1 00 .-oilth Porto It Sug....lfi" 0)5 I0S 2,-S 7S)f 12S fil)( 110S H S 41 17 3SS M. l.'.S .ins 101.S 12)5 33S IDS VJ)5 101) llll'i IS W HI ::.)", 7SS -12', 1 100 1(H IS Mi II) 21S 77S 12)'j fi3). U0)$ 11U),' y s s s 11 II 17 17 3S ;is 170H 17ILS 170S Mi 33)4 3 IS 00)5 CO (iUJ-i l.r).r) lAi l.j GERMAN MONEY KINGS LONG FOR COMING OF PEACE Nation as a Whole Also Seeks End of War, Hirst Asserts BRITISH SHIPPING CUT y FttANCIS W. HIRST IMItor Tho lCconmnlst, London Sjirclnl CrtMc lo the livenlnti Lrdctr LONDON, Feb. 0. Walter ttimclliifin'ii slilpplmr mrnsiii-ea will, seemingly, ho too Bttinll lo t'oiintrivnll tho contlnuod rcnul flltlonliif: of merchant transport. Herbert ('. Hoover Is hard proofed to find until rlent tonnaw for Helulnn relief. He docs not despair, however, of succor for Po land bv wnv or Hcnndinavln. Many ahlpn, ronrlnir reiiulidtlon, have round refuge In the I'aclllc. The redtietlon of paper Imports may aid Hie eensiitshll', but beer materials will not be rtirtnllpd. Heer, oven moro than tho linliciiH torpils. Is part of the Brit ish ronslltutioit, especially In war time. A recent visitor to I-'ntneo nnd (ler many says tltcre Is moro mnnrnltn? worn In France, hut rt morn mournful, despnlr ItiK look upon (lermiin faces. Germany, as a whole, plainly Ioiikh for peace, and lendliiK lliianelerH arc tryltif! Ihelr hand, naturally wisliiiiK to avert competition with public creditors. Ponce feelers llidl cato peace fcclliur. - Tho stock tnarliPt Is without Interest. After tho u'ur (Icrmmiy will need to Import eotlnn. wool, copper, Jute, etc., In Iiiibu (iiiantlllcs. uml will hnvo hardly anv IarKO sinpliis siocits lot- export, ecpt of zinc. This situation makes mo wonder how the market will stand the outbreak of pence. Hiissian exchange should he helped by the InrRe Ktirplus of tho crops In tho South, though food prices In l'ctroKntd and HlK.'t are now exorbitant becauso of (lie difficulty In moving grain. FOREIGN SELLING WEAKENED WHEAT Shorts Believed to Have Cov ered Most of Their Contracts. Cables Disappointing southern Pacific southern Ity 21S -outhern Ity pf 00 sundard Milling pf... 87 hludcbakcr Co 1B2S Tenn Copper S7J 1 Teias Co Texas Pacific 7J Third Au'tuiu C0) United Clear Stores. .. OS United Cigar Sts pf... US United Dry floods pf. 70S Union Pacific 131 U S Ind Alcohol l.Vi UBCIfiF IDS United Fruit Co Ill United Hys Inv pf. . . . 32 U S Hulibcr fi.3 I' S Itubbcr 1st pf....H)0S 107 U S fcteel Corp 8-1 S S3 U blecl Corp pr. Utah recuritlos 20 20 Utah Copper 70S 81S U S KiprekS 4&H -Hi Va-Caro Chcm 48 18 Va-Caro Chcm pf 100 110 Va Iron Coal A O. . . . JO S'JJi Wataih 15S L5S Wabaih pf A US -IIS Wabash pf II SH 28S Wts,t K A M 07). (18), Western Mar'land 28Jf 27) i Wustcra Union Tel.... bS) b'JS Willis Overland 22i)i 225 Woom-orth V W 1215 125)5 V2iU 121J Quotet ex tllvldunil. lOOJf 100S' HIOS UWi 2Hj 21)J 21S 00 00 li'J I.7S o7)i S7),' ViM 102 l.-.:i!j Wi &7?5 fi'iii !0aS 20SS CC0.S 207 7S OS 0'i mi oo)i 00)3 11S i) 0 US US US' (S.S 0-IJi GS.'k llifiS i:H!( Kl.'.li j.i7 isa 1.131. IDS 20) 111), 142 1 ?2. 32aiMah 02) i 52)5 100S 107 8:i)f 85 20)5 1 32 sa ririCAnO, Keb. . rroflt-tnklng and persistent selllnB by bears weakened tho wheat marled today after it had de veloped strength, following hesitation at the outset. Itcports of a poor export de mand and selling for foreign account were factors. May. after advancing to $1.31, sold down to j!5!i, finishing at $1.27i, against Jl.SO'i t the close yesterday, and July, after llslng to $l.i.1)j, dropped to $I.:0'1h, ending at $1.20. compared with $1.22!. yesterday's last price. Some nuthorltloH expressed the opinion that the technical position was weaker nnd that shorts had been ptetty well covered. Tho cables from Liverpool wore dis appointing that, market turning easier on freer pluto offerH after having dis play! d steadiness. The upward move ment that occurred after the start was due to good buying by commission houses, as well as active covering by shorts. It wan asserted that the demand for the cash article here was better. Itecclveis In Kansas City reported the largest consignments hero in a long time. Minneapolis wild that millers wero good buyers, suggesting that snlcs of Hour had been made abroad. Liverpool reported tho nr.st sale of Argentine wheat at C"s. lid. for '2OT tons late this month, and G"s. 7'ad. for 7100 tons next month. The grain weighs HI pounds. Large cstlmntes 011 yesterday's sales for export, moro than :;,0o0.('fl0 bushels. Included many duplica tions, nnd the quantltr actually disposed of was icvised downward today. Tito "price currents" report was bullish. Lentllng futureH runKd as fellows: When! Onen. Mny Llio'i l.aiW. July I.'fl'i LISA 1 t.iiril inew ueiiv,ry) -71. T VoH'll.lV'B HIkIi. I,ow. Clnso. close. l.BUs I.S1I1 l.:l!' 1.20 !. !.!'. MliV "7") "s "Ua July "iV. Wi WH, iiayB7..... IH'.i IfV.' Wi. July Iii'il Kill l.'i'.i Mny n .7 in.ao io.:m lojo July 1U.I5 10. 17 K).:i7 HIllH May 1I.17 11.17 11. IB July 11.32 ll.:i7 11.0B I'tirlt May !l.n7 'jo.r.7 yi.w July an.ri2 Mun.1 wj.42 Illd. tAslied. 701; 711U t-lsH tiuu lO.i-J 10.10 11.12 tit.10 11.27 ttl.STi UTi 7-U, in til'.1! 10.1s lO.IK) COTTON lMUCES LOWER ON DISAPPOINTING CAHLES Spot .U0S U0) U0S 11GI 20 70)i 40 Wj lit) 58S US 14)5 2S)f 07S 27S SSS SSi 20 8IS Idu 48 1) 110 58S us 4 is 28), OS), 27), h0)j SM RATES FOK MONEY Call, , Time. W1S '-'Wai a 3 ft .i 4 3-iu Ohlca,a 3Vsri JiiW Commercial paper, thn-a to kU nionthi. I'bll aJslphla. U1VI per cent. New York . fhlUdelphlu uestwi Interests Bought March Re ceipts Lnrger XBW VOniC. Feb. 9. Although prices wcro down - to fl points nt tho opening of the Cotton Exchange this morning. In sympathy with disappointing cables, the tono was Bteady. Tho buying of Mnich by spot Interests was tho sustaining fea ture. There was somo buying by (3or man Interests and Wall street houses purchased July. Practically nil the supply camo from 0110 source, believed to be for uptown operators. After tho call the demand continued fair, March showing a rally of 1 points, with other options un changed to 2 points above tho aturt. In tho Into afternoon tho market rallied suwral polata, In sympathy with the 10 covory in the market nt New Orleans, on dumttnd from local nnd Wall street short.: and buying for the account of Memphis Interests. Trado was not active, however, and prtco changes wero small. The ex ports of coltou for tho day wcro 3375 bales, compared with .17,113 bales on tho same day lust year. Light, scattered rainfall was reported from tho South this morning. Tempera tures wero slightly higher. Tho receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day wero estimated at 23.0OJ bales, compared with 16,300 bales last week, 52 U1S bales lust your and 32,327 bales two yrara ago. upen. 12.0.1 12.22 12.:iii 12. -10 12.11 12.50 Mny Jin October . December January Spot Yes. Close. 1..11! . 12.27 . 12.411 112.41 . 12.17 12.23 HlKh. 12.0.1 12.21 12.:is 12.42 12... I 12.il Low. C'fobf. 11.H2 II i 12.1U 1K.ll 12.27 12.:il 12.:'i. I2.:s Vi. I.'l 12.48 12..-J) I2.M 12.23 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Feb. 0. Spot cotton was In moderate demand today at an ad vance of 12 points on the basis of S.lOd. for mid-upland. The sales were 7000 bales, including 5000 bales American. Tho imports were 31.000 bales. Including 31, 000 bales American. The market for fu tures closed barely steady at a net ad vance of OS&10 points. NEW YOHK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. 7eb. O.-UUTTEn. -Market very firm; receipts 7I7U packages. Burn cream ery' :iSK3Hr.: hlicher scoring-. lltMllc!; State dairy. 3iiS2c.i Imitation creamery, & BOOS.-llarlut upset tied, receipts. 10.420 bAllM Ullf. ltVllV- UrmiB, AOnSHC v, bite, 3 IttiA;. . brewu 2IW2---. lvItlittM htat. lUilOc. uiUea cojori; 1 :iiut :i T.307.37 7.411S7.4S -i-ii T.S7.SO '7.33 T..',o7.! T.UJ 7.007.112 ::::::::: J:" life Sales in Philadelphia Hlsh. :.0 Am tlr SiKtar.. 71 21) aims rlinlm.... II2JI 10 Am Cur fe t My II H I Am lllwy 211 :i Am Tob '-'Ol'.i So lirlll .1 rt .HI SOU Urtirl .Steel ."4 , 1MI2I (11 m Steel H4 Kill Distill Hfcnr. ., Ill .".v", i;iec KtortiRO.. tm 21 Krle HS'.i II) ln( t'o N Am. . 211 nan I. ikc ifup Cor. . 10 II I.ehlRh Nav... 7iH 27 Lehigh Vitl ... 77 :i..i ilt Mtl Trnns Siu.i 4.1 lo pief 4J 21 Minn Copper .. .'ml .'His 'ennn Hull. ... ,li 1i." 'rnn.1 Hlccl if. M III 'lillii Co nun pf II m 'iin.i t.icciric. Sliro ' It T tr rtls. 17 'llll.i Tr.1e III Itwy t 0111. ... .1 Itfuillmt ...... :i() 1I.1 2.1 prrr. . . II Tcnn Co; .110 Tnnnpnh I lei.. .'I 'lonnpnli Mln.. 2(17 rnlon True. .. anil I'lnli Copper, . .1", I'nlt (Ins lm.. i:i lit Com , J.. Rain IJ H Slerl.... KM WCSl tail' I!"',! I lin Vr Ir & tU. Kilt, 27 W J nnil Htus ,',0'4 2 York Itwy pryr .'iPi Xxtvi. 1 :i2U ! 71 h 7 Nft Close. cIiro. ,1 "Vi 1 21 Oi.'i 1 I lll It's (!(, !2i .IU L'l 20 1 U .10 fll to 411 mis w.l 211 V. 7i 7U)i l'Hi i. MX in T". til 77 41 i 42'ft 7II.N 227 Ml iwtj B ;ii)i asii 7l'i 211 20 1 H llll HI SOS 411 1M!4 :ihi,i 2(1 ."! HIV, "ItH 20 '4 42 :i7'4 .! S.I IIW 27J4 llli 711 Sl?4 Ml y, 227 Nl', C.mIj 101 ,-()l.i :i4 itU il - is i ji 1 Tnlnl onles, 33,170 slinrrst rompnrril with I1.IIO siniri'N Jrslcrdnyi bins fur this wrrk, '13,710 clinrri mine pcrlnil I. lfl urrk, 17, .11.1 iliitri'N. IHI.NUR llloli. Itn-. Close, U211 H2V4 iii' 12 1 ISO lis Net CllRC. Ml IllVi IIWjs KlUj JI.VK1 Am (1 A Kl S' 101 II llilll Steel lis 211(1 Key Tel lt .".' Kfm l.h N cons tUnMUti 11)1 IOI I issill (.oh V Km if'iS.KHIi 1(l-i Wilt 2((lii I'n Co Ren I'j.s.lu'l lot .-(Oisi iln enna I'io. .tnlti ldl'i. f.ixi im iwi (;en -is 111 in 2.'l0txi I'ii Co Conn fin l2 III' likio .lo 1st r,s ..1111 111 1(MH 1 '111 In Mice 4s.. H,'li Kit .'iiini ,it, r.H to., 101 1000 Itt-uilliiK cen 4m llll', I).V,4 ikhki liriul-Jr Out Is 111 li.l 2(SHI tiitn Am I (K. 1021 tl)2Vi Iihshi xtnml tins Us.. Kin loo Usui I'll lnvys t c Is 71'4 7.1'-i 100(1 Wclshncli Co fis H7 U7 KKK) fn Tr l'ltls Is 70 70 iinrifiisc. Dceri' iw. Till n I iiilcs, $HI,i;oo, compnrril 11III1 $39,100 .vrstrnljii; thus fur this uerk, $201,2001 snnie period lii'l week, SU.",,:l00. 120 lis M Will 101 Hl.1 III 112 was Mfj 101 IlMi 111 102H l(S) i.VVi 70 Local Bid and Asked Yesterday nilff & Sys T C .... do pfd Italilwln Cum Steel Klec Stnr (ten Asp In pf.l Keystone Tel (In t e (In pref I.nke Sup Corp LehlRh NavlRiitlon... I.elilKll Vnlley I'hlKli Valley Trans. iln prer IVmia I'hll.i Electric I'hlln Co do .1 per cent pref. . ilo 0 per cent pref.. I'hlln It T ilo tr ctfs Ilemllntr Tonop.ih Kelmont TimniKih Mining I nlnn 'Inaction f ! 1 Culled States Steel... York Itnllway York Itwy pM 111.1. Ask. Hid. Ask. . 40 II 40 41 . 110 ill KIJ4 m'A .ll.Vi tm 11.1(3 11(1 . Nil, mMJ H) Mi . II.", Oil 111 l.fl . .'1214 :i:n 2j; :w . 714 II! 7lli 72 . i:i, int i:nf ny-i . in i;o os 1:1 . UTi 10 10 K)!s . 7(i. 77!4 77 7K . 77 77'i 7IS!4 77 . 20 20H 1!)',', 10!4 . 42 I2!j 40 41 . wit; r,7 wj; biij; . 27 i 277 27'S, 27, .. 42 4:i 42 42(4 . 3(1 118 .'II! .'IS . I'l II 4:il4 II . IHS, lllli lN'J 111 . ms im, i.h; 111 . 7IIU "', 77at . 4U 41, 4, 414 . Ity 7 CM 1 .. II 4.IK. '42((, 111', . Mll'j Nl's '' Mil . s'i si; .m; MJ . m 31 ' :u 3.1 70 1111 1:1514 110 SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities wcro sold at auction by Haines & IHiuul: Nnln for $I).1U. Signed by Prcd Ilnhn, dated Oct. N. linn, payable .Inn. 8. HUB. Nolo for Sli.V). Higned hy .Max Schmidt, ,.,it- uL-i, u, 11,10. pnynoio jnn uary (I. I.ot ' .1 shrs. Kldellty Trust Co.: nar 1(K). 10 snrs. Uuarnntee Trust nnd Sato I'cpnsii en. : par 5100 lo ultra. Louiin Trust Co.: nar SI 00 Jl tlirs. I'hll.i. iind Camden Kerry l. . I'lll C."' Membersliln In Commercial Ilxcliatnrn of . I'lilliidelnhla SCO 5 alirs. .Mnrconl Wireless Tclcsniph Co. of Amerli'.-t ,31,4 WO shrs. Atlnntlc Seashore Improve ment Co.; pur SHI. Lot SI00 r.0 shrs. do nrcferrcd: oar S10. Lot ..'00 1(1 shrs. I'dinsylvnnla I'lnstcr Co.; par S.10. I.ot 500 I slirs. l'hlladeljilila Ilourse, com mon: par SW) (wlih ticket en titling holder to prlvlloKes) ... OH 200 shrs. I'ennsylv.-inla .Mutual I.lfo Insurance Co. ; pir $10 TO Itecelpt of (tl.ntstone Conl and Coke Co.. being 21 per cent. : pay ment for bonds. I.ot JloO 1 hr. IvenslriL-ln,, Vnl. llnnV- tnr ? nr 14 alirs. Nntlnuat Hank of German town: n.ir S10 .'! shrs. l'hlladelpltln National Hank par lo shrs. Sixth Nat. Hank: unr S10... 1 shr. Hryn Mawr Trust Co.; par J.V ($21 paid) 20 shrs. Chelten Trust Co.: nar S10O. . 11 i-lirs. ridelltv Trust Co.; par $100 1. wirs. I'T.itiKiin irust (jo.; liar .si. :i shrs. (Ilrntil Trust Co.; par $100... V.. .lll-U !.l,..'.l Tmu, fn . .... . C-.l, 10 shrs. Mutual Trust Co.; par $30... 2.1 shrs. Ileal Kstate Title Insuranco nnd Trust Co.; par $lno 10 shrs. Merchants' Warehouse Co.: par Moo 10 shrs. Kntnklln Flro Insurance Co.: pur $23 m .1 shrs. Insuranco Co. nf stnto nf t'cnmi.. 111.12: par $Ui 100 10 shrs. I'l'tinn. Ilro Insuranco Co.; par $100 410V, I shrs. New York and Middle Coal Klcld lt.lt. and Conl Co.: par $2.1 2(1 sbrs. Untlcil New Jersey U.K. and Canal Co.: imr Slot) .".2 shrs. Camden llorso It. It. Co I slir. Cnlon l'asseni:er Itwy Co II shrs. Second and Third Sts, 1'ass, Itwy. Co 20 bhrs. American Dredging Co.; par $100 20 shrs. (lener.il Asphalt Co. pref.; par $100 .1 shrs. Do l.oog J look and Kye Co.; par $100 ion shrs. l'ratt Food Co.; par $1 11 shrs. American I'itio and Construc tion Co.: par Stoo in tibrs. I'lilla. llourt.0 pref.; par $21 3D shrs. 1'hllu. ilourse, pref.; par $2.1. (1 stirs, l'hlla, Ilourse. com.; par $23. I 1'hlla. Ilourse. com.: par $2.1. $1000 North l'eiina It. It. Co.. !!.:! per cent., general mortgaito Inter est January and July, regis tered ; due lli.11 ,1000 WIlmltiKton and I'lilla. Traction Co., .1 per cent, 1st and collateral trust, coupons February and Au gust; duo inai OTflO Pittsburgh. Shawnitit nnd North ern 11. it. i-o.. ii per cent, notes, Atnv und November: due May, 11)17 07 20 shrs. It. K. Mulronl hStt 100 142 I71V4 .0) no 130 WHO 030 :io 30 303',4 0.1 1 05; 12.1 1K.3 2:17 100 71 no Rill. 2Ui 2HS nw, (Hi S2H i Beech Creek Railroad 1 1st 4 BorcIs i Due 1936 II Price ou Appllcu(lnn fi NEW YORK COFFEE MAHKET N13W YORK. Feb. 9.The coffee market was steadier at the start thla morning and first prices were -I to 6 points higher. Tuday's Ysstorday's oiwnlnir. cloje. January ., T.KIH7.8.1 r , u, i . . . . March April May Jun July AUUUit ) September . . . November . . . BAK SILVER In London bar silver vas uuoted at SJ pence, In Kew York bar silver was quoted at r04tc. I wlt Mexican dolUre at Ht. w' " c- Consolidated Gas (Pitta.) 5a, 1948 Michigan Traction 1st 5s, 1921 American Gas & Elec, Cs, 2014 Northern States Power 6s, 1917 OSCAR R. DARE & CO. Specialists In Public Utility Bonds STOCK KXCHANGE llUlI.UlNt! Locust 320 ltuce S17.Hlg.519 Direct prhute phune to N. Y, and lloitoo. DIVIDENDS OIFICB Of TUB O. II. CiKlST COMPANY LAND TITLU UUILDINO Philadelphia. Pa.. February 8. 1910. The dlrcstora o Yllimn-ton Oae Cumuaoy have this day declared a dividend o( three per cent, on the preferred stock of the com. pany outstandltiE. payable March 1, 1010, to holders of said stock of record at the close of business February la. 1810. Books will be closed from 3 o'clock p. m.. February 18, 11)111. to 10 o'clock a, m.. March 1. 101U. Checks wlU. be mailed. C. IL WEAK. Secretary. DIUKCTOUY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified Publle AcceanUaU LAWHKNCB U. UltOWN ft CO. iBia UkUX, EBTATli TltUtfr UUlLDiNO. LEHIGH VALLEY TRANSIT ISSUES IN DEMAND AT NEW TOP PRICES Record-Breaking Earnings the Reason for the rW Mav List Midvale Shares in Philadelphia Mar- ket Rapid Transit Firm A midden rush lo buy the Lettish ny ley Transit IflsiiCH developed irn the lo cal ntork exchrtiiKC this mornlnR. Tho result was the estnbllshliKT of n new hlRli record In the preferred Bhnres, vhllc tho common hovered closo to the best price nt which It ever sold. KnowlcdRo thnl the company was cnjoylnif t no heaviest enrnlnss In ItR history was tho basic factor In the bnylnff movement. In tho afternoon the common also scored n new IiIrIi record when It crossed 20. Home comment was heard around brok ers' olllccs today ns to why t amhrla Htccl did not sell nt SI Hat, In view of the sale to the Midvale Htccl Company at Hint pNcc. It was pointed out, how ever, thnt somo little time must elapse before the actual payment is made, and that the buyer at etiriont quotations would bo losing the Interest on his mon ey; nlo the brokers' commissions must ho llRiircd hi, so that the prlco of so or a fraction above Is about the ooulva. lent of tho llRiire at which the deal Is to he closed. The onaiiKcmcnls neces sary to make payment of $72,MO,000 for the JlJ.OOn.OOO Cambria stock on 1-elirii-nry ID haVo been completed. Contrary Jo Kcnernl expectation, tho company will Issuo t50.000.000 20-year Ii per cent, collnt ernl trust bonds, convertible Into stock nt 100. toRCther with 23.W,000 stock now held In tho treasury, which will lie of fered to stockholders at CO. Thlfl new slock has been underwritten by a syndicate, and there Is talk of llstnm Midvale shores on the I'hllatlclphln Stock HxclmriKc. This would ko far toward mnklim up for the practical elimination of Cambria as nn nctlvo trading Issue. The local innrket has been virtually made up of United L-r Cnm'irln nt i-.. . --. ana tllla Wmtt$! tho consolidate States Steel nnd the (lisappeaiitnce or tbo iniir ..., i.nrt..nt. i..i i , ,.. . "" tin 'im'") iiini iui-ui ui'OKnfs' slons. THO rossIji conrernlnR t'cnns.i.. ,i Steel la KrowlHK In Interest, it is T initi iiiKiv.-iio may mite over rnni . company or that Mr. honn.. ..S It with the new tw;v: Company, ns ho owns ,W per cenL a?ii stock. Incidentally it was announce ,$ tho Unnner Htccl Compnnv hno7 mtri!h4.' tn.000 tons of stecl-innUlnB "rori llurfalo furnace. on rron Tim irndnKnt Inrtrtl It..! ..i a .,, h"u,, iuuiii iini ruirti nrm j rf tho Rrentcr part of the spssion. eH' moved lip it wihKtnnllal fraction V.-! of the possibility or the company Ivti merited with Homo other rnn-;w"'t not taken seriously In "111-ern im. Usually l Informed nunrtcr. nllhoiiRh ti,0 .,' the Uleetrlr llont Cnipanv m 1" tloncd In thin ooniiectlnn. Tl,c real . son ror tbo advance in tho Rtock ill cordlliR to licnple close to the man,!; incut. Is the splendid business tho A tinny Is enjoying and the steadily ln..?N Ing enrnliiitst which should cvenln.iT cause a ret urn to tho r, nee ni ..."' rate. divide In tho nfternnon Unpld Transit a-i irnlnn Traction became prominent. ,.! ntlvanclng a suhstnntlnl fraction On iv other hand Wnrwlck Iron and Steel mr fercd from liquidation which sent It 1,2 10, StnriiKo liattery also reacted w Cmnhrla Htrol made a new hleh nnl.i at N)',4. and I.rhlHh Vallcv Transit ion mon touched 20, the previous ton , In tho closing denlltiKH. previous top prlct Financial Briefs The directors of the New York Cen tral Itallrond Company met In New York today nnd organized by re-electing tho former olllcers, Tho Bank of HtiRlnnd today bought .Cl.300,000 In bar gold, An Initial quarterly dividend of $1 was declared by the Cerro de Pasco Mining Company. OIMclnl announcement was made that the business of tho National Hank of the Northern Liberties has been transferred to the Bank of North America, ns of date of Kcbrunry S, 101G. Ucposltors of tho former arc invited to call at tho lat ter Institution, where many of the old olllcers and employes of tho National Hank of the Northern Liberties hnvo been appointed to new positions. Tho meeting nt which formal approval will bo given by the Northern Liberties stock holders will bo held March . At tho annual meeting of the stock holders of the Heading Iron Company, held nt Heading. Fa., these directors were elected: V. C. Smlnk, R T. Stofcsbury, Samuel II. Seyfert, Hebcr L. Smith nnd Jefferson Snyder. The board elected these olllcers: Chairman, R T. Stntosbury. Phil adelphia; president, P. C. Smlnk, Heading; vlco president and general manager, Gcorgo Schuhmami; secretary, Clcorgo "W. Dclnney; treasurer, Henry N. Yost. Tho stntcment of earnings of Electric Boat Company in the year 1913 showed net of ?G,G22,S3I, of which there wns de ducted Wr7,H9 for depreciation and $1,TGI, 1S.1 for dividend, making a balance to sur plus of $3,401,522 on tho year's operations. Isaac L. Rico was elected a director. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS, Hid. .Ill .0- .11 .11) Jim nutler MacXnmnra Midway llljpiih Extension .Mnniana - Northern Ktnr ,11 Tonopah llclmont I1 Tonopah Extension I'm Tonopah MlnlnK l' Itesciie Kola o West i:nd i ) GOL.DFIELD STOCKS. 20 Vi II (IS l 07 Ol (H 47 SI IN l.VO Atlanta Illun Hull 11(10 Hi HulMoi; c o n Combination Fraction ni.imomineld II H .... Dnlsy Florence Gnldllcld Consolidated Ooldllcld Mentor Jumbo Intension .... Kcwunns Oro Sand Km Silver l'lclc MISCKLLANKOUS. F.ilry Azlec .... Klmberly Nevada Hill ... Arizona Iln .... Nevada Wonder .17 .OS .( .01 .01 .. .m .. .is .Vl.'lB iVsked. .11.1 .01 .10 .20 .: .HI -I'f. .i! .ul .13 .Ul .III .0!) .((.-, .0." ..".(I .x.-, .111 1.2.-1 .111 .mi .on .03 .0:1 .ni .211 ..'!.-. 1.70 The Guaranteed Mortgage A SECURITY that costs par, is non speculative and unchang ing in value. All the es sentials of a sound invest ment are combined in the guaranteed mortgages of fered by this Company. Circulars on Request Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages William It. Nicholson, President I.nnd Title Illllldliig, Philadelphia DIVIDENDS DECLARED .i kt im iiil: 1 1111 ii.ih iiiiiii.inv ri n .. . KThSHw" is!4"'"0 'Mnr"11 lio 8,i,l ot ' Maxrll Motor Comp:iny, i"4 prr ri'iiii mi 1 tfi Htor) nf rrn Auam Kxitrcus (imipanv Company, regular (luriM (linninnv .t.i.,ui.. ... centi. iniyiible March 1 to stwk of rei-'orj ri? ruitry II. " " Wo Recommend and Offer Securities of Lehigh Valley Transit Co. nnd Philadelphia & Western, Railway Co. Prices and detailed Information on request. EBWARI3 &, 3 ivuTjrt' &Co BANKERS EST1DU3IIED 1892 llemheu ATew York and AllodilsAls Stock Exchange V DiCAn and Chestnut Sts., Fniuti. 80 l'INIi STIll.llr. NUW YOBK First Mortg.ino 5 Bonds Due 19G0 "Ilunds" iiiitstiinilliii; represent lc! I bun fin per cent, of cash coit ot prnpi'rly. KiirnliiKs noir nt rntr of ulioiit tnlee liik'rit cbiirKCs. I'llICi; TO YIKI.II Free of Pcnna. State Tax DiMCitirTivi: cu:ci'i..vt "' ltKlll'UST Harper & Turner Investment Bankers Olllccs: IllliH-lllli! STOCK KXCIIANOK IICIMIINO riillinlrlpblii Consolidated Gas Company of Pittsburgh This corporation Iiiih defaulted In thi navment o interest, due February first, on its Issue or $r.,000,000 nvo per cent bond, secured hy first mortgago date '"in tho lntoreHt of bondholders, th undersltrnod hnvo been constltuteii Committee to tnkosuch protective meu urcs us may he necessary. The Com mittee invito all holders to deposit their bonds with the Pennsylvania Compinr for Insurances on I.lvcs nnd Granting Annuities, No. 517 Chestnut Street, Phil adelphia, which has pureed to act as De pository. A form of deposit agreement a In preparation. In the meantime, temj porary protective receipts will be Issue! to all who doposlt their bonds. C. S. W. PACKARD, Chairman; WILLIAM P. GKST, TUO.MAB S. GATU3, K. S. PARE. commiiiee. ii G. W. PKPPKIl. Counsel for tho Committee. Send for our circular letter on these stocks, containing the very latest information. HUGHES & DIER Bankers and Brokers U35 Wulnut Ktrcet, riilladclplila, Brown Brothers & Co. . Fovxrni and CirEsrrarr Streets PIULADEILPIIIA Travellers Cheques In denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, payable throughout the United States, Canada, West Indies, etc. Graham Be Co. BANKERS 435 Chestnut Street City of Philadelphia 4 Bonds, doe January 1st, 1946 Price J02J6 and Interest Viegal Investment lor Trust Fundi Free of Pennsylvania State Tax and United States Government Income T fr FAfl Uieti , E(tiP; f inll tor; fflice Ulfl"- prort yinc una Tet) "Tl tfrlot icenl fiourc duct. the ''ntckl trt 11 itcoi (0 T Itnut thee rflnn f pon f moo. mnt ! tnd ngold 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers